ELAC Campus News Spring 2023 Issue 24

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Vice President reveals budget ending in de cits

East Los Angeles College will continue its work of welcoming back its student population, but will do so while working in a deficit in what is the 2023-2024 and 20242025 school years.

ELAC administrative members went over the college’s current situation from what is working, how the budget is fairing and what students can expect in the future during the school’s State of the College event.

Michael Pascual, Administrative Services vice president, said the budget for the college has two possible outcomes. Both of these outcomes end in a deficit.

The revised May budget from the Governor’s office cuts the COVID19 block grant from Prop. 98 from $650 million dollars to about half that. Pascual said a lot of these funds have already been distributed.

He said how the reduction of money that has already been distributed will be accomplished is a conversation that is ongoing.

Additionally, maintenance projects that have been deferred were also funded by Prop. 98, these monies have been reduced as well.

Pascual said the money, very much like the COVID-19 funds, for these deferred projects has all almost already been distributed, and the state will update how a buy-back of these funds will work.

Pascual said there will be a 8.22% increase in Cost of Living Adjustment.

He said it was important to keep in mind that the Higher Education Emergency Relief Funds, HEERF, will expire. He said the ending fund balance for ELAC, in the 2022-2023 fiscal year, will be $9.7 million.

The Los Angeles Community College District will be providing

ELAC a budget of $142 million for the 2023-2024 fiscal year, giving a total of about $152 million for ELAC.

Pascual said the decrease in enrollment and the COVID-19 pandemic has created a projected

budget deficit for the 2023-24 and 2024-2025 fiscal years. He forecasts a decrease in revenues for

2024-2025 fiscal year.

He said there are two scenarios for the future fiscal situation for ELAC. These scenarios hinge on the decision of how student bad debt will be handled.

Bad debt is money students owe to the scholastic institutions they have attended.

“[The] LACCD has discussed the possibility of using the one-time COVID-19 Block Grant to pay off the student bad debt across all [nine] colleges. The scenarios were put together to determine what impact it would have on ELAC’s budget. They were specifically for the next two fiscal years under the two scenarios,” Pascual said.

For the budgets to work he said the college would need to make adjustments. He said it will take some time to figure out what is best to do for the budgetary needs of the college and that it would take everyone working together to get it done.

“The college is still at the early stage of discussion on how to best manage the deficit. This is a discussion that needs the involvement of the entire campus community through shared governance,” Pascual said. He said the budgetary issues do not affect any current initiatives, programs, activities or personnel. He said current student learning is not affected either.

Alberto Roman, ELAC president, said there was work that had to be done, but that the work was not impossible to overcome.

He said the main idea is that there is a need to tighten the school’s belt.

Roman said there are initiatives that are coming down the pipeline that are positive. The first is a joint effort with two local high schools, Alhambra and Garfield, the State

Chancellor’s Office and ELAC.

This program will provide ninth grade students with the opportunity to learn at a college level with cohorts that would be creating classes for them. These students would be considered dual enrolled in high school and college courses.

“The State Chancellor has selected ELAC for a dual enrollment pilot that would involve providing all high school freshmen with one college course. The pilot will launch in fall 2023. It would be funded through general funds, but just like any other enrollment growth, we would collect funding from the state for the [Full-Time Equivalent Students] FTES, thus helping our college budget,” Roman said. FTES are those fulfilling a fulltime student unit coverage of 12 units. The students will count by being grouped in four student teams to create the equivalent 12 units.

Miguel Duenas, vice president of Student Services, said there has been a rise in dual enrollment with spring 2022 numbers at 2,930 students and spring 2023 numbers at 3,289 students. This represents chances for high school students to further their scholastic skills with college level classes cheaply and easily.

“State education laws require that these classes be offered at zero cost to the student. We have many students that participate in dual enrollment, some even graduate from high school with an associate degree,” Duenas said.

Duenas said the focus of Student Services with students returning to campus more fully is to provide support and resources. He said giving students equitable and high level education is what ELAC is all about.

Students learn from summer festival

East Los Angeles College

Summer Festival brought an evening full of informational resources for incoming and current students about career programs and resources offered on campus on May 18.

Students brought family and friends to enjoy games like ring toss.

Children played in the bounce houses and everyone attending the festival received a voucher ticket for burgers from The Habit Grill that was providing food at the event.

Power 106, the Los Angeles hip-hop radio station, filled the ambience with music and gave away free merchandise, along with tickets to “The Little Mermaid.”

Students who attended thefestival were able to apply for a one-time reward.The reward was a free laptop.

Staff at the event said the laptops were bought with the funds that were given during the pandemic.

Students were able to apply to this scholarship on the spot and see if they qualified.

The requirements were simple: students should be actively enrolled at ELAC at the time of disbursement.

They need to designate ELAC as their home campus. Students should be a first-time technology award recipient.

This means that the student

applying has never received/picked up a device such as a chrome book, tablet, laptop, or received emergency assistance funding for technology from the Los Angeles Community College District.

Delma and Jasmine Guzman, a mother and daughter, found the event informative. “It is crazy because all this was meant to be. The way I see it because Jasmine doesn’t have a laptop. She was saying how her laptop doesn’t turn on and she was able to get a laptop,” Delma said..

“I was already telling my mom. I need to put money away and I need to save for a laptop and coming here I got one,” Jasmine said.

“I’ll be honest, I usually don’t come to the events or anything but I just told my mom ‘Let’s go.’ I had questions and I feel like coming here.

“I was able to get a lot of information and learn about resources. I need to start coming to more events now,” Jasmine said.

Both Guzman’s plan to attend classes during the summer.

At the event, students were guided through the process of applying for summer courses.

They were able to ask questions and register for classes in a room where staff were helping them enroll.

Some of the booths in attendance were: Screening and Treatment for Anxiety & Depression, who provided services for mental health.

California Youth Leadership Corps, who issued information on how to gain experience in public,

community, and environmental health. Career and Academic Pathways, Social Sciences, Health Sciences and others.

Megan Rivera, who is graduating, found the event helpful. She said she was grateful to the faculty and staff who were present at the event.

“My favorite thing about the event is that I was able to learn more about the resources available,” Rivera said.

“I feel like coming here in person was a hundred times better than calling, because you were able to resolve any problems in person,” Delma said..

Delma said the event was a success, “Especially for my daughter because she is just starting to get involved in programs so just talking to people has really opened up her options as to what she wants to do now. I really enjoyed it. It was an easy process to get the help they needed.”

Ruth Carbajal, a student at the South Gate campus, was able to get assistance to enroll for classes. “Since I am older and don’t speak English fluently, I needed assistance in person. I am very proud that at an older age, I am still able to attend classes. I came to this event for help and they helped me enroll in classes and on top of that I learned about other programs the school offers that I might consider,” Carbajal said. The event was focused on providing information for both incoming and current students.

