The Camp Dudley News Spring 2013

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Camp Dudley News Spring — 2013

A Camp Dudley Association Publication Serving Camp Dudley and Kiniya The oldest camp in the country — Since 1885

Key 2013 Dates — Spring Work Weekend May 17 - 19 at both Dudley and Kiniya

Dudley 1st Session Tuesday, June 25 – First Session begins Saturday, July 20 – 1st Session Parents’ Day Sunday, July 21 – First Session ends 2nd Session Tuesday, July 23 – Second Session begins Saturday, August 17 – Parents’ Day Sunday, August 18 – Camp ends. Pick-up after Chapel 2013 Camp Dudley Reunion (CDA) August 22-25

Kiniya 1st Session Tuesday, June 25 – First Session begins Friday, July 19 – Parents’ Day Saturday, July 20 – First Session ends 2nd Session Tuesday, July 23 – Second Session begins Friday, August 16 – Parents’ Day Saturday, August 17 – Second Session ends Mini - Camp Sunday, August 18 – Mini-Camp begins Saturday, August 24 – Mini-Camp ends

Cover: Paddling on Lake Champlain on Camp Kiniya’s Junior Beach

Camp Dudley News

Spring 2013


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Ăˆ New  Board  Members   â€”  Granfors, Jacobs, Phelps & Quigley n Dudley/NOLS  Partnership £ä Sustainability  at  Dudley ÂŁx An  Essay  LÞʛ£™™xnĂŠ ÂœĂ€`>Â˜ĂŠ LL>ĂƒÂˆ  £Ăˆ Kiniya  â€“  Where  are  they  now? ÂŁn Build-­A-­Bear!   Ă“ä The  Dudley  Circle  of  Life  Ă“Ă“ Papadosio  â€”  The Band Ă“{ The  Chief  Beckman  Society   Ă“Ăˆ Service  .  .  .

Departments 2-3 From the Directors 4 Letters 29 The Annual Fund 31 Blast from the Past 34 Kiniya Tea & Leaders’ Luncheon 36 Leaders on the Lake 38 News & Notes 5150- & 75-Year Pins 53 Small World 55 Local North Country News 56 Weddings 58 Future Dudleyites 59 Obituaries Copyright Š2013 CAMP DUDLEY YMCA, INC.Printed by Miller Printing

Board of Managers Dwight Poler, Chairman Bill Combs Rick Commons Anna C. Florence Donna Granfors Betsy Griffith Tony Hawes Lou Jacobs Charlie Johnson, IV Jane Lee Scott Martin Ben Nelson Chris Perry Whitney Phelps Matt Quigley Karen Ramsey Dennis Ryan Ted Smith Mike Stevens Peter Treiber Dick Wallace Director, Camp Dudley Matt Storey Director, Camp Kiniya Marnie McDonagh Business Manager Fred Guffey Leadership & Alumni Outreach Mark Davenport Kiniya Leadership Development Kat Hood Admissions & Program Director Evan George Kiniya Program Director Intern Nick Ansell Development Director Dave Langston Development Administrator Dawn Gay Communications Coordinator Brendan Loughman Outdoor Program/ Sustainability Director Scott Steen Dudley Food Service Director Dan Stromberg Kiniya Food Service Director Gail Coleman Plant & Property Manager Steve Denton Maintenance Staff Jeff Schwoebel, Ben Sudduth, Roger Bigelow, Mike D’Amico, Angie Hill, John Tomkins Office Staff Anita Johnson Camp Dudley Association Jay Wells, President Marcus Chioffi, Vice President Publication Assistance SPRING  2013 John and Martha Storey


Spring 2013

Dear Dudleyite: Some of the earliest lessons that I learned as a camper still hold true today.

“Leave it better than you found it.” For me, this is the ultimate statement of sustainability. It comes to mind as we get our cabins and equipment prepared for our campers. Each has been cleaned and stored so that we can pick up where we left off last summer. This motto also pertains to Camp in its broadest sense. What can each of us do to leave a lasting legacy so that Dudley is Dudley Director #13804 Matt Storey showing the way on Opening Day even better for future generations? If we can leave Camp Dudley and our communities better than we found them, then we can call ourselves excellent stewards. Yes, our campus is beautiful, but we should strive to con-­ stantly improve it, and its long term health and stability. Read more about our efforts led by Sustainability Coordinator Scott Steen on page 10. “If you pack it in, pack it out.” I’ve heard this at every hike briefing, and it has been a way of life for our campers for decades. Every time we head into the woods, we are asked to tread lightly on the trails, to bring all of our garbage out and to leave the beauty of the Adirondacks unspoiled. As one of the largest user groups in the Park, the way we carry ourselves can have a tremendous impact. Our campsites should be left so that no one would ever know that we were there. This also rings true on our own campus. If a camper brings something to camp, we (and his parents!) expect that he will bring it home with him. And we’ll always remember Willie telling us, “You see a piece of paper – you pick it up!” You’ll see that we have partnered with the Leave No Trace Center for Outdoor Ethics to further strengthen our own outdoor education curriculum.

“Eat what you put on your plate.” Mom and Dad always said, “clean your plate,” and in Beckman Hall we encourage campers to do that while trying new things. This year we are making a significant change in the way we run Dudley’s food service in hiring Dan Stromberg as the Food Service Director to develop an in-­house program, increasing our control of the food quality being offered. We are partnering with lo-­ cal farms to procure local produce and meats, creating a more wholesome menu and encouraging lifelong healthy eating habits. We’re also bringing Dudley’s bakery back to full operation with local employees. We’ve partnered with Cornell Cooperative Exten-­ sion’s Adirondack Harvest ( to facilitate relationships with local producers. These early life lessons are as important today as they were in summers past. I’m proud that Dudley is an ever evolving organization that stays true to its roots, and works to be the best camp it can be. Perhaps the best is yet to come. Respectfully, Matt #13804



Greetings from Kiniya! With  full  enrollment  in  both  First  and  Second  Session,  the  planning  of  Camp  Dudley  at  Kiniya’s  8th  summer  is  well  underway! Each  and  every  year  we  search  for  the  best  possible  candidates  to  live  with  the  girls  and  guide  them  throughout  the  summer.  We  continue  to  explore  new  and  creative  ways  to  prepare  our  leadership  teams  and  offer  each  girl  as  much  support  as  possible  to  best  prepare  them  for  their  ultimate  goal  of  becoming  a  Leader.  As  a  result,  we  are  very  pleased  to  report  that  2013  will  mark  the  first  year  in  Kiniya  history  that  100%  of  our  Aides,  JL’s,  AL’s  AND  Leaders  have  been  at  Kiniya  for  a  previous  summer!

Kiniya  Director  #20001  Marnie  McDonagh,  taking  time  with  her  girls

In  addition,  we  have  spent  a  significant  part  of  the  off-­season  focusing  on  the  current  program  offerings  at  Kiniya  and  identifying  areas  for  potential  growth.  Through  a  thorough  review  and  evaluation,  we  solicited  input  from  current  camper  families  and  are  proud  to  announce  the  following  for  the  coming  summer:  Â‡ 2XU 3URJUDP FRQWLQXHV WR H[SDQG EH\RQG WKH JDWHV ZLWK WZR JURXSV SDUWLFLSDWLQJ LQ off-­campus  adventures.  Five  girls  have  been  selected  to  participate  in  the  second  Dudley  NOLS  experience  and  four  girls  have  been  selected  to  participate  in  the  second  Ger-­ man  Exchange  Program. ‡ :H ZLOO EH RIIHULQJ D 5LGLQJ 0DMRU IRU JLUOV LQWHUHVWHG LQ ULGLQJ PRUH IUHTXHQWO\ while  maintaining  opportunities  for  all  girls  to  participate  in  trail  rides,  lake  rides,  and  grooming. ‡ :H DUH LQYHVWLQJ LQ RXU :DWHUIURQW SURJUDP :H KDYH EHDXWLIXO ODNHIURQW SURSHUW\ DQG ZLWK DQ H[SDQGHG VWDLU DQG GRFN V\VWHP RXU FDPSHUV ZLOO EH DEOH WR HQMR\ WKH ZD-­ terfront  at  Senior  Beach  in  deeper  waters,  better  than  ever  before. ‡ $V LQWHUHVW LQ RXU WKHDWHU GHSDUWPHQW JURZV ZH ZLOO EH IXOO\ HYDOXDWLQJ RXU FXUUHQW theater  structure  and  begin  the  planning  phase  for  a  new  facility. +DYLQJ MXVW UHWXUQHG IURP WKH 1DWLRQDO &DPS $VVRFLDWLRQ &RQIHUHQFH LQ 'DOODV 7; I  am  more  excited  for  the  season  ahead  and  more  appreciative  for  the  opportunity  to  serve  Camp  than  I’ve  ever  been.  I  get  to  work  with  an  incredible  team  of  inspiring  people  and  have  a  chance  to  support  and  help  develop  children,  mentor  staff  and  part-­ ner  with  parents  every  single  day  â€“  it  simply  does  not  get  any  better  than  that!  With  hopes  for  some  early  signs  of  Spring.  Fondly,  Marnie  #20001



Letters . . . The  Camp  Dudley  News  received  a  terrific  letter  from  #4918,  Bill  Denhard. “Just  to  show  you  how  long  memo-­ ries  of  Camp  Dudley  last,  my  age  has  reached  beyond  90,  and  my  camp  number  is  #4918.  From  1932  to  1941  I  did  a  lot  of  growing  up  at  Dudley.      â€œNow  that  I’m  #4918  Bill  Denhard,  back  row,  2nd  from  not  â€˜doing’  every  right,  Beal  Leader  in  1941 minute,  I  can  search  out  from  my  memory  some  of  the  things  that  made  Dudley  memorable  to  me,  and  put  all  together,  helped  make  me  who  I  am  â€“  with  whom  I  am  at  peace,  WKRXJK VWLOO HDJHU WR OHDUQ PRUH DQG DJH DGMXVWHG GR more.      â€œMy  parents  knew  Chief  Beckman  growing  up  in  New  York  City,  so  when  I  was  12,  they  sent  me  off  via  train  from  NYC  to  Westport  for  my  first  summer  at  Camp.  Dudley  had  its  first  two  cabins.  Most  of  us  resided  in  big  white  tents  scattered  about  the  edge  of  the  campus  for  the  next  few  years.  We  slept  in  double  decker  canvas  sling  bunks.   In  hot  weather,  we  would  roll  up  the  sides,  tie  back  the  end  flaps  and  get  plenty  of  air.  I  remember: ‡ 6WLOO WKLQ WRGD\ , EHFDPH NQRZQ DV ÂłWKH JDOORSLQJ hairpin.â€?  I  fitted  it  dynamically  and  physically. ‡ 7KDW , KDG WR OHDUQ WKDW WKH ZRUOG ZDV LV VKDUHG DV is  responsibility,  and  you  own  up  to  it,  too. ‡ 6DWXUGD\ 1LJKW 6KRZV DQG WKH %LJ 6KRZ WKH ODVW weekend  where  we  found  that  no  matter  how  signifi-­ cant  a  person  was  in  the  operation  of  Dudley  .  .  .  Chief,  sports  leaders,  music  leaders,  cabin  leaders,  and  all  of  us  campers,  too  .  .  .  one  could  take  part  in  a  farce,  be  parodied  in  a  skit,  and  still  be  held  in  respect  for  one’s  self,  leadership  and  responsibility  the  next  day.  There  is  no  need  to  be  pompous,  if  one  is  capable. ‡ :RUNLQJ ZLWK 6WHYH %URGLH LQ WKH VKRS DV KLV DV-­ sistant,  and  sleuthing  out  with  the  help  of  cabin  leader Â



#4616  Bob  Cushman  an  errant  camper,  who  pur-­ loined  some  hammered  and  etched  ashtrays  (bet  you  don’t  make  them  now).  I  remember  Chief  speaking  to  that  camper  in  quiet  but  very  firm  tones,  that  his  way  wasn’t  the  Dudley  way  and  that  he’d  better  get  with  it  or  lose  out.  When  Chief  was  serious,  you  showed  some  respect,  period. ‡ &KLHI DW EDWWLQJ SUDFWLFH IRU KLP DOPRVW HYHU\ noon  before  lunch  slugging  them  out  with  a  fungo  bat  to  twenty  some  of  us  campers. ‡ :LQQLQJ WKH IXQQLHVW IDFH FRQWHVW E\ QRW PDNLQJ D face. ‡ 0RUQLQJ GLS ZLWK RWKHU OHDGHUV RII &KLHIÂśV GRFN There  was  much  good  natured  banter  to  start  the  day. ‡ /HDUQLQJ ZKDW SDQLF FDQ GR ZKHQ RQH RI P\ FDELQ campers  asked  me  to  swim  with  him  as  he  took  his  deepwater  swim  test.  About  half  way  into  the  test,  and  while  doing  quite  well,  he  panicked,  said,  â€˜I  can’t  do  it,’  DQG MXVW VDQN , JXHVV WKDWÂśV ZKDW , ZDV WKHUH IRU 1H[W time  he  passed. ‡ ,Q -XO\ Âł:URQJ :D\ &RUULJDQ´ IOHZ WR 'XE-­ lin,  Ireland,  having  â€˜followed  the  wrong  end  of  the  compass’  based  on  a  failed  flight  plan  to  California.  Conspiring  Dudley  leaders  said  Corrigan  was  coming  to  Camp.  They  picked  up  an  arriving  Dudleyite  leader  in  Westport,  dressed  him  in  aviators  garb  and  trium-­ phantly  drove  him  in  the  Camp  gate  with  the  Camp  band  playing  and  everyone  cheering  him  as  â€œWrong  Way  Corrigan.â€?  They  kept  it  going  for  three  days. ‡ +LNLQJ ILUVW DV FDPSHU WKHQ DV OHDGHU RQ ILYH GD\ hikes  with  wonderful  Dudley  companions  and  one  misbehaving  one.  The  hike  leader  and  I  had  chosen  to  go  through  Indian  Pass,  which  was  seldom  done.  At  lunch,  one  camper  asked  permission  to  go  ahead  to  a  fork  in  the  trail  and  wait  for  us.  After  hammering  him  to  be  sure  and  wait,  the  leader  and  I  said,  â€˜OK.’  That  was  the  last  we  saw  of  him  for  three  hours.  I  was  head-­ ing  the  group  minus  one,  and  tracking  his  footprints.  As  we  came  over  a  wooded  rise  along  a  sloping  hillside  we  found  him  in  the  middle  of  the  trail,  not  having  WKH OHDVW LGHD ZKHUH KH ZDV +H KDG MXVW EHHQ WR WKH bottom  of  the  hill  hoping  to  find  the  trail  or  a  stream  he  could  follow.  Not  having  found  either  he  was  on  the  way  up  the  hill  to  see  if  he  could  see  anything.  Lesson  learned  â€“  never  let  someone  leave  the  group.  And,  can  anyone  tell  me  why  that  miraculous  coincidence Â

Letters occurred?   (Years  later,  I  recognized  that  my  bond  with  our  three  sons  was  built  on  our  hiking  together.) ‡ 7DNLQJ DOO WKH JURXS FDELQ SLFWXUHV IRU WKH ILUVW LVVXH of  Last  Whistle,  created  by  #5620  Norm  Ludlow,  which  was  sent  out  in  October. ‡ *RLQJ ILVKLQJ DW D P ZLWK SHUPLVVLRQ LQ RQH of  the  row  boats  and  coming  back  with  one  or  two  pickerel  for  our  cabin  group’s  breakfast.  Murphy,  on  the  kitchen  crew,  was  an  avid  fisherman,  and  always  admired  my  catch  and  asked  where  I  caught  them,  and  often,  I’m  sure,  supplemented  my  catch. ‡ /HDGLQJ DQ RYHUQLJKW FDELQ KLNH DQG ZDWFKLQJ VRPH of  the  campers  set  their  bedrolls  off  in  the  woods,  each  to  himself  until  I  told  ghost  stories  and  one  by  one  they  moved  back  in  with  the  rest  of  us.  (Notice,  I  didn’t  say  sleeping  bags.) ‡ :LWK RWKHU OHDGHUV DIWHU OLJKWV RXW RQ WKH $YHU\ Boathouse  porch  pondering  the  universe,  where  it  all  began,  and  us  as  infinitesimal  specs  residing  in  it. ‡ 7KH ,QGLDQ 3DJHDQW ZKHQ RQH \HDU WKH ,QGLDQ camp  fires  produced  only  smoke,  and  I,  having  built  the  fires,  was  invited  to  a  meeting  with  Chief  the  next  day.  The  cause:  the  wood  choppers  previously  had  provided  dry  wood,  but  this  time  a  new  crew  did  not.   Chief  said  he  would  be  in  charge  of  the  wood  gather-­ ing  hereafter.  He  was  not  cheerful,  but  ne  never  raised  his  voice. ‡ %HLQJ LQ DZH RI ,QGLDQ (DJOH (\H D FKDUDFWHU ZKR came  with  Dudley  and  who  fished  summer  and  winter.  In  the  winter  he  lived  in  a  fishing  shack  out  on  the  Lake  Champlain  ice,  and  I’m  told  had  a  stove  and  a  bottle  to  keep  him  warm.      â€œSometimes  it  takes  a  lifetime  to  tie  together  all  the  little  bits  of  your  life.  When  you  pause  to  smell  the  roses,  you  have  a  chance  to  see  how  these  little  bits  each  influenced  your  life,  and  your  perspective  on  life.   Thank  you,  Camp  Dudley!â€?   â€”———————————————— Matt  had  a  great  letter  from  #6241  F.  Laurence  Gosnell.  Dear  Matt:   The  envelope  with  your  letter  and  the  50-­Year  Pin  arrived  safely  and  I  want  to  thank  you  for  thinking  of  me.    My  first  year  at  Dudley  was  as  a  Camper  in  1941.  There  were  about  300  campers  that  year.  And  Herman  Charles  â€œChiefâ€?  Beckman  was  the  Director.  Chief  had Â

the  amazing  talent  of  coming  into  a  group  and  being  introduced  to  a  large  number  of  people.  He  would  then  remember  each  person’s  name  and  at  the  end  of  the  evening  would  personally  say  goodbye  to  everyone,  calling  them  all  by  the  right  name.  Then  when  he  would  meet  the  campers  and  parents  at  reunions,  he  would  still  know  everyone’s  name.  I  was  only  at  Dudley  for  the  month  of  August  that  year,  but  took  part  in  all  the  activities  available  â€“  everything  from  swimming  and  diving  to  baseball  and  tennis  to  camping  trips,  as  ZHOO DV HQMR\LQJ WKH PXVLF DQG SOD\V DW :LWKHUEHH      â€œThe  second  year,  1942,  I  was  the  Junior  Leader  in  Owasco  Lodge,  working  under  the  leader  who  had  a  career  as  a  physician,  Dr.  Ernest  Gosline.  At  the  same  time,  I  also  served  next  door  as  the  Orderly  in  the  In-­ firmary,  working  under  Dr.  and  Mrs.  Hagman.  I  grew  XS LQ $XEXUQ 1< MXVW QRUWK RI 2ZDVFR /DNH VR , ZDV quite  at  home  that  whole  summer.      â€œIn  the  fall  of  1942,  I  matriculated  in  my  freshman  year  at  Princeton.  Members  of  the  Close  family  had  connections  with  both  Dudley  and  Princeton.  #6107  Ralph  Close  was  two  years  ahead  of  me,  as  I  recall.  His  next  younger  brother,  #6217  Art,  was  a  class-­ mate  of  mine,  and  his  younger  #6241  Larry  Gosnell,  center brother,  #6409  Ray,  was  in  the  Class  of  â€™51.  Then,  another  classmate  became  inter-­ ested  in  helping  Dudley,  even  though  he  had  not  ever  been  a  camper.  His  name  was  #15400  Bill  Sword,  and  he  lived  and  worked  in  Princeton  after  graduation.â€?      Larry  went  into  the  Navy  V-­1  Program,  and  follow-­ ing  WW2,  in  July  1946,  had  a  call  from  Chief.  â€œHe  needed  me  to  come  back  to  Dudley  for  the  month  of  August,  where  I  was  Leader  in  Columbia  Lodge.  That  September  I  returned  to  Princeton  for  my  senior  year,  (continued  on  page  53) SPRING  2013


Dudley Welcomes New Board Members At  the  January,  2013  meeting  of  the  Dudley  Board  of  Managers,  held  in  New  York  City,  Chairman  Dwight  Poler  thanked  retiring  board  members  #12295  Andy  Rosenburgh,  #9977  Chip  Carstensen,  #11152  Ian  Clark  and  #11871  Keven  McCormick  for  their  five  years  of  service  to  Dudley.  He  then  welcomed  the  following  new  members.

#23222  Donna  Granfors Before  she  became  a  â€œDudley  wife,â€?  Donna  visited  camp  while  dating  #11202  Roger  (aka  â€œBearâ€?).   They  returned  frequently  as  a  couple,  then  as  a  family  when  their  children,   #20222  Courtney  and  #19002  Nicholas,  attended  Kiniya  and  Dudley.  Donna  Granfors  with  her  family

Donna’s  25+  year  career  with  General  Electric  has  given  her  expertise  in  diverse  areas,  including  Consumer  Finance,  Commercial  Finance,  and  Corporate  Citizenship  and  Volunteerism.  She  has  worked  DV WKH *( :RPHQÂśV 1HWZRUN /DUJH (YHQW &RRUGLQDWRU DV ZHOO DV DQ )03 ,QVWUXFWRU Grader.  Donna  has  also  served  as  a  manager,  teacher,  and  treasurer  for  both  non-­ profit  and  community  organizations  in  Easton,  CT.    Donna  feels  closely  aligned  with  Kiniya  thanks  to  her  daughter’s  seven  years  there,  yet  is  equally  connected  to  Dudley  through  her  husband,  son,  and  many  years  of  &'$ UHXQLRQV 'RQQD ZHOFRPHV WKH RSSRUWXQLW\ WR XVH KHU Âł&DPS 0RP :LIH ´ professional  and  non-­profit  experience  to  support  Dudley  and  Kiniya.

#23033  Louis  Jacobs Louis’  affiliation  with  Camp  Dudley  began  when  his  son,  #19033  Louis  Jr.   attended  as  a  Cub  in  2005,  then  returned  through  his  year  as  a  Leader.   Daughter  #20330  Charlotte  also  attended  Camp  Dudley  at  Kiniya.   ,Q DIWHU JUDGXDWLQJ IURP +DUYDUG /RXLV MRLQHG 'HODZDUH 1RUWK Company,  a  global  leader  in  hospitality  and  food  service.   He  is  now  a  principal  and  owner  of  Delaware  North.   In  addition,  Louis  is  an  Alternate  Governor  and  Principal  with  the  Boston  Bruins  professional  hockey  team,  owned  by  his  family.   As  an  accomplished  equestrian,  Louis  has  competed  in  horse  sports  for  over  34  years.   He  serves  on  the  Board  of  Directors  for  the  National  Horse  Show,  the  Lake  Placid  Horse  Show,  and  the  United  States  Hunter  Jumper  Association.   He  is  an  active  philanthropist  and  maintains  a  leadership  role  in  both  national  and  regional  organizations. Louis  has  embraced  Camp  Dudley’s  focus  on  leadership  and  character  development  and  has  made  internship  opportunities  available  to  Camp  Dudley  leaders  and  alumni.  Â



#22898  Whitney  Magee  Phelps Whitney  comes  to  Dudley  as  the  only  daughter  of  a  second-­ generation  Dudley  camper.   She  spent  many  summers  at  camp  reunions,  along  with  her  dad  #8498  Jud,  mom  Bonnie  and  brothers  #11738  Wyeth  and  #12354  Chris,  hoping  that  someday  there  would  be  a  girls  camp  equivalent.   Her  two  daughters  â€”  #22498  Sydney  and  #22708  Rosamond  â€”  will  now  be  able  to  share  their  own  Camp  Dudley  at  Kiniya  experiences. Whitney  is  of  counsel  in  the  Health  and  FDA  Business  Group  in  Greenberg  Traurig  LLP’s  Albany  office.   As  part  of  her  practice,  Whitney  has  facilitated  PDQDJHG FDUH QHJRWLDWLRQV DQG KDV GUDIWHG LQQRYDWLYH FRPSOH[ MRLQW YHQWXUH arrangements  between  managed  long  term  care  providers  and  managed  care  organizations.   She  has  published  articles  for  the  American  Health  Lawyers  Association  and  currently  serves  as  a  board  member  for  the  Riverbrook  School  of  Stockbridge,  MA.   Whitney  is  looking  forward  to  helping  share  and  guide  Dudley  policy  and  says,  ³'XGOH\ LV QRW MXVW D UHJXODU <0&$ EXW UDWKHU D PDJLFDO SODFH WKDW DOORZV young  girls  and  boys  to  explore  sports,  arts,  their  spirituality  and  leadership  abilities  while  instilling  within  each  of  them  essential  qualities  for  building  a  strong  moral  character.â€?

#10643  Matthew  Quigley Matthew  initially  came  to  Dudley  from  1968-­1974  as  a  camper.  His  younger  brother,  #11184  Peter  followed  in  1971.  From  2006  to  2010,  Matthew  served  his  first  term  on  the  Dudley  Board,  chairing  the  Finance  Committee.   This  experience  allowed  him  to  work  with  the  board  to  expand  and  strengthen  the  Dudley  vision. Matthew’s  investment  management  career  spans  over  two  decades  with  various  firms  including  Paine  Webber,  DLJ,  Credit  Suisse,  and  GSO  Capital  Partners.  Married  to  Nina  Bogosian  Quigley  for  29+  years,  the  couple  has  three  daughters:  Sona,  Ani,  and  Meline.   Matthew  currently  is  a  board  member  with  the  National  Parks  of  New  York  Harbor  Conservancy,  the  Near  East  Foundation,  and  the  Cyrus  M.  Quigley  Foundation.   Of  Dudley,  he  says,  â€œIn  a  world  that  at  times  feels  like  it  is  losing  its  ethical,  moral,  and  spiritual  grip,  Kiniya  and  Dudley  provide  an  oasis  of  compassion  and  commitment  focused  on  serving  â€˜The  Other  Fellow  First.’â€? SPRING  2013


Dudley/NOLS Partnership by #15509 Scott Steen

Matt Storey in Sinks Canyon, a world class rock climbing crag, and the Dudley/NOLS (National Outdoor Leadership School) trip climbing destination. 8



7KH LQDXJXUDO 'XGOH\ 12/6 /HDGHUVKLS 7ULSV RI 2012 marked the beginning of a true partnership in organizations. Last summer, Camp Dudley and Kiniya sent three trips of 10-­12 young leaders in training out to Lander, WY, to spend three weeks backpacking and rock climbing in Scott Steen checking out the Wind River how NOLS organizes Mountains. The food for expeditions trips went smoothly and feedback from the participants was very positive. We are pleased with the ease in which the Dudley motto and mission blended with NOLS cur-­ riculum to create an amazingly positive and even transfor-­ mative experience for the young men and women in the program.

Dudley/NOLS that we could benefit from continuing to work together. Next summer, we will again send three trips to Lander for similar adventures. Each trip will be slightly longer in duration with more time spent rock climbing, and with an even greater emphasis on how wilderness leadership training can translate into Camp Dudley cabin leadership.

