Cardinal Points Issue 9 Spring 2024

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Senior premieres ‘Paused: A Cancer Documentary’

When Cole Kachejian was diagnosed with leukemia in late 2021, he had no guarantee he would make it to where he is today.

The graduating senior is showing the Plattsburgh community his struggle with cancer at the screening of his film, “Paused: A Cancer Documentary,” at 5 p.m. tomorrow, April 27, in Yokum 200. The event will also raise money for charity and accept food donations for the Cardinal Cupboard.

“I knew I wanted this to be more than just a premiere,” Kachejian said. “I wanted it to be as proactive as it can and give back to the community, because now I have the power to give back. If I have the power to do something, if I have the wisdom to do something, if I have the experience to do something, you’re damn well sure I’m going to do something.”


Kachejian thought he was simply sick with the flu when he went home to Smithtown,

Young people avoid voting

The lineup for the upcoming presidential election of current President Joe Biden and former President Donald Trump discourages some young people from voting at all.

Voters 18 to 35 said they found candidates unrelatable due to their age. Issues important to them included reproductive and LGBT+ rights and the U.S.’ involvement in international politics. Some brace themselves for both outcomes.

“It is so bad,” SUNY Plattsburgh graduate student Angel Martinez,

25, said of the BidenTrump tossup. “I’m not terrified of a Trump presidency because I’ve survived it already.”

Martinez said part of them thinks they wouldn’t vote at all.

“The change of a singular vote and the fact that, I think, regardless of who came into presidency, because of the way they both navigate political and social issues, the everyday life wouldn’t change,” Martinez said. “There would still be disparity and a lack of trickle-down to my world or the world of the people that I care about and love.”

New York, for winter break, not knowing it would be a year until he returned to college. He was diagnosed with acute lymphoblastic leukemia — cancer of the blood and bone marrow — Dec. 22, 2021.

Life went on for everyone else, but Kachejian’s was put on hold as he found himself bound to his home or hospitals, unable to see his friends and sometimes unable to move or even talk. To keep himself busy, he started filming his journey.

Combining his two majors in TV-video production and

psychology, Kachejian focused “Paused” on his journey as a cancer patient from both physical and mental perspectives, the latter of which he said people seldom consider. “It was not being able to see my friends and continue my studies and do all the things I wanted with these young years of my life in college that truly tore me down and almost made me lose myself,” Kachejian said. “It was through my passions that I not only found myself again, but I reinvented myself into someone much

UP deploys therapy dogs

At SUNY Plattsburgh’s University Police station, the police officers are incorporating therapy dogs in their work.

UP officers Nate Yeager, Lauren Dube and Christina Bedard


Therapy dogs can bring a sense of community and appreciation within the police force. “The mood has definitely been lifted in here, and we are more excited to see the dogs every day at work,” Yeager said.

stronger than I was before my diagnosis.”

The documentary gave Kachejian purpose, hope and something to look forward to doing every day. He also found comfort in the mantra “Day by day, moment by moment, breath by breath.”

“It felt like I never stopped doing what I love, like I was right back into that, and it made me so happy that I didn’t want to stop,” Kachejian said.

A&C ‘Mad Ones’ musical explores grief SPORTS TnT tournament sees huge turnout NEWS SA election results on page 2 SPRING 2024 | ISSUE 9 FRIDAY, APRIL 26 WHAT’S INSIDE:
ALEKSANDRA SIDOROVA/Cardinal Points Cole Kachejian, a graduating senior, stands next to the poster promoting the showing of his film, “Paused: A Cancer Documentary.”
went to an animal shelter in Chadum, New York, to each find a dog they were comfortable with having on their team.
are trying to bridge the gap
us and the
to be
more approachable,” Yeager said. The first dog, named Izzie, was first seen on
being trained in a fire drill. Izzie is a 5-month-old black labrador puppy. Yeager felt drawn to Izzie and adopted her March 18. He described her as a calm and quiet dog. “It hasn’t been hard to train her. I’m just learning how to communicate with her,” Yeager said.
Provided by Christina Bedard University Police Officer Christina Bedard holds Caamp, one of UP’s three therapy dogs.
DOGS > 2

SA Senate, BSU debate $866

April 9

UP is investigating another stalking incident.

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The Student Association Senate and a club requesting funding had a two-hour argument over $866 in the Senate’s meeting April 16.

The SA Senate approved requests for funding the Black Onyx: The Black Student Union’s Freaknik BBQ taking place today, April 26. This was also the SA’s first joint meeting between the SA Executive Council and Senate.

The SA Senate originally approved $2,200 of BSU’s request for $3,066. BSU members said they felt wronged by the amount that they were receiving because without this money they wouldn’t be able to host their annual event. The club representatives also said they were aware the Senate had more money to offer.

BSU President Shaniah Fairweather, Event Planner Zanaeja Dandy and Historian Sydney Wise all came to the Senate meeting to stand up for themselves and their club so they can host the event. This ask caused a debate in the meeting. The issue senators Atmaja Addanki and Shahad Monir had was that they wanted to save SA’s additional allocations for other clubs in case they needed it last-minute, knowing that there are two weeks left in the semester to request funding.


Senator Naomi Adebayo, who is also a member of Black Onyx, advocated for the club. Fairweather said the club needed the entire $3,066 to make this event happen, because the $2,200 will cover only the price of the food from Chartwells. The rest of the money that BSU is requesting will cover the expenses for the DJ, the photographer, the performer, and the T-shirts offered. BSU not only requested money from the SA but also from the Office for Diversity, Equity and Inclusion.

The members of BSU argued strongly because Freaknik is an annual event. Black Onyx’s events bring in big crowds. Discussing BSU’s request, both the club members and senators were cutting each other off, rolling their eyes, raising their voices and making side comments.

While the SA and the BSU members were going back and forth, Coordinator of Clubs and Organizations Sarah Feingold referenced a Cardinal Points article about the Senate’s meeting March 29. The article described Adebayo in a similar situation to this, but she was on the opposite side from where she stood now. Feingold then called Adebayo a hypocrite, saying she’s going back on her original words.

Steve Matthews, dean of students and adviser to the SA Executive Council, intervened, telling everyone to keep it professional and to focus on the matter at hand.

Two and a half hours later, after all the back and forth, the SA Senate came to the agreement of giving BSU the full $3,066.

The BBQ is the closing event for BSU’s C4 Week College Challenge Cam-

James said. “They aren’t loud or anything and so relaxing to be around.”

Even though therapy dogs are meant to de-escalate situations and provide calmness, they have a limit to where they are allowed.

paign, an annual event dating back to 2015. During the C4 Challenge, Black Onyx uses the week to host a different event each day.

This year BSU held “Ghetto to Urban” on Monday; “Cancel Culture,” where they discussed different celebrities and whether they should be canceled based on their actions, on Tuesday; “Are You Smart Enough to Be a Student Leader?” on Wednesday; and on Thursday they hosted “Does it Glow?” where they discussed sexual activities and played games. All of the events were hosted in Yokum Hall at 8 p.m.

Finally, today BSU is hosting a Freaknik BBQ at 3 p.m. on Kent Hall’s basketball court.

Izzie and her friends, Caamp and Reva, also English labradors, have been in training for four weeks.

“Dogs just make everything better,” UP Chief Patrick Rascoe said. “They knock down the stress level, increase happiness. The mood changes when (Caamp) walks in. She just comes in and keeps it chill.”

Therapy dogs have been shown in studies such as City of Hope Cancer Center or the U.S. Department of Justice to potentially have some health benefits that make the police reporting and person being questioned feel calm, making the process go smoothly.

Janiyah James, a junior majoring in social work, saw the therapy dogs after a shift at the Hartman Theater.

“I wouldn’t take her to a party to break up a fight, at all. That would put her in danger, and she needs to also be kept safe,” Yeager said.

In some situations, such as a fire drill, training is necessary. Going into the fire drills the first couple of times with therapy dogs might be a swift change in the dogs’ environment with the loud sounds, but eventually they will get used to it and be able to be more alert than distracted.

Mel Deller, a certified dog trainer of about 15 years, has come in to teach not only the dogs, but their owners too.

“It can be difficult training, whether it’s the dog or the human,” Deller said.

owner to make sure the dogs aren’t listening only to her and that there is a line of communication through the dog and its owner.

“I get to give police officers homework every week, so that’s fun,” Deller said.

The therapy dogs have already attended a few campus events, such as a physical safety presentation April 9. Once they are fully trained, there will be more events on campus including them.

For now, they are always with their owners, the police officers on campus. Students are welcome to stop by and say hello to the therapy dogs.

Continued from page 1 Email BRIONNE THOMPSON

“They’re just so cute and sweet,”

Deller trains the dogs to follow commands and works with the

NEWS 2 ▪ Friday, April 26, 2024 ▪ News Editor Aleksandra Sidorova GOT A NEWS TIP? Contact the news editor at CP Corrections NEWS: 1) The photo illustrating the article “Clubs turn to alternative sources of event funding” was taken by Aleksandra Sidorova. If you see an error in Cardinal Points, email
Student Association
The students elected were: President - KALEMA GOODING Vice President - SANDESH POUDEL Treasurer - SYDNEY WISE Coordinator of Academic AffairsKACIA COKE Coordinator of Arts and Public RelationsCAMERON GREAVES Coordinator of Student Affairs and DiversityNEKAYBAW ROSS Senators - JOHN CARGUELLO, TASMAYEE JAGTAP, MRUDANGI TRIVEDI, WILLIAM DONLON, ROMITA CHAKRABORTY, CHARMI ASODARIYA, SHAHAD MONIR, MATTHEW WENDLER
April 10 University Police received a report of aggravated harassment. Investigation is still pending.
SA Elections The Student Association held its general election and SA fee referendum yesterday, April 25.
SA fee PASSED with 84.35% of votes. It WILL remain mandatory for SUNY Plattsburgh students.
Michael Purtell contributed to this report by interviewing University Police Chief Patrick Rascoe.
Izzie (left) and Reva (right) are two of University Police’s three therapy dogs joining the force. ALEKSANDRA SIDOROVA/Cardinal Points The Student Association deliberates funding for the Black Student Union April 16.


