Cardinal Points Issue 11 Spring 2024

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Alex Finkey uses purple to reflect on life, art journey

SPORTS Track wins SUNYAC gold medals

Is college worth the money it costs?

Mayor fills University Council seat

Gov. Kathy Hochul appointed Plattsburgh Mayor Chris Rosenquest to the SUNY Plattsburgh University Council on Tuesday, May 7. The University Council serves as “an advisory and oversight body to the campus and to the president and senior administration of SUNY Plattsburgh,” according to SUNY Plattsburgh’s

website. Some of the council’s responsibilities include reviewing major plans from administration, budgets and budget requests, as well as making student conduct regulations.

The council has 10 members. Nine of the members are appointed by the governor for seven-year terms. The last member is the president of the Student Association, elected every year.

Greek life students meet with neighbors, mayoral candidate

College towns are rife with parties and mayhem as young adults balance newfound freedom with the pursuit of higher education, causing rifts with neighbors who have long settled down.

Student Fraternity & Sorority Life representatives, mayoral candidate Iris

Cain and city residents exchanged feedback to improve off-campus student conduct and strengthen community relationships.

About 20 people gathered at the Hartwell House located at 77 Brinkerhoff St. on Saturday, May 4. Cain and Inter-Sorority Association President Sophia Sabatini moderated the discussion. “I think that this is the start of bridging that gap,”

Sabatini said. “I know that, in our community, we all have a dedication to service — how much more impactful would that service be if we knew the people we were serving?”

Long-time Plattsburgh residents and Behavioral Health Services North professionals joined students in discussion, agreeing that college students are generally a wanted presence in the

city but could be more mindful of their volume, safety and party guests.


Emmy Bodrogi, owner of the Hartwell House and a Plattsburgh resident of more than 40 years, said she stopped renting to students because she saw a safety issue.

Student researches Trump supporter presence online CCC progresses in campus move

Gauging the depths of politics in social media, Nadia Potts, a junior public relations and political science student, took on the challenge of an honors project.

Potts was off on a year-long journey for her honors project, “It’s Time to Make Banana Bread: Messaging Techniques and Political Outreach to the Far-Right.” The goal of this project was to analyze far-right communications and how the political left can improve its own.

“Seeing people enamored by extreme viewpoints in politics –sometimes even devoting their lives to them – made me wonder, how did this happen?” Potts said.

Potts started out at SUNY Plattsburgh as only a political science major. However, in her sophomore year, she decided to take on public relations to enhance her skill in hosting events and managing campaigns, which are often associated with politics.

With that, she decided to look into extremist conservative media.

“This project was a great way to combine both of my majors into one focus,” Potts said. “Understanding how extremism spreads is always important, both to be aware of how it impacts yourself and others, but it is especially important to look at its spread in social media.”

Her first semester working on the project, fall 2023, was mostly dedicated to doing research and

lots of reading articles and books. The second semester was devoted to writing the paper for the project, which she is still working on. The total length of the paper once it is finished is estimated to be around


a great feeling,” Potts said.

In addition to this paper, Potts created a presentation titled “The Use of Social Media from Right to Far-Right,” which she presented May 1 in the Alumni Conference Room.

Clinton Community College President John Kowal says its accrediting agency has granted permission to submit a substantive change request for campus relocation.

This was a big step toward making the college’s relocation plan, which would move all campus operations to SUNY Plattsburgh by the 2025-2026 academic year, a reality.

“This was the first hurdle we had to get over, and we succeeded,” Kowal told CCC’s board of trustees April 30.


CCC first announced its plans to relocate in January.

The accrediting agency — Middle States Commission on Higher Education — waited before giving CCC permission to file for relocation until they had more information about the plan from the SUNY system, Kowal said.

Kowal said the SUNY system provided Middle States with a five-page report about the plan. He said he learned through the report that after a space analysis is completed, SUNY Construction

Fund is prepared to allocate $1.3 million to commence the design phase and the rehabilitation of a building or buildings. These funds are also supported by a broader $8 million construction budget, Kowal said.

“So we’re talking serious dollars that they’re willing to invest to make this work,” Kowal said.


In the coming months, the college will have to get over another hurdle with Middle States as it attempts to move the campus to SUNY Plattsburgh.

This hurdle stems from June 2022, when insufficient financial resources for maintaining desired educational quality led to Middle States placing CCC on a “noncompliance warning.” This designation meant Middle States had “identified one or more areas in which the institution does not meet Commission standards for accreditation, requirements of affiliation, policies and procedures, or federal compliance requirements,” the agency’s website outlined.

40 to 60 pages.
able to stick with the project and to be on the home stretch is
ALEKSANDRA SIDOROVA/Cardinal Points Mayoral candidate Iris Cain (right) speaks with long-time Plattsburgh resident Emmy Bodrogi while (from left) Antonio Romano, Dylan Canarvis and John Carpentier III talk among themselves Saturday, May 4.
Provided by Gerrianne Downs Plattsburgh Mayor Chris Rosenquest. ALEKSANDRA SIDOROVA/Cardinal Points Nadia Potts presents her advanced honors project on the political right and alt-right online presence in the Alumni Conference Room on May 1.

May 2

May 3

A student was found in unlawful possession of a weapon at Whiteface Hall. Appropriate charges were filed.

UP filed a report of possession of a controlled substance. Investigation is still pending.

May 4

A verbal domestic dispute occurred at Hood Hall at 9 a.m. The incident was closed by investigation.

Weekly Meme

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CP Corrections


1) In the previous issue’s article, “BSU, UP team up for hoops,” Jeremiah Love-Smith was misidentified in a photo cutline.

2) In the previous issue, Alex Kornblau was misidentified in “Athlete of the Week.”

If you see an error in Cardinal Points, email

Student Association

SA Senate rewards support staff to wrap up school year

The Student Association Senate gave away the last of its additional allocations, approved a new club and cast its votes for recipients of three awards at its meeting April 30.

The Senate approved $450 to go to bike parts for Biketopia. The club allows students to rent bicycles for free, maintains bikes owned by SUNY Plattsburgh and offers fixes to student-owned bikes. The service is especially valuable for students who don’t have cars, the club representative said.

The Galilean Society, also known as the astronomy club, requested $535 to purchase a telescope capable of taking photos in color, replacing the black-and-white photographic telescope the club owns thanks to a grant from NASA.

The club is preparing for Saturn’s rings to disappear from view next year — an astronomical phenomenon that happens twice in a Saturnian year, or once every 29 years on Earth. The new telescope will not only allow for better views, but provide research opportunities for students.

Senator Sandesh Poudel motioned to change the requested amount to

$499 — the price of the telescope without tax — because taxes don’t apply to items purchased through SA accounts.

The amended amount was unanimously approved, leaving the SA with $14 in additional allocations.

The Senate approved a chapter of Trout Unlimited, a national nonprofit dedicated to freshwater conservation and aquatic life preservation, for provisional status.

Most recently, the club joined the Arbor Day Foundation in planting a total of 1,000 trees along the Boquet River on April 26 and 27. Other planned projects include guest speakers, stream cleanups and field trips in partnerships with the Lake Champlain Research Institute and the Center for Earth and Environmental Science and local schools

to take elementary students to waterways.

Lastly, the Senate submitted names for three awards. The names of recipients were announced at a closed SA banquet Friday, May 3.

The Martin D. Mannix Meritorious Service Award, recognizing a peer in the Student Association, was awarded to Alexander Finkey, coordinator of arts and public relations.

The William D. Laundry Award, which acknowledges a staff member for their service to students, was awarded to Stephen Matthews, dean of students and long-time adviser to the SA Senate and boards.

The Nancy Recette Award, given to support staff, went to Regan Ashline, administrative assistant for the Center for Student Involvement.

SA Liaison Tyler Hargraves and SA Senate Ad-

viser Sarah McCarty gave their end-of-year presentations at the SA Senate’s final meeting May 7. Hargraves and McCarty said they learned a lot in the past year — Hargraves’ second and McCarty’s first working for the SA. Both said they will spend the summer thinking of ways to better serve the SA and student population at large. Senator Arshita Pandey said she felt the SA did not support clubs and organizations to its full potential.

Hargraves announced that the Board of Elections will likely host another election at the start of the next semester — the new legislation should fill all positions within the first three weeks of the new semester.


Classes open for children 5 to 17

Camp Cardinal is being reintroduced this year, and the classes are aimed at different students than usual.

Camp Cardinal has three weeklong sessions spanning July 8 to 26 and featuring a variety of classes, such as cooking, engineering, gardening, health and storytelling. The camp is directed by Amanda Prenoveau, director of marketing at College Auxiliary Services.

Each Camp Cardinal instructor got full flexibility to create how they wanted their instruction to begin and what they wanted to teach. The instructors are local, from Peru and AuSable school districts and SUNY Plattsburgh. They also have included students from SUNY Plattsburgh to help these professors as teaching assistants.

This camp is for students between the ages of 5 to 17, and their teaching environments and materials across ages.

Some of the courses aimed at younger children are “Magic School Bus,” “Reading, Art and Snacks” and “Summer STEM Fun.” Classes aimed at older children are cooking and archaeology classes. There are about 25 classes taking place over the course of the three weeks of Camp Cardinal.

Camp Cardinal is being reimagined for this year — since 2017, this camp hasn’t been in business. It was named Summer Safari for about 30 years before that.

Prenoveau was a student at the Summer Safari as a child, and is excited to create a fun summer experience for students.

“I would love to take the Green Thumb Gardening class, just because I really enjoy gardening and

think I would learn some valuable information,” Prenoveau said.

Camp Cardinal is not restricted to only one school district either. It is open to any child in age range, creating an open opportunity of summer education for kids.

Each course ranges from $90 to $210, and that price is usually determined by the length of the class and the materials needed. Registration is still open to any students in the specified age range, and there is a built-in snack/lunch break before returning back to class.

