22 September 2022

Page 8


04 ON THE WombatCOVERRescue 22 SweetsTASTE from Persia 37 SPECIAL COTAFEATURESilver is Gold Expo 48 SPECIAL SeniorFEATURELiving Regulars 04 General news 06 Fit the bill 18 Sport 20 Have you heard? 21 Social scene 22 Taste 24 Time out 30 Winners 32 The look 53 Home 55 Real estate 80 Puzzles 81 Stars 82 Trades & services WIN 86 The Wizard’s Den X Explore Hidden tickets 86 Dulux paint & jelly beans 86 Karma’s World prize pack 86 Nicola Marsh Harlequin novels

In this week’s edition, flip to page 37 for our special advertising feature on COTA ACT’s upcoming Silver is Gold Veterans and Seniors Expo at Exhibition Park in Canberra on Wednesday 28 September. It’s going to be EPIC! The theme of this year’s Expo is ‘Sparking Connection’ – and in that spirit, visitors will not only be able to explore more than 200 exhibitors, you’ll also be able to meet my colleague Samantha and me at the Canberra Weekly stall. I’ll be there between 10am and 12 noon, while Sam will be there until 3.30pm. Stop by and say hello and you can go into the draw to win some fun prizes. Our photographer, Kerrie, will also visit the Expo to take social photos, so be sure to flash your warmest smile.

on the cover

From the editor

Reasons to be grateful this past week include sharing with friends the Canberra Symphony’s War and Peace concert presented by Canberra Weekly, opening night of Opera Australia’s The Barber of Seville, Tammy’s gift of a gorgeous Monstera, spring cleaning, keeping my steps up for STEPtember, and a quiet weekend. Take care,

While in my 60s and silver haired, I’ve not yet entered those “golden years” of retirement like many of my cohort. However, I’ll be checking out some of the other exhibitors to discover what opportunities and threats, strengths and weaknesses lie ahead. See you there!

contents thursday 22 september 2022 Published by Newstime Media Pty Ltd (ACN 124 830 155). All content © 2016 Newstime Media Pty Ltd, all rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced in whole or part without prior written permission. All material sent to Canberra Weekly Magazine (whether solicited or not) will not be returned. Unless otherwise agreed beforehand, all rights including copyright in such material is assigned to Newstime Media upon receipt and Newstime Media may use or sell such material in perpetuity without further consent or payment. All prices and information are correct at time of printing. For full terms and conditions of competitions contact Canberra Weekly Magazine on 6175 8800. Get your daily news at canberraweekly.com.au @ Editor Julie Foundernews@canberraweekly.com.auSamaras&PublisherNickSamaras Canberra Weekly is a member of the Australian Press Council and abides by its guidelines and policies. Complaints about editorial matter should be emailed to editor@canberraweekly.com.au Suite 11, 285 Canberra Avenue,Fyshwick ACT 2609 Editorial & Advertising Enquiries T 02 6175 www.canberraweekly.com.au8800ISSN: 2652-9297 86 22 5353 2 canberraweekly.com.au

One of the wombats rescued by Canberra woman, Yolandi Vermaak, who runs Wombat Rescue NSW/ACT Inc from her home in Nicholls. Photo by Kerrie Brewer. See cover story, page 4.

mange. The scabies-like disease is highly contagious and can kill wombats by the thousands. It has a 100 per cent mortality rate in wombats, eventually causing them to develop a thick crust, go blind, deaf, and succumbing to organ failure.

4 canberraweekly.com.au

She volunteered at a sanctuary for a while before becoming interested in branching out after seeing countless joeys orphaned when their mums were hit by cars. Yolandi was also tired of doing the thankless jobs and was eager to be out helping with road rescues.

Not long after hitting the road, she became aware of a much larger issue impacting wombats,

“These guys are old enough to leave their mothers, so I don’t play the mother role with them. I feed them obviously, but I don’t play as much and before release they’ll be going to a soft release enclosure.”Thesoft enclosure is a halfway home for wombats on the mend, located on a friend’s farm

“It’s really cruel to leave them like that and I know there are landowners who don’t like them. My plea is euthanise them if you don’t want to treat them or let us treat them, but don’t leave them.”

To find more about The Wombat Rescue, visit wombatrescue.com.au Read an extended version at canberraweekly.com.au-JessicaCordwell

Yolandi Vermaak runs The Wombat Rescue from her home in Nicholls. Photo: Kerrie Brewer.

The Wombat Rescue has around 80 volunteers registered, around 12 of whom are continuously active. They are working with the ACT Government, which, for the first time, has agreed to have a collaborative working group tackle mange. Yolandi’s group map all the burrows across the ACT before implementing a mange treatment program.

For the wombats they can’t treat directly on skin, homemade flaps made from ice-cream and vegemite lids are installed on burrow entries, so the medicine spills on each animal’s back. The burrows are treated once a week for a period of months. As wombats will destroy anything blocking the burrow entry, the method of delivery had to be cheap and easy to replace.

In the backyard of a home in northern Canberra hides a small but mighty sanctuary, The Wombat Rescue. Founded by Yolandi Vermaak with operations running from her house in Nicholls, she and her volunteers are dedicated to helping the local wombat population.


Oncesite.atthe release site, which has been vetted by Yolandi or one of the volunteers, the soft release enclosure will be set up again. The gates will be opened after some time, allowing the wombats to explore their new home while still being able to retreat to the comfort of the pen. Eventually, the wombat grows more confident and no longer feels the need to return.

One woman on a mission to save local wombats

away from any humans or traffic. A roughly 50sqm enclosure is set up for them to get used to the idea of being back in the wild. The animals will spend a couple of weeks here before being moved to their release

The impact wombats have on the land is a highly contentious issue. The Wombat Rescue believes they are good for the land as they aerate the soil, while there is a sentiment among some landowners that they cause too much damage. Yolandi says the hate the animals get from farmers is extreme; some shoot them, hunt them down with their cars, poison them, and collapse their burrows.“Weare trying to prevent it. It’s pretty rough in some rural communities out there for wombats; they don’t have an easy life.”

Restricted by the size of her backyard, Yolandi is only able to care for two wombats at a time while they recuperate. When CW visited The Wombat Rescue, there were two female wombats that had come to her near death, Jemma and Raye.

Originally from South Africa, Yolandi and her family moved to Australia in 2013, settling in Canberra. It was during a trip to the zoo at Batemans Bay, she first met a baby wombat and instantly fell in love. Yolandi’s husband was diagnosed with leukemia before passing away in 2015; while dealing with the grief, she knew she needed to keep busy and remembered the baby wombat.“Hedid say you need to follow your passion and do whatever you need to make you happy. He paved that for me in that way. I’m thankful for that,” Yolandi says.

As cute as the animals may be, Yolandi is adamant about keeping them as wild as possible, which can be tricky when they are spending time in suburbia getting accustomed to the sounds of cars, dogs, and people. Yolandi tries to reduce the amount of time she spends with them.

The medicine starts to work quickly but providing 16 doses takes a lot of time and money. Yolandi pays for it herself; the medicine costs $1,100 for 15 litres, which works out to be $35 per wombat.Forthe animals they can treat directly, they use a treatment traditionally used for dogs that has been improved to be effective on wombats. More effective with only two or three treatments needed, the cost is more significant. One dose of the newer medication is $70, which increases the cost from $35 to $210 per wombat. There are at least 25 wombats needing treatment.

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So, he went to see his local member, Greens government backbencher Jo Clay, who, he said, effectively washed her hands of it. Helpful hint Jo, as a government backbencher you can lobby your ministerial colleagues to change a bad

Several months ago, long-time Hawker resident, unsuccessful Belco Party candidate for the October 2020 ACT election and vocal champion of the push to save the recycling centre at the West Belconnen tip, Alan Tutt was a happy man.

This reversal therefore beggars belief. Can’t this current government get even the most simple things right?

Jo Clay let slip there were five potential sites (the one cancelled by Mick Gentleman seemed really good, just a kilometre down the road from the old one and in a dedicated semi-industrial area devoted to sustainable development and recycling).

ACT government reneges on West Belconnen recycling tip

decision (my old mate former liberal speaker Greg Cornwall did it all the time). Indeed, as thousands of people signed Alan’s petition and a later Liberal Party one, it’s painfully obvious the people of Belconnen and parts of Gungahlin desperately need this tip. It saves a 50km round trip to the Mugga tip and recycling centre.

Many of these problems can be fixed by a redirection of money to the police and health, and to Access Canberra to fix such things as potholes. But, as my old colleague Jon Stanhope has pointed out on numerous occasions, all available funds keep getting diverted into Stage 2 of the tram.

Last week, I almost wrecked my driver’s side wheel driving into a big pothole on Belconnen Way. There are potholes all over Canberra and, rather than fix the problem, the local government seems more comfortable compensating people for damage done to their cars. We have had two children die at Canberra

Such actions are typical of a tired government that has been in power for over 20 years and believes, perhaps correctly, that they can do anything they like and still get elected. Wake up, Canberra!

Urban Services Minister Chris Steele had just announced that a new garden waste recycling facility would be built at Parkwood, a light industrial area dedicated, amongst other things, to recycling materials of all kinds. Further, this facility would be up and running before the old recycling centre at the old tip closed as part of a massive new crossborder housing development. Imagine Alan’s disappointment to hear a few days ago that the Minister for Planning had gone back on his colleague’s announcement and cancelled the project on the new site.

hospital who should have been safe there, our police are understaffed and are crying out for our Greens AG Shane Rattenbury to at least have an independent inquiry into bail and sentencing in the ACT (there has been a 30 per cent increase in recent months in the number of criminals charged for committing offences whilst on bail).

Editor’s note: The opinions expressed in this column are those of the author and do not necessarily reflect those of Canberra Weekly

CHANGE TAKES COURAGE ANU Giving Day 2022 | 28 September Celebrate and support the work of ANU Scan this QR code to learn more about ANU Giving Day 2022. 6 canberraweekly.com.au

“Some people have lost hope because they’ve been in this cycle for many, many years. Homelessness and mental health issues can also be intergenerational.“Ifsomeonebelieves in you, it changes your brain. And then you start to trust people.

“I loved school. I stopped going because I was gang raped.

Since arriving as a displaced 17-year-old, Christine built the woman she is today in the ACT. She states that “people suffering with mental health and homelessness, we have to work so much harder than the average person who hasn’t had any of that.”

“If they’re supported properly, people can move mountains.”

A passion for Chan is accepting new patients at Ochre Medical Centre Kippax. Bookings can be made via ochrehealth.com.au or by calling the practice on 6259 7216.

She notes this action must coincide with an increase in housing options to get those struggling with mental health and homelessness off the street, which the government proved capable of duringNonelockdowns.ofthiscan be possible, Christine says, if the ACT government keeps the true state of homelessness here hidden.

Today, she advocates for more peer-led support in the homelessness sector.

“No one ever asked. I was committed to a juvenile care home and stayed there for nearly 18

“We have to, because if we have a record or a history, we’re looked upon differently.

NEWS Ochre Medical Centre Kippax 76-80 Hardwick Crescent, Holt

“I stopped going to school. My parents didn’t want me around because I was too hard to handle, but no one ever asked why I wasn’t going to school.

“I got lucky,” she says. “I was supported by some amazing women in the ACT.”

“I didn’t expect anything, I just moved forward without focusing on what had happened to me.”

months, then lived on the street.

“If you have a mental illness, you are more prone to becoming homeless because of societal misunderstandings … at the same time, a lot of mental illness stems fromNowpoverty.”aged51, Christine is an established member of the community services sector. However, almost 40 years ago, her own path towards homelessness began at just 12 years old, when her family moved to Mount Jordan, Queensland.Athernew school, she became the target of violent bullying.

- Anja de Rozario


Dr Ric Chan, the latest doctor to join Ochre Medical Centre Kippax, always has time for one last question. “Preventative medicine is often overlooked,” he says, “with GPs getting busier and GP consults getting shorter. But the doctor who was my mentor in Batemans Bay was very passionate about getting the full story from patients and focusing on other health issues that could be preventedand now that approach is second nature for me.”

Ex-homeless Canberran reflects on impact of mental health

With patients often focussed on a specific issue that needs to be fixed when they see their doctor, there is often not much time for preventative medicine. “But even if it’s just a single question at the end of a consult, like ‘do you smoke?’, ‘do you drink?’, or ‘have you done your bowel screen?’… it can be incredibly important for maintaining or improving the health of that individual.”

“I’ve had a number of good pickups - like a bowel screen that led to a colonoscopy that revealed a treatable cancer… that kind of Originallything.”from Malaysia, Dr Chan studied medicine in the UK before moving to Australia in 2016. Following six years in hospital medicine, he embarked on the path to becoming a GP in 2020, working on the South Coast of NSW. “I really enjoy being a GP,” he says. “It’s actually similar to emergency medicine. It’s not just one speciality, you see a real variety of patients and Whileconditions.”completing his GP Fellowship, Dr Chan also completed a certificate in skin cancer medicine and he

havewithThankfullyfull-onalsomonth-oldalifeAwaytocastquickwithcorridor,KippaxplastertimeskinminorAatnowpreventionrunsaweeklyskinclinictheOchreKippaxpractice.hands-ondoctor,heenjoysprocedureslikeremovingcancers.“Becauseofmyinemergency,Icanalsofracturesifthat’sneeded.ImagingisrightacrossthesoIcansendanypatientasuspectedfractureforaX-raythere,thenputonastraightawayandreferthemthefractureclinicforfollowup.”fromthepractice,DrChan’sisallaboutfamily:“I’vegottwo-year-oldandaneight-baby.Withmywifeworkingfull-time,it’sprettyforus,asyoucanimagine.wehavemymumhereusatthemoment,sowedoanextrapairofhands!” Dr

“On the streets, the people I associated with caused more trauma. I knew that I was going to either die or end up a severe drug user.“People often ask, how did you change your mind and just decide to go to a friend in Canberra? Well, exactly like that,” she says.

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Local doctor spotlight:

“There is not enough housing in the ACT, but just housing isn’t the answer,” says local homeless services provider, Christine Moore, who seeks to draw attention to the link between mental illness and livingForrough.Homelessness Week 2022 (1-7 August), the Mental Health Community Coalition spotlighted the rate in the ACT of people with an existing mental health issue seeking homelessness services, and revealed it’s above the national average.From her forefront position in the “underbelly” of the recently named happiest city in Australia, Christine describes “a lack of services, of workers, and of funding”.Within her case load alone, approximately 70 per cent of Canberrans seeking homelessness support services struggle with mental illness – two issues that she describes as going “hand in hand”.


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The government, he said, must increase workers’ pay.

“In return for this work, they earn as little as $47,500 per year. This is completely inadequate for the long hours and hard physical labour they do for our city.”

General service officers (GSOs) are among Canberra’s lowest paid workers, many on annual salaries of just $50,925, Zach Smith, secretary of the Construction, Forestry, Mining and Energy Union (CFMEU) ACT, stated.

An ACT Government spokesperson said: “The ACT Government is committed to reducing inequality in our community, and in our public service, by actively lifting up some of our lowest paidMrstaff.”Pettersson said he was “glad to see the government negotiating with these workers in good“It’sfaith”.time to give GSOs a fair go.”

The CFMEU argues that a restructure of classifications is needed, so the lowest-paid GSO workers will be paid at least $61,000.

live in the city they keep clean and functional for everyone else. When GSOs stop work for a couple of hours, most of us don’t notice. But if they were to stop work for a couple of weeks, our city would be a catastrophic mess.

Call for higher wages for ACT’s lowest-paid workers

“These are the men and women you see working on the side of the road in the middle of a freezing Canberra winter. They’re cleaning bus stops and public bathrooms through a pandemic. They’re mowing hundreds of kilometres of nature strips during long hot summers.

“They work tirelessly to maintain and clean our parks, public toilets, hospitals, roads, stadiums, and more. They literally keep Canberra running.

The CFMEU did not rule out further action if necessary.“Wehave been encouraged by our interactions with the ACT Government on this issue to date, but it’s also vital they understand we will not relent on this campaign for fairness.”

- Nick Fuller

“GSOs do vital work we all rely on, yet we’ve let them become the working poor of Canberra,” Mr Smith said. “It’s totally unacceptable, and we need to end it now.

rate of $61,000 is still not a fair reflection of the value of their work, frankly, but it would at least mean they may not have to sleep in their cars,” Mr Smith said.

On Wednesday last week, 300 general service officers – cleaners, construction workers, and the like – held a two-hour strike outside the ACT Government offices in Dickson, calling for the government to immediately raise their base pay.

“GSOs deserve a wage that enables them to

Labor MLA Michael Pettersson took part in the“GSOsmarch.are some of the hardest workers in our city,” he said.

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“I suspect they know this is the right thing to do, but GSOs cannot afford to wait any longer.”

“Given the median house in Canberra is now about $1.1 million, you simply can’t be an effective family breadwinner in Canberra on the current GSO wage. Long before you’ve paid for basic accommodation, food, utilities, clothing, education expenses, and transport, the kitty runs“Aempty.minimum


“There’s a lot of support here. When you’re living rough, sleeping rough, you need that support.”

HelpingACT feeds homeless at the Early Morning Centre

The EMC is a community hub supporting Canberra people experiencing or at risk of homelessness and social isolation. It provides daily breakfasts and lunches several times a week, essential services (from showers and laundry to phones and internet), healthcare (alcohol and drug counselling and a vet clinic), accommodation support, as well as a current affairs discussion group, cooking classes, and an arts and crafts


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If you need help from HelpingACT, or want to help their good work, theycontactinentrepreneurswww.helpingact.orgvisitMrAlirequestedallinCanberra,whatevertheircapacity,tohimorMsWigginsifcouldhelp.

can see the families who are in trouble… We’re seeing more charities who are in dire need after COVID; we can do something to help them.”

A busy couple of days – but par for the course for HelpingACT’s tireless volunteers, who are determined that nobody in Canberra will go to bed hungry.

EMC a ‘lifesaver’ for Canberra’s homeless people Without the EMC, homeless man Roger Smith (not his real name) tells me, those in his predicament would be much worse off.

“I support a lot of charities overseas and here as well in Canberra,” he said. “My main goal is to give back to the community, which has given [me] a lot… We

The curry lunch initiative began three months ago, and is part of the EMC’s Feel Good Feed, a program where local businesses and community groups cook lunch for homeless people.

