Captivating International Newsletter December 2015

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TABLE OF CONTENTS Our thanks for a good year – Captivating Co-Founders ..................................................... 3 Nepal .................................................................................................................................. 4

Border Station Rescues ....................................................................................... 4 Building Education and Awareness ................................................................... 5 Radio Station ...................................................................................................... 6 2016 Plans – Nepal Needs YOU ......................................................................... 7

China ................................................................................................................................... 8

Captivating Healthy Village Program ................................................................ 8 PCH Capacity Training Program ........................................................................ 8 Pigs for Poverty Program .................................................................................. 9

Captivating Kaili ............................................................................................... 9 Project Eden ..................................................................................................... 9 Solar Panel Project ............................................................................................. 10 Greenpackaging Asia Greenhouse Project ...................................................... 10 Seng Girls Vocational Training School (SGVTS) ............................................... 11 Fundraising Events in China ............................................................................... 12

7th Annual Charity Auction ................................................................. 12 Midnight Charity Race ........................................................................ 12 The Nanshan Challenge ..................................................................... 12

2016 Plans – China Needs YOU ......................................................................... 14

Thank you to our administration sponsors ......................................................................... 13 Kenya ................................................................................................................................. 16


All Orphans Need a Family ................................................................................ 16 2016 Plans – Kenya Needs YOU ........................................................................ 17

Our thanks for a good year – Captivating Co-Founders Andrew & Julie Colquhoun

WE WERE HERE - WE LIVED - WE LOVED Thanks for a great year Captivating friends and family. It’s hard to believe that yet another year is almost behind us. As we take the time to stand back and reflect on what has been, we are so proud that our moto for the year, “We are Here - We Live - We Love” has played out in real terms for the lives of so many. This could not have happened without the loyal and consistent support of an incredible group of people around the world - our Captivating support base. As you read our Christmas 2015 update, you will see that your support has enabled us to directly impact the lives of over 5,000 impoverished children, and many of their families. We are buzzing with excitement at being able to have achieved this milestone. Now, we are hungry to do more. We hope you take the time to read through each page of this update and, if you’ve been involved with us, feel a real sense of pride and accomplishment that you’ve played a key part in bringing hope and light to a child somewhere in the world. “To the world you were one person, but to one child you were the world”. Please join us in celebrating the milestones of the past 6 months, and we look forward to your partnership and more amazing stories in 2016.



Interception and rescue – Prevention - Rehabilitation

BORDER STATION RESCUES In partnership with our two on-the-ground partners, 3 Angels Nepal and Tiny Hands International, Captivating is stopping girls and women from becoming (or remaining) victims of human trafficking in Nepal.


WE ARE INTERCEPTING A GIRL AND RETURNING HER HOME The past 6 months has seen a clear and disturbing escalation in the number of women being trafficked. This can be largely attributed to the destructive earthquakes in May that increased the already high levels of desperation. At Captivating funded border stations, interceptions and rescues have spiked. On average, every 3 hours a girl is being intercepted and refused border crossing EVERY DAY by our partners and local police. What fate these girls have been saved from can only be imagined. What we do know is that border monitoring stations are saving their lives. 4

3AN Founder Dr Rajendra Guatam presents at Captivating’s Annual Fundraiser in China, pictured here with Dean Beveridge - Captivating’s Chairman of the board.

Girls RESCUED at a border station

18yr old girl

20yr old girl

22yr old girl

BUILDING EDUCATION AND AWARENESS Captivating funded PREVENTION strategies are largely focused around Education and Awareness. Over 800 men and women have joined as volunteers to implement in their communities programs that protect their girls. At time of writing, 20 such community groups have been formed under the leadership and direction of 3 Angels Nepal. These groups meet regularly and are given the resources and support by 3AN to impact their communities. We anticipate that as many as 50,000 women and girls

Ladies attending a community education program in Chitwan

are impacted over the course of a year thanks to these mobilization strategies including presentations to girls in schools, mail-outs, bulletin boards, and other methods of mass media. 2016 will see a progression and growth of these community mobilization strategies, campaigning to the highest levels of government about higher protection measures and the establishment of HELP DESK centres in trafficking hot-spots all run by volunteers.

