Camden and islington recovery college prospectus spring 2016

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The Recovery College Course Guide Spring 2016

Physical health and Wellbeing Introduction to recovery principles

Understanding experiences Building self-confidence of health conditions, treatments & systems

Returning to work and study

Your in Your partner partner in care care & improvement improvement


Welcome 05 News 06 Co-production 09 Information for students


Individual learning plans 15 Introduction to recovery principles


Introduction to recovery


Surviving abuse


Coping with stigma and discrimination


Tree of life


Living with a mental health diagnosis


Disclosing mental health conditions at work


Understanding experiences of health conditions, treatments & systems


Recovery from drug or alcohol use


Ways of understanding and relating to the experience of psychosis 23


Understanding mental health tribunals




Understanding anxiety


Coping with anxiety


Exploring depression


Physical health and well-being


Getting a good night’s sleep


Introduction to diet and exercise


Introduction to mindfulness


Being kind to yourself


Women’s health (women only)


Building self-confidence 31


Assertiveness for all


Storytelling & narratives


Being involved


Men and masculinity


Building healthy relationships


Returning to work and study


Confident to work


Money matters


Money goal getting


Motivational interviewing


Co-production and train the tutor


Term dates & opening times


Course calendar overview


How to find us


Our venues 50

“Really friendly, encouraging but also challenging.�


Welcome Contents

“Fantastic course, really learned something today.”

The Recovery College welcomes everyone in Camden and Islington to attend our free, friendly and welcoming recovery focused educational courses. Our philosophy of recovery and wellbeing emphasises hope, control and opportunity. The Recovery College courses encourage a richer life through learning. All our courses are co-produced and co-delivered by tutors who have lived experiences of health or mental health challenges with those who have experience by profession. The Recovery College opened its doors in September 2014, offering 8 free and aspirational courses. We are proud to say that we now offer 28 courses and are developing more.




The Recovery College is now one year old! New courses As we enter 2016 and our fifth term we have seven brand new courses for you. These are: Living with Mental Health Diagnosis Disclosing Mental Health Conditions at Work Women’s Health Being Kind to Yourself Exploring Depression Coping with Anxiety Motivational Interviewing Anniversary The Recovery College’s one year anniversary was held in September 2015. We had a full house with faces both old and new. The Chair of C&I Foundation Trust, Leisha Fullick, opened the event and spoke about the Recovery College’s achievements in its first year. Larraine Revah, the Mayor of Camden, also attended along with several other speakers who represented the experiences of students, staff,


tutors and volunteers. Taster sessions of some of the Recovery College courses were held in the library and proved popular, with everyone from prospective students, staff members and governors taking part. Catering was provided by Hillside Clubhouse, with background music by the Key Changes project. First year review Our first year review has been completed by Christine Burgess, who initially set up the College, and the report will be published in early 2016. Visits In November 2015, the Recovery College hosted a visit by mental health practitioners and politicians as part of a study programme which also included visits to ImROC (Implementing Recovery through Organisational Change) and Mind in Camden. Upcoming courses We are currently developing a course in parenting, working in partnership with The Elfrida Society (a leading local charity for people with learning difficulties). Triyoga is working with the Recovery College to co-develop a beginners yoga course.


The Recovery College will continue to develop new courses and to expand our range of course venues throughout Camden and Islington. Stay in touch by signing up to our mailing list - drop us a line at

Dates for your diary: We have open days on the Monday of each half term break. Please come along to our open days where you can celebrate your learning achievements, meet our tutors, discuss your individual learning plan, enrol on courses, explore our library and get to know us! Open days this term are: Monday 15 February 2016 10am-4pm Monday 4 April 2016 10am-4pm


Co-production in action

We welcome people from all walks of life to co-produce with us, whether you are a student, tutor, carer, or a local community organisation. What is co-production at the Recovery College? All our courses are co-developed from scratch by two tutors, one an expert by lived experience and the other an expert by profession. Partnership working with C&I Trust teams If you would like us to come to your team to help you co-produce a taster session tailored to your service users’ learning needs, please call the Recovery College to book an appointment. Thinking of becoming a peer or professional tutor at the Recovery College? We would like to invite members of C&I Trust staff and others with professional experience, as well as people with lived experience of health and mental health challenges, to come forward and co-develop unique courses with us. Our Co-production and ‘Train the Tutor’ training course will enable you to become a tutor with the Recovery College.


Would you like to volunteer at the Recovery College? We are looking for volunteers to help guide, advise and facilitate students to better use our courses, facilities and resources. If you are friendly and approachable with an understanding of good customer service, and an interest in learning or books then we’d love to hear from you. Please visit to download the volunteer application form. Is your organisation interested in working in partnership with the Recovery College? Thanks to all our partnership organisations, peer tutors, professional tutors, venues, supporters, service users, staff, carers, commissioners and all the individuals who have made a positive contribution to the Recovery College. Your enthusiasm, positive energy, willingness to work together and curiosity about what we are doing helps us provide a great service to our students. Please contact us if you would like to discuss working with the Recovery College.


