Cardinal Points Spring 2024 Issue 1

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Should we hold celebs accountable?

Clinton, Sundowner roll out updated food labels

The food labels at some campus dining locations have gotten a new look, including one completely new label.

The change is part of “fresh rollout” by Compass Group, the parent company of Chartwells, which pro-

vides food service to SUNY Plattsburgh, Resident Dietician Sarah Yandow said. Plattsburgh is one of the 300 universities in the U.S. to have its food labels updated starting Dec. 22, 2023.

These icons appear on TV screens above stations at Clinton Dining Hall displayed next to the name of a menu item. Yand-

ow noted it is similar to labels in restaurant menus.

The labels used to be based on color-coding, but now they are based on lettering.

“It’s sort of confusing,” Yandow said.


Title IX hiring students for physical office

College campuses can be a very frightening change of scenery for first-years, and when entering adulthood, it can be difficult being responsible and always aware of everything around. Kimberly Irland is the new coordinating officer for SUNY Plattsburgh’s Title IX office, and she is here to stay.

It’s been about two years without a permanent or in-person officer to consult students about their experiences. When searches for Title IX coordinators failed, the college hired professionals from the firm Grand River Solutions, which provides colleges with Title IX services remotely.

College campuses can be a hotspot for sexual assault, gender or sex discrimination with behavior such as stalking, abusive relationships, sexual assault and hate crimes. Title IX specializes in preventing discrimination.

College campuses desperately need to have a Title IX office. Each year, SUNY Plattsburgh administers a Campus Climate Survey. In 2021, 81% of of 1,033 student respondents indicated familiarity with affirmative consent, 87% of students said someone who is incapacitated cannot provide consent, 707 students reported knowing where to report incidents of sexual assault, 678 reported knowing where to report sexual harassment and 75% of students reported knowing how to contact the Title

IX coordinator. Another Campus Climate Survey is currently underway.

Irland explained that her goal as a Title IX ambassador is to be accessible and visible to students and employees. Irland’s focus is on prevention and education, like her most recent campaign, #LOVEBETTER.

#LOVEBETTER was a tabling event at the Angell College Center that educated students on what unhealthy habits are in relationships and how to change them to a healthier characteristic.

With Title IX, not everything is covered or talked about with the same severity. Continued and unchecked behavior leads to severe and permanent actions, which is why it’s important to address the common things in our society that are unhealthy or abnormal.

Irland wants students to know that when speaking to Title IX about their experiences, they will continue to be the decision maker through the entire process. Students have the choice on which report to file, either formal or informal. They will have supportive resources, such as the Academic Advising Office and the Student Health and Counseling Center, no matter their choice.

The support services can be tailored to students as individuals, whether it’s switching a class because of a reported claim or scheduling therapy throughout and after the reporting process.

Nursing chair, students react to CVPH arrest

Champlain Valley Physicians Hospital, the site where many nursing students gain clinical experience, could have also become the site of a shooting. Plattsburgh City Police arrested an armed suspect said to have been a “disgruntled” former CVPH employee Tuesday, Feb. 13.

Caitlin Nash, a junior nursing student, has done her clinical rotations at CVPH before. At this point in the semester, her rotation is a 12-hour day on CVPH’s medical surgical floor. When she heard about the arrest, she realized how little she actually knew about safety procedures.

“The best way I could explain it is I wasn’t expecting

it to happen,” Nash said. “It definitely opened up my eyes and it made me realize how fortunate we are to have such a good response.”

Junior Olivia Doud, like Nash, is on rotation at CVPH this semester, but she said the arrest isn’t “in the forefront” of her mind. She said she did find herself thinking, “What would we have done if something actually did happen?”

Interim Chair of Nursing Maureen Squires said the incident reminded her of the false shooter threat reported to Plattsburgh High School in April 2023. Squires was in Sibley Hall, right across the street from the high school, when law enforcement responded to the threat.

“I feel very, in a way, not shocked that something like

this happened, because I lived through what happened at PHS last year maybe,” Squires said.

“I think that something is bound to happen, in a public sense.”

Squires said she was “really pleased” with the early alert sent by University Police Chief Patrick Rascoe and law enforcement’s quick action at CVPH.

On the other hand, when police cars surrounded Plattsburgh High School last year, many in Sibley had assumed the worst because they received no notice of an emergency.

Safety in general and especially safety protocols at CVPH became a topic intensely discussed in class.

“This is something that unfortunately is becoming such a normalcy in today’s world that we now have to be aware of,” Nash said.

The day after the arrest, Nash said the original lesson plan for her class was scrapped, and instead they went over situational awareness, general safety protocols and protocols spe-

cific to CVPH and Adirondack Medical Center.

Doud said safety in active shooter scenarios had not been discussed in depth until the arrest.

A&C Late Night for the Planet talks winter fun SPORTS Devastating loss
for men’s basketball
> 3
ALEKSANDRA SIDOROVA/Cardinal Points Champlain Valley Physicians Hospital is where most of SUNY Plattsburgh’s nursing students do their clinicals. ALEKSANDRA SIDOROVA/Cardinal Points Student Anna Myers pours beef chili at the Sundowner. The chili is labeled with a callout card that reads “Good source of protein.” As an athlete, Myers is intentional about her consumption of protein.
IX > 2

Feb. 4

University Police received a false report of an incident in Macdonough Hall. The caller was arrested.

Feb. 14

UP reported criminal possession of a weapon on campus.

Feb. 19

UP reported criminal possession of a forged instrument in Parking Lot 28, a lot for faculty and staff close to Feinberg Library. The incident was closed by investigation.

Feb. 21

Unwanted prank: UP received a report of criminal mischief in Clinton Dining Hall’s restrooms at 7 a.m. Investigation is still pending.

Weekly Meme

SIDOROVA/Cardinal Points

CP Corrections

NEWS: 1) In the article “SA Senate questions appointment practice,” Mary Stockman was misquoted. Stockman said she served as Board of Elections chair in spring 2023, and was away on an internship in Washington, D.C. in the fall.

If you see an error in Cardinal Points, email

Student Association

Coordinator presents free public transit for students

The Student Association Senate discussed a contract in the works that would allow students to use Clinton County Public Transit for free. The Senate also had to make a decision on a $1,050 request without a club representative present.

The three-year contract would replace the SA shuttle with a bus that seats 16 people as well as space for standing passengers and runs “pretty much 24/7,” SA Coordinator for Student Affairs and Diversity Ariel Wells explained. The bus has handicap access, making it compliant with the Americans with Disabilities Act.

The contract also adjusts the shuttle route to include a stop at the Clinton County Government Center downtown.

At this stop, students can access other public transportation routes within Plattsburgh as well as toward Champlain and Rouses Point, Keeseville and AuSable, Ellenburg, Lyon Mountain, Clayburg and Mooers for free if they show their ID.

Currently, students pay $1 for a regular single-ride fare and $2 for a day pass.

In SA Vice President Kalema Gooding’s report, she said she went on a bus tour and it reminded her of “being in New York [City].”

Continued from Page 1

Additionally, SUNY Plattsburgh’s chapter of the Public Relations Student Society of America requested from $1,000 to $1,250 for 10 students to go on a conference trip to Boston. However, no club representative attended the meeting to present the case and answer questions. It is not required for a club representative to be present at a Senate meeting, but nonetheless highly uncommon for them to choose not to attend.

Senators considered moving the approval of funds to next week’s meeting, but chose to make a decision that night in order for the club to receive them in time for their trip.

Senator Khushi Patil said $1,050 was “a lot” of money and suggested reducing the sum, prompting a discussion of how much the students should pay out of pocket.

“With the information that was provided, we cannot approve the amount that they’re asking for,” Patil said. “Even if it becomes expensive, people have paid more in the past.”

Senator Dhir Jain proposed to cut PRSSA’s lodging budget, which was originally $700, decreasing the total amount approved to $800. The Senate unanimously approved the new amount.

Senator Arshita Pandey in her report also referenced changes in how the Student Health and Counseling Center will provide services to students next semester.

“A lot of people think that they always have to formally report in order to be OK or resolve the problem, but there’s many ways to resolve or investigate the wrongful behavior,” Irland said. “Everyone has a choice as to what helps them feel comfortable.”

Irland previously worked as a diversity officer at North Country Community College. She responded to all conduct violations, not just related to Title IX. She believes her past work experience helps her position at SUNY Plattsburgh greatly.

A work-study position at Title IX

ALEKSANDRA SIDOROVA/Cardinal Points Senator Ayush Neupane reviews a pamphlet detailing Clinton County Public Transit’s routes. The Student Association is working on a contract that would give allow students to ride the county’s buses for free.

Marco Ayala, the Student Health and Counseling Center’s finance and operations administrator, explained in an email that the center is limiting students’ use of counseling services to four or five times per semester — a model that had been in place before COVID-19. Students will also not be able to book counseling appointments after they reach two no-shows per semester, and are limited to crisis counseling.

