Captivating Philippines November 2018

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Captivating Philippines November 2018

More Precious than Diamonds Bringing hope and a future to Filipino girls and women



Message from the CEO


Our Partnership


The Philippines Challenge


Together, We Have 4 Key Goals


Eradicate Poverty – The One-Hope Micro-Finance Program


My Dream to Make a Difference


Prevent Cyber-Sex & Trafficking through Education


My Monitoring & Evaluation Visit with Honor 1000


Rehabilitate Rescued Women – The Blessed House


Honor 1000 Becomes a Self-Sufficient Organisation


STOP the Traffick 5k Global Fundraising Event


We can’t stand by and get swallowed up by the size of the problem. CYBERSEX, HUMAN TRAFFICKING, POVERTY - they form a melting pot of issues for those facing desperation in the Philippines. Working as different parts of the same body, the HONOR 1000 MOVEMENT, CAPTIVATING AND GLOBAL DEVELOPMENT GROUP, will together do our part to BRING HOPE, FREEDOM, SUSTAINABLE PROGRESS AND DEVELOPMENT to vulnerable women and children in the Philippines.


Message from the CEO Welcome to the very first update of our work in the Philippines. What an exciting and important work this is. In this update, we hope you (1) gain a very clear picture of WHY this work is SO IMPORTANT, (2) become satisfied and even more motivated that you’ve chosen to partner with us when you see the AMAZING IMPACT your generosity is making; and (3) understand more clearly how important “partnership” is to our approach at Captivating. Although this report is under the banner of a “Captivating update”, the reality is that Captivating is just one of three key players making this work possible - each partner responsible for a different part of a well-thought out strategic jigsaw puzzle changing lives and bringing hope. Together, over the years to come, we will impact tens of thousands. You are likely reading this report because you’ve already chosen to support this work in the Philippines. For that, and on behalf of our entire team, THANK YOU SO MUCH for trusting us with your support. We operate in a world of thousands of great charities and overwhelming choice. The fact you have chosen to support our work is so humbling to us, and we will continue to work hard to ensure you are confident we are being great stewards of your donation and support. Or, maybe you are hearing about our programs in the Philippines for the first time and trying to understand more about whether to engage. If that’s you, we thank you for your interest and hope you will join with us. Your donation will not be aid - it will sustainably bring about change and genuine transformation to those we help. TOGETHER, we will change the landscape for the desperate, the underprivileged, and those at risk of being exploited if we don’t take action. We can think of no greater cause. To help our motivation we keep reminding ourselves, and hope you will do the same, that

To the world you MAY be ONE PERSON, “ but to a young woman, child, or single mom in the Philippines, YOU COULD BE THE WORLD


Let’s do this.

The Team of Honor 1000 Movement

OUR PARTNERS: We know that much more can be achieved when operating in genuine partnership. Captivating, in partnership with the Global Development Group, are thrilled to be supporting the work of The Honor 1000 Movement in the Philippines – a young, dynamic team making a real difference in the lives of so many women and children. All three groups work together to agree strategic plans and direction, before each then does what they individually do best to achieve the goals and maximize our collective impact: We are excited about the future of this work in the Philippines. Right now at this very moment, this work already directly impacts the lives of an estimated 10,000 women and children every year. Their lives are more financially secure than yesterday, and they are less at risk of being tricked into cyber-sex activity. The future impact is unlimited. Thanks for joining with us. Your support will save lives and transform a nation.