The Recovery College works in partnership with:



Information for students

Access We are committed to making our courses accessible and we will make adjustments to meet your needs whenever possible. All our courses are free and are co-delivered in community venues across Camden and Islington. Free internet access You can use free internet on our five student computers to research recovery-focused materials online. As part of your learning plan we can recommend recovery focused websites and build in some extra 1-2-1 coaching time to browse the web. The Library The Library at the Recovery College is fully accessible and open to all. You can join the library even if you are not our student. We stock a small but growing collection of self-help books, inspirational and recovery focused books and books on living with a range of different health and mental health conditions. Informative leaflets that may help you on your recovery journey are also on display in the library. The library is currently open for reference from 10am to 4pm Monday to Friday (closed on Wednesdays), if you wish to take out a book please come on Tuesdays or Thursdays.


Health and Safety We take all matters of health and safety seriously. Every effort is made to make sure that all of our facilities and activities are safe. We will provide information about emergency procedures at the beginning of your course to ensure you feel safe in the learning environment. Safeguarding At the Recovery College we recognise that social care plays an important role in helping people with care and support needs to live full lives. This includes preventing abuse, minimising risk without taking control away from individuals, and responding proportionately if abuse or neglect has occurred. All our courses are subject to Camden and Islington Foundation Trust’s Safeguarding policy and the New Care Act 2014. Equality and diversity At all times we will respect you as an individual and your right to be given equal opportunity to succeed regardless of your race, ethnicity, religion and sexual orientation. The Recovery College has disabled access and we are committed to providing accessible services to all.


Individual learning plans

Individual learning plans (ILP) Our tutors and peer learning support worker will assist you to create an Individual Learning Plan to work towards your individual goals and you will be given support to find out more about the courses which will meet your needs. We ask you to attend a review meeting with us at the end of the term in order to reflect on your personal progress. Additional learning support All students with additional learning needs due to impairment, disability and/or self-identified learning barriers will be offered an ILP. This helps the college better meet your learning needs, adapt materials used as part of your course and cater for access needs. You can tell us what your additional learning needs are: when you enrol at your ILP meeting, tell your course tutor you need help, email us on, call us on 0203 317 6904 Accessible course materials Course materials can be provided in an alternative format on request, for example, in large print, on a coloured background or in a particular font you find easy to read. In-class support is available for students who require additional support.



Introduction to recovery principles

Introduction to recovery Course Description 1 Day Course (5.5 hours) The aim of the session is for participants to have an opportunity to explore what recovery means to them. Students will explore their recovery journey, creating timelines and talking about their recovery. They will also explore the principles of recovery and definitions of recovery. Through teaching, group work and discussion students will explore ideas and principles or recovery and how to stay well. Date 27 Jan 2016 Wed

Venue Elizabeth House

Time 10.00am – 3.30pm

Date 08 Feb 2016 Mon

Venue Islington Central Library

Time 10.00am – 3.30pm

Surviving abuse Course Description 5 Week Course (2.5 hours each session) This course looks to create a women’s only space that provides learners with the opportunity to share experiences and ideas to start thinking about the process of recovery from abuse from a variety of different perspectives. Being abused can leave women feeling unsure of themselves and affect their sense of control over their lives. This course will help women find the light in the darkness and empower them to have a good quality of life after abuse. Throughout the course, we will explore what is abuse, how people respond to experiencing abuse and what are some of the ways people seek help. Through a mixture of discussions, presentations and exercises, this course will support learners to develop strategies for building self-confidence and assertiveness skills in space led by women for women. Surviving abuse (session 1) Date 07 Jan 2016 Thu

Venue Mary Ward Centre, Queen Square Time 2.00pm – 4.30pm

Surviving abuse (session 2) Date 14 Jan 2016 Thu

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Venue Mary Ward Centre, Queen Square Time 2.00pm – 4.30pm

Surviving abuse (session 3) Date 21 Jan 2016 Thu

Venue Mary Ward Centre, Queen Square Time 2.00pm – 4.30pm

Surviving abuse (session 4) Date 28 Jan 2016 Thu

Venue Mary Ward Centre, Queen Square Time 2.00pm – 4.30pm

Surviving abuse (session 5) Date 04 Feb 2016 Thu

Venue Mary Ward Centre, Queen Square Time 2.00pm – 4.30pm

Coping with stigma and discrimination Course Description One Session (5 hours) Students will define discrimination and look at different types of discrimination. The peer tutor will share their experiences of stigma and there will be a class discussion sharing experiences. Students will continue to develop their knowledge by completing various activities in pairs and in groups, including learning how to cope in various situations. Date 03 Feb 2016 Wed

Venue Elizabeth House

Time 11.00am – 4.00pm

Date 21 Mar 2016 Wed

Venue Islington Central Library

Time 11.00am – 4.00pm

Tree of life Course Description One Session (5.5 hours) This course moves our focus away from problems and instead connects participants with their most cherished values and hopes. It also connects the group with each other and the positive impact of influences in their lives. It has the potential to create a small network that will remain in contact after the course finishes. We will explore your life through the metaphor of a tree. The roots will be your own ‘roots’; the ground concentrates on where we are now; the trunk explores your strengths and values; the branches plan hopes and dreams; the leaves represent significant people in your life, and the fruit relates to special gifts that people have to offer.

