April 2, 2024 Camrose Booster

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Camrose is enjoying a nearly unprecedented business growth spurt. Building activity is noticeable in all areas of the community. Nowhere is construction more noticeable than on 51 Street in the downtown core, where Align Builders Ltd. and a roster of mostly local subtrades have been hard at work. The prominent new Olson Rau + Mohr law office is taking shape nicely directly east of Francoeur Cleaners. Move-in date for this 18,000-square foot building will be the end of the year. Less than one block south of this significant project are two new structures for the member-owned Wild Rose Co-operative Association Ltd. A 6,000-square foot liquor store is being constructed on the north end of the land parcel (formerly owned by St. Francis Xavier Church). At the south end of the block, a handsome new 8,000-square foot administration office is progressing on time and on budget. Wild Rose Co-op will receive the keys to both buildings in late June. In addition to these impressive projects, Vision Credit Union Ltd. has recently purchased the large plot of land directly south of RBC. This currently vacant land had been the site for both Peavey Mart and Ken’s Furniture in recent decades. After multiple mergers and significant growth, the ruralbased credit union has simply run out of room for corporate staff and parking. A building currently in the planning stage, which could go out to tender as early as fall 2024, ensures the head office for all 24 rural Alberta VCU locations will remain in Camrose. Local contractors and subtrades will also be invited to participate in this high-profile build.

2023 Vol. LXXII, No. 19 32 Pages April 2, 2024
News Features Music Festival celebrates 40 years 2 Reflections by Bonnie Hutchinson 4 Just Sayin' 4 Remember music from way back when 12 City, County, Cargill historic agreements 15 Homespun by Laurel Nadon 17 Roesch wins coveted Sisters of Providence Award 26 Brick Warehouse   Canada Safeway   Hauser Home Hardware   M & M Food Market   Peavey Mart   Rona   Shoppers Drug Mart   UFA   Walmart   Wild Rose Co-op   ✔ ✔ ✔* ✔* To Camrose Homes To Rural Homes Tuesday With Booster ✔ ✔ ✔ ✔ ✔ ✔ ✔ ✔* ✔* ✔* ✔* ✔ ✔* ✔* *partial coverage This Week's Flyers Inside Who Can I Count On? 6 Out and About 12 and 13 City of Camrose 14 and 15 On the Road 19 to 22 Obituaries 24 and 25 Classifieds 28 to 30 Central Agencies Realty Inc. 31 and 32
Photo by Ron Pilger

The Camrose & District Music Festival (CDMF) is celebrating 40 years of promoting music, speech arts and dance by encouraging amateurs to participate and perform. This year’s Festival runs from April 15 to 18 at the Jeanne and Peter Lougheed Performing Arts Centre and Augustana Chapel, culminating at the Grand Concert on April 23 at the Jeanne and Peter Lougheed Performing Arts Centre.

The CDMF was established in 1982 and has been fostering music in young people while providing them with a welcoming space to showcase their skills and receive positive feedback and encouragement ever since, with the exception of 2020 and 2021 when the Festival was cancelled due to the pandemic.

“Because of the COVID hiatus, we have now reached the 40th festival,” indicated Festival co-organizer Charlene Brown.

When the Festival first began, disciplines included voice, piano, speech, strings, band and instrumental, choral and dance. The festival took place in venues throughout the city with the Grand Concert happening at École Charlie Killam School.

In the advent of all the

dance festivals that already take place at the Lougheed throughout the spring, after the 2018 Camrose & District Music Festival, organizers of the Festival decided dance would no longer be offered as an area to enter.

“In 2015, we started having the Grand Concert at the Lougheed,” noted Brown. “In 2019, we moved to having some of the festival at the Lougheed with the generous support of Nick Beach and staff. Last year was intended to be the first year it would all take place there, but of course the water main break put a crimp in that plan.”

This year, barring any unforeseen circumstances, the Festival is planned to take place at the Jeanne & Peter Lougheed Performing Arts Centre (Cargill Theatre and Mayer Hall) and the University of Alberta Augustana Campus Chapel.

According to Brown, in the past, the Festival occurred over one consecutive week. “Up until a few years ago, the Grand Concert used to happen on the Saturday immediately after the festival ended, making for an extremely busy Friday evening of planning. Now, with the Grand Concert happening on the following Tuesday, there is a

Music Festival celebrates 40 years

bit more space to put it all together.”

Last year’s Festival welcomed 114 entries, and this year has increased to 169 entries.

“This is substantial growth in one year which I attribute to the new format initiated last year of having both competitive classes based on the Provincial festival syllabus and also noncompetitive classes where entrants are afforded more workshop time with the adjudicators.”

The festival has always been focused on amateur musicians, largely composed of school-age children with the added adult groups like the Camrose and District Community Band, community choirs and entries in family or community music.

“While there is no age limit on who can enter the festival, there is an age limit on who can be recommended to the provincial festival (28 years),” noted Brown.

As a member festival of the Alberta Provincial Music Festival body, each year the Camrose & District Music Festival organizers make recommendations to the Provincial Festival based on adjudicator recommendations.

Continued on page 9

The CAMROSE BOOSTER, April 2, 2024 – Page 2 While it lasts… $139 sq. ft. Regular $3.42sq.ft 6 amazing patterns 8” width for easy install Synchronized Grain Text ure 72-hour water resistance Easy to clean and care fo r Windsor Plywoo d 4705 -41 St., Camrose • Ph. 780- 608-WOOD (9663) HOUR S: Monday to Friday, 8 am-5 pm; Saturday, 9 am-4 pm We’ve bought a Truckload. High- quality 8mm laminate. Made in Germany. When it ’s gone, it ’s gone! Special Purchase Absolutely Incredible SELLING G FAST! GR APHICS DEPARTMENT Sharon Schwar t z, Ar t Director Journeyman Graphic Designer; Brenda Campbell, Deput y Ar t Director Journeyman Graphic Designer; Alyzza Labajo, Graphic Designer Lorna Stobbe, Proofreader Published Tuesday for Controlled Distribut ion by CAMROSE BOOSTER LTD. Providing complete coverage of the City of Camrose and the communities of Ohaton, Edberg, Meeting Creek Donalda, Bawlf Kelsey, Rosalind, Daysland, Heisler Strome, Forestburg, Galahad, Killam, Sedgewick , Alliance, Armena, Hay Lakes, Sout h Tof ield, Round Hill, Kingman, New Nor way, Ferintosh, Bittern Lake, and their rural routes each and every week Circulat ion 12,263 copies weekly Hours: Mon. to Fri., 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. Phone 780-672-3142 Fax 780-672-2518 EMAIL US AT News: news@camrosebooster.com • Display Ads: ads@camrosebooster.com Classified Ads: ads@camrosebooster.com • Circulation: fowler.kirby@gmail.com Website: camrosebooster.com • 4925-48 Street , Camrose, AB T4V 1L7 Everyone Reads t he Home Team Paper! The most effective, most economical adver tising medium in the Camrose area. The entire contents of THE CAMROSE BOOSTER are protected by copyright and any unauthorized reproduction of it, in whole or in par t, without consent in writing, is expressly prohibited. PUBLISHER mcfoul@camr .net FOUNDERS Bill Fowler 1917-1991 ADVERTISING SALES Je Fowler jeff@camrosebooster.com Kirby Fowler f owler.kirby@gmail.com CIRCUL ATION MANAGER ASSOC. PUBLISHER Ron Pilger ron@camrosebooster.net Laurel Nadon ASSIGNMENT WRITER NEWS REPORTERS Murray Green murrayg@camrosebooster.com Lori Larsen lori@camrosebooster.com PRODUCTION Kirby Fowler, Production Manager; Michael Wasylkowski, Pressman INSERTERS: Candace Gibbs, Tammy Weibelzahl, Debra Roussel, Carmen Lien. DRIVER: Ron Holland OFFICE STAFF Don Hutchinson, Comptroller; Andrea Uglem, Accounts Receivable; Beck y Bolding, Admin. Assistant We acknowledge the suppor t of the Government of Canada. Phone 780-672-3142  4925-48 St ., Camrose All security features, unique background pattern to head off reproduction, copying and cut-and-paste operations. 80 cheques $38.60 160 cheques $52.00 320 cheques $95.20 Duplicate Personal Cheques Handy duplicates for easy record keeping. 80 duplicate cheques $45.80 160 duplicate cheques $61.50 320 duplicate cheques $112.00 ersonal Cheques Small Business Cheques 7.5” x 3.25” plus stub, black ink , white paper, numbered 250 cheques $117.50 500 cheques $144.50 1000 cheques $199.50 Duplicate Business Cheques and laser cheques also available. Stop overpaying for your CHEQUES! Pay up to 50% LES S OUR PRICES BE AT THE BANKS! Our cheques are bank-qualit y with bank secure features.
The CAMROSE BOOSTER, April 2, 2024 – Page 3 Join us with Karin Vassberg RE ALTOR® “K arin Vassberg C amrose Business Hub” Royal LePage Noralta Real Estate’s April 5, 2024 at 2:00 p.m. 5021-50 Street, Camrose, AB T4V 1R1 Ribbon Cu ing with the honourable Mayor Stasko, Council and several sta member s. Catering will be provided by: ∙ Twis ts & More ∙ Sweeterie ∙ Riverdogs Hot Dog Cart ∙ BBQ by K arin Vassberg’s Husband, Barr y Vassberg ∙ Wine by Half Korke d First 150 people to arrive will receive Sw ag Bags . First 50 kids will receive free footballs and a draw sponsore d by Royal LePage Nor Real Estate Broker Tom Shearer KARIN VA RG RE ALTOR® 587. 32 2.4879 Karinvassb erg@ViewHome4u.com g g a or r nd al ta’s KENE .G . ME CHAN ICAL LT D. PL UMBING GA S FI TT IN G & WA TE R TREA TMEN T ke gmech@gmail.co m | www.kenegmech.com He’s the guy to call • Plumbing • Gas Fitting • Water Treatment Residential • Commercial • Agricultural PH ONE 780. 278. 2638 Ken Gourlay Red Seal Plumber/ Gas Fitter 40 years’ experience Armena, Kingman, Ohaton, Round Hill, Tillicum Beach Bins placed April 11 and removed April 17 Duhamel, Ferintosh, Kelsey, New Norway, Pelican Point, Meeting Creek Bins placed April 17 and removed April 23 Look for the 30 Yard Bin in your community For further information please check the website www.county.camrose.ab.ca or call Camrose County Agricultural Services department at 780-672-4765. HAMLET CLEAN-UP 2024

Less could be more

The title attracted my attention: Critical Things Ridiculously Successful People Do Every Day by Dr. Travis Bradberry.

I appreciated the opening quote: “Whenever you see a successful person, you only see the public glories, never the private sacrifices to reach them.” (Vaibhav Shah).


The article was based on a project by Kevin Kruse. He interviewed over 200 super-successful people including billionaires, Olympians and accomplished entrepreneurs. He asked them, “What is your number one secret to productivity?”

The title and the question triggered my deep and abiding discomfort with two words: “success” and “productivity.” ***

Success. In earlier years, it seemed to me that success was usually defined by money. I didn’t consider myself successful in that area. Compared to people in many parts of the world, I had more money and material things than most. Globally, I’m probably part of the top five per cent. However, I compared myself to people I knew well. I did not feel “successful.”

Over a few decades, I changed the way I defined success. I included deep connections with people I treasure, freedom for new experiences, opportunities to learn and contribute. Later, I included inner peace and other intangibles as part of success. I began to think of money, not as an end, but as one of many vehicles that can enable rewarding experiences. ***

Productivity. My discomfort with productivity is closely related to the idea of “time management.” Like many others, I had busy years of raising children while having demanding jobs and going back to school. In those years, my definition of productivity was about slogging through over-long to do lists while looking after important people in my life. I never got to the end of the to do list and often felt much less present than I wanted to be for important people. That meant I never felt “productive.”

Even while I felt compelled to make every minute count to get things done, I pined for time with no responsibilities. I’d go flat-out for days or weeks, and then rebel by full-stop ignoring the to do list. I didn’t really enjoy the time off, though, because I felt guilty about what I was not doing.

In more recent years, I’m playing with a different concept of productivity. Taking time to relax, to putter and to reflect can help any of us be more productive–in the sense of being a more positive presence in the world. Taking “time out” also makes it easier to focus on what is truly most important in a particular moment.


Back to the article. Despite my mixed feelings about success and productivity, I kept reading about how highly successful people are so productive. Three things stood out for me.

They focus on minutes, not hours. They know that every day has 1,440 minutes and that nothing is more valuable than time. Money can be lost and made again but time can never be reclaimed. A quote: “Master the minutes to master your life.”

They don’t use “to do” lists. Undone items on a to do list lead to stress because the undone tasks stay on your mind until you finish them. Instead, highly productive people schedule everything on their calendar and then live by their calendar.

They make it home for dinner. Highly successful people know what they value in life and consciously allocate their 1,440 minutes a day to each area they value. Yes, they work, but also allot time for family, exercise, giving back. They schedule time for each important area of their life. ***

Less is more. I’m percolating how to be fully present in each minute. Instead of a to do list, I’m scheduling items and then actually following the schedule! I’m valuing the time I devote to non-material aspects of my life. I’m really enjoying the concept that “easier and more fun” can actually be more productive. Who knew? ***

I’d love to hear from you. If you have comments about this column or suggestions for future topics, send an email to Bonnie@BonnieHutchinson.com I’ll happily reply within two business days.

Carbon tax

Recently, some politicians have been making a lot of noise about the federal carbon tax. Let’s cut through the noise. The German broadcaster Deutsche Welle studied the 32 countries that have a national carbon tax and concluded that a carbon tax is the most cost effective way to lower greenhouse gas emissions although it can put a burden on lower income people.

DW did centre out Canada though, pointing out that our rebate eliminates the burden on our lower and middle income earners. You can go onto the Ecofiscal Institute website for a short video explaining why economists agree that a carbon tax is good for Canada’s economy. Perrin Beatty, former Conservative cabinet minister and head of the Canadian Chamber of Commerce has long maintained that our carbon tax is good for Canadian business. Conservative Stephen Harper was the first Prime Minister to say we need a carbon tax. During the 2021 election, the Conservative Party said we needed a carbon tax.

The Liberals point out that the Parliamentary Budget Office (PBO) concluded that 80 per cent of Canadians get more in rebate than they pay in carbon tax and no one disputes that. The Conservatives point out that the PBO also concluded that the carbon tax is a slight brake on the economy and no one disputes that. Whether most of us are better off with or without the carbon tax is open for debate. A person with a low income, who lives in an apartment and

has no car pays little in carbon tax but gets the rebate. Therefore all low income people will definitely find life less affordable if the carbon tax is removed. In contrast, wealthy people like our politicians will personally benefit if the carbon tax is removed. For most of us in the middle it makes almost no difference.

However, the PBO also makes clear that if the carbon tax is simply removed with nothing to replace it, that will cost us more than having the carbon tax. And the PBO is clear that anything we could replace the carbon tax with will cost us more and no one disputes that. So, if politicians tell you they would “axe the tax” we can assume that they have decided that in the short term it will get them votes, because what they are not telling us is that they intend to make our life more expensive.

Disappointing move

I was so disappointed when I read of the decision to move Jaywalkers’ to the CRE. The reason why it was called Jaywalkers’ was because Main Street would be closed down and people would have to jaywalk to get to the various booths.

This is the only time of year when jaywalking would be legal. The rides were a nice touch, but it was not just about the rides. People were able to get out and enjoy the different booths which were set up by the different organizations and places on main street.

I do believe those in charge have forgotten why this was set up in the first place–to promote the down

town. I do personally believe this was a very bad move.

Lorne Vanderwoude, Camrose

In defence

I would first like to address frustrations regarding the prospects of Jaywalkers’ Jamboree moving locations. The Chamber explains the relocation to be the result of their intentions for the largest Jaywalkers’ Jamboree in history. Our downtown space was designed over a century ago, likely without large scale amusement park rides in mind.

While I understand downtown business owners being unhappy with the Chamber, many people are behaving as though the downtown Camrose business association was never dissolved. Further, we need to acknowledge that West Coast Amusements, the company which provides the rides, has a monopoly over events such as this one. It is not as though the Chamber can just up and select a new, more accommodating company, especially when we consider that Jaywalkers’ planning is a year round affair.

Finally, I find this overarching attitude of Jaywalkers’ moving being the end of our community to be ridiculous. A community does not revolve around the material events that take place, it is a combination of smaller groups making the choice to interact and exist as one. Many of those complaining do not seem to be offering any fixes–if we really believe our community is dying, what are we going to do about it?


The CAMROSE BOOSTER, April 2, 2024 – Page 4
Send your LETTER TO THE EDITOR to: The Camrose Booster 4925-48 Street, Camrose, AB T4V 1L7 or email it to: TH E FINE PR IN T: We welcom e lett er s th at are of public inte re st are fact base d an d represent logic al at tempts to ma ke a constructive contribution to public discours e. We re se rve th e ri gh t to edit le tt er s fo r clarit y, legali ty g ood ta st e an d to fi t availa bl e spac e. Lett er s th at cont ain personal at tack s or abus e an d insult s w ill be edited or reje cted entire ly Lett er s to third pa rt ie s are not acce pt ed Please li mi t your le tt er s to 40 0 word s an d sign with your first name init ia l, su rname, addres s an d phon e number; only the name of th e writer and ci ty or tow n w ill be publishe d. We th an k yo u fo r your inte re st in this fe at ure an d encourage your comments news@camrosebooster.com
Murray Green, Camrose Booster Blain Fowler received $294 for winning the Chase the Ace raffle from Elks Lodge member Gerry Czapp. Another $294 went to the Camrose and District Preschool as the charity of choice.
The CAMROSE BOOSTER, April 2, 2024 – Page 5 • 4-8 channels • VHF • Set up your own talk groups • Scan one or two priority channels • Built militar y rugged • Impressive range of standard features and optional ex tras for added convenience GET READY FOR SPRING Telephone: 780-679-0822 Toll free: 1-800-898-3336 CA MROS E 3720 B- 48 Avenue Corner of Highways 13 & 26 Easy Communication from Field to Farmhouse, or, from Truck Cab to Dispatch Centre… Just $379 + tax includes programming. Accessories extra. NEW WANTED: Canadians to Experience the Next Generation of Hearing Aids Book your FREE hearing test* Camrose 5620 48 Avenue 1-888-284-1028 Mention code: NSP-WNTD-CMBS Book online HearingLife.ca/Try *A comprehensive hearing assessment is provided to adults ages 19 and older at no cost. The results of this assessment will be communicated verbally to you. If you request a copy of the Audiological Report, an administrative fee will apply. Child hearing tests are conducted at select locations for a fee, please contact us for more information. Information within this offer may vary or be subject to change. Limit one offer per customer per year. Offer not valid in Quebec. Offer not applicable for industrial hearing tests. Some conditions apply, see clinic for details. Love your ears 30-Day FREE trial.* Find the hearing aid that is right for you! At HearingLife, we provide hearing solutions designed to fit your daily life so you can keep being you Features of the Latest Hearing Aids: • Personalized Hearing for each moment. • Improved sound clarity. • Discreet and comfortable wear. • Long lasting rechargeable battery. Seamlessly connect to phone, TV & other devices. Braim Brothers Plumbing & Heating Ltd. Adam Journeyman Sheet Metal/ Heating/Air Conditioning 780.672.3540 braimbros@gmail.com C AMROSE & AREA’S Air Conditioning Jordan Journeyman Plumber/ Gasfitter Sales & Ser vice Specialists K eep cool this season! Book early to ensure availability. Unit 1, 3705 -47 Avenue Camrose 78 0- 672- 5575 Bathroom • Kitchen • Utility Room Quality Reno vation Products

through the pages of e Booster

• Gwen Sheets and Marge Knutson were recognized for five years of service to the Camrose and District Home Support Board. Bill Minor presently serves as Chairman of the Board.

