Letters from CAMP Rehoboth, Vol. 28, No. 5

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HeART on a String Memorial Day






May 18, 2018 Volume 28, Number 5 camprehoboth.com

Inside This Issue

Speak Out and In Brief.............................................................. 4 CAMP Matters — My HeART on a String................................... 6 CAMP Out — I Haven’t Got a Spitting Chance.......................... 8 CAMP Feature — Adam Rippon ..............................................12 CAMP Stories — Hot and Bothered.......................................... 14 Millennial Times — Disconnected Together.............................16 President’s View...................................................................... 20 Straight Talk — Bettenroo: What’s in a Name?....................... 22 Membership: The Doctor is IN!............................................... 30 View Point — Praying Away the Perfidy.................................. 40 Volunteer Spotlight — Patricia and Russell Stiles................... 44 Out and Proud — Memorial Day, for ALL................................ 50 Women’s FEST — Sports Results ............................................ 60 CAMP Shots — Summer Countdown....................................... 64 Hear Me Out — Love at a Lorde Concert................................ 70 Eating Out — Houston-White Co............................................. 72 Q Puzzle — Undefinable Cynthia.............................................74 Around Town — Our Laughter Pilgrimage.............................. 78 It’s My Life — Kiss and Make Up............................................. 82 Out and About — Coco Steals Your Heart.............................. 84 How Come it’s Poodle Beach? ................................................91 Spotlight on the Arts ............................................................... 92 CAMP Arts — And We’re Off!................................................... 94 Booked Solid — The Rest of It................................................. 96 CAMP Dates — May 18-June 16.............................................104 Contributing to this issue: Murray Archibald, Sondra N. Arkin, Chris Azzopardi, Rich Barnett, Tony Burns, Stefani Deoul, Michael Thomas Ford, David Garrett, Fay Jacobs, Tricia Massella, Monica Parr, Eric Peterson, Glen Pruitt, Mary Beth Ramsey, Richard Rosendall, Jen Rubenstein, Terri Schlichenmeyer, James Adams Smith, Doug Yetter

On the cover

Cover illustration by Mary Beth Ramsey. Photo by Ethan Robertson on Unsplash.

Resources Serving Delaware’s Coastal Area ACLU of DE Lesbian & Gay Civil Rights Project .................................................. 302-654-3966 AIDS Delaware New Castle County.................................................................... 302-652-6776 AIDS Delaware Kent & Sussex County..................................................................... 302-226-3519 AIDS Hotline (Delaware statewide).................................................................... 800-422-0429 CAMP Chorus a program of the CAMP Rehoboth Community Center................ 302-227-5620 CAMP Rehoboth Community Center LGBT Community Service Organization ....... 302-227-5620 CAMPsafe AIDS Education & Prevention program of CAMP Rehoboth ............ 302-227-5620 Christiana Care HIV Wellness Clinic AIDS Support Services, Georgetown............ 302-933-3420 Christiana Care LGBTQ Health Initiatives TRodden@christianacare.org................ 302-733-1227 Delaware HIV Consortium HIV Treatment & Prevention, Statewide ................... 302-654-5471 Delaware Human Relations Commission Housing & Public Accomodation .......... 877-544-8626 Delaware Pride Community events, annual Pride Festival............................... 302-265-3020 Delaware Transgender Support Support for Trans Men & Women....................... 302-402-3033 Gay/Lesbian Alcoholics Anonymous Call for other schedules................................ 302-856-6452 Saturdays at 6 pm: Epworth Church, 19285 Holland Glade Rd. (Step Meeting) Saturdays at 7:30 pm: All Saint’s Church, 18 Olive Ave. (Step Meeting) Tuesdays at Noon: St. Peter’s Church, 211 Mulberry St., Lewes (Step Meeting) Thurdays at Noon: CAMP Rehoboth, 37 Baltimore Ave. (Open Discussion) Gay Men’s Support Group a program of the CAMP Rehoboth Community Center..........302-227-5620 LGBT Student Union University of DE, Newark.................................................... 302-831-8066 Lesbian Support Group a program of the CAMP Rehoboth Community Center...........302-227-5620 Letters from CAMP Rehoboth LGBT Magazine...................................................... 302-227-5620 National Alliance on Mental Illness of DE (NAMI)..................................................... 302-427-0787 PFLAG - Rehoboth 2nd Tuesday, Public Library, 111 Adams Ave., Lewes.......... 302-841-1339 SLAA and SAA — Thursdays at 7:30 pm............................................................. 302-745-7929 All Saint’s Church, 18 Olive Ave. (Church Hall-Lower Level), Rehoboth TransLiance of Delaware meets the 4th Sunday at 7 pm at MCC Church, 19369 Plantations Rd in Lewes.......Contact TransLiance@gmail.com


CAMP Rehoboth Mission Statement and Purpose CAMP Rehoboth is a nonprofit community service organization dedicated to creating a more positive environment in Rehoboth Beach and its related communities. We seek to promote cooperation and understanding among all people, as we work to build safe, inclusive communities with room for all. We seek to promote community well-being on all levels; to foster the development of community groups; to develop community space; to promote human and civil rights; to work against prejudice and discrimination; to lessen tensions among the community at large; and to help foster the economic growth of the area. We work toward these ends through activities such as the following: Fundraising for other organizations, such as AIDS service organizations, gay and lesbian community organizations, recycling programs, environmental projects, literacy training, and other ventures for the general betterment of the community. Networking resources and information by publishing a newsletter, and functioning as an alternative tourist bureau and information center. Promoting artistic expressions and creative thinking, and giving aid to artists and craftspeople with an emphasis on the works of lesbians and gay men. Education and outreach to the larger community, including sensitivity training seminars, and printed materials to promote positive images of gay and lesbian people and others. Promoting political awareness to build safe and inclusive community through voter information, education, and registration; and analysis of issues and candidates.

Letters 2 May 18, 2018

EDITOR IN CHIEF Murray Archibld INTERIM EDITOR Fay Jacobs DESIGN AND LAYOUT Tara Arjona, Mary Beth Ramsey ADVERTISING SALES MANAGER Tricia Massella ADMINISTRATIVE SUPPORT Monica Parr, Barb Ralph DISTRIBUTION Tom Craft, Corky Fitzpatrick REGULAR CONTRIBUTORS Murray Archibald, Rich Barnett, Tony Burns, Michael Ford, David Garrett, Stefani Deoul, Fay Jacobs, Tricia Massella, Monica Parr, Rich Rosendall, Terri Schlichenmeyer, Doug Yetter VOLUME 28, NUMBER 5 • MAY 18, 2018 Letters from CAMP Rehoboth is published 15 times per year, between February and Thanksgiving, as a program of CAMP Rehoboth Inc., a non-profit community service organization. CAMP Rehoboth seeks to create a more positive environment of cooperation and understanding among all people. Revenue generated by advertisements supports CAMP Rehoboth’s purpose as outlined in our mission statement. The inclusion or mention of any person, group, or business in Letters from CAMP Rehoboth does not, nor is it intended to in any way, indicate sexual orientation. The content of the columns are the views and opinions of the writers and may not indicate the position of CAMP Rehoboth, Inc. Letters from CAMP Rehoboth welcomes submissions. Email editor@camprehoboth.com. Photographs must be high resolution (300 dpi). Documents should be sent as attachments in Microsoft Word®. Deadline for submissions is two weeks prior to the issue release date.

PRESIDENT • Chris Beagle VICE PRESIDENT • Leslie Sinclair SECRETARY • Shelley Couch TREASURER • Natalie Moss, CPA AT-LARGE DIRECTORS Jane Blue, Max Dick, Mike DeFlavia, Kathy McGuiness, Jack Morrison, Glen Pruitt, Mark Purpura, Tara Sheldon, Kathy Wiz INTERIM EXECUTIVE DIRECTOR • Murray Archibald HEALTH PROGRAM DIRECTOR • Sal Seeley CAMP Rehoboth 37 Baltimore Avenue Rehoboth Beach, DE 19971 302-227-5620 • Fax 302-227-5604 e-mail: editor@camprehoboth.com www.camprehoboth.com CAMP Rehoboth, Inc. is tax-exempt under section 501(c)(3) of the United States Internal Revenue Code. Contributions to CAMP Rehoboth are considered charitable contributions for federal income tax purposes and may be deducted to the fullest extent of the law. A copy of our exemption document is available for public inspection. © 2018 by CAMP Rehoboth, Inc. All rights reserved by CAMP Rehoboth. No portion of this publication may be reproduced in any form without the prior written permission of the editor.

The Way I See It by Murray Archibald HELLO SUMMER 2018! THIS IS THE MEMORIAL DAY ISSUE OF LETTERS FROM CAMP Rehoboth. Just speaking those words aloud stirs up memories of the first few summers Steve and I spent sharing a beach house with friends in Rehoboth Beach 40 years ago. We came then for the same reason people come today—the beach, the Boardwalk, good friends, good food, and good times. Over all those years, the town has changed and attitudes about LGBTQ people have changed—but the essence of Rehoboth is still the same. It may take a little—okay, a lot—longer to get here on Route 1, but it’s still worth it. Every morning when I walk the dog down Rehoboth Avenue, I am thankful to live in this gentle, lovely little town. So welcome all—visitors and residents—to another summer season. The CAMP Rehoboth Community Center is open seven days a week. Stop by to pick up a copy of Letters, to volunteer or become a member, with questions, comments, or just to say hello.▽ IN EARLY MAY, I WAS WORKING AT MY DESK WHEN A PACKAGE ARRIVED FROM OUR US Representative Lisa Blount Rochester. Opening it, I was surprised to see a beautiful brass plaque with a copy of the page from the United States Congressional Record for April 10, 2018, that including a heartfelt and very moving Tribute to Steve Elkins. “Mr. Speaker, I rise today to commemorate the life of Steve Elkins, a civil rights pioneer, an advocate for our state’s LGBTQ community, and a decades-long fighter for hope and inclusivity for all Delaware families.” She went on to describe CAMP Rehoboth and the work the two of us did over the years. She ended her remarks with: “I will remember him for his loving and uplifting spirt and will do my part to ensure his legacy lives on.” And so will we!▽ THE CAMP REHOBOTH 2018 MEMBERSHIP DRIVE CONTINUES AS WE HEAD INTO THE summer season. Our membership provides amazing support for CAMP Rehoboth, so please take a look at Glen Pruitt’s article on page 30 of this issue. Glen reminds us all of the many ways that CAMP Rehoboth Health and Wellness Programs benefit the people of our community—and what a tremendous role our membership plays in making that possible. All membership levels are available on the CAMP Rehoboth website. Please renew or upgrade existing memberships, or sign-up to become a new member today!▽ DOES IT MAKE ME AN “OLD FOLK” IF I USE THE EXPRESSION “BACK IN THE DAY.” I SUSPECT it does. Oh well. Back in the day when we first started coming to Rehoboth, the season was clearly defined. We opened our beach houses on Memorial Day weekend, and turned the keys back in after our house closing party shortly after Labor Day weekend. Nowadays, the Rehoboth/Lewes area is busy all year long—and though CAMP Rehoboth too has events and activities all year long, summertime remains prime time for us. Look for details about all of our events and activities in these pages and at camprehoboth.com throughout the summer season, including: HeART on a String, the Gay Men’s Chorus Cabaret encore performance of It Takes Two, The Skivvies, the July 4th Pool Party, Bachelor Auction, Sundance Land and Sea Racing Festival, and Sundance 2018.▽ SUNDANCE CONTINUES TO BE CAMP REHOBOTH’S BIGGEST EVENT OF THE YEAR, AND WILL aways occupy a place in my heart. The first Sundance was a ten year anniversary party for Steve Elkins and me. This Labor Day weekend we will dance the Sundance for the 31st time. It would have been our 40th anniversary. This issue of Letters contains the first “teaser” ad for Sundance 2018, and we intend to make it a true celebration in memory of Steve—plus we are back home at the Rehoboth Beach Convention Center. The theme is: Sundance 2018: Rainbow XXXI—In the Name of Love. May it be a summer of love for all of us. Happy Memorial Day!▽ Letters 3 May 18, 2018

SpeakOut Ruth and I had to send a special thank you to Sal Seeley for providing us with such a wonderful bus trip to NYC yesterday! From start to finish, CAMP Rehoboth did a terrific job and we would go on any trip organized by you! The email, phone cards and even the snack bag were perfect. We were informed and updated throughout the entire process. And you were so kind and helpful letting me and my cane be the last off the bus!! It was great and again, another example of how many good things come out of your office! But the most important part of the day was us getting to see Boys In The Band on stage in New York. We saw the film (separately) in 1973 and it was a pivotal point in acknowledging a lifestyle choice for both of us. I remember sitting in that art house in Baltimore in 1973 weeping during the film and we were just three years from Stonewall then! It was such an important affirming moment for Ruth and I yesterday when all those gay actors walked out on stage and did the play about a film that helped change our life. Forty-five years later that thunderous applause at the end of the play with everyone on their feet clapping and yelling helped me realized that Michael’s plea at the end of the movie has actually and finally happened. So thanks again, Sal, for an all-around great day and for helping us get a great moment we won’t forget. Kathy Davison and Ruth Dickerson Lewes, Delaware

Letters 4 May 18, 2018

letters to letters

Help Keep Our Parks Clean On National Trails Day, Saturday June 2, the CAMP Rehoboth Outreach Program (CROP), will meet up with other volunteers to tidy up Cape Henlopen State Park. Work from 9-11:30 a.m. and then be treated to a picnic lunch. Email Debbie Woods at dmwoods54@hotmail. com to be part of the CROP Team. ▼

On the Road with Letters (and Steve) Diane Lusk of Ladies 2000 carried Letters from CAMP Rehoboth all the way to Russia—and specifically, the Letters with the late Steve Elkins on the cover. High res travel photos should be sent to Letters from CAMP Rehoboth at editor@ camprehoboth.com. ▼

Volunteers—­First Work, Then Play CAMP Rehoboth depended on 486 dedicated volunteers during the past year, and many of them came together to celebrate at the CAMP Rehoboth Volunteer Appreciation Party on April 29, organized by the Volunteer Development Committee. Shown here (from left) Jaye Laszczynski, Leslie Sinclair, Pat Catanzariti (committee chair), Donna Dolce, Dusty, Abshire, Angie CItrano. ▼


FEST Raffle Winner Gay Men’s Chorus Celebrates Luck Cabaret Encore! The CAMP Rehoboth Women’s FEST winner of the awesome Olivia Cruise “trip of a lifetime” to Italy, Greece, and Croatia is Terri King from Lancaster, Pensylvania. Terri is thrilled to be able to go on this fantastic trip in October and has a special word of thanks for CAMP Rehoboth Women’s FEST presenting (and very generous) sponsor Olivia Travel. Congrats, Terri! ▼

The GMCW cabaret show, It Takes Two, focuses on duets and the power of two— “things that go together”—in song and in life. Including songs, mostly duets, from shows such as Dear Evan Hansen, Into The Woods, and NBC’s Smash, the cabaret returns to the CAMP Rehoboth Community Center for two shows July 13 at 5 p.m. and 8 p.m. Tickets on the CAMP Rehoboth website. ▼

Nick Adams Joins The Skivvies in RB When The Skivvies make their Rehoboth debut this summer, special guest Nick Adams will be with them. Hot and handsome, and talented, Nick Adams has appeared in drag roles on Broadway in Priscilla Queen of the Desert and the Tony-winning revival of La Cage aux Folles. His other Broadway credits include A Chorus Line, Guys and Dolls and The Pirate Queen. A two-time Broadway.com Audience Choice Award winner, he hosted the Broadway.com video blog Muscles and Mascara. Tickets are available today for this sexy musical fun on June 30, at 8 p.m. at the Rehoboth Beach Convention Center. Visit the CAMP Rehoboth website to purchase tickets of The Skivvies.▼

Happy Memorial Day Weekend! Keep it Hassel Free and Play by the Rules As summer approaches, many ordinances in the City of Rehoboth Beach go back into effect. Dogs are not permitted on the beach or boardwalk at any time until September 30. Bikes are allowed on the boardwalk 5 a.m.-10 a.m. until September 15. Throw your shade with care: umbrellas with a circular shade no greater than 8’ and a central pole no higher than 7’6” are permitted. No tents other than small infant/kids types. No fire pits, open flames and cookery devices of any kind. As a reminder, smoking on the boardwalk and beach are prohibited, and the noise ordinance continues to be in effect. Alcohol is not permitted on the beach. Parking meters are in effect from May 26 until September 16 from 10 a.m. until midnight. Meter rates are $2/ hour. ▼ Letters 5 May 18, 2018

CAMPMatters by Murray Archibald

My HeART on a String The current art show in the CAMP Rehoboth Gallery features the work of 18 artists and is called HeART on a String. This show is different from our usual gallery shows in that all of the works are available to online bidders. HeART on a String is the brainchild of CAMP Rehoboth VP and Arts Coordinator Leslie Sinclair whose dedication to this task has energized our arts programing and improved the grants that help to make them possible.

heart on a string? Or have I gotten myself so tangled up in the string I can’t possibly extricate myself? As we head into Memorial Day weekend and the beginning of a new summer season, I suddenly, in a moment of clarity, understand that at every step of recovery along the way, I can choose to live in grief or to celebrate the powerful love that shaped my life and created this place we call home. My heart is on a string, but I know the other end is with

HeART on a String reminded me that I need to find time to create art—if for nothing more than to move me through the deep grief of losing my husband Steve. Right now I am standing in a place I have never been before. Though the walls around me are the same as always, and the view up and down the street is as unchanged as it was at this time last year. I am not. I see through eyes dulled by tears. I see colors muted by loss. And my heart? Is it broken? Is it floating out of my body like a balloon

Steve. And always will be. My heart is also with CAMP Rehoboth, for this was our life’s work—and the essence of CAMP Rehoboth is its foundational philosophy of creating a positive force in the world. With that in mind, my choices are easy. I may grieve, but I will not dwell in grief; I will mourn but not decorate my home in sackcloth and ashes. Creating positivity doesn’t mean we have to “put on a happy face”—or pretend that everything is alright even when it’s not. The kind of positive force behind CAMP

Letters 6 May 18, 2018

Rehoboth is deeper than that. It respects all people— and welcomes everyone. It celebrates diversity and creative thinking; it is respectful of our differences even when those differences are at odds with our own beliefs and opinions. We use “The Heart of the Community” as a vision for CAMP Rehoboth. Our divided nation needs that vision right now. When we founded CAMP Rehoboth, the idea of creating positive change by living out loud, neighbor to neighbor in our community,

seemed like it would work to us. There was pushback— sometimes from gay people afraid of losing their culture. Sounds familiar, doesn’t it? Bigotry, sexism, and homophobia all have their roots in fear—fear of losing power, fear of losing identity, fear of globalism, fear of change. We all struggle with that last one. Change hurts. And it magnifies grief, and loss, and pain. Out LGBTQ people are agents of change. We can’t help it. Our presence alone makes a statement to the world around us, and challenges each one of us to create positive change in whatever circumstances we find ourselves. Over the coming months and year, we will begin the next round of Strategic Planning for CAMP Rehoboth. I expect that, as in the past planning processes, we will very much be guided by our vision and our mission of working together to create safe and

inclusive communities for all—that we will continue to strive to be the heart of the community. I wouldn’t be at all surprised, however, if our concept of community continues to expand throughout the process and far beyond the boundary lines of Rehoboth Beach. Our work here has always been a matter of the heart. Time and time again, visitors have expressed awe to me at the remarkable openness that exists in Rehoboth Beach. We have a tendency here to lead with our hearts—to wear them on a string for all to see. The artist in me is always intrigued by the choices other artists make when interpreting a theme, or even by the words chosen for the name of a particular painting or photograph. Some reveal much. Others are wrapped in mystery. Sometimes we connect; sometimes we don’t.


We have a tendency here to lead with our hearts­­­—to wear them on a string for all to see.

All the photos on this page are from HeART on a String. I was also intrigued by some of the titles in the show for obvious reason: Storms Make Trees Grow Deeper Roots, Ridin’ the Storm Out, Our Hearts are Heavy, Sleep Softly Fallen Angel, and Peace. Yes, peace to all this Memorial Day weekend, and may we find healing and joy in the sunshine of another summer season in our dear Rehoboth Beach. ▼ Murray Archibald is an artist, CAMP Rehoboth Co-Founder, and longtime President of the CAMP Rehoboth Board of Directors. He is currently serving as CAMP Rehoboth Interim Executive Director and Editor in Chief of Letters from CAMP Rehoboth. Email Murray at murray@camprehoboth.com. Photos. (from left) Sleep Softly Fallen Angel by Michael Muller, Our Hearts are Heavy by Jeff Moore, and Storms Make Trees Grow Deeper Roots by Jane Duffy.


For information on how to become a CAMP Rehoboth Annual Sponsor, email info@camprehoboth.com, or contact Murray Archibald at 302-227-5620.

Letters 7 May 18, 2018

CAMPOut Fay’s Rehoboth Journal by Fay Jacobs

I Haven’t Got a Spitting Chance Okay, I’m about to spit into a tube and mail my saliva to Utah. While awaiting its arrival, I read that hidden in the output from As a result, many weeks from now, Ancestry.com is going to tell unsuspecting spitters might be information to nab a murderer, like me my genetic heritage. I don’t expect any surprises, as I’m pretty the solving of the “Golden State Killer case.” I don’t think I need sure I’m the product of Eastern European Jews who emigrated to worry about unearthing a family serial killer; serial scofflaws with the U.S. in the late 19th or early 20th century. unpaid NYC parking tickets, maybe. But I’m not sure. I know my mother’s parents came here as Likewise, I’ve been warned that my DNA could unearth children; I think my father’s parents were born here. I say I think, paternity surprises. It would be grand if my DNA tapped me because in the 1950s, 60s and even early 70s, when my family as Rothchild progeny but my luck I’d come up related to and I might have been discussing these things, nobody ever Bernie Madoff. talked about it. So the little box arrived, I signed on to Ancestry.com to register Assimilation was key, the past was past, and after World my collection tube and worked to produce a saliva sample. It’s not War II, many people wanted to distance themselves from their as easy as you’d think. I needed several tries to collect enough heritage, staying closeted, as it were. My father, an ad man on liquid. And, my spitting sounds were similar to what happens when New York’s Madison Avenue I see POTUS on TV. worked with many men who I also wondered if the sample changed their names to avoid remained tinged with happy Likewise, I’ve been warned that still-rampant anti-Semitism. My hour’s Grey Goose. Might it father did not change his name, inadvertently reveal my relation to my DNA could unearth paternity but neither he nor his parents Russian potato farmers? ever discussed a word about Nevertheless, I sealed up the surprises. It would be grand if my their heritage or history. tube and got it ready for mailing. DNA tapped me as Rothchild progeny On my mother’s side, I heard The final step in the process only two tales. The first was was checking the online box but my luck I’d come up related to how my mother, daughter of for “I consent to the collection Jewish immigrants, came to and processing of my DNA data Bernie Madoff. have the Irish maiden name and other sensitive Personal Kelsey. “When our family came Information as described above.” to this country, the immigration Puleeze. There really cannot clerk couldn’t pronounce my grandfather’s name Onakelski so be any sensitive personal information left for me to spill, having he scribbled “Kelsey” on the immigration form. That’s her story, written about my life on these pages for 23 years, publishing most and she stuck to it. of it in five books since 2004. What’s left to know? The second story surfaced years later, just before my Aunt As for the family tree Ancestry.com says I can fill out, the Marion, the last of her generation, passed away. I told her I’d just branch stops here. I can go back and add some ancestors, but visited Ellis Island, saying “I felt close to my roots.” She answered from this point forward it’s all Schnauzers, all the time. Although it’s “Didn’t you know dear, we came in illegally through Canada.” very possible that Windsor had a distant relative who fought for Nope, didn’t know. Seems I’m barely three generations removed the Germans in World War 1. from the DACA program. Now I just wait for the report about my ancestral origins, Like many people, I learned of the immigrant experience from ethnicity estimate and geographical sub-region details. Honestly, I movies, books, history class, and politics. The only personal thing think my choice of dining at Rosenfeld’s Deli or Lori’s Oy Vey Cafe on my father’s side was meeting my Great, Great Uncle Leo when a couple of times a week tells pretty much the same tale my saliva I was six. My dad pointed him out, noting “That’s Leo, he fought in sample will reveal. Here’s hoping I find a long-lost cousin in the World War I—on the wrong side.” I had no clue what he was talking deli business or better yet, an heir to the Stolichnya vodka fortune. about, but I pictured Uncle Leo on a horse, wearing one of those Meanwhile, I wait. Just the offspring of illegal immigrants, black helmets with the pointy brass thingie on top. paying my taxes and being the nemesis of the GOP. I could just So sadly, by the time genetics drove the popularity of spit. ▼ genealogy, there were no family elders left to question. So, two weeks ago Bonnie saw on ad on TV for Ancestry-dotcom, offering a sale on their spit-in-a-tube kits. Knowing how much Fay Jacobs is an author of five published memoirs. Her newest is Fried & Convicted: Rehoboth Beach Uncorked. As a humorist, she’s touring I love a bargain, Bonnie suggested I send away for the packet for with her show Aging Gracelessly: 50 Shades of Fay. the spit test. So I did. Letters 8 May 18, 2018

