The Adventures of Captain FANatic

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“The Adventures of Captain Fanatic” is a fast-paced animated tribute to sports fans: part spoof, part fantasy, and total fun. Because the best game action is with the fans, in the stands, at the sports watering hole, and in the parking lot, cheering ‘til they swallow their own tongues. Chalkmaster sidewalk murals are drawn with no ordinary chalk: this stuff’s from a supercharged meteor from planet Sporticus. When Chalkmaster arrives in town for the ‘big game’, he draws cartoon mascot Captain Fanatic and the spirit of sports fanaticism comes alive, embodied in a passerby. Interplanetary liaison Statsman and his Sportican mascot guests prepare Captain to know the team and its fan base before unleashing Fanatic to whip up a pre-game frenzy. Still, despite best efforts, by the time game day rolls around, something routinely goes wrong. Will the Captain arrive in time to cheer the game without utter disaster striking at the talons of Booger Baddie or the hooves of King Scalper? And what if Bandwagon Billybob has influenced the vote? Naturally one BetBet Boy will lose cash while the other does the chicken dance, but we can’t let doneros keep us from universal brotherhood. The fact is, when it comes to sports, everyone has an opinion. If you want to know the zeitgeist of a town, then get to know its sports fans. What else can pull a whole city together, all ages, cultures, musical interests and shoe sizes like ‘the game’! So who’s ready to kick some butt?!


9/19/06 5:05:46 PM

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