Cannabis by the Sea Magazine, Spring 2022

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CANNABIS By The Sea Magazine

Spring 2022 Vol 3 Issue 1

CANNABIS BUSINESS INSURANCE SERVICES Affordable cannabis coverage tailored to your needs: • Dispensaries • Product Manufactures • Delivery Services • Greenhouse Growers

The podcast dedicated to taking the mystery out of cannabis and hemp. Hosted by Alex Robles, new shows drop on Sundays Follow the the links below to watch the “In My Grow Show” podcast on YouTube or listen to it on all the major podcast platforms. (805) 648-6595

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“Growing Relationships”

Robin Karlsson

Carpinteria Chamber of Commerce Large Business of The Year 2019

Greenleaf Landscapes | Tarpitz Gardening & Landscapes | 805.448.5381 P.O. Box 629 | Carpinteria | CA | 93014 Spring 2022 Cannabis by the Sea


Table of Contents

Spring 2022



The High Cost of Cannabis is in the Taxes Don’t blame legal and compliant cannabis farmers for the high cost consumers pay for their crop. California’s Byzantine cannabis tax structure can take most of the credit for that. There’s no one size fits all solution, but here’s a start: Eliminating the state cultivation tax, a flat tax unique to the supply chain in the cannabis industry. Other crops receive government price supports and subsidies, why does only cannabis pay a cultivation tax?


The Perfect Prescription for a Family Business


Blunt Advice


Theracream® is a line of CBD products designed to provide topical relief for everything from headaches and sports injuries to arthritis, sciatica, and psoriasis. Developed by Santa Barbara pharmacist Paul Sullivan and brought to market by his two daughters Shannon Ashamalla and Stephanie Sullivan, Theracream is created from raw materials that withstood the scrutiny of a high level chain-of-custody commitment.

Yes, Virginia, cannabis can increase one’s libido! And Barbara Verde dives a little deeper into the hows and whys of that never dull topic. Or has this ever happened to you: Unknowingly eaten a pot brownie and being involuntarily stoned, unhappily so? See what Barbara has to say about that. Barbara’s got the answers to all of life’s cannabis conundrums.

Cannabis by the Sea Spring 2022

Autumn Brands is a 50% women-owned and operated cannabis cultivator and creator of top-grade health and wellness products. The vision of the two family’s spray-free approach allows for a PURE guarantee, providing a clean and potent cannabis experience.

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Cannabis Talk by the Sea is hosted by publisher Melinda Bie and editor Amy Marie Orozco and focuses on everyday lifestyle and advocacy.

Listen online at Spring 2022 Cannabis by the Sea




From the Publisher


Cannabis 101


Welcome letter from the Publisher

Full spectrum vs. broad spectrum CBD

The Cannabis Lifestyle Ask a Budtender, Recipe, Blunt Advice, Flower Fest 2022


Resources and References


We’d Recommend It




Last Look

Where to Learn More, How to Do More

Products and services to enhance daily life

Find it, Offer it, Sell it

Cover Shot Ken Pfeiffer captured his favorite tree, dubbed “King of Spring,” in Carpinteria. “It takes on the moods of the seasons, and is surrounded by flowers in the spring,” says Ken, who started taking pictures with a Kodak Brownie in childhood. When the first affordable digital cameras became available in the early 2000s, he was really hooked because his computer background made the process of capturing and manipulating images very convenient and fun. Ken never tires of visiting and photographing his favorite tree. See more of his work at CS


Cannabis by the Sea Spring 2022

Amy Steinfeld


CANNABIS By The Sea Bie & Bie Productions, Inc. 1072 Casitas Pass Rd., Suite 286, Carpinteria, CA 93013 (805) 881-1218 | Publisher — Bie & Bie Productions, Inc. Editorial Director — Amy Marie Orozco Creative Director — Melinda Bie Contributors — Dianne Armitage, Peter Bie, Peter Dugré, Alonzo Orozco, Ken Pfeiffer, Alex Robles, Amy Steinfeld, and Barbara Verde