The need for food has doubled in Canberra since the pandemic began, Mr Ali believes – and he sees no sign on the horizon that it’sTheeasing.cost of living has increased, while many households earn less, so the number of working poor has increased. HelpingACT now fields requests from people who are employed full-time, but who cannot pay the mortgage and feed their family.

Last Monday, it was butter chicken or palak paneer, with gulab jamun for afters. The barbecue was held three days before, on Friday night.

“Servicesgroup.like this, they’re fantastic, they’re integral,” Mr Smith said. “If it wasn’t for their help, I don’t think a lot of people

“I’m struggling with homelessness, which seems to be quite rife within the ACT, from a per capita perspective. It’s got quite a high unemployment rate. To get into affordable housing, I needed to save money, because I still have to pay bonds and a security deposit …

“Everyone associates people who are homeless as being a little bit crazy or having mental health issues. … But a lot of them don’t. They’re down on their luck. They need a leg-up – something to help them, so they can help themselves.”TheEMC, in his view, provides that leg-up. Some of the support is material: food, washing, tax services, legal services. But the EMC also tries to give its guests a more fulfilling life, by providing a safe space for connection, support, and growth.“There’s a good atmosphere,” Mr Smith said. “Everyone’s in the same situation. It provides a good conduit to talk about and solve issues that people may experience, and to speak to someone who understands.

- Nick Fuller

“It’s quite nice for our guests,” director Nicole Wiggins said. “They feel a little bit spoilt when someone cooks for them outside us. It shows that other people care and want to help out. It’s a more community feel when there are people other than just the staff and volunteers cooking forHelpingACT’sthem.” lunch was sponsored by real estate agent Adil Iqbal (Edge), who believes the money he makes selling properties should help those less fortunate.

The homeless woman at the Early Morning Centre (EMC) enthusiastically thanks HelpingACT. Every month, ACT Citizen of the Year Mohammed Ali’s food charity hosts a barbecue one night and a curry lunch for the community hub’s vulnerable guests.

Because of HelpingACT, the EMC can now host the Feed twice a month (in addition to their own free lunches twice a week).

here would make it.”

“This place really assisted me with my food bill, because food in Canberra is expensive as well, because everything is trucked in. I would come here a couple of times a week, if I was short on cash, because I was saving to move out into my own place.

In his own case, he said, it was “a lifesaver”.“Itgaveme hope [to save money to get into my own place]. It’s been imperative to my recovery [from alcoholism], which I’m very grateful for.

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The Reid Residents’ Association has received nearly $16,000 from the ACT Heritage Grants Program to conserve pillar street signposts in Canberra’s InnerTheNorth.‘Rockite’

From pillar to post: Restoring Canberra’s heritage street signs

another ACT Government Heritage Grant to conserve six posts in Reid and one in Braddon.

“It is all these little things that add up – the small elements in the whole of the suburbs,” the Association’s treasurer, Robyn Bergen, said. “No one house or no one thing is necessarily exciting in itself; it’s the totality of it all coming together that creates this heritage precinct.“Weget lots of people who walk from Civic and walk through here in their lunch hour. It’s a good mental space – it takes you back in time, it’s quiet, it’s calm, you can imagine a time when people had a simplerConservatorlife.”

pebble posts have stood in Reid, Braddon, and Ainslie, some of Canberra’s oldest suburbs, for nearly a “Oncecentury.conserved, and the nameplates are more visible and legible, they’ll serve again for at least another 100 years, provided we can keep an eye on them,” Marianne Albury-Colless, the Association’s president, said.

“So you scramble furiously for the turps,” Ms Albury-Colless said.

Marianne Albury-Colless and Robyn Bergen from the Reid Residents’ Association with one of the recently restored heritage street signs dating back to the 1930s. Photo: Kerrie Brewer.


“They’re a component of these original heritage-listed suburbs,” Ms Albury-Colless said. “This represents the way early Canberra looked.”

Ms Albury-Colless said the Association was “delighted” to receive the grant for “a worthy purpose”.

The first signposts were erected in 1927; waist-high, they were designed for pedestrians, at a time when most people walked around these early suburbs, she explains.

Elder Street. One is in Ainslie: on the corner of Limestone Avenue and Alt Crescent.Reid,Ainslie, and Braddon date back to the 1920s. Built in the ‘garden city’ style, several blocks have been declared heritage precincts. Under the Heritage Act 2004, the remaining examples of street furniture –including street signs – must be retained and conserved in situ.

with mortar. Once repaired, to improve its appearance and protect its surface, she puts over the signpost a sacrificial lime mortar which will gently weather away again.The short signposts have white letters on a black background; the tall ones, black letters on a white background. Ms Mitchell will replace the wooden backing boards of the street name plates, and replace bolts with new ones selected to reduce corrosion. All the original paint on the street name panels is removed using a lead-safe removal system.

Three of the signposts are in Reid: on Allambee Street and Pialligo Avenue, on Coranderrk Street and Elimatta Street, and on Doonkuna Street and Coranderrk Street. Two are in Braddon: on the corners of Pialligo Avenue with Donaldson Street and

The community volunteers then have the tricky job of repainting the street names. It takes a steady hand and a steady eye, Ms AlburyColless

But, they agree, it was good fun.

They are utilitarian but elegant, Ms Albury-Colless thinks, made from stone, and with “lovely, elongated panels”.

Gillian Mitchell paints the signposts with a quaternary ammonia solution to kill lichen and moss that infest the post and damage the surface. She repairs the post, filling in the gaps

But once the motorcar became popular in the 1930s, taller signposts appeared; car drivers could not see the little ones.

“You’resaid.lying on your tummy, on the corner of the street, in your fluoro vest, having put out the road signs – there are eight of them – on every intersection,” Ms Bergen said. “Then we go: ‘Oh, drat! I’ve got a bit [of black] on the white bit.’”

The signposts are one of 20 local community projects to receive an ACT Heritage Grant, totalling more than $350,000.

- Nick Fuller

76 Hardwick Crescent, Kippax 16 canberraweekly.com.au

Roads ACT will match the Heritage Grant funding for the signposts. They will also conserve two other signposts in Ainslie.Lastyear, the Association received

“It’s a beautiful song but the band who originally wrote it, the Warumpi Band, and Christine Anu are more linked to the saltwater people. We’re

What to do when there isn’t a word to describe something that may have not existed at the time when the language was spoken is just one of the many challenges that come with the revival. Barlow explained this is where a group of talented linguists comes in.

“They’ve done the research, they’ve got the knowledge and they gave us the idea to look to what other Aboriginal languages have done; and we can see that for words

Katrina Fanning Shield: Yass

not necessarily saltwater people; it would be nice to write our own stuff, to have that on our own,” Barlow said.

Audiences are invited to hear Barlow perform when she takes the stage as part of Floriade’s Nighfest program on 29 September. You can follow Alinta Barlow’s music on her Instagram page; instagram. Readcom/alinta_musicanextended version at canberraweekly.com.au-Jessica Cordwell


“I could not be prouder in

The Canberra Raiders’ NRL finals fairytale came to up an abrupt end, falling 40-4 to the Parramatta Eels in a semi-final at CommBank Stadium on Friday 16 September.

Photo BrewerKerrie

that didn’t exist, we have been able to create words from existing ones.”

this; children are separated for one reason or another and it’s common to go ‘I want to find my family, I want to find my clan, I want to find my mob’ basically, and the sense of culture comes from the sense of family and the sense of belonging.”

Canberra Raiders Cup grand finals played over the weekend:

regards to the journey they’ve been on, the difficulties we’ve been confronted with.

18 canberraweekly.com.au

Alinta Barlow is a part of the Winanggaay Ngunnawal Language Group, who are dedicated to reviving the Ngunnawal language. Together, they’ve been working on the project since 2019, researching the language and speaking to elders. The group has grown to the point where some members are able to teach language to others through workshops.

First Grade: West Belconnen Warriors 38 – 24 Queanbeyan Blues

Magpies 36 – 22 Woden Valley Rams

“That game does not define these blokes,” he said.

The only Raiders’ highlight came in the 28th minute when young fullback Xavier Savage broke through the Eels’ defence to run 80 metres to score.

Season over for Raiders

“A lot of Aboriginal families are like

It brings to a close a terrific second half of the season for Canberra, and coach Ricky Stuart said he was proud of his players.

The singer-songwriter is working towards her goal of being able to perform her own songs in full Ngunnawal language, noting it’s challenging as there are words that either never existed in Ngunnawal or have simply been lost to time.


One of the most important aspects for Barlow is the opportunity to connect with members of the community she otherwise might not have been able to; that and the fact she is now able to incorporate Ngunnawal language into her song writing and translate songs into language. So far, the group has translated one song: My Island Home.

“After round 12 this year, if someone had said to me, ‘I’ll do a deal with you, you can get to the second semi-final and get flogged’, what do you reckon I would have said? We were coming 11th or 12th at one Meanwhile,stage.”hereare the scores from the Blumers Lawyers

Under 19s: Queanbeyan Blues 18 –16 Gungahlin Bulls

Reviving language through word and song

Alinta Barlow is now able to incorporate Ngunnawal language into her song writing and translate songs into language.

Kangaroos 24 - 22 Gungahlin Bulls

Canberra was never in the hunt as the Eels raced to a 22-0 lead after just 25 minutes and continued their dominance in the second half.

Late last year, acclaimed singer and director of the National Folk Festival, Katie Noonan, floated the idea to the group, having done the same thing with other Indigenous communities. They were excited by the prospect and got to work translating; once complete, Barlow performed the song and Noonan suggested she perform it at this year’s Festival.

Reserve Grade: Queanbeyan

It is through her mother that Barlow has a connection to the Ngunnawal people. Her mother’s birth parents were a Ngunnawal man and a Wiradjuri woman, and although her mother was adopted, she was able to re-connect with her birth family in her adult years. As a family, they have found a deeper connection with people from Ngunnawal country.

Between 10am until midday, pop by and say hello to our editor, Julie Samaras. Our roving photographer will also be there taking photos for our social scene.

Budawang Pavilion, Coorong Pavilion and Parkes Room Exhibition Park in Canberra (EPIC), Flemington Road, Mitchell


Budawang Pavilion, Coorong Pavilion and Parkes Room Exhibition Park in Canberra (EPIC), Flemington Road, Mitchell

Wednesday 28 September 2022 10am–3:30pm

Visit the CW stall site 66 anytime between 10am and 3.30pm for your chance to win some great prizes.

Canberra Weekly is proud to be a sponsor of the COTA ACT Silver is Gold Veterans and Seniors Expo

See you ere!

With hundreds of stalls - including Canberra Weekly –this year’s Expo is going to be EPIC!

Wednesday 28 September 2022 10am–3:30pm

Great Global Greyhound Walk

Eurobodalla Electric Vehicle Expo

Trash & treasure items, pre-loved clothes, amazing range of books, a great cake stall, and free tea/coffee and biscuits for all visitors at Christ Church Hawker (corner Beetaloo Street and Belconnen Way) on Saturday 1 October 9am-12pm. More info: Jenny 0428 266 658 or Del 0404 991 908. Everybody welcome! canberraweekly.com.au


The South Coast Health and Sustainability Alliance (SHASA) will be running an Electric Vehicle Expo at Corrigans Beach, Batehaven NSW on Saturday 1 October 10am-2pm. It’s an opportunity to meet local EV owners and talk to retailers of new and used EVs as well as EV bikes, boats, and scooters. You can also test drive the SHASA Nissan Leaf and experience an electric vehicle for yourself. More info: shasa.com.au or call 0475 149 917.

Family History ACT

Pearce Community Centre Markets

Share your


Braidwood Antique Fair

If you own a pet Greyhound, Whippet, Italian Greyhound or other sighthound, you’re welcome to join the Great Global Greyhound Walk in Canberra on Sunday 25 September 10am. It’s part of a global event where sighthounds and their owners walk together on the same day around the world to celebrate greyhounds, to raise awareness and promote them as wonderful pets. Meeting point: Carpark at Parkes Place W and Queen Elizabeth Terrace, Parkes. Walk duration: Approx one hour; shorter walk available. Fundraising bandanas for sale $15 each. All dogs must be on lead. More info: greatglobalgreyhoundwalk.co.uk/walk-schedule


Run by Rotary Club of Woden Daybreak in conjunction with the Pearce Crafters Market, the Pearce Community Centre Markets return on Saturday 24 September 10am-2pm. Our markets bring people together and give the Woden Valley community and communities further afield an opportunity to get together, relax and enjoy themselves. There will be quality bric-a-brac for your home, handmade goods and toys, jewellery, Tupperware, the Seed Saver Cooperative, lollies, sausage sizzle and more. More info: email wodendaybreak_markets@outlook.com.au or find @RCWD.PCC.Markets on Facebook

Gungahlin Day: The next meeting is on Wednesday 28 September 11.30am at Gungahlin Lakes Golf Club, Nicholls. Cost: $35 for twocourse lunch. Guest speaker: Akiko Barkle from the Smith Family, a family coordinator in the Gungahlin community. RSVP to Hilary on 0407 556 460 by 25 September 9pm.

After a pandemic-induced break, the Lions Club of Braidwood Antique Fair will be held again at the historic Braidwood National Theatre over the Labor Day long weekend, 1-3 October. Call in on your way to the coast and pick up some antiques and collectables including bric-a-brac, porcelain, jewellery, linen, vintage clothes and furniture. All profits are returned to the local community.

The Benevolent Society’s Post Adoption Resource Centre (PARC) will host an Adoption Connections meeting in Canberra on Wednesday 28 September 6-8pm to provide information and support for local people affected by adoption. This free meeting is for anyone living in or near Canberra who has an adoption experience. You can find out more about adoption, one’s rights under the law, doing a search for family members, including the pros and cons of DNA testing or having a reunion with someone. Along with access to information and resources, guest speakers will share their own experiences and PARC counsellors will be available to answer questions. Bookings essential. At Corroboree Park Function Room, 47 Paterson Street, Ainslie. More info: call 9504 6788 or email PARC@benevolent.org.au

Weston Creek: The next meeting is on Tuesday 4 October 11.30am at Canberra Southern Cross Club, Woden. Guest speaker: Biff Ward, local author and political feminist. Cost: $35 for twocourse lunch. RSVP to Barbara on 6286 4626 by 29 September 5pm.

Comedy for a Cause is hosting a comedy show in Canberra to raise funds for the Sydney Dingo Rescue on Friday 7 October 8pm (doors open 7pm) at the Lake Tuggeranong Sea Scout Hall, Greenway. Refreshments will be available for purchase. Proceeds from the night will go to support the Sydney Dingo Rescue. Tickets: $40 adult, $30 concession; via comedyforacause.net/tc-events/sdr/

Adoption Connections Meeting

Tuggeranong Evening: The next meeting is on Wednesday 28 September 6.30pm at Town Centre Vikings Club, Greenway. Guest speaker: from Care Flight. Meals available and new members welcome. Contact Dianne on 0418 694 800.

GIVIT Donation of the Week: Bicycle parts community event.

Comedy for a Cause

Join three eminent Australian historians at the Talking About Convicts seminar on Saturday 8 October as they talk about different data sets that can help people research their convict heritage. For more information and to reserve your place, visit Family History ACT at www.familyhistoryact.org.au

Coffee/Op Shop

GIVIT is assisting an organisation in the ACT that offers support to refugees as they begin their new lives in Australia by helping them set up new homes, learn about their communities and connect to local services like Medicare, schools and many others. They are requesting some bicycle spare parts such as brake pads, brake noodles, speed chains, tyres and tubes, and kids’ bike tyres and saddles. These will be used for the upgrade and maintenance of their bikes to enable the refugees to travel freely and affordably around Canberra. Generous Canberrans may donate or fund this request, and 100 per cent of money received by GIVIT will be used to purchase various bicycle parts. To donate, please visit www.givit.org.au/whats-needed, search Keyword: ‘bicycle parts’; Location: ‘ACT’.


what's on  must do  must see

Forest Sculpture Gallery launch, National Arboretum Canberra.

Sign up for any number of 1 hr slots from 21 Oct 4 pm to 22 Oct 4 pm. Play with as many mates as you like! PERPERSON PERSESSION $25 All proceeds go to Ronald McDonald House Canberra, supporting families with sick children. 24 hr Tennis Challenge canberraweekly.com.au21


The cake will keep in an airtight container in the fridge for 3–4 days.

Add the eggs, yoghurt, salt, and spices to the remaining crumb mixture and, using a wooden spoon, mix until smooth. Pour the batter into the tin and smooth the surface with a spatula. Sprinkle the flaked almonds and pistachios over the top.

300g raw or caster (superfine) sugar

Persian love cake

2 Tbsp glucose syrup or honey

1 cup lightly packed (185g) light brown sugar

1 cup (260g) Greek-style yoghurt

Preheat the oven to 200°C conventional. Grease a 30 x 40 cm baking tray with a little of the melted butter.

From Persia with love


Serves 8-10 | Prep 15 mins | Cook 40 mins

Images and text from Salamati by Hamed Allahyari with Dani Valent, photography by Armelle Habib. Murdoch Books RRP $45.

Allow the Baghlava to cool for 5 minutes, then pour over the warm syrup and sprinkle with extra crushed pistachios. Allow the syrup to soak into the Baghlava for 1 hour. Enjoy!


3 cups (300g) almond meal

1/3 cup (80ml) rosewater

Makes 30 | Prep 40 mins | Cook 20 mins

Crush the cardamom pods using a mortar and pestle, then add to the pan and simmer for 10 minutes. Add the sugar and simmer for 5 minutes, then stir through the glucose syrup or honey and remove the pan from the heat. Add the lemon juice and rosewater and stir to combine.

2 tsp ground nutmeg

baking tray and brush the sheet with melted butter. Repeat the process until you have five layered sheets of pastry. Brush the top layer with butter, then sprinkle a layer of crushed nuts over the top.

1 Tbsp freshly squeezed lemon juice

1/2 cup (50g) flaked almonds

Allow the cake to cool in the tin for 10 minutes, then turn out onto a wire rack to cool completely. Decorate with dried rose petals (if using) and serve.

Edible dried rose petals, to serve (optional)

500g walnuts or pistachio kernels, plus extra crushed pistachio kernels for sprinkling

1/2 cup (12 g) unsalted butter, softened and cut into cubes


Keeping the remaining five filo sheets reserved, layer the rest of the filo into the tin, spreading with butter and nuts between each layer until all the filo sheets and nuts are used. Finish with the five reserved sheets of filo, brushing with butter in between each layer. Leave the top plain.

