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Gülseren: Üvey aðabeyinin tecavüzüne uðradý. Ýstemediði bir evliliðe zorlandý. Bakire olmadýðý için kocasýndan þiddet gördü ve ailesinin yanýna döndü. Ancak babasý ve erkek kardeþi, açýk giyindiði ve iþten eve geç geldiði için onu öldürdü. Çünkü namuslarýný temizlemeleri gerekiyordu Medine: Ailesinin þiddetine maruz kaldýðý için polise baþvurdu ama sonuç alamadý. Bir süre sonra babasý ve erkek kardeþi, erkeklerle konuþtuðu için onu diri diri topraða gömerek öldürdü. Çünkü namuslarýný temizlemeleri gerekiyordu Meryem: Üzerine seni seviyorum yazdýðý kaðýdý arkadaþýna verirken öðretmeni gördü. Öðretmen kaðýdý Meryem in babasýna verdi. Baþýna geleceklerden korkan Meryem, babasýnýn silahýyla intihar etti. Çünkü ailesinin namusunu temizlemesi gerekiyordu Eðer bu topraklarda doðmuþsan; Dilan, Güldünya, Berivan, Ayþe, Canan, Sultan, Çiçek sen Yani sadece kadýnsan Öldürülürsün, dayak yersin, tecavüze uðrarsýn, iþkenceye maruz kalýrsýn Dünya Emekçi Kadýnlar Günü nün, Amerikalý kadýnlarýn çalýþma haklarýný iyileþtirmek istemeleri sonucu, hem de bundan neredeyse 160 yýl önce ortaya çýktýðýný düþününce, ülkem adýna utanýyorum. Biz, býrakýn kadýnlarýn çalýþma haklarýný tartýþmayý, yaþama haklarýný bile hiç düþünmeden, en acýmasýz yollarla ellerinden alýyoruz. Kadýnýn var olduðu bir Türkiye, umarým çok uzak deðildir. Bunun için kadýnýn yerinin soframýzdaki öküzden önce gelmesini saðlamamýz gerekiyor sanýrým Bu ayki sayýmýzýn tüm konuklarýna, özellikle kadýn konuklarýna; Kadýn ve Aileden Sorumlu Devlet Bakaný Selma Aliye Kavaf a, yaþadýðý kabustan uyanarak kendi ayaklarýnýn üzerinde durmaya baþlayan Çiçek e, Nil Karaibrahimgil e sonsuz teþekkürlerimizle

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If you are a woman Gülseren: She was raped by her step brother. She was forced to a marriage she did not want. She was violently treated by her husband because she was not a virgin, and went back to her family. However, her father and brother killed her because she dressed immodestly and came home late from work, because they had to restore their honor Medine: She applied to the police because of the violent treatment she was exposed to in the family, but could get no results. A while later her father and brother killed her by burying her when alive, because they had to restore their honor Meryem: The teacher saw her when she was passing a paper she wrote I love you . The teacher gave the note to Meryem s father. Meryem, afraid of what would happen to her, killed herself with her father s gun, because she had to restore the honor of her family If you are born in these lands, and if you are Dilan, Güldünya, Berivan, Ayþe, Canan, Sultan, or Çiçek That is, if you are only a woman You are killed, beaten, raped, tortured I feel ashamed for my country when I think that International Worker Women s Day was invented by American women as a consequence of their demands to make improvements in their rights of working almost 160 years ago. Leave aside discussing the right of working of women, we take their right of living without ever thinking, with the most cruel ways. I hope Turkey that women can exist is not too far away in the future. I think that we have to make the place of the women at our table comes before the cattle as the first thing This month s issue is dedicated to our woman guests, to Ms. Selma Aliye Kavaf, the Minister Responsible for Women and Family, to Çiçek, who woke up from the nightmare she had and have started to stand on her own feet, and to Nil Karaibrahimgil, with endless thanks

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