Carey Zero

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The Zero Journey

A transformative learning experience

Zero Journey

In Year 10, students take part in Carey Zero, a yearlong subject with two components: Zero at Kew, a unique core learning program, and the Zero Journey, an exciting optional three-week expedition to Far North Queensland.

The Zero Journey is an immersive learning experience and an exciting opportunity for students to learn about sustainability, connect to country and take responsibility for the land we live on.

The three-week program draws upon partnerships with James Cook University (JCU) and Australian Wildlife Conservancy (AWC) to undertake handson research and conservation projects, as well as outback cattle stations to learn from those working on the land. Students explore unique environments that empower them to have a more positive impact on our natural environment and its future.


Zero Journey


Building student autonomy

Year 10 is a formative stage of development for any student’s journey toward independence.

The Zero Journey provides students with a new opportunity to manage themselves away from the creature comforts of home. Travelling interstate, along with living and working as a group, allows students to put into practice the self-management skills they have been building throughout their Middle School journey.


Zero Journey

Every group’s journey will be unique and not every student will visit each location.

Immersing students in the landscape

Travelling across Far North Queensland, students have the opportunity to visit vastly different environments, and each group’s journey will be unique. For example, a group may have students travel to JCU’s remote bio-marine research station on Orpheus Island in one stage of the journey, before transferring to the Woodleigh Cattle Station and learning about various trade-based economies that sustain Australians. In another, they witness wisdom and build respect for the land from a First Nations perspective with the Nywaigi people at Mungalla Station before exploring AWC’s Mount Zero-Taravale Wildlife Sanctuary. Collectively, the variety of these experiences aim to cultivate an understanding of and passion for sustainability and land management.


Zero Journey


The development of essential life skills

As with all educational experiences offered in and outside the classroom, Carey’s values of Care, Respect and Growth act as the guiding compass for the philosophy of the Zero Journey. Students learn to care for and respect the land, themselves and others throughout the three-week journey. The Zero Journey allows students to develop essential life skills such as reflection, curiosity and collaboration, and resilience and personal growth are the cornerstones of the program.


Zero Journey


A year-long learning journey

The accompanying year-long subject allows students to learn and practice planning, financial literacy and meditation skills ahead of their journey and provides the opportunity to learn from their experiences and develop reflection skills once they return. Drawing upon First Nations pedagogies, the subject will expose students to new ways of thinking and prioritise the exposure to different perspectives.


Zero Journey


An opportunity to disconnect from technology

Hand in hand with the ability to slow down is the importance of disconnecting from technology. The Zero Journey is a zerotechnology experience which does not allow students to have access to mobile phones, smart watches or other electronic devices, other than cameras. Removing these distractions allows students to experience a deeper connection to self, nature and others and is a key aspect of the program.


What our students say...

‘Not having technology helped me connect with everyone else in the group and left me stress free’.


‘I learnt that it’s important to take every opportunity and push yourself to try new things because you might not get the chance to do them again’.

Watch the video to learn more about the Zero Jounrey

Zero Journey

‘My take away is that everyone needs to learn more about our environment and

what we can do to assist

endangered species’.

‘Carey Zero is a life-changing experience’.
Email us for more information
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