Matt Storey, Scott Steen and Special Projects Manager Brian Fabel at NOLS Rocky Mountain, near NOLS headquarters in Lander, WY

Matt, Scott and the 12/6 WHDP HQMR\HG two days together touring facilities including the im-­ pressive NOLS food room used to orga-­ nize hundreds of trips’ food needs, the cutting edge environ-­ mentally sustainable Wyss Campus, and of course the venue for the trip’s rock climbing adventures, Sinks Canyon. Matt and Scott came away from the experience excited to be working together and im-­ pressed by the entire NOLS operation and staff-­ from the young man fitting boots up to the NOLS Pro Director.

In an effort to further improve this experience, Matt Storey and Scott Steen traveled to Lander, WY, last December to visit with the NOLS ex-­ ecutive team. Time was spent discussing the partnership, the three previous NOLS reported on trips, and potential their impressions of future endeavors. our partnership in Both parties agreed that Dudley and NOLS were a good their recent blog post on the NOLS Pro section of their match, that our missions had common ground, and website. Check out QR code.



Sustainability at Dudley by #15509 Scott Steen

A  single  stream  reycling  system  is  good  for  Dudley  and  the  entire  neighborhood

On  January  4th  this  year  the  entire  Dudley  and  Kiniya  full-­time  staff  sat  down  together  at  a  round  table  to  chat.  We  had  all  gathered  that  day  to  begin  the  New  Year  with  a  discussion  and  workshop  on  the  topic  of  what  Sustainability  means  at  Camp  Dudley  and  Kiniya.  Both  Matt  and  Marnie  were  present,  as  were  heads  of  leader-­ ship,  food  service,  operations,  business,  develop-­ ment,  communications  and  all  other  office  and  maintenance  employees  from  both  sides  of  the  lake.   Led  by  Sustainability  Coordinator  Scott  Steen,  the  group  approached  the  topic  by  first  looking  at  one  well-­accepted  definition  of  sustain-­ able  development,  â€œThe  Triple  Bottom  Line,â€?  which  boils  down  to  People,  Planet,  and  Profit.  We  used  this  as  a  guiding  principle  as  we  evaluated  our  own  task  in  light  of  our  camp  mission  and  began  to  discover  how  our  commitment  to  sustainability  at  Camp  Dudley  would  take  shape.  As  the  group  discussed  the  topic  it  became  clear  that  everything  we  do  at  Camp  is  about  one  thing,  the  kids.  Our  story  is  about  creating  an  amazing,  life-­enhancing  expe-­ rience  for  children  in  a  way  that  promises  that  the  children  of  those  current  campers  and  beyond  can  have  the  same  opportunities.  This  is  a  daunting  task  in  the  face  of  current  global  environmental  degradation  and  social  inequity,  but  Camp  Dudley  is  a  clear  stakeholder  in  finding  solutions  and  is  stepping  up  to  help  show  the  way.  One  outcome  of  this  workshop  was  the  formation  of  a  Dudley  Kiniya  Stewardship  Commit-­ WHH WKDW UHSUHVHQWV D FURVV VHFWLRQ RI WKH SHRSOH DQG MREV UHTXLUHG WR UXQ D FDPS 2XU first  task  was  to  create  a  Sustainability  Statement,  a  public  commitment  that  will  serve  as  a  guide  for  us  to  weigh  our  decisions  against  what  is  sustainable.   The  meeting  was  a  uniting  force  for  our  staff;  it  brought  up  challenges  on  both  sides  of  the  lake.  We  walked  away  from  that  day  both  excited  and  overwhelmed,  all  wishing  we  already  had  the  map  to  guide  us  down  the  path.  With  the  help  of  the  new  Stewardship  Committee,  consisting  of  Jeff  Schwoebel,  Mike  D’Amico,  Jess  Storey,  Brendan  Lough-­ man,  Gail  Coleman,  Evan  George  and  Anita  Johnson,  the  next  goal  will  be  to  create  the  Camp  Dudley  Long  Term  Sustainability  Plan.  This  plan  is  already  in  the  works,  and  begins  with  the  very  general  Sustainability  Statement.  In  the  next  year,  we  will  be  SXWWLQJ WRJHWKHU WKH SDUWLFXODUV JRDOV DQG EHQFKPDUNV DV ZHOO DV MXVW KRZ ZH SODQ WR get  there.  The  path  to  sustainability  is  different  for  every  organization,  and  we  hope  to  glean  what  successes  we  can  from  those  ahead  of  us,  and  to  lead  the  way  for  others  behind. Â

Camp Dudley Sustainability Statement: At  Camp  Dudley  and  Kiniya,  we  are  committed  to  creating  a  culture  of  sustainability  through  educational  programming,  healthy  living,  environmental  stewardship,  and  responsible  business  practices  in  our  campuses  and  communities. Â



The four categories outlined in the statement account for the “Triple Bottom Line” in a way that makes sense to Camp Dudley. Please visit the website to see the full list of current and future initiatives.

Current Exciting Initiatives Educational programming – what we teach and model to the kids: Part of our obligation to sustainability and where we can make the biggest long-­term difference lies in what we teach the campers and what they observe from their leaders and staff. Step one is to walk the walk. Our Camp leader-­ ship, from the Camp Directors on down to the Aides will be kept up to speed on any new programs or initiatives, why we are doing them, and how to do them. The long-­term goal is that everyone at Dudley understands why sustain-­ ability is important, in both their daily lives and the world around them. Camp Dudley has recently partnered with the Leave No Trace Center For Outdoor Ethics (LNT). This nationally recognized organization is helping to teach responsible outdoor recreation through “relevant and targeted educa-­ tion, research and outreach.” As a partner, we plan to use their teaching tech-­ niques in our Outdoors Department, and to have some of our leaders and staff members become certified LNT instructors. This will help us minimize our impact on our local lands and the heavily used Adirondack and Green Mountains.

We have Camp gardens at Kiniya and Dudley that provide educational opportunities as well as fresh veggies



#22847 Dan Stromberg Named Food Service Director In February, Director of Dudley Matt Storey announced that “Dan Stromberg has joined the year round team as the Camp Dudley Food Service Director. Dan will oversee the transition from an outsourced operation to an in-house operation and will be focused on creating a more wholesome menu for the Camp Dudley community. He has already begun meeting with local vendors, farmers and growers to establish relationships to get the freshest food available. He’ll put together a kitchen team immediately that includes cooks, bakers, utility, prep cooks and dishwashers and has been reaching out to the local community to build the staff to work in Beckman Hall.” “Providing wholesome food is one of the most important things we do at Camp Dudley to keep our campers healthy and energized. The entire Camp community comes together 3 times a day, every day of the season and we have both the responsibility and the opportunity to take advantage of that time to establish good eating habits through a well balanced diet,” says Camp Director Matt Storey. “Dan is the perfect person to get us where we need to be.” Prior to coming to Camp Dudley, Dan was the Food Service Director at the Gwynn Valley Camp in North Carolina. There, Dan operated the kitchen that produced a slow food menu and served nearly 300 campers, with 70% of the food coming from their own farm. He is a trained artisanal baker, with a Masters and Bachelors degree in Wellness and Health Education. He is an avid cyclist and has moved to the Westport area. We are all excited to have Dan on the team.



Healthy living - wellness, lifestyle: Much of what we already do at Camp counts as healthy living practices, especially in the summer. The four pillars of our camp program tell part of this story-­ Arts, Athletics, Spiritual, and Outdoors. Our goal is to con-­ tinue this healthy balance while improving where we can to promote healthy and happy people. One aspect of this balance that we are excited about improving is what we eat. While we’ve always paid attention to healthy food and nutrition, we are now taking full control over this issue. As of this winter, both Camp Dudley and Kiniya have their own full time Food Service We plan to source 50% of our beef this summer from local grass fed cattle. This cow is from DaCy Meadow Farms in Westport. New longer-­lasting standing seam metal roof on the Dining Hall

Directors. While many of us are familiar with Kinya’s amazing Food Service Director Gail Coleman, the announcement of Dan Stromberg as Dudley Food Service Director is exciting. Dan is already working hard, sourcing local organic veggies, grains and meats, cutting back on food waste, and doing seasonal and re-­ gional menu planning. Dan is helping to make new and exciting changes in the kitchen toward healthier eating.

Environmental stewardship – campus greening: Camp Dudley and Kiniya are truly beautiful places to be. They both sit on the shores of Lake Cham-­ plain, framed by two mountain ranges, with farmland and rolling hills abounding. There are intact ecosystems all around both camps, but there are also signs of environmental degradation knocking at our door. It is our obligation to do our part to preserve the health of the environ-­ ment. There are several practices that Camp Dudley and Kiniya have been doing for years to steward the natural environment, but there is much more that we can do. Part of the Long Term Sustainability Plan is to be much more efficient and intentional about what energy we do use. This process will begin with the Camp Dudley Dining Hall, which is in need of upgrades after years of natural wear and tear. Our hope is to, over time, cut back energy use in that building by installing and using more efficient, intentionally placed appliances to conserve energy. Through these im-­ provements and others, our goal is to bring the dining hall down to a net zero energy use building in the next few years

As a part of our sustainable forestry initiative, trees from a recent storm are milled and used as campus building material.

On top of that, we are in need of a new roof on the dining hall. We’ve chosen a longer lasting (100-­year vs. 30-­year shingles) standing seam metal roof with the capacity to hold a photovoltaic array (PV). This spring, construction began on the roof, and by this summer the dining hall roof will have a grid-­tied PV system. There will be at least 91, 240 watt panels with the potential to add more, capable of producing an average of approximately 30,000-­kilowatt hours per year (last year, the dining hall used 59,040 kwh). The system will create electricity all year long, even when the dining hall is not in use, and on a sunny day in the off-­season, the building’s meter may actually run backwards!

Responsible business practices – operations and planning: In the face of making changes at Camp to improve human and environmental health, our organization must continue to be run well from a business perspective. We are an important part of the local and regional economy, and a premier summer camp. While some of these decisions may save Camp money right away (like cutting back on waste disposal fees) others will require a significant investment. Part of our path toward becoming more sustainable means that we need to make changes over time, monitor the outcomes, be transparent to the public, and hold ourselves accountable for our actions. A business decision that we are excited about is our mission to move towards a zero waste campus. This includes such practices as selective procurement of goods and



services,  better  recycling  and  composting  programs,  smarter  mail  and  package  policies,  and  smarter  use  of  office  supplies  and  cleaning  products.  For  example,  this  fall  Camp  Dudley  initiated  a  single  stream  recycling  program  and  offered  the  service  to  our  neighbors  in  the  community  for  free.  This  practice  promotes  more  recycling  and  makes  economic  sense  because  the  sorting  facilities  are  nearby,  in  Burlington.  This  is  a  practice  that  Kiniya  has  already  been  doing  for  several  sum-­ mers.  Stay  tuned  to  our  Sustainability  Program  at  www.campdudley. org. We’ve  replaced  the  old  heating  system  in  MacLean  Lodge  with  a  new  Energy  Star  super  efficient  propane  gas  boiler. Solar  panels  supply  power  to  the  Gatehouse  at  Kiniya

Bungalow Gets a New Interior Look at As  one  of  Kiniya’s  oldest  and  most  beloved  cabins,  the  Bungalow  was  built  in  its  current  position  in  the  1930s.  Originally  designed  to  house  Kiniya’s  youngest  age-­group  of  Junior  campers,  the  Bungalow  has  two  separate  wings  housing  three  cabins:  Lakeside,  Meadowside  and  Riverside,  an  open  communal  gathering  space  in  between  the  two  wings,  and  a  bathroom  inside  which  is  shared  by  all  28  occu-­ pants. While  the  Bungalow  itself  is  well  designed  and  in  good  condition,  WKH EDWKURRP KDV EHHQ LQ QHHG RI D PDMRU RYHU KDXO IRU VRPH WLPH Which  brings  our  good  news:  The  Bungalow  bathroom  is  undergo-­ ing  a  new  renovation!  The  ladies  of  Bungalow  (our  oldest  group  of  -XQLRU 9LOODJH FDPSHUV ZLOO EH HQMR\LQJ D EUDQG QHZ EDWKURRP from  floor  to  ceiling,  this  coming  summer!  The  bathroom  will  have  D VLPLODU OD\RXW WR WKH &DG\ 9DQQHPDQ EDWKURRP 7KHUH ZLOO EH RQH single  back  entrance  to  the  outside  and  one  entrance  in  and  out  of  the  common  room.  Each  of  the  three  cabins  will  also  have  a  door  directly  into  the  common  area! Â

Bungalow  at  Kiniya,  the  oldest  cabin  on  campus,  is  being  totally  renovated  for  the  girls  of  2013!




An Essay by #19958 Jordan Abbasi


lancing  around  the  hot,  cramped  theater      building,  I  saw  my  eleven-­year-­old  peers     gathered  on  the  floor,  clutching  tattered  hymnals  and  shoving  each  other  playfully.  Two  well-­worn  grand  pianos  sat  at  opposite  ends  of  the  room  like  grandmothers  expressing  disap-­ proval  of  the  rowdy  atmosphere.  None  of  us  had  FKDQJHG RXW RI RXU VSRUWV MHUVH\V RU PXGG\ FOHDWV      A  Southern  bass  voice  boomed  out,  â€œHow  y’all  doin’  tonight?â€?  The  question  was  met  with  D URDU DV NLGV MXPSHG XS DQG GRZQ      Would  we  really  be  singing  hymns  in  soccer  cleats?  Trained  as  a  chorister  in  the  tradi-­ tion  of  English  Cathedral  choirs,  I  knew  about  singing  hymns:  efficient  breaths,  impec-­ cable  diction,  accurate  intonation,  and  proper  blending.  But  now  I  was  at  the  129-­year-­old  Camp  Dudley  in  the  Adirondacks,  and  was  incredulous  that  the  athletes  I  saw  on  the  fields  named  Hymn  Sing  as  their  favorite  part  of  camp.   I  was  about  to  find  out  why.      Our  Music  Director  continued,  â€œThe  first  hymn  tonight  will  be  hymn  number  32,  Holy,  Holy,  Holy.â€?      I  breathed  in,  focusing  on  my  diaphragm  and  posture.  I  was  reminding  myself  to  shape  P\ YRZHOV FRUUHFWO\ MXVW DV D ZDOO RI VRXQG KLW PH 7KH ER\V DURXQG PH VKRXWHG DQG pumped  their  fists  like  raucous  fans  at  a  rock  concert.  I  thought  to  myself,  That’s  not  sing-­ ing.  That’s  yelling!      The  primal  sounds  surrounding  me  seemed  to  mock  the  subdued  reverence  I  associ-­ ated  with  hymns.  Yet  their  exuberant  singing  touched  something  untapped  in  me,  and  , MRLQHG LQ )RU WKH ILUVW WLPH P\ VLQJLQJ IHOW OLNH DQ H[SORVLRQ RI HQHUJ\ UDWKHU WKDQ WKH refined  art  I  had  known.      I  went  on  to  pursue  my  classical  music  training  further.  Taking  up  the  pipe  organ  and  conducting,  I  used  these  new  skills  to  lead  hymns  at  my  church  in  my  role  as  Organ  Scholar.        As  I  worked  to  gain  better  control  over  my  fingers,  I  realized  that,  paradoxically,  the  rules  of  classical  music  were  not  restricting  my  music-­making,  but  freeing  it.  As  my  teach-­ ers  showed  me  how  to  vary  my  technique,  I  gained  a  greater  ability  to  express  myself  through  music.  I  would  lose  myself  in  a  Bach  Fugue  as  I  sat  at  the  organ  in  a  state  of  flow  IRU KRXUV DGMXVWLQJ P\ SOD\LQJ DV , SOHDVHG , ZDV H[SHULHQFLQJ D VLPLODU PXVLFDO IUHHGRP to  that  which  drew  the  campers  at  Dudley  to  Hymn  Sing.        Leading  my  church  congregation  through  hymns  from  the  organ,  I  witness  them  experi-­ ence  the  same  musical  freedom  as  they  sing,  even  if  in  a  more  controlled  way  than  the  campers  had.  Now  a  Dudley  counselor,  leading  Hymn  Sing  alongside  the  Music  Director  allows  me  to  facilitate  a  freedom  achieved  by  defying  rules.  I  now  understand  why  I  had  been  drawn  to  Hymn  Sing  as  a  perplexed  eleven-­year-­old.      As  I  take  my  place  at  the  piano  in  the  packed  theater,  a  familiar  voice  booms  out,  â€œHow  y’all  doin’  tonight?â€?  I  strike  the  opening  chord,  and  as  my  piano  notes  meet  the  cacophony  of  campers’  voices,  what  was  once  an  impenetrable  wall  of  sound  is  now  a  wave  of  melodi-­ ous  music  washing  over  me,  eroding  the  boundaries  between  us.

Jordan Abbasi  was  an  Assistant  Leader  in  Williams  Lodge  last  summer.  A  participant  on  the  final  Boys’  Camping  Society  trip  in  2011,  Jordan  has  a  reputation  on  campus  as  one  of  our  top  musicians.  He  has  been  assisting  James  Mayo  as  a  Hymn  Sing  piano  player  for  several  summers.   With  Jordan’s  permission  we  share  with  you  the  college  essay  that  has  helped  garner  entrance  to  Harvard  and  Stanford.  At  this  writing,  he  has  not  made  his  final  decision  where  he  will  matriculate  and  study  (what  else?)  music.



Kiniya’s First Leadership Team . . . Where are they now?

by #20001 Marnie McDonagh

From left, Kari, Marnie, Joanie and Katie, leading the 4th of July Parade in the early years of Camp Dudley at Kiniya


t’s hard to believe that seven summers have passed since Kiniya became a part of the Dudley family back in 2006! It’s even harder to believe that among our 2013 Leader lineup are a number of girls who were campers in that very first summer! As we look back on all that we have accomplished throughout the years, we thought it appropriate to pay a tribute to the first group of women who served in leadership roles at Camp Dudley at Kiniya, and to provide an update of “Where are they now?” Under the direction of Kiniya’s first Leadership Direc-­ tor, #16964 Joanie Chioffi, the Leadership Program was fully implemented at Kiniya in its second summer – 2007 – welcoming ten Aides; eight Junior Leaders and four Assistant Leaders. The four Assistant Leaders whom Joanie supported that same year were #19270 Sara Nelson, #20472 Lucy Solie-­Vilker, #20479 Megan Powell and #20176 Laurel Henderson, all of

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whom went on to serve in the role of Leader. More re-­ cently, Sara served as Theater Director, Lucy as Junior Village D-­Head, Megan as Chapel Coordinator and Laurel as Head Lifeguard. Joanie captained the Leadership Program in Kiniya’s early years and served as Spiritual Program Coordina-­ tor from its beginning. As an experienced educator and coach, Joanie brought leadership talents and an abiding commitment to the success of the Kiniya expe-­ rience. Joanie worked tirelessly in support of Kiniya’s first D-­head combo, #19231 Kari McKinley (Senior D-­ Head) and #19494 Katie Gray (Junior D-­Head), both of whom came to Kiniya in 2007 and brought with them the feeling of pride in being a cabin Leader that resonates at Dudley. Daughter of #10231 Schell and Annie McKinley, Kari grew up in Westport, NY, and has always had strong WLHV WR 'XGOH\ 6KH MRLQHG WKH 'XGOH\ VWDII LQ

as  Rock  Climbing  Instructor  and  became  Director  of  the  Outdoors  Program  in  2006.  Katie  came  to  Dudley  in  2005  as  a  member  of  the  A-­Hut  through  her  High  School  pal  from  Rumson,  NJ,  #18886  Aidan  Ehren-­ berg.  Seeing  impressive  leadership  potential  in  both  Kari  and  Katie,  Dudley  Director  Andy  Bisselle,  encour-­ DJHG WKHP WR MRLQ 0DUQLH DQG KHU WHDP DV WKH\ ZRUNHG together  in  creating  the  Leadership  Development  Program  for  girls.  Kari’s  natural  ability  to  mentor  and  guide  her  leaders  within  the  Senior  Division  during  the  summers  of  2007  and  2008  prepared  and  equipped  her  beautifully  for  the  position  awaiting  her  return  in  2009,  Aide  through  AL  Mentor.  Working  closely  with  Marnie  and  #20240  Lisa  Barnes,  Kari  stepped  into  this  new  role  at  Camp  with  great  enthusiasm,  designing  and  imple-­ menting  the  Leadership  Training  Model  that  we  use  to-­ day.  Not  only  did  Kari  establish  and  nurture  individual  relationships  with  each  one  of  the  young  women  under  her  guidance,  she  also  organized  a  program  where  they  could  learn  and  grow  in  areas  of  leadership  and  per-­ sonal  development,  ultimately  supporting  them  for  the  future  demands  of  leading  their  own  cabin. Kari  is  a  graduate  of  McGill  University  and  is  currently  enrolled  at  Yale  University’s  Pediatric  Nurse  Practi-­ tioner  Program.  She  resides  in  New  Haven,  CT.  Kari  returned  to  Kiniya  for  summer  2012  as  Camp  Nurse  and  hopes  to  be  back  part-­time  for  summer  2013.  Since  working  at  Kiniya,  Katie  Gray  earned  her  Mas-­ ters  degree  in  Education  at  Salisbury  University  in  Maryland.  While  earning  her  degree,  she  worked  as  a  Graduate  Assistant  Athletic  Trainer,  helping  their  sports  teams.  Since  2010  she  has  worked  as  an  Athletic  Trainer  at  Ferrum  College  in  southwest  Virginia.  She  lives  with  her  fiance  who  is  the  Assistant  Track  and  )LHOG &URVV &RXQW\ FRDFK DW 5RDQRNH &ROOHJH 7KH\ plan  to  be  married  in  June  2014. Â

Katie  says:  â€œMy  favorite  memories  from  Kiniya  the  first  summer  are  the  Fourth  of  July  parade  and  the  great  costumes  Casbah  cabin  had,  the  hiking  trip  with  the  entire  Junior  Division,  the  Senior  Canoe  Trip,  and  I  made  my  first  fire!  I  can’t  forget  the  council  ring  where  all  the  campers  dressed  up  the  leaders  or  the  very  first  council  ring  where  Allison  blew  us  away  with  her  beautiful  version  of  Amazing  Grace  (The  same  version  we  sing  during  Hymn  Sing  today!).  Wow,  lots  of  good  memories.  I  loved  working  at  camp  and  would  love  to  come  back  someday.â€? Since  leaving  Kiniya  after  the  summer  of  2008,  Joanie  continued  to  have  her  own  private  tutoring  business  in  Greenwich,  CT.   Working  one-­on-­one  with  middle  and  high  school  students  in  history  and  English,  she  has  been  able  to  create  her  own  schedule  in  the  evenings.  This  flexibility  has  allowed  her  to  be  home  during  the  GD\ ILUVW ZLWK -DFN QRZ \HDUV ROG DQG PRUH recently,  Caroline  (19  months).  In  addition  to  helping  students  with  content,  Joanie  also  focuses  on  improv-­ ing  their  overall  organization  and  executive  functioning  skills.  The  work  is  rewarding  and  allows  her  to  draw  on  her  14  years  of  classroom  experience.   Besides  tutoring,  Joanie  continues  to  coach  girls  lacrosse  in  Greenwich,  but  now  mainly  runs  clinics  rather  than  coach  one  spe-­ cific  team.  Joanie’s  favorite  memories  of  Kiniya  include  Hymn  Sing,  the  Fourth  of  July  festivities,  Vespers  and  of  course,  Gail’s  amazing  desserts.  Joanie  will  be  returning  in  summer  2013  as  Chapel  Speaker  on  Sunday,  August  11th.  Says  Joanie,  â€œI  look  forward  to  bringing  Jack  back  to  Kiniya  and  singing  with  him  in  the  dining  hall  and  also  introducing  every-­ one  at  Camp  to  Caroline.â€?