Cut the Baghlava in the tray in a diamond pattern, then brush with the vegetable oil, transfer to the oven, and bake for 20 minutes or until golden.

1 tsp salt

1/4 cup (35g) slivered pistachio kernels

Preheat the oven to 150°C conventional. Grease a 20cm round cake tin.

Place the nuts in a food processor and process until

375g packet filo pastry (Antoniou filo was used here)

22 canberraweekly.com.au

Transfer to the oven and bake for 1 hour, until a skewer inserted into the centre of the cake comes out clean. Start checking after the 50-minute mark to ensure it’s not colouring too quickly and cover the cake with foil if necessary.

Baghlava (baklava)

Long ago, a Persian restauranter journeyed across oceans with his family’s recipes held close to his heart. With that love, he built a café in Melbourne and from its kitchen springs recipes that are said to transport diners to Persia once more. Salamati!

2 Tbsp vegetable oil

Meanwhile, to make the syrup, place 3 cups (750ml) water in a saucepan, bring to the boil over high heat, then reduce the heat to low.

For the Baghlava syrup

Why ‘love cake’? In Persian folklore, a village woman tried to woo a prince with a love potion in the form of a magic cake. He swooned over the cake but rejected the girl and she ended up eating it all herself

250g unsalted butter, melted

out 10 sheets of filo pastry. Lay one sheet in the

1/2 cup (65g) cardamom pods

2 tsp ground cardamom

2 eggs

180g caster (superfine) sugar

Combine the almond meal, sugars and butter in a large bowl and mix with your fingers until the mixture resembles breadcrumbs. Press half the crumb mixture into the cake tin, creating an even base.

Visitors to this year’s Floriade are invited by Underground Spirits to clink their glasses together in the spring sunshine at Clink! Gin Garden. For the duration of Floriade, until 16 October, Clink! offers a sophisticated gin garden bar surrounded by garden beds of seasonal spring gin garnishes, including rosemary and Tasmanian Pepperberry. A range of gin-filled experiences will be on offer, including Cocktail Melody, where guests can sit back and sip a leading note cocktail featuring Underground’s gin of the week, then move on to a lovely G+T, with delicious nibbles included. Meanwhile, the Gin Melody experience is a choose-your-own gin adventure, where guests can make four mini-G+Ts with spirits from the Underground range. For more information and bookings, visit Canberracom.au/blogs/newsundergroundspirits.Weekly

picturesque Lake Burley Griffin Walk, the second venue to open inside The Marion precinct following Walter Café earlier this year. Brought to you by Sydney’s High Tea connoisseurs, Canberrans and visitors alike will delight in the delectable selection of petit fours, finger sandwiches, sweet and savoury pastries and scones with house-made preserves and clotted cream, all prepared daily by award-winning pâtissier Rob Crichton. Specialty Ronnefeldt teas, champagne, and cocktails are available to indulge in whilst soaking up the view through panoramic windows. Named for Marion Mahony Griffin, wife and business partner of Walter Burley Griffin, the Marion’s elegant interiors are partially inspired by her early sketches. If Walter’s mid-century modern breakfast experience is the amuse bouche, then the full tilt opulence of Marion’s high tea is the luxurious

Pialligo Estate won six gongs last week at the ACT Restaurant & Catering Awards for Excellence. Photo: Ben Calvert.

Food for thought

main course. At $80 pp, taste editor Anja de Rozario recommends this experience for an extra special touch on a Floriade visit, or any occasion when you want to spoil a loved one. The Marion restaurant is open from 10am to 4pm, seven days a week.

The latest in foodie news, events and products. Over 40 Canberra restaurants, cafes, and catering businesses gathered at Hotel Realm last week (Monday 12 September) to laud local achievement at the 2022 ACT Restaurant & Catering Hostplus Awards for Excellence. The venues were judged in over 20 categories in the nationally recognised awards program based on anonymous visits by trained judges, who then scored the dining experiences from the food to the customer service. Pialligo Estate picked up six gongs, winning the awards for Restaurant in a Winery, Tourism Restaurant, Chef of the Year, and Manager of the Year, together with honourable mentions for Apprentice Chef of the Year, and Front of House of the Year. Other local eateries that took home multiple wins include Space Kitchen in Phillip, which topped the Breakfast Restaurant and Café Dining/Patisserie categories, and host of the ceremony, Hotel Realm, which triumphed in Events Catering and Wedding Catering, as well as taking home the major Caterer of the Year award. To view the full list of winners, visit rca.asn.au

Spring Seafood!intoFollowusonFacebookforrecipes,productinfoandthechancetowina$50vouchermonthly! 6239 19�ishco.com.au6415DalbySt,Fyshwick Q: How do �ish go into business? A: They start on a small scale. FRESH Stock 7 days! FREE Cleaning! FREE Tasting Prawns & Oysters! Salmon, Bream, Flake, Ling, Marlin, Tuna, Mackerel, King�ish, Prawns, Occy, Oysters! canberraweekly.com.au23

High tea at The Marion is a newly opened morning or afternoon tea experience - and it is exactly as fancy as it sounds! Earlier this month (6 September), The Marion restaurant opened on the

High tea at The Marion.

tried and tasted!

The Discovery Centre is a place for children to do the things they are itching to do at any museum – play with all the fun items on display. Each section relates to an item in one of the exhibitions and encourages children to learn through self-directed, play-based principles.

Curator Dr Jonathan Lineen says the reason he works for the Museum was from bringing his own children there when they were young. A member of staff joked that he was there so much, he should

The Tim and Gina Fairfax Discovery Centre encourages playbased learning through the various activities on offer.

The event also marked the official launch of the Tim and Gina Fairfax Discovery Centre. The two refurbishments have been the Museum’s largest since opening in 2001 and have reimagined a third of the complex with an impressive $34 million spend.

Iva Davies reflects on our Great Southern Land at the National Museum of Australia’s newest gallery that explores our relationship with country. Photos: Kerrie Brewer

Conversation with country continues at National Museum

Celebrated with an Icehouse performance of the title track, the Great Southern Land Gallery was officially opened on Thursday 15 September. Visitors are invited to walk with the ghosts of time as they pass through four chapters that explore our rich history. Entry is through the Bunya forest, where the 7.5m-tall trunks have been made from casts of living trees in South East Queensland.

All the great Australian animal stories have been channelled into five defined sections. The quiet area is based on the Wiradjuri story of how the Kangaroo got her pouch, with comfortable reading pods mimicking the experience of a joey in its mother’s pouch. Australia’s most famous sheep, Chris, makes an appearance in an active play area where children experience what it would be like moving through the shearing shed. Gelam, a myth from the Torres Strait, engages children in team-building and cognitive exercises, while Trim, Matthew Flinders’ favourite passenger hides in amongst the rigging of the ship in an area focused on gross motor skills while learning what life was like for a cat on a ship in the 18th century. Last but not least, imagination is sparked when children dress up in the Bunyip billabong.

“I asked them at one point ‘what do kids really get at the Museum?’ Right away they said that it was animals. We knew we had to structure it around animal stories and the advantage of that was that animals were part of the landscape and that connects this space with the new environmental history gallery,” Dr Lineen said.

- Jessica Cordwell

work there – and now he does! Work on the Centre began in 2017, consulting early education experts, parents, and children to understand what they wanted from the space.

Learn more about what’s on at the Museum via nma.gov.auReadanextended version at canberraweekly.com.au

TIME OUT 24 canberraweekly.com.au

Once inside, experience the wonders of Australia with the great animals like the life-sized orcas that helped whalers hunt humpbacks, or the taxidermy saltwater crocodile, a prehistoric apex predator. There are manmade marvels such as jewellery created with findings from our goldfields, a whalebone corset, and bush toys of the Arrente children. The gallery captures the diversity of Australia’s natural riches with a wall of various minerals collected from Broken Hill and a crisp documentary of Uluru.

While the new gallery can’t include everything from our past, it does a phenomenal job of highlighting significant elements of the Australian experience.“Thecreators face the same dilemma I did with a song; we cannot capture everything,” Davies said. “But certainly, there are enough things to give you incredible insights into very specialised bits of Australia and history and ask a lot of questions, which, I guess, is probably the most important thing about an exhibition.”

The Centre is open for multiple 75-minute sessions each day with prices starting at $15 for one child and adult. Once a month, the Centre will host a free to play day, while entry is always free for Museum friends members.

In a small shaky room of an inner Sydney house, one of Australia’s greatest anthems was born. Iva Davies wrote Great Southern Land between the bustle of busses passing by and planes overhead, having to wear headphones to hear himself work. Now, 40 years after its release, the song has been further immortalised as the title of the new permanent gallery at the National Museum of Australia.

Riley will be joining the cast on stage in his first

- Jessica Cordwell

Daniel Riley’s first major work in his role as Artist Director of Australian Dance Theatre (ADT) explores themes of myth and identity while challenging our trust in those in power. Savage comes to the Canberra Theatre on 29-30 September.

and isn’t told or recognised. It’s not up to me to do that,” he Rathersays.than telling people what happened or what they should believe, Savage is about opening the door to those tough conversations. Riley says that people need to do that work themselves, take the time to read tough books and initiate those conversations.“Whyshould it always be up to us to sit at the end of the table and have the tough convo and educate? They need to confront our history on their ownAsterms.”thecompany’s first Indigenous artistic director, Riley says it is a gift to be able to take ADT into an environment where they can touch on the Indigenous experience, to connect with his First Nations community.

“As the first people here we had our language, culture, and spiritual beliefs stripped from us. There’s a lot of our history that isn’t spoken about

Songlines from Australia’s First Peoples in a spectacular immersive experience ON SHOW until 9 October, 2022 National Museum of Australia BOOK NOW nma.gov.au/connection V FROM THE CREATORS OF AN GOGH ALIV E The creation of Connection is supported through the Restart Investment to Sustain and Expand (RISE) Fund, an Australian Government initiative. Curatorial PartnerCreated & Produced by Hotel Partner Accommodation Partner Media PartnerTourism Partner canberraweekly.com.au25

Daniel Riley brings Savage, his first major work with the Australian Dance Theatre, to Canberra Theatre on 29-30 September. Photo: Jonathan VDK.

Riley describes Savage as a piece of dance theatre that is powerful in imagery; he believes that it is not his nor any Indigenous Australian’s role to correct the history books. He says his work comments on the ways we were founded as a nation, how we blindly accept what we have been told, and never question those in power or our national identity.

See Savage at Canberra Theatre, 29-30 September; canberratheatrecentre.com.au

A Wiradjuri man, Riley’s ancestral country is that of Western NSW. However, he says Ngunnawal country is home, having found his self-identity here in his teen years. Canberra is also where Riley started his dancing career with Quantum Leap, now QL2.

performance since 2018. The production combines dancers of all levels and ages; he is investing back into the community that helped launch his dancing career. For the Canberra performances, Riley has invited nine young dancers from QL2 to dance alongside him and ADT.

Question your beliefs in Savage at Canberra Theatre

“I’m carrying an artistic legacy for the company, and I am building my own artistic legacy and I am having to carry, not in a burdensome way, the flag for my cultural community. I’m really honoured by that.”

Two core Regurgitator band members, their manager, and recording engineer, will talk about the band’s classic Australian album, Unit, at the NFSA on 21 October.

Electric car technology exhibition, demonstrations and test drives! SHASA’s Electrify Everything Campaign –towards zero emissions Saturday 1 October, 2022 – 10:00am – 2:00pm Corrigans Beach Reserve, Batehaven • Test drive the Nissan Leaf Electric Car • Meet local owners of electric cars • Meet sellers of new and used electric vehiclesincluding cars, bikes, boats & scooters • Talk to experts to find out what is possible • Receive information pack on electric cars and information relevant to Eurobodalla. Electric Vehicle Expo Contact 0475 149 917 for more https://shasa.com.au/information 26 canberraweekly.com.au

Canberra authors’ jewels of fiction

Released in 1997, Unit was the band’s second album, and featured hit songs like Polyester Girl and ! (The Song Formerly Known As). Mixing an ‘80s synth-pop sound with their alternative rock stylings making it a massive success, the band won five ARIA awards including Album of the Year for 1998.

The band’s core members Ben Ely and Quan Yeomans are joined by recording engineer Lachlan (Magoo) Goold and manager Paul Curtis. Together with a host from NFSA, they will allow audiences to look into the creative process that went into creating the album.

That’s art entertainmentand

The next instalment of the National Film and Sounds Archive’s Classic Australian Album series focuses on Regurgitator’s 1997 award-winning release, Unit

Two local authors, Samara Parish and Charlotte Anne, have been celebrated at the recent Romantic Book of the Year (RuBY) awards. Both authors write Regency novels, which are a sub-genre within the romance novel genre, focusing on the British Regency period in the years 1811-1820. The sub-genre is distinct in its stylistic choices and popular with its readership for its witty, fast-paced dialogue.Parishtook home the Historical Ruby for her novel, How to Survive a Scandal, which follows a flawed heroine, Lady Amelia, on her journey to better herself in her marriage to OUT

Head to the National Film and Sound Archive to discover how the beloved album was made, on Friday 21 October 7pm; nfsa.gov.au

Regurgitator at the NFSA

CW’s Time Out editor Jessica Cordwell brings you the latest in arts and entertainment news from around the Canberra region. Highlights this week: Aussie icons Regurgitator come to the National Film and Sound Archive, and two local authors win romance fiction awards.


More vendors are being added every week! Check them out online at weddingsofcanberra.com.au

Featuring two homegrown Canberran acrobats, Annalise Moore and Brenton Adam-Walker, the performance incorporates the thrill of circus, the elegance of dance, and the suspense of a great theatre production.

Connecting the community and artists, the Queanbeyan-Palerang Arts Trail returns for the first three weekends of EncouragingOctober.visitors to

With La Niña looming again, do yourself and your guests a favour by ensuring you have a backup location, or at the very least some form of cover. Rain may be good luck on your wedding day, but the season’s organic appeal has its limits. On that note, consider souvenir handkerchiefs to keep symptoms of



For more information on the Arts Trail, head visitqueanbeyanpalerang.com.auto

Artists of all ages and backgrounds are being encouraged to come together and create a portrait of Gungahlin as part of a competition for the Celebrate Gungahlin Festival which runs on 8-22 October.

Breaking the circus stereotype

Samara Parish received a Romantic Book of the Year award for her Regency novel, How to Survive a Scandal.

Creating a community portrait

1 Select a seasonal venue

2 Commit to the theme

From traditional to outrageous, summer to spring, Weddings of Canberra vendors have a wealth of experience in the local wedding industry and can help you with anything you require.

3 Have a rain plan

W: @WeddingsOfCanberra@weddingsofcbrweddingsofcanberra.com.au

Canberra has a bounty of stunning landscapes that showcase the beauty of our city in spring, from Lake Burley Griffin lined with cherry blossoms to the rolling mountain views out in Tuggeranong.

Entries close 3 October celebrategungahlin.com.auat


Experience Backbone at Canberra Theatre, 13-15 canberratheatrecentre.com.auOctober;

businessman Benedict Asterly. Newcomer Anne’s impressive debut novel was declared the runner-up. Anne says The Unworthy Duke is a homage to all women who have found the strength to leave a toxic situation. The story has been called a Regency take on Beauty and the Beast

Coming Together: A Portrait of the Gungahlin Region is a culmination of works that celebrate what the region offers its inhabitants and the community connection it fosters. Works can be completed in any medium and then submitted as a digital file or photograph.Allentries will be printed and displayed in the Gungahlin Market Place throughout October, where locals will be encouraged to vote for their favourites. Winners will be announced at the conclusion of the festival and will share in a $1,800 prize pool.

Now is the time to get creative with the endless supply of seasonal flowers about, from decorating your veil, to floral cocktails, flavours, and favours.

Create a wedding that is uniquely you while supporting the local wedding industry, too.

Even your confetti can be thematic (and eco-friendly): Birdseed is a great alternative to plastic confetti (with a free clean-up crew) while lavender or other herbs will smell wonderful and bring back memories in the future.

planning more fun and less stressful. Rise to the occasion with their top tips for planning a blossoming spring wedding:

oy, sunshine, and new beginnings – is it any wonder that love blooms in the springtime?


seasonal allergies at bay.

Art treasure trail returns in October

In the case of finding yourself twitterpated with a spring wedding, Weddings of Canberra is your one-stop shop for wedding vendors in WhetherCanberra.you’rein love, engaged, or in the thick of wedding planning, Weddings of Canberra is where you will find fabulous, local wedding vendors just waiting to hear from you.

Braidwood, Bungendore, and Queanbeyan on different weekends, people are invited to take the time to visit studios and galleries in each town. There, they will be able to meet the artists in their workspaces and learn about the making process from conception to completion. Artists, crafters, and followers of the trail are encouraged to contribute to the collaborative project, Bloom. Flowers crafted from a range of materials will be displayed in temporary art spaces in Braidwood and Queanbeyan on their Trail weekends.

The Weddings of Canberra goal is always to make wedding

Exploring what strength means, where it comes from and how we measure it, Backbone – a new kind of circus – comes to Canberra Theatre on 13-15 October.Forget the big top tent and bright lights. Backbone is a raw, sexy, and sincere display of bodily limits. In the third production by circus company Gravity and Other Myths, the work celebrates both the physical and the emotional strength of human connection.


be a prominent feature and is displayed in ceramics, etched glass, striking oil paints, copper, and woven craft. From the corner, bird calls can be heard coming from the hanging nests created by Debbie Symons, who was inspired by her residency in Brazil. Rather than being made from plants found in the Amazon, they have been crafted with palm oil fronds, commenting on the clearing of tropicalGlimpserainforests.intothe future of what life may be like for displaced plants in the face of continuing impacts of climate change in TransPLANT [seeking refuge] by Donna Davis. The multimedia display captures CCTV footage as plants try to seek refuge amongst industrial settings in a fun and engaging commentary on a dark, looming issue, while the use of the gallery space enhances the sense that you are watching the videos from a security office.

28 canberraweekly.com.au

The beauty of nature on show at the National Archives

Anne Hayes worked with the Australian National Botanic Gardens in Canberra in finding the perfect specimen for her piece. She flew from Brisbane, grabbed a visitor’s jacket, and scouted the ideal Banksia seedpod with one of the rangers. They took care when removing the pod so that others around it wouldn’t be affected. Hayes had to advise the Gardens of her plans for the pod OUT

Earning the prestigious title of winner and $30,000 was Kyoho Hashimoto and Guy Keuluemans with their work, Bioregional rings, a collection of natural materials from one natural bioregion. Sandstone, driftwood, and other natural materials have been encased in rings as a discussion point of the insensitivity of globalised supply chains.