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Letters 10 May 18, 2018

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Letters 11 May 18, 2018

CAMPFeature by Chris Azzopardi

The World Swipes Right on Adam Rippon

America’s favorite out skater on finding his gay power, sex-inspired costumes and his post-Olympics clapback for Tinder ghosters. “Yes, this is an interview,” a schoolgirlgiggly Adam Rippon deadpans to fellow figure skater Charlie White who, naturally, is curious about the current topic of conversation: sex and harnesses, and how both come together to inspire his uniquely nontraditional collection of onice ensembles. Rippon is chatting while putting on his performance makeup in a locker room inside a Rhode Island arena, about to serve a graceful two-song solo during a Stars on Ice stop, “(Charlie is) like, ‘I’ve never done an interview like this before,’” Rippon tells me. “He said he’s never been honest and open.” Rippon takes a long, very “Adam Rippon for dramatic effect” pause, the kind you know and love if you’ve been obsessing over every fabulous, filterless turn of phrase our self-proclaimed “glamazon bitch” has turned: “You should try it out!” No kidding: The 28-year-old ice champion leads by example, proving with unapologetic defiance—he fiercely came at the vice president of the United States for his anti-gay rhetoric—and iconic Folsom elegance, like the S&M gear he wore during the Oscars this year, that being yourself can take you places. If you’re Rippon, who’s from Scranton, PA, it can take you to Pyeongchang, South Korea, where Rippon set fire to the ice during the 2018 Winter Olympics, becoming the first openly gay U.S. male athlete to win a (bronze) medal in a Winter Olympics. Rippon’s mere existence as a brazenly gay global inspiration with a tongue as sharp as the blades on his skates has been celebrated for his “faggy magic,” as coined by journalist Peter Moskowitz. And at a recent Stars on Ice show in Detroit, Michigan, he elicited the wildest applause from suburban moms to girl tweens and a squadron of genuinely proud queers. Reese Witherspoon loves him. So does Elmo. And like any good Letters 12 May 18, 2018

mother, Sally Field tried to set him up with her gay son. Rippon would make his Dancing with the Stars debut weeks after our call, slaying a vogueing cha-cha to RuPaul’s “Sissy That Walk.” But before he competed against Tonya Harding with partner Jenna Johnson during the ABC dance-off, the skater opened up about how booze kills his wit game and what he tells guys on Tinder who want a second chance with him and inspiring suicidal queer youth, all the while, being his irresistible self. That’s all you can really ask for—and, in Rippon’s case, want. You stood next to Britney Spears at the GLAAD Media Awards recently for a pic. I heard she liked the way you smelled. Yes, she did. It’s just, like, weird— you’ve seen somebody your whole entire life, and then you walk up to them and you’re like, “Oh, you’re real.” But she was really nice. We just congratulated her on her award and she was like, “You smell really nice,” and I was like, “Thank you so much, ’cause that’s so important to me.” And that night was special because gay Olympian Gus Kenworthy kissed you on stage. How exactly would you describe your relationship with Gus at this point? Umm (laughs), so, I mean, we’re just friends, obviously. His boyfriend was backstage laughing at him, and so he was just trying to be funny. Gus is a nut. But you’re so close. And both of you being gay Olympians, it seems you’ve really bonded. Oh, absolutely. We’re just like brothers. I guess brothers who kiss. But no, I love him, he’s so nice, and we’re very good friends. So, Dancing with the Stars: Can you even believe that you’re competing against Tonya Harding? (Sighs) Ah, I cannot. What is that like? It’s not a super big deal, but I think she’s got a lot going on, so I’m just

gonna let her do her own thing, probably. Probably best. You’ve met? I did meet her. She’s very pleasant. Team Tonya or Team Nancy? Well, I mean, Tonya tried to kill someone, so I’m Team Nancy, probably. Honestly think that’s probably the safe choice to make. I think it’s probably the right choice. What did you think of I, Tonya? I loved it. I thought Margot Robbie (who played Harding) was great. Amazing. Who would you cast as Adam in I, Adam? Well, Margot did so well, so maybe just Margot Robbie is a safe bet. Who inspires your on-ice style? The skating world inspires it a little bit, and then… you’re just gonna know that I’m trashy. I look at like, um, sex stuff and stuff people wear—harnesses and stuff— and the design is quite amazing. I will bring them to my costume designer and we will make them more appropriate for a competition. That harness you wore to the Oscars in March: Where is it? It’s in (fashion designer) Jeremy Scott’s office. The suit was by Moschino, and so it was from Jeremy’s office and he lent it to me. I’m obsessed with Jeremy. He’s amazing. Were you a sassy kid? I don’t think I realized how sassy I was till I was at the Olympics and people were like “Ahahaha, you’re so sassy” and then I was “Ahahaha… you think so?” And they’re like, “Oh yeah, you’re, like, SASSY.” And I was like, I just thought I was fresh. Like, “No—you’re sassy.” Oh. OK. Who inspires your sassiness? The person who inspires me to be sassy is my mom. So it’s in the blood. (Laughs) Yeah, it’s definitely in the blood. It’s something I can’t control. You

I don’t think I realized how sassy I was till I was at the Olympics and people were like “Ahahaha, you’re so sassy” and then I was “Ahahaha… you think so?”

know how you’re born—you sometimes have curly hair or blue eyes, and I have curly hair, but I don’t have blue eyes. But I also have my mom’s sassy attitude. Born this way. Born this way, for sure. Genetics. This wild ride: If you could relive any part of it, which part would that be? I don’t know, because I still feel like I’m in the middle of a wild ride. I haven’t had a moment to really be like, “This Olympics experience is over,” ’cause right now I’m still skating a bunch with Stars on Ice, and I think when I finally have a day off, I’ll be like, “Oh, wow, there’s a lot going on.” But I haven’t had a day off, which I actually think is amazing and great, and I’m trying to enjoy every single second. You have a new man, named JussiPekka Kajaala. He’s very good-looking. I do. He’s super cute, but more than that, he’s super nice and funny and everything that everybody should be. Before you met, what criteria did you have for a boyfriend? So, I’ve known him for a little over half a year, and really wasn’t looking for anybody. I mean, I was on Tinder for just fun. You know how if you’ve ever been on Tinder you swipe left and right and it basically turns into this game? Oh yeah, I have Tinder. So you know the game. It’s like the new Hot or Not. It’s absolutely that. So we just started chatting and basically I was looking for some—my criteria for a good boyfriend would be somebody who has passion. Passion is super important to me because no matter what you do, if you have passion for it, then that’s kind of what life is all about—that you have passion for something. I think that it’s important to stay motivated, to always want more for yourself— yeah. I’m being serious. Usually when I get asked this question, I’m like, a job, goes to the gym— which is also important. When you were on Tinder, how many people actually thought you were really Adam Rippon? I think when I was on Tinder nobody

really gave a shit that I was Adam Rippon. But I can tell you that everyone I’ve ever matched with who’s ghosted on me has messaged me since the Olympics. My favorite is, “Oh, it’s been a while. How ya doing?” And I’m like, “Bye.” You give them more than they deserve, honestly. Usually I don’t answer. Do you expect there will be a day when an openly gay figure skater can just be a figure skater? Yeah. And I think more than that, I hope there’s a day that an openly gay Olympian will just be an Olympian. But I think that right now it’s important to share your story. It’s important for everybody to share your story, especially in a day and age when an athlete can go to the Olympics and you can be like, oh, let me know a little bit more about that athlete. You go on their social media page, you know what their likes are, you know what they’re doing, you know where they are, you know what their interests are; you can just so easily find out information about everybody that I think it’s important to show the world who you are, what you stand for, and what’s important to you. For me, it’s not being gay that I share—I share my coming out because it was really liberating for me, and when I came out, when I was able to share that, that’s what I found so much power in. It wasn’t like, “Oh, I’m gay and I’m powerful”—which is, like, so true—but it was my coming out experience of when I started to really own who I was and that’s where I found a lot of power. I was always me, but I didn’t always own it. And when I owned it, that’s when I found that I was my strongest. Have you had any particularly moving exchanges with young queer fans? Yes. There have been many. I’ve run into a few young people who told me that they tried to kill themselves at one point, which is incredibly hard to hear, especially from really young kids. It’s incredibly bizarre to be thanked for just being who you are, and for someone to tell you that you really helped them. It’s

incredibly humbling, but I can tell you that I was not expecting that kind of response after the Olympics. Is there a responsibility or pressure on you to act or be a certain way because of that? No more than the way that I’ve been acting. Good. To end, which Golden Girl are you? Probably Blanche. Isn’t everyone Blanche? And I’m a little—OK, I’m mostly Dorothy. It’s the snark. It is the snark. ▼ Editor of Q Syndicate, the international LGBTQ wire service, Chris Azzopardi has interviewed a multitude of superstars, including Meryl Streep, Mariah Carey and Beyoncé. Reach him via his website at chris-azzopardi. com and on Twitter (@chrisazzopardi). Photo: Mitchell Haaseth/NBC. Letters 13 May 18, 2018

CAMPStories by Rich Barnett

Hot and Bothered I’ve always considered Memorial Day a bit of a schizophrenic holiday. Officially it commemorates men and women in the armed forces who died protecting the country. Unofficially, it kicks off the beginning of the summer season here in Rehoboth and elsewhere, even though the summer solstice doesn’t occur until June 21. Some people point to Memorial Day as that magical date whereupon it becomes socially acceptable to wear white clothing. Others say it’s the start of the grilling season or time to put away the brown liquors of winter and break out the clear liquors of summer. See what I mean about Memorial Day? It has multiple personalities and everyone is obsessing about something different. Here are five things that I’m obsessing about this Memorial Day. 1. Poodle Beach. Poodle Beach, that section of the beach at the southern end of the Boardwalk, has been a gay gathering spot since the 1970s. It got the name because two gay cousins used to sit there on the beach with their poodle dogs. (see more about this on page 91) Memorial Day weekend is nothing but raucous on Poodle. It’s like being in a Cadmus painting with all the fellas cruising and showing off their winter workouts, tacky wigs, and new summer Speedos. And yes, it’s perfectly fine to stare. If someone is bold enough to wear a blue wig or a white Speedo, they’re really asking you to take a look at the goods. Just don’t drool. Act nonchalant, as if you’ve seen it before. And speaking of drooling, I recommend some of you older poodles make sure that if you choose to sport a Speedo it doesn’t look like, ahem, a pair of Depends because nobody wants to stare at that… Now, I’ll offer a few words of wisdom to some of the young poodles. Alcohol is not permitted on the beach. I’ll repeat myself: alcohol is not permitted on the beach. But if you are going to break the rules at least be smart about it. Don’t bring glass. Don’t get shitfaced. And don’t go around flaunting your big ass vodka bottle. This ain’t the Jersey shore. 2. Shirtless Waiters and Shoes. The second thing I’m really looking forward to is the opening of Aqua. I’ve said it before but it’s worth repeating: Who doesn’t like to sip a cocktail al fresco, served up by a shirtless young waiter or bartender? At Aqua on Baltimore Avenue, everyone has his favorite. And I don’t mean cocktail. I hear AJ, Anthony, and Matt are coming back this summer, along with a new crop. Aqua is also bringing back VIP cards for preferred access and points on purchases. Speaking of going first class, I upgraded my shoe collection for summer evenings on the Aqua deck. Sure, it’s a casual place, but shoes still make the man, as one Philly patron who dishes out wonderful sartorial advice as if it were Novocain has reminded me. It cost me a pretty penny, but I hate to be on the receiving end of one of his disapproving Letters 14 May 18, 2018

glances, like the time he spotted duct tape covering up a hole on the bottom of my Gucci loafers. 3. Dancing Bears. I’m quite interested in visiting Diego’s Hideaway this Memorial Day. It’s replacing the Double L on Rehoboth Avenue beyond the traffic circle and over the little canal bridge. I’ve read the former owners of Dos Locos purchased it and plan to give it a little facelift. I’ve heard the back patio will have a more tropical feel and they’ll continue Man Dance, the popular Saturday night dance party. Thank goodness we’ll still get that great advertisement on the way into town. Word on the street says they’re also thinking about adding Philadelphia’s Bearlesque to the entertainment lineup. What’s Bearlesque you ask? Google it. It’s exactly what you think it is. 4. Drinking Pink. The fourth thing I’m looking forward to this Memorial Day is welcoming Rosé wine back into my glass. I know its fine to drink Rosé year-round, but doesn’t it just taste better in a pair of shorts and flip-flops? Rehoboth’s best selection of pink wine is unequivocally to be found at Bin 66 on Route One south of the big canal bridge. Owners Tom and Tom jumped on the Rosé bandwagon years ago and have since curated an amazing selection of pinks. In fact, I believe I heard they offer the largest Rosé selection in Delaware. Personally, I can’t wait to cruise; I mean, peruse the wine racks… 5. A Full Box. The fifth and final thing I’ll be obsessing over this holiday is planting my window boxes. I’m a devotee of the “thriller, filler, spiller” philosophy that puts a tall plant in the middle, mounding plants on the sides, and trailing plants flowing over the edges. This year’s color palette, I’ve already decided, will be yellow and white. It means sometime during the holiday weekend I’ll be paying a visit to Windsor’s out on Route One. Owner Jimmy Windsor has been putting his hands on the boxes of many a Rehoboth gardener over the years, and he’s always happy to help with your box. So there you have it. The list of things that have me all hot and bothered this Memorial Day holiday. Can’t wait. ▼ Rich Barnett is the author of The Discreet Charms of a Bourgeois Beach Town, and Fun with Dick and James.

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MILLENNIALTimes by James Adams Smith

Disconnected, Together: A Millennial (and Non-Millennial) Crisis This has happened too many times: I go out to eat with friends with The Rehoboth Writers Guild, continuing education classes (including the 50+ crowd) and after taking a bite of pasta, I at Del Tech Owens, free lectures and classes at Lewes Library, look up to notice just about everyone at the table on their chess clubs, outdoors clubs, volunteer organizations. The phones checking Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, Grindr, Growlr, options are endless. Scruff. Even playing video games. I think: maybe I should Quality over quantity. The quality of friendships is much check my phone, too. I wouldn’t want to feel out of place. more than important the number of friends. I have found that Then I think: hell no. maintaining a handful of close friendships is more valuable than Either we remain a sea of mere acquaintances. disconnected, together. Or we Small talk gets boring. The best put away our phones and talk evenings I’ve had were not spent The truth is, life can get very busy, like grownups. at loud dance parties, but with I hear a lot of folks a small group of friends having even at the beach. In this age, it complaining about what will meaningful conversation. become of these tech-addicted Inviting a friend to go on a would not be practical to completely youngsters, but isn’t this walk. We have many lovely trails unplug everything and live like happening to everyone? Have in the area: Cape Henlopen, we forgotten our basic social Prime Hook Wildlife Refuge, mountain hermits. But simply being skills? Our ability to connect? Redden Forest. Sometimes How do we end this alarming it’s nice to take a break from more mindful of our social and trend of digital isolation? obligations, leave the phones Easier said than done. I am a behind, and just walk. As technological habits may help us millennial. I am currently working, Hippocrates wrote, “walking is know when to connect (socially) and attending school, and caring for the best medicine.” an older relative. I’m so busy! The truth is, life can get disconnect (technologically). How can I find time to actually very busy, even at the beach. talk to people face-to-face? In this age, it would not be In a TED talk, psychologist practical to completely unplug Susan Pinker mentions an island in Italy with ten times as everything and live like mountain hermits. But simply being many centenarians as North America. What is their secret more mindful of our social and technological habits may to longevity? Not just diet and exercise, but strong personal help us know when to connect (socially) and disconnect connections, face-to-face interaction, conversation. After (technologically). The answer may be as simple as an oldwatching the video, I realized that remaining socially fashioned phone call to a pal or co-worker: “let’s grab a disconnected presents serious health risks. coffee. I want to hear all about you.” ▼ After doing some research and talking to a professor, I found some simple ways to put away the smart phone, break James Adams Smith works as an English tutor at Delaware Technical the ice, and reconnect with the human race: & Community College and is studying to become an occupational Talking to people who are different. Left, right, straight, therapist. You can reach him at JamesAdamsSmith@gmail.com. queer, theist, atheist, pagan. It doesn’t matter. Reaching out in a friendly way can help us better understand others and ourselves. We’re not so different, after all. Active listening. How often do you pretend to listen to a friend while actually thinking of what you will say next? Guilty! Active listening is the practice of being fully present and playing close attention to what someone is saying. Sometimes all people want is someone who will listen. Attending a social event, something you’ve never tried before. Tai Chi classes at CAMP Rehoboth, weekly “free writes”

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Letters 16 May 18, 2018

Letters 17 May 18, 2018



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Letters 18 May 18, 2018



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State Farm, Bloomington, IL Letters 19 May 18, 2018

President’s View With Memorial Day fast approaching, CAMP Rehoboth is gearing up for a remarkable summer here at the beach, filled with lots of fun, but also challenging work. For the CAMP Rehoboth Board of Directors, there is a large task before us. This summer we will be working hand-in-hand with our CAMP Rehoboth co-founder and now Interim Executive Director Murray Archibald, to ask ourselves how we move the organization forward at this pivotal moment. While the Board developed a Succession Plan several years ago, we hadn’t anticipated the unexpected loss of our co-founder and Executive Director, Steve Elkins. Like nonprofit organizations everywhere, we continually ask ourselves “What next?” Not only as a Board, but as an organization, and for that matter, as a community. Times change, and while both the community and CAMP Rehoboth have gained remarkable success in LGBT visibility, equal rights, and anti-discrimination laws and attitudes, continued vigilance and advocacy must remain to be top priorities. We are beginning to address what’s next for us in this current climate under changing circumstances. The Board is fully aware that two of our primary responsibilities are to ensure the organization is prepared and has a vision for the future. Led by a competent staff and hard-working Board, we’re ready to dig even deeper to ensure the longevity and success of the organization. As guardians of the community’s investment in CAMP Rehoboth, it is our duty to establish and maintain comprehensive strategic and succession planning. At the most basic level, outcomes from both are critical to ensuring the viability and sustainability of a well-run non-profit organization. Although this planning can be difficult, it is necessary for organizational growth and maturation. Combined with the talent and dedication of our staff, we are united in understanding the importance of making this a collaborative effort. Working together with Murray, we are committed to keeping CAMP Rehoboth the visible, vital, and thriving organization it is today—and growing it for the future.



by Chris Beagle

We will also seek guidance from outside consultants to assist us in our endeavor of moving CAMP Rehoboth forward and continuing to provide the community many programs and events. We will be certain to solicit input and feedback from our members and the entire community. With surveys and other feedback tools, we want to hear from all stakeholders. Keeping things on course and maintaining momentum will be priorities, but we will be careful to do so in measured and incremental ways. Rushing this process would be counterproductive and do an injustice to the organization that so many have helped to create, support and grow. Our intent is to continue to thoughtfully make the kinds of changes that puts CAMP Rehoboth in great shape for the future. And speaking of the future, one of our biggest assets is our Membership. In these early summer issues of Letters we launch our annual membership drive. The importance of membership is critical. I encourage you to read about our membership program, see the growing list of our dedicated members, and if you’re not already a member, learn how you can support us as a sustaining member of this community. Thank you to Board member Jane Blue and her Membership Committee, all volunteers, without whom we wouldn’t be able to do all that we do. They prove that “many hands make light work.” Over the next several months and issues of Letters, you’ll hear more about our progress as we write this next chapter together. We can never say it enough, and now more than ever, from myself, the staff and the CAMP Rehoboth Board, we sincerely thank all of you for your continued support. We each play an integral part in making CAMP Rehoboth the heart of the community. ▼ Chris Beagle is President of the CAMP Rehoboth Board of Directors and is a realtor at Berkshire Hathaway - Gallo Realty in Rehoboth Beach. He can be reached at christopherbeagle1@gmail.com.


Weddings | Baby Showers in d Bridal Showers | Birthday Parties s p i r e d Fo o Rehearsal Dinners | Beach Events Pig Roasts | Clam Bakes | Cocktail Parties & so much more! Letters 20 May 18, 2018


Susan Sokowski


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Letters 21 May 18, 2018

STRAIGHTTalk by David Garrett

Bettenroo: What’s in a Name? Truth be told, Lori Jacobs should not have answered that second Craigslist ad. Responding to a first ad for a drummer, she showed up at the designated address, a house where she was meeting strangers, and she was instructed to make her way to the basement. A few red flags should have been raised. However, whether by innocence or a high level of trust in other people, Lori continued to the basement to audition as a drummer in a band, per the Craigslist ad. There were several men waiting for her in the basement, adorned with ZZ Top-style beards, possessing all their teeth. She sat at the drum set and began to audition. Nothing clicked, and Lori went home. The next Craigslist ad for a drummer was similar. “Drummer needed.” Lori took a deep breath and answered that one also. The second time was a charm. Waiting for Lori at this house was Anne Davey, along with a few other band members. Lori arrived, and in a twist of fate, picked up a guitar sitting nearby and began playing. Bettenroo was born. Once in a while in your lifetime you meet someone with whom things just click—in love and in music. This was the case with Anne and Lori initially, for music, then later in love. Bettenroo, a group with a catchy but somewhat mysterious name has been an alluring duo for six years now, with a healthy list of gigs committed for the 2018 season. The paths the musicians traveled to this point were diverse. Lori’s mother raised her without a father figure from age five. When she was twenty-one, she joined the Air Force, came out while in uniform, and served her term. She made her way to Vermont, where she was free to be herself. As she shared, “I could be out and it didn’t matter to anyone!” Lori eventually made her way back to her hometown of Allentown, PA, and was adamant she would not go back in the closet. Although raised in a more traditional household, Anne also saw her mother as also a strong influence. Living straight for most of her life in the metropolis of Philadelphia, Anne had an awakening a year into her time with Bettenroo. She found true love with her music partner and new soulmate, Lori. That their mothers were such inspirations to both of them is evidenced by the name “Bettenroo,” a combination of Anne’s mother Betty and Lori’s mother LaRue. Bettenroo is a tribute to both their mothers. When Bettenroo plays, the audience is engaged and enraptured by the precise harmonies that meld together as one voice. Anne and Lori have, as Lori so well understated, a “vocal connection.” Each time they perform, Anne and Lori have no defined set list. From cover rock to original songs, they “go with the flow” as they interact with audiences and adjust their Letters 22 May 18, 2018

from left, Marti Garrett, Lori Jacobs, Anne Davey, and David Garrett. song selections on the spot. It’s a sign of a confident duo, two singers/performers who know themselves and each other. And their inspiration comes from many places. Matthew Tremaine was a man who died at age 43, following a difficult bout with aggressive melanoma. After Matthew’s death, his sister Kris sent her good friend Lori lyrics for a song and asked if Bettenroo could put them to music. The words invoke the image of Matthew singing to his wife. This was a very personal request, holding Anne and Lori to an incredible task. The song that resulted is their free-flowing “If the Day Ever Comes.” Here are some of the lyrics. If the day ever comes when I lose all my strength Too wrung out to whisper, too weary to think Through thick and thin a lifetime of love I’ll stay with you baby, no matter the lengths CHORUS: Know in your heart, that I loved you so Know it’s okay, baby, just let me go, let me go If the day ever comes. Have a room filled with stories and laughter and song A celebration of life all evening long I won’t forget you, will you forget me Keep me there in your heart and there I will be If the day ever comes Anne and Lori are gentle souls. They laugh together and enjoy the company of all who want to savor life. Their lives are on display in the lyrics of the songs they have recorded on their first CD, Live Out Loud. A second is in the works. If you are not familiar with Bettenroo, you may find them on their website, bettenroo.com. Look over the schedule and plan an enjoyable evening out listening to the smooth voices of the Bettenroo duo. The last line of their song “Souls Collide” are No words exist to help describe the depth of every kiss. Now who can argue with that? ▼ David Garrett is a straight advocate for equality and inclusion. He is also the proud father of an adult transdaughter.

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June 30, 2018 | 8:00pm

For tickets: camprehoboth.com


THE SKIVVIES - a “stripped down” musical performance of Lauren Molina and Nick Cearley with special guest Nick Adams (A Chorus Line, Guys and Dolls, La Cage aux Folles, Priscilla, Queen of the Desert, and more!). Letters 23 May 18, 2018

Letters 24 May 18, 2018

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Letters 25 May 18, 2018


pete shows his guests thaddeus, gordon, and cyd how to enjoy some sunshine at the beach. FUN FACT Though known simply as “Pete,” this fluffy Bichon Frise’s full name is 04 Pete’s Sake. He is the unofficial CAMP Rehoboth mascot, and claims to have worked on every single issue of Letters for the last 14 years—side by side with his Daddies. Interested in having your critter featured in Letters from CAMP Rehoboth? Send a high resolution picture (300 dpi) along with their name(s) and one fun fact to editor@ camprehoboth.com. Our roaming photographer will also take photos in the courtyard all summer long.


Letters 26 May 18, 2018


SUNDANCE2018 RAINBOW XXXI Labor Day Weekend Sponsorships and tickets available at camprehoboth.com beginning May 21

Letters 27 May 18, 2018

Dover, DE. Art at your doorstep. Letters 28 May 18, 2018

Aloft by Erica Loustau -

Follow the birds through three floors of the Biggs impressive collection.