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Leaders on the Lake ——— LakeBook “Build-­A-­Bear, Build-­A-­Bear!â€? by  #20001  Marnie  McDonagh

When  asked  of  the  impact  Sarah  McDonough  has  had  on  our  Kiniya  community,  most  will  quickly  respond  with  â€œWho?â€?  â€Ś  When  asked  of  the  impact  â€œBearâ€?  has  had,  the  list  is  endless.       It  only  takes  one  encounter  with  #21013  Sarah  â€œBearâ€?  McDonough  to  know  that  there  is  something  special  about  her.  She  has  that  look  in  her  eyes  â€“  the  look  of  kindness  and  warmth  -­  that  even  a  perfect  stranger  would  notice.  Bear  is  genuine.  She  is  warm  and  loving,  kind  to  every  person  she  encounters.  She  is  true  to  herself,  intensely  loyal,  extremely  level-­headed,  remarkably  gifted,  and  somewhat  mysterious  -­  â€œwhere  did  that  nickname  come  from?â€?      Bear  has  a  long  Dudley-­Kiniya  connection.  Her  grandfather,  #15400  William  Sword  Sr.,  who  did  not  attend  Dudley  but  was  a  very  proud  â€œDudley  Dad,â€?  served  on  the  Dudley  Board  from  1963-­68  and  Marnie  with  Sarah  â€œBearâ€?  McDonough  at  the  Kiniya  was  CDA  Man  of  the  Year  in  2003.  Bill  and  his  wife  Sally  hosted  the  Tea  over  the  holidays  in  New  York Princeton  Reunion  for  decades.  Their  two  boys,  #9655  Bill  Jr.  and  #9969  Dick  attended  camp  in  the  â€™60s.  They  also  had  two  daughters,  Sarah  Lazarus  and  #13331  Mary  â€œMollyâ€?  Sword  McDonough.  Bear’s  Mom,  Molly,  was  D ÂłSLRQHHU´ LQ MRLQLQJ :LOOLH 6FKPLGWÂśV HDUO\ ZRPHQÂśV VWDII DW 'XGOH\ LQ WKH ÂśV and  she  and  husband  Pete  are  understandably  proud  of  their  Dudley  son  #18794  Tom,  and  their  Kiniya  daughter  #21013  Sarah  â€œBear.â€?   Bear  comes  to  her  love  of  Dudley  and  Kiniya  naturally.      Prior  to  her  arrival  at  Kiniya,  Bear  attended  Camp  Jeanne  d’Arc  in  Merrill,  NY  for  IRXU VXPPHUV ,Q DIWHU KHU ILUVW \HDU DW :HVOH\DQ &ROOHJH %HDU MRLQHG WKH .LQL\D team  as  a  Senior  Division  Leader.  It  was  clear  immediately  that  Bear  was  going  to  make  a  strong  contribution  to  Camp.  However,  we  weren’t  quite  sure  in  what  capacity  this  would  be  as  Bear  has  excellent  sailing  skills,  excitement  for  the  outdoors,  a  passion  for  music  and  a  natural  ability  to  connect  with  girls  of  all  ages.      Her  transition  from  Leader  to  staff  in  summer  2010  was  a  smooth  one,  allowing  Sarah  to  continue  her  outstanding  work  with  girls  while  focusing  on  skills  develop-­ ment  within  program  areas.  Because  of  her  leadership  capabilities,  Bear  served  as  Tripping  Director  in  2010  and  Waterfront  Director  in  2011.  She  successfully  fulfilled  her  Department  head  responsibilities  while  also  serving  as  Spiritual  Music  Director,  supporting  our  weekly  Chapel  service  and  leading  Hymn  Sing.       Having  visited  Dudley  for  numerous  parents’  day  visits  to  see  her  brother  Tom,  Editor’s  note:  Bear’s  Bear  was  no  stranger  to  Hymn  Sing.  It  was  her  years  at  Jeanne  d’Arc  as  a  camper  and  nickname  comes  from  the  rumor  that  she  got  lost  and  her  first  summer  as  a  Leader  at  Kiniya,  however,  that  gave  her  the  confidence  and  the  knowledge  of  how  to  â€œfeminizeâ€?  the  hymn  sing  experience.  She  took  our  century  plus  spent  an  overnight  at  the  Build-­A-­Bear  Factory  when  Dudley  tradition,  honored  its  purpose,  and  then  creatively  allowed  girls  to  shape  it  she  was  a  little  girl‌  Only  into  something  truly  special.  When  Camp  Dudley  at  Kiniya  was  created,  it  was  a  mix  she  knows  the  truth  behind  of  Kiniya,  Dudley  and  Jeanne  d’Arc.  Now,  with  Sarah’s  contributions,  she  has  added  the  rumor   .  .  .  an  important  voice  to  the  formation  of  a  new  culture.  (The  story  of  how  Bear  conceived  and  wrote  â€œâ€˜Neath  the  Pinesâ€?  was  carried  in  the  2012  Spirit  which  was  dedicated  to  Bear  and  can  be  viewed  online  at­publications-­page/)      Thank  you,  Bear,  for  your  countless  contributions  to  Camp,  for  your  leadership  of  Hymn  Sing  and  for  your  gift  of  song.  We  are  eternally  grateful  to  you!




en  men  walked  into  the  Stacy  Brook  Wilderness  on  solid  ground  under  clear  skies,  and  walked  out  in  30  inches  of  snow  and  a  full  on  blizzard.  What  an  amazing  trip.  On  Dec  26,  2012,  eight  young  men  from  Dudley  showed  up  at  Camp  to  embark  on  the  2012  Winter  Leadership  Trip.  Accompanied  by  trip  leaders  #15509  Scott  Steen  and  #17676  Dylan  Pollock,  the  boys  packed  a  great  deal  of  winter  wonderland  adventure,  leadership  training,  and  backcountry  VKHQDQLJDQV DV SRVVLEOH LQWR MXVW six  days.  The  group  spent  a  day  volunteering  their  time  with  alumnus  #10231  Schell  McKinley  on  a  local  +DELWDW IRU +XPDQLW\ KRXVH SURMHFW two  days  living,  working  and  playing  at  the  Stacy  Brook  Yurt  Village  with  a  new  wood  stove,  a  day  of  ice Â

climbing,  and  two  days  snowshoeing  through  the  frozen  Adirondack  wilderness.  The  boys  were  often  challenged  in  this  snowy  backcountry  setting  and  grew  as  leaders  through  making  difficult  mistakes  and  celebrating  amazing  successes.  #21110  Owen  Beal  reflected,  â€œAs  a  leader,  I  am  going  to  have  to  make  sure  that  everyone  is  having  fun  while  being  safe.  Sometimes  this  means  stepping  up  and  facing  the  adversity  of  an  entire  group  and  hoping  they  will  take  your  advice  with  a  smile  and  not  be  too  upset  by  it.â€?  From  planning  and  cooking  meals  to  being  leader  for  the  day,  to  leading  vespers  and  hikes,  the  eight  Dudleyites  took  away  valuable  leadership  skills,  outdoor  skills,  and  a  feeling  of  brotherhood  amongst  peers  and  friends. Â

Participants  in  the  Winter  Leadership  Trip  were  Owen  Beal,  Henry  Moyle,   Chris  Tozzi,  Kevin  Longo,  Aidan  Moran,  David  Ballinger,  Sterling  Meacham, Duncan  Sewall,  Dylan  Pollock,  Paul  Adams,  and  Scott  Steen

Winter Leadership Trip by #15509 Scott Steen



The Dudley Circle of Life


by #11264 Mark Davenport

f course, certain feel-­good stories aren’t confined to the ones we tell at Camp Dudley – a kid gets a helping hand, grows up into a standout citizen and helps others the same way he was KHOSHG ,W MXVW VR KDSSHQV WKDW WKLV VWRU\ LV D 'XGOH\ version and a sweet one for me to share with you. I brought a young boy from my building in Harlem, NY, down to the Henry Street Settlement House to meet Doctor William J. Schmidt in the fall of 1986. Doctor Schmidt showed me his notes after his interview with the lad. There, in Willie scrawl, were two words: “Davo’s. Take.” That following summer, .XUWLV /HVOLH MRLQHG 2ZDVFR /RGJH DV D &XE By his own admission, Kurtis was “a little rough around the edges,” but his five summers at Camp were some of the most formative of his young life. “Being in another place opens your mind . . . to see that there’s more out there to achieve.” In 2008, I got a great call from Kurtis informing me that he was finishing his degree in Education in America and asking if he could come for a visit. He brought his lovely bride, Rowena, with him to Westport for a week that summer and returned the following summer to work for us in the A-­Hut. (Author’s note: He did demonstrate at this time that he still needs to work on a decent cross-­over dribble.) Kurtis was soon named the Principal at the Coolgardie &$36 VFKRRO KWWS DLFV ZD HGX DX VFKRROV FDSV coolgardie) in his native Australia. CAPS schools are Christian Aboriginal Parent-­Directed Schools that aim to see that “the potential of each student is achieved through a partnership between parents, staff and the community according to the beliefs and values



of  the  Christian  faith  and  displayed  in  the  principles  of  personal  transformation,  character  GHYHORSPHQW VDIHW\ RSSRUWXQLW\ MXVWLFH equity,  pride  and  self  worth.â€?   Sound  like  any  place  you’ve  heard  of?   In  my  opinion,  they  found  the  best  family  to  fulfill  this  mission. It  was  not  long  after  Kurtis’  return  to  Dudley  that  the  idea  of  getting  some  of  his  students  to  Camp  began  to  take  shape.  With  his  and  Rowena’s  diligent  work  to  find  sponsorship,  the  first  of  Coolgardie  CAPS  students  arrived  in  Westport  this  past  summer.  Through  the  generosity  of  several  mining  companies  in  the  Goldfields  of  the  remote  villages  of  Western  Australia,  #22790  Antonio  Madariaga  and  #22789  Kobe  Banks  spent  the  First  Session  in  the  Senior  and  Junior  Divisions  respectively.

Kurtis  Leslie,  left,  Antonio  Madariaga  and  Kobe  Banks  at  Dudley  last  summer

The  fundraising  process  became  a  priority  for  many  of  the  businesses  in  the  Coolgardie  community  when  Rowena  and  Kurtis  began  to  pitch  the  idea.  In  short  RUGHU ;VWUDWD 1LFNHO ,QGHSHQGHQFH *URXS -DELUX Metals,  AngloGold  Ashanti,  Bundarra  Contracting,  Jarrah  Fire  Drilling,  Mindax  Limited  and  the  generous  folks  at  Coolgardie  Shire  Council  all  got  involved  in  the  effort.  As  with  all  of  our  community  partners,  we  are  so  grateful  to  our  friends  in  Western  Australia  without  whom  the  lives  of  these  two  fine  young  men  and  the  lives  of  those  campers  in  Union  Lodge  and  Cornell  Lodge  would  not  have  been  forever  enriched  by  the  experience.  May  this  be  the  first  of  a  continued  succession  of  students  from  Coolgardie.  We  thank  the  boys,  the  businesses  for  their  generosity  and  support,  our  friends  at  Coolgardie  CAPS  and  my  old  down stairs  neighbor  and  his  beautiful  wife  â€“  Kurtis  and  Rowena.  Thanks  to  all  involved,  the  circle  starts  anew.




Photo: Aaron Engler

Q&A With The Brouse Brothers by #15877 Brendan Lefty Loughman


amp Dudley Alums and brothers #16472 Billy & #17772 Sam Brouse have been on quite a musical journey since leaving Dudley. They re both in an Asheville, North Carolina based band called Papadosio and they re touring the country showcasing their new Album T.E.T.I.O.S.

Recently I spoke with the Brouse Brothers about Dudley, music, and the adventures ahead for Papadosio. Q: Tell us a little about your years at Dudley. Dudley motto holds sway in the music business, at least I feel it does. People say it is a tough business, which it Billy: I started as a cub is, but what business isn’t? I think that if you put others in ‘95 in Adirondack, led before yourself, it comes back around in all aspects of by #13840 Mac Howi-­ life, and our message as a band of consciousness and son. Honestly one of the stewardship towards your fellow man, the environment best summers of my life! and your own well-­being was definitely, for me, shaped Stayed at Camp through in a big way by Camp Dudley. my AL year and also took part in the German Sam: Dudley has shaped everything I have done. All throughout school I tried my best to be friends with Exchange program my Aide year. I’ve been back HYHU\ NLQG RI SHUVRQ LW ZDV MXVW QDWXUDO DIWHU JRLQJ WR camp. I learned so much about humility and empathy for visits and surprise at Dudley and it is impossible for those kinds of lessons hellos many times since then (thank you Davo!). to fade away — they carry over into my everyday life. #16472 Billy Brouse When I decided to leave college, I remember think-­ Aaron Lingenfelter / Wide Aperture Images Always interesting show-­ ing of all the rest periods I spent in Witherbee at the ing up at camp with a piano practicing. I realized that music was always what I bunch of weird looking musicians on their day off! wanted to do. Sam: I was a ’99 Cub. I also opted out my Aide year Q: Give us a little history on how the band got started to go on the German Exchange Program. That was and the growth that you’ve experienced through the definitely one of the most memorable trips of my life. past seven years. That trip was also where I got into the band Radio-­ head, thanks to #18135 Carsten Tech, which has totally shaped my musical life. Q: Have any of the values and lessons learned at Dud-­ ley helped shape the way you tackled what you do now in Papadosio? Billy: Most definitely. The first time I was ever onstage was my Junior year at Mellowfest. I played drums with a couple of buddies, I’ll never forget that feeling of being up there for the first time. I still get that feel-­ ing every time I walk out onstage before a show. The



#17772 Sam Brouse

Photo: August Joseph Heisler IV

Billy: The band formed in Athens, Ohio from a weekly RSHQ MDP QLJKW :H DOO NHSW FRPLQJ RQ WKH VDPH QLJKWV and before you knew it we decided to form a band. We rehearsed for almost a year before we played our first show, which looking back, is crazy but it all worked out. We’ve been rollin’ along ever since!

Photo: Aaron Engler a refreshing day off. Can’t wait to do that again some-­ time! Q: If you could play a show anywhere in the world, where would it be?

Billy: I’d really like to play overseas. Japan sounds like Sam: Papadosio was my big brother’s band. I was (and it has an incredible market where I think we’d do very am) so proud of him, but I was genuinely obsessed with well, and I’d also like to headline Red Rocks (in Colo-­ their music. I would go to every show I could. We had rado) someday. always talked about my being in the band, but I kind of Sam: Madison Square Garden would be amazing. took it into my own hands, stopped studying music at Skidmore to play with them. It has been a crazy road Q: Best water fountain at Camp Dudley? I’m still since then, and we are working really hard. It was the sticking with tennis court/upper fields. What say you? best decision I have ever made. Billy: We’ve put together a festival called Rootwire, in Billy: I sincerely agree with you on that one. Nothin’ its fourth year this summer. It’s a music and arts festival like that oasis on a 90 degree day. in the hills of Logan, Ohio. It offers live music, live art, and presentations from some of the most forward thinking people in the country. Sam: The main focus of Rootwire is “The Other Fel-­ low First.” While it is not openly discussed as such, we try to create an environment for people to escape their everyday lives in hopes that they can see that being nice and happy can be a part of your everyday life . . . it does QRW KDYH WR EH MXVW DQ HVFDSH Q: Favorite Hymn Sing song? Billy: This is My Father’s World, and Now the Day is Over (Brass Quartet Remix) Sam: I would have to say what I long to sing the most is the final five. It has been too long and those songs birthed a connection to music in me that I will never be able to explain. I get a strange nostalgia thinking about how beautiful those songs are. Q: Most memorable experience while on tour?

Sam: I remember the one outside Staff Dining Hall was pretty Gangster! Q: Favorite Dudley memory? Billy: My first Hymn Sing. I had no idea that the power of all those voices coming together could create such special energy, it was a very inspiring moment. Sam: There are a lot, but I suppose the most relevant is #14866 James Mayo incessantly telling me ”Brousey, you gonna’ be a ROCKSTAR, Brousey!” I was twelve and I will never forget it, and I would not be where I am now if it wasn’t for James always letting me into the Witherbee practice rooms during rest period to play the pianos. Hopefully he will sing with us one day. Q: Fact or fiction: You have thrown up a Yoha while on stage? Billy: Many. In fact I’ll start doing it more often, and if I see one in the crowd you’ll get one right back!

Sam: Fact! Did you catch that in Burlington? Sam: When I walked on stage at All Good Festival 2011 and there were 25,000 people in front of me. It looked Get Interactive with Papadosio! Head over to like an ocean of people, ebbing and flowing. I could to view the extended Q&A with not hear anything anyone said to me 30 minutes before Billy and Sam + video or after that set. It was too terrifying, too invigorating. Billy: There are so many, but I like when we have a day off in the North Country. One summer we had a day off in Saratoga, Sam and I brought some of the guys up to camp. We walked around Dudley and soaked it all in, went to Little Falls and took a dip, and it was quite Visit Papadosio Extended Q&A SPRING 2013


Chief Beckman Society


he  Chief  Beckman  Society  is  a  relatively  new  group  that  serves  our  camps  in  a  very  special  way.   Donors  who  plan  to  make  a  gift  from  their  will  or  estate  and  those  who  have  previously  estab-­ lished  endowed  funds  for  Dudley  are  included  in  the  Chief  Beckman  Society.   These  donors  make  it  possible  for  the  â€œbest  everâ€?  camping  experiences  we  provide  on  Lake  Champlain  to  continue  for  decades  to  come.   The  Beckman  Society  has  been  named  in  honor  of  former  director,  Chief  Beckman  (#310),  Director  of  Dudley  for  four  decades,  because  of  the  vision  he  held  for  the  camp’s  future.  Members  of  the Â

Beckman  Society  share  the  hope  that  future  gen-­ erations  of  young  men  and  women  will  thrive  in  Dudley  and  Kiniya’s  programs.   Making  a  planned  gift  has  sometimes  been  consid-­ ered  complicated  and  mysterious.  It  doesn’t  have  to  be.   Chris  Perry,  #12764,  told  us  recently  that  he  made  his  first  planned  gift  when  he  was  offered  a  life  insurance  policy  through  his  company.  â€œWhen  I  filled  out  the  company’s  life  insurance  form,  I  MXVW OLVWHG FDPS DV D EHQHILFLDU\ WR UHFHLYH D SHU-­ centage  of  the  death  benefit  that  would  be  paid.â€? Planned  gifts  can  take  many  different  forms.  Each  offers  donors  a  unique  benefit  and  is  usually  devel-­ oped  as  part  of  a  larger  financial  plan. Here  is  a  quick  summary  of  some  of  the  common  planned  gifts  that  we  have  received: Gifts  through  your  will  (bequests)  â€“  Your  will  specifies  that  a  percentage,  or  exact  dollar  amount,  from  your  estate  or  trust  be  given  to  Camp  Dudley  YMCA  Inc.   These  gifts  often  can  reduce  estate  taxes. Gifts  outside  your  will  â€“  Camp  Dudley  YMCA  can  be  named  as  a  beneficiary  of  life  insurance  policies,  appreciated  securities,  real  estate,  or  retire-­ ment  plans.  Gifts  that  pay  you  â€“  With  the  help  of  your  attor-­ QH\ DQG RU ILQDQFLDO SODQQHU D WUXVW FDQ EH FUH-­ ated  that  provides  you  with  income  during  your  lifetime.  At  the  time  the  trust  is  settled,  Camp  Dudley  YMCA  Inc.,  receives  all  or  part  of  what  remains  in  the  trust.

The ageless “Yum Yum� tree on the upper field, a symbol of Dudley’s enduring values.

Members of the Chief Beckman Society Dave Langston, Director of Development, Dawn Gay, De-­ velopment Administrator, or John Storey, Beckman Society Consultant, would be happy to discuss giving options with you. However, we also recommend that you discuss your plans with your personal attorney or financial planner to assure that your long range goals are fulfilled. The Beckman Society is always eager to welcome new members. We have found that many who already support our camps with time and talent have also remembered camp in their estate plans. If you have made arrangements to consider our camps in this particular way or would like more information about how to do so, please let Dave Langston ( or Dawn Gay ( know of your intention. We’d love to add your name to the Chief Beckman Society roster! Please check the membership list to see how our legacy team is growing.

Want to remember Dudley in your will? If you have questions about updating your will, are considering adding a gift to Dudley, or simply want to make Dudley aware of an exiting bequest intention (so that you may become a member of the Chief Beckman Society), please V Ì>VÌÊ >ÛiÊ > }ÃÌ Ê­`>ÛiJV> «`Õ` iÞ° À}®Ê > `É ÀÊÞ ÕÀÊ >ÜÞiÀ°ÊÊ7iÊ>ÀiÊ}À>ÌivÕ Êv ÀÊÞ ÕÀÊ gift which will mean so much to the future of

Õ` iÞÊ> `Ê Þ>°

#4625 Dr. and Mrs. Samuel G. Warr* #5288 David “Dave” Coffin #6191 William Faloon* #6228 Williams Sperry #6245 W. Carroll “Nick” Coyne #6581 Berkeley D. Johnson, Jr. #6652 James S. “Jim” and Marge Weaver #7221 Dr. Thomas C. “Tom” and Anne Carrier #7322 Carl Schmidt #7330 Kay Pashley #7370 Tom and Carol Crowe #7582 Dr. Stuart F. “Stu” Updike #7689 Henry S. “Hank” and Gail Poler #7701 Frederic E. Schrodt* #7731 Peter S. Willmott #7837 T. Frank “Toby” James, III #7905 George “Skip” and Nancy Rieger #7951 John “Jack” and Katie Kotz #7975 Rodney F. “Rod” and Liz Beckwith #8191 Alf and Mea Kaemmerlen #8276 Charles B. “Charlie” Updike #8497 Dr. Kenneth and Freddi Hill #8527 Ernest F. “Ernie” and Anna Steiner #8608 Robert “Bob” and Tuey Stroud #8674 Dr. William M. Vanneman, Jr. #8686 Gene E. Little #8704 William H. “Bill” and Lynne Combs #8798 Alfred M. “Al” and Tony Cady, III #8804 M. John and #18204 Martha Storey #8891 Richard K. Rogers #9060 Ian R. and Mary Ann Crawford #9061 C. Roland “Rollie” and #19061 Carole Stichweh #9172 John P. Hammond* #9459 Dr. Peter Burr #9606 Richard F. “Rick” Tomlinson and Julie Welch #9827 Richard J. Coyle #9846 Doug McClure* #10065 William T. “Bill” and Terry McCutcheon, Jr. #10215 Donald M. Meisel, Jr. #10524 Peter and Irene Treiber #10555 David L. and #17855 Lora Langston #11373 Michael and Leila Stevens #11889 Dwight and Kirsten Poler #12079 Joseph L. “Joe” and Tink Bolster #12764 Chris and Alison Perry #15400 Sally Sword #19517 Brent Shay Eugene G. Sullivan Loris Tower* Michael Walter * Deceased

52 SSPRING PRING 2013 2013


Service . . . ›Ó£Îx™Ê >ÀÞÊ Ă€>ViĂŠ iÂ˜Ă€ĂžĂŠ°ĂŠ°ĂŠ°ĂŠ,iĂ›iĂ€ĂƒiĂŠĂŒÂ…iĂŠ ÂœĂ•Ă€Ăƒi

Reverse  The  Course  is  a  501(c)(3)  Nonprofit  Foundation  founded  in  2009.  At  Camp  many  things  revolve  around  our  camp  number.  When  you  see  #21359  you  may  think  of  someone  of  Aide  or  JL  age.  You  would  be  right!  Mary  Grace  is  now  16-­years-­old  and  has  been  run-­ ning  this  nonprofit  for  over  three  years.  She  has  taught  herself  to  sew,  inspired  by  a  revers-­ ible  headband  seen  in  a  local  store,  and  offerings  have  expanded  to  ponytail  accessories,  bows,  clips  and  more!  Writes  Mary  Grace,  â€œPeople  always  ask  me  how  my  business  started.  Believe  me,  I  did  not  wake  up  one  day  and  say  â€œeureka.â€?  It  was  a  combination  of  lots  of  little  things  that  left  ODVWLQJ LPSUHVVLRQV MXPSLQJ URSH IRU 8JDQGD LQ ORZHU VFKRRO UHDGLQJ 7KUHH &XSV RI 7HD and,  during  one  of  our  camp  talks,  being  asked  â€œwhat  does  everyone  deserve.â€?  My  answer  was  â€œa  chance.â€?  That  helped  me  clarify  my  wish  to  do  something  in  a  more  concrete  way.  So  that  is  what  I  set  about  doing,  giving  girls  the  only  chance  that  could  really  be  life  chang-­ ing:  an  education.  â€œMy  first  year  was  spent  learning  how  to  sew,  finding  suppliers  in  the  garment  district,  and  learning  about  wholesale  and  retail.  Then  I  had  to  find  stores  that  would  sell  the  products  and  find  events,  like  craft  fairs  and  holiday  boutiques,  where  I  could  sell  them  myself.  Dur-­ ing  our  second  year,  I  tried  to  create  new  products  and  spent  months  creating  a  website.  I  also  started  researching  the  issue  of  girls’  education  around  the  world.  Best  of  all,  my  moth-­ er,  sister  and  I  went  to  Uganda  and  met  some  of  the  girls  I  had  started  to  help.  I  taught  several  workshops  and  spent  hours  talking  with  girls.  Reading  that  girls  can’t  go  to  school  though  boys  can  is  one  thing:  having  teachers,  girls  and  numerous  men  tell  us  that  face-­to-­face  is  another  level  of  comprehension.  â€œLast  year  was  the  year  we  really  began  to  feel  our  prog-­ ress.  I  was  asked  to  speak  to  different  groups,  both  adult  and  student,  and  that  let  me  reach  out  to  more  people  here  in  the  U.S.  I  also  doubled  the  number  of  events  we  did  and  added  stores  in  two  more  states.  We  purchased  an  embroidery  machine,  allowing  personalization  of  products,  which  tripled  our  sales.  Then  we  applied  to  several  grants  to  increase  the  Foundation’s  resources.  We  were  lucky  enough  to  have  three  college  interns  last  summer,  and  they  helped  with  social  media,  managed  the  website  and  took  care  of  some  of  the  day-­to-­day  work.  Mary  Grace  with  some  of  the  young  Ugandan  girls  she  has  helped  to  get their  education



“It  has  been  three-­and-­a-­half  years  since  Reverse  The  Course  was  an  idea.  It  is  now  a  business  but,  more  impor-­ tantly,  it  is  a  sustainable  charity.  As  of  January  1,  we  have  changed  the  lives  of  25  girls  â€“  most  of  them  in  Uganda  and  Kenya  â€“  by  paying  for  50  years  of  their  tuition  and  boarding  costs.  And  with  the  Kids  Who  Give  grant Â

award,  we  will  now  be  able  to  help  5  more  Maasai  girls  by  paying  for  four  years  of  their  school  and  boarding  needs.  My  goal  is  to  help  100  girls.  I  have  a  long  way  to  go!â€? This  past  February,  Reverse  The  Course  was  awarded  the  $10,000  Grand  Prize  from  Kids  Who  Give.  You  can  help  support  Mary  Grace  in  reaching  her  goal  by  visiting  her  website  at

Some  of  the  accessories  that  Reverse  the  Course  is  making  under  the  leadership  of  16-­year-­old  Mary  Grace  Henry

ݣnĂˆÂŁÂŁĂŠ Â?>ÂŽiĂŠ,i>`ĂŠ°ĂŠ°ĂŠ°ĂŠ/Â…iĂŠ/ " ĂŠ Blake  wrote  from  Penn  State.  â€œEverything’s  great  here  in  Happy  Valley!  (State  College,  PA).  I’m  looking  forward  to  another  summer  at  Dud-­ ley.  Here  at  school  I’ve  been  involved  with  a  great  organization  called  7+21 VKRUW IRU WKH 3HQQ 6WDWH ,)& 3DQKHOOHQLF 'DQFH 0DUDWKRQ whose  mission  is  to  conquer  pediatric  cancer  by  providing  outstanding  emotional  and  financial  support  to  the  children,  families,  researchers,  and  staff  of  the  Four  Diamonds  Fund.         Each  year,  about  15,000  Penn  State  students  work  tirelessly  to  DFFRPSOLVK MXVW WKDW DQG LW DOO FXOPLQDWHV LQ D KRXU QR VLWWLQJ no  sleeping  dance  marathon.  THON  started  in  1973,  but  was  paired  with  The  Four  Diamonds  Fund  in  1977.  Since  then,  with  the  help  of  a  $12.37  million  total  this  year,  Penn  State  students  have  raised  over  $100  million  FTK  (for  the  kids)!!!!!!   The  Four  Diamonds  Fund,  based  in  the  Hershey,  PA,  Medical  Center,  helps  families  battling  pediatric  Blake  Read  participating  in  the  THON,  aiding  cancer  in  a  variety  of  ways  including  but  not  limited  to  medical  bills,  kids  with  cancer food  vouchers,  gas  cards  to  get  to  and  from  the  hospital,  music  thera-­ pists  and  social  workers.  Any  payment  that  the  families  may  run  into  due  to  the  illness  is  covered  so  that  the  families  can  focus  on  their  child.  My  favorite  part  of  THON  â€”  Being  in  the  Bryce  Jordan  Center  (where  THON  week-­ end  takes  place)  and  seeing  15,000  college  students  relive  their  childhood,  and  where  the  kids  battling  cancer  regain  theirs.  If  you  would  like  to  know  more  check  out   (For  pictures,  see Â

This section regularly features Dudleyites who are part of ĂŒÂ…iĂŠ1°-°ĂŠ À“i`ĂŠ ÂœĂ€ViĂƒĂŠ>˜`Ă‰ÂœĂ€ĂŠÂŤĂ€ÂœĂ›Âˆ`ˆ˜}ĂŠĂƒiĂ€Ă›ÂˆViĂŠĂŒÂœĂŠĂŒÂ…iÂˆĂ€ĂŠ VÂœÂ“Â“Ă•Â˜ÂˆĂŒÂˆiĂƒ]ĂŠÂ…iĂ€iĂŠÂœĂ€ĂŠ>LĂ€Âœ>`°ĂŠ*Â?i>ĂƒiĂŠĂƒi˜`ĂŠĂžÂœĂ•Ă€ĂŠĂƒĂŒÂœĂ€ÂˆiĂƒĂŠÂœvĂŠ ĂƒiĂ€Ă›ÂˆViĂŠĂŒÂœĂŠ Ă€i˜`>˜JV>“`Ă•`Â?iĂž°ÂœĂ€}° SPRING  2013


Service – continued Â›ÂŁĂˆÂŁÂŁÂ™ĂŠ >Ă€Â?ÂœÂ˜ĂŠ ÂˆĂƒÂ…iĂ€]ĂŠ1°-°ĂŠ À“Þ

#16119  Marlon  Fisher

I  am  about  to  complete  almost  4  years  of  service  in  the  US  Army  as  an  Intelligence  Analyst.  I’ve  spent  all  of  my  time  in  the  Army  stationed  in  Vilseck,  Germany  -­  MI  7URRS )$ 6TXDGURQ 6&5 VHUYLQJ LQ WKH ROGHVW &DYDOU\ 5HJLPHQW LQ WKH 8QLWHG States  Army.  I  deployed  in  support  of  Operation  Enduring  Freedom  from  2010  through  2011  in  southern  Afghanistan.  During  that  time,  I  was  a  Personality  Targeting  Analyst.  Over  the  last  four  years,  I’ve  been  drilled  with  L.D.R.S.H.I.P.  And  for  those  on  the  civilian  side,  this  means  loyalty,  duty,  respect,  selfless  service,  honor,  integrity  and  personal  courage.  I  personally  feel  that  Dudley’s  mission  and  motto  encompass  these  seven  basic  Army  values  as  a  whole.  My  Dudley  experience  has  helped  me  to  lead  and  train  soldiers  to  accomplish  the  mission.  My  experience  as  a  Leader  and  Divi-­ sion  Head  at  Dudley  created  a  smooth  transition  to  fill  the  role  of  an  Army  leader.  I  am  looking  forward  to  using  my  military  leadership  skills  in  combination  with  all  the  other  skills  to  return  back  to  the  civilian  world  and  change  the  world  one  family  at  a  time.  It  was  an  honor  serving  in  the  United  States  Army.  It  was  a  decision  I  will  never  regret.  Now,  when  I  walk  through  the  front  gates  of  Camp,  I  can  look  at  the  names  on  the  â€œgateâ€?  and  know  that  I  am  a  part  of  something  much  bigger  than  myself.