TLF Consulting Helping to build stellar community relationships

Published seasonally four times a year by Bie & Bie Productions, Inc., Cannabis by the Sea is a lifestyle magazine dedicated to information on the health and wellness properties of cannabis. Cannabis by the Sea makes every effort to ensure the published information is correct, informative, and practical. Editorial content is not intended to replace the advice of medical professionals. Cannabis by the Sea advertisements do not imply endorsement of products or services. We’d love to hear from you. Send your comments and questions to Send product samples to Cannabis by the Sea, 1072 Castias Pass Rd., #286, Carpinteria, CA 93013. All submissions, editorial and otherwise, become the property Bie & Bie Productions, Inc. Bie & Bie Productions, Inc. is not responsible for unsolicited materials. COPYRIGHT © 2022 Bie & Bie Productions, Inc. All rights reserved. No part of this magazine may be reproduced in any form or any electronic or mechanical means without written permission from the publisher. Cannabis use is for adults 21 years of age or older. Consume responsibly. Keep out of reach of children.

Spring 2022 Cannabis by the Sea


From the Publisher

Welcome to the Spring issue of Cannabis by the Sea magazine and Happy 420!

I can only speak for myself, but I’d like to think I entered into 2022 with a slight glimmer of optimism. Hope maybe? Things seem to be returning to a sense of normalcy (I say with caution). But what is normal now? My normal sure is different, but I’m not complaining. I certainly like the ability and option to work from home, I know I’m far more productive, and getting together with friends seems all that more special than it ever did. What’s the old saying? Everything happens for a reason? Always hard to find a glimmer of good when measuring it agains the untold loss and sadness that 2020 and 2021 brought us, but I’ll take it nonetheless. Our amazing cover shot struck me so strongly when I saw it. It is so beautiful and yet in the middle of it is this gnarled, dead tree. It made me think of the senseless tragedy that is happening in Ukraine. Such a beautiful people and country, and they are both being attacked. And yet, the gnarled tree stands. We can only hope that peace will come soon. If you didn’t know it already, Cannabis by the Sea magazine has a podcast! Cannabis Talk by the Sea is hosted by myself and editor, Amy Marie Orozco. We’ve had some wonderful and extremely informative guests: Autumn Shelton, Peter Dugré, Stacy Shymansky, Amy Steinfield, Dr. Eileen Gillen, and Courtney Frazer so far, with more on the horizon! You can listen to all of them through our website at We’re also streaming on and Listen in and keep in touch with us — we’d love to get your feedback and maybe even some questions that we or one of our guests can answer. Thank you for your support of Cannabis by the Sea magazine … we look forward to our third year and introducing you to some more amazing people, and, of course, providing you with more information on this amazing plant that we call cannabis. Keep in touch!

- Melinda Bie


Cannabis by the Sea Spring 2022

The High Cost of Cannabis is in the Taxes

Industry deserves common sense regulatory relief

By Peter Dugré Greenhouse cannabis farms lining Carpinteria Valley represent some of the most productive cannabis companies in the state of California. Yet, within the City of Carpinteria, cannabis users cannot legally shop for cannabis. The farmers operate outside of city limits in unincorporated Santa Barbara County — with many farms’ property lines doubling as the city boundary. Within the city, retail is banned along with growing personal-use plants outside in residential yards. The regulatory line between county and city serves as a stark representation of the patchwork rules regulating California cannabis since Prop. 64 passed over 5 years ago.

Valley. “It is currently $161 per pound. On a $1,000 pound that is 16 percent, but on a $500 pound it is 32 percent. This is a tremendous burden not only on the farmers but on the whole industry which is trying to compete with illegal operators who pay a 0 percent tax rate.” Contrast the cannabis cultivation tax with other crops, and you find that not only is cultivation tax nonexistent anywhere else in agriculture, many crops actually get tax relief and subsidies, because agricultural returns can fluctuate so greatly that farmers need subsidies to stabilize their businesses and survive lean years.

Limited access is one flaw in the regulated cannabis market. The other is over-taxation. When wholesale cannabis prices plummeted in summer of 2021, market instability became more pronounced, leading the cannabis industry and some lawmakers to seriously question whether regulated California cannabis needs some life support in the form of commonsense regulatory relief in order to develop beyond its formative years.

