CanadianSME May Edition

Page 48


10Quebec Best Small Business Resources in

SME’s in Quebec are increasing at a fast rate. They take up almost 100% of the businesses in the province: 99.8% to be exact, out of which 98.1% are small businesses and 1.7% are medium sized. That means that only 0.2% of businesses in Quebec are big companies. “In comparison, the size distribution of locations across Canada is almost similar (98.0%, 1.7% and 0.2%, respectively, for small, medium and large sizes) to that observed in Quebec.” Source: Institute of Statistics of Quebec

On top of its businesses being mostly small businesses, recent statistics have also shown that several business owners in Quebec have had the tendency to require funding outside of the province since 2014. “Statistic findings report that active SMEs have had a high demand for external financing in Quebec since 2014. The report gives an overview of SME financing needs and factors that may favor or inhibit their decision to seek external funding. These factors include the characteristics of SMEs and their owners, their business practices as well as the conditions for access to financing imposed by funding providers.” Source: Institute of Statistics of Quebec



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