Rembrandt’s Etchings States, Fakes, and Restrikes

Through July 8, 2018 For private tours contact Brent Mundt at bmundt@biggsmuseum.org Sponsored By

Letters 29 May 18, 2018


The Doctor is IN and It’s Sal by Glen Pruitt

For nearly two decades, the Health and Wellness Programs at CAMP Rehoboth have been the responsibility of Salvatore Seeley. Originally from New York State, Sal has called Rehoboth Beach his home for the past 19 years. He jokingly says he lives at the CAMP Rehoboth Community Center. Sal may be known for his manly moustache and hearty hugs, but there is much more to Sal Seeley than meets the eye. Sal, you have served as the Health Programs Director for eighteen years now. How has the community’s perception of HIV/AIDS changed over that time, and how has the CAMPsafe Program evolved to reflect that change? Sal: When we thought about an HIV/ AIDS diagnosis then, people considered it a death sentence. There were few options for treatment, other than taking 20 to 30 pills a day. AIDS Education was all condom-based. CAMPsafe was originally contracted to do outreach to visitors during the summer months. A seasonal worker would reach out to the beach house network, which was flourishing at the time, to get in touch with gay men and give them HIV/AIDS information and condoms. We would also distribute condoms in the bars and on the beach. Later, when rapid HIV testing became available and you didn’t have to be a phlebotomist to do testing, we started working with the Sussex County AIDS Council to provide HIV testing there once a week. Soon the data showed it was not only summer people coming to see us. The number of “men who have sex with men” was increasing in Sussex County, so there was a big push to expand our program to do more yearround activities. At the same time, the gay men’s health movement was starting to come into its own. The thought was to move beyond condom use and HIV prevention, and to focus on sexual health. Fortunately we had office space Letters 30 May 18, 2018

at CAMP Rehoboth to be able to offer sexual health counseling in a private setting. Because of your early work with the CAMPsafe program, many people in the community know you as “The Condom Guy.” How many condoms do you think you have given away over the past eighteen years? Sal: I figure we have given out over 260,000 condoms, and we have also given away 300,000 lube packets and an additional 100,000 safer sex packets. That’s a lot of condoms and lube! I know that it was making a difference, because I could go into the bars and see the condom jars that were full one week would be empty the next week. Of course, I didn’t count the one time when I was multi-tasking, and I put a bucket of 150 condom packets on the roof of my car. I sped off and left a trail of condom packets all over Baltimore Avenue! Your nickname “The Condom Guy” does not do you justice. You have a Master’s Degree in Social Work from the University of Maryland, and in 2006 you earned your doctorate in Human Sexuality. We should be calling you Doctor Condom Guy! How do you use your advanced degrees in the work you do at CAMP Rehoboth now? Sal: (laughing) I am also called “The Condom Fairy,” which is fine by me. CAMP Rehoboth afforded me the opportunity to get my Master’s and Doctorate degrees, which enriches the work I do for our Health and Wellness Programs. People know that “we know our stuff here,” and we are often called upon to be part of research programs or to do presentations in the community. My degrees and my being a part of this agency for such a time legitimize my work. Plus I love learning! Who doesn’t like talking about human sexuality? The focus of your programs at CAMP Rehoboth has changed from disease prevention (particularly HIV/ AIDS) to being more about health and well-being. How has that changed the

CAMP Rehoboth Membership Dollars at WORK










types of activities that are offered by CAMP Rehoboth to the community? Sal: For the CAMPsafe Program, we have moved from an outreach model to a medical model. We now offer HIV testing in five different locations in Sussex County. In 2017, we did more than 800 HIV tests! Our goal is to help people be aware of their status, not just for HIV but also other sexually transmitted infections. We work with people to give them options, whether it is a medical intervention like Pre-Exposure Prophylaxis (PrEP) or doing other things to maintain their HIV negative status. If they are HIV-positive, we spend time to get them connected to medical care. With our other health programs, we moved beyond the HIV model to look at overall health. And it is not just men’s health issues, it’s about women’s health, straight, gay, bisexual, transgender. That’s the great thing about CAMP Rehoboth. We are an inclusive community. As Steve Elkins loved to say, our programs are available for everyone who needs help and walks through our doors. And they certainly must be walking through the doors! Besides serving 400 people through the Flu Shot Clinic and the Wellness Screening Days with Beebe Healthcare last year, CAMP Rehoboth added nine new health events and increased the number of its ongoing discussion groups from 18 to 22. More than 600 people benefited from these programs. Sal: Yes, we continue to see the need for different types of support groups. Our men’s group, formed in 2003, was our first attempt to address the overall health, and not just the sexual health, of our community. We continue to offer new groups when we are able. It is easier now that we have this beautiful facility here at CAMP Rehoboth. We also have a wonderful Grants Team—in particular, Rebecca Moscoso—who works to secure funding for additional health programs. Without that financial support, we would not have had the opportunity to offer programs like Tai Chi or our Silver Pride Program, or to bring in speakers to talk about fitness, and so on. We are being responsive to the community who said, “Okay, you’ve been doing Letters and HIV prevention work for a while now. What else can you bring to the community?” That was our challenge. That’s when we started looking at other community centers of similar size and nature, to get ideas about other ways to support the community. We were then inspired to start addressing lots of different health disparities experienced by the LGBTQ community. CAMP Rehoboth’s Membership Campaign this year asks the question, “What make CAMP Rehoboth good?” How would YOU answer that? Sal: At CAMP Rehoboth we are all here for each other, to support and nurture and promote LGBTQ issues and rights in our community. The mission of CAMP Rehoboth has always been about wellness, keeping ourselves healthy as individuals and as a community. Memberships keep CAMP Rehoboth healthy as an organization that keeps serving others. So please, join CAMP Rehoboth as a member or renew your membership this month by stopping by the office or visiting camprehoboth.com. Doctor’s orders! ▼ Glen Pruitt, a CAMP Rehoboth Board Member, currently does quality assurance work for non-profit organizations and government agencies. Letters 31 May 18, 2018


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CAMP Rehoboth, 37 Baltimore Avenue, Rehoboth Beach, DE 19971 March 2018 28 Letters9,32 May 18,Letters 2018

CAMP Rehoboth Membership 2018 PURPLE LEVEL Sondra N. Arkin* Aaron, Heather, Gia & Joe Book* Karen Brause & Kim Sheaffer Carol Bresler & Carolyn Billinghurst* Tony Burns* Edward Joseph Chrzanowski & Talmage Wesley Sykes Skip Dye & Steven King* The Robert V. Hauff & John F. Dreeland Foundation Randy Gross Window Treatments* Diane Huber Allen Jarmon & Ward Ellinger* James W. Johnson & Matthew H. Shepard* Christine Lay* Diane & Chris Martin* Richard Morgante & Edward McHale* Beth Pile & S.A. White* Mark Purpura* Jennifer Rubenstein & Diane Scobey* Rosemarie Schmidt & Carolyn Horn* Leonard Smith* Jennifer Walker & Mary Ann Veitch Renee & Steven Wright DMD PA*

INDIGO LEVEL Murray Archibald* Wesley Blickenstaff* Jane Blue & Louisa Watrel* Joe Brannen & John Klomp* Mark Bromley & David Salie* Tom Brown* Elizabeth Carl & Tori Hill* Pat Catanzariti & Carole Ramos* Richard Coss & Mike Hull Donna Davis & Gail Jackson* Lou Fiore & Jim Burke* Jim & Tom Flower* Gary Gajewski David & Marti Garrett Frederick Harke* Tom Holmes & Mario Rocha* Holly Horn & Kathleen Garrity* Claire Ippoliti* Maureen Keenan & Teri Dunbar* Jerry Kennedy & Robert Quinones* Russell Koerwer & Stephen Schreiber* Laurie Kuebler Curtis J. Leciejewski, DDS, PA* Stephen Manos* Norma Martin* Edward Miller & Edwin Hotaling* Thom Morris & Jim Slusher Natalie Moss & Evelyn Maurmeyer* Rick Mowery & Joe Conn* Tom Negran & Marc Anthony Worosilo* David Nelson & William McManus* John Newton & Mowry Spencer* Mark Niehaus & Brooks Honeycutt* Kathleen Nilles* Jeanine O’Donnell - State Farm* Gwen Osborne & Katie Handy/Signarama* Patrick Pearsall & Mitchell Reich Richard Perry Deborah Qualey & Karen Gustafson* Keith & John Riley-Spillane* Chris Rinaldi & Brian Powers* Mark Roush & Dave Banick* Gary Seiden*

George Shevlin & Jack Suwanlert* Evie Simmons & Barb Thompson* Leslie Sinclair & Debbie Woods* Diane Sweeney & Kelly Ballentine* Susan Tobin & Cathy Martinson Amanda & Deb Townsend Frank Vitrano* Brian Ward & Michael Smith Lana Warfield & Pamela Notarangelo* Karen West & Melissa Clement Ronald Wetzel & Nathan Hench Chris Yochim Karl Zoric & Mark Pipkin*

BLUE LEVEL Ronald Bass & George Robbins* Teresa Bolduc & Kim McGeown Andrew Byrd Richard Gamble & Paul Lindsey Linda Balatti & Shirley Gilmer* Sparky Jones & Lee Chrostowski Irene & Lou Katz Melissa & Amanda Kaufman* Nancy Kennedy & Tora Washington* Paul & Anne Michele Kuhns* Beau Bogan Foundation Porter-Gordon Family Carl Schloegel Michael Shaffer & Benjamin Wilson*

GREEN LEVEL Brenda Abell & Nancy Kettell Sharon Bembry & Lois Powell Alex Benjamin & Pete Grover* David Bower* David W. Briggs & John F. Benton* Stephen & Charles Campbell-King Jay Chalmers & John Potthast* Paul Christensen & Dennis Morgan* Beth Cohen & Fran Sneider* Don Corin & Tim Dillingham* Virginia Cubberley* Scott Davis & Chris Shaheen* Mike DeFlavia & Tony Sowers* Max Dick* Joe DiSalvo Maureen Dolan & Karen McGavin* Ann Evans* Cynthia Flynn & Deirdre Boyle* Gail Gormley* Perry Gottlieb & Tim White Richard Green & Asi Ohana* Wendy Grooms & Barbara Fishel* Wesley Hacker & David Block* David Hagelin & Andy Brangenberg Harris Holden Steve Hoult & Rick Bane* Ernie Johnson Jocelyn Kaplan & Idalie Adams* Amylynn Karnbach, One Day At A Time Gifts, LLC Linda Kemp* Deborah Kennedy & Beth Yocum* Jason LeBrun Nan Martino* Alice & Robert Mazur Susan Morrison* Dennis Neason & Steve Bendyna Don Peterson & Jeff Richman Keith Petrack & Michael Fetchko*

Anne Pikolas & Jean Charles* Stephen Pleskach* Gail Purcell & Sandy Kraft Sandy Roberts & Deirdre Duddy* Chris Rouchard* Scott Shaughnessy & John Hassell* William Snow & Richard Pagnotta* Dee Speck & Linda Kauffman* Joseph Steele & Chris Leady Angie Strano & Cindy Gruman David Streit & Scott Button David Theil & Ken Lanza* Lauren Thomas & Shelley Couch Terry Vick & Billy Pat Clamp J.P. Wickert Margaret Wilkins* Kathy Wiz & Muriel Hogan* Jon Worthington & Bryan Houlette Doug Yetter & Mark Horne Lisa Zimmerman*

YELLOW LEVEL Guy Abernathey* Ramona Albert Keith Anderson & Peter Bish* Mary Archibald Dale Aultman & Paul Gibbs* Jim Austin (Page Marketing Solutions)* Mike Ballenger & Martin Thomas Matthew Barager & Jeffrey Shores John Barbarulo Miriam Barton* Chris Beagle & Eric Engelhart* Gerry Beaulieu & Bill Fuchs Bud Beehler & Robert Schuster Wesley H. Bennett & Robert L. Marcinek* Kathleen Biggs & Maria Campos Boland Family - In Memory of Michael J. Kelly Nancy Bouse & Norma Morrison* Peninsula Gallery - Tony & Carol Boyd-Heron* John Brady David Brant & Greg Estes* Charlie Browne & Rod Cook* David Carder Kathy Casey & Jean Burgess* Kate Cauley & Pat Newcomb Bob Chambers* Jim Chupella & Jim Wigand Dottie Cirelli & Myrna Kelley* Betsy Cohen Gary Colangelo & Gerald Duvall* Coleen Collins & Berdi Price* Thomas Conway & Thoth Weeda* Mitch Crane & John Workman* Kay Creech & Sharon Still* Lewis & Greg Dawley-Becker Frank Dell’Aquila Marianne DeLorenzo & Linda Van de Wiele Fred DiBartolo & Steve Wood* Donna Dolce* Frank Dorn & Edward Schumacher* Kevin Doss & Arie Venema Ken Drerup & Jeff Eiselman* Albert Drulis & Scott Silber* Sandy Duncan & Maddy Ewald Susan Eig & Ellen Schiff* Alice Fagans & Ruth Ann Mattingly* John Farley & Dennis Wilson* Dee Farris Ellen Feinberg & Lesley Rogan*

Nancy Fisher & Diane Debus* Kathy & Corky Fitzpatrick* Monica Fleischmann & Lona Crist* Connie Fox John Furbush & Tom Feng Jill Gaumer LCSW* Susan Goudy* Bill Graff & Jeff Schuck* Ken Green & Joe Kearney* Michael Green & Robert Schwerdtfeger* John Hackett & Tom Newton Pete & Joanne Harrigan* Justin Herring Carol Holland - Holland Jewelers* John Holohan & William Ensminger* Larry Hooker* Caroline Huff & Brenda Robertson* Pete Jakubowski* Robert Jennings Philip Johnson* Thomas Jones & Scott Schamberger Bonnie Kirkland & Wanda Bair* Greg Kubiak & Joe Canter* Carol Lazzara & Sheila Maden* Monica Lewis & Ann Zimmerman* Frank Liptak & Joe Schnetzka* Patricia Magee & Anita Pettitt* David Mangler & Michael Thompson Jill Masterman & Tammy Jackson Michael McCarthy & Lars Kontz Kathleen McCormick & Elizabeth Fish* Kevin McGovern & Dan Schoch Mickie McManamon* Howard Menaker & Patrick Gossett* Ray Michener & Tom Carlson* Linda Miniscalco & Jeanne Drake* Gaylon Morris & Rick Kinsey* Jack Morrison & Bob Dobbs Kim Nelson & Lori Simmons* Robert Nowak & David Bergman* Fran O’Brien & David Gifford Maggie Ottato* Fulton National Bank* Denny Pintello & Coke Farmer* Jim Poole & Tim Link Tom Poor & Tom Bachmann Bin 66 Fine Wine* Roni Posner* Jim Pressler* Sam Profeta* Pierce Quinlan & Ginny Daly Joie Rake & Nan Flesher* Jay Raksin Barb Ralph* Nancy Ramundo & Jane Soreth Marty Rendon & John Cianciosi* Carolyn Robinson Gene Roe* Thomas Rose & Thomas Sechowicz* Lucien Rossignol & Tom Harris John Sabo & Alan Harmon* Betsy Schmidt & Beth Greenapple* Sheryl Schulte & Jeanne LaVigne* Douglas Sellers & Mark Eubanks Julia Senecoff & Juan Navia Marj Shannon* Marc Silverman & John Campbell Mary Ann Slinkman & Sharyn Santel Susan Soderberg & Terri King* John Michael Sophos & Miss Dot Sophos* Diane Sozio & Patricia Hutchinson* Mary Spencer & Kathy Lingo Letters 33 May 18, 2018

Libby Stiff & Bea Wagner* Russell & Patricia Stiles Caroline Stites & Elizabeth Coit* Lenny Stumpf & John B. Pitchford Brett Svensson & Bill Quinn Dust Doctors LLC Cal Weible & Daniel Halvorsen* Michael Weinert* John Wood & Mike Roob Tony Wright & Mary Jo Bennett* Jean Young* Larry Zeigler* John Zingo & Rick Johnson

ORANGE LEVEL Donna Adair Sade Ali Marge Amodei* Gwen Atwell & Marla Hoon Shannon & Sarah Avery Pamela Baker & Diane Dixson* Ronald Barisano Eric Barton & Greg Nagel Michael Beigay Jeri Berc Joel Berelson & Charles Maples* Deborah Bosick Linda Bova & Bridget Bauer/ The Sea Bova Associates* Chris Bowers* Michael Boyle & Greg Murphy* William Cross Foundation Wendy Bromfeld* Barry Bugg Ronald Butt & Steve Cannon* Jean Chlastawa & Susan Griesemer Steve Clayton & Brad Lentz Michael Clement & Mac Gardner* Charlie Codacovi* Mark Conheady & Mark Byrd Mary Conte & Deena Pers* Lois Cortese & Jill Stokes* Donald Crowl* Kenneth Currier & Mike Tyler* John D’Amico* Scott & Donna de Kuyper - Hotel Blue Robert Defendis & Ronald O. Dempsey Linda DeFeo* J. Lynne Dement & Lisa J. Snyder Tony DiMichele & Jeff Smith Karen & Frances Doctor Martin Durkin & Chetan Patel* Jeanne Embich* Fred Episcopo & Jim DiLalla* Gary Espinas & Daniel Sherlock Maureen Ewadinger* Karen Faber & TBD Jerry Filbin Sara Ford & Anne Donick* Jerry Gallucci & Conrad Welch Susan Gay & Jonathan Andrews Anne Geary Stephen Georgalas & Angelo Andreatos Ed Gmoch* Angela Grant & Zoe Fitzpatrick Deborah Grant & Carol Loewen Michele Grant & Michelle Meyers* James & Cody Greene Richard & Frances Grote Mary Anne Hoopes & Dianna Johnston John Hulse Norman Hunt & Robert Lane Mary Huntt & Angela Creager Jeff Hurdle & Brendan Walsh* Janet Idema & Patricia Higgins* Valerie Johns Letters 34 May 18, 2018

Ellis Kalmeyer Sharon Kanter & Cyndy Bennett* Marilyn Kates & Laura Glenn* Anne Kazak & Chris Coburn* Mark Kehoe* Maryl Kerley & Pat Sagat* Shawn Kingure Jay Kottoff & Mark Matey Rob & Jean Krapf Barbara Lang & Diane Grillo Leslie Ledogar & Marilyn Hewitt* Jen Leonard & Claire McCracken P. Lindsey - Straight Eights Car Club Jonathan & Karlyn Lokken* Dale & Sue Lomas* Cindy Lukenda & Mary Backstrom Michael Marion & DiMitri Guy* Marsha Mark & Judy Raynor Guy, Sorin and Summer Martin* Vicki Martina & Nancy Hewish* Marie Martinucci & Pam Kozey* Kathy & Steve McGuiness Kate McQueen James Mease & Philip Vehslage* Sherril Moon & Louise Montgomery Margaret Moore & Sheree Mixell* Dennis Murphy & James Tucker* Marie Murray & Deb Ward* Debbie & Frank Navecky Robert Neighbour & Andrew Dan Sandy Neverett & Pam Cranston* Pat Nickols Dan O’Flaherty & Mario Flores* Donna Ohle & Susan Gaggiotti* Judy Olsen & Joanne Kempton* Sandra Oropel & Linda Frese* Carolyn Ortwein & Ann Barry* Dotti Outland & Diane Mead* Rutland Paal & Robert Mittleman Sandra Pace & Barbara Passikoff* Steve Parker Ellen Passman Marilyn Pate & Dorothy Smith* Emilie Paternoster & Monica Parr Colleen Perry & Jane Kuhfuss* Russ Phipps & Stephen Jacobs Joanne Picone & Kathy Bostedo Peter Pizzolongo & Carlos Prugue* Lee Ann Porter Pat Powell Lisa Rabigi & Bea Vuocolo Thomas Ramsey Charlotte Reid & Polly Smale* Susan Reinagel Pat Renninger & Tammy Plumley* Judy Rosenstein & Elva Weininger* Deborah & Charles Ross* Katherine Sams* Richard Sargent Mark Saunders & Bob Thoman* Laurie Schneider & Margie Ripalda* Frank Schockley & Arthur Henry Craig Sencindiver & Gary Alexander* Troy Senter & Stacey Chan* Sue Shevlin & Ren Culp* Thrasher’s French Fries Christine Stanley & Joyce Rocko* Matthew Stensrud & Michael Cohen Greig Stewart & Jake Hudson* Robert Stoltzfus & Gerald Warhola* Brian Straka* Sandra Sullivan & Lorie Seaman* Gordon Tanner & Robert Patlan Tama Viola Don Wainwright & Tom Jamison* Rick Walen Community Bank Delaware*

Elizabeth Way & Dorothy Dougherty William Wheatley Ralph Wiest & Anthony Peraine* Terry Wise & Beth Shank* Sherri Wright & Dick Byrne* Joanne Yurik John Zakreski* Niki Zaldivar MD* Helaine Zinaman & Roselyn Abitbol*

BASIC COUPLE/FAMILY Beebe Medical Foundation Stephani Allison & Judith Gorra* Wanda Armwood & Illona Williams Jack Ay & James Krebsbach Gale & Jim Ayres June Baker & Marcella Townsend* Ruth Ball & Mary Ellen Jankowski* Romulus Barba & Dean Yanchulis* Michael Barnes & Scott O’Neill Brian & Susan Bartels Mike Behringer & Nelson Correa Sheryl Bender & Doreen DiLorenzo Suzanne Bennethum & Deborah Smith Norman Bennett Stephen & Michael Bennett Sherry Berman & Deb Hamilton* Christine Bielenda & Karen Feuchtenberger* Deb Bievenour & Susan Shollenberger Robin Bond & Leanna Johannes* Sheri & Carl Borrin Darice Bowles & Gerry Sue Davis* Brian Boyle & Larry Gee* Kelly Brennan & Susan McVey William Briganti & Gary Moore Diane Bruce & Annie Sorvillo Belinda Buras & Linda Simeone Geoffrey Burkhart & Bruce Williams Lyn Burleson & Sharon Werner* Mary Jean Burns & Novalyn Winfield Rob Burns & Cris Hamer* Randy Butt & Emerson Bramble* Debbie Cali & Maddie Cunningham Ingrid Callmann & Karen Askins* Leslie Calman & Jane Gruenebaum* John Carr & Billy Cox* Linda Chaney & Irene Lawlor* Helen Chang & Pat Avery Sherry & Bruce Chappelle Anthony Chiffolo & Rusty Hesse Dan Childers & Ted Hernandez* Tom Childers & John Hall* Curt Christensen & Ellen Heald* Ronnie Contreras & Brian Casey Bill Cooley & Ken Watkins, DVM* Richard Cooper & Vincent Saporito Lois Corson & Mary Murdoch Mary Costa & Kris Nygaard Martha & Richard Coyle Wendy Cramer & Carolyn Baranowski Thomas Crisp & Biff Piner Theresa-Ann Crivelli & Angela Murray Howard Cyr & Lynn Ashley* David Dagenais & Scott Strickler Marsha Davis & Bev Lesher* Kathy Davison & Ruth Dickerson* Linda Dean & Donna Whiteside* Scott Dechen & James Maino John & Richard Decore Claire Dente & Leslie Campo Karen DeSantis & Carol Brice Nancy DeToma & Meg Smith Glenda Diem & Linda Johnson Mary Dipietro & Wendy Schadt* Deb Dobransky & Ketty Bennett Andy Dorosky & Greg Oliver*

Debbie & Karen Dorris* Arlyce Dubbin & Kathleen Heintz* Susan Dube & Diana Patterson Deanna Duby & Carol Bruce Andrew & Bram Emily-Adkins Susan Farr & Joanne Pozzo Larry & Ro Fedorka Virginia Fessler & Chris Patton Jayne & Ro Fetterman Irene & Edward Fick* Joe Filipek & Larry Richardson* Mark Finkelstein & Michael Zeik Paul Finn & Joseph Porporino Metropolitan Community Church of Rehoboth* Gary Fisher & Josh Bushey James Fitzsimmons & Brian Burdelle David Flohr & Steven Kuschuck* Rick Freda & Michael Warns* Billiemichelle & Evelyn Friel* Neil Frock & Bob Harrison* Lorraine Gaasche & Jill Mayer* Frank Gainer & Ramon Santos* Lynn Gaites & Faye Koslow* Lisa Gaunt & Deborah Harrell* Joseph Gentile & Sal Cutrona Kathleen Gilroy & Rosanne Marroletti Jordan Gipple & Paul Weppner* Ron Glick & Tien Pham* Jamie Glidewell & Shelby Sears Bill Gordon & Ben Miller* Milton Gordon & Bill Hromnak* Mike Gordy & Ed Brubaker Anita Gossett & Ronnie Smith Amy Grace & Karen Blood Paul R. Grant & Marc Watrel John Grillone & Paul Schlear Jr* Mark & Sheldon Gruber-Lebowitz Marie & Ken Haag* Carolyn Haas & Debbie Williams Jay Haddock & Hector Torres* Siobhan Halmos & Beth McLean* Rodney Hamer & Jay Farrelly David Harrer & Floyd Kanagy* John & Mary Havrilla* John Hawkins & Silvia Ritchie Brook Hedge & Bonnie Osler Leslie Hegamaster & Jerry Stansberry* Mary Helms & George Beckerman* Edward Hendricks & Maria Ruiz-Hendricks Steve & Maria Hendricks Jeanette Herbert & Maureen Beaudoin Robert Holloran & Ed Davis Nancy Holmes & Lynn Hallard Brad Holsinger & Ed Moore/Mod Cottage* Tom Horvath & Pete Drake James Hospital & Jack Faaker Vance Hudgins & Denny Marcotte Ron Hughes & Ben Cross Batya Hyman & Belinda Cross Fay Jacobs & Bonnie Quesenberry* Robert Jasinski* Andrea & Steven Jaskulsky Sue Jernberg & Chris Hunt Chip Johnson & Joseph Lachac Dorsey Johnson & Kay Jernigan* Richard Jolly & Charles Ingersoll* Janet Gretchen Jones & Chris Cobb* Sue Jones & Dottie Stackhouse Nola Joyce & Brenda Eich Frank Jump & Vincenzo Aiosa Darleen Kahl & Susan Poteet Jana Kamminga & Niki Nicholson Daphne Kaplan & Steve Scheffer Sharon Kaplan & Pamela Everett* Denise Karas & Katherine Bishop Peter Keeble & Tom Best

