Cardinal Points Spring 2024 Issue 1

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FRIDAY, FEB. 16, 2024





Trillium Chamber ft. Langston Hughes’ poetry


Second track and Grammys fashion: field home meet the fab and the in 25+ years questionable

Police arrest armed suspect near hospital BY ALEKSANDRA SIDOROVA

News + Managing Editor


Delta Phi Epsilon sisters dip themselves into Hawkins Pond Saturday, Feb. 10.

Plattsburgh takes icy swim in Hawkins Pond BY ALEKSANDRA SIDOROVA News + Managing Editor

“How do you feel?” an onlooker asked. “Like shit,” the student replied, shirtless and soaking wet. At least 50 people plunged into Hawkins Pond Saturday, Feb. 10, including University Police officers, professors, Greek life members, the women’s soccer team, friend groups and solo students.

The Burghy Plunge was a collaboration between UP, the Center for Student Involvement, Enrollment and Student Success, the Plattsburgh Fire Department and Chartwells, the company providing food services to SUNY Plattsburgh. The goal was to collect food donations for the Cardinal Cupboard, SUNY Plattsburgh’s food shelf for off-campus experiencing food insecurity. Chartwells matched all donations. It was also a source of fun. PLUNGE > 3

Chemistry Club raffle determines best element BY ALEKSANDRA SIDOROVA News + Managing Editor

A lucky raffle winner received a periodic table magnet and coffee cup from SUNY Plattsburgh’s chapter of the American Chemical Society, also known as the Chemistry Club, to celebrate Periodic Table Day Feb. 7. Johnathan Jauron, a firstyear robotics major, was randomly selected as the raffle winner out of 26 participants. To participate, students had to share which chemical element they thought was best and why. Jauron’s answer was bismuth

due to its “abstract crystalline form and array of colors,” as he explained in an email. Other “witty” submissions included noble gasses, alkaline metals, some transition metals, silicon and uranium, ACS Chemistry Club Vice President Ashley Donato wrote in an email. Periodic Table Day was created in 2015 by David Steineker, a teacher in Kentucky’s Jefferson County Public School District to commemorate the day the periodic table was published for the first time by English chemist John Newlands in 1863, according to National Today, a

The Plattsburgh City Police Department intercepted a potential shooter on Prospect Avenue, close to Champlain Valley Physicians Hospital Tuesday morning, Feb. 13. PPD arrested Robert Thibodeau, 52, on one count of criminal possession of a loaded firearm in the second degree. New York State troopers, University Police and the Clinton County Sheriff’s Department assisted in detaining Thibodeau. City and state police searched Thibodeau’s vehicle and his residence to “seize additional firearms.” According to PPD’s press releases, its dispatch received a call reporting “a disgruntled former employee ... believed to be in route to the hospital in possession of loaded firearms” from said employ-

Robert Thibodeau via Plattsburgh Police Dept. ee’s “concerned relative.” Allegedly, Thibodeau had a loaded 12-gauge semiautomatic shotgun and ammunition. “This incident caused a significant disruption in our community and has understandably left many of us feeling shaken and concerned for our safety,” SUNY Plattsburgh President Alexander Enyedi wrote in a mass email to the campus the next day. Email ALEKSANDRA SIDOROVA

Knighthood still in style

website dedicated to gathering information about holidays around the world. Feb. 7 is also a day before the birthday of Russian chemist Dimitri Mendeleev, who is usually credited with compiling the periodic table in its modern form. The ACS Chemistry Club does not yet have set meeting times, but hosts events about science, including resume-building sessions, mini-lectures, guest speakers and community service, Donato wrote. Email ALEKSANDRA SIDOROVA


Senior history education student talks about his “weird” interest. KNIGHT > 3 CAMERON GREAVES/Cardinal Points


▪ News Editor Aleksandra Sidorova


Friday, Feb. 16, 2024

Student Association

Dec. 20, 2023 UP logged a report of a forged document in Sibley Hall. Investigation is still pending.

Feb. 7

UP filed a report for a bicycle that was stolen from Mason Hall Nov. 1, 2023.

Feb. 10

University Police received a report of people trying to sell drugs in DeFredenburgh Hall at 8 p.m.

SA Sound-Off

A message from SA President Carter Mosher Hey Cardinals! Did you know that it's referendum season? Every two years, the student body gets to vote on whether to keep the Student Association fee mandatory or optional. It is imperative to all of us here at SUNY Plattsburgh that this fee stays mandatory. What does the Student Association fee help cover? It helps us fund all clubs and organizations on campus, which means they get to continue having their events that students like you and I can go to. The fee helps fund our very own Student Association-hosted events as well, such as Create-a-Creature, Coffee House, Free Money Game Show, Winterfest, Spring Carnival, Casino Night, DIY Street Signs, DIY Pillow Cases, snow tubing trips, Burlington trips, Montreal trips, Salem trips, sports game trips, and so much more! Without this fee, students would also lose the shuttle, extended library hours during finals week, museum funding and art exhibit funding. It's no surprise to anyone that retention has affected universities nationwide — this is also a major factor on why an optional fee would simply not suffice. We need you all to consider just how much is at stake. Please vote "yes" on the referendum this semester on April 25!

SA Senate questions appointment practice BY ALEKSANDRA SIDOROVA News + Managing Editor

The Student Association Senate questioned the ethics of appointing senators for vacant positions when it approved three candidates at its meeting Tuesday, Feb. 6. SA President Carter Mosher brought in Atmaja Addanki, Nitesh Rimal and Abishek Subedi for the Senate to approve as senators. The Senate unanimously approved them and subsequently swore them in, but before it did, raised some questions regarding candidates sometimes skipping the election process. Senators Arshita Pandey and Naomi Adebayo suggested the filling of vacant positions should be open to the student body and advertised in more ways than by “word of mouth” in order to maintain diversity and prevent cliques within the SA. This practice is “nothing new,” Mosher said, explaining that he, too, first became an SA senator by appointment. He said appointing senators allowed the SA to quickly fill important positions in the Senate. “I have no personal connections to any of these people,” Mosher said of Addanki, Rimal and Subedi.


Nitesh Rimal (left) and Abishek Subedi (right) present their case for appointment as senators. They cited a desire to contribute to the community and gain professional skills. The Senate unanimously approved Mary Stockman as coordinator of academic affairs. Stockman, a senior criminal justice and law and justice double major, said she got “bored” of her position as Board of Elections chair, which she held in spring 2023. She also served as a senator in 2022. Additionally, the Senate reviewed copies of a promotional pamphlet recently designed by SA Coordinator of Arts Alexander Finkey with the purpose of introducing new students to the SA. Senator Sandesh Poudel noted that the SA hadn’t “really been doing everything” the pamphlet

SA President Carter Mosher

Weekly Memes

claimed, such as hosting concerts on campus and keeping Feinberg Library open 24/7 during finals week. Stockman said the SA’s last concert was SUNY Fest in her first year — “back when the dinosaurs were on the planet, so about four years ago,” 2021. There has been no 24/7 Feinberg access during finals week since the fall 2022 semester due to a decline in student use from 2 to 8 a.m., Feinberg Library Assistant Director Mark Mastrean wrote in an email. Besides correcting what Poudel referred to as “falsehoods,” senators suggested that an updated design for the pamphlet should highlight what the SA fee pays for and the importance of maintaining it. In his report, Mosher emphasized the need to promote the upcoming SA fee referendum so students vote to keep the SA fee mandatory for all students. “It needs to happen,” Mosher said. The vote happens every two years, and the 2022 vote initially failed to pass, for the first time that the SA’s adviser could recall.


Senators examine a new promotional pamphlet designed by SA Email ALEKSANDRA SIDOROVA Coordinator for the Arts Alexander Finkey before discussing it.

Platts watches the 'Bowl ALEKSANDRA SIDOROVA/Cardinal Points

Students gather in Macomb Hall's first-floor lounge for Bazzano's pizza, wings, soda, football and Taylor-Swift-sighting Sunday, Feb. 11.