Of course, the state cultivation tax is only the tip of the iceberg. State annual cultivation licenses for 10,000-squarefeet of greenhouse space cost $11,800 per license. There’s a 4 percent Santa Barbara County cultivation tax applied to gross sales from farms on top of the state tax. Cannabisproducing counties like Monterey and Humboldt have recently reduced or eliminated county cultivation taxes in order to fix the market. Representatives in those counties One part of the solution would be eliminating the state realized that any percentage of zero is still zero, and cultivation tax, a flat tax unique to the supply chain in the building a budget based on inflated cannabis taxes was cannabis industry not sustainable for neither the government nor the farms. “The worst of the taxes for the whole industry is the cultivation tax. It is weight-based, so as cannabis prices compress the tax rate increases as a percentage,” said Graham Farrar, Chief Cannabis Officer at Glass House Group, a vertically integrated company operating two farms in Carpinteria

Santa Barbara County has yet to adjust its tax system, which in addition to the cultivation tax, applies a 1 percent tax to distributors, 3 percent to manufacturers and 6 percent to retailers on gross sales. Continued on Page 10 Spring 2022 Cannabis by the Sea


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Cannabis by the Sea Spring 2022

Cannabis 101:

Full Spectrum vs. Broad Spectrum CBD

Purchasing CBD products can become rather confusing ... and one of the glaring questions is what is Full Spectrum CBD as opposed to Broad Spectrum CBD? CBTS is here to shed some light on the subject.

Research points to the existence of the “entourage effect,” which theorizes that when multiple cannabis plant compounds are present along with CBD extract, it increases the health benefits of the CBD product.

The basic and quick explanation is actually quite simple. The Because full-spectrum products contain compounds, such as main difference between full-spectrum and broad-spectrum THC, in addition to CBD, they may maximize the entourage CBD is the compounds they contain. effect. If a CBD product contains several naturally occurring cannabis plant extracts, such as terpenes and other cannabinoids — including up to 0.3% THC — it is full-spectrum CBD.

Pros of full-spectrum CBD Some of the potential health effects of CBD include: • anti-seizure • antioxidant • antianxiety Broad-spectrum CBD also contains several cannabis plant • pain relief compounds, but it is typically entirely free of THC. That said, • anti-inflammatory there may sometimes be trace amounts of THC in broadspectrum CBD products. It may also ease the symptoms of some mental health conditions and provide relief from muscle spasms. CBD isolate is the third common form of CBD. This is the pure form of CBD and contains no other cannabis plant One 2018 review also suggests that flavonoids and compounds. terpenes in the CBD may also have anti-inflammatory and neuroprotective effects. Full-spectrum CBD has numerous other cannabinoid compounds from the cannabis plant, along with low levels Whether you choose a full spectrum or broad spectrum CBD of THC. Usually, the THC quantities are less than 0.3% on a product, CBTS encourages you to shop quality. There are dry weight basis since this is the federal law requirement for hundreds of CBD products out there, many of which are not CBD products. of good quality and will not provide you with the results that you are seeking. We recommend you visit your local This low quantity of THC is not usually potent enough to dispensary — tell your budtender what your health goal is cause the “high” that people typically associate with and they can provide you with a quality product. CS cannabis use. — CBTS Staff Report Full-spectrum CBD also contains terpenes from the cannabis plant. Terpenes give plants their scent.

Spring 2022 Cannabis by the Sea


Continued from Page 7

The rough industry benchmark for the portion of gross sales that go to taxes and fees at all levels is a full half of total revenues.

