Annual Report: 2022-2023

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Report 2022-2023

Camphill Village Copake


Special thanks to Marty Hunt, our Village archivist, who has lived in this community for many years, and has maintained our records and old photos with great care.

Members of the Unitary Boards of Camphill Village Copake and Camphill Ghent


Jan Berman Chair

John Carroll Vice Chair

Roman Gerhard Vice Chair/Executive Director of Camphill Village Copake

Bruce Evan-Wong Kraus Board Treasurer

Roselyn Aring Secretary

Bill Kolberg Chief Financial Officer

David Clark Assistant Financial Officer

Amanda Pierro

Camphill Ghent Executive Director


Jan Berman Director

Jaquelyn Bieringer Director

Julie Boothroyd Director

John Carroll Director

Joel Cohen Director

Louis Cooper Director

Chris Fish-Acker Director

Roman Gerhard Director

Brooke Hogan Director

Mary Kornman Director

Laure McIlroy Director

Anna Rée Director

Philipp Schaffer Director

Helen Serebin Director

Gabriella Sperry Director

Jos Smeele Director

Ted Sumners Director

Roy Tau Director

Valentine Taubner III Director

Jessy Tolkan Director

Bill Vogt Director

Emily Wallach Director

This annual report aims to capture some of the treasured moments and decades-long traditions in our community that are continuously made possible by so many of our generous donors. The 2022-2023 fiscal year was a special one in Camphill Village; we celebrated Rochelle Sternthall’s 60th anniversary— the first such milestone we’ve had here since our founding in 1961. Rochelle’s mastery of the loom, her love of sharing a home with babies and small children, and the many friendships she’s nurtured are all experiences that have been enriched by the many traditions that Rochelle has shaped and passed down to others in our community.

We’re inspired by Rochelle and the members of her generation who have guided Camphill Village to where it is today with the help of your generosity. It’s with gratitude that we age with Rochelle and our other peers here in Camphill Village, and it’s with so much joy that we greet younger community members who have so many fulfilling moments in store.


To Our Friends, Family Members, and Supporters

I am pleased and honored to have been appointed to this leadership position on the Camphill Village Copake Board of Directors. I succeed, but do not replace, Gabriella Sperry—who I wish to thank for her dedication and tireless work for the Village. We are fortunate that Gabriella continues as an active and vital board member. Gabriella led our board through some very difficult hurdles and to many great successes—through the pandemic, identifying changemaking opportunities for alternative funding, and bringing great talent onto our board of carefully selected members. Our community and I are grateful to Gabriella for the time and imagination she has dedicated to Camphill Village.

I am the brother of Tammy Berman, who has lived in the Village for 29 years. Our father, the late Joel Berman, was a board member for many years. My family and I have watched Tammy live a most fulfilling life surrounded by friends who support her amid the very special traditions of this community. I bring the gratitude of our whole family who has spent these years visiting Tammy at her home in the Village, and meeting her wonderful peers and housemates—all of which guide her to unfold her gifts. In this role, I promise to draw from my years presiding over a successful family business, experience in philanthropy, and a lifetime of traditions with Tammy and Camphill Village.


One of the great many strengths of this community has been its ability to look ahead—not just as visionaries who seek a holistic and integrated life for people of all abilities, but in the Camphill Movement’s consideration of the whole human being at every stage of life. As we observed the aging demographic at the Village, a dedicated group came together to create Camphill Ghent 20 miles to our north in Chatham over a decade ago. Since 2012, the residents of Camphill Ghent have been creating community around the social and physical needs of an aging group that benefits from a slower pace within a Camphill community.

At our June board meeting, in order to best support the goals and aspirations of both Camphill Ghent and Camphill Village Copake, the boards of directors of each organization voted to merge our boards. This was done with a view toward effective planning and communication between our communities while maintaining separately operating corporations. This was an essential move, in order to allow us to work more closely together to provide a continuum of care for our loved ones as they progress through the stages of life—and their care needs change—in a Camphill environment.

Many of our readers are our family members— our greatest and most dedicated benefactors.

As Tammy’s brother, I’ve been so grateful for the discerning insight and care with which the leadership and residents of Camphill Village navigated the first wave of the pandemic. In the absence of a playbook, this community kept Tammy, and so many others, safe during a wave of illness that shook more traditional group homes and nursing facilities to their core and led so many to reevaluate their daily routines. Camphill’s efforts and health outcomes for all the residents were exceptional. I and my family’s faith in Camphill Village’s ability to adapt is continuously renewed.

While I can only hope to fill the shoes of those who came before me, I will always keep the traditions and the many facets that make Camphill Village extraordinary at the forefront of our board’s discussions as they relate to policy, operations, and funding. I look forward to updating our readers on our progress a year from now.

With well wishes for a productive year,


Dear Friends and Families,

We are so thankful that you have kept Camphill Village in your hearts while experiencing financial shifts in your own households, foundations, and businesses. Like you, throughout the 2022-2023 fiscal year, Camphill Village was challenged by cost increases in just about every realm of our operating budget. Because of you, we met our increased goal.

Several years ago, we developed a three-year strategic plan that identified goals and objectives that would help guide us from 2019 through 2021. Needless to say, we were challenged in many ways in the second half of the plan’s term, but our generous supporters were with us all the way. Over the last few years, families especially have expressed their support and gratitude for the exceptional work and commitment of this community’s residents and its administration. I consider myself truly fortunate to have led our board of directors as president since 2018, and am delighted to pass the baton to Jan Berman, a longtime board member and Village family member.

I look forward to working with our newly expanded board of directors to ensure the highest standards for the residents of Camphill Village now and in the future.

With thanks,


Dear Friends, Families, and Generous Supporters,

For a long time, we’ve referred to your gifts as supporting the things that make Camphill Village remarkable. While every single person, season, meal, and milestone in our community is indeed special, it is also the traditions of Camphill Village that are upheld by your generosity. These traditions that compose such a meaningful part of Village life have been celebrated here in Copake for decades, as well as elsewhere throughout the Camphill Movement.

Many of our seasonal festivals and customs— like the springtime running of the cows or the creative rooster-shaped breads we carry on Palm Sunday—are the result of a more encompassing Camphill tradition that brings people from different continents together to create an enriching place where care and home life are informed by many different cultures and experiences. The residents of Camphill Village thrive in this colorful community where people of all abilities participate in and pass down these traditions to newer community members. The value in sharing a picnic blanket in a grassy field on dozens of summer evenings over a lifetime, or removing a roll of fabric that took months to create on a loom, is invaluable. Yet it requires charitable giving, and it is made possible by your generosity.

We are so grateful to our donors who keep our community members in your hearts throughout the year—many for decades. Your continuous support of this community’s people and vision are deeply appreciated. Thank you for supporting the traditions that engage and challenge us, and bring this community together. These traditions—our memories of them and the way they evolve—truly make Camphill Village special.

With appreciation,


Economic Impact

1. Compensation & Benefits

2. Purchases in Columbia County $4.7M

Purchases Outside Columbia County

$4.0M Total Spend $12.3M Total Purchase $8.7M
1 3 2 8
1. Management & General $1.2M 2. Development and Fundraising $514K 3. Program Services $1.07M 4. Personnel $2.3M 5. Medical $1.8M 6. Volunteers $1.8M 7. Therapists, Human Concerns, Education $969K 8. Capital $774K 9. Repairs and Maintenance $489K 10. Utilities, Rents $447K 11. Insurance, Financial $364K 12. Transportation $320K 13. Office Expenses, Other $364K Total $12.4M Expenses 1 2 4 5 6 11 9 13 3 7 8 9

Revenue & Support

2 3 4 6 5 1
$1.7M 3.
$5.5M 4.
$160K Total
1. Federal Entitlements
2. Grants
State Funding
5. Work Spaces and Gift Shop
6. Other Income


Although there are so many moving parts in our busy Village life—the changing seasons, new housemates, shifting work schedules—our days are largely shaped by the traditions that have remained constants in our community for decades.