The decision is based on increased demand for counseling services,

is open for students. The question of whether Title IX is an appropriate place for a student to work is important and valid to Irland. She said any student working for Title IX went through a tightknit hiring process and background check. The goal is for students to be able to speak closely and forward campaigns to their peers.

“We want them to come up with memorable hashtags and ways to guarantee student visibility,” Irland said.

Irland noted that students will never see any private or confidential information. She said she eventually wants to expand her team to beyond students. If anyone affiliated with Title IX is accused of wrongful behavior, they will be investigated

allowing more students to use the center’s counseling services.

“As a senator, I personally disagree with some of the things that they are talking about,” Pandey said. “If it works out, I might have a conversation with the senator for campus safety and health as well as the health department and we’ll see where it goes.”

just like everyone else.

“Anyone can be a harasser or recipient,” Ireland said. “It’s not limited to one gender identity or title.”

Irland said the Title IX Office needs visibility and is open to working with different student organizations, even ones with a bad reputation.

“Any student organization who has a reputation of bad behavior, if they are willing to change things around and show their growth, it has to be consistent to be taken seriously,” Irland said.

With a physical Title IX office and a permanent coordinator, there are more opportunities for change in the campus community.

NEWS 2 ▪ Friday, Feb. 23, 2024 ▪ News Editor Aleksandra Sidorova
GOT A NEWS TIP? Contact the news editor at
SIDOROVA/Cardinal Points
Title IX Coordinator Kim Irland sits at her desk. Irland’s office is located right outside of the Flynt Commons, the seating area on the second floor of the Angell College Center.


Continued from Page 1

The new label is “PR,” meaning the food contains at least 7 grams of protein per serving.

“That doesn’t mean that something that doesn’t have the protein icon can’t be a good source of protein,” Yandow said. “Say a serving size has 6 (grams), but people are eating double a serving of whatever it may be, they’re still getting 12 grams of protein, so it’s a little bit of a caveat in that sense. … You can still be getting protein from foods that don’t have the icon.”

Yandow said she thinks the change comes from more college students seeking out sources of protein.

The label would be beneficial to students with any kind of diet, Yandow said, as she always recommends students to put protein on their plates. She said the label might be especially important for athletes or students following a vegetarian or vegan diet who don’t get protein from meat and eggs.

“CF” stands for climate-friendly, for recipes with agricultural and ingredient processing impacts lower than 70% as assessed by the sustainable food rating company HowGood. HowGood uses crop- and loca-


Continued from Page 1

Instead, class conversations focused on patient safety. The arrest near CVPH showed the Nursing Department that the themes discussed as part of the current curriculum may need to change.

“Right now is the prime time for us to look at our own curriculum in nursing, because we’re revising our curriculum,” Squires said. “It’s good for us to look at where we’re addressing all these safety concerns.”

Squires and Dean of the School of Education, Health and Human Services Denise Simard responded to news of the arrest with an email statement to students and faculty detailing resources to support them. For students, resources included the Health and Counseling Center and the Student Assistance Program and a resource for faculty was the Employee Assistance Program.

Squires continued to provide daily updates.

“We can take student concerns, but if they don’t know we’re acting on them, they still might feel like, ‘Hey, what’s going on?’” Squires said.

Nash noted the support that she gets from her cohort as a driving force behind her continued passion for nursing.

“I know in the past I’ve questioned, is this what I want to do?” Nash said. “But getting to see people and getting to help people every day — that is something that keeps me going. It’s also knowing that everyone else is going through the same thing, so we’re all going through this together.”

Aside from the support of her cohort and friends, Nash finds sport a way to stop thinking about nursing for a few hours. She is on Plattsburgh State’s women’s lacrosse team.

“I’m very lucky I have an outlet that I get to go to every day. I get to play lacrosse — it’s one of the

Provided by Sarah Yandow

A screenshot demonstrating how a menu uses Chartwells’ updated food icons. Every dish is marked by all icons that apply to it.

tion-specific data to calculate the impact of processing ingredients. This label also sometimes appears as a globe.

“AG” stands for avoiding gluten, which means food is made without gluten-containing ingredients.

“We can’t say that we’re providing gluten-free food because that term means we’ve done rigorous testing,” Yandow said. “We can’t guarantee there’s no cross-contamination, just because we do work with gluten-free products. However, the products we do label ‘avoiding gluten’ we’ve done our absolute very best to prevent any cross-contamination, cross-contact.”

The “AG” label and other gluten warnings have allowed first-year student Anna Myers to bring treats to first-year Selma Deisz, her roommate who can’t have gluten. Myers and Deisz are also both athletes — Myers plays lacrosse and Deisz basketball — so a protein label is helpful as well.

“It’s easy for me to know what I can eat,” Deisz said.

The “V” label stands for vegetarian, containing no meat, poultry, fish or seafood, and “VG” stands for vegan, containing no animal products.

Both Clinton and the Sundowner use “callouts” — color-coded cards that describe the

food in more detail. Besides the same messages that the letter icons convey, they read “Made from scratch” and “Good source of protein.”

The most recent addition to Clinton was a plant milk station from Uproot, a company based in Brooklyn, New York providing plant milk dispensers. The options are oat milk, soy milk and chocolate pea milk.

Among other changes, Chartwells and College Auxiliary services collaborated with Casella Waste Management services to bring pre- and post-waste composting to all dining locations on campus.

Provided by Sarah Yandow When there isn’t a screen, dishes have callout cards.

Chartwells adjusts its food offerings every semester to add variety and new limited-time offers while preserving student favorites and staples. Information about daily food offerings at every dining venue can be found on


things I love to do,” Nash said. “Finding that balance is also really important, especially in nursing school because nursing school is very difficult. It’s a lot of work. You’re

always studying, you’re always putting in the hours, and having something you can do where you can just turn your mind off … is a really good way to decompress.”


The FBI’s 20-year review of active shooter incidents from 2000 to 2019 show that 15 out of 333 incidents took place in healthcare facilities, making up 4.5% of incidents.
hits close to home, even though that’s such a trite phrase — literally, when we look at where this person was stopped and how close this was to actually being a catastrophe,” Squires said. “It’s scary to think about how real this is.” NEWS 3 ▪ Friday, Feb. 23, 2024 ▪ News Editor Aleksandra Sidorova
SIDOROVA/Cardinal Points
Almost 50,000 people died from gun-related injuries in the United States in 2021, according to the Centers for Disease Control. An FBI review of all active shooter incidents from 2000 to 2019 showed that 4.5% of active shooter incidents happened in healthcare facilities.

Behind the curtain:

“We provide events for all students across campus.”

hearts out.


Amid the hustle and bustle of academia, a group of students find camaraderie in their creativity. Lighting up the stage is the College Theatre Association, a Student Association club that aims to provide the community with an open form of student theater productions.

The CTA hosts multiple general, theater, or music-related events each month. It hosts an annual variety show that highlights the talents of their club members, too.

“Anyone can join,” CTA President Ben Cepulo said.

Additionally, the CTA offers resume-building workshops in production, artistry and academics. Most recently, it held a Jeopardy-style game night in the Cardinal Lounge Feb. 20. The game covered various theatrical topics, from Shakespeare to superstitions. Students worked together in small teams and answered tricky questions.

Earlier in the month, on Feb. 7, the CTA held a Welcome Back karaoke night that allowed students to meet the CTA board, learn about upcoming events, mingle and sing their

“This semester we are doing a production: ‘The Mad Ones,’” Cepulo said.

The musical follows 18-year-old Samantha Brown and her decisions about following her mother’s wishes or charting her own unimaginable path. After the death of her best friend, Kelly, who was everything that Samantha wasn’t, she loses track of her own sense of bravery.

The four-person musical will be held April 19 and 20 in the evening at Krinovitz Hall.

To CTA treasurer Tori Donovan, the club is about “bringing the joy of theater to everyone on cam-

Late Night for the Planet tackles winter recreation

Every month, SUNY Plattsburgh students host a game show that aims to raise awareness of environmental issues.

Late Night for the Planet is a fully student-run show that educates Plattsburgh students and the community about the local environment on Feb. 13 from 8 to 9 p.m at Olive Ridley’s, a bar and restaurant in downtown Plattsburgh. The show was about winter recreation in the face of climate change. Student Taylor Towne was the host and guests included skiers and backcountry enthusiasts Ron Konowitz, Caitlin Kelly and Nate Trachte. They spoke about the future of winter recreation and climate change’s effects on the Adirondacks.

After their speeches, the hosts played environmental games based on fun facts and surprising statistics with the audience.

“These events allow us to bring local guests up to educate others on our region, including environmental initiatives and concerns,” Towne wrote over email. “Through engaging conversations and games, Late Night for the Planet guests have the ability to feel connected to the environmental concerns and projects in their region.”

Late Night started in 2019 when a group of SUNY Plattsburgh students were connecting over the best way to educate locals about the environment. The group came up with the idea of a new game show based on education about the natural world.

pus.” “It’s a way to get yourself out there and get out of your shell,” Donovan explained. “It’s helped me grow into myself.”