VOLUME 78, ISSUE 24 | WWW.ELACCAMPUSNEWS.COM | WEDNESDAY, MAY 24, 2023 | SINGLE COPY FREE - ADDITIONAL COPIES 50 CENTS News Briefs Pet Therapy The Student Health Center and Associated Student Union will host a pet therapy event next Tuesday from noon to 2 p.m. to help students de-stress during finals. Pets can be found in E3/E7 quad next week. Town Hall Series Suzie Suh and other Asian American community members will advocate for and empower local APPI communities tomorrow at noon. Students can connect via Zoom http://bit.ly/3JY6QE1
CN/KIMBERLY CHINCHILLA LOOK AT THE LINE—Students, parents and kids stand in line as they check-in for the Summer Festival at the South Gate campus. LET’S STAY POSITIVE—East Los Angeles College President Alberto Roman, going over some of the positive outcomes of the last scholastic year. CN/JUAN CAVILLO
Student wrestler gains life lessons Page 6 Instagram @elaccampusnews Twitter @elaccampusnews Tik Tok @elaccampusnews Deficit amounts after district funding and college expenditure Stay connected this summer


California to fund programs toward substance abuse

Staff Writer

While there are already thousands of people struggling with substance abuse, the next best course of action is to prevent the future generation from becoming addicts.

Elevate Youth California, is a statewide Department of Healthcare Services program aimed at addressing substance use disorder.

“California awarded nearly $17 million to 44 community-

based and tribal organizations to develop and increase substance use disorder prevention services through civic engagement and culturally competent programs,” said Governor Gavin Newsom.

One of the best ways to ensure one doesn’t become addicted to substance abuse is by taking preventive measures. It is essential to hammer down all the harm substance abuse can have on a person and the impact it has on their loved ones’ lives.

First generation Latino students struggle financially

To be privileged and to focus solely on college has been a dream for many First Generation Latino students.

Many first gen Latinos face financial barriers, causing them to take longer to graduate.

College isn’t always the first option after graduating high school, a job is. For some it is graduating from a part-time to a full-time job. The question isn’t what you will study, but how you can help provide for your family.

First gen student Karen Leon, attended University of California, Santa Barbara but struggled financially. She began at East Los Angeles College in the fall of 2017.

“I wasn’t privileged, that’s what made it hard being in Santa Barbara. I had to work full-time so it became a big issue that I was also a full-time student. I was struggling in between two lives. My bills weren’t going to wait for me and school wasn’t going to either. It was hard keeping track of both,” she said.

She transferred to ELAC because she would be able to work full-time and attend college. Though it would take her longer, she felt it was the only option.

Many Latino students are born into non-English speaking households, hindering and prolonging their college completion.

“Me, my mom and my dad are the head of the household, we are the ones who manage the money. We want my youngest siblings to finish university in four years, so we are the ones who work,” Leon said.

“I am first gen. I am excited. My two youngest siblings are in universities but they see me pushing through college trying to get to a university,” Leon said.

According to the Institutional Self-Evaluation Report submitted in 2022 by ELAC, in fall 2020, ELAC served over 12,500 First Generation students.

ELAC is a Hispanic Serving Institution, with 79% of its credit enrollments made up of Hispanic/ Latino students in fall 2020. The Current Institution-Set Standard for course success is 63%. Hispanic students were less than 1% below the ISS from fall 2020. Improving College Completion, a briefing kit by Public Policy Institute of California, completion rates are lower at community colleges. Their research shows that only 13 % of community college freshmen receive an associate degree after two years, and 31% do so within three years.”

“In 2018, when I started, I did full-time. I found that it was really hard. I took a lot of breaks, I never thought I would finish. For the past two years I’ve been doing [school] part-time. I am graduating next year.

“I did not have support from my parents, I had to find my way. I started at Pasadena City College in 2015 and it was overwhelming.

Drugs and alcohol harm a person physically, mentally and can alter their appearance.

It can also lead to many broken bonds with longtime friends and family members for being unable to quit and communicate with them.

Mental health was often an afterthought in this country but over the last few years, there has been a spotlight on awareness and symptoms.

A lot of the time people who suffer from mental health, like depression, often keep to themselves and don’t express themselves to other people.

Mental health illnesses lead to substance abuse. Anxiety and depression make people feel uneasy and terrible about themselves, so they might start abusing drugs and alcohol to numb the pain.

remind people the tasks that must be completed in order to achieve their dreams.

The EYC program can also potentially reach students before they enter high school.

Teenagers are susceptible to peer pressure and can easily be influenced by wrong crowds.

More counselors for young adults would be beneficial.

Sometimes teenagers are stubborn and think they know it all and won’t take advice from their parents because they might view it as parents nagging.

Having guidance outside of family might help with getting messages across to a teenager because it’s from different people they don’t interact with every day.

Communication is key in any act of life, but especially if a teenager is in need, they can get better lessons on how to ask for help without the need of feeling ashamed.

Self-medication is only a solution to hide and mask the feeling instead of getting cured. Once the high of drugs and alcohol wears off, it can lead to a depressive state. This has a negative effect on one’s well-being and mental health.

While depressed, a person can be susceptible to thinking they need to take more substances in order to hide the pain they are feeling.

If they continue abusing substances it will only harm their body and well-being. Thus begins the cycle of becoming addicted to drugs and alcohol.


Soleil Cardenas




Beatriz Garay

NEWS EDITOR Marissa Valles


Annette Quijada

ARTS EDITOR S. Hennessy Machado-Hidalgo

SPORTS EDITOR Oscar Martines


Juan Calvillo

Brenda De La Cruz

Another obstacle I [faced] was being a single mother because I had to work to make money to make sure [my daughter] had food and clothes,” Melanie Reynaga, a First Gen student said.

Community colleges are affordable and offer programs leading to a four year university. The highest degree usually offered is an associate’s degree, which can be completed in two years as a full-time student.

However, not every student can be full-time. Not many Latino students can risk leaving their full-time job for courses.

ELAC student Daisy Martinez started college in 2016. “When I first began, I thought I was going to be here for two years. I think becoming a first time mom and COVID backed up a lot of things and lack of resources I didn’t know they had,” Martinez said. She had no help with childcare and wished she had more guidance [from counselors] from the start.

“I plan on transferring to a four year university in spring of 2024,” Martinez said. She will be applying to Cal State University, Long Beach. Her ultimate goal would be to obtain her Master’s degree.

“With my experience working at ELAC, the number one issue recently is the pandemic. That has taken a hit on people’s anxiety levels, their confidence levels and their diminished ability to follow through.

“We understand there have been a lot of setbacks in the world so that causes setbacks in their education. A lot of times we have people who have to take care of family members, there are people who have to work and bring in enough money to help out the family,” psychology professor Bryan Horowitz said.