Margaret Keefe & Dianne Conine* Ruth Keipp & Marilyn Mills John Kelly & Randy Sutphin* Ned Kesmodel & Matt Gaffney* Eleanor Kiesel & Bob Gingrich Ruth Kloetzli & Lisa Scholl Eric Korpon & Steven Haber* John Kort & Hung Lai Myra Kramer & John Hammett* Karen Kreiser & Beth Nevill Susan Kutliroff & Barbara Snyder Mathilda Laschenski & Kathy Heacock* Ruth Lauver & Judy Wetzel* Jon Leeking & Dieulifete Jean Edmund LeFevre & Keith Wiggs Marsha Levine & Susan Hamadock* Bill Lipsett & Eric Bolda George Long & Brian Johnson* Don Lund & Ed Noyalis* Wendy Maclay & Sheree Davis Duncan MacLellan & Glenn Reighart* Bernadette Maher & Cheryl Tarlecky Stephanie Manos & Reber Whitner* Robb Mapou & Mike Zufall Charles Marino & Alan Berman Diane Markey & Randi Snader Sam & Diane Markman Harold Marmon & Robert Hill* Bill Martin & Scott Freber* James Mastoris & Edward Chamberlain* Joe Matassino & Tim Murray John Matthews & Nick Polcini* Michael & Stephan Maybroda Kathleen McGinley & Diane Heydt Ellen McKeon & Kay Cummings Karen McNamara & Rebecca Della-Rodolfa* Alicia Mickenberg & Kathleen Fitzgerald Melissa Milar & Vicki Williamson Alicia Miller & Shawn Noel* Lisa & Alisha Miller Marilyn K. Miller & Candice Zientek Marvin Miller & Dan Kyle* Stan Mills & Marcia Maldeis* Joan Misencik Andrea Monetti & Karen Petermann* Teri Moore & Barb Kulbaba* Thomas Moore & Richard Bost Pearl Morris & Cindy Lins Rebecca Moscoso & Maggie Kilroy* Donna Mulder & Denise Delesio* Robbin Murray & De Raynes Kathleen Nagle & Susan Blazey James Newkirk & Leon Wilkowsky Chuck Oakes & Robert Dellanoce* Debbie O’Keeffe & Christine Fisher Lisa Orem & Debby Armstrong* Linda Palmer & Lana Lawrence Carol Patterson & Carol Hughes* Wesley & Connie Paulson Patricia Pawling & Jennifer Butz* Michelle Peeling & Wendy Adams* Thom Pemberton & Dean Donovan* Al Perez & Gary Kraft Marianne Perry & Jeanette Laszczynski Grace Pesikey & Janet Urdahl Peggy Phillips & Norma McGrady* William Pittman & William Marvin Claire Pompei & Dolores Yurkovic* Sue Potts & Karen Kohn Renata Price & Yona Zucker* Dusty Pruitt & Joanne Rhodes* Jean Rabian & Ralph Hackett* Elaine Raksis & Maxine Klane* Linda Rancourt & M. Sue Sandmeyer* Bill Rayman & Frank King* Carolyn Redmon & Nancy Allen* Lynne & Priscilla Reid

Ken Reilly & Tony Ghigi* Virginia Reime & Gene Tadlock Jeff Reinhart & Jack Miller* Thomas Resh & Jeffrey Meyers* Deborah Reuter & Deborah Bea* Sandie Riddell & Eileen Siner* John & Jane Robbert William Robbins & Gary Ralph Lori & Renee Rocheleau John & Susan Roehmer* Jeanne Rogers & Barbara Black* Debbie Ronemus & Peggy Sander* Barb Rowe & Pat Hansen* Kelly Sabol & Erin Reid Joe & Nancy Sakaduski* Cindy Sanders & Donna Smith Stephanie Savage & Jesse Enless Peter Schott & Jeffrey Davis* Trudy Schuyler & Jane Greenwell* Mona Schwartz & Joanne Tramposch Rich Schwarz & Bill Sarvey* Carol Scileppi & Valerie McNickol David Scuccimarra & Dorothy Fedorka* Clifton C. Seale & Charles A. Gilmore Michael Seifert & Harvey Holthaus Kelly Sheridan & Debra Quinton Terry Simon & Marcia Kass Joanne Sinsheimer & Margaret Beatty* Sandra Skidmore & Jonathan Handy* Harlan Joe Smith & Dustin Abshire* Robert & Andrea Smith Rosanne Smith & Brenda Butterfield* Sandra Sommerfield & Cindy Scott* Lorraine Stanish & Beverly Miller* Vanessa Stanley & Kristin Peters Vicky Starnes & John Ewald Allison Stine & Pete Jamieson David Svatos & Chris McMackin Matt Swalga & Bill Woody John Swift & Ron Bowman* Gail Tannenbaum & Wendy Walker Ronald Tate & Jacob Schiavo* Anne Tracy & Mary Gilligan Cheryll & Bill Trefzger Jeffrey Trunzo & Herman Goodyear* Abby Tschoepe & Pat Dunn Matt Turlinski & Jerry Sipes* Thomas Urban & Marc Samuels* Debra Van Dyke & Gussie Jones* James Vernicek & Jeff Daily* V. James Villareale & Dale Ebert* Scott Wagner & John Sohonage David Wall & Robert Houck* Barbara & Richard Warden Troy Watson & Dennis Wolfgang* Debbie Webber & Terry McQuaid Sue Weimer & Neilson Himelein* Kathy Weir & Lynn Finaldi* Steve White & Wayne Williamson* Thomas White & Robert Freeman* Sarah Whitney & Julie Edkin PJ Widerman & Vicki Sjolander Phil & Stephanie Wikes Lynn & Robert A. Wilson Stephanie Wingert & Carla Avery Carol Woodcock & Carol Lewis* Robert T. Wright & Jack Lim Marjorie Wuestner & Catherine Balsley* Jim Yiaski & Dave Gold* Jim Zeigler & Sam Deetz* Phyllis Zwarych & Sheila Chlanda*

BASIC INDIVIDUAL Jan Atwell Karen Beck Lisa Beske Peter Bezrucik* Thomas Biesiadny* Lorraine Biros Jason Blachek Carol Blair Eric Blondin/ State Farm Insurance Rehoboth Beach* Annabelle Boire Laura Borsdorf Beth Bozman Emerson Bramble Debora Brooke * Lyn Brown Marilyn Bryant Barbara Butta Cheryl Buxton Anonymous Linda Christenson* Terry Clark Nancy Commisso* Kathleen Compton Michael Decker* Stefani Deoul* Geri Dibiase Photography* Richard Dietz Lin Dixon Romana Dobbs Robert Donato Debra Doricchi Frances Doyle* Robin Duhadaway Sue Early* David Edelman W. Kay Ellis Bill Fanelli* Dent Farr Karen Ferguson Daniel Foskey John J. Foster Jr. Beebe Frazer* Phil Fretz Nina Galerstein Rehoboth Art League* Jerry Garmany Mindy Gasthalter* Joan Glass* Jane Godfrey* Lisa Graff* Charles Graham Kenneth Grier Steve Groh Carol Gross* Arnold H. Grossman* Michael Guerriere Mary Gunning Todd Hacker Sharon Hansen* Diane Hanson Pat Hauptman Janece Hausch* Gail Hecky* Matthew Hennesey Connie Holdridge* Penni Hope Kenneth Horn Frank Hornstein* Robert Hotes* Donald Howat Peggy Ann Hughes Sue Isaacs* Debbie Isser

Beverly S. Johnson Donna Johnson* Ken Johnson Jim Johnston D J Jones Rob Jones Tom Jones* Bob Kabel Alan Keffer* Donald Kelly* John Kennedy C. David Kimmel Matt King Daniel Kinsella* Deborah Knickerbocker Stephen Kopp Roger Kramer Marcia Kratz Nanette Lalime Nancy Lennon Kim Letke Barbara Lilien* Eleanor Lloyd & Celeste Beaupre Crystal Long Pat Loughlin* Dana Luigard Debbie Lupton Diane Lusk* P. Michael Lutz* Minda Lynch Scott Mackenzie Christopher Magaha* Loretta Mahan* Nancy Maihoff* Laura Mantz John & Lorraine Marino Kathy Martin Linda Martinak Lewis Maurer Jeffrey McGuire Marc Messner Jamie Middelton* Mike Morrison Catherine Murray Aina Nergaard-Nammack* Ronald Nicholls Konrad Noebel, MCAT, LMT* Susan O’Brien Richard O’Malley Julia Orza Kathy Osterholm Sharon Owens Peggy Paul* Beverly Peltz Arleen Pinkos Janice Pinto* Jo Pokorny* Glen C. Pruitt* Sarajane Quinn* Steve Ralls* Lewis Rathbone* Thomas Rebuck Joanna Reed Patricia Ridge Peter Rittenhouse Linda Roberts Peter Rosenstein* Joan Rubenstein* Herbert Russell Mary Ryan Rykard Family Margaret Salamon Lenore Savage Kim Schilpp Holly Schneider

Linda Schulte Carol Schwartz* John Scotti Nancy Bradley Seibert* Shirley Semple* Joanne Sheppard Jeffrey Slavin* Carol Smith Peg Smith* Tina Snapp Sandy Souder-Unity of Rehoboth Beach Catrina Stiller, LPCMH, NCC Terry Stinson Dr. Frederick C. Stoner Judy Stout* Michael Stover* Lois T. Strauss* Dave Thomas* David Tiburzio Adrienne & Kim Patricia Truitt Rose Wagner Marianne Walch* Robert Warmkessel* Jack Warren* Sharyn Warwick* PFLAG-Rehoboth Beach Davidson Watts Lisa Weidenbush KarIn Westermann Franklin Wilkins* Edward Williams Jim Williams* Bradley Wojno David Wolanski Linda Yingst Carol Zelenkowski* Lorraine Zellers * Names with an asterisk (*) have been members for five years or more Names in bold are new or upgraded members as of April 22, 2018

Letters 35 May 18, 2018

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BAY HARBOR - REHOBOTH Casually elegant 3BR/2.5BA ranch home with maple flooring, upscale cabinetry, 10’ ceilings & sideload garage. Perfect outdoor entertaining with patio, gazebo & fire pit. Rehoboth; $669,000.

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Summer Celebration Saturday, June 16, 2018 1:00 PM Sponsored by

Delaware Stonewall PAC

(formerly Barbara Gittings Delaware Stonewall Democrats)


Delaware State Representative Bryon Short CAMP Rehoboth Rigby’s Bar and Restaurant 404 Rehoboth Ave. Rehoboth Beach, DE 19971

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US Congresswoman Lisa Blunt Rochester Tickets - $50 ea

Order Online at :

Sponsorship Levels


Grand Benefactor - $500 (4 tkts incl)

Checks to:

Benefactor - $250 (2 tkts incl)

Delaware Stonewall PAC

Sponsor - $150 (1 tkt incl)

PO Box 1024 Rehoboth Beach, DE 19971

Questions: Contact Ed McHale at (302) 226-7666 or edmchale@hotmail.com Grand Benefactors



US Senator Tom Carper

Peter Schott & Jeffrey Davis

Mark Brainard Jr & Thomas Gil

Governor John Carney

Mitch Crane & John Workman

Tony & Cabby Flynn

Ed McHale & Rich Morgante

Scott Strickler Randy Reed Kathy McGuiness

Letters 37 May 18, 2018

Harrison House of Georgetown:



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Letters 38 May 18, 2018

Letters 39 May 18, 2018


by Richard J. Rosendall

Praying Away the Perfidy The spring rains were not strong enough to wash away the smell of corruption. Here are several short takes on the news. 1. Congress doesn’t have a prayer. Speaker Paul Ryan demanded the resignation of Reverend Patrick J. Conroy, the 60th House Chaplain, apparently for offering a prayer questioning the tax-cut bill out of concern for the poor. Conroy pushed back and has kept his job. But this raises the question of why there should be chaplains at all. Indeed, James Madison opposed paying them with public funds. The chaplain’s job, judging by Ryan, is not to challenge legislators but to

but Plato’s Symposium, which, unlike the SBC, recognized that some people’s “other half” is of the same gender. Pro tip: you can pray just as well from a place of safety. 3. Guilty, guilty, guilty. Bill Cosby’s money and past impersonation of “America’s Dad” finally failed to protect him. He was convicted on three counts related to drugging and raping Andrea Constand. In an unsealed deposition from 2005, he had admitted that he obtained drugs to sedate women he wanted to have sex with. Whether he is sentenced to 30 years or gets off on appeal, the entertainer and philanthropist will forever be remembered as a monster

It is a euphemism for male supremacy. Its true origin is not the Bible but Plato’s Symposium, which, unlike the SBC, recognized that some people’s “other half” is of the same gender. provide a thin veneer of piety to cover their rapacity, cruelty, and arrogance. Let them call Dial-a-Prayer and stop wasting our taxes. 2. Punching for patriarchy. Old comments keep coming back to haunt L. Paige Patterson, president of the Southwestern Baptist Theological Seminary and former president of the Southern Baptist Convention. In 2000, at a conference of the Council on Biblical Manhood and Womanhood, he boasted of having counseled a woman who was beaten by her husband to stay, submit to him, and pray for him. This stems from complementarity, which teaches that men and women were created for each other. It is a euphemism for male supremacy. Its true origin is not the Bible Letters 40 May 18, 2018

who used moral scolding of the poor to conceal his predations. One advance that may come from his case is the repeal of statutes of limitations for such crimes. 4. Grifter in the oil patch. Scott “Cone of Silence” Pruitt is so corrupt and destructive of the EPA that I believe he needs his bloated security detail. Like Paul Ryan saying the social safety net hurts the poor, Pruitt had the gall to say that killing pollution regs will help the environment. So go ahead, stay home on Election Day and choke. 5. Moon-Kim summit. The leaders of North and South Korea shook hands across their heavily armed border on April 26. This comes none too soon

considering that America’s president surrounds himself with men slavering for war. Keep in mind that Congress paid for its tax cut with a massive increase in military spending, which is like balancing your béarnaise sauce with a crème brûlée for dessert. The result will not just be a spike in national debt, but countless more in foreign dead missing from our casualty lists and war memorials. Do not stray far from the bathroom. 6. Survivor: Knowhere. If you doubted that the next Marvel movie could be as good as Black Panther, congratulations. Avengers: Infinity War appears to be in a contest to see how many actors can be wasted in one movie. My favorite moment came when the ten-year-old next to me yelled “You idiot!” at Benedict Cumberbatch. Central to the plot are six “infinity stones” that together convey the power to kill half the universe, which the villain wants to do because of food shortages or some such brutal excuse. The stones are what Alfred Hitchcock called a MacGuffin, an object that drives the story. MacGuffins were parodied endlessly over the decades when TV’s Doctor Who worried about the Sash of Rassilon and other artifacts getting into the wrong hands. Infinity War got into the wrong (screenwriters’) hands, though it is breaking box-office records. It is capably made. Film lovers deserve more. A grownup friend whispered, “We had a good run,” referring not to movie franchises but to America, which after 242 years is a theater full of hungry fans laughing at facile dialog. ▼ Richard J. Rosendall is a writer and activist who can be reached at rrosendall@me.com.

Letters 41 May 18, 2018

Letters 42 May 18, 2018

Letters 43 May 18, 2018

CAMPVolunteer Spotlight by Monica Parr

Patricia and Russell Stiles Patricia Stiles is originally from Hastings, Pennsylvania, has a BS in Education from Indiana University of Pennsylvania, and a MEd in Curriculum and Supervision from Penn State University. Patricia worked for 30 years in the Cambria Heights School District, teaching Reading and Literature at Cambria Heights Middle School, and directing Drama/Musical productions at Cambria Heights High, retiring in 2016. She acted and directed for Altoona Community Theatre, and served as Dialect/Accent Coach for many theatre productions. In addition to volunteering at CAMP Rehoboth, Patricia is a Board member of the Aspen Meadows HOA and on their Activity Committee. She also volunteers at Immanuel Shelter, and is a Mentor for Delaware Breast Cancer Coalition. When Patricia isn’t volunteering, she loves yoga, travel, reading, singing, and going to the theatre. Russell Stiles is from Cresson, Pennsylvania, has a BA in English Education from St. Francis University, and studied theatre at Penn State University. Russell retired in 2016 after a 30-year career as a teacher of acting, drama, and directing in the Hollidaysburg Area School District. He was also the Fine Arts Chairperson for the Hollidaysburg School District, founded the Hollidaysburg Area Repertory Players (HARP), and directed over 60 productions for the group. He has acted and directed at Altoona Community Theatre and directed for Things Unseen Theatre in Altoona. Patricia and Russell served as Teacher Leaders for student educational travel with American Council for International Studies (ACIS) for 25 years; accompanying more than a thousand students and adults on educational and service learning trips to over 10 countries Letters 44 May 18, 2018

in Europe, Central America, and Asia. Although they grew up just a few miles from each other, and had mutual friends, they did not meet until 1976. While living and working in Texas, Russell came back to Pennsylvania to visit family. He attended a local summer stock theatre production and was swept away by one of the leading actresses. Of course, it was Patricia. According to them, the time was not right, but six months later, when Russell returned home for good, they had a chance meeting. Russell wasted no time in acknowledging his love and respect of her vast acting talents. The rest is history! When did you start volunteering at CAMP Rehoboth? In 2016 when we moved to Rehoboth full-time. What events/activities have you been involved with as a volunteer? Patricia: The CAMP Chorus, CAMPcierge, Sundance, Block Party, Women’s FEST, CROP, and CAMPfire. Russell: Sundance, Block Party, CAMPcierge, directing the theatre shows at CAMP Rehoboth. Of the many events held by CAMP Rehoboth, which is your favorite? Patricia: The Block Party. It is such fun to see the entire community participating in this festive street event! The entertainment is always so good. Celebrating with CAMP Rehoboth members, other area residents, and visitors really demonstrates that Rehoboth has “room for all.” Russell: Producing and directing live theatre for the CAMP Rehoboth community. Name a childhood mentor or someone who influenced you while growing up. Patricia: My Aunt Bette, with whom I spent a great deal of time when I was

a child. She was very interested in theatre and travel. She was a teacher who loved the beach, and would take me to Wildwood, NJ in the summer; we would go together to see theatre productions, and then act them out with costumes she had in a trunk. She would bring me souvenirs from her travels, and encouraged me to “go places.” She would pick me up in her little convertible and we would just ride! I could not wait to be in the fourth grade when she would be my teacher. Unfortunately, she died of cancer the year I was going to be her student. However, her influences survived—I became a teacher, who also became an actor/director; I have traveled all over the world, and many times as I am zipping through our beautiful beach community in my convertible, I imagine Aunt Bette is in the back seat. Russell: My Aunt Marie. She introduced me to travel, art, and music. If you could go back to the age of 18, what do you know now that you wish you knew then? Patricia: When one is a teenager, one tends to always be thinking ahead—“I can’t wait until…”—consequently, one misses the beauty in each minute as one anticipates the next. As I have gotten older, I have learned that RIGHT NOW is very important. I make the effort each minute to celebrate and not squander it by looking ahead. In the past year, I have become more aware as I have lost several good friends I thought I would have for many more minutes. If I could talk to my 18-year-old self, I would encourage her to celebrate the present, as the future has no guarantees. Russell: I wish I had learned at a much earlier age to trust my heart much more than my head. Do you have an LGBT hero? Who and why?

Patricia: I think my LGBT heroes are my many former students who had the courage to come out, despite living in a very conservative, rural community. The other heroes are their classmates and friends who loved them, supported them, and defended them. As the “drama diva teacher” at my school, I rather attracted those kids who were struggling to find themselves. During the early years of my teaching career—in the late 80s and early 90s, these kids really struggled with coming out—and many didn’t, out of fear of rejection and reprisals. Then, little by little, even in my very conservative area, a few kids had the courage to come out, and surprisingly, they found allies and supportive, loving friends. By the last six or seven years of my teaching career, when kids came out, for the most part, the response was “ok, so you are gay/lesbian, the IMPORTANT thing is what sports team/video game/music do you like?” Even in my somewhat “redneck” school, kids felt comfortable coming out! I never thought, in my lifetime that two boys slow dancing at a school dance would not even raise an eyebrow! To many young people, being LGBT is a nonissue, and I think that is wonderful. Russell: I have come to admire Emma Gonzalez from Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School who helped start the March for Our Lives Movement. Given the current political climate, are you concerned about the possible loss of rights for the LGBT community? Why or why not? Patricia: I am very concerned that the current political climate is detrimental to LGBT equity. It appears that, with the current administration, we are going backwards from the legal strides that have been made. However, I am optimistic that the young people will not take this sitting down. The school gun safety issue has politically energized the young people, and I have every reason to believe, based on what I hear from former students, that LGBT equity will also be on the agenda! Russell: I am fearful that the current Administration has encouraged an anti-LGBTQ agenda. I feel hopeful when I hear local and state leaders beginning to take up the struggle to insure we do not slip backwards. Best year of your life and why? We both agree—the year we are in right now. What advice would you give to the younger LGBT community? Patricia: VOTE! Russell: Become engaged, be vocal, be fearless! What are you most thankful for? Patricia: Loving family and great friends. Russell: Being with Patricia for over 40 years. ▼ Project1_Layout 1 4/1/2018 4:49 PM Page 1

Patricia and Russell, thank you for being such dedicated volunteers. We are appreciative of the time you spend volunteering, and hope to see the two of you volunteering at CAMP Rehoboth events in the future.

thank you to all the CAMP Rehoboth Community Center Volunteers for the period: May 4 – May 11. COMMUNITY CENTER Bud Beehler David Carder Max Dick Ann Evans Corky Fitzpatrick Kathy Fitzpatrick Ed Hotaling Jack Morrison Natalie Moss Patricia Stiles Russell Stiles CAMP MAINTENANCE Eric Korpon LETTERS MAILING TEAM Andy Brangenberg David Carder David Hagelin Grant Kingswell Steve Palmer Fran Sneider Russell Stiles Linda Yingst MEMBERSHIP MAILING Bud Beehler Jane Blue Andy Brangenberg Randy Butt David Carder Max Dick

Jerry Garmany Bill Graff Dana Luigard Charles Marino Jim Mease Marilyn Pate Jeff Schuck Carol Scileppi MEMBERSHIP COMMITTEE Jane Blue Don Crowl Kathy Davison Ann Evans Glen Pruitt Debbie Woods Membership Table Jana Kamminga Jack Morrison RAINBOW THUMB CLUB Chris Bowers Carol Brice Julia Bucci Linda DeFeo Frank DeFranzo Karen DeSantis Ward Ellinger Monica Fleischmann Carolyn Ortwein Kim Schilpp Diane Scobey Barb Thompson

Jeffrey Trunzo Evie Simmons Elva Weininger George Yaksic VOLUNTEER DEVELOPMENT COMMITTEE Dusty Abshire Pat Catanzariti Donna Dolce Jaye Laszcynski Michael Safina Angie Strano Leslie Sinclair WOMEN’S FEST COMMITTEE Dottie Cirelli Fay Jacobs Susan Jimenez Nancy Hewish Pam Kozey Margie Moore Rebecca Moscoso Gail Tannenbaum Kathy Wiz

Letters 45 May 18, 2018

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Letters 47 May 18, 2018

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Letters 49 May 18, 2018

OUT & Proud by Stefani Deoul

Memorial Day, for ALL Memorial Day is May 28 this year. And I think, partially because of the much-inthe-news Transgender Ban, thoughts of Memorial Day, kept swirling around in my head. So finally, I conceded and went off to do some research. And I learned a lot of things. Some I knew, some I didn’t…such as the Memorial Day holiday dates back to the Civil War. It began as a nearly spontaneous response to the carnage, in which some 620,000 soldiers on both sides died. And thanks to the posthumous work of people such as writer Thomas P. Lowry (The Story the Soldiers Wouldn’t Tell: Sex in the Civil War) we know, we, LGBT folks are both sadly, and proudly, among that number. It was, in 1864, when women from Boalsburg, Pennsylvania put flowers on the graves of their dead from the justfought Battle of Gettysburg. The next year, a group of women decorated the graves of soldiers buried in a Vicksburg, Mississippi, cemetery. In April 1866, women from Columbus, Mississippi, laid flowers on the graves of both Union and Confederate soldiers, while in Carbondale, Illinois, 219 Civil War veterans marched through town in memory of the fallen. They marched to Woodlawn Cemetery, where Union hero Major General John A. Logan delivered the principal address. That ceremony gives Carbondale its claim to the first organized, community-wide Memorial Day observance. And finally, in perhaps an ironic twist of a name, Waterloo, New York began holding an annual community service on May 5, 1866. Although many towns claim the title, it is Waterloo which ultimately won congressional recognition as the “birthplace of Memorial Day.” Then along came World War I and the poem, In Flanders Fields by Canadian John McCrea. This poem inspired Miss Moina Belle Michael of Georgia (and later Columbia University) to make the poppy a symbol of tribute to veterans… and Letters 50 May 18, 2018

“keep the faith with all who died.” But the “wearing of the poppy” wasn’t the only movement to grow from WW I. It was also a big turning point in the Gay Rights Movement. Only then it called itself, “Homosexual Emancipation.” When the war began in Germany, The Scientific Humanitarian Committee (founded by Magnus Hirschfeld) was then the world’s leading homosexual emancipation group. Its membership numbered, give or take, 100 people. But as the war ended, and soldiers returned home, people who had made tremendous sacrifices in the name of

documented gay rights organization in the United States. During his US Army service, Gerber was another military veteran inspired by the Scientific Humanitarian Committee’s work. Post-war, he was invigorated to take up the fight back at home. Gerber’s small group published a few issues of its newsletter Friendship and Freedom, the country’s first gay-interest newsletter. Police raids caused the group to disband in 1925, but 90 years later, in 2015, the U.S. government designated Gerber’s Chicago house a National Historic Landmark. It’s the second

It was also a big turning point in the Gay Rights Movement. Only then it called itself, “Homosexual Emancipation.” citizenship formed new organizations such as the 100,000-member League of Human Rights, led by Friedrich Radszuweit. He established a network of gay publications, including the first lesbian magazine, Die Freundin. The group insisted that their government had an obligation to them—regardless of what biology might say about their sexuality. And this is where our modern LGBT movement begins. These veterans left science behind, going directly to a set of demands which characterize gay rights to this day—and quoting the Human Rights League, “that gay people are upstanding citizens and deserve to have their rights respected.” A year after the war an activist wrote “The state must recognize the full citizenship rights of inverts,” as we were once called. He demanded not just the repeal of the sodomy laws, but the opening of government jobs to known homosexuals! And this wasn’t happening only in Germany. In 1924, Henry Gerber, a German immigrant (having come to the US in 1913), founded, in Chicago, the Society for Human Rights, the first

such LGBTQ+ Historic Landmark to be designated, the first being the Stonewall Inn on New York’s Christopher Street. And so it all seems an amazing arc— from the early 1900s to the repeal of Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell. It’s a story filled with epic heroism and a tale of triumph against the odds, complete with a happy ending. Almost. Because now, along with daily struggles to change hearts and minds, we must urgently fight to protect our Transgendered siblings, remembering the beginning of our modern movement. Those willing to sacrifice in the name of citizenship deserve full equality. So we say, to so many readers, thank you for your service. And this Memorial Day, as we gather on the beach, in town, and among our friends, let’s all wear the poppy. And on its stem, tie a ribbon, a rainbow ribbon. And together, we will keep the faith with ALL who died. ▼ Stefani Deoul is a television producer and author of the award-winning YA mystery On a LARP.