Project Governance,


Audit, Legislative

Implementing Partner


Strategic Direction and Planning

Andrew Colquhoun CEO, Captivating


Key Sponsors Jamoca Foundation

The Crossing Foundation

The Archer Foundation

Fundraising, Communications



children trafficked each year


living in poverty


street children in Manila alone

The Philippines Challenge So, why the Philippines? Non-governmental organisations (NGOs) and government agencies estimate that in the Philippines alone, 60,000 to 100,000 children are trafficked annually (through both cross-border and internal trafficking), and that most of the girls will be sexually exploited. Victims of sexual exploitation are predominantly girls between 14 and 17 years of age who come from the more impoverished parts of the country. In a country where close to 30% of the population are living below the poverty line, the Philippines Department of Social Welfare and Development estimates that there are up to 200,000 children on the streets of Manila, and that at least one tenth are or become victims of human trafficking. Tragically, the Philippines ranks fourth in the world in terms of countries with the highest number of prostituted children ( Philippines) But, by far the most sickening and more recent issue is the rapidly expanding business of the cybersex industry in the Philippines. It’s effect on the innocence of impoverished children is heart-breaking. This is a billion-dollar business worldwide. The Philippines National Police (May 2017), said the level of Cybersex crime is increasing exponentially in the Philippines because of:

1. An increasing ease of access to the internet, and 2. A lethal combination of extreme poverty, desperation by moms and dads, and

1st ranked country

for cyber-sex crime against children


high levels of English fluency. Combined, these factors make it easy to communicate with predatory customers who, via the internet, pay for special video shows of children being exploited as per their virtual requests and instructions. Parents and relatives, motivated by desperation and/or greed, are often not aware that it is against the law to exploit their children in this way. And, the most horrible of statistics – the Philippines ranks FIRST in the world for the incidence of cybersex of ANY nation.

Live-stream abuse happens in many of Philippines’ densely populated, impoverished neighborhoods. There are not enough resources to tackle all cases of online sexual exploitation of children. There is a growing need for aftercare support services for victims.

Attorney Gideon Cauton | International Justice Mission.



1. ERADICATE POVERTY The ONE-HOPE Micro-Finance Program

30% of Filipinos live in poverty. These women are at significant risk. By addressing extreme poverty, we will directly decrease the attraction to high risk income industries including prostitution, being tricked into the sex trade, or the thought of using their children for cyber-sex. THIS YEAR - We will support 2,200 women in 129 loan groups spread across 4

trafficking hot-spot regions. This work stabilizes the lives of an estimated 7,000 children.

THE FUTURE - subject to new loan capital, we will progressively expand the ONE HOPE Micro-finance program by a minimum of 400 women/families every year.

7,000 children poverty fee

1,500 educated

2. PREVENT CYBER-SEX & TRAFFICKING THROUGH EDUCATION Our fight to protect children from the CYBER-SEX industry The Philippines is the #1 Nation in the world for cyber-sex crime. Children are most affected. We will reduce the future incidence of

about cyber-sex Prevention

trafficking and cybersex crime through a targeted advocacy, school

70% sustainable

Cyber safety and risks

by 2021 7

and community education program in “high-risk” locations. THIS YEAR - We will educate 1100 students & 400 women about

THE FUTURE – We will expand this program by 35% each year and reach 50% of all schools in selected high-risk regions.

3. REHABILITATE RESCUED WOMEN The Blessed Project - After-care, Education and Employment support to trafficking victims Young Women who have been rescued from trafficking are referred to us. We provide them with independent/safe living, counselling & support, life skills and education, and help to find eventual employment. We aim to see them become healthy and positive contributors to their communities. THIS YEAR - We will support, rehabilitate and stabilize up to 10 young women and their dependents helping them progress towards genuine empowerment, education and eventual employment. THE FUTURE - expand this service up to 25 women and their dependents annually.

4. HONOR 1000 Becomes a Self-Sustainable Organisation Progressively help Honor 1000 move towards an independent charitable organization. HONOR aim to generate their own income to decrease ongoing reliance on donors. This will be eventually achieved through three income streams: (1) Profits from an expanding Micro-finance program (2) A Sewing Social Enterprise business (3) In-country events and fundraisers THIS YEAR - In the financial year 2018/19, 36% of the Honor 1000 operating budget will be self-funded. THE FUTURE - 46% in 2019/20. 70% by 2020/2021.


