Elk and Fir Wedding Notebook

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Weddi ngGui de


We lc o me ! Bef or ewegett ot hegoods t uf f Ij us twant edt ot akea momentandt hankyouf r om t hebot t om ofmyhear t . That yout wohavedeci dedt oget meonboar df oroneoft he mos ti mpor t antdaysi nyour l i vesmeanst hewor l dt ome. I t ’ st hi st r us tt hati ns pi r esmeever ydayt ocr eat et hebes twor k Ipos s i bl ycan. Iknow t her ei sat onofi nf or mat i onoutt her eandi tcanf eel over whel mi ngatt i mes . Thi sbooki smeantt ogi veyoual i t t l e gui danceal ongt heway . Theadvi cei nher ewi l lnotonl yal l ow f ors t unni ngweddi ngphot ogr aphs , buti twi l lal s oens ur et hat yougett oenj oyar el ax edweddi ngday . Thats ai d, al lt i psi nher ear emer el ys ugges t i ons . Onl yyout wo know whatf eel sr i ghtandIur geyout of ol l ow youri nt ui t i on. Af t eral l , t hi sdayi sher et ocel ebr at eyou, youruni queper s onal i t i esandyourdeci s i ont os pendyourl i vest oget her . Iam s ohonor edt hatIgett obeapar toft hi samazi ngchapt er ofyours t or y . Si ncer el y ,

Li saPhot ogr aphy


Enga ge me nt Se s s i o n An engagements es s i on i st he per f ectwayt o ki cks t ar tt he r el at i ons hi p wi t h yourphot ogr apher .I twi l lal l ow you t o get us edt obei ngi nf r ontoft hecamer a,cal m yourner vesbef or e t heweddi ngdayandi sal s oat onoff un! Il ovet ot akemycoupl eson ext ended hi kesorot heradvent ur eswher ewecancr eat es omet hi ngbeaut i f uli nar el axedat mos pher e.Ther es ul t sar eal s ot heper f ectaddi t i on f orweddi ngi nvi t at i onsandSavet heDat ecar ds ! Anddi dyouknow t hati fyoubookaweddi ngwi t hEl kandFi r Your ecei veyourengagments es hcompl i ment ar y??Yep!and aweddi nggues tbookal ldes i gnedbyCar i s s a! Soundsl i kes omet hi ngyou’ dbeupf or ? Gr eat , l et ’ sgett opl anni ng!


Pla nni ngA We ddi ng Thedi f f er ents t agesofpl anni ngaweddi ngar eexci t i ng, butt hi ngscangets t r es s f ul , t oo. Tr yi ngt or eal i z eyour own vi s i on and l i s t eni ng t o a mount ai n of( wel l i nt ent i oned)advi ce f r om al ls i des ,whi l s ts i mul t aneous l y j uggl i ngabudgetandfigur i ngouthow t opl anaweddi ngday( s omet hi ngyouar emos tl i kel ydoi ngf ort hefir s t andonl yt i mei nyourl i f e)i s ,wel l ….achal l enge.ButI ’ vegotyourback!Her ear eaf ew t hi ngst okeepi nmi nd whent ackl i ngyourweddi ngpl anni ngt odol i s t :

Cel ebr at eThePr ocess

YouDon’ tHaveToDoI tAl lOnYourOwn

Wi t h al lt hes e bi g and s mal ls t eppi ng s t ones

Del egat i ngt as ksl eavesyouwi t hmor et i met oenj oy

appr oachi ngyouronebi gday , i t ’ seas yt ol os es i ghtof

and f ocuson t he t op pr i or i t i eson yourt odo l i s t .

how pr eci oust he her e and now i s .That ’ swhyyou

Gat herat eam ofawes omepeopl ear ound you and

s houl d makean ef f or tt ocel ebr at eever ymi l es t one,

don’ tbes hyt oas kf orhel pi fneeded.Yourf r i ends

ever y get t oget her ,ever yr ehear s al .Gr as p ever y

andf ami l ymember swi l lbehappyt ohel pyou.

oppor t uni t yt os pend qual i t yt i me wi t h yourl oved ones .Looki ng back i twi l ls eem l i ke t he t i me j us t r us hedby .

1 0

I nvi t eThePeopl eYou’ r eExci t edToSee Thi ss houl d beanobr ai ner ,s houl dn’ ti t ?You’ d be s ur pr i s edathow manycoupl esl ongf orani nt i mat e weddi ng day ,onl yt o find t hatt hei ri nvi t at i on l i s t keeps gr owi ng.Yourf r i ends wantt o br i ng new par t ner syou’ vebar el ymet ,yourgr andmaexpect s yout oi nvi t eal lt hos ever ydi s t antf ami l ymember s and t her e’ st hi sauntyou j us tknow wi l lhavez er o ni cet hi ngst os ay ,buts he’ sf ami l yaf t eral l … St op! I ns t ead ofyouri nvi t at i on l i s tes cal at i ng al ong wi t h yours t r es sl evel s ,you havemyper mi s s i on t o onl y i nvi t et hepeopl eyouknow youwi l l bet r ul yhappyt o s eeoncet hedayr ol l sar ound.

FocusOnW hat ’ sReal l yI mpor t ant Whens omet hi ngdoes n’ tgoqui t easpl anned, t r yt o t akeadeepbr eat handr el ax. Yout wohavedeci ded t os pend your l i f et oget her and,wi t ht hat one i mpor t antt houghti n mi nd,mos ti nci dent st r ul y ar en’ tt hatbi gofadeal . Tr us tmeont hatone.

1 1

Ins pi r a t i o n

Thei nt er nethasanabundanceofweddi ngi ns pi r at i on i n s t or ef or you - s o much s o,t hat i t can f eel over whel mi ngwhenyoufir s tdi vei n. Bel ow you’ l lfinda col l ect i onofmyf avor i t ebl ogs&onl i nemagazi nest hat haveat on ofhel pf uladvi ceand beaut i f uli mager yt o getyoui ns pi r edf ort hebi gday .

www. di r t yboot s andmes s yhai r . com www. j unebugweddi ngs . com ww www. hel l omay . com. au www. gr eenweddi ngs hoes . com www. r ockmyweddi ng. co. uk

nt er es ti sundoubt edl yever ybr i de’ sf avor i t epl acet o Pi s ur ft hr oughoutt heweddi ngpl anni ngpr oces s . Ther e’ s a whol e wor l d of i ns pi r at i on r i ght t her e at your finger t i psandt hat ’ samazi ng. However , i tcangets uper addi ct i ve.Myadvi ce woul d be t ot ake r egul arbr eaks andchecki nwi t hyour s el f : I st hi st r ul ywhatyouwantor di d you j us tgetcar r i ed away?Doest hi sr eal l yfityou andt hes t yl eofyourweddi ngordoesi tonl ymakef ora pr et t ypi ct ur e?Letyouri nt ui t i onbeyourgui de.