In ELAC’s Institutional Self-Evaluation Report, “The percentage of families living below the poverty level in ELAC’s service area is higher than LA County by 5.5% and higher than California by 7.1%. From 20202025, 73% were continuing and returning students.”

Many students start as freshman, drop out, take breaks and come back. College can be intimidating because of the financial barriers faced, but the hardest part is sticking and pushing through it.

“That is the beauty of a community college,” says Dr. Cathy Cleaveland, “you can take a little bit longer. That is the point of a community college. You can still accomplish all the quality academic goals of the first two years and take a little longer. Get experience, grow up a little.”

“For the Latino generation, take it step by step, don’t feel discouraged,” says Leon, who will be graduating with four degrees: natural science, social science, psychology and bio sci.

Though it may take many First Gen Latino students longer than two years to complete their first degree, it is possible. Despite the financial barriers they face, they are not alone.

While drugs and alcohol are substances that can numb the pain, there are many other ways to cope. Exercising can be a way of keeping the mind and body occupied. Also, finding a hobby like reading or watching movies are activities that can help.

Having attainable dreams and goals can also help as it will likely

Instead of drowning their sorrows with drugs, they can also get help from a therapist. Some teenagers are incapable of opening up to their parents and loved ones, so talking to a professional that can help them with any question they have can do wonders for their future.

The EYC can also help with basic stuff that kids might not think they need help with.

This change will surely reduce the number of substance abuse-related incidents for future generations.

While it’s impossible to put an end to substance abuse, the next best alternative is reaching the youth early in their life and using preventive measures in order for them to never feel the need for illegal substances.


Leonardo Cervantes

Adonia Burciaga

Janet Guerca

Nicholas Jimenez

Jonathan Bermudez

Kimberly Chinchilla

Yaneira Rodriguez

Luis Diaz

Steven Adamo


Adonia Burciaga


Angelina Viramontes

ONLINE EDITOR Annette Quijada


Stefanie De La Torre

ADVISER Jean Stapleton

Florida SB 1718 to affect the Latino,Hispaniccommunity

The New Florida Immigration bill is outright xenophobic and should serve as foreshadowing of what is to come should Governor Ron DeSantis run for presidency.

Two weeks ago, DeSantis signed Senate Bill 1718 in his effort to fight against illegal immigration.

He plans to do this by enforcing an E-Verify method for any company with 25 or more employees, thus allowing him to then penalize employers if they employ any undocumented workers. Anyone caught employing undocumented individuals may face fines and be charged with a felony.

SB 1718 appears to focus on deterring any person who is undocumented from settling down in the ‘sunshine state’ by not allowing them to obtain identification cards, and invalidates those ID cards from other US states.

It goes even further and gathers information from hospitals in order to determine the cost undocumented immigrants bring to the state from health care services received.

Gathering information on medical visits will only increase fear in those this bill targets. If medical services are being

looked at, then DeSantis should also look into other populations who overuse emergency room services for non-medical reasons, costing the state lots of money.

According to homelessvoice.org, as of 2022, Florida has the third highest homeless population in the nation with just under 26,000 unhoused individuals counted.

Many times, homeless individuals seek ER services to get away from the harsh weather outside, or to avoid sleeping on concrete and risk being assaulted. While these are sad situations, these beds should be used for people with actual medical emergencies.

It seems DeSantis does not truly care about the cost undocumented immigrants bring to the healthcare system, but cares more about finding ways to push them out.

When looking into invalidating other state-issued ID’s and not allowing for Florida state ID’s to be issued as well, the state then risks people driving without identification.

Perhaps this is wanted in order for law enforcement to apprehend drivers and penalize them, despite the fact that they are being told they will not be given ID’s.

How will these individuals get to work each day? There’s the catch, because now they can’t work in the

state for fear of being charged with a felony and more than likely being deported.

Many immigrants leave their countries and head to the U.S. in search of a better life.

This bill not only prevents them from trying to make an honest living, but it also jeopardizes their well-being in this country and can easily send them back to a country that may be dangerous for them.SB 1718 is just the start.

If other states begin to adopt this type of rhetoric toward immigrants, mostly Hispanic and Latino, many long-term residents, including students, may be affected.

An earlier version of the bill stated it would prohibit anyone from living with or harboring undocumented immigrants, although that was later left out.

If something similar begins to happen in California, or any state for that matter, many Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals (DACA) students could be affected.

Paint it however you want, but in the end SB 1718 is singling out a specific population in hopes of ridding them by any means necessary.

This has the potential to crash the state’s economy as so many labor jobs are filled by the same people they are trying to shun.

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Study abroad trip to Mexico planned for winter session

Students have the opportunity to study abroad in Mexico with ELAC’s Center for Global Education and Engagement.

The trip will take place in Oaxaca from Jan. 11 to Jan. 24 during the winter session.

To be able to attend the trip, students must enroll in Anthropology 185.

STRESS RELIEF—Students paint rocks at the Kindness Rocks workshop

a way for students relieve stress as well as express themselves

use art as a way to de-stress, express creativity

Students decorated rocks to de-stress and connect with other students during the Kindness Rocks workshop at the South Gate Student Lounge on May 17.

The workshop was part of a series of Mental Health Awareness Month events by the South Gate Student Health Center and the Screening and Treatment for Anxiety and Depression program.

STAND ambassador and coach

Itchel ran the workshop.

Itchel is an ELAC alumnus who now works with STAND to provide support for students struggling with mental health.

Students shared experiences with each other about school, interests and life circumstances they face on a daily basis while they painted.

The students said the workshop was the perfect way for them to de-stress, especially with finals right around the corner.

The workshop was open to all students. Some students attended because of STAND and others attended for fun with friends.

Student Anthony Rodriguez said, “I am usually in the Student Lounge because I can’t be picked up until the afternoon. So I usually come

here and that is how I found out about the event. I enjoy it.”

STAND participant Danni Telles said, “Everyone struggles with mental health, that is why these events are needed.”

Telles painted a beautiful Hello Kitty design on her rock. Her rock art is a representation of her love for Hello Kitty and a positive keepsake of the workshop.

STAND is a confidential wellness program that students can participate in on campus or remotely.

STAND is available online and students can easily access its services through a desktop, laptop, tablet or smartphone.

Participation in the program is free for most ELAC students.

Itchel became a STAND coach while she was still a student attending ELAC.

She went through rigorous training and became certified for the program.

“STAND launched during the pandemic where registrations were low,” says Itchel.

She said she attended classes in the South Gate campus and enjoyed the environment there.

She said she reached out to STAND to express her interest in outreach and giving back to her community, particularly at the South

Gate campus.

“I felt a lot of students didn’t know the program [then] because there wasn’t a lot of presence here in person,” said Itchel. She said once students were able to return to campus, she got offered the position at the Monterey Park location.