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Within each of these areas, we will do exercises to draw out, share and record what we find. By the end of the day, people will have a drawn tree, the basis of a recovery plan. Date 18 Jan 2016 Mon

Venue Camden Mind

Time 10.00am – 3.30pm

Date 03 Mar 2016 Thu

Venue Olallo House

Time 10.00am – 3.30pm

Living with a mental health diagnosis Course Description One session (3 hours) Students will listen to experiences of diagnosis and complete a labels exercise. Individuals will talk about a time when they were assessed and share information with the group. The peer tutor and professional will talk about a time when they were assessed and their experiences of diagnosis. They will encourage others to speak about their experiences. Students will read about different diagnoses and complete exercises. They will learn that diagnosis is not a life sentence through listening, group work and discussion. Students will have opportunities to develop their stories and gain more hope for the future by participating in pair work, group work and class discussions. Date 13 Jan 2016 Wed

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Venue Elizabeth House

Time 10.00am – 1.00pm

Disclosing and managing mental health conditions at work Course Description One session (3 hours) Students will discuss work, and the advantages and disadvantages of working. They will also discuss their experiences of disclosure at work and other work related experiences. Students will learn techniques on how to address their needs at work and the support available. Through group work and pair work students will gain more confidence in their ability to achieve their goals and understand how important work can be for daily routine. This course inspires hope about work and offers information about work that gives them more control and opportunities. It signposts the ‘Coping with Stigma and Discrimination’ course.

Date 01 Mar 2016 Tue


Time 10.00am – 1.00pm

“It was a very comfortable environment, the PowerPoints and hand-outs were very useful and informative.”

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Understanding experiences of health conditions, treatments & systems Recovery from drug or alcohol use Course Description One session (2.5 hours) This introductory course is for anyone who wants to know about drug and alcohol use. It can be either because they want to know more for themselves or in relation to someone else – perhaps a partner, family member or friend. The course will use personal recovery stories, group discussion, video and PowerPoint to discuss the different substances available, including the newer “legal highs”, alcohol, opiates and stimulants, how drinking and drug-use affect emotional and physical well-being and how it can impact on day-to-day life, managing problems or accomplishing goals. The course will emphasise the importance of individual choice in drug and alcohol use, whilst discussing the role of responsibility. The course will then focus on the steps people can take to regain control of their lives from drug and alcohol use by tapping into their own resources and resilience, by using peer support and by knowing at what point they might want to access professional help. Date 24 Feb 2016 Wed

Venue Camden Mind

Time 1.30pm – 4.00pm

Date 02 Mar 2016 Wed

Venue Camden Mind

Time 1.30pm – 4.00pm

Ways of understanding and relating to the experience of psychosis Course Description 4 Week (2.5 hours each session) The experience of ‘psychosis’ is surprisingly more common than you think. But what does ‘psychosis’ mean and how do you live with and perhaps beyond it? This four week introductory course aims to address this question by presenting balanced responses from different approaches. Students have the opportunity to compare and contrast how the origins of ‘psychosis’ can be understood from different perspectives.

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Further to these understandings, students will explore other helpful ways of living with these experiences and moving forward. In each case real life recovery stories are used to demonstrate how different people live with their challenging experiences, but also move beyond their challenges. Ways of understanding and relating to the experience of psychosis (session 1) Date 01 Mar 2016 Tue

Venue Camden Mind

Time 1.00pm – 3.30pm

Ways of understanding and relating to the experience of psychosis (session 2) Date 08 Mar 2016 Tue

Venue Camden Mind

Time 1.00pm – 3.30pm

Ways of understanding and relating to the experience of psychosis (session 3) Date 15 Mar 2016 Tue

Venue Camden Mind

Time 1.00pm – 3.30pm

Ways of understanding and relating to the experience of psychosis (session 4) Date 22 Mar 2016 Tue

Venue Camden Mind

Time 1.00pm – 3.30pm

Understanding mental health tribunals Course Description One session (3 hours) This course will explain the background of mental health tribunals, the roles of the panel and what it feels like to be faced with it, through a tutor sharing their personal experience. It will provide different perspectives, from both professional and peer tutor points of view of what it is to be part of a tribunal, or to consider one. The course will empower participants and their carers, family or friends to take control of what can often be an intimidating experience. Having knowledge leads to greater control. The course also introduces guidance to reporting and why it is necessary to ensure participants are listened to. We will look at the possibilities and guidance for people who might be facing tribunals and offer advice and help to support them. Date 20 Jan 2016 Wed

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Venue Elizabeth House

Time 1.00pm – 4.00pm

Hoarding Course Description One session (6 hours) Hoarding affects many people but for some it can become a problem that makes it difficult for them to live their lives effectively. Excessive storing and collecting of things can severely reduce living space and negatively impact on relationships with others. This course will look at the causes of hoarding and examine how to deal with it. This course is for anybody who is interested in finding out more about hoarding. You may be directly affected by it personally, professionally or as a relative, carer or friend. All are welcome. Aims of course: • To help you identify hoarding disorder • To understanding how hoarding affects people • To learn how to support someone suffering from hoarding disorder Date 25 Jan 2016 Mon