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1 3

― Al otofweddi ngsar es t r uct ur edi nas i mi l arway ,butt hat does n’ t mean t hat you need t os t i ck t ot hi s pr ocedur e r el i gi ous l y .Her e ar e a coupl e oft hi ngs t o cons i derwhen cr eat i ngt het i mel i nef oryourday .

1 4

Ti me li ne

Don’ tSt ar tTooEar l y Of t ent i mes ,coupl es ar e wor r i ed abouthow t o keep t hei rgues t sent er t ai ned t hr oughoutal ong weddi ng day .The bes ts ol ut i on t hatI ’ ve f ound? Don’ ts t ar tyourdayt ooear l y!A cer emonyi nt he l at eaf t er noon( oreveni nt heear l yeveni nghour s ) al l owsyout os l eepi nands t ar tt hedayi nar el axed manner .Ther e’ s a nat ur alflow t o how t hi ngs pr ogr es sandpeopl ewon’ tevenr eal i z ehow t i me fli esby .I t ’ ss o much mor epl eas antt han havi ng yourgues t swai tar oundwi t hachampagnegl as s i nt hei rhands , wonder i ngwhent hi ngswi l l pi ckup s peed.

1 6

LeaveSomeW i ggl eRoom

PayAt t ent i onToLi ght

Tr yand abs t ai nf r om fil l i ng up t heday’ sagenda

Fr om a phot ogr aphy s t andpoi nt ,l i ghti s a key

down t ot he l as tmi nut e.I ns t ead,add an ext r a

f act orand wi l lgr eat l yi nfluence t he mood Iam

1 01 5mi nut est oever yact i vi t y ,becaus e,f r om my

abl et ocapt ur edur i ng t hecer emony ,t hecoupl e

exper i ence,a l ot of t hi ngs t ake l onger t han

s hoot ,t heeveni nget c.Si mpl ykeept hati nmi nd,

or i gi nal l yant i ci pat ed. That ’ snor malands houl dn’ t

es peci al l yf orever yt hi ng t aki ng pl ace out door s ,

be a r eas on t o get s t r es s ed out .I ns t ead of

andf eelf r eet ocons ul tmef oranyques t i onst hat

s pendi ng your day chas i ng down your own

maycomeup.Ihaveal s oi ncl uded l ot sofadvi ce

s e,gi veyour s el fs omebr eat hi ng s paces o chedul

on how t o make t he bes t of di f f er ent l i ght

t hatyoucanr el axandenj oyever ymoment .

s cenar i osi nt heupcomi ngchapt er s .

1 7

St yli ng

When i tcomest o weddi ng dr es s es ,ever ywoman i sdi f f er ent .Maybe you’ vehadavi s i onofyourper f ectdr es severs i nceyouwer eal i t t l eki d. Per hapsyou wantt os ur pr i s eyour s el f .Maybeyou’ vedeci ded t o have yourdr eam dr es st ai l or ed f oryou.Oryou’ ve been br ows i ng vi nt age s hopsf ort hel as tcoupl eofmont hswai t i ngt ofindagol denol di et owal k downt heai s l ei n. St yl i ngi ss uchani ndi vi dual t hi ng, butnomat t erwhat yourdr es sgoal sar e, t her ei sonet hi ngyous houl dneverf or get :

St ayTr ueToYour sel f

Whi l et her ear ecer t ai nt r adi t i ons , t her e’ sabs ol ut el ynor ul ebookwheni t comest owhatabr i deoragr oom hast ol ookl i ke.Fol l ow yourhear t . St andyourgr oundwhenbr i dal s hopowner s , makeupar t i s t sorr el at i ves wantt oconvi nceyouofanyt hi ngt hatdoes n’ ts i tr i ghtwi t hyou. Bel i eve me, acoupl eofhour si nt ot heweddi ngday , t hes echoi ceswi l lmakeal l t hedi f f er ence. Andhow comf or t abl eyouar ewi l ls hi net hr oughi never y phot ogr aph.

ear eaf ew mor et hi ngst okeepi nmi nd: Her

1 8


Schedul eRehear salDat esForHai r&MakeUp Thi sadvi ceappl i esnomat t erhow l ovel yandcompet entyour makeupar t i s ts eemedonfir s ti mpr es s i on, andnomat t erhow much you ador e ever y por t f ol i os hotofyourhai r dr es s er ’ s cr eat i ons . Schedul i ngar ehear s aldat ei scr uci alt oens ur eyou have a s i mi l arvi s i on,di s cus syourpr ef er encesand nogos bef or ehandandt r ydi f f er entt hi ngswi t houtt i mepr es s ur e.

Choosi ngTheDr ess Onl ybr i ngas mal lgr oupofpeopl et oyourdr es sfit t i ngs . They s houl d know your s t yl e,s hi el d you f r om obt r us i ve s hop owner s ,beki ndandhones tandal s oknow whent os hutup. Thi si sexact l yt hes quadaner vousbr i det obeneedsbyher s i de.

KeepI tNat ur al Iur gebot hofyout ochoos es omet hi ngl i ght . Somet hi ngyou can move ar ound i n wi t h eas e.A s ki r tt hatwon’ ts t op you f r om danci ng. Shoest hatwon’ ts t opyouf r om cl i mbi ngat r ee s t ump f ort hatone epi c weddi ng phot o.A hai rs t yl e and makeup t hatl ook beaut i f ul ,butef f or t l es s and nat ur ali n phot os .And r emember-i t ’ sper f ect l ynor malt hatovert he cour s eoft hedayas t r andofhai rl oos ensoranepi cadvent ur e s es s i onl eavess omemuddyt r acesonyourdr es s . Don’ twor r y abouti tanddon’ tl etyour s el fbel i mi t edbyanout fitt hatyou wi l lmos tl i kel yonl ywearoncei nyourl i f et i me. I ns t ead, cr eat e s omememor i esi nt hes ecl ot hes !