›Óä{ÂŁxĂŠ >Â?Â?ÂœĂ€ĂžĂŠ-Ă•``Ă•ĂŒÂ…]ĂŠ1°-°ĂŠ ÂˆĂ€ĂŠ ÂœĂ€Vi 2Q )HEUXDU\ , MRLQHG RQH RI WKH JUHDWHVW RSSRUWXQLWLHV WKDW DQ\RQH could  have  asked  for,  the  United  States  Air  Force.  September  4th  was  the  day  that  I  arrived  at  Lackland  Air  Force  Base  to  officially  begin  my  Air  Force  experience.  There  I  made  so  many  life  long  friends  that  helped  me  through  P\ ZHHNV RI PHQWDO DQG SK\VLFDO ODERU $W ERRW FDPS \RX JR WKURXJK D lot,  but  with  my  family  back  at  home  and  with  my  fellow  Wingmen,  I  gradu-­ ated  boot  camp  on  November  2nd.  Now  I  am  currently  at  my  Technical  Train-­ ing  School  at  Fort  Sam  Houston  in  San  Antonio,  Texas.  Here  I  am  learning  to  become  a  Medic  and  I  am   now  currently  EMT  certified.  After  all  of  my  #20425  Megan  Sudduth,  #20415  Mallory  Sud-­ training  is  finished,  I  will  return  home,  back  to  Westport,  NY,  where  my  duty  duth,  center,  and  #12415  Ben  Sudduth station  will  be  The  Vermont  Air  National  Guard  in  Burlington,  VT.  Joining  the  military  was  an  amazing  experience  and  has  opened  up  so  many  more  opportunites.  I  would  not  have  traded  it  for  the  world.  Besides  my  favorite  motto  â€œThe  Other  Fellow  First,â€?  I  also  follow  the  Air  Force  Core  Values  â€œIntegrity  First,  Service  Be-­ fore  Self,  and  Excellence  In  All  We  Do!â€? Â

Charlie,  Griscom,  Lauren  and  Sam  Widing



ݣn£™äĂŠ*6Ă“ĂŠ Ă€ÂˆĂƒVÂœÂ“ĂŠ7ˆ`ˆ˜}]ĂŠ1°-°ĂŠ À“Þ  Griscom  recently  graduated  from  basic  training  at  Fort  Jackson  in  South  Carolina.  A  member  of  the  U.S.  Army  1st  Battalion,  13th  Regiment,  Griscom  is  now  doing  Advanced  Infantry  Training  at  Fort  Lee  in  Virginia.  With  him  to  celebrate  were  his  mom  Martha,  dad  #12055  Bradway,  sister  #19555  Lauren  (Head  of  Brodie  Arts  &  Crafts  2013),  brother  #21055  Sam  (NOLS  2013),  brother  #22055  Charlie  (Senior  camper  2013),  Grandmother  Joan  Buchanan  and  Aunt  Betsy  Lewis.  Griscom,  who  was  at  Dudley  from  Plebe  through  Senior  year,   graduated  in  the  top  10%  of  his  class  and  mom  reports  that  Griscom  â€œis  a  true  soldier.  Very  proud.  Very  serious.â€? Â

Blasts From the Past . . . 100 Years Ago

From  the  July  17,  1913  edition  of  the  Dudley  Doings “Last  Sunday  we  celebrated  the  29th  anniversary  of  the  found-­ ing  of  Camp  Dudley.   The  Chief,  who  has  been  a  Dudleyite  for  seventeen  years,  told  us  of  the  Camp  as  it  was  in  the  early  GD\V 7KHUH ZDV QR /RGJH MXVW D ELJ FLUFXV WHQW WKH ER\V VOHSW on  ground  instead  of  on  cots,  and  roughed  it  to  a  greater  extent  than  we  do.  Nevertheless  Camp  Dudley  was  much  the  same  as  it  is  now.  The  spirit  of  good-­will  instilled  by  our  1913  â€”  Boathouse  Hill  before  construction  began founder  will  always  be  the  distinguishing  feature  of  Camp  Dud-­ ley  as  long  as  the  Camp  is  worthy  to  bear  his  name.      â€œFor  six  years  we  have  owned  the  present  Camp  site,  due  to  many  friends  of  Camp  Dudley,  and  each  year  sees  a  considerable  improvement  in  the  equipment.  The  big  thing  this  year  will  be  the  new  boat  house,  now  being  constructed.  The  picture  on  the  cover  of  this  issue  shows  the  site  of  the  boat  house  before  ground  was  broken.  We  hope  to  be  able  to  picture  the  completed  boat  house  before  the  season  is  over.â€?

50 Years Ago . . .1963

The  country  is  immersed  in  a  â€œCold  Warâ€?  with  the  Soviet  Union.  President  John  F.   .HQQHG\ WUDYHOV WR D GLYLGHG %HUOLQ LQ -XQH WR VKRZ $PHULFDQ VXSSRUW MXVW SULRU WR the  arrival  of  Dudley’s  2nd  German  Exchange  Group  arrival  from  Dudley  as  part  of   WKH ,QWHUQDWLRQDO ([FKDQJH 3URJUDP .HQQHG\ LQ D PDMRU VSHHFK DQQRXQFHV Âł,FK bin  ein  Berliner.â€?  (“I  am  a  Berlinerâ€?).  Several  of  the  astute  members  of  the  Dudley  trip  (Bill  Tyler,  Romney  Colson,  Chris  Gray,  Chuck  Seymour)  declare,  â€œWe  think  the  3UHVLGHQW MXVW DQQRXQFHG WKDW KH ZDV D Âł-HOO\ 'RQXW ´ 6XUH HQRXJK Âł7KH %HUOLQHU´ was  the  most  popular  donut  in  Germany.  Kennedy’s  speechwriters  hustle  to  contain  WKH LQFLGHQW .HQQHG\ ZDV DVVDVVLQDWHG OHVV WKDQ ILYH PRQWKV ODWHU LQ 'DOODV 7; 7KH year  ends  with  the  explosion  of  the  Beatles  on  the  American  scene  with,  â€œI  Want  To  Hold  Your  Handâ€?  and   â€œI  Saw  Her  Standing  There.â€?  America  will  never  be  the  same.

25 Years Ago . . . 1988

How  many  of  these  Dudley  Staffers  can  you  I.D.  from  the  summer  of  â€™88?  Go  WR ZZZ FDPSGXGOH\ RUJ ERQXV IRU WKH answers!

Willie  Schmidt’s  finest  gather  for  an  informal  staff  picture  in  the  summer  of  â€™88 PRING  2013  2013 SSPRING

29 29

Why  does  Camp  Dudley  YMCA,  Inc.  need  to  have  an  Annual  Fund?


       or  last  year’s  â€œDo  Right  for  Dudleyâ€?  (See  page  33)  online  auction,  I  decided  to  indulge  in  my  stained  glass  hobby  by  creating  a  stained  glass  panel  like  the  one  in  Matt  Storey’s  office.  I  thought  a  bidder  might  be  interested  in  this  unique  presentation  of  our  timeless  logo.  I’d  always  admired  the  panel,  and  thought  it  would  be  fun  to  make  one.  Due  to  the  auction,  I  now  had  the  excuse  I  needed  to  build  one. Â

by  #10555  Dave  Langston Development  Director

“I cl im 2nd h bed the 1s ighes t pea t and WKH $ ks in '.›V harde st th ,W ZDV WK ing I H ever d :KHQ , DVVHPEOH D VWDLQHG JODVV SURMHFW HDFK SLHFH RI JODVV LV FXW WKHQ have one — h I a v f e wrapped  in  copper  foil.  Only  then  can  it  be  soldered  in  place.  The  solder  eel lik ch e I maybe anged so much is  the  key  to  holding  all  the  pieces  of  cut  glass  together.  Otherwise,  you  n o t p , PHQWD h OO\ , ysically b MXVW KDYH D SLOH RI FRORUIXO JODVV 7KH VDPH LV WUXH IRU DOO WKH SLHFHV RI u KDYH D \RX EHFRP t QJ DGX H the  Camp  Dudley  operating  budget.  You  must  possess  a  vital  compo-­ OW Âś

nent  which  unites  all  the  pieces.  That  component  is  the  Annual  Fund. Â

2XU FDPSV DUH IRUWXQDWH WR HQMR\ D GLYHUVH VHW RI IXQGLQJ VRXUFHV ZKLFK KHOS NHHS us  strong.  We  wouldn’t  be  able  to  deliver  the  excellent  camp  program  that  parents  and  alumni  expect  solely  through  tuition  fees.  More  is  necessary  â€œI wanted to send a to  bridge  the  gap  between  tuition  and  the  real  cost  of  funding  a  camper’s  note to who ev er helped overall  experience. our son ge 7KDWÂśV ZKHUH WKH $QQXDO )XQG FRPHV LQ (DFK JLIW MRLQV RWKHUV WR GLUHFWO\ benefit  every  aspect  of  camp.  Every  gift  is  important,  from  a  first-­year  camp-­ er  sending  their  allowance  to  a  75-­year  veteran  sending  us  a  gift  of  stock. Dudley  has  a  proud  tradition  of  making  camp  accessible  to  all  families  regardless  of  their  capacity  to  pay.  Every  season,  we  award  significant  as-­ sistance  to  families  who  have  demonstrated  financial  need.  For  the  sum-­ mer  of  2013,  there  are  250  requests  for  scholarship  assistance,  which  is  25%  of  our  total  enrollment.  Since  2008,  the  need  for  scholarship  aid  has  gone  up  by  31%.  Total  scholarship  grants  have  increased  from  $532,016  in  2008  to  $700,000  in  2013.  Generous  gifts  to  the  Annual  Fund  ensure  that  Dudley  and  Kiniya  can  continue  to  help  boys  and  girls  learn  what  it  means  to  â€œput  the  other  fellow  first.â€? Â

t accepted to camp as wel l as provided the very generous Ă&#x;QDQFLDO DLG DVVLVWDQFH This makes a huge difference to o ur family due to my re cent career FKDQJHV $V D IDWKHU RI a soon-to-b e 3rd generation Dudley camper, I am humbled by this gift IURP WKH 'X GOH\ IDPLO\ It is my inte ntion to pay back this m oney many times over as things improve for our family in WKH IXWXUH Âś

The  Annual  Fund  also  provides  some  of  the  resources  through  which  our  camps  engage  talented  and  dedicated  leaders.  Last  year,  100%  of  the  young  men  and  women  were  veterans  of  camp.  53  of  our  58  Dudley  leaders  and  15  of  our  19  Kiniya  leaders  have  spent  at  least  four  years  on  our  shores.  The  challenge  each  year  is  to  offer  these  leaders  unique  opportunities  for  further  personal  growth  and  discovery.  Their  experiences,  while  certainly  different  from  those  of  the  campers,  are  MXVW DV HVVHQWLDO WR IXWXUH JHQHUDWLRQV



eat s a gr i y e l who p Dud â€œâ€ŚCam or any boy ic, and Outstanding  facilities,  high-­quality  equipment,  and  enhanced  safety  procedures  like  f s place ports, mu ome Dudley  possesses  require  constant  maintenance  or  replacement.  Our  campuses  are  s s with loves t u o s noted  for  their  beautiful  appearance  and  functional  nature.  The  Annual  Fund  is  g d hangin best frien RX < e h flexible  enough  to  be  applied  across  the  budget,  ensuring  that  demands  are  reason-­ H t DN of HYHU P some O O › X ably  and  promptly  met.  \R arn ir g the lso le can a y practicin Felb er thing “The Oth HDQV The  target  for  2012-­2013  Annual  Fund  is  $750,000.  â€œThank you f P o other motto VW Âś 7KDW great s r anLU ther At  the  end  of  March,  $375,028  has  been  raised  ummer Camp ORZ ) of the o UVHOIe Du at X ng WRZDUGV WKDW JRDO VR ZH DUH MXVW KDOI ZD\ WKHUH four s dley! The p thinki EHIRUH \R I g a u Q st n i m mers a SHUVR e best th ward OH\ KDY Your  belief  in  our  mission  and  your  commit-­ t Dudr H n o o E HHQ D The , FRX king f g back ment  to  giving  to  the  Annual  Fund  will  help  OGQ›W K ZHVRPH e loo n b i o l l g i DYH s w Dudley year i greatly  to  preserve  the  camp  experience  for  the  withou JRQH WR next to all p Dudley OLDP 6FKP t the Wilm 129th  consecutive  summer.    LG to Ca Âś DUVKLS )XQG W 6FKROHU P P , X c KRSH V ome b W a an aide ck next year R Thank  you,  in  advance,  for  your  support! as and st art giv EDFN W ing R 'XG OH\ Âś

If  you  would  like  to  make  an  Annual  Fund  gift  you  may  use  the  enclosed  Postage  Free  Envelope  or  go  to  and  click  on  â€œGiving.â€?

#19247 James Lambert Named Eagle Scout James  Lambert,  one  of  the  outstanding  young  men  that  came  through  Dudley’s  collaborative  with  the  Rotary  Club  of  Baltimore  and  the  City  of  Baltimore  Public  School  System  beginning  in  2005,  was  recognized  as  an  Eagle  Scout  in  January. #8767  Sandy  Short  was  asked  by  James  to  participate  in  the  event  and  to  speak  on  his  behalf. Â

First,  in  every  thing  he  did.  James  brought  to  the  cabin  a  great  sense  of  humor  as  well  as  a  positive  spirit.  James  is  truly  a  genuine  and  selfless  young  man.’  â€œToday  we  are  honoring  my  friend  James  for  the  achievement  of  Scout’s  highest  award.   He  has  lived  by  Scouting’s  rules,  and  in  so  doing  has  maintained  a  sense  of  humor,  and  has  balanced,  as  the  Dudley  Camper  report  indicates,  fun  and  discipline.  I,  for  one,  am  thrilled  to  be  here  and  to  share  this  benchmark  with  him.â€? Â

Said  Sandy,  in  part,  â€œWe  met  in  October,  2004  at  the  Artlington  Elementary  School  in  Baltimore,  when  James  was  a  5th  grader.  I  looked  back  at  my  notes  from  that  time  which  read;  â€˜A  gentle,  warm  radiant  young  man  with  a  certain  special  confidence,  well  spoken.’ Our  interview  team,  which  included  Dudleyite  #12135  Peter  Kotz,  was  high  on  James.  We  awarded  him  a  scholarship  to  Camp  Dudley.  James  got  excellent  camper  reports  there. “One  of  his  reports  said,  â€˜James  was  able  to  lead  by  example  and  show  the  camp  motto,  The  Other  Fellow Â

James  Lambert  with  Patricia  and  Sandy  Short  at  his  Eagle  Scout  celebration  in  Baltimore SPRING  2013


Found in the Archives!


s  we  were  searching  for  information  about  the  summer  of  1913     in  Dudley’s  Harman  Archives,  located  in  MacLean  Lodge,  a  small  gem  emerged.  Tucked  away  in  an  envelope  was  this  letter,  written  by  Sumner  F.  Dudley  on  August  8,  1888  (125  years  ago)  to  Camper  #1,  George  G.  Peck,  from  Dudley’s  office  at  the  YMCA  of  the  Oranges,  419  Main  Street.      Peck  had  written  to  Dudley  with  a  report  on  how  things  were  going  that  summer.  Dudley  responds,  in  part,  â€œMy  Dear  Mr.  Peck.   Thanks  for  yours  of  the  4th  and  its  information.  Don’t  disturb  your-­ VHOI DERXW WKH ZRUN DW WKH &DPS , MXVW UHVWHG LQ WKH NQRZOHGJH RI what  you  are  quietly  doing  for  camp  and  for  the  boys.â€?      This  would  have  been  Dudley’s  4th  summer  following  Sumner  Dudley’s  launch  of  the  Camp  in  1885  on  Orange  Lake,  NY.   Peck  had  been  on  that  first  trip,  and  the  second  and  would  go  on  to  become  Dudley’s  â€œright-­hand  man  in  the  management  of  the  camp,  later  the  camp’s  director,  and  now  our  link  with  Dudley’s  early  history.1      For  the  next  five  summers,  the  â€œBoys  Camping  Societyâ€?  headed  to  Wawayanda  Lake,  near  the  village  of  Warwick,  NY.  In  1891,  Camp  moved  to  Lake  Champlain.       A  second  gem  emerged,  thanks  to  #10215  Don  Meisel,  who  wrote,  â€œI  was  going  through  some  files  and  found  the  attached  brochure.  It  is  from  1893  and  mentions  Sumner  Dudley  â€”  listed  as  a  member  of  the  YMCA’s  Board  of  Directors.  I  have  seen  pictures  of  the  first  Y  in  the  Oranges  but  never  this  card  â€”  thought  you’d  be  interested.â€? 'XGOH\ GLHG LQ MXVW \HDUV DIWHU KH ODXQFKHG ZKDW ZRXOG become  known  as  Camp  Dudley.  1.  From  Camp  Dudley,  The  First  Fifty  Years,  page  19.



Get in on the Camp Dudley Auction! to join e invited



ity commun a iy in K Dudley & n e entire h T ne auctio : li o n h O W l a u nn he 2nd A – NOW What: T onation d m e It : When n . . .–

Last  year’s  event  was  such  a  success  and  so  popular,  we  decided  to  do  it  all  over  again!   This  year,  we  are  starting  NOW  to  receive  and  recruit  donated  items  that  will  be  auctioned  off  in  August. Â

We Need Auction Items From You!

Our  goal  is  to  have  an  even  wider  selection  of  items  for  you  to  bid  on  this  year.   Do  you  have  tickets  to  a  sports  game?   Dinner  for  two?   A  winter  ski  pack-­ o i t age?   Vacation  home  or  resorts?   Backstage  passes?   The Auc , 2013 — 4 +DQGPDGH MHZHOU\ SKRWRJUDSKV FUDIWV" 0HPRUD-­ ugust 2 13 8 p.m., A 0 2 , 5 1 bilia  from  Dudley’s  or  Kiniya’s  past?  r e rnet Septemb e , t t h in ig e n h t  Mid ect to an conn Inc. c , u A o C y M e r Y Offering  an  item  is  as  easy  as  contacting  the  y Anywhe mp Dudle a C e Where: h t camp  office  (email  or  girls benefit boys and roceeds p 0 ll 5 2 A : s , y s phone  518-­962-­4720).   Wh h allow mpuse und whic es our ca F v l o a r u p n  n im A rship, schola ership camp on est lead d b n e y t r t e a v to the dition s to hire s our tra e v r e s allows u e r er, and p y. er summ t f a e countr r h e t in p summ m ldest ca as the o


Also . . . Camp  Dudley  and  Camp  Kiniya Â

will  be  auctioning  special  VIP  parking  spots  for  parent’s  weekend,  great  camp  gear  gift  baskets,  weekend  stays  at  local  B&B’s  and       Inns,  and  so  much  more!  Thanks  for  putting           your  creativity  to  work!

Bid on a Caribbean beach getaway or a pan of Gail’s fabulous 7-�layer bars!



4th Annual

Kiniya Tea

The Annual Christmas Tea Party in New York City has become a much-­anticipated Kiniya event, and this year was no exception! In fact, the Fourth Annual Tea Party, hosted on Satur-­ day, December 22nd may have been our largest crowd yet, at 26 total attendees! Clearly everyone has quickly caught on to Marnie’s outstanding party hostessing skills and did not want to miss out. #21518 Nick Ansell, in town for his first ever Kiniya Tea and Leaders’ Luncheon, was crucial to the success as he helped Marnie rear-­ range the living space of our room at the Shelburne Affinia Hotel to convert it into a Christmas Haven complete with festive decorations and delicious treats. 16 of our 18 leaders from summer 2012 made the trek from near and far, including a few long distance award recipients, #20203 Mary Piazza, who flew back from KHU VHPHVWHU DEURDG LQ /RQGRQ MXVW LQ WLPH IRU WKH event, #20076 Anne Kennedy, in town from USC for the Holidays, and #21881 Marin Williams all the way from Sanibel Island, Florida!

Marnie and team of 20 at the Annual NYC Tea Party



In addition to our leaders, we welcome several staff members and honorary guests to the Tea each year to represent different groups within our community. Our honorary guests this year included our dear friends #16000 Lois Schmidt and #18178 Joan McKeown, representing the greater Dudley Family, #20240 Lisa Barnes as former Leadership Director of Kiniya, and #19976 Holly Kennedy representing past and current Board Members. Representing the 2012 Kiniya staff were #20086 Megan Bradley and #19270 Sara Nelson along with #21013 Sarah “Bear” McDonough who was announced as recipient of the 2012 Spirit Dedication. Before heading across to the Leaders’ Luncheon to-­ gether, Marnie presented each of us with thoughtfully prepared Christmas gifts that brought back memories of 2012 and reminded each of us of the impact we have on the girls we serve each summer. Our time together was truly amazing. The Tea has be-­ come an event that we look forward to each year as we spend our time together reflecting on summers past and turn the page towards another incredible summer ahead.

Leaders’ Luncheon On December 22nd, a throng of Leaders and Staff ,descended on New York City for the annual Leaders’ /XQFKHRQ 7KH MRLQW ZDV URFNLQJ ZLWK \HW DQRWKHU record number of guests in attendance. The current crop of Dudley boys was very well represented as were many generations from decades past. A record num-­ ber of Kiniya Leaders and Staff were in attendance at this year’s Luncheon. With Kiniya reaching its eighth summer, we are starting to see a lot of overlap with folks who have worked at both Kiniya and Dudley. Our community is becoming more connected each year and Leaders’ Luncheon is the perfect place for us all to reconnect, reminisce and get excited for another summer! #20998 Neil Phelan, #18534 James Frankel, #16849 Tim Powell

#16770 Todd Ives, #19399 Bo McKinley , #19496 Jane Phelan

#20688 Delia Langan, #17525 Pete Treiber, #20998 Neil Phelan SPRING 2013


2013 Leaders on the Lake Ó£nn£ Marin Williams #21881 Marin Wil-­ liams hails from Sanibel, Florida and is a freshman at Da-­ vidson College and is contemplating a GRXEOH PDMRU LQ $UW History and Politi-­ cal Science. Marin MRLQHG WKH &DPS FRPPXQLW\ LQ DV D -XQLRU Leader while her brother was in his second summer as a camper across the lake. At Davidson College, Marin is a part of the Bonner Scholars, a community service based program and works twice a week at Ada Jenkins, an after school tutoring program, with first and second grade students. This past March she spent her spring break in Valdosta, Georgia working with Habitat for Humanity. Exciting news from Marin is that she will be spending four weeks in Rumiloma, Ecuador before returning to camp. She has been accepted to work as D YROXQWHHU IRU 0DQQD 3URMHFW ,QWHUQDWLRQDO WHDFKLQJ children English and art. Summer 2013 will be Marin’s second summer as a leader in the Junior Division and her Kiwi summer!!

ÓääÇÈ Anne Kennedy As a New Yorker now attending the University of Southern Califor-­ nia, #20076 Anne Kennedy has been LOVING the 80-­ degree February and has been taking full advantage by spending parts of her weekend at Venice Beach and Santa Monica. She is very involved with



USC’s Troy Camp, an organization that helps kids in the low-­socioeconomic homes by providing them with tutoring, after school programming, and an end-­of-­the-­ year camp in the hopes of inspiring them to pursue higher education. Each week she tutors elementary age children and every month they host events that have included a USC football game, the California Science Center, and Disney’s California Adventure! Anne is a member of Alpha Delta Pi sorority and is currently in the midst of planning their biggest philanthropy event, Row Cup! At the end of March, they host a huge soc-­ cer competition and all of the proceeds benefit the Ronald McDonald House Charities. Anne says, “But all of this is merely a countdown to my favorite time of the year: camp! I cannot wait to head back to Vermont where I am SO excited to spend my first summer as the Assistant Division Head for the Senior Village! It’s going to be a blast, and I hope to see you there!” Anne will be returning for her 8th summer at Kiniya.

£nÇÇn > iÊ >À«iÀ This summer one of the Leaders taking our NOLS participants to Wyoming will be #18778 Blake Harper. Blake came to Dudley through his father, Blake, left, with brother, Austin the #18000 Rev. Bill Harper, as a Cub in 2004, has risen through the leadership ranks, and for the past three years he has been a Leader in the Cub Division. Currently, Blake is in his 2nd Year at Middle-­ bury College in Vermont studying Religion, Creative Writing and Political Science. Living in Middlebury has been great for both Blake and Dudley. He’s in-­ troduced some of his friends to Westport, Fridays at Dogwood Bakery, and sunsets at the School House, not to mention the beautiful campus. And Dudley gets to have him come over to assist with some off-­season programing, including the annual JL weekend. Blake

continues to work with the Middlebury Mountain Club in their outdoor programing. Right now he’s co-­ ordinating with Camp to bring a trip out to the Stacy Brook Yurts for an over night and bushwhack through the Stacy Wilderness. He will hopefully lead the group up Harper Mountain! When not leading trips Blake is the co-­captain of the Middlebury men’s water polo team. As if that wasn’t enough, as co-­president of the meditation club, Blake is working closely with the Middlebury College Office for Spiritual and Religious Life to coordinate programming, interfaith work and leadership development including taking a group of students to the Northeast Kingdom of Vermont for a three day Vipassana adventure.