Carpinteria is not unique in its wait-and-see approach to permitting cannabis dispensaries. According to a 2021 report, 68 percent of California cities banned regulated cannabis retail, leaving the state at just 2.1 retail stores “Now that other counties have lowered or eliminated their per 100,000 residents. By comparison, Oregon boasts 17 cultivation taxes, it makes it that much harder to compete retail shops per 100,000 residents. There are nearly 14,000 for farmers in Santa Barbara County,” said Autumn Shelton, liquor stores in California and only 850 brick-and-mortar co-owner of Autumn Brands in Carpinteria and president of cannabis shops. In San Jose, population 1 million, there are CARP Growers. “Our farms in Santa Barbara County are well- 16 cannabis shops. known for responsible and compliant cannabis production, but the costs of the transition to a regulated market are now The over-taxation and inaccessibility of cannabis weighs holding us back and favoring the unregulated.” heavily on regulated cannabis businesses while incentivizing a still thriving black market, which according to estimates New tax revenue was and is a big part of the incentive to approaches $8 billion in annual revenue, over double the legalize and regulate cannabis regulated market. in the state and across the United States, but with any Market compression in 2021 did According to a 2021 report, 68 market there’s a breaking point. not create the push for tax relief percent of California cities banned For comparison, cannabis tax but made the need more urgent. regulated cannabis retail, leaving revenues in California alone Farms around the state in regions in 2020 more than doubled competing with each other — from the state at just 2.1 retail stores per what the state collected in outdoor farms in the Humboldt 100,000 residents. By comparison, alcohol taxes. Cannabis taxes hills to indoor farms in the Los Oregon boasts 17 retail shops per exceeded $1 billion in 2020. Angeles cityscape — agree that 100,000 residents. There are nearly Alcohol taxes came in at $405 the current system is not designed 14,000 liquor stores in California and million. According to the National to increase participation in the only 850 brick-and-mortar cannabis Institutes of Health, in 2019 eight regulated market and in fact times as many Americans reported stands in the way of the long shops. In San Jose, population 1 million, binge drinking as those who use term success (and sustainable there are 16 cannabis shops. cannabis just once per month. Far tax revenue stream) of California more alcohol is sold and used, cannabis. but cannabis is seen as the cash cow in the sin tax category. This alcohol and cannabis That’s why 2022 must be the year of eliminating the state tax disparity becomes more difficult to comprehend if cultivation tax and making other adjustments within the accounting for the proven usefulness and medical benefits supply chain to ensure the survival of the regulated, legal of the cannabis plant. and safe California cannabis industry. CS Peter Dugré is the Executive Director of CARP Growers.

From Cannabis Business Plan: As of December 2021, the California’s three licensing authorities have issued 12,227 commercial cannabis licenses to cannabis businesses throughout California, including 8,504 cultivators, 915 manufactures and 842 retailers, 362 delivery services, 1056 distributors, 308 microbusinesses, 152 transporters, 46 event organizers and 42 testing laboratories. Read the full article at

10 Cannabis by the Sea

Spring 2022


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Spring 2022 Cannabis by the Sea




The Cannabis Lifestyle

Ask a Budt end er Jessica D

Jessica D is a budtender in Lompoc at ERBA Markets, an über cool dispensary that has a lounge. Yes, a lounge, a place to relax and consume. Complimentary snacks and beverages are provided, too. Due to health and safety protocols, guests are asked to bring their own rigs, pipes, and so on. (FYI: tobacco is not allowed.) Want to know more? Let’s chat with Jessica and learn more about her work at ERBA Markets in Lompoc.

How long have you been a budtender? I started 6 years ago for Meds 4 Less. Meds 4 Less fully trained me hands-on, doing deliveries, and attending events. What special talent should budtenders have? I would say knowledge and empathy. I have been a constant consumer since prop 215 so now that we are in prop 64 I have seen many brands fall off, some merge and many new and upcoming brands come out. If you could give one piece of advice to a first-time dispensary shopper, what would it be? I would recommend doing some homework, just to make sure you are given the best possible sale. Some people will sell you what’s not moving rather than what you’re asking for.

Tell us a little about your personal experiences with cannabis. I began my journey with cannabis when I turned 18. I suffered with anxiety my entire childhood and of course that carries along with you. I’ve come to learn cannabis is my go-to over any prescribed prescription. What is the most requested product by customers? Wyld gummies but more specifically Elderberry. Most common ailment customers mention? Migraines, I see more and more people trying to find a relief for migraines, also stress and lack of sleep so (discomfort).

Any product recommendations from you? I recommend the Tikun Midnight Cream. Not only is the smell so nice and light, but the effectiveness it has on tight and Any special etiquette one should know about when achy muscles is amazing. It also does amazing on dry / visiting a dispensary? rough patchy skin. CS Never open anything without asking. Budtenders may hand you a jar to look closer out but with COVID regulations do ERBA Markets, Lompoc is located at 1101 E. Ocean not ever open anything unless given the ok. Avenue in Lompoc. Visit for more info. — CBTS Staff


Cannabis by the Sea Spring 2022

Courtesy Photo

The consumption lounge at ERBA Markets in Lompoc.

ERBA Markets in Lompoc.

Spring 2022 Cannabis by the Sea


The Cannabis Lifestyle

The Perfect Prescription for a


By Dianne Armitage


A passion for healthy options led sisters Shannon Ashamalla and Stephanie Sullivan, to join forces with their dad, Paul Sullivan, to formulate Theracream® a line of CBD products designed to provide topical relief for everything from headaches and sports injuries to arthritis, sciatica, and psoriasis.