Continued from page 1

hak said, with a sigh, that he’d vote neither. “I’d rather just not vote in that case,” he said. “My mom might force me to vote, so we’ll see.”’

posed to be our president and caring about everyone, it’s sad. It makes you really disappointed.”


Martinez, who identifies as queer, wants “meaningful and elaborate change” from a future president. “I want a huge focus on issues at home, and that’s not discounting the issues across seas in terms of various genocidal actions of other countries, but I see a lot of pain in our country now, especially when it comes to queer life,” Martinez said.


Plattsburgh native Matthew

Stiles, 21, said, “I don’t even feel like following current political events is even worth my time.”

Stiles didn’t register to vote until he renewed his license after his most recent birthday, but doesn’t actually plan to cast a ballot in November.

“In my mind, keeping up with all the bullshit and underlying shenanigans with politicians these days, it seems there’s corruption everywhere. I just don’t feel like it’s even worth my time or my word is even heard in any way,” he said.

Zach Derhak, 22, a SUNY Plattsburgh student originally from Portland, Maine, doesn’t consider himself a political person, but he considers foreign policy an important issue that’s on the table, especially the amount of money sent toward war overseas.

Derhak said it “would be nice” if there were younger candidates in the presidential race.

If it came down to former president Donald Trump or current president Joe Biden, Der-


Continued from page 1


At first, Kachejian considered adapting his experience into a narrative film with characters, script and a story.

“I needed to show the truth for what it is — that’s when I switched it to this documentary format, where I would just focus on capturing the moments as I lived them, things I was feeling, highlights from my treatment and kind of put that together,” Kachejian said.

Kachejian could finally press “play” on his life when he returned to SUNY Plattsburgh in January 2023.

Kachejian sat down at the Plattsburgh State Television studio and recorded himself talking for an hour straight to narrate the documentary. The only other student in the studio, Ixy Granados, provided technical support from the control room.

“I could’ve written it all out, my story. I could have put it in a teleprompter, and I said no, because if I read this off, it’s not going to come from the heart as much as if I just actually spoke it out,” Kachejian said. “In the moment that the camera started recording, I just let it go for an hour. I knew that that would be more genuine


Zane Bazzano, 28, from Peru, New York, also refuses to choose between Biden and Trump.

“It’s all so polarized that, as somebody not affiliated with either party, it’s hard to choose a candidate,” Bazzano said.

Bazzano has found voting unsatisfying in general.

“I’ve never left voting for an elected official feeling, ‘Oh, I really feel good about this person and hope they win,’” Bazzano said. “It’s more so who’s the least bad instead of who’s the most good — that’s how it feels.”

He also finds candidates unrelatable.

“There’s not very many relatable people, unless you’re 60plus,” Bazzano said.

Instead, Bazzano sees himself researching and voting for a third candidate — something he’s done for years — though he hasn’t yet decided whom. The issues important to him are education, healthcare and the economy.

“I can only say who I’m not going to vote for,” Bazzano said.

“I couldn’t say who I am going to vote for.”


Friends Hailey Christiansen and Olivia Hetfield, both 23 and from Plattsburgh, said they will vote for Biden.

“I wouldn’t be thrilled that (Biden and Trump) are the two options, but I would go for Biden, because I think, at a personal level, his beliefs more align with mine, and I also think he’s less inflammatory in general,” Hetfield said.

“I think Trump is kind of disrespectful,” Christiansen said. “Hearing the way he talks about women as someone who’s sup-

than trying to read off something. I didn’t stop. There was no ‘cut, let’s redo that’ — we did it all in one take.”

Kachejian said he considers his outlook on life to be optimistic. “Calling it ‘Paused’ was a big representation of how I felt, like my life was completely paused, but I didn’t call it ‘End,’ I didn’t call it ‘Stop’ because I knew I still had so much ahead,” Kachejian said.

Kachejian recorded more footage than he could include in “Paused.” To not let it “go to waste,” Kachejian will include it in a secondary project to premiere in April 2025, when his treatment ends.

“One of the reasons I created the documentary was to not let my pain, my experience as a cancer patient, stop me from who I wanted to be and I didn’t want what I was going through to be for nothing,” Kachejian said. “I wanted to take my experience, my memories, the good ones and the bad, and show people that we could do so much more with it.”


Kachejian met Tom Thompson, his Student Support Services adviser, when he returned to college. Kachejian shared his story and the “Paused” trailer with Thompson, asking for feedback.

“The idea of courage keeps coming up to me,” Thompson said. “It’s real-

Christiansen concerns herself with voting for a candidate who will not “say and do things that make me question the country as a whole.” She also considers candidates’ age, which Biden has addressed in a recent campaign video, saying: “Look, I’m not a young guy. That’s no secret.”

“I think we have people that are way too old running this country,” Christiansen said.

Christiansen said she works in a hospital, mostly with seniors, and cites generational differences in how older generations plan for the future, as opposed to younger generations.

“They don’t really take the whole picture into account. It’s more ‘Let’s get through the next four years’ versus ‘Let’s improve the country as a whole for our future generations,’” Christiansen said.

Hetfield also noted that older politicians tend to be “near-sighted.”

“They make plans and actions for now, instead of thinking about the future and how it impacts the younger generations who will have to grow up in the environment they create,” Hetfield said.

Both said they see a younger candidate as more willing to compromise and keep an open mind to new ideas — a trait they said is important when it comes to lawmaking.

“I love my grandparents to death, they’re amazing, but if I’m talking to them about certain opinions, it’s just frustrating,” Christiansen said. “They’re not going to change their minds.”

The issues most pressing to Hetfield are reproductive and LGBT+ rights.

“It’s important to have someone that stands up for minorities in this country, in general,” Hetfield said.

ly courageous — here’s a young man, he’s putting the spotlight on himself to raise awareness.”

Thompson and Ashley Durocher, assistant director of SSS, introduced Kachejian to the Student Mental Health Initiative group, which included students working or interning with SSS or the Accessibility Resource Office as well as volunteers.

The students suggested hosting a public showing and engaging as many bodies on- and off-campus as they can: both of Kachejian’s academic departments, the nursing department, Champlain Valley Physicians Hospital, athletes, Greek life organizations and clubs.

Students also promoted the event on social media, community calendars and radio stations.

“What I really love about the group of students and interns that we have is that they’re all so deeply connected to other spaces on campus and in the community, so it wasn’t one person’s effort,” Durocher said. “It really just shows the value of the work of our interns and student workers, I would say, to help lift up one of their fellow students.”

The Pinky Swear Pack club will table at the showing, selling friendship bracelets and accepting donations for the national Pinky Swear Foundation that financially and emotionally helps children with cancer and their fam-

David Smoot, 34, of Plattsburgh voted for Trump in the last election — a choice he said wasn’t as difficult to make as it is now. With the COVID-19 pandemic emerging, the United States engaging itself in multiple wars overseas and Trump facing criminal prosecution, Smoot isn’t sure he’ll vote for Trump again.

“Trump’s changed,” Smoot said. “With everything that’s come out, it’s very hard to give him a vote.”

However, Smoot is firmly against Biden taking office again, namely due to his behavior, which Smoot considers signs of dementia rendering him unable to single-handedly lead a country.

“Trump doesn’t show signs of dementia,” Smoot said. “He can go out and say what he needs to say off the top of his head. I don’t ever use age (as an argument) — I go by what’s happening physically. … Biden could be 60 and I still wouldn’t want him in office.”

Smoot said Biden should have sat the election out.

“He seemed crazy at first, but he at least sounded convincing,” Smoot said. Smoot is also critical about the way Trump talks about women. However, he noted that most presidents have done problematic things, and it was a matter of deciding whether their words and actions are worth looking past.

Additionally, Smoot commented on the way Trump voters are perceived.

“I’m not no redneck hillbilly that they think people who vote for him are,” Smoot said.


In the previous election, Christiansen and Hetfield went to great lengths to cast their votes when they were in college. They also encourage their partners to vote.

Hetfield didn’t receive the mail-in ballot she requested, so she drove home to vote.

“If he really cared about the citizens of this country, that’s what he would do,” Smoot said. Smoot said the biggest issues in the U.S. have to do with taking care of citizens. He sees drugs and homelessness as big issues. Smoot himself experienced getting “kicked off” Medicaid when COVID stopped being a public health emergency, one of at least 4 million Americans. Smoot has a 10-year-old child to take care of.

“I don’t find it so great to live here anymore,” Smoot said. “Canada’s more promising. Other countries take care of you. … It’s hard to make a decision. It kind of just makes you want to move.”

Smoot was wary about voting for Trump when he first started running for president.

ilies. Kachejian is a member of the club himself.

Kachejian said he hopes sharing his story helps other patients and their loved ones, even though every cancer patient’s experience is different. Most of all, he wanted to convey mindfulness and gratitude for parts of life taken for granted.

“When you’re a cancer patient, you’re not the only one affected — your family, your friends, your loved ones are all affected, too,” Kachejian said. “When you get such a diagnosis, it shows you life in a whole different way because you know that at any moment, anything could change now. Things could get worse, things could get better, so you have to live every day and love every day to the best of your ability, so that’s what I try to do.”

Kachejian recalled his time at Memorial Sloan Kettering Cancer Center in New York City.

“There were so many kids, so many patients that aren’t just able to walk out of those doors, that are in there dealing with struggles far worse than mine, and they’re one of the biggest reasons I made this documentary,” Kachejian said. “It’s a way to inspire them, to show them that you’re going to get through this, and that there is such a brighter and happier life ahead, and to show that what they go through doesn’t make them weak,

“It’s our right as citizens to participate,” Hetfield said. “You have to play an active role in order to see the change you want. … It’s some of the only things we can do as just everyday citizens to help change things.”