£nÈ££ > iÊ,i>` We are fortunate to have #18611 Blake Read return as a Leader this summer. Originally from Mil-­ ton, VT, Blake started at Dudley as a Cub in 2002 in Syracuse cabin, which was led by #15331 Andy Gendaszek. Blake continued through his Senior summer and then took a slight break for a few years and returned last year as a first-­year Leader. Currently, Blake is in his Junior year at The Penn-­ sylvania State University, where he is studying to be a Health and Physical Education teacher. While at school, Blake works part-­time at a sandwich shop and volunteers with the Special Olympics. He’s also involved with THON (see article page 27), which raises money to conquer pediatric cancer. Before he arrives in Westport this summer, Blake will be a substitute teacher at his hometown school and will also be the M.C. at the Hugh O’Brien Youth Leadership Seminar for high school sophomores. Then he’ll hit the beach and pack his trunk! During the summer you’re most likely to find Blake taking golf lessons from his camp-­

ers at the Golf Range or engaged in endless games of knockout on the basketball courts.

£nänä Alexander Flynn After a few sum-­ mers off, #18080 Alexander “Fly” Flynn, will be back as a Dudley Leader. Alex first came to Camp as a Cub in Cutler cabin in 2000 and completed all his camper years, culminating with his AL summer in 2006. Alex graduated from St. Andrew’s School (DE) in 2009 where he won the Headmaster Award, the Henley Prize for Athletics, the Colbern Award for the MVP in football, and he was voted captain of the football, basketball, and lacrosse teams. Alex then took a gap year to study at the French Culinary Institute in NYC and worked in various kitchens in NYC until the spring of 2011…so his cabin will be well fed during cabin overnights! Alex is now a JRYHUQPHQW PDMRU DQG HFRQRPLFV PLQRU DW )UDQNOLQ & Marshall College in Lancaster, PA, where he is also a brother in the Phi Kappa Psi fraternity on campus.

VISIT US ONLINE! DUDLEY: (518) 962-­4720 KINIYA: (802) 893-­7850



News & Notes #2500  Bob  Marshall’s  daughter  Judy  and  husband  Dan  Kennedy HQMR\ OLIH LQ 1RUWK &RQZD\ 1+ EXW snuck  down  to  Puerto  Vallarta,  Mexico,  and  London  this  year,  for  the  milder  climes.  Judy  and  Dan  will  cel-­ ebrate  their  50th  wedding  anniversary  in  June.  Congratulations,  Judy  and  Dan!

#4975  Ernie  Gosline  wrote  from  Clinton,  NY,  where,  â€œI  closed  up  my  office  as  a  Physician  in  April  of  2012  and  now  have  too  little  to  do.  But  the  lessons  and  experiences  of  DUDLEY  still  live  on  in  my  life  and  with  our  two  sons  and  their  grandchildren.  A  toast  to  the  spirit  that  lives  on  at  DUDLEY!â€?  Ernie  came  back  to  a  CDA  Reunion  not  too  long  ago  to  claim  his  75-­ Year  Pin.  He  was  a  camper  here  in  1933,  returning  as  a  leader  in  1942.  His  sons  #9897  Peter  and  #9747  Scott  came  to  Dudley  in  the  â€™60s. #5444  George  â€œChamâ€?  Bingham,  wrote  from  Bel-­ mont,  MA.  â€œCelebrated  my  65th  Reunion  at  Dart-­ mouth  College  in  September  (Class  of  1947).  Our  daughter  Susan’s  family  has  moved  from  Burlington,  VT,  to  Waltham  MA.â€? #5616  Eddie  Card,  longtime  Westport,  NY,  and  Tampa,  FL,  resident  received  a  nice  write-­up  in  the  Valley  News,  announcing  that  â€œSix  members  of  the  Westport  Central  School  community  will  be  the  in-­ augural  members  of  the  district’s  Wall  of  Distinction.  The  six,  including  former  teacher  and  coach  Ed  Card,  were  honored  at  the  first  Induction  Dinner  Saturday,  October  6,  at  the  Westport  Hotel  and  Tavern.  The  article  also  said  that,  â€œThe  Wall  of  Distinction  at  the  school  was  created  to  recognize  and  honor  those  indi-­ viduals  who  have  been  involved  at  Westport  Central  School  as  an  employee  or  student  that  has  excelled  ERWK DV D VWXGHQW WHDFKHU RU DIWHU JUDGXDWLRQ ´ -­ #5938  Tim  Cutting, RI (VVH[ )HOOV 1- LV MXVW D ELW proud  of  grandson  #22038  Jimmy  Probert,  a  Plebe  from  Ridgewood,  NJ.  Director  Matt  Storey  got  this  note  from  his  mom  Lucy:  â€œHi  Matt!  Annie  and  I  had  VXFK D JRRG WLPH DW .LQL\DÂśV PRWKHU GDXJKWHU UHXQLRQ ZLWK -HVV DQG \RXU JLUOV , ZDV DOVR MXVW WDONLQJ WR P\ dad  Tim  Cutting,   and  he  mentioned  that  he  had Â



spoken  to  you  recently  about  his  Dudley  years  during  WWII.  I  have  been  mean-­ ing  to  send  you  this  picture  of  dad  and  my  son  Jimmy  from  last  sum-­ mer.  It’s  one  of  Grandfather  Tim  Cutting  congratulating  my  favorites  â€“  he’s  Jimmy  Probert  on  his  award congratulating  Jimmy  on  getting  his  Camp  Award.  Such  pride  on  both  faces!  The  other  one  is  of  the  2  of  them  in  front  of  the  Cutting  sign!  We’re  look-­ ing  forward  to  Kiniya  and  Dudley  Jimmy  and  grandfather  Tim  in  front  of  the  this  summer.â€?  Cutting  plaque

#6228  Bill  and  Kitty  Sperry,  of  New  Canaan,  CT,  were  attending  Kitty’s  Garden  City,  NY,  50th  high  school  reunion  when  they  bumped  into  classmate  Connie  McGlynn  and  husband  Ron.  The  McGlynns,  with  grandkids  #19666  Guthrie,  #21066  Maisie,  and  #22650  Gracie  all  current  Dudley  and  Kiniya  campers,  provided  Bill  and  Kitty  with  a  favorable  report  on  both  Camps.  #6241  Larry  Gosnell  wrote  to  Matt  from  Pittsboro,  NC,  (see  letters  to  the  editor).  â€œSome  35  years  of  my  business  experience  was  spent  in  the  Boston  area.  We  lived  in  Wellesley  for  33  years  before  coming  to  the  Chapel  Hill,  NC,  area  in  1992.  My  wife  passed  away  LQ EXW , HQMR\ WLPH ZLWK P\ WKUHH VRQV DQG RQH daughter.  All  are  married  and  I  have  10  grandchildren  and  two  great  grandchildren.  We  began  attending  church  in  Boston  at  Trinity  Church  in  Copley  Square.  Trinity,  at  that  time,  had  a  boy’s  camp  up  in  New  Hampshire,  so  our  sons  began  attending  there.  How-­

ever, the camp closed in the early ’70s so my youngest son #11836 Andy got involved at Dudley as a JL.” #6652 Jim and Marge Weaver wrote from Naples, FL, where Jim had a “milestone” birthday in January 2012, with their children, Earle, Scott and Roberta, on hand to celebrate. #11067 Earle and Becky have a family of four (Sarah, Tommy, Joey, Peter) in St. Louis, #11681 Scott and Debbie and their two children (Jenna and #21181 Mike) live in Lebanon, PA, and Roberta and John have moved to Seoul, South Korea with daughter #22652 Allison while daughter Julie finishes her se-­ nior year in Pittsburgh. Lots going on!” Congratulations, Jim and Marge! #6859 Carter White, who kept supervised Swim Point during the 1950s, wrote from Glens Falls, NY. “We had our annual Martin Luther King Day long weekend in MacLean Lodge. What a party it was! A celebration of my 80th birthday, my three children and their fami-­ lies were there, with all six of my grandchildren. Three will be at Dudley and one at Kiniya this summer, con-­ tinuing the Dudley tradition dating back to 1919-­22 when my father, #2965 Perry White, was at Camp, at the age of 13.” Keep that tradition going, Carter! #7104 Stephen Murray, of Delray Beach, FL, who was at Camp from 1945-­48, spends his retirement in Florida, Hohokus, NJ, Shelter Island, NY, and Easton Angler’s Club fishing and hunting in the Poconos. #7593 George T. “Tommy” Walton wrote from Queensbury, NY, that he and Judy had gotten a bit of a travel bug. “We traveled to Guatemala and Costa Rica for a nice trip, but very happy to be able to spend the summers at our home on Granite Lake in New Hamp-­ shire.” Tom and Judy will celebrate their 50th wedding anniversary in July, which some of Tom’s old Dudley pals can still “vaguely” remember! Congratulations, Tom and Judy. #7261 William Bullock Jr. wrote from Orrington (near Bangor) ME, to tell us that his three grandsons had attended Dudley this past summer! #21461 James was a Senior, #22461 Charles a Cub, and #21135 Wil-­ liam a Senior. Son #12335 Bill III is the Director of Development at the Berkshire School in Sheffield, MA.

#7441 Phil and #13283 Holly Bisselle got away from hometown Hamilton, NY, for a little break in the Sara-­ sota, FL sunshine. (See photo below) Per Phil, “With the arrival of Tom and Julie Bisselle’s son Solon (see “Future Dudleyites”) we finally, after six straight grand-­ daughters, have a grandson!” Phil plans to get him going on the basketball court this summer.

Venice, FL: Dudley “Old Boys” and younger women, left to right, “Lefty” Bisselle, Linda and “Cleve” Cleveland, Jane and Vince Rockel, Holly Bis-­ selle, “Righty” Bisselle, Martha and John Storey, Lynn Dealey, Dick Ris, “Sharkey” Dealey, Sandy and Patricia Short, and Ken Lauritzen

#7689 Hank Poler has been busy in Grafton, MA. Wrote Hank, “I have been up to my neck editing the book for our 50th Amherst reunion and I am now reduced to a mere class agent. We will be with Dwight and family in London for Christmas. Spare time goes to genealogy (up to 4000+ close relatives), and trying to finish touches on a musical that I’ve been at too long. I found a musical collaborator who is an Amherst classmate. Stay tuned.” Hank was at Camp in the 1940s and ’50s. #7820 Scott Foster checked in from Liverpool, NY. “Christa and I are still playing tennis two to three times a week and skiing one to two times a week here in Syracuse. We’re headed to Florida in March, visit-­ ing friends and my daughter. I saw #7441 Phil Bisselle a couple of months ago when Christa and I went to a stage show in Hamilton, NY.” Scott was at camp be-­ tween 1949-­52. His dad, #2667 Townsend Foster, Sr., was at Camp in the early part of the century. #7987 Dick and Linda Edie, of Berwyn, PA, wrote “We are now down with Joan and #5616 Eddie Card in Tampa, FL for the weekend and then will go back to SPRING 2013


News & Notes continued Philadelphia.  Joan  and  Eddie  had  a   nice  time  at  the  Ft.  Lauderdale  Reunion  recently,  visiting  family  and  had  a  great  conversation  with  Matt.â€?  #8041  Richard  L.  Clark,  MD,  wrote  from  Chapel  Hill,  NC,  â€œHappily  retired  from  academic  radiology:  playing  lots  of  cello;  nonprofit  boards;  keep  up  with  the  Adirondacks  by  visiting  each  summer  and  seeing  my  brother  (#8712  Ken  Clark,  a  former  Camp  Dudley  Leader)  at  his  place  in  Long  Lake,  NY.  Glad  Camp  Dudley  still  plays  a  role  in  youth  development  and  Leadership.â€? #8191  Alf  Kaemmerlen  wrote  from  Plainsboro,  NJ,  where  he  and  Mea  are  retired  but  busy,  Alf  still  stay-­ ing  close  to  the  Princeton  Tiger  basketball  team,  along  with  the  Nassau  Church  and  Westminster  Founda-­ tion.  Mea  retired  from  the  Trenton  Times  after  11  years  creating  the  â€œSerendipityâ€?  column.  Son  #12999  Dave  and  family  live  in  Soto  Grande,  Spain,  while  daughter  Wendy  and  family  live  in  Vail,  CO. #8252  Charlie  Johnson  and  his  love  .  .  .  no  make  that  â€œdelightfulâ€?  wife  Martha,  made  it  down  to  Vero  Beach,  FL  for  a  visit  with  longtime  friend  and  Dudley  dad,  John  Bartlett.  Charlie,  who  never  saw  a  debate  he  didn’t  like,  was  one  of  the  first  to  spot  the  historical  inaccuracy  of  the  State  of  Connecticut  vote  in  â€œLin-­ coln,  the  Movie.â€?  Later,  screenwriter  Tony  Kushner  admitted,  in  no  small  part  due  to  pressure  from  the  former  Parliamentarian,  that  he  changed  history  when  he  showed  two  Connecticut  legislators  voting  against  the  13th  Amendment,  which  ended  slavery. #8336  Ed  â€œSharkyâ€?  Dealy  wrote  from  Bonita  Springs,  FL.  â€œWas  fabulous  to  see  #7441  Lefty  and  #8161  Righty  Bisselle  in  Venice,  FL,  in  March  after  about  55  years!  Lefty  was  my  hero  â€“  phenomenal,  yet  humble  athlete,  always  unruffled,  and  .  .  .  a  lefty  like  me.  Thank  you  #8804  John  Storey  for  putting  us  together  for  lunch.  Lefty  and  Righty  are  as  nice  today  as  I  remember  them  thru  the  years.â€?  Sharky,  a  Cornell  Basketball  Alum,  still  pulls  for  the  Big  Red.  Ed  was  DW 'XGOH\ IURP +H DQG KLV ZLIH /\QQ HQMR\ Florida  in  the  winter  and  Chadds  Ford,  PA,  in  the  summer. Â



#8457  Bill  Campbell  of  Exeter,  NH,  wrote,  and  was  UHFDOOLQJ WKH 'XGOH\ 5\H &RXQWU\ 'D\ 6FKRRO FRQ-­ nection.  â€œ#4433  Jerry  LaGrange  actually  hired  me  in  1970  to  teach  Math  in  the  High  School,  the  principal  of  which  was  #8751  Bill  Buck.  I  believe  #7532  Paul  Grinwis  was  still  there  at  the  time.  Jerry  did  like  Dud-­ ley  people.  I  taught  for   three  years  and  then  moved  on  to  Exeter.  It  was  a  great  three  years.â€?  Bill  continued  at  Exeter  teaching  mathematics  until  retirement  in  2007. #8474  John  Garnjost  wrote  from  Hilton  Head,  SC.  John  was  at  camp  from  1952-­56  and  1959.  â€œJanet  and  her  mother  who  turned  101  in  September  keep  the  house  fires  burning.  I  continue  to  officiate  Rowing  events  both  within  and  outside  the  southeast  region.â€? #8497  Kenneth  D.  Hill  wrote,  â€œI  finished  a  year  as  President  of  Pasadena  Rotary  and  am  now  president  of  L.  A   County  Arboretum  and  Botanical  Garden.  I’m  also  teaching  yoga  6  days  a  week.â€? #8612  Pete  Trowbridge,  Sr.  wrote  from  Gilbert,  AZ,  â€œMy  brother,  Tom  and  I  missed  last  year’s  reunion  but  plan  to  be  on  hand  for  the  August  â€˜13  CDA  gathering.  Tom  resides  in  Orinda,  California  but  makes  a  visit  back  east  each  summer  to  spend  a  week  at  our  summer  log  cabin  up  on  Willsboro  Point,  NY.  This  has  become  an  ongoing  family  tradition  among  us  Trowbridges.  Life  is  good.â€?  Pete  and  Tom  were  at  camp  in  the  â€˜50’s,  but  the  Dudley  heritage  goes  back  to  1912  when  their  GDG 7RP 6U HQMR\HG WKH HDUO\ GD\V RI 'XGOH\ #8665  â€œDr.  Mikeâ€?  McCutcheon  weighed  in  from  Ephraim,  WI,  where  he  and  five  other  retired  doctors Â

The  fire  scene   in  Ephraim,  WI,  on  a  very  cold  night  in  February,  Volunteer  Fireman  McCutcheon’s  birthday!

have taught a class for the past three years on “The History of Medicine” at The Clearing Folk School. Mike and Windsor also got some good travel in, zigzag-­ ging through eight states from Wisconsin to Florida last spring. Great to have Dr. Mike back at Dudley for his 22nd consecutive year as a Dudley Doc. Mike also had a milestone birthday in February. “So this is how I spent my birthday party night. We saved the house. I drove the truck, pumped water and was the general gofer.” That’s Doctor Mike! #8811 Dr. Bob Cady, wrote from Naples, FL, where he and Linda have retired. Bob continues his service in the orthopedic field, traveling regularly to Haiti to set up and monitor clubfoot clinics. Great work Bob! Son #13998 Sam and his wife Ellen are in Maine, son #14828 Jeff and Gina have moved to Mexico City, and son #14111 Charlie is in Phoenix, AZ. Gives Bob and Linda lots of reasons to travel. Bob’s dad #4470 Al Cady, Jr. first heard about Camp Dudley in 1929. #8958 Kent Titus, continues to practice medicine in Richmond, VA, where he bumped into #8804 John Storey in December. “Happily working full time, but look forward to getting back to a CDA Reunion.” Kent practices internal medicine and rheumatology in Richmond. #8968 Rick Erdtmann wrote from Washington DC “My grandson Braden Erdtmann (age 2) will be a 4th generation Dudleyite when he becomes a Cub in 8 Years.” Dad #4055 Fred was at Camp in the 1930’s, Rick in the ’60s sons #15405 Ben and #15406 Nate in the ’80s and Braden in the 2020s. #9064 John Bliss wrote from New York City. “I started a new business providing marketing consulting ser-­ vices to nonprofits. Goal is to do good, have fun and eventually cover my costs.” #9372 Rick Strawbridge wrote from Naperville, IL, with, “Lots of great remembrances from eight Dud-­ ley summers, not to mention all the pre-­camper days reunions my family attended. My dad, #5204 Bill Strawbridge, was a camper, JL and CDA director, who insisted on taking morning dips. One memory was working out with Bruce Gehrke’s Mineola high school

Plebe Rick Strawbridge, back right, in the summer of 1959 in Amherst Cabin

football players who were at camp — funny, always seemed to be a QB and a couple receivers. Rollie Stichweh was one of Gerk’s boys for a summer or two, DQG DV D \RXQJ KLJK VFKRRO SOD\HU ,¶G MRLQ WKH 0LQHROD guys on the upper field on late afternoons, and run out for Rollie’s passes. Gerk didn’t coach, of course, but he was usually present. I regret never getting back to Westport when Rollie was Director, when I might still have been able to run a credible ‘out’ route. Relocated to the Chicago area after college and the army, I’ve made it back to Dudley only once, for a terrific re-­ union. My whole family were soccer players back then (the wife, too -­-­ and she might have been the best!), and we had a terrific pick-­up game, with Dudley college and high school players. My kids were girls, and I regretted that Dudley didn’t have a place for girls then. Glad to see that’s been rectified. Many days, after sports and doing labor for awards, I’d catch a quiet hour or so in the library over the boathouse, reading hardbound copies of American Heritage magazine, featuring some of the nation’s very best writers. It gave me a life-­long history bug. I’m still practicing as a litigation attorney in Chicago and am active in local civic affairs. Oldest daughter, Tasha, is married with three children, living in Chicago; youngest, Elaine, is living in Los Angeles, CA area. Brother #10412 Tim lives nearby in Palatine, IL, and sister Pam lives in Chicago, keeping the Dudley communication lines open for our 92-­year old Mom, ZKR MRLQHG XV IRU PDQ\ 'XGOH\ UHXQLRQV LQ WKH ¶ V and ’60s.” SPRING 2013


News & Notes continued  #9555  Randy  Quayle  wrote  from  Lake  Placid,  NY,  where  his  Red  Fox  Maple  Syrup  operation  completed  its  second  year,  with  proceeds  going  to  the  Shipman  Youth  Center.  Nice  work,  Randy!  Daughter  Joanna  and  Oliver  are  in  Norwich,  VT,  and  daughter  #20055  Laura  teaches  at  the  Cape  Ann  Waldorf  School  in  Salem,  MA.  Sib  and  Randy  got  some  travel  in,  making  it  all  the  way  to  New  Zealand,  a  mere  9000  miles  away! #9792  Doug  Menzies  wrote  from  Littleton,  NH.  â€œI  re-­ tired  from  25  years  in  health  care  management  as  CEO  of  Catholic  Health  East.  My  second  calling  turned  out  to  be  teaching  middle  school  English  and  social  stud-­ ies  in  a  small  public  school  in  Vermont’s  Northeast  Kingdom.  As  part  of  my  training  I  had  to  create  a  short  video  on  how  I  was  motivated  to  read  as  a  young  per-­ son.  This  took  me  back  to  my  parents  telling  me  that  I  was  headed  for  a  camp  in  the  Adirondacks.  Dudley  was,  of  course,  a  wonderful  experience.  There  I  discov-­ ered  the  library  above  the  boathouse  and  an  endless  supply  of  Hardy  Boy  books,  which  got  me  hooked  on  reading.â€? #10003  Michael  Bartlett,  of  Davies,  FL,  reconnected  with  Dave  Langston  recently.  â€œSaw  the  news  about  Dave  as  the  new  Development  Director  .  .  .  sounds  wonderful  and  what  a  great  guy.  I  always  look  forward  to  catching  up  with  him,  and  after  last  summer  we  realized  that  we  both  started  with  #3195  Marty  Keeler  in  Buffalo.  1963  was  my  Cub  year.  Seems  like  yester-­ day,  and  we  all  know  we  haven’t  changed  a  bit  since  we  lugged  our  tennis  rackets  up  to  the  Stacey  Brook  Country  Club.â€?  Mike  and  his  wife  Gaye  have  three  children,  son  #18303  Matt,  the  NOLS  leader  this  sum-­ mer,  daughters  Rachel  and  #20403  Shannon,  a  JL  at  Kiniya  this  summer.  #10022  Ken  Lauritzen,  of  East  Montpelier,  VT,  has  headed  south  for  the  winter  to  Sun  City  Florida.  Wrote  Ken,  â€œWill  try  to  get  back  for  my  50th  (1963,  St.  Lawrence,  half  season  with  Ben  Nelson).  I  lived  in  Burlington,  VT,  at  that  time.  My  dad  #4770  had  gone  in  the  1930s.â€? #10581  Mike  Coombs  wrote  from  Waltham,  MA.  â€œAnn  Coombs,  wife  of  Sam  Coombs,  mother  of  Bill,  Rod,  Mike,  King,  Grandmother  of  George  and  Zach-­



ary  Zoulias,  Danny  Ryan,  Jack  and  William  Coombs  turned  90  years  of  age  12.5.12â€?   Congratulations,  Ann!! #10605  Craig  â€œNellieâ€?  Nelson  reports  from  Hol-­ mdel,  NJ,  that  son  #20705  Quenton  is  in  the  process  of  evaluating  D1  college  foot-­ ball  opportunities.  Quenton  LV D Âś ´ SRXQG MXQLRU offensive  and  defensive  tackle  for  Red  Bank  Catho-­ lic  High  School.  Another  Dudleyite  headed  for  the  big  leagues?   Stay  tuned!

Quenton  Nelson,  headed  to  D1

#11544  Dave  â€œChewyâ€?  Johnson  writes  from  Newcastle  ME.   â€œHappy  to  re-­ port  that  Dad  #6581  Berkeley  D.  Johnson  Jr.  handily  garnered  low  score  at  each  of  several  links  courses  in  ,UHODQG WKLV SDVW IDOO 6XEMHFWHG WR WKH GUXEELQJ ZHUH IHOORZ KDFNHUV FRXVLQV #11452  Pete  Corbett,  Issaquah  WA  and  Scott  Johnson,  Rowayton  CT.  Dad  was  also  first  atop  Skellig  Michael  .  .  .  YIKES!  A  tip  for  those  planning  travel  to  southwest  Ireland:  we  highly  rec-­ ommend  Killeen  House  in  Killarney  Geraldine  and  Michael  Rosney  run  a  wonderful  hotel  there.  The  small  bar  has  over  8000  logo  golf  balls  plastered  on  the  walls  .  .  .  great  fun.  This  begs  the  question:  does  the  Camp  Store  offer  a  CD  logo  ball??â€? Dr.  Joanna  Paul,  Princi-­ pal  of  Deep  Creek  Middle  School  in  the  Bahamas,  wrote  to  Matt:  ³, MXVW ZDQWHG to  share  this  photo  with  you  of  Rick  Edie  and  Lance  Pelecanos  at  the  Deep  Creek  #11762  Rich-­ Middle  School  in  the  Bahamas ard  Edie  and  #22236  Lance  Pelecanos.  Rick’s  daughter  #20062  Hadley  is  at  the  Island  School  this  semester  and  Rick  was  down  for  Parents  Weekend.   He  brought  Lance  a Â

Dudley  hat  and  came  by  specifically  to  meet  him  as  he  had  seen  him  on  the  camp  blog  this  summer.       We  will  be  having  Lance  apply  to  come  again  this  \HDU DV \RX VXJJHVWHG :H KDYH IRXQG KLV MRXUQH\ ZLWK your  Camp  to  be  so  remarkable  and  influential  in  his  growth  as  a  young  man.   Hopefully  he  will  be  working  for  you  in  2014  and  beyond  and  a  new  DCMS  camper  ZLOO EHJLQ KLV MRXUQH\ , DP UHDOO\ ORRNLQJ IRUZDUG WR our  ongoing  partnership.       Rick  -­  It  was  great  to  meet  you.   Lance  wore  his  Dudley  hat  out  on  the  SCUBA  boat  today.â€?  #12152   Charles  W.  Johnson,  IV  wrote  from  Bethesda  MD,  â€œTo  our  Cycle  for  Survival  Sup-­ porters  â€“  Thanks  to  your  gen-­ erosity,  JB  and  I  raised  close  to  $5,000  for  the  fight  against  rare  cancer,  part  of  the  over  $8  mil-­ lion  raised  nationally  for  this  event.  The  day  was  a  remark-­ Perry  Zimmerman able,  high-­energy  reminder  of  the  power  of  faith,  hope,  love  and  community  to  combat  this  horrif-­ ic  disease.  The  first  photo  above  is  of  Perry  Zimmerman,  a  two-­time  survivor  from  a  rare  form  of  eye  cancer,  and  the  daughter  of  Peddle  power  for  a  great  cause one  of  my  closest  high  schools  pals.  The  second  photo  gives  a  small  sense  of  the  room  and  the  day  (our  tie-­dyed  team  is  in  the  foreground).  And  the  smiles  in  the  at-­ tached  photo  are  for  each  of  you  (and  in  relief  for  our  ride  being  over  â€“  un-­ JB  and  CJ,  proud  participants til  next  year)!  Great  work,  Charlie  and  JB!