• Telus Operations in Camrose had a party to celebrate Joyce Ehrman’s 35 years of service to the company. Telus Operator Services Team Leader Susan Odegard presented a congratulatory cake to Joyce to mark the occasion. She joined Telus (AGT at the time) on Easter Monday, 1964. Serving the first five or six years as an Operator before taking the job as Force Clerk, then Service Analyst. She had been back working as an Operator since 1985.

• The Camrose Knights of Columbus donated $2,000 to five community groups or organizations. K of C Grand Knight Alvin Koehli presented cheques to Bonnie Smith, International Year of Older Persons, $500; Betty Douglas, Rose City Handivan, $500; Carmen Person, Camrose and District Palliative Care Council, $800; Tricia DeyTwomey, Camrose Family Centre Association, $150; and Bernie Boser, Augustana University College Scholarship Fund, $550.

• Five lovely candidates will vie for the title of Rodeo Queen for the 4th Annual Kinsmen Winchester Rifle Rodeo. The candidates are: Candace Ferguson of Hay Lakes, sponsored by the Hay Lakes Gymkana Club; Kathy Solway of Camrose, sponsored by Camrose and District Light Horse Association; Debbie Sablik, Wetaskiwin, sponsored by the Peace Pipe 4-H Light Horse Association; Patti Jacobson of Bawlf, sponsored by the Double Diamond Riding Club; and Carolyn Grey of Tofield, sponsored by the Beaver Hill Light Horse Association. Contestants were judged on the basis of horsemanship, personality, dress and ticket sales for a television set raffle.

• Mrs. Irene Byers of Camrose was presented with a Certificate of Merit from the Alberta Division of the Canadian Cancer Society

The presentation was made by Mrs. Kay MacKenzie of the Provincial Cancer Hospital Board, at the Camrose Branch annual workshop. Mrs. Byers was commended on her work as Education Convenor since 1966. Mrs. Dorothy Martin of Camrose was also cited for her work with the Cancer Society, but she was not present to receive her certificate.

The CAMROSE BOOSTER, April 2, 2024 – Page 6 Your handy dire ctor y for area profes sionals, tr adesmen and se rvice businesses WHO can I count on? LICENCES and REGISTRIES Camrose Registry Ltd. 5613-48 Avenue, Camrose Phone (780)672-1671, Fax (780)672-1982 HOURS: Mon. - Fri., 8:30 a.m. - 5:00 p.m.; Sat. 9:00 a.m. - 3:00 p.m. We accept Cash, Cheque and Debit for payment Alberta Registry Services • Vehicle Registration • Operator Services • Pro-Rate and Fleet Registrations • Out of Province Inspection Requests • Learners exams Personal Property Services • Lien Searches • Register Finance Statements • Register Writs of Enforcement • Register Garage Keepers Liens Corporate Services • Corporate Registries – Level 3 • File Annual Returns • Register Trade Names/ Partnerships • Incorporate Companies Vital Statistics • Birth/Marriages/Death Certificates • Marriage Licences Other Services Include • Land Title Searches • Raffle Licences • Traffic Fine Payments Road tests can be booked through our website at www.camroseregistry.com. Please phone 78 0.672. 3142 to get your business in this handy director y. AU TOMOTIVE Over 50 years of independent ownership Locally family-owned & operated 5218-46 Street, Camrose 780-672-5203 elautobodycamrose@gmail.com PLUMBING – Glen Mandrusiak Plumbing • Heating Gas Fitting • Hot Water Tanks JORGENSEN Plumbing & Heating Ltd. 5503-52 Avenue Camrose, AB T4V 0X7 78 0-672-26 04 – n –Leaks Fixed Fast! PIANO TUNING CAMROSE PIANO & ORG AN LTD. Tunings ~ Repairs 780-672-6100 Serving Central Alberta since 1985
HEALTHY SNACK Murray Green, Camrose Booster Three-year-old Christine Roblin couldn’t wait to get home to dig into a healthy watermelon snack at the Safeway Camrose location on March 24. Her mother Jessica put the watermelon in her cart to purchase, but little Christine was eager to sink her teeth in to the juicy snack before mom could get through the till.

The CAMROSE BOOSTER, April 2, 2024 – Page 7 WE CAN HELP YOU: ❚ Buy, sell, mortgage, lease or tender real estate
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Augustana incoming dean shares vision

University of Alberta Augustana Campus incoming dean Dr. John Parkins is looking forward to sharing his expertise and passion for rural sustainability and liveablity with the Augustana and Camrose communities.

Dr. Parkins was the successful candidate for the position of dean of Augustana Faculty and executive officer of Augustana Campus and will officially take over the role from predecessor dean Demetres Tryphonopoulos on July 1.

Parkins joined the University of Alberta in 2007 and is currently the chair of the Department of Resource Economics and Environmental Sociology within the Faculty of Agricultural, Life & Environmental Sciences. Prior to that he worked with the Canadian Forest Service for 10 years.

He brings to the position an extensive background in rural and environmental sociology.

“My work is located within the faculty of agricultural life and environmental sciences,” explained Parkins. “So I am in a science faculty at the U of A but my PhD is in the Arts Faculty (sociology).”

really lost in their first few years.”

Parkins said it is crucial to strengthen that student experience and ensure there is a really strong program that attracts students to the campus. “Part of that is the work integrated learning program where we are connecting students into the community directly to Camrose businesses, municipal leaders, faith-based communities, cultural societies as well as working within health and education facilities. Having that connection is key.”

He said that another very important part of the vision for Augustana involves research, specifically addressing ongoing challenges in rural communities regarding mental and physical health issues to environmental and economic development challenges.

“We (Augustana) also have to focus on issues around change,” said Parkins. “The University is changing and the Augustana Campus will need to change with it. One of the goals of our university is to grow.”

While he is located within the Faculty of Science, Parkins said that the work he does is quite often interdisciplinary.

“For example, I am currently working on a project where we are looking at the challenges of wildfires and forest disturbances more generally and trying to understand what public perspectives are on wildfire versus harvesting, versus other types of forest disturbance,” he said further explaining that the project brings together the sociological aspect of understanding public views and community perspectives in terms of wildfires and forest disturbances, while working with forest ecologists and forest scientists to design the research and implement a large scale survey.

Choosing Augustana

Parkins explained that his background in rural sociology and a career focused on the development and sustainabilty of rural communities and small towns in Canada, was what drew him to this position with Augustana.

“I have worked with the Alberta Centre for Sustainable Rural Communities, with Clark Banack, here in Camrose, and I am really interested in doing more with Augustana around the rural piece.”

Parkins was also impressed with the longstanding, positive connection between the University Campus and the City of Camrose. “I will definitely want to see that sustained and growing.

“But more broadly, bring in the expertise we have at the Augustana Campus to really explore ways of creating more sustainable rural communities across Alberta. Use some of the creative arts/creative community approach, where we are looking at craft and various forms of art and design. Everything from architecture to website design to crafting in communities. Everything from pottery to music.

“Those are the kinds of things that we have at the Augustana Campus that can be organized and coordinated in ways to help rural communities think about their own sustainabilty in different ways.”

From the perspective of his own work and research regarding rural communities, he noted it has been more focused on renewable energy and energy transition in the province which he said has been a difficult road for a lot of rural communities and landowners.

“My work is really focused on trying to understand and appreciate where rural landowners are coming from. Then, if they do have

concerns, if there is opposition to these renewable energy projects, how do we address those concerns and appreciate where people are coming from and potentially design these projects in ways that would be more acceptable to rural communities and landowners?”

On a personal level, Parkins connection to rural landscape has been greatly influenced through his wife Michelle’s family ranch located in Wetaskiwin County.

“I am really interested in working and living in the Camrose community. I spend a lot of time fishing, hunting, hiking and skiing in the countryside, so we already spend a lot of time south of Edmonton.”

Forward vision

Excited to be a part of the Augustana campus and its vision of student success and continued growth, Parkins said his goal is to come into the role with an open mind by first understanding more about Augustana and the community.

“I am still an outsider and I only have a very partial view of what is happening at Augustana now.”

He aims at spending the first three to six months at his new position on a walking and listening tour of the Augustana Campus as well as the community.

“From those initial few months of having much deeper conversations with people, we can then work towards a more specific vision.”

Commenting that any vision has several key elements to it, Parkins said, “One of the core things about Augustana that is so crucial, is the focus on a really broad, thriving undergraduate program. That is really the core mission of the Campus and I think that is what sets us apart from the north campus in Edmonton.”

Indicating that the current student body at Augustana stands at around 1,000 students, Parkins said they would like to see that number grow to between 1,300 and 1,500 students over the next five years.

“That will take a lot of very focused investment on student recruitment, but also facilitating a very strong and attractive set of programs for students to enroll in.”

Parkins said there is also an opportunity for Augustana to have a stronger connection to the Indigenous communities.

“Maskwacis is a half hour down the road. So building more educational opportunities between Maskwacis and Augustana I think will be a really important part of that vision.”

In terms of challenges, Parkins said financial/budget remains one of the key challenges. “We still rely a lot on the Campus Alberta grant and that has remained a fixed amount over the last couple of years. Yet we know through inflation and other things that creates challenges for us. That is one of the reasons we need to grow our student body in order to have a more sustainable financial situation.”

Settling in

With the recent purchase of a home in Camrose, John and Michelle (and their dog) are looking forward to further immersing themselves into the community.

“The University is changing and the Augustana campus will need to change with it. One of the goals of our university is to grow,” said Augustana incoming dean John Parkins.

He said that along with Augustana’s deeprooted history, there is a unique opportunity for students to be a part of a community that entirely surrounds them. “From having smaller class sizes and getting to know their professors and the other students in the class, but also outside the classroom including living on residence, being on campus, participating in community events or other outreach programs.

“That is a really different experience for students than what they could get at the North Campus. North Campus students can often feel

“We are really excited about this opportunity. We have four children, ages 18 to 25, and the youngest is completing high school this year then will be heading off to university. So we are soon-tobe empty nesters.

“It is a good time for us to make this move. We are really interested in diving into this new chapter of our lives here in Camrose, making new connections, friendships and being part of the community. We see a lot of really great things about the community and the landscape including Mirror Lake and the valley, the walking and ski trails also the downtown area with its little cafés. We look forward to coming here and learning more about what Augustana has to offer and being a part of this community.”

And there is no doubt that Michelle and John will be welcomed in the warm fashion true to the nature of the community of Augustana and the greater community of Camrose and surrounding area

The CAMROSE BOOSTER, April 2, 2024 – Page 8

Acreage Auction Sale

for Jim and Gail Kerr

• April 6, 2024, 1 p.m.

1 1/4 Mile West of Edberg Gate Sign: 20212-609 (watch for signs)

▶ 195 4 Minneapolis Gas Tractor with dozer blade (good running condition)

▶ 194 1 VA Case Gas with loader (good running condition)

▶ 2002 Suzuki 500 quad with dozer blade

▶ Numerous trailers and garden wagons

▶ 3 water totes/tank s (up to 1200 gallon size )

▶ Some household items

▶ Tools (including large drill press)

▶ Miscellaneou s

▶ Vintage Hay Mower

▶ Several Garden Sheds (up to 10’ x16’)

All items sold with no reser ve. Mus t be picked up before April 10, 2024.

Phone: 780-672-3655 for more information (evenings, please)

Starting Tuesday April 2, 2024

Monday to Thursday 9:00 am to 12:00 noon and 1:30 pm to 4:00 pm

Fridays 9:00 am to 12:00 noon closed in the afternoon

4821-51 St., Camrose 780-672-0141

• Hauck Hearing Centre has been open in Camrose since 20 05 We’ve been here the longest

• Hauck Hearing Centre is an independent retailer. We are not a franchise; we can dictate our preferred brand & competitive prices, without quotas or high-pressure sales, and we choose to o er in-home ser vices when other clinics won’ t or are not permitted. We are not bound by a head o ice in another par t of the world making our decisions for us.

• Hauck Hearing Centre is a family owned and operated business . Claire Milligan is a second-generation Board Cer tified in Hearing Instrument Sciences, Registere d Hearing Aid Practitioner. Claire has se since 2002 . Presently, she is training her teenage daughter in this field

Music Festival, 40 years

Continued from page 2

“Over the years, we have had a substantial number of entries from Camrose win their category at the Provincial Festival, including last year’s Rose Bowl winner, Bhey Pastolero, who won two classes at the Provincial Festival, the Contemporary Vocal Senior and Musical Theatre Up Tempo Senior.

“This speaks to the talent of our young artists and the incredible work of their teachers,” said Brown, adding that her own experience

with the Music Festival began 40 years ago as a solo pianist, singer and participant in the school and jazz band and choir.

For so many young talented performers, music festivals offer a euphoric atmosphere filled with positivity, supportive of the benefits that music plays in the lives of so many.

For complete details on the Camrose & District Music Festival, including a schedule of events, visit the website at camrosemusic festival.ca.

Hauck Hearing Centre o ers a hearing aid trial experience like no other clinic in Canada. Contact our o ice to learn more!

The CAMROSE BOOSTER, April 2, 2024 – Page 9 New Office
It ’s important family (not the tax ma n) gets the maximum amount when you pass If 30% more for f amily is im portant, let me explain segregated funds to you. 30 Dick Reaney C. L. U, C.H. F. C. C. F. P. O ice: 7 80.464 .3 92 5 Email: dreaney@t elus .net www.dickreaney.com Fo r Mortgage Info *mor tgagesis te rs we st .c a Fo r Pe ace of Mind Protection: Char tere d Life Unde rw rite r Char tere d Financial Consul tant e Milligan, RHAP, BC-HIS Registered Hearing Aid Practitioner d Certified in Hearing Instrument Sciences
The many advantages of relying on 780-672-4808 5015-49 St., Camrose, AB www.HAUCKHEARINGCENTRE.com Hours: Mon. - Fri. • 9:00am - 12:00pm & 1:00pm to 5:00pm • Closed Holidays Put Camrose in your pocket! BUSINE SS SOURCING Ever y business in Camrose –One handy location INE S BUS Beer! er!

Inman Char tere d Accountants

• L amb Ford

• Lesley Barott

• Lorri Blumhagen

• Martinson Health

• McLellan Wheaton Chevrolet Ltd.

• McTavish Deliveries

• Murr y’s Truck Par t s Locators

• Olson Rau + Mohr Law O ice

• Pat Lyseng

• Paula Petruch

• Pete and Twylene Hick s

• PharmaSave

• R&D Hot Tubs

• Richardson Pioneer

• Ryan Poole

• St Mar y’s Hospital L ab S ta

• Scott Helmig

• Shelley Dalue g

• Sherr y Schneider, RN

• S tacey Brewste r

• Steve Lindberg

• T&L Insulation

• Tammy Meyer

• Tawnya Williamson

• Team Electrical

• Tee Pee Trade & RV

• Teresa Gratrix

• Teri Hrdlicka

• Timberline Roof ing

• Tracy Brandingen

• Val Schneider, RN

• Weber Funeral Home

• Wendy Pasiuk

• Yuha Electric


Charles “Chuck”

Henry Davis, of Evansburg, on March 22, at 86 years of age.

Andrew “Andy”

William Nelson, of Camrose, on March 22, at 43 years of age.

Leslie “Wayne” Lowther, of Camrose, on March 24, at 89 years of age.

The CAMROSE BOOSTER, April 2, 2024 –Thursday, Friday and Saturday | May 2, 3 and 4! Friday and Saturday | May 10 and 11! 2024 You’ ve already been asking about the ... CAMROSE BOOSTER ’S COMMUNIT Y-WIDE KICK it to the th CU RB Details to follow: is also back one week later ... and, the Camrose Booster’s always exciting and bene ficial WEEKEND Yes, we will be ho sting two popular events again this year. Dates w ill be.. . ... Yo Sh ot! A weekly dose of good old-fashioned advice , inspirat ion or simple logic. “It is not how much we have, but how much we enjoy, that makes happiness.” – Charle s Spurgeon Your Camrose team of tax accountants and business advisors. grantthornton.ca Suite 201, 4870 51 Street T +1 780 672 9217 © 2024 Grant Thornton LLP A Canadian Member of Grant Thornton International Ltd. All rights reserved. Chartered Professional Accountants Directory Members of ALBERTA 4602-49 Avenue Camrose, Alberta T4V 0M6 780- 672-2600 CHARTERED PROFESSIONAL ACCOUNTANTS GARNETT MACKAYLLP RADCHENKO 3831B-44 Avenue, Camrose, AB T4V 3T1 Phone 780-679-2515, Fax 780-679-2507 Toll Free 1-877-679-2515 Bill Resc h with granddaughte r, Hannah Senior Pack : 8 Patt ie s $15 .0 0 20 4- oz Patt ie s $ 40.0 0 No w double-papered for easy se paration Call or text 78 0.678 .6062 Bill’s Patties (5 -lb. packag es ) 780.672.3142 · 4925-48 Street, Camrose Take your pick from 800,000 Branding Products promoproducts@camrosebooster.com m The St . Mary ’s Hospital Au xiliar y wishes to thank all who contribu ted to their Pi Day Fundraiser. It was a great success because of you! • AMA Camrose S ta • Adamson E xteriors • Andreassen Bor th • Andy Zetsen • Audrey Heck • BiWest Translines • Big Rigs Truck Wash • Bobcat of Camrose • Border Paving • Broker s Marine • Burgar Funeral Home • CEL Electrical • Camrose Booster • Wild Rose C o- op • Camrose Energy • Camrose Police Ser vice S ta • Care Dental • Central A gencies • Coreen Coomb s
Dr Awakan
Dr Chris and Susan Nichol
Dr Minders and Dr. Anderson
F T A ggregates • Farm Credit Canad a • Farnham West Stolee K ambei tz • Fielding & Company • Fountain Tire (East End) • Freda Kushnerick • Harley’s L iquor • IRIS • Jadene Mah • Jan Nowakowski • Jose Preza • Ji y Lube • K al Tire • Karen Bur ton • Karin Vassberg
Kyla Joyce • Kevin Gurr
Knaut Johnson Francoeur
Kroeger Joyce

A national symbol returns

It seems as though we are hearing the familiar sounds of honking overhead earlier every year, with the milder winters we have been experiencing leading to thawing of open water on fields and ditches.

Not only is the Canada goose one of our nation’s national symbols, but it’s migration back to colder regions is a sign that spring, too, is returning.

Here are some fun facts about the long-necked feathered fowl.

Since the early 1900s, their numbers were decreasing due to loss of habitat and hunting; however, recent conservations efforts and regulations have contributed to a steady incline amounting to more than five million Canada geese across North America.

There are seven recognized subspecies of the Canada goose. The largest is the Branta canadensis maxima or giant Canada goose, which is one of the largest waterfowl in the world.

The largest Canada goose recorded weighed in at 24 pounds. However, the average adult male of the giant sub-species weighs approximately 1112 pounds.

They aren’t fat, they are feathery. A single Canada goose has between 20,000 and 25,000 feathers, most of which are used to help insulate the bird from cold water and freezing temperatures. Every year, the birds molt, replacing feathers and keeping the bird in pristine condition.

You may have noticed that the geese you see wandering around in harvested fields, foraging for grain, are, for the most part, in pairs. The Canada goose practices assortative mating, seeking a mate who is similar in size and then sticking to that mate for life.

Known to be aggressive, the Canada Goose will not back down from anything or anyone they feel is threatening them. In a defensive move, they will stretch out their necks, spread their wings and hiss as they pump their head up and down. This move can also serve as a warning that the goose will charge and fly at the perceived threat.

The distinctive V-pattern you spot in the sky as Canada geese fly by during migration helps the birds to maintain their energy and improves communication. Each bird in the formation will fly above the bird in front of them to reduce wind resistance. When the lead bird tires, it moves to the back of the formation and the next bird in the formation takes over lead.