Christiansen went through multiple offices to be able to vote when she forgot to change her address away from home.

After Christiansen voted in Rochester, New York, she participated in the tradition of voters placing their “I voted” stickers on the grave of women’s rights activist Susan B. Anthony.

“Especially with the amount of fighting that women did so we could have the right to vote, I’ll never take it for granted, even when it feels frustrating,” Christiansen said. “It’s important to at least try.”

it makes them stronger. … For me, making this documentary was in service of remembering those who aren’t as fortunate as I am to leave that hospital.”

Kachejian’s friends and family are coming to the premiere, too.

“Words can’t describe how excited I am to be able to show this off in the way that we’re doing it,” Kachejian said. “It’s my story, but it’s not just about my pain, it’s about how to get through the pain and how to make something more with it.”


Kachejian was selected as one of the speakers for commencement to be held Saturday, May 18.

“I wasn’t sure if I was going to make it here, and to be able to now say that I’ve made it’ it’s an indescribable feeling, what I can only say is happiness and gratitude, but it’s also sad because I love this place,” Kachejian said.

“I think my story here is coming to an end so that I can start a whole new story somewhere else, so it’s very bittersweet.”

Kachejian said he’s going to graduate school for psychology, aiming for a PhD in clinical psychology. Ideally, he would have his own practice. However, his passion for filmmaking and storytelling isn’t going anywhere.

“My idea of bringing these two fields together, of intertwining them, is to be a storyteller —

to help people tell their stories in a creative, credible, reliable way,” Kachejian said. “I think I would be doing that type of work very passionately and bringing justice to the portrayal of different types of struggles in media. I think a lot of it comes from what has already been put out there that has portrayed mental disorders and physical struggles in the wrong way. I want to right those wrongs.” Thompson said he feels inspired by both Kachejian himself and his film.

“I always say, to know (Kachejian) is to be inspired by him,” Thompson said. “You meet a few people in your career, in your lifetime, that really have an impact on you. There’s those few people that you’re like, ‘Wow, that person’s an inspiration, that person’s pretty remarkable’ — that person is Cole. He’s the kind of person that I think we all strive to be.”

“Paused” will be shown in Yokum 200 tomorrow, April 27, at 5 p.m. Refreshments will be available at a reception starting 4:30 p.m., and Kachejian will host a question-and-answer panel after the film. Register for the event through the Google Form at

NEWS 3 ▪ Friday, April 26, 2024 ▪ News Editor Aleksandra Sidorova
Angel Martinez Zach Derhak Hailey Christiansen David Smoot Olivia Hetfield
Zane Bazzano and his daughter, Avery

18-year-old Samantha Brown is caught on the edge of her future. She is stuck between following expectations and her dreams of the unknown.

Sam sits in a hand-medown car, keys in hand, reliving her senior year of high school.

Through these memories, we meet the people in Sam’s life, her controlling yet well-intentioned mother, her awkward sweetheart boyfriend Adam, and her daring friend Kelly.

Sam is nothing like Kelly, she has plans and sticks to the rules, Kelly is audacious. When she loses Kelly to a car crash, she not only loses her friend but also the part of her who was learning to be brave.

Now she has to make a decision that changes her life forever — alone.

Mad Ones musical makes memories, motivates


The College Theatre Association at SUNY Plattsburgh performed “The Mad Ones,” a two act musical, on April 19 and 20. The cast consisted of junior education major Tori Donovan as Sam, junior social work major Olivia Storms as Kelly, senior music major Camryn Lincoln as Beverly, and senior music/music arts management major Benajamin Cepulo as Adam. The crew included first-year communication sciences and disorders major Abbie McCauley swinging, also called understudying, for Kelly; graduate student for special education Riley McQuade swinging for Beverly; junior theater major Nicholas Alkobi as director; music/music arts management 2023 alumna Charlotte Stevens as music director; junior communication sciences and disorders major Emily Fagan as stage man-

ager; and junior theatre major Claire Ragusa as technical director. The original book, music and lyrics are by Kait Kerrigan and Bree Lowdermilk.


“My entire life I’ve had a passion for music and theater. Every time I got to move the prop car or the prop bed, I loved doing it because it felt like I was doing my part of the musical and getting the actors where they needed to be at that moment,” McCauley wrote in an email. “I never did anything in high school, so I figured that I should join the Plattsburgh theater. I’m so happy that I did because I’ve realized that I absolutely love doing anything in theater.”

Alkobi agreed with this.

“I loved the whole process. It taught me a lot and how to do better in future productions. Everything about the show was a learning experi-

ence. From communication to trust to being able to overcome obstacles, nothing could be overlooked,” Alkobi wrote over email.

“The Mad Ones” is a dramatic and humorous musical, simple in it’s story but poignant. “Throughout the musical, it is (Sams) growth that we see,” Donovan wrote over email. “It is her strength and perseverance that are the true meaning of the show.”

While it is an upsetting story about loss, grief and uncertainty, it is, in the end, hopeful. Sam’s perseverance stands as a testament to the fact that a person can survive loss and follow their dreams Alkobi wrote.

Symphony band commemorates eclipse

All eyes were on the sky April 8 — the total solar eclipse. Plattsburgh not only had the perfect view of the phenomenon but also the perfect weather conditions for the event. The city was in the center of the path of totality, a narrow strip across North America in which the sun is fully blocked by the moon.

At 3:25 p.m., totality occurred.

The striking sight of mid-afternoon darkness, a radiant halo in the sky and an emerging coolness in the air — it was breathtaking. After around three and a half minutes of complete darkness, the sky lit up with brilliant color and the daylight returned to normalcy.

The April 25 concert, “Eclipse Reminisce,” commemorated the extraordinary phenomenon. Directed by Daniel Gordon, the symphonic band played music relating to the cosmos.

The concert opened with “Fanfare from Also sprach

Zarathustra,” also known as the “Theme from 2001: A Space Odyssey,” composed by Richard Strauss and arranged by Robert Longfield.

Next was “Looking Upward Suite,” including “By the Light of the Polar Star,” “Beneath the Southern Cross” and “Mars and Venus,” composed by John Sousa.

After a brief intermission, “Canticle of the Creatures” was played, it included “Sister Moon and the Stars,” “Mother Earth” and “Brother Sun,” all composed by Jim Curnow.

Lastly were “The Planets,” including Mars, the Bringer of War” and “Jupiter, the Bringer of Jollity,” composed by Gustav Holst. On flute was Trevor White, Juliet Wivell, Khristina Heffernan, Ashley Filion and Breeley Rawls. On clarinet was Daniel Traux, Edna Stroinski, Beth Delles, Oliver Lain, Shannon Breen and Margali Grenier on bass clarinet.

FRIDAY, APRIL 26, 2024
Provided by Nicholas Alkobi From left, Benajamin Cepulo, Olivia Storms, Tori Donovan and Camryn Lincoln on the Hartman Theatre stage performing “Remember This” together.
MAD > 5
CINARA MARQUIS Arts & Culture Editor CINARA MARQUIS/Cardinal Points The “Eclipse Reminisce” band concert was held in the E. Glenn Giltz Audiotorium on April 25, 7:30 p.m. BAND > 5 Provided by Nicholas Alkobi Cast and crew of “The Mad Ones,” sit together for a group picture.

Strumming his own story: Logan Toleman

“It’s the life I choose, and it’s not for everyone. But if you really want it, you have to go after it.”

Logan Toleman, a sophomore finance and business administration major, is making great strides to make his music dreams come true.

Toleman found his passion for music at the age of 12. He started taking guitar lessons and learned the fundamentals but ultimately stopped going, teaching himself instead. He draws inspiration from bands such as Three Days Grace, Three Doors Down and Green Day.

Since then, his love for music has expanded, and his taste has as well.

“Nowadays it’s a little different because my music taste has grown, and it’s a lot less narrow,” Toleman said.

And as his taste grew, his passion flourished, and when he transferred from Castleton College in Vermont to SUNY Plattsburgh, his search for other’s


Continued from page 4

“Seeing her be able to grow through the show gave the audience and myself hope in how strong we can be,” Donovan wrote.

Reflecting back on his time, Cepulo found the musical to be a symbol of solidarity.

“This musical has been very impactful. There have been many

with his same passion began.

“When I transferred here, I made a Yik Yak post looking for musicians in Plattsburgh,” Toleman said. “At the time he was the bass player of the Gallery, his name is Billy, and he was like, ‘Hey, I know two dudes who would be down to play music,” and that’s how I met my drummer and my bassist.”

Their band, Reverse the Grin, celebrates its one year anniversary May 4 and has not only produced music but also genuine friendships and connections.

“We’ve become such good friends,” Toleman said. “It’s beyond music.”

Toleman also plays guitar for Vermont artist Tyler Serrani. They met through a mutual acquaintance during Toleman’s time at Castleton. About a year ago, Serrani reached out to Toleman to come perform a show with him.

“I learned the songs the day of,” Toleman said. “And ever since then we’ve been a very strong duo.”

The pair has expanded into a group, as they’ve since added a

people lost in car accidents, both nationally and locally,” Cepulo wrote over email. “Bringing this story to life helps promote coping stories or emotions that come to light during processes like this.”

Join the College Theatre Association newsletter at https://

drummer and bass player. “We’re killing it,” Toleman said.

Working with both groups has really expanded his passion for the art. Creativity as a whole is something that pushes Toleman to be the best he can be.

“When you do something as limitless as music, you draw influences from other passionate people. My best friend is a very passionate artist and he sends me his works and I draw so much inspiration from that and it motivates me to try and make better stuff — it makes you want to be better,” Toleman said.