#12330  Ralph  LaRovere  ZURWH IURP &ROOH\YLOOH 7; that  he  and  #13546  Rory  Connor  have  purchased  a  35-­year-­old  aluminum  processing  plant  in  Fort  Worth,  7; QDPHG %OD\ORFN Âł:H SURGXFH DOXPLQXP FDVW products  for  the  oil  &  gas  industry,  trailer  &  truck  industry  as  well  as  custom  parts  for  the  wind  energy,  automotive  and  machinery  industries,  to  name  a  few.  %XVLQHVV KDV EHHQ JUHDW DQG ZH KDYH EHHQ HQMR\LQJ visits  from  fellow   Dudleyites,  including  #13804  Matt  Storey,  #12802  Pat  Butler  and  #12196  Taylor  Scholl-­ maier.â€? #12778  Drew  Johnson,  of  Lewes,  DE,  received  his  Master’s  Degree,  and  teaches  and  coaches  baseball  in  Delaware.  At  a  recent  Philadelphia  coach’s  clinic,  Drew  had  the  thrill  of  throwing  a  ball  to  the  glove  of  his  all-­time  baseball  hero,  Cal  Ripken.  Drew’s  wife  Karen,  and  sons  #22078  Sam  and  #23078  Luke DUH HQMR\LQJ life  in  Lewes,  with  the  Atlantic  Ocean  at  their  doorstep.  #13057  Robert  P.  Withington  III   wrote  from  Oneon-­ ta,  NY,  where  he  is  teaching  at  SUNY  Oneonta  and  he  and  his  family  are  weathering  their  2nd  NY  winter  DIWHU \HDUV LQ WKH VRXWK +LV ER\V DUH HQMR\LQJ SOD\LQJ RQ WKH VQRZ SLOHV PRUH WKDQ 53 LV HQMR\LQJ PDNLQJ them.   RP  was  at  camp  from  1981-­86. #13302  Mary  Coyne  Hayes,  wrote  to  Davo  from  Man-­ hattan  Beach,  CA,  and  sent  along  this  great  picture  of  a  Dudley-­â€˜Cuse  Reunion,  back  in  the  day.  How  many  of  these  folks  can  you  name?  Look  for  the  answer  on  the  Camp  Dudley  Website  â€“

#14974  Trevor  Nicholson,  a  St.  Lawrence  U.  friend  of  Matt’s  wrote  when  it  came  time  for  his  nephew  to  apply  to  Camp.  â€œIn  all  seriousness,  I  went  to  camp  SPRING  2013


News & Notes continued Dudley, as did my step father Robert Bowen. It was hands down one of the most rewarding experiences that I had growing up. Ironically, I was in St. Lawrence cabin. I went with a couple friends who were middle school classmates, and we still reminisce about those summers. Both buddies of mine from Dudley were in my wedding party as well. It was one of those institu-­ tions for me, much like St. Lawrence, that created those life-­long friendships.” Trevor lives in Los Angeles with his wife and daughter. #13564 Jeff MacBean wrote from San Anselmo, CA. He is working at Solar Technologies, a solar energy system provider in Santa Cruz, CA, and recently got engaged to Andrea Parsons. #13785 Todd Lubin, of Los Angeles, CA, started his own television production company called Matador Content in Los Angeles, CA. For the past five years, Todd has been executive producer of “The Biggest Loser.” Robert Everett wrote to us from Pound Ridge, NY, “Son #14078 Peter Everett is now a practicing pediatri-­ cian in Amherst, MA (A Williams Grad to boot!). You might consider asking him to fill in at Camp for my long term roommate and fraternity brother #8674 Bill Vanneman!” #14164 Chris Packard of San Francisco, CA, is coach-­ ing St. Ingatius College Prep lacrosse team in Califor-­ nia, ranked number 24 in the pre-­season US Top Lax poll. They play in MetLife Stadium in East Rutherford, NJ, on April 27th. #14396 Kevin C. Mitchell wrote from California, “I FRQWLQXH WR SDUWLFLSDWH LQ DQG HQMR\ WKH HFRQRPLF DQG real estate recovery in southern California as a com-­ mercial real estate broker specializing in tenant repre-­ sentation with Cresa Partners in their Newport Beach office.” #14800 Vincent F. Rockel III, wrote from Sarasota, FL, where he turned 80 in November and has found time with Jean to volunteer and relax on Ocracoke Island, NC, in the summer and Sarasota, FL, in the winter. Vince, who was on the A-­Hut Staff during the



1980s, was also inducted into the Pennington School Ath-­ letic Hall of Fame in October 2012. From the Pennington website: “Vincent Rockel ’52, a superbly talented three-­sport athlete at Pennington, Vincent Rockel earned All-­County Vince Rockel recognition for what was only his second season of playing competitive football and All-­State honors for his senior baseball season. A valuable player on the basketball court, as well, he made a significant mark on Pennington sports during his two years at the School. His athletic prowess served him well during his years of military service that followed graduation, when he played football and basketball for the Memphis Navy Hellcats.Vince’s career as a high school science teacher was complemented by his lifelong involvement in soccer and basketball as both a coach and a certified official at levels ranging from community leagues to college.” Congratulations, Vince! #14866 James Mayo, of Balti-­ more, MD, had a great gig in NYC on February 2, 2013. Said the flyer, “Legend-­ ary singers and producers Billy Shepard and Judi Jourdan present Stars of Song! Showcasing the talents of James Mayo III at the Iguana, VIP Lounge on West 54th Street, NYC.” James heads up the musical pro-­ gram each summer at Dudley. #15093 C. Ryan Joyce wrote from Scottsdale, AZ, where he heads up Advancement at the Phoenix Coun-­ WU\ 'D\ 6FKRRO 5\DQ KDV DGMXVWHG WR D VZLQJ RI

degrees or so in temperatures, and invites any Dudleyites who are coming through Phoenix to give him a call. Ryan connected recently with #15496 Nathaniel “Tigger” Smith, a contemporary at Dudley. Said Ryan, “We were “Tigger” Smith great pals as kids and it’s been great to be back in touch . . . the power of Dudley!” Wrote Tigger to Ryan, “Just working here in sunny Tampa, FL . . . started a company with my brother, four years ago. Things have been great and the weather is much more appealing than in NY. Dudley was such a huge part of my life and I still hold it very closely all these years later.” Tigger hailed from Scarsdale, NY, and was a Cub in Rensselaer in 1991. #15288 Mike Schloat, of Deerfield, MA, made it to Williamstown with son Carter, now three, to get a look at the Williams and Amherst basketball teams in action. Other Dudleyites in the crowd included #6707 Doug Foster, #6790 John Priesing, #8252 Charlie Johnson, #7731 Peter Willmott, #8804 John Storey and the #16404 Blair Dils family. The Lord Jeffs prevailed and will play for the National Champioship in April. Said Mike, “It was a pleasure to see everyone, if only for a moment. I did get a chance to shake Mr. J’s hand and say hello.” At Deerfield, Mike teaches in the English Department and is the head coach of boys’ cross country and boys’ and girls’ track and field. He lives on campus with his wife Julie and their two sons, Carter and Macrae.

#18583 Ted Dale, #18058 Kevin Moran, #19270 Sara Nelson, #17681 Steve Nelson, #20595 Kat Hood, #18108 Harry Jackson, #17098 Carl Jackson, #21028 Monica Manfred, #22407 Simon White, #19521 Wendy Higgins and #21518 Nicholas Ansell. #16246 Drew “Twinky” Langston, (son of #10846 Rev. Bob and Karen Langston,) and his wife Andrea are off on a trip around the world. Yes, I said the world! So far they have explored part of Peru, hiked in Ecuador and are now diving in the Galapagos Islands. Check out their blog to follow the adventure and see VRPH RI WKHLU YLGHRV DQG SKRWRV KWWS DWZH[SORUHU Ann and Jeb Boucher wrote from Harrison, NY, to tell us about their sons Hayden, Peter, and Cary. #16871 Hayden is living in Chelsea in NY City, working for the past four years at Citigroup. He graduated from Williams College in 2008. #17071 Peter (known as ³-DYD´ GXULQJ KLV FDPSHU GD\V MXVW FRPSOHWHG IRXU years of service with the U.S. Marines. Peter did a tour in Helmand Province, Afghanistan, and served on a new military expedition unit for ten months with their first orders stationed off the coast of Libya. Peter is now back at the university of Denver completing his undergraduate degree. #18201 Cary (J.J) LV HQMR\LQJ KLPVHOI DV DOZD\V DQG LV D MXQLRU DW 2KLR :HVO\DQ 8QL-­ versity pursuing sports and women (and not necessarily in that order!). #17549 Rob Powell writes us from Boston, MA. “Bliz-­ zard Nemo left us with nearly two feet of fresh powder in Boston. #16849 Tim Powell, #19496 Jane Phelan,

#15396 Pat Mitchell, a Senior Vice President with financial services industry recruiting firm, Raintree As-­ sociates in New York City, led his firm in a voluntary effort to provide assistance to the victims of Hurricane Sandy in the New York City area even though he expe-­ rienced a loss of power in his condo for a week. New Burlington residents #15877 Brendan “Lefty” Loughman and #21986 Olivia Belzer opened their DSDUWPHQW WR D YHU\ IHVWLYH 'XGOH\ .LQL\D JURXS RQ New Year’s Eve, 2012! Attendees included newlyweds #15385 Peter Maiurano and #19555 Lauren Widing,

Tim Powell and Jane Phelan schussing down the streets of Boston SPRING 2013


News & Notes continued #20998  Neil  Phelan,  and  I  were  able  to  earn  some  turns  on  the  otherwise  traffic-­filled  streets!   Not  quite  as  exciting  as  Whiteface,  but  so  much  fun  to  take  ad-­ vantage  of  this  rare  occurrence  in  the  Hub!â€? #17937  Cole  Grossman  got  some  ink  in  Soccer  America  Daily,  headlined,“RSL  makes  Grossman  only  selec-­ tion.â€?  The  article  reported  that,  â€œMLS  clubs  placed  42  players  on  waivers,  only  one  player  -­-­  23-­year-­old  Cole  Grossman  -­-­  was  selected  in  Monday’s  Waiver  Draft.  The  former  Duke  star  is  headed  to  Real  Salt  Lake  from  the  Columbus  Crew.  Grossman  played  in  two  league  games  during  his  rookie  year  and  10  â€“  including  five  starts  â€“  in  2012.â€?  Cole  hails  from  St.  Louis,  MO. #17974  Shane  Canning  has  arrived  safely  in  Melbourne,  Australia  where  he  will  be  living  for  6  months  as  he  stud-­ ies  at  RMIT  (Royal  Melbourne  Institute  of  Technol-­ ogy).  Kiniya  Director,  #20001  Marnie  McDonagh,  was  thrilled  to  hear  that  Shane  would  be  residing  in  her  hometown  and  quickly  put  him  in  touch  with  brother,  Troy  McDonagh  (at  Kiniya  as  Tennis  Director  in  1995  and  1996)  who  graduated  from  RMIT  back  in  1993.  :KLOH 6KDQH LV VWLOO JHWWLQJ RYHU MHWODJ IURP WKH KRXU MRXUQH\ KH LV HDJHU WR PHHW 7UR\ LQ SHUVRQ DQG proclaims  that,  â€œThe  weather  has  been  amazing  and  the  city  is  beautiful!â€?  .  .  .  â€œOf  course  it  is!â€?  says  Marnie. #18232,  Laurance  George,  who  hailed  from  Ridge-­ field,  CT,  graduated  from  the  University  of  Virginia  Engineering  school  with  a  degree  in  computer  science  and  business  and  will  be  working  in  Arlington,  VA.  Wrote  Laurance,  â€œI  spent  the  summer  hiking  El  Cami-­ no  de  Santiago  in  Spain  and  visiting  various  areas  in  Europe.  The  numerous  cathedrals,  chapels,  and  mon-­ asteries  along  the  way  were  a  constant  reminder  of  the  good  times  at  Hymn  Sing  and  the  clear  skies  at  night,  which  gave  a  great  view  of  the  Milky  Way.  Looking  forward  to  seeing  some  other  fellows  in  the  DC  area  in  the  coming  years.  I  realized  last  summer  how  much  I  missed  going  to  summer  camp  and  all  the  good  times  I  had  there.  Hope  everything  is  great  up  in  Westport,  NY!â€? Dave  Colegrove,  father  of  #17699  Ned  and  #16999  Jes-­ sica  Colegrove  Storey,  was  at  home  in  Skaneateles,  NY,  recouperating  recently  and  wrote,  â€œThe  highlight  of  my Â



evening  was  the  5th  replay  of  the  Camp  Dudley  Hymn  Sing  CD.  I’m  sure  I  can  only  imitate  or  scratch  the  surface  of  what  a  CD  Hymn  Sing  experience  is  for  the  long-­loyal  CD  alums  or  the  campers  them-­ selves,  but  I  can  say  what  it  has  meant  to  me.  It  was  a  wonderful  spiritually-­ lifting  boost!  One  of  my  across-­the-­hallway  neighbors  asked  how  I  knew  so  many  hymns  and  remarked  that  she  didn’t  know  any  other  men  who  sang  hymns  all  by  themselves.  I  guess  I  didn’t  realize  that  headphones  don’t  contain  the  volume  at  which  I  was  singing  along  in  my  CD  Hymnal.  It  wound  up  giving  me  a  boost,  and  her  as  well.â€? 3DUHQW 2ZHQ 'HYOLQ ZULWHV IURP 0HVTXLWH 7; “#18813  Eamon  Devlin  is  a  Junior  at  Texas  Tech  PDMRULQJ LQ )LQDQFH 6QRZERDUGLQJ RQ %UHFNHQULGJH and  Vail  with  Tech  Snowboarding  club  over  winter  break.  Talked  to  Stewart  and  Carla  Bush  at  the  movies  RYHU ;PDV 7KHLU VRQ #18713  Jack  Bush  is  a  Finance  Student  at  TCU  and  doing  well.â€? #19304  Tom  Dils  of  Williamstown,  MA,  has  had  a  great  gap  year  prior  to  starting  at  Middlebury  Col-­ lege  in  September  2013.  Per  Tom,  â€œI  had  a  great  experience  in  Germany,  liv-­ ing  with  a  family  in  Bod  Homburg,  near  Tom  Dils,  wearing  the  Dudley  blue  in  the  Stuttgart,  Germany,  countryside Frankfurt,  where  I  was  playing  soccer  for  a  German  club  team  and  volunteering  as  a  teacher  and  coach  at  a  local  school.  In  February  I  worked  on  a  WOOF  organic  farm  near  New  Smyrna,  FL,  and  this  spring  I’ll  be  working  in  a  restaurant  in  New  Haven,  CT.  My  trip  was  benefitted  by  the  hospitality  of  more Â

than  a  dozen  Dudley  families  along  the  way.  Looking  forward  to  being  back  at  Camp  this  summer.â€? #20015  Victoria  (Rothwell)  Eck-­ ersley  recently  wrote,  â€œI  love  how  we  can  keep  up  to  date  with  Camp  and  see  the  pictures  each  year  via  Facebook  and  the  website.  You  certainly  look  busy  with  your  Camp  travels  and  it’s  always  fabu-­ Camp  Kiniya  sisters-­in-­law  Victoria  Rothwell  lous  to  see  such  Eckersley  and  Kym  Eckersley  Kerr. happy  smiles  on  the  faces  of  all  the  Kiniya  girls.  After  having  served  at  Kiniya  as  a  tennis  instructor,  I  remained  good  friends  with  #20006  Kym  Eckersley  (now  Kerr)  who  was  a  swim  instructor  from  Australia.  Kym  lived  in  London  near  me  for  a  year  and  once  she  returned  home  to  WA  it  was  only  natural  that  I  would  go  visit  her.  She  introduced  me  to  her  brother  and  six  years  later  we  are  married  expecting  our  first  baby  any  day!  So,  I  can  honestly  say  my  life  would  not  be  the  same  with  out  Kiniya  and  the  friend-­ ships  I  made!  My  best  friend  and  Camp  Sister  really  did  become  my  sister!  We  all  look  back  on  those  days  in  Vermont  as  among  the  best  in  our  lives,  days  by  the  ODNH DQG XS RQ WKH WHQQLV FRXUWV ZHUH MXVW PDJLFDO , cannot  believe  that  the  girls  we  looked  after  are  now  all  adults  too!â€?  Vicky  and  husband  John  reside  in  Nar-­ rogin,  Western  Australia.  Kym  resides  in  the  South  Is-­ land  of  New  Zealand.  She  moved  over  there  in  January  2009  and  married  her  husband,  Tom,  in  January  2010.  She  wrote:  â€œWe  celebrated  our  third  anniversary  this  year.  We  have  also  welcomed  our  beautiful  baby  boy,  Hamish  on  June  13th  2011  and  he  is  now  a  very  active  toddler!  Along  with  running  our  family  farm  of  900  acres  with  lots  and  lots  of  sheep  &  dairy  heifers,  we  still  keep  busy  spending  our  summers  either  travelling  EDFN WR :HVWHUQ $XVWUDOLD RU HQMR\LQJ VRPH VHULRXV ZD-­ ter  skiing  at  our  lake  house  in  Te  Anau  in  NZ.  I  started Â

my  summers  at  the  tender  age  of  23  in  2003  and  was  there  for  the  consecutive  summers  of  2004,  2005  and  my  Kiwi  summer  of  2006.â€?  #20571  Samantha  Williams  (former  Kiniya  Music  Director)  came  to  visit  Kiniya  from  Australia  and  spent  a  week  in  the  cabin  on  Junior  Beach  in  the  Fall  of  2012.  She  thoroughly  HQMR\HG UH WUDFLQJ her  footsteps  and  updating  us  on  where  life  has  tak-­ Sam  with  her  Kiniya  pals  #20011  Clara  Enrich,  #20002  Michelle  (Spouse)  Morabito  en  her  since  her  and  baby,  Levi  Morabito  taken  at  Michelle’s  Kiniya  years.  Sam  wedding  in  2010.  wrote,  â€œThe  best  ¾MREÂś , KDYH HYHU KDG ZDV EHLQJ 0XVLFDO 'LUHFWRU LQ WKH theatre  at  Kiniya  â€“  I  have  some  wonderful  memories  of  rehearsals,  set  painting,  costume  planning  and  finally  performing  the  big  show!   Another  highlight  for  me  was  starting  Hymn  Sing  at  Kiniya  â€“  to  hear  and  see  all  of  camp  united  in  voice  and  spirit  (and  literally  shaking  the  floor  of  the  theatre  when  standing  to  sing  songs  that  had  actions)  was  a  moment  I  will  never  forget.  In  , HQMR\HG D YDFDWLRQ LQ WKH 8. ,UHODQG DQG WKH USA,  including  a  week  visiting  Vermont  and  camp.  It  was  fantastic  catching  up  with  camp  friends  and  the  FDPSXV ORRNV MXVW DPD]LQJ , ZDV WRXFKHG WR VHH WKH song  I  introduced  at  Hymn  Sing  â€˜Every  Blessing’  was  included  in  the  Camp  Dudley  at  Kiniya  Hymnal  â€“  even  though  I  am  no  longer  physically  at  camp  every  summer,  it’s  lovely  to  know  I’m  there  in  spirit.â€?  Sam  is  in  her  ninth  year  of  working  full-­time  for  an  Austra-­ lian  Government  department.  Last  year  she  was  very  excited  to  earn  her  Diploma  in  Piano  Teaching,  and  HQMR\V WHDFKLQJ WKH SLDQR WR ERWK FKLOGUHQ DQG DGXOWV after  work  hours.  She  also  plays  the  flute  in  a  commu-­ nity  band  and  a  wind  ensemble. Â



News & Notes continued #21001  Randy  Breeck-­ ner  wrote  from  Miami  Beach,  FL.  â€œThe  Coast  Guard  is  going  great!  I’m  applying  to  become  an  officer.â€?  Randy  was  a  Leader  at  Kiniya  from  2008-­11.

and  #21499  Kirk,  an  Aide  at  Dudley  this  past  summer  are  doing  great!  Kirk  is  a  sophomore  at  Ft.  Myers  High  School  and  is  hoping  to  return  to  Dudley  as  a  JL  this  summer.  Marin  is  a  freshman  at  Davidson  College  in  NC.  She  hopes  to  return  to  Kiniya  as  a  Leader  once  again!!

Randy  Breeckner  enjoying  Coast  Guard  duty

#21364  Dick  Wallace,  of  Middle-­ town,  RI,  hosted  Matt  Storey  for  a  day,  MXVW EHIRUH WKH )RUW Lauderdale  Reunion,  in  Key  Largo,  FL.  Dick,  a  member  of  Matt  and  Dick  Wallace  in  Key  Largo the  Dudley  Board  of  Managers,  is  the  father  of  sons  #15464  Andrew,  #16864  James  and  #14364  Benjamin.  The  Wallaces  first  heard  of  Dudley  through  Dick’s  longtime  friend,  #8504  Chris  Hallen-­ beck,  who  was  at  Camp  in  the  1950s.  Chris  lives  in  Laguna  Hills,  CA.

#21973  Kari  Post LV MXVW EDFN IURP D WULS WR 1HSDO .DUL ZULWHV Âł,ÂśYH MXVW UHWXUQHG IURP WHQ GD\V LQ 1HSDO on  a  photography  scouting  trip  and  absolutely  fallen  in  love.  Nepal  is  an  amazing  country  full  of  opportunities  for  creating  stunning  images.â€?  You  can  follow  Kari’s  travels  and  adventures  on  her  blog.  Check  out  www.  to  see  her  work  or  follow  her  blog.  P.S.  Kari  has  promised  a  gift  certificate  to  her  photo  studio  for  CD  2013  online  auction.  Start  your  shopping  early  so  you’ll  be  ready  when  the  bidding  begins.  #22079  Besty  Growney  of  Nyack,  NY,  a  Kiniya  Alumna,  wrote,  â€œLoved  my  camping  experiences  -­  very  long  ago  as  I  am  75  years  old.  -­  but  carry  wonderful  memories  of  Kiniya  and  Dudley  as  both  my  father  and  brother  Tom  went  there.  I  visited,  watched  summer  plays  and  played  baseball.  Wonderful  times!â€?

#21518  Nicholas  Ansell  headed  to  London  for  a  Ki-­ niya  staff  reunion  that  was  attended  by  #22356  Jack  Beecroft,  #22361  Salli  Dixon,  #22762  George  Nick  Ansell,  right  at  the  Reunion  in  London Komjati,  #22385  Emma  Moran,  #22355  Alice  Baldock,  #22374  Will  Small  and  #22760  Alex  Foster.  A  good  time  was  had  by  all,  and  the  evening  ended  with  a  spirited  Kiniya  Cheer  on  the  streets  of  London  before  parting  ways.

#22100  Jean  and  Dwight  Vicks,  wrote  from  Clinton,  NY.  â€œWe  officially  became  empty  nesters  when  we  took  Emily  to  Middlebury  in  February.â€?   Jean  continues  to  battle  thyroid  cancer  with  courage  and  spirit.  Dwight  and  many  friends  and  members  of  the  medical  com-­ munity  formed  â€œITOGâ€?  .  .  .  the  International  Thyroid  Oncology  Group.  Per  Dwight,  â€œITOG  begins  its  first  clinical  trial  this  spring  and  there  are  several  more  in  the  pipelines.â€?  Launched  in  2007,  the  nonprofit  engages  leading  researchers  on  five  continents  in  the  first  interdisciplinary  consortium  focused  on  develop-­ ing  clinical  trials  for  thyroid  cancer.  Jean  testified  at  a  Federal  Drug  Administration  hearing  in  support  of  the  first  drug  to  be  approved  for  her  disease.  ITOG  members  participated  in  its  clinical  trials  and  their  work  will  likely  yield  at  least  two  more  new  treatments  for  thyroid  cancer.  Dwight  and  Jean  can  be  reached  at Â

Lisa  and  Kirk  Williams  of  Sanibel,  FL,  wrote  to  tell  us  that  their  kids  #21881  Marin,  a  2012  Kiniya  Leader Â

#22374  Will  Small  and  #22760  Alex  Foster  made  the  trek  from  their  hometown  of  London,  England  to Â



spend  the  week  between  Christmas  and  New  Year’s  in  Burlington,  VT,  with  Kiniya  pals.  The  lads  met  up  with  #20086  Megan  Bradley  (who  attends  Colgate  Universi-­ ty  and  was  on  the  ski  team  with  #20479  Megan  Powell  in  2011),  #20193  Emma  Oliver  (Clarkson  University  and  Lacrosse  Team),  #20194  Meagan  Oliver  (Mer-­ rimack  College),  #22389  Olivia  Thompson-­Bessett  (NYU  Tisch  School  of  the  Arts)  and  #21518  Nicholas  Ansell. #22389  Olivia  Thompson-­Bessett  has  also  left  the  chilly  Northeast,  headed  to  the  warm  climate  of  sunny  $XVWUDOLD DQG LV WKRURXJKO\ HQMR\LQJ KHU VHPHVWHU abroad  in  Sydney!  She  wrote:  â€œGreetings  from  Aus-­ tralia!  After  deciding  to  spend  my  semester  in  Sydney  with  NYU,  I  couldn’t  be  happier  with  my  decision.  So  far,  I’ve  been  having  a  blast:  cruising  around  Syd-­ ney  Harbour  with  prime  views  of  the  Opera  House,  PDVWHULQJ P\ VXUI VNLOOV DW 0RMR 6XUI &DPS YLVLWLQJ 12,000-­year-­old  Aboriginal  rock  carvings,  and  spending  as  much  time  at  Bondi  Beach  as  possible.  This  is  all  in  between  classes,  of  course,  and  only  a  short  list  of  the  amazing  adventures  offered.  Between  the  incredible  sights  and  the  awesome  people,  I  might  never  come  back  if  it  wasn’t  for  camp!â€?  Olivia  will  be  returning  to  Kiniya  in  summer  2013  as  Theater  Director.  Kiniya  Alum,   Megan  Cain  recently  wrote,  â€œI  KDYH MXVW UHWXUQHG IURP four  great  days  in  Noo-­ sa,  Northern  Australia,  with  my  fellow  Kiniya  pals,  Natalie  Hough  (now  Keens)  and  Jemma  Osborne,  from  the  UK.  I  went  to  Nat’s  wedding  in  the  UK  last  Megan,  Evelyn,  Natalie  and  Jemma September  and  Jemma  has  visited  and  stayed  with  me  three  times  in  the  past  five  years.  All  these  years  after  camp  and  I’m  lucky  to  still  have  such  great  friendships  with  amazing  women.  My  daughter,  Evelyn  Thais,  (after  my  grandma)  will  be  two  on  the  14th  of  this  month.  Getting  big  quick.â€?  Michelle  (Spouse)  Morabito  recently  wrote:  â€œSince  leaving  Kiniya  in  2008  (my  7th  summer)  and  returning Â

to  Australia,  I  have  experienced  many  BIG  life  changes!  I  returned  to  work  as  a  Senior  Analyst  at  the  Com-­ monwealth  Bank,  got  engaged  on  my  29th  Birthday,  celebrated  our  wedding  the  following  year  and  wel-­ comed  two  beautiful  boys,  two  years  apart.  Levi  is  now  3  and  Beau  will  be  1  in  May.  Late  last  year  we  moved  1000  km’s  north,  to  a  new  town  called  Karratha.  I  was  very  honored  that  my  two  dear  Kiniya  friends  travelled  long  and  far  to  make  my  special  day,  my  wedding.  It  was  so  wonderful  to  spend  time  with  them.  Many  things  make  me  think  of  camp  everyday.  I  love  singing  Kiniya  Hymns  to  my  boys  and  playing  in  their  cubby  house,  the  scent  of  the  wood  instantly  takes  me  back  WR P\ GD\V LQ WKH .LQL\D FDELQV , UHDOO\ HQMR\HG SDLQW-­ ing  the  cubby;  I  felt  like  I  was  reliving  my  painting  days  at  camp!  I  feel  so  grateful  to  have  spent  so  much  time  at  a  very  special  place.  I  have  memories  that  will  last  a  lifetime  and  have  made  so  many  lifelong  friends  along  the  way.  I  miss  Kiniya  immensely  and  look  forward  to  the  day  that  I  can  return  and  reconnect  with  my  home  away  from  home. #21691  Jake  Daugherty  of  Clarksburg,  MA,   took  part  in  a  10-­ day  service  trip  to  Haiti  called  the  â€œHaiti  Plungeâ€?  with  10  other  stu-­ Jake,  and  his  dad,  Alex  (left)  in  Haiti dents.  His  father  Alex  led  the  trip.  Last  summer  Jake  was  a  Senior  in  Colgate. #22749  Steven  Umlauf  played  in  a  round  robin  basketball  tourney  in  Lake  Placid,  NY,  and  ran  smack  into  #22504  Carter  Storey,  from  Westport,  NY.   Steven  is   a  student  at  the  North  Country  School  and  hails  from  New  York,  NY.  They  can’t  wait  to  meet  up  again  on  the  Plebe  courts! Â

Steven  Umlauf  and  Carter  Storey  on  the  courts  in  Lake  Placid



Another Schmidt/Nelson Coaching Duo For  20  years  #8070  Ben  Nelson  and  #7405  Willie  Schmidt  worked   side  by  side  at  Dudley  along  the  shores  of  Lake  Champlain.   Now,  their  sons  are  continuing  that  tradition,  work-­ ing  together  coaching  basketball  at  Trinity  School  NYC.   Head  Coach  #11260  Ed  Schmidt  and  Assistant  Coach  #18070  David  Nelson,  MXVW ILQLVKHG XS WKHLU VHDVRQ WRJHWKHU WDNLQJ their  team  all  the  way  to  the  Class  C  state  semi  finals.   However,  the  third  game  in  as  many  days  proved  too  much  for  the  Trinity  Tigers  varsity  basketball  team,  which  included  another  Dudleyite  and  starting  post-­grad  #20745  Jake  Bolster.  The  picture  below  was  taken  as  the  team  took  the  floor  at  the  newly  finished  Bar-­ clays  Center  in  Brooklyn,  NY.   Though  Brook-­ lyn  Nets  owner  Jay-­Z  was  not  in  attendance,  the  game  was  a  great  experience  for  the  team.