Soon after their arrival, the Canada goose will begin laying eggs which hatch, typically at the end of April/ beginning of May, producing the cutest little yellowgreenish goslings. Goslings learn how to swim within a day of hatching and spend most of their time sleeping and feeding. They remain with their parents for the first year of their life.

The CAMROSE BOOSTER, April 2, 2024 – Page 11 Combining
strengths, uniting our people. Western Financial Group is proud to welcome Central Agencies Insurance to the team. 3911-4 8 Avenue, Camrose • 78 0- 672- 6665 5 SUPERB NEW RUM TASTING SETS HAVE ARRIVED! TRY Over 39 Ru ms in St oc k! r3399 99 400 5004-34 Avenue, Camrose Phone 780.672-5851 www.ipdi.biz ∙ LOOK WHO’S BACK Lori Larsen, Camrose Booster That familiar honking overhead rings in the return of one of Canada’s national symbols, the Canada goose, and more importantly, a true sign that spring has also arrived.


You r f undraisers, your

or d inners, your t ic ket sales, ra es or a ny other act iv it y that w il l help your c lub or organizat ion t hr ive (or sur vive) c a n be posted, at no c ha rge, on one of the best commu nit y apps i n Nor t h A merica!

Assig n a c lub member to keep feeding u s the i nfor mation you need posted.

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Remember music from way back when

The Way Back Whens are a brand-new, oldfashioned traditional jazz band. Featuring Edmonton’s finest old school players, they will be at the Bailey on April 7 at 7 p.m.

They are an old school jazz street party band with a megaphone, pumping out classic jams and brand new numbers. Their debut album, Live at the Yardbird Suite will be released in April. You will have a sneak peak at their latest old music.

It will also be Bob Bailey Appreciation Night. Prior to the show, during introductions of the band, City of Camrose Mayor PJ Stasko and some councillors will be on hand to recognize Bailey for his JUNO nomination.

The Way Back Whens features a renewed collaboration between Dan Davis on clarinet and saxophone and Keith Rempel on sousaphone and bass. Dan and Keith are joined by Canada’s best trombonist Audrey Ochoa, Canadian Grandmaster Fiddle Champion Daniel Gervais, and Barbara Vargas on tap dance. Brett Hansen and Daniel Stadnicki bring their inimitable talents on banjo, drums and cymbals to round out the group.

“I have had a few opportunities to play the Bailey Theatre as a side musician. Most recently, I believe it was with singer song-writer Dana Wylie. I have always found Camrose audiences to be warm and enthusiastic. I’m not sure what it is, but certain towns seem to love music a little bit extra,” shared Keith.

“I can’t wait to perform in Camrose at the Bailey. I know of Camrose

as a music loving town, in part due to the connection between the U of A (my alma matter) and Augustana in Camrose. My classmates always talked about MusiCamrose, the summer music retreat which is now held in Red Deer, though I never went myself,” added Dan.

“I’ve adjudicated the wonderful music festival you all put on and had a great time listening to your dedicated young music makers, and working with your band teachers. Your love and support for music is known in this province, and I’m excited to join you. When I heard about how old the Bailey theatre is–that’s the era this music is from! I thought that would be a perfect fit for our band,” said Dan.

“My first performance was with Battle River Big Band sound in their show We’ll Meet Again . As a performer, stepping onto the stage of the Bailey Theatre is not just an opportunity to perform, but a privilege to be part of a legacy that spans generations,” said Barbara.

“The musicians in the Way Back Whens are truly some of Canada’s finest. I feel like individually people are striving for excellence, but with a deep understanding that music is more about connecting with an audience and fellow band members than it is about playing right notes really fast. I think it’s a pretty good bet that we’ll be the best band featuring a grand master fiddler, a tap dancer and a sousaphone in town this weekend,” Keith said about the band.

“Most of my work as a musician comes as a bass

player. I studied jazz at MacEwan University in Edmonton. Some time around 2010, I found an ad on Kijiji for a sousaphone selling for $500. I played tuba in high school, but assumed I’d never play brass again on account of the high cost of those instruments. I leapt at the opportunity to purchase a sousaphone. I was able to combine the tuba chops I had picked up in high school with the jazz theory I learned studying the bass. I love playing the sousaphone. It can really bring a joyful lilt to a song.

“I soon discovered that my friend Dan Davis, who I had known primarily as a saxophone player, sounded pretty great on the clarinet. We have been playing old-time jazz together now for over 10 years and, on the back of Dan’s hard work, finally got a group together and made a record,” Keith further explained.

“We play jazz, a spontaneous and democratic music. The things I decide to play in the moment will change what my band mates will play to either respond to, support or compete with. It’s exciting and every show is unique. And then, as soon as that moment is over, it’s gone forever,” stated Dan.

“While many performers focus solely on classic or modern musical elements, this show seamlessly integrates both to offer a fresh and dynamic experience. Tap dance adds a visual and rhythmic dimension that appeals to a diverse range of audiences, offering something special for everyone to enjoy,” added Barbara.

Continued on page 13

The CAMROSE BOOSTER, April 2, 2024 – Page 12 camroselive.ca | 780-608-2922 SAVE 15% with code: Culture Wed. Apr. 3 @ 7:30 pm Cargill Theatre Playing tomorrow night! TRACY BRANDINGEN RE/MAX REAL ESTATE ACCLAIM SERIES DakhaBrakha DAYSLAND PALACETHEATRE APRIL 5, 6, 7 APRIL 15 & 17 REEL ALTERNATIVE APRIL 12, 13, 14 APRIL 26, 27, 28 Friday & Saturday – 7:30 pm Sunday Matinee – 2:00 pm APRIL 19, 20, 21 Friday & Saturday – 7:30 pm Sunday Matinee – 2:00 pm Kung Fu Panda 4 Animation/Adventure PG (Frightening Scenes, Violence) Starring the voices of Viola Davis, Jack Black When an evil sorceress hatches a plan to gain more power Po enlists the help of a streetwise fox to help him to stop her Monday – 7:30 pm Wednesday - 7:30 pm Flora and Son Comedy/Music /Romance 14A Starring: Eva Hewson, Jeff Gordon-Levitt A single mom at war with her son is tr ying to find a hobby for him. One day she rescues a guitar from a dumpster Friday & Saturday – 7:30 pm Sunday Matinee – 2:00 pm Dune: Part 2 Action/Adventure /Drama PG ( Violence) Starring: Timothee Chalamet, Zendaya, Javier Bardem Paul Atreides unites with Chani and the Fremen while seeking revenge against the conspirators who destroyed his family.
& Saturday – 7:30 pm Sunday Matinee – 2:00 pm Ghostbusters: Frozen Empire Adventure/Comedy/Fantasy PG ( Violence, Frightening Scenes, Not Recommended for Young Children) Starring: Paul Rudd, Carrie Coon, Bill Murray When the discover y of an ancient ar tifact unleashes an evil force, Ghostbusters new and old must join forces to protect their home and save the world from the second ice age. Movie Info through t he Movie Line 780-673-1325 or www.palacet heatre-daysar ts.ca or follow us on Facebook @ Daysland Palace Theatre SHOW TIMES: ALL EVENING SHOWS 7:30 pm TICKE TS: Adults $10, Seniors $8, Students $8, Children 3-11 $5, Family $25
you at e movies" em m Godzilla x Kong: The New Empire Action/Science Fiction PG ( Violence, Frightening Scenes, Not Recommended for Young Children) Starring: Rebecca Hall, Dan Stevens When a power ful titan threatens humanity ’s existence, a scientist enlists former enemies King Kong and Godzilla to team up in hopes they can defeat it Fr ee Content for not-for-pro t Serv ice C lubs & Organizat ions Enjoy tremendous visibility on the most visited ta bs on
break fa sts,

Remember music from way back when

Continued from page 12

“Dan and I came up with a short list of names for the band early on in the pandemic. I feel like the name Way Back Whens has a kind of old timely feel. More importantly, I think it’s the name that our wives both voted for. I can’t speak for Dan, but I know my wife is always right. I think adding tap dance was Dan’s idea. Barbara has been a great fit with the band. Her dancing adds a percussive element to the music and it’s nice to offer the audience a multi-sensory experience,” said Keith.

“Part of why I’ve decided to focus my attention on older fashioned jazz music is I was having trouble finding audiences for my more modern jazz music. The stuff that’s hip, dense, and forward thinking is really exciting to play, but I found even folks that had listened to me a number of times didn’t really know what was happening and would disengage with the music. So, being jazz lovers, Keith and I decided to turn back the clock to when jazz was essentially the popular music, with simple riffs, singable melodies and danceable tempos. I think people can connect with this music better. Involving Barbara as our tap dancer is a big help too. She’s the first tap dancer in Canada to have a music degree in jazz tap dance performance. She listens, and in real time complements solos musically. And now, folks have a visual element to latch on to as well. The band wouldn’t be the same without her contributions, both to the sound, but to the visual element and the joyous energy that exudes from the stage when she’s on it,” said Dan.

“I began tap dancing at the age of three. In elementary I was inspired by the legendary Gene Kelly and other Hollywood musical stars. Even back then I was known as being “old fashioned,” among my friends. As I grew older, my passion for tap dance only intensified, leading me to delve into its rich history and be inspired by tap dance Masters like Dr. Jimmy Slyde and Gregory Hines,” shared Barbara.

Parents and school bands played a part in their entertainment career.

“Growing up in Red Deer, I was fortunate to

have some excellent band and choir directors. I had been primarily a tuba player in concert band, but still remember the day I brought my bass guitar in to school and my band teacher showing me how to play a jazz blues. It’s neat to have things come full circle, and to be applying skills I picked up on the bass to the sousaphone. As for my parents, well, I picked the biggest instruments in the band. So they did a lot of driving. You can’t, or shouldn’t at least, take a

tuba on the bus. It’s hard to say whether I got a ride home so I could practice, or the other way around,” commented Keith.

“I was in the band room in high school as much of the day as I was allowed to be. First thing in the morning, the custodian would let me into the band room to practice piano. I’d be in there at lunch practicing baritone sax. I had two classes of band on my schedule full time and we’d also have jazz band and jazz choir practice after

school (in which I played the drums very badly). I’d always finish my other homework in class, often before the lecture was over so I could get over to the band room to practice or play some music with my friends,” said Dan.

“And my parents, so supportive. Now that I’m a father myself I can’t believe what they went through. Driving my brothers and I to church choir, violin lessons, orchestra rehearsals, percussion ensemble rehearsals, piano lessons

with four boys all enrolled in extracurricular music!

My goodness, I can’t believe the time and money they sunk into our music habits. I love them to pieces and looking back I think they were so supportive, and completely insane,” laughed Dan.

“My parents were incredibly supportive, paying for classes and driving me all over the city so I could do what I love. I’m extremely grateful for their continued support,” said Barbara.

The CAMROSE BOOSTER, April 2, 2024 – Page 13 Eat healthy! Weekly chef’s choice plus amazing baked potato, mashed potatoes or fries, and an impressive serving of vegetables. PHONE 7 806 7 29 17 1 CHE CK OUT U T E t h lth ! W kl h f’ h i l A PRI L 8 | 6 p.m. | LPAC, Cargill Theatre & Online INDIGENOUS SPEAKER SERIES Augustana Truth Before Reconciliation with Connie Walker Free hybrid event uab.ca/augevents Connie Walker, Okanese First Nation, will deliver a compelling presentation drawing from her Pulitzer and Peabody award-winning podcast, Stolen , highlighting the impor tance of uncovering truths for reconciliation. Ronning Centre Post- doc Shelisa K lassen will discuss how 1870s English-language newspapers justified or encouraged violence against ndigenous women and men, often by appealing to Chr istian sentiments Gender, Race and Respec tability in 1870s Manitoba Newspapers LUNCH & LEARN Learn more at: uab.ca/augevents Friday, April 19 | 12 noon Mayer Family Community Hall, Lougheed Performing Ar ts Centre, Camrose, AB 5041-50 STREET, CAMROSE • 780-672-5510 WWW.BAILEY THEATRE.COM Tickets $30 at the Bailey Box O ffice or Online The WAY BACK WHEN S THE BAILEY THEATRE SOCIETY PRESENTS SUNDAY, APRIL 7 7 PM

City Council votes to apply tax increase evenly across both property types

During the March 25 City of Camrose Committee of the Whole meeting, Council directed administration to apply the approximately five per cent tax increases evenly to both residential and non-residential classes of property.

City of Camrose Assessment manager Travis Lantz presented the following three taxation options to council for consideration:

• Option 1 Traditional Status quo – In this scenario the tax increase is applied evenly to both classes of property.

• Option 2 Shift 0.5 per cent from non-residential to residential. In this scenario the residential tax base would pay for 0.5 per cent (approximately $140,000) more of the total municipal tax levy in an effort to reduce the taxes paid by non-residential properties.

• Option 3 Shift 0.5 per cent from residential to non-residential. In this scenario the nonresidential tax base would pay for 0.5 per cent (approximately $140,000) more of the total municipal tax levy in an effort to reduce the taxes paid by residential properties.

“When we talk about the tax increase the growth is also tied into that discussion,” explained Lantz. “Regardless of what happens with taxation, if we have growth we do get some additional revenue.”

Lantz reported the actual growth to be taxed in 2024 totalled approximately $18 million for residential and $15.3 million for non-residential.

“The good news there is that actually funds about $370,000 of additional tax revenue as opposed to the $300,000 that we did in the budget estimates, so we have a little extra there to help decrease the tax increase a little bit.”

In speaking on the assessment tax base changes, Lantz said, “One bad news story this year is the designated industrial

property (linear and major plants) which is prepared by the Province went down fairly sharply. Council has to apply the same tax rate to the linear and major plants as it does all the other commercial properties in town. So with those designated industrial assessments going down unfortunately the other businesses in Camrose will have to go up a bit to offset that decrease.

With regards to the Provincial Education Tax, Lantz said the province determines the amount of education requisition that shall be collected from both residential and nonresidential properties, and that the City (Council) has no control over the amounts requisitioned for education purposes and cannot “shift” the education tax from one property type to another.

“The education requisition from residential

properties equates to approximately 22 per cent of the tax notice ($5.7 million). The impact to our residential property owners is a 2.26 per cent increase in education tax on a typical home, compared to 2023.”

The impact for a median home is approximately $16 and for a higher value home, approximately $33.

“The requisition from non-residential properties in Camrose for education purposes equates to approximately 21 per cent of the tax notice ($2.4 million). The impact to our non-residential property owners is a 2.26 per cent increase in education tax on a typical property compared to 2023.”

The impact for a small warehouse is approximately $49, and for a big box store, approximately $1,304.

The calculation of municipal tax rates for the

City of Camrose for the 2024 budget includes an additional five per cent for residential properties as a class, in total, that existed in 2023, and an additional five per cent for non-residential as a class, in total, that existed in 2023.

For a median home (residential) assessed at $295,560 in 2024, this equates to an increase of municipal property taxes of $117; increase of provincial education tax of $16 and an increase of lodge authority tax of $4, totalling $137.

For a higher value home (residential) assessed at $621,900 in 2024, this equates to an increase of municipal property taxes of $248; increase of provincial education tax of $33 and an increase of lodge authority tax of $8, totalling $289.

For a small warehouse (non-residential) assumed to equal $608,970 in 2024,

this equates to an increase of municipal property taxes of $493; increase of provincial education tax of $49 and an increase of lodge authority tax of $8, totalling $550.

For a big box store (non-residential) assumed to equal $16,239,300 in 2024, this equates to an increase of municipal property taxes of $13,152; increase of provincial education tax of $1,305 and an increase of lodge authority tax of $218, totalling $14,675.

The above examples are approximates.

“It is important to remember that neither myself or council can guarantee every citizen a five per cent increase. Individual increases will vary based on the assessed amount.”

Tax notices will be mailed out on May 17 with a deadline of June 30.

The CAMROSE BOOSTER, April 2, 2024 – Page 14


Proposed Bylaw 3323 -24

Pursuant to th e prov isions of th e Municipa l Gove rnment Act, Sectio n 60 6 of th e Revi se d St atutes of Al be rt a an d amendments thereto, PUBLIC NOTICE is he re by gi ve n that Counci l of th e Ci ty of Camros e gave fi rs t re ading to Bylaw 3323 -24 on Ma rc h 25 , 2024

Th e purpos e of th e amendmen t is to change th e land us e clas sification of 4702-5 0 St re et from R3 – Medium Densit y Residentia l Di st rict to I – Institutiona l Di st rict

Th e re di st rictin g will help Camros e Wo men’s Shel te r Societ y (CWS S) move into th e predevelopment sta ge of planning a la rger facility to accommodate th e futu re need s of CWSS Th e futu re redeve lopmen t is ex pected to span multiple lots

A Public Hearing is schedule d to be held as follow s:

Date : May 6, 2024

Time : 5: 00 p. m.

Place: Camros e Ci ty Hall , 52 04-5 0 Avenue , Camrose, AB

Any person(s) wh o have an inte re st rega rd in g th e passing of Bylaw 3323 -24 are encouraged to at tend th e Public Hearin g in person to stat e their suppor t or objections

Any writ te n submission s to be considered by Ci ty Counci l are required to be submit ted no la ter than April 22 , 2024 , at 4: 00 pm by mail to:

Malcol m Boyd , Ci ty Manage r, Ci ty of Camrose, 5204 -50 Avenue Camrose, AB T4V 0S 8 or by emai l to:

mb oyd@camrose.ca

Notice is he re by gi ve n that Counci l may therea fter withou t fu rt he r notice procee d with fi na l a pproval of Bylaw 3323 -24 at th e re gula r Counci l Meetin g on May 6, 2024. For additional in fo rmation, cont ac t Fr ancisc a Fredericks Long Rang e Pl anne r, phon e 78 0- 672- 4428 or emai l to ff re dericks@cam ro se.c a.


Proposed Bylaw 3317-24

Pursuant to th e prov isions of th e Municipa l Gove rnment

Ac t, Sectio n 60 6 of th e Revi se d St atutes of Al be rt a an d amendments thereto, PUBLIC NOTICE is he re by gi ve n that Counci l of th e Ci ty of Camros e gave fi rs t re ading to Bylaw 3317-24 on Ma rc h 25 , 2024

Th e purpos e of this Bylaw is to amend th e AIR - Airpor t Di st rict of th e La nd Us e Bylaw 3 222-2 2. This change woul d allow fo r temporar y lodging fo r pilo ts , when necessar y. This change will only appl y to th e AIR – Airpor t Di st rict .

A Public Hearing is scheduled to be held as follow s:

Date : May 6, 2024

Time : 5: 00 p. m.

Place: Camros e Ci ty Hall , 52 04-5 0 Ave. , Camrose, AB

Any person(s) wh o have an inte re st rega rd in g th e passing of Bylaw 3317-24 are encouraged to at tend th e Public Hearin g in person to stat e their suppor t or objections Any writ te n submission s to be considered by Ci ty Counci l are required to be submit ted no la ter than April 22 , 2024 , at 4: 00 pm by mail to: Malcol m Boyd , Ci ty Manage r, Ci ty of Camrose, 5204 -50 Avenue Camrose, AB T4V 0S 8 or by emai l to: mb oyd@camrose.ca

Notice is he re by gi ve n that Counci l may therea fter withou t fu rt he r notice procee d with fi na l a pproval of Bylaw 3317-24 at th e regula r Counci l Meetin g on May 6, 2024. For additional in fo rmation, cont ac t Fr ancisc a Fredericks Long Rang e Pl anne r, phon e 78 0- 672- 4428 or emai l to ff re dericks@cam ro se.c a.

by Ci ty Counci l are required to be submit ted no la ter than April 16 , 2024 , at 4: 00 pm by mail to:

Malcol m Boyd Ci ty Manage r, Ci ty of Camrose, 5204 -50 Avenue , Camrose, AB T4V 0S 8 or by emai l to: mb oyd@camrose.ca

Project Boundary

Notice is he re by gi ve n that Counci l may therea fter withou t fu rt he r notice procee d with fi na l a pproval of Bylaw 3324 -24 at th e regular Counci l Meetin g on April 22, 2024. For additional in fo rmation, cont ac t Fr ancisc a Fredericks , Long Rang e Pl anne r, phon e 78 0- 672- 4428 or emai l to ff re dericks@cam ro se.c a.

