Family Is Forever Kenya Update 2018

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November 2018

FAMILY IS FOREVER an update on Captivating’s work with orphans in Kenya



Message from the Board


From the Project Managers Desk


200 for 200 Campaign Update


CEO’s Report & Project Overview


Meet our newest members


Meet our Entrepreneur women


Jack is back in school


Room in this Grandma’s heart for 3 orphans


2 orphans with a bright future


KENYA FOSTER FAMILY LOANS PROGRAM UPDATE …giving orphans their forever family

Implementing Partner:

Project Partners:


MESSAGE FROM The Board Captivating’s Foster Family Micro Finance Program continues to grow with additional women receiving loans to start and build their business each month. But the real success of this effort is in the 411 orphans who now live with these women. They are off the streets and out of orphanages and in a foster family. That is remarkable!

Join us in lifting women and orphans out of hopeless situations. Each donation of US$200 provides a loan for one woman who then takes in an orphan. This gift keeps on giving – because when one woman finishes with the program, another woman is ready to take her place and receive her micro-loan.

Thank you for your support.

Our thanks

Judene Judene Irvine Board Member – Captivating International


From the Project Manager’s Desk My name is Everlyne. I am the Captivating Project Manager based in Kenya. My work entails supervising Microfinance Programs which are aimed at improving the livelihoods of families in poverty who in turn support vulnerable and orphaned children in the Kenyan community. Our focus is to create long term self-sustainability of the foster care homes. I work closely with guardians, vulnerable children in streets, foster care homes and orphanages.

Before joining Captivating, I worked with a local organization that focused on Women and Children. Then in December 2013, I got the opportunity to work for Captivating which I gladly accepted. Having come from the same background as some of the street children, I understand the situation they are in and the dangers that present themselves. Working and staying close to these children is filling the emptiness in their lives. I get a great feeling of satisfaction by doing what I love most.

I have visited numerous children and what stands out is that each and every child is unique. That is what I love about these children. One child that really intrigued me was Japheth. He ran away from home after the death of his mother and became a street boy. He spent his days robbing and mugging people and was even at one point taken to Juvenile prison. Japheth slowly reformed through the love he got from the foster care family who took him in and now, very happily lives with his new siblings. Who wouldn’t feel great joy!

Lastly, I must thank Andrew and Julie for giving me this opportunity. I am very glad to be part of the Captivating Team.



200 for 200 launched in April of 2018. This is an annual initiative focused on raising loan capital to expand this program – the aim being supporting 200 women with a US$200 small business loan and enabling enough extra income to take in 200 orphans.

We love the thought of helping an additional 200 women and 200 orphans each year. Sustainably and all within their own communities – the way it should be.

If you would like to help change the course of a woman and a child’s future, this program is proven to not only set a woman up for continued small business success but also stabilizes an orphan child in their new FOREVER FAMILY.

Join us by giving $200 to elevate a woman and give an orphan a home!\donate


Janet adopted Job when she found him as a baby abandoned on the steps. She received her first micro-loan in 2017. She is establishing herself in the community to have the best avocados and vegetables, selling them at the local markets. Job is growing quickly, enjoys school and has a bright future.

CEO’s REPORT and Project Overview We hope you enjoy this annual Project update of our Kisii, Kenya Microloans program – a loans program with a difference. Maybe some of you are hearing about this program for the first time and intrigued by what makes it so different. If so, this page is for you. At Captivating, our focus is all about the child. We are concerned about poverty and it’s horrible impact on the world, and what we have in our sights is the child who sits at the end of all of that. A child who, without our collective help, will miss out. Incapable of changing their own circumstance without a lucky break. And, that’s where we come in. Where YOU come in. On a trip to Kenya in 2013, we became directly aware that Kenya is fighting a battle of a growing AIDS problem, with SO MANY children everyday seeing their last remaining parent buried, having watched their tragic demise and suffering over the preceding months/years. These kids are literally stuck. They will become lost to the world around them if there are no willing next of kin around to pick them up.

What to do? The easy option is to throw aid money at the child. Pay for some food, clothing, even education for a year. But, all of this becomes burdensome for donors after a year or two, and to the child we start to become an unaware partner creating another problem deep inside them – a welfare dependency. This is when a big whiteboard, a full coffee pot, and lots of different perspectives and experiences came into play. The result – the Captivating Kenya Foster Family Loans Program was born.