Venue Isledon Road

Time 10.00am – 4.00pm

Date 24 Mar 2016 Mon

Venue Elizabeth House

Time 10.00am – 4.00pm

Understanding anxiety Course Description One Session (2.5 hours) It’s human to feel anxious at times. This workshop is an introduction to understanding anxiety. We will work together to consider what causes us to feel anxious, how we feel when we are in a state of anxiety and how we might live with these experiences. This workshop aims to encourage student to see that anxiety is something everybody experiences at times. It will Provide the opportunity to share experiences, gain informational support and suggest ways of living with the experience. Date 06 Jan 2016 Wed

Venue Islington Mind

Time 1.30pm – 4.00pm

Date 10 Mar 2016 Thu

Venue Elizabeth House

Time 10.30am – 1.00pm


Coping with anxiety Course Description Four week course (3 hours each session) Anxiety is a normal part of everyday life but it becomes a problem when it is frequent, overwhelming and stops us doing the things we’d like to be able to do. We can develop the skills to manage our anxiety by learning and practising different coping techniques. In this course we will explore together what makes us anxious and why. We will look at a variety of different tools we can use to help us manage our anxiety and support each other in developing our own coping strategies to use in our day to day lives. This will be an interactive course with a mixture of discussion, activities and sharing. Some of the topics we will explore together include breaking the cycle of anxiety, having selfcompassion, dealing with uncertainty and continuing on our recovery journeys.

Coping with Anxiety (session 1) Date 26 Feb 2016 Fri

Venue Elizabeth House

Time 10.30pm – 1.00pm

Coping with Anxiety (session 2) Date 04 Mar 2016 Fri

Venue Elizabeth House

Time 10.30pm – 1.00pm

Coping with Anxiety (session 3) Date 11 Mar 2016 Fri

Venue Elizabeth House

Time 10.30pm – 1.00pm

Coping with Anxiety (session 4) Date 18 Mar 2016 Fri


Venue Elizabeth House

Time 10.30pm – 1.00pm

Exploring depression Course Description One session (3.5 hours) Exploring Depression is a short course to help students navigate their own experience of depression. The course will begin by looking at a range of ways of understanding where depression can come from, and use pictures to find ways to describe the experience. Students will learn about common feelings and thinking patterns that people with depression experience, and be able to share these experiences with each other, as well as tutors. The final section of the course will look at the ways in which well-known people – from Winston Churchill to Lady Gaga – have dealt with their own depression. We will go on to look at ways to find our own purpose and meaning in life, to bring hope and meaning to life, and reasons for looking forward to the future. Date 26 Feb 2016 Fri

Venue Mary ward legal centre, Turnstile

Time 1.00pm – 4.30pm

“Information from other students was very helpful.”



Physical health and well-being

Getting a good night’s sleep Course Description One Session (3 hours) The course is designed to help people who are currently experiencing difficulty sleeping. Sleep is essential to our general health and wellbeing. Lack of “refreshing” sleep can lead to difficulties coping with daily life. Students will be given tips and advice to help them have “a good night’s sleep.” This half day workshop establishes tips for ‘habitual sleep hygiene’ tools and allows students to exchange what has helped them to improve the quality and quantity of their sleep in accordance with their own need. Date 01 Feb 2016 Mon

Venue Camden Mind

Date 04 Mar 2016 Fri

Venue Whittington Health Library

Time 10.00am –1.00pm Time 1.30pm –4.30pm

Introduction to diet and exercise Course Description One session (2 hours) This course is designed to provide a new starting point for those who wish to make small changes to improve their lifestyle and general wellbeing. Key topics include diet, exercise and goal setting with a core focus on creating individualised plans based around hobbies, interests and abilities. The course will be delivered as a workshop involving small group work and discussions. There will also be practical tips and advice on how to make changes through planning and goal setting. This workshop can help empower our students to have more control over their lifestyle choices. Students are encouraged to share their personal experiences on diet and exercise choices. There will be some food tasting during the course so any intolerances or allergies should be mentioned when enrolling on the course. There will be some outdoor physical activity (walking) so attendees are encouraged to wear comfortable shoes and to bring an outdoor coat.


The course is open to anyone who wishes to improve their physical and mental wellbeing through a healthier lifestyle, simple planning and goal setting. The course aims to equip attendees with the tools to establish a routine and better understand your habits and interests, which will then be incorporated into a plan. Date 09 Feb 2016 Tue

Venue Conference Hall, St Pancras Hosp Time 10.30am – 1.00pm

Introduction to mindfulness Course Description One Session (2 hours) In this busy world where it is common to spend a lot of time worrying about the future and dwelling on the past, developing the skill of mindfulness can help us to reconnect with ourselves. John Kabat-Zinn describes mindfulness as “paying attention on purpose, moment by moment, without judging”. Mindfulness has been shown to help us cope with feelings of anxiety, stress and depression. This gentle introductory course aims to create a warm and welcoming environment where we will practice the skill of focusing on the present moment in a range of exercises including using our senses, movement and breathing. Everyone is encouraged to share their experiences with the group and there will be discussion about how we can incorporate the skill of mindfulness in our lives. Date 04 Jan 2016 Mon