City, County, Cargill make history with agreements

During the March 25

City of Camrose regular Council meeting, council authorized Mayor PJ Stasko and City manager Malcolm Boyd to sign off on five separate agreements involving the City, Camrose County and Cargill.

“This set of agree -

ments represents a historic step forward for the region in terms of collaboration on industrial development,” noted City of Camrose manager Malcolm Boyd. The Revenue Sharing Agreement, between the City of Camrose and Camrose County ensures that

the City and the County will share property tax revenues associated with the Cargill property.

The existing Recreation Agreement, between the City of Camrose and Camrose County states that Camrose County provides a contribution towards recreation services. This Exten-

sion Agreement extends the term of the Recreation Agreement by five years.

The Water Services Agreement between the City of Camrose and Cargill, replaces the existing agreement to provide water and wastewater services to Cargill.

The Temporary Non-

Compliance Agreement, between the City of Camrose and Cargill provides Cargill with a three-year term to achieve compliance with the City’s Wastewater Bylaw on specific water quality parameters.

Continued on page 16

The CAMROSE BOOSTER, April 2, 2024 – Page 15
NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARIN G Proposed Bylaw 3324 -24 Pursuant to th e prov isions of th e Municipa l Gove rnment Act, Sectio n 60 6 of th e Revi se d St atutes of Al be rt a an d amendments thereto, PUBLIC NOTICE is he re by gi ve n that Counci l of th e Ci ty of Camros e gave fi rs t re ading to Bylaw 3324 -24 on Ma rc h 25 , 2024 Th e purpos e of th e Bylaw 3324 -2 4 is to redi st rict Lo t 6, Bl oc k 1, Plan 96 2 2166 from I – Institutiona l Di st rict to R3 – Medium Densit y Residentia l Di st rict Th e re di st rictin g wo ul d allow th e applican t to cons truc t multi-unit building s. A Public Hearing is schedule d to be held as follow s: Date : April 22 , 2024 Time : 5: 00 p. m. Place: Camros e Ci ty Hall , 52 04-5 0 Avenue , Camrose, AB Any person(s) wh o have an inte re st rega rd in g th e passing of Bylaw 3324 -24 are encouraged to at tend th e Public Hearin g in person to stat e their suppor t or objections Any writ te n submission s to be considered
Project Boundary






DIRECTIONS: From Edberg, go 1.25 miles East on HWY 609 (North side).

Gate sign - 19560 HWY 609, Camrose County, AB.


•2005 Case IH STX 425 4WD, 3522 hrs, 710/70R42 duals, 16 spd PS trans, Cummins QSX 15, high cap hyd pump, John Deere ATU 200, 5 hyd, di lock, 14 rear suitcase & wheel weights.

•2012 John Deere 7330 MFWD w/ JD H360 ldr, 7’ bucket w/ 5 tine grapple, 3016 hrs, 20/20 PowrQuad Plus w/ LH reverser, joystick, 3 PTH, 2 hyd, 540/1000 PTO, one owner


•2014 John Deere S680 w/ JD 615 PU hdr, 1204 sep / 1620 eng hrs, 650/85R38 duals, 750/65R26 rears, Pro Drive, Advanced Powercast Tailboard, Power fold hopper, Contour Master (lateral tilt), 7.9M auger, Premium cab, HID lights, GS3 2630 monitor, Auto trac ready, Crop Catcher, Cabcam hopper & auger cameras

•2012 John Deere 635D draper header, dbl knife drive, PU reel, hyd tilt, fore & aft, full width poly skids, factory transport, Horizon auto hdr height

•2006 30’ Premier 2952i swather w/ 972 hdr, 1452 hdr / 1717 eng hrs, dbl knife drive, split PU reel, hyd hdr tilt, JD ATU 300, 500/70R24 fronts


•43’ John Deere 1830 air drill (2011) w/ JD 1910 (430 bu) TBH cart (2012), triple shoot incl NH 3 kit Raven Rate Controller), variable rate, 10” spacing, 4” steel packers, 3-1/2” paired row seed openers, $55,960 w/o Mar/23- (1000 acres seeded since), new components incl Romafa conveyor, Romafa front meter box, stainless cart tubes, rear cart tire, cart to drill primary hoses

•1998 90’ John Deere 4700 sprayer, 3133 eng hrs, 750 gal SS tank, JD brown box display, Outback auto steer w/ XD Drive & ADO 10” display, 5 sections, hyd tread adjust, (4) Maxim crop dividers, c/w 2 sets of tires


•2004 Freightliner Columbia TA grain truck w/ 20’ Cancade box & hoist, Mercedes 460 eng (435 hp), 13 spd trans, showing 125,405 km, Brehon remote hoist & endgate, rear hoist control, air ride, roll tarp, Ali Arc bumper, (owner thinks 1,125,405 km)

•1999 GMC C8500 TA grain truck w/ 20’ CBI box & hoist, Cat 3126 (330 hp), Allison auto trans, hyd silage endgate, showing 410,519 km, di lock, rear hoist control, alum rims

•1981 Western Star 4864-2 TA grain truck w/ 19’ CBI box & hoist, 6V-92 Detroit eng (335 hp), 13 spd trans, showing 370,534 km, Brehon remote hoist & endgate, rear hoist control, roll tarp, (owner thinks 1,370,534 km)


•(2) Brandt 1370 13”x70’ swing augers, elec swing mover & hyd winch, reverser, 540 PTO, full bin spout, camera & monitor

•Meridian TL10-39 10”x39’ auger w/ Meridian SP mover, Vanguard 37hp EFI, 43 hrs, elec clutch, reversing gear box, lights

•Brandt 5200 EX grain vac w/ attachments, 110 hrs

•FarmKing 10”x50’ mech swing auger

•Meridian GrainMax 4000 hopper bin, dbl skid, rocket aeration, roof vents, site glasses, manway


•2009 Merhow Equistar Alum gooseneck 3 horse trailer w/ living quarters, 6-1/2’ slide, 35’ total length, 12’8” short wall, slant load, 8’ wide, has Outlaw conversion w/ upgrades, never been pulled in winter (no salt), removable tack room, LQ pass through door, AC, 3 piece bath w/ shower, stove top, microwave, fridge / freezer, 17’ awning, SS nose, one owner, ltd use, exc cond

•2011 Ford F250 King Ranch Super Duty, 4x4, 6.7 L diesel, 210,845 km, 6-1/2’ box, auto trans, loaded w/ leather, sunroof, navigation, pwr ext mirrors, keyless entry, front heated / air cond seats, overload springs & air bags installed

•2011 Kaufman Tri Axle 5 th wheel trailer w/ ip up ramps, 28’ (24’ main + 4’ beavertail), 8’ wide, 7500 lb axles

•1991 Trail King TK12-1801 TA 5 th wheel trailer w/ ip up ramps, 18’ (13’ main + 5’ beavertail), 8’ wide, 6000 lb axles


•73’ Riteway Model 7173 heavy harrow, 9’16” tines, hyd angle

•21’ John Deere 220 TA disc

•31’ Morris CP-731 Magnum DT cultivator, 4 bar dbl arm harrows

•Degelman R570S ground drive picker

•50’ Herman tine harrows & drawbar, 500 gal poly tank


•John Deere 2630 disp w/ SF1 activ

•John Deere Star re 6000, 3000 & ITC receivers


•Highline Bale Pro 7000 HD bale shredder, LH discharge, 1000 PTO

•Linden trailer style post pounder

•30’ shop built bale trailer, steel & pipe construction, 10’ wide

•12.5’ HD steel loading chute on skids

•(2) 31’ silage bunks

•(2) 16’ calf shelters

•(2) feed troughs, 13’ & 6’

•(4) round bale feeders, and more!


•2 Seat Democrat Buggy

•Westeel 1000 gal (4545L) sgl wall fuel tank w/ Fill-Rite 35 GPM pump

•And much more!

Music Festival adjudicators

An important part of the Camrose and District Music Festival has always been the opportunity for participants to receive positive feedback by experts adjudicators, on their performances.

The 2024 Festival is no exception welcoming six experienced and skilled adjudicators to the Festival to share their feedback and encouragement to the performers, including: Mireille Rijavec, Maria Medlow, Danica Hoffart, Ken Rogers, Esther Madsen and Dennis Rusinak.

Mezzo-soprano Mireille Rijavec has been heard on the CBC as a mezzo-soprano soloist and has appeared with Pop Goes the Opera, the Alberta Baroque Ensemble, the Richard Eaton Singers, Pro Coro Canada, and the Edmonton Metropolitan Orchestra, among others.

Her passion for theatre has lead her to presenting works, such as her cabaret Brie, Baguette and a Broad at the Edmonton Fringe.

Rijavec is the vocal pedagogue and alto vocal coach for the Edmonton Metropolitan Chorus and has conducted the Women of Edmonton Metropolitan Chorus in 2023 and will again in February 2024.

She teaches voice privately and works with students of all levels, from children to adults and stresses the importance of being able to read music, healthy vocal technique grounded in physiology, and ultimately the joy of communicating through song.

Rijavec’s students are active singers, and many have continued their vocal studies in classical voice and musical theatre in post-secondary institutions across Canada and the United States.

City, County, Cargill agreements

Continued from page 15

The Cooperation Agreement, between the City of Camrose, Camrose County and Cargill, captures the intent for the three parties to cooperate in terms of licensing and development.

During the Camrose

County Council meeting held on March 26, Council passed motions to accept the amendments to the agreements involving the County, City of Camrose and Cargill.

For complete details on the five agreements,

visit the City of Camrose website at www.camrose.

ca and click on Your Government/Agendas and Minutes/Agendas/2024/ Regular Council 25 Mar 2024, Page 88 of the Agenda.

tive member of the Calgary Musicians Association and is also the Registration Chair for the Cochrane Youth Talent Festival.

She has performed and recorded solo and chamber concerts with members of the Calgary Opera, Calgary Cowtown Opera, Calgary Philharmonic Orchestra, Red Deer Symphony, Metropolitan Opera of New York, Rocky Mountain Symphony Orchestra, Cirque De Soleil and played alongside Michael Bublé for his 2014 Canada Tour.

Medlow provides private music lessons and has had students as finalists in the Canadian Music Competition, placed in provincials at the Kiwanis Music Festival and won medals and scholarships for RCM exams.

She has prepared her students for successful admission to classical string programs throughout North America.

Dr. Danica Hoffart is a singer, conductor, musical director, educator, and adjudicator. She currently directs the Ross Street Singers in Red Deer, AB, and is a vocalist with the Central Alberta Chamber Orchestra.

For over two decades, Hoffart taught post-secondary Music and Theatre including private voice lessons, choir, singing for the stage, music history, and ear training. She has performed with Kompany! Dance and has been a soprano soloist with the Red Deer Symphony Orchestra. Select musical directing credits include South Pacific, Footloose, Cabaret, The Sound of Music, and The Wizard of Oz.

Originally from Argentina, Maria Medlow grew up playing the violin and piano. Upon moving to Canada, she was accepted at the Senior Academy at Mount Royal Conservatory.

She is currently an ac-

Her research examined best practices in leadership and the empowerment of individuals through participation in choir.

Anyone is welcome to come out to the 2024 Camrose and District Music Festival taking place at the Jeanne & Peter Lougheed Performing Arts Centre (Mayer Hall and Cargill Theatre) or the University of Alberta Augustana Chapel, April 15, 16, 17 and 18. The Grand Concert will be held at LPAC on Tuesday, April 23.

For complete details and performance schedule visit the website at www. camrosemusicfestival.ca

The CAMROSE BOOSTER, April 2, 2024 – Page 16 FOR MORE INFO. AND TO BID VISIT: bid.premierauctions.ca
Medlow Rijavec Hoffart

A cookbook with love

I don’t enjoy cooking. There, I have said it, a major confession from a homemaker. When I was 10 years old, my grandma asked if I knew how to make bread from scratch yet. I did not. She was shocked and horrified that a girl my age hadn’t learned this important life skill. (I still don’t know how, but my bread machine does a fantastic job.)

I’ve come up with strategies to make cooking supper less of a chore–I meal plan for the week, and make double what we need for one night so that we can enjoy the simplicity of leftovers the next night.

It turns out, though, that a person can enjoy baking even if they don’t enjoy cooking, and so last year, I undertook a massive project. I redid my mom’s recipe book, a compilation of recipes she had collected over the years and printed for all of her kids. But after many years of use, pages were falling out, and there were notes all over the place as well as missing ingredients that I had added in. For unknown reasons, the recipe for lasagna was under the Squares category. I added in new categories: Halloween, Appetizers, Crafts. My husband came up with the brilliant plan that each page should be in its own plastic sheet protector as things can get messy in the kitchen. I corrected spelling mistakes, and made style decisions such as writing out baking soda; otherwise I would have forever been adding BS to my recipes.

There are many recipes from my aunts, mom, and both grandmas. I enjoy the fact that the person with recipe credit might not have concocted the recipe themselves; often my mom encountered the recipe being made by that person, so they get the credit. There are recipes that I keep meaning to try like the Supreme Cherry Dessert and Skor Bars. There are recipes like Pumpkin Loaf that I have made so many times that I will let my mind wander while making it, and suddenly find that I have finished the task.

I tell my kids when I make pancakes that it is my gran’s recipe and that the Harvest Apple Cake is from my aunt Donna. The recipes almost become a thread, connecting us to the generations that have come before. Some dishes have titles that they don’t really go by; we call it Hamburger Mush, but Beef Stroganoff definitely sounds classier in the cookbook. The chili recipe I am credited with is actually a mix of ingredients I had tasted in other people’s chili. My mom’s winning Saskatoon Pie recipe is named because she used it to win the Battle River Watershed Alliance’s Saskatoon Pie Contest in 2011. There are funny names for some recipes, like Drop Dead Delicious Stuffed Zucchini. I believe this dish made my kids turn their noses up when they were little, but the name stuck.

I hesitated before adding the recipe for Cornflake Chicken, because it is found in a very old, very special cookbook. It is the Better Homes and Gardens New Junior Cookbook, with this inscription on the first page: “To our dear Laurel on her eighth birthday, from Grandma and Grandpa. We hope you’ll always enjoy using this cookbook.” I like making this recipe, but I wanted to open the birthday cookbook to use it. Nevertheless, I added it to my new cookbook so it could be shared. Then I printed a copy for my mom, several sisters-in-law, and a good friend. All this from someone who really doesn’t enjoy cooking.

At the church we attended for many years, I found myself in charge of Meals for New Moms, where I had a list of volunteers and I would find five or six people who could bring a hot meal to a family who had just had a baby. I grew adept at making a double meal, putting half into our warming drawer while I was out delivering the rest of the food to the young family. I made sure to include dessert, and put the food into aluminum containers that I wouldn’t need returning. We ate our supper once I returned home. I thought it was interesting that God would use me for this task since I didn’t enjoy cooking.

Lately, I’ve been trying to have my kids help out with cooking more, in the hopes that they will be skilled and feel some enjoyment in this necessary part of life. I should have started this much sooner. I put on music, and divide up the tasks. I’m trying to have them see the meal through to the end, and not run away once the vegetables are cut. My daughter has been trying out some cookie recipes lately. And no matter what, I always pull down the New Junior Cookbook for making Cornflake Chicken. I don’t know about the “enjoy” part of the inscription, but I’m definitely knocking it out of the park in the “using this cookbook” part, which would have made my grandma proud.




DIRECTIONS: From Ponoka, go 18 miles East on HWY 53, then North 2 3/4 miles on RGE RD 224.East side of road. Gate Sign - 432055 RGE RD 224, Ponoka County, AB.


•1990 John Deere 8760 4WD w/ Degelman 14’ Blade, 7,329hrs, 300hp eng, 24spd trans, di lock, blade/silage screen, hyd angle, Outback Guidance System, 7” display, Hemisphere receiver, eDrive, (3) aux hyd, performance monitor, JD Brown Box display, ISO coupler, 520/85R38 dual tires

•2010 John Deere 7930 MFWD tractor, 3,492hrs, IVT trans(40k), (3) aux hyd, 3pth, 32gpm hyd pump, 540/1000 PTO, ISO coupler, Autotrac ready, 420/80R46 rear duals


•2000 John Deere 9650STS combine w/ JD 914P PU hdr, 1,992 sep / 2,880 eng hrs, Greenstar, yield monitor w/ display, 20’ unload auger w/ ext, Crary BigTop hopper ext, widespread ne-cut chopper, Outback hyd steering valve, c/w JD914P universal splined driveshaft, multipoint hookup, 800/65R32 front tires

•1997 John Deere 930F straight cut hdr, sgl knife drive, c/w Summer hdr mover


•1988 IH S2500 T/A grain truck, 463,732kms, Cummins diesel eng, Easton Fuller 13spd trans, di lock, 20’ Renn steel box and hoist, rear hoist control, front light bar, 11R24.5 tires, Hyd silage endgates

•1979 GMC General T/A grain truck, 239,392kms, Cummins NTC-350hp diesel eng, Fuller 13spd trans, di lock, 19’ steel box and hoist, 11R24.5 tires, box replaced Oct/18, Hyd silage endgates


•1998 41’ John Deere 1820 air drill w/ 1998 JD 1900 2-Comp TBH air cart, 12” spacing, dbl shoot, Gen T2X2 opener w/ Gen33 chrome tip, 5” paired row openers, IntelligentAg Recon Blockage system, JD 1900 270bu tank, Romafa 10” SS auger and meter boxes


•2017 Brandt 13”x70’ Elec swing auger, hyd lift, reverser, remote control, 540 PTO, one owner, never used for fertilizer

•2017 Brandt 8”x52’ Auger, EZ move hyd mover, Kohler Command Pro 35hp gas eng, elec start, hyd lift, one owner

•2016 Brandt 5200EX grain vac, only 100hrs, one owner

•(3) Meridian Grainmax GM 5000bu hopper grain bins

•2014 Meridian HB16 4000bu corrugated hopper grain bin

•(3) 2017-2018 Grain Guard 5hp aeration fans

•Labtronics grain moisture tester


•80’ Flexicoil 67 PT high clearance sprayer, 1,000 Imp gal, Raven boom control, 10/20gal nozzles, 14.9-28 skinny tires

•36’ IH 4700 Vibra-Tiller cultivator, w/ Flexicoil 4-bar harrows


•2001 Ski-doo Summit 700 snowmobile, 1,766 kms

•1999 Ski-Doo Formula S snowmobile, 0553 kms, Rotax 380


•2021 John Deere 6000 receiver

•2010 John Deere ITC receiver

•2010 John Deere GreenStar2 1800 display


•12’ Maschio G350 3pth rototiller

•2016 Westeel 4,530L Fuel-Vault dual-wall tank

•Soterra 400B Chemtraveller 12v chem pump

•2021 Champion 4450w gas generator

•Flagro FVO-400 390,000btu commercial/industrial space heater

•28” Cub Cadet 1028C snow blower, Tecumseh 10hp gas eng, elec start

•(3) John Deere combine concaves

•Honda 2” water pump

•Banjo 2” water pump

•Mastercraft Maximum 10” table saw

•Unused Badlands 2,500lb ATV winch

•(2) Auger hoppers

•4”x11’ Elec pencil auger

•130gal Westeel slip tank

•1,200gal poly water tank

School athletics fly into bird season

It is bird season in schools across the area. That means badminton birdies are flying as they compete for spots at zones, regionals and provincials.