However, Itchel said her goal was to be at the South Gate campus.

“I thought, what better place to be where I feel these sources are needed.

“I love being with the students, talking to them and learning about what they share with me,” said Itchel.

As an ambassador, Itchel informs students about the program and lets them know what resources STAND offers.

Itchel said common questions students have asked are if they will qualify and what the process is like.

She said, “I encourage everyone to apply, regardless of status, whether you have insurance.”

Itchel provides support with troubleshooting.

She said an example of what she does is help participants troubleshoot their schedule to find time to complete the lessons provided by STAND when they feel they can’t find the time to do so.

“It’s a series of lessons that you get based on the survey. The longer ones are 8 weeks.

“Those are participants in the worry, depression, and sleep package. The lesson is the therapy itself. My job is just to support,” says Itchel.

Itchel’s space is located in the South Gate campus right across the Student Lounge.

She said students can always stop by and she can provide them with more information about about STAND resources and upcoming events.

“Most of the time students just want someone to listen and be there for them. I have skills I can use and offer support.

“Mental health is a struggle and everyone’s needs are different,” said Itchel.

In observance of Mental Health Awareness Month, STAND is hosting a Mental Health Fair today at the Monterey Campus, from 1:30-4 p.m.

They are offering information on services and resources to promote mental health and wellness.

Free food, giveaways and pet therapy will also be available.

The course will be taught by ELAC professor Julie Bernard.

“We are going to be going to some of the most famous archeological sites and students will have a chance to study anthropology up-close and hands-on,” Bernard said.

Bernard said the trip will focus on studying colonialism, culture identity and cultural preservation.

There will be daily lectures and guided visits throughout the area.

Students will get a chance to visit archeological sites including Monte Albàn and Guila Naquitz.

Monte Albàn is a world heritage site famous for its ruins.

on most evenings.

ELAC professor Norma Vega said this should not be a cause for concern.

“There are an abundance of places to eat cheaply in Oaxaca. [The state] is one of the biggest culinary sites in the world,” Vega said.

ELAC professor Lynn VogelZuidreg encouraged students to participate in the trip because there are a number of benefits.

In addition to earning credit while seeing the world, students have the opportunity to broaden their cultural intelligence.

“The more you travel, the more you can learn and the more you can grow into being a global citizen.”

“The more you travel, the more you can learn and the more you can grow into being a global citizen,” Vogel-Zuidreg said. Students who are interested in attending the trip must have a valid passport. Since getting or renewing a passport can take time, students are urged to take care of this as soon as possible. Of all the 3 traveling abroad options that ELAC offers, the Oaxaca trip is the one that generates the most interest.

Gula Naquitz is a cave that is known for being the earliest evidence for domestication of crops.

Students will also visit the village of Teotitlàn del Valle which is known for its population of artisans and weavers.

Students will have the opportunity to witness textilemaking firsthand and purchase crafts from the village’s people.

During the trip, students will be staying in a hostel located in Oaxaca City. Although breakfast and lunch will be provided everyday, students will be responsible for their dinner

“We are aiming to take at least 20 students on the trip,” ELAC professor Norma Vega said. Students don’t have to be an Anthropology major to go on the trip.

Everyone from all academic disciplines is invited to join.

Anyone who may be interested in attending the trip can contact Norma Vega and Lynn VogelZuidreg through email: vegan@elac.edu vogelzlc@elac.edu

For information about the course Anthropology 185, contact Professor Julie Bernard through email, bernarjl@elac.edu.

Painting used as a distraction before finals

Students took a moment away from studying for finals on May 18 to participate in a tote bag painting session hosted by the STAND program. STAND is a partnership between the Los Angeles County Department of Mental Health, UCLA and East Los Angeles College.

Free tote bags were available, including several tubes of acrylic paints in an array of colors.

All the necessary tools such as brushes, wax paper to mix colors and a cup of water to wash out the brushes were provided for students.

Nicole Mendoza, STAND student ambassador and coach, said that it is important for the students to, “have that moment for themselves.”

Mendoza said that painting a tote bag is a quick task, something that can be done while waiting for the next class or to just, “get out of your head.”

Lindsey Cisneros is one such student. She learned about the event from the ASU’s Instagram account and used the opportunity as a distraction from finals.

Cisneros is in the middle of finals for Photography, Kinesiology and Health and said that the workshop helped her relieve stress.

While painting the Dodger’s LA

logo on the side of the tote bag, Cisneros said that it was good to take some time to alleviate some of the pressures of finals.

Earlier this semester, Mendoza and others from STAND also hosted a rock-painting workshop; the painted rocks were passed around and placed all around ELAC. Mendoza said that events like these benefit the mental health of students.

Students who opt-in to the STAND program may be compensated up to $275.

For more information on the STAND program, visit https://www. stand.ucla.edu/elac.

CN/KIMBERLY CHINCHILLA held by the STAND program. The event was used as artistically. CN/STEVEN ADAMO GET CREATIVE—Students customize tote bags with acrylic paint during the STAND program’s “Paint a Tote Bag” workshop. LYNN VOGEL-ZUIDREG ELAC professor

Started as a clothing drive, now a club on campus

The East Los Angeles Colle ge Student Pop Up Closet is now its own individual club on campus.

The purpose of the Student Pop Up Closet is to service students who are at risk of basic needs and clothing insecurities. Students can take 10 pieces of clothing a day when the closet is open.

The Student Pop Up Closet was first created by the Sociology Club, but it has branched out since then.

ELAC Sociology professor

Renato Jimenez is one of the advisors who was heavily involved when the pop-up closet first made its debut.

Jimenez said his relationship with closet was hands on prior to the pandemic; he has now taken a step back and has let student founder Christopher Olivares and other students take over.

“I think the Student Pop Up closet being its own club is a great benefit. In terms of recognition and funding, it’s a great idea that it’s now its separate entity,” Jimenez said.

Jimenez said he is looking forward to the pop-up closet to continue to support the student body as well as an expansion in services.

The closet currently resides in the Learning Center, building E3-280. Right now the club has over 10 ambassadors who are actively involved. Olivares said he is in talks with the ELAC president to find a more permanent and spacious store front for the closet.

On March 21, the pop-up closet reached one year of being a resource to over 1,000 students.

Students who are looking to donate can come to the learning center and drop off items in a bin outside of the centers entryway.

SPACE NEEDED—One of the rooms in the Learning Center is currently being used as storage for the overflow donations that the Student Pop Up Closet has recieved.

“We receive at least 200 lbs. of donations a week, right now we [have] over 5,000 lbs. of clothes,” Olivares said.

Clothing offered includes women, men and children. Olivares said they are in dire need of more men’s clothing. Sometimes the closet gets donations of clothes that they aren’t able to use and instead they recycle them.