One of 20 community groups in an awareness session

School Education Program


“Stop Human Trafficking” featured at Captivating’s Annual Fundraiser in China

RADIO STATION Education is the key to preventing a girl from being trafficked. Captivating are the predominant funders of 3 Angels Community Radio - a radio station now bringing anti-trafficking messages to 92% of Nepal. A team of professionals create programs, communicate latest trafficking tricks and tactics, and educate the women of Nepal to advocate for change. Millions of people are reached through this broadcast.

OUR PROGRAM PARTNERS 3 Angels Nepal, Tiny Hands, Asian Aid, International Children’s Care



US$13K FULLY FUND A BORDER STATION US$13k is what it costs to fund the full operation of a border station and its dedicated team for 1 year. We’ll keep you updated on how YOUR station is going. You’ll be responsible for intercepting in excess of 100 girls in the year.

US$100 INTERCEPT A GIRL It costs on average US$100 for our border station staff to intercept a girl in the process of being trafficked. What value do you place on a life? US$100. Help us keep our stations open and active. Go to and donate NOW.


You could fully fund for one year the operation of the critical safe / transit homes that are run in conjunction with our border stations. You would be responsible for providing counselling and rehabilitation to the rescued girls.


FUND A NEW HELP DESK CENTRE When anyone has concerns about human trafficking they can ask questions and get answers. Your help desk center will also help to promote and raise awareness on human trafficking in a public place.

OTHERS: We have multiple other project opportunities with budgets

ranging from US$5k up to US$70k. Help us fight poverty and injustice in Nepal in 2016.


CHINA CAPTIVATING’S HEALTHY VILLAGE PROGRAM This year’s medical presentations are taking place in nine township locations. People from 89 villages surrounding these townships are attending these 2-day presentations. In total, over 3,000 people will be trained on health topics such as general hygiene, caring for your infant, women’s health issues, infectious diseases and HIV/AIDS prevention. Our thanks to the Shenzhen Captivating Charity Auction and Macau Oilman’s Group for funding this program.

PCH CAPACITY TRAINING PROGRAM This program is equipping young college students with project management skills to effectively implement social solutions which improve the capacity of poor villages and families. This program is conducted twice a year with 25 students in each class. This is a very progressive program equipping the next generation to be able to make a difference in the world. Thank you to PCH for sponsoring this program which is making a real difference in the lives of young people in China. 8


Captivating has been able to assist 50 more poor families – families struggling to support their children at school. These families will be able to generate more income thanks to the provision of pigsties and piglets along with training on how best to raise pigs. Our thanks to the Shenzhen Charity Auction for funding this program.

CAPTIVATING KAILI This 5-year project is now entering its final stage of development. When the program concludes in 2017, 450 families will be well on their way to a poverty free future. Thank you to Heifer China for implementing an amazingly successful project, and our thanks to over 300 Captivating donors whose generosity has made it all possible.

PROJECT EDEN Captivating partners with Project Eden focusing on providing advanced learning and catch-up schooling opportunities for girls. Of the 13 girls who call Eden home, seven began attending a vocational high-school in September. Four girls have chosen English as their major; two are taking computer training; and one chose training in dance and teaching kindergarten. It’s been their dream for years to be able to go on with their education. Thank you to the Project Eden team for their wonderful dedication. Also our thanks to wonderful donors like Treasures of Hope and several local groups who have supported Eden for several years. 9

SOLAR PANEL PROJECT 59 solar panels were provided to 59 families living in a high and cold environment. These families do not have stable electricity most of the time. Solar panels provide many benefits for a family; children can study longer at night with good lighting, families can boil water resulting in improved hygiene and it improves safety for activities that happen after dark because of access to better light. Thank you to the Shenzhen Annual Charity Auction for funding this project and for contributing employees from the Apple Inc. matching program.