CP Corrections There are no errors to report this week. If you see an error in Cardinal Points, email

GOT A NEWS TIP? Contact the news editor at


KNIGHT Continued from Page 1 One of Owen Graf’s first memories is hitting his brother with “swordies” he’d made out of sticks. Now, the senior history education student shows off his own set of imitation Knights Templar armor, most recently in a class about the Black Death in the first week of the semester. Graf demonstrated the layers a typical 13th century knight would wear: a wool-padded jacket to absorb blunt impact called a gambeson, which he purchased from a “crappy medieval recreation website,” a chainmail shirt that he assembled from a DIY kit he got on Etsy, a Knights Templar tunic that was part of a Spirit Halloween costume and a Knights Templar helmet he borrowed from his roommate. The set, which Graf officially finished putting together last semester since he started two years ago, is “worthless in real battle,” he said, but looks “fairly good to the untrained eye.” “The gear is very much amateur,” Graf said. “It’s very expensive to get the real deal.” He’d love to get the real deal eventually, though — “super high quality” and fitted to him — to display in his home or show his future students in the classroom. “There’s also combat leagues where you get together and you fight in the armor,” Graf said. “I would like to do

PLUNGE Continued from Page 1 “Embracing the cold, feeling the cold and just feeling alive,” said Matthew Wendler, a student who also said he had a history of jumping into the Saranac River. Wendler plunged with two of his friends, William Donlon and Jonanthony Tarlen. Tarlen said he plunged “because I got that dawg in me.” For Tarlen, originally from Long Island, plunging is a fun way to adapt to a different climate — more fun than watching others do so. “If you’re not doing it, then why are you even here, right?” Tarlen said. “You need to cannonball. I’m going to do that in a few minutes.” Tarlen wasn’t the only stu-


News Editor Aleksandra Sidorova that, but I’m also afraid of getting more concussions.” His interest in history started with fantasy. He loved it all — the “Star Wars,” “Percy Jackson” and “Harry Potter” series — but he said it likely started with watching “The Lord of the Rings” with his brother and dad. Someday, he hopes to write his own medieval fantasy book. “I just like a good story, and history is a good — entertaining — story,” Graf said.

Maybe the only thing I believe in from that period is the code of chivalry. Owen Graf

Graf is currently obsessed with the “Witcher” video game and original novel series by Andrzej Sapkowski, based on Polish mythology and folklore. However, he has trouble enjoying some other popular medieval fantasy media, like the “Dark Souls” and “Elden Ring” games. “It breaks the immersion for me, the suspense of disbelief,” Graf said. “A 10-foot sword that weighs 50 pounds, that is just— It drives me crazy, I just can’t do it, because swords were incredibly light. They had to be, to be able to use them.” Armor is also frequently assumed to be slow and uncomfortable, Graf said. People don’t see armor the same way dent to cannonball, despite the pond being about three feet deep. The three friends later filmed each other doing push-ups on top of the ice in temperatures reaching the 50s. The weather worried the organizers setting up the event, UP Chief Patrick Rascoe said. “It was crazy at noon today when it was a downpour and we were trying to get the fire going and we were trying to set up,” Rascoe said. “I was worried about mud, I was worried about people not wanting to come, and then no sooner was I worrying about it that the sun came out, and it’s been beautiful ever since.” Rascoe plunged, too — something he has never done before. “You can’t breathe, you just inhale,” Rascoe said. “It was actually exhilarating. I actu-

he does, either. Where others see violence, Graf sees the life it is designed to protect. “Armor is fashion, it’s protection, it’s a status symbol,” Graf said. “It’s history and technology, from primitive designs all the way to extraordinarily intricate and super high quality. It speaks to me as a fashion statement, a display of status, well-designed. It looks so beautiful to me. It’s not even about war.” Graf said he has a “morbid outlook” on history. He is most interested in the period from Ancient Greece to the Renaissance, characterized by cycles of conflict, growth, development and recession. It’s also so far removed from him that he can study it without getting “emotionally disturbed” by its issues and events the way he would with more contemporary periods. “American history is deeply upsetting to me because you can still see remnants of that today,” Graf said. “It’s very saddening stuff, so trying to keep a distance from it helps me be a happier person.” While Graf enjoys viewing ancient and medieval history as a spectacle, there is a part that resonates with him. “I do not believe in the feudal system,” Graf said. “I do not believe in kings and queens. Maybe the only thing I believe in from that period is the code of chivalry.” Not all knights adhered to values of honor, courtesy and loyalty, but Graf tries to. He said he believes in being kind and charitable and protecting

Friday, Feb. 16, 2024


Owen Graf wants to become a teacher to combine his passions for history, sports and helping people. He says there aren’t enough role models for young boys, and wants to be one. “the weak and the innocent.” “If someone needs assistance, you help them,” Graf said. “It doesn’t matter who they are — you’d help them.” In the role of a teacher, all of Graf’s passions — history, sports and helping others — intertwine. He hopes to teach ninth grade global history, coach a sports team and introduce a “Gentleman’s Club” for students without a father figure to instill life skills and chivalrous values in them. “I feel like teaching and coaching is the best way I can help kids and really make an

impact on people’s lives,” Graf said. “A lot of young men these days I don’t think have great role models, and I feel like I could be that.” Graf knows his interest in knightly aesthetics, armor and chivalry isn’t common, but he embraces it. “I like being able to say it’s weird, because weird is kind of unique,” Graf said. “Yeah, it’s weird, but I don’t care that it’s weird.” Email ALEKSANDRA SIDOROVA

ally feel giddy right now from having gone in.” The idea came from similar events happening in the area, also for a fundraising cause, hence their commonly used tagline, “Freezin’ for a reason.” “I’ve always wanted to do one and I’ve always missed the signups for them locally, and I thought, what a great opportunity for our students to be able to participate at school, to be able to do something that means something to them,” UP Chief Patrick Rascoe said. “This is our first time doing this, and it’s going to become an annual tradition.” See more photos of the Burghy Plunge on Page 7. Email ALEKSANDRA SIDOROVA


University Police Chief Rascoe, with the boogie board, and Inspector Steven Dube, in a red onesie with a moose design, make their way out of Hawkins Pond. To Rascoe, the plunge was “exhilarating.”


Matthew Wendler records Jonanthony Tarlen doing push-ups on the ice. William Donlon watches.


Connor Ryan exits Hawkins Pond holding his flip-flops.


ALEKSANDRA SIDOROVA/Cardinal Points University Police Chief Patrick Rascoe eats a “walking waffle” The women’s soccer team dries off after plunging into Hawkins Pond together. while holding a cup of hot chocolate.

FRIDAY, FEB. 16 , 2024

KIYANNA NOEL/Cardinal Points

Ohemaa Owusu-Poku (center) is crowned Mrs. BSU at Black Onyx: The Black Student Union’s eighth annual Mr. & Mrs. BSU pageant, Feb. 25, 2023. The event was both educational, as each of the contestants represented a social justice movement, and filled with performances, embodying the spirit of Black History Month.

Celebrating Black History Month BY CINARA MARQUIS Arts & Culture Editor

Black History Month is an annual observance that occurs in February. It honors the triumphs and achievements of African Americans and celebrates their contributions to the world. Shaniah Fairweather, president of the club Black Onyx: The Black Student Union, shared over email about what Black History Month means to her: “Black History Month to me means empowerment. This month is to make sure that our ancestors’ stories are never forgotten. It’s to make

sure that African Americans today know how important and powerful our skin is. Black History Month to me is every month of the year.” Black Onyx aims to make the adjustment to college easier for students, especially BIPOC students. The club promotes Black heritage and cultural awareness and is an advocate for student needs. Fairweather continued, “It is very important that we celebrate Black History on this campus, especially because we attend a predominantly white school.” Building solidarity is also important to Isabella Rodriguez, the president of

FUERZA: The BIPOC Student Union, a club which strives to create a safe space for BIPOC communities on and off SUNY Plattsburgh’s campus: “It is important that we celebrate Black History Month, particularly on college campuses, because it creates a space for students, administrators, and other faculty members to feel safe, seen, supported, embraced, and powerful in their environment.” Black History Month is a reminder to encourage the promotion of equity. Rodriguez said, “We should take the time, especially during this beautiful month, to

honor those—past and present—who overcame great adversity while also creating a great deal of beauty, community, and life that we are all able to appreciate today.” To celebrate Black History Month, Fairweather encourages people to educate themselves about things that they may not be aware of. She wrote, “Everyone on this campus should be educated and wanting to learn about their classmates. Our background and the past is what built us up to be who we are today.” If SUNY Plattsburgh is to foster the kind, inclusive and diverse community that

it strives for in its mission statement, students and faculty must be willing to better themselves. Rodriguez agreed and recommended that people research the achievements of Black Americans, as well as “attend Black History Month events and/or programs both on and off campus, and support Blackowned businesses.” Fairweather recommended that students come to Black Onyx meetings, which are in Yokum 205 at 8 p.m. every Wednesday. BHM > 6