Many things make this family team and its products unique, which translates to topical creams meeting not only the highest quality standards but helps to ensure they produce the relief the consumer is seeking. Paul’s training as a compound pharmacist goes well beyond that of a community or hospital pharmacist since it includes specialization in the actual formulation and compounding or production of pharmaceuticals. Compounded prescriptions are often preferred when a onesize-fits-all is not delivering the maximum successful patient response. Paul is skilled at choosing or developing specific dosage formulas that are most effective for the patient. In addition to capsules or creams and lotions, he is well versed in creating tablets, oral thin film strips, suppositories, aerosols, tinctures, oils, patches, powders, liquids, or sprays. Added to this is his training in veterinary pharmacology, hospital pharmacy, dental products, sports nutrition, cannabis and hemp extract therapy, as well as homeopathy. But it doesn’t end there. His experience in skincare (he was Vice 14 Cannabis by the Sea

Spring 2022

Lompoc Mayor, Jenelle Osborne

President of Product Development for Murad Skin Research) adds yet another layer to the efficacy of TheraCream products, as well as scientific and medical sophistication. The trio’s commitment to quality control from seed to final product is just one more part of their “magic” potion. “Quality control is critical in any business, and being able to have control and details about the chain-of-custody of any raw material from the field (seed) to the production (final packaging) can increase your chances of maximizing the quality of the final product,” Shannon explains. “This includes knowing the seed quality and purity, where they are grown, what is used in the way of fertilizers and pesticides, how it is harvested, where it is extracted, and by what means. It also involves knowing what solvents are used (if any) in the extraction and their safety profile. It’s also important to know what the active ingredient level is of the final product, and IF there are any solvent residues (this is determined by a thirdparty analysis) in the raw material.” “Another part of the equation is where it is to be manufactured and what controls are in place in that facility, as well as what packaging is selected for protection from light, humidity, temperature, etc. This information is all part of our process.” All small businesses face challenges, and this is particularly true when it comes to the cannabis/marijuana industry. Shannon points out that credit card processors will frequently not take online CBD businesses without adding costly “high

risk” rates, so finding a reliable credit card processor has been one of their biggest challenges.

Courtesy Photo

The Cannabis Lifestyle

She also mentions that some people are concerned about cannabis and THC showing up in a blood test (required by some employers) when their intent is to use pure CBD for pain or the many other known benefits. This is why Theracream® uses only CBD and CBG Isolates so they can assure clients there is zero THC in all of their products. And the competition has become what she refers to as fierce. “Hemp has very much become a trend in the past few years, and although we are grateful for that, trends come with many companies hastily putting together cheap, poorquality products that often have celebrity endorsements attached. In addition to being THC free, we continue to take pride in offering a superior product that has Paul is skilled at choosing or third parties test developing specific dosage for quality control. formulas that are most effective We do our best to ensure the hemp our for the patient. In addition to CBD is produced capsules or creams and lotions, from is grown in soil he is well versed in creating free from pesticides, tablets, oral thin film strips, insecticides, suppositories, aerosols, tinctures, herbicides, and any oils, patches, powders, liquids, toxic chemicals.”

or sprays. As is true of most small businesses, everyone involved wears many hats. At the moment, Shannon handles the website, customer service, sales, and marketing. Alongside Shannon, Stephanie is responsible for production, manufacturing, and research, as well as coformulating along with their father. Another family member, sister Suzanne Hughes lends a hand by helping with the company’s newsletters and Instagram posts. Other family members have stepped in to help with IT and tradeshow events when needed.

l-r: Stephanie Sullivan, Paul Sullivan and Shannon Ashamalla.

When asked whether there will be additional products in the future besides the original Theracream® and Theracream Extreme®, Shannon shares that they are working on a few new products, both topical and internal, but wants to surprise and delight people when they are ready to be released. Find more information at CS Dianne Armitage (WriteOn!) is a Carpinteria-based writer.

Spring 2022 Cannabis by the Sea


Bruce Wolf for Laurie+Maryjane

Recipe Laurie Wolf with Nikon.