Experience Avenue Parkes

This year’s entrants heavily focus on sculpture with a dash of multimedia, print, and paint. Illuminated signs next to each piece explain the key environmental concern of each creators. A stunning sculpture of three seabirds hangs from the ceiling, casting shadows on the wall; it’s not until you read the description that you realise they’ve been crafted from repurposed fishing line and soup spoons. Artist Alyson de Groot is concerned by recent studies that anticipate 99 per cent of seabirds will have ingested plastic waste by 2050 and the impacts of this on Walkingthem. through the exhibition, the diverse beauty of our natural world is displayed in eye-catching forms. Water-based life seems to

Art and nature go hand in hand, encouraging us to take the time to appreciate the small, beautiful things that are often missed in day-to-day life. The finest of the two is combined in the biennial Waterhouse Natural Science Art , Australia’s most prestigious natural artwork competition. This year’s winners and highly commended works are on display at the National Archives of Australia until 13 November. Coming to Canberra from its home at the South Australian Museum, the deep dive into the natural world celebrates the Museum’s first curator, Frederick George Waterhouse. The competition engages artists in environmental issues and natural science through a range of mediums. One thing that attendees will notice is that photography isn’t included in this competition, while multimedia has only been accepted in recent years.


the collision of science and art at National Archives. Dine at the Constitution Cafe, explore the permanent galleries and discover intriguing stories from Australian history. 16 SEPTEMBER – 13 NOVEMBER 2022 FREE EXHIBITION | OPEN DAILY Kings

ACT naa.gov.au

Anne Hayes: Banksia seratifolia (detail), graphite on watercolour paper

Travelling exhibition developed by the South Australian Museum and supported by the Government of South Australia. Sponsored by IAS Fine Art Logistics and Hill Smith Art Advisory. The People’s Choice Dr Wendy Wickes Memoriam Prize is generously provided by her life’s companion.

Lose yourself in the work of influential Australian Chinese artist Lindy Lee. Slow down and take in shimmering, meditative and thought-provoking works in her survey exhibition, which draws on her experience of living between two cultures.

The Waterhouse Natural Science Art Prize is on display at the National Archives of Australia until 13 November. Photo: Kerrie Brewer

It is refreshing to see a female lead of a rom-com take the lead in pursuing a romantic relationship. Lily and Gede’s attraction to each other is palpable, symbolising the fragile love shared by David and Georgia so long ago. The real star, however, is the island location of Bali (as shot in Queensland) and its people, both of which make it very easy for an audience to empathise with Lily’s seemingly reckless choice.

Ticket to Paradise (M)

Verdict: A fun, undemanding, and ultimately forgettable rom-com that fails to fully utilise the amazing talent in front of, and behind, the camera. 2.5 stars.

able to fully capture the intricate details of the pod in a way her usual watercolours couldn’t.

“When I am collecting a specimen, I look for the perfect colour and shape, it means I have to be particularly careful and take my time. When I find myself being inspired, I know I have found a gem and it’s going to make a wonderful drawing.”

Top: Lindy Lee, Palace of Sunlight (detail), 2017, flung bronze, image courtesy the artist and Sullivan+Strumpf, Sydney and Singapore, © the artist.

Above: Installation view, Lindy Lee, Buddhas and Matriarchs, 2020, Lindy Lee: Moon in a Dew Drop, Museum of Contemporary Art Australia, Sydney, 2020, flung bronze, image courtesy the artist and the Museum of Contemporary Art Australia, Sydney, © the artist, photograph: Anna Kučera



cmag.com.au | Mon–Sat

Circuit and Civic Square canberraweekly.com.au29

After David (George Clooney) and his ex-wife Georgia Cotton (Julia Roberts) separately describe the history of their failed relationship to their co-workers, they both attend their daughter Lily’s (Kaitlyn Dever) law graduation. Soon, the duo must again travel together to Bali to try and sabotage Lily’s whirlwind engagement with local seaweed farmer, Gede (Maxime Bouttier), in an attempt to stop Lily from repeating the mistake they made 25 years Georgeago!and Julia are Hollywood royalty who can do a rom-com in their sleep, and some might say they do so here! George is dry, witty, and charming throughout, and Julia is as loveable as always, making their acrimoniouslyapparentlyestranged characters

- Jessica Cordwell

Exhibition organised and toured by the Museum of Contemporary Art Australia. This project has been assisted by the Australian Government’s Visions of Australia program. 10am–5pm Cnr London

Viewed at Dendy Canberra cinemas.

- Luke McWilliams, themovieclub.net.

Banksia Seritafolia is a large graphite drawing. The medium lent itself to the piece as it would be

once she was finished; it now resides in her studio.

“I adore a challenge, that’s another reason I am drawn to very detailed subject matter, detail is king.”Experience the art in nature in Waterhouse Natural Science Art Prize at the National Archives of Australia until 13 November; naa.gov.au

3 December

completely unbelievable. The two long-term friends’ easy chemistry crackles on screen, leaving very few surprises in store. It is odd that the story is so extremely thin, missing many opportunities to add weight to proceedings, choosing instead to coast on the effortless charm of these old-school pros.

Curated by MCA Director, Elizabeth Ann Macgregor AM OBE and supported by Associate Curator Megan Robson, this exhibition will introduce audiences to key works from across the artist’s extensive career, from early photocopy artworks to recent installations and sculptures. –

17 September

Book talk

Zaffre, $32.99

Dark Rooms by Lynda La Plante

Following the death of Oliver Cromwell and the return of the monarchy, the Act of Oblivion granted clemency to all except those involved in the execution of Charles I.

The winners in Canberra Weekly’s latest round of competition draws are:

Dino Ranch prize pack: W Ovchynik, Monash.

Essex Dogs by Dan Jones Head of Zeus, $32.99

Jane Tennison continues to battle police sexism in early 1980s London. Recently promoted to detective inspector, Tennison is tasked with investigating two bodies found in an abandoned bomb shelter. Digging into the wealthy family who previously owned the property, Tennison discovers a tragic and dark family history that will lead her all the way to Australia. The queen of crime fiction, Lynda La Plante continues her excellent Prime Suspect prequel series with another fantastic murder mystery. Blending an intriguing investigation with some great character work, Dark Rooms is an amazing new addition to this already enjoyable series.

Meredith Appleyard Harlequin novels: M McKenna, Wanniassa; J Urquhart, Forde; H Austin, Waramanga; S Gye, Theodore.

Act of Oblivion by Robert Harris Hutchinson Heinemann, $32.99

VitaPet prize pack: G Poole, Calwell.

Former Crowell supporters Edward Whalley and William Goffe both signed Charles’s death warrant and have sought sanctuary in America. Wanted by the Crown, the two fugitives must flee across New England if they wish to survive. Robert Harris continues to shine as one of the most powerful and clever authors of historical fiction in the world. Based on truly fascinating historical events, this is an exceptional novel that proves extremely hard to put down.

In July 1346, the armies of King Edward land in France, kicking off the Hundred Years’ War. As the English army raids the French countryside, a small company, the Essex Dogs, find themselves in the centre of the invasion. Loyal only to each other, the company fights to survive the conflict, but can they stick together amid the chaotic Battle of Crecy? Essex Dogs is an excellent and captivating debut from author Dan Jones. Essentially Band of Brothers in a medieval setting, this book focuses on camaraderie during war and presents a brilliant and heartfelt tale that is highly recommended.

This week, Michael Popple reviews some recent historical fiction novels from three impressive authors. You can find more of Michael’s book reviews on his blog: unseenlibrary.com

Canberra Weekly competition winners


Your local, bookshopindependentinKingston Canberra’s newest independent bookshop - stocking a large range of quality new books for readers of all ages. We sell pages for all ages 30 canberraweekly.com.au

Sydney Hotshots VIP: G Gillin, Narrabundah.

WAGGA WAGGA SPRING JAM: A day of live entertainment, activities, and food trucks at Wagga Wagga Botanic Gardens, Saturday 24 September 10am-3pm; visitwagga.com

MANHATTAN SHORT FILM FESTIVAL: The best of short films from around the world, The Q, Queanbeyan, 28-29 September; theq.net.au

WHITEFELLA YELLA TREE: Dylan Van Den Berg tells a heartfelt tale of love, country and Blak queerness throughout history,. Canberra Theatre, 28 September-1 October; canberratheatrecentre.com.au

INSPIRED STYLING SESSION: Style Side’s Kimberley Hunt shares tips on how to hone your personal style in this Inspired event, Canberra Outlet, 24 September 11am and 1pm; eventbrite.com.au

LERIDA ESTATE WINE TASTING CRUISE: A twohour cruise around Burley Griffin with fine wine, grazing box and great company, Kingston, 30 September 6.30pm; canberrapartyboat.com.au

OLD BUS DEPOT MARKETS: The much-loved markets are back at the Old Bus Depot in Kingston, Sundays 9.30 am-2.30pm; obdm.com.au

VIEWFINDER: Photography from the 1970s to now exhibition at the National Library of Australia, until 13 March; nla.gov.au

CANBERRA SINFONIA: Reimagines Vivaldi’s timeless classic Four Seasons, Wesley Uniting Church, 24 September 3pm; canberrasinfonia.com

THE COMEDY OF ERRORS: Bell Shakespeare presents this production of swapped identities, misguided love and chaotic mishaps, Canberra Theatre, 30 September-8 October; bellshakespeare.com.au

Send your free entertainment listings to: arts@canberraweekly.com.au with ‘what’s on’ in the subject field. Deadline is 10 days prior to Thursday edition date.

TIME OUT by Gravity & Other Myths a new kind of circus canberraweekly.com.au31

MIND THE CRUST: The debut show for sketch comedy group Bread Revue, Belconnen Arts Centre, 24 September 7pm; belcoarts.com.au

ROYAL SCHOOL OF CHURCH MUSIC: Present an organ voice and piano recital featuring a young organist from Yass, at St Peter’s Lutheran Church, Reid, 25 September 2.30pm, entry by paper note donation.

CANBERRA COMEDY CLUB: Australian comedy icon Dave O’Neil joins MC Emo Parsonson and others, Transit Bar, 28 September 7.30pm; trybooking.com

LIVE AT THE ALBY: This month’s free lunchtime concert features Stewart Barton, The Alby, Phillip, 29 September 12.30pm.

NIGHT MARKETS: The community-run event runs every Friday 4-8pm at Anketell Street, Tuggeranong.

VALLEYS VIEWS & VINES: Over 40 works in oil, watercolour and mixed media paintings by local artist Sylvie Carter, Rusten House, 30 September22 October; artwithsylvie.com

DANCING AT LUGHNASA: Performed by the Mockingbird Student’s Ensemble, in their inaugural production, Gorman Arts Centre, 29 September-1 October; trybooking.com

RORY LOWE: Brings the High and Lowes comedy tour to Verity Lane Market, 22 September 7pm; allevents.in

WANDERER FESTIVAL: Freshly launched festival invites music lovers to Pambula Beach NSW for a weekend of some of the hottest acts on the music scene, 23-25 September; wanderer.com.au

THE STREET: Two performances on 24 September: Victor Valdes in concert in venue 1 at 7.30pm, and Nat Bartsch performs Hope from 8pm; thestreet.org.au

SCHOOL OF MAGIC: Children can enjoy potion classes, magic wand making, spell lessons and more at Canberra Outlet, 24 September-9 October; canberraoutletcentre.com.au

ABBASBACK: The international tribute band lands in Queanbeyan for a one-night-only event at The Q, 24 September 8pm; theq.net.au


AT THE MOVIES: The 30th anniversary of the Canberra Chordsman presents favourite movie tunes in acapella, Canberra College of Performing Arts, 25 September 2.30pm; trybooking.com

KIDS BEST FEST: Your child can unleash their inner artists with workshops run by MattyBro, Canberra Centre, 29-30 September; eventbrite.com

KATIE & TYRONE NOONAN: Sibling songwriters celebrate the 20th anniversary of George’s album Polyserena, Canberra Theatre, 24 September 7.30pm; canberratheatrecentre.com.au

SILVER IS GOLD: COTA’s veterans and seniors expo returns to EPIC with a day to inspire, inform and connect older Canberrans, 28 September 10am-3.30pm; cota.org.au

GOANNA: The Spirit Of Place 40th anniversary national tour heads to Canberra Theatre, 22 September 7.30pm; canberratheatrecentre.com.au

RHYTHMS OF ORFEUS: An evening of wild rhythms, exotic melodies and bold singing presented by Orfeevi Ritmi, Folk Dance Hall, Hackett, 23 September 7.30pm; folkdancecanberra.org.au

AINSLIE SALON: A two-day festival exploring the use of field recordings, sound art and electronic music, Ainslie Arts Centre, 23-24 September; ainslieandgorman.com.au

Orfeevi Ritmi at Folk Dance Hall, 23 September.

WATERHOUSE ART PRIZE: See the winner and finalists from Australia’s most prestigious natural art competition at the National Archives of Australia, until 13 November; naa.gov.au


The Look


Ugh, as if ultimate ‘90s fashion film, Clueless came out in Australia 27 years ago (21 September 1995). Costume designer Mona May made hundreds of outfits for the film, 60 for LA princess Cher Horowitz alone, many of which have aged gorgeously and remain ripe for wardrobe inspiration.

on the set of

THE LOOK Clueless

1 Leather croc texture relaxed blazer, $798, karenmillen.com; 2 Short twill skirt, $34.99, H&M; 3 Crochet stripe collared oversized shirt, $144, nastygal.com; 4 Knit skirt with braided trim, $301, maje.com.au; 5 Cumulus Mary Jane, $529, fluevog.com.au; 6 Olga Berg Nadia bag, $99.95, David Jones; 7 Merie blazer, $89.95, showpo.com; 8 Bell shape jersey skirt, $27.99, H&M; 9 Emoii Mara Mary Jane, $239.99, Happy Fit Footwear; 10 Knitted beret, $49.95, David Jones; 11 Steve Madden Modish Mary Jane, $169.95, David Jones; 12 Linton tweed chain strap cami mini dress, $518, karenmillen.com

Stacey Dash and Alicia Silverstone Clueless

, 1995. Getty. 1 5 9 3 7 11 6 10 4 8 12 2 32 canberraweekly.com.au

Guided by Jess at Inspired Life Collective, Canberrans can now access the health benefits of FLOWpresso® including:



• Increased energy

inside out. This helps reduce chronic pain, improve circulation, and release toxins from the bloodstream. Deep pressure therapy: Calms the body and mind. Like in a whole-body massage, deep pressure to the body helps to relax, organise the senses, and release the daily stress of life.

Compression: Commonly utilised with compression garments, this is known to help along lymphatic movement in the body, which reduces swelling, assists muscle recovery, and improves digestion. Far infrared: Most have heard of saunas that use far infrared heat, producing a warming e ect from the

SPECIAL OFFER: Canberra Weekly readers can receive $20 o their first FLOWpresso® session by quoting ‘Canberra Weekly’ on their booking form.

• Mobility and flexibility

Inspired Life Collective invites you to boost your

• Improved quality of sleep

feelings of happiness, in just one session.

The FLOWpresso system is a breakthrough non-invasive natural therapy that delivers a 3-in-1 sensory treatment, to enhance physical and mental wellbeing, restoring health

Clinical studies conducted over the last three years show that FLOWpresso® Bodysuit Therapy has been proven to boost serotonin and dopamine, both of which play an essential role in increasing

Are you ready to feel like you again?

• Reduced stress

@inspiredlife.byjessicaanne FEATURE INSPIRED LIFE

EFT Practitioner Jess has expanded her repertoire of holistic approaches to stress and anxiety management, introducing the very first FLOWpresso® Bodysuit Therapy machine in the ACT.Developed in New Zealand and making waves across the US, FLOWpresso® is brand-new to Australia, with a total of just eight machines in the country – one of which is right here in Canberra.

• Enhanced sports recovery and performance

‘Stress hormone’, cortisol, was also significantly lowered, while the session also increased production of ‘sleep hormone’ melatonin – helping clients finally get a good night’s rest.

“In this busy, modern, fast-paced world that we live in, 80 per cent of us are living in a constant state of fight or flight,” says Jess.

lternative therapy hub, Inspired Life Collective, o ers healing from the impacts of trauma and day-to-day life, challenging you to not accept a sub-optimal level of wellness as ‘just the way it is’.

• Boosted mental alertness

“While stress starts in the mind, it ends up in the body so FLOWpresso body suit therapy will help you to live more calmly.

“Bodysuit Therapy guides your nervous system to come out of your stress response and into your relaxed response – finally allowing your body and mind to recover.”FLOWpresso® is non-invasive therapy that works by delivering a three-in-one sensory treatment. It combines compression, far infrared, and deep pressure into a 40-minute experience.

• Weight management


“It’s a weighted blanket, a pressure hug, sauna and full-body massage all wrapped into one.”

“FLOWpresso® brings you back into your body, leaving you calm for days afterwards,” says Jess. “It’s holistic self-care for the mind and body.” Take the first step towards improving your wellbeing. Visit inspiredlifecollective.com.au we be g

Joseph Ribko 60 years of e ortless fashion, fit, and Comequality.and see our range in store 234 CRAWFORD ST, QUEANBEYAN0262993335Weekdays 9.30am - 5.30pm Saturday 10am - 3pm Sunday Closed @debbiemareesfashion Joseph Ribko Top & Pants 34 canberraweekly.com.au

Continuing Canberra Outlet’s Inspire events, the Centre has launched a spin-off series of Inspired events led by Canberran business mavens and entrepreneurs. Attendees have the chance to win over $20,000 in Centre space and promotional services. Whether you have a new business idea or are ready to take your existing one to the next level, all local businesswomen are encouraged to enter. The prize includes eight weeks of weekend floor space at Canberra Outlet, in-centre marketing, quarterly pop-up markets, professional graphic design services provided by The Mark Agency and an advertising package. The winner will be chosen by a panel of businesses presenting at Inspire To enter, complete the form available on the Canberra Outlet website.