News & Notes Addendum A  vintage  picture  surfaced  of  Board  Chair  #11889  Dwight  Poler,  working  on  his  dessert  at  1968  North  Point  BBQ.  On  his  left  is  sister  Christine  Poler  Flem-­ ing,  mom  of  Michael,  Andrew  and  Zander.  On  right  is  brother  #11166  Craig.

For  the  second  time,  #18444  Jeff  Simpson,  a  senior  at  Emory  University,  received  an  All-­America  honor  at  the  NCAA  Div.  III  Swimming  &  Diving  Champion-­ ships  in  the  400-­yard  freestyle  relay  and  Honorable  Mention  in  the  800-­yard  freestyle  relay.  Jeff  will  be  graduating  with  a  dual  degree  in  Neuroscience  &  Be-­ havioral  Biology  and  Computer  Science  in  2013.  Dad  #10644  Bob  Simpson,  mom  Kit  and  brother  #17744  Brad  Simpson  are  very  proud  of  his  accomplishments  both  in  and  out  of  the  pool.  Jeff  was  at  Camp  from  Cub  year  in  2001  until  JL  in  2006. Coaches  Ed  Schmidt  and  David  Nelson,  right,  with  their  Trinity  School  team  at  the  new  Barclays  Center  Arena  in  Brooklyn,  NY,  home  of  the  Brooklyn  Nets

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Jeff  Simpson,  great  all-­around  athlete,  the  camper  all  the  Dudley  coaches  tried  to  draft

50-Year Pins Awarded

}À>ÌÕ >Ì ÃÊÌ ÊÓÈÊxä 9i>ÀÊ> `ÊÌ Êi } ÌÊÇx 9i>ÀÊ ÀiiÃtÊ vÊÞ ÕÊ >ÛiÊ not yet received a 50- or 75-Year Pin, and think that you are eligibile, « i>ÃiÊ iÌÊ >ÛiÊ > }ÃÌ Ê ÜÊ>ÌÊ`>ÛiJV> «`Õ` iÞ° À}° #6608 #9791 #9792 #9793 #9794 #9801 #9804 #9816 #9820 #9823 #9837 #9847 #9851 #9858 #9861 #9864 #9866 #9919 #9927 #9968 #10347 #13741 Kiniya Dudley Kiniya

Les Cizek Eberhard Mangold Douglas Menzies Gordon Clark Werner von Kutzleben Richard Mulligan Robert Gronauer John Treiber Torre Peterson Samuel Hemingway Gary Schopfer Michael Kallet Robert Cummins Thomas Frank Peter White Nicholas Johnson Doug Stearns John Hufnagel Peter Beatty H. Craig Treiber Klauss Rittmann Nancy Seabol Ken Hurt Jane Mann Randy Roseboro

Fort Bragg, CA Hannover, Germany Littleton, NH Bernardsville, NJ Amissville, VA Columbus, OH Hanover, NH East Williston, NY Vienna, VA Rolling Bay, WA Liverpool, NY Oneida, NY Still River, MA Bellevue, WA Pittsford, NY Minneapolis, MN Little Compton, RI Owl’s Head, ME Lake Placid, NY Sea Cliff, NY Bordesholm, Germany Vero Beach, Fl Union Hall, VA Fanwood, NJ Swansboro, NC

Search for the " `iÃÌÊ Õ` iÞ Ìi° With the passing of Dudley “Pioneers” ÎÎ{xÊ/>Þ ÀÊ"ÃÌÀ> `iÀÊ > `Ê ÎxÈäÊ Ê6> i > Ê-À°]Ê Ì iÊÃi>ÀV Ê ÃÊ Êv ÀÊ Õ` iÞ½ÃÊ `iÃÌÊ> Õ Õð If you think you qualify please contact Dave Langston at the Camp Office, £ÓÈÊ Õ` iÞÊ, >`]Ê7iÃÌ« ÀÌÊ 9Ê£Ó Î]ÊÊ x£n ÈÓ {ÇÓäÊ ÀÊLÞÊi > ÊÌ Ê`>ÛiJV> «`Õ iÞ° À}°ÊÊ You will be required to state your birthday! We have a feeling that the winner Ü Ê >ÛiÊ>Ê Õ LiÀÊ ÊÌ iÊÎäääÃ]Ê but who knows?! ,iÃÕ ÌÃÊÜ ÊLiÊ> Õ Vi`Ê in the Fall edition of the

> «Ê Õ` iÞÊ iÜðÊÊÊ ÊëiV > ÊViÀÌ wV>ÌiÊ>Ü> ÌÃÊÌ iÊÜ iÀ°

75-Year Pins Awarded #4819 #5582 #5589 #5593 #5614 #5616 #5647 #5683

Milton Hall Willard Salter John Lafferty Louis Gibbs Bruce Cornish Edgar Card Ellis Jones Charles Straut

Shaker Heights, OH Duxbury, MA Westerley, RI Ft. Lauderdale, FL Lee’s Summit, MO Tampa, FL North Branford, CT Princeton, NJ SPRING 2013


Dudley Junior Leader Weekend March 15-­17, 2013.

Twenty Junior Leaders gathered in Westport for the annual JL training weekend led by Mark Davenport. These young men learned what is expected of them as Camp Dudley employees for the first time and got to enjoy campus all to themselves. Matt Storey, Evan George, Dave Langston, Blake Harper and Matt Wojo were also on hand for the training.

Kiniya Junior Leader Weekend February 8-­10, 2013.

A big group of 17 girls descended on the Dudley campus for a weekend of leader-­ ship training and fun. They packed into MacLean Lodge, hit the climbing wall for some training, and explored the Dudley winter scene. Great food was whipped up by Marnie and Gail – complete with even a chocolate fondue fountain! These 17 girls will have a great head start on the summer of 2013. 52


Letters – continued from page 5

small world . . .

using the GI Bill and graduating with a BS in Engineer-­ ing in June 1947. “Willie Schmidt traveled quite a bit around the country for Camp Dudley Reunions. I attended two or three that were held in Durham, NC. I think it was 1994 and he did present me with my 50-­Year Pin. Thus, I am returning the pin you sent me so that it might EH HQMR\HG E\ DQRWKHU 'XGOH\LWH ZKR KDV EHFRPH D Camper fifty or more years ago. “I have never attended a Reunion at the end of Au-­ gust, but hope it might be possible to do so either this year, or in 2014, but that’s up to the Good Lord. At any rate, I appreciate your thinking of me, and many thanks for your nice letter. Larry #6241

#8580 Bob Craft of Washington, DC, had a Dudley “small world” moment in St. Louis in January. Per Bob, “We were having dinner with friends at the St. Louis Country Club, when I saw that the Blues hockey game was on a big screen TV. So I walked up to a table of strangers, interrupted and asked what the score was. Dudley parent Jack Gillis introduced himself. When I introduced myself and mentioned that some of the Blues had been at my son’s restaurant the night be-­ fore, to my astonishment, he then mentioned that we have some mutual friends and said, “Don’t you have a Camp Dudley connection?” Dudley is everywhere. It was delightful to meet them and sorry I couldn’t linger.”

#6608 Les Cizek, wrote from Fort Bragg, CA. “I had no idea Camp Dudley had a magazine, and I would be delighted to receive a copy, and a 50-­Year Pin would be very spe-­ cial. A reminder per-­ haps of the evenings we waited for Chief Beckman to sing out to our cabin, “Good night Harvard.” I told my grandson, Phineas, #6608 Les Cizek that he would not have that particular pleasure if he is fortunate enough to spend some time at Camp Dudley.Many thanks, Les”

#9191 Cleve Cleveland was out to lunch with a client, and happened to be wearing a Camp Dudley sweater. As his luncheon ended, he made his way out of the restaurant but was stopped, briefly, by a woman who was having lunch with her husband. She looked at Cleve and asked, “Is that Camp Dudley?” “Why yes it is,” said Cleve, “Are you Dudleyites?” “Actually, no,” replied the woman, “but we are considering sending our son there next summer.” Cleve then sat down with them, giving the woman and her somewhat surprised husband a brief history of “the Camp on Lake Cham-­ plain which is the oldest continuously operating boys camp in the country, etc., etc. . . ” Cleve was prepared to continue when the husband said, “I beg your par-­ don, sir, but while we understand your enthusiasm for Dudley, my wife and I don’t get out to lunch with each other very often, and if you wouldn’t mind, perhaps you could send us information on Dudley in the mail.” Cleve, having lost a bit of wind from his sails, agreed to do so and quietly departed.

Ed. Note: Les has some great Dudley connections, as he and his brother #6207 John were at Dudley in the 1940s. Also grandson #23206 Phineas Scanlan, Nephew #11455 Scott, and Scott’s son #18455 Charles, his great nephew attended camp. Les is a fine furniture maker, working in the redwoods of California. #10555 Dave Langston wrote back to Les, saying, “Welcome back to Camp! Matt Storey, our director, does still visit the cabins in the evening with a “Good Night …” call to each one. Check out this video and watch it to the end and you’ll see what I mean.” watch?v=HzAHkS3ALEs

Cleve also was a good Dudley guy when he bumped into #6796 George Cowles, who was at Camp in 1943. The two of them were, ready for this, curling at the Ardsley Curling Club in Westchester County, and began swapping Dudley stories. When Cleve heard that George had not received his 50-­Year Pin, he went straight to the top, letting Dawn Gay in the Camp of-­ fice know about this. Dawn took care of it right away. George worked for many years at Bankers Trust in NYC and lives in Somers, NY, with his wife Marian. SPRING 2013


Dudley Creative Talent Comes Through Again! ÞÊ £xnÇÇÊ Ài `> Ê Õ} >

Searching for a Christmas card in 2009, we remembered that we have a wealth of artistic talent in the Dudley Family. We wanted to tap into it throughout the year – especially with our Christmas Card. As you will see below, we’ve had great fun with the card, thanks to the Dudleyites #19555 Lauren Widing, #17425

Matt Ator, and #15191 Oliver Jeffers who have helped along the way. Stay tuned for more in the future. 2012’s Card was designed by #13556 Mac Premo. Mac came to Camp Dudley as a Cub in Rensselaer in 1984 and fell in love with the

place. He went through the camper and leadership ranks, and enjoyed his time everywhere at Camp, especially at Brodie Arts & Crafts. Mac is an artist who lives in Brooklyn, NY. You can see his work and learn more about him at www.

#11191 Helps to bring joy to the children of Sandy Hook #11191 Vincent X. Kirsch MRLQHG D JURXS of 12 authors and illustrators who were among the first to visit Sandy Hook, CT, Elementary School following the Decem-­ ber 14 tragedy there. As reported in the School Library Journal of March 7. “This was the school’s first assembly program since moving into its new building follow-­ ing the shooting that took the lives of 26 children and staff at the school. The event was selected, ‘because we wanted to focus on teaching and learning,’ said Principal 'RQQD 3DJH 7KH DXWKRUV LOOXVWUDWRUV VSHQW the day interacting with the kids. Vincent brought a toy theater to retell the story of Author and Illustrator Vincent X. Kirsch, sporting the beret, joined 11 other his book The Chandeliers. ‘Anytime we can dedicated artists and writers to bring their joy of learning to the children of Sandy Hook Elementary School have authors and illustrators in front of kids is a good thing,’ says Yvonne Cech, the school librarian who helped coordinate the day. ‘So many of our students are writing and drawing their own stories and it’s inspiring to have these people here.’” The group also visited the other elementary schools in the district and met with teachers. Said Vincent, “Yesterday was quite an inspiring day for me DQG RWKHU SLFWXUH ERRN SHRSOH , DP KHUH WR UHSRUW WKDW WKHUH LV VWLOO MR\ WR EH IRXQG LQ WKRVH OLWWOH NLGV , ZLOO SRVW D EORJ DERXW LW VRRQ ´ 7R VHH PRUH RI WKH DUW DQG LGHDV RI 9LQFHQW ; .LUVFK JR WR



Local News from the North Country Burlington,VT

BL Nick Ansel, Simon White, Steven Nelson, BR Sara Nelson, Harry Jackson, Olivia Belzer, Kat Hood, Lefty behind the camera obviously!

Our very own year-­rounders, #20595 Kat Hood and #15877 Brendan “Lefty” Loughman report that the North Country is becoming an increasingly popular landing spot for those of us looking for a solid com-­ munity that’s not a city! Burlington, VT, is the place to be. Recent transplants #22407 Simon White and #18108 Harry Jackson have brought new energy to a core group of Young Alums in the area. Other locals include #21986 Olivia Belzer, #18583 Ted Dale, #17251 Rose Nelson, #19270 Sara Nelson, and #17681 Steve Nelson. Even #21518 Nick Ansell KDV EUDYHG WKH FROG DQG MRLQHG XV IRU WKH \HDU 7KH group can often be found getting together for Foot-­ ball Sundays and Trivia Thursdays at Nectar’s.

Elizabethtown, NY On November 2, 2012, The Elizabethtown-­Lewis Central School girls varsity soccer team beat the reigning state champs to win the Section VII Class D championship for the first time in 25 years. #21438 Emily Morris has been on the Lady Lions girls Varsity Soccer team since the 8th grade and has started every game since coming to the team. The team is coached by #21047 Steve Denton who is the plant and property manager of Camp Dudley. On March 1st of this year the Lady Lions also won the girls basketball section VII title, and Emily is also a player on that team! Elizabethtown’s Champion Lady Lions

Bo McKinley and fans in Middlebury, top, and the West-­ port, NY, Eagles, below.

Westport, NY and Middlebury, VT Connecticut College Basketball players #19399 Bo and #22008 Willa McKinley played at Middlebury College in January 2013. In the crowd in their sup-­ port we found many camp numbers. The Alumni, Leaders, Staff and current campers included #10399 Hokey McKinley, #14508 Peggy Bolster, #20608 Martha McKinley, #10231 Shell and #19231 Kari McKinley, #21211 Sam and #22524 Will Napper, #22337 Jeff, #20637 Carol, #21337 Ellie, #22637 Hannah Schwoebel, #20773 Ian, #20873 Will and #19773 Linda Lowe, #18724 Nathan, #21124, An-­ derson and #21224 Jonathan Gay and #19279 Matt Wojciechowicz, #19304 Tom Dils and others from the Westport area. On the Middlebury Campus that same weekend was #16404 Blair Dils, the assistant coach for Williams College Squash. SPRING 2013


Weddings & Engagements Kiniya Alumnae, Kelsey Cole married Chris Blackett in February, 2013. Kelsey graduated from the University of Denver and is a Senior Fi-­ nancial Analyst at Curian Capital. The Blackett’s reside in Denver, Colo-­ rado.

Kelsey and Chris Blackett

#15745 Jamie Cowan is HQJDJHG WR 6KDLOL 5DMSXW and they are getting mar-­ ried in Michigan this fall. Jamie and Shaili live in Ann Arbor, MI where they are residents in Orthopaedic Surgery and Pediatrics, respectively, at the University of Michi-­ gan. They last visited Dudley in the summer of 2011 but can’t wait to get Jamie and Shaili back to the Adirondacks soon. In the meantime, they’re busy planning the big day and looking forward to celebrating with many of their Dudley friends. #17681 Steven Nelson and #20595 Kat Hood are looking for-­ ward to a Spring 2014 wedding. The two met while working at Camp Kat Hood and Steve Nelson, D-­Heads, 2009 Dudley in 2007 and have been together for nearly five years! This pic-­ ture was taken during 2009 pre-­season when they held the Senior Division Head roles at Dudley and Kiniya.



Kiniya Alumnae #21490 Mandy Scott, the daughter of Jim and DiAnne Scott of Vergennes, VT, is happy to announce her engagement to Marcus Cooper, son Mandy Scott and Marcus Cooper of Rob and Tammy Cooper of Millerton, NY. Mandy and Marcus met while attending Saint Michael’s College in Colchester, 97 0DQG\ JUDGXDWHG LQ ZLWK D SV\FKRORJ\ PDMRU and a double minor in religious studies and gender studies, while Marcus graduated in 2010 with a double PDMRU LQ PXVLF DQG SKLORVRSK\ 7KH\ ZHUH HQJDJHG RQ December 26, 2012 on a day hike up Buck Mountain. Mandy currently works at Washington Montessori School, in New Preston, CT, as the head teacher in the Young Children’s Community, while Marcus is the Music Program Coordinator and the Associate Dean of Students at South Kent School in South Kent, CT. The wedding will be held on Lake Champlain in Char-­ lotte, VT, on August 16, 2014. Kiniya Alumnae, Rebecca Bernstein (’98 and ’03). got engaged in March, 2012 to her high school sweetheart, Chris Reed. “We currently live in Roanoke, Virginia where Chris is a first year medi-­ cal student and I will start my MA in Counseling at Virgina Tech in July. We are planning a wedding for June 2014, in which Rebecca Bernstein and Chris Reed my fellow Kiniya alum, Nina Connors (’99-­’03) will be a bridesmaid. The picture I chose to share was taken snorkeling in Bonaire where we plan to return for our honeymoon!”

Weddings & Engagements #22369  Andrianna  â€œAndiâ€?  Lyons  an-­ nounced  her  engage-­ ment  to  Matthew  Gulotta,  from  her  hometown  Cooper-­ stown,  NY.  â€œMatt  proposed  to  me  on  December  22nd,  2012,  by  setting  me  up  to  go  get  something  with  my  girlfriends  (who  were  Andi  Lyons  and  Matthew  Gulotta in  on  the  whole  thing)  and  it  turned  out  to  be  a  scavenger  hunt!  Every  clue  led  me  to  a  different  spot  that  was  meaningful  to  us  like  where  we  had  our  first  date,  etc.  The  very  last  clue  led  to  the  Santa’s  Cottage  in  Cooperstown  where  my  Grandfather  would  play  Santa  for  the  children  every  winter  until  he  passed  away  in  1995.  This  picture  was  taken  right  where  he  proposed  to  me.â€?  Andi  works  as  Admissions  Assistant  at  SUNY  Cobleskill

#17589  Amy  Maiurano,  daughter  of  #15588  Big  Joe  and  #15589  Dawn  current  staff  members  is  marrying  Matthew  Rand  on  Sept  21,  2013  at  the  Essex  Culinary  Resort  and  Spa  in  Essex,  VT.

Amy  Maiurano  and  Matt  Rand  on  Church  Street  in  Burlington,  VT

Future Dudleyites #12639  Scott  and  Suzanne  Beckley  MXVW KDG D EDE\ Charlotte  Gray.  Said  Scott,  â€œI  thought  we  would  share  a  recent  pictures.  Charlotte  was  born  November  20,  2012.â€? Charlotte  Gray  Beckley

#12783  Jay  W.  File,  an  executive  with  the  Chick-­fil-­A  Restaurant  Corporation  in  Atlanta,  welcomed  the  birth  of  his  fourth  child,  and  second  son  Bryce,  in  Au-­ gust  2011  while  his  older  son  Brendan,  began  his  fresh-­ man  year  at  the  University  of  Alabama  in  Birmingham  2012.  Jay  is  staying  busy!

#13744  Tom  Bisselle  and  wife,  Julie,  wrote  of  the  arrival  Philip  Solon  Bisselle,  4.7  lbs.  born  February  25th  2013.  Big  sisters  #22744  Skylar  and  Sidney  were  excited  to  meet  their  new  little  brother!  The  Bisselles  live  in  New  Philip  Solon  Bisselle  with  mom,  Julie Russia,  NY.  Grandpar-­ ents  Lefty  and  Holly  are  thrilled  to  have  their  first  grandson!

Send your news of Weddings, Engagements and Ă•ĂŒĂ•Ă€iĂŠ Ă•`Â?iĂžÂˆĂŒiĂƒĂŠĂŒÂœĂŠLĂ€i˜`>˜JV>“`Ă•`Â?iĂž°ÂœĂ€}°ĂŠ7iĂŠ would love to hear from you! SPRING  2013


Future Dudleyites #14253 Kurtis and Rowe-­ na Leslie welcomed Tristan into their family. Tristan did not wait until daddy got home from Dudley this past summer. Kurtis got off the plane and went straight to the hospital to hold his new son. Big sister is very much enamored of her Abigail and Tristan Leslie baby brother.

in 2002, 2003 and 2005, 2006 and am still in touch with a lot of those friends.” Emily graduated from Bour-­ nemouth University and resides with her family in Wymondham, Norfolk, UK.

#15371 Jim and Shannon Sbarra have a new son, Huxley, born February 9, 2013, 4 lbs. 15 oz. 17.5 inches – four weeks early! Now at almost three weeks he is weighing over 6 lbs., so in good Italian tradi-­ tion he is loving eating! The Sbarras still have their condo Huxley Sbarra in Jackson Hole but are living in Bend, OR, for at least a year because that is where Shannon’s mom and dad live. Jim has a graphic design business and also does web sites and marketing.

Enrique “Quique” Douglas Steen (Henry), son of #15409 Doug and Lisa Steen, nephew of #15509 Scott Steen and #14903 Greg Steen, grandson of #9503 Rodger Steen is look-­ ing forward to 2022 for his Cub year and the 139th sea-­ son, best summer ever! “Hen-­ ry already loves the outdoors, Enrique “Quique” Douglas Steen playing in the snow, digging in the dirt, or playing fetch with the dog. He knows where his coat and shoes are and will bring them to us when he wants to go outside, which is always. He started walking right at 1 year old and didn’t look back, he runs everywhere now. His new favorite thing is to climb up anything he can; boxes, boulders, step stools, couches. A genuinely happy kid, we are excited to introduce him to the Dudley Family!”

Kiniya Alumna, Maura (Silverstein) Cromwell wrote: “I spent six wonderful summers at Kiniya. After my Kiniya days, I went off to Boston College and then on to graduate school at Harvard University. I met my husband, Chris, the summer of 2003 when we were both working in New York. We got married July 2010 in Essex, VT, at the inn where my parents would stay each time they would come to visit me and my sister, Ellen Silverstein, at Kiniya. Our family grew by one when we welcomed our son, William, on April 6, 2012. Currently, I am teaching 5th grade and we are living in Newton, MA, with our golden retriever, Kevin.” #20029 Emily (Fish) Finch wrote, “My husband, Kevin Finch, and I have a beautiful son, Billy George Finch. He was born 7th January 2012, and we are all very healthy and happy. At 13 months he is now walking and keeping us incredibly busy. I was at Kiniya on staff



Kevin, Emily and Billy George Finch

#14164 Chris Packard writes, “Hardy trying his first one-­handed YOHA! Lax season, then Dudley (but only in chronological order). That’s a 24-­month outfit on my 12-­month old. Thanks for running them small, fellas.” 12-­month old Hardy Packard

Obituaries #16000 Lois Schmidt. January 20, 2013 In a letter to the Dudley Community, Matt Storey wrote: Our longtime first lady, #16000 Lois Schmidt, passed away on Saturday morning, January 19, in La Jolla, California. Mercifully, she died in her sleep, perhaps dreaming of the trip to Hawaii that she was about to em-­ bark upon with longtime Dudley friends #7314 Don and Jeanne Stevenson.

the elderly, and the severely disabled. We think of “The Schmidt Years” at Dudley in a very special way. For more than two decades, Willie and Lois were an inseparable partnership, inspiring the full acceptance of women staff at Dudley, finding and offering thousands of kids scholarships, while “making fun happen” for all of us who had the good fortune to arrive at Dudley in the ’70s, ’80s and ’90s.