What makes us different? The successful Micro-Finance model made famous by the Grameen Foundation to progress families out of poverty, we’ve taken but modified it to focus specifically on families willing to Foster an orphan into their family. It’s the primary condition of acceptance into this program, and as you can see from THE NUMBERS, our clients are very devoted to honoring this.

THE DIFFERENCE IS AWESOME – Instead of us having to find a donor willing to support an orphan child through a US$50 a month support program for multiple years, for just US$200 we can start a foster family on their way to a poverty free future where they care for their own foster child – FOREVER, and it avoids a dependency on handouts.

SO, we simply ask ourselves the question – what value is a life for an orphan AND a family in poverty? US$200? We just want to help as many as we can. How about you? Will you join us?


2017/18 411





Families helped by the program since it started (accumulative)




Families currently in the program




Families who have finished/left - successful (accumulative)




Families who have left - unsuccessful (accumulative)




% of families successful (since program started) - aim is 70%+




% of families successful during the reporting year




Total orphans helped since program started

Narrative: 83 new foster families were added to the program this past year 51 families left the program during the year, of which 66% were deemed successful (meaning, they no longer needed further loans and would likely continue their higher levels of family income moving forward, and continue support of their fostered child). This is slightly lower than our aim of 70%+.

WHERE ARE WE GOING with this program? If we’ve learned anything about our work in Kenya, the key is slow and steady. We have a program going into its 4th year now, and turning in consistent outcomes with close to 70% of families successfully leaving the program upon getting to the point they no longer need loan support. We want to see these numbers improve even further as the program continues to mature, and our partner – the African Community Development Foundation – is growing with it. Our plan is to continue to expand the program up to a maximum of 200 new families each year. This means by the end of 2021, over 1,000 families will be active in their program. That’s 1,000 orphans in their NEW FOREVER FAMILY.

That’s 1,000 reasons to celebrate.


What do we need to do? We need to secure new loan capital of US$40,000 every year. That could be one generous company who embraces this program, or 200 families around the world who say “I can afford to save a life for US$200”. We hope you’ll join with us. AND, thanks for the support of so many that have got us to this point. It’s all upside from here – with maximum impact. Let’s do this.

Andrew Colquhoun CEO & Co-Founder Captivating International

Sikudhani joined the program in February 2018 and received her first loan to establish a chicken raising business. She plans to adopt a son soon.

Bishara was 3 when her mother left her and never returned so Afaafa adopted Bishara. They joined the program in February 2018 in order to grow her avocado business so that Bishara can finish high-school and go to university.

Meet some of our

newest members

who have recently joined the FOSTER FAMILY LOANS PR0GRAM

Visola’s sister passed away leaving little Keanjaho an orphan. At the time, Visola wasn’t able to provide care for her little nephew and so he went to the orphanage. Visola joined the program in June 2018 and is growing her book store. Keanjaho no longer lives at the orphanage but has his forever family with Visola and is getting ready to go to school next year.


Judy joined the program in January 2018 when she adopted these 3 orphaned siblings. She operates a small guesthouse and sells fruit at the local market. This program is helping her to grow her business so she can continue caring for the children and sending them to school. You can read the full story further in this update.



joined in 2016. She started a poultry farm and after establishing herself for a year, she adopted Lydia in 2017. During 2 years, she received 5 loans and successfully repaid all of them. Muthoni continues to run her successful poultry farm and left the program in February 2018 as an independent woman.

adopted Abuya and joined the program in 2015. She received 4 loans over 3 years and successfully paid them all back. Jumapili now runs a profitable dairy farm and in May 2018, successfully left the program as an independent woman. Abuya is growing up and loving school. These two have a very bright future.


Meet our Entrepreneur

and her adopted daughter Almasi joined the program in 2014 and started selling groceries in the local market. In February 2018, Kioni’s store was self-sustainable and able to support them both. We wish Kioni and Almasi a future filled with opportunities.


Nuru joined the program in 2014 with her two children plus her adopted son Sarki. Over the course of 4 years, she


received 5 microloans and successfully repaid

joined the program in 2015 and adopted Chiumbo. Over 3 years she received 4 loans and established her vegetable growing business. In February 2018, Phyllis left the program and now has many standing orders to supply vegetables to local institutions.

them all while growing her business and sending her children to school. In January 2018 Nuru successfully left the program and leases 5 acres of land for commercial maize farming. Her quality maize is in demand with Kenyan cereal boards.