“We don’t throw any clothing away. We have a section of bins that we put clothing in to recycle and we use those clothes to make reusable shopping bags,” Olivares said.

Not only does the club offer free clothing to ELAC and South Gate Campus students, but they also provide free hygienic supplies. The club constantly works with other programs and clubs on campus such as the LGBTQ Pride Center,

ELAC alumnus takes on music

the Career Center and the Early Childhood Education Center.

Club ambassador Evelyn Toledo wants more students to take advantage of the free resources they provide.

“Not only do we promote our project, but we also make connections with other clubs on campus. Not many students know we have other free resources; we also help students get connected,” Toledo said.

One of the departments the pop-up closet works closely with is athletics. Back in March, the club decided to get together and feed the student athletes breakfast. Since then they have fed the athletics department once a month.

“The most needed area is the athletes. 42% of students who are at risk of not having funding for

clothing, food or even housing come from the athletics department,” Olivares said.

Club ambassador Michael Rabelero is in charge of promoting the club’s services in the athletics deparment and keeping their relationship strong. On June 19, the pop up closet will serve smoothies to the athletic department’s students.

Olivares said they will be opening up a volunteer application with guidelines. There are a few members of other clubs who come out to volunteer, but they would like to get more people involved.

Olivares said right now they are talking to a couple of non-profits to cosponsor and help with funding.

“The final goal for the closet is to turn into a program and eventually turn into a non-profit,” Olivares said.

Olivares said their plan as a non-profit will be to help other community colleges, universities and K-12 schools across the county and state to start their own closets and get the resources they need.

ELAC student Yanina Ramos came by the learning center to see what clothes she can pick up.

“The closet is very helpful, especially now that I’m in my clinical internship. Everything that I’m wearing right now, including the shoes are from the pop-up closet,” Ramos said.

During the upcoming fall the closet offer mending services. Students who have clothes that need to be mended can come into the Learning Center and get their clothes fixed.

“Anyone who feels hesitant to ask for help, feels like they’re in a

position where people will belittle them or look down upon them, I want students to get rid of those thoughts.

Sometimes all you need is a nice clean shirt to feel a little bit empowered. I encourage students who feel that way to go out and seek this support system,” Jimenez said.

Starting this week, the closet will be open, the ELAC main campus on Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursdays from 11 a.m.-3 p.m. until the end of July.

At the South Gate campus the closet is open Tuesday and Wednesday mornings plus Wednesday nights.

Olivares said he hopes they’re able to become more present at the South Gate Campus this upcoming fall and spring of 2024.

Born and raised in Southern California, ELAC alumnus Derrick Oliver, otherwise known as ILYFR, is making moves in the entertainment industry.

The former Husky was born in West Covina and raised in Baldwin Park where he played football and baseball in both cities as a kid.

Oliver said his parents wanted to keep him and his siblings out of trouble and kept them busy with a variety of sports.

He said his mother is Mexican and Indigenous Yaqui and his father is African American.

Oliver said his step-grandfather influenced his decision to attend ELAC.

His step-grandfather was a Vietnam war veteran and very involved in the community, including during the 1960s Civil Rights era.

Naturally, when Oliver’s brother Aaron began attending ELAC in 2006 after joining the baseball team, he tagged along.

Oliver said when he enrolled at ELAC, he studied theater and was involved in approximately 10 shows from 2007-2010.

He studied and acted under ELAC professor and director Kelly Hogan. He also represented ELAC at the Irene Ryan competition under ELAC Professor Rodney Lloyd Scott, which provides recognition, honor and financial assistance to outstanding student performers wishing to pursue further education in the field.

He said he grew up being cautious. Oliver said many kids in his neighborhood joined gangs, and many would grow up thinking it’s embarrassing to be afraid, but Oliver says it’s embarrassing to give in to others.

He said it takes more courage to walk away from the pressure of joining a gang.

However, despite growing up with both Black and brown cultures, Oliver was never fully accepted as all the way Black or all the way Latino.

He said he was looked at as Latino in Baldwin Park, but when he attended South Hills High School in West Covina, he was looked at as a Black man.

“I woke up to the elote man. Every single aspect of their lives is my life,” said Oliver about his Latino side.

“Being able to embrace that Black is Chicano, too. Black is Latino. If you really hate me for looking the way I do, all right. But, realize we are all connected,” Oliver said.

The musician, artist and director said he plans to get into film and change the narrative to help empower Black and Brown youth.

He has previously directed other artists’ music videos. Now, the independent artist aims to reach the youth of East Los Angeles through his music.

His debut song titled “East Los” is now available to stream. He collaborated with Marvin Delgado, a three-time platinum Grammy nominated enginner, for the song.

“East Los” has been gaining attention from radio stations such as Power 106, Real 92.3 and KDay 93.5. His song has also been played at Dodger stadium during a game. Oliver was even invited to perform the song at the Japan Music showcase in Hiroshima, Japan to represent Chicano culture.

“It’s cool to love. The core message I want to send out is to be you. I’m here to make a real change,” Oliver said.

Actor turned prop master expands skill set

Crystal Juarez shares her fun experience designing, creating props for the recent theater production

As a theater major, Crystal Juarez began taking classes to hone her skills as an actor in the college’s theater department. Her most recent acting role was as Sabina, the fast-talking and pessimistic maid in last month’s production of “The Skin of Our Teeth.”

Along the way, she has discovered new interests and explored the many different ways to contribute to a theater production.

In a theater production, a prop master is responsible for overseeing and contributing to the design and creation of decorative and functional props for a stage show.

Working as a lab student in the Props Practicum class, she has worked on props for past shows and watched as her friend Alexis Castro worked as prop master.

Juarez saw how much Castro enjoyed the position and the opportunity he had to be creative.

“Seeing how much fun he had with it and how you get to be so creative and find different ways [of] making props, it seemed so interesting to me,” Juarez said.

When the second show of the semester “The African Company Presents Richard III” had an opening for a prop master, Juarez decided to try it out.

Castro said Juarez was, “a bit shy to present her ideas at first, but after a while she gained confidence.”

Juarez echoed this statement by describing her inexperience in leadership roles. She said she found it challenging to take charge. She said she did not want to overstep but she also wanted to be assertive about her ideas.

Working with director Rodney Lloyd Scott she was given a lot of creative freedom. She sat through many rehearsals at the suggestion of Scott to try and figure out what props the actors needed to enrich the storyline and scenes.

She said she knew she wanted to create the prop posters herself.

These 8.5”X11” signs were used for a scene where an actor hangs them up to indicate the closing of the African Theater.

Juarez said she also trusted classmate Armando Aguilar knowing that they both had the drawing skills.

Aguilar was a graffiti artist growing up and specialized in lettering.