Fo rTheGr o o m

Thi spar toft heweddi nggui dei swr i t t enf oryou, t hegr oom. I don’ tknow how bi g ar ol e you’ r e pl ayi ng t hr oughoutt he weddi ngpl anni ngpr oces s .Maybeyouar eact i vel yengaged i never ypar toft hej our ney,orper hapsyouar es t andi ngon t hes i del i nes ,noddi ngt hr oughi deas ,notqui t es ur ewhatal l t he f us si sal labout .Ei t herway,t hat ’ st ot al l ycooland my i nt ent i on i snott o convi nce you t hatt abl e decor at i on and col orconcept sar et hebee’ skneeswhenyous i mpl ydon’ tf eel t hatway. ButIhaveaccompani edmanycoupl est hr ought hi s t i mei nt hei rl i vesandt her ear eacoupl eoft hi ngst hatIwoul d l i keyout oknow.


Thi sI sYourDay Ahugepar toft heweddi ngi ndus t r ycat er st owar dsbr i desand t hei ri deasandvi s i ons .However ,t hi si syourweddi ng,t oo,and you getas ayi n whati twi l ll ookl i ke.Takeamomentand as k your s el fwhat ’ si mpor t antt oyou. Whatar eyoul ooki ngf or war d t ot he mos t ? Whatdo you need i n or dert o enj oyt he day? Whet heri t ’ samazi ngf ood,al i vebandpl ayi ngal lyourf avor i t e s ongsorar el axedmor ni ngwi t hat onoft i mef oryourbuddi es . ur et os ets omepr i or i t i esandcommuni cat et hes et hi ngs Makes cl ear l y wi t h your br i det obe and ever yone i nvol ved.Your fiancéewi l lbeecs t at i ct o haveyou act i vel ypar t i ci pat ei nt he weddi ng pl anni ng pr oces si ns t ead ofj us tbei ng a s oundi ng boar df orheri deas .

Thi nkJamesBond,NotBar gai nSal e Yourf ut ur ewi f ei smos tl i kel yput t i ng al otoft houghti nt oher weddi ngdr es sandt heacces s or i ess hewi l l wear . Butwhatabout you?Ar eyous t i l l pr ocr as t i nat i ngonwhatyouf earwi l l beanendl es sodys s eyt hr oughmen’ sappar els t or esunt i lyoufinal l yfinda decent l yfit t i ng s ui tt hat ’ san okaycol or ?Don’ tmaket hatmi s t ake.Geti ns pi r ed bywhat ’ spos s i bl ef oryou on t heday .Thi nk J amesBond,ThomasShel byorHar veySpect er .Nomat t eryour t as t eands t yl e,t her ei sas ui toutt her et oemphas i z eyourper s onal i t yi ns t eadofmaki ngyouf eel mas quer aded. Youcanhavei t cus t omt ai l or ed,buti ft hat ’ snotanopt i on,t akeyours ui tt ot he t ai l oraf t erbuyi ng i tt o make s ur ei t ’ sper f ect l yfit t ed and t he l engt hi sj us tr i ght . I twi l lmakeawor l dofadi f f er enceandyou’ l l l ookpr et t ydar ncool .


AWor dOnPhot ogr aphy Fr om myexper i encei t ’ sof t ent hebr i det hati ns i s t sonhavi ngapr of es s i onalphot ogr apherf ort heday .Manygr oomsar eal otmor es kept i cal wheni tcomest ophot ogr aphy . Ias s umei t ’ sbecaus et heyar ewor r i edI wi l lf or cet hem i nt oabunchofl oveydoveypos esandexpectt hem t o putonachees yf r ontf ort hes akeofar omant i cpi ct ur e. Andwhi l eIdo mybes tt ocommuni cat et hatt hi si s n’ tt hecas e, Iunder s t andt hatt her e of t en r emai nss ome hes i t at i on on t he s i de oft he gr oom.Her e’ smy omi s et oyou:I fyou s how up f ort hecoupl es hooti n agr eatmood, pr happyt ocr eat es omet hi ng awes omeandwi l l i ng t ot r us tmewi t hmy appr oachandi deas , t henIhaveever yt hi ngIneedt ocr eat eepi cphot ogr aphswi t ht het woofyou. I t ’ l lbemuchmor ef unt hanyoumi ghtt hi nk andul t i mat el yyou’ l lbehappyt ohavet akens omet i meoutofyourday t ocr eat et hes ephot os . Thes es naps hot sofyourdaywi l l l as tal i f et i me, s o Iwi l lmakes ur et hatyouhavef uncr eat i ngt hem.


Bo udo i rSho o t

DearBr i de,

Let ’ smeetupaf ew mont hsbef or et heweddi ngf oraBoudoi rShoot !I t ’ sanawes omewayt ocr eat es t unni ngpor t r ai t sofyouasyours weetr omant i cs el f thatcan l at erbegi venasagi f tt oyourgr oom, t hemor ni ngofyourbi gday!

Thepr oces si ss i mpl e: j us tbookyours es s i onf oroneoft hemar at hondat esont he El kand Fi rShop webs i t e! I ti ncl udest hewhol epamper i ng exper i ence,your makeupandhai r ,s t yl i ngcons ul t ,pr i vat ebout i ques ui t eandphot ogr aphy!Jus t br i ngyouri t emsofcl ot hi ngi ncl udi ngyourbr i dals et , s hoesandbeaut i f ulacces s or i es . Thenwe’ l lhaveat onoff uncr eat i ngbeaut i f uli mages . See?Eas y. orbet t er s t i l l , makeadayofi twi t ht hegi r l s !Theycanexper i encet hes ame, s pendt heday t oget herand t hen fini s ht heni ghtofon t het own f oryourHens/Bacheor et t e ni ght !I tmakess ens e!You’ r eal ldol l edupr eadyt ogo! ! !