Camp Cardinal is an experience for children to learn about gardening and cooking and more useful practices to carry on in their future. Visit their website to register at

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NEWS 2 ▪ Friday, May 10, 2024 ▪ News Editor Aleksandra Sidorova GOT A NEWS TIP?
ALEKSANDRA SIDOROVA/Cardinal Points A bicycle was stolen from the rack at Harrington Hall. Investigation is underway. ALEKSANDRA SIDOROVA/Cardinal Points Senators cast their votes for the three awards recognizing student, staff and support staff contributions at the Student Association Senate meeting April 30.


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She said she won’t forget the concern she felt when she saw students partying drunk atop the second and third-floor roofs of her property.

“I saw the liability and I knew that I couldn’t afford to financially survive in a mishap, and I put the house on the market,” Bodrogi said. “This was years ago, but it will stay with me for the rest of my renting career.”

Art Degrandpre, also a long-time Plattsburgh resident, circulated print photos he took of

vandalism caused by students over the past few years — graffiti, bins tipped over and overflowing with trash, a broken down door and a shattered car windshield.

In part, he blamed the damage on landlord neglect to properties. “If they put you in squalor and things are falling apart, you care less,” Degrandpre said. “In some of the photographs that I’m passing around, you can see that the landlords are not taking care of their properties.”

Degrandpre also said he worried for his wife, Peggy’s, safety when she would go to confront students making noise.

Students noted that most disruptions happen at the hands of people outside of their organizations. They said they take responsibility for who comes to their house and will be more careful with whom they invite to future events.

Cain raised a point of general mindfulness toward differences between student and resident schedules.

“How do we coexist without stepping on the toes of one another?”

Cain said.

The community members, including Cain, said they wanted to communicate with students directly to avoid involving police.

All participants agreed it would be helpful to compile a list of people who can be contacted in case of issues.


Students engaged in Greek life organizations embody leadership on and off the SUNY Plattsburgh campus, said Allison Swick-Duttine, director of Fraternity & Sorority Life.

Over more than 25 years of work, she has seen Greek life organizations contribute to cultural shifts on campus, Swick-Duttine said. As such, the student leaders can model behavior for

other students and work toward bridging the gap between the campus and the surrounding community, even if they’re not the only students contributing to the issue.

Residents said they wanted to keep the tone of the meeting light and friendly, noting the value that students add to the city.

“I don’t really have horror stories about the university taking away the joy of living in a small town,” Bodrogi said.

A university — and its students — add to the atmosphere of a small town, Bodrogi said. They provide exposure to new ideas and connect the community through service.


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Since then, the college has been under pressure to improve its financial situation or risk worsening its status to probation or even having their accreditation terminated, which would potentially force the college to close its doors.

CCC had a crucial report about its status with Middle States in January and presented the relocation plan, which is expected to generate significant cost savings for the college, to the agency then.

Kowal said that despite some “hiccups” that occurred, Middle States had a positive enough response to the plan.


Kowal said a decision on the institution’s accreditation sta-


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Rosenquest’s term expires in 2027, as he is filling a seat that has stayed vacant since 2020.

Rosenquest is a ’00 Plattsburgh alum, earning a bachelor’s degree in journalism. He also served as writer and managing editor of Cardinal Points. Prior, he earned an associate’s degree at Clinton Community College.

He went on to earn his master’s in technology management at the University of Washington in Seattle.

“As a proud alumnus of SUNY Plattsburgh, I look to serve on the University Council with humility and the hopes to make an impact on an institution that shaped and molded my future success,” Rosenquest is quoted to say in SUNY Plattsburgh’s news release May 7.

Rosenquest has served as a rugby coach and referee at SUNY Plattsburgh. He also taught business management and computer science as an adjunct lecturer at

tus will now come in June. In his opinion, he expects the college’s status, which they have one year left on, to stay the same.

“They’re not going to say they’re reaffirming our accreditation, because there isn’t enough information to demonstrate that our financial challenges are being met with certainty with the move, because it’s way too early,” he said.


What CCC is trying to do — relocate its campus to a nearby four-year institution — would be the first of its kind in New York.

As colleges continue to close around the nation and the state — most recently, Wells College announced it would be closing at the end of this spring semester — CCC leaders knew they had to get creative in addressing their strained financial situation.

“Because it’s the first in the state that really made this type

“The student population is one of our treasures,” Bodrogi said.

CONTINUED WORK Cain and Sabatini said they were pleased with the meeting’s outcome.

“It was so amazing to see everyone here,” Sabatini said. “It makes me feel so excited for this community. We kind of have the stereotype of fraternities and sororities, they never do anything good. I think this just proves we’re all going in the right direction.”

Cain and Fraternity & Sorority Life planned the meeting two months ago. In the future, similar conversations can include student-athletes and the Student Association, Swick-Duttine said. Cain and Sabatini said they hope to keep working together into the fall semester.

“I think a lot of students really have to correct themselves at a peer level for this to be effective — that’s why I’m so happy to be working with student leaders,” Cain said.

Engaging the student body is a pillar of Cain’s campaign as he runs for mayor.

“We would love to be able to incorporate collaboration with college students,” Cain said. “It would be a godsend for us to have that. The next step is to open the discussion up to more people and keep the momentum rolling.”

of bold, progressive move, we’re hoping that they’ll at least be understanding of that, instead of just sitting idle and saying, ‘Well, we keep going and we close up in a year or two,’ or ‘We do something like this and we need you to work with us,’” CCC Board Chair David Favro said. “That’s why sometimes, it’s good to get out on the cutting edge, be first

both Clinton Community College and SUNY Plattsburgh.

Rosenquest was elected mayor of the City of Plattsburgh in November 2020 for a term beginning in January 2021. He had previously served as a legislator for Area 9 on the Clinton County Legislature from January 2016 through December 2020.

Rosenquest serves on the New York Conference of Mayors as its second vice president. He also served as board liaison to the Strategic Tourism Planning Committee, a member of the Literacy Volunteers of Clinton County Board of Directors, a member of the Lake City Local Development Corporation Board of Directors and a member of the Plattsburgh Downtown Association.

Rosenquest and his family live in the City of Plattsburgh. He is the founder and managing partner of Chapter One Coffee and Tea in downtown Plattsburgh.

“I look forward to working with the members of the council and the many faculty, staff, and students who hold my respect and admiration for the work they do in our community,” Rosenquest is quoted to say in the news release. “I’m

and pave the road to let everybody else follow it.”

Now, as the college looks to submit the substantive change request in the near future, Kowal said it will have to prove it can meet the standards the Middle States Commission has outlined.

“We have to provide clear evidence that we will meet those standards in our new location,” he said.

excited to serve and will do so to advance this institution that many have proudly attended.”

Other University Council Members are Michael Cashman, ’03 and ’06 alum serving as Town of Plattsburgh supervisor; James Coffey, ’67 alum and professor emeritus of accounting; Anna Liem, ’96 and ’06 alum and retired RN-to-BSN program coordinator; and Christina Ubl, ’99 alum and financial planner at Clute Wealth Management.

Two members’ terms end this year: ’69 and ’75 alum Sydney Sue Garrant and retired Minerva Central School principal Heidi Kelly were reappointed for their second terms in 2016.

Kalema Gooding, who was recently elected Student Association president, will take the seat of current President Carter Mosher. Two seats remain open. University Council meetings are open to the public. The next meeting will be held Sept. 16 in the Hermes Conference Room in Au Sable Hall.

That change request, however, likely won’t be reviewed until the fall, after Middle States makes a decision on the college’s accreditation status.

“I don’t think that’s going to be a really big problem,” Kowal said.


The presentation went deep into the social media communication used by people on the right as well as the far-right, which she explained as being two eras of conservative politics, one existing prior to the Trump administration and the other existing during and after.

Potts looked into the strategies used by conservatives to be heard and how well it has worked for them, increasing their overall engagement. Conversely, Potts also used these strategies as a critique on the left’s use of social media as there is a lack of engagement and unity from the left on media platforms.

The scope of this project is intensive. However, Potts recommends it to those in the honors program.

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“I think that if you have the time to do a year-long project and can find a topic you’re willing to stick with, an honors project is a great idea,” Potts said. “They can come in any form, as long as it ends up being a big result.”

Potts’ project adviser was associate professor of public relations Michelle Ouellette. Potts noted the importance of the student’s project advisor being just as passionate as them.

“You really need to be dedicated to the subject matter to make an honors project worthwhile,” Potts said. “However, if you can find a professor to work with that encourages your growth and understanding like Professor Ouellette does, then this may be right for you.”

NEWS 3 ▪ Friday, May 10, 2024 ▪ News Editor Aleksandra Sidorova
Iris Cain shares his experience living next to college students. He met with city residents and Greek life members May 4 to reach understanding.
P-R file photo Clinton Community College is the first college in the state to relocate to a nearby four-year institution.

From trash to treasure

Two clubs collaborate on common cause

Since the beginning of the fall semester, the Plattsburgh Visual Arts Associa tion and the Botany Club have been sowing the seeds for a community

The two groups

burgh City Beach. The waste that was found will be used

Isabella Johnston, any Club, said she was “I really wanted to find some way to collaborate the arts with science,”

self have always been intrigued by the arts and this event was my way of exploring it.”

On the day of the event, May 5, the group was rained out and was not able to go to the beach.

That didn’t stop them from making art, though.

Alexander Finkey, PAVA’s vice president, said the event was still a success. The groups used leftover material from PAVA’s art locker and some even brought trash from home, such as plastic water bottles and wrappers.

“We were like, go crazy, have fun and make whatever you want to make,” Finkey said. “Everybody got to sit down and just enjoy and talk to each other, so it was really fun.”

Creating art out of overlooked objects like trash reframed the waste as something with multiple uses Finkey said.

From reusing food containers to reutilizing metal cans as planters, every action taken is one that reduces pollution.

“Waste is such a big issue for so many reasons,

especially recycling and plastic waste, because we have so many problems with it on the planet right now,” Finkey said. “So if there’s ways that we can make events and talk about stuff like that, it gets more into the public eye and it’s more prevalent, so it’s not scary to talk about.”