Shine On! outreach mentors change lives BY KOLIN KRINER Staff Writer

Shine On!, a nonprofit organization designed to build confidence in elementary-school children, is in the search for education outreach mentors. Colleen Lemza, chair of the department of journalism and public relations, founded Shine On! 16 years ago, after an incident involving her daughter being bullied for having off-brand shoes. This, mixed with clear signs of confidence issues at kindergarten age, made Lemza realize that the feelings her daughter was experiencing were caused by the media. “I couldn’t protect them forever,” Lemza said. “I needed to make them tough and strong.” When Shine On! initially began, prior to it receiving its name, it consisted

of four students having a conversation with a small group of young girls about the media. When word got out about the discussion, people in the community began asking Lemza when she would be holding a conversation like that again. The following year, Shine On! received its name and a grant which allowed it to put on its first workshop in Plattsburgh, which 90 young girls attended. Since then, Shine On! has grown, extending educational outreach and holding an annual conference to educate young girls on how to be confident and optimistic despite what is being portrayed in the media. The conference and outreach

also work on building the girls’ character strengths of grit, willpower, individuality, social intelligence, curiosity and kindness. Sierra Wood, a former mentor who attended the conference in her youth, described her time working with Shine On! as an enriching and transformative experience. “The supportive environment fosters a sense of belonging and empowers both us mentors and the children to embrace their unique qualities,” Wood said. “Witnessing the blossoming self-esteem of the children as they overcome challenges and celebrate achievements is truly heartening.” Education outreach mentors will go

into classrooms weekly for 30 minute sessions to present education about manipulation in the media. The education is delivered over the course of nine weeks through pre-prepared workshops targeted at young girls. The mentors give the girls a “toolbox” of media literacy skills as well as tools to grow their character strengths. Students who participate in the program as an outreach mentor can choose to do so for college credit, or even get paid. The program has a rate of $15 an hour for presenting in classrooms. Mentors work in pairs to help ease the anxieties of teaching a large group of children. Committee Chair Molly Nelligan stressed the importance of the mentors to the program. SHINE > 5

Trillium chamber honors Langston Hughes BY CINARA MARQUIS Arts & Culture Editor

CINARA MARQUIS/Cardinal Points

Sheridan Hughes reads the works of Langston Hughes on stage.

As a part of SUNY Plattsburgh’s Black History Month programming, the Office for Diversity, Equity and Inclusion collaborated with the SUNY Plattsburgh Music Department to create a truly magical experience. The Trillium Chamber players performed in the afternoon Feb. 4 in the Krinovitz Recital Hall, featuring Janice Kyle on oboe, Robin Cameron-Phillips on flute, Jennifer Moore on piano and Janine Scherline on clarinet. Regional guest musicians Mike Lewandowski was on percussion and Matt Dunne on bass. Special guest Sheridan Hughes, descendant of poet Langston Hughes and abolitionist Lewis Sheridan Leary, read selected works written by Langston Hughes from his experiences in Paris and Harlem, New York. Allison Heard, vice president of DEI, opened the performance with some facts about Langston Hughes and en-

couraged further research. She spoke about his troubles with segregation in school and college, as well as the inaccurate representation he faced throughout his college career. Referring to a mentor that Langston Hughes found in a teacher in high school, Heard said: “We all have opportunities to mentor and touch other people with our kindness, with our love that we can pour into one another. We don’t have to wait for people to ask us, and the story of Langston Hughes, he leaned towards so many people.” She continued, about his pioneering work in activism. “He spoke profoundly about issues which, at that time, were very scary issues to talk about. He wrote on so many different topics, some of which can be difficult to read, to hear, to comprehend, but it was so significant because at the time he talked about the plight of Black Americans, he traveled the world, he did so many different things. HUGHES > 5


Arts & Culture Editor Cinara Marquis


SHINE Continued from Page 4 “Without our mentors, there would be no program. The central idea of our program is that girls look up to the ‘cool college-aged woman,’” Nelligan explained. “Our mentors are the catalyst for our message, and with their help the children within our program grasp the concept of our message a lot easier and in a fun way.” Lemza stated that working with this program looks great on a resume, too, as it pro-

CINARA MARQUIS/Cardinal Points

Friday, Feb. 16, 2024

vides classroom and public speaking experience. The opportunity to contribute to the community enhances both personal and professional growth allowing members to make new connections. Working with Shine On! proves to be fulfilling, fun and heartwarming. For more information about Shine On! and education outreach mentors, contact Colleen Lemza at or Molly Nelligan at mnell001@ Email KOLIN KRINER

From left to right: Mamiko Okada, Sierra Wood and Isabael Martinez table for Shine On!.

HUGHES Continued from Page 4 And even though the news and the media were oftentimes so negative, so many of his stories focused on the positive aspects of being Black in America.” The musicians played a variety of stunning pieces. First was the beautifully pensive and, at times, playful “Divertimento,” composed by Malcom Arnold. It included “Allegro Energico,” “Languido,” “Vivace,” “Andantino,” “Maestoso,” and “Piacevole.” Next was the beautiful piano and flute duet, “Fujiko,” composed by Andy Scott. “Portraits of Langston,” composed by Valerie Coleman, was accompanied by selected works of Langston Hughes read by Sheridan Hughes. The pieces were brilliant, some hu-

morous and boisterous and others humble and solemn – all were read with a great passion that could be heard through the laughter and “mmhmms” of consensus in the audience. The music that accompanied the readings shared these emotions; they were “Prelude: Helen Keller,” “Le Grand Duc Mambo,” “Silver Rain” and “Parisian Cabaret.” After a brief pause, the chamber played the entrancing “Gentle Notion,” composed by Jennifer Higdon. Lastly was, “Suite for Flute and Jazz Piano Trio,” composed by Claude Bolling. It included the bright and bombastic “Baroque and Blue” and the stunningly smooth “Sentimentale” and “Fugace.” The event was open to all, and it showed in the faces of the audience, which consisted of SUNY Plattsburgh students, alumni, faculty and local residents. After the standing ovation

succeeding the performance, conversation boomed in the recital hall. Beautiful music accompanied by spreading awareness about Langston Hughes’ creative work was a beautiful way to welcome Black History Month to the campus. Stay up to date by subscribing to the Music Department’s newsletter, News & Notes, by contacting Performing Arts Coordinator Dwayne Butchino at Visit the SUNY Plattsburgh Department of Music Calendar of Events at To learn more about the Office of Diversity, Equity and Inclusion and other DEI events, visit https://www. index.html. Email CINARA MARQUIS

Shades of expression

CINARA MARQUIS/Cardinal Points

Robin Cameron-Phillips, flautist.

A conversation with visual artist Ginny Lucchetti

BY CINARA MARQUIS Arts & Culture Editor

Cardinal Creatives is a biweekly column that celebrates creators in Plattsburgh, present and past. Spotlighting diverse talents throughout our community in all forms, the column is a window into Plattsburgh’s art scene. “I’ve been told [that I have made art] since I could pick up a pen,” said Ginny Lucchetti, a sophomore visual art major at SUNY Plattsburgh. She is pursuing a drawing focus. “I really like digital. But, physically, I really like charcoal. I just like how messy it is — you can do a lot with it,”

she explained. Lucchetti believes that art should be fun and experimental – they often use the dry brush technique. Dry brushing is when an artist pairs a paintbrush with charcoal. It gives the work a smooth, painterly look. They described, “It’s like everything all in one, and it’s so nice, and it’s so fun, and it’s so messy, and most of the time I come out of art class looking like I just got out of the coal mines, and that’s the best part about it.” In her art classes, she enjoys drawing figures and still-lifes of skulls. On her own, though, she enjoys character design. “I love coming up with characters in my head and drawing them—fantasy characters, that’s my favorite,” Lucchetti said. Equally fulfilling is the exchange of ideas that happens in art class. She explained, “I like inspiring others, and I like being inspired by others, and that’s what I really like about art class.” When she is not making art, she can be found running. They said, “My biggest hobby outside of [art] is that I run for track and cross country, and actually, a lot of my ideas of art come from when I’m running by myself stumped on, I’ll just go for a walk and normally it just comes to me.” EXP > 6



Arts & Culture Editor Cinara Marquis

Friday, Feb. 16, 2024

CARDINAL CALENDAR: Feb. 16 - 23 Friday, Feb. 16 African-American Read-In James Augustus Wilson Commons, Champlain Valley Hall 10:30 a.m. to 2:30 p.m.

