All about the girl 2019

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All about the girl 2019

Vocational School Scholarship My First Job Program Update

Table of Contents Letter from the CEO…………………………………..…….. 4 Thank you ZURU..………………………………………….… 6 Project Overview…..………………………………………… 8 Graduating Class of 2019………….……………………….. 10 Internship in Kindergarten Teaching ………….…………... 12 My Dream Has Come True..………………………………… 14 2nd Year Students……………………………………………. 16 1st Year Students…………………………………………..… 18 New Students………………………………………………… 20 Sponsor a Girl………………………………………………… 22 My First Job Assistant Chef Training………………………. 24 Teaching Cooking………………………………………….… 26 My First Job Success Stories……………………..………… 28



Letter from the CEO How quickly a year goes by, and how thrilled I am to report what has been an AMAZING year of impact - all thanks to many of you who are reading this report. Right up front, I want to thank our amazing strategic foundation partners who underwrite and make everything we report in our ALL ABOUT THE GIRL update possible: The Shenzhen Charity Federation - This project comes under the control and oversight of this wonderful group with all funding being received to and allocated from the Shenzhen Charity Federation Captivating Fund. Quite literally, funding support for this project could not exist without their endorsement and approval. ZURU - This wonderful team underwrites everything you read in this report, funding 50% (or more in some cases) of all programs. It’s because of ZURU we have been able to aggressively expand our impact these past 2 years. Not just because of their financial support, but also their passion to partner with us to do more. Our thanks to Anna Mowbray and the whole ZURU team. To SHAMTSE Charity - our Qinghai registered charity implementing partner, to Carrie and her whole team who work hard every day to bring dreams back to life for hundreds of girls every year. Congratulations on a great year team Shamtse. And finally to the amazing team at Captivating who work tirelessly to bring all these groups together to make miracles happen. Thank you Tracy, Francine, Daniella, Emily, Eva, Vivian & Serena. To the world, each of you may be just one person or one company, to each one of these girls you are (and mean) the world. Thanks for partnering with us. And, of course, playing an as critical role in this program are the many others who support this program through their financial support. Our thanks to all our other donors ranging from schools and other groups who support multiple girls, through to the individual donor who stands behind a girl with their financial support to make change possible. You are all a special part of this program. We hope you take pride and a sense of ownership in everything covered in this report.


We’ve had a BRILLIANT year, made exciting by (1) over 100 more girls being helped this year compared to last; (2) seeing our first intake of VSS girls, who started in 2016, graduate from their 3 year degree; and (3) starting to read stories of girls who have successfully secured employment. Happy days!!! As to the future it’s ONWARDS and UPWARDS.

Program Manager / Facilitator

Program Implementer


Thanks for journeying with us. Primary Financial Partner

Program Owner


Key Sponsors

Captivating’s Global Sponsorship Family


Thank you

I am incredibly proud to say that ZURU is a 73% women driven workforce. Giving women opportunities and empowerment has been a driving force within myself and the ZURU team from the beginning. Having been given these opportunities and a position in which I can now empower others, I wanted to expand on this value and give back to our community. Last year after meeting Captivating International and hearing of all of the phenomenal work that they do to help end the cycle of poverty, I travelled to Qinghai province to see the work first hand and meet these young women. Personally, sponsoring 300 young women was one of the most rewarding experiences of 2018 and I knew that we, as a company could do more. This year ZURU has proudly partnered with Captivating International to support the funding of the My First Job Program and the Vocational School Scholarship Program. Through this funding, we will double the number of women that we currently support, opening up opportunities, and changing the lives of these young women forever.