The pages in this report depict just some of the many traditions that engender connection and reinforce our daily and seasonal rhythms in Camphill Village. Within each of these traditions is an opportunity to gather, whether you’re one of a group of bakers surrounded by the unmistakable aroma of nutmeg and figs during the holidays, or a farmer looking forward to a hearty breakfast after an early morning of milking in the barn.

These invaluable traditions are made possible by our generous donors. Your charitable gifts do so much more than fund an operating budget; you are providing opportunities for reliable, enhanced social connection. Your gifts create special moments, where our community members who have lived here for decades can pass down the customs they hold dear to new members of our community—who will one day do the same.

We thank you, and invite you to enjoy the traditions old and new that are featured in this 2022-2023 annual report.


Farmers’ Breakfast

While most of our community members are just sitting down for breakfast before a busy day, our farmers have already walked our dairy herd from the pasture into the milking room of our dairy barn. While milking is underway, a dedicated household crew prepares a hearty breakfast. A spread of fresh bread and jam, homemade yogurt, fruit, muesli, and coffee awaits the farmers, who wake up in separate households at first light, but bless their meal together.

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Farmers’ Breakfast in 1999, with Hunter Avis, Adam Fairbank, Robert Zaken, Jon Stebbins, Ian Robb, Lucas Veltrusky, Chris Wilson, Elias Rive, and Camilla Feer. Photo by Caleb Williams.

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top. Thomas Miano passes a ceramic crock of fresh yogurt to Marian Scharr during Farmers’ Breakfast in 2016.

bottom August 2002 Farmers’ Breakfast in Capella House, with Robert Schutz, Chris Wilson, Jon Stebbins, and Fabian Gutbrod. Photo by Teresa Yasuda.

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Stephen Boothroyd and Joan Hill sit down with their farm colleagues in 2023.



Camphill Village is largely a walking community, with paved pathways that run through our forests for ease of travel from households to workspaces. The Ring Road and Camphill Road in our community are shared by cows, wheelchairs, cars, and bicycles. Some of our bakers use their bicycles to deliver bread to households, and others use them to get where they need to go swiftly, safely, and independently.

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A group out for a ride in the early 1970s, with Aillinn House— then called Bungalow—in the background.

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top. Michael Desmond enjoys a peaceful ride past Hickory Field in June 2021.

bottom. Ben Bruschke stops to pick up the mail for for Argo House.

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Stevie Gibson enjoys an autumn ride through the upper vegetable garden.



The crafting landscape in our community is continuously evolving. We’ve created batik art with melted wax on silk, as well as stained glass to brighten our indoor spaces. Our doll shop and enamel shop are long closed, and our bookbindery has progressed into a paper crafts studio full of creativity and conversation. The enjoyment and necessity of our craft work have fostered some of the most notable traditions associated with our community. We rely on our beeswax candleshop to bring a bright flame to our meals, and the reusable handwoven napkins from our weavery are colorful, personal, and sustainable. Our vegetable, seed, and herb gardens provide wholesome ingredients for our meals and holistic remedies. These are just some of the spaces where we are unfolding our gifts together for the benefit of one another.

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Priscilla Manney, sewing the binding of a journal, lived in Camphill Village from 1970 until she retired to Camphill Ghent in 2012.

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top. David Reid, pictured here in the Woodshop, lived in Camphill Village from 1967 until his passing in 1995.

bottom. Finot Selassie and Asha Elhassan proudly present their work in the Candleshop.

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Lissie Wormser cuts pieces of paper into recycled confetti to fill Christmas ornaments in the Bookbindery.


Holy Week

Our traditions around the spiritual festivals provide so many reasons to craft, bake, perform plays, and gather throughout the year. Holy Week has always been a special time in Camphill Village. We spend the days preceding Easter decorating eggs that we hang above our dining room tables. We gather on Palm Sunday for a procession inspired by our friends from the Netherlands, holding crosses decorated with greenery, ribbons, and fresh bread we’ve baked in the shape of a rooster—a symbol of light emerging. On Easter Sunday, we gather early for our sunrise service, and enjoy a social Easter brunch with pretty cakes, salads, fruit, and more.

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Easter morning in Farmhill in 1977, with the von Jeetze girls, Herbie Beck, and Aillinn Pusch.

Photo by Helen Wolff.

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top. Palm Sunday 2013, with Gale Mortman, Anna Olajide, Vicki Fliesler, and Andrea Baring.

Photo by Sabina Curti.

bottom. A 2021 Palm Sunday gathering behind Kaspar and Ita Wegman houses, with Paula Levai, Vicki Fliesler, and Destiny Saturria.

Photo by Ariel Turner.

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Bill Wait with his rooster bread on Palm Sunday, 1986.

Photo by Stephan Rasch.



Neighborhood lunch, festival celebrations, and a bit of nice weather are all reasons why we enjoy dining outdoors as much as possible. A few salads and sandwiches packed in our kitchens in summer, or a sweater and a pitcher of freshly pressed apple cider in the fall, make for a lovely reason to gather beside the Hall Pond or elsewhere overlooking our beautiful grounds.


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A picnic on the Hall Pond lawn enjoyed by several households in the 1970s.

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top Fresh breads, pies, and a bowl of fresh concord grapes adorn the table during our Michaelmas Day feast in 1999.

bottom Asha Elhassan dances to live music during a Labor Day picnic near the Hall Pond in 2023.

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Elizabeth Dewart teases photographer Ariel Turner as the vegetable gardeners prepare a fun afternoon barbecue near the greenhouses in 2020.

Photo by Ariel Turner.


Maple Syrup

Our households hold dear the day they receive freshly bottled maple syrup each year, but we also look forward to gathering for a big maple syrup breakfast in celebration of the year’s sap runs coming to an end. The weeks before we end our maple season are a community-wide effort where free time is spent under the guidance of the Estate Crew, transferring dripping sap from the metal collection buckets hanging on our sugar maples to large holding tanks that are delivered to our sugar house. For many years, the Village sugar house was much smaller, and located near our Co-op. Our woodfired sap boiler provided a lot of warmth in late winter, and we’ve always enjoyed sweetening our yogurts, granolas, and teas with our syrup. Several years ago, our community was able to build a solid timber frame sugar house using larch wood from our property. Our boiler is still wood fired, and is capable of boiling more sap each season. Our sugar house will last a lifetime, thanks to the generous donors that supported this cherished tradition during a transformative capital campaign.

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Alan Rosenzweig and a young coworker tap sugar maples together in the early 2000s.

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top Lindsay Johnston collects sap on the first sap run of the year. It was a sunny, warm afternoon in mid-February 2024—a temperature-record-breaking winter.

bottom. Bobby Freed looks on as Lee Edwards pours freshly boiled syrup into an evaporator to finish the process around 2016.

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Mira Riedel pours freshly collected sap into a holding tank in 2000.


Camphill Village is an integrated community where people with developmental differences are living a life of dignity, equality, and purpose.