Sally owned a few chickens in 2001 and

During the past quarter:

struggled to have enough money to

- 44 new women joined the micro-finance project

support her family. Now she also owns

- 31 women successfully left the program because

cows and is determined to succeed in

they are now independent and self-sustainable

providing for her 5 children. With her

- 2,225 women are now part of the Micro-Finance

second loan cycle of PHP 8,000 (AU$210),

project who get together regularly in 130 support

she aims to properly allocate the money


to ensure that her livestock is well-fed and would sell for good money. She now dreams of adding hog raising to her business and is grateful to the Honor

1. ERADICATE POVERTY The ONE HOPE Microfinance Project

Microfinance Project for enabling her to dream big.

Michelle is now on her 6th and highest loan cycle yet. Since joining the Honor Microfinance project in 2014, her small grocery store has grown into a stable shop that now even has concrete walls. Year after year, she is able to boost her inventory and increase the variety of

Nora - With the increasing demand of native pigs in her community, Nora is grateful that her first loan

products to sell. This opportunity has immensely

from Honor 1000 Micro-Finance Project enabled

helped her family of 6 and has ensured that her

her to add two female pigs to her business. This

children are able to go to school as well as save

increases her expected sales and as well as her

for their future.

motivation to grow her small business. With the help of her husband’s farming, they are determined

Businesses started from the Micro-Finance Project

Snack Shops

Fashion Retailer

Cow Raising

Gravestone Maker

Pig Breeding Fresh Produce Store

Bakery Furniture Making


Bamboo Mat Maker Salon / Hair Studio Shoe Repairs

Watch Repairs

to provide for their family and to see their three children graduate school.

My dream to make a difference I grew up in a small province in the Philippines, traversing floods for pretty much half of the year. I had parents who worked hard so I could finish college in Manila. I graduated with a BA in Speech Communication through the University of the Philippines. I often dreamt of making a difference in our community— starting back home. My desire to help the destitute kept on growing, until it seemed like there were just too many people who needed helping! I felt like whatever I could contribute wouldn’t matter much. That was until I learned about the work of HONOR 1000 Movement, which I was more than eager to be part of. My involvement here started through friendship with some Board members, before being formally invited to be the Executive Director two years ago. Now as I oversee our projects across the Philippines and give direction to our staff. I see the impact we are making in the lives of our clients and realize that every single effort counts. One person helped can affect the whole community. Instead of being hindered by the enormity of the problem, I am further encouraged by each life touched through our endeavors. I am thankful to our donors who empower us to help our own nation.


Flo Abundo Executive Director Honor 1000 Movement

14 school sessions were held over the July to September quarter in which 150 students attended. Students create superhero names that will conceal their true identities. These sessions help identify guidelines which values safe and responsible online gaming. It is emphasizing with them the importance to keep safe by keeping their identity private especially when playing with complete strangers.

2. Prevent Cyber-Sex & Trafficking through EDUCATION

5 Microfinance Groups of Women attended cyber-sex safety training sessions where the Honor 1000 team introduced to these women how to remain cyber safe. The resounding message was “online child sexual

exploitation is NOT ok!� During the July to September quarter 56 women attended.


My monitoring and evaluation visit with Honor 1000 [As part of audit and compliance, Jordan, from Global Development Group, visited Honor 1000.] During August 2018, I had the opportunity to visit the work that Captivating does through their partner Honor 1000 in the Bataan Region of the Philippines. Our first stop was a women’s microfinance [One Hope Program] savings group. We were greeted by the women during their weekly meeting and I asked them what has changed in their lives since joining the group. One lady I spoke with shared how she previously sold fish balls out the front of a school, but thanks to a loan from the group, she purchased a motorbike to sell her products in front of many schools. Such a simple solution! What stood out to me was not just the economic improvements in the women’s lives but also the friendships and joy they have found from being a part of the group. I then visited the sewing program and aftercare facility [Blessed Project]. Here I was blown away by the drive of the Honor 1000 team for the sewing program to be a success. Not because it’s their job, but because they know the higher the income, the more women and girls they are able to impact. Over lunch with the Honor 1000 team, I was able to hear their dreams for the programs, goals they’ve set and also the inevitable challenges they face. The youthful exuberance and passion of this team, headed up by the wise and always composed Flo, gives us at Global Development Group great confidence in their ability to cause major change in this region of the Philippines. Jordan Brayley Project Officer I Compliance Officer Global Development Group