Laurie Wolf is a leader in the edible community and an award-winning culinary entrepreneur. Since 2015, Laurie has published four cannabis cookbooks: HERB, Cooking with Cannabis, Marijuana Edibles, and The Medical Marijuana Dispensary. Her recipes fill the pages of several top cannabis publications such as The Cannabist, Cannabis Now, Dope Magazine, Culture, Oregon Leaf, and High Times as well as the Oregonian. From soup to nuts, Laurie delivers a wide range of cannabis-infused recipe options, as well as detailing techniques for athome infusions. Her brownie recipe on The Cannabist won Leafly’s Brownie Bracket challenge, naming it “the absolute best cannabis brownie recipe of all time.”

This dish has a double dose of peppery arugula—it’s blended into the pesto, and then raw leaves are tossed with the finished pasta. Switching out the basil for these pungent leaves turns this easy, rustic recipe into a deeply flavored dish, redolent with crunchy greens, citrus, plenty of garlic, and cheese. You can add the protein of your choice, one pound of shrimp would be a great way to go. There is a lot of the terpene caryophyllene going on in this recipe. The pepper, the arugula and the strain Bubba Kush, chosen for the trifecta. This hard-to-pronounce terpene has some pretty impressive health benefits, including relief from pain and stress, and strong anti-inflammatory and antioxidant properties making it a win-win-win. This pesto makes a great dip or spread, and a particularly delightful addition to chicken or fish. Want to learn more about cooking with cannabis? Visit CS THE CANNABIS APOTHECARY Learn how to buy, prepare, and safely use THC and CBD for maximum benefits to your body, mind, home, and spirit with this essential guide from the “Martha Stewart of marijuana edibles” (New Yorker). Featuring recipes for brownies and body balms, mushroom tarts and massage oils, The Cannabis Apothecary offers readers a guide to improving health and wellness by harnessing the natural powers of marijuana. From celebrated cookbook author Laurie Wolf, creator of “the absolute best cannabis brownie recipe of all time” (Leafly), The Cannabis Apothecary charts a path through the history of this amazing plant, from early cultivation to the latest in cutting edge research, showing readers how to maximize the benefits of living an immersive marijuana lifestyle. Purchase online at

16 Cannabis by the Sea Spring 2022

The Cannabis Lifestyle

Pasta with Arugula INGREDIENTS: 4 cups tightly packed arugula 1/2 cup shelled walnuts 4 garlic cloves, peeled 1 tablespoon fresh lemon juice 1 teaspoon coarse black pepper 1/2 teaspoon kosher salt 1/2 cup olive oil 4 teaspoons canna-oil or canna-butter, each teaspoon is 5mg THC* 1/2 cup grated Parmesan 1 pound spaghetti 1 bunch baby arugula 2 tablespoons olive oil 2 tablespoons grated Parmesan DIRECTIONS: 1. In the bowl of a food processor, combine the 4 cups of arugula, walnuts, garlic, lemon juice, pepper and salt. With the machine running, drizzle in the olive oil and the infused oil. Add the 1/2 cup grated Parmesan and blend. 2. Bring a large pot of salted water to a boil. Cook the pasta according to the package directions. 3. Drain the pasta and return to the pot. Stir in the pesto and the remaining arugula. Divide among four plates and drizzle with the olive oil and grated Parmesan. 4. If you want to add a protein, it should be cooked, and tossed into the pasta along with the pesto and arugula.

Bruce Wolf for Laurie+Maryjane

* Visit to learn how to make canna-butter.

Spring 2022 Cannabis by the Sea


The Cannabis Lifestyle


By Barbara Verde Dear Barbara,


I’m a non-smoker of cannabis but don’t mind other people smoking at all. One thing that is hard for me is when I am at a social event and everyone seems to go somewhere private to have a joint and I am left hanging out by myself or alone with Uncle Albert. Any creative ideas? - Lonely Non-smoker in Lompoc