While making music with both bands, Toleman is balancing not only his own solo work as well, but also being a committed student and the president of Zeta Beta Tau fraternity. He said it’s a lot to have on his plate, but he firmly believes that if somebody wants something, they have to go for it. He does this all while staying true to his music and producing the music he wants to hear to share with people who long for said music too, and he always strives for perfection.

“I always feel you can polish a little more,” Toleman said. “I know it’s unrealistic and I’m my own worst enemy in this instance, but it is an incredibly gratifying experience when you play that song together for the first time or you’re listening to the final mix of a song you’ve been working on for a couple of months. You’re just like, ‘Wow, this is what I’ve wanted to hear for so long. I write the music I want to hear, and you have to be true to yourself when you’re songwriting.”

The future has a lot in store for Toleman but he also has a lot in store for the future.

“There’s a lot on the horizon,” Toleman said.

Toleman has this advice to give to people who want to get into music: “It takes time, and it takes commitment. You don’t get good at something just by letting it happen — you have to put work into it, but also, just get after it and see what feels right.”

Support Logan Toleman on Instagram @toleysmusic and find his band on Instagram @reversethegrin.

On saxophone were altos Alexander Finkey and Aaleena Landeta, tenor Levi Marshall and baritone Ian Deterling.

On trumpet was James Bayer, Matt Pray, Joe Marocco, Kirk Lancto and Sara Dean.

On the french horn was Lydya Felix, Lola Greer, Samantha Marocco and Nancy Liotta. On trombone was Cody Walke, Timothy Lloyd, Hillary Sponable and Casey Belrose. On percussion was Jacob Colton, Ngozi Permaul, Nelson Moore, Mike Lewandowski and Luke Gerhardt. On oboe was McKennda Brazie, on euphonium was Eric Weller and on tuba was Benjamin Cepulo. The performance was spectacular, a scene that combined the wonder of nature and the power of music in a brilliant display of grandeur. Throughout the E. Glenn Giltz Audiotorium, bombastic beats and striking rhythms rang; “Eclipse Reminisce” was a concert to remember. Other end-of-semester concerts include the Senior Recital featuring Olivia Sorrell

ARTS & CULTURE 5 Friday, April 26, 2024 Arts & Culture Editor Cinara Marquis
Provided by Logan Toleman Logan Toleman found his passion for music at the age of 12.
▪ ▪
Provided by Logan Toleman Logan Toleman finds inspiration from other peoples work, especially when they are passionate, too.
with Jerry
will be on Sunday, April 28, at 10
in the Krinovitz Recital Hall and the Jazz Ensemble concert directed by Matt Pray will be on Sunday, April 28, at 7:30 p.m. in the E. Glenn Giltz Auditorium. Visit SUNY Plasttburgh’s Music Department online event calendar for more information at https:// plattslife/arts/music-calendar.html. Subscribe to the music department newsletter, “News & Notes,” for quarterly issues by contacting Dwayne Butchino, performing arts coordinator, for more information at butc3332@ BAND Continued from page 4 CINARA MARQUIS/Cardinal Points Graduating seniors such as McKenna Brazie, oboist, were recognized at the concert. Email CINARA MARQUIS Email CINARA MARQUIS Provided by Nicholas Alkobi Nicholas Alkobi directs Tori Donovan and Olivia Storms.
on Saturday, April 27 at 2 p.m. in Krinovitz Recital Hall.
“Jazz Music Clinic”

engage with creative talents.

ACC, Myers and Warren Ballrooms from noon to 6 p.m.

Aries (March 21 – April 19)

The Page of Wands card signifies exploration. Embrace your creativity and follow your passions. Remember to be open to new experiences. Let yourself be curious.

Cancer (June 21 – July 22)

The Queen of Pentacles card is about stability. This week, find fulfillment in your commitment to nurture and provide for others.

Libra (Sept. 23 – Oct. 22)

The reversed Tower card refers to destruction. Disaster happens, and it hurts, but you can survive it. Reflect and rebuild because change is coming, and that is good.

Capricorn (Dec. 22 – Jan. 19)

The reversed

The Five of Cups card depicts acceptance. Move on from the things that hold you back from peace. There is always a light at the end of the tunnel, you’ll find it soon.

Taurus (April 20 – May 20)

The reversed Two of Pentacles card refers to disorganization. A lack of focus and poor time management may be leading to overwhelm. Balance comes with new boundaries.

Leo (July 23 – Aug. 22)

The reversed Devil card depicts release. Step back from the things that are overwhelming you, specifically your unhealthy attachments — find a new balance within your life.

Scorpio (Oct. 23 – Nov. 21)

The Four of Cups card refers to meditation. You may feel that life has become stagnant. A reevaluation of yourself and your attitude will help you pull yourself out of this rut.

Aquarius (Jan. 20 – Feb. 18)

The reversed Queen of Cups card entails martyrdom. You are putting yourself at a disadvantage by nurturing those around you before yourself. Take time to care for yourself before others.

Gemini (May 21 – June 20)

The Two of Swords card represents indecision. Don’t let your emotions control your decision making. Be purposefully logical and use wisdom from your experience to make the right judgment.

Virgo (Aug. 23 – Sept. 22)

The Ace of Pentacles card is about abundance. Prosperity and reached potential are in store for you in new opportunities. Go make your dreams come true.

Sagittarius (Nov. 22 – Dec. 21)

The reversed Seven of Wands card represents enthusiasm. Have faith in your capabilities this week, as you may need to defend yourself. Do not hold back, as you know your worth.

Pisces (Feb. 19 – March 20)

The Queen of Swords card refers to independence. Instead of placing too much confidence in those around you, take matters into your own hands. You know what’s best, and you can accomplish that yourself.

ARTS & CULTURE 6 Friday, April 26, 2024 Arts & Culture Editor Cinara Marquis CARDINAL CALENDAR: April 26 to May 4 Friday, April 26 Monday, April 29 Tuesday, April 30 Wednesday, May 1 Thursday, May 2 Saturday, May 4 Minor Adjustments Friends and Family Showcase Come enjoy the Minor Adjustments a capella music extravaganza. Burghy’s Den from 7 to 9 p.m. Murder Mystery with Lambda Pi Upsilon Sorority Multicultural organizations will be hosting a murder mystery game where attendees must use clues to find the true murderer. The H.U.B. from 7 to 8 p.m. Spring Carnival Come for a “casino night” themed party with henna, caricatures, jousting, bungee running, a photo booth, music and more. Outside of Clinton Dining Hall from 4 to 8 p.m. Just Dance Night With the College Theatre Association Bring friends and get your groove on at the CTAs Just Dance night. Cardinal Lounge from 7 to 8:30 p.m. Plattsburgh Ski/Snowboard and Outdoors Club: Film Fest See the showing of outdoor-themed student films. In the Warren Ballroom from 7 to 9 p.m. Cardinal Creative Arts Festival Featuring theatre, live music, visual arts and booths to buy crafts there will be many opportunities to
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Saturday, April 20 at the Field House

This week in photos: Men’s lacrosse senior day

Photos by Collin Bolebruch, Jayne Smith

Read more about the game on page 8

PHOTO SPREAD ▪ Friday, April 26, 2024 ▪ Photography Editor Jayne Smith 7
Attacker Donald Woods and a Golden Eagle fight over a ground ball. Senior midfielder Spencer Fucheck holds his niece Birdie before the game. (Left to right) Seniors John Eiseman, Logan Jones, Spencer Fucheck, Dan Clements, Max Lamitie, Cam Morin, Chris Falborn, Jacob Sansone, Zach Derhak, Anthony Faber and Matthew Tomlinson pose following pre-game festivities. Attacker John Eiseman celebrates his 100th point. Midfielder Spencer Fucheck (left) and defender Max Lamitie (right) collide with a Golden Eagle.

Cardinals celebrate seniors at home

Seeing seniors leave can be hard for any team. The most experienced players, often the best players, will move on from their collegiate careers. On a team like Plattsburgh State men’s lacrosse — where the team is a second family — it’s like seeing a brother move away from home.

The final home game of the season honored 11 seniors, as Plattsburgh (4-

11, 0-6) faced off against Brockport (4-10, 2-4) on Saturday, April 20. The Cardinals lost 7-19. The crowd was one of the largest this season with 122 spectators who cheered throughout the game in front of the senior banners posted on the lacrosse field’s fence. The seniors were recognized for being upstanding role models for the underclassmen as well as their lacrosse careers. “They do a good job leading the young pups and making them a part of what we do on and off the field,” Head Coach Darry Thornton said. “We’re gonna miss them, but we’re gonna close strong for them.”

The Cardinals will finish its season with two away games. The team’s 11 seniors make up more than a

TnT attracts alumni, 16 teams

Plattsburgh State men’s and women’s rugby, their alumni squads and 12 visiting teams thumped, thwacked and thrashed in the 26th annual TnT Tournament at the fields

behind Memorial Hall on Saturday, April 20. The tournament memorializes deceased Cardinal ruggers Anthony Santandrea and Trevor Green, its namesakes, and Billy Erwin. Plattsburgh State rugby hosts TnT to raise funds for the Tony Santandrea Memorial Scholarship, given to a Plattsburgh State environmental studies student.


Saturday, April 20

L 3-18 T&F @ Middlebury Outdoor Invitational BASE vs. Oneonta

SOFT vs. New Paltz

L 0-2

L 2-7

MLAX vs. Brockport L 7-19

TnT raised approximately $1,200 through team entry fees, raffle tickets and merchandise and food sales. Generations of Cardinal rugby alumni filled the crowd.

“There were people coming out of the woodworks, all these alumni that myself and my teammates have never met,” men’s President Kevin Graber said. “You’ve got 40 to 50 years of rugby players coming together. It was beautiful.”

The future of the program was in question when TnT took a hiatus during the COVID-19 pandemic.

BASE vs. Oswego G1: W 9-4 G2: L 5-7


BASE vs. Oswego L 0-14


SOFT vs Saint Michael’s *CANCELED*

WLAX @ Potsdam W 12-7

MLAX @ Potsdam L 4-17

SOFT vs. Oneonta G1: 3 p.m. G2: 5 p.m.