Venue Islington Central Library

Time 2.00pm – 4.00pm

Date 10 Feb 2016 Wed

Venue Islington Central Library

Time 11.00am – 1.00pm

Date 23 Mar 2016 Mon

Venue Islington Central Library

Time 2.30pm – 4.30pm


Being kind to yourself Course Description One Session (3 hours) This course will explore what being kind to yourself means to you and how selfacceptance can help us on our recovery journey through a mixture of discussion, role play and practical techniques. Self-kindness is taking all those actions, all those reactions and applying them to yourself just as readily as you offer them to others. Date 03 Mar 2016 Thu


Time 1.00pm – 4.00pm

Women’s Health (women only) Course Description One Session (3 hours) This course will explore women health issues in safe environment. It will introduce common women health issues and how we can better manage them. We will gain an awareness of what health checks are available and what they involve. Importantly we will explore ways to actively look after our health. This course is open to women only and will be co-delivered by women tutors. Date 25 Feb 2016 Thu


Venue Mary Ward Centre, Queen Square Time 10.00am – 1.00pm

Building self-confidence

Assertiveness for all Course Description 6 Week Course (2.5 hours each session) Assertiveness is based on balance and it is a way of communication which presents individual’s needs while considering the rights of others. Some people are naturally more assertive than others, but everyone can work on the assertiveness skills and develop them. There are a variety of ways to communicate assertively. Assertiveness can be learned and developed, so we can become more confident in expressing our needs. The course will help you understand how to become more assertive using techniques which can then be used in all necessary situations. Assertiveness skills can be applied both in your personal life and in a professional context. By the end of this course all participants should be able to: Session 1: Know what assertiveness is (passive, aggressive; passive-aggressive communication and behaviour and body language) Date 05 Jan 2016 Tue

Venue Margarete Centre

Time 1.30pm – 4.00pm

Date 07 Jan 2016 Thu

Venue Manor Gardens

Time 10.00am – 12.30pm

Session 2: Understand the rights and responsibilities of an assertive person and build self-confidence Date 12 Jan 2016 Tue

Venue Margarete Centre

Time 1.30pm – 4.00pm

Date 14 Jan 2016 Thu

Venue Manor Gardens

Time 10.00am – 12.30pm

Session 3: Use effective communication Skills (active listening, using appropriate non-verbal communications and using appropriate voice and tone) Date 19 Jan 2016 Tue

Venue Margarete Centre

Time 1.30pm – 4.00pm

Date 21 Jan 2016 Thu

Venue Manor Gardens

Time 10.00am – 12.30pm

Session 4: Minimisie conflict and problem solving (giving and receiving feedback, negotiating and Saying No) Date 26 Jan 2016 Tue

Venue Margarete Centre

Time 1.30pm – 4.00pm

Date 28 Jan 2016 Thu

Venue Manor Gardens

Time 10.00am – 12.30pm


Session 5: Use assertive communication strategies and boundaries Date 02 Feb 2016 Tue

Venue Margarete Centre

Time 1.30pm – 4.00pm

Date 04 Feb 2016 Thu

Venue Manor Gardens

Time 10.00am – 12.30pm

Session 6: Explore barriers to assertive behaviour and stress issues related to it Date 09 Feb 2016 Tue

Venue Margarete Centre

Time 1.30pm – 4.00pm

Date 11 Feb 2016 Thu

Venue Manor Gardens

Time 10.00am – 12.30pm

Storytelling & narratives Course Description One Session (3 hours) The aim of the course is to inspire people to tell their story in a way that supports their recovery. Students will explore different narratives to help them with their recovery journey. There is a small amount of writing and creative work. Most of the workshop will include talking about different experiences and how they influence our lives. Date 25 Feb 2016 Thu

Venue Manor Gardens

Time 1.00pm – 4.00pm

Date 17 Mar 2016 Thu

Venue Elizabeth House

Time 10.00am – 1.00pm


Being involved Course Description One Session (3 hours) The course will look at what Service User involvement is and will explore opportunities and barriers to service user involvement. It will include looking at different levels of service user involvement. There will be information on what opportunities are available across the boroughs of Camden and Islington. Hope will be promoted by learning how to contribute to the decisions being made about you. There is an aim to build confidence by using the skills you have learnt and by sharing experiences with others. Students will build on their life skills by learning how to input at meetings. The course will use PowerPoint, group discussions and service user stories and give information and tips on how to get more involved. Date 08 Mar 2016 Tue

Venue Islington Mind

Time 10.00am – 1.00pm

Men and masculinity Course Description 4 week course (2.5 hours each session) Being a man has its advantages. But it can also come with many challenges. Society often asks men to be strong, healthy, independent, not emotional, muscle bound and great in bed too! This is unrealistic, and for many men it can be a real challenge. It is possible to be a man without having to live up to all those expectations. There are men who live up to the adjectives we aspire to ("good", "strong") who are also able to cry, show emotion, and ask for help. This course is a space to understand what your masculinity means to you. We won’t work towards any one version of being a man as we’re all different, and have to find our own way. But we will look at different models of being a man, and work towards building our own positive and healthy ones.