Monday, Feb. 19

Tuesday, Feb. 20

Field Trip to North Country Underground Railroad Museum

Minor Adjustments Auditions

2 to 4 p.m. Email to register.

Wednesday, Feb. 21

Walk, Talk and Find Ways to Green Up Our Campus Burghy’s Den 5 p.m.

Thursday, Feb. 22

Minor Adjustments Auditions Myers 112 8 to 10 p.m. Prepare a verse and a chorus to sing.

BHM Continued from Page 4 “Our meetings are put into place to empower people, educate them and help them celebrate this beautiful month,” she explained. Fuerza: meets every Wednesday in The Amnesty Room in the ACC at 7 p.m. Allison Heard, vice president of the Office of Diversity, Equity and Inclusion, wrote over email about the significance of educational events

during this month: “Black History Month focuses on celebrating the remarkable achievements and contributions of African Americans in an enhanced way. Often, these achievements go unnoticed or are suppressed. We have partnered with various departments to co-host programs throughout the month.” DEI has collaborated and hosted various events in celebration of Black History Month. In the beginning of February, there was a Racial Healing Circle hosted by the

Truth, Racial Healing, & Transformation Center, followed by a concert a couple days later by the Trillium Chamber Players. Guest speaker Andratesha Fitzgerald, teacher and curriculum specialist, held a discussion and workshop called “Power and Empowerment: Recognizing the Importance of Decision-Making and Design,” hosted by the New York State Hate & Bias Prevention North Country Regional Council and New York State Master Teachers. “Loving Every Shade of You” was a Valentine’s Day event that encouraged stu-

Myers 112 8 to 10 p.m. Prepare a verse and a chorus to sing.

Friday, Feb. 23

Geophysics lecture by Alan Gontz, Clarkson University Hudson 106 3:30 to 4:30 p.m.

dents to share their appreciation for diversity on campus. In collaboration with Chartwells, the DEI hosted a Mardi Gras dinner party as well. Today, Friday Feb 16, from 10:30 a.m. to 2:30 p.m., there is an African-American ReadIn in the James Augustus Wilson Commons in Champlain Valley Hall, hosted by Sigma Tau Delta. A field trip to the North Country Underground Railroad Museum is also being hosted Feb 19 from 2 to 4 p.m. Throughout the whole month, there are come-andgo events in the H.U.B. in the

Angell College Center, including music and more, every day from 9 a.m. to 4 p.m. and movies and documentaries every day from 12 p.m. to 2 p.m. Contact for more information about Black History Month events on campus.


EXP Continued from Page 5

Lucchetti finds inspiration for her work in her everyday life too. They explained, “If I watch a movie and I felt really moved by the movie, my art will kind of reflect that. Or the music I’m listening to—if I’m listening to faster-paced stuff, it’s a lot more gestural in my work, the lines are aggressive. But if I’m listening to calm music I do it very delicately, and it’s very precise.” Drawing while listening to music allows Lucchetti to explore her feelings. “I find it very soothing, and it’s something that I can control when my life feels uncontrollable, and I like

Aries (March 21 – April 19) The reversed Ten of Wands card signifies over whelm. You are holding onto an unnecessary burden, delegate responsibility to lighten the load.

that about it.” They want to continue their education through graduate school. She expressed “I want to go into animation, so I’m trying to build up my portfolio.” She continues about animation, “It’s kinda cool that it’s something that just lives eternally— it’s so magical, it’s like an escape from this world.”



All artworks by Ginny Lucchetti

Taurus (April 20 – May 20)

Gemini (May 21 – June 20)

The Seven of Pentacles card represents abundance. Your diligence promises a successful outcome.

The Six of Swords card depicts transitions. This week there will be lots of movement, be sure to release your previous baggage so that progress is smooth.

Cancer (June 21 – July 22)

Leo (July 23 – August 22)

The reversed Death card represents resistance. If you are feeling afraid of a difficult change, let it be, as everything has an end and a beginning.

The Five of Cups entails pessimism. This week you are faced with dissatisfaction and moodiness, don’t let your regrets define you.

Libra (September 23 – October 22)

Scorpio (October 23 – November 21)

The reversed Two of Cups represents imbalance within a relationship. Let go of pride and pettiness.

The Knight of Wands card signifies passion. You have new-found energy and confidence — be bold, but not impulsive.

Capricorn (December 22– January 19)

Aquarius (January 20 – February 18)

The Eight of Swords card symbolizes restrictions. This week you will feel trapped by self-imposed beliefs. Find solidarity in yourself through reflection.

The reversed Hermit card is about loneliness. A lack of intuition will lead to unwanted isolation, reach out for guidance to the people you trust.

Virgo (August 23 – September 22) The Four of Pentacles card is about frugality. Saving money is a good habit. Be mindful of the difference between needs and wants. Sagittarius (November 22 – December 21) The Ten of Swords indicates defeat. Great pain will follow you through betrayal this week. Do not make a move, keep your peace and separate yourself from drama. Pisces (February 19 – March 20) The Empress card represents fertility. Your creativity is flourishing this week, be certain to utilize it to empower yourself and others.


▪ Photography Editor Jayne Smith


Friday, Feb. 16, 2024

This Week in Photos: Burghy Plunge Photos by Aleksandra Sidorova Left: Shine On! Adviser Colleen Lemza can’t take the cold as Christa Covel-Reyell and Skyler Misiaszek look on.

Right: John Carguello cannonballs into Hawkins Pond. Right: Associate Professor of Archaeology Justin Lowry dunks student Joey Panzarella “baptism-style.” Below: Sigma Delta Tau sisters splash in the pond’s icy waters.

Read more about the Burghy Plunge on Page 1.

FRIDAY, FEB. 16, 2024


Phoebe Sturm 1938 - 2024

Provided by Plattsburgh State Athletics


Plattsburgh local Tyler Baker clears a hurdle during the 55-meter hurdle Feb. 7 at the Field House.

Cards rock Field House BY JUSTIN RUSHIA Staff Writer

For most schools, a home meet does not seem like a big deal; however, Plattsburgh State is taking full advantage of their newly gifted opportunity. The Plattsburgh State Cardinals track and field teams hosted their second indoor meet in over 25 years Wednesday, Feb. 8. Home sporting events are a staple for every school. Athletes don’t have to travel, local families can attend the event, and student sections can all be gigantic advantages. The Cardinals track and field team is becoming accustomed to these huge homefield advantages. Cardinal Country came out and showed its support for the competing studentathletes. The home crowd was filled with familiar fac-

es. Multiple other Cardinals sports teams were present, as well as fans, showing their support. Members of Plattsburgh’s volleyball team were fielding shot putts in the throwing pits, and soccer players from the women’s team were helping with the high jump. “To be able to feel the energy in the building is great. I know our student-athletes really appreciate their friends, teachers, and administrators being here,” said track and field head coach Andrew Krug. Many of Plattsburgh’s upperclassman competitors did not get the chance to show out in front of their home crowd. Instead, they saved their legs for the Fast Track Invitational in Staten Island on Friday, February 9th. Underclassmen were able to show off their skills, with some upperclassmen out of the picture.

Anthon Brown, a firstyear jumper, made the home crowd proud with an outstanding performance. He reached a height of six feet in the high jump event. The mark was good for first place. “You just feel so much more comfortable being able to compete in the same place that you practice,” Brown said. Brown was not the only first-year Cardinal to have an impressive day. Isaiah Ritter had an impressive day in the 55-meter dash, running the fastest time in the prelims and placing second overall in the final. Ritter also found success in the long jump, placing second overall behind fellow firstyear Ethan Mulholland. “I didn’t feel nervous at all,” Ritter said, “I felt way more comfortable being here.” T&F > 11

Former Cardinals women’s basketball head coach Phoebe Sturm died Jan. 19 at 85 years old. Sturm was the inaugural coach for the program in 1974. She was an active member of Plattsburgh State athletics since her arrival to the campus as a physical education instructor in 1965. “Her legacy is that she is a pioneer of women’s athletics here,” Former Women’s Basketball Head Coach Cheryl Cole said. “She was part of that legacy of women who made things happen back then.” Cole succeeded Sturm after her retirement from coaching in 1996. Cole said that during her time leading the team Sturm was never afraid to support her and her athletes post-retirement. Sturm served as a chairperson of the women’s sports division in 1990 and president of the SUNYAC for the 1993-94 school year. She was inducted into the Plattsburgh Athletic Hall of Fame in 2001 for her achievements and unique impact on SUNY Plattsburgh.