“Our first high school meet is on April 10, hosted at École Camrose Composite High School. On April 11 is the junior high divisional tournament. On April 17, we host the high school area meet, and on April 18 is the junior high regional tournament,” explained athletic director Graeme Thain.

High school zones this year is in Lacombe on April 26, and provincials is scheduled for May 3 and 4 in Edmonton.

The CAMROSE BOOSTER, April 2, 2024 – Page 17 FOR MORE INFO. AND TO BID VISIT: bid.premierauctions.ca





DIRECTIONS: From Triple Creek Golf Club (Millet), go East 1/2 mile on Hwy 814. Turn North on RR 241 for 1/4 mile.


•2000 John Deere 7810 MFWD tractor, 6,030hrs, 18spd pwrshift, 1000 PTO, newer 650/65R38 rears, $6,859 (Oct/20) W/O


•1982 New Holland TR85 combine, 2,714hrs, Cat 3208 eng, hydrostatic, twin-rotor, hyd hdr reverser, 23.1-26 front tires, eld ready, <250acres on new balanced concave & rub bar

•1980 New Holland TR85 combine, 4,309hrs, Cat 3208 eng, standard trans w/ variable spd, elec/hyd hdr reverser, twin-rotor, Sunnybrook concave, 23.1-26 front tires

•17’ New Holland 960 straight cut hdr, PU reel


•18’ John Deere 2360 swather, 2,352hrs, Chrysler 225 eng, PU reel, 18.4L-16 front tires

•16’ IH 4000 swather, U2 PU reel, 6cyl gas eng, new 16.5L-16.1 front tires

•15’ Versatile pull-type swather, PU reel, c/w bat reel


•12’ John Deere moco mower, rubber rollers

•John Deere 347 square baler

•New Holland 660 round baler

•New Holland 1033 bale wagon

•Gehl 1260 silage cutter

•IH 720 silage cutter

•Kuhn PTO hay tedder

•Vicon 3pth 8-wheel rake

•Vicon 5-wheel rake


•1976 GMC 6500 S/A grain truck, 43,374miles, V8 366 gas eng, 5+2 trans, 16’ steel box & hoist, hyd silage endgate, roll tarp, 11R22.5 tires


•2022 West eld STX2 8”x51’ auger, mover, 35hp Vanguard eng, elec clutch, reverser

•2016 Meridian 8”x53’ auger, mover, 35hp Kohler eng, elec clutch, full bin alert, reverser, new tube and ighting in 2022

•Bruns S130 grain wagon, 13ton cap, roll tarp, 315/80R22.5 tires

•John Deere Tri/A 1275 wagon w/ LodeKing seed tote, (2) hyd augers

•Kongskilde grain vac, w/ attachments

•Westeel 14’ 6-ring bin on harvest hopper, 2150bu+/-

•(8) Westeel 14’ 5-Ring on harvest hopper, 1900bu+/-

•(2) Unused 3hp Grain Guard aeration fans


•Schuler 220F silage wagon

•Ji y JSB900 bale shredder, LH discharge, remote

•Portable creep feeder

•(2) 27’ steel silage feeder

•Hi-Hog bale feeder


•John Deere 780 T/A manure spreader, hydro push, twin beaters

•New Holland 680 T/A manure spreader, twin beaters


•19.5’ John Deere 235 T/A disc, hyd hitch, smooth disc

•20’ John Deere 9350 hoe drill

•20’ IH 620 press drill, grass seeder, factory transport

•60’ Flexicoil harrows, auto-fold

•Melroe 903 6-botton plow

•28’ Case IH vibrashank 4800 cultivator, 3-bar harrows

•24’ John Deere 1600 DT cultivator

•1982 CCIL 179 cultivator

•36’ Morris rodweeder

•60’ Inland sprayer, PTO pump, monitor, 2,200L tank


•Raven Cruiser GPS, very ltd use

•7’ George White 3pth snow blower

•Chem Handler I

•Honda GC160 2” pump

•Westlake foam marker

Ukraine’s DakhaBrakha at Lougheed

The Jeanne and Peter Lougheed Performing Arts Centre has a great lineup still to come this season.

Ukraine’s DakhaBrakha will create a world of unexpected music for you on April 3 at 7:30 p.m.

“They are the most successful touring group from Ukraine. A lot of people in this area will be familiar with this

name, they will be a big deal to a lot of people. Camrose will be their smallest stop on tour and we are lucky to have them. What I love about them is the way they blend traditional Ukrainian folk music sound, but they’re not a band for just grandmothers. They draw a younger audience with great sound and scenic effects,” said Lougheed manager Nick Beach.

Where have all the birds gone?

Many of us enjoy birds. Just recently, my wife and I saw a “V” of Canada Geese flying north, one of the first signs of spring. Throughout the winter, we were entertained by chickadees and finches snacking at our feeder.

During the spring and early summer, we love hearing the dawn chorus of songbirds. Birds benefit us in many ways, including insect control, plant pollination, opportunities for viewing and hunting, and enriching our world with colour and song.

Now imagine a world without birds, as Rachel Carson did in her prophetic book Silent Spring published in 1962. It’s not too farfetched, given recent trends.

In 2019, the prestigious journal Science reported that since 1970, the populations of birds in North America had declined from 10 billion birds to just seven billion. The hardest hit group of birds were shorebirds (which declined by 40 per cent since 1970), grassland birds (57 per cent) and aerial insectivores (a whopping 59 per cent). This latter group, including swallows, flycatchers, and nighthawks, provides free natural control of many insects annoying to farmers and people spending time outdoors.

How do we know about these trends? Each year, an army of scientists, amateur birders, and nature enthusiasts participate in systematic bird censuses to count birds across the continent and beyond. These efforts include the Christmas Bird Count, Breeding Bird Survey, sophisticated radar detections, and other counts that target specific groups of birds. The data are analyzed by counting effort, habitat, and timing to estimate bird populations. Most recently, the Great Backyard Bird Count participants in the Camrose area identified 48 species.

Of course, populations fluctuate naturally (such as wet or dry years), but the recent declines indicate other causes. The most important direct causes include habitat loss (especially in prairie grasslands), pollution, pesticides, climate change and competition from invasive species. You may be surprised to learn that domestic and feral cats are responsible for over 100 million bird deaths on average in Canada, second only to habitat loss. Birds are also being killed by colliding with windows.

On a positive note, in the same time period, waterfowl (ducks and geese) have increased by 150 per cent largely due to wetland habitat protection, better management of hunting activities, and available waste grain in farming areas. Furthermore, birds of prey (hawks, owls, falcons, and eagles) increased by 110 per cent, due to legislation and policies to protect endangered species and a ban on the chemical DDT that had reduced bird reproduction drastically.

Unfortunately, the downward trends continue for many species. To help birds recover, what can we do? We should keep monitoring these trends to detect changes and make management changes as needed. For example, you could join a bird count, such as the Great Backyard Bird Count every February, to provide bird data for national assessments. There are many helpful tools, such as the Merlin app to help identify birds by sound. As well, we should protect more critical habitats of declining species to ensure they have places to nest, feed, and rest.

“We usually have patrons coming from an hour or two away coming to shows. This one will have an even further draw,” said Jeffrey Heyden-Kaye, Lougheed Centre marketing and sponsorship coordinator.

Former Augustana Campus student Ryan Lindsay will be playing his country music on April 4 and 5 at 7:30 p.m.

We can support national bird conservation organizations, such as Birds Canada, or local ones, such as the Beaverhill Bird Observatory and Ellis Bird Farm. At our homes, we can modify windows (with decals, for example, so birds can avoid collisions), provide native plants for food and shelter, and reduce pesticide use. Finally, since cats are a top cause of bird fatalities, keeping cats indoors is an important solution, and will also help to ensure the safety of your cats from wildlife and vehicles.

Most importantly, please watch our local birds and learn more about them; they are literally in our backyards. Consider joining a bird club and sharing your insights with others. Birds are simply amazing. They have existed for millions of years (have descended from dinosaurs) and now occupy almost all habitats on earth. Let’s do our part so that birds can continue to flourish and contribute to the vibrancy and beauty of our ecosystems.

The CAMROSE BOOSTER, April 2, 2024 – Page 18 FOR MORE INFO. AND TO BID VISIT: bid.premierauctions.ca
Yard is on East side of road. Gate sign - 475023 RR 241, County of Wetaskiwin, AB. Glen Hvenegaard, environmental science, University of Alberta Augustana Campus

Val and Glen Morey own a Canadian-made 1940 Fargo truck.

“We really liked the style of this truck. We were looking for a truck to fix up and there it was,” said Val.

“It wasn’t so much that it was a Fargo, it was more the body shape and style that we liked. We were looking for a late ’30s or early ’40s Chevrolet or something similar to it. This truck was available and it looks fairly close to the Chev on the front end,” explained Glen.

“I like the big fenders, front end and grille. I like how the front window opens up. It is a cute truck,” added Val.

“The other thing is the flares on the fenders. They are a big attraction. That is unique to that truck,” suggested Glen.

“At first, I thought it was in good shape, but the closer you looked, the more cracks were found,” said Val.

“It was in very bad shape when we got it. Not so much rusty, but a lot of dents and cracks. It took lots of welding to repair things,” added Glen.

“This truck was on a two-ton frame originally. It had no box, but rather a wooden deck. We had to make everything in the box right from scratch. The only thing we could salvage was the front end and the

The automotive section of

A ’40 Fargo two-ton truck built to last

Val and Glen Morey turned this two-ton truck into a great driving pick-up with some modifications to the back end. Canadian-made Fargo trucks were made tougher to meet the needs of customers north of the United States border. fenders,” recalled Glen.

“We think this was an old army truck. The guy we got it from thought it was from the base, but we can’t prove it,” he added.

“It had a bullet hole in it and you could see from


The 1940 Fargo trucks were equipped with inlinesix engines and featured sturdy construction suitable for various commercial and industrial applications, including hauling goods, farming and construction.

The Fargo trucks, being similar to Dodge trucks, would have been reliable and versatile vehicles suitable for military use. They could have been employed for tasks such as troop transport, cargo hauling and other logistical needs.

The 1940 Fargo trucks were known for their robust construction, making them durable and capable of handling various tasks in tough conditions. This durability was particularly important during the wartime era when reliability was crucial.

Fargo trucks were versatile and could be adapted for different purposes. They were used for a wide range of tasks, including transportation of goods, equipment, and personnel. Their utility made them valuable assets in both civilian and military contexts.

The design of the 1940 Fargo truck reflected the styling trends of the era, characterized by bold lines and sturdy aesthetics. While functional, they also possessed a certain charm that appealed to buyers and users.

the dents on the roof that it was used for hauling stuff. The truck was kind of an army green when we got it,” said Val.

“I found a blue colour that I really liked, so we painted it blue. I saw the colour on a package of Excel mints and said I like that colour,” she laughed.

“This colour attracts a lot of attention. Everybody just loves the colour. I’m glad that I chose this blue,” Val said.

“Neither one of us have ever done a project like this before. This was our first one. I’m not a big welder, but I did everything. Val did a lot of the body work,” shared Glen.

“I did the upholstery work inside, too,” said Val.

The truck is sitting on an S10 frame. “We wanted something that was highway drivable. We have some modern conveniences such as power windows, power brakes, cruise, tilt steering wheel and other items that came with a 2000 model,” said Glen.

“We can drive it every day and that is what we wanted,” said Val.

The original truck came with a flathead engine. Now it has a five-speed Chevrolet standard transmission. The motor is a 4.3 vortex fuel-injected engine.

“I wanted a wood bottom in the box because it looks nicer. We used sheets of plywood and metal strips. We did everything ourselves,” said Val.

The CAMROSE BOOSTER, April 2, 2024 – Page 19
Murray Green, Camrose Booster
Car or Truck Memorabilia? Perhaps you own vintage automotive repair or diagnostic tools Tell us what you have. Or perhaps you have terrific memories or tales from being in the trade Allow us to share your stories Contact Murray Green, News Repor ter Phone 780.672.3142 Email murrayg@camrosebooster.com

School zone time changes coming for 2024-2025 school year

In an update to City of Camrose council on the amendment to the City’s Traffic Bylaw 3292-23, which establishes the operating hours for school zones within the City of Camrose, City Engineering Services manager Jeremy Enarson indicated that due to a variety of variables, changes to the signage for school zones will now occur in the summer months as opposed to during spring break for both Battle River School Division (BRSD) and Elk Island Catholic Schools (EICS)

Bylaw 3292-23 proposes that the City establish the school zone hours within Camrose to be from 7:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. (inclusive), on days when school is in session.

line in terms of where signs should be located–start and end of school zones,” explained Enarson, adding that through the review, Administration discovered a number of signs within the City of Camrose that were not meeting those guidelines.

Enarson indicated that the review with school administrations is still ongoing, and that a number of the principals and viceprincipals are very supportive of the change to the school zone hours; however, the proposed changes to the school sign locations discussions are still ongoing.

“When we presented the first reading (passed by council) of the Traffic Bylaw amendment, the plan at that time was to have completed our administrative review sitting down with all the local schools reviewing those changes,” reported Enarson.

“We were not only looking at changing the school zone hours, but also changing the locations of a number of school zone signs. There is a provincial guide -

Enarson said that other City priorities, such as snow removal and the operations of other City capital projects, hindered Administration’s ability to complete the review of signage layouts for all of the Camrose schools, as well as ordering all of the materials and relocating all of the signs prior to March 25.

Enarson said that the City did not want to have to stop the change over of signage midstream, so opted to update all school zone and school area sign locations over the summer months, prior to the start of the 2024-25 academic year.

Councillor Lucas Banack expressed that changing the signs in the summer may be a better choice in that it gives residents a longer period of time to become accustomed to the fact that the school zone times will be changing.

Councillor Agnes Hoveland asked if the 24hour clock times will be used, that is 07:30 until 16:30, as opposed to analog clock of 7:30 a.m. until 4:30 p.m.

Enarson replied that while there are no specific provincial standards on which clock to use, the signs that go up will indicate the 24-hour clock (07:30 until 16:30) which will also be reflected in the bylaw, as this is consistent with what other communities are doing.

Council accepted the report for information.

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Lori Larsen, Camrose Booster The current school zone signs and locations will be changed during the summer to reflect new school zone hours.

Spring wheel inspections

Inspecting wheel alignment and balancing is crucial for maintaining optimal handling, tire wear and overall vehicle performance.

While some aspects of alignment and balancing require specialized equipment and professional expertise, you can perform a basic inspection at home.

Look at your vehicle from a distance and check if the wheels appear to be straight and aligned. Misaligned wheels might be noticeable by observing uneven tire wear or if the vehicle seems to pull to one side.

While driving on a straight, flat road, momentarily release the steering wheel. If the vehicle veers to one side, it may indicate an alignment issue. The steering wheel should return to the centre position on its own.

Inspect the tires for uneven wear, such as cupping or scalloping. This can be a sign of an imbalance issue.

If you experience vibrations in the steering wheel or seats, especially at certain speeds, it may indicate a balance problem. Imbalanced wheels can cause vibrations that are noticeable during driving.

For a more comprehensive assessment of wheel alignment and balancing, consider a professional inspection.

Professional alignment checks involve using specialized equipment to measure the angles of the wheels and adjust them to the manufacturer’s specifications. This ensures that the wheels are properly aligned for optimal handling and tire wear.

Wheel balancing involves using a balancing machine to identify imbalances and adding counterweights to balance the wheel and tire assembly. A professional technician can perform this task accurately.

If you notice any unusual signs, it’s advisable to consult a professional mechanic.

Regular maintenance, including professional wheel alignment and balancing, is essential for optimal vehicle performance. Manufacturers often rec-

ommend alignment checks as part of routine maintenance and it’s especially important after significant events like hitting a pothole or curb. If you’re uncertain

about performing these inspections or if you suspect issues, it’s recommended to consult a qualified mechanic for a thorough assessment and necessary

adjustments. Professional equipment and expertise are crucial for accurate wheel alignment and balancing.

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Guest editorial

Kids nowadays

There are a lot of people who claim that young people just don’t measure up. This opinion has been a historic pastime. To be sure, young people have not been measuring up for a very long time. Many adults know that with absolute certainty. Today’s kids don’t know how to accept hardship, are unable to work and they don’t respect their elders, is a common claim. Present day adults do know how to work and they know how to behave. Just ask them.

Adults often talk about young people as if they had nothing to do with it. They detach themselves like tourists observing the next generation. From that perspective, they have plenty to say.

Five hundred years before the birth of Christianity, the following was written, “Young people are high minded because they have not been humbled by life, nor have they experienced the force of circumstance. They think they know everything and are quite sure about it.”

The ancient Greeks and Romans complained about youth for being lazy, immoral and disrespectful. In every century since, there have been multitudes of comment projecting harsh attacks on the young.

Thomas Barnes in 1624: “…streets filled with lewd wicked children...with their filthy communications.”

In 1771 a letter written to a Paris magazine: “The free access which many young people have to romances, novels, and plays has poisoned the mind and corrupted the morals of many a promising youth.”

Anthony Copper, February 1843, the 7th Earl of Shaftesbury, in a speech to the British House of Commons said, of young people: “…each so full of selfconceit and admiration of their own dear self, as to have but little to spare for anyone else.”

In 1920: “We defy anyone who goes about with his eyes open to deny that there is, as never before, an attitude on the part of young folks which is best described as grossly thoughtless, rude and utterly selfish.”

A newspaper wrote in 1936 (Oh, oh, that’s just one year before I was born): “Cinemas and motor cars are a cause for a flagging interest amoung young people in this present day.”

In my lifetime, I was a university-student during the 1960s, a time labelled by so many as being a period that produced the most useless youth ever in history. Long hair, hippies, self-centred, with bell bottom trousers along with that disgusting music. What is odd about that useless generation is that it produced Brian Mulroney, Jean Chétien, Ed Broadbent, Bill Gates and a whole host of highly paid CEOs who recently retired after careers in industry and the professions. So much of the advances that we enjoy today are the result of that “useless no good” generation of young people.

Society has now got into the practice of labelling generations, which allows easy stereotyping. Youth are squeezed into descriptive boxes so that our young might be seen as a single coagulated lump. Now they are known as millennials, generation X, generation Y, generation Z, or any other title that robs them of individual understanding.

After 2,500 years of condemning young people, surely the time has come to realize that youth are our promise and not our regret. It should have been understood by now that our young will grow up to deliver a new world filled with hope and results. Expect personalized medicine, clean air, predictable climate, cultural acceptance, in depth understanding of the universe, and hopefully an enduring peace with food security for the masses. The upcoming generation will be more exposed to information than any other generation in history. Surely, a world of highly informed people will make strides towards extraordinary changes for humankind. There is no need for fear.

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Hydrex MV32 • Duratran 50¢/L DISCOUNT ON SELECT Petro Canada Lubricants All package sizes: SPRING BREAK Lori Larsen, Camrose Booster The warm weather was a good start to school spring break with temperatures reaching double digits, it brought the play outside. A group of children in the Duggan Park subdivision set up nets, donned some hockey equipment and jerseys and joined together in a fun game of street hockey.

Swim meet hosts 270 swimmers

The Mayer Aquatic Centre played host to over 270 swimmers during a swim meet held on March 16 and 17.

Swimmers from across the province ranging in ages from five to 70 competed in the one and a half day meet.

“Our club had 60 swimmers swimming in this competition,” noted Camrose Tsunami Lifesaving Club head coach Heather Barr. “It is the last competition prior to the Provincial meet being held in Calgary in April.”

In order to host an event of this magnitude, it takes a lot of hands on and off the deck and Barr commended the volunteers who stepped up to ensure the weekend ran smoothly.

“Volunteership is a big part of running a successful event and the people who helped out are incredible for donating the time they do. We had a number of members from our community come out and offer their support and expertise.”