Meet i ng up f oras es s i on l i ket hi shasmanyadvant ages .Forone,wehavezer o t i mepr es s ur e.Youwi l lbeabl et obui l dyourconfidencei nf r ontoft hecamer a, whi ch wi l lcal m t hener vesbef or et heweddi ng day.Seei ng t her es ul t sofour get t oget herwi l lmakeyouf eelamazi ng. I t ’ sal s oagr eatwayt ogetanal l ar ound i mpr es s i onofyourout fitandt hewayi tl ooksi nphot ogr aphsbef or et hebi gday. Formor ei nf oonBoudoi rwi t hEl kandFi r ht t ps : / / www. el kandfir . com/ boudoi r





Ge i ngRe a dy Themor ni nghour sofyourweddi ngdayar es opr eci ousandi t ’ sone ofmyf avor i t epar t soft hewhol eday , capt ur i ngyout woget t i ngr eady f ort hecel ebr at i onahead.

When t hegr oomt obebut t onsup hi ss hi r twi t ht r embl i ng finger s andt hepr os pect i vebr i de’ smom canhar dl yhi det het ear ss eei ngher l i t t l egi r li nherweddi ngdr es s . Whenl i t t l el ovenot esar eexchanged, hugsar es har edandyoucanal mos tt as t et heant i ci pat i oni nt heai r .

Put t i ng a l i t t l e bi toft houghti nt ot he s et t i ng and det ai l soft hi s emot i onalandver yexci t i ngfir s tchapt erofyourweddi ngdaywi l ls et t heper f ectt onef orever yt hi ngt ocome.

W hatDoYouNeedToConsi derW henChoosi ng AGet t i ngReadyLocat i on? An open and cal m s pacewi t hl ot sofnat ur all i ght( bi g wi ndows )i s per f ect t o document ever ybody’ s pr epar at i ons .Iwoul d us ual l y r ecommendahot el r oom orAi r BnBwhos ei nt er i orfit st heover al l f eel youar egoi ngf oronyourweddi ngday .

I det ogetr eadyathome, choos et hebr i ght es tandbi gges t fyoudeci r oom i nt hehous eandt r ans f or mi ti nt oas acr eds pace.Thatmeans get t i ngr i dofanydi s t r act i ngel ement s( goodbyel aundr ybas ket sand homet r ai ner s ! )and s ur r oundi ng your s el fwi t h beaut i f ult hi ngsand yourf avor i t epeopl e.

n mi nd:whi l s tt he br i de us ual l yr ecei vest he mos tbeaut i f ul Keep i r oom,i t ’ si mpor t antt oputs omet houghti nt owher et hegr oom wi l l getr eady , t oo. As car cel yl i thal l wayorat i nyr oom wi t hnonat ur al l i ght i s n’ tgoodenough.I ns t ead,checki nwi t ht hehot els t af fwhet heri t ’ s pos s i bl ef ort heguyst ogetr eadyi nanot herf r eehot elr oom i nt he mor ni ng,check f ors ome coolbar bers hops ( orot herawes ome venues )cl os ebyormakes ur et hatanot herr oom onl ocat i oni sbei ng pr epar edf ort hegr oom andhi sgr ooms men.


How MuchTi meDoINeedToCapt ur eThe Get t i ngReady?

Her e Ar e A Coupl e Mor e Ti psOn How To MakeYourGet t i ngReadyASuccess:

Ther ear eaf ew f act or st ocons i derwhencal cul at i ng t het i meneeded f orcapt ur i ng t heGet t i ng Ready . How manypeopl ear egoi ngt obet her e?Whenwi l l t hemakeupar t i s tandhai r dr es s ergett owor k?

1 .Det ai lShot s Of t en t he Get t i ng Ready s t ar t s wi t h me t aki ng det ai ls hot sofyourdr es s ,j ewel r y ,s hoes ,cuf fl i nks , i nvi t at i on car dset c.I twi l ls ave usa l otoft i me i f you’ veal r eadyputal lt hes et hi ngst oget heri none pl ace,s ot hatIcanacces st hem eas i l yandar r ange t hem f ors omel ovel ydet ai ls hot s .

Us ual l y , t hr eehour si saper f ectt i mef r ame. I tal l ows met ocapt ur et hes et t i ngandmood,t hebeaut i f ul det ai l s , you & ever yone get t i ng t he fini s hi ng t ouchesofhai rand makeup done,youput t i ng on t he dr es s ,aswel lasl ot sofcandi d moment si n bet ween.

2.Si tByTheW i ndow W henyougetyourhai randmakeupdone,pl eas e makes ur eyous i tbyawi ndow f aci ngout s i de.Thi s guar ant eest hebes tl i ghtf ort hephot ogr aphs . Your makeupar t i s tandhai r dr es s ers ur el ywon’ tmi nd, as t heywi l ll ookf oropt i mum l i ght i ng anyway .I twi l l al s oens ur et hatyourmakeupl ooksj us tr i ghti nt he dayl i ght .

Fort heGr oom and hi smat esIwi l lhaveas econd Phot ogr apherpur el yf ort hem,and t he bes tpar t aboutt hati st hatt heywi l lnothavet o getr eady ear l y , t heycangetr eadyatt hecor r ectt i me!Oneof t hei ri mpor t antj obsi st ofil lt hees kywi t hf oodand dr i nki esf ort hecr eat i ves es s i on! I fyou nots ur eaboutt i mel i nes-DON’ TWORRY! Car i s s a cr eat es a per s onal i s ed t i mel i ne f oreach weddi ngont hever yfir s tmeet i ng! ! ! Wecanal wayswor kwi t hl es st i me, butpl eas enot e t hi sof t en meanss ome t hi ngshave t of al lbyt he ways i dei ft hes chedul eget sdel ayed. 34


3.KeepTheSpaceNi ceAndCl ean

4.Sur r oundYour sel fW i t hYour Favor i t ePeopl e

Even i fyou’ r ei n ahot elr oom,t hi ngsqui ckl yget mes s y wi t h hai rs t r ai ght ener s ,( pl as t i c) bags ,

Havi ngal ls evenofyourawes omegi r l f r i ends , your

cl ot hes , hal f eat en ener gy bar s and makeup

t wos i s t er s , yourauntandyourmot herj oi nyoui n

cont ai ner sl yi ngar oundever ywher e. Somet i mesi t

t hemor ni ng mays ound l i keagood i deaatfir s t .

makess ens et o deci de on a cer t ai n cor ner( or

Butpl eas e keep i n mi nd t hatwi t ht oo many

r oom)wher e ever yone can dr op t hei rs t uf for ,

peopl ear oundi tof t enget sver ybus y . Thi ngst ake

per hapsyou coul d as kyourbr i des mai dst odoa

l ongert han ant i ci pat ed and youwi l lhaveahar d

qui ckcl eani ngs es s i onbef or eIar r i ve. Keepi ngt he

t i mer el axi ngandt aki ngi tal li n. Myadvi cewoul d

s pace t i dy wi l lens ur et hatwe don’ tcons t ant l y

bet ochoos eahandf ulofyourf avor i t ehumanst o

have t o move di s t r act i ng ( ors t r ai ghtup ugl y)

s har et hes e pr eci ousfir s thour soft he daywi t h

el ement sbef or et aki ngas hot .

andgi vet her es tofyourbel ovedf r i endsabi ghug ass oonasyous eet hem l at eri nt heday .