AJon Aaron

Lynn Abbott in memory of Clarice Knecht

Nico Abgrall

Leonard Ablieter

Robert Aborn

Beth Ackerson

R. W. Adamchak

Tucker Adams

Kate Agmann

Dina Aish

Fariba Alam

Michael Albo

Jessica Albright*

Robert and Marilyn Aldrich

Jean Aldwell

Melinda Alexander

Susan Allbert

Carrol and Suzanne Allen

Barbara Almy

Heidelise Als and Frank Duffy

Sheila Aminmadani

Astrid and Gregory Amoresano

Marina Ancona

Dave and Linda Anders in honor of Matthew Holtz

David Anderson

Stephen Andors and Ann Sheehan

Nicholas Andrea

Karl Andrek

Joseph and Diane Angelucci in memory of Mattie McIlroy

Josephine Angevin in honor of Tony Bacon

Carolynn Anklam


Isabella and Michael Antonorsi

Lisa Archambault

Peter Archer and Kate Rowe


Roselyn Aring and Tavius Sims

William and Mary Aring

Shannon Arnold

Rebecca and Michael Aronson

Susan Arterian

Hratch and Negdar Arukian

Lynn Asch

Muriel Asch in honor of Suzanne Taube

Elizabeth Aschauer in memory of Elizabeth Stevens in memory of Anne Martin

Jen Ata

Victor and Victoria Atkins in honor of Tony Bacon

Donald and Linda Auerbach in memory of Philip Auerbach

Joseph Augenbraun in honor of Jan Berman in honor of Tammy Berman

Artemus Aungst

Shari Avenius

Lawrence and Lois Avrin in memory of George and Rose Silver

BMyriam Babel

Kristin Baca in honor of Adam Smith

Dan Bacon

Alana Baer

Sheelagh Baily

Judith Baker

Neil and Hillary Baker

Shubha Bala

Mary Ellen and Tito Balducci

Bruce Balkenhol

John and Regina Ballinger

Charles and Amelia Banino

Gary Banks

Philip Barbato

Grace Ann Baresich

David and Debra Barford

Liz Baring in honor of Andrea Baring

Diane and John Barnes in honor of Nathan Collins

Lynn and John Barnes in honor of Stephen Gibson

Amy and Bradford Barr

Phebe Barth

Rhiannon Batey

Richard and Kathleen Batsavage in honor of Amanda Balducci

Patryk Battle

Gretchen Baudenbacher

Eric Baumheier and Aja McAdams

Ruth and Jordan Baurmash

Anne Baxter

Henry and Theresa Beekley

Mary Beekley*

Candice Belanoff

Julia Belgrave*

Amy and Jeffrey Belkora in memory of Stephen Decater

Chris Bellingham

Denise Bencivengo in memory of Mattie McIlroy

Jess Benjamin

Elena Bennett in memory of James Bennett

Jeffrey and Rosalind Benton in honor of Laurie Benton

Michael and Pamela Benton in memory of Earle and Norene


Frances Benton

Liza Berdnik

Robert and Elinor Berlin

Glen and Dawn Berman

Jan and Judy Berman

Lorraine Berman in memory of Joel Berman

Shari Berman Pascarosa and Jack Pascarosa

Walter Bernard and Kristine Woolhouse

Nancy Berner

Rebecca Bernzweig in memory of Madeline Harvey

Ben and Gloria Berry

Jeffrey Berry and Frances Jensen in memory of Susan Williams

Ginger Beshears

Doug Beveridge

Aimee Beyda

Gary Biale and Susan Cohen

Dolores Bianchino in memory of Jack Acker

Lynda and Jeffrey Billheimer in honor of Sherry Wildfeuer

Pepper Binkley

Amanda Birnbaum

Amanda Bishop*

Audrey and Hunter Black

James Blaine in honor of Tony Bacon

Marge and Ed Blaine

Regina Blakeslee

Yvette Blanchard in memory of Heidelise Als

Joyce Blanton in honor of Ellen Hunt

Friedhelm and Karin Blobel

Joy MacDonald Boatwright in memory of Anne Martin

Jana Boccalon

Terri Bogage

Keith and Theresa Bogdanovich

Masako Bogin*

David and Sherill Bolevice

S. Bonsall

Julie and Stephen Boothroyd

Laura Bortolin

Kristine Boshell

Dalila Bothwell

Mary Bowden

Margaret Bowman Kelley

Michael Boylan

Nonie Brady and Wilhelm Merck in memory of Susan Williams

Thomas Branca and Suzanne Holsinger

Ann Brand

Linda and Jim Brandi in honor of Tony Bacon in memory of Susan Williams

Audra Brandt

Roberta Brawer

Anne Bray

Ritalynne Brechner

John Brett

Matilda Brett

Eugene Breza

Marie Bridges

Annika Briggs

Holly Briquelet Miller

Eileen Bristol

Laura Brodbeck

Nancy Bronson in memory of James Hoover

Joseph and Susan Browdy

Caleb Brown

Megan Brown and Jeff Anderson

Sandra Bruschi in memory of Bobby Schwabe

Constance and Gene Bruschke

Laura Bryan

C. Frederick and Judith Buechner

Kate Buehler in memory of Heidelise Als

William and Carrie Buetow

Jan Burgevin* in honor of Willem Hallstein

Ann Burigsay

Meghan Burke

Sharon Burke


Allison Burtch

James Bussel and Charlotte Cunningham-Rundles

Samantha Butler in memory of Heidelise Als

Carolyn Butler

Peter Bye in honor of Stephen Decater in honor of Fred Downy

The Byler Family

CJoyce Caldwell in memory of John Clifford

Pamela Callahan and John Walte

Lissa Callirhoe

Ellen Camerata

Julie Camerata

Sally Cameron in memory of Rita Folger

Mary Campbell

Sara Campbell

Allison Canton

Tom Carling

Jill Carnell

Niranjan Carr-Mal

Constance Carroll

John Carroll

Clare Carter

Mariam Carter

Kathryn and Paul Caruso in honor of Sheila Fierro

Rosemary Caruso

Amy Carvajal in honor of David Freed in honor of Robert Freed

Thomas Case in honor of the Crew at Turtle Tree Seed

Scott Chace* in honor of William Donahue

Shannon and Stephens Chamberlin

Nancy Chappell

Boxil Charles

Yi-Chun Chen

Norman Cherubino

Tamecca Chester

Mona Chopra

Cecelia Christensen

Kevin and Kathleen Christofferson

Yenkuei Chuang

Richard and Nancy Church in memory of Susan Williams

Maria and Gerald Church in honor of Tony Bacon

Nicole Cichocki

Susan and Frank Cimino in memory of Earle and Norene Benton

The Cinorre Family

Hester and Nathaniel Clapp

India Clark

John and Ellen Clarkson

Julia Cockerill

Marcia Coffeen-McElroy

Joel and Terry Cohen

Leslie and Carole Cohen

James and Lynne Colclough

Cathy Cole

Robert Comey

Charlotte Connell

Mary Connelly

Edward and Nancy Conner in honor of Tony Bacon

Patricia and John Connor

Pamela Conry

Safini Convey

Gabrielle Conway

Louis and Susan Cooper

Saul and Karin Cooper in memory of Heidelise Als in honor of Elisabeth Cooper

Thomas and Emily Bateson


Adriana Cordero

Linda Cordle

Casey Cordon

Wendy Corn

Patti Corozine

Marc and Jennifer Costantino

Jennifer Cote

David Cotter

Richard Cowperthwait in memory of Helen Simon

Leslie Cox and Ronald Ennis

Prescott and Joan Crocker in memory of Susan Williams

Amy Cross

Shannon Cruz-Herr

Luisette Cuebas

Chris Cuellar

Mary Curtis

Justine Cushing in honor of Robbie Haynes

George Cutler