Change happens only when people talk about an issue.

“Doing anything here on campus has to start with awareness, because how do you get people to care if they don’t know what they’re talking about or what’s going on,” Finkey said.

Cleanups, reusing and recycling are all ways that everyday people can assist in reducing waste.

“I think it’s essential to host events to spread awareness about pollution since people nowadays aren’t aware of the extent that the planet is damaged by human waste,” Johnston said.


Plattsburgh author leads chapter-book series

New York Times bestselling and award-winning author Kate Messner’s newest release, “The Kids in Mrs. Z’s Class, Emma McKenna Full Out,” is a chapter-book series first for her, and it drops on Tuesday.

“The Bookstore Plus in Lake Placid will have signed copies as soon as Wednesday,” Messner said.

“Rajani LaRocca (author of ‘Rohan Murthy Has a Plan, second book in chapter-book series) and I are doing a joint book tour at the end of May. We will be in Lake Placid on May 28 from 3 to 5 p.m.”


On her website (, Messner writes about the series’ origins:

“This series started with an email. About two years ago, I found a note from my literary agent in my inbox with the subject line ‘Idea for Kate Messner.’ She was sending

along a proposal from Algonquin Books Editorial Director Cheryl Klein, asking if I’d like to head up a new multi-author chapter book series about all the kids in one elementary school class. The project was ambitious – 18 books over three years – and involved a ton of collaboration. Each author would create their own main character, who would then be a secondary character in all of the other books. Would I be interested in writing the first and last books in the series and helping to recruit a team of authors to write the rest?”

Besides Messner and LaRocca, the authors are William Alexander, Tracey Baptiste, Martha Brockenbrough, Lamar Giles, Karina Yan Glaser, Mike Jung, Hena Khan, Kyle Lukoff, Kekla Magoon, Meg Medina, Olugbemisola Rhuday-Perkovich, Eliot Schrefer, Laurel Snyder and Linda Urban.

“Honestly, working on this series has been an absolute joy,” Messner said.

“We have all laughed so much. Most of us have made new friends and became closer friends with writers we knew before. Will Alexander emailed me and was telling me the other day about how much he wished he had known Mike Jung in third grade. The collaboration has been so much fun and just has added such a spark of energy and creativity to this series that really lives in every single book that I have read so far.”


“Emma McKenna can’t wait for third grade at the brandnew Curiosity Academy. She’ll have a cool teacher, Mrs. Z., who wears high-tops and science earrings. She’ll meet interesting new classmates from all over Peppermint Falls. Best of all, she’ll get a fresh start after last year’s talent-show disaster left her with a terrible nickname. It’s going to be the best year ever!

Then, Lucy walks into Mrs. Z’s room.

Lucy, Emma’s former best friend.

Lucy, who gave Emma that nickname and spread it all over school.

What do you do when your worst enemy knows your biggest secret — and now she’s in your class?”

“So, I am writing the first book in the series and the last book in the series,” Messner said.

“The first book is about Emma’s stress over third grade because Lucy is in her class, and they have this history. The last book is from Lucy’s point of view. So, at the very end of the series, Lucy gets to share her version of the story.”

FRIDAY, MAY 10, 2024
BOOK > 5
PHILO YUNRUI WANG/Cardinal Points Andreas-Jonathan Shuler, PAVA treasurer, uses a paint marker to create recycled artwork in Myers Fine Arts building 224 beside a pile of supplies. PHILO YUNRUI WANG/Cardinal Points There was a variety of supplies provided. PHILO YUNRUI WANG/Cardinal Points A sculpture created with recycled material. Provided by Press-Republican Students of Mrs. Z’s third-grade classroom and Mrs. Z. Via Adobe Stock

Purple Reflections: Alex Finkey’s artistic journey

Art has always been a love for Alexander Finkey. From theater to music to visual art, he was always doing something throughout his education.

When it was time to pick a major for college, Finkey knew it would be in the art department. Not entirely certain of what kind of art he wanted to pursue, he contemplated.

“So, I boiled down to either music or (visual) art, and I decided that I thought art would be better for me personally just because I thought I had more passion for it,” Finkey said.

Finkey distinguishes music from his passion for visual art by classifying it as a love — instead, this helped him decide what he wanted to do with his college career.

“I didn’t really have any other major interests in other things than art,” Finkey said. “I thought about it as like, I could do this, but it’s not really something that I want to do.”

He came to SUNY Plattsburgh as a art major, unsure whether he could handle the rigors of SUNY Plattsburgh’s bachelor of fine arts program.

“I was going to be here for four years anyway, so I kind of realized, well, if I just keep taking classes, eventually I’m going to get to that level anyway.

Then I started seeing the thesis show and everything on top of that, and I said, well, that’s what I want to do.”

Finkey applied for the bachelor of fine arts program in 2022.

The process includes a portfolio review from the main arts faculty and then the subsequent acceptance or rejection from the program.

Finkey was accepted, and that is where he has studied since.

“I had to work the courage up to get me to that point,” Finkey said.

Now that Finkey is graduating, it’s all mixed feelings, but he is excited for what the future holds.

“I want to do something else — I want to grow in different

ways,” Finkey said. “I enjoy the school system; I enjoy learning, but right now I kind of just want to try something different.”

Finkey’s struggles with mental illness affected his motivation, and he never felt a constant drive to create art.

“I was a kid, a really young kid, when I started drawing, and it’s interesting because I talked to other people, and they’re like, ‘I started when I was a kid and I never stopped and I kept doing, but for me, I could never really get myself to keep doing it over and over again,” Finkey said.

Finkey experiences short bursts of energy where he can really delve into his work and enjoy the process. Once he made the decision to be an art major, it changed and his persistent passion was reignited once more, stronger than before.

This passion led him to create his thesis for the BFA show, where graduating fine arts majors showcase their final art projects.

At first, Finkey worked on a photography project for the thesis, where he sandwiched two color filters next to one another to create unique images. These images could be seen using 3D glasses, but he decided to change gears as the photos were somewhat monotonous.

So he began his work on “Purple Reflection.”

“I wanted to do the series as a way to appreciate the people in my life, and it slowly became something that I realized that we never really think about: how we touch each other with personalities,” Finkey said. “One person says something to you or becomes good friends with you in a way, and you never thought about that position before — how they live their lives, what they do in their lives and how much respect you have for those people.”

Finkey also says that the series is about what individuals can

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All the series’ characters — Adam, Ayana, Carlota, Emma, Fia, Lucy, Mars, Memo, Olive, Poppy, Rohan, Ruthie, Sebastian, Steven, Synclaire, Theo, Thunder and Wyatt — are new and invented for the series to populate Mrs. Z’s third-grade classroom.

“One of the ways I did research for this project was I talked to a lot of third graders,” Messner said.

“I do a lot of school visits, and so when I was working with second and third graders at school visits, I asked them for advice, and they shared ideas with me. and I also partnered with a handful of third-

grade teachers to ask their kids some questions for me, and a lot of those kids wrote me letters about the best and worst things about being in third grade.”

One common theme that came up over and over again in those letters from third graders was friends’ drama.

“One student was writing to me about the friendship issues that she had in third grade, and she said, ‘The not-so-great thing about third grade is that I have an enemy,’” Messner said.

“Then she writes, ‘An enemy is a friend who doesn’t like you anymore.’ I said oh, my goodness, out of the mouths of kids. That was so profound and so heartfelt that I kind of ended up building Emma’s entire story around that idea of a

friendship that broke up and was causing this tension on the first day of school.”


Curiosity Academy needs a mascot, and Emma nominates the capybara, a creature Mess ner got up close and per sonal with at a Miami zoo.

“They’re like big overgrown guinea pigs,” she said.

“They are the cutest, sweetest animals ever. They have this capybara experience where you can go and help feed the capy bara and spend some time with them and get to know them.

take away from people and implement into their own lives to become a better person and enjoy life to the fullest extent.

“First and foremost, people are really important to me, and they’re very important to my work, especially for the BFA show,” Finkey said. “People are one of the biggest parts of the work, kind of thinking about who I am and what has gotten me to this place.”

“Purple Reflection” is a series of double exposure photos, in cobalt blues and hot magenta hues. The photos consist of intimate portraits and landscapes important to Finkey.

“These people have gotten me to the place I am today, and I find that a lot of people are so important to who we are, how we grow up and how we learn and understand each other, so I wanted to do the series,” Finkey said.

Finkey refers to the series as a cloud, not only because of its shape and size on the wall of the Burke Gallery in the Plattsburgh State Art Museum, but also because it can be viewed from any direction. No matter where the viewer looks, Finkey said, they could still enjoy the series.

“The series allowed me to bring landscapes and things like that, too, which I think are another really important part of

“The idea to put the animal in the book was there because friendship issues are a huge part of this story as they are in many third graders’ lives. Emma is so stressed out about that she wants to get along with everyone. She suggests that her new school make their new mascot the capybara because capybara are famous for getting along with everyone. There are memes online with capybaras hanging out with puppies and crocodiles. They get along with all different animals. They are native to South America. They are found in most of South America.”

the whole series because those are important places to me,” Finkey said. “It’s places like my home road, or it’s the benches outside at Saranac.”

Colors also played a heavy role in the series, as they always have in Finkey’s work.

“I wanted to show two sides of a person, whether it was the passionate side that I see or it’s the calm side or maybe the sadder side of that person, or in some ways, the colors take on a ton of different meanings,” Finkey said. “It’s those two sides of those people that I couldn’t have one without the other in that person.”

He related the series’ physical arrangement to investigation walls, emphasizing connections.

“It kind of has that floating of crime TV shows or something like that where there’s strings that are hitting into tons of different places,” Finkey said. “I wanted it to feel like the connections that I have. I was in the center with my girlfriend, and then we’d spread out, and all of these people are important to all of us in different places, in different meanings.”