GREENPACKAGING ASIA GREENHOUSE PROJECT This, our first ever greenhouse project, began in July 2015 and concluded in November 2015. 43 greenhouses were constructed, benefitting a population of over 441 people in the Tserlong village, Qinghai. The aim of this program was to increase family income enough to ensure children from this village will complete all of their education. Additionally, this community wanted to provide nutrition-rich plant foods for every member of the community. The result has been a project that is twice the scale of the original plan, thanks to increased community investment and excitement about the future. Our thanks to Green Packaging Asia for making all of this possible.


SENG GIRLS VOCATIONAL TRAINING SCHOOL (SGVTS) In total 163 girls are in the Seng Girls Vocational Training Program. 104 of these girls live in the girls school in Qinghai with the remaining spread across China in advanced learning opportunities. SGVTS has 14 teachers to help bring a strong education foundation to these girls who have had limited opportunity to go to school. Our thanks to LOVEQTRA, our on-the-ground partner in Qinghai for working day-in and day-out to make this program happen. THANK YOU DONORS - Our special thanks Paula Whalen, our global child sponsorship family including the many employees from Li & Fung and the Fung (1906) Foundation. Thank you Julie, Lynn and Dana for your amazing dedication of SGVTS.


14 GIRLS GRADUATE FROM GRADE 6 10 girls went to Beijing, 1 went to Eden, 3 to Guoluo Medical School all pursuing further education.

SGVTS vocational development programs continue to make great progress. Girls have been learning new skills including cooking, tailoring and painting and have found a real passion in these areas. Thank you to the Fung (1906) Foundation for funding these opportunities. MEDICAL SCHOOL 7 girls are now part of the medical school program which on completion, will give them an officially recognized medical assistant certificate. 11

FUNDRAISING EVENTS IN CHINA Shenzhen is a city full of fantastic people who are eager to take on the world, one fundraiser at a time. This is true commitment to lasting change. The 7th Annual Captivating International Charity Auction and Gala filled the Futian Shangri La Hotel with nearly 600 guests raising a total of RMB 1.36 million (US$215k). The funds from the event are utilized in our Western China and Nepal programs. Without the help of our many volunteers, this night would never have been made possible. We watched as the Shenzhen community came together to focus on one item of business, being heroes by helping our beneficiaries step over the poverty line and into a future filled with hope. Our thanks to Lynn Velez, Dana Milne, the amazing auction committee, and countless sponsors and supporters.



This was once again a huge hit! With RMB 217,187 (US$34k) being raised, more than 100 runners along with corporate sponsors have enabled us help create new opportunities for children in Western China. Our thanks to Greg Schultheis and his team for organizing this event, now in it’s 7th year.

THE NANSHAN CHALLENGE This event, now in its second year, was once again well supported. Running, biking, and hiking all through Shekou brought a sense of comradery to the air as participants made their way around town. The sweat was well worth it knowing that children in Western China will benefit from all this hard work. Our thanks to Claire Taylor and team for making this possible.


Over 200 people have volunteered their time to Captivating this past period. Without these amazing people we would not be able to reach out to as many children as we do.


Captivating was honoured to have the support of the following CORPORATE ADMINISTRATION PARTNERS - organizations and individuals dedicated to helping fund our CORPORATE SERVICE expenses. Thanks to their support, 85% - 95% of project donor funds directly benefited their adopted projects.




2016 PLANS – CHINA NEEDS YOU Right now, 13 girls at the Seng Girls Home are needing a sponsor. Sponsorship is a great way of forming a special longterm partnership with this program and making it a personal endeavor. US$40 a month (half sponsorship) or US$80 a month (full sponsorship).

Sponsor a Girl

Email for more details and help to set-up your sponsorship.

Fund a small budget solution for less than US$5k - How much difference can US$5k make? Quite a lot to a remote village in China. We have children in remote village schools desperate for a library; kids hoping for a solar panel so they can study at night; health and hygiene presentations to address chronic sickness; a sewer solution; transitioning girls safely into their first job. Your full support of any of these projects will give you great photos, implementation reports and a wonderful memory of how you’ve helped children and their families who need you.