Anna Mowbray | COO, ZURU





Personally sponsoring 300 young women was one of the most ,

rewarding experiences of 2018 and I knew that we, as a company could do more. - Anna Mowbray

Project Overview IT’S ALL ABOUT THE GIRL The Numbers 2016





Vocational School Scholarship (VSS) - 3 year program Class of Sept 2016


Class of Sept 2017

54 73

Class of Sept 2018

46 graduated July 77% of original class completing the program (46 girls) 72

68 93% of original class still in the program


101 99% of original class still in the program 100 our estimate of those starting Sept 2019

Class of Sept 2019 TOTAL





The impact # of girls who graduated # of girls employed % of girls with jobs

46 1 2% as 2019 was the graduating year, we expect this % to increase as girls get jobs

MY FIRST JOB (MFJ) - 6 month program Started MFJ training




# of girls who graduated




# of girls employed




% of graduates now with jobs








90 our estimate by Dec 2019

The impact


Narrative: Total girls in the program will increase this year by 108 (43%). 46 girls have just graduated from the VSS program. 1 girl’s schooling and internship was delayed for 1 year because of sickness. We are excited that 68 girls from our second-year intake (2017) will start or have started their final year internships. Every school has a different internship schedule. Realistically, we have been hoping to see 70% or more girls graduate from either program, and it’s thrilling to see our 83% graduation rate of the MFJ program and 77% of the VSS program. Because we specifically look for girls who have already dropped out of school, both programs will be challenging for some girls because of stress from catching up, and/or family issues to deal with. But this result has exceeded our expectations. 100% women finished 2018 MFJ program, and of those that graduated, 3 couldn’t be reached to confirm if they have found a job, and 2 have been unable to find employment. Of these 2 that are still unemployed, 1 was about to have a baby and the other one had just delivered her baby. They hope to be able to work or run a small restaurant as their children get older. Most women who found jobs responded that the training provided them with practical skills that made it easy to find a job. They work as chefs, assistants, or waitresses in local restaurants. They believe that they can become TOP chefs and even open their restaurants in the future by accumulating experience and learning more. Our partner, Shamtse, will keep in contact with them to help when the time is right.


Tserangtso is finishing her 2nd year studying Tibetan Medicine through the Vocational School Scholarship Program


Graduating Class of 2019 46 GRADUATES 17 - Medical and Nursing Assistants 7 - Pharmacy Staff 1 - Graphic Designer 1 – Survey and Design 10 - Teachers 3 - Veterinary Assistants 1 - Website and IT Assistant 4 - Administration / Data Management 1 - Police Training 1 – Accountant

These 46 graduates have completed 2 ½ years of classroom study with 6 months internship

1 girl has confirmed a teaching employment which will commence in September. We are currently waiting confirmation regarding employment details for the other 46 girls. 10

The next steps for our new graduates is securing employment. Stay tuned for blogs on their progress over the coming months.

Zengga studied Tibetan Medicine and completed her internship in a Tibetan Medical Clinic helping poor community people

Yangjin studied Website Design and completed her internship working for a company as a website management assistant

Shitsogal studied Animal Husbandry and completed her internship as an assistant in a local veterinary clinic

Gangjantso studied Pre-school Teaching and has completed her internship in a local kindergarten

Zhashi studied Medicine completed her internship in a Pharmacy as an assistant


Internship in Kindergarten Teaching

Without your help, I would not have had the opportunity to be part of the Vocational School Scholarship Program, experience this wonderful learning life, to enjoy the advanced teaching resources and excellent learning environment in the school, and to get higher education of this kind of specialty. I love my internship at a local kindergarten. Thank you for giving me a different life with this wonderful opportunity. ~ Gangjansto


Thank you Kerrie and Melva for sponsoring Gangjansto and giving her this amazing opportunity.


My Dream Has Come True Sangjyd joined the Captivating Vocational School Scholarship project in August 2016. Her dream was to become a teacher. She always loved to learn but had to drop school during middle school, because her father and disabled mother were too poor to continue sending her.

Through the VSS project, Sangjyd studied kindergarten teaching. “I love to talk and

sing and dance, so teaching children is the perfect job for me,” beamed Sangjyd during her studies.

After 3 years of studies, she has just graduated and is thrilled to share her good news with the world. “At the end of my internship at a local school, the school director

informed me that I am officially hired and my paid job will start in September. I am very lucky to be in my favorite career. Time flies when I am doing the thing I love most. I really like spending time with the children in the classroom. I call them ‘my children’ and they surprise me every day with the way they learn so quickly.”

Carrie [project manager] said that she remembers seeing Sangjyd for the first time. 3 years ago she was shy, not in school and had a very limited future. In just 3 short years, she is now an independent and confident young lady who is living out her dream. Congratulations Sangjyd. We wish you all the very best in your teaching career.