BASE vs. Oneonta 3 p.m.

quarter of the team, leaving plenty of empty cleats for underclassmen to fill. The seniors honored included four attackers in John Eiseman, Jacob Sansone, Anthony Faber and Zach Derhak; four midfielders in Spencer Fucheck, Logan Jones, Chris Falborn and Cam Morin; two defenders in Matthew Tomlinson and Max Lamitie; and Dan Clements in goal.

Cards fall in conference

The Plattsburgh State Cardinals dropped both SUNYAC doubleheaders against strong Oneonta and New Paltz teams last week. The Cardinals fell to last in the conference.

Plattsburgh (7-19, 1-9) opened its week of SUNYAC play with a series against the Oneonta Red Dragons (1414, 6-4) on Friday, April 19.

“We were really hunting for a sweep to get to that turning point in our season,” catcher Emma Deo said.

Plattsburgh has made the playoffs in its past two seasons. With how the Cardinals started this season, it would take a perfect season to make it back to the tournament. The Cardinals have just one conference win on the season going into this matchup.

Oneonta is a powerhouse in the SUNYAC, the team has made the conference tournament every year since 2013. The Red Dragons came into the matchup with a conference record of 2-4, putting them outside the playoff picture. The Red Dragons started game one hot. Oneonta started with a single off of a bunt by Delaney Haley. Haley stole second base and reached third base after a wild pitch by Cardinal Morgan Ormerod, who threw the whole game. Haley finished her trip around


BASE vs. Brockport G1: 12 p.m. G2: 3 p.m.

SOFT vs. Brockport G1: 12 p.m. G2: 2 p.m.

MLAX @ Geneseo 1 p.m.

T&F @ St. Lawrence Intercollegiate Athletics Twilight Meeting

BASE @ Canton 12 p.m.

FRIDAY, APRIL 26, 2024
April 23 Wednesday, April 24 Friday, April 26 Saturday, April 27
April 28 WLAX vs. Oswego
G1: W 8-7 G2: W 10-1
the bases by home and giving Oneonta the lead. MICHAEL PURTELL/Cardinal Points Boyd Dyer drops a Binghamton defender at the pitch behind Memorial Hall on April 20.
Editor in Chief
TNT > 10
A group of seniors embrace John Eiseman (52) after he scored his 100th point April 20. MLAX > 9 COLLIN BOLEBRUCH/Cardinal Points Head Coach Sean Morgan smiles at TnT on April 20. COLLIN BOLEBRUCH/Cardinal Points Morgan Ormerod pitching April 10.
See page 11 for more on Head Coach Sean Morgan’s retirement and career with Plattsburgh State rugby See page 7 for more photos Softball Men’s lacrosse BY
Sports Writer SOFT > 10


Continued from page 8

The day was extra sweet for Eiseman, who scored his 100th collegiate point in the final eight seconds. He recorded three goals and an assist in the loss, including both the opening and closing goals of the game. The milestone was exciting, but it would’ve been impossible if not for the support of the seniors and the team, Eiseman said. The season has been bumpy for Plattsburgh.

After securing four wins in out-of-conference play to start the season, the Cardinals struggled to win a SUNYAC game. The team’s record has done little to stifle the personality of the team. The Cardinals insist on being a squad that sticks together even during a rough season on the field, Thornton said. The seniors facilitate time for each other all throughout the year to hang out, study or watch sports. The seniors are one of the most important parts of maintaining that friendly atmosphere. They work hard to make

sure everyone on the team is included, from the nine seniors who live together to first-years who live on campus, Jones said.

The camaraderie does not go unnoticed, as incoming players have felt immediately welcomed into the Cardinal lacrosse family.

“I already feel like I’ve created bonds and friendships here that are just as strong — if not stronger — than people I’ve grown up with my entire life,” first-year defender Fynn Whitlock said.

The character of the team reaches further then the locker room as well. The crowd for senior day was composed of family members, friends, members of other sports teams and hometown friends who made trips up from as far as Longwood, New York. The big crowd was representative of the team’s friendly culture, Jones said.

“That was awesome that the guys got support from everyone,” Jones said. “It’s been a long, hard year, but seeing that crowd was awesome.” Moving forward, the underclassmen will look to follow in the footsteps

of this senior class. A new set of faces next year will mean more members to the Plattsburgh lacrosse family.

“I love the seniors,” Whitlock said. “It’s gonna be a bummer not having them around next season.”

The first-years themselves know they will need to step up without their student leaders, but they feel up for the challenge — a challenge which includes welcoming a new set of faces to the Cardinal lacrosse family.

The growth the seniors have helped facilitate means Plattsburgh State will still be in good hands.

“It’s been great to see (the underclassmen) come into their own, since they are the future of the program,” Jones said.

The team has left its mark on the seniors all the same, giving them memories they will hold dear for the rest of their lives.

“I’m very thankful that I’ve gotten four years of college lacrosse,” Jones said. “I’ve made some amazing friends over the last four years. It’s been awesome.”

support for him and his family after his mother was diagnosed with breast cancer. He’s very close to his teammates — he and fellow senior Zach Derhak are the masterminds behind Halfway Productions, featured on Plattsburgh State TV.

This question and answer was conducted with Chris over text April 23.

Question: What’s the best part of the creative process when making an episode of Halfway TV?

Answer: The best part of the creative process for me would have to be filming. Once we are on set and rehearsing lines, we get to test what lines sound funnier and sometimes even improv the scene entirely. Whether I’m in front of or behind the camera it’s a great time.

Q: As a former wrestler, which teammate would be the hardest to pin?

A: Hardest to pin would definite-

ly be John Eisemen. Guy can bench 315 for reps even after months off the gym, so I’m sure it wouldn’t be easy. Honorable mention would be Zach Derhak. He’s way too primal and feral to take down, we might wipe out most of New York State if we battled.

Q: What was your favorite sideline moment this season?

A: My favorite sideline moment from this season was when all the guys celebrated together after a goal and acted like they were rowing in a canoe.

Q: What’s something you’re glad you did before you graduate?

A: I’m glad I was able to learn how to snowboard before I graduate. I had always wanted to learn, but never lived close enough to a ski mountain, with Whiteface close by and a bunch of friends who already knew how so I was able to learn pretty fast.

SPORTS 9 ▪ Friday, April 26, 2024 ▪ Sports Editor Michael Purtell Regular season as of 4/25 STANDINGS BASEBALL TEAM SUNYAC OVERALL 1-Cortland 2-New Paltz 3-Oswego 4-Plattsburgh 5-Brockport 6-Oneonta 7-Fredonia 11-1 7-5 7-5 8-7 5-7 4-11 3-9 22-9-1 21-11 17-12 20-12 17-13 15-18 13-16 SOFTBALL TEAM SUNYAC OVER1-New Paltz 2-Cortland 3-Buffalo State 4-Geneseo 5-Oneonta 6-Fredonia 7-Brockport 8-Potsdam 9-Oswego 10-Plattsburgh 10-0 9-3 8-4 6-2 6-4 6-6 2-6 2-8 2-10 1-9 24-4 19-7 15-12 13-15 14-14 11-17 8-18 9-15 7-19 7-19 M. LACROSSE TEAM SUNYAC OVERALL 1-Cortland 2-Geneseo 3-Oswego 4-Potsdam 5-Oneonta 6-Brockport E-New Paltz E-Plattsburgh 6-0 5-1 4-2 3-3 3-3 2-4 1-3 0-4 10-4 10-6 9-5 8-5 7-7 4-10 5-9 4-11 W. LACROSSE TEAM SUNYAC OVERALL 1-Cortland 2-Geneseo 3-Oswego 4-New Paltz 5-Brockport 6-Oneonta E-Plattsburgh E-Buffalo State E-Fredonia E-Potsdam 9-0 8-1 6-3 6-3 6-3 3-6 3-6 2-7 1-8 1-8 12-4 13-3 9-6 13-3 9-6 5-11 4-11 6-9 5-11 4-10 STATISTICS MEN’S LACROSSE # J. Eiseman, A D. Woods, A C. Morin, M GOALS 32 20 15 # D. Woods, A T. Keenan, M J. Eiseman, A ASSISTS 17 17 10 # J. Eiseman, A D. Woods, A T. Keenan, M POINTS 42 37 26 # F. Whitlock, D J. Eiseman, A K. Ruland, D GB 52 46 41 # J. Farrelly, M J. Duval Lapaix, M D. Zambito, M FO% .413 .411 .192 # D. Clements, G SAVE% .430 WOMEN’S LACROSSE # C. Barnosky, A M. Garcia, A Dickinson, Nash GOALS 35 15 10 # C. Barnosky, A F. Fitzgerald, A LaMar, Nash ASSISTS 16 12 4 # C. Barnosky, A F. Fitzgerald, A M. Garcia, A POINTS 51 16 16 # S. Carr, D L. Gilroy, D S. Lombardi, D GB 26 25 23 # L. Gilroy, D J. Adams, D C. Nash, M DC 60 32 28 # L. Nease, G H. Lowder, G J. Loch, G SAVE% .381 .366 .333 BASEBALL # J. Golino, P/INF G. Noll, C S. Isaacs, INF AVG .333 .320 .306 # G. Noll, C S. Isaacs, INF J. Golino, P/INF OPS .860 .844 .773 # J. Golino, P/INF S. Isaacs, INF M. Manalo, INF RBI 20 17 10 # A. Veit, SS/RHP K. Mordecki, RHP C. Santic, LHP ERA 2.89 4.46 7.07 # K. Mordecki, RHP A. Veit, SS/RHP C. Santic, LHP WHIP 1.39 1.47 1.88 # A. Veit, SS/RHP C. Santic, LHP K. Mordecki, RHP IP 43.2 42 40.1 SOFTBALL # A. Diltz, UTL J. Defayette, OF A. Kornblau, INF AVG .393 .380 .377 # A. Kornblau, INF A. Diltz, UTL J. Defayette, OF OPS 1.122 .953 .950 # K. Cremin, 1B A. Diltz, UTL A. Kornblau, INF RBI 31 26 24 # M. Ormerod, P J. Golino, P/INF S. Milyko, P ERA 3.14 5.32 5.82 # M. Ormerod P J. Golino, P/INF S. Milyko, P WHIP 1.27 1.77 1.77 # M. Ormerod, P J. Golino, P/INF C. Gemmett, P IP 62.1 51.1 30 ATHLETE OF THE WEEK ATHLETE OF THE WEEK GAME OF THE WEEK GAME OF THE WEEK BREXTON MONTVILLE BASE vs. OSWEGO Brexton Montville was a part of two school records at the Middlebury Outdoor Invitational. He broke his own record in the 100-meter dash and set a new record as a part of the 4x100-meter relay. In the first game against Oswego,a team that sits next to Plattsburgh in the standings, a hot first inning earned the Cards a strong win. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 Final 6 1 0 0 0 0 0 2 X 9 2 0 1 0 0 0 0 1 0 4 PLA Montville’s times: 100m: 10.58 sec 4x100m: 42.04 sec Ask an Athlete: Chris Falborn OSW Chris Falborn, a midfielder for Plattsburgh State men’s lacrosse, was one of 11 seniors extensively celebrated ahead of the Cardinals’ home finale against Brockport on April 20. Just like his classmates, Chris was greeted by a high-five line of teammates and flowers for his family. Chris leaves Plattsburgh accomplished and appreciated. Chris was featured by Cardinal Points two weeks ago after his teammates showed extensive
Chris Falborn on the sideline against New Paltz on April 16. COLLIN BOLEBRUCH/Cardinal Points First-year midfielder Dylan Zambito fights for a face off. MICHAEL PURTELL/Cardinal Points Senior midfielder Logan Jones makes a pass across the crease in front of the crowd of 122 on April 20. Email MICHAEL PURTELL (FINAL)