Become a Corporate Sponsor 14

Fund a et Small Budg n o ti Solu

Become a corporate sponsor - We love running events in Shenzhen. They are professional, wellattended and focused on ultimately changing the world of a child. Corporate sponsors help to make these events a big success. Our next event is the Kidz With Heart Mini Olympics event in Shenzhen (April 2016). Consider joining our corporate sponsorship family. Details can be found at http://

Bring Computer Classes to Rural Poor Schools - The hardware is already there - the expertise is not. Help us implement a program that sees technology classes commence in rural schools and become part of the ongoing curriculum. Without computers, children from rural poor locations will continue to fall behind.

Contact directly.

B ring Classes Computer or l to Rura Po ls o Scho

See a girl safely into her first job - Help us reach out to girls who have dropped out of school too early and have limited or no real options. We will train them in specific vocational skills over a 6 month period (eg, food preparation) then transition them safely into their first paying job. See a Girl safely into b her first jo

Contact directly.

Interested in being a Captivating project partner in China? Tell us what’s on your mind. Contact Captivating Co-Founder Andrew Colquhoun at 15


All Orphans Need a Family

The sad fact is that one in every ten Kenyan children will be orphaned because of Aids. With the majority of rural Kenyan families already struggling with poverty, life for a newly orphaned child is extremely difficult. We want to see these children taken in by foster families.

Photo-Irene at her business she started with her Captivating microloan to help support three children in her home.


Many Kenyan families are willing to foster, but few are able to afford the increased costs. Microfinance is a way to create a self-sustainable solution. Our Kenya micro-finance program helps qualifying foster families take out loans of around $US150. Within 8 months these loans are repaid with the family enjoying increased income in addition. 120 foster families are currently enrolled in this program benefitting in excess of 100 orphaned children. We want to do so much more. Captivating International Foundation (CIF) and The African Community Development Foundation (ACDF) thank the amazing sponsors who have given to this program and the difference they have helped to make in the lives of orphans.

2016 PLANS – KENYA NEEDS YOU The ACDF/Captivating small business loans program continues to go from strength to strength. There are many women waiting to join this program and Captivating would like to expand to potentially 300 families in 2016. If you would like to be a program partner with us, your donation of US$1,500 will enable us to build loan capital for a further 10 families to get started in this program. Your gift will keep on giving as these 10 families repay their loan, enabling another 10 loans to be distributed.

Juma, was an orphan who lived on the streets. Mary saw Juma sitting at the edge of the road dirty, very hungry, and in obvious bad shape, she couldn’t walk away and leave him there. Today Mary and Juma have been a family for 4 years, however this has been a very insecure time financially. Mary heard of the loans program Captivating and ACDF had started and was offered a micro-loan so that she could earn additional monthly income. Today, both Juma and Mary are living in a more stable home and Juma is doing well in school. Mary grows very successful maize crops and makes good profits which are used to cater for her family needs. She also grows vegetables to help feed her family and make extra money. Mary is diligent in saving money for the planting season the following year. 17


About Captivating Captivating International is a registered charity of Hong Kong (No. 91/9723). In Australia, we operate in partnership with two Australian registered charity agencies - International Children’s Care (ABN 57146287274.), and Asian Aid Organisation Ltd. (ABN 98002286419). In the US we operate in partnership with Friends of Hong Kong Charities Inc (FOHKC), a 501(c) (3) registered charity (ID No: 30-0136665). We can provide tax deductible receipts if you donate from: AUSTRALIA, HONG KONG & UNITED STATES We can accept donations from: ANYWHERE

To donate You can donate online by going to, selecting the DONATE button and following the prompts.


CONTACT US F1 Guan Tao Xiao Zhu, Haiwan Garden, Hai Chang Street, Shekou, NanShan district, ShenZhen, Guangdong Province, China P +86 755 2667 4830 F +86 755 2669 1450 E W BLOG: Facebook: Captivating International Twitter: CaptivatingIntl YOUTUBE: CAPTIVATINGSTORIES WECHAT captivating2008

This report is also available online. Visit to download a copy. For more printed copies of the report, please phone or email us.

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