“I was mostly given artistic freedom with the [poster] … I thought a stamp [saying] ‘CLOSED!’ would add a nice touch,” Aguilar said.

Juarez originally thought the signs were only going to be used in one scene as tangible props. To her surprise, they were subtly projected all over the set.

Creating another one of her favorite props, the percussion bongos, was a different kind of challenge.

The two wooden bongos came from Juarez’s own personal collection. The challenge here was building a holder that the actor could wear.

She said after trying many different suggestions from classmates, she decided to go with an idea she had from the beginning.

She said she built the holder from wood and muslin by sewing and using staples and then painting it

brown and it worked.

Juarez said she liked that the decoration on the bongos matched some of the makeup designs in the show.

The character using the bongos was the illiterate Papa Shakespeare, played by Peter Lopez Bolanos. He has a heavy Jamaican accent and finds it difficult to communicate. The way he expresses himself is through his bongos.

Juarez said she had to teach Bolaños how to play the drums, telling him to hit the rim for the right sound.

She said she wants people to realize all of the many creators that work really hard to design and build the world that plays exist in.

“When people come [to] watch plays there needs to be more recognition for the things that nobody ever notices but was probably a giant challenge for people, for something you see on stage for two seconds.

“It’s a lot more than just acting,” Juarez said.

Juarez said she still wants to be an actor but now realizes she has a portfolio of work in other areas of the theater.

Juarez said it has opened up more job opportunities, so if she doesn’t land the acting roles in shows she wants to be a part of, then she can still contribute in other ways.

CN/ANNETTE QUIJADA CN/ANNETTE QUIJADA CN/BRENDA DE LA CRUZ MEET ME DOWN IN EAST LOS—Former ELAC student Derrick Oliver, revisits college to talk about his new song, “East Los.” CN/TERESA ACOSTA PROP MASTER—Crystal Juarez shows the two posters that she and fellow classmate Armando Aguilar created for the recent theater show.
has new summer hours, Tuesday-Thursdays from 11 a.m.-3 p.m.
CN/TERESA ACOSTA BOOM BOOM—These two bongos were bought for $2 at dd’s Discounts. The holster was designed and built specifically for “The African Company Presents Richard III.”

IT’S COMPLICATED—While undercover, special ops agent Adam Franco (Alban Lenoir) protects the son of the crime boss he intends to take down.


Dance show a joy for audience


Aaron, Jolene Abeyta, Christian Acevez, Justine Duenes, Julie Ear, Ruby Flores, Robert Huerta, Jenny Ning Jones, Crystal Ramos, Andres Segura, Aria Valdez and Cat Vaderveen dance to “Country Grammar,” by Nelly in the final performance of the night.

French thriller delivers no-nonsense action film

Staff Writer

“AKA” (2023) is an actionpacked French thriller film that feels eerily similar to John Wick.

It is perhaps one of the best action films ever created and certainly of the last few years.

There are no wasted scenes as each scene connects to the plot or leads to the lore of Adam Franco (Alban Lenoir).

There are suspenseful car chase scenes, club fights and gunfights in broad daylight.

This film has every type of action scene imaginable. Lenoir is no stranger to action movies as he also starred in the well-renowned “Lost Bullet” series.

To call Lenoir’s acting brilliant would be an understatement. Lenoir has the look and charisma made to play in an action film.

He has a menacing angry scowl that leaves his enemies shaken when they come into contact. He plays the no-nonsense badass role to a tee.

Franco must go to great lengths to get close to his target, actually befriending and cooperating with his target crew.

Franco has to play the undercover cop role and infiltrate Victor Pastore’s (Eric Cantona) crew from within. Patore’s crew are all no-nonsense guys that are willing to die for Pastore.

Franco is quickly able to earn the gang’s respect because of his no-nonsense and precision approach to every task.

Whether it be stopping a shooter on his own or hilariously taking a gun away from an enemy at pointblank range, he quickly rises the ranks among the gang.

The cinematography is brilliant. The camera angle during action

scenes showed the versatility of the fighting styles of Franco.

The best shot scene was during a bank heist gone wrong when a shoot-out erupts in broad daylight with ongoing traffic, creating the perfect chaotic scene.

The lack of sunshine felt fitting for the film as it was always gloomy and had a tense feeling throughout the film.

There was a lack of music that’s noticeable but the action scenes might make the viewers forget about it.

There aren’t unnecessary and mindless fighting scenes. They all serve a purpose in building up Lenoir to his ultimate goal of capturing Pastore.

The film has enough twists and turns that will keep the audience engaged, like some unexpected deaths.

That’s what differentiates this action thriller, viewers won’t be able to guess what happens next.

What makes the movie dynamic is while infiltrating the crime syndicate, Lenoir took a liking to Pastore’s son, Jonathan (Noé Chabbat).

Franco took a liking to him as he saw a lot of similarities between them when he was younger. This just adds to the tension because it leaves the audience wondering if he will fulfill his duty or protect his enemy’s son.

The East Los Angeles College Dance Department’s Spring Showcase on Friday demonstrated the student performers’ talent and hard work.

The dance department held its Spring Showcase at the Performing and Fine Arts Complex and S2 Recital Hall.

The student performers showcased various styles of dance throughout the 14 performances of the evening. Kimberly Rabins, Kirsten Reutimann and Kristina Urteaga choreographed the majority of the dances.

The performances began outdoors with a courtyard presentation. Students demonstrated the dance technique and skills they worked on during their spring semester dance courses.

It featured a ballet technique plie combination, conditioning for dance combinations, hip-hop dance techniques and warm-up, and salsa movements.

Attendees then moved indoors to the recital hall for the dance showcase. The audience was full of supporters.

The energy from the audience was felt during a dance choreographed by Rabins. The energetic and playful salsa routine to Celia Cruz’s music got members of the audience to clap along to the song’s beat as they cheered the dancers on.

The vibrant pink stage lighting added to the fun atmosphere. The facial expressions of the dancers captured the joyous mood.

The performances “Simple Complexity Part 5” and “Tipping Point” highlighted the dancers’ control and precision.

The dancers moved across the stage in a way that displayed their

conditioning. The movements were performed in different group dance sections.

Bella Macias and class assistant Robert Huerta took the stage and performed “Paranoia.” The dark red lighting set the mood for the intense piece.

They danced to the “Halloween” theme song mixed by Huerta and used flashlights as props. Macias and Huerta’s choreographed sharp movements added to the eerie ambiance of the recital hall.

Huerta also performed and choreographed a solo piece titled “Burned Bright” to music by Coldplay and Rihanna.

The dance showcase featured a lively and jumpy routine titled “Hop.” Irena Azaryan, Karen Barajas, Kristen De Four, and Kevin Montoya-Garza exhibited jazz dance techniques as they bounced to music by Natalie Cole.