For the series starter, Messner even did her due diligence researching recorders, though her character longs for the flute.

“The thing about recorders is that even if you’re okay at it, it doesn’t sound great,” she said.

“It’s just one of those instruments. It was fun to learn again and remember the struggles of third grade. My friend Sandy Verity, who is retiring this year, is the music teacher at Oak Street School and Bailey Avenue School, spent some time reminding me how to play and teaching me a few songs, but also sharing some stories. One of the stories she shared was she said, ‘Well, there’s always one kid who tries to play the recorder with their nose.’ I was well, that’s a great scene for the story.”

ARTS & CULTURE 5 Friday, May 10, 2024 Arts & Culture Editor Cinara Marquis
▪ ▪
Arts & Culture Provided by Alexander Finkey “Amare (Love)” detail Provided by Alexander Finkey “Procul (Away)” detail Provided by Alexander Finkey
“Ego (I)”

from page 5


The writers connected with each other in every possible way imaginable.

“Smaller groups of us have gotten together at writing retreats and book festivals and for coffee dates,” she said.

“We have had larger Zoom meetings with the whole group. We have a lot of Google Docs. We have a folder on Google Drive that is our teamwork folder, and that includes things like our series Bible, and the map of Peppermint Falls, and the floor plans for the Curiosity Academy and other things that writers have requested along the way.

“Somebody was writing a scene set in the lunchroom and emailed and said, ‘I need a scene shot for lunch.’ We’ve just been creating those team documents as needed. We’ve got a list of the staff at the school and things like that. All of our team documents live in that folder on Google Drive, and we do a lot of collaborating there and via email as well.”

There have been multi-author series before, but not one like this.

“Those were typically series where one author came up with the world and the plot lines and then other authors stepped in to write the stories into a world that was already created,” Messner said.

“With this series, everyone was involved from the very beginning. We had the concept, but everyone got to come up with their own character. Everybody did this really extensive character worksheet to introduce their character to the rest of the team because one of the greatest things and also the most complicated thing about this series was that everybody’s main

Author Kate Messner spends quality time with a

character in their book is also a secondary character in everyone else’s book.”

The characters’ personalities and speech patterns needed to be consistent from book to book.

“So, we were all using all the character worksheets religiously when we wrote our own books to make sure we got everybody else’s character right,” she said.

“Honestly for me, that has been one of the most magical things about leading this team of writers is seeing the care that writers take with one another’s characters. Everyone on this team has so much respect for every other writer on the team, and they take so much care to get other people’s characters right in their own book. It’s just been so great to see, so heartwarming.

“One of the things that all the authors have talked about is in order to write these books, to craft this series, we really had to go back to third grade in our minds, and in our hearts, and in our memories. That’s been fun. When

you’re older, it’s fun to be in third grade for a little while again.”


Messner is a master of juggling deadlines, and “History Smashers: The Salem Witch Trials” drops this summer.

“It needs a lot of smashing,” she said.

“There’s a lot of mythology surrounding that. We kind of look at what actually happened. It’s really interesting. After that there are several more books in the series that I will be working on. One about Earth Day and the environment, one about ancient Egypt, and one about the space race, the history of space exploration. So, I will be working on those. I have a novel in verse coming out a year from now. That’s a project that has been in the works for almost seven years.”



May 10 to May 11

Friday, May 10

Paint n’ Sip with the Galilean Society

Paint your stresses away with the Galilean Society Astronomy Club. Refreshments provided.

Hudson 105 5 to 7 p.m.

Saturday, May 11

College Theatre Assoc. Spammies

End of the year picnic, award ceremony and announcing of next years theater performances.

Point Au Roche Noon to 3 p.m.

The semester is almost over. Don’t forget to stay hydrated, eat full meals and snacks, take breaks and sleep.

Aries (March 21 – April 19)

The Queen of Wands card indicates independence. Remain enthusiastic and determined and encourage others to do the same.

Cancer (June 21 – July 22)

The Knight of Swords card is about ambition. Trade impulsivity and foolishness for confidence. Be assertive about your values and your perseverance will pay off.

Libra (Sept. 23 – Oct. 22)

The Tower card symbolizes revelation. Chaos will bring about dramatic change this week. Remove all obstacles and be liberated.

Capricorn (Dec. 22 – Jan. 19)

The King of Wands card symbolizes leadership. Pressing problems will call for your action this week. Let your passion lead you, but do not let it be the sole dictator of your decision.

Taurus (April 20 – May 20)

The King of Pentacles card is about abundance. Your determination has led to success — wealth is coming your way.

Leo (July 23 – Aug. 22)

The Queen of Cups card represents compassion. It is a reminder to treat yourself with empathy and to value your emotions. Take time to nurture your well-being this week.

Scorpio (Oct. 23 – Nov. 21)

The Two of Wands card indicates strategy. Believe in yourself as you are making the right decisions. Have confidence in your observations and knowledge.

Aquarius (Jan. 20 – Feb. 18)

The Six of Cups card is about familiarity. Let yourself play this week and return to childhood through your imagination.

Gemini (May 21 – June 20)

The Two of Pentacles card entails flexibility. This week you may find yourself balancing various priorities. Reorganize, schedule and weigh the importance of tasks.

Virgo (Aug. 23 – Sept. 22)

The Nine of Cups card symbolizes satisfaction. Indulge in life’s pleasures and joys and you will get what you want this week.

Sagittarius (Nov. 22 – Dec. 21)

The Hermit card refers to contemplation. Think carefully this week, utilizing your inner wisdom, and begin to make space for learning as there is always much to learn.

Pisces (Feb. 19 – March 20)

The Justice card entails fairness. Hold true to your values, be honest and strive for equity and balance in your life.

ARTS & CULTURE 6 Friday, May 10, 2024 Arts & Culture Editor Cinara Marquis
Provided by Press-Republican capybara.

This week in photos: Cardinal Creative Arts Festival

Student-run groups Plattsburgh Association of Visual Arts, North Star Magazine and Write Club collaborated in planning and hosting the school’s first Cardinal Creative Arts Festival on Saturday, May 4. Sessions held throughout the Angell College Center and Myers Fine Arts Building celebrated students’ writing, visual arts, music and theater.

PHOTO SPREAD ▪ Friday, May 10, 2024 ▪ Photography Editor Jayne Smith 7
Alex Finkey discusses Zach Buzzell’s sculpture work in a tour of the BFA Senior Exhibition. (Left to right) Guitarist Will Lutz, bassist Alex Rudnick, vocalist Aiden Snyder and drummer Luke Gerhardt of Burn Your Idols perform in the Warren Ballroom. Attendees painted and sipped. Owl Merle reads from “Twelve Words That Say What You Are,” a collection of their writing.

Track & Field

Cardinals bring home hardware

All season long, track and field competitors fight to hit qualifying marks for the endof-season championships. Now, finally on the conference stage, they’re pushing to win.

The Plattsburgh State outdoor track and field team brought home six medals during the SUNYAC Outdoor Championships on May 3 and 4, doubling last year’s total of three.

“We’re definitely pleased to walk away with some hardware and it’s just the result of serious hard work and discipline throughout the season,” Head Coach Andrew Krug said.

The Cardinals took gold in two events — Brexton Montville won the 100-meter dash, tying his program record at 10.58 seconds,

and Grace Yarkosky placed first in the 800-meter run, recording a personal record of 2:18.55.

Charles Cypress won silver in the 200-meter dash, finishing at 21.75, an individual best.

Three bronze medals rounded out the weekend: Cypress in the 100 at 10.70, a personal record; Noah Bonesteel in the 1500-meter run at 3:54.03, a career-high mark; and Michaela Schaffer in the triple jump at 10.73 meters.

The men’s team finished fifth overall, scoring 45 points and the women’s teams placed sixth, scoring 35.

Three Cardinals earned the SUNYAC Elite 20 Award for their efforts in the classroom — Bonesteel, Faris Webber and Michael Brockway for each achieving a 4.0 GPA.

The SUNYACs are a unique opportunity for runners to approach the event tactically.

This is the first time Plattsburgh saw most SUNYAC teams this season, and the competition was intense.

“This weekend is definitely about getting out there and just competing and worrying less about what time we have and more about place,” Krug said.

Sprinter creates own legacy

The Cardinals sprinters have smashed program records from across Plattsburgh’s history this year. Sophomore Charles Cypress has been a key part of that success, smashing records and scoring conference medals as an underclassman.

Cypress earned the program record for the men’s indoor 200-meter dash with a time of 22.24 on Feb. 9th. He lowered the record to 22.20 with his performance at the SUNYAC Indoor Championship meet.

Cypress was also a part of a record-breaking 4x100meter relay team which ran a 42.04 and earned himself two medals in SUNYAC competition in the outdoor season, A silver in the 200m and a bronze in the 100-meter dash.

“I’m really proud of myself. First of all for making it through this year, and second for medalling,” Cypress said.

Cypress’ love for the sport started when he was young.

As a child, he was inspired by Su Bingtian, a Chinese sprinter who medalled in several international competitions, competed in the Olympics and owns the

record for fastest 100 and 60-meter dash by an athlete representing a member-country of the Asian Athletics Association.

“I wanted to be like him to show people that I can do it, because you really don’t see a lot of Asian people in track and field — at least at the higher levels,” Cypress said.

Cypress’ interest culminated in him joining the track team in middle school at Cornwall Central School in New Windsor, New York. which is a member of the highly competitive Section 9.


Montville, a graduate student, is staring the end of his college career in the eyes. He’s set to compete in the AARTFC Championships next week, and while he’s aiming for an NCAA-qualifying time, there’s no promise.

Montville won the athletic department’s Male Senior Achievement Award on Monday, May 6.

“It’s definitely bittersweet,” Montville said. “Hearing all that you’ve done makes you really put into play how far you’ve come since being a freshman.”

