The Cameron Universitiy Collegian: October 11, 2004

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Monday, October 11 11,, 2004


Informing the Cameron Family Since 1926

Local youth gather to celebrate faith at rally By Laura Brady Staff Writer

Political candidates face off in attempt to sway new voters to pick their side Nov. 2 PLEASE SEE PAGE 4


Visiting poet brings everyday experiences to life and shares them with others Thursday PLEASE SEE PAGE 7


Volume 78 Issue 6

“One Day, with One Message, and One Stand,” was the goal for the Fields of Faith rally held last week at Cameron. The rally encouraged local junior high and high school students to attend and participate in Fields of Faith. However, Cameron wasn’t the only location of the rally; many communities throughout Oklahoma and Texas also held rallies. According to Patrick Morford, the Youth Director for First United Methodist Church of Lawton, the rallies started a few years ago. Now they are really expanding. The idea for Fields of Faith began after the success of Jesus T-Shirt Day. In 2000, a coach and youth pastor in Lawton decided to organize a day where everyone wore the same T-shirt that carried one message. After students and faculty from local junior high and high schools repeatedly sported the Tshirt for three years, the idea for Fields of Faith was sparked. Currently, the strategies of the rally include: promoting the event with area churches, wearing the known T-shirts on the day of the rally, and gathering at a local athletic field for the rally.

The community gathering was held at Cameron because it is a familiar location, and provided a neutral rally point. Local junior high and high school students joined together and wore the T-shirt on the day of the rally, encouraging other teens to attend the event by using the powerful visual tool. The T-shirt was also a natural invitation to the rally that night. The premise of the event was to bring people together at one time in a no-nonsense setting, read selected scripture and challenge those present to renew their commitment to God. According to Morford, it was an opportunity for students to join together and make a statement. The basic parts of the rally included testimonies from “impact students” and “impact adults.” The “impact students” were leaders from their campuses who shared a message about the power of the scriptures in their lives. The “impact adults” were members from the community who followed up with a short word of encouragement, a brief invitation and a Twenty-One Days with God challenge. The rally came to a conclusion after everyone received a contemporary version of scripture entitled The Message from Navpress.

Photo by Angela Sanders

Speaking out: Katrina Littau, Central Junior High student, speaks at the Fields of Faith Youth Rally Oct. 6.

Library implements new security for books By Scott Pratt Staff Writer

Violence in sports: common necessity for entertainment or vulgar attempt to gather an audience? PLEASE SEE PAGE 9


Growing debt for college students raises concerns for understanding the impact of credit cards PLEASE SEE PAGE 2

Office: Nance-Boyer 2060 Phone: 580•581•2261 E-mail us at : First Copy Free - $.25 for each additional copy Contents © The Collegian 2004

The new radio frequency in the Cameron Library cannot be heard, but that doesn’t mean there are no benefits to it. The Cameron Library has a new security and cataloging system. Radio Frequency Identity is new to CU this semester. The system is in place to allow for a better cataloging system as well as to provide an update to the current security system at the library. The RFID system revolves around a small computer chip which is placed inside the book. The chip allows library staff to quickly KRT Campus scan books at check out, make sure the books are in correct order in the stacks and be secure that a good system is in place to prevent theft. On Sept. 28, Assistant Professor M. Afzal, head of collection services, led the inauguration of the new system. “This system will help us to protect and secure our library material,” Afzal said. “This process will also ensure equal access to our print collection for all library users.” The new system has many features the current system does not have. Workers at the circulation desk will be able to check out more than one book at a time by placing the books in a stack where the all of the chips in them can be read at one time. Eventually, self-checkout for library books and materials will be an option. The

Please see SECURITY, Page 5

Photo by Aaron Gilbee

You got somethin’ to say? Members of the Speech and Debate Team take a break from preparing for their next round of competitions to pose for a shot together. Many students juggle work, home and school in addition to being a part of the team.