Friday 28 6.30–7.30pm:OctoberLocalmakeup artist

Style Side’s Kimberley Hunt will run workshops on finding your personal style this Saturday 24 September at Canberra Outlet.

humanitarian lawyer Rabia Siddique, environmentalist Laura Wells, world-renowned street artist MattyBro, plus local movers and shakers.Thursday 29 and Friday 30 September 11am–12pm: Kids aged 7+ can unleash their inner artist through a Street Art workshop hosted by MattyBro. All materials will be provided, as well as fresh juice and popcorn snacks. Tickets $20 per Saturdaychild.1October 1–2pm:

Laura Wells will be joined in a panel discussion by BMX Olympian Caroline Buchanan, Clothing the Gaps founder, Laura Thompson, and Lifeline Canberra Women of Spirit Award finalist, Adele Auva’a. Hosted by award-winning journalist Emma MacDonald OAM, the panel will delve into the women’s personal journeys undertaken to become their ‘personal best’. Catering and sparkling springtime cocktails will be provided. Tickets $30pp.

Saturday 22 October: Style Curator’s Gina Ciancio will talk attendees through how to style your home to make it ‘uniquely you’.Saturday 5 November: Guests are invited to practise mindfulness through water colouring with the Social Creative, connecting with their creative side all while sipping drinks among friends. Book tickets at canberraoutlet. com.au. All attendees will receive a gift bag and a $20 Canberra Outlet gift card.

What we’re talking about All the latest in fashion, health and beauty. THE LOOK

Danh Doan will host a masterclass, demonstrating his makeup techniques on a live model, with a cheeky nod to Halloween. A spring cocktail will also be provided on arrival. Tickets $20pp.

MattyBro, Rabia Saddique, Sabrina Frederick, and Laura Wells are coming to Canberra Centre.

Canberra Centre’s Spring/ Summer 22 fashion campaign, Personal Best, is running until Sunday 30 October, starring four inspirational personalities.AustralianAnarray of interactive events and workshops will be hosted with AFLW player Sabrina Frederick, international

Saturday 24 September: Drawing on over a decade of experience in personal, editorial, and commercial styling, Style Side’s Kimberley Hunt will talk guests through empowering themselves through personal style.Saturday 8 October: Creative mindfulness brand Crock’d will run a tutorial on creating pottery planters to increase relaxation and decrease stress, guests are encouraged to get out of their heads and into their hands.

Bookings via Eventbrite; Whats-On-Listcanberracentre.qicre.com/visittolearnmore

SUPER SALE up to 80 % off endsSTOREWIDE16thOctober or until stock lasts PREMIUM GENUINE LEATHER JACKETS COATS & BAGS WOOL & CASHMERE JACKETS and COATS available with LEATHER DETAILING Sizes available 3XS to 10 XL CUSTOM TAILORING Make to measure Create your own style

minimise hayfever reactions. Natural therapies: There are many natural therapies that can help if dietary and lifestyle tweaks don’t make a difference for you. Acupuncture can help with stress, soothing sinus congestion and restoring a healthy immune response. Many people use it seasonally to help them through.

Naturopathy can assist with herbs and supplements that focus on soothing irritated mucous membranes and decongesting swollen sinuses. It can also assist with gut health to build long-term immune function and resilience. There are many home remedies from ginger and garlic to fenugreek tea. What works for one doesn’t necessarily work for others though, so I always encourage people to seek advice from an herbalist who can tailor remedies to your unique needs.

Editor’s note: This wellbeing column provides information that is general in nature. Please always refer to your preferred health professional for advice suited to your personal healthcare requirements.

Fix your diet: Inflammatory foods will burden your immune system, leaving you vulnerable to hayfever. Dairy is a wonderfully nutritious food if you can tolerate it. If you have hayfever, chances are you would be better off without it. The same applies to gluten containing grains, not to mention excessive alcohol, sugar, and processed foods. In the spirit of spring, consider a detox featuring lots of quality vegetables, healthy proteins, and plenty of hydration. Being dehydrated makes you more at risk of histamine reactions, so keeping your fluids up is crucial. Some find eating local honey helpful, as it can safely familiarise the immune systems to local pollen species and thereby

What is hayfever?

Hayfever: The itchy, the sneezy, and the wheezy WITH WESLEY SMITH DIRECTOR, LIVE WELL HOLISTIC WELLNESS CENTRE LIVEWELLNATURALLY.COM.AUMANUKA THE LOOK WELLBEING Book in today. No referral needed. 6295 6040 49 Jardine St, Kingston ACT healthyskinsolutions.com.au Healthy Skin SolutionsOurteam has helped thousands of patients look and feel healthier and enjoy life to the fullest. We can help with: Treat the cause of your condition, not just the symptoms. • Eczema • Psoriasis • Acne • Rosacea • Dermatitis • Fungal Infections • Rashes/Hives Not sure if we can help? Call our practitioners to ask about your condition.Luke Clews CW19577-V17 We also provide telephone, skype and video appointments. Specializing in the treatment of Hand Dermatitis 36 canberraweekly.com.au

indicates your immune system is struggling to differentiate benign pollen from a nasty virus. If you can regulate your nervous system, you reset your immune system. You might need professional support to tackle your stress, but equally you might be able to help yourself by getting better quality sleep, exercising indoors to clear tension, and nurturing your emotional health by talking to friends and family.

Hayfever is an immune system overreaction to stimuli in your environment. It can be triggered by dust mites or animal hair; however, if your hayfever is seasonal, it’s likely to be airborne pollens which flourish in spring that trigger an inflammatory immune response in your delicate mucousOthermembranes.thansteroidal nasal sprays and oral antihistamines, what can you do about it? Destress: Combating stress is one of the biggest levers you have at your disposal to support a healthy immune response. Remember, hayfever

Spring in Canberra is a glorious time, with delicate blossoms and sunny wattle putting on a show, the days lengthening and warming up. Except, of course, if you are a hayfever sufferer, in which case sneezes, red sniffly noses and teary eyes are the norm. If you’re one of the unlucky 15 per cent or so who suffer from hayfever, there are things you can do to ease the discomfort, other than hiding in your room.

Transport Canberra/Transport Metro are providing free travel on bus and light rail for all seniors and veterans attending the Expo. Simply present your seniors card or veterans’ card to the bus driver or CMET customer service o cer, if requested. Free bus shuttle services will be available from Tuggeranong, Woden and Belconnen.

• A Green Hub featuring gardening celebrity Tracey Bool and Aquaflow Irrigation


• Great food and refreshments throughout the day

• A huge model train display

• Vintage sports cars and RV vehicles on display outside

All this for just a gold coin entry!

• Over 140 stalls, o ering a huge range of products, services, activities and expert advice

• COTA ACT sta stall to help with enquiries about all things seniors-related

Wednesday 28 September 2022 10am–3:30pm Budawang Pavilion, Coorong Pavilion and Parkes Room Exhibition Park in Canberra (EPIC), Flemington Road, Mitchell See you there! The Veterans and Seniors Expo is part of COTA ACT’s 2022 Silver is Gold Festival, sparking connection between seniors and the community. Sponsored BySponsored by COTA ACT’s Silver is Gold Veterans and Seniors Expo – SEPTEMBER 28 10am-3.30pm @ EPIC

• Electric vehicles available to test drive, courtesy of ActewAGL

• A special lunchtime music concert by the RMC Band and guest artists – ‘Spirit of the Anzacs’. Bookings for this free concert are through the Expo page on our website www.cotaact.org.au or via this QR CODE:

• A welcoming atmosphere, free car parking & disabled car parking

Further details about Transport Canberra travel or information about the Veterans and Seniors Expo can be obtained by calling COTA ACT on (02) 6282 3777 9am-5pm, Monday to Friday.

• An Artist Hub with free art classes, a range of art supplies and a veterans’ art exhibition

For over 60 years, COTA has been the peak body advocating for seniors’ rights and interests.Thefunds raised by COTA Insurance support COTA’s work in these areas, along with programs on health and wellbeing, social connectivity, and participation of older people in Australian life.


The Sleep Apnoea Association is a not-for-profit, all volunteer organisation and is this year celebrating our 30th anniversary of Incorporation and assistance to the Canberra and regional community.

We provide general information, advice and assistance to anyone diagnosed with or suffering from Obstructive Sleep Apnoea (OSA) – a serious health condition that affects a large part of the population. Today, OSA is much better understood, recognised and treated by medical and health professionals and we can put you in touch with local sleep clinicians and equipment suppliers in Canberra. For example, the Continuous Positive Airway Pressure (CPAP) machine has evolved into a lightweight, sleek and quiet breathing device that only uses air and water to provide the gold standard in treatment for OSA patients.


people value talking directly with our wonderful staff. The team are insurance specialists who enjoy talking to you about your insurance needs.COTA

Insurance policies are backed by leading insurers, who have worked together to offer insurance products tailored to the needs of theFindmarket.outhow to get the most from your insurance at cota.com.au or call 1300 1300 50.

Meet us at stall No.120 at the COTA 2022 Silver is Gold Veterans and Seniors EXPO on Wednesday 28 September at Exhibition Park for information and advice about OSA diagnostic testing and treatment options, and explore our demonstration CPAP machines and breathing W:masks.sleepapnea-act.org.au

The COTA network entered the insurance business in the 1980s, and COTA Insurance was established in 1992. Today, we are the most experienced insurance agency in this area, insuring home, contents, motor, travel, caravans, andCOTAboats.Insurance earns commissions on the policies we provide. As a not-for-profit, all surplus funds that are generated after deducting costs are returned to COTA to support their great work. Your COTA Insurance policy goes beyond protecting you and your assets.While our online services provide a great option for some customers, we know many

Silver is Gold feature The Sleep Apnoea Association Inc (ACT) is a self-help support group mainly for su erers of Obstructive Sleep Apnoea and other sleep disorders. We meet bi monthly at 2pm on Saturday at the Canberra Southern Cross Club, Woden. You can see our upcoming schedule meetings through our website! Sleep Apnoea Association Inc. (ACT) | ACT Reg: 2042 | ABN: 62 545 256 140 ACNC Registered Charity | A liate member of SHOUT Inc and the Health Care Consumers’ Association Inc PO BOX 1461 | Tuggeranong ACT 2901 | Phone (02) 6230 7800 (HCCA Inc) | Phone (02) 6290 0198 (SHOUT Inc) www.sleepapnea-act.org.au | Email: AssociationSleepsleepact@yahoo.com.auApnoeaInc. 38 canberraweekly.com.au

Call us to find out more 1300 1300 50 cota.com.au Insurance and Membership Services Limited ABN 59 057 159 743, AR 246235 trading as COTA Travel Insurance is an authorised representative of nib Travel Services (Australia) Pty Ltd, ABN 81 115 932 173, AFS Licence No 308461 and act as nib’s agent and not as your agent. This is general advice only. Before you buy, you should consider your needs, the Product Disclosure Statement (PDS), Financial Services Guide (FSG) and Target Market Determination (TMD) available from us. This insurance is underwritten by Pacific International Insurance Pty Ltd, ABN 83 169 311 193. *Coverage is subject to the terms, conditions, limitations and exclusions for each policy, as contained in the PDS. eventsrelatedCOVIDforCoversome-19* CW070722 Now insurancetravelinternationaldomesticofferingand

Wellbeing Strategy to improve social outcomes for older people across every aspect of life in our city, including housing, intergenerational connection, preventing abuse of older people, supporting Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander elders, and much more.

Here’scosts.how it works: firstly, we finance, plan and undertake strategic renovations aimed at getting you top dollar for your home. We style and sell your home for the highest possible price. Then, upon settlement and via your solicitor, we recover our costs and fee from the profit we make you. The result? You walk away with more money in your pocket and a newfound level of financial freedomwithout lifting a finger!

T: 1800 CALL YPP (1800 225 597)

Launch of the Older Persons Mental Health and Wellbeing Strategy: (from left) Minister for Mental Health Emma Davidson, CEO of COTA ACT Jenny Mobbs, Chair of the Ministerial Advisory Council on the Ageing Prue Powers, Member of the Mental Health Advisory Council Judy Bentleigh, and Coordinator-General for the Office for Mental Health and Wellbeing Dr Elizabeth Moore.



We renovate, we pay, and you profit. There are no financial checks and no upfront

Thank you to our community and the Ministerial Advisory Council on Ageing for your ongoing advice to make our city a place where older people can thrive and live their best lives!

Simply put, we leave you in a better financial position than if you’d sold without us. We get the job done fast, and we look after you and your home every step of the way. We have a vested interest in your success – we’re in it with you, sharing the load.

Silver is Gold

We want Canberra to be a place where everyone has equal opportunities. The ACT Government’s Age-Friendly City Plan 2020-2024 has ensured that we are better supported with more access to services, accessible public transport, and opportunities for social connectivity. However, we know much more must be done to support older Canberrans.Lastmonth

feature 40 canberraweekly.com.au

Are you thinking of selling but feel overwhelmed by the repairs you’d need to do to get the best price for your home? Whatever your financial position, we’re here to help.

W: yourpropertyprofits.com.au

We offer an additional Financial Assistance Package for homeowners experiencing financial hardship, which is not means tested. And we even offset two tonnes of carbon for every $10,000 we spend on renovations!

Are you thinking of downsizing? Call us today and breathe new life into your future.


I was thrilled to launch the Older Persons Mental Health and


1800 CALL YPP (1800 225 www.yourpropertyprofits.com.au597) Renovate

possible. Sophie’s knowledge and expertise took all the stress out of our first-time sale. We couldn’t be happier with the result. We definitely would never sell any other way, thank you so much!”

Your Property Profits offers an exceptional funding system. We renovate, we pay and you profit. No money down and you don’t lift a finger. We have years of experience in helping people achieve stunning home renovations in ACT, NSW and TAS stress free and in record time. If you want to maximise the sale value of your property and sell it fast, without outlaying a cent. We’re the experts you should call. Now, Pay later


- Jenny Warren, Holt

Book a free consultation today!

We Renovate, We Pay, You Profit!



employ our own chef who will come to your home to cook delicious and nutritious meals that you can store in your fridge or freezer to reheat at your convenience. We also have our own team of tech gurus on hand to help you with smart phone, iPad and device set-up and assistance. These items can also be purchased with your Home Care Package funds to keep you connected to family and friends and to access

front office where you are always welcome. Find us at 71 Mawson Place at Southlands Shopping Centre, Mawson (next to Pizza Capers).

E: act.enquiries@annecto.org.au

Phonetelehealth.usordrop-in to our shop

Our Home Care Packages provide the standard services you expect such as domestic assistance, social support, clinical and allied health and transport. Annecto, however, takes things a step further with some imaginative and innovative services. Forget boring meal plans or repetitive frozen meals! We

Annecto understands that senior Australians want to live at home for as long as possible. Our Home Care Packages, My Support and other programs focus on you as an individual and we are committed to working together to support you to meet your goals and expectations. We directly employ our own Support Workers, dietician and occupational therapist to provide the most consistent support. Our Case Managers have a wealth of experience, highly developed skills and a passionate commitment to working in the community sector.

Our new Community Information

Red Cross is committed to making our service as accessible as possible to support the local community.

Good news galore at Australian Red Cross

For further information and to register your interest, visit the @ACTARC Facebook page or email actinfo@redcross.org.au E: actinfo@redcross.org.au@ACTARC

AUSTRALIAN RED CROSS SUPPORTS THOSE FALLING THROUGH THE GAPS Silver is Gold feature Australian Red Cross mobilized the power of humanity to bring people & communities together in times of need. In the ACT we want to support our community to live in community. We offer Companionship & Social Support, phone call check ins, Meal Delivery, Personal Alarms and specialized social service Weprograms.support people falling through the gaps, including those experiencing homelessness, loneliness. We aim to ensure people feel included and empowered in community. If you want to know more, gain access to services or be involved. Please reach out today. Contact Details Mail: actinfo@redcross.org.au Phone Number: 6234 7600 42 canberraweekly.com.au

W: annecto.org.au

T: 02 6174 4883

ACT!Did you know that you can now access our Meals on Wheels menus online, as well as via email, over the phone, or in person?

Sessions are aimed to increase community engagement, access to services and support, and creating a safe space to explore and discuss the needs of Canberrans.Comealong to the next session on Thursday 13 October 5pm at Red Cross House, Level 1, 3 Dann Close, Garran.

Across the ACT, Red Cross also provides personal alarm systems in the home. Our most recent ‘out and about’ personal alarm enables greater social inclusion and personal safety.

Find out more by speaking to our friendly Annecto staff at the 2022 Silver is Gold Expo, 28th September, or give us a call forthatsupportAgedtoday!careworksyou annecto.org.au Annecto is an aged care and disability service provider supporting people to live the life they want. Our planning and support starts with you; whether you’re looking for home care, help around the house or garden, or support to stay connected to your community, Annecto will work with you. We provide Home Care Packages, Short Term Restorative Care, CHSP Food Preparation and private fee for service. (02) 6174 Southlands4883Shopping Centre, 71 Mawson Pl, Mawson ACT 2607 Ngunnawal and Ngambri Countries

Email ptg.act.gov.auptg_marketing@act.gov.au

We provide a prompt, speedy and professional Will and Enduring Power of Attorney service and can advise on all aspects of estate planning.AnEnduring Power of Attorney allows you to appoint a person to make decisions affecting your property, fi nancial, health and personal care matters in the event that you lose capacity to do so.

The Public Trustee and Guardian for the ACT encourages all persons in the community to have a valid up-to-date Will and Enduring Power of Attorney.

Making a Will and enduring Power of Attorney is the only way to ensure that a lifetime’s work is passed on to the people you choose.

is appointed as the fi rst-named Executor/Attorney and the Public Trustee and Guardian is appointed as a substitute. For persons aged 60 years and over, PTG will not charge a fee to prepare your Will.

Public Trustee and Guardian can guide you through the process and ensure your best wishes are met.

Public Trustee and Guardian has qualified, and professional lawyers engaged to prepare your Will and Enduring Power of Attorney. We can only do so where the Public Trustee and Guardian is appointed as Executor or Attorney OR your partner/spouse

Are yourmakingcontemplatingyouorupdatingWill?

the Public Trustee and Guardian as your Manager or Guardian. Consider making your Will with the Public Trustee and Guardian.

Secure tomorrow. Act today, make a Will.

Call us on 6207 9800 or email ptg@act.gov.au to make an appointment, and you can visit our website at www.ptg.act.gov.au.