Please note that this is a men only course, as we feel that these are an important first step in exploring these issues. We would of course encourage students to take this learning out of the course into relationships with men and women. Men and masculinity (session 1) Date 22 Feb 2016 Mon

Venue Camden Mind

Time 1.30pm – 4.00pm

Men and masculinity (session 2) Date 29 Feb 2016 Mon

Venue Camden Mind

Time 1.30pm – 4.00pm

Men and masculinity (session 3) Date 07 Mar 2016 Mon

Venue Camden Mind

Time 1.30pm – 4.00pm

Venue Camden Mind

Time 1.30pm – 4.00pm

Men and masculinity (session 4) Date 14 Mar 2016 Mon

Building healthy relationships Course Description 6 week course (2.5 hours each session) Healthy relationships are essential to a happy and stable life. The people close to us make the hard times more manageable, and the good times more meaningful. Many of us go through times in our lives when we don’t have the types of relationships we’d really like. Maybe our existing relationships aren’t working as well as they could. Or maybe we want to meet someone special but don’t seem to be able to. Throughout the “Building Healthy Relationships” course, we will explore different aspects of the way we relate to each other through presentations, discussion and exercise. We will also give you different ideas and techniques for meeting new people and building healthy relationships. We will provide space to examine the feelings, thoughts and external circumstances that affect your current relationships, and explore ways to move forward in the direction that you choose. We will also look at ways of keeping safe and learning to get the most out of relationships. 1. 2.


What is a healthy relationship? What we bring to our relationships

3. Communication 4. Finding and building new relationships 5. Endings and new beginnings 6. Course summary Building healthy relationships (session 1) Date 08 Jan 2016 Fri

Venue Isledon Road

Date 24 Feb 2016 Wed

Venue Islington Central Library

Time 1.30pm – 4.00pm Time 10.00am – 1.30pm

Building healthy relationships (session 2) Date 15 Jan 2016 Fri

Venue Isledon Road

Date 02 Mar 2016 Wed

Venue Islington Central Library

Time 1.30pm – 4.00pm Time 10.00am – 1.30pm

Building healthy relationships (session 3) Date 22 Jan 2016 Fri

Venue Isledon Road

Date 09 Mar 2016 Wed

Venue Islington Central Library

Time 1.30pm – 4.00pm Time 10.00am – 1.30pm

Building healthy relationships (session 4) Date 29 Jan 2016 Fri

Venue Isledon Road

Date 16 Mar 2016 Wed

Venue Islington Central Library

Time 1.30pm – 4.00pm Time 10.00am – 1.30pm

Building healthy relationships (session 5) Date 05 Feb 2016 Fri

V enue Isledon Road

Date 23 Mar 2016 Wed

Venue Islington Central Library

Time 1.30pm – 4.00pm Time 10.00am – 1.30pm

Building healthy relationships (session 6) Date 12 Feb 2016 Fri

Venue Isledon Road

Time 1.30pm – 4.00pm

Note: Please note that we provide 6 sessions of our ‘Building healthy relationships’ course at the Isledon Road venue, and our second course at Islington Central Library is at present 5 sessions.


“Valuable sharing of personal experiences including that of tutor.”

“Both tutors were wonderful, offering sympathetic advice. Well prepared.”


Returning to work and study

Confident to work Course Description 4 Week course (2.5 hour each sessions) This introductory course is to inspire hope and offer practical skills to support you to gain paid work. Over four weeks it covers moving into work with confidence, effective job search, winning with CVs and application forms and how to shine at interviews. It also includes specific support around pros and cons and methods of disclosure and coping strategies for managing mental health issues when applying for a job. Confident to Work (session 1) Date 05 Jan 2016 Tue


Time 10.30am – 1.00pm

Confident to Work (session 2) Date 12 Jan 2016 Tue


Time 10.30am – 1.00pm

Confident to Work (session 3) Date 19 Jan 2016 Tue


Time 10.30am – 1.00pm

Confident to Work (session 4) Date 26 Jan 2016 Tue


Time 10.30am – 1.00pm

Money matters Course Description 1 Day Course (5hours) This course is an introduction to managing your money better. We will look at practical budgeting tips and aids for day to day life. Student will be introduced to community services for debt advice and how to access them. After attending the course, you will be able to build a personal budget and learn to prioritise your spending to make the best use of your money. Date 02 Feb 2016 Tue

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Venue Elizabeth House

Time 11.00am – 4.00pm

Money goal getting Course Description One session (3 hours) How many times have you heard people say “where has all my money gone?” when they want to get something they want or need. With a little organisation and resourcefulness, it is possible to live the lifestyle you want, and take charge of your finances. This transformational half day workshop, developed with Fit Money and Islington CAB, will help you identify your financial goals and develop a plan for reaching them through group discussions and fun activities. Who is this Course for? This course is for anyone who wants to develop a strategy for achieving financial goals leading to increased financial fitness and reduced stress and anxiety over money matters. Date 23 Feb 2016 Tue

Venue Manor Gardens

Time 10.00am – 1.00pm

Motivational interviewing Course Description One session (3 hours) (In partnership with Mental Health working) Motivational Interviewing is a person-centred technique that will enable you to identify your resistance to change and create strategies to strengthen your personal motivation for and commitment to a specific goal. This introductory course will explore theoretical and practical approaches to help you move away from the blocks that hold you back towards a motivated and positive outcome. Date 22 Mar 2016 Tue