Robert Cutler

DSteven Dagger

Debra Dailey in memory of Alice Moores

Pamela Dalton and David Salisbury in memory of Susan Williams

Thomas and Barbara Dalvano in memory of David Hauptman

Dora Damiano and Jerrard Mavellia in memory of Sabino Mavellia

Virginia Damron

John and Lisa Daniels in memory of Susan Williams

Alina Daunyte

Judith Dauson

Ashley Davis

Barbara Davis

Diana Davis in memory of Eric Williams

Kenneth Davis

Jacky Davis-Soman

David Dawdy

Susan Dawdy

Julie Dawson in memory of Anne Martin

Diane De Grande

Hubert and Frances de Lacvivier

Geraldine De Seve

Addie Deacon

A. DeBevoise

David DeBuhr

Terry and Pamela DeGeyter

Abraham Dejene

Romuald Delacroix in memory of Louisa van der Meulen

Susan Delattre

Robin DeLaVergne in memory of Anne Martin

N. A. DeMercado

Christoffel den Biggelaar

JoAnne Dennee

George and Leigh Denny in honor of Tony Bacon

Regine Detremmerie-Carr and Richard Carr

John Detweiler

Charlotte D’Evelyn

Robert and Bobo Devens

Garret and Maritta DeVisser

Lucile Dewart in memory of Aerielle Dewart

Tracey Dewart and Michel Eckersley

Lee and Rebeca Dewey

Joan Dewey

Eric Deyo in honor of Kipp Deyo

Upayadhi Dh

Daryl Dichek and Kenneth Smith

Alice and Curtiss Dietrich in honor of Tony Bacon in memory of Susan Williams

Craig and Annebeth Dillon

Michael and Mary Ann DiNapoli

Maria DiSalvo

Nell Dobbs* in memory of Nico Dobbs

Jacqueline Doll

John David and Elizabeth Donahue* in honor of William Donahue

Molly Donahue

Katherine Dore

Bradley Dorfman and Meeyoung Toh

Charles Dorsey in memory of Andy Dorsey

Timothy Dorsey

Elissa Doty in memory of Richard Grassi

Kristina Dousharm in honor of Laurie Benton

Jill Dovale

Leigh and David Dove

Virginia Dow and Reid Bielenberg

John and Linda Dowd in honor of Liam Arancio in honor of Sophia McGarrah

Don Downs

James Drozd

Elise DuBois in honor of Barbara Jespersen in memory of George Jespersen

Sarah and William Ducas in honor of Tony Bacon in memory of Susan Williams

Brian and Elizabeth Duddy in memory of Mattie McIlroy

John and Claudia Duke

Sabin Duncan

Catherine Dunham and James Feldman

Marc and Pamela Duquette

Richard and Huong Durand

Dale Durland

Chad Durr in memory of Raymond Durr

Timothy Durrant and Susan Taormina


Mark Ebersole and Maria Walker

Sandra Eckhert

Linda and Lawrence Eckler

Alan and Susan Eddy

Barbara and James Edwards in honor of Tony Bacon

Virginia Efta

Marla Eglowstein

Josef Eisner in memory of Elizabeth Miller

Cecelia and Robert Elinson

Elizabeth and Peter Ellis

Erika Ellis

Martha Emrich-Stiles and Daniel Stiles in memory of Dorothy Avis in memory of Jack Avis in honor of John Hunter Avis

David and Phebe Engel

David and Judith Englander

Rae Ann Engler

Deanna English

Jeffry and Roberta Epstein

Jeff and Barbara Erdmann in honor of Tony Bacon

Dana and Richard Esposito

Heather Estey

Andrew Evans

Sarah Evelyn

Barbara Everett

FMegan Fairbank and James Beekman

Christa Fairbrother

Aida Fantaye

Barbara Faresich

Lindsay Fauntleroy

Jennifer and Joshua Fecteau

Barbara Feer and Peter Joyce

Peter Feer

John and Grace Feighery

Loraine Feitelson in memory of Richard Feitelson

Jan Fenimore*

Teresa Ferrari and Jeffrey Saarman

Jeanne Ferrer in honor of Robbie Haynes

Jeff Ferris

Jerry and Wendy Festa in memory of Mattie McIlroy

Aimie Feuling

Greta Fields

Shawn Fields-Meyer

Sheila and Ernest Fierro in honor of Marian Scharr

Thomas Fiffer in memory of Anne Martin

Susan Fine

Anthony and Pamela Fingleton

Harold and Denise Fink in memory of Mattie McIlroy

John and Theresa Fink in memory of Mattie McIlroy in honor of William McIlroy

Meik and Daniela Fischer

Chris Fish-Acker

Mary Anne and Michael Fischer

Mary Flaherty in memory of Heidelise Als

Jay Flamme in memory of Mattie McIlroy

Conor Fleming

Leslie and Anthony Florio

Frank Flynn

Bo Forbes

E. Gail Ford

Phil Ford

Joan Forrester in honor of Joan Hill

Heather Forrester-Sobczck* in honor of Joan Hill

Angela Forret

Stephanie Fortunato

James and Suzanne Fowler

Sarah Franks and Michael Moore in memory of Miriam Shapiro

Frank Frazier in memory of Pamela Peper Frazier

Michael and Cecily Frazier

Deborah Fredericks

Karen Freed

Henry and Helen Freedman

Zach Freeman

Stanley and Susan Friedman

John Friel and Sophia Hsieh

James and Karen Friend in honor of Ellen Hunt

Bruce and Karen Frishkoff

Daniel Frisiello in honor of Joyce Frisiello

James and Lynda Furey

Ellen Furnari

William Furse

Abby Fyer

GChristopher Gaffney and Karen Kames

Gay Gale in memory of Heidelise Als

Peter and Julie Gale

Ian and Josie Gardiner

LuAnne Gardner

Nathaniel and Nancy Gardiner

Kathryn Garrison

William and René Garrity

Andrea Gastman

Daniel Gastman

Evan Gastman

Linda Gatter

Cynthia and Matt Gause

Ashley Gavin

Megan Geary

Karen Geisler

Alan Gelb and Karen Levine

Neil and Dara Gelerter

Joan and Phil Gellert in honor of everyone at Camphill Village

William and Jill Gellert

Roman and Emily Gerhard

Audrey Gerkin

Edward Gerner in memory of Madeline Feldman

Laura Gerry

Virginia Gian

Kevin and Nancy Gibbons in memory of Will McDonald

Donald and Margaret Gibson in honor of Stephen Gibson

Eileen Gigon

Linda Gilkerson in memory of Heidelise Als

Robert Gillette

Jeff Ginsberg

Paul Gioia

Jennifer Girard

Virginia Girard

Mark Girvin

Marion J Glick

Louis Glunz in memory of Anne Martin

Ellen Goldberg and Seth Bernanke in memory of Richard Grassi

Joshua Goldberg*

Laura Goldberg

Noah Goldberg

June Goldner

Sara Lynn and Harvey Goldsmith

Ashley Gonzalez

Kate Gorelick in memory of Mattie McIlroy

Doug Gortner in memory of Vicky Randall

Joseph Gosler and Sheila Wolper

Kiersta and Mark Gostnell

Diana Gould

Lannie Gower

Victoria Graboys in memory of Susan Williams

Deborah Grace*

Peter Graham

Jennifer Grant

Ingrid Gray

Karen Green in honor of Adam Smith

Alison Greene and Edward Mead in memory of Walter Brodie

Fayal Greene in memory of Anne Martin in memory of Elizabeth Stevens

Joyce and Thomas Greene in memory of Alice Brady in memory of Walter Brodie in memory of Lynn Griffin in honor of Patricia Ormsby in memory of Angelo Sangiacomo in memory of Jean Sullivan