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Letters 51 May 18, 2018

HELP WANTED ISO experienced writers to develop feature stories and regular columns on people, businesses, and activities. Please submit writing samples with resume to: editor@camprehoboth.com

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reho dental 28-02_Layout 1 3/30/2018 2:12 PM Page 1

Letters 52 May 18, 2018

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Letters 54 May 18, 2018

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June 18 DIXIE LONGATE 9:30 pm She packed up her catalogues, left her children in an Alabama trailer park, and took America by storm! Join Dixie for a good, ol’ fashioned Tupperware Party, filled with outrageously funny tales, heartfelt accounts, free giveaways, audience participation, and of course Tupperware. $25 per person June 25 MISS RICHFIELD 1981

9:30 pm As a Midwestern maven of style and sensibility, Miss Richfield 1981 is “Born Again” finding new religion to bring our divided world together. With all new songs, videos, and unique audience activities, Miss Richfield brings all faiths together in a hilarious stage show. Atheists welcome. $35 per person

July 2 SHERRY VINE & JACKIE BEAT 9:30 pm These legendary drag icons reunite in a no-holds-barred, down 'n' dirty, anything-goes…Battle of the Bitches! Watch as the dynamic drag duo (that the New York Times called “the Laurel & Hardy of drag”) take each other on, song by filthy song! Blindly picking their topic from a hat, each determined diva will belt out one of her world-famous, sick ‘n’ twisted song parodies. Whether the topic is POLITICS, PENIS or POOP, never fear – these gorgeous gals will have the perfect parody to present. $25 per person July 9 SHERRY VINE & SUTTON LEE SEYMOUR 9:30 pm SASS (Sherry & Sutton Show) 2 show girls from NYC, present an all live singing and comedy show. A little Broadway, a little pop and a whole lot of sass! Performing together in NYC, this dynamic duo brings their wit and wigs to Rehoboth Beach for the first time together. A favorite on the Blue Moon stage, this show offers a glimpse into Sherry’s Broadway/theatre funny bone and you will fall in love with Sutton, a rising star in the NYC drag world. $25 per person July 16 TORI SCOTT


BINGO 9:30 pm No Cover

The Blue Moon Divas show you their balls with old fashion BINGO.


Showcase 9:30 pm No Cover

A new show every week with your host Mona Lotts, showcasing the best talent available in the beach area.



9:30 pm No Cover The best karaoke in town with the ladies of the Blue Moon.

9:30 pm Tori Scott returns to the Blue Moon with a shameless musical journey of slurred autobiographical stories (and songs written by other people). Join this "soul baring singer and sharp comedian", direct from sell-out performances around the world as she celebrates poor life choices and an unconditional love of vodka to the music of Aretha Franklin, Judy Garland, Miley Cyrus and more. Hailed as "the Bette Midler of the New Millennium" by Provincetown Magazine. The vocals are legit, the thirst is real, and the stories are tragically, all true Tori is joined by Nate Buccieri on the piano. $25 per person

July 23 ANNE STEELE 9:30 pm Anne Steele is returning to Blue Moon with her brand new show, Welcome To The Big Top. Anne will lead you through the three ring circus of her life with intimate stories from her past and present mixed with songs ranging from the 80’s to today. Anne is known for weaving hilarious stories from her life into a set list ranging from high energy belting dance numbers to blow the roof off ballads. This show will be no exception. Anne will be joined on stage by her Strongman Musical Director, Nate Buccieri and you don’t wanna miss this act! $25 per person July 30 LINDSEY ALLEY 9:30 pm Blood, Sweat and Mouseketears -- a memorable evening of booze, belting and belly laughs, Lindsey takes us on a comedic musical journey... and her hilarious quest for the elusive “Happily Ever After.” Along the way, she sings some fabulous songs (including those Disney favorites that tug at your heartstrings), and spills some unforgettable stories such as what Justin and Britney are really like! $25 per person August 6 LINDA CLIFFORD 9:30 pm

Linda ranks among the best classic soul singers as well as a legendary Disco Diva. Singer, songwriter and actress, she electrified audiences with her music and amazing live performances in sold-out shows around the world in front of millions on TV and film. $25 per person



Spotlight Show

9:45 pm No Cover The Blue Moon Cast as their favorite music divas.

SATURDAYS 9:30 pm No Cover All live show by the Blue Moon cast of celebrity impersonators.

9:30 pm Jessica Kirson was voted, "Best Female Comic" in New York. She appeared on The Tonight show twice, The View, Last Comic Standing, Celebrity Apprentice and many more shows on television. She will be in the new film, The Comedian", with Robert Deniro, she is also a writer, consultant, and producer on the movie. If you want to laugh, belly laugh, that is, get your tickets now. $25 per person

August 20 ALEXA & SYDNEY 9:30 pm Two powerhouse vocalists Alexa Green (Wicked) and Sydney Morton (Motown, Memphis) bring their talents back to the Blue Moon stage in a night of Broadway, pop, classics and songs from Alexa’s recent CD “So Good.” Don’t miss this rare opportunity to see both uber-talented singers together. $25 per person August 27 TELLY LEUNG 9:30 pm Telly Leung (Allegiance, Rent, Godspell, Glee) is taking a one night break from his starring role as Aladdin in Disney’s Aladdin on Broadway for his return to the Blue Moon. Accompanied by acclaimed music director Gary Adler (Alter Boyz, Avenue Q) and violist J. J. Johnson, Telly will take you on a musical journey in an eclectic night of music from the world of Broadway, pop, rock, and jazz with personal stories, and backstage anecdotes. $25 per person DINNER & SHOW: Dine at the Blue Moon restaurant before the show and receive a 15% discount on your dinner check -- reservations strongly suggested. Open seating, doors open 30 minutes before show time.

Letters 55 May 18, 2018

R E H OB OT H RETAI L SHOPS Atlantic Jewelry, 313 S. Boardwalk...............................302-226-0675 Beach Essentials, 33 Baltimore Ave..............................302-227-5210 Critter Beach, 156 Rehoboth Ave..................................302-226-2690 Elegant Slumming, 33 Baltimore Ave............................302-227-5551 Gallery 50, 50 Wilmington Ave......................................302-227-2050 Gidgets Gadgets, 123 Rehoboth Ave............................302-227-3959 Mod Cottage, 247A Rehoboth Ave...............................302-227-7277 New Wave Spas, 20660 Coastal Hwy...........................302-227-8484 Pelican Loft, 149 Rehoboth Ave....................................302-226-5080 M.G.T. & Company, 39 Baltimore Ave............................302-567-5976 Rehoboth Breeze, 117 Rehoboth Ave...........................302-226-5720 Shademakers, 33 Baltimore Ave...................................302-226-2222 Sterling Optical, 19287 Miller Rd, Unit 12....................302-226-8800 The Linen Outlet, 19269 Coastal Hwy..........................302-727-5362 Unfinished Business, Rt. 1 behind Panera Bread.........302-645-8700 Ward Ellinger Gallery, 39 Baltimore Ave.......................302-227-2710 Wooden Indian, Ltd., 25 Baltimore Ave.........................302-227-8331 One Day At A Time Gifts, 46-B Baltimore Ave...............302-212-5632


L5 L4 L1


54 31 47 66 •• 82 4 30 53 88 3

At Melissa’s B&B, 36 Delaware Ave..............................302-227-7504 Atlantic Sands Hotel, Boardwalk & Baltimore Ave........302-227-2511 Atlantis Inn, 154 Rehoboth Ave.....................................302-227-9446 Breakers Hotel, 105 2nd St @ Baltimore Ave...............302-227-6688 The Brick Hotel, 18 The Circle, Georgetown DE...........302-855-5800 Canalside Inn, 34 6th St................................................866-412-2625 Rehoboth Guest House, 40 Maryland Ave....................302-227-4117 Royal Rose Inn, The, 41 Baltimore Ave.........................302-226-2535 Sea ‘n Stars Guest Suites, 44 Delaware Ave.................302-226-2742 The Shore Inn, 37239 Rehoboth Ave Ext......................302-227-8487 Summer Place Hotel, First St &?Olive Ave.....................302-226-0766

LEW E S F OOD & DRI NK 114 •• •• L3

Go Brit, 18388 Coastal Hwy..........................................302-644-2250 Fish On!, Village of 5 Points...........................................302-645-9790 Plate Catering, Village of 5 Points.................................302-644-1200 The Buttery, 102 Second St...........................................302-645-7755


•• •• •• ••

Bluecoast Seafood, 1111 Hwy One, Bethany...............302-539-7111 Catch 54, 54 Madison Ave, Fenwick.............................302-436-8600 Matt’s Fish Camp, north Bethany.................................302-539-CAMP The Brick Hotel, 18 The Circle, Georgetown.................302-856-1836




81 110 107

109 PLA


120 105




100 83

82 104















Ave .


- GL


90 97



S ERVIC ES AT T HE B EAC H AUTOMOBILE SALES & SERVICE L1 Auto Gallery, 1144 Savannah Rd., Lewes.....................302-645-5353 75 Luxury Motors, 20575 Coastal Hwy,.............................302-226-2100 BUILDING/CLEANING/REMODELING/LANDSCAPING •• A.G. Renovations...........................................................302-947-4096 96 Boardwalk Builders, behind Big Fish Grill.....................302-227-5754 •• DryZone.........................................................................866-771-9658 •• Mason Companies.........................................................302-227-2750 •• Randy’s Custom Window Treatments............................302-226-3244 CHURCHES/SYNAGOGUES 2 All Saints Episcopal, 18 Olive Ave ................................302-227-7202 98 Epworth Methodist, 19285 Holland Glade Rd..............302-227-7743 112 M.C.C. of Rehoboth, 19369 Plantation Rd....................302-645-4945 93 Seaside Jewish Community, Holland Glade Rd............302-226-8977 •• Unitarian Universalist, 30486 Lewes-G’Town Hy .........302-313-5838 •• Unity of Rehoboth, 98 Rudder Rd., Millsboro...............717-579-2612 24 Westminster Presbyterian, King Charles Ave................302-227-2109 COUNSELING/THERAPY/LIFE COACH •• Dr. Michael Hurd, Rehoboth Beach...............................302-227-2829 83 Kevin J. Bliss, Personal/Professional Coaching.............302-754-1954

Letters 56 May 18, 2018








Aqua, 57 Baltimore Ave.................................................302-226-9001 Back Porch Cafe, 59 Rehoboth Ave .............................302-227-3674 Bin 66, 20729 Coastal Hwy..........................................302-227-6161 Blue Moon, 35 Baltimore Ave........................................302-227-6515 Cafe Azafran, 18 Baltimore Ave....................................302-227-8100 Café Papillon, Penny Lane Mall.....................................302-227-7568 Cilantro, 122 A Rehoboth Ave.......................................302-226-1000 Coffee Mill, Rehoboth Mews, 127 Rehoboth Ave ........302-227-7530 Diego’s Hideaway, 37298 Rehoboth Ave.....................302-227-0818 Dos Locos, 208 Rehoboth Ave......................................302-227-3353 Eden, 23 Baltimore Ave.................................................302-227-3330 Go Fish, 24 Rehoboth Ave.............................................302-226-1044 Iguana Grill, 52 Baltimore Ave.......................................302-727-5273 JAM Bistro, 21 Baltimore Ave........................................302-226-5266 Java Jukebox, 37169 Rehoboth Ave Ext......................302-440-5282 Just In Thyme, 38163 Robinsons Dr.............................302-227-3100 Lori’s Café, 39 Baltimore Ave........................................302-226-3066 Lupo Italian Kitchen, 247 Rehoboth Ave.......................302-226-2240 Palate Bistro, 19266 Coastal Hwy................................302-249-8489 Purple Parrot Grill, 134 Rehoboth Ave..........................302-226-1139 Rigby’s, 404 Rehoboth Ave...........................................302-227-6080 Shorebreak Lodge, 10 Wilmington Ave........................302-227-1007 Snyder’s Candy, 60 Rehoboth Ave................................302-226-3994 The Pond, First & Rehoboth Ave....................................302-227-2234


71 12 70 27 7 15 44 38 61 6 14 35 6 91 70 29 74 108 45 80 17 16 22


20 26 47 26 56 41 74 95 33 29 42 26 103 107 110 29 5 7



DOCTORS/DENTISTS/REHAB/HOME CARE L4 Beebe Healthcare, 26744 J.J. Williams Hwy, Lewes....302-645-3300 101 Curtis Leciejewski, DDS.................................................302-226-7960 L5 Griswold Home Care, 16698 Kings Hwy, #D, Lewes....302-644-6990 •• Interim Healthcare, 17298 Coastal Hwy, Lewes...........302-322-2743 105 Shore Community Medical, 18947 JJ Williams Hwy....302-827-4365 120 Steven B. Wright, D.M.D. & Bruce B. Wright, D.D.S.......302-645-6671 ENTERTAINMENT SERVICES •• DJ Nan...........................................................................240-593-7704 EVENT PLANNING/CATERING •• Big Fish Catering...........................................................302-226-5500 •• Flair................................................................................302-930-0709 •• Plate Catering................................................................302-644-1200 FINANCIAL SERVICES •• Bell Rock Capital, 19606 Coastal Hwy #101................302-227-7608. •• Community Pride Financial............................................302-227-2939 97 County Bank, 19927 Shuttle Rd....................................302-226-9800 90 Fairway Mortgage, 37156 Rehoboth Ave Ext...............302-227-5626 •• Jenn Harpel, Morgan Stanley........................................302-644-6620 FLORISTS 89 Bayberry Flowers, 715 Rehoboth Ave..........................302-227-5725 96 Windsor’s Florist, 20326 Coastal Hwy..........................302-227-9481







77 80

75 79



30 33


38 41

33 69

62 61









12 22 23




6 8



16 19

13 14

15 17






FUNERAL SERVICES •• McCrery & Harra............................................................302-478-2204 •• Parsell Funeral Homes & Crematorium.........................302-645-9520

33 One Spirit Massage, 169 Rehoboth Ave.......................302-226-3552 •• Rehoboth Massage/Alignment......................................302-727-8428 •• Sixth Sense Bodywork/Tommy Gibson..........................302-604-1233

HAIR SALONS/TATTOO & PIERCING 72 Bad Hair Day? 20 Lake Ave............................................302-227-HAIR 62 Beach Cuts, 214 Rehoboth Ave................................... 302-226-ROBB •• Salon Milton, 517 Chestnut St., Milton..........................302-684-1880 99 Gregory Meyers Hair Studio, 20245 Bay Vista Rd & Rt 1.................................................................................302-727-5331

PET SERVICES •• Parsell Pet Crematorium................................................302-645-7445

INSURANCE 100 George Bunting State Farm...........................................302-227-3891 •• Jeanine O’Donnell, State Farm......................................302-645-7283 109 Eric Blonden, State Farm...............................................302-644-3276 LEGAL/ACCOUNTING/TRUST SERVICES 79 Lawson Firm, 402 Rehoboth Ave..................................302-226-3700 79 Morris James, 402 Rehoboth Ave.................................302-260-7290 •• Fuqua, Willard, Stevens, & Schab, PA, 26 The Circle, Georgetown...................................................................302-856-7777 MASSAGE THERAPY/FITNESS 72 Bad Hair Day? 20 Lake Ave............................................302-227-HAIR •• Jeffrey Socorso, LMT.....................................................302-227-0731 8 Konrad Noebel, LMT, 26 Baltimore Ave........................302-226-8833 111 Midway Fitness & Racquetball, Midway Center............302-645-0407

REAL ESTATE 77 Allen Jarmon, RE/MAX, 317 Rehoboth Ave...................302-227-4800 87 Chris Beagle, Berkshire Hathaway, 37230 Reh Ave.....302-227-6101 77 Debbie Reed Team, 319 Rehoboth Ave........................800-263-5648 108 Eva Monteagudo, Keller Williams Realty.......................862-588-1342 81 Jim McAlister, Mann & Sons, 414 Rehoboth Ave..........302-227-9477 18 John Black, Maggio Shields, 37169 Rehoboth Ave .....302-226-3770 90 Karen Gustafson, Long & Foster, 37156 Reh Ave.........302-227-2541 87 Lana Warfield, Berkshire Hathaway, 37230 Reh Ave...302-227-6101 •• Lee Ann Wilkinson Group, 16698 Kings Hwy................302-645-6664 69 Lingo Realty, 246 Rehoboth Ave...................................302-227-3883 69 McGuiness Group, 246 Rehoboth Ave..........................302-227-3883 69 Randy Mason/Shirley Kalvinsky, Lingo Realty...............302-227-3883 96 Sea Bova Associates, 20250 Coastal Hwy, #3.............302-227-1222 91 Steve Janosik, Maggio Shields, 37169 Reh Ave...........302-226-3770 69 Suzanne Landon, Lingo Realty, 246 Rehoboth Ave......302-227-3883 •• Thompson Communities...............................................302-450-8147 81 Troy Roberts, Mann & Sons, 414 Rehoboth Ave...........302-228-7422

TRAVEL & TRANSPORTATION 87 Accent On Travel, 37156 Rehoboth Ave.......................302-278-6100 28 Jolly Trolley, Rehoboth-Dewey Shuttle from Rehoboth Ave & Boardwalk. Call for schedule.........................................302-644-0400 POPULAR LBGT BEACHES Poodle Beach: south end of the Rehoboth Boardwalk Cape Henlopen State Park: Ocean Dr. north to Cape Henlopen State Park. Daily parking rate in effect March - November

Letters 57 May 18, 2018

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Women’s Coffee Talk A POSITIVE TOPIC GROUP 1st & 3rd Saturday | 10am Facilitator: Mary Brett (All are welcome) CAMP Rehoboth 37 Baltimore Avenue Rehoboth Beach

windsor's 28-02_windsor's 14-15.qxd 3/30/2018 2:26 PM Page 1

Bathroom Remodeling Licensed & Insured

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Albert Green (302) 945-1526

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Email: albert.green1@verizon.net


www.agrenovationsinc.com Member Rehoboth/Dewey Chamber of Commerce

Letters 58 May 18, 2018


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JACKLINGO.COM Letters 59 May 18, 2018

Women’s FEST Sports Results Fore! A Spectacular Tradition The Women’s FEST sports activities began on Thursday, April 12, with a beautiful day at Rookery South Golf Course. Though this was the first year Women’s FEST offered an 18-hole venue to accommodate more participants, the activity sold out in record time. Following a continental breakfast, and practice with free buckets of balls, 84 women took to the course for the 9 a.m. shotgun start. The intense but fun competition was followed by a luncheon and award presentations. Sponsors Dawn Dupre and Megan Keating from Morgan Stanley, The Dupre Keating Group, and Lana Warfield from Berkshire Hathaway Home Services at Gallo Realty generously donated prizes. There were honors for team winners and some individual skills. The Rookery donated gift cards to all the par 3 Closest to the Pin winners.▽

WOMEN'S FEST GOLF WINNERS 1ST PLACE TEAM AT -8 UNDER PAR: Erin Reid, Deb Blackaby, Kelly Sabol, Sue Garison 2ND PLACE TEAM AT -7 UNDER PAR: Sheree Davis, Deb Ward, Wendy McClay, Barb Thompson 3RD PLACE TEAM AT -3 UNDER PAR: Cathy Martinson, Sue Tobin, Marilyn Miller, Candice Zientek LONGEST DRIVE: Becky Bradford CLOSEST TO THE LINE: Deb Blackaby CLOSEST TO THE PIN: Linda Kaufman at 17'10", Kelly Sabol at 7'1", Cathy Martinson at 3'9", Ruth Lauver at 4'1", Maxine Ansbach at 6'7".

Letters 60 May 18, 2018

Women’s FEST Pickleball Sells Out for Year of the Woman by Sandy Oropel, Tournament Director, USAPA Pickleball Ambassador The Women’s FEST Pickleball doubles tournament was held on Friday morning, April 13, at the Dave Marshall Tennis Center in Lewes, Delaware. Seventy-four women played in 34 teams in three flights. A Flight—Advanced , B Flight—Intermediate Plus and C Flight— Intermediate. Each flight initially played in a Round Robin within their group consisting of five, 12 minute games. At the end of Round Robin, following the totaling of points, the two top teams in each group moved on to the Bracket Finals. In the early rounds of the Bracket, teams played single games of 15 and the Gold Medal match was best of three games. The entire Bracket play was outstanding in all three flights According to organizers, the A flight Gold Medal finals featured was the best level of pickleball ever witnessed in this area. Kim Gruber and Stephanie Covington took on last year’s champions Pearl Morris and Diane Milan to a third game before Pearl and Diane prevailed in a long hard fought game. They scored incredible points and got the large crowd up on their feet cheering. Courtney Vaughn and Chris Marsiglia battled Wendy Maclay and Sheree Davis in one 15-point game for the Bronze Medal, with Courtney and Chris prevailing. The B Flight saw first-time Women’s FEST players Karen Faber and Lisa Hatfield take on Kathy Carrell and Barb Beavers. This outstanding match saw a third game needed before Karen and Lisa could declare victory for the Gold Medal. Kathy Casey

and Leslie McClintick played Sherry King and Jean Burgess for the Bronze Medal with Kathy and Leslie taking the match. In the C Flight, last year’s champions Kathy Aldridge and Ginny Ferrara-Dellose repeated, after edging out Dawn Henderson and Elaine Johnson in two games. Vicki Bertolet and Joyce Ilg battled Lynn Shifren and Laura Hutchins for the Bronze, with Vicki and Joyce victorious. Gold, Silver and Bronze medals were awarded to first, second and third place winners and this year, for the first time, a Red medal was awarded to the fourth place teams. The Tournament Committee thanks major sponsor, Diane Scobey and other sponsors: Sawgrass Pickleball Club, First State Pickleball Club, and Delaware Senior Olympics. Thanks to the Dave Marshall Tennis Center for hosting the event. The Women’s FEST Pickleball event was made possible by the help and hard work of numerous volunteers—setting up, checking in players, keeping time, recording points and scores, and maintaining the brackets. Thanks to volunteers Susan Reinagel, De Raynes, Joanne Yurik, Jane Kuhfus, Donna Ohle, Susan Gaggiotti, Bunny Maher, Linda Frese, Becky Caprano, Pink Pinkos, Nancy Himsel, and Peggy Sander. ▽

WOMEN'S FEST PICKLEBALL WINNERS A FLIGHT – ADVANCED 1st Pearl Morris and Diane Milan – GOLD 2nd Kim Gruber and Stephanie Covington – SILVER 3rd Courtney Vaughn and Chris Marsiglia – BRONZE 4th Wendy Maclay and Sheree Davis – RED B FLIGHT – INTERMEDIATE PLUS 1st Lisa Hatfield and Karen Faber – GOLD 2nd Kathy Carrell and Barb Beavers – SILVER 3rd Kathy Casey and Leslie McClintick – BRONZE 4th Sherry King and Jean Burgess – RED C FLIGHT – INTERMEDIATE 1st Kathy Aldridge and Ginny Ferrara-Dellose – GOLD 2nd Dawn Henderson and Elaine Johnson – SILVER 3rd Vicki Bertolet and Joyce Ilg – BRONZE 4th Lynn Shifren and Laura Hutchins – RED

FEST Cornhole Tourney The final Women’s FEST sports event was a the Cornhole Tournament on the patio outside the Atlantic Sands Hotel and adjacent to the beach. For once the weather was good: a perfect Saturday morning for this fourth annual Women’s FEST Cornhole competition. The first year, the Cornhole competition had 15 teams and players had to contend with snow flurries. Only the heartiest of competitors ventured out to the event that year. For the second annual contest, there was added prize money for both winners and runners’ up. This year was different, with bright sunshine. While the event is mainly for fun, some very competitive teams entered, raising the tension as well as the fun of the game. But the important ingredient is fellowship! Assisting in raising the fun level, this year, for the first time, the Atlantic Sands offered a cash bar on the patio­—a huge hit! People walking the boardwalk on that beautiful sunny Saturday stopped, enjoyed watching the game, many of them asking the rules and even the name of the game. As the event drew to a close this double elimination tournament produced clear winners: Cornhole champions are on the right—Team Lattimer, and the runners up (on the left), Team Sweeney. ▼

Letters 61 May 18, 2018

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JOIN OUR Y FAMILY TODAY! WWW.YMCADE.ORG Sussex Family YMCA | 20080 Church Street, Rehoboth, DE 19971 (302) 296-9622 | www.ymcade.org/sussex Letters 62 May 18, 2018

CAMP Cheers! Bartender’s Favorite

Bee Neild from Back Porch Café Bee Neild has worked at the Back Porch Café for 44 years. His first job there was driving down to the inlet to get fresh fish right from the fisherman as they came back to dock. This was “Farm to Table” long before that term existed. When we asked him for the recipe to his favorite drink, he said he loves them all, but after some prodding, he finally decided to showcase the “Dark and Stormy.” But the measurements here are approximate. Bee said bartenders hesitate to give exact measurements because, “You don’t want to make a strong drink, you don’t want to make a weak drink, you want to make a GOOD drink.”