5. Thi nk About W hat You W i l l Wear Bef or eYouPutOnTheDr ess

6.W r i t eLoveLet t er sToEachOt her I t ’ sver yl i kel yt he t wo ofyou wi l lbe i ncr edi bl y

Iwi l lt akequi t eaf ew phot ogr aphsbef or eyouput

ner vousdur i ngt hos ehour syous pends epar at el y .

onyourweddi ngdr es s , s omaybeyouwantt oput

So, whydon’ tyouwr i t eeachot herl i t t l el ovenot es

a l i t t l e bi t of t hought i nt o what t o wear

t hatbot h ofyou can r ead bef or eyou head of ft o

bef or ehand.A mor ni ng gown ora Ki mono l ook

t heFi r s tLookorcer emony?I ti sabeaut i f ul , l ovi ng

beaut i f uli nt he phot ogr aphs and ar ej us t as

ges t ur et hatcal mst hener vesandwi l lmakeyou

comf or t abl e asyourf avor i t es weatpant sand a

over flow wi t h gr at i t ude.You’ l lgetgoos ebumps

s hi r t .Andgi r l sr emembert hos ebr as t r apmar ks

ever yt i me you l ook back on t hes e moment s

and hai rt i eson wr i s t ! ! !Don’ twantt hem i nt he

t hr ought hephot ogr aphs .

phot os !




Unplug g e dWe ddi ng

Iunder s t and t hatcapt ur i ng i mpor t antmoment swi t h as mar t phonei ss econd nat ur et omos tpeopl et hes edays .However ,as ki ng yourgues t st or ef r ai nf r om us i ngcel lphonesandt abl et sdur i ngt hecer emonyorevent hr oughoutt heday al l owst hem t ot akeever yt hi ngi n. I tal s ogi vesmet heoppor t uni t yt ocapt ur et he r aw emot i onsandr eact i onst owhati shappeni ng.I t ’ sas hamet owi t nes semot i onalmoment sunf ol di ngwhi l epeopl e’ sf acesar ehi ddenbehi nds mal ls cr eens , ors eei nggues t st ooengr os s edi noper at i ngt hei rs mar t phonecamer at oevenr eal i z ewhati sgoi ngonar oundt hem.

I tal s oens ur est hatnoent hus i as t i cgues t swi l ll i mi tt hef r amesIam abl et ocapt ur edur i ngi mpor t antpar t soft hecer emony . I t ’ ss adt obeunabl et ot akeapr oper pi ct ur eoft hegr oom wai t i ngf orhi sbr i deatt heendoft heai s l ebecaus egues t s ar ei nt heway , t r yi ngt ocapt ur eagr ai nyi Phones hot . Ormanoeuvr i ngt hems el ves i nawkwar dpos i t i onst ogetagoodphot oangl et hr oughoutyourFi r s tDancei ns t eadofs i mpl yenj oyi ngt hi ss peci almoment .

I ti snotaconcer nf orever yone,butdefini t el ys omet hi ng t ot hi nkabout .I fyou deci det ounpl ugcer t ai npar t soft heday , puti ti nt hei nvi t at i onss oyourgues t sar e awar ebef or ehand.Letpeopl eknow t hatt heywi l lhaveacces st oyourweddi ng phot ogal l er yaf t er war ds . Thatwayt heycanr el ax, knowi ngt heywi l l r ecei vebeaut i f ulmemor i esoft heday , t oo.


Ce r e mo ny Thecer emonyi soneoft he hi ghl i ght sofyourday . Whet her youhavechos enabeaut i f ul l i t t l echapeli nt hef or es toryou ar egoi ngf oranout door cer emonywi t hanawes ome vi ew -Iam convi ncedi twi l lbe br eat ht aki ng.

Li ghtI sAKeyFact or

Communi cat i onI sI mpor t ant

W henchoos i ngt heper f ectpl acef oryourcer emo-

I fyouar ehavi ngar el i gi ouscer emony ,makes ur et o

ny ,keep i n mi nd t hatl i ghti sakeyf act ort hatwi l l

checki nwi t hyourpas t ororr el i gi ousl eaderbef or e-

gr eat l yi nuencet hemoodoft hecer emonys et t i ng.

hand and s ee how t hey f eelaboutphot ogr aphy

At i mel at eri nt hedayi si dealf orout doorcer emo-

t hr oughoutt hecer emony ,oreven i nt hechur ch i n

ni es ,whent hes uni sal r eadyal otl oweri nt hes ky .

gener al .Some ar e ver ys ens i t i ve when i tcomest o

Thi sobvi ous l ychangest hr oughoutt hemont hs ,s o

t hes et opi csast heyar e wor r i ed t he phot ogr apher

myadvi cewoul dbet odoaqui ckcheckonGoogl e

wi l lbeadi s t r act i onorcoul deveni nt er f er ewi t ht he

andkeepi nmi ndwhent hes unwi l ls t ar tt os eton

emony . I fyout el lt heper s onconduct i ngt hecer ecer

yourweddi ngday .

monyaboutyourphot ogr apheracoupl eofweeksor mont hsbef or e yourbi g day ,you wi l lhave enough t i met ocl earpot ent i al concer nsandcanl etmeknow

I fyou ar es eton havi ng yourout doorcer emony ar ound noon,pot ent i al l yon as unnyand hotday ,

aboutr egul at i onsupf r ont , t oo, s oIam pr epar ed.

makes ur eyou pos i t i on your s el fi n awayt hatyou ar ebackl i tandpr ovi des omes hadef oryourgues t s ,

Gener al l ys peaki ng, Iam ver yr es pect f ul andcaut i ous

t oo,e. g.wi t ht r eesorpar as ol si n nudecol or s .Feel

wheni tcomest ot hecer emony . Idon’ tmovear ound

f r eet oas kmebef or ehandorons i t ei fyouar enot

al otand onl yappr oach t hr oughoutkeymoment s .

s ur eabouthow t os etever yt hi ngup.