Cards face uphill battle

For the second time in three years, the Plattsburgh State Cardinals baseball team is back in the SUNYAC playoffs. As the fourth seed, the underdog Cardinals’ first step in their championship aspirations ended in a 6-12 loss to the top-seeded Cortland Red Dragons. Plattsburgh is now on the brink of elimination and will have to fight its way through the loser’s bracket.

“If any of our teams had a chance to win, I think this would be the one to do it,” junior pitcher Kolby Mordecki said.


Plattsburgh started Mordecki on the mound against Cortland. So far this season, the righty has posted a 5.05 ERA with a 4-4 win-loss record. Mordecki is also a two-time SUNYAC Pitcher of the Week.

“I’m excited and nervous all at the same time,” Mordecki said.

The Red Dragons struck first, scoring an unearned run in the bottom of the second.

With momentum on its side going into the third, Cortland again held Plattsburgh to zero runs and scored two of its own to round.

FRIDAY, MAY 10, 2024 RESULTS Thursday, May 2 Friday, May 3 Saturday, May 4 Thursday, May 9 Friday, May 10 Wednesday, May 15 BASE vs Canton W 8-1 T&F @ Geneseo SUNYAC Championships Day 1 SOFT @ Oswego G1: L 1-3 (8 inn.) G2: L 2-5 T&F @ Geneseo SUNYAC Championships Day 2 Men: 5th Women: 6th SOFT @ Cortland G1: L 4-10 G2: L 0-13 BASE vs VSU Castleton G1: L 5-7 G2: W 12-3 BASE @ Cortland *SUNYAC TOURNAMENT* L 6-12 BASE @ Oswego *SUNYAC TOURNAMENT* 1 p.m. T&F @ Cortland AARTFC Championships Day 1 UPCOMING Baseball
compete in the 100-meter dash May 3. Montville, Yarkosky win SUNYAC gold medals
Brexton Montville (left) and Jordan Williams (right)
T&F > 10
BASE > 10
Mordecki sizes up an Oneonta batter at Chip Cummings Field before the pitch April 19. COLLIN BOLEBRUCH/Cardinal Points Charles Cypress earned three SUNYAC medals over two seasons this year. SPRINTER > 9 Brexton Montville Grace Yarkosky


Continued from page 8

Cypress was initially told to train as a long-distance runner because of his wiry frame. He had no say in which events he participated in as a middle schooler. He used the mischaracterization of his ability to fuel his training.

“I used to be an underdog. People would look at me, look at my size and my build and they wouldn’t think much of me, but I go out there and I think I do good,” Cypress said.

As a self-described firstgeneration athlete, Cypress needed to dispel the doubts of his family, who didn’t understand why he would want to pursue athletics at first.

“My parents didn’t really support me doing track for a really long time, and I just had to show them that it’s not useless. A lot of times they would tell me that there’s really no point in doing it, but it’s what I like to do — it’s what I love to do. So I kept doing it, and eventually they warmed up to it,” Cypress said.

Cypress’ parents acted as his inspiration in other areas of his life. His mother has been a nurse all his life, and her time spent at the hospital led to a familiarity with the environment that played a big role in deciding to follow in her footsteps, Cypress said.

The desire to pursue a nursing degree is what brought Cypress to SUNY Plattsburgh. Once he was acclimated to his academic schedule, he approached the track team to commit for the indoor season.

The team was happy to have him,and he was coached by a Plattsburgh alumn who was teammates with current Head Strength and Conditioning Coach Brett Willmott.

The staff saw Cypress’ success at Cornwall which convinced them Cypress is “well prepared to do great things,” Willmott wrote in an email.

Cypress brought his work ethic with him to Plattsburgh, finding great success as an athlete and a student. He was honored on the SUNYAC Commissioner’s Academic Honor Roll in his first year.

As a sophomore in the nursing program, he’s participating in clinical studies at CVPH, which create unavoidable conflicts with his athletic training. Along with fellow nursing major and track athlete Mikayla Khadijah, Cypress worked around these conflicts by independently planning morning practices with Khadijah, ensuring that the two can succeed on the track and in the classroom.

“He’s a very hard-working, driven person. He sets goals for himself that he makes sure that he achieves,” Khadijah said.

Cypress is so dedicated to his studies and athletics that often it seems like he’s only ever at practice or working in the library, 4x100 teammate Jordan Williams said.

Dedication means more than just hard work and studies. In order to succeed Cypress has to feel comfortable, which is why he changes his socks before every race when he switches into his track spikes.

The ritual started in Cypress’ sophomore year in high school, when he made the switch from long socks to ankle socks for his meets. Ever since, he’s noticed that something feels off about his races when he forgets to swap into ankle socks with his running spikes.

He’s gone so far as to run back to the hotel with minutes before his race to make sure his feet are comfortable, Williams said.

“The last time I didn’t wear ankle socks was (at outdoor SUNYACs) for the 4x100 and we didn’t make it across the (finish) line, so I think I’m just gonna keep on wearing ankle socks,” Cypress said.

As Cypress nears the end of his season, he looks ahead to his days as an upperclassman, both because of improvements he can make on the track and the increased role in leadership. He’s most excited to take some underclassmen “under his wing” and set a good example for incoming Cardinals.

Ask an Athlete: Alex Kornblau

Plattsburgh State baseball is fielding its best team in 14 years, due in large part to the offensive success of senior infielder Alex Kornblau.

Alex has led the Cardinals to the playoffs twice in his career, breaking a 10-year postseason drought that dated back to 2012.

This season, Alex has been the best version of himself, breaking three single-season Cardinal records — home runs with 8, runs with 51 and total bases with 91. Already the holder of the career home run record, if he stays for a graduate season, is also on pace to hold the career runs and doubles records.

As the Cardinals face the losers bracket of the SUNYAC tournament, the team will rely on Alex for some firepower.

This question and answer was conducted with Alex over text May 6.

Question: What’s your walk up song? Why’d you pick it?

Answer: My walk up song is cash war by Gunna because it hypes

me up and helps me lock in a little extra before every at-bat.

Q: What’s the best hitting advice you’ve ever received and how has it helped you?

A: The best hitting advice I’ve ever received is to stay confident and always stay within my approach, which is to drive the ball up the middle. It can be easy to try and do too much, but if I stay within myself and am confident in my ability, I wont stress about needing to get a hit. That stress is what

causes me to chase pitches. Instead I try to take what the pitcher gives me.

Q: What’s going to make this team scary in the playoffs?

A: What’s going to make this team scary in the playoffs is definitely how deep our lineup is. In any given inning we can have a breakout inning, whether it’s the top of the order up, or the 7 hitter leading off, which is why we are always so confident even if we’re losing. This is because we know we can

pop off for a big inning at any point in the game.

Q: Are you a seeds guy? What are the best flavors? If not, what are you eating in the dugout?

A: I’m not a big seeds guy, but when I’m in the dugout I’m always eating some almonds or cashews because they give me the energy to compete, especially when we have long doubleheaders.

SPORTS 9 ▪ Friday, May 10, 2024 ▪ Sports Editor Michael Purtell Regular season final STANDINGS BASEBALL TEAM SUNYAC OVERALL 1-Cortland 2-Oswego 3-New Paltz 4-Plattsburgh E-Brockport E-Oneonta E-Fredonia 16-2 11-7 10-8 10-8 9-9 4-14 3-15 28-10-1 26-13 22-15 24-14 22-16 15-23 13-23 SOFTBALL TEAM SUNYAC OVERALL 1-New Paltz 2-Cortland 3-Geneseo 4-Oneonta 5-Fredonia 6-Buffalo State E-Potsdam E-Oswego E-Plattsburgh E-Brockport 17-1 15-3 14-4 13-5 8-10 6-10 5-13 5-13 3-15 2-16 31-5 25-7 21-7 21-15 15-23 15-18 14-22 10-22 11-25 8-28 M. LACROSSE TEAM SUNYAC OVERALL 1-Cortland 2-Geneseo 3-Oswego 4-Potsdam 5-Oneonta 6-Brockport E-New Paltz E-Plattsburgh 7-0 6-1 5-2 4-3 3-4 2-5 1-6 0-7 11-5 12-6 10-6 10-5 7-8 4-11 5-10 4-12 W. LACROSSE TEAM SUNYAC OVERALL 1-Cortland 2-Geneseo 3-New Paltz 4-Brockport 5-Oswego 6-Oneonta E-Plattsburgh E-Buffalo State E-Fredonia E-Potsdam 9-0 8-1 6-3 6-3 6-3 3-6 3-6 2-7 1-8 1-8 13-4 14-3 14-4 10-7 9-7 5-12 4-11 6-9 5-11 4-10 STATISTICS MEN’S LACROSSE # J. Eiseman, A D. Woods, A C. Morin, M GOALS 33 20 15 # D. Woods, A T. Keenan, M J. Eiseman, A ASSISTS 18 17 10 # J. Eiseman, A D. Woods, A T. Keenan, M POINTS 43 38 27 # F. Whitlock, D J. Eiseman, A K. Ruland, D GB 55 48 41 # J. Farrelly, M J. Duval Lapaix, M D. Zambito, M FO% .413 .411 .159 # D. Clements, G SAVE% .481 WOMEN’S LACROSSE # C. Barnosky, A M. Garcia, A Dickinson, Nash GOALS 35 15 10 # C. Barnosky, A F. Fitzgerald, A LaMar, Nash ASSISTS 16 12 4 # C. Barnosky, A F. Fitzgerald, A M. Garcia, A POINTS 51 16 16 # S. Carr, D L. Gilroy, D S. Lombardi, D GB 26 25 23 # L. Gilroy, D J. Adams, D C. Nash, M DC 60 32 28 # L. Nease, G H. Lowder, G J. Loch, G SAVE% .381 .366 .333 BASEBALL # C. Palmer, INF S. Isaacs, INF G. Noll, C AVG .374 .345 .340 # S. Isaacs, INF G. Noll, C C. Palmer, INF OPS .912 .871 .859 # Isaacs, Golino G. Noll, C D. Mouhteros, OF RBI 26 13 9 # A. Veit, SS/RHP K. Mordecki, RHP C. Santic, LHP ERA 2.56 4.47 7.30 # A. Veit, SS/RHP K. Mordecki, RHP C. Santic, LHP WHIP 1.30 1.53 1.99 # A. Veit, SS/RHP C. Santic, LHP K. Mordecki, RHP IP 56.1 49.1 48.1 SOFTBALL # A. Diltz, UTL A. Kornblau, INF J. Defayette, OF AVG .386 .381 .357 # A. Kornblau, INF C. Gonzalski, OF A. Diltz, UTL OPS 1.112 .964 .946 # K. Cremin A. Diltz, UTL A. Kornblau, INF RBI 35 33 27 # M. Ormerod, P S. Milyko, P J. Golino, P/INF ERA 3.30 4.92 5.36 # M. Ormerod, P S. Milyko, P J. Golino, P/INF WHIP 1.35 1.55 1.71 # M. Ormerod, P J. Golino, P/INF S. Milyko, P IP 95.1 61.1 42.2 ATHLETE OF THE WEEK ATHLETE OF THE WEEK GAME OF THE WEEK GAME OF THE WEEK GRACE YARKOSKY T&F SUNYACS Grace Yarkosky, in her first season competing, took home a gold medal in the 800-meter run at the SUNYAC Outdoor Championships. Her time of 2:18.55 was a personal best. The Cardinals earned six SUNYAC medals at the 2024 SUNYAC Outdoor Championships. Grace Yarkosky’s 800-meter run: 2.18.55 First Place finish AARTFC qualifying time
Email COLLIN BOLEBRUCH Medalists: Brexton Montville Gold 100m dash Charles Cypress Silver 200m dash Bronze 100m dash Noah Bonesteel Bronze 1500m run Grace Yarkosky Gold 800m run Michaela Schaffer Bronze long jump
COLLIN BOLEBRUCH/Cardinal Points Alex Kornblau watches Plattsburgh face Clarkson from the dugout April 11.
Email via SUNYAC
Championships on May 3. CHARLES CYPRESS’ OUTDOOR PRs 100-meter dash 10.74 seconds 200-meter dash 21.75 seconds 400-meter
48.56 seconds
Cardinal Charles Cypress runs the 100-meter dash in
SUNYAC Outdoor