Continued from page 8

“It destroyed rugby, especially in the North Country,” Graber said. Graber’s team was 1-5 in 15s play when he joined, and canceled two consecutive TnTs.

Rugby could not have returned in a bigger way — the tournament was the largest since 2016, as 16 different teams made the trip to Plattsburgh.

On the men’s side of the tournament, Plattsburgh State came out on top, and on the women’s side, McGill College from Montreal won out.

This year’s TnT served as a final hoorah for men’s Head Coach Sean Morgan. Morgan, who has been with the club since 1978, retired following the men’s championship win.


The men’s bracket included Plattsburgh State, Plattsburgh alumni, Paul Smith’s, Potsdam, Clarkson, Oswego, Hamilton and Binghamton.

The Cardinals’ current squad played in the second opening game, defeating its alumni team at 10:30 a.m. The game was a rematch of last year’s championship, when the alumni won. This time, the current Cards advanced to play the winner of game one at 12:30 p.m.

Plattsburgh beat Paul Smith’s, going undefeated in seeding play. The Cardinals’ 2-0 start earned Plattsburgh an automatic berth to the championship game against Binghamton.

Continued from page 8

The Cardinals defeated Binghamton to take home the TnT title at 3:30 p.m.

Both current and former Plattsburgh ruggers met at centerfield, surrounding Morgan in his final moments as head coach. “It feels like he’s been here forever. He’s a big part of the reason I’m here,” said Jake Mainville, women’s head coach and former player under Morgan. “Plattsburgh rugby won’t be the same without him.”

After breaking the huddle, the teams shared embraces and combined for a photo opportunity.

“For a small school, there was a lot going on,” Graber said. “It was awesome just sitting back and watching it.”

Former president and current rugger Noah Lederman will take up the reins as head coach in the fall.


The women’s bracket featured Plattsburgh State, the Saranac Lake Mountaineers alumni squad, Paul Smith’s, Saint Michael’s, Oswego, McGill, Middlebury and Hamilton. Plattsburgh kicked off TnT, playing the Mountaineers in the tournament’s initial game at 10 a.m. The game, again, was a rematch of last year’s championship, bearing the same result, as the alumni won.

“It was hard not to laugh (during the game),” women’s President Evie Hatch said. The alumni and current team watched the rest of the tournament together.

“It is one big family. We all want what’s best for each other,” Hatch said.

The Red Dragons rounded out the inning by tallying another run from an RBI single and shutting down the Cardinal’s offense, retiring their second, third and fourth hitters.

Neither team scored a run in the second inning. Oneonta’s aggressive baserunning did not pay off this inning as Plattsburgh found a counter to the Red Dragon’s tactic, getting thrown out while trying to steal second base.

“Once we saw what was happening on the bases, we quickly made the adjustment from not making it to the bag to getting there in time to make outs,” pitcher Julia Golino said.

Oneonta extended its lead in the top of the third inning after a two run blast to left center field, making it 4-0. The Cardinals once again finished the inning scoreless.

It would not be until the fifth inning that Plattsburgh scored its first and only run of the game, an RBI infielder’s choice single from Golino.

Oneonta scored three more runs in the top of the sixth inning, closing out game one with a final score of 7-1.

In game two, Plattsburgh again used a one pitcher approach, having Golino throw for all seven innings.

“Both Morgan and Julia are throwing really great right now and didn’t give us any reason to take them out,” Deo said.

Oneonta again took an early lead, going up one on the Cards in the top of the first inning. The Red Dragons bats stayed hot in the second inning, adding two more runs to the scoreboard, making the score 3-0.

Golino allowed the Red Dragons to score four more runs on the day, two of which came in the fourth and two in the sixth, giving Oneonta the 7-0 win and the series sweep.

Plattsburgh’s climb from the bottom of the SUNYAC did not get any easier in its second series of the week. New Paltz is undefeated in the SUNYAC with a 10-0 record and is on a 15-game win streak.

“You’ll never see us not cheering for each other.”

The Cardinals were then pitted against Paul Smith’s at noon, earning its first win of the day. The victory placed Plattsburgh in the tournament’s fifth-place game against Oswego at noon.

Plattsburgh fell to Oswego, ultimately finishing sixth of eight teams. Despite the poor finish, the tournament provided a unique opportunity to face a wide field of competition.

“One of the most defining characteristics of rugby, and the thing I love about it is that it’s open to absolutely everyone. It doesn’t matter if you’re the best player on the field or if it’s your first time touching the ball, you can get out there and you can have a great time,”

Mainville said. “There’s a place for everyone. This tournament really exemplified that.”

The Mountaineers lost to McGill in the championship at 3:30 p.m.

Mainville’s wife, MacKenzie, scored a try during the match.

Across the board, the tournament was a success for Plattsburgh State rugby. The turnout blew last year’s team total of 10 out of the water.

“This is the best turnout we’ve had that I can recall. Everyone was engaged and the games were excellent,” Jake Mainville said. “I couldn’t be happier with how it turned out.”

A joint award ceremony after the championships and individual receptions off-campus capped off a day that proved a bright future for Cardinal rugby. “I’ve got the other

“No matter who you’re playing, you have to have the same mentality of playing hard and trusting your teammates,” Golino said.

Once again, Ormerod took the circle for the Cardinals’ first game of the series. The pitcher experienced deja vu, allowing two runs in the top of the first inning again. Fortunately for Plattsburgh, it held New Paltz scoreless the rest of the game. The Plattsburgh offense couldn’t support the defense and scored zero runs. The Cardinals again went with Golino to start game two of the series.

Golino started her second outing of the week by holding New Paltz to zero runs through two innings, making it the first time the Cardinals did not allow their opponent to get out to an early lead.

Golino got it done on both ends of the diamond, giving Plattsburgh a 1-0 lead after hitting an RBI single out to left center field. New Paltz immediately responded to Plattsburgh, scoring two runs in the top of the fourth and shutting down the Plattsburgh offense, showing why they’re undefeated in the SUNYAC.

New Paltz blew the game open by coming back out and scoring three runs in the top of the fifth. The Cardinals stopped the bleeding by getting a run on the board in the bottom of the inning, giving New Paltz a 5-2 lead heading into the sixth. Plattsburgh made a pitching change in the sixth inning, bringing in Sarah Milyko to finish the game. Golino finished her outing with four earned runs and two strikeouts. Both teams finished the sixth innings scoreless.

In the final inning of the week, Plattsburgh gave up two more runs to top-ranked New Paltz. The Cardinal offense was shut out, and the game ended with a final score of 7-2.

Plattsburgh has an actionpacked week ahead. They will play SUNY Geneseo in a doubleheader Friday, April 26 and Brockport in a doubleheader Saturday, April 27.

“We’re really working towards finishing strong and growing as a team,” Deo said.

schools saying, ‘Oh my god, we want to come back next year. Thank you so much,’” Graber said. “Seeing all this stuff just go so well, it just makes me happy and

it makes me confident in the future to see things get even bigger.”


BASE - There was a season-high five batters hit by pitches against Oswego on April 23.


SOFT - In the last 28 innings the Cardinals have played, the team has only scored in three.


WLAX - Cynthia Barnosky’s season point total of 51 is second for points in a season in program history.


MLAX - Dan Clements has 176 saves this season, good for 6th most in a single season in Cardinals’ history.

SPORTS 10 ▪ Friday, April 26, 2024 ▪ Sports Editor Michael Purtell
MICHAEL PURTELL/Cardinal Points Three Paul Smith’s ruggers drag down Natasha Sheffer at the TnT tournament on April 20. COLLIN BOLEBRUCH/Cardinal Points Casey Halloran emcees during TnT from the back of a pickup truck April 20.
COLLIN BOLEBRUCH/Cardinal Points Assistant coach Jessica Miller talks to sophomore Megan Pillus April 10.