Sturm worked with the basketball team even prior to her role as head coach, spearheading the women’s basketball club that would eventually become the official team for many years. Her impact reached beyond the basketball court as well, as she instructed golfers and fencers at Plattsburgh State as well. Through her teachings, many Plattsburgh alumni were inspired in their athletic careers and in their personal lives. “Her legacy lives through them,” Cole said. Last year, Aimee Gomlak – Plattsburgh class of 1990 and athlete coached by Sturm – started a fund and donated $10,000 toward honoring her former coach by naming the newly constructed women’s basketball coaches’ office in Sturm’s name. The fund raised $25,285 in total. “She bled Cardinal red, no doubt about it,” Cole said. “A woman you just can’t say enough good things about.”



Cards order tender combo

(Total donations)

















































MSOC was awarded $3,500 T&F was awarded $1,000 MBB was awarded $500

The Plattsburgh Cardinals have a problem. A good problem. Every game, Head Coach Steve Moffat looks at goaltenders Jacob Hearne, who is 22-2-2 over his career, and Eli Shiller, last year’s team and SUNYAC Tournament MVP, and tells one of them they won’t be seeing the ice. “We had the luxury of having two really good goalies,” Moffat said after the NCAA Tournament loss to Norwich March 11, 2023, in which Shiller started. “It’s really hard to look Jacob Hearne in the eye, the kid hadn’t lost a game all year, and tell him he’s not playing.” Plattsburgh boasts one of the best goalie tandems in Division III. Hearne, Shiller and third-stringer Dominik Bovan have collectively recorded 2.08 goals against average and have a .913 save percentage.



Eli Shiller (left) and Jacob Hearne (right) celebrate after a win. This season, Hearne has started 12 games, totalling 702:47 and Shiller 11 games, totalling 662:24. Moffat has generally stuck to the routine of rotating tenders between games. Both Hearne and Shiller want to start over one another, and most likely, one of them will when the team reaches the dog days of the season. Despite the competition and resentment this situ-

ation could brew, the two are best friends.


Hearne is the more traditional goalie of the two. He’s good at setting himself up in front of the shooter to get the most conservative save possible. It’s clear he’s studied Carey Price tape, his favorite goalie. MHKY > 10


Wednesday, Feb. 7

Friday, Feb. 9

Saturday, Feb. 10

Friday, Feb. 16

Saturday, Feb. 17

Wednesday, Feb. 21

T&F @ Home

MHKY @ Cortland 5 - 4 WIN *SUNYAC*

MHKY @ Oswego 3 - 4 LOSS *SUNYAC*

WHKY @ Cortland 3:00 p.m. *SUNYAC*

WHKY @ Potsdam 2 -1 WIN *SUNYAC*

WHKY @ Potsdam 1 -0 WIN *SUNYAC*

MHKY vs. Buffalo St. 7:00 p.m. *SUNYAC*

T&F @ Brockport TBD *SUNYAC Championships*

MLAX vs. Norwich 4:00 p.m. *Season Opener*

MBB @ Buffalo St. 83 - 64 WIN *SUNYAC*

MBB @ Fredonia 78 - 66 WIN *SUNYAC*

WBB vs. New Paltz 5:30 p.m. *SUNYAC*

WHKY TBA *SUNYAC Tournament*

MHKY TBA *SUNYAC Tournament Final*

WBB @ Buffalo St. 55 - 48 WIN *SUNYAC*

WBB @ Fredonia 59 - 51 WIN *SUNYAC*

T&F @ Fastrack *Invitational*

MBB vs. New Paltz 7:30 p.m. *SUNYAC* T&F @ SLU Open 3 p.m.

MHKY TBA *SUNYAC Tournament* MBB TBA *SUNYAC Tournament*


▪ Sports Editor Michael Purtell


Friday, Feb. 16, 2024


Plattsburgh in postseason hunt BY MICHAEL PURTELL As of Feb. 15

Sports Editor


The Plattsburgh State Cardinals men’s basketball team is at the tail end of its season. For the first time under Head Coach Mike Blaine, the team has a real shot at making a postseason appearance. College athletics were thrown into chaos just three seasons ago, with COVID-19 shutting down the 2020 season. Coming off of that lost season, the Cardinals were a mere 2-23. The team only achieved one conference win out of 18 games. It was the worst season the team has had in 50 years. Since then, the team has improved its record every season. Last year, the Cards earned 10 wins, the highest mark under Blaine. It was a step forward, but not quite enough to earn them a spot in the SUNYAC tournament. This season, the team sits at 12 wins, 9 in conference, with two games left to play. It is currently tangled in a three-way tie for fifth in the conference. This record is built entirely upon excellent play coming out of the winter break, where the team was able to string together a four game conference win streak after going 0-2 in conference play in fall 2023. Two wins to finish the season would guarantee the Cardinals a playoff spot, and depending on how things fall across the conference, one could be enough to decide it.


SUNYAC OVERALL 14-2-0-0 21-4-0-0

X - Oswego



X - Platts



4 - Cortland






Buffalo St.









E - M'ville



STATISTICS GOALS Bennett Stockdale, F

# 17

Joshua Belgrave, F


Tio D’Addario, F


ASSISTS Bennett Stockdale, F

# 16

Adam Tretowicz, F


Jake Lanyi, F POINTS Bennett Stockdale, F

14 # 33

Joshua Belgrave, F


Adam Tretowicz, F



# +15

Tio D'Addario, F


Stockdale, Belgrave, Ring



# .928

Eli Shiller, G



SUNYAC OVERALL 15-1-0-0 20-2-1-1

X - Cortland



3 - Oswego









E - Potsdam



E - Buff St.




# 14

Julia Masotta, F


Wall, Orr


ASSISTS Julia Masotta, F

# 22

Kendall Wasik, D


Wall, Boric


POINTS Julia Masotta, F

# 31

Ciara Wall, F


Zsófia Pázmándi, F


PLUS MINUS Kendall Wasik, D

# +22

Zsófia Pázmándi, F


Masotta, Wall



# .962

Lilla Nease, G




X - New Paltz


X - Brockport















E - Fredonia



E - Potsdam



E - Buff St.



NEW PALTZ (17-6, 11-5)

The battle of the birds will see the Cardinals facing off against a juggernaut Hawks squad. New Paltz currently sits at second place in the conference, only behind the undefeated Oswego Lakers.


Mike Blaine smiles approvingly at Jeremiah Smith from the sidelines Jan. 30 in Memorial Hall. The last meeting of these two teams was a nail-biter despite the difference in record. The Hawks snatched a win from Plattsburgh 74-73 in New Paltz. Now with a shot in Memorial Hall and the playoffs on the line, the Cardinals need to pull off an upset. The Cardinals will need to execute better on the perimeter on both sides of the ball in this second match. In the last meeting four Hawks scored two or more three-pointers, allowing 45% shooting from the team. In response, the Cardinals were held to 37% from deep, without a single player hitting more than one attempt. This allowed the Hawks to edge out a win, despite a huge Plattsburgh advantage in paint scoring, 40-22. The Cardinals also failed to score a single point off of second shot attempts, despite grabbing nine offensive boards. The Hawks cashed out 12 points on just six offensive rebounds. An area of optimism is the defensive end of the ball.

The Cardinals recorded more steals and blocks than the hawks in that game. It also forced the Hawks into committing 19 turnovers, proving that it is more than capable of slowing down this top-of-theleague team. The game against the Hawks will be tonight at 7:30 p.m.