Melissa Greene

Paula Greene and Pete Knight in honor of Lindsay Mead

Diana Greiner

Carly Greis

Eugene Jason Gremley

Brehon and Kathryn Griswold

Michael and Nancy Grogan in honor of Tony Bacon

Theodore Groh

Vernon Grumbling

Marjorie Guldan

Lynn Guterman

Betsy Guttmacher

Lauralee Guttridge

Robert Guzzon

Gaines and Rosie Gwathmey

Carolyn and Don Haber in memory of Anne Martin

HPatricia Hagan

Wanda Hagen and James Santangelo

William Hahn


Danna Haile

Ana Hajduk

Mary Haley and Seth Jordan

John and Ann Hall in honor of Tony Bacon in memory of Susan Williams

Sarah and Brent Hall in memory of Anne Martin

Stephanie Hall

Susan Hall*

Ted Hall

John Hallstein*

Bonnie Halvorson-Bourgeois

James Hamlen in honor of Dan Bacon

Brooke Hamlett

Suzanne Hamm

Barbara Hammer

Camilla Hammer

Margery and Joseph Hammer

Henry and Marie Hansen

Cheryl and Eric Hanson in memory of Jeffrey Bernstein

JoAnna Hardy

Jessica Hargest

Holly Harmon

Althea Harris

Barbara Harris* in memory of Steven Eisenhauer

Matthew Harris

Emily Harrison

Holly Harrison in honor of Adam Smith

Sherry Harsh

David Hart

Ashley Hartley*

Glen Hartley and Lynn Chu

Sarah Hartman-Caverly

Ira Haspel in memory of Kathy Haspel

Whitney and Elizabeth Hatch

Rachel Hawkins in honor of Adam Smith

Susan Hawkins

Laura Lee Hayes and Robert Brill

Patricia Haylo in memory of Anne Martin

Philip and Lesley Heimlich

Beckie and David Heinlein

Marian Heller

Linda Hemingway

Scott Henderson

Bill and Betsy Herman

Kristin Hesse*

Kristin Hettinger

Lisa Higgins in memory of Anne Martin

Eugenia Hiland

Susan Hiley

Juliane Hill

William and Peggy Hinkle in honor of Ellen Hunt

M.G Hinshaw in memory of Oma Jewel Hinshaw

John and Rita Hirsch

Eloise and Arthur Hodges in memory of Susan Williams

Nancy and Leonard Hodgins in honor of David Freed in honor of Robert Freed

Lisa Hoff

Peter Hoffman and Linda McNutt Hoffman in honor of Thomas Davis

Brooke Hogan

Michael Hogan

Thatcher and Cathy Hogan

Whitney Hogan* in honor of Brooke Hogan

Jared Hohlt in honor of Patricia Cinorre

Lawrence and Barbara Hohlt in honor of Patricia Cinorre

Barbara and Jaime Holcombe*

Yvonne Holdeman

Margaret and Hudson Holland in honor of Tony Bacon

Brenda Hollweger in memory of David Hollweger

Betsy Holmes

Richard Holowczak*

Harvey Holtz in memory of Elaine Holtz in memory of Raymond Rickmond

Debi Hom

Ed Hong

Jennie Hong

James Hoon

Sarah Hooper

Stanley House, Jr.

Margaret Howard and Jose Oliva

Mark Howarth and Lillian Becker

Joan Howland in memory of Rita Folger

Larry Hoyt

Mei-Jen Huang-Miller

Harvey Hubbell V

Susan Huck

David Hudson and Patricia Scheppman

Heidi Hudson Flege

Robert and Dixie Huefner in memory of Anne Martin

Olivia Huff and Paul Talib

Cathy Hull and Neil Janovic

Lawrence and Madelon Hunt in honor of Martha Hunt

Maria Hunt

Marsha and Warren Hunt in honor of Ellen Hunt

Robert and Lois Huntington in honor of Lisa Mlilo

Sarah Huntington

Maria Chambers Hutchins

Mary Ann and Ken Hutchinson

Paul Hyland

IVictoria I

Jonathan and Sarah Imboden

William and Hannelore Inglis

Bruce Ingraham in honor of Nathan Collins

Rosanna and Paul Innes

Jessica Insalaco

Raymond Ippolito

Ellie Ismailidou

JCarolyn Jackson

Joan Jackson

Laurie Jackson

Ellen Jaffe in memory of Alan and Christine Fliesler

Johannes Jager*

Joshua Jakum

Joseph Jannotta in memory of Anne Martin

Jason Jardine

Harold Jarmon and Alice Daniel

Frankie Jennings

Mariana Jensen

Semmel Jessica

Erin Johnson

Gary and Kathy Johnson

Leslie Johnson

Melissa Johnson in memory of Heidelise Als

Joan and Stephen Johnston* in honor of Lindsay Johnston

Lucy Jones

Sarah Jones

Kathryn Jorgensen in memory of Heidelise Als

Elaine Joseph in memory of Mattie McIlroy

Norman and Barbro Jung

KErna Kahan in honor of Tammy Berman

Joel Kanter in honor of Marian Scharr

Candace Kaptain

Catherine Karanas in honor of Miss Maria Charlotte


John and Deborah Karch

Judy Kasper

Lauren and Robert Kasper in honor of Ani Kasper

Janet Kearney* in honor of Kathryne Rose Mauceri

Charles and Angelika Keil in memory of Norman Jasmine

Hollis and George Keller

Denise Kelly

Michael Kelly

Sarah Kelly

Angela Kelsey

Carol Kempf

Jo Anne Kennedy

Joe Kennedy

Mary Lee and Don Kennefick in memory of Heidelise Als

Aoife Kenny

Barbara Kenny

Elizabeth Kent

Morgan and Jeffrey Kent

Judy Kern

Joan and Arnold Kerzner in memory of Heidelise Als

David and Janet Kettler

Robert Kheel and Leslie Mazza in memory of Harvey Sperry

Joseph Kiefer and Amy Goodman Kiefer

William and Eileen Kiefer

Maria Killeen

Sue Kilmer in honor of the Weaver Family

Carolyn King in honor of Adam Smith

Frederick and Elaine King in honor of Tony Bacon

Stephen and Martha King

Brad and Debbie Kinney in memory of Mattie McIlroy


Manfred and Gloria Kirchheimer in memory of Walter Hess

Lazarus and Paula Kirifides in honor of Aaron Burstein

Tracy Kirshenbaum

Jane Kiser in memory of Helen Simon

Miya Kishi Dunets

Richard and Christine Kitto in memory of Martha Pearson

Rachel Klebanov

Franziska Klebe in honor of the Loefken Family

Alan and Suzanne Klimek

R.Y. and Barbara Kline

Molly Kohl

William Kolberg*

Melissa Konkle

Mitchell and Kim Konsker

Paul Kopicki

Richard and Diane Kosky

Raymond and Helena Kosorek

Harry and Katherine Koster

Lisa Posey Krakowsky

Bruce Kraus and Julie Manis

Ingrid Kraus in memory of Michael Kraus

Mark and Sandra Krecic

Peter Kreiner and Carol Marsh

Joseph and Leann Krenicki in memory of Ruth Stone

Sarah Krenicki and Matthew Forrest*

Kevin and Marla Krug in memory of Miriam Shapiro

Gail Kuderko

Jill Kurfirst

John Kurowski and Holly Whitehurst

LErcole and Theresa Lacianca in memory of Virginia Cinorre

Stefan and Emily LaCroix

Chiu-nan Lai

Polly Lampshire in memory of Nick Lampshire in memory of Susan Williams

Lynn and Anne Marie Lander in honor of Justin Lander

Marla Landsman

Jacquline Langas in memory of Anne Martin

Catherine and Paul Langereis in honor of Paul Gordon

Susan Lantz in honor of Tony Bacon in memory of Susan Williams

James Larson and Rhoda Wilmot

Annette and Thomas Laskaris* in honor of Alexandria Laskaris

Fransiska Laskaris and Obi Orjih in honor of Alexandria Laskaris

Zoey Laskaris

Abby Latour

Jennifer and William Lavasseur

Gretchen Lawhon in memory of Heidelise Als

Cheryl Lawrence

David and Susan Lawrence in honor of Tony Bacon

John Lawrence and Craig Franklin Lawrence in memory of Susan Williams

Traci Lawrence

James Lawson

Martha and Victor Leabu

April Leasure

Ruth LeBar and Charles Bates in memory of Ben LeBar in memory of Dorothy LeBar in memory of Frank LeBar

Michael and Frances Leblanc

Robert and Linda Leckie in memory of Mattie McIlroy

Scott Lederman

C.K. Lee

Celeste Lee

Vanessa Lee

Stanley Leff

Amy Lefkof in memory of Miriam Shapiro

Michael and Mary Ellen Lehmann

Xiaolin Lei

Rebecca Leifman in memory of Miriam Shapiro

Susan Leiter

Lysa Leland in honor of Tony Bacon

Lydia and Serge LeMay in honor of Brandon LeMay in memory of Mary Marchesano

Edward Lemon

Marilyn Lenkowsky and Jack Spillman

Anne and Donald Leonard in memory of Rita Folger

Mary Leonhardi and Bradley Dokter

J. David Lesenger

Yotam Lev and Gili Melamed-Lev

Rosemary and Pierre Levai

Carol Lever in memory of Harry and Henrietta Margolis in memory of Robert Margolis