Bringing close to 200 swimmers and their families from out of town to Camrose is no small feat, but according to the feedback received by visitors, Camrose, and specifically the staff at the Aquatic Centre, made them feel very welcome.

“The facility staff were amazing help this weekend. They were both professional and supportive,” said Barr. “We receive a lot of positive feedback that people like attending meets in Camrose, for the hospitality of the facility and of the community.”

Keeping in mind the impact a large meet such as this can have on regular patrons of the pool, Barr said organizers of the meet changed the format in order to have as little disruption to the pool’s regular schedule.

“Families who were attending outside of our community appreciated it saying it afforded them the opportunity to spend a little more time exploring all that Camrose has to offer.”

On Saturday, March 16, competitors were once again given an opportunity to compete in the timed Simulated Emergency Rescue Competition (SERC), where swimmers are challenged to put all their skills to the test.

“Athletes are given a scenario that is an emergency and they need to rescue and provide aid to a variety of victims in two minutes,” explained Barr. “The scenarios are intense for the athlete and leaves a lasting impression that helps grow their skills.”

This year’s event was no exception. Teams were escorted out onto the leisure pool deck, then once given the signal, turned around to be faced with a variety of different rescues and plenty of obstacles.

“Every year, we try and add or change elements that will surprise the swimmers and challenge them to think quickly on their feet. We gave the athletes a realistic situation that there was severe weather that tore the roof off the competition pool and the rescuers were asked to help clear victims from the leisure pool where a pub-

lic swim was happening.

Barr said that using the leisure pool this year brought about its own set of challenges for the competitors. “It already has a number of obstacles that swimmers needed to overcome, including the shape of the pool, the barriers to seeing the whole pool (the play structure in the way) and the current in the lazy river.”

Swimmers were also confined to a small area of the pool which meant the victims they rescued had to be brought some distance to safety.

“All of the teams did remark-

Commonwealth championships last year and am looking forward to coaching it at the World Championships in Australia this summer.”

Moreover, she is excited to be able to offer this event at home swim meets.

About the sport

Lifesaving Sport is rooted in the humanitarian philosophy of building swimming literacy in the community. Learning to swim is a life lesson and saves lives.

“The sport is not only about how to swim, it is also about how to rescue a person who gets into trouble with swimming,” said Barr. “Each event is a skill that is taught with the Bronze Medallion course and used through the Bronze Cross and National Lifeguard certification.”

The Camrose Tsunami Lifesaving Club continues to be a popular choice of activity for residents of Camrose and area, with this year’s membership reaching 131 swimmers in both the recreational and competitive streams.

“The competitive stream has swimmers as young as five who are part of the Puddle Jumpers program,” explained Barr. “This introduces swimming and focuses on skill development while learning elements of the Lifesaving Sport.”

The Core stream is designed for swimmers between the ages of 8 and 15 who are learning or have experience with swimming competitively.

The Senior Development Program is for swimmers between the ages of 12 and 19, who want a more intense practice and are looking to compete at a national level.

The Masters stream is for adult swimmers of all abilities wanting to build community, fitness and/or compete.

Finally, the recreational stream is another way for swimmers to learn about the sport, but are more focused on lifeguard preparation.

“Our club prides itself on building lasting, positive relationships and a strong sense of community,” commented Barr. “Our priority is fostering the love of swimming and helping each swimmer achieve their individual goals.”

ably well. I appreciated the conversations this type of scenario spurred. Coaches and athletes alike were appreciating the complexity and opportunity to grow their observation and scanning skills.”

Barr said she is passionate about SERC because it ties together all the elements of Lifesaving Sport.

“Not only do you have to be a fast swimmer with excellent lifesaving skills, there are elements of strategy as well.

“I am fortunate to have coached this at the International

The Club is working hard to take a strong team to Provincials in April and Nationals in Saanich, British Columbia in June.

“Our club continues to grow and we are pleased to be putting Camrose on the map with lifesaving sport.”

For more information on the Camrose Tsunami Lifesaving Club, visit the City of Camrose website at www.camrose.ca/en/ recreation-and-leisure/programsand-courses.aspx#CamroseTsunami-Lifesaving-Club.

The CAMROSE BOOSTER, April 2, 2024 – Page 23
Lori Larsen, Camrose Booster Teams were given two minutes to assess then react to a variety of simulated injuries in the leisure pool during the Simulated Emergency Response Competition held on March 17, part of the Swim Meet hosted by Camrose.

Rotary 100 history includes Centennial

The ’60s marked an era of change in Canada–an era of discovering Canada’s identity, but also celebrating a milestone in history in 1967 with the first Canadian Centennial.

Camrose joined other Canadians in recognizing this important date in history with the opening of the Camrose and District Centennial Museum.

Other growth achievements included replacing the old Canadian Pacific Railway station at the end of Main Street with a $1 million Camrose Shopping Plaza with Safeway and Macleod’s as the major tenants; United Feed opening a new feed mill; the Alberta Wheat Pool opening a new seed plant and the new steel pipe mill (Camrose

Tubes) being announced. Other large projects that came about in the ’60s in Camrose included building the new high school; expansion of Rosehaven and St. Mary’s Hospital; building the Max McLean Arena and Rose City Curling Rink and the widening of the highway through Camrose.

Continued on page 29


Murray Green, Camrose Booster

Camrose Skating Club members welcomed campers to Summer Camp on March 15. Junior Starskate skaters Aara Lockhat, Rhea Klein, Luna Sherwick, Catherine Cymbaluk and Ruby Cryderman enjoyed entertaining at the camp.

Robert “Bob” Leroy Lyon

Robert “Bob” Leroy Lyon of Camrose, formerly of Medicine Hat, passed away peacefully on Wednesday, March 20, 2024, at the age of 80 years.

Bob leaves to mourn and keep his memory alive his loving wife of 61 years, Margaret Lyon; his children Kathy Gage and Jim, Rob (Sandy) Lyon, Mark (Jennifer) Lyon and Derek Lyon; three grandchildren Chantelle, Paige and Jordan; two greatgranchildren Chloe and Lincoln; two siblings Vern (Donna) Lyon and Dianne Lyon; along with many nieces, nephews and close friends.

He was predeceased by his parents Roy and Anne Lyon; and parents-in-law Gordon and Leona Kornelson.

Cremation has taken place.

A Celebration of Life will be held at 2:00 p.m. on Saturday, April 6, 2024, at Camrose Community Church, 5204-53 Avenue. In

Thank You

To all my friends and family, I want to express sincere thanks for helping me cope after my beloved partner Alick McArthur passed away. Your cards, flowers, food and company expressing your love were greatly appreciated. I am truly grateful for each day Alick and I shared with all of you.

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The CAMROSE BOOSTER, April 2, 2024 – Page 24 ExperienceExpertiseand
Street, Camrose Phone 780-672-8851
~ 2022 Gone but never forgotten Love you always, Pops.
Second photo: Rylee Flynn and Keira Dzus perform a duet to the tune of “Girls Just Wanna Have Fun.”

Leslie “Wayne”


April 16, 1934 ~ March 24, 2024

Leslie “Wayne” Lowther of Camrose, Alberta, passed away on Sunday, March 24, 2024, at the age of 89 years.

Wayne was born in Nanton, Alberta, in 1934. He moved to the Ponoka area with his parents and brother Alan. Wayne married Joyce in 1956, and they had two daughters Lynne (Brent) and Susan (Wolf), ultimately giving him three grandchildren Jennifer, Amy and Nolan, and eight great-grandchildren. Joyce passed away in 1997. Wayne married Helen in 1999, and inherited three more girls Verlie (Andy), Vickie and Vivian (Dwayne), and three more grandchildren Brandon, Adam and Colby.

Wayne was a banker in the early years, and when he moved to Camrose in 1966, he worked for Manpower and Employment. Upon retiring, Wayne volunteered with Victim Services for 10-plus years, as well as many other organizations. Wayne was also very active with the United Church and sat on many of the boards.

Wayne and Helen enjoyed travelling, square dancing, camping, and spending time with friends and family.

Wayne lived in his home in Camrose from 1966 to the time of his passing.

A funeral service was held at 2:00 p.m. on Thursday, March 28, 2024, at the Burgar Memorial Chapel, 4817-51 Avenue, Camrose, with Rev. Brian Hunter officiating.

If family and friends so desire, memorial contributions in Wayne’s memory may be made to the Alberta Heart and Stroke Foundation or the Alberta Cancer Foundation.

To send condolences, please visit www.burgarfuneralhome.com

Phone 780-672-2121

“Dedicated service since 1906”

George Arthur Graf von Platen

November 6, 1956 ~ March 21, 2024

George Arthur Graf von Platen of Camrose, Alberta, formerly of Germany, passed away peacefully at home with family by his side on Thursday, March 21, 2024, at the age of 67 years. Left to cherish his memory are his wife Glenys von Platen; children Matthew (Rayanne), Erik (Jordan) and Christian; grandchildren George, Karl, Charlotte, Lawson and Walker; mother Ingrid von Platen; and siblings Ella von Platen, Bernie von Platen and Jackie von Platen.

George was predeceased by his father Georg Graf von Platen.

A celebration of life will be held from 1:00 until 3:00 p.m. on Saturday, April 6, 2024, at the Days Inn Norsemen Camrose, 6505-48 Avenue, Camrose.

If family and friends so desire, memorial contributions in George’s memory may be made to Stollery Children’s Hospital Foundation.

To send condolences, please visit www.burgarfuneralhome.com

Phone 780-672-2121

“Dedicated service since 1906”

Memorial Poems

Andrew “Andy”

William Nelson

April 5, 1980 ~ March 22, 2024

Andrew “Andy” William Nelson of Camrose, Alberta, passed away on Friday, March 22, 2024, at the age of 43 years.

A celebration of life will be held at a later date.

If family and friends so desire, memorial contributions in Andy’s memory may be made to the Camrose and Area Animal Shelter Society.

To send condolences, please visit www.burgarfuneralhome. com

Phone 780-672-2121

“Dedicated service since 1906”

Kelly Lynne Snell

August 14, 1963 ~ March 27, 2024

Kelly Lynne Snell of Strome, Alberta, passed away on Wednesday, March 27, 2024, at the age of 60 years.

A private family service will be held at a later date.

To send condolences, please visit www.burgarfuneralhome. com

Phone 780-672-2121

“Dedicated service since 1906”

Marion Beverley Biggs

January 7, 1936 ~ March 21, 2024

Marion Beverley Biggs of Daysland, Alberta, formerly of Brookin, ON, passed away on Thursday, March 21, 2024, at the age of 88 years.

A Funeral Service will be held at a later date.

To send condolences, please visit www.burgarfuneralhome. com

Phone 780-672-2121

“Dedicated service since 1906”

Charles “Chuck”

Henry Davis

February 9, 1938 ~ March 22, 2024

Charles “Chuck” Henry Davis of Evansburg, Alberta, passed away on Friday, March 22, 2024, at the age of 86 years.

A celebration of life will be held at a later date.

To send condolences, please visit www.burgarfuneralhome. com

Phone 780-672-2121

“Dedicated service since 1906”

The CAMROSE BOOSTER, April 2, 2024 – Page 25 Over 115 years of dedicated service Phone 780.672.2121 4817-51 Avenue, Camrose www.burgarfuneralhome.com Recorded Obituary Line: 780-679-2400 Daysland: 780-374-3535 • Burial and Cremation Services • Pre-arranged Funeral Plans • Monument Sales and Service Directors: Bart Orr, Colin Yuha Funeral Staff: Troy Shackel, Dalas Kosinski Of ce Staff: Donell Nycholat, Debbie Breker, Hannah Knopf Funeral Attendants: Bill Schafer, Alvin Koehli, Barrie Fenby, Robert Lyslo, Wanita Toews, Kerry Grettum, Loya Steinwandt, Barry Burkard, Mark Yuha, Raymond Cyre, Koreen Cyre For more information on The Camrose Booster Obituary Page, contact your funeral director or the Camrose Booster
Available for publication in The Camrose Booster Ask for our 24-page booklet of poetry. Words of comfort to remember someone special. Batt le River Communit y Foundation Box 1122 Ca mrose, AB T4V 4E7 Phone 78 0- 679- 04 49 Who can apply for a grant from the Battle River Community Foundation? Any charitable orga nization or municipa lity within the BRCF region can apply for funding by completing a grant application by August 15 Groups without charitable status may partner with a charit y or municipa lity to apply for a grant. See the map and grant application forms at www.brcf.ca Q. A. Honour your depa rted fr iend or relative …w it h a memorial gift that will do good in their na me forever. By Reesor Ambassador 78 0- 672-5709

Roesch wins the coveted Sisters of Providence award

of the Covenant Health St. Mary’s Hospital Camrose rehabilitation department won the prestigious Sisters of Providence award at the annual celebration of awards night.

The award is unique to St. Mary’s Hospital. Since 2009, the award has recognized an individual or team who demonstrates one or more of Covenant Health’s core values: Stewardship, Compassion, Integrity, Respect, Collaboration, Social Justice.

The award recipient was selected by a committee, comprised of community board members, leadership and spiritual care. They were awarded with a letter of achievement, a Sisters of Providence plaque, and a seat on the St. Mary’s Hospital Mission Alive committee.

All Sisters of Providence nominees were recognized at the celebration and received a mission rose. Sisters of Providence nominees also included Lisa Garnett, diagnostic imaging; Jason Lucas, security; Catherine Paterson, early supported discharge; Tonya Ratushniak, Unit 3 outpatient; Holley Santos, diagnostic imaging; Rosanne Urkow, Unit 4; administration assistants:

Coreen Coombs and Paula Petruch; facilities, maintenance and engineering department; medical device reprocessing department; social workers Roshin Baby and Kyla Joyce.

Covenant Health’s Mission Awards highlight what makes Camrose unique. Through stories of people who make up the entire Covenant family, the community sees the impact they have on those they serve. These stories serve as examples of what it looks like to continue the healing ministry of Jesus. When people nominate an individual or team for a Mission Award, they celebrate how they model values in a story that benefits and inspires all.

Congratulations to 2024 Site Mission award nominees Shelly Dalueg, Unit 3 outpatient (compassion); Tonya Ratushniak, Unit 3 outpatient (social justice); Nolan Roesch, rehab (collaboration); Holley Santos, diagnostic imaging (respect) and medical device reprocessing department (integrity).

Covenant Health Milestones Long Service awards were also presented. At Covenant Health, celebrating career milestones is one way they can recognize the dedication and

commitment of the teams for patients, residents, families, colleagues and communities.

The Milestones long service recognition pro-

gram honours employees, physicians and volunteers at all Covenant Health sites for their service at five-year career milestones. A total of 58 employees

at St. Mary’s Hospital were recognized this year at fiveyear career milestones ranging from five years to 40-years of service.

Ladies’ auxiliary celebrating 100 years of support

Covenant Health St. Mary’s Hospital Camrose is celebrating 100 years of helping people this fall.

The St. Mary’s Hospital Ladies’ Auxiliary is also marking 100 years, as they started right from the beginning of the new hospital.

“The ladies auxiliary was started by the Sisters of Providence. The objective was to aid, promote and advance the welfare of the St. Mary’s Hospital and its patients through service and fundraising,” said current president Shirley Helmig.

“We (as volunteers) raise money through donations, running the gift shop, selling tickets, selling pies on Pi Day, bake sales and working as wayfinders at the hospital during renovations,” added Shirley.

“Our main purpose now is to raise funds for purchasing much needed equipment for the hospital,” she said. Volunteers run the hospital gift shop seven days a week from 1:30 to 3:30 p.m. and 6:30 to 8:30 p.m.

Father Hypolyte Beillevaire settled around Camrose before 1900. His mission was to bring religion and a trading post to the area.

He established a residence about six miles south of present day Camrose.

Camrose was incorporated as a village and then a city as the growth in population increased steadily.

The Sisters of Providence of St. Vincent de Paul was brought into being in 1861 at Kingston, Ontario.

Its origin goes back to the 17th century when St. Vincent de Paul, aided by St. Louise de Maril-

lac, founded a community of women which became known as the Daughters of Charity. Its purpose was to engage in all types of charitable work.

In the mid-19th century, a community modelled after the Daughters of Charity became Sisters of Providence. These Sisters laid the foundation of the Sisters of Providence of St. Vincent de Paul.

The members work for their sanctification by union with God, as they serve His people in per-

forming all the spiritual and corporal works of mercy.

Within the Act of Incorporation of St. Mary’s Hospital, the objectives of the corporation are to carry on charitable work and activities consisting of the operation of hospitals, missions, convents and schools of nursing.

During its 100 years of existence, St. Mary’s Hospital has had many different superiors or administrators, with the first being Sister Mary

Clotilda Brady 1924-30.

Town council in 1924 suggested they could help by offering generous inducements. Also a number of conditions were agreed to, such as free site and utilities connections.

They received utilities at a very low flat rate and a grant of $2,000 annually to the Sisters.

The new hospital opened October 23, 1924, and replaced a much smaller facility.

The CAMROSE BOOSTER, April 2, 2024 – Page 26
Murray Green, Camrose Booster St. Mary’s Hospital Ladies’ Auxiliary is celebrating 100 years of service to the hospital and the community. Murray Green, Camrose Booster Mission Awards were presented to several staff members including Shelly Dalueg, right.
The CAMROSE BOOSTER, April 2, 2024 – Page 27 Name _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ ddress Ph: Draw to be made Mond ay, Apri l 8, 2024 af ter 10 am GROCERY GIVE AWAY Name ddress Ph: Win $100.00 wor th of groceries GROCERY GIVE AWAY Name _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Address Ph: Win $100.00 wor th of groceries Draw to be made Mond ay Apri l 8, 2024 af ter 10 am GROCERY GIVE AWAY Name Address Ph: Win $100.00 wor th of groceries Draw to be made Mond ay Apri l 8, 2024 af ter 10 am GROCERY GIVE AWAY Name _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Address Ph: Win $100.00 wor th of groceries Draw to be made Mond ay Apri l 8, 2024 af ter 10 am GROCERY GIVE AWAY Name Address Ph: Win $100.00 wor th of groceries Draw to be made Mond Apri l 8, 2024 Be sure to depo sit your entry at the corresponding grocer y store for it to qualif y. GROCERY GIVE AWAY Name Address Ph: Win $100.00 wor th of groceries Draw to be made Mond ay Apri l 8, 2024 af ter 10 am GROCERY GIVE AWAY Name _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Address Ph: Win $100.00 wor th of groceries Draw to be made Mond ay Apri l 8, 2024 af ter 10 am at any of these Camrose stores Enter this week ’s Someone will win $100 wort h of groceries from one of the stores shown here . Congratulations to the winner for April 1, Faye Gray of Camrose, drawn at M&M Food Market.

Helpful Tips for Writing Classified Ads Which Get Results!



Call 780-672-3142 4925-48 Street, Camrose ads@camrosebooster.com



CLUB – dance will be held again April 6 from 1-5 p.m. Located at Mirror Lake Centre, 5415-49 Avenue, Camrose. The admission is $15 each and includes lunch. The band for this dance is The Diamonds. Please come and join us for a great time. For more information, please call Neil Leeson 780-672-9549 or Sherry Tovell 780-916-8968.

BRIDAL SHOWER FOR LISA BEDDOES – bride elect of Travis Smith, April 6, 2 p.m., Gladstone Hall, 46578 Range Road 171. Ladies please bring lunch.

UKRAINIAN NIGHT –Round Hill Community Centre, Saturday, April 20. Doors open 5:30 p.m. Supper 6:30 p.m. Sponsored by Round Hill Ag Society. ADVANCE TICKETS

ONLY. Adults $30, Youth 6 to 12 $15, 5 and under free. After April 13, tickets are $35. Tickets call 780-672-7583 or 780-608-0828.