Thank you Sylvio & Julie and Julie B for sponsoring Sangjyid and giving her this amazing opportunity. (Photo – Sangjyd with Carrie, Project Manager)


2nd year students 68 girls are finishing their 2nd year of studies in the Vocational School Scholarship Program. The girls were able to select the course of their interest. Most have chosen Tibetan Pharmaceutical studies with others choosing Nursing, Pre-School Teaching and Computer Studies. These 68 girls will start their internship in September 2019 and conclude their studies July 2020.

We wish these girls all the best as they continue working hard and making the most of every opportunity given to them.

“We know that every dollar is hard-won. Maybe it‘s a cup of coffee, a movie, maybe a trip was cancelled. Because of your sacrifice, I have a great opportunity to study Tibetan Medicine. It brings warmth to my heart. Your support gives me great courage and I will continue to study hard to become good doctor.” Thank you Teri & Ashley and Andrew for sponsoring her.

~ Sonamkyid

“It is my dream to study Tibetan Medicine and become a qualified and excellent doctor and then help my father and fellow villagers. Every time I saw a doctor in a white coat walking in the street, I could not help imagining that was me. Your help is giving me the chance to study my dream. My gratitude is beyond expression. I will remember your gratitude forever.” Thank you Jessica for sponsoring Dougari.


~ Dougari

“My father died a few years ago which left my mother to raise me and my two younger siblings. I had to drop studies after middle school. I know the importance of education and I want to be able to help support my mother as well as become a reliable young woman. My whole future has changed since I was able to go back to school. I am studying to be a kindergarten teacher and excited to have a career when I graduate. Thank you for making my future bright.� ~ Dechentso

A group of 2nd year Vocational School Scholarship students at one of our partner schools

1st year students 101 girls are finishing their 1st year of studies in the Vocational School Scholarship Program. The girls were very excited to be able to select the course of their dreams.

Most have chosen Tibetan Pharmaceutical studies with others choosing Nursing, PreSchool Teaching and Computer Studies. These 101 girls will start their internship in September 2019 and conclude their studies July 2020. We wish these girls all the best as they continue working hard and making the most of every opportunity given to them.

“I had to give up my studies because my family is too poor. I really didn’t want to give up my dream of going to school, so I never stopped reading books and articles at home after dropping school. Thank you for reaching out to me. Now I am studying to be a Kindergarten Teacher and my dream is coming true. Thank you Jessica and Megan for sponsoring me.”



“When I first arrived at school, I was very shy. I didn’t want to talk in class because I thought that the other girls and the teachers would look down on me because I am from a poor family and had to drop school. But slowly, I found out how ridiculous my thoughts were. My classmates treated people warmly. When I met any problems in my study, my teachers and classmates would be very enthusiastic to help me. Now I have fully settled into this school. Thank you for making all this happen to me”

~ Saizhonggiyid

A group of 1st year Vocational School Scholarship students at one of our partner schools

New Students 100 girls who have had to drop out of school are getting ready to go back to school in September 2019. The girls are very excited to be able to continue their learning after having to drop school because of poverty or prejudice. Each of these girls have dreams and aspirations about what they want their lives to be.

The Vocational School Scholarship program is giving these girls a bright future. If you would like to sponsor a girl, please contact us at and we would love to match you with a girl who would value being given this amazing opportunity.

I am 19 years old. When I was in junior high school, both my parents died, leaving me and my younger brother alone. It fell upon me to try and earn a living for us both. I know knowledge can change my future and I am very excited to go back to school. Thank you for giving me this opportunity.

I am 17 years old. My parents have had major health issues and so now we are in great debt from doctors bills. I had to drop school after 7th grade. I didn’t want to give up my dream to become a doctor but my parents were not able to continue sending me to school. My dream is to study Tibetan Medicine. I cannot wait to go back to school and study a vocation. ~ Dorje

~ Ganggar

I am 16 years old. My mother left me and my father when I was 1 and we never saw her again. Then a year later, my father died in an accident and I became an orphan. My Uncle took me in and has taken care of me since then. I had to drop school in 2016 because my Uncle could not continue sending me. I have a dream to become a doctor and help people but I know that is not possible without a good education. I am eager to learn and will be diligent and work hard .