Whent het i mel i neal l owsf ori t , Ii nt r oducemys el ft o t heper s onconduct i ngt hecer emonybef or ehandt o wi nt hem over . Pol i t enes sal waysgoesal ongway!


TakeYourTi me

Af t erTheCer emony

Themomentt hebr i dalpar t yent er st hecer emony

Ri ghtaf t ert hecer emonyi sus ual l ywhenever yone

s i t ei sexci t i ng, andwhi l et hatexci t ementmayl ead

wal ksup t ocongr at ul at eyou and gi veyou ahug.

t oacer t ai nhect i cnes s , Iur geyout ot akeyourt i me

Manybeaut i f ulmoment swi l lhappenbet weenyou

onyourwaydownt heai s l e. Thatnotonl yal l owsyou

andyourgues t sandIwi l lbet her et ocapt ur et hem.

t o enj oyyourbi g ent r ance,butal s o gi vesmet he

Butt hati sal s owhyi ti si mpor t antt oputal i t t l ebi t

oppor t uni t yt ocapt ur eever yt hi nggoi ngon.Keep-

oft houghti nt owher eyouwantt hecongr at ul at i ons

i ng yourdi s t ancef r om t heper s on ahead ofyoui s

t ot akepl ace-nei t heradar kcor neroft hechapel

al s oi mpor t ants oyouar enotbl ocki ng each ot her

norout s i de i n br i ghts unl i ghti si dealf orphot o-

out . Samegoesf ort heďŹ r s tki s sbyt heway-i ns t ead

gr aphs . I ns t ead, l ookf oraqui ets hadedar eawi t ha

ofapeckont hel i ps ,l i ngerat adl onger .Weknow

l otofs pacef orpeopl et ol i neup.

youwantt o!


Af t e rt heCe r e mo ny Af t ert hecer emonyandonceever yonehasgi venyouahug, t hegues t swi l lmovet ot her ecept i onar ea. Makes ur eyouof f eravar i et yofdr i nksands nackst okeepever yonehappywhi l eyoumovear oundand t al kt opeopl e. I t ’ sal s oamazi ngt ohaves omel i vemus i catt hi spoi nt . I tcr eat esanawes omeat mos pher e.

kyourl ocat i onmanageraboutt hepos i t i onoft hes unt hr oughoutcer t ai npar t soft heday , asi tmay As meanyouneedt omakes omeadj us t ment s .Wi l lt hes unvani s hbehi ndt hehous ebyt heaf t er noon?I t mi ghtgetchi l l yandyoucoul dcons i derpr ovi di ngyourgues t swi t hs omebl anket s . I st her ecept i onar ea openandexpos edt ot hes unonas ummerday?I fs o,pr ovi deenoughs hadef orever yone.Us ual l yt he s t af fons i t ehasat onofexper i ence, s omakes ur et ochecki nwi t ht hem upf r ontf ors omei ns i dert i ps .

Gr oupandFami l yPhot os Oncet heweddi ngi scompl et et hi si s t heper f ectopor t uni t yt ot ake t hegr oupphot o,bef or eever yone di s per s es .TheMcwi l lmakeanannouncementr egar di ngt hi sandCar i s s awi l lCoor di nat e!Supereas y!I s ugges tkeepi ngt hel i s ts hor tands weet . Nomor et han8t o1 0cons t el l at i ons . Bel i eveme, t hi ngswi l l t ake l ongert hanant i ci pat ed. Gi vet hel i s tt os omeonewhoknowst hef ami l i eswel ls ohe/ s hecanl i neupt he nextgr oupwhi l eIs t ar tt aki ngphot os .

Pl ease Not e:I t ’ si mpor t ant t hat you t al k about what cons t el l at i onsyouwoul dwantf orf ami l yf or mal sands end met hel i s tnol at ert hant woweeksbef or et heweddi ngday . Thi swayyoucans hi f tyourf ocusont oot hert hi ngsandIwi l l makes ur eyougetal lt hegr oupphot osyouwi s hedf or .


Co upleSho o t Thecoupl es hooti sanawes omechancef oryout wot oenj oyaf ew qui etmoment swi t heachot her awayf r om t heweddi ngdaybuzz. I tgi vesyout i met ocat chyourbr eat h, r eflectandcr eat emor ebeaut i f ulmemor i eswi t hme. Whet herwegof oral i t t l ewal knotf arf r om t hel ocat i onordr i veaf ew mi nut est oas t unni ngmount ai nvi ew -t her ei sal waysagr eats et t i ngt obef oundandIam convi ncedi t wi l lbebeaut i f ul .

How MuchTi meDoYouNeedToSetAsi deForTheCoupl eShoot ? Anhouri sus ual l ygr eat , noti ncl udi ngt hedr i vet oandf r om t hevenue( i fneces s ar y) . Dependi ngon t heflow ofyourdayi tcanal s omakes ens et os pl i tt hecoupl es es s i oni nt opar t s . Wemi ghtdoal i t t l e s es s i onr i ghtaf t ert heFi r s tLookandt henheadoutoncemor ei nt heeveni ngt ocat chs omeoft hat war m, gl owi ngs uns etl i ght .

W henI sTheBestTi meForTheCoupl e Shoot ?

W her eShoul dTheCoupl eShootTake Pl ace?

Thebes tl i ghti sus ual l yr i ghtbef or eandaf t er

Wi t h al i t t l e bi tofr es ear ch t her e ar e us ual l y

s uns et , dur i ngt hes ocal l ed‘ gol denhour ’ and

l ot sofbeaut i f ul pl acest obef oundal mos tany-

‘ bl uehour ’ .Thes uni sver yl ow i nt hes ky ,i m-

wher e.Butl es si smor e!Let ’ sf ocusononeor

mer s i ng t hewor l di n awar m l i ghtt hatl ooks

t wo s pot scl os et o each ot her ,s ot her ei sno

i ncr edi bl ei n phot ogr aphs .Iunder s t and t hat

r us h.

i t ’ snotal wayspos s i bl euti ft her ei sawayt o makei tpos s i bl e, t hei ncr edi bl el i ghtwi l lmake i ts owor t hi t .