*all names are changed for privacy


Jack is back in school Jack became an orphan when he was born. His mother passed away during birth and his father left. Jack’s grandmother Gladys, stepped up to take care of this tiny baby. When Jack reached school age, he began school but after term one was completed, he couldn’t go back to school because Gladys couldn’t pay his school fees. This little family was referred to ACDF (Captivating’s project implementer) and Everlyne (project manager) went to visit them. This program is highly regarded by community leaders and local families. They have seen the positive impact it is making in the lives of so many. Gladys received her first loan and started her beautiful banana plantation which has been supporting them for some time now and allowed her to expand her produce to include various vegetables. This season however, the bananas have not done very well. With the help and advice of Everlyne, Gladys has ventured into a new business – selling firewood. She lives near a river and is able to cut down some of the trees to sell. She is also preparing for the future by planting new trees. This is proving to be a very profitable business as hotels and restaurants in her area buy regularly from her. One tree generates Kshs.30,000 (US$295). From this, she pays the laborer Kshs.5,000 (US$49) to cut the tree into strips to sell. The balance is used to repay her micro-loan, send Jack to school and continue expanding her vegetable business. Jack loves being in school and is learning so many things. He sees that hard work and determination pays off and is learning valuable life skills from his Grandmother as they build a future together.

Gladys’ timber pile


Gladys and Jack’s small but happy home

Room in this Grandma’s

heart for 3 orphans

Kati was just 15 years of age when her only remaining parent, her mother, passed away. She was left with no other option than to live on the streets. During this time, she was raped and fell pregnant. She had to beg for food to feed herself and her baby. A kind small business owner offered her some food in exchange for small chores. Over time, Kati and Judy became close. Kati found her new mother. Eventually, Kati found a good man and got married and had 2 more children. Life was finally going well for Kati and frequently visited Grandma Judy with her children. Kati’s life was cut short when she died in a motor vehicle accident. The children’s father also passed away not long after Kati. Grandma Judy found out about the situation these children were in and asked permission of the village leaders to have custody of these 3 children. Today, Grandma Judy’s home is filled with the joy and laughter of 3 young children. Grandma Judy works hard to provide for these children. The oldest girl is now in grade 3 at school and her younger brother is in grade 2. Grandmas Judy recently joined the Captivating Foster Family Loan’s program to improve her business of farming and grow her income of selling quality produce at the market. She has many years of school fees to pay for and her priority is that these children are happy, healthy and educated.


2 orphans with a

bright future

Regina’s parents passed away when she had just finished high-school, leaving her and her sister orphans. Although Regina lived in the slums she managed to find odd jobs to earn a little money. One day she was offered a job taking care of a 3 month old baby girl for a family. They needed someone to start work right away and so she welcomed the opportunity. Regina was earning regular money and her life started to turn around. She even had dreams of attending university. Things were going well for her. One morning, the couple that she was working for went to distribute relief food to drought stricken areas. “I was asked to stay at the house to take care of their daughter Sally while they away for a few days”, explains Regina. Several days passed and there was no sign of Sally’s parents. Regina went to the police station to report missing persons. Another week went by and Regina and Sally were running out of food at home. “The landlord was demanding to be paid or we would be kicked out”. Regina continues telling us her story. “One morning the police asked me to come down to the police station. I needed to identify some bodies. Nervously I went to the police station. I was told that a group of people had been kidnapped and killed by the Militia. Their bodies were dumped, rotting and mutilated. Some were not even identifiable. The 20 minutes I spent in the morgue that day were the longest minutes of my life. We needed to use Sally’s DNA in order to identify her mother.“


“After the funeral, I tried to locate any of Sally’s family members, but to no avail. Sally had no one – I couldn’t leave her, so together we moved. I was introduced to the Foster Family Loans Program where I completed some budgeting and small business management training and have just started my small business where I sell groceries. I am so grateful for this opportunity. I am confident that I will be able to support myself and little Sally.”

Children without families are the most vulnerable people in the world. Brooke Randolph

YOU CAN BE INVOLVED TODAY CONTACT DONATE to this project through our website Tax deductible receipts available for Hong Kong and US donations.

SPEAK UP and spread the word about this project to your family, friends, and business networks.

Captivating International






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