During these years, Lois raised a family of five, was a physical therapist in Elizabethtown, was a strong member of the St. Philip Lois was born in Buffalo, NY, Neri Church in Westport and February 5, 1932, the daughter attended hundreds of Dudley of John T. “Jack” Parsons and Reunions all over the country. Frances Oakes Parsons. She During the summers, she could graduated from Sharon High be found enthusiastically partici-­ School, Sharon, MA, and the pating in the “Staff Hill Stomp-­ Medical College of Virginia, in ers,” the women’s choir during Lois in the midst of just a few of her greatest fans! Richmond. Chapel services, and being the “Dudley Mom” for the homesick camper who needed a Her life took a decisive turn in 1952 when she met a hug and the Leader who needed help with his costume young man by the name of William J. Schmidt who IRU D VKRZ :KHQ :LOOLH VXIIHUHG D KHDUW DWWDFN MXVW EH-­ was, of course, our #7405 Willie. As she wrote to her fore the opening of a Camp season in the 1980s, Lois parents in January 1953, “I have added a new fellow to stepped in to greet campers and parents at the gate and my social life, Will Schmidt. The fellow I dated before to help run the Sunday morning staff meetings. To the ;PDV +H DVNHG PH WR JR VWHDG\ D ZHHN DJR 0RQGD\ entire Dudley community it was “best ever” summer, and I told him I’d date him but none of this steady thanks to Lois. business while I was in school. I’ve seen him every night since. He is very nice and a very good catch.” But it didn’t stop there. When the idea of a girls camping and leadership program emerged in the early Lois and Willie married in 1954, and Lois worked as 2000s, Lois was among the very first to not only “get a physical therapist while Willie completed his edu-­ it” but to become a primary cheerleader for the cause. cation. His teaching career took them to the Tilton Said Kiniya Director, Marnie McDonagh, School in Tilton, New Hampshire in 1964, then to Wayland Academy, in Beaver Dam, Wisconsin in “From the earliest moment, I felt like I had a great 1970. Happily, they moved to Westport in 1974 with partner in Lois. Grandmother to six Kiniya campers, their family that now included Doug, Steve, Ed, Beth regular work weekend volunteer, Chapel Speaker and and Don. During this entire period, she worked as a Annual Kiniya Tea Honorary Guest, Lois was a very physical therapist at hospitals in Philadelphia, Chapel special part of our Kiniya family who was known, loved Hill, Laconia (NH), Beaver Dam, Elizabethtown, and and admired by all of us! So clearly devoted to the Asheville. Her most rewarding work was with children, SPRING 2013


Obituaries needs  of  others,  Lois  was  kind-­hearted,  compassion-­ ate,  incredibly  thoughtful,  patient  and  kind.  She  was  a  terrific  listener  and  always  offered  meaningful  contri-­ butions  and  guidance.  Lois  had  an  immense  impact  on  us,  exuding  what  we  believe  to  be  her  strongest  message  in  life‌  â€˜It  is  important  to  have  and  share  an  opinion,  but  equally  important  to  share  it  in  a  respectful  and  kind  way.’  Lois  will  be  deeply  missed.â€? Lois  brought  optimism,  calm,  patience  and  friendship  to  every  contact  she  had.  She  managed  to  find  a  kind  thing  to  say  about  everyone.  Her  contributions  to  the  wellbeing  of  Dudley  are  incalculable.  She  has,  without  doubt,  left  this  place,  and  her  world  a  much  better  place  than  she  found  it. Lois  leaves  her  five  children  #10874  Doug,  #10875  Steve,  #11260  Ed,  #13405  Beth  Choat  and  #12993  Don  and  their  spouses  and  nine  grandchildren,  as  well  as  her  sister  Kay  Parsons  Eckler.  A  Memorial  Service  is  planned  as  part  of  the  CD  Reunion  on  August  25th  in  Westport,  NY.  Memorial  gifts  may  be  made  to  the  Wil-­ liam  J.  Schmidt  Scholarship  Fund.

Loris  Tower,  of  Chatham,  NJ,   mother  of  Lynne  Tower  Combs  and  #9123  Harry  Tower  III,  passed  away  on  De-­ cember  30,  2012  in  Summit,  NJ,  at  the  age  of  94.  Born  in  +RXVWRQ 7; VKH JUDGXDWHG from  Columbia  HS  in  Maple-­ wood,  NJ,  and  Ohio  Wes-­ leyan  U.  Loris  married  Harry  Loring  Tower  Jr,  an  artist,   in  1940  in  Short  Hills,  NJ.  They  lived  in  Chatham,  NJ,  for  nearly  7  decades.  In  May,  2010,  the  Overlook  Hospital  Foundation  awarded  Loris  a  Lifetime  Achievement  Award  for  her  60  years  of  dedicated  volunteer  service.  She  was  a  member  of  the  Stanley  Congregational  Church,  a  master  bridge  player  and  avid  golfer.  The  entire  family  gathered  for  a  Memorial  Service  and  celebration  of  her  life  in  Cha-­ tham  in  January.   She  left  her  son  Harry  and  his  wife  Bonnie,   and  daughter  Lynne  and  her  husband  Bill  Combs,  sister  Jane  Gross,  6  grandchildren  and  10  great Â



grandchildren.  Said  Lynne,  â€œShe  always  said  that  she  had  an  arrangement  with  the  Lord  to  die  in  her  sleep.  Most  importantly  she  left  us  with  a  tradition  of  family  bonds  that  will  be  an  everlasting  legacy.â€?

#4781  Norris  â€œBudâ€?  Osborn  died  on  January  23,  2013  at  age  94  in  Niska-­ yuna,  NY.   Bud  exemplified  the  Camp  Dudley  motto:  â€˜The  other  fellow  first.’   His  love  for  the  outdoors  and  the  Adirondack  Mountains,  and  his  sense  of  adven-­ ture  touched  many  people  throughout  his  life.   Bud  is  survived  by  his  wife  June,  children  #13310  Dorothy,  #10815  Minott,  #11411  Christopher,  and  five  grandchildren.  Bud  was  intro-­ duced  to  Dudley  by  his  father,#643  Minott  A.  Osborn,  who  edited  the  volume:  Camp  Dudley,  The  First  50  Years.   Bud  was  passionate  about  Dudley.  As  a  leader,  in  the  1930s,  he  was  in  charge  of  hiking  and  woodcraft  at  the  Hike  Hut.  One  summer,  a  friend  wanted  to  at-­ tend  camp  but  did  not  have  the  money,  so  Bud  went  to  Chief  Beckman  and  asked  if  he  could  send  this  friend  to  camp  in  lieu  of  his  pay.   Chief  accepted  the  deal  and  Bud  stayed  in  touch  with  that  friend  for  many  years.  After  graduating  from  Yale  University  in  1940,  Bud  served  in  the  Army  Air  Corps  with  tours  of  duty  in  Egypt,  India,  and  Bahrain.  He  moved  to  south  Florida  in  the  1950s  and  raised  his  family,  returning  every  sum-­ mer  to  his  beloved  Adirondacks  and  the  family  cabin  on  Canada  Lake.   After  retiring  at  age  60,  he  and  June  traveled  the  world.  In  early  2000,  they  moved  back  to  upstate  New  York.   Bud  always  cherished  Camp  Dud-­ ley  and  attended  many  reunions  over  the  years.

#4825  M.  Beckett  Howorth,  Jr.,  MD,  died  October  31,  2012  in  Oxford,  MS,  at  the  age  of  89.  Born  in  Memphis,  Dr.  Howorth  grew  up  in  New  York  City,  and  attended  Dudley  from  1931-­35.  He  attended  Princeton  and  U.  Mississippi  and  medical  school  at  the  U.  Mississippi  and  Vanderbilt  University,  where  he  received  his  M.D.  in  1946.  He  married  Mary  Hart-­ well  Bishop  in  1944,  served  the  U.S.  Navy  until  1949, Â

Obituaries then  moved  to  Marks,  MS,  where  he  was  a  general  practitioner.  In  1953,  Dr.  Howorth  began  a  surgical  residency  at  the  Veterans  Hospital  in  Memphis,  staying  10  years  practicing  surgery  and  teaching  at  U.  Tennes-­ see  Medical  School.  In  1963,  Oxford  built  the  Baptist  Memorial  Hospital  â€”  North  Mississippi.  Dr.  Howorth  became  the  town’s  first  board-­certified  surgeon  to  help  establish  the  town  as  a  medical  center,  staying  until  1987.  In  retirement,  Dr.  Howorth  served  the  hospital  as  Medical  Director  and  the  Oxford  School  District  as  a  board  member.  He  was  a  member  of  the  American  College  of  Surgeons,  the  Rotary  Club  of  Oxford,  and  the  First  Presbyterian  Church  of  Oxford.  Mrs.  Ho-­ worth  died  in  2004.  He  leaves  five  sons:  #9232  David  (Martha),  Beckett,  III  (Mary  Hartwell),  Richard  (Lisa),  Tom  (Dorothy),  and  Andy  (widower  of  Susan),  all  of  Oxford,  twelve  grandchildren;  one  sister,  Sev  of  Santa  )H 10 D QHSKHZ 'DYLG +HQWRQ RI $XVWLQ 7; DQG four  great-­grandchildren.

health  and  welfare  of  all  animals  and  the  environment  of  planet  Earth.  He  is  survived  by  his  children,  Torre  Peterson  of  Manassas,  VA;  Pia  Peterson  Senior  (Eric)  of  Jamestown,  and  Per  Bengt  Peterson  (Linda)  of  Jamestown  and  five  grandchildren.  He  was  predeceased  by  his  sons,  Erik  Anders  (1948)  and  Erik  Christopher  (2004). Â

#5504  Arthur  V.  Savage,  86,  died  on  December  26,  2012.  At  camp  in  the  1930s-­40s,  and  a  member  of  the  Dudley  Board  of  Managers  from  1959-­63  and  1973-­ 77,  Art  was  born  in  NYC  and  lived  in  Pelham,  NY.  A  graduate  of  Phillips  Exeter  Academy  (1944),  he  served Â

#4920  Russell  Francis  Peterson,  90,  died  on  February  22,  2013  in  James-­ town,  RI,  surrounded  by  loving  family.  He  was  born  in  Montclair,  NJ,  in  1922  and  was  the  husband  of  the  late  Barbara  Burns  Peterson.  Rus-­ sell  grew  up  in  Cedar  Grove,  NJ  and  attended  Dudley  from  1931-­33.  He  graduated  from  The  Tilton  School  in  New  Hampshire  in  1940,  attending  Harvard  Uni-­ versity  until  enlisting  in  the  U.S.  Army  during  World  War  II.  After  the  war,  he  graduated  from  the  College  of  Charleston.  Russ  began  his  career  in  the  museum  field  first  in  Charlotte,  NC,  then  Charleston,  SC  and   Locust,  NJ.  He  was  a  staff  mammalogist  with  the  Amer-­ ican  Museum  of  Natural  History  in  NY  leading  scien-­ tific  expeditions  to  Australia  and  Papua,  New  Guinea.  A  member  of  the  Explorer’s  Club  in  New  York  City,  he  was  a  naturalist,  illustrator  and  author  of  numerous  books  on  natural  history.  He  and  his  family  moved  WR -DPHVWRZQ LQ ZKHUH KH HQMR\HG VDLOLQJ WHQ-­ nis  and  tending  his  â€˜gentlemen’s  farm’  of  horses  and  sheep.  He  was  always  passionately  involved  with  the Â

Art  Savage  and  Willie  Schmidt  on  the  Witherbee  Stage  in  the  1940s.

in  the  US  Naval  Reserve  from  1944-­46,  and  was  sta-­ tioned  in  Japan  as  part  of  the  post-­war  occupation.  He  received  a  BA  from  Princeton  University  (1948)  and  a  JD  from  Harvard  Law  School  (1952).  Art  practiced  law  in  NYC  for  over  60  years.  Apart  from  private  practice,  he  was  an  Assistant  US  Attorney  for  the  Southern  District  of  New  York  from  1957  to  1961.  Among  his  professional  activities,  Art  was  First  Chairman  of  the  NY  Bar  Association’s  Special  Committee  on  Environ-­ mental  Law.  At  the  time  of  his  death  he  was  of  coun-­ sel  to  Patton,  Eakins,  Lipsett,  Martin  &  Savage.  Said  #6581  Berk  Johnson,  â€œArt  was  the  lawyer  the  Board  of  Managers  chose  for  a  critical  task,   to  incorporate  Camp  Dudley  as  an  independent  YMCA,  involved  in  SPRING  2013


Obituaries arranging  our  separation  from  the  NY  State  Executive  Committee.  As  a  leader  in  the  1940s,  Art  was  a  promi-­ nent  player  on  the  Dudley  Stage,  a  principal  in  all  the  Gilbert  and  Sullivan  productions  of  that  era,  as  well  as  the  Big  Shows.â€?  For  more  than  half  a  century  Art  Sav-­ age  served  many  public  and  private  organizations  that  helped  shape  environmental  and  conservation  policies  and  practices  in  NY.  Said  Adirondack  Life  Magazine,  â€œWith  degrees  from  Princeton  and  Harvard  and  an  Adirondack  pedigree  that  traced  back  to  the  Hand  family  of  Elizabethtown,  Arthur  V.  Savage  was  destined  to  make  his  mark  on  the  park.  He  did.â€?  Added  the  $GLURQGDFN $OPDQDFN Âł$UWKXU SOD\HG D PDMRU UROH LQ the  AMR’s  (“AMReserveâ€?)  sale  of  9,000  acres  to  the  state  which  incorporated  the  summits  of  the  follow-­ ing  mountains  into  the  Forest  Preserve’s  High  Peaks  Wilderness  Area:  Armstrong,  Basin,  Blake,  Colvin,  Dial,  Gothics,  Haystack,  Lower  Wolf  Jaw,  Saddleback,  Sawteeth,  Upper  Wolf  Jaw  â€“  these  being  the  last  of  the  46  mountains  4000  ft.  or  higher  not  yet  in  public  ownership.â€?        He  is  survived  by  his  wife  of  54  years,  Harriet  â€œHatâ€?  Boyd  Hawes;  his  four  children,  Richard  Savage,  Eliza-­ beth  Wright,  Sarah  Christie,  and  Katherine  Schulze;  nine  grandchildren;  and  his  sisters,  Susan  Speers  and  Serena  Baum.  Said  former  Board  Chairman  Tom  Can-­ ning,  â€œArt  was  a  great  asset  to  Dudley  and  to  the  Ad-­ irondacks.  He  was  a  loyal  Dudleyite,  making  it  to  both  the  Dudley  Family  Campaign  event  at  the  Yale  Club  in  2005,  and  the  â€œBoard  Emeritusâ€?  luncheon  during  the  125th  celebration.â€?   (See  related  article  @www.campdud-­ Â

#6270  Walter  E.  Veghte,  Jr.,  85,  of  Audu-­ bon,  PA,  and  Vero  Beach,  Fla,  a  retired  insurance  executive,  died  after  a  brief  battle  with  cancer,  at  home,  on  Thursday,  Aug.  30,  2012.  Walter  grew  up  in  Upper  Montclair,  N.J.,  attended  Choate  School  and  Trinity  College  in  Hartford,  Conn.  During  World  War  II,  he  served  in  the  Navy  aboard  ships  in  the  Pacific.  Walter  was  with  the  Insurance  Company  of  North  America  in  New  York  and  Philadelphia  for  24  years.  In  1973  he Â



MRLQHG 7RZHUV 3HUULQ )RUVWHU DQG &URVE\ EHRPLQJ a  Vice  President  and  Director  of  the  firm   until  his  retirement  in  1989.  He  married  Ann  Howell  in  1952,  and  they  lived  in  Strafford,  PA,  and  Shannondell,  PA.   :DOWHU SDUWLFXODUO\ HQMR\HG IDPLO\ WULSV WR $YDORQ NJ,  Skytop  and  Bermuda.  Walter  leaves  his  wife  of  60  years,  his  children:  Walter  III  and  wife  Lisbeth,  James  and  wife  Stephanie,  Shelley  Heaberg  and  husband  Mi-­ chael;  and  his  9  grandchildren  two  of  whom  â€”  #18457  Colin  Heaburg  and  #18757  Thomas  Veghte  attended  Dudley.

#6922  John  Lawrence  Mars  DeCesare,  78,  of  Cape  Elizabeth,  ME,  formerly  of  Summit,  New  Jersey,  passed  away  on  Saturday,  March  24,  2012,  in  Scarborough,  ME,   surrounded  by  his  loving  family.  John  was  born  in  1933  in  Elizabeth,  New  Jersey.  He  came  to  Dudley  for  the  first  time  in  1944.   He  at-­ tended  Pingry  School  in  Elizabeth,  NJ  and  graduated  from  Pennington  High  School,  Class  of  1952,  enroll-­ ing  at  Bucknell  College.  During  the  summer  months,  he  worked  for  the  Merchant  Marines.  In  1954,  Larry  entered  the  military,  serving  with  the  U.S.  Army  from  1954-­1956  with  Honorable  Discharge.  Following  his  military  service,  he  enrolled  at  New  York  Traffic  Academy,  earning  a  B.A.  in  Transportation.  Larry  was  employed  by  Reckitt  &  Benckiser  as  a  Distribution  Manager  for  30  years.  He  is  survived  by  his  wife  of  50  years,  Virginia  Earl  DeCesare;  his  daughter  Nancy  Anne  Lawrence  of  Portland,  OR;  his  son  Frederick  Bruce  DeCesare  and  wife  Lisa  Clark  of  Summit,  NJ;  his  son  Lawrence  Earl  DeCesare  and  wife  Susan  of  South  Portland,  ME;  his  daughter  Joan  Lander  Craig  and  husband  Scott  of  Wantagh,  NY,  13  grandchildren  and  a  large  extended  family. Â

#6925  Willard  â€œBudâ€?  Wassell,  79,   passed  away  on  November  9,  2012.  Born  in  Mt.  Vernon,  N.Y.  on  Jan.  28,  1933,  Bud  was  a  retired  supervi-­ sor  at  Rouge  Steel,  originally  part  of  the  Ford  Motor  Company,  which  created  an  integrated  manufacturing  FRPSOH[ WR SURGXFH DOO PDMRU YHKLFOH FRPSRQHQWV DW

Obituaries RQH ODUJH IDFLOLW\ FDOOHG 7KH 5RXJH +H HQMR\HG VSHQG-­ ing  time  with  family  and  watching  sports.  He  was  mar-­ ried  for  54  years  to  his  wife,  Ann.  His  children  were  Thomas  (Cindy)  Wassell  and  Tracy  (Jim)  Favaro,  and  he  was  the  grandfather  of  five.  They  lived  in  Livonia,  MI.  Said  his  wife  Ann,  â€œBud  was  at  Camp  in  the  1940s  and  remembered  Dudley  as  a  really  fun  place  to  be.â€?

#8152  Anton  â€œTonyâ€?  Prach,  of  Belmont,  MA,  passed  away  on  February  1,  2013.  Husband  of  the  late  (August,  2000)  Maria  Sot-­ kiv  Prach,  Tony  began  his  cooking  career  at  the  Emma  Willard  School  in  Troy,  New  York  and  subsequently  became  a  chef  at  Harvard  University  and  was  at  Camp  Dudley  from  1950-­1993.  He  is  survived  by  his  son,  #10851  David  Prach  of  Sud-­ bury,  MA,  his  daughter,  Diana  Prach  of  Belmont,  MA,  Michael  Bartnowski  of  Mattapoisett,  MA,  and  grand-­ son,  Michael  â€œChipâ€?  Bartnowski  of  Lunenburg,  MA.  Tony  had  an  army  of  Dudley  friends.  Said   Mike  Mc-­ Cutcheon,  â€œWhat  a  great  long  life.  I  will  always  remem-­ ber  him  and  his  cooking.â€?   Said  Whit  Rutter,  â€œWhen  I  remember  Tony,  the  second  thing  that  comes  to  mind  DIWHU KLV FRQVWDQW VPLOH ZDV D IDYRULWH MRNH UK\PH of  his  whose  punch  line  (“wid  or  widout?â€?)  became  a  frequent  substitute  for  â€œhi.â€?  And  then  there  was  â€œwhat  a  peach!â€?    Said  Rich  Maxwell,  â€œA  Dudley  legend  has  passed.  Who  can  forget  that  wonderful  smile?   Rest  in  peace  Tony.â€?   Said  Ward  West,  â€œA  truly  likable  guy  who  loved  Dudley.  Always  happy  to  provide  extra  rations  for  a  canoe  trip.â€?

Thomas  B.  Simpson,  Jr.  passed  away  at  the  age  of  91  in  Vero  Beach,  FL.  The  father  of   #9663  Tom  B.  Simpson  III,   he  was  born  in  White  Plains,  NY.  He  graduated  from  the  Trinity-­Pawling  School  and  Babson  College.  During  World  War  II  he  served  in  the  8 6 $UP\ $GMXWDQW *HQHUDOœV

Corps  in  Panama.  In  1946  he  married  Barbara  Din-­ smore  of  Brooklyn,  NY,  living  in  Hartsdale,  NY  and  then  for  50  years  in  New  Canaan,  CT.  Tom  was  Presi-­ dent  of  R.  Simpson  &  Company  in  New  York  City,  a  family  business  founded  by  relatives  from  England  in  7RP HQMR\HG RXWGRRU DFWLYLWLHV LQFOXGLQJ VDLO-­ boat  racing  and  horseback  riding,  flowers  and  garden-­ ing  with  Barbara.  He  was  a  member  of  the  Camp  Fire  Club  of  America,  the  New  Canaan  YMCA  and  the  Indian  Guide  Program.  Tom  was  an  active  member  of  the  New  Canaan  Congregational  Church  and  the  Community  Church  of  Vero  Beach.  Tom’s  happiest  times  were  with  his  family.  In  addition  to  his  wife  Bar-­ bara  of  66  years,  he  is  survived  by  his  children;  Marga-­ ret  (Peg)  S.  Salmon  and  husband  Bob,  #9663  Thomas  B.  Simpson  III  and  wife  Betsy,  and  Anne  S.  Castelline  and  husband  Dave  and  five  grandchildren. Â

#9733  Jonathan  Newell  Achilles,  63,  died  January  7,  2013  after  an  extended  illness.  Born  in  1949  in  Cambridge,  MA,  he  grew  up  in  Middleburg,  Virginia,  where  his  father  was  the  English  Department  Head  at  Foxcroft  School.  He  spent  summers  at  Dudley  in  1961-­62  and  in  Weekapaug,  RI,  where  his  family  had  vacationed  for  more  than  100  years.  He  attended  the  Hill  School  in  Middleburg,   Middlesex  School  in  Concord,  MA,  graduating  from  Darrow  School,  in  New  Lebanon,  NY,  in  1967.  After  attending  U.  Denver,  Jon  travelled  the  country  before  coming  back  to  Middleburg  where  he  had  a  tree  surgery  ser-­ vice.  He  then  travelled  abroad,  searching  for  gold  in  Nicaragua,  working  on  oil  rigs  in  the  North  Sea,  and  as  a  partner  for  Avance  Inc.  in  Cape  Town,  South  Africa.  Jon   moved  to  Rappahannock  Country  in  1989  with  his  wife,  the  former  Nancy  Sheffield  Gerrity  of  Loud-­ onville,  NY.  They  reconstructed  an  18th  century  log  cabin  near  Shenandoah  National  Park,  where  he  and  his  family  made  their  livelihood.  He  worked  for  the  Post  Office,  the  Naked  Mountain  Vineyard,  and  the  Williams  Apple  Orchard.  His  interests  included  work-­ ing  outside,  socializing,  current  events  and  his  family.  SPRING  2013


Obituaries In addition to his wife, he is survived by their two sons, #18847 Colin Van Buren Achilles, and #19467 Trevor McKee Achilles, two sisters; a brother; several in-­laws, nieces, and nephews. Jon loved Camp Dudley. One of the hymns played at his funeral was “You’ll Never Walk Alone,” a Dudley classic played every Sunday night at Witherbee Hall.

Shirley P. Dinsmore, 79, of Moravian Village, Bethle-­ hem, PA, passed away at home on July 19, 2012. She was the wife of the late Thomas L. Dinsmore, who died in 1985. Born in Northern New Jersey, she moved to Bethlehem in 1965. Shirley was a volunteer at St. Luke’s Hospital for over 20 years, on the Childrens Theater Board, a mem-­ ber of Bethlehem Junior Womens Club and Lehigh 8QLYHUVLW\ :RPHQV &OXE 6KH HQMR\HG WUDYHOLQJ WKH states and spent many happy summers in Vermont and Lake Mohawk, NJ. Shirley was a devoted wife, mother, and grandmother who loved spending time with her family and friends. She was a member of Wesley United Methodist Church in Bethlehem. She leaves her son, #10626 Peter Dinsmore and his wife Sally of Ellicott City, MD; daughter, #13287 Lynn Dinsmore Kelly and her husband Paul of Orefield, PA, and four grandchildren. Hey! What’s that box?

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#13753 Kevin Dean Grinwis died unexpect-­ edly February 24, 2013, at his home in Elizabethtown, NY. He was born in Plattsburgh, NY, November 27, 1972, the son of Paul Grinwis and Mary Jackson Grinwis. Kevin came to Dudley in 1984 as a Cub and continued at Camp through 1987. He graduated from Elizabethtown Lewis Central School in 1991. He attended Colby College and graduated Phi Beta Kappa, Cum Laude from Skidmore College in 1996. In 2006, he earned an MBA in finance from Boston University. Kevin worked for Cobalt Group in Seattle, WA, Equity Residential in Ft. Lauderdale, FL, Omni Development in Albany, and most recently, Egglefield Ford in Raybrook, NY. Kevin was a wonderful son who was most at home in the Adirondacks that he dearly loved. He will be deeply missed by his family and his many loving friends. In addition to his parents, he is survived by his brother, Jeffrey Grinwis of Edmeston, NY, and numer-­ ous aunts, uncles, and cousins.

Enjoy Dudley Publications Online Now, The Last Whistle, The Spirit and The Camp Dudley News are all available to read by going to ZZZ FDPSGXGOH\ RUJ FDPS LQIRUPDWLRQ SXEOLFD-­ tions, AND — we’re updating our FACEBOOK, Twitter, Linked In, and blog pages daily. Join in the discussion, connect with old pals and find out which Dudley and Kiniya gathering is coming up next!

For more information on the articles in this issue of the CD News, } ÊÌ ÊÜÜÜ°V> «`Õ` iÞ° À}ÉL ÕÃ

A New Initiative for Dudley — The Middlebury Outdoor Pavilion This proposed Outdoor Pavilion would allow the entire Dudley community of 500 campers, leaders and staff to gather outside, under the “Dudley Dome,” for theatrical, musical and film/movie productions during the summer. Many campers would have their first opportunity to perform in an “outdoor summer theater.” Location: Immediately in front of the existing Plebe Institute, on route to Swim Point. The naturally sloping bank would provide perfect seating and lake views toward this outdoor stage. Design: Preliminary sketches, provided by Architect Michael Bolster of Wisconsin, call for an open design and an Adirondack lean-to style building with a shed roof. The proposed building would have a covered stage, an uncovered front staging area, removable at

the end of the summer, and a storage area behind. As conceived, the building would have peeled log columns extending all the way to the stage floor, keeping the Dudley style. The roof sides would be open. The stage would be approximately 20 feet front-to-back and 30 feet side-to-side. The Pavilion would house a sound and projector system, large screen, and lighting system. Support: This project has been initiated by Middlebury and Dudley Alumni as a way to collaborate on a wonderful project for Dudley. These alums have given generously to initiate funding this structure. Now its time for others committed to developing the performing arts talent in our boys to join the campaign! If you are interested in more details, please contact Dave Langston,

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Construction LÞÊÊ ÎÎÊ Lʺ ÌÊ >``ÞÊ7>}ûÊ7>} iÀÊ > `Ê `` iLÕÀÞʼÇÓ

Our Goal $200,000 — Current Pledges $85,000 Funded by the Alumni of Middlebury College, Dudley, and other friends. Ready for the summer of 2014! Be part of this special initiative at Camp Dudley!

CAMP DUDLEY YMCA, INC. 126 Dudley Road Westport, NY 12993-1700


PAID Pittsfield, MA Permit #121

Join us in Westport for the August 22-­25 CDA Reunion celebrating our 129th season!

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