Dances such as “Spinal Collective,” choreographed by Reutimann and “Adagio,” choreographed by Rabins, featured 15-16 dancers.

Throughout the evening, the performances allowed all the dancers to shine on stage.

The group walked onto the stage one final time in matching black and white tracksuits to close the show.

“Country Grammar” by Nelly played as the dancers embodied the fun essence of the song and performed a hip-hop-style routine. After hitting their final poses, the audience erupted into applause.

All the student performers of the evening lined up on stage and took their final bows.

The ELAC Dance Department is offering more dance courses in the fall. Students interested can visit www.elac.edu for more class information.

Standing ovation for recital student

The Music department held their end of the semester piano recital on Monday, where students showed off their piano skills to some of the most difficult songs made on the piano.

The main star of the night was Melody Feng as she played “Prelude, Op.34” by Dmitri Shostakovich.

Sounding very difficult to play, with a lot of different chord progressions and big bass from the primary keys, Feng played with ease and made the melody seem simplistic.

A standing ovation was what Feng received at the end of her part.

This time around the student recital was shorter than last semester but was a grand spectacle.

The student recital focuses on grandiose pieces of important piano history.

To kick off the recital, Andrew De Santos played Stephen Heller’s “Avalanche, Op. 45,” a beautiful melody that consisted of a lot of finger technique.

Up next was Chiyoko Yamasato, who played two songs which were by far the most challenging to memorize from the listeners point of view.

Playing “Suite No.4” by Johann Sebastian Bach, Yamasato kept her composure throughout the entire song.


STUDENT RECITAL—Music students recieve standing ovation for their performances.

She was able to keep up with the tempo in which she was playing. The second song being “Fantasia in D minor” by Mozart.

D Minor is a very punchy tone to play in, the bass was the star of this song and Yamasato played it to perfection.

A change of pace came when Dagoberto Gonzalez performed “Sonata No.5” by L.V Beethoven.

The rest of the songs played were much more technical on the fingers, not many chord progressions being played, fast paced songs.

Gonzalez was very precise on the chord progression and made the bass sound very punchy after every chord played, a good balance for the audience to slow down and unwind

from everything that came before. The best pieces in piano history were played at the recital, but with a student twist. The students followed the notes and played it with such passion and emotion, giving their best performances.

This is the first of four more concerts that will take place this week until Tuesday. The events are free, with one starting at noon today, followed by another event at 5 p.m. On Friday, the symphonic band concert will begin at 8 p.m. and there will be a fee of $15, or $10 with student ID. The final event will be the jazz ensemble concert and take place Tuesday at 5 p.m.

There are few scenes that don’t involve Franco’s bloody face or his enemies.

There are certainly many films that have nonstop action, but they are often lacking an actual story and purpose behind the violence.

It feels like a running gag as each new scene Franco adds to his collection of scars, since he earns a new cut or bloody scar in most scenes.

Franco has a variety of fighting techniques like martial arts and kickboxing.

Perhaps his most awesome kill is when he chops a person in the neck with his two fingers without breaking a sweat.

Fans are often comparing Franco to John Wick. Both are seriousminded likable heroes that display their compassion and a wide range of fighting skills.

Throughout the film, Franco’s upbringing is slowly revealed and shows what made him the ruthless man he became.

He had a tough upbringing and made a decision early on to kill a politician that wasn’t convicted as a child molester.

Franco has the presence and overall feel to dominate any scene he’s in. It never feels like he’s overdoing it because he has great command. The only negative of the film is that not many actors get to shine.

It’s mostly just Franco, Pastore, Jonathan and a few of the higher-ups ordering Franco around. However, Franco does just enough to carry the film without him becoming overused.

“AKA” is rated TV-MA and has a runtime of two hours and two minutes. It is available to watch on Netflix.

CN/JANET GUERECA CN/JANET GUERECA SALSA STRUT—Christian Acevez, Ruby Flores, Robert Huerta, Jenny Ning Jones, Crystal Ramos, Evelynn Rodriguez, Andres Segura and Aria Valdez perform a salsa routine to “La Negra Tiene Tumbao” by Celia Cruz on stage during the Spring Showcase
MelodyFengrecievepraiseforherrendition of‘Prelude,P.45’byDmitriShostakovich
It is perhaps one of the best action films ever created and certainly of the last few years.

Student wrestler gains life lessons

Perseverance: Joshua Padilla competes in college despite near career-ending obstacles

Wrestler Joshua Padilla is building a legacy of discipline and heart to pass on to other athletes as a high school wrestling coach.

Padilla, 19, placed eighth in the California Community College Athletics Association Regional tournament last season.

“Despite how an outside person may perceive (wrestling), it’s actually a 90% mental game and a 10% physical game,” Padilla said.

He said the mental part is about staying disciplined in diet, training and, especially, mindset.

“With negative thoughts, you have to acknowledge them and let them go. With positive thoughts, you keep them and hold on to them,” Padilla said.

He said his motivation to excel as a wrestler and an English major is to inspire younger wrestlers as a coach one day.

“I find that how one words themself can really bring something out of a person... It is crucial as a coach to inspire and constantly motivate the wrestlers, so that they can be the best they can be,” Padilla said. His journey as a wrestler has been a character building one.

Padilla said he tore his meniscus while competing at the high school level, which adversely impacted his performance at the time.

He said this was soon followed by the COVID-19 shutdown which almost led him to quit wrestling once he became a college student.

Padilla said he decided to compete again in college because he hated the fact that he had not reached the level of success he could have while wrestling in high school.

“I was so disappointed in myself for not even getting far. I was embarrassed. I was resentful of myself in some aspects,”

Padilla said.

“So that’s why I’m here now, to prove that I am someone to be proud of. I am someone who can put in the hard work. I am someone that deserves this.”

Padilla said next season, “I want to place higher at tournaments, I want to break my opponents quicker, and I want to be the best I could possibly be in all areas. No matter the situation or circumstances, I will do better and I will be great.”

He said consistency is key for mastering the art of a wrestling move.

“When you reach that point, it’s as if you’re flawless. There’s nothing that can stop you because you’re just constantly flowing. It’s like water, and if there’s something blocking it, it will go around,” Padilla said.

Padilla has adopted this approach to his whole life.

“I have fallen in love with being alive no matter the circumstances. I would rather feel the pain of discipline than the pain of regret,” Padilla said.

Padilla doesn’t improve his performance alone; he listens and builds from the support of teammates, coaches and his older

Track athlete completes successful season

Marbella Flores, a runner on the track and field and cross country teams had an outstanding season and made it to the Southern California Regional Finals.

Led by Coach Milton Browne, Flores and several other runners on the team were able to improve their times and qualify for state.

This season, Flores got a personal record in the 1500 meters and 5 kilometer races. Her personal record for the 1500 meters was 4:58 and for the 5K was 18:51.