I fIhave t he t i me,Iwi l lwanderar ound t he pr oper t yf orabi ti nt hemor ni ng and wi l lal r eadyhaveaf ew s ceni cs pot si n mi nd when

Whencr eat i ngt het i mel i nef ort heday , pl eas e

wegett ot hecoupl es hootpar toft heday . Feel

not et hatt he mi ddl e oft he dayi sl es st han

f r eet ol ookar oundt hear eayour s el fands end

i dealf orphot os ,es peci al l yi fi t ’ sver ys unny .At

mes omes napsbef or ehand,s o Ican getan

t hatt i met hes un i sver yhi gh i nt hes kyand

i deaand wecan t al kaboutwhat ’ si mpor t ant

t hebr i ghtl i ghtand har s hs hadowswi l lt ake

oyou. t

away f r om t he at mos pher ei nt he phot ogr aphs .Car i s s awi l lgui deyoual lt hewayher e!

Pl ease Not e:I n addi t i on t o a beaut i f ulbackdr op Ial wayspaya l otofat t ent i on t ot he l i ghti na par t i cul arpl ace,t he pos i t i on oft he s un and pos s i bl er eflect i onsoft r eest hatmaycr eat e gr een s hadowsonyours ki n.Thes ear et heki ndoft hi ngsaphot ogr aphercons i der st oens ur eyougett he bes tr es ul t s . Youcanal wayst r us tmyj udgement .


Di nne r Agr eatpor t i onoft hedayhasal r eadypas s edandi t ’ sbeenagr eats ucces s . Appr oachi ngdi nnert i meyou wi l lbehappy , fil l edwi t hj oy , butmos tl i kel ys t ar vi ngandeagert os i tdownf oradel i ci ousmeal . Her ear e acoupl eoft hi ngst ocons i derar ounddi nnert i me:

PayAt t ent i onToTheLi ght i ng

FeedYourPhot ogr apher

Ial wayspr ef ert owor kwi t hnat ur all i ghtands avemy

It akephot oswhi l et hegues t sar es eat edand

flas hf ort hepar t yanddancefloor . ThatwayIcanwor k

havet hei rfir s tdr i nks ,butwi l ls t op s hoot i ng

al mos tunnot i cedandwi l l noti nt er f er ewi t ht heevent , once di nneri s bei ng s er ved.Eat i ng gues t s ort he wor k oft he vi deogr apher( i fpr es ent ) .Br i ght

don’ tl i ket obephot ogr aphed and t hatgi ves

s pot sordi s co l i ght si n al lki ndsofcol or sdon’ tl ook

met heoppor t uni t yt ot akeabr eak,eatand

good i n phot os( hel l o gr een/ pur pl es ki n and har s h

s af el ys t or es omeequi pmentt hatIdon’ tneed

s hadows ! )andwon’ tmaket hef oodl ookver yappet i z-

f ort her es toft heni ght . Pl eas emakes ur et hat

ngei t her . I ns t ead, optf orcandl es , f ai r yl i ght sandt ons i

ngs er veddi nneratt hes amet i meas Iam bei

ofwar m,i ndi r ectl i ghts our ces .The par t yl i ght scan

t he ot hergues t s( notaf t er war ds ,asvenues

comeononcei t ’ st i met ol etl oos eont hedancefloor !

t end t o do wi t h vendor s )s i nce Ineed t o be r eadyt ogoagai n ass oon ass peechescommence.


KeepSpeechesShor tAndHumor ous Per s onal l y ,Iqui t e enj oycapt ur i ng s peeches and t heemot i onalmoment st hatunf ol d.My advi cewoul d bet okeep t hem humor ous ,t o t hepoi ntandhavenomor et han34t hr oughoutdi nner( e. g. i nbet weencour s es ) .

ThePer f ectTi meForCake Of t en t heweddi ng cakei ss er ved s omet i me ar oundmi dni ghtorl at eaf t erdi nner , l i tonl yby s par kl er s .However ,Iwoul d al ways s ugges t t hi nki ngaboutcut t i ngt heweddi ngcakei ar ound7. 30/8pm s t r ai ghtaf t ermai nmeal .Be conci oust oo oft he backgr ound behi nd t he cakef orphot os , es peci al l ywhenyouhaveput s f or ti nt ot her es toft hes etup.Why omuchef notbr i ng t he cake outt ot he mi ddl e oft he dancefloori fyoudon’ thaveas pot ?

I tW i l lBeAmazi ng I t ’ st ot al l yunder s t andabl et hatyou’ r ewor r i ed aboutt he daybei ng a s ucces s ,t he t i mel i ne wor ki ng outand ever yonehavi ng f un.Her e’ s j us taqui ckr emi ndert hati ti sal lgoi ngt obe wonder f ul .

Af t eral l ,yourweddi ng dayi sonebi g get t oget herofal lyourf avor i t epeopl ei nt hewor l d. Thes amepeopl et hathaves eenyougr ow i nt o t heper s onyouar et oday .Thatyous t ayupal l ni ghtwi t h,t al ki ng wi t h overabot t l eofwi ne ( ort wo) .Thathavebeenbyyours i det hr ough t he good and t he nots o good t i mes .Thes e ol kswi l l haveagr eatt i mer egar dl es s . Becaus e f t heyl ove you.And t heyar es o,s o happyf or you!


Fi r s tDa nc e& Pa r t y MakeYourFi r stDanceMagi cal Yourfir s tdancei saoneoft hefinalhi ghl i ght soft hedays omakes ur et oputs omet houghti nt o t hes et t i ngi ti sgoi ngt ot akepl acei n. Lookf orani cear eawi t habeaut i f ul backgr oundandl ot sof s pacef oryourgues t st os t andandwat ch. Nat ur all i ghts our cess uchass par kl er sandf ai r yl i ght s cr eat eani ceandr omant i cat mos pher e.Fort hes akeofget t i ngbeaut i f ul l yl i tphot ogr aphs ,as k t hevenuet os wi t chof fanycol or f uls pot l i ght s . Ther ei soneexcept i on; awar ml i ghti nt hebackgr oundpoi nt edatyout wocanhaveabeaut i f ulef f ect .