ONEONTA (12-11, 9-7)

The final regular season match will be played against the Red Dragons, a team the Cardinals are currently tied with in conference standings. This game most likely will be the deciding match for the team’s playoff hopes. In the previous clash of these two teams a month ago the Cardinals took a road win 86-80. The win highlighted the talents of graduate student Dylan Trombley, who had a season high 28 points on blisteringly hot 5-6 shooting from deep. Playing against his former team, he might be in a position to perform well again. The Red Dragons out-re-

bounded the Cardinals by a wide margin, 32-44. It is an area the Cardinals will need to improve in this meeting to keep Oneonta from getting the win. The rebound column is the only glaring problem that this matchup presented for the Cardinals last time. The team recorded half the turnovers, 8 more blocks, nearly double the assists, and were more efficient from everywhere but the free throw line compared to their opposition. With a playoff spot on the line, it will be no surprise that the Red Dragons will come in looking to rectify those mistakes in the rematch. The Cardinals will need to make a statement in order to earn its playoff spot over the other red, winged team. The game against the Red Dragons will be Saturday at 4 p.m., and will be Senior Night for the team as well. Email MICHAEL PURTELL





Kevin Tabb, G


Dylan Trombley, G/F


Franklin Infante, G REBOUNDS PER GAME Dylan Trombley, G/F

9.7 # 5.4

Ikechukwu Ezike, G/F


Kevin Tabb, G ASSISTS PER GAME Franklin Infante, G

4.7 # 2.6

Willard Anderson Jr., G


Kevin Tabb, G STEALS + BLOCKS Kevin Tabb, G

2.2 # 57

Willard Anderson Jr., G


Ikechukwu Ezike, G/F




X - Geneseo


16-7 17-7

X - Brockport















E - Potsdam



E - Buff St.




# 14.4

Payton Couture, G/F


Julia Greek, G



# 9.0

Payton Couture, G/F


Kathy Peterson-Ross, G/F


ASSISTS PER GAME Payton Couture, G/F

# 2.5

Mya Smith, G


Selma Deisz STEALS + BLOCKS Imani Walcott, C

1.8 # 87

Mya Smith, G


Payton Couture, G/F


Superbowl LVIII has come and gone. Celebrate the end of the NFL season with some Plattsburgh State Throwbacks! Pictured are snippets from the final two seasons of Plattsburgh State Cardinal football. The team was introduced in 1971, and was dissolved in 1977.

10 ▪


Sports Editor Michael Purtell

Friday, Feb. 16, 2024

2 MYA SMITH Basketball, Guard What is the strongest connection you have from Cardinal basketball?


Jacob Hearne being helped up by fellow Cardinals after winning LayerEight Shootout Nov. 25.

MHKY Continued from page 8 “Jacob is more of a tactical goaltender,” Goalie Coach Bill Corbo said. “He relies on his angles a little bit more, being in the right position at the right time, getting set up quickly and anticipating where the shots are going to be coming from.” First-year Hearne started six games during the 2020-21 season as the team’s number two goalie, getting the nod over senior Brandon Wells. Injuries and illness hampered him for much of the season. Hearne initially caught Moffat’s eye for one major reason — his ability to win big games in juniors. Moffat put that to the test, starting Hearne in the first round of the SUNYAC Tournament against Brockport over number one Anthony Del Tufo. The Plattsburgh net was pounded by pucks all night, as Hearne faced 47 shots. The Cardinals lost 6-7 in a shootout. Moffat made it clear the loss “wasn’t Hearne’s fault” and his teammates continued to support him. That summer, Moffat challenged the goaltender to get better, and told them new competition was arriving. Wells graduated, Del Tufo transferred to Oswego to play on their American Collegiate Hockey Association team, and Hearne stayed. “Jacob met the challenge head on,” Moffat said. “He got better and worked harder.”


Shiller was brought in before the 2022-23 season as reassurance at the position. With just one returner, the team needed to take a swing on a young guy. “We really didn’t know what we had with him, quite honestly,” Corbo said. By Hearne’s admission, Shiller is more athletic, and that’s his strong suit. His highlights are diving saves, he can take a hit and he can play the puck too. Hearne opened the season as the number one, and graduate student transfer Kyle Alaverdy was the backup.

Shiller started his first game Nov. 11, 2022 against Brockport, and he didn’t look back. That game, he saved 21 of 23 shots, and a week later, shut out Fredonia on 23 saves. Shiller’s play earned him the look headed into the annual Shootout Tournament. In the semifinal, he blanked Middlebury 5-0 on 23 saves and then, in the championship, he saved 31 shots to beat rival Norwich 3-1. He won Tournament MVP. Hearne and Shiller continued to rotate play throughout the season. That year, Hearne went 8-0-1 and Shiller recorded 1.38 goals against average. As the postseason approached, Moffat knew he’d have to pick a starter. “We went with Eli on gut feeling more than anything else,” Moffat said. “We’re going to ride with him and see what happens.” Shiller and the Cardinals proceeded to win the SUNYAC Championship for the first time under Moffat, and Shiller won Tournament MVP. Hearne was there to support Shiller and celebrated just as hard as everyone else. The experience ultimately deepened their relationship, and has made them better players. “It sucked not being called on,” Hearne said. “But it’s one of my best friends playing.” GIFTED GOALIES “I’ve heard stories, like, if you’re playing, the other guy won’t even talk to you,” Shiller said. “It’s the exact opposite for Jacob.” Hearne and Shiller quickly became good teammates and better friends. Shiller was the intended starter against Castleton Oct. 29, 2022, but he was late to the team bus, so Hearne got the nod instead. Ever since, the two-headed monster has used each other as motivation. Moffat said Shiller’s playoff run inspired Hearne to be a better player, and he’s proven it this season, already having outplayed last season’s minute total. “I think they’re really good buddies and competitors. They try to push each other in practice,” Moffat said. “They’re genuinely happy for each other when the other succeeds. That’s really important

to be a good teammate.” No one knows who’s starting until Moffat makes the call the night before or the morning of. Until then, Hearne and Shiller work hard to prove who deserves it. “Growing up, they’ve always been guys that have played,” Corbo said. “They push each other in both a friendly manner and a competitive manner. I think that’s good for them.” It’s good for the team too. Pressure to perform doesn’t fall on a single individual, and the wear and tear of back-to-backs are non-existent. The flexibility allows the team to play to strengths in matchups and make opponents plan for both. “Both goalies give us a lot of confidence,” Moffat said. “Guys are comfortable in front of either one.” There’s never hard feelings when it comes to starts. “We’re just fired up for the other guy,” Hearne said. “We just want to see him succeed,” Hearne and Shiller’s positive energy and sportsmanship doesn’t stop when it comes to other teammates. Bovan got his first collegiate playing time in the third period of a 8-2 win over Morrisville. He saved six shots, and when the period ended, Hearne and Shiller embraced him. “I was super, super nervous, to be honest, before,” Bovan said. “They were super excited. We have a helmet we give out to the best player of the game, and I got it.” As the team enters the final weekend of regular season play, Hearne and Shiller are preparing for postseason play and Moffat is deciding whether Hearne gets a playoff rebuttal or Shiller gets a championship sequel. “You want to play, but at the end of the day, it’s your best friend,” Shiller said. “You want him to succeed as much as you’d want yourself to succeed.” “This is probably the best goalie partner I’ve ever had,” Hearne said. “I could never see myself hating Eli. Unless he really pisses me off.”

MHKY - Plattsburgh is 2-0 vs. Geneseo and 0-2 vs. Oswego. Geneseo is 2-0 vs. Oswego.


"Some of my teammates... I really appreciate our similarities and differences."

MBB - Ikechukwu Ezike is averaging 12.4 points as a starter in 2024.

Favorite shooting spot? How do you like to get there?

57 WBB - Imani Walcott has 57 blocks in the season so far. The 4th most by a Cardinal all-time.

"The right wing for the three... Either getting a good screen and pass... or taking a dribble and a step-back."


How did you make the decision to stay for a graduate year?

WHKY - Lilla Nease has logged .867 goals against average. Good for best in the country.

"I felt that I had more to give and that there was unfinished business as a basketball player at Plattsburgh."


What college basketball experiences do you think will follow you in life? "My college hoops experience has taught me how to be a leader... This will carry into my life forever."

T&F - 11 seniors were honored at the home track meet Feb. 7.


Charles Cypress Cypress set a new Plattsburgh State record in the 200-meter dash with a time of 22.24 seconds on the banked track while competing in the Fastrack National Invitational last Friday, Feb. 9.



MHKY vs. OSWEGO The team drops to 0-2 against the Lakers this season. The game ended on a last second miss. Plattsburgh is now unlikely to host a playoff game. COLLIN BOLEBRUCH/Cardinal Points

Eli Shiller, the starter, getting thoroughly hydrated during a game against Cortland Dec. 1st.