JOHN KUSHNERIK – and his wife of 23 years, WANDA are no longer living together at Deer Meadows. Despite a crisis placement due to eviction, Wanda found a home at Royal Oak Manor in Lacombe near those who care about her. Wanda’s new phone number is 403-786-0590 if her Camrose friends (or her husband) wish to call her. Wanda hopes everyone had a wonderful Easter.

PERSONAL LOST THAT LOVING FEELING? Find it with a personal ad in The Camrose Booster classifieds. Ph. 780-672-3142.


2ND BEST PAINTER IN TOWN – 30 years’ experience for all your painting needs. Call Rick the Painter, 780-672-0391.



Every shape, size, and colour. We deliver, right to your office. Camrose Booster Ltd., 4925-48 St., Camrose. Call us at 780-672-3142.


Need a helping hand for repairs around the house? Over 20 years’ experience, licensed and insured. Baseboards, Basic Plumbing, Door and Window Installation, Soffit and Facia, Light Fixtures, Deck, Fence and Siding Repairs, Bathroom Vanities, Countertops and much more. Call or text Cory for a free quote 780-686-4045 email: bluetruck13@hotmail.com


Don’t put off those projects any longer! Give me a call and we can plan together.

Devin Meakins, Ph. 780-853-1080


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NOW UPLOADED TO The Camrose Booster Website DAILY!


SPACE – 4917-50 Street. Second floor with reception area, lunch room and two private rooms. Elevator. $900/mo. includes utilities. 780-679-5085.


SPACE – located in high traffic, southerly area of Main Street, Camrose. Generous 1,664 sq. ft. of prime space at 4868-50 Street. Nicely decorated, air conditioned. $2160/mo., triple net. Clean, dry storage space in basement also available. Available immediately. Call Blain or Don at 780-6723142, the fairest, most reasonable people in the business.


MENT – In excellent condition!

Perfect for seniors. The suite has stove, fridge, dishwasher, washer and dryer, blinds and one parking stall. Heat, water, garbage pick up, Telus TV and internet included. Building has an elevator and social room. No smoking building. Call 780-233-0224 for more info or to set up a viewing.



Generous 794 sq. ft. suite, suitable for three or more staff. Includes two private offices. Ground floor, easily accessible. Modern building in downtown Camrose. Bright, quiet, air conditioned. $1206.22/mo., plus share of operating expenses. Call Blain Fowler or Don Hutchinson, 780-672-3142 days, two of the fairest, most reasonable fellows in the business.

ROOMS FOR RENT in the Scotney and Jacqueline character homes. Both are 2.5 blocks from university in Camrose. Clean, quiet and bright. Rent is $495 - $600 monthly plus DD and includes WiFi, utilities, recycle pick-up, yard care and snow removal. Partially furnished w/ shared laundry. (Some rooms are fully furnished for international students.) This is an affordable, quality accommodation that fills quickly. (Some rooms still available.) No partiers, smokers or pets allowed. Reduced rate over the summer for students. Please call Dave P., 780678-6163.


Selection of very nice street level offices in newer airconditioned building in Downtown Camrose

* Single offices from $224.08 per month

* Quiet, considerate neighbours

* Easy access

* Lots of parking for customers

* Energized parking for tenants

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* Come and have a look! Call Blain Fowler or Don Hutchinson, 780-672-3142 days, the fairest, most reasonable fellows in the business!


MENT – with balcony. Includes heat, water, fridge, stove, dishwasher, powered parking space. Free laundry in building. Augustana area. No pets, no smoking/ vaping. $1100/mo. One year lease. 780-672-9531.


FOR RENT – (near school and firehall). 4-bedrooms (2+2), 2 baths, 5 appliances, laundry, freezer. Available parking, large back deck. Suitable for 4th year U of A student. No pets, no smoking, no partiers. $1800 + utilities. Available June 1. 780679-8249.

TWO BEDROOM APARTMENT TO SHARE – $487.50/ mo. plus HALF all utilities (power, water, cable, internet). No partiers please. No drinking or drugs on the premise. For May 1 or June 1. Please call 780-563-0060.


BATHTUB – used, white, 3-piece acrylic, right hand. Great condition. $400 obo. Come and get it! 780-226-6062.



BULLS – for sale, registered. Call 780-986-9088.


LAWN MOWER – 5 ft., 3-point hitch. Phone 780-6721503.

HEAVY HARROW – 90 ft. Super Seven, 7 bar. Excellent condition. 780-877-2339, 780608-5127.

SWATHER NO LONGER ‘CUTTING THE MUSTARD?’ Call The Camrose Booster Classifieds, 780-672-3142.


6.4 ACRES BARE LAND ACREAGE – Only 15 minutes from Camrose. West of Highway 21. Utilities in ditch adjacent to land. Beautifully treed lot. Access to acre pond. Land use for horses and cattle negotiable. Asking $170,000. Interested parties call 780-878-8049.


DADS – LOOKING FOR A CAR WITHOUT A BACK SEAT? Count on our classifieds. We match up buyers and sellers. Phone the Camrose Booster, 780-672-3142.



WHEEL – 2011, 32 ft., 3 slides, granite counters, office entertainment centre. Comes with park model safety stairs, extra black water tank, tri-pod stand and more. $20,000 obo. 780-2266062

SELLING YOUR SEAWORTHY BOAT? Make a splash with an ad in the Booster classifieds! 780-672-3142.

LOVE CAMPING, BUT TIRED OF SHOVELLING SNOW OFF THE AWNING IN MAY? Say goodbye to your Gulfstream! Move it fast with a Camrose Booster classified. 780-672-3142.

The CAMROSE BOOSTER, April 2, 2024 – Page 28
Be Thorough
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your ad may be overlooked.
so you want to include all the important basics. Don’t use strange abbreviations because our ads are designed to spell all the important details. Besides, you are not paying by the line, but by the word, so there is really no need to abbreviate.
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you want your ad to stand out from the rest, but don’t skimp on the sort
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trained sales staff know the ropes, and would be happy to pass their know-how on to you. That’s why we’re here to help you get the results you deserve.
BOOSTER CLASSIFIEDS GET RESULTS! Double your exposure with a FREE Buy & Sell ad on Camrose Now!

Rotary 100 year history includes Centennial year

Continued from page 24

During all this, the Camrose Rotary Club were determined to do their share of contributing to the growth and success of the community, notably supporting 18 community projects in 1961.

During the ’60s, the Club continued to support a number of ongoing youth initiatives including the Camrose Rotary Air Cadet Squadron through the provision of transportation for the squadron and support through the Civilian Committee.

In 1964, then Rotary president Dr. Reikie, was presented with a certificate acknowledging the club’s ten-year support of the Air Cadets.

Club members also ensured that the children of the Bethany Home for Children, near Gwynne, would experience the same magic of Christmas as so many other children, by presenting them with gifts.

Rotary continued to sponsor an award for the highest overall point score at the Camrose Fair and in a special Centennial Youth Travel Program, the Rotary Club welcomed 24 students from New Brunswick into their homes during their tour of Alberta.

New initiatives taken on by the Club included the purchase of a used school bus available to various recreational groups. During 1963 alone, the bus averaged a trip per week by users including: Rosehaven, Bethany Homes and Hospital, Girl Guides, Scouts, Hi-C, 4-H, Kinsmen/Lions/ Moose clubs and the Ski Club.

In 1964, the Club began planting trees in the new Rotary Park along Mirror Lake, where in 1967, the Club held a special flag raising ceremony with the Air Cadet Squadron parading the colours after the annual inspection, a tradition that has continued to date at various venues in the community.

In the mid 1960s, the club began taking part in the Rotary Youth Exchange. During 1965-66, the club sponsored Yoshihichi Sarimochi (Yoshi) from Japan. He stayed with various Rotarians, and local student Murray Christianson was chosen as an outbound exchange student and spent the 1966-67 year in Poona, India. The following year, the club sponsored student, Meher Pudumgee, from Poona, India.

Utility Arborist /Arborist Apprentice

Batt le R iver Power Coop is a cooperative electri c ut ilit y i n

Centra l Alber ta supplying electricit y to a bout 870 0 rural members . We have a sta of a bout 63 employees engaged i n al l aspects of p ower d istribution from i nstallatio n to maintenance to b illing , al l administered from t he same

o ce near C amrose , Alber ta

Gene ral S umma ry :

We a re l oo king fo r a f ull-time U tilit y A rboris t A pprentice to a ssis t i n a eria l a n d g ro un d veget atio n m aintenance operation s a ro un d o u r power lin e system . T h e s u ccessfu l candidate w il l t rai n u nde r a n d repor t d irectl y to o u r U tili ty

Ar borist , w it h a focu s o n o bt ainin g t hei r U tilit y Tree

Tr imming Trad e Cer ti c ation

Skills :

o Tea m p laye r w it h a w illingnes s to l earn

o A bilit y to p ro ble m sol ve, p lan , a n d o rg aniz e

o S afet y o rientated a n d focused

o E xc ellen t c ommunication a n d cus tome r relation s s ki ll s

o A bilit y to l if t 50l b s a n d wor k a t h eight s exc eedin g 50f t

Quali c ations :

o H ig h S choo l D iplom a o r e quivalent

o Previou s veget atio n m aintenance exp erienc e a n d U TT Cer ti c atio n i s c onside re d a n a sset b u t n ot requi re d (willin g to t rain)

o W illin g to p er for m l abor i ntensive wor k i n a l l weather conditions

o Valid C las s 5 L icenc e w it h clea n d ri ve r’s a bstrac t (5 ye ar)

o C hainsaw S afet y Cer ti c atio n c onside re d a n a sset

o Firs t A id /C PR

o W HMI S Cer ti c atio n

Hour s o f O peration : H our s of o peration a re g enerall y 6:3 0 a m to 5: 0 0 p m , fou r d ays a week

Sa lar y a n d B ene t s: B at tl e R ive r Powe r C oo p o e r s a competitive s alar y, a tt ractive bene t s , a n d a posit ive wor k e nv ironment . T h e s ta rt in g s alar y fo r t hi s positio n w il l be b ased u po n t h e exp erienc e a n d q uali c ation s of t he successfu l c andidate

Applications : Quali e d a pplicant s a re e ncouraged to submi t a c ove r l et ter a n d cur re n t resum é v i a e mail o r to t he addres s below by Friday, A pri l 9, 2024, a t 4:0 0 p m o r w he n a s ui ta bl e c andidate i s h ired We appreciate and consider al l applications ; however, only those selected for an interview will be contacte d.

Please submi t you r resum é to: Ba tt l e R ive r Powe r C oo p

At tent ion: H uma n Resou rc es Box 1420, C am ro se, A B T4V 1X3 Fa x : 780 -672-7969

Email : valerie.king@brpowe r.coop

Flagsta Count y is recruiting for the


Position Over view: Repor ting direc tly to the Corporate Ser vices Direc tor, the Asset Management/GIS (Graphic Information Systems) Coordinator will support the Corporate Ser vices Director in the implementation of the County’s Asset Management Program and management of the County’s GIS database and information system. The individual will work collaboratively with the depar tments and business units to support the implementation of the asset management ac tivities and processes as outlined in the County’s Asset Management Polic y and Roadmap. As the GIS Coordinator, the individual will work closely with the County’s GIS ser vice provider to maintain the County’s GIS database system and improve its accuracy. This position will also be responsible for overseeing records management operations and developing records management procedures in accordance with applicable laws and regulator y requirements

Key Responsibilities:

1. Implement and manage the Asset Management Program: Coordinate with stakeholders to establish processes aligned with the County’s Asset Management Polic y, evaluate and maintain records of asset management documents, train depar tment sta on asset management processes, and attend asset management events and repor t progress to the Corporate Ser vices Direc tor.

2. Manage GIS database: Ensure database processes meet County’s GIS needs and Asset Management objectives, suppor t depar tments with GIS needs and information access, collaborate with GIS service provider to maintain and update the database, and address internal and external GIS information requests

3. Records management: Coordinate with Laser che provider for ling practices and records management systems, oversee records retention and disposal according to schedule, ensure compliance with policies and legislation, and provide training and troubleshooting for records management. Ensure compliance with County policies, health and safet y program, and HR guidelines

Quali cations:

• Post Secondar y diploma in a relevant discipline (GIS and database management, engineering technology, asset management, or other related disciplines).

• A minimum of 3 years of related experience in the municipal service deliver y eld with at least 1 year of related experience in the GIS and database management applications

• Knowledge of ArcGIS, GeoMedia Professional, GPS data collection, and Microsoft o ce applications. Proven knowledge of records and information management standards processes, and terminology

• Ability to develop clear and concise repor ts, correspondence, or other written materials Strong organizational, prioritization, and time management skills

• Ability to communicate and interact well with stakeholders with di erent levels of technical expertise. Excellent interpersonal skills that support building strong relationships with internal and external stakeholders

• Experience in the use of the Laser che program and knowledge of local government procedures and municipal ser vice deliver y is an asset

Position Type: Permanent Full-time

Hours of Work: Monday to Friday, 7 hrs/day – 35 hrs/wk

S alar y Range: $76,426.02 to $93,994.35 annually

Closing Date: Until a suitable candidate is selected

Interested candidates are encouraged to submit their resumé along with a cover letter by email to:

Contac t:

Human Resource Depar tment

Email: Human.Resources@ agsta .ab.ca

Direc t: 780-384-4100

For the full job description please visit: www. agsta .ab.ca

It wasn’t all about giving and receiving, however, as per the well-established custom that continues today with Club membership, the ’60s offered up a lot of fun and exciting events for Club members, including a variety of entertaining and interesting guest speakers, ladies’ nights, a singing contest and a picnic meeting in Jubilee Park.

As often happens, history does repeat itself, and this year Rotary Camrose will once again be taking the celebration to the park with the upcoming 100th

During the ’60s, the Club diversified its means of fundraising to include: an art sale in 1961 and 1962, and by 1964, had raised just over $1,500; selling of Japanese oranges and working the midway, games and concessions as well as holding a raffle for a 1965 Pontiac sedan at the 1965 Camrose Fair.

Anniversary Community Fun Day to be held on June 15 at the Rotary Pavilion located at 5320-39 Avenue (Stoney Creek Park) from 11 a.m. until 3 p.m. Come out and enjoy some food, games and fun.

Prior to that day, join members of the Camrose Rotary at the 100th Anniversary Gala Celebration, to be held on April 27 at the Days Inn and Conference Centre by Wyndham Camrose Norsemen. Doors will open at 5 p.m., dinner will be served at 6:30 p.m., followed by a program and live auction at 7:30 p.m. This is a wonderful opportunity to not only enjoy a fun night out on the town, but to hear about the amazing things Rotarians in your community are doing and consider becoming a part of an over 100-year history of service to the community.

The CAMROSE BOOSTER, April 2, 2024 – Page 29
4925 -4 8 St reet Camros e, AB T4V 1L7 Phone 78 0- 672-3142 • Fa x 78 0- 672-2518 Email ad s@ camros eboo ster.c om You s uppl y t he photo in p er son or by e mail (ads@camros e boo ster.c om) and we w ill add it to your paid cla ss ifie d adver tisement at absolutely no ex tr a charge. ONLY applie s to: A uto, B oats, RVs, Motorcycles AT Vs Auto Misc., Pet s/ Pe t Supplie s, Los t an d F ound, Ren tals , Live stock , Machine ry, Hous ehold, Re al E st ate an d Misc. Always better –Always better read! FIVE -PIECE WE ST BU RY DRUM SET – $4 00 Phone 5555-555-5555
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Cont ac t: Matt @bat tleriverrailwa y.ca

We bsite: Batt leRi ve rRailway.c a

Empl oyer : Batt le Ri ve r Railwa y

Position: Fu ll Time May 1 to August 31 an d July 1 to August 31

Abou t Us

BR R is a New Generation Cooperative ow ne d locall y by an d for farmers. Headquar te re d in Fore stbu rg , AB , we ow n an d operate ou r shor tline railwa y from Camrose to Alliance, AB , as well as grain assets at th ree locations along ou r railwa y.

The Job BR R is seekin g summer student empl oyee s. Th e empl oyee will work as part of a team on th e track crew

Ta sks

• Genera l labour

• Tr ack mainte nance Skills


• Va lid Clas s 5 Driver ’s Licence

• Abilit y

work at various

along th e Batt le Ri ve r Railwa y

is Rosalind , AB

Missed Delivery Policy

If you do not receive your copy of The Booster or pre-printed inserts, please report this to us by calling 780-672-3142. We will promptly re-deliver these to city households. Note that we do not have access to certain apartment buildings. In these cases, we ask you to contact your apartment manager to request deliver y. Rural readers are asked to report missed deliveries and we will consult with your postmaster to ensure future deliveries.

Thank you for being a loyal reader of…



4925-48 St., Camrose AB T4V 1L7

Kodiaks end playoff season against Whitecourt

Camrose Kodiaks lost 7-1 to the Whitecourt Wolverines in the fifth game of the second round of playoffs on March 22 to end its season.

Whitecourt led 1-0 and 3-0 during intermissions and went on to win to advance to the next round.

Nicholas Larkin scored the only tally for the Kodiaks on a shorthanded play in the third period.

Goalie Elliott Pratt turned away 31 of 38 shots on net. Camrose fired 37 shots on goal.

Bear facts

Levi Carter had a goal and three assists for four points in five games of the Whitecourt series to lead Camrose in scoring. Hodge, Brenner and Sam Lozinski all had three points in four games.

Goalie Pratt had a 3.76 goals against average and a .900 save percentage against Whitecourt in the five games.

Levi Carter, Blake Green, Brady Brenner, Sam Moshurchak and Carson Ironside will not be back next season due to age restrictions.

Defenceman Carter Matthews of the Kodiaks was named to the AJHL All-rookie First Team.

In 52 games, he collected seven goals and added 17 assists for 24 points as a rookie. He was the leading scorer for the Kodiaks on defence.

re or less

Th e title to th e proper ty will be subjec t to th e rese rv ations an d exceptions now appearin g on th e title an d free an d clea r of al l encumbrances Th e restrictive cove nant re gistered by Wild Rose Co -O perati ve Associatio n Ltd. prohibitin g th e reta iling or manufactu re of grain bins , agricultural equipmen t, fert ilizer, seed , chemical or any agri-busines s th e will remain registered on title.

GS T will be adde d to th e te nder pric e unless th e pu rc hase r is a GS T registrant at th e time of closing.

TE NDER S must be in writing, accompanie d by a ce rt if ie d cheque for $5, 000 .0 0, sealed in an enve lope marked “G re en Acre Farm s” an d must be received by Fielding & Company LLP, Barris te rs an d Solicitors , #100, 4918 - 51

St reet , Camrose, Al be rt a, T4V 1S 3, on or before 12:0 0 noon , April 5, 2024 Municipa l ta xe s will be adjusted Any su rf ac e leas e payments received by th e Seller prio r to closin g will not be adjusted Th e closin g an d adjustment da te of sale will be May 1, 2024, an d th e successfu l tenderer must pay th e balanc e of th e pu rc hase price, plus GS T unless th e te nderer is a GS T registrant , on th e closin g da te, or th e deposit will be forfeited. Th e deposit s of al l unsuccessfu l te nderer s will be returned to them fort hw it h af ter th e closin g of tenders. No conditiona l te nder s will be a ccepted , an d th e highes t or any te nder will not necessaril y be a ccepted No warran ty what soever is gi ve n as to th e conditio n of th e proper ty or as to th e fi tnes s of th e proper ty for any purpose. Th e Seller will pay for th e cost of title insuranc e to facilitate closing of th e pu rc hase of th e land s on May 1, 2024

For fu rt he r in fo rmatio n abou t th e proper ty phon e Wa yn e

Th ro ndson, K.C. at Fielding & Company LLP, (780 ) 672- 88 51

POLLOM, of Camrose, Alber ta, who died on Januar y 29, 2024.