Dark and Stormy

2 ounces Gosling’s dark rum Approximately 4 ounces Ginger Beer* Lime wedge Mocktail version

substitute club soda for the rum

*The Back Porch Café makes their own ginger beer by grating a ton of fresh ginger and stewing it with a ton of fresh lime, some yeast and perhaps some other secret ingredients (we couldn’t get the exact recipe out of them). The result can be very spicy. If you have delicate taste buds, ask them to cut the ginger beer with some club soda.

community pride financial 28-02_Layout 1 3/30/2018 1:38 PM Page 1


Complete Financial Planning Services for our Community Alexander G. Yearley, CFP 72 Glade Circle East Rehoboth Beach, DE 19971 Tel 302.227.2939 Fax 302.227.2398 E-mail:alex@communitypridefinancial.com


Registered Representative. Securities offered through Cambridge Investment Research, Inc., a Broker/Dealer, Member FINRA/SIPC. Investment Advisor Representative, Cambridge Investment Research Advisors, Inc., a Registered Investment Advisor. Community Pride Financial Advisors, LLC and Cambridge are not affiliated.

Letters 63 May 18, 2018

Summer Countdown! CAMP Rehoboth Volunteer Appreciation Party, CINE-brations LGBTQ Film Festival, Kentucky Derby Party, and More. THIS PAGE 1) Pam Kozey, Marie Martinucci, Linda Frese, Sandy Oropel, Mark Pipkin, Karl Zoric, Keith Petrack, Michael Fetchko, Tara Sheldon, Shelley Couch, Mark Pipkin, Jane Blue, Chris Beagle, Kathy Wiz, Natalie Moss, Mike DeFlavia, Leslie Sinclair, Max Dick, Kathy McGuiness, Murray Archibald, Ward Ellinger, Mary Beth Ramsey, Niki Nicholson, Jana Kamminga, Karen Storms, Laurie Kuebler, Bob Mazur, Alice Mazur, Patricia Stiles, and Russell Stiles at the 2018 CAMP Rehoboth Volunteer Appreciation Party.


OPPOSITE PAGE 2) Jack Morrison, Bob Dobbs, Louisa Watrel, Jane Blue, Lois Powell, Sharon Bembry, Charlie Browne, Sharyn Warwick, Fay Jacobs, Beth Cohen, Evie Simmons, Barb Thompson, Elva Weininger, Fran Sneider, Rehoboth Beach Mayor Paul Kuhns, Rehoboth Beach Commissioner Kathy McGuiness, Delaware Speaker of the House Pete Schwartzkopf, Ruth Dickerson, Kathy Davison, Ken Haag, Marie Haag, Evelyn Maurmeyer, Natalie Moss, Debbie Woods, Leslie Sinclair, Caswell Wilsen, and Don Nilsen at the CAMP Rehoboth Volunteer Appreciation Party. 3) Barb Ralph, Jack Morrison, and Monica Parr at CAMP Rehoboth. 4) Pat Coluzzi, Jim Condry, Sharon Strine, Heather Lynn Gibson, and Laura Hickman at Peninsula Gallery. 5) Marvin Miller, Taylor Hicks, and Ricky Pryor on Rehoboth Avenue.

Photos by Murray Archibald, Tony Burns, and Tricia Massella.

Letters 64 May 18, 2018




5 Letters 65 May 18, 2018




Letters 66 May 18, 2018



more CAMPshots...


OPPOSITE PAGE 1) Sue Early, Mona Schwartz, Marshall Short, Dale Ebert, Jim Villareale, Jim Flower, Tom Flower, Linda Frese, Roni Posner, and Sandy Oropel at CINE-Brations, the LGBTQ Film Festival at Cinema Arts Theater. 2) Joe Roy, Bruce Coons, Mike Young, Pete Borsari, Scott Sylvester, Ken Rauhauser, Hugh Fuller, Kathy Christine, Troy Roberts, Ronal Garcia, Dan Truitt, and Mark Queen at Purple Parrot. 3) Magnolia Applebottom, Rex Rogosch, Roxy Overbrooke, Jeff McCracken, Mike Lutz, David Messina, Josh Levie, Jeremy Leffler, Joe Gale, Todd Fritzler, Rick Hardy, Chris Terrone, Josh Bushey, George Shevlin, Riess Livaudais, Ken Mayers, and Brooks Woodward at Blue Moon. THIS PAGE 4) Lorraine Ciccotta, Nicole Cucinotta, Nan Martino, Teri Seaton, Robin Smith, Lita Weiss, Zoe Vette, Maura O’Connor, and Viki Dee at Java Jukebox. 5) Marilyn Spitz, John McLaughlin, Bill Neil, Louise Hall, Brandon Mitchell, Blair Jones, Missy Jones, Olly Wolf, Father Max Wolf, Tony Burns, Katie Downs, Mary Lynn Downs, Keith Fitzgerald, and Jim Downs at Back Porch. 6) Howard Cyr, Lynn Ashley, Mitch Geasler, George Martin, Cory Trovarelli, Mike Mullins, John Willias, and Greg Dedman at Rigby’s.

CAMPshots Continued on page 88

Letters 67 May 18, 2018

The place for Steaks at the beach! CAMP Rehoboth Business Partners Visit the Rehoboth Beach Guide on the CAMP Rehoboth website to find links to these fine area businesses. The Guide includes: Food and Wine, Shopping, Lodging, and Services — all at camprehoboth.com. Accent On Travel Atlantic Sands Hotel & Conference Center Back Porch Café Bad Hair Day? Beach Essentials Big Fish Catering Bradley Fine, Four Seasons Investment Management Canalside Inn Carolyn Watson Photography Community Pride Financial Advisors County Bank Doggies At The Beach Dos Locos Fajita & Stonegrill Restaurant DryZone Elegant Slumming Fine Jewelry & Home Fuqua, Willard, Stevens, & Schab P.A. Attorneys at Law General Dentistry Steven Wright, DMD. & Bruce Wright, DDS Harold Marmon, Coldwell Banker, RENTALS Janet Redman, Senior Investment Advisor, Bell Rock Capital Jenn Harpel, Financial Advisor, Morgan Stanley Smith Barney Karen Gustafson Long & Foster Realty Kevin J Bliss, Coaching for Personal/Professional Development Lana Warfield - BBHS, Gallo Realty

Letters 68 May 18, 2018

Lee Ann Wilkinson - BBHS, Gallo Realty Lefty’s Alley & Eats Lori’s Café Lupo Italian Kitchen Luxury Motors of Rehoboth Beach Mann & Sons Realty McCrery & Harra Funeral Home Morris James, Delaware Outlet Liquors Peninsula Rehab & Sports Medicine Rehoboth Art League Rehoboth Beach Dental Rehoboth Guest House Sea Bova Associates Shademakers Eyeware Signarama Smirnoff - Breakthru Beverage Group State Farm, Eric Blondin State Farm, George Bunting State Farm, Jeanine O’Donnell Sussex County YMCA Ward Ellinger Gallery

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Letters 69 May 18, 2018

HEAR Me Out by Chris Azzopardi

I Found Love at a Lorde Concert—Just Not the Kind I Was Expecting The soundtrack of my love life as a full-grown gay man was written by a 21-year-old woman. I’m 35, so this is slightly concerning to my queer confidante. He doesn’t think I need to try to make myself any more available to the Snapchat demo who adorn their faces in cat whiskers and dog snouts. He demanded I “get off Grindr” at a recent Lorde concert in Detroit, rightfully fearing I may end up part of the broken hearts club—been there, done that; he knows—thanks to what Lorde has aptly deemed the “L-O-V-E-L-E-S-S generation.”

Her follow-up to 2013’s Pure Heroine spoke to me as a hopeless romantic who has turned, thanks to our modern dating era (or whatever we’re calling it now) and its ADD culture, into a love cynic. My first Lorde concert was a sea of rainbow after a glitter storm; the Motor City’s queer collective appeared to have been summoned by collective Grindr heartbreak, shared interest in defiant Lorde-like dancing, and the New Zealander’s basically perfect album, Melodrama. Her follow-up to 2013’s Pure Heroine spoke to me as a hopeless romantic who has turned, thanks to our modern dating era (or whatever we’re calling it now) and its ADD culture, into a love cynic. The frustrating pangs of an opera grad student who won’t commit to in-person hangs but lingers from a distance with Grindr taps and messages, even though he has my actual phone number. Or the “emotionally unavailable” one. Or the one I kissed too soon. Lorde’s Melodrama album actually has nothing to do with these, or any of my latest dating fails. But Lorde knows when it comes to love, I’m the problem, she’s the problem, you’re the problem. We’re all the fucking problem. Lorde in concert is a triumph of spirit and solidarity, with hordes of cool people (cool because they also like Lorde) collectively reveling in a wise-beyond-her-years musical mastermind who just last year, in June, released the Modern Love Bible. AT THE AGE OF 21. She wrote an entire anthology on why love’s a little bitch (except when it’s not). The songs she sung that night in Detroit spoke to 8,000 people who have lived the very deeply felt lyrics Lorde once typed into Letters 70 May 18, 2018

her iPhone Notes app. In the context of the show, “I think that you might be the same as me, behave abnormally,” a line from the show’s opener, “Homemade Dynamite,” resonated with a fresh sense of unity in a space where queers came to fume together, cry together, and move on together. For me, “Supercut” called to mind memories of last year, when I met a man in Palm Springs and took a whirlwind trip to Seattle to see if our budding romance could bud further (it didn’t). Lorde danced on stage, my mind danced back to that bittersweet bop being the theme for the weekend and its every fleeting moment. “Liability” presents dating woes with even more glaring matter-of-fact clarity: “The truth is I am a toy that people enjoy till all of the tricks don’t work anymore and then they are bored of me.” You know she knows she’s not alone. Watching queers hang their arms over their friends’ shoulders during “Perfect Places,” with Lorde—again, just 21—lyrically contemplating our endless quest for the magic answer to contentedness in life and love, was pure exhilaration. Affirmation, even. If perfect places are created by those in them, this was such a place. “But when we’re dancing, I’m alright,” she assured, dancing. Earlier, she performed a cover of Frank Ocean’s own ode to human connection, “Solo,” as if to emphasize the significance of finding our people—or a person. I think I found mine that night, as romantic love and the weight it holds on Melodrama took a backseat to all the other ways—lasting ways—love can blossom. I didn’t know it, however, until I was letting myself feel everything in a mix of freestyling queer men and women, some older than me, most younger. Suddenly, the album’s heartbreak seemed less heartbreaking; here I was in a buoyant not-soloveless space with people (other Grindr users even!) who’ve all felt Lorde’s pain on her morose elegy “Writer in the Dark” and wandered aimlessly through love, waiting for our green light, and then, yes, kept going. That night, I came to get my heart broken. But instead, the maddening thought of romantic love evaporated, and loving gestures surrounded me. With the Melodrama album singing me home, I left enveloped in them—dancing, and feeling alright. ▼ Chris Azzopardi is the editor of Q Syndicate, the international LGBT wire service. Reach him via his website at www.chris-azzopardi.com and on Twitter (@chrisazzopardi).


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Eating OUT by Fay Jacobs

Houston-White Co.

the Decoy Cabernet, which was hearty and a great complement to the filet, while

Rehoboth’s Oldest, Young Business Yes, there was a Houston-White Co. Well, there IS a Houston-White Co. and it’s a brand new, and classically designed, steakhouse on Rehoboth Avenue. But in fact, the name of the restaurant is shared with a more than 100-year old Delaware lumber mill company, technically still in business, now as the restaurant bearing its name. As owner Megan Kee explains it, the restaurant is using her family’s centuryold business license, originally written in calligraphy and having one of the lowest business license numbers in the state. So this new steakhouse is firmly rooted in Delaware and offering a legendary steakhouse experience. And it’s really, really beautifully designed and offering exquisite dining.

restaurant promises—and delivers—a marvelous meal. We began dinner by splitting a Caesar salad featuring white anchovies and a generous portion of cheese. We couldn’t believe the portions in front of us was a split until we saw a waiter pass by with a mountainous full portion. We also sampled the short rib stroganoff, with Pennsylvania Dutch noodles and tender beef drenched in the slight sweetness of Harvey’s Bristol Cream and complemented by a variety of fresh mushrooms in the cream sauce. Delicious. Of course, we couldn’t wait to taste a steak house entrée and chose the Prime Bone-in Filet, prepared to a perfect medium rare (warm red center) and, forgive the cliché but it was melt-inyour-mouth flawless. We had the potato skins served with horseradish cream sauce as an accompaniment—the skins were thin, crispy slices, not your usual bar-food one-eighth of a potato slab,

my spouse sampled the Torrebrunna Sangiovese from Tuscany—a popular wine of the region, with a tart cherry taste. Really delicious. By this time, of course, there were doggy bags involved, as we proclaimed not to be able to have one more bite. But alas, Megan told us about the berry cheesecake. Now this New Yorker knows her cheesecake. After one forkful of the sweet, rich dessert, I proclaimed it totally authentic. Only then did I find out that the chef had a great deal of experience at one of New York’s premier cheesecake havens. Try it! With strains of “As Time Goes By” from Casablanca softly filtering through the restaurant, plus the fine meal and lovely ambiance, it was a classic

It’s also intriguing that as you dine you can see into the kitchen, appointed with equipment that is as decorative as it is useful.

The restaurant interior is forest green walls with wood trim, reminiscent of the great New York City steakhouses of my youth. The fixtures have a nautical flair, having come from an ocean liner, and the combination is stunning. It’s also intriguing that as you dine you can see into the kitchen, appointed with equipment that is as decorative as it is useful. With a friendly welcome to all patrons and a professional waitstaff, this decidedly white-tablecloth Letters 72 May 18, 2018

and they were served with a creamy horseradish sauce perfect on the potatoes or the steak. And while beef’s the steak house calling card, we heard that the castiron pan-fried chicken, based on an old family recipe, should be sampled as well. The Southern, shake-in-a-bag-tocoat, then lightly fried chicken harkens back to traditional Maryland-Delaware fare. The delicious entrée comes with sweet and spicy baked beans and delightfully moist cornbread. As for beverages, our entrees were paired with two excellent red wines. I had

steakhouse experience. And yes, that goes for the prices as well. It’s high end and appropriately so. This kind of classic cuisine and traditional atmosphere are the hallmarks of Megan Kee’s restaurants, Fable on Baltimore Avenue for authentic French dining and now Houston-White Co. for a faithful take on a timeless steakhouse. With the summer crowds on their way, right now might be the perfect time to get a sneak peek at Rehoboth’s newest culinary offering with the oldest company name in town. ▼

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Q Puzzle: Undefinable Cynthia 1 9 22 23 24 25 26 31 34 35 39 40 41 42 43 45 46 48 50 55 56 57 59 60 61 62 63 64 ACROSS 1 Express pleasure orally 5 Give the once-over in a gay bar 9 It may be grand, to Glenn Burke 13 Chaplin partner

Letters 74 May 18, 2018

14 15 16 17 18

Collette of The Hours Forfeit Just right Very top Cicero’s singular

Start of a quote that follows “I don’t define myself” Queen toppers Made a profit of, in Mauresmo’s sport? Web info source MBA subj. More of the quote By mouth The Gay ‘90s, and others Stone of Easy A Revolution opponent _________ in the hay Bellow in the library Homoerotic tail? Two for Sue Wicks, once AAA way River of Gay Paree Sponsorship End of the quote Responder to “Bite me!”? Cruising Black and white sandwich With respect to Went lickety-split Began like Sheehan, with “off” Precious stones David _______ Pierce To be, in Brest

DOWN 1 Fly cry 2 Grace to Will, once 3 Where to find some fruit 4 But of course

Solution on Page 105 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 20 21 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 36 37 38 43 44 47 49 51 52 53 54 55 58

Chat room request Nightclub in a Manilow song One more time Cynthia, who is the source of the quote Marks on your lover’s back Rough house Brody of The Pianist Judy Garland’s “_____ My Shadow” Starch source Event for George Frenn Designer Wang Aphrodite’s son Result of four balls Wight, for one Miss among Cole Porter hits Sitcom with Sara Gilbert One way to walk in a Gay Pride March Funny Cho Marlon Brando, in The Bounty Stein fillers Reno action Eastern philosophy Bernstein’s staff members Ham it up on Broadway Diced meat Catch sight of Robert of The Brady Bunch Go in only partway, at South Beach Job for a rock band It may be Sapphic

Letters 75 May 18, 2018

Letters 76 May 18, 2018

Letters 77 May 18, 2018

AROUNDTown by Sondra N. Arkin

Our Laughter Pilgrimage Every Memorial Day weekend we launch the summer with the same Friday night ritual. Some summers we haven’t gotten to our launch on the actual weekend of Memorial Day because we are too busy or not all here. But we talk about it nonetheless and pretend that we’ve done the deed. Eventually we get to it. Traditions are everything in this family. The Genesis I don’t remember exactly why we started, but I know it began on a night we’d consumed an enormous quantity of sushi, what we’ve confabulated to hundreds of dollars, but was probably under one hundred. Whatever. It was more money than we thought made a good gamble on a Funland ride. Nevertheless someone came up with the idea of going to Funland to “launch” summer. We’d heard the screams swelling like the sound of the ocean, and hearing this siren’s call, we followed the bustle straight through nostalgia, past bumper cars, to the open gondola pendulum of The Sea Dragon. We giggled in anticipation. When I think back to that day, I don’t remember if I had any prior history with this ride, but I do remember thinking after all that sushi: This. Is. Probably. Unwise. The salmon will be swimming upstream. The Lesson On that ride we laughed so hard and felt so weightless: it was magic we discovered. Each of us felt it. And we pinky swore to make it a tradition. And we did. As much as a tradition as Sundance and Drag Volleyball, our summer calendar officially started with our trip to Funland and some shrieking, snorting, howling, laughs. Summer after summer we would find it never failed to make us be as silly as school kids. We chatted with everyone in line. We sympathized with teary kids still too short to ride. We got more and more excited as we moved closer to the front. Letters 78 May 18, 2018

We jumped up and down. At least one of us wrung clasped hands heart-center expressing joyful anticipation. Sometimes we even rode twice. Silly pills. The Challenge We tested each of our various niblings— nieces, nephews and such—with The Sea Dragon Challenge when they visited Rehoboth from the time that they were little kids. They didn’t all take to it with as much excitement then, but as adults, they still indulge us. They understand the idea of tradition and catch the contagious excitement of celebration when we climb aboard. We all harvest the joy. We all jockey for the back row, wait patiently for that privilege, and wedge in four or five across. Once airborne, we fling up our hands and shriek as loud as we can. Then laugh. And laugh and laugh. There isn’t a single thing that makes us laugh. Personally I’m always torn between the Liza Minnelli/Sally Bowle scream for release (then laugh) and/ or the torturing of the row ahead of us that we’re about to puke (on them) (then laugh) and/or looking out over Rehoboth and the ocean, as far as possible (then laugh). Or the breathlessness when your butt leaves the seat and there is that short moment of suspension (then laugh). It is always over too soon. The Tradition Over the years, we’ve tried other rides. One time some excited young strangers convinced Steve, Murray, and me to ride some centrifuge spinny thing (Gravitron). Mistake. It nearly made our hearts stop, pinned as we were, unable to work our lungs. Right then and there, we swore off anything but The Dragon and its laugh-generating motion, though bumper cars have a special exemption. We spent more time playing in Funland than childless adults should readily admit. Any excuse, all through the summer, not just Memorial Day.

Considering that we rarely step foot on sandy beach, we often stroll down the boardwalk and whack a few moles or race a few horses or skee too many balls. We catapult rubber frogs. We toss a few rings. And just for the heck of it, ride The Dragon. We’ve been on The Sea Dragon through many weather conditions. Clear. Cool. Steamy. Foggy. Moonlit. At so many different points of our life. In many different moods. We’ve photographed and facebooked and instagrammed and snapchated. We texted absent family: The Dragon! And for those few minutes, our hearts just fly off starward, and we are connected to every other time, every other kid, especially the kid inside us. The Laughtrek Continues What a grand tradition, our laughter pilgrimage. Our laughtrek. Like many good things, though you’ve focused on every moment, it is over too soon. Luckily we have always found that it stays with us, this lifting of our spirits, this shrieking snorting howling laughing family tradition. I am not certain that our Memorial Day tradition will be on schedule this year. It might be too soon. But I know that it will eventually be one of the many memorial activities we are sure to celebrate. They say laughter is the best medicine. ▼ Sondra N. Arkin is an artist in Washington, DC and devoted member of the Archibald/Elkins’ chosen family. Snapchat selfie by/with Max Archibald.

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Letters 80 May 18, 2018

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Letters 81 May 18, 2018

It’s My LIFE by Michael Thomas Ford

Kiss and Make Up Nine years ago, I got into an email fight with Gene Simmons of by this, if they even noticed it at all. Glam rockers like Duran KISS. Or perhaps not a fight, but a heated discussion. Singer Duran, more popular with girls, were often dismissed with the Adam Lambert had recently come out as gay, and Simmons same epithets my classmates spit at me on a daily basis, but no had criticized him for it, saying that he should have remained one doubted that the members of Judas Priest were getting it closeted in order to sell more records. from hot groupies on a regular basis. It wasn’t a personal attack, really. Simmons was a supporter Things changed a bit when Judas Priest’s Rob Halford of marriage equality from the beginning, and although his came out in 1998. By then I was a grown gay man myself, politics lean toward the right on financial issues, it seems to be and although I was pleased to see things in the metal world purely about business. His remarks about Lambert were also expanding, I wasn’t involved in it enough to really sense about business. If you want to sell records to the masses, he how fans were reacting. But then Adam Lambert appeared said, leave your gayness out of it. with KISS on American Idol and I understood his point, but I Gene Simmons made his comments, thought there was a larger one and it got me thinking about the This was mostly about he was missing, and so I wrote to issue again. him and said, “Do you know what Once you’re a member of the the music, but I was also it would have meant to me as a KISS Army, you’re usually a member 10-year-old KISS fan if one of you for life, and although my musical fascinated by the photos and had come out as gay or bisexual?” tastes have expanded since I was 10, Because no tea, no shade, there my love for that band has remained posters that prominently have been rumors about two of the a sometimes-irrational constant. featured Paul Stanley’s founding members for years. Not long ago, my childhood friend To my surprise, he wrote back. Stephanie, who shared my love exposed, hair-covered torso, Yes, he said, he did understand what for KISS and allowed me to keep that might have meant to young my records at her house when my even if I wouldn’t understand gay me. But, he maintained, rock mother forbid me to have them, and roll is first and foremost about introduced me to a Facebook group why for a few more years. the music, and if an artist is to have for KISS fans of our generation. It’s a long career, he needs to appeal been fun to talk about the band to the broadest fan base possible. with people who remember them Lambert, he insisted, had killed his career before it had even from the same era. But when someone posted a photo of a gotten off the ground. former bandmember who, after being largely in seclusion for Thankfully, this prediction turned out to be untrue. Lambert the past twenty years, recently emerged and seems to be has enjoyed a solid career trajectory. Ironically, he now tours transitioning into a female identity, I worried. Would these the world as the frontman for Queen, another band whose old-school metalheads make transphobic and homophobic lead singer’s gayness was the source of much needless worry. comments? Would I suddenly feel like I was back in the halls Freddie Mercury was never entirely in, but never entirely out, of my high school? either, at least not until after his death from AIDS in 1991. I waited for the comments. And then the first one came, Getting back to 10-year-old me, as I mentioned I was a from one of the group’s most diehard male fans. “Man, I don’t huge KISS fan. This was mostly about the music, but I was also know. I have a real problem with this,” he said. I prepared fascinated by the photos and posters that prominently featured myself to be disappointed. Then I read the rest. “I mean, Paul Stanley’s exposed, hair-covered torso, even if I wouldn’t good for her. But those white high-heeled boots with a purple understand why for a few more years. I felt similarly about jumpsuit? That’s just wrong.” posters of Van Halen’s David Lee Roth and Judas Priest’s Rob I laughed. And then I cried. Because sometimes people Halford, which adorned the walls of many an adolescent boy’s surprise you in the best ways, and 10-year-old you gets the bedroom in my town, where hard rock and heavy metal were reassurance that who you are is okay, even if it’s 40 years the only acceptable listening choices. later. ▼ The irony of hair metal is that so much of the imagery that makes the bands popular is drawn directly from queer fantasies Michael Thomas Ford is a much-published Lambda Literary awardand the gay leather world. Yet when I was a teenager, the winning author. Visit Michael at michaelthomasford.com largely heterosexual male audiences never seemed bothered Letters 82 May 18, 2018

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Letters 83 May 18, 2018

OUT & About by Eric C. Peterson

Coco Steals Your Heart and is Safe for Cramped Airplane Travel One of the perks of doing a lot of business travel is that I catch with a mariachi in the town plaza and accuses the man of up on a lot of movies and TV shows. Recently, I decided to corrupting her grandson. Miguel has secretly taught himself download Call Me by Your Name onto my iPad, and watch it on to play the guitar in the attic of his family home, but his love of a flight from Washington to Dallas. The scenes of two young music is for him, a love that dare not speak its name, if you see men falling in love in the Italian countryside were gorgeous, for where I’m headed with this. me…but let’s just say that for the sixty-ish, surely heterosexual The movie’s dramatic action really begins with a traditional woman, probably a Trump supporter, clearly uncomfortable coming out scene. Miguel, buoyed by a discovery concerning next to me, the view was transformative—but probably not in his great-great-grandfather’s true identity, musters the courage the way she’d have to tell his secret to liked. his family—and is met So these days, just with misunderstanding But after I had recovered myself, it occurred to me— to get along with my and scorn. Suddenly, fellow passengers on Miguel’s predicament that movie might have been gayer than Timothee ever more cramped is clear: he cannot Chalamet and Armie Hammer making out by the river. be his authentic self airplanes, I tend to save anything that and remain a valued might involve scenes member of his family. of sex, violence, and other “mature” imagery for my hotel He must make his own way. rooms. What I watch on the airplane has become decidedly One hopes that this is a predicament that young queer more PG-rated. people experience less and less in this century than the On the way back from Dallas, one of the free movies offered last—and yet we know it still happens. Conversion therapy by the airline was the Disney-Pixar film Coco. Perfect for even centers still operate legally in many states, and even the most the Trumpiest of the Trumpies, I thought. It might be a movie progressive parents can be momentarily stunned to learn that about a young Mexican boy who crosses a border (between their child isn’t who they thought s/he was. Like it or not, this is the land of the living and the afterlife), but at least it’s not likely still a story that a lot of queer people can see themselves in. to be too erotic or gory. The rest of the film, without giving too much away, is about First of all, let me just say that nobody warned me. For the Miguel’s goal to eventually win back his family’s love on his last 10 minutes of the film, in my window seat on a sold-out own terms, with no conditions. When he does so, the moment flight, I openly wept. I don’t think I elicited any audible sobs, is so sincere and so vulnerable, it made this 47-year old gay but with my headphones on, I can’t be sure. If you haven’t seen man cry real tears on a crowded airplane. Next to me was a Coco, don’t judge. This little cartoon practically reaches into man who looked like he would have been quite comfortable your tear ducts and turns the faucet on; I’m not sure I could chewing on a piece of straw, the way they did in the Westerns really trust anyone who didn’t cry when watching it. my dad used to make me watch as a kid. Another unwanted But after I recovered myself, it occurred to me—Coco might transformative experience, I’d guess. have been gayer than Timothee Chalamet and Armie Hammer I’ll be traveling again soon, and once again must select making out by the river. Not gay in any literal sense, of course— what to watch while sitting next to a stranger. I suppose I could but this movie, aimed at children (but like all Pixar films, made always just read a book, but I think I’m up to the challenge this with adults very much in mind), also told a story that I was time. There’s another animation, this one called Ferdinand, entirely familiar with. about a bull who, despite all outward appearances, would The story centers on Miguel, a young man with dreams rather sit in the meadow and smell flowers than engage in of being a musician. The problem is that, four generations more traditionally masculine activities like bullfighting. I’m sure earlier, his great-great-grandfather had the same dream. He it won’t be gay at all. ▼ abandoned his family to pursue a career in show business, and never came back. And so, Miguel’s family doesn’t listen to Eric Peterson is a diversity and inclusion educator living in Washington music. D.C. and co-host of a weekly podcast about pop culture. Visit him at They shut their windows angrily, if music is playing outside. poperationroom.com. Early in the film, Miguel’s grandmother surprises Miguel talking Letters 84 May 18, 2018



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Join Us At

www.meetup.com/Gay-Women-Rehoboth Learn about women’s activities, dances, discussion groups and singles events in the area.