8 women and their 7 young children are currently part of the Blessed Project. Young Women who have been trafficked are referred here. They are provided with independent/safe living, counselling & support, life skills and education. They also receive help to find employment when they are ready. The aim is to see them become healthy and positive contributors to their communities.

Support for their recovery starts with: 1. Physical support by way of housing, daily food and basic personal needs.

Our “trainees” are integrated into a safe and supportive home (called “Blessed House”) with full-time on-site care and support available when needed. Eventually, trainees move into their own independent housing to continue their path back to independence.

2. Emotional support with help from professionally trained counselors and social workers.

3. Education and skill building through vocational skill training, special

schooling courses and alternative learning. The aim of these programs is focused on securing long-term and consistent employment or establishment of their own business.

Kate [Captivating Philippines Project Manager] checking in on the Blessed Project Sewing Program.

Nica was rescued in a human trafficking raid in Manila when she was fifteen years old. It was poverty that drove her to engage in the commercial sex industry. She got pregnant at the age of seventeen. Because she was a minor, she was placed in a women’s shelter. She was referred to the Blessed House for further help. This year has been a big year for Nica with the birth of her second child and also graduating from her studies. She is about to enter college to continue her education. Nica is determined to have a bright future for herself and her children.



MJ’s Story

Due to poverty and illiteracy, MJ felt she had no option but to sell her body to earn a living. Pimped out regularly, it was her means to survival. MJ was given the opportunity to leave that life behind and gain an education through the Blessed Project. Life at the Blessed House is quite different from her previous life and the transition for MJ has had some bumps in the road. Through the ups and downs, MJ is determined to finish her education and learn skills in cooking and sewing.


The Microfinance Branch in Dinalupihan operated profitably this year and was able to help support the work of the Blessed Project and the Advocacy Work of Honor 1000. The hard work of this region not only improves the lives of the women in the Micro-Finance project but also enables Honor 1000 to move towards becoming self-sustainable. The Sewing Program is not only an important way to provide skills to women rescued from trafficking, it’s also one way for Honor 1000 to become financially independent. A recent order to sew police uniforms has helped this program in it’s steps to grow. As word spreads, support is coming in from the community schools and now from a local government agency.


4. HONOR 1000 becomes a selfsustainable organisation

Captivating’s 3rd Annual STOP the Traffick 5k raised funds to support the work of Captivating across our various countries. Honor 1000 will be one of the beneficiaries of these funds. Each year this event gets bigger and better and this year was certainly a testament to amazing leaders across the globe who stood up and said ‘I’m against trafficking, who’s with me?’ 53 teams registered across 12 countries during September 2018. Australia | USA | New Zealand | China | Malaysia | Ukraine Vietnam | Thailand | Ireland | Philippines | Canada Japan | Kenya

Honor 1000 hosted 2 events in the Philippines during September as part of their community awareness strategy . NEXT EVENT – SAVE THE DATE Date: Anytime during MAY 2019. (Note that our new global event month is in MAY starting 2019) Location: Anywhere in the world Registrations for next year’s event will open in March 2019. Looking forward to seeing our teams back again next year, plus many new teams and individuals joining the movement!


To the world you MAY be ONE PERSON, but to a young woman, child, or single mom in the Philippines, YOU COULD BE THE WORLD



YOU CAN BE INVOLVED TODAY CONTACT DONATE to this project through our website and receive tax deductible receipts for Australian, USA, NZ or Hong Kong donations. SPEAK UP and spread the word about this project to your family, friends and business networks. SOCIAL MEDIA

Captivating International CAPTIVATING STORIES

If you have any questions about anything in this report, please contact

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