Morgan retires after 46 years with rugby

The longest tenured coach at SUNY Plattsburgh, rugby coach Sean Morgan, is hanging up his whistle.

Morgan celebrated his last Tony and Trevor rugby tournament as coach on the Plattsburgh State rugby pitch Saturday, April 20. The tournament is the crown jewel of Plattsburgh State rugby, with alumni making trips from all over to participate in the revelry. Morgan ended his last one on the sweetest note possible: taking home the championship in front of the biggest crowd in a while.

“For me, it’s a good way to walk out of there,” Morgan said.

Morgan has been involved with the team since 1978. When he first became coach, he said it was simply because he “was the only guy there (at the rugby club) who knew rugby.”

At the time, Morgan had only 20 games of rugby experience. Now, he’s coached a team which has finished third in the country in sevens against Division I competition.

Morgan’s greatest secret to success on the field has been his enthusiasm, said Noah Lederman, volunteer assistant coach and former player.

“Last year we were at a tournament out in Oswego and it was in the 30s, freezing cold and raining. No one wanted to be there, except for Sean Morgan,” Lederman said. “We won the tournament, and the only reason is because he wanted to be there. His energy keeps people around.”

Morgan’s passion has helped the club succeed off the pitch as well. Alumni find themselves wanting to stay around after graduation because of him. His long career with the Cardinals helps bridge the old and the new, Plattsburgh rugby alum Wayne Carter said.

This support is most visible at the TnT tournament, where alumni flock to support the Cardinals and play some rugby themselves, as the tournament includes teams representing the Cardinals of yesteryear.

Alumni contributions are particularly beneficial to rugby, as its club status means funding from donations and community support goes further than it would for Plattsburgh State’s NCAA programs.

Without that support, it’s likely that Plattsburgh’s rugby club would’ve had to dissolve during the pandemic. If not temporarily such as programs at other SUNYAC schools like Potsdam, then permanently, Carter said.

“He is the heartbeat of Plattsburgh State Rugby,” Carter said. “Without him, none of this would be here.”

Morgan, humbly, claims all he did was make a Facebook page, another way he’d helped the team evolve over the years.

“We used to use email, but now we’ve got people on our account posting photos from 20 to 30 years ago, and even that has helped,” Morgan said. “Now when we’re in season we

meters, good for sixth.

MT&F Brexton Montville broke his own record in the 100-meter dash, at 10.58 seconds, and set a new program record in the 4x100-meter relay at 42.04 at the Middlebury Outdoor Invitational on Saturday, April 20. Montville’s relay partners included Charles Cypress, Jordan Williams and Justin Rushia.

Montville’s efforts secured wins for Plattsburgh in both events. Montville also took home first in the 200-meter dash at 21.99. Noah Bonesteel completed the 800-meter run with an AARTFC-qualifying time of 1:55.6, finishing third.

Aiden Masten won the long jump with a distance of 6.59 meters.

WT&F Grace Yarkosky’s first three semesters at Plattsburgh State were spent representing Cardinals women’s ice hockey. Now, she’s shining on the track. Yarkosky, in her first-ever 800-meter run, posted a time of two minutes and 19.10 seconds — an AARTFC-qualifying time — at the Middlebury Outdoor Invitational on Saturday, April 20.

Deanna Zoch ran a personal best in the 100-meter dash, finishing fourth with a time of 13.16. Grace Estus recorded her career-best in the 200-meter dash at 29.0.

The 4x100-meter relay team of Zoch, Michaela Schaffer, Morgan Thomp-

post where we’re playing before we go play because alumni do show up.”

Morgan’s life has been all about rugby for a long time. He’s been a player, a coach and a referee for the sport. His wife still plays and did so with the alumni team at TnT — although he made her promise that her appearance in the tournament would be her last — and he plans on continuing to stay involved in the program despite his retirement from coaching. Stepping down from the coaching position is bittersweet for Morgan. He will miss being so close to the team but looks forward to not having to commute from Saranac Lake every day for practice, he said.

Retirement will allow Morgan to spend more time with his three grandkids, and he looks forward to the birth of his fourth.

Morgan will be succeeded as coach by Lederman,

son and Marissa DeLuc had their best race of the year, finishing second at 51.22.

DeLuc had a day, finishing third in the 100-meter hurdles at 16.91 and recording personal bests in the shotput at 10.06 meters and javelin throw at 25.10.

The 4x400-meter relay team of Yarkosky, Anya Sloth, Kailyn Ginter and Lillian Moran also finished second and posted a season-high of 4:43.15.

The Cardinals had success in the 5,000-meter run, as Marissa Colvin finished second, at 18:57.11, and Sarah Smith finished third with a personal best of 19:19.25.

Katie Rachwal had career days in the discus throw at 37.32 meters, hammer throw at 16.56 meters and javelin throw at 22.14 meters. Both squads will have a final chance to qualify

for championships and best their own times at the St. Lawrence Intercollegiate Athletics Twilight Meeting tomorrow, Saturday, April 27 before the SUNYAC Championships next weekend.


Sophomore defender Lillian Gilroy set the program record for both single-game and single-season draw controls with 13 and 54 respectively against Oneonta on April 17.

Sophomore attacker Cynthia Barnosky tied the single-season assist record with 16 at Potsdam on April 25. Barnosky’s final season total of 51 points sits just one behind the record of 52, set by Lindsay Guzzetta last season. The team wrapped up its season this past week, losing to Oswego at home 3-18 on April 20 and defeating

Potsdam on the road 12-7, ending the season standing 4-11, 3-6.

Plattsburgh’s home game against Oswego marked its Morgan’s Message dedication game, in which the team pays tribute to the life of Morgan Rodgers, a former Duke women’s lacrosse player who died by suicide in 2019.

The team donned teal, the color associated with Morgan’s Message, in the form of hair ribbons and bracelets. The team also recognized a moment of silence for Rodgers before the game.


The first NCAA Division III regional ranking of 2024 featured the Cardinals among the seven teams honored as top talents.

The Cardinals (20-12, 8-7) are currently fourth in the SUNYAC standings with

just fifth-place Brockport left to play.

Most recently, Plattsburgh went 1-2 against Oswego (17-12, 7-5) in this season’s rivalry series. The Cardinals took game one of the doubleheader 9-4 on April 23, before dropping game two 5-7 and then game three 0-14 on April 24.

During game two, infielder Alex Kornblau homered in the bottom of the eighth inning to cut the deficit to two runs. The dinger made Kornblau the Plattsburgh State career home-run leader with 12, surpassing Patrick Shaughnessy’s mark of 11.

The Cardinals will most likely need to be perfect against Brockport to return to third place.

SPORTS 11 ▪ Friday, April 26, 2024 ▪ Sports Editor Michael Purtell
who Morgan cited as one of Plattsburgh Rugby’s “best players in recent memory.” Lederman said following in Morgan’s footsteps is an honor because of the impact he’s left on the lives of the players. His influence as coach will continue through Lederman. “His stories, his character, it’s just infectious,” Lederman said. “He makes you fall in love with the sport. He makes you fall in love with the program.” COLLIN BOLEBRUCH/Cardinal Points Head Coach Sean Morgan celebrated his last TnT and Plattsburgh rugby game as head coach with a win on April 20. MICHAEL PURTELL Sports Editor
title April 20.
Morgan breaks
huddle after winning
Cardinal Clips is a bitesized look at Plattsburgh State Athletics and its programs. Spencer Trudo recorded a personal best in the hammer throw with a distance of 38.26

Art helps healing and processing feelings

Expression and an outlet are why some people do art. It allows people to express emotions without speaking.

Art can have several benefits, two examples being it can help one’s mental health and relieve stress.

There are several ways different types of art can be used when related to mental health, including dance, music, photography and drawing. Recognizing and figuring out ways to help your mental health is essential and for the most part it is free.

Mars Moore, a sophomore at SUNY Plattsburgh, has used art in several ways, such as making and selling jewelry.

“Art can be considered a type of therapy or outlet when someone needs to vent,” Moore said. “I think it’s an excellent tool for mental health.”

Therapy art is still a new concept, beginning in the 20th century. Painting, drawing and coloring allow patients to feel free, express emotions and voice their opinions in an artistic sense.

“Art can help one’s mental health and heal, but it needs to be guided sessions with a therapist,” Moore said. “Specifically about certain issues the person is having, which I believe would help heal.”

Art can help in several ways. Moore found that help through painting and poetry.

“It helps express feelings I cannot fully express out loud,” Moore said.

Creating art helps us convey how people think and feel about something. Whether it’s lines, shapes or colors, it makes meaning for the artist.

Being in college can become overwhelming, and Moore uses three artistic mediums to release stress: music, writing and photography.

Art therapy is beneficial in several aspects. It can help with depression, anxiety, memory loss and dealing with serious illnesses, according to Sage Neuroscience Center.

“I recommend art therapy 100%, even if that person doesn’t think they are good at art, the art they make only matters to them, so opportunities for healing are always there,” Moore said.

For people who struggle with anxiety or depression, art can

be an excellent way to help heal and allow them to show emotion through their art rather than physically having to talk about it.

Talking through emotions can be extremely difficult, especially for those who already struggle with social anxiety.

Art allows people to go at their own pace and open up when comfortable.

Moore said that art can benefit the community as well.

“I think it brings people together and should be used in more mental health practices,” Moore said.

The benefits of art therapy on physical and mental health allow people to manage their emotions, self-worth and awareness, according to the website of Michigan State University.

There are so many different kinds of art, whether it is an activity, dancing, athletics or any other outlet that allows you to express yourself, and I know it has helped me. While I’m not artistic in the sense of coloring and drawing, doing yoga is an art that allows me to relieve stress.

Art brings happiness to our community and can significantly help one going through a tough time such as Moore who uses art to release stress. We should welcome the benefits and bring it more into healing, bringing happiness to people in need.