“The Team You Can Trust” Kathy McGuiness 302-245-7355 kathymc@jacklingo.com Steve McGuiness 302-245-8644 stevemcg@jacklingo.com Angie Watkins 302-745-6099 angie@jacklingo.com 246 Rehoboth Avenue Rehoboth Beach, DE 19971 302-227-3883

Letters 86 May 18, 2018

Letters 87 May 18, 2018




Letters 88 May 18, 2018





8 the last CAMPshots...


OPPOSITE PAGE 1) Alex Yearley, Ted Lewis, Peg Waltersdorf, Joanne Dey, Tommy Pauletti, Chickie Tobias, Geoff Tobias, David Wolf, and Bob Safran at Rigby’s. 2) Joe Steele, Nick Leffler, Michael Taggart, Chris Leady, Joe DiSalvo, DImitar Petrov, Donna Parissi, Jim Burke, Joe Parissi, Lou Fiori, Beth Hughes, Jonathan Lockerby, Rebecca Buckwalter-Poza, JB Fields, and Leon Vignes at Dos Locos. 3) Nicole Edenedo, Anna Fugitt, Cindy McAuliffe, Donna Carr, Cece Cardano, Laura Reitman, Trinity Coleman, and Tammy Jackson at Nassau Valley Vineyards. 4) Brian Shook, Bill Clark, Derek Thomas, Richie Gehman, Patti Kim, Mark Furman, Richard Loften, Gene Cavazos, Paul Frene, Michael McHugh, Kevin Naff, Jeff McCracken at Brian and Derek’s Derby Party. THIS PAGE 5) Claire Snyder-Hall, Mikki Snyder-Hall, Zoe Vette, Katie Handy, Lita Weiss, Debbie Wilkins, Joanna Jones, and Marge Amodei at The Pond 6) Tom Newton, Dave Lyons, Marvin Miller, Peter Rosenstein, Chris Beagle, Eric Engelhart, Robert Simpson, Rick Hardy, Jim D’Orta, Tony Burns, Dan Kyle, John Hackett, Sondra Arkin, and Tony Burns at Tony’s Birthday at Eden. 7) Karen West, Annette Stellhorn, and Rick Stellhorn at the Travel Show Benefit for MERR. 8) Susan Gay, Rehoboth Beach Mayor Paul Kuhns, Rehoboth City Manager Sharon Lynn, Charlie Browne, Sallie Forman, Delaware Speaker of the House Pete Schwartzkopf, and Rehoboth Beach Commissioner Kathy McGuiness at the Wildlife Signage Dedication at Silver Lake. 9) Bob Wilfong, Bob Kaplan, David Daso, Jeff Davis, Keith McDonald, Mike Summerline, Steve Wood and Fred Bartolo at Bob and Jeff’s Welcome Back Party. Letters 89 May 18, 2018

Letters 90 May 18, 2018

How Come It’s Poodle Beach? Thousands of guys, along with lots of women head to Poodle Beach every Memorial Day weekend. Do you know the story behind this patch of sand? It’s at the far Southern end of the Rehoboth Boardwalk—near, appropriately, Queen Street. But historians tap Carpenter Beach, further towards Dewey as the area’s first gay beach. That sandy stretch was the home of Louisa Dupont Carpenter, an aviatrix and— though married to a man— rumored to enjoy the lesbian lifestyle. One of her closest friends was Hollywood legend Tallulah Bankhead, who often visited Louisa there, along with many homosexual male friends, during the 1930s and 40s.

Carpenter Beach became a known gathering spot for gay visitors and continued that way through the 50s, 60s and early 70s. Hundreds of older gay men would sun and socialize there, a comfortable distance away from the vacationing straight couples and families on Rehoboth Beach. Gay people faced the awful threat of exposure, firings, and even prison back then, so staying to themselves at Carpenter Beach made sense. Why, then, don’t we still plant our rainbow flags there? In the early 80s, even with the threat of being outed, old-timers recall two gay cousins who got fed up dragging their beach chairs all that way past the boardwalk.

Colorful Unbrellas by Rodney Cook One day, they brazenly spread their blankets on the sand near Queen Street, and invited friends to join them. Soon, this growing collection of gays took a stand on the sand, holding their ground as the Rehoboth family crowd moved slightly north to accommodate them. But, wait! Why is this “new” area called Poodle Beach? Perhaps, it was a

hurled slur, then proudly taken up by the LGBT crowd. See Rich Barnett’s column on page 14 for the answer! These days, thousands of LGBT folks gather there, it’s the site of Drag Volleyball on Labor Day weekend, and a hot place to be all summer long. Thanks, Tallulah! ▼

EXPERIENCE SOMETHING NEW at the Milton Theatre! MAY 18(7PM) & 19(2PM) - SPRING CONCERT with MTE & Triple Threat MAY 19 - DEANNA FITZPATRICK & FRIENDS Psychic Medium | 8PM MAY 24 - KIRTAN: Transcendental Jam Session 6PM JUNE 1 - FELLOW TRAVELERS: Bluegrass | 8PM JUNE 8 - KISS THE SKY: The Ultimate Jimi Hendrix Re-Experience | 8PM JUNE 9 - NOT THAT GIRL: Feat. Erin Bobby presented by Clear Space Theatre | 8PM JUNE 14 - LATE NITE CATECHISM | 8PM JUNE 15 - MAGNOLIA APPLEBOTTOM | 8PM JUNE 16 - ROCKY HORROR PICTURE SHOW Live! | 9PM

www.MiltonThea tr e.com 302.684 .3038 Letters 91 May 18, 2018


by Leslie Sinclair


HeART on a String Bidding is Underway; Don’t Miss Out! Are you bidding? The CAMP Rehoboth HeART on a String art event bidding site is now open, and CAMP Rehoboth invites you to the fun. This invitational event showcases the work of emerging and established artists who have joined together to support the arts, and you can too. Read some of their stories below, but here’s the gist of the event. The artists were invited to submit small works of art—approximately 12 inches square, give or take a little—for full or partial donation. They have been hanging in the gallery since April 23 and stirring up a lot of interest. This auction follows in the tradition of our HeART of The Community and LottoHeart projects with several returning and new artists to add to your collection. You can view these wonderful pieces in person at the CAMP Rehoboth Community Center or online at camprehoboth.com. All the bidding is online, but don’t let that worry you if you aren’t that computer savvy. Come to the Closing Bid Reception, and someone can help you bid to win. It’s fun and can help us all chip in to team up to support the arts. COME CELEBRATE! The Closing Bid Reception will be at CAMP Rehoboth on May 26 from 5 to 7 p.m. Bidding can be done at the reception or online. The actual bidding will close at exactly 6:30 p.m. on May 26 and bidders will learn if they have won the bidding wars. STORIES BEHIND THE ART Art often tugs at our heartstrings and the stories from the exhibiting artists will tug at yours. Come see their visions and hear their stories on May 26 at the Closing Bidding Reception. Vincent Hughes: “When my partner and I first came to Rehoboth in the 70s, we used to stay in a guest house on Letters 92 May 18, 2018

Baltimore Avenue named The Crow’s Nest. The building that was once that guest house serves today as the home of CAMP Rehoboth. Back then, I would sit on Poodle Beach and sketch the Speedo-clad men sunbathing around me, as they conveniently remained motionless for long periods of time. Now I have the luxury of painting from professional models who pose without Speedos. Building up layers of transparent colors to represent the reflections and shadows defining the male figure, I strive to express its timeless beauty. My painting, Summer Gold, is reminiscent of my early Poodle Beach sketches, scenes illuminated by summertime’s golden light.” Donna Deely: (artwork shown) “I’ve been coming to Rehoboth for over 30 years, and many of my works are linked to my love of the beach. Whether it’s an oyster, the north shore towers, or lobster buoys, they all remind me of the place I am most happy—near the ocean. Lobster buoys are full of color and conjure up wonderful memories of lobster rolls and weathered and crusty old seafood shacks I’ve visited up and down the coast.” Jeffrey Todd Moore: “I created my piece especially for this event. When I heard the theme was Heart on a String, I immediately thought of Steve Elkins and how all of CAMP Rehoboth must have felt like their hearts were hanging by a thread. I’ve always liked the logo that Murray created for CAMP Rehoboth and remembered that it had a heart in it. I thought of that heart falling out. But there is a house built around that heart and that represented a foundation, a structure that could hold up this heart and eventually recover.” Yvonne Frankis: “Two of my favorite things in life are music and art. Although I’ve been painting since I was nine years old, it was about five years ago that I realized every time I painted, I had to

have the right soundtrack while I worked. My huge love of music had influenced me all along, but now I know each song I love has a painting attached in my mind. My piece, done using only black and white paints, is titled Ridin’ the Storm Out, influenced by REO Speedwagon’s song of that title. I chose this piece for the show because so many of the fabulous people who come to CAMP for love, acceptance, friendship and more have ridden out storms of their own or have people in their worlds with stories to tell.” Michael Mueller: “The piece I designed Sleep softly Fallen Angel was inspired by Steve Elkins. Steve was so dear to me, and it was so inspiring and sad to watch his journey. When it came time to do the piece, he was so much on my mind that the muses brought me this angel to honor and celebrate the amazing life he led. He was truly an angel and hero to so many people.” The funds raised through the sale of art, along with a grant award from Delaware Division of the Arts, are used to support CAMP Rehoboth arts— visual, performance, and more. ▼ CAMP Rehoboth arts programs are supported in part by a grant from the Delaware Division of the Arts, a state agency, in partnership with the National Endowment for the Arts. The Division promotes Delaware arts events on DelawareScene.com.

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WELL-STRUNG This program is supported, in part, by a grant from the Delaware Division of the Arts, a state agency, in partnership with the National Endowment for the Arts. The Division promotes Delaware arts events on www.DelawareScene.com. Clear Space Theatre Company, Inc. is a 501(c)(3) non-profit organization.

Letters 93 May 18, 2018

arts+entertainment CAMP ARTS

And We’re Off! This year marks the 160th anniversary of the holiday formerly known as “Decoration Day.” Following the Civil War, May 30 was set aside to honor those who died in the Great War by placing flowers on graves. It was a sacred and solemn time when generations of families would gather to spruce up graveyards, recall fond memories, and share a meal. The date had no special military significance, but was chosen with the knowledge that gardens even in the northern-most states would be in full bloom by the end of May. Now, the mere mention of Memorial Day strikes fear in the hearts of the “locals” here at the beach. Social media has been flush with “Where’d these tourons learn to drive?!?,” “The ‘No Left Turn’ signs went up today!,” and the ever popular “Looks like I’ll have to bring a wheelbarrow of quarters to park downtown this year!” I, for one, welcome the influx of those “damned tourists” as they spend their hard-earned dollars and assist in maintaining our economy through these next 100 days. This having been said, I also know I will join the rest of the locals and exhale deeply at 5 p.m. on Labor Day. In the meantime—Take heart! Screw your courage to the sticking point! Stiff upper lip! Suck it up, buttercup—and check out the wonderful variety of upcoming events here in paradise. Save yourself a lot of trouble

Letters 94 May 18, 2018

and just call a cab. There are some pretty cute Uber drivers… All locations are Rehoboth Beach, unless otherwise noted. PERFORMING ARTS/ EVENTS CAMP Rehoboth (37 Baltimore Avenue; 302-2275620; camprehoboth.com) has some upcoming events you don’t want to miss! The Skivvies (a duo who actually performs in their skivvies!)— June 30—and the Gay Men’s Chorus of Washington’s Cabaret: It Takes Two!— July 14. Clear Space Theatre Company (20 Baltimore Avenue; 302-227-2270; ClearSpaceTheatre.org) has Fun Home—the 2015 Tony® winner for Best Musical—on the boards through May 20. Check out Baroque 2 Broadway on May 26 and Not That Girl—a onewoman cabaret starring Erin Bobby (June 1-3). Now’s the time to sign up for one of their outstanding summer camps as well, and to make reservations for their summer season—Footloose, Mary Poppins, and The Rocky Horror Show—from June 26 right up through September 1. Possum Point Players (441 Old Laurel Road in Georgetown; 302-8564560; possumpointplayers. org) are in rehearsals for the classic farce Lend Me a Tenor—June 8-17. Sounds like they’ve assembled a terrific cast. Premier Centre for the Arts at Milton Theater (110

by Doug Yetter Union St. in Milton; 302684-3038; info@pcade.com) has something for everyone on their calendar! May 19: Psychic Deanna Fitzpatrick; May 24: Transcendental Jam Session; May 25: Sail On—a Beach Boys Tribute; May 26: Broadway Juke Box; June 1: It Was a Very Good Year—a Frank Sinatra Tribute (matinee); June 1: Fellow Travelers; June 2: It Was a Very Good Year—a Frank Sinatra Tribute (evening); June 8: Kiss the Sky; June 9: Not That Girl; June 14: Late Night Catechism; June 15: Magnolia Applebottom. Rehoboth Beach Film Society (17701 Dartmouth Drive (Lewes), 302-6459095; rehobothfilm.com) screens the best new Independent films at their Cinema Art Theatre and provides the community with National Theatre Live: Macbeth (June 4-5). Check their website for updates and show times. Rehoboth Concert Band (rehobothconcertband.org) has concerts that should be on your calendar—Sunday, June 3—Concerts by the Sea in the gardens of All Saints Episcopal (18 Olive Avenue) and Sunday, June 24 at the Bandstand. Second Street Players (2 South Walnut Street in Milford; 302-4220220 / 800-838-3006; secondstreetplayers.com) are rehearsing for Shrek— opening July 13. Directed by John Moller. VISUAL ARTS Anna Hazzard Museum (17 Christian Street, 302-2261119) is a captivating look at the early history of Rehoboth Beach as a religious retreat. The museum is housed in one of the original “tent”

houses from Rehoboth’s 1870’s camp-meeting era— named for former owner and civic leader, Anna Hazzard. The Brush Factory on Kings (830 Kings Hwy. in Lewes; 302-745-2229; Facebook@brushlewes) is an artist and craft co-op with just about everything— furniture, art, clothing, antiques, sea glass, decoys, vintage garden, books, home goods, candles, herbs, and more. CAMP Rehoboth Gallery (37 Baltimore Avenue; 302227-5620; camprehoboth. com) currently features the HeART on a String silent auction of intimate art with a closing reception Saturday, May 26 (4–7p.m.). Bidding online. Delaware Art Gallery (239 Rehoboth Avenue; 302853-5099; kevinfleming. com) offers new and classic Delaware photographs by Kevin Fleming. Need we say more? Gallery 50 Contemporary Art & Frame Shop (50 A-B Wilmington Avenue; 302- 227-2050; gallery50art.com) features a variety of artworks from renowned, established and emerging artists in painting, jewelry, glass, sculpture, ceramics, mixed media, mobiles, as well as special events. Veg Fest 2018 has an opening reception—June 9—watch for further info! Heidi Lowe Gallery (328 Rehoboth Avenue; 302227-9203; heidilowejewelry. com) has beautiful and unique hand-made pieces for purchase (including wedding rings) and offers classes in jewelry making. If you happen to be in Portland, Oregon May 24-26, you just may run into Heidi and her Earrings Galore Pop-up.



May 19 - August 5, 2018 Painting With a Twist (17723 Coastal Highway; 302313-5769; paintingwithatwist.com/lewes/) offers painting classes and “pARTies” for all occasions—days, evenings, weekdays, and weekends (age 7+). Visit their website for details. Peninsula Gallery (520 E. Savannah Rd in Lewes; 302-645-0551; peninsula-gallery.com) is one of the largest Fine Art galleries in the area is currently showing The Artist Abroad—a selection of work by artists who travel abroad to paint. Featuring: Carole Boggemann Peirson, Roger Dellar, Lois Engberg, Heather Lynn Gibson, Laura Hickman, Martha Spak, Sharon Strine, and Meg Walsh— through May 30. Whet your appetite with the virtual tour of the gallery online. Rehoboth Art League (12 Dodds Lane in Henlopen Acres; 302-227-8408; rehobothartleague.org) always has a fantastic schedule of classes—everything from pottery to pen and ink technique to jewelry making—something for everyone and for every age and skill level. Current exhibits include Untitled: works by Ruri Yi in the Ventures Gallery; Ethereal Luminescence—works by Peter Treiber in the Tubbs Gallery; Simplicity—works by Howard Eberle in the Corkran Gallery; Recent Works—featuring Nick Serratore—also in the Corkran (all through June 10), and Fun in the Sun at the Rehoboth Beach Municipal Building (through June 20). Check their website for a complete schedule of exhibits, salons, gallery talks, or even their Summer Camps. Rehoboth Beach Museum (511 Rehoboth Avenue at the Canal, 302-227-7310; rehobothbeachmuseum.org) has a “history” of fun at the beach—vintage bathing suits, post cards, photos and maps. However…the Museum is currently closed for complete renovations to their second floor and revamping of the permanent collection exhibits and will reopen early summer. In the meantime, they still have some great walking tours of the area. Ward Ellinger Gallery (CAMP Rehoboth Courtyard, 39 Baltimore Avenue; 302-227-2710) resides in the CAMP Rehoboth Courtyard and features art in different mediums by Ward Ellinger and Sondra N. Arkin. ▼ Contact Doug at dougyetter@gmail.com if you want to add your events to the calendar. Check out our website at camprehoboth. com for links to all the listed theatres, galleries and museums.

This exhibition centers on impermanence, an essential tenet of Buddhism. Using drawings as symbols or metaphors for transitory life experiences, the eleven artists tell stories about lost innocence, fading memory, mortality, and the drawing process itself. FEATURED ARTISTS Barbara F. Warden – Lewes, DE (Guest Curator) Sondra N. Arkin – Washington DC Lisa Bartolozzi – Newark, DE Stephanie Chang – Arlington, VA David D’Orio & Henrik Sundqvist – Arlington, VA Ellen Durkan – Wilmington, DE Barbara Frank – Washington, DC Charles Guerin – Dover, DE Robyn Phillips-Pendleton – Newark, DE Michael Robear – Cecil County, MD

JOIN THE ARTISTS Sunday, May 20, 2018. 2:00 - 4:00 p.m. Sunday, June 24, 2018. 2:00 - 4:00 p.m. Thursday, July 19, 2018. 4:00 - 8:00 p.m.

DELAWARE ART MUSEUM 2301 Kentmere Parkway | Wilmington, DE 19806 302.571.9590 | 866.232.3714 (Toll free) | www.delart.org All rights reserved. © 2018 Delaware Art Museum. Delaware Division of the Arts The Delaware Art Museum is a private, not-for-profit 501(c)(3) corporation. Support is provided, in part, by a grant from the Delaware Division of the Arts, a state agency, in partnership with the National Endowment for the Arts. The Division promotes Delaware arts events on www.DelawareScene.com.

Letters 95 May 18, 2018


by Terri Schlickenmeyer

BOOKED SOLID The Rest of It: Hustlers, Cocaine, Depression, and Then Some 1976-1988 by Martin Duberman c.2018, Duke University Press $27.95/higher in Canada, 242 pages Parts of your life are missing. Maybe you’ve forgotten, purposefully or by accident. You were overwhelmed and didn’t look, too influenced by love, anger, or adult beverages to take full notice. Sometimes, you wonder what’s missing but in the new book, The Rest of It: Hustlers, Cocaine, Depression, and Then Some 1976-1988 by Martin Duberman, one man’s gaps are filled. Having penned other books of memoirs, Martin Duberman says that people often ask him why he’s omitted roughly a decade of his life story. Once noted, he realized that “the mid-seventies to the mid-eighties…were the most painful years of my life.” They began with his mother’s illness in late 1976, and her surgery for cancer that was initially said to be non-cancerous, but that was finally diagnosed as malignant melanoma. Duberman had had a complicated relationship with his mother and they’d made their peace; still, hers was a horrible death and it plunged him into his work, and a bout with depression. For years, Duberman had been involved in the LGBT community as an activist, and “in the wake of my mother’s death I hadn’t jumped ship, hadn’t abandoned academia or run off to join the circus.” Still, he looked for ways to cope: he had his “circadian chart” read and he used a fair amount of cocaine and pot. He immersed himself in projects, both of the literary kind and for the gay community, and he picked up

Letters 96 May 18, 2018

his political engagements. Duberman worried that the stress was bad for him—and he may’ve been right, because he had a few health scares, including a heart attack, and another bout with depression and “desperation.” Still, he continued to write. It was a time “of a flowering of gay culture” when many gay literary giants were publishing— and that included Duberman himself. It was a time when bath houses dotted New York City, AIDS was emerging as a crisis, and Duberman was celibate and addicted. It was a time when he had nearly hit bottom before he found help and love. You may be thinking that The Rest of It is on the selfcontemplative side—and you’re right, though it could also be argued that many memoirs are such. No matter; what keeps you reading isn’t the biography that author Martin Duberman offers here. It’s what’s behind it. Duberman’s life was keenly interesting in the dozen years between 1976 and 1988, but so were then-current events, which he carefully recounts. This book shows an emergence of gay culture on a larger scale, growing activism, and the dawn of AIDS; his voice is occasionally snarky as he takes on the medical establishment of the times, gay nightclubs and bath houses, and Reagan politics. In these ways, his deeplypersonal memories, mixed with what happened when, are vastly more appealing than if this book were mere memoir. Though it may not attract casual-readers under “A Certain Age,” this book is perfect for older readers who remember these times. Also, for historians’ bookshelves, The Rest of It shouldn’t be missing. ▼ Terri Schlichenmeyer has been reading since she was three years old and never goes anywhere without a book. Always Overbooked, she lives on a hill in Wisconsin with two dogs and 15,000 books.

Letters 97 May 18, 2018

Letters 98 May 18, 2018


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Sundays at 10 AM at MCC Worship Center 19369 Plantation Rd., Rehoboth Beach, 302-645-4945 www.mccrehoboth.com mccrehoboth@hotmail.com

All Saints’ Episcopal Church

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Thursday Service • 11:30 a.m. Holy Communion and Healing

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Seaside Jewish Community an unaffiliated, egalitarian congregation

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Shabbat services, 7:30 pm first Fridays; 10 am third Saturdays. Weekly summer services. Holiday services. Educational programs, social events, school.