In the event that you do not prepare an Enduring Power of Attorney, and you lose capacity and decisions are required, the ACT Civil and Administrative Tribunal can, on application, appoint a person to make these decisions. In the event there is no consenting, suitable individual, the Tribunal may appoint

Phone 6207 9800

A failure to prepare a valid and up to date Will may lead to unintended consequences in respect to your estate upon your death.None of us know when we are going to die or the circumstances of our death, and a Will is not something that should be left to prepare when you buy a house, or have children, when you are older or where you have accumulated assets.The

Call today to make an appointment and speak to one of our friendly team members

Public Trustee for the ACT advertising moment

Moving to residential care is a major life event. We go the extra mile to make sure you feel comfortable and at home. Goodwin o ers a range of services tailored to your needs. With award-winning residences and industry-leading care, we provide choice every step of the way. Experience the highest quality care at Goodwin’s newest residential aged care facility – George Sautelle House, Farrer. • Onsite nurses, health and allied health specialists • Chef-cooked meals prepared fresh onsite • Beautiful gardens all year-round • Multiple communal spaces and quiet corners • Daily activities, on-and-o -site • Stunning views of Mt Taylor and established gums Talk to our experienced team – together we’ll nd the best care for you. 02 6175 goodwin.org.au5006

Expert care in a warm and welcoming community

A life of luxury is at the forefront at The Brindabellas, where residents are provided premium toiletries, luxurious bathrobes and monthly full body massages. An elegant woman must dine in style, and residents enjoy refined eating experiences complete with high-end crockery, silverware, and special events such as the English High Tea.


GOODWIN OPENS NEW WING FOR WOMEN ONLY Goodwin Residential Care have unveiled their newest offering, a female only wing for the woman who enjoys life’s finer things.

To make the move to The Brindabellas, contact Goodwin Residential Care on 6175 5192 or admissions@goodwin.org.au

Silver is Gold feature DOUBLE THE GLAZING. DOUBLE THE SAVINGS. DOUBLE THE COMFORT. The Solace Studio, 17 Townsville Street, Fyshwick Monday – Friday 9am – 5pm | Saturday 10am – 2pm Contact Solace Creations for a FREE QUOTE to upgrade to efficient, functional and modern double glazing. (02) 6260 1621 solacecreations.com.au 46 canberraweekly.com.au

Culture is also rich at The Brindabellas. Residents are able to view and purchase artworks created by Canberra region artists on a bimonthly rotation, while those with a fondness for beautiful live music will enjoy the 20 per cent discount Goodwin residents receive for Canberra Symphony Orchestra performances at Llewellyn Hall.

The Brindabellas can be found on the ground floor of George Sautelle House in Farrer. The first of its kind in the Capital, this special wing offers all the incredible inclusions Goodwin are known for plus some new extras.

Enjoy nature in the private gardens where

T: 1800 561 546 W: acornstairlifts.com.au

residents are welcome to exercise their green thumbs in the raised kitchen bed or allow gardeners to look after things for them.

ACORN STAIRLIFTS OFFERS FREEDOM, ACORN Stairlifts has been giving people who struggle with stairs freedom and independence, nationally and internationally, for 30 years now. Our stairlifts are ideal for people with a disability, people who have suffered strokes, or seniors with decreased mobility. With a stairlift, whoever has an issue is not restricted to one level of their home and, most importantly, can get up and down their stairs safely. We have led the way with our design and Additionally,innovation.AcornStairlifts is the first stairlift manufacturer to be awarded the prestigious Arthritis Foundation’s Ease-of-Use Commendation.

Elder Law

Wills and Estates

As Canberra’s wills and estate planning specialists, we are the goto experts for providing comprehensive estate planning services that cover all aspects of wills and estate matters.

Before you sign off on any important life decisions, it’s crucial to seek specialist legal and financial advice in advance in order to protect your interests. This becomes even more important as you grow older.

Because we specialise in wills and estate planning, we have a unique perspective on all the issues that can and do happen. As a result, we’re able to consider every aspect of the law in order to plan for and advocate on your behalf accordingly.

Need help with a legal matter?

From the front-end work of preparing wills and powers of attorney for all types of situations and financial circumstances, to administering estates and handling disputes, we have the experience and knowledge to ensure the best possible outcome for our clients.

(02) 6279 Levelinfo@mvlaw.com.au44442121MarcusClarke

Street Canberra City


Have you retired, or are thinking about retiring? Or are you downsizing and moving to a retirement village?

Avoid stress and worry in later life by consulting the elder law specialists at MV Law. With an in-depth understanding of the legal issues facing older Australians, we can provide advice and guidance on a range of issues including moving into a retirement village or aged care facility and decisions affecting your financial affairs.

Is living in a two-storey home becoming more difficult for you or a loved one? Don’t stress over having to downsize and relocate, Personal Home Lifts offers you options to keep you in the home you love.

With the rising cost of living and shrinking blocks of land, finding somewhere smaller is no longer the best option when mobility issues arise. Now you can stay put in the suburb you know and alter your home with a purposebuilt two-storey domestic lift. To find out more, visit our www.personalhomelifts.com.auwebsite,

Membership is free and can benefit you throughout your heart event recovery or as you learn to manage your cardiac diagnosis. Visit our Linktree or contact us directly for information about our peer support groups and more.

E: office@heartnet.org.au

Sturdier than the average window, double-glazed windows add protection against breaking-and-entering and are safer for small children.

Solace Creations connects Canberrans with a full supply and installation package, along with supply only for new

HEART SUPPORT AUSTRALIA CARES FOR YOU Heart Support Australia is a not-for-profit national body providing peer support, information and encouragement for people who have experienced a heart event. Peer support is the essence of our organisation as we believe that cardiac patients shouldn’t have to fight heart disease alone. Peer support can improve people’s overall wellbeing and reduce the risk factors of a second heart event.

Solace Creations Double Glazing has been helping local homeowners secure and enhance their homes since 2006.

Clientsbuilds.love the improved safety, reduction in noise, lower energy bills, and comfortable home climate.

W: solacecreations.com.au

Pop in today at 1/17 Townsville Street, Fyshwick.

The benefits don’t stop there, as the Solace Creations team will design your windows and doors to enhance the overall value of your home.



T: 02 6253 0097

W: linktr.ee/heartsupportaustralia

Silver is Gold feature When you install the Elegance Home Lift in your home, you no longer have to face the prospect of downsizing to a single storey property Installation is quick and simple, so you can soon appreciate how the Elegance Home Lift will enhance your quality of life and give you your freedom back. PERSONAL HOME LIFTS CAN TRANSFORM YOUR HOME AND YOUR LIFE. www.personalhomelifts.com.au | Mon–Fri: 9am–5pm 48 canberraweekly.com.au

As an integrated healthcare team, Canberra Microsurgery aims to maintain excellence in surgical treatment, and consistently provide informed and compassionate care.

Dedicated efficiency, informed compassion Eye Surgeons is the largest eye care facility within Canberra and the surrounding regions. Our Surgeons have over 25 years of experience and are at the forefront


of technology and treatment of eye conditions including cataracts, macular degeneration, diabetic and oculoplastics.glaucoma,retinopathy,cornealconditions 02 6249 6000 | canberraeye.com.au 4 Makin Place, Deakin, ACT Talk to your GP or Optometrist for a referral 02 6217 5000 | canberramicrosurgery.com.au 16 Wilbow Street, Phillip, ACT


Canberra Microsurgery is a day hospital dedicated to excellence in surgical eye treatment. We provide nurturing patient care in a safe, high-quality facility with the latest technology.

At Phillips Wealth Partners, our expertise is in helping people who are downsizing, considering a retirement living home or a granny flat option, or are seeking ways to maximise their investments or cash flow to manage the increasing expenses of at-home services or residential aged care

MEJ’s philosophy is simple—if you’ve been injured through someone else’s fault then you deserve fair compensation. However, it’s important that you act quickly to achieve the best possible result. They offer a free initial consultation and work on a ‘no win – no fee’ basis.

Maliganis Edwards Johnson (MEJ) has been protecting the rights of injured Canberrans since

Seniors feature Phillips Wealth Partners are specialists in aged care financial advice, retirement living and retirement planning. Our aged care specialists and retirement planning advisers help simplify the financial decisions of moving into an aged care home, retirement village or granny flat arrangement Based in Canberra, and servicing clients Australia wide, our team are dedicated to helping people plan for the next stage in life CALL 1300 10 22 33 www.phillipswp.com.au info@phillipswp.com.au CRAIG CPHILLIPS RAIG CPHILLIPS RAIG PHILLIPS D i r e c t o r , P r i n c i p a l A d v i s e Dr i r c t o r , r i n c i p a l A d v i s e Dr r r p a s r Phillips Wealth Partners Pty Ltd ACN 624858420 is a corporate authorised representative of Insight Investment Services Pty AFSL 309996 LUISA LCAPEZIO UISA LCAPEZIO UISA CAPEZIO A g e d C a r e A d v i s e Ar g e d C a r e A d v i s e Ar g r s r 50 canberraweekly.com.au

The experienced team know that without the right legal advice and representation, you can miss out on fair compensation and incur unnecessary costs.

Being injured can have a traumatic effect on your life and on your family.



are legal specialists in personal injury and understand the complexity of the laws that govern compensation in the ACT.

W: phillipswp.com.au

When planning what a good life means to you, it’s important to think about your senior years and figure out the best way to navigate this next stage of life.

T: 1300 10 22 33

E: info@phillipswp.com.au

E: mail@mej.com.au

Partners will work with you to create a personalised plan that ensures your finances are in good shape to fund your retirement years.



Don’t delay, call MEJ or visit mej.com.au

W: mej.com.au

T: 6257 2999

If you’re injured in a motor vehicle accident or at work, you could face time off work, loss of income and mounting medical costs. Maliganis Edwards Johnson help families protect their rights and get fair compensation. And if you don’t win you don’t pay us anything. 02 6257 2999 | mej.com.auPersonal Injury Lawyers Don’t delay. Call MEJ.

Book your free workout any time through curves.com

MV Law delivers advice in plain English so their clients can understand their legal position and their options. Canberrans can trust MV Law’s specialist experience to provide strategic advice tailored to each client’s particular circumstances

See your doctor or optometrist for a referral and call our friendly reception team on 6249 6000.

“Sadly, disputes about Wills and estates are becoming increasingly common, in part attributable to more blended families these days, as well as increasing property values.”

Get ready for a fat burning 30-minute full body workout, completely free for all new members across Curves gyms. Save $21 on an intro to gym equipment, Curves club, and their fabulous circuit coaches.

Serving Canberrans for almost a decade, Canberra Microsurgery continues to provide high quality eye surgical care to the ACT and surrounding areas.

The same-day surgery is stateof-the-art, with the best available equipment and processes for surgical and microsurgical treatment. Rest easy in your time of need, in the hands of Canberra



retirement village contracts; probate; and advice for contested Will matters.

Seniors feature 52 canberraweekly.com.au

Low or High Impact – it’s all up to you! Canberrans of any age, lifestyle, or fitness level can build muscle and smash

goals through resistance training in a community environment.

Canberra Eye Surgeons is proud to hold over 25 years of service to the Canberra community.

Our four Ophthalmologists provide a full range of diagnostic, surgical and treatment services for a wide range of eyeCanberraconditions.Eye

“As an enduring attorney is not allowed to make a Will for a person who does not have testamentary capacity, it’s better to make one while you are able, and before it’s too late,” Tanya advises.

MV Law can help seniors with: Wills and estate planning; Enduring powers of attorney; elder law issues; advice on

glaucoma, corneal conditions, and oculoplastics.Conveniently located in Deakin with free parking under our building for patients, the clinic is also easily accessible via public transport with bus stops nearby.

Surgeons delivers routine and urgent care for conditions including cataracts, macular degeneration, diabetic retinopathy,

MV Law partner and Wills and Estates team head, Tanya Herbertson, says it is especially important that seniors ensure their Will reflects their current testamentary intentions.“It’scrucial to get a Will and Enduring Power of Attorney done before capacity becomes an issue, for example, due to a health condition like dementia.

Microsurgery’s longstanding medical, nursing, and administrative teams who provide expert care in a nurturingLocatedenvironment.inPhillipwith free onsite parking for patients and their families, Canberra Microsurgery is also easily accessible via public transport, only a short walk from the Woden bus interchange. Give us a call on 6217 5000.

Enjoy Curves’ new fitness tracking technology: MyZone – a wearable fitness tracker and online social platform that shows and rewards your effort whenever you work out.


For a warm approach from reputable award-winning lawyers, call MV Law on 6279 4444.


My Heart Will Go On… for 1990s nostalgia. The spirited approach to colour, vintage flea market aesthetic, and chaotic clashing of geometric shapes defined 1990s interior design and influenced a new era of trends. Think the Friends purple New York City apartment, the Fresh Prince of Bel-Air, and Kat Stratford’s iconic style in 10 Things I Hate About You. As Gen Z embraces ’90s fashion, I say bring back ’90s interior trends, too. WITH HOME EDITOR, ABBEY HALTER 1 Fink jug, $369.95, finkdesign.com; 2 Corduroy decorative velvet cushion cover, $19.95, templeandwebster.com.au; 3 Anja bookcase, $3,155, globewest.com.au; 4 Bentwood dining chair, $199, loungelovers.com.au; 5 Type 75 desk lamp, from $510, Designcraft; 6 Joy footstool, from $1,750, heatherlydesign.com.au; 7 Billie abstract handwoven rug, $259, Early Settler; 8 Scandi print berfin sofa, $1,149, templeandwebster.com.au HOME 5 3 7 2 6 4 8 Rupert bedhead, From $1,470, heatherlydesign.com.au toFlashbackthe1990s 1 designiconiclocal canberraweekly.com.au53

“Your backyard might be a garden. If you live in an apartment, your garden could be plants on your balcony.

Can’t seem to pull your together?decorating Now you can access help for just the parts you need. With your ideas, our expertise & resources you’ll confidently take action. Avoid big ticket mistakes with our holistic plan to achieving the forever home you deserve. Scan to learn more about Choose your DecoratingAdventureOwnServices www.journey-home.com.au Decore r for he 54 canberraweekly.com.au

“With Junior Landcare, we are educating the next generation of Landcarers – and this starts with parents, carers and educators encouraging simple moments outdoors.”Thisyear, Wiradjuri man Adam Shipp has together created with Junior Landcare 10 new First Nations learning activities to additionally encourage children to have a connection to country throughout the

campaign.Notonly can Canberra children watch and learn from Costa on ABC Kids Get Grubby TV, but they will also have the chance to see him up close at Floriade this year!


At first glance, you may think you have very few native animals scurrying around your backyard, but Australian gardening icon Costa Georgiadis says there’s a whole lot more than you think.

on the coast close to the sea, or on a farm – these could all be your backyard!”

As part of National Biodiversity Month in September, children can submit photos of the flora and fauna they find for Costa to see on the Junior Landcare website and go in the running to win a range of prizes, including a visit from Costa“Younghimself!people play a vital role in caring for our environment, which needs all the help it can get! Junior Landcare gives children – no matter

Canberrans will be able to meet TV personality Costa Georgiadis at Floriade on Sunday 25 September. File photo.

“You may live near a park or bushland area, or a river or wetland. You may live

As part of Junior Landcare’s ‘What’s in your backyard?’ campaign, Aussie kids are encouraged to explore their backyards and gardens to discover just how much flora and fauna lives around them.

Children can lack love for their environment if they aren’t involved in caring for it, Junior Landcare says, so they’re promoting kids getting their hands and feet dirty while discovering their local environment.

where they are across the country – the opportunity to understand nature, connect with it and take action to protect the world around them,” says Costa.

On Sunday 25 September, Costa will be welcomed onto the Floriade stage at 12-1pm, and will also host meet and greet sessions at 10-11am andSo,2-3pm.doyou

know ‘What’s in your backyard?’

The ‘What’s in your backyard?’ campaign closes on 31 October. Find out more www.juniorlandcare.org.auat

Hey, Canberra kids! Do you know ‘what’s in your backyard?’

Gardening Australia host Costa Georgiadis has joined forces with Junior Landcare to encourage Australian kids to explore their backyards in an effort to care for their environment. Photo supplied.

“We’re calling on all Aussie kids to get outside and explore their local environment,” says Costa.

LJ Hooker Kaleen 6241 1922

View On request

REAL ESTATE PROPERTY OF THE WEEK canberraweeklyrealestate.com.au canberraweekly.com.au55


Agent Lukas Cole says the location of 14 Goldman Street is “simply brilliant” and just a

Bruce Goldman Street

“My favourite parts of the property are when you walk in, you are greeted with such a grand entrance as well as high ceilings. The master bedroom is also definitely a standout as it has a huge ensuite and balcony,” Mr Cole says.

stone’s throw from the University of Canberra, Canberra Hospital, and the Belconnen precinct.

4 2 2

EER 3.5

Auction Wed 28 Sept 6pm

“When driving down Goldman Street, you straight away notice this property as it’s the largest build in the street – it stands out amongst the rest. This home also has such a warm feel to it and is just waiting for its next forever family.

Sprawling across two extravagant floors, this four-bedroom Bruce home is exceptionally grand, boasting opulence and luxury in every room.As soon as you walk through the impressive front door of 14 Goldman Street, you’re met with a contemporary open plan layout with the lounge, living and kitchen spaces flowing together seamlessly.

Palatial property

The stylish entertainers’ kitchen features stainless steel appliances, stone benchtops, a butler’s pantry, and Italian floor tiles, while the resplendent and regal staircase leading to the top floor will take your breath away.

“You don’t see properties like this much anymore. It is designed for all sorts of families with plenty of break-out spaces and just a short walk to an abundance of popular places.”