AndNow,I t ’ sTi meToLetGoAndEnj oy! I t ’ spar t yt i meand t hatmeanst her e’ snot hi ng l ef tt odobutdanceyourhear tout .Makes ur e peopl ear eal l owedt oj oi nyouont hedancefloorr i ghtaf t ert heFi r s tDance, s ot hatt hevi bewi l l beati t sabs ol ut epeak.

Af t e rTheWe ddi ngDa y

Recei vi ngYourGal l er y

Shar i ngYourPhot ogr aphs

Iknow you cannotwai tt o geta gl i mps e ofyour

Iam s o happywhen you s har e youri mageswi t h

phot osand Ipr omi s eIwi l ls end as neakpeekyour

f r i endsand f ami l y .Makes ur et ocr edi tand t ag me

wayass oon asIpos s i bl ycan.Weddi ng s eas on can

whenyoupos tt hem onl i ne.I t ’ shi ghl yappr eci at ed,

getver y bus y ,butbel i eve me t hatIam j us tas

becaus eIam al waysexci t edt os eeyourf avor i t esand

ent hus i as t i ct o getyourweddi ng gal l er yt o you as

ot her st hatl i ket hei magescaneas i l yfindt hei rway

youar et ofinal l ys eet hei mages .

t omypage.

l lr ecei veyourgal l er yno l at ert han 8 weeks You wi

Al s o,Iki ndl yas k you t o notadd anyfil t er swhen

af t eryourweddi ngday . Gat hers omeofyourcl os es t

pos t i ngonI ns t agr am ( ors i mi l arapps ) .

f r i ends and f ami l y member s and cel ebr at et he moment you fir s ts ee t hos e phot os .I t ’ ss uch a pr eci ousexper i ence!

When vendor s as k you t o us ei mages of your weddi ng dayf ort hei rbus i nes spages ,pl eas er ef er t hem t ome. Thankyous omuch!



Af t e rWe ddi ng Se s s i o n

I fyourweddi ngdayr unsonaver yt i ghts chedul e,t het i mel i neget s del ayed orwe ar es ur pr i s ed byheavyr ai nf al lt hr oughoutt he day , don’ tpani c: t her ei ss t i l l awayt ocr eat es omes t unni ngcoupl ephot os . Let ’ sgett oget herf oranAf t erWeddi ngSes s i on!

AnAf t erWeddi ngSes s i ont akespl aceacoupl eofdaysorweeksaf t er yourweddi ngday . Youwi l l putonyourdr es sands ui tagai n, pot ent i al l yevenget t i ngyourhai randmakeupdone. Wear ecompl et el yf r eet o choos eas t unni ng l ocat i on,s i ncet her ei snot i mel i net obecons i der edandnowai t i ngweddi nggues t sbackatt hevenue.J us tusand al lt het i meweneedt ocr eat ebeaut i f ulcoupl ephot ost hatyouwi l l cher i s hf or ever .

BonusTi p:An Af t erWeddi ng Ses s i on i sal s o an awes ome gi f tf or bi r t hdaysandweddi ngdayanni ver s ar i es !


We ddi ngAlbums& Pr i nt s

Haveyoueverexper i encedt hatyougetphot ospr i nt edandt hecol or s l ooknot hi ngl i ket heydi donyourcomput er ?Thats ucks , asdoesl et t i ngyourweddi ngphot oswas t eawayonhar ddr i vesandUSBs t i cks . Youhavei nves t edal otofhear t , t houghtandef f or ti nt oyourweddi ng dayand t hephot ogr aphst el lt hi ss t or y .Cel ebr at et hem byput t i ng t hem i n an al bum t hati sal waysathand when you wantt o i p t hr ough t hes ememor i es .Per s onal l y ,Imakeahugeef f or tt o pr i nt bot hmypr of es s i onal andper s onal wor kasof t enaspos s i bl e. Thef eel i ngofhol di ngt hes ememor i esi nyourhandsi sj us ts os peci al . Â

Iof f erahandf ulofbeaut i f ulweddi ngal bumst hatIhavepi ckedcar ef ul l yaf t ercompar i ng at on ofopt i onsouton t hemar ket .Mys t andar dsar ehi gh and Iwoul d nevercompr omi s equal i t y ,cons i der i ng how i mpor t antt hes e phot ogr aphsar ef oryou and how l ong t hi s al bum wi l lkeepyoucompany-al i f et i m


ThePr ocess

Ti mel i ne

Iwi l l cr eat eafir s tcol l ect i onofi magest ogoi nt oyour

Theedi t i ngpr oces smayt aket womont hsf r om t he

al bum oryoucanmar kyourf avor i t ei magesi nyour

momentyou r ecei vet hei ni t i aldes i gn.Af t eryou’ r e

weddi ng gal l er yand Iwi l lbes ur et oi ncl udet hem.

happyand havegi ven meyourfinalappr oval ,Iwi l l

When choos i ng yourf avor i t ei mages ,makes ur et o

or deryourweddi ngal bum f oryouandi twi l lonl ybe

keept heamountofpagesofyoural bum i nmi nd.I

a coupl e ofweeks unt i li tcan be f ound atyour

us ual l yr ecommend 1 2i mages per page.Mor e

door s t ep. Icannotwai tf oryout ofinal l yhol di ti nyour

pi ct ur es per page t end t o l ook t oo bus y and

hands .

i vi duali magesdon’ thavet hes pacet heyneedt o ndi gi vet hei rf ul lef f ect .

Pl eas egeti nt ouch wi t h meand t oget herwecan cr eat et he mos tbeaut i f ulweddi ng al bum you’ ve

I ’ l lcr eat eyouri ndi vi dualdes i gnands endi toverf or

evers een.

yourappr oval .Thr ee r oundsofedi t sar ei ncl uded wi t h youral bum,s o puts ome t houghti nt ot he changes you want t o make and be s ur e t o communi cat et hem asqui ckl yandass peci fical l yas pos s i bl e-t hi swi l lguar ant eeas moot hpr oces sand ani ncr edi bl er es ul t .


Tha nk Yo u! Ihopet headvi ceont hes epageshashel pedyouandgi venyounew i deasand confidencef ort her es toft heweddi ngpl anni ngpr oces s . I fyouhaveanyot her ques t i ons , pl eas edon’ thes i t at et or eachout . Iam her ef oryouever ys t epoft he wayands over yexci t edt ot akeont hi sadvent ur ewi t hyou.

( Andnow, l et ’ sdot hi s ! )

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