Donovan cited this introspection as the reason she loves being a part of the theater community on campus.

“It’s a very non-judgmental hobby where you can really just be yourself,” Donovan said.

CTA Production Manager Riley McQuade reflected on why she enjoys theater, too.

“You’re taking something that is just paper and ink and you’re turning it into this live production with actors, and crew, and lights, sound, and set,” McQuade said. McQuade especially loves the different interpretations that people can come up with about characters and plots.

“It’s a really beautiful thing to watch. You get to tell other people’s stories, which is such an honor,” McQuade said.

Upcoming CTA events include a show proposal and directing workshop March 1 from 7 to 8:30 p.m. in Myers 112 and an

“Into the Woods” viewing and analysis night on March 12 from 7 to 9 p.m. in Cardinal Lounge.

Learn more about the College Theatre Association by contacting the club at

Find the group and a list of future events on Cardinal Link at https://campusgroups. feeds?type=club&type_ id=35490&tab=home.

Follow CTA on Instagram at @plattsburghcta.

Food and Fun

The room was filled with the flavorful aroma of Cajun food and vibrant rhythms. Behind the celebration was a meaningful message about the ties between cultures and traditions.

Together with Chartwells, the Office for Diversity, Equity and Inclusion celebrated Mardi Gras as part of SUNY Plattsburgh’s Black History Month programming. The party was held on Feb. 13 in the evening at the Clinton Dining Hall.

Mardi Gras is a holiday full of food and festivities, welcoming the coming spring. Observed around the world, it is an important time for many groups of people to celebrate life and all of the amazing things it has to offer.

“This is an important time to celebrate the fusion of music, food, and traditions,” Allison Heard, vice president of DEI, wrote in an email.

The cuisine is especially celebrated – it is customary to consume rich, fatty meals during Mardi Gras in advance of the lighter foods of the warmer months. The origins of the celebration comes from the French term Mardi Gras, which translates to ‘Fat Tuesday.’

Heard wrote: “For many cultural

groups, food provides an important glimpse into their history and people. Food is one of the things that many students often say they miss when they go to college. Food can make people remember special times in their lives that often involve friends and loved ones. This event is important in acknowledging diverse palates around the world and gives us an opportunity to learn more about the legacy of food and our connections to one another.”

DEI and some student organizations set up tables with displays and details about the various clubs and resources on campus. DJ Skippy provided live music.

A wide range of delectable dishes were served, including breaded creole shrimp, chicken gumbo, mango slaw, jazzy jambalaya, okra with vegetables and many more.

Students David Cortina and Christian Reynolds chimed in about the party.

“We didn’t know what was going on, but we did like it,” Reynolds said.

Cortina said, “It was great. We liked the food a lot.”

by Reg
The Brothers
cast, December 2023.
Grimm Spectaculathon
FRIDAY, FEB. 23, 2024

Local businesses start silent book club

Three local small businesses are teaming up for a free, lowstakes monthly book club — and the first meeting already has a waitlist.

The Bookstore Plus in Lake Placid, The Book Nook in Saranac Lake and Origin Coffee Co. are the co-hosts of the newly-minted Sara-Placid chapter of the Silent Book Club, an international organization of bring-your-own-book clubs that boasts more than 500 chapters.

“A silent book club, I thought that was a really cool idea, honestly,” said Jessie Fischer, owner of The Book Nook. “It’s something a little different and it’s not stressful. Book clubs are a little bit stressful just because you have to read the book and ask questions, but this one’s laid back and you bring your own stuff and get to talk to people.”

Silent book clubs come in all forms, from dead silent to whisper-friendly. What’s con-


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sistent between chapters is that members each pick their own books — no discussion or homework necessary — and show up at the meetings ready to read.

“I love the idea of the bookstores being part of the community and just doing something that tries to keep things, just that spirit of loving books, going,” said Elisa McIntosh, bookseller and events coordinator at The Bookstore Plus.

McIntosh spearheaded the book club after daydreaming with a friend about a semi-social social event. She searched for silent book clubs and discovered the organization, then reached out to Origin and The Book Nook to establish the new chapter.

The book club plans to meet alternately in Saranac Lake and Lake Placid. The February meeting will be at the Lake Placid Origin location, the March meeting at Origin in Saranac Lake, and so on. The coffee shop will be especially open for the book club, ensuring the perfect read-

Heard wrote about the importance of having these gatherings on campus:

“It is important to host these events as a way to celebrate traditions that we may not always be familiar with. Although so much learning takes place in the classroom, we cannot expect to learn everything about life in these courses. It is important to remember that we are all multifaceted beings. We are not one thing or the other.”

Learning about, experiencing, and celebrating the traditions of other cultures is a beautiful way to honor those who came before us and be inclusive of those who are here with us now.

Sharing the rich tapestry of cultures through food and celebration was a delightful experience for all who came and left with a full belly.

Heard explained, “We want to make sure our students and employees understand the diverse global world in which we live so we can contribute with our unique and individual talents.”

To learn more about the Office of Diversity, Equity & Inclusion and other Black History Month events happening on campus, visit https://www.plattsburgh. edu/plattslife/diversity/index.html.

ing environment.

Origin owner Carolyn Bordonaro said books and coffee shops are a perfect match.

“We have a lot of customers that go to both of our shops, and it’s like the perfect tie, books and coffee,” she said. “It makes my heart so happy when people can just come in and feel comfortable in our space and hang out.”

The meeting, which is slated to last from 6 to 8 p.m. on the third Wednesday of every month, will start with half an hour of socializing and drinks before transitioning into an hour of silent reading.

Bordonaro said that the regular Origin drink menu will be available, as well as a special menu of decaf and low-caffeine options to accommodate the later hour of the club meeting.

A week after announcing the club, the February meeting hit its registration cap, which was determined by Origin’s occupancy limit. McIntosh had to create a waitlist for those who didn’t make it in under the cap

and is considering moving to larger, outdoor venues for the summer months.

“We’re playing with the idea of, during the summer months, still alternating but maybe doing it in the parks and then (Origin) can bring the coffee cart,” she said.

Fischer said the demand for book clubs in the Tri-Lakes is strong. Both bookstores already have their own traditional book clubs. The Book Nook also has a “tasty” book club in partnership with Early Dawn Confections.

“Everyone loves reading up here and that’s so great to hear,” she said. “I think this town is growing into the arts and growing into reading and wanting books and stuff like that. For a small town community, that’s really amazing. Honestly, seeing the little kids get excited for books is the most amazing part of the job, too.”

The silent book club is mostly geared toward adults, but Fischer said some teens have signed up.

“It’s just giving a place for people to come and have the time and make the time to read the book they want to read,” Fisher said. “I do have customers that, you know, life gets in the way. You have kids, you’ve got work, all this stuff going on, they do volunteer stuff, and just finding the time to actually sit down and read is a struggle, so a silent book club is honestly a really great idea.”

Bordonaro, who said she also often feels too busy to read, credits both bookstores with maintaining a reading culture in the Tri-Lakes.

“I just adore the fact that we have two independent bookstore still going strong in our communities and really encouraging people to read as their hobby,” she said.

The February meeting of the Sara-Placid Silent Book Club is already full, but registration and waitlists are open through May at



Continued from Page 4

Late Night for the Planet is a great tool for starting conversations about environmental awareness and action.

“We believe that educating others is the best way to spread awareness.” Towne explained.

The group especially tackles topics about the relationship between the environment and society– issues that aren’t often addressed.

“With this, it’s clear that environmental action begins with environmental education.” Towne said.

The group wants to inspire other communities to do similar events to educate people in an engaging way and “spark more initiative and care towards our land,” Towne said.

The next show will be on April 10 at 8 p.m. at Olive Ridley’s. All are welcome.

Learn more about Late Night for the Planet by contacting Taylor Towne at ttown003@plattsburgh. edu.


ARTS & CULTURE 5 ▪ Friday, Feb. 23, 2024 ▪ Arts & Culture Editor Cinara Marquis
Provided by Allison Heard Students engage with the Office for Diversity, Equity and Inclusion at its table in the Angell College Center. SYDNEY EMERSON/Press-Republican Jessie Fischer, owner of Saranac Lake’s The Book Nook, stocks her shop’s shelves. The Book Nook is co-hosting the Sara-Placid Silent Book Club with The Bookstore Plus and Origin Coffee Co.

CARDINAL CALENDAR: Feb. 23 - March 1


Bollywood Movie Night: Taare Zameen Par

A child with dyslexia is having trouble in school but an art teacher discovers his talents.

6 p.m. in Yokum 206

Samosas and chai will be provided Hosted by the Desi Club

Wednesday, Feb. 28

A Life After the Underground Railroad: The Untold Story of Rev. Robert Brown

Historian Don Papson will be presenting on this topic from noon to 1 p.m. in the Cardinal Lounge.