David and Lisa Lever in memory of Harry and Henrietta Margolis

Kate Levin

Lori Levine

Stewart and Elisabeth Levine

Betty Levinson

Gloria Levitas in memory of Alan and Christine Fliesler

Brenda Levy in memory of Virginia Cinorre

Gregor Levy

Jeff Levy

Amanda Lewis

Jennifer Lewis

John and Jessica L’Heureux

Roger Liberman

Adreanna Limbach

Christof-Andreas and Norma Lindenberg

Gwynn Lindler

George Lindsay and Nancy Metz in memory of Virginia and Stanley Metz

Philip and Judy Linton

Michelle Lippitt

Kristen Lisanti

Henry and Susan Livingston in honor of Tony Bacon

Amy Lockwood

Susan Lodge in honor of Tony Bacon

Alexander and Heide Loefken in honor of Anja Loefken

Jakob Loewenberg

Sheryl and John Loiodice

Beverly Lomax

Katie Loncke

Kelsey London

Patricia London

John and Cynthia Long

Phillip and Whitney Long

Jill Longenecker in honor of Kavan Mangus

William and May Louie

Maynard and Judith Louis in memory of Anne Martin

Emily Lovely

Nancy Lowd

Robin Lowry

Suzanne Lubell

Jonathan Lubin

Jed and Sharon Luchow*

Pam Luk

Betsaba Luna

William Lund

Anna Lups

Nora Lusterio

Jerome and Ruth Lutnick

Martin Lyden

William and Jody Lynam

Kate Lynch

Tully Lyons and Louis Loeb

MSarah Maciel in memory of Nico Dobbs

Jessica MacLeod

Susan and Robert MacVeety in honor of Elijah Kent

Julius and Gertrude Madey

Veronica and Benjamin Madey

Marilyn Madrigal

Stanley Madyda

June Makela and Mark Fischweicher

Christopher Maki in memory of Rita Folger

Betelhem Makonnen

Judith Makrianes and Alexander

Robertson in honor of Tony Bacon in memory of Susan Williams

Mwila Malama

Steven Malk

Susan Manata

Brian Mangum and Anna Lehmann

Alan Manley and Daniela Gonella

Edward and Maya Manley

Frances Manley in honor of Bill Wait

John and Susanne Manley in honor of Julie and Stephen Boothroyd

Louis Marchesano

Tony and Suzanne Marchesano in memory of Mary Marchesano

Suzanne Marcuse and Nicholas DeFriez in honor of Paul Marcuse

David and Cynthia Markowitz

Adrienne Markowski

Dorothy Marks in honor of Andrea Baring

Debra Marquess


Lindsay Marshall

Mary Marshall

Patricia Marshall

Mary Martens

Burr and Mary Anne Martin in memory of Anne Martin in memory of Elizabeth Stevens

Roberta Martin

Stevens and Winnie Martin in memory of Anne Martin

Carrie Martin Wolf and David Wolf in memory of Anne Martin

Denis Martynowych

Maureen and Andre Mason in honor of David Freed in honor of Robert Freed in memory of Sarah Freed