Dear Lonely Non-smoker in Lompoc, Great question! Next time you find your fellow party goers fleeing to have a joint outside, try accompanying them. You might say, “I don’t smoke myself, but I enjoy the conversation!” or “I don’t smoke but I love the smell, mind if I join you?” Given the history of cannabis laws and stigma, many people are wary of judgmental eyes when it comes to their cannabis use. If you make it clear that you are a non-smoker or non-consumer who doesn’t judge and just wants to be part of the party, you will show them you are a safe person to include. You might also consider bringing your own CBD joints so you have something to smoke with them, if that appeals to you. No matter what, communication and humor will go a long way in this situation. Dear Barbara, I went to a party recently and had a brownie. I didn’t realize that it was a pot brownie … they truly just looked like regular brownies, and NO ONE said anything about them containing weed. I was “involuntarily stoned” and it ruined my whole night. I’m so mad! What are your thoughts on this? - Not laughing in Los Olivos Dear Not Laughing, I recommend you communicate with the host of the party and explain what happened. You don’t have to be mean about it, but you should explain clearly that you were not aware the brownies were infused and how important it is to let people know what they are consuming. See how the host reacts—it may have been an honest mistake they were unaware of. If they brush off your concerns and act dismissive you may want to reconsider going to the next party they throw … or perhaps show up with your own “virgin” brownies, if you do! 18 Cannabis by the Sea Spring 2022

The Cannabis Lifestyle

Dear Barbara, Can cannabis help increase one’s libido? And if so, how? - Wanting More on the Mesa Dear Wanting More, Many surveys suggest that the answer to your question is an emphatic yes … or, more appropriately: yes, oh yeah, yes, yes, don’t stop, YAAAAASSSSSSS! A good chunk of anecdotal evidence suggests that cannabis can awaken pleasurable sensations in ways that bring “gettin’ down” to new highs. Even solo sessions benefit from a heightened state of arousal that cannabis can inspire. You can read studies and surveys, or you can try your own personal experiments … guess which route I am going to recommend? If your doctor has cleared you for takeoff, start exploring with legal and safe products. And remember, go LOW and SLOW. A little goes a long way. Paranoia and couch lock will NOT help your libido, so steer clear of going overboard. You might try a low dose vape pen before your love sessions or something topical, like a cannabis infused lube such as Quim Night Moves, Intimate Oil. If dryness or pain are an issue, Hello Again vaginal suppositories are an option to explore. Let curiosity and fun lead the way—there are a lot of fantastic new cannabis products to try for sexual health and wellness. CS Barbara Verde lives in Santa Barbara County and adores all things green, from avocados to Kermit. When not working on her fledgling roller skating skills, she loves to answer questions about cannabis—send yours to barbara@

And remember, go LOW and SLOW. A little goes a long way. Paranoia and couch lock will NOT help your libido, so steer clear of going overboard.

“ Spring 2022 Cannabis by the Sea

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Brent Flaaten


Resources and References

Resources and References

“Farmer and the Felon - the blog” One promise of the newly legal cannabis industry is the opportunity to right many a past wrongs and up the social justice quotient. The Farmer and the Felon Cannabis Co.’s blog certainly does its part to bring a more just world to fruition. These two sentences do an excellent job of illustrating how things can get colored: There is something sinister about taking lyrics out-of-context as a means for a motive, playing up to stereotypes and misunderstanding of hop-hop hyperbole. “If you’re Freddy Mercury, “Mama I killed a man,” is just a killer intro to a classic Queen track. “Killer” in this case would be considered a fun adjective, not an accusation of a real crime. For hip hop, that would never be the case – rap music consistently finds itself on trial.” How about this sentence from the website’s The Cause tag: “Imagine sitting in a cell for years, decades, or even life, convicted of an activity that is no longer a crime, while thousands of other people build intergenerational wealth doing exactly the same thing.” Learn so much more at Let’s all keep on keeping on.

“Pot in Pans: A History of Eating Cannabis” We know, we know, CBTS is mad for cookbooks, particularly cannabis ones. But don’t judge this book by its cover. Technically speaking, “Pots in Pans” is a history book. It just looks and sounds like a cookbook. Robyn Griggs Lawrence follows cannabis’s path from the ancient kitchens of Persia and India to its present day status of trending darling. If you are looking for a cannabis cookbook, you’re in luck, Robyn authored one of those, too. Check here

“Breaking Habits” Truth is stranger than fiction and the documentary “Breaking Habits” is proof. This film tells the story of Christine Meeusen, a Reagan-voting corporate executive who turns to God and reinvents herself as cannabis-farming Sister Kate after her philandering husband leaves her penniless—but not broken. Watching is believing, and this roughly 1.5 hours of a documentary will leave audiences somewhere on the spectrum between total disbelief and wanting to join Sister Kate doing the Lord’s work in California’s Central Valley. C Available on Amazon Prime. S