Appetizers will be provided

Hosted by the Office of Diversity, Equity and Inclusion and the Plattsburgh College Foundation

Aries (March 21 – April 19)

The Tower card symbolizes revelation. Chaos will bring about dramatic change this week, remove all obstacles and be liberated.

Counseling Center Workshop: Mindfulness and Body

More wellness Week events at https:// QxFQ_GOOk

2 to 3 p.m. in the Memorial Hall Studio Wellness Week

Thursday, Feb. 29

Speaker: Lorin PhillipsFierce Confrontation: Compassionate, Strategic Leadership for difficult situations

More wellness week events at https:// QxFQ_GOOk

6 p.m. in the Warren Ballrooms Wellness Week

Tuesday, Feb. 27

Trash your Insecurities

Write an insecurity on a note card and throw it in the trash.

11 to 1 p.m. at the Angell College Center

Hosted by Delta Phi Epsilon

Friday, March 1

Rail Jam

Rail competition, all are welcome. Free entry and raffle with prizes from Maui North, featuring the band Lagrøgg.

5 to 10 p.m. at Memorial Hill

Hosted by Plattsburgh Ski/Snowboard Club and Outdoors Club

Gemini (May 21 – June 20)

The Temperance card depicts moderation. Have patience with whatever you are facing now and balance will come.

Libra (Sept. 23 – Oct. 22)

The Three of Swords card signifies conflict. Grief may hit you hard this week, remember that it is important to let out your emotional pain in healthy ways.

Capricorn (Dec. 22 – Jan. 19)

The Five of Pentacles card refers to worry. Do not repeat the mistakes you’ve made in your past related to the self, relationships and money, encourage honesty and good spending habits.

Taurus (April 20 – May 20)

The Queen of Wands card indicates independence. Remain enthusiastic and determined, encourage others to do the same.

Leo (July 23 – August 22)

The Seven of Wands card refers to a challenge. Push through this week with enthusiasm, your skills will be put to the test but you know you’ve got it.

Scorpio (Oct. 23 – Nov. 21)

The Six of Cups card is about familiarity. Let yourself play this week and return to childhood through your imagination.

Gemini (May 21 – June 20)

The Temperance card depicts moderation. Have patience with whatever you are facing now and balance will come.

Aquarius (Jan. 20 – Feb. 18)

The Two of Pentacles card entails flexibility. This week you may find yourself balancing various priorities, reorganize, schedule and weigh the importance of tasks.

Virgo (August 23 –Sept. 22)

The Reversed Ten of Cups card entails dissatisfaction. There is a misalignment of your personal values which is affecting your relationships, take some time alone to find your inner strength.

Sagittarius (Nov. 22 – Dec. 21)

The reversed High Priestess represents withdrawal. You are harboring secrets of repressed emotions, let yourself find joy within the world. Change and growth are beautiful things.

Pisces (Feb. 19 – March 20)

The reversed Devil card depicts release. Step back from the things that are overwhelming you, specifically your unhealthy attachments— find a new balance within

ARTS & CULTURE 6 Friday, Feb. 23, 2024 Arts & Culture Editor Cinara Marquis
Feb. 23
Monday, Feb. 26

This Week in Photos: Memorial Hall Ribbon Cutting

Photos by Collin Bolebruch & Aleksandra Sidorova

PHOTO SPREAD ▪ Friday, Feb. 23, 2024 ▪ Photography Editor Jayne Smith 7
President Alexander Enyedi hoists his comically large scissors. Cardinal volleyball player Sanaia Estime addresses the crowd during the ceremony. Enyedi cuts the ceremonial ribbon to celebrate the opening of the renovated Memorial Hall. In his speech, Enyedi referred to Memorial as a “$30 million dream.” Student and fitness center staff member AJ Barber gives a speech. Director of Athletics Mike Howard addresses the crowd during the ceremony.


Cardinals see both sides of playoff overtime

MHKY: See page 9

MBB: See page 8


An inside look at Plattsburgh State’s postseason play




FRIDAY, FEB. 23, 2024

Miracle ends Cardinals’ season

For some teams, the season comes down to the luck of a bounce.

For the Plattsburgh Cardinals men’s basketball team, it came down to six.

The first playoff game under Head Coach Mike Blaine ended in heartbreak for the Cardinals when Cortland Red Dragon Kendall Arcuri heaved a contested three at the buzzer, giving Cortland the win 78-77.

The shot hung on the rim and bounced six times before falling through the net.

“I thought we had it. I thought it was in the books,” senior Willard Anderson Jr. said.

Cortland fans stormed the court. The cheers were so loud the microphones of the broadcast were unable to process the noise.

The Cardinals were stunned behind the mob. Some players couldn’t do so much as stand from their seats. Junior Kevin Tabb dropped to his knees as Cardinals in black were lost in a sea of white.

“When it went the wrong way I didn’t know what to say,” Tabb said.

After maintaining intensity and professionalism throughout the match, the moment was enough to bring emo -

tions to a fever pitch.

While the Red Dragons cheered, Anderson disappeared into the hall. Graduate student Dylan Trombley kicked a door in frustration.

“Compose yourself,” head coach Mike Blaine told Trombley.

“Compose yourself for what? My career is over,” Trombley responded.

When the team tried to meet post-game, those who left first couldn’t be found.

“Emotions were up and down throughout the whole game. There were times when I was crying on the bench,” Anderson said. “I was crying because I wanted to win.”

To help maintain his composure through the

emotional battle, Anderson kept the names of loved ones who are “no longer here” written on a band of athletic tape around his wrists. Throughout the evening, he kissed his wrist and pointed to the sky in prayer. The energy of the playoff atmosphere led to a night of non-stop physicality on defense and tough shot making on offense.

“Nobody wants to go home,” Anderson said.

The Cardinals opened strong, going up 8-3. Cortland answered with four buckets, three of which came from the three-point line to take the lead.

The tone was set for the next 45 minutes of bas-

ketball. Neither team put together a run without the opponent answering, with the largest lead on both sides being six. In the first half, the Red Dragons did its fire-breathing namesake proud with hot shooting from the perimeter. The team shot 7-17 from three in the first 20 minutes, taking more than half of its attempts from deep. The Cardinals’ defense allowed a large number of three pointers as they battled down low with Cortland big man Aaron Coston, who their defense limited to just one two point attempt in the half, which he missed.

PSU unveils new Memorial Hall

The renovated Memorial Hall is complete just in time for students to enjoy it for the spring semester.

Director of Athletics Michael Howard said that he’s most proud that Memorial “has a little bit of something for everyone.”

Memorial Hall now features two gyms. The first gym, located on the ground floor, is the primary gym used by the volleyball team and the basketball teams for practices and competition.

The gym on the second floor is called the recreational gym and is located on the second floor. Prior to construction, the space was a pool, but it was turned into a gym in order to better accommodate student needs.

The rec gym is a space for club and student use. Often, it is the home for club sports like volleyball, hockey, indoor soccer and dance. The rec gym also features an overlook on the ground floor with all-brand new couches and chairs.

The renovations also added a rock-climbing wall that spans two floors high.

“Downstairs on the first floor we have the main fitness center – it’s almost three times the size of our former fitness center with brand new equipment. Over $1,000,000 of all brand-new equipment.”

Michael Howard said.

On the other side of the fitness center is the sports performance center, a space for members of Plattsburgh’s athletic teams. The SPC is used by student athletes for strength training.

“Prior to this project getting complete, we were the only school in the conference that we competed in that didn’t have a space for their student athletes to be able to go in and do their strength training with their coaches,” Howard said.

Other amenities for students include a free locker room for everyday use and an athletic training room where the athletes can go to get treated whenever they get injured. Inside the training room there are whirlpools, saunas and offices for the training staff.

On the second floor there’s an extra room for group activities like kickboxing, spin class, dancing, yoga and other kinds of group exercise. The spacious room addressed the needs of organizations like the dance teams.

“What we heard over the last few years is that there’s just not enough space on campus, especially for dance. We have all kinds of dance groups that want places to practice and do things,” Howard said. “We weren’t able to accommodate for that before, but now we’re better equipped to offer more space for our students, so we’re really excited about that.”

The increase in foot traffic implies that the efforts to appeal to student needs have been successful.

“Certainly we’ve had a lot of traffic down there in a way that we haven’t had in recent years, especially since the project got underway,” Head of Athletics Brian Savard said. “It’s really an incredible building.”

Savard commented that Memorial saw large changes in most of its internal layout, but the real “showstopper” was the renovations to the recreational workout space.

“I think when you take somebody down to that space who knew what the space was previously, it’s jaw-dropping to see the amount of equipment in there and the amount of space and just how nice it looks,” Savard said.

Memorial Hall isn’t just benefiting Plattsburgh State’s students. Staff members like Matthew Salvatore benefit from the new spaces as well.

“I’ve actually picked up my workout routine as a result of the project. There’s so much more to work with in terms of the equipment. We have things now that I never actually used before, so it sort of reenergized my interest in my own physical fitness and health,” Salvatore said.