Continued from page 8

Plattsburgh took out Mordecki in favor of Nick Goldberg in the top of the fourth inning after the Red Dragons scored four more runs. Mordekcki ended the day with five earned runs. Goldberg let up one more run to Cortland, giving the Reg Dragons an 8-0 advantage going into the fifth.

The Red Dragons stayed hot in the fifth and scored three more unanswered runs bringing the score to 11-0.

The Cardinals ended the scoring drought when the single-season home-run record holder Alex Kornblau did what he does best and hit a two-run blast over the right field wall. Plattsburgh held Cortland to zero runs and ended the inning with a nine-run deficit.

Plattsburgh didn’t go down without a fight, scoring four more runs. Andrew Veit highlighted the inning by hitting a tworun homer to center field. The Cardinal defense again held Cortland to zero runs, cutting the Red Dragon’s advantage to five.

Plattsburgh’s comeback effort ended in the eighth after the team went scoreless and allowed one final Red Dragon run, bringing the game to its final score of 6-12.

Plattsburgh will have an uphill battle, needing to climb its way back through a losers bracket. The Cardinals will take on Oswego in a win or go home contest on Friday, May 10.


Plattsburgh State is enjoying one of its

strongest seasons in program history, finishing with a 24-14 regular season record and a 10-8 record in conference play. The win total is the best in recent memory and the team’s highest win total since the 2010 season, when Plattsburgh won 30 games. Plattsburgh’s 10 conference wins tied the program record set in 2006.

The SUNYAC has been highly competitive this season. Leading up to the SUNYAC tournament, four conference teams landed within the top seven of the NCAA Division III Region Three power rankings: Plattsburgh ranked seventh, Oswego ranked fourth, New Paltz ranked third and Cortland ranked first.

While the Red Dragons are formidable, they are not unbeatable. Cortland finished with a conference record of 16-2, their two losses coming from Oswego and New Paltz.

Earlier in the season, Plattsburgh took a game from both Oswego and New Paltz in the regular season and hoped they could do the same to Cortland.

“We are feeling as confident as ever,” said Conner Gonzalski, graduate student outfielder.

The Cardinals have historically struggled with the Red Dragons, having an all-time record of 5-80 in the matchup. The last time Plattsburgh beat Cortland was in the final game of its series in 2012, which the Cardinals won 2-0. Plattsburgh is on a 36-game losing streak against the Red Dragons.

In this season’s series between Plattsburgh and Cortland, the Red Dragons won all three games with a combined run margin of 21-4.


Alex Kornblau readies his swing against Oswego on April 23.

Coming into the matchup, the Cardinals’ offense ranked fourth in the SUNYAC in runs, hits, batting average, home runs and slugging percentage.

One thing Plattsburgh has excelled at this season is its discipline at the plate.

The Cardinals have the fewest strikeouts and the most walks in the SUNYAC.

Plattsburgh’s patience at the dish was a key game plan strategy going into the tournament. If the Cardinals can have disciplined at-bats, they can raise the pitch count of opposing starting pitchers. If Plattsburgh worked the pitch count early on in the game, opponents would be forced to go to their bullpen. When facing high level competition, every advantage counts.

“This week, we’ve talked a lot about execution. For example, laying down bunts, executing hits and runs and making


all of the routine plays on defense,” Gonzalski said.

Multiple hitters have come up big for Plattsburgh this season. One of the most notable ones is Kornblau, who broke the single-season home run record with eight. Kornblau continued his record-breaking campaign, now holding the single-season record for runs and total bases, breaking the previous marks of 48 and 86.

Plattsburgh will play its first SUNYAC elimination game against the secondseeded Oswego Lakers on April 10.

“We left Cortland with a little chip on our shoulder. I think that will work in our favor this weekend,” Assistant Coach Jeff Pluta said.


Continued from page 8

In Montville’s first SUNYAC Outdoor Championship event this season , the 4x100-meter relay, he suffered a misstep that disqualified his team.

Montville used that failure to push himself forward to succeed in the 100, Krug said. The motivation was enough to push him over the top by .05 seconds.

“Going into it, you just have to have confidence in yourself that you can achieve good things against higher quality competition,” Montville said.

Montville was just a part of a successful day for the future of the program.

“These last five years have been really important to me. I’ve gotten to meet a lot of great people,” Montville said. “It definitely feels like I’m leaving a family.”


Yarkosky joined the team this season with no experience on a team — running had only ever been a hobby for her.

Recruited to Plattsburgh to play hockey, Yarkosky has experience in the college postseason. She saw the ice last year in the Cardinals’ run to the Frozen Four.

“With the hockey team, having the reputation of making it to the playoffs and getting into the final four spot, I didn’t necessarily have that on the track side,” Yarkosky said.

During the hockey season, Yarkosky has teammates play-

ing simultaneously whom she can rely on mid-game or between periods. In her new sport, her success in an event depends solely on her.

The rookie’s win validated for herself that she can be a serious competitor on the team.

“It was a really, really cool feeling knowing that I was able to score points for my team,” Yarkosky said. “I’m still trying to figure out how to race and how I fit in with the whole grand scheme of things. It was a little boost of self-confidence for sure, knowing I am able to compete and it’s not just like it’s a little side quest.”

The Cardinals qualified for 11 events at the AARTFC Championships to be held May 15 and 16: Yarkosky in the 800; Marissa LeDuc in the heptathlon; Montville in the 100 and 200; Cypress in the 100, 200 and 400-meter dash; Jordan Williams in the 100; Bonesteel in the 800 and 1500; and a team of Montville, Cypress, Williams and Justin Rushia in the 4x100.

ed by Williams College in Williamstown, Massachusetts, as a last-chance qualifier May 11. It has not been announced who will participate.

The team said it is still unsure who will actually compete at regionals.

Plattsburgh will compete in the Farley Inter Regional host-

The Cardinals’ performance in SUNYACs bodes well for competition to come — four of the five medalists are set to return next season.

“(The results were) really promising for us for the future,” Krug said.




Alex Kornblau

Kornblau finished the season with program records in single-season runs with 51, single-season total bases with 91 and the career home run record with 14, eight of which he recorded this season - also a program record. The Cardinals won 10 conference games this season and earned a fourth seed for the postseason.


Grace Yarkosky

In her first season with the Track and Field program, Grace Yarkosky earned a SUNYAC gold medal at the outdoor champinship meet with a time of 2:18.55 in the 800-meter run. Her time qualified her for an appearance at the All-Atlantic Region Track and Field Conference championships.


Head Coach Sam Quinn-Loeb, Assistant Coach Jeff Pluta and Volunteer Assistant coaches Andrew Kramer and Todd Everleth coached the Cardinals to their second playoff appearance in the last three seasons after a playoff drought that spanned 10 seasons.


Jack Defayette

Defayette saw an unbelievable jump in production this season. In seven less at-bats, he improved his batting average from .250 to .376, posted 13 more runs with 27 total this season, recorded 10 more hits with 35 and improved his slugging average from .360 to .495.



The Cardinals earned six medals and two SUNYAC Championships at the outdoor championship meet this year May 3 and 4. Senior Brexton Montville earned gold in the Men’s 100-meter dash and Grace Yarkosky finished first in the women’s 800-meter run. Charles Cypress, Noah Bonesteel and Michaela Schaffer also medalled.


Brexton Montville

As a senior, Montville improved on his own program record in the 100-meter dash with a time of 10.58, was a member of Plattsburgh’s record setting 4x100-meter relay team and earned a gold medal in the 100m at the SUNYAC Outdoor Championships on May 3.

SPORTS 10 ▪ Friday, May 10, 2024 ▪ Sports Editor Michael Purtell
Charles Cypress Noah Bonesteel Michaela Schaffer

Rugger by day, rocker by night

Casey Halloran is a week away from graduating. He spurred “real life” for stability and an education — and now it’s time for him to get back to living it.