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If you need a referral for a doctor, lawyer, spiritual advisor, or just a place to hang out, call CAMP Rehoboth at 302-227-5620. We’re here to help! Letters 100 May 18, 2018

Letters 101 May 18, 2018

TS OW E K Independent The Straight Ahead Jazz Festival N C I E T AL S N O


2018 www.truebluejazz.org Downtown Rehoboth Beach, Delaware

Letters 102 May 18, 2018

MERR 28-02_Layout 1 3/30/2018 2:01 PM Page 1

saved souls 28-02_Layout 1 3/30/2018 2:15 PM Page 1

The Marine Education, Research and Rehabilitation Institute, Inc. is a non-profit stranding response and rehabilitation organization dedicated to the conservation of marine mammals and sea turtles in Delaware.

call: 302.228.5029 or join on our website at merrinsittue.org Letters 103 May 18, 2018


• Alcoholics Anon. Open Discussion. CAMP Rehoboth Community Center, 37 Baltimore Ave. 9 am. • Brunch w/Pamala Stanley. Blue Moon, 35 Baltimore Ave. 10 am. 302-227-6515 • 4th Sunday. Healing Circle. CAMP Rehoboth Community Center, 37 Baltimore Ave. 5 pm. • Ed Mills. Rigby’s Grill, 404 Rehoboth Ave. 5 pm. 302-227-6080 • Pamala Stanley. Blue Moon, 35 Baltimore Ave. 6 pm. 302-227-6515 • Last Sunday of each month. TransSocial of Delaware. Metropolitan Community Church, 19369 Plantations Rd., Lewes. 7 pm. Visit meetup.com/RehobothTransLiance • Games w/Magnolia. Blue Moon, 35 Baltimore Ave. 9:30 pm. 302-227-6515 • The Birdcage Bad Girls Drag Show. Purple Parrot Grill, 134 Rehoboth Ave. 10 pm. 302-226-1139


• Insight Meditation. St. Peters, Mulberry St, Lewes. 4 pm. 302-644-2514 • Matthew Kenworthy. Rigby’s Grill, 404 Rehoboth Ave. 5 pm. 302-227-6080 • Pamala Stanley. Blue Moon, 35 Baltimore Ave. 6 pm. 302-227-6515 • Pass the Mic Night w/John Flynn. Murph’s Beef & Ale, 37169 Rehoboth Ave. 7 pm. 302-212-5355


• Pamala Stanley. Blue Moon, 35 Baltimore Ave. 6 pm. 302-227-6515 • 2nd Tuesday. PFLAG. Lewes Library, 111 Adams St. 6 pm. pflagrehobothbeach@ gmail.com. • 3rd Tuesday. Kent County LGBT Dover Support and Social Group. Christ Episcopal Church, 523 South State St., Dover. 7 pm. lgbtdover_kent@yahoo.com • Young People AA. CAMP Rehoboth Community Center, 37 Baltimore Ave. 8 pm. • Bingo w/the Blue Moon Divas. Blue Moon, 35 Baltimore Ave. 9:30 pm. 302-227-6515


• John Flynn. Shorebreak Lodge, A Restaurant. 10 Wilmington Ave. 5 pm. 302-227-1007 • Pamala Stanley. Blue Moon, 35 Baltimore Ave. 6 pm. 302-227-6515 • 2nd Wednesday. Alzheimer’s Caregiver Support Group. CAMP Rehoboth Community Center, 37 Baltimore Ave. 6:30 pm. 302-227-5620 • Alt. Wednesdays. Men’s Discussion Group. Epworth United Methodist Church, 19285 Holland Glade Rd. 7 pm. 302-227-5620 • Karaoke. Rigby’s Grill, 404 Rehoboth Ave. 8 pm. 302-227-6080 • Showcase w/Mona Lotts. Blue Moon, 35 Baltimore Ave. 9:30 pm. 302-227-6515

Letters 104 May 18, 2018


• Alcoholics Anon. CAMP Rehoboth Community Center, 37 Baltimore Ave. 12 noon. 302-856-6452 • Pamala Stanley. Blue Moon, 35 Baltimore Ave. 6 pm. 302-227-6515 • John Flynn w/Holly Lane. Café Azafran, 18 Baltimore Ave. 6:30 pm. 302-227-8100 • SLAA/SAA Meeting. All Saints Church Hall, Lower Level, 18 Olive Ave. 7:30 pm. 302-745-7929 • Karaoke. Rigby’s Grill, 404 Rehoboth Ave. 8 pm. 302-227-6080 • Karaoke. Purple Parrot Grill, 134 Rehoboth Ave. 9 pm. 302-226-1139 • Karaoke with the Blue Moon Divas. Blue Moon, 35 Baltimore Ave. 9:30 pm. 302227-6515


• 1st Friday. FURst Friday Bear Happy Hour. The Pond, 3 S. First St. 302-227-2234 • John Flynn. Shorebreak Lodge, A Restaurant. 10 Wilmington Ave. 5 pm. 302-227-1007 • Karaoke. Rigby’s Grill, 404 Rehoboth Ave. 8 pm. 302-227-6080 • Karaoke. Purple Parrot Grill, 134 Rehoboth Ave. 9 pm. 302-226-1139 • Gear It UP Fridays. Diego’s Hideaway, 37298 Rehoboth Ave. 9 pm. • Spotlight Show. Blue Moon, 35 Baltimore Ave. 9:45 pm. 302-227-6515


• 1st & 3rd Saturdays. Women’s Coffee Talk. CAMP Rehoboth Community Center, 37 Baltimore Ave. 10 am. 302-227-5620 • Karaoke. Rigby’s Grill, 404 Rehoboth Ave. 9 pm. 302-227-6080 • Karaoke. Purple Parrot Grill, 134 Rehoboth Ave. 9 pm. 302-226-1139 • ManDance. Diego’s Hideaway, 37298 Rehoboth Ave. 9 pm • Legends. Blue Moon, 35 Baltimore Ave. 9:30 pm. 302-227-6515

NOW – MAY 26 • HeART on a String Art Auction. CAMP Rehoboth Community Center, 37 Baltimore Ave. To bid visit camprehoboth.com

MAY 18 – 20 • Annual Rehoboth Beach Sidewalk Sale.

MAY 18 • Fun Home. Clear Space Theatre, 20 Baltimore Ave. 302-227-2270. 7 pm. Tickets: clearspacetheatre.org/buy-tickets • Triple Threat Musical Theatre Ensemble. Milton Theatre, 110 Union St. 302-6843038. 7 pm. Tickets: miltontheatre.com

MAY 19 • Historic Lewes Farmer’s Market. George H.P. Smith Park, Lewes 8 am – 12 pm. 302-644-1436 • Triple Threat Musical Theatre Ensemble. Milton Theatre, 110 Union St. 302-6843038. 2 pm. Tickets: miltontheatre.com

• Fun Home. Clear Space Theatre, 20 Baltimore Ave. 302-227-2270. 7 pm. Tickets: clearspacetheatre.org/buy-tickets • Poppy Champlain. Java Jukebox, 37169 Rehoboth Ave. 7 pm. $40 pp. Tickets: javajukebox.net • Deanna Fitzpatrick, Lisa Bousson, and George Koury. Milton Theatre, 110 Union St. 302-684-3038. 8 pm. Tickets: miltontheatre.com

MAY 20 • Relay for Life Benefit Concert featuring Bettenroo. CAMP Rehoboth Community Center, 37 Baltimore Ave. 1 pm. • Fun Home. Clear Space Theatre, 20 Baltimore Ave. 302-227-2270. 3 pm. Tickets: clearspacetheatre.org/buy-tickets • Poppy Champlain. Java Jukebox, 37169 Rehoboth Ave. 4 pm. $40 pp. Tickets: javajukebox.net

MAY 21 • Writing Your Resistance: A Class in Letters to the Editor, Essays, and Blogs. CAMP Rehoboth Community Center, 37 Baltimore Ave. 6-9 pm. $39 pp. To enroll contact Dusty Abshire at dabshire@dtcc.edu.

MAY 30 • Rehoboth Idol. Blue Moon, 35 Baltimore Ave. 302-227-6515. 9:30 pm.

MAY 31 • Top Chef of the Culinary Coast to benefit Meals on Wheels. Rehoboth Beach Country Club, 221 West Side Drive. Tickets: $65 in advance, $75 at the door. Tickets: 302645-7449, or online at mealsonwheels-lr. org/events • An Evening of Jazz w/5th Avenue. Java Jukebox, 37169 Rehoboth Ave. 7 pm. $13 pp Tickets: javajukebox.net

JUNE 1 • Not That Girl, A Cabaret featuring Erin Bobby. Clear Space Theatre, 20 Baltimore Ave. 302-227-2270. 7 pm. Tickets: clearspacetheatre.org/buy-tickets • Vicki Shaw. Java Jukebox, 37169 Rehoboth Ave. $43 pp. 7 pm. Tickets: javajukebox. net • Fellow Travelers. Milton Theatre, 110 Union St. 302-684-3038. 8 pm. Tickets: miltontheatre.com


• Historic Lewes Farmer’s Market. George H.P. Smith Park, Lewes 8 am – 12 pm. • Children’s Beach House Charity Golf Event. 302-644-1436 The Peninsula, 12:30 pm. Tickets: 302• CROP volunteers at National Trails 645-9184 or cbhinc.org. Day. Cape Henlopen State Park. 9 am. • Lower Case Blues. Murph’s Beef & Ale, To volunteer email Debbie Woods at 37169 Rehoboth Ave. Ext. 302-212-5355. dmwoods54@hotmail.com 7 pm. • Relay for Life Benefit. Sussex Technical • Transcendental Jam Session w/Kirtan. High School, Georgetown. 2 pm Milton Theatre, 110 Union St. 302-684relayforlife.org/sussexcode 3038. 6 pm. Tickets: miltontheatre.com • Vicki Shaw. Java Jukebox, 37169 Rehoboth Ave. $43 pp. 7 pm. Tickets: javajukebox.net MAY 25 • Not That Girl, A Cabaret featuring Erin • Viki Dee. Murph’s Beef & Ale, 37169 Bobby. Clear Space Theatre, 20 Baltimore Rehoboth Ave. Ext. 302-212-5355. 5 pm. Ave. 302-227-2270. 7 pm. Tickets: • Sail on Beach Boys Tribute. Milton Theatre, clearspacetheatre.org/buy-tickets 110 Union St. 302-684-3038. 8 pm. • Tony Sands in It Was A Very Good Year…A Tickets: miltontheatre.com Tribute to Sinatra. Milton Theatre, 110 • Bettenroo. Murph’s Beef & Ale, 37169 Union St. 302-684-3038. 8 pm. Tickets: Rehoboth Ave. Ext. 302-212-5355. 8:30 pm miltontheatre.com

MAY 24

MAY 26

• Historic Lewes Farmer’s Market. George H.P. Smith Park, Lewes 8 am – 12 pm. 302-644-1436 • HeART on a String Closing Bid Reception. CAMP Rehoboth Community Center, 37 Baltimore Ave. 4 pm. To bid visit camprehoboth.com • DJ Nan. Murph’s Beef & Ale, 37169 Rehoboth Ave. Ext. 302-212-5355. 5 pm. • The Broadway Jukebox. Milton Theatre, 110 Union St. 302-684-3038. 8 pm. Tickets: miltontheatre.com • John Flynn. Murph’s Beef & Ale, 37169 Rehoboth Ave. Ext. 302-212-5355. 8 pm.

MAY 27 • The Girlfriends. Murph’s Beef & Ale, 37169 Rehoboth Ave. Ext. 302-212-5355. 7:30 pm. • Memorial Weekend Dance Party w/Viki Dee and DJ Nan. Java Jukebox, 37169 Rehoboth Ave. 302-440-5282.

JUNE 3 • Not That Girl, A Cabaret featuring Erin Bobby. Clear Space Theatre, 20 Baltimore Ave. 302-227-2270. 3 pm. Tickets: clearspacetheatre.org/buy-tickets

JUNE 6 • Historic Lewes Farmer’s Market. Crooked Hammock, Lewes 8 am – 11 am. 302-6441436 • 9th Annual Bras for a Cause presented by the Women’s Council of Realtors. Ivy, 136 Dagsworthy St., Dewey Beach. Tickets: $35 in advance and $40 at the door. Tickets: wcrbrasforacause.com. • Rehoboth Idol. Blue Moon, 35 Baltimore Ave. 302-227-6515. 9:30 pm.

JUNE 8 • Kiss the Sky. Milton Theatre, 110 Union St. 302-684-3038. 8 pm. Tickets: miltontheatre.com

MAY 18–JUNE 16



• Historic Lewes Farmer’s Market. George H.P. Smith Park, Lewes 8 am – 12 pm. 302-644-1436 • Rehoboth Beach VegFest. Call 302-6044316 or visit rehobothvegfest.org. • CROP volunteers at Rehoboth Beach VegFest. Epworth United Methodist Church, 19285 Holland Glade Rd. 10 am. To volunteer email Sue Goudy at susangoudy@comcast.net • Not That Girl w/the Clear Space Theatre Company. Milton Theatre, 110 Union St. 302-684-3038. 8 pm. Tickets: miltontheatre.com

• Historic Lewes Farmer’s Market. George H.P. Smith Park, Lewes 8 am – 12 pm. 302-644-1436 • Delaware Stonewall Summer Celebration. Rigby’s, 404 Rehoboth Ave. delawarestonewall.org/events/ purchase-tickets • The Rocky Horror Picture Show. Milton Theatre, 110 Union St. 302-684-3038. 9 pm. Tickets: miltontheatre.com

JUNE 11 • Paige Turner. Blue Moon, 35 Baltimore Ave. 302-227-6515. $25 pp. 9:30 pm.

JUNE 13 • Historic Lewes Farmer’s Market. Crooked Hammock, Lewes 8 am – 11 am. • Rehoboth Idol. Blue Moon, 35 Baltimore Ave. 302-227-6515. 9:30 pm.

JUNE 15 • Magnolia Applebottom. Milton Theatre, 110 Union St. 302-684-3038. 8 pm. Tickets: miltontheatre.com

general dentistry 28-02_Layout 1 3/30/2018 1:49 PM Page 1


Accepting New Patients ~ Emergencies Welcome

Steven B. Wright, D.M.D. Bruce B. Wright, D.D.S. Daniel Luckenbaugh, D.D.S. Kyle Green D.D.S.

18912 John J. Williams Hwy, Rehoboth Beach www.RehobothBeachSmiles.com

Letters 105 May 18, 2018

Did you know that CAMP Rehoboth provides • Community Space, Meeting Rooms, Public Courtyard • Diversity Training for City & Park Police •Advocacy for GLBT & Other Human Rights Issues • Sexual Health Counseling (Couples & Individuals) • Health Testing (partnership/Beebe Medical Center) • HIV Prevention, Education & Testing • CAMP Rehoboth Chorus • Support Groups • Safe Haven for Youth • Grief Counseling • Public WiFi • Information Resources on Area Services • Tourist Information Services • Gallery & Performance Space for Artists • Fundraising Assistance for Other Area Non-Profits • Ticket Sales for Other Organizations • Women’s FEST Weekend • Promotion for Local Non-profit Events

Letters 106 May 18, 2018

37 Baltimore Avenue Rehoboth Beach, DE 19971 302 227-5620 www.camprehoboth.com

Letters 107 May 18, 2018

Senior Adult Resources ADVOCACY

AARP of Delaware ............................................................... 302-498-6511


Delaware Senior Services Help Line ................................... 800-223-9074 Delaware Information Line .......................................................... Dial 2-1-1


Meals on Wheels ................................................................. 302-856-5187


CAMP Rehoboth................................................................... 302-227-5620 Cape Henlopen Senior Center - Rehoboth Beach .............. 303-227-2055 Cheer Center of Sussex County .......................................... 302-856-5187 Lewes Senior Center ........................................................... 302-645-9293


Delaware Division of Human Services ................................ 302-856-5586 Social Security ..................................................................... 866-864-1803


Delaware Hospice ............................................................... 800-838-9800


Cheer Transportation ........................................................... 302-856-5187 ITN Southern Delaware ....................................................... 302-448-8486

For more info, call CAMP Rehoboth, 302-227-5620 ward ellinger gallery 27-14_Layout 1 3/30/2018 2:47 PM Page 1

Ward Ellinger located in the camp rehoboth courtyard

works by ward ellinger at the ward ellinger gallery 39 baltimore avenue, rehoboth beach For more information, call 302-227-2710 or visit our Facebook page at Ward Ellinger Gallery

baltimore avenue • rehoboth beach, de phone: 302-227-2710 • facebook: ward ellinger gallery 39

Letters 108 May 18, 2018


CAMP Rehoboth Volunteer Opportunities JUNE 2 CROP/National Trails Day email: dmwoods54@hotmail.com JUNE 9 CROP/VegFest email: susangoudy@comcast.net JUNE 30 “The Skivvies” CAMP Rehoboth Entertainment Event JULY 28 Volunteer Opportunities Meeting and Breakfast* (please RSVP) AUGUST 26 SUNDANCE Land & Sea Racing Festival AUGUST 29 – SEPTEMBER 3 SUNDANCE 2018 Auction & Dance NOVEMBER 8 Volunteer Opportunities Meeting and Dinner* (please RSVP) * The Volunteer Opportunities Meetings (Breakfast and Dinner) provide information for all volunteers to learn the details of upcoming opportunities and sign up for specific events. RSVPs are required so an appropriate amount of food can be prepared. Please RSVP to volunteer@camprehoboth.com.

To volunteer, contact Monica Parr at

volunteer@camprehoboth.com FOR MORE INFORMATION VISIT


Letters 109 May 18, 2018

AD INDEX 1776 Steakhouse................................................68 CAMP Rehoboth Trans Discussion................... 109 Accent On Travel.................................................41 CAMP Rehoboth Volunteer Opportunities....... 109 AG Renovations..................................................58 CAMP Rehoboth Women’s Golf..........................62 Allen Jarmon, Realtor.........................................69 CAMPSafe..........................................................86 Alzheimer’s Caregiver Support Group...............36 Cape Henlopen Education Fund (CHEF).......... 105 Aqua Grill............................................................39 Children’s Beach House Fundraiser...................24 Atlantic Jewelry....................................................9 Clear Space........................................................93 Back Porch Café.................................................85 Community Pride Financial Advisors..................63 Bad Hair Day.......................................................19 Country Lawn Care.............................................26 Beach Cuts Hair Salon........................................53 County Bank....................................................... 73 Beach House For Rent.......................................80 Crowley Associates Reality................................ 47 Beach Tans & Hair Designs................................85 Debbie Reed Team, Realtors..............................36 Beagle Real Estate Group..................................85 Delaware Art Museum........................................95 Beebe Healthcare..............................................46 Delaware Dept of Public Health Tobacco...........21 Bell Rock Capital................................................49 Delaware Hospice..............................................99 Big Fish Events...................................................20 Delaware Pride..................................................107 Biggs Museum....................................................28 Delaware Stonewall PAC.................................... 37 Blue Moon.....................................................55,87 Diego’s Hideaway..............................................48 Boardwalk Builders............................................54 Dos Locos............................................................51 Bras For A Cause................................................98 Fairway Independent Mortgage........................58 Breakthru Beverage........................................... 75 Fuqua, Willard, Stevens & Schab, PA.................25 Café Azafran........................................................31 Gay Men’s Chorus Encore Performance.............18 Café Papillon......................................................25 Gay Men’s Discussion Group............................ 108 CAMP Rehoboth Annual Premier Sponsors......... 7 Gay Women of Rehoboth Meet-Up....................86 CAMP Rehoboth Beach Guide General Dentistry............................................. 105 Business Partners...............................................68 Go Fish/GoBrit....................................................63 CAMP Rehoboth Community Center................ 106 Gods Greyts Senior Greyhounds ...................58 CAMP Rehoboth Families...................................52 Gregory Meyers Hair Studio...............................86 CAMP Rehoboth Letters Subscription................68 Harrison House..................................................38 CAMP Rehoboth Membership............................32 Historic Lewes Farmers Market.........................49 CAMP Mental Health........................ 109 2:22 HIV Testing......................................................... 77 veg Rehoboth fest 28-02_Layout 1 3/30/2018 PM Page 1 CAMP Rehoboth Seeks Writers..........................52 Iguana Grill......................................................... 43

Immanuel Shelter...............................................80 Jack Lingo, Real Estate......................................59 Java Jukebox......................................................52 Jenn Harpel, Morgan Stanley.............................25 John Black, Realtor............................................ 74 Jolly Trolley.........................................................19 Just In Thyme Restaurant...................................80 Lana Warfield, Realtor........................................54 Lee Ann Wilkinson Group, Realtors....................62 Lori’s Café...........................................................81 Luxury Motors......................................................15 M.G.T. & Co Toggery Shop.................................. 47 McGuiness Group, Realtors................................86 MERR Institute.................................................. 103 Midway Fitness..................................................111 Milton Theatre.....................................................91 Mirabelle............................................................ 77 Morris James LLP................................................ 11 Murph’s Beef & Ale.............................................36 Mytesi..................................................................17 Nancy Sakaduski................................................80 New Wave Spas.................................................. 73 Ocean Boulevard Furniture............................... 101 Olivia Travel.........................................................71 One Day At A Time Gifts................................... 105 One Spirit Massage.............................................10 Palate.................................................................53 Photo Restoration............................................ 103 Poodle Beach T-Shirts.........................................19 Purple Parrot......................................................42 Randy Mason / Shirley Kalvinsky, Realtors......... 73 Randy’s Custom Window Treatments................ 79

Rehoboth Art League.........................................85 Rehoboth Beach Bears....................................... 97 Rehoboth Beach Dental.....................................52 Rehoboth Beach Museum...................................10 Rehoboth Guest House......................................54 Rehoboth Massage & Alignment........................ 47 Relay For Life......................................................99 Rigby’s Bar & Grill............................................... 76 Ron Whitesell, Realtor........................................38 Ron’s Repairs......................................................86 Saved Souls Animal Rescue............................. 103 Sea Bova Associates, Realtors.......................... 112 Senior Adult Resources.................................... 108 Shademakers......................................................15 So Del Concepts.................................................83 State Farm-Eric Blondin & Jeanine O’Donnell....53 State Farm-George Bunting................................19 Sundance 2018................................................... 27 Sussex Family YMCA..........................................62 The Lawson Firm................................................38 The Skivvies.......................................................23 Thompson Heritage Village................................81 Top Chef - Meals On Wheels..............................90 Troy Roberts, Realtor..........................................25 True Blue Jazz.................................................. 102 Unfinished Business...........................................96 Union Home Mortgage........................................10 Veg Fest............................................................ 110 Ward Ellinger Gallery........................................ 108 Windsor’s Flowers..............................................58 Women’s Coffee Talk..........................................58

Celebrate Healthy, Humane and Sustainable Living

JUNE 9 2018 Get Involved! Volunteers, Sponsors and Exhibitors may signup at rehobothvegfest.org Events | Happy Hours | Lunches and more all year long Letters 110 May 18, 2018



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MidWay Ad-2018-May.indd 1

4/24/18 AM Letters 111 May 11:21 18, 2018












www.SEABOVA.com Walk to the Beach

$5k Seller Assist


THE SEASONS - Rehoboth. 3BR/2.5BA townhouse is ‘Like New.’ 2,101 sq ft floor plan is larger than most other units. 10’ ceilings, custom paint colors, hardwood, SS kit appliances & more. $380,000 (724262)

BAY WOOD - Long Neck. 2005 4BR/3.5BA luxury townhouse w/2-car garage & basement. Former model, so loaded w/upgrades. 2 master suites. $249,900 (724251)

VICTORIA’S LANDING - Millsboro. 2009 3BR/2.5BA townhouse is 2,100 sq ft w/1car garage. 1st-floor family room. 2nd-floor main living. 12 miles to beach. Community pool. $169,900 (723947)

SLAUGHTER BEACH - Milford. 0.29 acre lot. 200 yards to Slaughter’s public beach, tennis, basketball & playground. Near public boat launch, too. Public water avail. & your own septic. $99,900 (709620)

KINGS CREEK COUNTRY CLUB - Rehoboth Beach. Stunning custom built Courtyard-style home makes you feel like you’ve been transported to West Palm Beach, Florida. Gorgeous finishes & appointments throughout the property. Main house is 3BR/2.5BA. Courtyard has 1BR/1BA suite for your visitors, in-laws or au pair. 2-car & separate 1-car garage. In-ground pool w/hot tub. E.P. Henry paver driveway & Courtyard patio. Outdoor kitchen. Great room w/FP, formal dining & elegant kitchen w/ high-end appliances. $1,150,000 (731402)

FIELDWOOD - Rehoboth. 1977 3BR/2BA home. Sun room & family room w/elec FP. Newer HVAC. 1/3 acre. Shed + oversized 1-car garage. East of Hwy 1 & 4 miles to beach. $249,900 (725522)

Taxes, Fees, Util. approx. $1,500/mt

SUNLAND RANCH Milton. Beautiful 0.80-acre wooded lot. Min. of 1,700sf house w2-car garage. 1 mile to Coastal Hwy & only 13 miles to Lewes beach. HOA $750/yr. $135,000 (730163)

POT-NETS LAKESIDE - Long Neck. 2004 3BR/2BA. Living room & family room. BIG kitchen w/dining area. Pool, clubhouse, beach, marina & more! 13 miles to boardwalk. $79,900 (730542) Lot Rent $641/mt.

Lot Rent $588/mt

ASPEN MEADOWS – Rehoboth. 1984 2BR/2BA has Split BR plan. LV, family room, dining room + eat-in kitchen. 4 miles to boardwalk. Community pool. $74,900

ANGOLA BY THE BAY Lewes. Lot & half just 1 block from marina w/pool access via backyard trail. So many amenities: crabbing pier, playground & more. 10 miles to beach. $138,000 (731174)

CAMELOT MEADOW – Rehoboth. 1992 3BR/2BA. LV & family room. Large master suite. Screen porch & 2 decks. 3.5 miles to beach. Community pool. $79,900

(727359) Lot Rent $710/mt

LINGO ESTATES - Long Neck. 1997 3BR/2BA has LV, family room & sunroom. Sale includes 15’ boat w/trailer. 5 miles to Masseys Landing public boat ramp. Furn. No lot rent. $149,900 (722409)


- Rehoboth. 1983 3BR/3BA. Recently remodeled. Each BR has its own bath for 3 master suites! Pool, tennis & marina. $47,900 (727328)

(731109) Lot Rent $675/mt


- Rehoboth. 1994 3BR/23BA. LV & family room w/gas FP. Split BR plan. Screen porch. Golf Cart included! Pool, tennis & marina. $115,000

(728941) Lot Rent $700/mt

20250 Coastal Highway - Suite 3, Rehoboth Beach, DE 19971


- 302.227.1222  TOLL FREE - 877.SEA.BOVA  EFAX - 888.SEA.BOVA  EMAIL – RealEstate@SEABOVA.com Office Independently Owned & Operated by SBA, Inc. – Prices and availability subject to change without notice.

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