Agent Lukas Cole Mob 0432 289 618

4 Arakoon Crescent, Isabella Plains $890,000 Property Collective

MARQ Property Auction Sat 24 Sept 10.30am

25 Perrin Circuit, Banks $880,000 Paul & Robyn Sutton

39 Hooper Crescent, Flynn $1,100,000 LJ Hooker

9 Munjuwa Street, Ngunnawal $912,000 Canberry

13 Crampton Place, Fadden $1,400,000 Belle

211 Phillip Avenue, Hackett $935,000 Solely 20/18 Sellbach Street, Weston $930,000 Hayman Partners

1 Tom Bass Terrace, Weston $1,670,800 Hayman Partners


6 Grevillea Street, O'Connor $1,400,000 Ward

12 Higgins Crescent, Ainslie $2,100,000 Home by Holly

12 Pither Close, Flynn $695,000 LJ Hooker

5/8 Zamia Place, Palmerston $737,500 Luton


40 Westbury Circuit, Nicholls $1,255,000 MARQ

Agent Maree Van Arkel 0419 624 766

4 Farrer Street, Braddon $2,550,000 Home by Holly


125 Plimsoll Drive, Casey $800,000 Hive 6/20 Jessup Place, Phillip $790,000 Independent

50 Ross Smith Crescent, Scullin $882,000 Blackshaw

Agent Lukas Cole 0432 289 618

12 Dorrie Crescent, Moncrieff $1,100,000 Town Residential


4 2 2

95 Bicentennial Drive, Jerrabomberra $970,000 Distinct

4/72 Shackleton Circuit, Mawson $980,000 Maloneys

6 Pownall Street, Franklin $1,655,000 Confidence

359 Drive,

23 Clutterbuck Crescent, Oxley $890,000 Real Estate Shop

22 Westgarth Street,

5 Johnson Place, Farrer $920,000 Michael Potter

5/85 Namadgi Circuit, Palmerston $660,000 Raine & Horne 94/217 Northbourne Avenue, Turner $646,000 Leader Capital 32/88 Narrambla Terrace, Lawson $632,500 MARQ 6/71 Lawrenson Circuit, Jacka $610,000 Ray White 317/6 Cape Street, Dickson $596,000 Independent 38/6 Cunningham Street, Griffith $575,000 Capital Residential 135/15 John Cleland Crescent, Florey $570,000 Independent 78/26 Antill Street, Dickson $570,000 LJ Hooker 149/41 Chandler Street, Belconnen $560,000 LJ Hooker 102/7 Irving Street, Phillip $550,000 Independent 7/34 Torrens Street, Braddon $503,500 Independent 510/15 Bowes Street, Phillip $500,000 The Agency 126/1 Mouat Street, Lyneham $475,000 Manage Me 102/227 Flemington Road, Franklin $465,000 Distinct 42B/9 Chandler Street, Belconnen $455,000 LJ Hooker 4/3 Garran Place, Garran $445,000 MARQ 155/41 Chandler Street, Belconnen $428,000 Independent 18/2 Serventy Street, Wright $405,000 Blackshaw 75/235 Flemington Road, Franklin $400,000 Impact Properties 57/2 Veryard Lane, Belconnen $390,000 Canberry 9/4 Mowatt Street, Queanbeyan East $360,000 Independent 9/3-5 Davison Street, Crestwood $350,000 LJ Hooker 15B/9 Chandler Street, Belconnen $345,250 Capital Residential 7/2-8 Corinna Street, Lyons $340,000 LJ Hooker 42/22 Mowatt St, Queanbeyan East $195,000 Ray White Data is provided by agents. Source: Realestate.com.au

28 Fowles Street, Weston $920,000 Cream Residential

145 Miller Street, O'Connor $1,365,000 McIntyre

63 Polwarth Circuit, Dunlop $811,000 Luton

61 Starke Street, Higgins $905,000 Impact Properties

55 Narden Street, Crace $800,000 LJ Hooker

Ray White Canberra Auction Fri 23 Sept 12.30pm

LJ Hooker Kaleen Wed 28 Sept 6pm

17 Manity Court, Ngunnawal $970,000 Independent

46 Dalley Crescent, Latham $818,000 Agent Team

11 Henderson Street, Garran $1,430,000 Cream Residential

34 Honyong Crescent, Ngunnawal $860,000 Hive

212/34 Eyre Street, Kingston $750,000 LJ Hooker

72 Marsden Street, Dickson $1,265,000 LJ Hooker

under the hammer $1,255,000 40 MARQCircuit,WestburyNicholls REAL ESTATE RECENT SALES canberraweeklyrealestate.com.au 56 canberraweekly.com.au

24 Crawford Street, Queanbeyan $847,500 LJ Hooker

519/1 Kalma Way, Campbell $860,000 Independent 59/45 Athllon Drive, Greenway $850,000 LJ Hooker

36 Arunta Street, Narrabundah $1,239,000 Belle

212/19 Marcus Clarke Street, Acton $750,000 LJ Hooker

15 Domain Street, Palmerston $840,000 Leader Capital 86/44 Macquarie Street, Barton $830,000 Boris

O’Connor 4 2 1

Agent Sam Taylor 158

14 Goldman Street, Bruce

7 Horsley Crescent, Melba $730,000 LJ Hooker

Gungahlin 4 2 3

15 Ariotti Street, Strathnairn $1,242,500 LJ Hooker

“This is due to a combination of rising interest rates and higher average loans with average loan repayments increasing over the past year by $621 per month.”

required to meet median rents rising to 22.9 per cent – an increase of 0.4 percentage points over the June quarter and 1.2 percentage points over the past 12 months.

Homeownership and tenancies across Australia continue to face a lack of supply and rising interest rates, causing housing affordability to worsen in the 2022 June quarter, says Real Estate Institute of Australia (REIA) president Hayden Groves.

The REIA’s latest Housing Affordability Report predicts a grim outlook for housing supply, with Mr Groves calling the issue “the number one concern”. If the state and federal governments do not urgently address the supply constraints, “affordability is expected to worsen”, he said.

In the past year, new home loans have decreased by 17.2 per cent to 93,956, and first home buyer loans significantly slipped by 32.6 per cent to 29,127.

Home Energy Support Program.

More energy efficiency rebates for householdslow-income

REAL ESTATE PROPERTY NEWS canberraweeklyrealestate.com.au RAMS Home Loan Centre ACT Central 10 Rudd Street, Canberra Neil Harlock 0423 840 250 More Information: Credit criteria, fees and charges apply. 1Offer is current as at 1 August 2022 and may be varied or withdrawn at any time. For new refinance applications received between 1 August 2022 and 31 October 2022 and settle by 31 December 2022. Offer available for Owner Occupier with Principal and Interest repayments and Investment Loans. Min. Loan $250k. Limit of 1 $4,000 rebate per settled refinance application regardless of the number of loans involved. This offer is not available in conjunction with the New Purchase Buyer $1,000 Rebate. Excludes Owner Occupier Interest Only, Line of Credit Loans, residential lending originated under family or company trusts and switches and refinances of home loans within the Westpac Group (St.George, Westpac, Bank of Melbourne, BankSA). Split loans are counted as one settled home loan regardless of the number of splits. Rebate will be automatically deposited into the home loan account within 60 days after settlement. If the home loan has a fixed interest rate, the rebate will count towards the prepayment threshold. Tax consequences may arise from this promotion for investors and customers should seek independent advice on any taxation matters. RAMS Home Loan Centre ACT Central is owned and operated by ACT Central Financial Services Pty Ltd ABN 95 619 745 416. RAMS Financial Group Pty Ltd ABN 30 105 207 538, AR 405465 Australian Credit Licence 388065. Credit Provider & issuer of RAMS Deposit Products: Westpac Banking Corporation ABN 33 007 457 141 AFSL and Australian credit licence 233714. 22357/0822 The grass is greener at RAMS. You could get a $4,000 rebate1 when you refinance with us. Apply by 31/10/22. Min loan amount $250k, Owner Occupier with Principal and Interest repayments and Investment Loans. T&Cs apply. canberraweekly.com.au57

To help low-income homeowners in the ACT switch to electric, the ACT Government will expand the Home Energy Support Program to include new rebates of up to $2,500 for efficient electric appliances.ACTMinister for Energy and Emissions Reduction, Shane Rattenbury, said the program’s expansion will support low-income households to transition away from fossil-fuel gas use at a time that is right for Eligiblethem.households can now access a $2,500 rebate to help reduce their upfront cost to purchase reverse cycle heating and cooling systems, hot water heat pumps, and electric cooktops/ovens through the

required to meet average loan repayments increased to 38.4 per cent, an increase of 4.7 percentage points over the past year.

Additionally, loan values soared by 11.6 per cent, with the average loan size now $612,079.Theoutlook for rental affordability is similar, with the proportion of income

The ACT Council of Social Service (ACTCOSS) welcomed the expansion of the Home Energy Support Program targeted toward low-income netassociatedimpactedincomesclimatedisproportionatelyfaceCampbellACTCOSShouseholds.CEODrEmmasaid,“Canberranswhodisadvantageareimpactedbychange.Peopleonlowarealsomostlikelytobebyanycostincreaseswiththetransitiontozeroemissions.”

“Over the quarter, rental affordability improved in Victoria but declined in all other states and territories with the least affordable state or territory in which to rent a property being Tasmania,” Mr Groves said.

This is in addition to the already available rebate of up to $2,500 to install rooftop solar. Households may access the Sustainable Household Scheme to cover remaining costs.

Housing, rental affordability continue to worsen

“The decline in housing affordability over the June quarter (down 2.7 percentage points) outpaced the decline in rental affordability (down 0.4 percentage“Nationally,points).theproportion of income

per cent, while the Inner South decreased by 3.4 per“Thiscent.defies the Reserve Bank’s latest comment on potential house price falls, and simply demonstrates the current market conditions are the adjustment ‘we had to have’,” Mr Groves said.

For all other dwelling sales, Canberra’s median price remained stable at $600,000, but with an annual increase of 5.6 per cent.

However, in the past year, Canberra’s median house prices increased across all zones: 15.1 per cent in the Inner Central, 12.1 per cent in the Inner South, 20.8 per cent in the West and North, and 18.4 per cent in the Outer South.

In the past 12 months, all zones but one saw a median other dwelling price rise as the Inner Central increased by 2.6 per cent, the West and North by 9.8 per cent, and the Outer South by 17.7

The June quarter of 2022 saw a combined decline in the weighted average capital city median price for all dwellings across the Australian residential property market, REIA president Hayden Groves said. House prices fell by 1.8 per cent and other dwellings by 0.6 per cent.

The most expensive rent across all of Canberra is a four-bedroom house in the Inner Central for $900 per week; down by 1.1 per cent in the quarter but an increase of 4.7 per cent in the past year.

“At $530,000, Perth offers great value with the lowest median house price across Australian capital cities, 47.6 per cent lower than the national median.”

All zones in Canberra saw a decrease in median house prices in the quarter: 0.6 per cent in the Inner Central, 2.9 per cent in the Inner South, 0.8 per cent in the West and North, and 1.6 per cent in the Outer South.

The least expensive rent across all of Canberra is a one-bedroom dwelling in the Outer South for $430 per week.

South recorded $915,000.

Across the eight capital cities in the June quarter, the weighted average median house price fell to Canberra’s$1,012,230.medianhouse price fell by 2.9 per cent to an even $1,000,000, although there has been a 15.3 per cent increase over the last 12 months.TheInner Central has the most expensive median house price at $1,610,500; the Inner South comes in second at $1,233,000; the West and North recorded $960,000; and the Outer

In Canberra, the median rent for a three-bedroom house increased to $650 per week – an increase of 3.2 per cent in the June quarter, and of 12.1 per cent in the past 12 months.

The West and North was the only zone to see the median other dwelling price rise by 1.8 per cent, while the Inner Central decreased by 0.8 per cent, the Inner South by 14.1 per cent, and the Outer South by 3.6 per cent.

house prices fall and interest rates still rising REAL ESTATE PROPERTY NEWS canberraweeklyrealestate.com.au Stage 1 - Ready to build on now Stage 2a - Now selling Compare our prices... You’ll be surprised. Phone 0418 486949 to book your personal on site inspection or email your enquiry to: land@corporation.com.au Taragowww.elmgroveestate.com.auRoad,Bungendore You get so much more in Bungendore. Lot sizes from 850m 2 to over 1,450m 2 58 canberraweekly.com.au

Canberra’s house prices have fallen across the 2022 June quarter, but rising interest rates and inflation continue to impact affordability, according to the latest Real Estate Institute of Australia (REIA) Real Estate Market Facts, powered by Managed.


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40 TEMPERLEY STREET, NICHOLLS BED5 BATH2 CAR2 Located in one of Harcourt Hill’s most celebrated streets and set amongst peaceful leafy surrounds, this impressive five bedroom family sanctuary offers a relaxed care free lifestyle along with majestic sunset views. Flowing over 295sqm, this resort style home enjoys quality fittings throughout, multiple living/ entertaining options, child friendly lawns and an awesome inground heated swimming pool. PRESTIGIOUS HARCOURT HILL

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Well presented, light-filled villa tucked away in the ultra-convenient ‘Belmont’ development. The home is appealing and inviting with a flexible design that radiates natural light and sun.

CONTACT Michael Potter 0413 830 598 3 BEDROOMS 2 BATHROOMS 2 CAR SPACES Welcome to

Tastefully renovated kitchen, well maintained bathrooms and sleeping quarters are of generous proportions, with segregated master for privacy.

onsite VIEWING Sat



Additional features include ducted heating/ cooling, new carpet, ‘Vergola’ covered outdoor area and complex pool and tennis court. EER 4.5 15/10/2022, 11.30am 24/9/2022, 1-1.40pm 25/9/2022, 1-1.40pm ‘Belmont’

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visit us at mpotter.com.au

KAMBAH 12 Simon Place An abode that exudes charm and character, perched in the heights of Simon Place, showcasing wonderful panoramic mountain cameos. Surrounded by earthy and timber tones, a splash of old world colour and featuring timber raked ceilings, separate living areas, spacious kitchen area and alfresco entertaining spaces - a home with a difference. 3 BEDROOMS 2 BATHROOMS 1 CAR SPACE 0 EER SALESALE mpotter@mpotter.com.au visit us at mpotter.com.au

VIEWING Sat 24/9/2022, 2-2.40pm

Sun 25/9/2022, 2-2.40pm

CONTACT Michael Potter 0413 830 598

Sun 25/9/2022, 12-12.40pm

CONTACT Michael Potter 0413 830 598

VIEWING Sat 24/9/2022, 12-12.40pm

PRICE GUIDE Offers above $895,000

PRICE GUIDE Offers above $639,000

SWINGER HILL 3 Rowe Place Inviting townhouse featuring an open plan living area, original kitchen and bathroom, separate laundry plus paved, landscaped front and rear courtyards. Recent updates include painting, new curtains, light fittings, oven, reverse cycle wall unit and ‘as new’ carpets. An ideal first home, investment or downsizer close to amenities on offer in Woden Valley. 2 BEDROOMS 1 BATHROOM 1 CAR SPACE 0 EER Patto’s place

Opportunity knocks in Swinger Hill

CONDER 8 Falls Place 3 BEDROOMS 1 BATHROOM 2 CAR SPACES This delightful, much-loved home is presented in excellent original condition, faces the adjacent oval with all the amenities in Conder available at your back Embracinggate.afree flowing, light and bright open plan design and an enviable north orientation. Offering privacy and seclusion in a wonderful Excellentlocation. parking and immersed in an easy care, manicured garden setting. EER 2.5 PRICE GUIDE Offers above $719,000 VIEWING Sat 24/9/22, 11-11.40am Sun 25/9/22, 11-11.40am CONTACT Michael Potter 0413 830 598 Inviting, cosy and very homely mpotter@mpotter.com.au SALE visit us at mpotter.com.au


mpotter@mpotter.com.au visit us at mpotter.com.au We’ve got S P R I N G in our step!

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Alisa Lawrence

www.impactproperties.com.au Homely Home in Farrer An Excellent opportunity to enter this highly sought-after location in Farrer, this home has been refurbished approximately couple of years ago with further upgrades being done and is now waiting for its new owners to move in enjoy living upon purchase. This is a great opportunity to enter a premier location, move on in and reap the rewards. With excellent long-term appeal and plenty of potential to add some extra touches along the way this home will afford its new owners all that Woden has to offer. Home with Serenity & Luxurious Lifestyle ! Award winning home, impeccable design & characteristic finish are just some of the words that spring to mind when describing this very comfortable home. A home with serenity & luxurious lifestyle is what you are after, then look no further and come to view this award-winning home. With a modern facade & meticulous interior; you will be amazed from the moment you enter this spacious home. Designed & finished with careful attention, this home will satisfy your daily housing needs & provide a marvellous lifestyle. Price by negotiation | View on Saturday, 24th Sep, 10:30am to 11:30am 6FarrerPridham Street 3 | 2 | 1+5 | EER: 1.5 38FordeZakharov Avenue 3 | 2 | 2+2 | EER: 5.0 Auction On-site, Sat, 15th October at 11:00AM | Inspect 24 Sep, 10:15am to 11:00am Dylan Wimala 0421 236 shi@impactproperties.com.au0416Shaundyl@impactproperties.com.au989Iqbal135270 CWM08900AA

www.impactproperties.com.au Modern & Extravagant Home ! An amazing opportunity to purchase a luxurious home, conveniently located among other quality homes in a convenient location in the family orientated new suburb of Taylor. This home comes with a plethora of parks and recreational areas within easy commute at a short drive to Gungahlin Town TheCentre.home features high ceilings throughout with large family & dining area, wide & tall doorways & hallways which add to the size of the open plan living space to enjoy lifestyle at its best. The home is situated in one of the best neighbourhoods of Taylor, close to schools, park with wetlands, beautiful walking, cycling tracks and much more to see and do on a daily basis. CWM08900AB 15TaylorButterworth Street 4 | 2 | 2+2 | EER: 5.0 Auction On-site, Sat, 15th October at 01:30 PM View: Sat 24 12:30pmSeptemberto1:30pm shi@impactproperties.com.auShaunIqbal0416135270

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A spacious kitchen with granite benchtops

Join the vibrant and welcoming community where you can live life your way. Enjoy lunch or dinner in the private dining room. Take part in the many social activities or interest groups in the village. Keep fit at one of the regular exercise classes, the indoor pool or the many walking tracks nearby including Red Hill. Indulge your passion for culture at the many museums and galleries close

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Master bedrooms with plenty of storage

1782 to find out more

by. Call 02 6282 1782 to book a tour Our 2 bedroom homes are beautifully renovated and come with:

Located in the heart of Deakin, just 300m from the shops and close to medical facilities, The Grange retirement village offers you independent living in your own private home without the hassle of the building maintenance, and the security of knowing staff are onsite 24 hours a day in case of an emergency.