A large portion of the student body have used the new spaces, proving the project’s success.

“The new Memorial Hall is loved by everyone –there’s over 500 students coming in and out of here on a daily basis,” Salvatore said. “I’m encouraged by our faculty and staff that are starting to come back.”

SPORTS 9 ▪ Friday, Feb. 23, 2024 ▪ Sports Editor Michael Purtell Regular season final STANDINGS M. HOCKEY TEAM SUNYAC OVERALL 1-Geneseo 2-Oswego 3-Plattsburgh 4-Cortland 5-Brockport 6-Potsdam E-Fredonia E-Buffalo St. E-Morrisville 14-2-0-0 12-4-0-1 12-3-1-0 10-5-1-0 5-9-2-1 5-11-0-0 4-11-1-1 4-10-2-0 2-13-1-0 21-4-0-0 16-8-1-1 19-4-2-0 15-8-2-0 8-13-4-1 8-16-1-1 6-18-1-1 9-14-2-0 5-19-1-0 W. HOCKEY TEAM SUNYAC OVERALL 1-Plattsburgh 2-Cortland 3-Oswego 4-Morrisville E-Canton E-Potsdam E-Buffalo St. 14-2-0-0 12-4-0-1 12-3-1-0 10-5-1-0 8-10-0-0 6-12-0-1 0-18-0-1 21-3-1-1 18-5-2-1 14-10-1-0 12-13-0-2 14-11-0-0 10-14-0-1 2-22-1-2
BASKETBALL TEAM SUNYAC OVERALL 1-Oswego 2-New Paltz 3-Brockport 4-Cortland 5-Plattsburgh 6-Oneonta E-Geneseo E-Fredonia E-Potsdam E-Buffalo St. 18-0 12-6 12-6 11-7 11-7 9-9 9-9 4-14 3-15 1-17 24-1 18-7 16 -9 15-11 14-12 13 -13 12-13 7-18 4-22 1-24 W. BASKETBALL TEAM SUNYAC OVERALL 1-New Paltz 2-Cortland 3-Geneseo 4-Brockport 5-Oswego 6-Oneonta E-Fredonia E-Plattsburgh E-Potsdam E-Buffalo St. 17-1 14-4 12-6 10-8 9-9 8-10 7-11 7-11 5-13 1-17 22-3 18-7 18-8 14-12 14-11 10-16 12-13 10-14 9-15 3-21 STATISTICS M. HOCKEY # B. Stockdale, F J. Belgrave, F T. D’Addaro, F GOALS 17 13 10 # B. Stockdale, F J. Lanyi, F Tretowicz, Hogg ASSISTS 16 16 14 # B. Stockdale, F J. Belgrave, F A. Tretowicz, F POINTS 33 21 21 # R. Hogg, D T. D’Addaro, F K. Weaver-Vitale, D PLUS-MINUS +19 +13 +13 # J. Hearne E. Shiller SAVE % .930 .894 # B. Stockdale, F L. Jirousek, F P. Bryer, F SHOTS 112 102 78 W. HOCKEY # Z. Pazmandi, F J. Masotta, F C. Wall, F GOALS 15 9 9 # J. Masotta, F K. Wasik, F Wall, Boric ASSISTS 23 19 14 # J. Masotta, F C. Wall, F Wasik, Paz. POINTS 32 23 21 # K. Wasik, D Z. Pazmandi, F C. Wall, D PLUS-MINUS +23 +20 +18 # L. Nease SAVE % .951 # J. Masotta, F Z. Pazmandi, F I. Boric, F SHOTS 99 91 69 (Min. 33% minutes) (Min. 33% team minutes) M. BASKETBALL # I. Walcott, C P. Couture, F J. Greek, G PTS AVG. 14.0 13.0 7.6 # P. Couture, F M. Smith, G S. Deisz, G AST AVG. 2.6 2.3 1.6 # I. Walcott, C P. Couture, F Peterson-Ross, F REB AVG. 9.0 6.7 4.8 # K. Tabb, G I. Ezike, F W. Anderson, G STL + BLK 61 59 58 # I. Ezike, F J. Love-Smith, F S. Vidrini, G FG % .489 .489 .435 # D. Trombley, F W. Anderson, G Tabb, Infante, Thomas 3PT 44 21 19 W. BASKETBALL (Min. 25% team shots) # K. Tabb, G D. Trombley, F F. Infante, G PTS AVG. 15.7 11.7 9.8 # W. Anderson, G F. Infante, G K. Tabb, G AST AVG. 2.4 2.4 2.0 # D. Trombley, F I. Ezike, F K. Tabb, G REB AVG. 5.4 5.1 5.0 # I. Walcott, C M. Smith, G P. Couture, F STL + BLK 90 34 28 # I. Walcott, C B. Brousseau, C P. Couture, F FG % .511 .431 .399 # J. Greek, G S. Deisz, G M. Smith, G 3PT 32 22 22 (Min. 25% team shots)
COLLIN BOLEBRUCH/Cardinal Points Anderson Jr. soaks in the on-court playoff atmosphere in front of Cortland’s loud crowd of 615. JAYNE SMITH/Cardinal Points Students use bench-press stations and free weights in Memorial Hall’s renovated fitness center. JAYNE SMITH/Cardinal Points
MBB > 11 Email KAMIKO CHAMBLE ATHLETE OF THE WEEK ATHLETE OF THE WEEK GAME OF THE WEEK GAME OF THE WEEK Bennett Stockdale MBB vs Cortland Bennett Stockdale was the hero for Plattsburgh men’s hockey. He sunk two goals including the game winner in sudden death OT. The SUNYAC men’s basketball game against Cortland was an intense battle of tug-of-war until the overtime buzzer. Plattsburgh lost 78-77 in devastating fashion to a buzzer beater. 1 2 OT Final 32 34 11 77 33 33 12 78 C P Goals: 2 GWG: 1 Shots: 13 +/-: 2
Students using the new cardio machines in Memorial’s fitness center.


Bennett Stockdale sends one of his 13 shots in the match past a defender’s stick. Stockdale was named to the All-SUNYAC first team.

Cards take first-round win

The Plattsburgh Cardinals men’s hockey team (20-4-2, 12-3-1) defeated the Potsdam Bears (8-17-1, 5-11) 3-2 in overtime in the first round of the SUNYAC playoffs at the Ronald B. Stafford Ice Arena

Wednesday, Feb. 21.

Plattsburgh advances to play the Oswego Lakers (16-8-1, 12-4) in the semifinal at Marano Ice Arena

Saturday, Feb. 24.

The stat sheet tells a different story than the final score. The Cardinals took a season-high 66 shots to the

Bears’ 19. Potsdam firstyear Lenny Perno stood on his head to save 63.

“That was insane. It was probably the best goalie performance I’ve seen in my college career,” junior goalie Jacob Hearne said.

Perno took pucks to the gut, dove across the net and did splits to stop Plattsburgh from scoring.

“We threw everything but the kitchen sink at them,” Head Coach Steve Moffat said. “At this time of the year, keeping it out is more important than scoring.” His efforts weren’t enough to stop Bennett

Stockdale, who scored the game-winning goal after 74:23 of action.

Hearne earned the start in the net. Moffat turned to Hearne Wednesday for just his second career playoff start — the first being a 6-7 loss to Brockport in 2022. Hearne was more than ready when duty called, saving 17 shots.

“I was excited and definitely a little nervous,” Hearne said. “I think nerves are good. I can build off them and try and play the best I can.”

Stockdale scored the game’s first goal 10 minutes into the first, when

he rebounded a Luk Jirousek shot and put it past Perno. A crowd of over 1,500 lit up, bringing a much-needed home crowd edge.

Potsdam sophomore

Ryan Mahlmeister leveled the playing field five minutes later, firing a biscuit past Hearne. The shot silenced Plattsburgh fans, but Hearne didn’t let the mistake phase him.

“[My teammates] stood tall in front of me when I needed to be picked up,” Hearne said. “I was really happy and fortunate to

Cards reflect on 2023-24 season

Big games, highlight plays and steps in the right direction are all part of what made this Plattsburgh women’s basketball season stand out.

The Cardinals improved its performance in the 2023-24 season by securing 10 wins against 14 losses compared to its previous season’s record of 8-17, but this team’s progress cannot be fully captured by its record alone.

“We’re certainly heading in the right direction. From a talent standpoint, from a culture standpoint and from a retention standpoint,” Head Coach Ben Sarraf said.

Going into the 23-24 season, Sarraf’s overarching goal was simple: compete at a higher level than last year. Along with having an improved record, Plattsburgh saw significant improvements from some of its promising young players, including junior Payton Couture and sophomore Imani Walcott. Walcott led the team in scoring and rebounding.

Couture stepped up her game immensely this season, averaging 13 points and 6.7 rebounds per game, compared to last season’s 8.7 points and 6.1 rebounds. As one of the team’s oldest players, Couture was in a unique situation to become a leader on and off the court for her team.