~ Raezin

I live with my grandparents and my younger sister. Because I am the oldest, I had to drop school as my old grandparents couldn’t support 2 children at school anymore. I was able to go to school until junior high, then my dreams of a proper education were gone. I love learning and I want to be able to make a difference in the world. ~ Tashi

When me and my sister were young, our father left home and we have never seen him again. Our mother worked hard to take care of us. When I was 7, our mother died. We had to live with our grandparents but because they are old and unable to work, in 2016 I had to drop school. Recently, both grandparents passed away. Their death hit me and my sister hard. I know I need a good education in order to have a future of independence where I can take care of me and my sister.

~ Lhamokyid


You can give the gift of

education independe

An educated girl will Stay Healthy Save Money Build a Business Empower Her Community Lift Her Country


n and a future of ence to a girl for US$40 mth

Email or Go to our website where you’ll find more girls who are waiting for your help.

My First Job Assistant Chef Training

30 women started the My First Job Program in September 2018 and all 30 graduated in May 2019. Most of these women have never been to school and are illiterate. Not only have they learned how to cook delicious recipes but they have learned how to read ingredient lists, cooking measurements and basic menu items. This is a huge achievement and gives each of these women added confidence and independence.

18 are working as assistant chefs and head chefs in local restaurants 3 are working in busy little tea shops 2 are working as cooks in schools 1 is a cook on a construction site 1 has opened her own business 3 couldn’t be reached to confirm if they have found a job 2 have been unable to find employment because 1 is about to have a baby and the other one had just delivered her baby.

30 new women have just started the next My First Job Program and will spend the next 4 months learning the skills of Tibetan and Chinese cuisine. They will then go on to spend 2 months in a job placement which will hopefully lead into full time employment. Plans are in place to start 2 more programs (another 60 women) before December 2019.

Thank you to ZURU for believing in these women and giving them the chance to develop skills which will open doors for new opportunities.


“Thank you for your kind help. I didn’t feel like I learned very fast but my teacher kept encouraging me. I am now confident in the kitchen and can cook many delicious recipes. I’ve started working as a chef in a local restaurant. It happened that they did not have a chef, so now I earn a good monthly wage. Thank you for your support.” ~Dorje


Instructor of

My First Job Training Project

I had a carefree childhood. My father opened a hotel in the local area and was a highly skilled tailor. Our life was very comfortable. When I was seventeen years old, my father died of illness. I was the oldest, and all the responsibilities fell on my shoulder overnight. I was caught off guard in the face of sudden change. The days after that became more and more difficult. I had to learn a skill so I could have a stable income to support my mother and my sister to finish her schooling. So I set my path to learn cooking.

I know that having a skill makes all the difference when faced with difficult times. When I was approached to teach the My First Job Assistant Chef project I was very excited. I could continue doing what I love most while teaching the fine art of cooking quality dishes to single moms and women who need help.

Because I also haven’t had a high education, I understand the need to build skills and experience and to be able to be independent and have a future that will provide for themselves and their children. I am proud to be part of this project. I can see the significant difference it is making in the lives of the women who are part of it.



“My husband had an accident at work and now he can’t work. It is left to me to earn enough money for the family. Because of the My First Job Program,

I now have the skills to work in a professional kitchen. I work as a Head Chef at a Tibetan restaurant. I love my job and my family will have a good future. Thank you for helping me.” ~ Jamming

“Thank you for your contribution to helping single mothers like me. I am very grateful that I can

learn a life skill. Because of this skill, my 3 year old son will have a good life. Now, I have a job as an

assistant chef in a restaurant. I am very busy every

day, but I feel very fulfilled. Thank you very much!”



“Thank you for giving me the chance to learn this valuable skill. I am just an ordinary woman but this opportunity let me realize my self-worth. ~Kardol

“Thank you for giving me this opportunity. I am now managing a local

tea shop. My employer is very happy with me and I know I will be able to support my son to finish his education. As a single mother, I am so proud that I can have this job. Thank you!” ~Dorje




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