Good sized internal laundries with dryer

Reverse cycle air conditioning/heating

Auction: Sunday 23 October 2022, 11:30am Where: on site Contact Christine 0409 399 christinehuntberryrealestate.com.au326

Blissful cottage living

461, BERRY

REAL ESTATE RARE FIND canberraweeklyrealestate.com.au

EER 0.5 Auction Sat 8 Oct 10am View On request Agent Aniko & Peter Carey Mob 0429 487 939 Luton Dickson 6176 3466

Berry | 345 Agars Lane PO BOX NSW

Rare 89 acresBetween Berry, the mountains, and the sea


This approx 89 acres (approx 19 acres are cleared/usable) prime vacant land is a rare find and has been in the Crawford family for 100years (current owner custodian since 1968). Enjoying a peaceful rural outlook with 170 degree views including billabongs, protected wetlands and Coolangatta Mountain. An approx 50x50m building envelope to build a dream home or alternatively agriculture and/or lifestyle property

5 2 1

Just a short stroll from the Garran shops, this five-bedroom family home enjoys stunning views across the Brindabellas from each level, four separate living areas, scenic and stylish sunroom, and the rare addition of a light-filled library complete with built-in shelving and sophisticated ash

Situated approx 5 kms/approx 6 minutes from the centre of Berry township-shops, cafes, restaurants, pubs, school and railway service to central station Sydney and golf courses and approx 9.3kms/8 minutes drive to 7 Mile Beach. A prime position on a country lane between the mountains, the historic township of Berry and the Pacific Ocean.

CLN: 10007612 | ABN: 67159632890 |

flooring. The updated master suite includes a relaxing spa bath, three of the spacious bedrooms offer built-in wardrobes, and the updated kitchen boasts stone benchtops, Miele gas cooktop and oven, and classically beautiful timber flooring. Outside in the spacious backyard, you’ll adore the two glasshouses ready for the family horticulturist to create their dreamThegarden.myriad extra features of this home include solar panels over the garage, a brick paved driveway, gas wall heater and reverse cycle air conditioner, and Rinnai instantaneous hot water.

Down a peaceful Garran cul-de-sac backing onto the picturesque Federal Golf Course lies the enchanting and charming, yet full of opulence, 9 Furphy Place. With a distinctive street appeal, delightful gardens with mature fruit trees and a Crepe Myrtle, and vast yet comfortable living spaces, this idyllic home is set to sell in a flash.

Garran 9 Furphy Place

on this fertile, productive land with 3 dams.


19 Exaggerated representation

17 Stomach muscles



5. True or false: Johann Sebastian of the





killed in

10 Closest

11 Workroom

26 With many uses (9) 27 Temperate (5) 28 Assertion (9) 29 Pulled (5) 1DOWNMarriage partner

1. Austrian logician Kurt Gödel is best Arguably the first sci-fi David Bowie's song Magic which The Hindu god Ganesha

Dance appears in

14 i nexorable

4 Temporary release


6. Roman author Pliny the Elder was the aftermath of which volcanic eruption? How many gold medals did Australia at the 2022 Games? What was surrealist artist Escher's full Which comic opera by Gilbert the Very Model of a The Republic of Pakistan was what


5 Sympathy

1986 fantasy film? 4.

and Sullivan contains the song I Am

n o. 2823 Puzzles and pagination © Pagemasters | pagemasters.com play unlimited puzzles canberraweekly.com.au/puzzlesonline

year? brain Solutionsbusterscrossword super sudoku play unlimited puzzles canberraweekly.com.au/puzzlesonline 80 canberraweekly.com.au

2 Roman equivalent of the Greek’s Poseidon

9 Of equal value

12 Plant scientist

24 Beauty treatment


Modern Major-General? 10

known for which logic theorems? 2.


Related to sound (5) climb down (4-5) (2,3) to the centre (9) for an artist, (6) (8) (10) (3) (abbr) (3) (10) (8) (6) (6) (7) (7) (4) (10) (7) Plants absorb carbon – (7) Leeway (8) Pretty (10) i sland group in the i ndian Ocean (8) Drink made with wine, fruit and brandy (7) Bravery (7) Passage (7) Colourful arc (7) Red-faced (6) Cosy retreat (4)

photographer, etc

Classical period?

Bach was a composer

name? 9.

15 Termination


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4 Retreat,

23 Stigmatise

formed in

film, when was A Trip to the Moon released? 3.


6 Maybe

3 Crimson

has the head of what animal?




Rinaldivaehoto:p DIAMONDS MANUKA Shop 4 Manuka Arcade, Manuka | Phone 62 95 6448 | Email info@diamondsmanuka.com.au “Where

pisces feb 20 – M a R 20 this is an excellent time to consider a fresh outlook and embrace a change in a key relationship. there may be hard work involved so that you can configure a fresh agreement, but also the chance to boost your relationship and happiness. this is an excellent week to consider a new look.

sagittarius nov 23 – dec 21 a change in your personal life and, for some, at home, with family or regarding a property will be a catalyst that will bring more harmony into your life. n ews at work or a fresh incentive to succeed will be motivational. Look for support from friends, a group or an organisation.

aries M a R 21 – ap R 20 Monday’s new moon signifies the beginning of a fresh daily schedule. you’ll benefit from focusing on a workable timetable. you may receive news from your past and this could be the catalyst for a better schedule. a project will be fulfilling, so be sure to find ways to be creative.

aquarius jan 21 – feb 19

this is a great time to find fresh ways to share duties and to facilitate mutual support and romance. Work and your circumstances are on an upwards curve, so you’ll find that you can work through any hiccups with frank discussion. f inancially, be prepared to devise a plan that brings stability.

c onsider new ways to share duties as a fresh chapter at home, concerning family or a property begins. you may be surprised by an opportunity, and it could open the door to new circumstances. d iscussions and negotiations are best approached in a clear way to avoid misunderstandings.

cancer jun 22 – ju L 22 you may experience changes at work, especially if your job is in communications or travel. a lovely opportunity for a trip or a visit will be motivating. It’s a great week to update communication devices. avoid misunderstandings and overspending, and consider ways to voice your values.

a s a fresh chapter begins in your personal life, this may be ideal. b ut if you are disappointed, it’s still a great week to consider how to boost your own wellbeing and that of your family. It’s a good week to focus on your favourite projects. you may enjoy a reunion early in the week.

le o ju L 23 – aug 23

Monday’s new moon will be revitalising, and may also include a surprise. a health or work circumstance will involve a little focus, and the best way forward will become clear. tact will go a long way this week. Romance and the arts could flourish, so be sure to take the initiative.

libra sep t 24 – oct 23 this week will be your opportunity to turn a new leaf, especially at work, health-wise and/or in your daily routine. you may receive key news that will encourage you to be more proactive. you’ll enjoy a reunion this weekend or Monday, and a positive change at home will be transformative.

virgo aug 24 – sept 23

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Collette Dinnigan 24 September 1965

Collette Dinnigan’s love for the arts, beauty and creativity will always pervade. a nd, as she turns her hand to new ventures, she has the opportunity to reinvent her career and daily life. Her iconic eye for detail and beauty, combined with her ability to be practical above all else will enable her to find fresh avenues for self-expression. Her home and domestic matters will influence her major decisions. nature meets perfection”


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gemini M ay 22 – jun 21

scorpio oct 24 – nov 22

Monday’s new moon will bring your wish for a fresh development at home, or with family, into focus. If you’re looking for romance, you may find it! you’ll enjoy a reunion this weekend or early next week and a trip somewhere beautiful could be transformative. b e ready to try something new.

capricorn dec 22 – jan 20 you’ll gain fresh direction with a project, a venture or a special interest. your endeavours will revolve around your values and what – and who –resonates most deeply with you. b e prepared to alter your daily routine so that you can improve your finances and schedule to suit you better.

taurus a p R 21 – M ay 21

a new chapter is about to begin surrounding what – and who – you value. this process has been ongoing and this week will be an ideal time to instigate changes. f or some, there will be a renewal of old friendships and for others a fresh social circle. It’s a good time to re-evaluate finances.

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CWM0128 Baya’s Backyard Ph/Fax: 6241 9413 Mob: 0413 088 908 • Mowing / Edging • Pruning / Odd jobs • Rubbish Removal • Gutter Cleaning • Tree Services • Small landscaping Garden & Tree Services G A R D EN I N G CWM000183AA FOR ALL YOUR GARDEN AND HORTICULTURE NEEDS T 0449 997 551 E neilgibbons991@gmail.com All Good Gardens • Mowing & Edging • Hedge Trimming • Tree Pruning • Mulching • Irrigation Repairs & Installation • Fully Insured • Regular Maintenance Programs • Ride-on Mowing • MAINTENANCEGARDEN • LAWN MOWING • GENERAL CLEAN UP • RUBBISH REMOVAL • REGULAR or CASUAL SERVICES • ALL SUBURBS • FULLY INSURED Call Peter on 0419 289 peter.wurth@hotmail.com886 CWM0116 EZY PROPERTY MAINTENANCE WE MAKE IT EASY FOR YOU Mowing & Edging Pruning & Mulching Hedge Trimming Weed FertilisationControl A WELL MAINTAINED GARDEN ADDS VALUE TO A PROPERTY Kaushik Makwana Qualified Horticulturist CALL: 0430 582 821 Free no obligation quotes Fully insured Customer service from a company you can trust Garden CommercialRegularGutterRubbishCleanupRemovalCleaningMaintenanceorDomestic Want clean gutters? Want clear downpipes? Want safe work practices? “Clean. Safe….Easy” ANY HEIGHT - OH & S COMPLIANT 0407 701 135 e: act@guttervac.com.au w: www.guttervac.com.auCWM0126 We are still operating and observing Social Distancing G U T T E R C L E AN I N G Gutter Clean The gutter vacuumPergolaspecialistrepairs 0421 193 553 All areas Free gutter_clean@hotmail.comestimatesCWM0812 G U T T E R C L E AN I N G Quality Roo� Paintin�Paintin� � Plasterin� Flat Pack Furniture General Repairs �� �� �� �� �� Call PatrickFree Quote Work ... and more H A N DYM A N We create ART with daylight! (02) 6280 9901 | daylight_artistryPremierDealerforProudinstallerof SKYLIGHTS H O M E R E N O VAT I O N S Even the magpies think it’s real... CW0348 Even the magpies think it’s real... • Synthetic grass stays green all year round • Easy low maintenance & water free • Family owned business with 14 years experience • Landscaping & paving services available • Australian made product Call David 0410 682 457 Or Nancy 0410 081 771 Keeping it green .com.au The synthetic grass solution L AW N S & T U R F We supply high quality Artificial Turf and install. Call Us Today 0435 039 350 0402 708 203 www.capitaloutdoors.com.auinfo@capitaloutdoors.com.au Seniors discount available Our Services: - Stylish Deck - Artificial & Synethetic Turf - Landscaping & Lawns - Pergolas L AW N S & T U R F Mechanical | Metal Fabrication | Mobile Welding Tyres | Brakes | ACT/NSW Regos | & more Monteleone Car Works & Metal Fabrication Ph: 02 6241 0222 Mobile: 0438 469 138 Unit 6, 91-93 Grimwade Street Mitchell CWM1051 M E CHAN I C S CALL 0417 255 869 Exterior Painting from $1300 special! offer! Unbeatable (INCLUDES FASCIA, GUTTER, EVES AND DOWNPIPES) ALL HANDYMAN SERVICES ALL WORK GUARANTEED CEILINGS, WALLS & CORNICES (MIN 3 ROOMS) /ROOMONLY2COATQUALITYAPPLICATIONPAINTSDulux $250 CANBERRA’S LEADING PAINTING EXPERTS FOR OVER 25 YEARS FOR A free ONTHESPOT QUOTE PAINTINGMONET PAINT I N G Call Shannay on 0406 378 673 to get your business listed Trades & Services Guide Contact the trades & services team 6175 trades@canberraweekly.com.au8888 84 canberraweekly.com.au

www.bonzapainting.com.au 0405 588 540 • Internal Paintings Services • External Paintings Services • Residential & Commercial Painting Service • House Paintings Services • Over 15 years experience • Fully Insured Lic No 358952c BONZA PAINTINGFreeQuotes PAINT I N G Seniors discount available. 0451 031 550 | info@taqwapainting.com.au ABN: 39617453237 Taqwa Painting With 10 years experience, we’re the ones you’ve been looking for. DREW’S PAINTING SERVICES REFERENCES PROVIDED ON REQUEST PH: 0427 004 411 | E: drewburgin69@gmail.com HOUSE PAINTING INTERIORS & EXTERIORS OUTSIDE PRESSURE CLEANING RUST REMOVAL NO HOT WATER? Call us for fast and reliable hot water repairs and replacement. Express replacement ser vice Systems to suit all needs 24/7 emergency ser vice Work performed by licensed contractors. 6280 0994 energypeople.com.au TS01217AA $80 OFF WHEN YOU QUOTE THIS AD ANY SERVICES *CONDITIONS APPLYTaps And Toilets Hot Roofing/GutteringBathroomBurstGasBlockedWater/SolarDrainsFittingPipesRenovations • Local Professional Service • Seniors Discount • No Call Out Fee • All Work Guaranteed • Support Local Business • 24/7 Emergency service Phone 0421 038 243 Web capitalpd.com.au Email: admin@capitalpd.com.au Plumbing Lic 2013728 ABN: 53193588524 COMPLEXITY PLUMBING 24 X 7 Emergency service • Leaking Taps & Toilet • Blocked Drains • Hot water Services • General Plumbing • Local & BusinessLicenced • &ProfessionalReliable • Seniors Discount $100 terms & conditions apply OFF Phone: 0467 448 812 Email: complexityplumbing@gmail.com Lic No: 2019590 ABN: 81 558 056 919 • Roof maintenance both tile and colourbond • Roof leaks • Roof restorations • New Ph:roofs0473 536 741 R O O F I N G INPRIDETAKEYOURROOF Call us for an obligation free quote: • Roof repairs • New roofs • Extensions • Re-roofs • Gutters cleaned • Ridge-capping IS YOUR NEEDLEAKINGROOFORINOFREPAIR? 0407 789 258 ORISINPRIDETAKEYOURROOFYOURROOFLEAKINGINNEEDOFREPAIR? Call us for an obligation free quote: • Roof repairs New roofs • Extensions • Re-roofs • Gutters Ridge-cappingcleanedprideroofingcanberra.com.au 0407 789 258 YEARSFULLYEXPERIENCEINSUREDLic.No.252440C CWM0353 www.prideroofingcanberra.com.au Phone: 0412 571 575 Skip Hire (2, 3, 4.5, 6, 8)m3 Google Service Rating ABN 13 552 013 712 R UBBI S H R E M O VA L S LOCAL TILING ACT Call Alex today 0475 000 528 localtilingact@hotmail.com All suburbs For all your tiling needs: CWM0477 Bathroom, Laundry and Kitchen tiling Walls and oors tiling Bathroom Renovations No job too big or small Water proo ng shower leaks TIL I N G PLUMB I N G & GA S F ITT I N G PLUMB I N G & GA S F ITT I N G Give your business a boost! Register today in the Trades & Services Guide, call Shannay on 0406 378 673 or email trades@canberraweekly.com.au STAND OUT FROM THE CROWD CWM00002AC Sometimes in today’s modern world we can forget the beauty in artisanal craftsmanship. Get in touch to start your dream project today. ✓ Re-Upholstery & Restorations ✓ Custom-Made Furniture ✓ Commercial Fit-Outs ✓ Bedheads and Wall Upholstery Call or email us today! 0422 073 665 / 6181 3511 toni@twinstitchupholstery.com.au U P H O LST E RY TRADIESATTENTION 89% of readers will use a tradie in the next 12 months. Be seen when they look for you! Call Shannay on 0406 378 673 or email trades@canberraweekly.com.au Trades & Services Guide Contact the trades & services team 6175 trades@canberraweekly.com.au8888 canberraweekly.com.au85

Season 4 of Karma’s World will see just how far Karma has come as she soars to new creative heights, taking on some of her biggest challenges yet. Watch as Karma learns what it takes to be a role model to her very first fan, grow bonds with her family, and deal with the silliest, stinkiest situation Hansberry Heights has ever seen.

CW has two double passes to be won to a session of your choosing.

One lucky CW reader will win a Karma’s World prize pack valued at $190.99.


In celebration of the launch, Dulux and Canberra Weekly are giving 1 lucky reader the chance to WIN their own Jelly Beans tin and 15L of Dulux Weathershield or Wash&Wear (RRP $245.90$306.50). Now is the time to make a start on those home painting projects and reward yourself with Dulux Jelly Beans to celebrate a job well done!

Enter to win

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Harlequin Australia has four fantastic book packs to give away in this edition of Canberra Weekly. The Promise of Home is the latest novel by USA Today bestselling author Nicola Marsh. Nicola has written another fast paced and heart-warming rural romance, feel-good fiction at its best – with a twist! We have also included a copy of Nicola’s previous title Second Chance Lane Enter for a chance to win this month’s most soughtafter women’s fiction titles. For more information on any of these titles, go to romance.com.au

To enter, scan the QR code or visit canberraweekly.com.au and click on the ‘Entertainment’ tab to ‘Competitions’, find the competition you wish to enter and follow the entry instructions. Entries close 9am Friday 30 September 2022 and winners drawn same day. One entry per person per giveaway. Entrants must be aged 18+. 6259

WIN! Dulux jelly beans & 15L paint

WIN! The Wizard’s Den X Explore Hidden tickets

New episodes of Karma’s World are dropping on Netflix on 22 September and to celebrate, we are giving you the chance to win some of the coolest new Karma’s World merch!

NicolaWIN! HarlequinMarshnovels WIN! Karma’s World prize pack

Dulux Jelly Beans are back! From 26 September to 31 October across Australia (or until stock lasts), customers will receive a Dulux Jelly Beans tin when they purchase 8L of Dulux decorative paint from Bunnings, Mitre 10, Home Hardware and Inspirations Paint across Australia.

CW is delighted to have teamed up with The Wizard’s Den X Explore Hidden to bring you this amazing giveaway. There are two tickets up for grabs for two lucky winners to this enchanted and unique magic themed event in Canberra! This event will have you casting magical spells and creating some enchanted potion concoctions! More details available at explorehidden.com/event/details/the-wizards-den-canberra-1550573

On the 8th September 2022, Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth II passed away peacefully at the age of 96 years old. As the nation mourns the world’s longest reigning female monarch, we pay tribute to her rich life of dedicated service to the Commonwealth. Throughout her reign, the Queen stood true to the pledge she made at the tender age of just 21, “I declare before you all that my whole life, whether it be long or short, shall be devoted to your service and the service of our great imperial family to which we all belong.”

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