How to refurbish a care home. Issue 2, Care England - Savings, Solutions, and Sustainability

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Amidst the financial constraints of care home management, Jay and Palvi Dodhia at Serene Care share their thoughts on transforming care homes on a budget with residents in mind.

A welcoming, homely environment is paramount for care home residents. It fosters wellbeing, improves quality of life and attracts potential residents. However, maintaining and upgrading care homes can be financially daunting, especially for smaller providers.

With all of our care homes purchased as loss-making turnarounds, budget constraints could have posed a significant hurdle to realising our vision of warm, supportive 'homes away from home' at Serene Care. Yet, our team embraced resourcefulness and creativity, not just working within budget limitations, but putting residents at the heart of every decision as we transformed our homes.

Why carry out refurbishments?

Most importantly, we prioritise changes that significantly impact residents' lives and are readily noticeable to inspectors and visitors. But before embarking on a refurbishment journey, we also always carry out a Costbenefit analysis. We ask ourselves, if this will this investment yield financial returns. We analyse potential benefits like increased occupancy rates, improved CQC ratings (leading to higher occupancy and funding) and enhanced reputation, especially with the local community.

Planning and design

Meticulous planning is key to avoiding budget overruns. Involve staff in identifying problem areas and desirable changes early (even prior to completion). Design enhancements should prioritise mobility and accessibility with familiar, homely decor and easy-to-clean furnishings. Furthermore, ensure everything that is done is dementia friendly as well.

Use technology/smart solutions for comfort and connection

Being budget-conscious doesn't have to mean being tech-averse and we firmly believe that investing in the right technology from day one can help turn the care homes around even quicker, especially digital care management systems, which are now considered essential for any provider.

Smart technology can be your budget-friendly ally, enhancing resident comfort and fostering social connection.

Picture residents enjoying a comfortable temperature year-round thanks to smart thermostats adjusting to changing seasons and individual preferences. These automated systems not only offer comfort but also contribute to significant energy savings,

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reducing running costs and supporting your budget. We have also embarked on adding solar panels that will be cost-positive. They pay for themselves immediately given they can be fully funded at costs that are less than what we would pay for the equivalent electricity from the grid.

Low-cost interior cosmetic changes

A fresh coat of paint in calming colours can dramatically transform a space. Declutter hallways and rooms to create a sense of spaciousness. Introduce new, co-ordinated soft furnishings and curtains for a touch of warmth. Create variety in room decor to aid memory and orientation. Optimise lighting with energyefficient options that promote safety and a homely ambience. Display artwork and objects of interest to stimulate residents' minds. These are all just a few things we take into account.

Windows and lighting

Keep large windows and skylights clear. This brightens the space and elevates the mood and daytime sunlight can significantly reduce reliance on artificial lighting, lowering energy costs and contributing to a more sustainable future. There are also artificial options which are low cost but can mimic natural sunlight for those darker spaces too.

Indoor plants

Introduce a touch of the outdoors with indoor plants. They are vibrant ambassadors of serenity and life. Lush green leaves not only enhance the visual appeal but also act as natural air purifiers, removing toxins and improving the overall air quality, creating a healthier environment for residents. Choose low-maintenance varieties like the resilient snake plant or calming lavender, ensuring they pose no risk to residents, especially those with dementia who might be drawn to interact with them.

Soft furnishings

tactile textures that soften the feel of hard floors. Play with lighting, employing dimmer switches to create intimate areas for quiet conversation or reading.


Make the space truly their own by encouraging residents to personalise it with cherished photos, family heirlooms, or even artwork they've created. This adds a layer of familiar comfort and allows them to express their individuality. Memory boxes are a great way for residents with dementia to find their way as well.

Allowing residents to bring in their own furniture not only reduces our costs but gives them a sense of familiarity. But don't neglect the functional aspects. Ensure furniture is appropriately sized and positioned for easy access and comfortable use. Clear clutter to create a sense of visual peace and make navigating the space easier. Remember, these seemingly small details can have a profound impact on the way residents experience their environment.

Transform your nooks

Don't let unused corners gather dust in your care home. Try creating a tranquil reading nook tucked away in a quiet corner, bathed in gentle natural light from a strategically placed skylight. Why not try a cosy reflection zone, adorned with soft furnishings and calming décor offering residents a space to unwind and contemplate? Or perhaps, think of a small exercise area tucked away, equipped with gentle resistance bands and light weights, encouraging residents to maintain their physical wellbeing in a private, non-intimidating space.

By repurposing these unused spaces, you're not just maximising the available square footage. You're creating nooks that cater to diverse needs and preferences, giving residents more options to enjoy their time within the care home. A reading nook, for instance, can become a literary haven, fostering intellectual engagement and social interaction through book clubs or shared reading sessions. A reflection zone can offer a sanctuary for prayer, meditation, or simply a quiet moment to collect thoughts.

Think of soft furnishings like plush throws and cushions that embrace residents in comfort. Introduce rugs in warm colours and Continued →

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The exercise area can empower residents to maintain their physical wellbeing, boosting confidence and promoting an active lifestyle. These areas don’t cost a fortune to create and can be added to your marketing collateral that showcases the benefits of your home.

External funding and volunteers/ community groups

Speak to your local authority and see what support there is for care homes. We have received help with energy efficiency measures and training for our staff which can very quickly add up. Supplementing this with volunteers and support from local community groups has meant that we are able to not only implement our refurbishment faster but have support from the local community in doing so which creates significant goodwill.

Larger refurbishments

Instead of the upheaval often associated with renovation, we adopted a meticulous phased approach at Serene Care ensuring minimal disruption and maximum resident comfort. For example, we began by upgrading the upstairs lounges and bedrooms while residents continued enjoying social gatherings in nearby areas. This preserved cherished routines and ensured planned activities never

missed a beat. We gently replaced worn carpets, upgraded lighting and introduced modern amenities all while respecting the familiar atmosphere around them.

Our phased approach ensures that progress doesn't come at the cost of comfort. We empower residents to remain at the helm, prioritising their wellbeing and respecting their routines every step of the way.

Homefront horizons

Breathing new life into a care home on a budget requires creativity, resourcefulness and a deep understanding of the needs and preferences of the residents. By prioritising resident wellbeing, focusing on low-cost interior cosmetic changes and utilising technology and smart solutions, we can create warm, supportive and homely environments that enhance the quality of life for the residents.

Ultimately, it is the small, thoughtful touches and the attention to detail that make a big difference in creating a care home that feels like a true ‘home away from home’ for its residents. By embracing a residentcentred approach and working within budget constraints, we have shown that care home providers can create environments that promote wellbeing, dignity and a sense of belonging for their residents on a budget.

Jay and Palvi Dodhia are the founders of Serene Care Ltd. Email: @palvi_dodhia

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