Walter Mason

William and Cynthia Mason in honor of Tony Bacon

Andrea Massar in memory of Miriam Shapiro

Peter Mattson

Charles and Mary Ellen Mayo in memory of Madeline Harvey

Robert and Suzanne Mays

Prince Mbewe

John and Joan McAlonan in honor of Kimberly Warga

Julie McCallan

Grace McClintock

Margo Mccormick in honor of Adam Smith

Lena McCubbin

Carol McDaniel and Jeffrey Nickle

Susan McDermott

Alan McDonald

M. Brian McDonald in memory of Will McDonald

Scott McDonald in memory of Anne Martin

Lisa McElaney in memory of Heidelise Als

Jim and Maureen McFadden

Katherine McFarland

Lynne McGee

M. Donald and A. Victoria McGoldrick in memory of Renate Sachs

Laure and William McIlroy

Rhonda and Timothy McIntire in honor of Adam Smith

Elaine McKay

Michael McKenna

D. Richard and Jane McLeroy

Christopher McMahon and Kathleen Gitto-McMahon

Jack and Ruth Ann McSpadden in memory of Susan Williams

Mal Me

Machado and Ellen Mead

Mark Meadows

Christine Meara-Kaplowitz*

Sadia Mehmood in honor of Fransiska Laskaris

Chelsea Meister

Salem Mekuria

John Mellquist and Zsuzsa Mitro

David and Katherine Melmoth

Sara Merand

Leigh and Charles Merinoff

Stephen Meyers and Marsha

Hymowitz-Meyers in memory of Alan and Christine Fliesler

Flo and Vic Meyers

Anthony and Denise Miano in honor of Thomas Miano

William Milczarski and Ann-Marie Nazzaro in honor of Lindsay Johnston

Jeannette Milholland

Juddee Milito

Fran and Wayne Miller in memory of David C. Root

Jennifer Miller

Kelly Miller

Louise Miller

Thomas Miller

Toby Miller and Linda Maxson

Lisa Millette

Peter Milliken

Nancy and Christopher Milliken in memory of Susan Williams

Robert Minturn

Kristin Miscall

Marvin Mitchell

Steven and Olga Mollot

Leslie Moma

Kathleen Monaghan

Susan Montanari and Dennis Knepper

Beth Montgomery in memory of Heidelise Als

Emily Moore

Kristen Morabito

Kathleen Moran

Efua Morgan

Jessie Morgan in honor of Danny Miller

Benjamin Morris Siegel

Em Morrison

Courtney Moscariello

Andrea Moya

Claudia Moyne in honor of Anne Martin

Michele Moynihan

Anil Mundra

Joanne Dunne Murphy and Thomas Murphy

John Musselman

Molly Myers in memory of Miriam Shapiro

Thomas Myers*

NVanessa Naive

Richard and Elvira Neal

Samuel Neal

Mark and Ruth Nelson in memory of Anne Martin

Sandra Nelson

Miriam Neptune

Ann Newell

Jacqueline Newell and Stephen Smith in honor of the Crew at Turtle Tree Seed

Maud Newton

Katherine Nigh

Rashmi Nijagal

Alan Nisselson and Trudy Whitman

Emily Northam

Kenneth Noskin and Ruth Monstvilas

Marsha Novak

Kristin Nussgruber in memory of Ann Rau

OCheryl O’Brien

Michele Ochsner

Erin O’Connor

Erin O’Connor

Jenny Odell

Irene O’Garden and John Pielmeier

Leanna O’Grady and Mathieu Simmons

Dawn and Gerald O’Hara in honor of Dominic Garofolo

Nancy and Adrian O’Leary

Nicole Olmstead

Richard and Linda Olney in honor of Tony Bacon

Laura O’Loughlin

Avis Olsen

David Onek

James and Flora Orahood

Barbara Orcutt

Gregory Orlick in memory of Eleanore Orlick

Margarete Orlik-Walsh

Patrick O’Rourke in memory of Mattie McIlroy

Paul Osisek and Whei Ming Su in memory of Virginia Cinorre

Corrinne Osisek in memory of Virginia Cinorre

Ruth Ostrenga

Joseph Ott*

Richard Ott

Dale and Sue Otto

Jill Owens

Temi Oyetunji

PTimothy Paholak

Sally Palermo

Todd Palmer

Katherine and George Pappas

Nancy Parent

Robert and Laura Parisi

Oliver and Barbara Parker

The Parker Family in memory of Anne Martin

Kelly Parkinson

Jeannie Parkus

Robert Parsons and Victoria Herget in memory of Anne Martin

Jeff Pascale

Diane and David Paton in honor of Tony Bacon

Eugene Patrick

Elizabeth Peabody in honor of Tony Bacon

Carol and Wade Peacock

John and Jane Pearce

Gillian Pears

Joe and Barbara Pearson in memory of George Pearson

Matt Pendergist

Bruce Pennetti

Andrea Pennington*

Kathryn Pennington

Miriam Perez

Carl and Antonella Pergola


Ronald Perkins

Ann Perks

Jerilyn Perman

Rita Perrone

Michael Peskoe and Patricia Bourdon

Betsy and John Petering*

John Petersen

Jimmy Petitt

Mukiti Petrauskis

Ariel Phillips

Elizabeth and Stephen Phillips*

Ericka Tiffany Phillips

Glenda Phillips and Michael Knight

Erin Philp

Linda Piester and Eugene Aronowitz

John and Janet Piwowarski

Catherine Pizzuti

Christine Pizzuti*

Jonathan Place*

Renee and Daniel Plasky

A. Katherine Plumb

James Poag and Michelle Moraczewski

Grace Polk

Barbara Porretto in memory of Mattie McIlroy

Barry Portney

Bruce Posner and Sandra Radoff

Zeenat Potia

Robert and Margo Potrzeba

Thera Powell

David and Mary Powers in memory of Susan Williams

Jean Powlesland in memory of Heidelise Als

Donna Prenta

Eve Price in honor of Adam Smith

Sarah Prime

Julie Purnell in honor of Tony Bacon in memory of Susan Williams

Nisha Purushotham

Mary Putney

Anne-Laure Py

QWinthrop Quigley and Bonnie Crusalis

Sherri Quimby-Cronin

RPaul and Beth Rabatin in honor of Susan Cimino

Radha Radkar

James Radvany in memory of Mattie McIlroy

Katherine Raiford Smith and Jerry Tarver

Linda and Matt Railey in honor of Daniel Morse

Ateptaya Rakpraja

Sara Ramos

Kaylan Randolph

Elizabeth Rankin

Dietmar and Mariana Rau

Godehard and Patricia Rau

Ingobert Rau in memory of Ann Rau

Darya Razavi

Megan Reddish

Laura Reese

Nancy Reich

Leslie Reichert in memory of Susan Williams

Dana Reichman

G.A. Reid in memory of Mattie McIlroy

Kristen Reifsnyder

Sandra Reisman

Florence Rewinski

Samuel Rhodes and Hiroko Yajima-Rhodes

Roger and Dory Rindge

William Rivera

Mark Rivinus and Margaret Devries

Margaret Roach

Julie Roads

Frances Robb

Ian Robb*

Jessica Roberts

Jill Robinson

Virginia Robinson in memory of Elizabeth Miller

Eliza Rockefeller

Sarah Rodriguez

Arthur Rogers in honor of Tony Bacon

Michelle Rogers

Carl Roland

Judah Rosen

David Rosenberg

Stanley Rosenberg

Miriam Rosenblatt in honor of Lorraine Berman in honor of Tammy Berman

Mark Rosenstein in honor of Tammy Berman

Jacob Ross

John Ross

Kathleen Ross

Morgan Rosse

Arthur and Rebecca Roth

Siobhan Roth

Deborah Rothenberg

Gideon Rothschild in honor of Jan Berman

Edward and Ellen Rothstein*

Timothy and Mary Louise Rowe

Pamela Roy

Susan V. S. Rubin in memory of Elizabeth Miller

Angelica and Neil Rudenstine

Harry and Shirley Rumble in honor of Dominic Garofolo

Mary Ryan

SLisette Saavedra

Ann Sadowsky

Alison Sager

Nancy Salem

Tere Salinas in memory of Sophy P.Q. Haynes

Lila Salvatore

Jody Sandel

Kathy Sandish in honor of Stephen Gibson

Joe Sands

Lori Sands

Helen and Larry Sanford in memory of Susan Williams

Ibrahim Sankoh

Michele Sapanaro

La Sarmiento

David Sassoon

Val and Nancy Savenko

Ellin and Allen Scalise in honor of Joan Hill

Kathleen Scambiatterra in memory of Mattie McIlroy

Jan Scheefer

Robert and Suzanne Scheible

Kathryn and Ernest Scheihagan

Linda and David Schmitt

Elizabeth and Alex Schneider*

Eleanor Schoenberger in memory of David Tarshes

Isabelle Schoenfeld

Gail Schorsch in honor of Finot Selassie in honor of Sebene Selassie

David and Deborah Schultz

Thomas Schumacher and Matt White

Richard and Ethel Schumacher in memory of Anne Martin

Theodore and Dona Schwab

Barbara and John Schwartz in honor of Ellen Hunt

Gerald Schwartz

Harry and Lynne Schwartz in honor of Nico Dobbs

Doreen Schweizer

J. Michael Sconyers and Mary Ackerly

Ashley and Robert Scott

Bradley and Dianne Scott

Craig Scott

Jon and Kathleen Scott

Travis Scott

David Scudder in memory of Marie Louise Scudder

Glenda Sederstrom

Grace Seidita

Alexander Self in memory of Anne Martin

Mary Senchyna

Helen Serebin*

Sandra Serebin in memory of Mort Cohen in honor of Helen Serebin

Joe Serrins in honor of Patricia Cinorre

Martee Seuss

Su and Dan Sevigny in memory of Nico Dobbs

Sanjit Shah

Timothy Shand

Jacqueline Shannon in memory of Gordon Dewart

Lee Shannon

William and Julie Shapiro

Mary Shaw

Lindsay and Brian Shea

Halley Shefler* in honor of Zachary Gastman

Matthew and Jennifer Shefler

Sharon Shelton

Justin Shepherd

Roland Sherman

Patricia Sheron


Betsy and William Shields in memory of Susan Williams