If you have a claim against this estate, you must f ile your claim by May 2, 2024, and provide details of your claim with STEPHEN

K AMBEIT Z of Farnham West Stolee Kambeit z LLP, Barristers and Solicitors at 5016-52 Street, Camrose, AB T4V 1V7.

If you do not f ile by the date above, the estate proper ty can law fully be distributed without regard to any claim you may have

The CAMROSE BOOSTER, April 2, 2024 – Page 30
req uired
G ood team player
to report to
Ty pical star t
Hourly pay of $20 Here’s a great of fer for Booster readers… For Sale Ads! For items priced at $100 or less! • Mail, fax, email or drop of f your ad copy • One item per ad – 10 word limit. • Include the price of the item in your ad. • Of fer excludes living things, except when offered for free. Individuals are able to place classified ads without charge provided message relates to a personal possession and does not form part of a profession, trade or business. Any ad designed to produce an income is regarded as commercial advertising and must be a PAID AD. Mail to: Classified Ad Department, Camrose Booster Ltd. 4925-48 Street, Camrose, AB T4V 1L7 Email: ads@camrosebooster.com Fax: 780-672-2518 Example: Girl’s bicycle, like new, $70. 555-555-5555 WRITE YOUR AD HERE: For items price Pu t Ca mr ose in your Pock et! We might well be displaying the job, career or educational possibilit y that ’s right for you. Download FREE AP P NOTICE TO CREDITORS AND CL AIMANTS Estate of JOHN GORDON BRUNE AU, of Camrose, Alber ta, who died on June 12, 2023. If you have a claim against this estate, you must f ile your claim by May 9, 2024, and provide details of your claim with ERIC BARSTAD of Farnham West Stolee Kambeit z LLP, Barristers and Solicitors at 5016-52 Street, Camrose, AB T4V 1V7. If you do not f ile by the date above, the estate proper ty can law fully be distributed without regard to any claim you may have NOTICE TO CREDITORS AND CL AIMANTS Estate of MICHAEL BRYAN
FOR SALE BY TENDER TE NDER S AR E INVITED for th e pu rc hase of th e followin g proper ty locate d in Camros e Coun ty : MERIDIAN 4 RA NG E 19 TOWNSHIP 46 SECT IO N 33 QUARTER SO UT H EA ST EXCEPTIN G THER EO UT AL L MINES AN D MINER ALS AR EA : 64.7 HECTARES (159.8 8 AC RE S) MORE OR LESS Th e land consists of 145 cult iv ated ac re s mo

BRCF grants funds to Killam and District Health Care Foundation


The Battle River Community Foundation awarded an $8,000 grant to the Killam and District Health Care Foundation.

The grant will be used to assist with the purchase of portable Cardiac Monitoring equipment for the Killam Health Care/ Emergency Medicine Unit. In addition to current bedside cardiac monitoring, the new Portable Cardiac Monitors may be moved to the ER Trauma Bay and will enable Staff to effectively and safely provide continuous monitoring and tele-transmission needs.

“The Killam and District Health Care Foundation is grateful to the BRCF Donors for assistance in our fundraising efforts to support the Killam Health Centre’s aim to provide excellence in care and service,” shares Terri Rombough.

The grant is funded from income earned in the Flagstaff Fund, Niehaus Birkjar Family Fund, Robert and Janet Borth Fund, Daryl and Judy Larson Fund, Lindseth Family Fund, Stan and Sharleen Chevraux Fund, Willis

Battle River Community Foundation Board member Wes Campbell presents a cheque to the Health Care Foundation’s vice-chair Terri Rombough and fellow board member Mabel Thompson.

and Irene Felzien Fund and the Foundation’s community funds. These type of funds allow the Foundation Board to match annual grant applicants with the interests’ donors wish to support.

The Battle River Community Foundation exists to support organizations in east central Alberta, which benefit the local communities and have a positive impact on the future.

Grants from the Battle River Community Foundation are primarily made

possible through the generosity of individual donors and organizations that have created endowment funds. The principal of these endowment funds is kept intact and the income is made available annually to support local projects and organizations.

Since it was founded in 1995, the Battle River Community Foundation has granted over $9,045,300 to support charitable activities in the Battle River Region.

Central Agencies Realty Home of the Week Lake retreat

If you are looking for an amazing place to get away from the stress of everyday living, this cabin, located in Sunset Heights just off of Red Deer Lake, is ideal. It’s close enough to Camrose to still be near all the amenities, but far enough away to relax and let worries melt away.

Besides the quiet lake resort location, the property features a 1986 cabin with all the comforts of home.

A composting toilet, propane hot water tank and electric baseboard heat provides all the luxuries you will need for those weekend or holiday getaways. A wood stove will keep you cozy in the cooler spring months and long into the fall, but with gas to the road, it wouldn’t be difficult to turn the cabin into a four-season retreat.

The interior of the cabin is beautifully finished with vinyl plank/laminate wood floors easy for cleanup, subtle colour palettes that blend with the

Reminder: April is Procrastination Awareness Month*

*but you can alway s put it o

It 's not procrastination if I never had any intention of doing it in the first place.

Sometimes it takes me all day to get nothing done I made a long to-do list today. I just need to figure out who's going to do it.

I never finish anyth

Me? A procrastinator ? I' ll prove you wrong someday

Just you wait and see.

I'm crossing things o my to-do list. I didn' t do them I just don' t want them on my list anymore.

Never put o till tomorrow what you can just ignore indefinitely

I think I still have some procrastinating to do from yesterday

I used to crastinate , but I got so good at it I turned pro. I just put the exact same task on my weekly to-do list for the 16th week in a row. Maybe this time.

Dolly Par ton wrote "Jolene" and "I Will Always Love You" on the ver y same day and I' ve been getting ready to vacuum for the past two weeks.

I find it helps to organize chores into categories:

1. Things I Won' t Do Now

2. Things I Won' t Do Later

3. Things I'll Never Do

Did you know you can put whatever you want on your to-do list ? There are no rules! I put " wake up" and "drink co ee" on mine and, well … guess who already got two things done today ? And it's not even 10 a.m.!

"Can you multitask ?"

Yeah, I can listen, ignore and forget all at the same time

It 's getting harder and harder to tumble out of bed and stumble to the kitchen and pour myself a cup of ambition

Tomorrow (noun): A mystical land where 99% of all human productivi ty, motivation and achievement is stored.

natural surroundings but keep things modern, and a gorgeous stone fireplace that adds a sense of style.

The kitchen is well outfitted with plenty of counter tops and cabinets, a four-burner stove and two ovens and a fridge.

Two bedrooms and a loft area, where you could have a daybed, mean lots of room for the family to spread out or for overnight guests.

Located on a double lot, there is also the option of inviting camping guests to come out and enjoy your peace of paradise.

A septic tank and new well in 2021 add efficiency and convenience to the property. A 20’ x 30’ tarped shed and lots of other storage sheds will house your vehicles and any recreational toys and equipment.

Located at 43336 Range Road 215, #210, your getaway is within reach priced at $149,000. For a private viewing, contact Matthew Mayer at:

Central Agencies Realty

4870-51 Street, Camrose

780-672-4495 or 780-781-7088 Cell

I don' t procrastinate. I wait until the last minute to do things, because I will be older and therefore wiser. Sometimes , after I' ve completed a task that wasn' t on my to-do list , I add it , then cross it o just for the free dopamine boost .

Let 's star t a suppor t group for procrastinators


Me : [Making all sor ts of plans to be productive on my day o ]

Also Me: "Man, time really flies when you take two naps in one day."

I'm not a procrastinator. I just prefer to do all my work in a deadline -induced panic

Procrastinators when they're asked to do any task : "Okay, it shouldn' t take too long. Between an hour and … um … 11 months."

It 's amazing how noble and necessar y cleaning appears when you're procrastinating. Don' t be fooled. I procrastinate so much I procrastinate the actual procrastination.

There are no limits to what you can accomplish when you are supposed to be doing something else. Procrastination is a good thing – you always have something to do tomorrow, plus you'll never have anything planned for today!

My days o , without fail:

Day 1 – I will do so much stu

Day 2 – Later I'll do lots of stu

Day 3 – Eventually I' ll do some stu . Day 4 – Oh no

I got so much procrastinating done today! Finally, my bills are washed, laundr y is paid, clothes are baking and dinner is in the dr yer. I' ve got this!

The CAMROSE BOOSTER, April 2, 2024 – Page 31
• New Townhouse, Single Garage Zero Step Entry Home Non-Basement Model 1153 asking $360,076 A2078776 4001-50 Street, Camrose Phone 780.672.5851 www.ipdi.biz AWESOME COMMUNITY & LIFESTYLE 3320-50A Street Close Available NOW! Model 1244 asking $436,376 A2045627 • Full basement model • Double garage • Zero step entry Model 1244 Asking $499,322 A2077560 FULL BASEMENT! Thursday, April 4 12:00 to 2:00 pm 3320-50A Street Close “Gorgeous zero step bungalow!” • Master planned community • Designed for active adults No condo fees • Community lifestyle CENTRAL AGENCIES REALTY Inc. The Central Agencies Realty Team is eager to go to work for you! We’ve been matching buyers with sellers, with integrity, since 1963. Graham Wideman, 780-679-8384; Matt Banack, 780-608-9733; Matthew Mayer, 780-781-7088; Al-Karim (Al) Mohamed, 587-322-5511; Sascha Dressler, 780-781-8242; Wally Wrubleski, 780-781-7323; Sarah Kjos, 587-322-7131. #100, 4870-51 Street, Camrose ~ 780-672-4495 centralagenciesrealty.com CAMROSE HOMES The CAMROSE BOOSTER, April 2, 2024 – Page 32 WOW! GORGEOUS WALKOUT BUNGALOW, AWESOME 4-CAR GARAGE … Amazing lake views. It’s absolutely perfect! Features a quality built 2083 sq. ft. 5-bedroom home. Exceptional craftsmanship and design. You will love every area of the home from the gourmet kitchen, butlers’ pantry, chic living spaces, superb primary bedroom and the amazing walkout basement. Awesome deck/ patio and so much more! Views, lifestyle, it’s perfect! Asking $1,399,000 A2096394 NEW WALKOUT BUNGALOW CONDOS BY LAKE! … Finished up and down! Landscaped yard, vinyl fencing, artificial turf – WOW! You’ll love the location of “Valley View West Estates”. An amazing adult community by the lake, walking trails and park. Absolutely an exceptional home with a gorgeous, bright open plan. Asking $575,162 A2080295 GEMINI CENTRE, GROUND FLOOR – A PLACE FOR YOUR BUSINESS! … Exceptional street level unit: 2078 sq. ft. Awesome location. Easy access. Superior design. Superb visibility. Asking $23/sq. ft. + common A2082496 COMMERCIAL PRIME MAIN STREET PROPERTY IN CAMROSE – ZONED C1 Excellent opportunity in the heart of Camrose City Centre! 3,262 sq. ft. commercial building with 2 entrances, reception areas, offices, client meeting rooms, 3 bathrooms, flex areas and warehousing. Easy customer access and rear parking. Call now! Asking $220,000 A2030401 HWY 56 FRONTAGE … 6.05 acres in Millang Industrial Park. 3-phase power, gas available now. Edmonton city water is to be available in 2023. This 6.05 acre parcel is zoned Farmland at present. This is the LAST REMAINING LOT! Asking $749,000 A2098054 65 ACRE INDUSTRIAL PROPERTY … 3 minutes North of Camrose off HWY 833. Existing 7440 sq. ft. building, fully renovated. Well/ septic/natural gas. New 600V/200 amp/ 3 phase transformer on site. Drainage ditch throughout feeding a 6.5 million gallon dugout on South perimeter. Judicial Sale. Asking $1,600,000 A2101350 1322 SQ. FT. 3-BEDROOM BUNGALOW on 1.07 aces 3.5 miles from Camrose’s Ring Road. Open concept 2001 built home with great kitchen, large living room, beautiful primary with LARGE WALK-IN closet. Finished lower level with massive family room. Covered South East side deck. New shingles, forced air heat, cozy in-floor heating, 30’x26’ garage. Quiet acreage, you’ll love the proximity to Camrose, without the traffic or neighbours. Asking $524,000 A2102612 ACREAGES SOLD RESIDENTIAL LOTS Come build your new home … in the family friendly Cascades subdivision in our amazing city of Camrose! These affordable lots are perfectly located close to the west-end shopping, services, golf course, playground and parks including a dog run. Seven lots have been made available offering various options. Choose from lots providing a walkout option and backing onto the pond and walking trails, a “corner” lot with open space to the west, or other lots with established neighbours. A great opportunity not to be missed! Asking $85,000-115,000 A2110713 BEAUTIFUL NEW ZERO STEP BUNGALOW, FULL BASEMENT MODEL! … New adult living community! Model 1244. Beautiful bright open floor plan, 9’ ceilings, in-floor heat and easy steps to garage. Excellent kitchen, spacious great room, en suite, main floor laundry. Covered patio, and more! No condo fees. Still time to choose your colours. You’ll love it! Asking $499,322 A2077560 www.realtor.ca We offer Multiple Listing Service OPEN HOUSE Thursday, April 4 12:00 to 2:00 pm 3320-50A Street Close “Gorgeous zero step bungalow!” Matthew Mayer 780-781-7088 Sascha Dressler 780-781-8242 Matt Banack 780-608-9733 Al-Karim (Al) Mohamed 587-322-5511 Wally Wrubleski 780-781-7323 Sarah Kjos 587-322-7131 Give our professional realtors a call for a complimentary market evaluation of your property! Graham Wideman 780-679-8384 Let’s get your property sold, too! EXCELLENT STARTER HOME OR RENTAL ADDITION … 5 bedrooms, 3 updated bathrooms with a private 2-pce en suite, hardwood floors, vinyl windows, updated furnace. Just over 1200 sq.ft., 24’x20’ detached garage and a partially finished basement. Finished upstairs very well and some finishing in the basement to do. Asking $269,900 A2112262 KINGMAN … Newly developed lots. Choose from seven! Located on the edge of town. Starting at $27,500 A1156323, 6338, 6341, 6343, 6349 OUT OF TOWN OUT OF TOWN OUT OF TOWN GREAT INVESTMENT OPPORTUNITY in New Norway! High quality 4-plex. Beautiful modern units, open concept living. Currently rented out for $900/mo. plus utilities. Strong rental market. Asking $569,000 A2089277 EXCELLENT BI-LEVEL ON TWO LOTS! Exceptional lifestyle - Rosalind. You’ll love the peacefulness and relaxing lifestyle. Beautiful 1140 sq. ft. bi-level with private setting on two lots! Lovely living room with vaulted ceilings, awesome country kitchen, en suite and main floor laundry. Cozy ICF basement, 65% completed. Park setting, veranda, deck, 22’x24’ heated garage. Gemstone lighting system and more. A country lifestyle with all the services! Asking $339,900 A2091689 BUILD YOUR DREAM HOME on the OVERSIZE lot! No neighbours behind! Bawlf has a provincially acclaimed K-12 school, wonderful sports facilities and walking trails. Only 20 minutes from Camrose –which is the perfect distance to unwind on your drive home from work! Starting at $45,000 A2076411, 6409, 6403 GREAT FLEXIBLITY IN MAYERTHORPE OVER 23 ACRES ALONG HWY 43 Asking $230,000 CA0168666 EXCEPTIONALLY WELL KEPT BUNGALOW in the Town of Daysland! Features include: open concept, lovely kitchen with lots of cabinets, under cabinet lighting, centre island, In-floor heat. Garden door to covered deck. 24’x26’ heated garage. New washer and dryer, freshly painted main level, new shingles (2023), plus much more! Asking $365,000 A2106894 WOW! GORGEOUS TOP FLOOR COPPERSTONE CONDO … overlooking Mirror Lake! Premier property, amazing lake views! Quality built 3-bedroom, recently upgraded. Bright open plan. 13’ and 9’ ceilings, lots of windows, gourmet kitchen, huge breakfast bar, gorgeous living room, superb primary with en suite. Air conditioning. Heated parking, tandem stalls. Awesome deck and more! Asking $659,500 A2114648 EXCELLENT CONDO WITH PRIVACY! … 1500 sq. ft. condo offers the convenience of condo living with the feel of a home. 2 bedrooms, plus an office in a spacious layout. Amazing sunken livingroom with gas fireplace. Private patio, well laid out kitchen and main floor laundry. Large primary suite with 3-piece en suite. This unit has been fully painted and boasts vinyl plank flooring upstairs. It has also been professionally cleaned so it’s ready to go for YOU! Asking $179,000 A2113632 NEW WALKOUT BUNGALOW CONDOS BY LAKE! … Finished up and down! Landscaped yard, vinyl fencing, artificial turf – WOW! You’ll love the location of “Valley View West Estates”. An amazing adult community by the lake, walking trails and park. Absolutely an exceptional home with a gorgeous, bright open plan. Asking $575,162 A2115498 ONLY 2 DOUBLE CAR GARAGE UNITS LEFT! BEAUTIFUL WALKOUT VILLA! • Finished up and down • 27’x20.5’ garage • In-floor heat, a/c • All landscaped – turf and fencing Asking $575,162 A2080295 BEAUTIFUL WALKOUT VILLA! • All finished up and down • 25’x20.5’ garage • In-floor heat, a/c • All landscaped – turf and fencing Asking $575,162 A2115498 ONLY 2 DOUBLE CAR GARAGE UNITS LEFT! Check out our Beautiful Lakeside Adult Community. Private and Quiet! Beautiful Bungalows by Battle River Homes MODEL 1244 ZERO STEP … Senior friendly. Beautiful bright open floor plan, 9’ ceilings, in-floor heat, beautiful kitchen, spacious great room. Main floor laundry. Easy access to garage. Covered patio and more! No condo fees! Immediate possession! You’ll love it! Asking $436,376 A2045627 Only 2 full basement models left! PERFECT CAMPING/WEEK GETAWAY … in Sunset Heights at Red Deer Lake. Double lot with three-season cabin, holding tank, new well in 2021. Set up with RV plugs and water. 30’x20’ tarp shed for storage. Asking $149,900 A2116918 NEW LISTING! NEW NORWAY LOT 65’ wide lot at the edge of town in Spartan Estates! Asking $50,000 A2089400 DAYSLAND … A clean 4-bdrm., 1,100 sq.ft. bungalow with finished basement located across the street from the ball diamonds and one block from the curling rink! This is the perfect home for a growing family, or a retired couple looking to downsize. New windows throughout, new furnace in 2024, newer hot water tank and no maintenance composite decking. The expensive things are looked after! Outside is a garage and large garden shed on concrete to make maintenance easier. You will appreciate this home and the care it has received. Welcome home! Asking $199,000 A2113187 SOLD IMMACULATE BUNGALOW ON HUGE LOT! … Located in a quiet cul-de-sac in Century Meadows. Recent upgrades include: paint inside & out, newer flooring, newer MF 5pc bath, some new windows, upgraded kitchen & shingles. Fully finished basement with huge rec-room. Fully fenced backyard & so much more! Asking $349,000 A2104374 SOLD BEAUTIFUL NEW ZERO STEP TOWNHOUSE! Model 1153 non-basement. Senior friendly. Beautiful open floor plan and 9’ ceilings. Huge great room, great kitchen, en suite, main floor laundry. Covered patio, 25’x13.’ garage all finished. You’ll love it! Asking $360,076 A2078776 BEST PRICE! SOLD GREAT VALUE IN BAWLF! This affordable modular home has seen many upgrades, including a beautiful add-on to the living room with large south facing window, and a huge add-on entrance area and laundry room. New flooring, paint, windows and so much more! Asking $64,000 A2109682 SOLD EXCELLENT FAMILY FRIENDLY HOME … steps away from park, valley and numerous walking trails. Lovely kitchen with centre island eating bar, gas stove, stylish range hood and corner pantry. Vaulted ceilings, hardwood floors, finished basement, ICF block foundation plus much more! Asking $439,900 A2112636

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