Spring 2022 Cannabis by the Sea


The Cannabis Lifestyle

Flower Fest 2022

By Alex Robles, Green Coast Radio

In early December 2021 the small town of Port Hueneme, California took a chance on what some would call a controversial event, “The Flower Fest.” This event had all the usual festival vendors that you’d expect, from local food trucks to Day of the Dead skulls but here’s what made “The Flower Fest” the first of its kind for the area. This outdoor festival on the beach was allowed to have onsite cannabis sales and consumption as well. That meant that festival-goers could buy cannabis products and enter one of four consumption tents, roll a joint, and puff away with ZERO fear from the law. For me, that was the best part, because the sense of community and relaxed vibe that the cannabis culture is known for was on full display. Perfect strangers of different ages and backgrounds were having serious and silly conversations with me, it was awesome to see. Each tent had its own vibe with its own DJ. Some even had games like CornHole or Ping Pong set up in them.I mostly saw people rolling joints on Ping Pong tables instead of playing. Since cannabis consumption was allowed, there was a heavy security presence and no alcohol was sold or allowed at the event. Festival-goers also had to be 21years of age or older to get in. I think these were big reasons why there were NO violent incidents reported to the police for the two-day event. The other benefit of having a 21-and-older outdoor event like this is that there were no baby strollers blocking the way. I have nothing against babies, but you know what I mean, strollers are everywhere at festivals. Lucky for us, the Flower Fest is returning to Port Hueneme the weekend of April 30 and runs through Sunday, May 1. This year it’s going to be bigger, with more cannabis vendors, up to 8 cannabis consumption tents, and chalk artists. Of course there’s going to be local food vendors for when the hunger kicks in, along with some carnival games so you can test your high skills and win a prize. Tickets are available at Eventbrite for $10, or $20 at the gate the day of the event. Visit CS 22 Cannabis by the Sea Spring 2022

Products for You

We’d Recommend It

Weed Cookie Cutter Bringing new meaning to “get baked” is the Weed Cookie Cutter from Jeff The 420 Chef, and with a name like that, you know it’s got to be good! The cookie cutter measures 4 inches tall, 3.75 inches wide, and depth of almost an inch. To preserve the cookie cutter’s shape, Jeff recommends handwashing and towel drying the cookie cutter. Now, start rolling that dough and cutting out those cookies. The price? $4.20, natch. Order at

Care By Design Just the fact that the company Care by Design promotes the idea of a Period SelfCare Toolkit is newsworthy. The fact that they have three products for the toolkit is reason for the recommendation. That along with excellent quality and good business practices. The Relax Soft Gels’ terpene Linalool help with stress. The Rest Drops, no surprise, make for a good night’s sleep thanks to the THC, CBD, and CBN. The Huckleberry Basil “Relief” Gummies, which have THC, CBD, and CBG are a tasty treat and add a layer of comfort to hard-working bodies. Learn more about Care by Design’s approach to menstruation and reproductive health at

Dyna-HOME-Gro’n Starter Kit Has your inner Mr. or Ms. Greenjeans been waiting to bust out? But you’ve been keeping it cool because you don’t know where to begin getting your fingernails dirty? The Dyna-HOME-Gro’n Starter Kit has got you covered. Included in this kit are a grower’s manual and all the nutrition for 22 plants grown indoors. Be sure to check cannabis rules and regs in your area for the grow-your-own laws. Now is the time to start. Now is the time let your inner Mr. or Ms. Greenjeans run free. Learn more at CS

Spring 2022 Cannabis by the Sea



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Cannabis by the Sea Spring 2022

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Last Look

The above mugshot of rock icon David Bowie was taken on March 21, 1976 after police arrested him and three associates in a downtown Rochester, New York hotel room at 2:25 a.m. The charge? “Fifth-degree criminal possession of marijuana,” according to the Democrat and Chronicle, Rochester’s daily paper. “Police said they confiscated what they described as about half a pound of marijuana. The charge is a Class C felony, carrying a maximum sentence of 15 years in prison.” Bowie performed at the Rochester Veterans War Memorial as part of his 65-show Isolar Tour. Charges were dropped in May 1976 after a grand jury refused to indict Bowie, who never performed in Rochester again. He died in 2016. CS — CBTS Staff Report

Spring 2022 Cannabis by the Sea


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