Vikrant and Sony Shivdasani

Allison Shore

Carmen and A. Joel Shumer

Kathleen Shuster

Susan Sie

Deborah Siegel

George and Jane Siemon

Chris Sigurdson in honor of Finot Selassie

Judi Silverman

William and Amanda Simmons

Paula Simon

Carra Simpson

Charles Sims and Nancy Wolf

Peter and Phyllis Skaller

James Skarzynski in memory of Miriam Shapiro

Mark Skowronek

Judie and Andrew Sky

Mark Slater

Larry Smith in honor of Adam Smith

Joshua Smith

Laura Smith

Patricia and Graham Smith

Beth and Jerry Smolin in memory of Anne Martin

Fran Sobel

Holly Socolow

Alyson Somerville*

Lynn and Timothy Sontag in honor of Carl Wolff

Emily Sorensen

Mary Southworth

Ami Spangler and D. Michael Elliott

Jennifer Sparks

Michelle Sparks-Gillis

Gabriella Sperry

Bee Spiderman

Sally Squibb in honor of Tony Bacon

Subhadra Srinivasan

John and Jane Stamatov

Cathy Stamler

Alison Starkey

Bruce Steen in memory of Anne Martin

Stephen Stepenuck

Zachary Stephens

Elizabeth and Craig Sterbenz in honor of Danny Miller

Anudeva Stevens

John and Judy Stevens in memory of Anne Martin in memory of Elizabeth Stevens

William and Toni Stevens in memory of Anne Martin in memory of Elizabeth Stevens

Jean and Robert Stewart in honor of Emily Wallach

Allison Stewart Bartholomew

Karen Stewart

Lynn Stewart in memory of Leon Gamble

Susan Stewart

Iris and Tom Stille

Kellie Stoddart

Dorothy Stolarz

Evelyn Stone in memory of Ruth Stone

Monique Stone

George Story

Mariola Strahlberg Kind

Jennifer Strauss in memory of Gordon and Aerielle Dewart

Linda Strupcewski

Eileen Sullivan

Ted Sumners and Lia Babitch

Peter and Lynda Surdam in memory of Susan Williams

Elizabeth Sustick in honor of Charles Matlock

Michael Swanson

Karla Sweany

Sarah Sweeney

Don and Marilyn Sweet in honor of Judy Sweet

Charmagne Sweet-Herlien

Darrel and Joie Swenson

Steven Swenson

Barbara Syer

James and Julie Sykes in memory of Susan Williams

Jay Szabo

Andrea Szekeres

Alina Szypula

TJohn and Joan Takacs

Pamela Takaindisa

Hilal Tamrat

Andrea Targos

Roy and Eileen Tau

Val Taubner

Aileen Taylor

Margaret Taylor Kane

Ann Temple

Burton and Harriet Tepfer

Kayvalyn Tersch

John and Patricia Thackray

Nicholas and Sara Theisen

Robert Thoden

Brooke Thomas

Patricia Thomas

Steven Thomas

Victoria Thomas

Marjorie Thompson Duck

Monique Thorngren

Melissa Tibbals-Gribbin

Erik Tinkhauser

Karla Todd

Susan Tofel in memory of Camilla Feer

Julia Toland in honor of Tony Bacon

Jessy Tolkan

Veronica Towers

Rosie Townsend

Diane and Warren Traiger

Helen Traynor in memory of Mattie McIlroy

Kathryn Tribbey

Mary Trimp

Cynthia Trone

Chloe Turner

Colleen and Greg Turner in honor of Jesse Meril

Hope Turner

Janine Tursini in memory of Miriam Shapiro

Martha Tyler

Ellen Tynan

UJames Underberg

Philipp Ungeheuer

Stephen and Marian Beth Usher

VDavid and Barbara Vahlsing

Lily Vakili

Jo Valens

Melanie Valentini

Erik Van Hauer

Adriaan and Magrietha Van


Sarah van Leer

Ronald and Kathleen Vandenberg in memory of Heidelise Als

MaryAnne and Paul VanDenburgh*

Peter and Diane VanderMeer

Anne Marie Vastano

Richard Viets and Dielle Fleischmann in memory of Marina Viets in memory of Marynka Viets

Irma Villagomez-Miranda

Nicole Virtue

Kenneth Vittor and Judith Aisen

Leslie Vivian

Benjamin and Susan Vizoskie in memory of Alan and Christine Fliesler in honor of the Fliesler Family

Katherine Voegtle

Pamela and John Vogel

Bill and Diane Vogt

Gabriele Von Trapp

WMarguerite Wagner

Tracey Wagner

Margery Walasinski in honor of Ellen Hunt

Victoria Walchak

Lisa Walker

Rebecca Walker

Kathy Walko

Doug and Betty Wallace in honor of Dick Malmgren in honor of David Wallace

Andrew Wallach

Elizabeth Wallach

Emily Wallach

Dan Walsh

Patricia Palma Walsh in memory of Anne Martin

Ann Walter and Derek Economy

Jay and Candy Walton in memory of Susan Williams

Eric Walz

Daniel Ward

Sandra Ward

Helen Wasnowic

Patricia Waters

Mary Jane Watson

Sheri Watson

Eric Watterud


Gayle and Jay Waxenberg

Troy Weatherup

Jessica Webb

Frank and Jill Weber

Christy Weed*

Margery Weekes in honor of Tony Bacon

Richard Weininger and Gretchen Stearns

Leslie and Michael Weinstock

Michael Weiser in honor of Sheryl Williams

Steven and Anne Weisholtz

Samantha Weiss

Jennifer and Brian Welham

Deirdre Weliky in memory of John Dobbs

Anupama Wells

Kim and Finn Wentworth

Barbara and Mark Wesley in honor of Emily Wallach

Marcia Westra

Nicholas and Kristin Wharton

Sara Lee Wheeler

Linda and Charles White in honor of Adam Smith

Martha White

Nancy White*

Robert and Carole White

Walter White and Leslie Chambers

Lindsay Whited

Holland Whitesides

Lynn Whittemore

Sandra Widdifield

Anne Wilder

Sherry Wildfeuer

Charles and Helen Wilkes

Caleb and Billie Williams

DaRa Williams

David Williams

David Williams and Jennifer Weiser in honor of Julianne Williams

Lisa Williams in memory of Eric Williams

Marilee Williams

Richard and Terri Williams in honor of Carol Fletcher

Traci Williams

Tiffany Willis

Philip Willman

Cynthia Wilson

Donald and Kristin Wilson

Jean Wilson

Lara Wilson

Markly and Gonul Wilson in honor of Tijen Wilson

Richelle Wilson

Sashy Wilson

Anna Winand

Barry Winiker

Dane Wisecarver

Anni Witt

Dominic and Lauren Wolff

Erika Wolter

Steven Wood

James Woodman

Dana Woods in memory of Heidelise Als

Veronica Woods

Elizabeth Woodward*

Emilie Woodward

Pam Wornow in memory of Mattie McIlroy

Jonathan Wright

Sharon Wyrrick

YKaren Yaeger

Harvey and Jan Yates in honor of Adam Smith

Janice York

Dianne Young

Kathleen and Timothy Young

Richard and Mary Young

Jia Yu

Daniel Zaccagnino

Rachel Zadeh*

Mary and John Zalot

Jessica Zambri

Arthur and Liz Zeckendorf in memory of Susan Williams

Arthur Zeckendorf and Ann Billingsley

Tricia Zeitler

Ari Zeldin

Matthew Zepelin

Kate Zeray

Jessica Zieman

Angela Zingale

Sonja and Eric Zinke

Mitchell and Sharon Zuckerman in honor of Mishka Zuckerman

Katie Zukoski

Kathleen Zvanovec and Timothy Higbee

Susan Zwart

Business and Organizations

A. Colarusso & Son


The Bonadio Group

Broken Arrow Nursery

The Brazelton Institute at Boston

Children’s Hospital in memory of Heidelise Als

Burfeind & Sons Contracting LLC

Camphill Village Kimberton Hills, Inc.

Clarity Coaching Institute*

Conway Hardwood Products, LLC

CyberGrants SPV LLC

Danner’s Log Cabins

Debra Trees Audiology Associates

Edmonton NIDCAP Training Centre Canada in memory of Heidelise Als

Faire Wholesale Inc.

Gallagher Benefit Services, Inc.

Gather Together Farms

The Hartley Corporation

Kent’s Vacuum Center in honor of Elijah Kent

Key Private Bank in memory of Miriam Shapiro

Kroka Expeditions

Levenson, Goldberg & Co., LLC in memory of Heidelise Als Long Energy

Lund-Malmö NIDCAP Center in memory of Heidelise Als

Mutual of America

Matching Gift Program

Nantucket Grass Roots

NJM Insurance Group

Matching Gifts

Team Tiry Real Estate

Tech Roofing Service, Inc.

Teton Full Circle Farm

Therapeutic Eurythmy Training of North America

Timeline Productions

USI Insurance Services

Ward’s Nursery, Garden Center and Landscaping YourCause

Foundations and Trusts

Aaron D. Burstein Supplemental Needs Trust

Alpern Family Foundation, Inc.

Arthur L. Loeb Foundation, Inc.

The Asen Foundation

Benevity Community

Impact Fund

The Boston Foundation

Bright Funds Foundation

Charities Aid Foundation of America

Ch’i Gong Research Foundation

D. Morse Trust

Dean Coughenour Trust

Enterprise Holdings Foundation

Ethel Kennedy Foundation

Fliesler Family Fund

Henry L. Kimelman Family Foundation

Irene Soubry Trust FBO Clara

J.P Morgan Charitable Giving Fund

Mario Ciullo Trust

PayPal Giving Fund

Pledgeling Foundation in memory of Mattie McIlroy

Renaissance Charitable Fund

S&L Marx Foundation

Tappan Clancy Foundation

The Triad Foundation

* member of our monthly giving group, the All Weather Friends.


/camphillcopake @camphillvillagecopake Design by Bardo Industries
84 Camp Hill Road, Copake, NY 12516
Camphill Village Copake

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