Reflecting on climate change and its effects

Earth day was April 22, and that meant social media feeds were inundated with pictures of lakes, forests, animals, plants and everyone enjoying Mother Nature.

With so many people sharing how much they love the Earth and want to save the planet, it was heartwarming at first. But my cynicism got the better of me as I started to wonder whether this was performative and what these people were doing to actually make the world a better place.

It’s disheartening that the onus has fallen on the average person when it’s massive corporations that produce the most pollution and cause the most harm to the planet.

Since 1988, only 25 corporations have been responsible for 50% of global industrial emissions, as reported in an article by the University of Manchester.

Yes, we may contribute to this damage by buying the products they sell and using their services, but oftentimes we are left with no other choice as there are few alternatives.

The climate crisis has gotten out of control, and some people still don’t believe it or think it’s not that bad. Microplastics, deforestation, extinction and rising sea levels are just a few of the effects climate change has had on the planet.

Recently, scientists have also been discussing how ice in the Arctic is starting to melt because of the overall rising temperatures. This could potentially leave us having to face deadly diseases.

Taylor Tassio, a sophomore and environmental science student at SUNY Plattsburgh, keeps up to date on the news regarding the state of the planet through her classes and professors.

“Being in a lot of environmental science classes, like conservation-based, it’s interesting learning about it, but it’s also kind of doom and gloom learning about it,” Tassio said.

On the other hand, sophomore Taylor Waddell, a human development and family relations major tries not to pay attention to the news too much as it makes her sad but finds she can’t really avoid it.

Even if we are contributing to a worsening environment, our actions are nowhere near as impactful as businesses that overuse and waste materials.

Living on a college campus has exposed me to just how careless some can be when it comes to the environment. After the weekend ends, empty cans litter sidewalks and spill out onto the lawns of private residences.

People don’t stop and think about who is going to be cleaning up after them. Once the garbage is out of sight, it’s out of mind. Both Tassio and Waddell try their best to keep up environmentally conscious habits such as recycling and using refillable water bottles. However they find that other students don’t seem to be the same way, attributing it to laziness. There seems to be a general

sense of being adverse to activities such as recycling among college students. They don’t think it would do anything, so why bother?

It doesn’t help how difficult and inconvenient at times recycling has been made.

FRIDAY, APRIL 26, 2024
JAYNE SMITH/Cardinal Points Art student Abraham Nunez drawing in the Nina Winkel Sculpture Court.
EARTH > 13

management can be a

struggle, but in college it is crucial to manage your time while wanting to do outside activities. Balancing school and the college experience can be difficult, whether that’s because of partying, schoolwork or a job.

Pilar Balader, a SUNY Plattsburgh alum, had to learn how to balance school, activities, studying and working. Since starting college in 2019, she has found that sticking to a set routine is what works best for her.

“I find it very helpful to have a schedule that you follow religiously,” Balader said. A planned schedule is essential in order to have enough time to do things you want, such as maintaining friendships.

Being in college, main-

taining good grades and working can be difficult for some. Some students push themselves and take 18 to 21 credits a semester, which is great if that works while they are employed.

“I have always worked during my time in college, and I have been taking exactly 15 credits each semester while working part time,” Balader said. While having a full-time schedule, Balader still had time for the gym and ensured never to miss a good party.

“This is possible for me because of time management, but it might not work for everyone. It’s all about finding that balance,” Balader said.

Working in college is not impossible, but depending on students’ time management skills, it may be difficult for some. While it can be challenging to maintain good grades and work,

Old trends seen at Coachella Balancing school and work

Coachella trends are becoming the talk of the fashion world, whether that’s because of the influencers, artists or makeup.

Streetwear fashion has increasingly become more prevalent during these festivals, precisely the boho chic style, with skirts, cowboy boots, cowboy hats or denim on denim.

Over the years, we have seen an increase in influencers from TikTok, Instagram or YouTube attending, which


Continued from Page 12

Many off-campus houses and apartments don’t provide recycling bins, and students don’t want to go through the trouble of doing it themselves, so they’ll just throw everything into the garbage.

If they do decide to try and recycle, there are few options in the area, and most of them are outside of Plattsburgh. It can get confusing knowing where to bring recyclables and even more confusing knowing who takes what.

learning that balance helps students get ready for the real world. Balader said she recommends that if your schedule allows it, to work while you study.

Doing this helped Balader have a different perspective on life and helped manage her time. It is a learning experience.

Working also allowed Balader to earn extra money while in school and feel more independent. When you have to ask for money from home, one’s independence is not at its full potential.

Being in school full-time, having outside activities and working is not difficult if you know how to manage your time, according to Balader.

“There are 24 hours in a day, and if you can avoid scrolling pointlessly on your phone for hours on end, or if you try to make every minute count when you hang out with your

friends,” Balader said. “Then that is plenty of time to go to school, work, and do the activities you like.” College is designed to set students up for success, and working while in school can help students get closer to their end goals with all the benefits it provides.

“It has given me a sense of responsibility and has helped me hold myself accountable,” Balader said.

Working while in college also provides experience regardless of whether it is beneficial to your major and helps build relationships you otherwise might not have.

“Whether on campus or an internship outside the school, making connections is one of the most valuable assets in life,” Balader said.

changed the atmosphere of this music festival. Influencers spend more money on posts than experiencing the concert for what it was.

Specific influencers, like Bella Hadid, Kendall Jenner or Cardi B, go to these events and spend money on outfits or stylists and post instead of enjoying the concert.

However, this year, a lot has changed. The boho style was much more prevalent in 2016 and has resurfaced this year at Coachella.

The style expectations this year have changed. People are wearing Crocs, sneakers and boots. Shoes have changed, becoming more comfortable instead of dramatic.

Beyonce has become a significant influence with this year’s Coachella with her hit country song and album. Attendees are seen wearing cowboy hats, buckle belts, fringe and vests, which have returned to the 2016 vibe of the event.

Another major trend we have seen is the 90s punk style. This style includes leather, goth-lace, plaid and skater fashion. Skater style consists of oversized shirts, baggy pants, beanies, Vans and bomber jackets.

The new trends we see at Coachella — the western, boho and skater vibes — are fantastic. I have always liked the boho style and hoped it would return in style, with its fringes, big belts, cowboy boots and hats. While Beyonce could have heavily influenced this style, I hope the style will continue to trend.

When social media influencers started attending, Coachella became more of a fashion show than a concert. It was more of a competition, and it made everyone want to be there, to see for themselves what the event entailed, but it was still highly unrealistic, the price tags on the clothing for everyday people.

Heavily respected influencers and musicians, such as the ones listed above, will continue to lead the trends of these well-known concerts. This season, the two top trends we saw were the western boho chic style and the 90s vibe while still maintaining comfort at the three day long concert.

Hope is not lost however, as it’s not pointless to try and do your part. Conserving water, shopping sustainably, reducing waste and eating clean are just a few simple ways we can do our part to try and slow down the drastic effects that are occurring.

“I think we should do everything we can. It’s never going to go back to the way that it was before, but we can still do something to prevent it from getting bad,” Waddell said.

The campus has also found ways to try and be

Whenever I recycle, I bring my cans and such to Walmart, as it is the closest location to me. However, the machines don’t take a majority of the items, resulting in the rest having to be thrown away.

more green — a few examples being the campus garden, putting more recycling bins in public buildings and CEES seminars.

These seminars are put on by the Center for Earth and Environmental Science, and touch on a variety of topics like conservation, ecosystems and how climate change affects the local area.

“Our campus already does a lot, but for me, I’m not in the environmental science area. I don’t hear about a lot of things. So I would definitely say the school could probably promote things better,” Waddell said.

One of my favorite ways of being environmentally friendly is walking places.

If I don’t have to drive, I won’t. Plattsburgh is small, the weather is getting nicer and it feels good to get some fresh air. I’ll take any opportunity I get to walk to my destination. The world has been damaged enough, but it’s important to stay optimistic. Put more consideration into your actions. What may seem unimportant may have a more profound effect if done more often.

If we all share the same mindset that this can be reversed or helped, we can actually make a difference.

Awards Cardinal Points has received the following awards from the Associated Collegiate Press (ACP): ACP Hall of Fame Inducted in Fall 2010 All American Spring 2018, four Marks of Distinction Spring 2016, five Marks of Distinction Spring 2014, four Marks of Distinction Spring 2012, four Marks of Distinction Spring 2011, four Marks of Distinction Fall 2010, five Marks of Distinction Fall 2009, four Marks of Distinction Spring 2009, four Marks of Distinction Fall 2008, four Marks of Distinction Spring 2005, four Marks of Distinction Spring 2004, four Marks of Distinction Fall 2003, four Marks of Distinction Fall 2002, four Marks of Distinction Fall 2001, four Marks of Distinction Fall 2000, four Marks of Distinction First Class Spring 2013, three Marks of Distinction Fall 2012, three Marks of Distinction Fall 2011, three Marks of Distinction Spring 2010, two Marks of Distinction Spring 2008, three Marks of Distinction Spring 2007, one Mark of Distinction Fall 2007, three Marks of Distinction Pacemaker Recognition Fall 2010, Honorable Mention 2006-2007, Newspaper Finalist Editorial Board Editor in Chief Collin Bolebruch News Editor Aleksandra Sidorova Sports Editor Michael Purtell Graphics Editor Cameron Greaves Multimedia Editor Jacob Crawford Managing Editor Aleksandra Sidorova Arts & Culture Editor Cinara Marquis Opinion Editor Nadia Paschal Photography Editor Jayne Smith Web Editor Yuki Ouchi Contact CP 118 Ward Hall SUNY Plattsburgh Plattsburgh, NY Public Relations Chair Jacob Crawford Faculty Adviser Jack Downs OPINION Friday, April 26, 2024 ▪ 13 ▪ Opinion Editor Nadia Paschal BY VICTORIA CAMPBELL Staff Writer Email VICTORIA CAMPBELL Via Adobe Stock
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