Flores began running track in high school. In her senior year, she decided she wanted to participate at the college level.

Flores is currently majoring in psychology.

She said her biggest motivation this season has been her 11 year old sister, Paloma Flores.

“Her resilience and ability to stay laughing in the toughest times inspires me to have no limits and try my best always,” Flores said.

Before meets, Flores likes to prepare either by listening to hype music or getting a pep talk from her head coach.

Despite track and field being an individual sport, Flores said her teammates were always encouraging each other on race day and even at workouts.

“I could always count on hearing my teammate Sakura yell

at the top of her lungs if he wasn’t running, or my teammate Zuniga always motivating us during race week,” Flores said.

Flores feels every member of the team wanted to do their best and push others to do the same.

Flores will begin to prepare for cross country season this summer.

She plans to focus on strength training.

Flores wants to motivate young female athletes to make their own path and have confidence in themselves.

“Not everyone is going to believe that you will achieve big things. I think it is important to be your own biggest supporter and to remember that winners never quit,” Flores said.

Flores said Megan Rapinoe’s, professional soccer athlete, quote on her perspective of life inspires her. Rapione said, “Putting yourself out there is hard, but it’s so worth it. I don’t think anyone who has ever spoken out, or stood up or had a brave moment, has regretted it. It’s empowering and confidence building and inspiring. Not only to other people, but to yourself.”

brother. He embraces being a part of a community.

“If I was alone on this path, I honestly don’t know if I would enjoy wrestling as much as I do,” Padilla said.

He said the team is like a brotherhood with great chemistry. They hold each other accountable and motivated through their shared bond as friends and teammates.

“Those are the guys I want around when I’m going through tough times, moments when I’m exhausted and I don’t want to keep going,” Padilla said.

He said even though they don’t see each other as much during the off-season they’re still very close.

He said he’s proud of his teammates for the strides they’re making in and out of the wrestling room. One example is his teammate Devin Peries starting his own clothing brand “Go For the Kill.”

The previous season’s team captains, Peries and Troy Ortiz, said Padilla is one of the hardest workers in the wrestling room and a tough wrestler ready to put on a fight on the mat.

Head wrestling coach Miguel Soto said, “Padilla always has good energy. He always comes in pretty happy and ready to work.”

Assistant wrestling coach Jorge Guerrero said, “Padilla exemplifies what we’re trying to do. He represents what we’re trying to build here very well. He represents ELAC in a very good light.”

Padilla recipricates his coaches’ sentiments toward him.

“I could not have asked for better coaches. I can count on them to be there for me when I need them to, and I will always reciprocate that respect that we have for each other.

Both of my coaches want all of their wrestlers to succeed on and off the mat,” Padilla said.

An unofficial coach in Padilla’s athletic journey has been his older brother, Elijah. Elijah made it to the California Interscholastic Federation Masters tournament as a high school wrestler. He said Elijah helps him with everything from dieting, to reviewing, films of his wrestling matches to life.

“My older brother is so wise with everything… Without him I would not be here at all. He created me. I am the product of his teachings, his mental game and his discipline,” Padilla said. He said now he gets to be that same role model figure for his younger brother.

Padilla has not only taken up the torch as his younger brother’s mentor, but also mentors the Norwalk High School wrestling team.

He said he’s been coaching at Norwalk High School since Summer 2022.

“As of right now, I am coaching at Norwalk High School. I am grateful for the opportunity they have given me to grow not only as a coach, but as a wrestler and person,” Padilla said.

Husky runner falls short at State Championships

At the California Community College Athletic Association Track and Field State Championships, Fernando Valenzuela fell short of landing a spot on the final podium in the Men’s 400 Meter Dash.

Valenzuela crossed the finish line in last place with a time of 50.53 seconds, despite timing 2.76 seconds behind the first-place winner.

Milton Browne is Valenzuela’s coach in track and field.

“He was very disappointed in himself because he had very high expectations coming into the race. He attempts to put the most effort

out of every race he competes in,”

Browne said.

Even though Valenzuela’s final race of the season ended without a medal, he still impressed in many of his races throughout the entire season.

At the Arnie Robinson Invitational, Valenzuela won placing first in the Men’s 400 Meter Dash with a time of 48.54 seconds, keeping his undefeated streak alive.

Valenzuela also finished in the top 15 of the Men’s 200 Meter Dash at the invitational.

In the Men’s 400 Meter Dash that saw him qualify for the State Championship, Valenzuela finished fourth with a time of 48.63 seconds.

Valenzuela managed to beat out

the time that would automatically qualify him for the State Championship by 0.01 seconds. Valenzuela’s talent is a major reason he was able to make it to the State Championships. Browne said he feels there is a lot left for Valenzuela to learn.

“One of the things we’ve taught him is to be patient because he wants everything to happen so fast,” Browne said. Through determination and hard work, Valenzuela left it all on the track to make it to the very end of the season. Despite not finishing the season the way he hoped for, Valenzuela is still able to be proud of everything he accomplished.

‘Last Chace U’ earns Emmy nomination

The second season of Netflix’s “Last Chance U: Basketball”, featuring the men’s basketball team, was nominated for a Sports Emmy. This is the second time they have been nominated for Outstanding Serialized Sports Documentary Series.

Head Coach John Mosley was notified of the nomination, but due to the award show being held at Jazz at Lincoln Center in New York, neither the team nor Mosley were able to attend.

Mosley said he feels great that his players get to see and be a part of this, but ultimately says they will go on as athletes, whether they are

nominated or not.

They were nominated along with four other TV show series in the same section.

Although the season is currently over, Mosley still welcomes potential or aspiring athletes to reach out for a chance to try out for the team.

Interested athletes who would like to join the team can complete a form at https://www.elacathletics. com/recruits/Recruits.

Mosely has become very popular due to the Netflix series, gaining a good following of fans.

Anyone wanting to reach out for things such as speaking engagements, basketball camp or general inquiries can do so via his website coachjohnmosley.com.

Mosley is often asked to speak at

events, and although he says yes to some, his focus is on coaching and mentoring his team.

“Anything that’s in line, yes, but something other than coaching, no,” Mosley said.

The next event hosted by the men’s basketball team is the ELAC Summer Night Youth Basketball Camp.

The camp is open to girls and boys between the ages of 7-14 and will be held from June 19-22 at the men’s basketball gym from 5-9 p.m. In the past, this youth camp has seen 50-100 kids participate. The Sports Emmy Awards were held live Monday via https://watch. theemmys.tv/.

BREATHE IN & OUT— Joshua Padilla stretches before off season practice. CN/S. HENNESSY MACHADO-HILDAGO COURTESY OF MARBELLA FLORES MAKING STRIDES—Marbella Flores competes in the 5 kilometers event. COURTESY OF IMBD

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