“I’ve been teaching myself to improve every year so I can score more, get more rebounds and be a bigger role model and leader on the team,” Couture said.

Couture was named SUNYAC athlete of the

week twice this season.

Mya Smith was also a leader for the Cardinals this season. Smith is known for her tenacious defense and her playmaking abilities. She is the only Cardinal leaving the flock after this season. Smith’s experience as a successful student-athlete made her a natural leader for Plattsburgh. Her teammates and coaches will miss her contributions on and off the court.

“What Mya brings to the table is steady leadership and leading by example,” Assistant Coach Keith Wasberg said.

Wasberg applauded all five of Plattsburgh’s returning players for stepping up as leaders. Before the season even started, the returners were already on the same page in terms of expectations for the team.

New arrivals were a key to the Cardinals’ success this year. Many first-year Cardinals made their mark early on, like firstyear point guard Julia

Greek. Greek was third on the team in scoring off of the bench and established herself as one of the top shooters in the conference, shooting 36% from three. Other standout first-years include guard Selma Deisz and wing Jaedon Wilson. With so much young talent, Plattsburgh should be in good shape for future seasons.

The Cardinals’ season had many competitive and memorable games.

One notable match up was when Plattsburgh went on the road to face a Brockport team who had beaten them 64-70 earlier in the season. Plattsburgh, led by Walcott, defeated Brockport 52-44. Walcott notched herself a triple-double with 21 points, 11 rebounds and an astonishing 11 blocks. This win showed that Plattsburgh can not only go toe-to-toe with playoff teams but beat them.

“It felt like everything was clicking. Everybody was aligned regardless of what their role was,”


MBB - Kevin Tabb grabbed 10 boards Tuesday, earning him his 2nd double double of the season.


MHKY - Bennett Stockdale is 3rd in the SUNYAC for total points (35) and total goals (19).


WBB - In both matchups against Oneonta this season Plattsburgh scored exactly 50 points.


WBB - Julia Masotta took exactly 99 shots this regular season — the same exact number she took last season!


Sarraf said. “This is how it should feel.”

This season, Plattsburgh swept Buffalo State and Fredonia. The Cardinals also split its series with very competitive Oneonta and Brockport teams.

Ending the season with a win over Oneonta is a great stepping stone going into the next season. The Plattsburgh State Cardinals look to make even more improvements next season and are push for a playoff spot and a SUNYAC championship.

With almost the whole team returning besides Mya Smith, the Cardinals should have a well-established chemistry and team drive going into next season.

“Regardless of who’s in the conference, with what we hopefully return, I want to be able to make the playoffs the rest of my career here,” Sarraf said.

IKECHUKWU EZIKE Basketball, Forward

What’s the importance of being good friends with your teammates? Does it make winning easier?

“Having a good connection with your teammates is extremely important... Chemistry is what will get you over the hill or leave you stuck.”

You’re in the final round of a dunk contest. What are you pulling out?

“I’m gonna put in a back scratcher windmill. I feel like it’s something not a lot of people have seen and is sure to get me the W.”

You can pick any two players in the world to be teammates for a 3v3 tournament. Who are you taking?

“I’m taking Coach Travis Rice and the one and only COACH MIKE BLAINE.”

What’s the ultimate goal you’ve set for yourself before you hang it up?

“To fly my mom and sisters out so they can watch their son/Lil/big brother play basketball professionally.”

SPORTS 10 ▪ Friday, Feb. 23, 2024 ▪ Sports Editor Michael Purtell
MHKY > 11 COLLIN BOLEBRUCH/Cardinal Points The 2023-24 Plattsburgh Cardinals in one of its last team huddles on senior night Saturday Feb. 17.

Cards look toward ‘24 playoffs

The first-seeded Plattsburgh Cardinals (21-3-1, 16-2-0) play in the SUNYAC’s inaugural playoff game against the fourth-seeded Morrisville Mustangs (12-13-0, 7-11-0).

The match up is one the Cardinals are heavily favored in, as Plattsburgh has never lost to the Mustangs in 13 meetings.

In those 13 games, the Cardinals have allowed only 11 goals.

In regular season games against Morrisville this season, the Cardinals won by a combined score of 17-2. The first game was won 6-0 Nov. 11, 2023; the second 7-1 Jan. 12 and the third 4-1 Jan. 13. The Cardinals still has its fair share of obstacles to overcome. The team will be facing uncertainty in its lineups as it has been unable to develop steady rotations in the closing weeks of the regular season.

Forward Zsofia Pazmandi, who leads the


Continued from page 9

play behind them.”

team in goals with 15, was absent in both matchups with the Potsdam Bears Feb. 9 and 10 because of scheduling conflicts with the O18 Hungarian national team. Forward Ava Mattaliano didn’t suit up for any game between Feb. 3 through 16. Forward Lilli Bills and defenseman Su-An Cho have been in and out of the lineups for the closing matches of the season as well.

Forward Bridget Orr, who has skated in all 25 games this season, limped off of the ice after a big hit in the last game of the season against Cortland. Her availability is currently up in the air.

The winner on Saturday will move on to face either the Oswego Lakers or the Cortland Red Dragons. Both teams present a tough match up for the Cardinals if Plattsburgh advances.

Plattsburgh has been a write-in as conference champion since the inception of the NEWHL, now SUNYAC. Now, Cortland and Oswego have emerged as serious challengers.

Both teams played far more special teams than they’d like to. A total of 12 power plays — six by each team — were initiated during the game.

Halfway through the second period, Stockdale was sent to the penalty box for interference during a power play. Graduate student and captain Adam Tretowicz let the referees know his displeasure, and in response, he was called for unsportsmanlike conduct and sat for 10 minutes.

Sophomore Brannon Butler hit Jirousek on the breakaway, and Jirousek barreled down the ice and scored less than a minute into fouron-four play. In the face of adversity, Plattsburgh pulled ahead. Potsdam then entered the power play.

Less traffic on the ice didn’t mean an increase in scoring. Just one power play goal was scored all game, when senior Kevin Weaver-Vitale entered the box for boarding, and Potsdam senior Jack Loran sank a puck. Both Potsdam goals came off Plattsburgh turnovers.

Plattsburgh totaled 18 shots on power plays to Potsdam’s four, another figure that suggested a lopsided contest.

“I made sure that I’m not drifting off in my mind,” Hearne said. “There were many times where I was just standing in my net watching our team.”

The third period ended scoreless, as Weaver-Vitale missed a potential winner with 14 seconds remaining.

Postseason overtime called for an extra 20-minute period, with sudden death rules. With a clear shot


Continued from page 9

Coston averaged 13.9 points in the regular season. The attention his post offense drew paired nicely with the shooting of Arcuri, who was 2-3 from deep in the first half.

In the second half, the Cardinals switched tactics to prioritize perimeter rotations over help defense in the paint. While Cardinals were scrambling to chase shooters, Coston found his footing and added eight points on four shots and five free-throws.

Plattsburgh’s defensive pressure was enough to limit Cortland’s secondary shooters, but did nothing to slow down Arcuri, who was 2-2 from beyond the arc.

Plattsburgh was undefeated through 72 regular season conference games, when Cortland broke that streak Dec. 2 2022. The Cards took its third-ever NEWHL/ SUNYAC loss last weekend, Feb. 17, to the same Red Dragons team.

Houle made the importance of that game clear to his roster.

“The playoffs start this weekend,” Houle told the Press-Republican after the loss.

With the Cards and Dragons expected to match up in the Championship for the third straight season, the 2-3 loss is looming.

advantage, the win seemed inevitable for Plattsburgh, but Perno just didn’t quit.

A Bear was penalized for hooking four minutes into the fourth, starting what should have been the dagger power play for the Cardinals.

Instead, Perno saved five shots and successfully killed the penalty.

Plattsburgh returned the favor just over five minutes later, when junior Jack Ring was called for tripping. Hearne and Perno saved the same amount of shots over those two minutes — one.

“It’s playoff hockey,” Moffat said. “It’s going to be tight.”

The Cardinals held a stark 15-2 shots advantage entering a Potsdam timeout 14:19 into overtime. Looking at a face-off, Moffat knew what to do.

“If you’re going to have two guys to make a play, Tio and Bennett are two pretty good options,” Moffat said.

Jirousek won the face-off and got the puck straight to Stockdale on the outside of the right face-off circle. Stockdale handed it off to firstyear Tio D’Addario and beelined to Perno’s left side.

D’Addario carried the puck around the outside of the circle, drawing Perno to the right.

“It was right on my tape,” Stockdale said. “Didn’t have to do too much.”

D’Addario then hit a wide open Stockdale in the crease for the score.

“[Bennett] said ‘Nice call,’” Moffat said. “I said, ‘Nice finish.’”

Stockdale raised his arms in celebration, rolling over a referee. The bench emptied to mob him. D’Addario was the first to embrace Stockdale. Jirousek and Tretowicz nearly tackled them.