“It’s going to be over eventually, and I’m so aware of that. So I’ve been partying my fucking ass off.”

During his time at Plattsburgh, the hometown kid became a rugby star and the frontman of his band, Lagrøgg.

“I am by no means any master of anything.”


Casey was born in Arizona and lived in Maine and Pennsylvania before landing in Westport, New York.

Casey attended Seton Catholic High School in Plattsburgh. He was a multisport athlete, playing golf, soccer and hockey. While on the hockey team, Casey was captured by the bond of sports.

“It’s like a brotherhood, dude. It’s like Southern football up here,” Casey said. “I made great, brotherly connections.”

It took Casey some encouragement, though, to explore the world of music. His then-girlfriend pointed out that he had a passion for singing — but he didn’t have time to pursue it. As soon as he graduated in 2018, he was on the move again.

Casey spent the next few years traveling, working and playing men’s league soccer seasonally at home. He visited many countries, including Cambodia, Portugal, Vietnam, Uganda and Egypt. Casey claimed he’s visited every continent but Antarctica.

Portugal gave Casey a reintroduction to music.

“I was traveling. I was in Portugal living off dumpster diving and living in the fucking bushes and shit with this guy, this random guy. He called himself a wizard. He was a wacko. Super cool,” Casey said.

Casey saved up money for weeks, eventually purchasing a guitalele. He brought it back home and learned how to play, roped back into an affection for music.

Casey started playing with a coworker, drummer Greg Dimoulas, at Monopole open mics when he was home. The two picked up a childhood friend of Casey, guitarist Blake Liberi, who learned to play bass on the fly for the group.

“First, he’s a leader,” Blake said. “He is somebody you can follow very easily. He will show you what’s right and what’s wrong.”

Casey, Blake and Greg eventually went their separate ways, and Casey was back on the go. For the next year, Casey traveled the world again, touching the corners of the earth.


Casey, who had taken some classes at Clinton Community College, came to a realization during the summer of 2022 and needed to make a decision about his future. He was going to get his degree at Plattsburgh.

“I was just fucking around. I need some structure. I need something real,” Casey said. “I could go to a new school somewhere else, explore, meet new people and that’d be

great, or I can go to Plattsburgh because I know there’s no music scene and I can help create one.”

Back home, Casey reconnected with Greg and Blake. The trio picked up its first gig at Peabody’s.

“I’m sure it was probably our worst gig ever,” Casey said.

The quality of their sound didn’t matter. The crowd was full of family, friends, teachers and coaches.

“Having a lot of people there was really big for us, because we’ve really been fortunate enough to play for a good crowd every time since then,”

Casey said.

The band then attended a

The Gallery show, where they realized there were others like them. They founded Lagrøgg that night in a parking lot. Lagrøgg later welcomed a bassist, Edward Morris, whom Casey met while working at Chapter One as a barista.

Everything was going great for Casey. He had friends, a band and a new music scene — but he couldn’t shake dissatisfaction.

“I’m missing something,”

Casey said. “Holy shit. Every time I’ve ever been in school I’ve been in sports.”

Casey knew Noah Lederman in passing for more than a decade and had recently connected over a local soccer league. Noah had passed on his spot on the Plattsburgh State soccer team ahead of the 2022 season for club rugby instead.

Casey reached out to Noah, wanting to join a practice. He was immediately hooked, even if he didn’t know the rules yet.

“I didn’t know what I was fucking doing out there. I was tackling people,” Casey said.

Casey has developed into one of the team’s best players, laying opponents out, scoring tries and always giving it his all.

“He’s a hard-nosed player. He’s a competitive guy,” Noah said. “He’s probably the most competitive guy I know.”

Casey’s teammates repaid him by coming to his second house show, and the president asked him to perform at the rugby house. Casey had always wanted to and knew a live performance would convince the team’s leaders to host.

Lagrøgg has played house shows with rugby multiple times.

His teammates prepare the stage, run the door and sell merchandise. Money Lagrøgg makes goes toward the rugby team.


Casey connected with rugby for the same reason he connected with music — how both can be used to control his feelings.

“It’s a release of anger. It’s less of an art show where I’m expressing my feelings and more of a release of feelings,” Casey said. “Lets fucking go, get amped up and get rid of all this testosterone I don’t need because it’s a fucking bad thing to have too much of.”

All four band members need to be on the same page for a new song to work. The same extends to the crowd.

“It’s all trade. When you’re on stage it’s a fucking trade of energy,” Casey said. “If the crowd isn’t into it, how am I going to get into it? If I’m not into it, how is the crowd going to get into it?”

“It’s very similar with rugby. If I’m out there busting my ass, my teammates are going to see that and they’re going to bust their ass,” Casey said. “If I see one of my boys absolutely truck people and get up and fucking fight and scream, I’m on him. I’m with him.”

The team is better when Casey’s on the field. His teammates all feed off of him.

“(He brings) leadership. He’s a crazy bastard. He’s just crazy. He’s a wicked dude. (He’s got) energy, competitiveness,” Noah

said. “He has a sense of humility toward anybody he talks to and to the game. He’s got a rugby personality, so he fits right in.

‘A GREAT CHAPTER’ Casey will graduate cum laude with a bachelor’s degree in ecology.

Casey played his final Plattsburgh State rugby game at the annual TnT tournament April 20.

“We’re going to miss him,” said Noah, who will serve as head coach next season. “It’s going to suck for me as the coach not having him on the field.”

Though his time with the team was shorter than most, he’ll leave a rockstar-sized hole on the pitch.

“The biggest thing about it for me out there is being there with my friends. My brothers out there, fighting for the same fucking shit on the same team backing each other up, having each other’s back. It’s a family,” Casey said.

Lagrøgg most recently played at the rugby house April 27 — their final show at the venue.

Strobe lighting lit the room. The crowd was overtaken by a growing mosh pit and people were bodysurfing.

Casey talked to the crowd between songs, shared McDonald’s hamburgers with attendees and even dove into the mosh pit mid-set. The shows remain on track because his bandmates continue to play and his teammates keep the crowd at bay.

Casey isn’t sure what the future holds for Lagrøgg. For now, the

group is celebrating the release of its debut EP, “Zeal.”

“It’s a long time coming,” Blake said. “It took us a while. It just feels really good to have it done.”

Whether or not the band has already reached its peak, Casey said he’s proud of what Lagrøgg and everyone who has contributed have left behind.

The love he’s gotten from his fanbase will be something he’ll never forget, Casey said.

“It’s brought so many people together. It’s been so happy for me. My favorite thing to hear from someone is, ‘Dude, these shows have been the highlight of my college experience,’” Casey said. “I hear that — oh my god, I want to cry.”

Casey will be back on the pitch for the Saranac Lake Mountaineers this summer and will work construction jobs. He plans on hitting the road again, and has considered moving to South America to spread his artistry.

Casey said he will always look back on this period of his life, knowing his hard work was for good.

“It’s going to be a great chapter. I’ll always remember it for my whole life,” Casey said. “But there’s going to be much more excitement in my life so I don’t have to worry too much.”

11 ▪ Friday, May 10, 2024 Sports Editor Michael Purtell
COLLIN BOLEBRUCH/Cardinal Points Casey Halloran pushes through two teammates in a scrimmage. COLLIN BOLEBRUCH/Cardinal Points
Casey Halloran screams into a microphone during his last house show with Lagrogg.

Closer look at campus housing

One of the biggest draws of college is the chance for young adults to finally be independent. Many first-year students are thrilled to have a chance to leave home and have their own space. After their second year, many students choose to move out of the dorms and live off-campus. The experience of both housing types propels the argument of which type is better.

To start off this debate, let’s look at on campus housing. With 10 different dorm buildings to choose from and a wide variety of amenities and activities in each, there’s plenty for students to do, no matter which hall they live in.

The buildings are sprawled all across campus, giving possible residents flexibility in location, and allowing them to choose a building close to where their classes are.

Being on campus also allows for students to meet people they may not usually meet and form close connections within the community.

During my first year, I lived in Wilson Hall and knew most people who lived throughout my building. In fact, some of my closest and best friends lived in the dorms right next to me. There were many events put on by the Community Advocates in the dorms that

helped build a community between each floor, and allowed me to meet new people.

However, there are downsides to living on campus as well. Sharing a space is not easy for some, especially living in such a small space. With two people in the same room and lots of stuff, dorm rooms can start to feel cramped in a short amount of time.

Privacy can also be hard to come by, as the space is completely open. It may be tiring if you spend lots of time around your roommate, even if you get along with them.

Now for off-campus housing — I currently live in an off-campus apartment, and as much as living in the dorm halls as an underclassmen was fun, being off-campus is so much better for me and my mental health. I get my own room, don’t have to worry about noise as much, no fire alarms and I get to live with my friends.

Living off-campus can be pricey, however, as the average cost per semester is around $3,000, however some places can be up to $4,500. This is per person as well, and most landlords around the area want that up front before you move in, plus a security deposit. This can be difficult for students who don’t have that amount at once.

It can also be hard to just find an off-campus place to live in in general, since residences can fill up fast, leaving some stu-

dents stranded or forced to look for places that aren’t near the campus itself. Parking can also be hard to come by, as the lots may be too small to fit everyone who lives in the building or the whole unit. Street parking fills up fast as well, because those spots are often taken up by visitors or people just going to classes.

Finding where to live can be an exciting time in a student’s life and it offers many benefits as well as negatives. However, this the case with many things in

college, and it all comes down to what each student is looking for and what fits their lifestyle, as well as what they are looking to put up with or look past. Personally, living off campus has been a wonderful experience and I’ve created great bonds with all of my roommates. I don’t think I would’ve gotten as much out of my time in college if I had continued to live on campus.