0 0

2 2

— —

3 4

11 ▪


Friday, Feb. 16, 2024

Fesette transfers from DI program

Hometown skater joins the Cardinals' flock


Many birds migrate home for winter, including new Plattsburgh Cardinal Ella Fesette. The daughter of former Cardinal assistant coach of the men’s hockey team, Gregg Fesette, Ella grew up on the ice rink at Ronald B. Stafford ice arena. After four years at Northwood School and beginning her collegiate career with the D1 program at the Rochester Institute of Technology, Fesette joined the ranks of the Plattsburgh State women’s ice hockey team over the winter break. “I always tell my wife, when we put her on the ice, she immediately had a natural stride, she loved it,” Gregg Fesette said. “From that point on, from when she was 5 years old, she never stopped.” Ella’s hockey journey started when her father put her on the ice as a child. When she fell in love with the sport, she also fell in love with competing. She decided she wanted to go as far as collegiate hockey could take her. Ella’s drive to compete to the best of her ability at all times is one of her most striking features. Captain Julia Masotta and Head Coach Kevin Houle both agree that it is one of the immediate characteristics she presents her teammates and opponents with on the ice. “She’s someone who works hard every single shift at practice, in games, in the gym, just everything she does,” Masotta said. “She’s also one of the best teammates I’ve seen.” She developed that drive in Plattsburgh, and it's those ties to the team and the proximity to her family that encouraged her to return.


Ella Fesette skating in full Cardinal uniform in front of the home crowd vs. Morrisville Jan. 12 at Ronald B. Stafford Ice Arena. “It was what I thought was a good fit for me,” Ella said. “Coming back and playing for Plattsburgh was something I always dreamed of doing and it’s cool that I get the opportunity to do it.” Ella says one of the more unique aspects of her return is the support she’s gotten from her community. She’s had super fans like her grandparents and other relatives present at many of her home games, but the expected supporters aren't the only ones who showed their support. At a recent game, Ella was shocked when a couple and their children were cheering

loudly for her. They held homemade signs reading things like “Go #15” and “Welcome Home Ella!” At first, Ella didn’t recognize who the supporters were. Speaking with them after the game, she realized it was her mother’s coworker and her family. “That’s something that not a lot of people playing college hockey get. It’s really special,” Ella said. Ella isn’t the only one benefitting from her local ties. The Fesette family hosted the team for a homecooked meal, creating a team bonding experience that Julia said the team was

“lucky to have.” Ella is also known for cooking on the ice. Her self-proclaimed biggest strength is her speed. Her father claimed it was always the case once she stepped on the ice, and testimonies from Houle and Masotta prove that hasn’t changed. In addition to her speed and athletic motor, Ella was praised for adding sharp edge-work and bolstering the Cardinals’ depth. Fesette has had to adjust to a new role with new teammates, a new coaching staff and an entirely new system. Despite these hurdles, she has been able to contribute with a sizable role on this strong Cardinals squad, to her work ethic and hockey IQ. Ella majors in nutrition. She aims to achieve her masters in order to become a dietitian. Whether it’s work on the ice or in the classroom, Ella will always put her best foot forward. “That's one thing that we've never had to instill in her was the hard work. She just goes and does her thing,” Gregg said. “She's the kind of kid who never misses a set, never misses a rep, never misses any of the stuff that goes along with the hard work.”





Provided by Ella Fesette

Young Ella Fesette lines up with the Men's team pregame during her father's coaching tenure.

T&F Continued from page 8 Plattsburgh’s new opportunities for home meets have led to alumni seeing a chance to compete at home. Kaitlyn Bjelko, a class of 2023 graduate, could not compete at home for most of her time at Plattsburgh. Bjelko was a standout thrower for the women’s track and field team during her time as a student. She was glad to have the opportunity to compete as an independent in front of her former home crowd. Bjelko threw the shot put a distance

of 11.77 meters and won the women’s shot put event. “It’s always so exciting because when you’re away every weekend, you never get to experience that home-court advantage,” said Bjelko. The home meet also allowed for the perfect opportunity for Plattsburgh to recognize their senior Cardinals. Even though many of the seniors didn’t compete, they were given a nice ceremony in front of their home crowd. The meet also fell on National Women in Sports Day. Many female members of Plattsburgh celebrated this day by placing at the top of many events. No one is more proud of her female athletes

than assistant track and field coach Jordyn Naylon. “Being able to represent and push other women to be able to know that you can do well and achieve things that you might not think that you’re able to do is what I try and portray for my women,” Naylon said First-place finishes for the female Cards came from Deanna Zoch in the 55-meter dash with a time of 7.86 seconds, Mikayla Khadijah in the 55-meter hurdles with a time of 10.02 seconds, Grace Estus in the 300-meter dash running 46.69 seconds, Becca Christie in the high jump with a height of 1.45 meters, and Taygin Jump in the


weight throw reaching 12.94 meters. Zoch shattered her previous career best with her mark in the 55-meter dash, shaving .24 seconds off of her last time. Estus posted a career-best in the 300-meter race, while Jump also had her career-best throw in the weight throw, improving by 1.56 meters. First-place finishes from the male Cards came from Tyler Baker in the 55-meter hurdles with a time of 8.79, Ryan Beltran in the 300-meter dash with a time of 38.84, Nick Gelsomino in the 600-meter run with a time of 1:30.27, Anthon Brown in the high jump with a height of 1.83 meters, Ethan Mulholland in the long

GYMNAST jump with a distance of 6.31 meters, and De’Andre Watson in the triple jump with a distance of 12.13 meters. Brown eclipsed his previous career best for the Cards in the high jump, while Mulholland also set a personal record in his event by .1 meters. The Cardinals will be competing today at the Saint Lawrence University Open for their last regular season meet before the SUNYAC championships that will take place February 23rd and 24th.


FRIDAY, FEB. 16, 2024

Fast fashion: cheap yet deadly cost The dark side of shopping and overconsumption BY VICTORIA CAMPBELL Staff Writer

Fast fashion is affordable and trendy, but would you continue to buy from it if you knew the cost that had to be paid? Some of your very own favorite brands might be considered fast fashion, including Shein, H&M, GAP, Fashion Nova, Primark, Forever 21, Urban Outfitters, Temu and Victoria’s Secret. Behind the trendy and affordable clothing are garment factories, where charity organization The World Counts reports children work 14 hours a day and range from under the age of 18 years old. Due to producing affordable clothing, factories are in unacceptable conditions and workers are underpaid, overworked, and exploited just so millions can buy clothing for an affordable price. In the United States, 40 percent of consumers have bought from fast fashion retailers like


Temu in the last 12 months and with the popularity of the website, it is expected to rise. Sweatshops and garment factories are nothing new; they have been around for decades but were not heavily covered by the media. Most manufacturing shops are located in China, India

and Bangladesh. As told by South China Morning, Bangladesh workers make 33 cents an hour, and as uncovered by the Guardian, in sweatshops in India, the average rate is 58 cents. So not only are the workers overworked but are not making a liveable wage. There is

little to no government control, so these young children are working in an unsafe and unhygienic workspace. While the fast fashion industry looks appealing from the outside, it is slowly destroying the Earth and its forests, polluting soil, water, and air and impacting work-

ers’ health. Reporter Sufana Noorwez revealed that Shein leaves roughly 6.3 million tons of carbon dioxide annually. While this has not been a crisis yet, would you continue to risk it to have affordable quality clothing? FASHION > 13

Grammys best and worst dressed BY BRIONNE THOMPSON Staff Writer

This year, the Grammys had a lot of pressure, and the stakes were high, between who would win the award for the Album Of The Year, Fantasia performing a Tina Turner Via Wikimedia Commons tribute, and Jay-Z accepting

the Dr. Dre Global Impact award. The Grammys are also known for their show-stopping and memorable fashion looks. This year the guests’ outfits were questionable, to say the least. Let’s start off on a good note—the top five artists with an amazing choice of style the night of the Grammys.

The first outfit that looked Grammy-appropriate was Victoria Monet. Monet wore a custom Versace dress. I don’t mean appropriate in how much of her was covered.


Online learning — Virtual classrooms the future of school distract students BY JANEY WATERS Contributor

they are only an email away. Tutors are accessible from sources all over the country. One-to-one learning is promoted and encouraged. Online environments foster room to grow, the room to succeed, and are the future of learning. The internet is a learning citadel, and it is pertinent for schools to offer the proper channels for students to thrive in. Technology should not be something educators are afraid of. With technology leading the way in many aspects of our society, classrooms should develop more ways to keep students connected both inside and outside the course.