After toying with Perno for far too long, Stockdale sunk the one that

The Cardinals were given a chance to win with 20 seconds left. While the Cards held a two-point lead, Cortland intentionally fouled junior Ikechukwu Ezike to stall the clock. In a moment that could decide these two teams’ seasons, the crowd made its move.

Cortland’s football team was the cornerstone of the white-out crowd that made itself heard. It wanted an empty trip to the line.

“I just missed, honestly,” Ezike said. “I know my teammates believe in me and I believe in myself. That’s why it really hurt.”

Arcuri tied up the game on the other end with a layup, a premonition of what would come in OT.

Anderson, with a chance to take the game, dribbled the ball coast-to-coast and put up a

The Cardinals were served a loss by Oswego Jan. 5, Plattsburgh’s only loss of the NEWHL/ SUNYAC era not coming from Cortland.

No matter which way the chips fall, a second round match up would be against a team that knows how to find victory over the one seed.

The road to the conference championship is long, but for the Cardinals the first step will be the face-off with Morrisville.

mattered. In this game, in front of this crowd, with this team, Plattsburgh knew it had to get it done.

“It was just a matter of bearing down,” Stockdale said. “We had a good feeling.”

Hearne soaked in the moment with his goaltender teammate Eli Shiller. After Shiller stepped in for last year’s playoffs, Hearne got his chance.

“It was nice to get that monkey off my back,” Hearne said. “It’s just the game we play. We love every second of it, especially out there tonight in that atmosphere.”

The Cardinals now face the Lakers in a rematch of last year’s SUNYAC Championship, when Plattsburgh won 2-1 in Oswego’s rink March 4, 2023.

Oswego has been a thorn in Plattsburgh’s side all season, being the only SUNYAC team to beat the Cardinals twice.

The Lakers came to Plattsburgh and beat the No. 1 Cardinals 5-3 Dec. 2, 2023, ending hopes of an undefeated season.

Oswego beat Plattsburgh again, 3-4 Feb. 10. The late-season win was the tiebreaker for the second seed, as both teams ended with 25 points in the standings — meaning the Lakers earned the first round bye over the Cardinals.

Now, after skating 64 minutes in a 2-1 win against Fredonia Feb. 17 and 74 against Potsdam, the Cardinals need to refuel before Saturday.

“We have to do a good job tomorrow recovering,” Moffat said. “We’re not reinventing the wheel here.”


three point shot. It missed at the buzzer. In overtime, Tabb made multiple plays down the stretch to keep the Cardinals alive. In the last three minutes, he grabbed a steal at the half court line and got Ezike an and-one to put the Cardinals up.

A handful of possessions later, Tabb drained a step-back three from the wing to tie the game at 75. It was his only three attempted in the contest.

Tabb, who ranks second in points per game in the SUNYAC this season with 15.7, notched a double double with 14 points and 10 boards, including three offensive rebounds. Tabb also recorded three steals.

Ezike recorded 17 points and eight rebounds with one block, assist and steal.

Anderson finished the final game of his collegiate career



Moran Thompson, Grace Estus, Sophia Gambino, Lillian Moran, Ginny Lucchetti, Sarah Smith, Marissa Colvin.

Erik Kucera, Charles Cypress, Matt DeJulio, Nicholas Gelsomino, Brexton Montville, Noah Bonesteel, Justin Kumrow, Graham Richard.

Distance Medley

Ginny Lucchetti, Sophia Gambino, Lillian Moran, Sarah Smith, Grace Estus, Morgan Thompson. Justin Kumrow, Nicholas Gelsomino, Matt DeJulio, Denali Rodriguez-Garnica, Michael Brockway, Erik Kucera, Noah Bonesteel.

60m Dash

Deanna Zoch Brexton Montville

Jordan Williams

1 Mile Run

Sarah Smith

Noah Bonesteel

Justin Kumrow

60m Hurdle

Mikayla Khadijah

Tyler Baker

High Jump

Rebecca Christie Anthon Brown

Locke Gerken

Triple Jump

Michaela Schaffer


Marissa LeDuc

Katherine Berge

800m Run

Lillian Moran

Noah Bonesteel

5000m Run

Marissa Colvin Michael Brockway

3000m Run

Erik Kucera

Graham Richard

Long Jump

Michaela Schaffer

Isaiah Ritter

Ethan Mulholland

Aidan Masten



Bliss Rhoads

Weight Throw

Taygin Jump

Bliss Rhoads


Evan Rando

Faris Webber

with 14 points, five rebounds, one assist and one steal.

Trombley’s final performance included 18 points – five of which came in overtime – four rebounds, two assists and two steals. His playoff nerves were hardened from visits with Oneonta, his previous team. He knew he’d need to come into this game ready to hit big shots.

“I played in the playoffs a couple of times so I knew what to expect coming in,” Trombley said. “I kind of tried to be that guy for the team.”

The experience of the graduating seniors will be remembered fondly by the young players on the team. Ezike said that Anderson’s impact specifically on the underclassmen has helped them take great strides in developing their competitive mindset and basketball skill.

The 2023-24 Cardinals had

been defeated, but the season was more than just its gut-wrenching finish. The team made its first playoff appearance under Blaine, a huge step for Plattsburgh.

“The hope for us is that we can take the strides that we made this year and also understand the things we need to do to make another leap towards the next level,” Blaine said. “Not just being in the playoffs, but contending for a conference championship.”

Additional reporting was done for this story by Collin Bolebruch and Justin Rushia.

SPORTS 11 ▪ Friday, Feb. 23, 2024 ▪ Sports
Editor Michael
BOLEBRUCH/Cardinal Points Jodie May runs
the Field House coached by Naylon.
COLLIN BOLEBRUCH/Cardinal Points Julia Masotta faces-off against a Mustang Jan. 12 at home

Social media: helpful or hurtful?

If you knew the mental consequences of social media, would you continue to use it? Social media has existed since 1997, but its consequences have been hidden. Social media continues to grow and expand, but is that a good thing?

According to a study by Harvard University, social media is both psychologically and physically addictive due to social networking lighting up the same section of the brain that also lights up when taking an addictive substance.

Do you notice an addictive relationship with your phone, and would you stop if you knew it could cause underlying mental health issues? Missing out can create depression and anxiety, according to McLean Hospital. Most users experience the fear of missing out, commonly known as FOMO, when they notice they are not involved in an activity or cannot have a so-called perfect lifestyle. This phenomenon can impact feelings and affect some physically.

Addiction, especially to social media, can disrupt and affect sleep, which can be associated with depression and memory loss. This leads to a decrease in academics due to not having the motivation to fulfill academic responsibilities.

Social media can be filled with comparison, perfection and insecurities due to photoshopping and portrayals of idealistic lifestyle. This can cause issues among a younger audience, especially when on it for hours daily. Not only is the lifestyle unrealistic, but it gives a false reality of life, which could cause mental distress

and depressive episodes.

According to the National Institutes of Health, 45.4% of students spend at least 1-3 hours daily on social media, specifically Instagram, Facebook, X, formerly known as Twitter and TikTok. COVID-19 caused people to spend hours on a cellular device as expected, but some continued these

habits even after quarantine restrictions were lifted.

The perfect lifestyles seen online can cause FOMO, which can lead to anxiety and depression, especially if missing out on activities or cannot have that lifestyle.

Greek life gives back to Plattsburgh

From the outside looking in, many do not understand the appeal of Greek life, and joining a fraternity or sorority. However, those who are a part of these organizations feel a deep sense of pride not only in their brotherhood or sisterhood, but in the work they do for the community as well. Despite SUNY Plattsburgh being a smaller campus, the impact the members here have is immense.

Members of Delta Sigma Phi, a fraternity here on campus, show a deep passion regarding the

work that they involve themselves in and the community service events they have attended.

Zawad Khan, the current president of Delta Sigma Phi recognizes the stigma that Greek life has, but wants to prove that there is power in numbers. He pushes his whole organization to be a force for good.

Khan served as a part of the welcoming committee for Night to Shine, which is an event hosted for those with disabilities or special needs.

Should celebrities speak on global issues?

Lack qualifications Large platforms useful

As the world becomes more divided, rifts in values have cut even deeper and the personal has been claimed as political. Not only is this affecting the everyday individual, but celebrities are being held in higher regard, too.

Celebrities should never be made into a monolith required to speak out about what is going on in the world. They are human beings just like everyone else, and that means that they have a right to their own opinions.

While they may be knowledgeable about some things, they are not necessarily experts in global issues. When one speaks out without a sufficient understanding of an issue, there is a greater risk of harm than there is of good.

Issues are also extremely complex and nuanced, so we should not expect a celebrity to speak out about something that they are uncertain about. Should a person with no comprehension of an issue and no meaningful addition to the conversation be expected to speak on it?

When there is an obligation to speak out about something, it no longer means anything.