‘Big 3’ enter big feud

Whether you’re the biggest fan of rap, into celebrity drama or have just checked any of your social media accounts this week, chances are you’ve heard about the feud going on between rappers Kendrick Lamar and Drake.

With so many songs released in such a short amount of time, amping up the feud quickly, it may be

hard to follow. Here’s a brief overview of what exactly went down between these rappers.


Drake and Kendrick have fired shots at each other over the years, but this round started back in October 2023, when Drake dropped his album “For All the Dogs.” One of the tracks, “First Person Shooter” featured J. Cole, who claimed that he, Drake and Kendrick were the big

three of rap, referencing their immense popularity and high number of listeners and fans.

The most recent chapter of this feud officially started in March 2024, when Kendrick was featured on a track in Future and Metro Boomin’s album. In the song “Like That,” he rapped that there was no big three, saying “it’s just big me.”

FEUD > 13

Is college worth the high prices?

College prices and the overall impact it has on college students continue to rise. The price comparison between the 1960s and 2024 is exceptionally high.

The average total cost of a four-year college in 1963 was roughly $11,000 per year according to the National Center for Education Statistics. In 2024, at SUNY Plattsburgh specifically, the total cost is typically around $26,000 a year for in-state students. That means that college has increased by about 240% between those 60 years.

Students deal with the stress of school and finances only make those worries worse. Mental health and loan debt have several linking factors through studies. Around 40% of students who borrow higher loans experience depression because of the stress it causes, according to a mental health awareness survey conducted by Student Loan Planner.

In the United States, one in 15 students who borrow loans have stated they have considered suicide due to their debt, according to the same survey

mentioned above. College students do not only have the stress of classes, work and outside activities.

Loans can be thousands of thousands of dollars, which can quickly impact one’s mental health, especially if they are not making enough after college to pay it off.

Carter Mosher, Student Association president and a senior at SUNY Plattsburgh, said education should be free to all citizens. While I agree with that statement, it would be challenging financially.

According to Mosher, there are multiple reasons why the cost of college has increased tremendously, most relating to economic issues.

Inflation has caused expenses to increase, which leads to college tuition rising as well. There has also been a lack of regulation of tuition costs according to Best Colleges.

One of the major concerns is when college costs are not worth it.

“The college experience is not necessarily worth as much as we pay, but I think people are better off going to college,” Mosher said. “College will set you up for success compared to not attending at all.”

College allows you to grow before entering the work world.

A significant concern that follows after college is making enough money. If college costs $26,000 a year, and you are in it for four, that is $104,000 in student loans.

Graduating college can bring a lot of stress, especially if the job graduates get offered can’t pay off one’s loans.

“It depends on what people

To the class of ‘28

“When it comes to academics and your passions and stuff, just follow them. Don’t be caught up with ‘okay well, what are others going to think of me.’” Just go for whatever you want and don’t feel bad about it. You will always find a way to incorporate all of your interests into whatever you do in the

Sagan Martin: junior history major “The most important thing is to try and meet people. Get out. Talk to people from your classes and get to know the college community and involve yourself as much as you can.”

T-V video production

“Have fun with it. Try to have fun with the work. Don’t get too much in your head like ‘oh I gotta do it right. It’s got to be exactly what I need it to be.’ Not like get it done, but have fun with what you’re doing, with whatever program.”

major in and how they use what they studied after graduating if they will make enough to pay off their loans,” Mosher said. For most, college is worth the experience, knowledge and education. It provides a lot of doors that can open up a student’s future.

Joshua Simmons: senior anthropology major

“Take time for yourself. I know it’s really easy to get caught up in all of the busyness of getting to a new college, but save time for yourself so you can become adjusted and not go crazy.”

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Harrison Swales: senior major Lucy Allen: senior T-V video production major
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Opinion Editor Nadia Paschal asked students around campus what advice they wanted to share with the class of 2028.

Lightning round film reviews

To close out movie reviews for this semester, I wanted to do something a little different. Throughout the week I’ve taken the opportunity of some down time. I had to watch multiple movies and decided to wrap things up with a round of lightning movie reviews.


This queer movie takes concepts from vampire movies, especially that of “From Dusk Till Dawn,” to create one of the most fun filled horror comedies I have seen all year.

I have few qualms with the film, my only real one being the character Jax played by Donia Kash. The character just felt weak and annoying to me, but thankfully the joyride this film offers conceals that. The film made its small budget work great, delivering gore and amazingly choreographed fight scenes.


MASSACRE’ (2022)

This film’s biggest issue is the plot, which is weak. You follow unlikable characters doing unlikable things, and for whatever reason, the movie decides to bring back Sally Hardesty from the original

for the most unrewarding sub plot I have seen in a long time.

The movie also struggles from having a relentlessly boring beginning and end. If you can get past this, though, the middle of this film is a bloody good time.

One thing this movie did right was its gore. It’s a slasher and it knows that. From the first death and onward till the last like 20 minutes of the movie it is filled with some of the best and most gruesome gore I’ve seen from a slasher in a while. Notably, the bus scene is beautifully tragic.

The plot may be a mess but so is the blood, and although Leatherface would be between 70 to 80 years old in this movie (It takes place 50 years after the original when Leatherface was 20 and 30), man can he use a chainsaw.


Serving as a spin-off to the original “Ocean’s” series, this fun crime film mixes criminal minds with the fashion world.

The plot of the film is that Debbie Ocean, played by Sandra Bullock, created a plan while in prison to steal the Touissant necklace.

Historically, the necklace does not exist anymore but the film still utilized it, putting a price tag of $150 million, meaning that stakes are high.

This movie is packed to the brim with notable actors including Rihanna, Helena Bonham Carter and Sarah Paulson. Each character in this film has their own eccentric personalities and skills that ultimately lead to the formation of this team for the heist that occurs in the film.


It’s honestly shocking that I sat through three films and

actually enjoyed all of them for the most part. I would without a doubt recommend all of these movies. They are all fun in their own ways, be it vampire-slaying drag queens, chainsaws and blood almighty or a heist for a hyperbolically expensive piece of jewelry.

J. Cole then released “Might Delete Later” on April 5. On the album’s 12th track, “7 Minute Drill,” he fired back and said Kendrick was past his prime and had “fallen off.” J. Cole followed through and actually did delete the song later, removing it from streaming services.

J. Cole also issued a public apology to Kendrick during a concert, officially removing himself from this feud, and saving himself from the mess that was going to unfold.

Drake did not follow suit, instead coming back and inserting himself into the feud, with the release of his single, “Push Ups.” In it, he not only disses Kendrick, but also The Weeknd, Rick Ross, Metro Boomin and Future, all of whom he’s previously had feuds with.

Drake wasn’t done yet, though. Later that same day, he released “Taylor Made Freestyle” on YouTube, criticizing Kendrick for collaborating with pop stars — specifically Taylor Swift. Drake later took the video down, because he did not have permission to use the AI-generated voice of Tupac Shakur which was featured on the song.

Listening to this song honestly made me laugh, because if you have AI featured on half the track, you’ve already lost.

Kendrick dropped yet another diss titled “Euphoria” on April 30. This was obviously aimed at Drake, as the song shares the name of the HBO show that Drake serves as the executive producer on. Throughout this specific track, Kendrick hurls many insults at Drake, ranging from everything to calling him a “pathetic master manipulator,” saying he hates everything about him, criticizing his parenting dropping the powerful line “don’t tell no lie about me, and I won’t tell truths ‘bout you.”

I knew it was going to get personal when Kendrick referred to Drake by his real name in the song.

Three days later, Kendrick dropped “6:16 in LA” continuing to pile hate on Drake, as the title mimicked one of Drake’s previous songs.

The feud still wasn’t over — in fact, it was only about to get more serious. Drake then released “Family Matters,” with his lyrics making claims that one of Kendrick’s children wasn’t actually his. Drake even went so far as to accuse Kendrick of domestic abuse.

This fired up Kendrick, leading to him releasing “Meet the Grahams” only 20 minutes after. With some of the most intense disses and lyrics I’ve ever heard, the song basically serves as a letter of sorts from Kendrick to not only Drake himself, but every member of his family.

Kendrick apologizes to Drake’s son for having that

man as his father and blamed Drake’s father for his addictions as well as calling him out for raising a “horrible fucking person.” Kendrick didn’t let up, and kept that same energy throughout the song, dropping the bomb that Drake had a secret daughter and calling him a “deadbeat.”

Switching over and speaking directly to Drake now, Kendrick says Drake has lied about everything and accuses him of being a predator.

To finish him off, Kendrick dropped another song, “Not Like Us,” where he doubled down on his claims in his last song. It’s also worth noting that the cover for this single was a satellite image of Drake’s mansion, with pins dropped on it, alluding to the allegations that there are multiple other predators within his inner circle.

Finally, Drake came out with “The Heart Part 6,” which was a reference to a series of songs by Kendrick. This comeback was weak, as the revelations made about Drake were concerning and heavy.

With very little energy, Drake dismissed everything Kendrick had said about him up until that point, claiming that he had fed Kendrick all of this false information on purpose, which is not the best excuse when you’re in that much hot water.


The multiple diss tracks have led to rampant online discussion as well as

jokes. Social media users have taken jabs at Drake, as the numerous serious accusations made by Kendrick have tarnished his reputation and legacy within the rap community.

Many have said, however, that Kendrick went too far with his diss tracks aimed at Drake, and that he has no proof to back up the claims he’s made.

Not only have fans across the board picked sides in the feud, but other celebrities have joined in on the discourse as well, backing up one or the other.

With Kendrick’s amazing lyricism and brilliant references, as well as all of the skeletons he dragged out of Drake’s closet, I have no choice but to be rooting for him in this battle if it continues.

Kendrick has solidified his reputation and honed his craft over the years, to the point he earned a Pulitzer Prize for one of his albums.

On the other hand, Drake’s behavior has only become more concerning, with most of it relating to having close relationships with both barely of age and underage girls.

Since the release of “The Heart Part 6,” neither artist has released another song. However, I still feel like this feud is far from over.


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