Time 10.00am – 1.00pm

Co-production and train the tutor Course Description 3 Day Course (6 hours each session) To gain entry to this course, you will need to meet with the Recovery College manager for an interview first. This course is designed to provide mandatory knowledge and skills for people wanting to be involved and work as part of the Recovery College. It equips you with training development and delivery in the light of co-production, co-delivery/ facilitation and co-learning. It is a three day course divided into three parts. On day one, we will explore what the co-production definition means and discuss the Recovery college ethos and values. Day two aims to develop the skills, knowledge and abilities that are required to be an effective tutor, making sure that Recovery College courses are interactive and empowering On day three participants will deliver a co-produced 15 minute presentation in pairs and share the feedback with the group. The knowledge and practical skills gained on the course will be assessed by an observation of the participants’ delivered session, on which they will receive formal feedback. Passing the course will help you in your day-to-day role as volunteer, tutor and peer learning support worker at the college..

Co-production and train the tutor Please contact us or ask at the reception for more information and accessibility on our Co-production and Train the tutor development.

39 39


Term dates & opening times

Please enrol early as we operate a first come, first enrolled policy. Spring term 2016: Monday 4th January - Thursday 24th March Half Term: Monday 15th February to Friday 19th February • Open days this term: • Monday 15 February 2016 • Monday 4 April 2016 Our open days are always held on the first Monday in the half term break. Opening times : Day


Opening Hours

Closed for Lunch

10am – 4pm

1pm – 1.30pm

10am – 4pm

1pm – 1.30pm


10am – 4pm

1pm – 1.30pm


10am – 4pm

1pm – 1.30pm


10am – 4pm

1pm – 1.30pm


The Library is open Mondays, Tuesdays, Thursdays and Fridays at the above times.


Course calendar overview Introduction to recovery

Understanding experiences of health conditions, treatments & systems

Physical health a

Spring 2016 C


4 Introduction to mindfulness 2 – 4pm Islington Central Library


5 Confident to work (session 1) 10:30 – 1pm REMPLOY


6 Understanding anxiety 1:30 – 4pm Islington Mind

Assertiveness for All (session 1) 1:30 – 4pm Margarete Centre 11

12 Confident to work (session 2) 10:30 – 1pm REMPLOY Assertiveness for All (session 2) 1:30 – 4pm Margarete Centre

18 Tree of life 10 – 3:30pm Camden Mind

19 Confident to work (session 3) 10:30 – 1pm REMPLOY Assertiveness for All (session 3) 1:30 – 4pm Margarete Centre

25 Hoarding 10-4pm Isledon Road

26 Confident to work (session 4) 10:30 – 1pm REMPLOY Assertiveness for All (session 4) 1:30 – 4pm Margarete Centre


13 Living with a mental health diagnosis 10 – 1pm Elizabeth House

20 Understanding mental heal tribunals 1 – 4pm Elizabeth House

27 Introduction to recovery 10 – 3:30pm Elizabeth House

and well-being

Building self-confidence

Returning to work and study


RY 2016




7 Assertiveness for all (session 1) 10 – 12.30pm Manor Gardens Surviving abuse (session 1) 2 – 4:30pm Mary Ward Centre Queen Square 14 Assertiveness for all (session 2) 10 – 12.30pm Manor Gardens Surviving abuse (session 2) 2 – 4:30pm Mary Ward Centre Queen Square 21 Assertiveness for all (session 3) 10 – 12.30pm Manor Gardens Surviving abuse (session 3) 2 – 4:30pm Mary Ward Centre Queen Square 28 Assertiveness for all (session 4) 10 – 12.30pm Manor Gardens Surviving abuse (session 4) 2 – 4:30pm Mary Ward Centre Queen Square






2 Closed

3 Closed

8 Building Healthy Relationships (session 1) 1:30 – 4pm Isledon Road



15 Building Healthy Relationships (session 2) 1:30 – 4pm Isledon Road



22 Building Healthy Relationships (session 3) 1:30 – 4pm Isledon Road



29 Building Healthy Relationships (session 4) 1:30 – 4pm Isledon Road



Course calendar overview Introduction to recovery

Understanding experiences of health conditions, treatments & systems

Physical health a

Spring 2016 C


1 Getting a good night’s sleep 10 – 1pm Camden Mind


2 Money matters 11 – 4pm Elizabeth House


3 Coping with stigma and discrimination 11 – 4pm Elizabeth House

Assertiveness for All (session 5) 1:30 – 4pm Margarete Centre 8 Introduction to recovery 10-3.30pm Islington Central Library

9 Introduction to diet and exercise 10:30 – 1pm Conference Hall, St Pancras Hospital

10 Introduction to mindfulness 11 – 1pm Islington Central Library

Assertiveness for All (session 6) 1:30 – 4pm Margarete Centre 15 Half term

16 Half term

17 Half term

22 Men and masculinity (session 1) 1:30 – 4pm Camden Mind

23 Money goal getting 10 – 1pm Manor Gardens

24 Building healthy relationshi (session 1) 10 – 1:30pm Islington Central Library

Recovery from drug or alcoh use 1:30 – 4pm Camden Mind 29 Men and Masculinity (session 2) 1:30 – 4pm Camden Mind