But when a celebrity does speak out about something, they invite intense scrutiny, no matter the is-

sue or what side they chose. It is an overwhelmingly huge risk You can’t blame somebody for wanting to protect their careers and personal safety by avoiding controversy. Being apolitical allows them to decide what is most important to them and share that with their followers. Keeping their opinions private allows them to focus on their primary role as entertainers, the very reason they have amassed a following. Ultimately, they are not spokespeople for campaigns or the faces of activism. They are entertainers, plain and simple.

Celebrities give the public an ‘escape’ from the stressors of everyday life as well as global and local conflicts. Diverting their work and public image from the issues that the world faces allows them to highlight what is personally meaningful to them, share their work and entertain.

Expecting celebrities to speak on every single issue that comes up in this radicalized, ever-changing world is unrealistic and unfair.

With massive amounts of money, fame and influence, celebrities in the modern age have serious sway with their followers. However, it is widely debated whether or not these cultural icons are using their platforms for the right reasons. Celebrities often post to their social media accounts and amass hundreds of thousands of views each time. Many times, these posts are just to promote their own products or art, but over the past few years celebrities have gotten bolder and more outspoken on their ideas and beliefs outside the realm of their chosen field.

Although global and national topics are not their area of expertise, celebrities know that with great power comes great responsibility. Their fans listen to them and want to hear what they have to say, so why not use that power they wield to do some good in the world?

Global superstar and creator of Fenty Beauty, Rihanna is just one example of someone who has stepped up to the plate. She currently has 152 million followers on Instagram and in January 2022, she shared a post advocating to support the climate justice movement. Partnered with the Clara Lionel Foundation, which Rihanna herself founded, she spread the word on how important it is to support this cause and why it matters.

The foundation also teamed up with several other organizations that focused primarily on black, indigenous, and

LGBTQ+ communities.

However, celebrities can’t do it all, and they especially can’t promote every cause that exists. By choosing a topic that resonates with them, as well as their supporters, stars can ensure that their philanthropy or charity of choice is supported to a greater extent.

On the opposite end of the spectrum are celebrities who prefer to keep completely quiet, such as Khloe Kardashian. With her 310 million followers she’s garnered since her family has stepped into the spotlight, Kardashian prefers to keep these views to herself.

In an interview she did in 2016 with The Cut, the topic of politics was brought up.

“With politics I’ve learned to keep my opinions to myself, for once in my life… nobody cares about what I have to say about that,” Kardashian said.

When celebrities adopt this mindset, they are not only doing themselves a huge disservice, but their fans as well. They know that they are considered role models, but instead use that status for personal gain.

At the end of the day, celebrities are just humans like the rest of us, although with more sway. They are able to educate themselves more and have the resources to promote the causes they are passionate about. They should be allowed to raise awareness and funds for what they deem a good cause and create a positive legacy that will live on, even long after they are gone.

FRIDAY, FEB. 23, 2024
> 13
Provided by Juliana Close Theta Alpha Lambda Sisters volunteering on campus

‘Poor Things’ mixed reception

“Poor Things,” directed by Yorgos Lanthimos, is a whirlwind experience that brings a miraculous adventure verging on the depths of beautiful and creative, yet at times boring.

Emma Stone, who portrays Bella Baxter, is the shining star of this movie with her whimsical yet risque performance. The character is complex as you watch her growth throughout.

Other eccentric characters in the cast include Dr. Godwin Baxter, played by Willem Dafoe, and Duncan Wedderburn, played by Mark Ruffalo. Both deliver an entertaining and radical performance bringing much of the humor and drama to this movie. Despite these remarkable characters, they aren’t enough to save this mess of a movie.

The plot is hard to follow, if there even was a plot to follow. The film moves extremely fast, despite its 2-hour-and-12-minute run time. The movie is full of back-to-back scenes of chaotic depictions of what can be described as the driest humor and erotic imagery edging on the brink of being pornography. Many interesting concepts are introduced in the film that simply get lost in this storm of ideas.

Besides the messy plot, the cinematography and score of this film are phenomenal. The movie feels so old adding so much drama to every scene through its use of wide shots and its 1.66:1 aspect ratio. There are constant switches in camera angles, delivering beautiful showcases in terms of lighting, accompanied by the film’s gorgeous set and costume design. The film utilizes beautifully painted backdrops, adding to the vibe that you are watching a movie from the early 1900s. The movie begins in black and white and slowly embraces its color the more Bella


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According to the Social Media Victims Law Center, FOMO significantly impacts social media users, driving them crazy to check notifications constantly, which can slowly become an issue with outside friendships


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learns and grows, creating a beautiful symmetry between her growth and her surroundings.

In terms of everything but plot, this film is phenomenal. Bizarre, wild and dry, yet so captivating. This movie feels like it was made with a true love for filmmaking. The film pays a lot

and relationships.

Previously, FOMO was used for other terms in advertising, but now It impacts mental health. Social media started using FOMO to attract users and cause an unhealthy urge to visit the platforms regularly.

While wanting to be updated is expected, many tend to develop FOMO from social media platforms. It

It allows those attending to experience prom in a safe and welcoming environment. Impacted by the event, he described it as “beautiful” and a “great example of what we can do if we were more involved with our community outside of the school”.

By stepping off campus and out of their personal bubbles, students who volunteer are not only able to serve their community, but learn about Plattsburgh and its residents.

Oscar Lagua, another brother of Delta Sigma Phi, shared how he witnessed the community be very involved in events such as the battle of Plattsburgh. He recognizes that if he was not a part of Greek life, he would not be working as closely with the community, and realize everything that goes on around him.

“Our help is needed, not just as Greek life but as individuals specifically,” Lagua said. This passion for giving back is not contained to the brothers of Delta Sigma Phi. Julianna Close, a member of Theta Alpha Lambda also gave some insight into how she and her sisters give back to the community. Theta Alpha Lambda’s philanthropy and charity they work with is Behavioral Services North, which is a local organization that deals with stopping domestic and sexual violence. Close and her sisters not only donate money to the cause, but their time as well, by setting up events for the center as well as attending them.

One event that had an immense impact on Close was a candlelight vigil held on campus by BHSN a few semesters ago.

of homage to “Frankenstein,” (1931) adding a modern twist to provide an experience as shocking as a chicken with a dog head.

makes checking consistent, and with these platforms, convincing users to check regularly makes the platform money. These types of strategies used from media apps typically work on younger generations, young adults, teens, and children, due to them having a tendency of comparing themselves. These behaviors and atti-

tudes are deeply ingrained in our culture and young adults. It is going to take a lot of time and effort to reverse the effects social media has had, but hopefully users remember that there is more to be experienced than what is on the screen.

“It was super touching and really allowed myself to realize how we can help survivors and all the work they do for things like that” Close said.

To Close, the work she does feels rewarding and fun.

“We’re college kids here but we do try our best to connect and show the community we are more than happy to be a part of the town,” she said. These students, as well as many others like them, serve as a testament

to the kinds of students this campus has to offer. Their dedication for the community and their peers shine through each time they take these moments out of their day to service and uplift others.


Awards Cardinal Points has received the following awards from the Associated Collegiate Press (ACP): ACP Hall of Fame Inducted in Fall 2010 All American Spring 2018, four Marks of Distinction Spring 2016, five Marks of Distinction Spring 2014, four Marks of Distinction Spring 2012, four Marks of Distinction Spring 2011, four Marks of Distinction Fall 2010, five Marks of Distinction Fall 2009, four Marks of Distinction Spring 2009, four Marks of Distinction Fall 2008, four Marks of Distinction Spring 2005, four Marks of Distinction Spring 2004, four Marks of Distinction Fall 2003, four Marks of Distinction Fall 2002, four Marks of Distinction Fall 2001, four Marks of Distinction Fall 2000, four Marks of Distinction First Class Spring 2013, three Marks of Distinction Fall 2012, three Marks of Distinction Fall 2011, three Marks of Distinction Spring 2010, two Marks of Distinction Spring 2008, three Marks of Distinction Spring 2007, one Mark of Distinction Fall 2007, three Marks of Distinction Pacemaker Recognition Fall 2010, Honorable Mention 2006-2007, Newspaper Finalist BY KOLIN
Staff Writer Editorial Board Editor in Chief Collin Bolebruch News Editor Aleksandra Sidorova Sports Editor Michael Purtell Graphics Editor Cameron Greaves Multimedia Editor Jacob Crawford Managing Editor Aleksandra Sidorova Arts & Culture Editor Cinara Marquis Opinion Editor Nadia Paschal Photography Editor Jayne Smith Web Editor Yuki Ouchi Contact CP 118 Ward Hall SUNY Plattsburgh Plattsburgh, NY Public Relations Chair Jacob Crawford Faculty Adviser Jack Downs OPINION Friday, Feb. 23, 2024 ▪ 13 ▪ Opinion Editor Nadia Paschal
Provided by Juliana Close Sisters of Theta Alpha Lambda promoting their organization in the Angell College Center

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