Online learning has transformed not only how educators teach across the country but also how students learn. With the rising prevalence of pseudo-classrooms online, students are finally offered the choice and given control over their education. They are given control over where they learn, how they learn, and what they learn. Although not a popular choice for high school classrooms, online learning has taken college lectures by storm. Many argue for a traditional educational setting, claiming - it isn’t the same and citing stunted social SUMMARY: growth, but that highlights the exact Online learning allows stupoint for many students who prefer to dents to take control of their own learn at their own pace – within their futures in a way that is accessible own environments from the comfort to their lives. and safety of their own homes. The entire point of online learning is that it is not traditional learning, and for many it is the exact reason why it is so appealing. After not being given much control through the public school system, online classrooms and online environments are the exact solution and escape that students yearn for and have been yearning for since the new age of technology. At last, students are able to access material through a forum that promotes them to finally choose where they would rather learn, what they would like to pursue, and to do it at a pace that encourages them to succeed. Email JANEY WATERS There are real and living educators on the other side of the screen, and

BY NADIA PASCHAL Opinions Editor

ed assignments, ensuring academic success. They also have the chance to ask professors any questions they have and receive an immediate response, without having to deal with the hassle of sending emails back and forth and waiting an unknown and varied amount of time for such uncertainties to be cleared up. Asynchronous classes have become more common, and students will rush to sign up for them, allowing them to take more credits without tamping down their day. Believing these courses will be easier to manage and take up less time, they often push them to the side to focus on more rigorous courses that often require in-person work to be done. Without direct reminders, this work may be neglected or forgotten about entirely. Studies have shown that physically writing and copying down notes on paper allows information to be processed better. The current education system has flaws that do need to be addressed, so that students can be successful and transition into the workforce, but online learning is not the answer.

Since the start of the COVID-19 pandemic, a new format of learning has opened up for students across the nation. Despite the convenience of online learning, is this really what is best for students? Living in the age of modern technology does come with benefits, but overall there are many negatives when it comes to online classrooms. One primary issue is distractions. When students have their laptops present and the internet open, the whole world is at their fingertips. The enticement of being able to switch back and forth between tabs and take a break whenever they want can lead many not to focus their attention solely on their work and unable to fully process the information that is in front of them. Although smartphones and laptops are prevalent and have become staple pieces in many students’ lives, not everyone is fortunate enough to be able to possess them. This equipment is costly, and if it breaks, or becomes unreliable, how can students complete work on time or comSUMMARY: municate that with their professor? Traditional education puts stuUsing the library or the computer dents into an environment that lab is certainly an option, but these makes it easier to focus and learn. are resources that are not available 24/7, and with students leading such busy lives, they may be unable to fit a visit into their schedules. In a normal structured classroom setting, Email NADIA PASCHAL students have a guaranteed nity to receive and hand in complet-

13 ▪ Opinion Editor Nadia Paschal

‘Saltburn’ captures fans BY KOLIN KRINER Staff Writer

“Saltburn”, directed by Emerald Fennell, took the world by storm with its masterful imagery, tone and cinematography. A brilliantly crafted story of disturbance, deceit, and classism, it walks a line of discomfort and humor, delivering dry comedy that works. The superb ensemble cast delivers a jaw-dropping performance that weaves itself around the copious tone shifts throughout the movie. Barry Keoghan is a stand-out, heading the cast, really giving it his all to portray his character, Oliver Quick. The intensity and depth of the character, in all of his disturbing glory, is the driving force behind the plot. The supporting cast, primarily those playing the upper-class Catton family, delivers a comedic yet at times dark and uncomfortable performance that dives into the complexity of living a life where everything is handed to you on a silver platter. The imagery, score and cinematography work hand in hand to produce a beautifully crafted dark tone. Imagery of windows as a device for seeing what life could be, mirrors showing personal reflection and character shifts, and the use of devils and angels to show a struggle between good and evil are heavily utilized. These are masterfully conveyed and shot to align with the tone and current state of mind the characters are in. The score transitions between being tense and lighthearted. This, along with the cinematography, which utilizes color symbolism, lighting and wide shots, brings out the un-

Sports Editor Michael Purtell

Opinion Editor Nadia Paschal

Graphics Editor Cameron Greaves

Photography Editor Jayne Smith

Multimedia Editor Jacob Crawford

Yuki Ouchi

Web Editor

Public Relations Chair Jacob Crawford Faculty Adviser Jack Downs

Contact CP 118 Ward Hall SUNY Plattsburgh Plattsburgh, NY

Via IMP Awards

comfortable tone of the film overall, while establishing the feeling of being in a fever dream. The film is sure to leave the audience stunned with its balance of being shocking yet laughterensuing. It is dark, twisted, mysterious and erotic while still bringing so much humor and devastatingly memorable

Continued from Page 12 How her makeup and hair match the aesthetic of her dress, and how there’s an amazing color scheme that can be seen from miles away. Something also really sweet about this outfit is that she matched with her adorable 2-year old daughter that accompanied her. Her outfit gave off a calm and collected aura, just in time to win the Best New Artist award. reports that overall, the fashion industry produces 150 billion clothing pieces a year, and 40 million of them end up in landfills, which continue to pollute the air quality. Due to the quality of the clothing, you would be buying more clothes than not. If you spend a little more on sustainable brands, like Reformation, the clothing will last much longer, due to its quality which will

Managing Editor Aleksandra Sidorova

Arts & Culture Editor News Editor Cinara Marquis Aleksandra Sidorova


Continued from Page 12

Friday, Feb 16, 2024

Editorial Board Editor in Chief Collin Bolebruch

Dua Lipa at the Grammys via Wikimedia Commons



scenes. It is unique yet insane. The movie is best without any spoilers as it will give way to many reactions of “did that actually just happen?”


Next, Janelle Monae with a beautiful Armani glossy-black strapless dress, and dark, sharp eyeliner. With a silver flower in the middle, it creates a simple yet elegant choice for the night. Then, someone who I think played it safe but still looked put together was Olivia Rodrigo. She wore a vintage Versace beige dress that expelled the famous Marilyn Monroe embezzled dress with a modern edge to it. It was simplistic beauty, to say the least. Another outfit I adored was Alessandra Ambrosio, wearing Avellano, a Parisian brand. Her dress was latex, resembled metal, and draped on the floor behind her. This outfit did a lot for her, which is why she wore almost no jewelry and did not have overwhelming hair and makeup. I think it’s a very new style and a brave move. Someone I was excited to see win a Grammy, was Lana Del Rey, the main reason I tuned into the Grammys. She was decked out in all black, exuding the “Coquette Goth” aesthetic. She wore a vintage dress with lace flowers on it with black bow shoes that perfectly matched the bows in her hair. She resembled Loretta Lynn, with puffy sleeves and a floor-length bow in her hair. But, their outfits left me with some thoughtswhat could be better? One choice was Miley Cyrus’ outfit. Her performance dress was perfect for her dance on stage after she won a Grammy. It was liberating and the tassels on the bottom added to the retro feel she gave her song “Flowers”, however, her Red Carpet look was not surprising. Her goldstudded outfit screamed “Game Of Thrones but make it CAMP!” She had five costume changes and I absolutely lived for them, except the gold one. From two Bob Mackie outfits, to Gucci, to Tom Ford, she stepped out extravagantly. Another confusing outfit was Dua Lipa’s. The singer, who is known for following the themes of these award shows and Met galas to a T, somehow changed up her aesthetic, and it didn’t transfer well. She wore a Courrèges sparkly silver gown, with tiny cut outs on the side with a low V-neck. This outfit becomes unflattering with many holes around the gown and tells people that very soon, this dress will tear somewhere because the material is thin. It was disappointing, to say the least.

decrease the amount of clothing that ends up in these landfills that are polluting the environment. Sustainable brands such as Reformation, Patagonia, Eileen Fisher and many others, help reduce the amount of waste produced, use natural resources and help protect the environment. If fast fashion is stopped, it could help consumption due to you not having to buy as much. It will decrease the amount of water used. A study conducted at York University reported fast fashion alone uses roughly 79 trillion liters which equals out to around 20% of industrial wastewater.


The consequences of fast fashion are on the horizon. If not limited, it could have dire results. Is it worth it to you to continue to buy from children being forced into long days, little pay, unsafe conditions and no way out so you could purchase clothing for an affordable price? While yes, it does not affect you, it could negatively impact the environment in the long run with all the pollution it causes.


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