and well-being

Building self-confidence

Returning to work and study


ARY 2016





4 Assertiveness for all (session 5) 10 – 12.30pm Manor Gardens




5 Building Healthy Relationships (session 5) 1:30 – 4pm Isledon Road



11 Assertiveness for all (session 6) 10 – 12.30pm Manor Gardens

12 Building Healthy Relationships (session 6) 1:30 – 4pm Isledon Road



18 Half term

19 Half term



25 Women’s health (women only) 10 – 1pm Mary Ward Centre Queen Square

26 Coping with Anxiety (session 1) 10:30 – 1pm Elizabeth House



Surviving abuse (session 5) 2 – 4:30pm Mary Ward Centre Queen Square

Storytelling and narrative 1 – 4pm Manor Gardens


Exploring depression 1 – 4:30pm Mary ward legal centre Turnstile

Course calendar overview Introduction to recovery

Understanding experiences of health conditions, treatments & systems

Physical health a

Spring 2016 C


7 Men and masculinity (session 3) 1:30 – 4pm Camden Mind



1 Disclosing and managing mental health conditions at Work 10 – 1pm ISATS

2 Building healthy relationship (session 2) 10 – 1:30pm Islington Central Library

Ways of understanding and relating to the experience of psychosis (session 1) 1 – 3:30pm Camden Mind

Recovery from drug or alcoho use 1:30 – 4pm Camden Mind

8 Being involved 10 – 1pm Islington Mind

9 Building healthy relationship (session 3) 10 – 1:30pm Islington Central Library

Ways of understanding and relating to the experience of psychosis (session 2) 1 – 3:30pm Camden Mind 14 Men and masculinity (session 4) 1:30 – 4pm Camden Mind

15 Ways of understanding and relating to the experience of psychosis (session 3) 1 – 3:30pm Camden Mind

16 Building healthy relationship (session 4) 10 – 1:30pm Islington Central Library

21 Coping with stigma and discrimination 11 – 4pm Islington Central Library

22 Motivational interviewing 10 – 1pm REMPLOY

23 Building healthy relationship (session 5) 10 – 1:30pm Islington Central Library

Ways of understanding and relating to the experience of psychosis (session 4) 1 – 3:30pm Camden Mind 28 Easter break


29 Easter break

Introduction to mindfulness 2.30pm – 4.30pm Islington Central Library 30 Easter break

and well-being

Building self-confidence

Returning to work and study


H 2016








3 Tree of life 10 – 3:30pm Olallo House

4 Coping with anxiety (session 2) 10:30 – 1pm Elizabeth House

Being kind to yourself 1 – 4pm ISATS

Getting a good night’s sleep 1:30 – 4:30pm Whittington Health Library

10 Understanding anxiety 10:30 – 1pm Elizabeth House





11 Coping with anxiety (session 3) 10:30 – 1pm Elizabeth House



17 Storytelling and narrative 10 – 1pm Elizabeth House

18 Coping with anxiety (session 4) 10:30 – 1pm Elizabeth House



24 Hoarding 10 – 4pm Elizabeth House

25 Easter break/Good Friday



31 Easter break


How to find us

Recovery College, 4 St Pancras Way (corner Granary Street) London NW1 0PE

Telephone: 02033176904 Our facilities: Our reception area where you can enquire about courses and enrol, and use one of the five student computers to access the internet. A Recovery Library with over 400 books on recovery, health, mental health and wellbeing. A meeting and training room where you can meet with our tutors to have a chat, co-produce materials, and create your Individual Learning Plan.


Getting here: By Bus: Route 46 Route 214 By Tube: Mornington Crescent (Bus or 10 min walk) King’s Cross St Pancras (Bus or 15 min walk) By Train: King’s Cross St Pancras (Bus or 15 min walk) Camden Road Overground (Bus or 15 min walk)


Our venues

Our venues in Camden Whittington Health Library

Mary Ward Centre

Highgate Wing, Dartmouth Park Hill London N19 5JG

42 Queen Square London WC1N 3AQ

Camden Mind

Mary Ward Legal Centre

Barnes House 9-15 Camden Road London NW1 9LQ

10 Great Turnstile London WC1V 7JU

The Well

Islington Specialist Alcohol Treatment Service (ISATS)

St Pancras Hospital 4 St. Pancras Way London NW1 0PE

309 Gray’s Inn Road King’s Cross London WC1X 8QS

Conference Hall, St Pancras Hospital

Margarete Centre

St Pancras Hospital 4 St. Pancras Way London NW1 0PE

108 Hampstead Road London NW1 2LS

Working Men’s College

Olallo House

44 Crowndale Road London NW1 1TR

2 Grafton Place London NW1 1DT

Our venues in Islington Islington Central Library

Elizabeth House

2 Fieldway Crescent, London N5 1PF

2 Hurlock Street London N5 1ED

Isledon Road Resource Centre

Islington Mind

76-80 Isledon Road London N7 7LB United Kingdom

48 Despard Rd London N19 5NW



Our mission statement: We believe recovery is possible and very much a journey of one’s own self-discovery and strengths. We are all students of life, each moving forward and gaining knowledge in a meaningful way. Recovery is a personal sense of achievement, which opens the door to new life opportunities and hope!

Recovery College 4 St Pancras Way (corner Granary Street) London NW1 0PE Telephone: 020 3317 6904 Email: Web:

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