Talkative natures go a long way for speech students By Petulah Olibert Staff Writer Cameron University’s speech and debate team is ready to tackle the competition. A few weeks ago at a speech debate held in Wyoming, Sarah Collins, speech communications junior, won first place in Communication Analysis. It was a ten-minute speech, which required her to critique a persuasive artifact. She chose to assess a baseball memorial. Collins also placed third in the persuasive speaking division of the debate. Collins said she was always very vocal. She competed frequently at debates in high school and thought of doing nothing else since she entered college. According to Collins, her participation in debates has greatly improved her critical thinking skills as well as her ability to speak articulately, to listen inventively, to persuade,

and most importantly, to study. Within the debate forum, Collins has secured a number of first place wins. She wants to coach speech and debate — to be “another Mr. Allison,” she said. But speech is no easy road. Besides a twohour practice on Tuesdays and Thursdays, Collins schedules time to research topics and to practice every evening in addition to her course study load. “In essence, I put in about 40 hours of speech time weekly,” she said. “But it pays off. I love it.” Zach Fort is another aspiring speaker, currently a speech education junior. Fort placed fourth in a dramatic interpretation of a literary play. This year’s debate team is made up of

Please see SPEECH, Page 5



October 11, 2004

Alcohol poisoning takes young lives Most young people in our society envision a future with a successful career, a family or other dreams to be fulfilled. The years that lay ahead of a young person give him or her the time to make plans, to aspire and to work toward goals. It is distressing to see a young person shatter goals and destroy the hope of a fulfilling future for trying to be accepted by a group of people. While some in the world are dying of starvation, a certain few are dying of alcohol poisoning. News sources reveal that in less than a month, four alcohol poisoning deaths have occurred within fraternity settings. One of those took place in Norman where an OU Sigma Chi pledge died Sept. 30. That 19-year-old man lost any possibility of establishing a future, of making a difference in the world; he is just gone. Although illegal in most states, hazing is still a concern in many fraternities and sororities. Proofs of the devastating consequences of hazing are the deaths of these four college students within weeks of each other. Even though such deaths are more likely to occur at larger universities, smaller universities, such as Cameron, are not immune to such tragedies. The same situation could have happened here on our campus, and without a doubt, it would shock the whole Cameron community. With Cameron’s recruitment efforts being geared toward more traditional-aged students, more young people will be making our campus their home away from home. With the increasing number of young adults, instructional sessions on safe alcohol drinking must take place. Although the four recent deaths have occurred within fraternity groups, fraternities are not the only settings where youngsters are dying of alcohol-related causes. Social drinking by young, inexperienced drinkers often results in over-consumption in a sort of competition as to who can handle the most and still function, notwithstanding the acceptance the behavior seems to afford. The Collegian’s Editorial Board believes that when anyone decides to

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What is your experience with credit cards?

Graphic by Leah Hicks

drink, he or she must do so in moderation and with responsibility. We feel compelled to address this issue and to encourage all people to make wise and informed decisions. We are losing individuals of our generation who could be alive and actively constructing a life and building a better future. Life is a precious gift; don’t let alcohol take it away from you. — The Editorial Board


Flee from debt: Writer shares credit card experience

Shortly after I graduated from high school I began to receive phone calls, letters, Scott Pratt and e-mails hounding me to sign up for credit cards. I would always turn the telemarketers down, throw away the letters and erase the e-mails. But for some reason I signed up for a card one day thinking, “This will be a good way for me to establish my credit. I will only use it a little bit and then I will pay it off every time I do use it.” That lasted about a month. I started college and stopped working at my summer job. I had been making good money for a 19-year-old fresh out of high school, and I was able to

pay off almost one more month. I let my payment date for the next month come and go, and I did the same for the next two months. I didn’t have the money anymore to pay my card off completely and now the finance charges were piling up, and I started to get worried. I know I should have paid it off as soon as I could or at least made the effort to do so. I was just stupid and thought I could save the money and pay it off all at once. I have a horrible credit rating now. When I worked at JC Penney I could not even get approved for a card there. Though my situation is unique to me, these circumstances are not unfamiliar to college students. Establishing credit is a must for college students because it will allow them to buy a car or a house, get an apartment, or any number of other things that one wants when they don’t have the money for it. Having credit can also lead to debt. It can lead to situations like

Eddie Shaw Physical Ed. sophomore “I donʼt mess with credit cards. Iʼm not trying to get in debt”

mine where you are in school and don’t have the money to pay it off immediately. The finance charges can build up and before you know it you’re $1,000 credit balance is now at $2,500, and you haven’t used your card in a year. Student loans are a wonderful resource for students. However, they do account for the large quantity of debt college students rack up. As soon as you graduate, you start paying them back. Hopefully the interest rate is low so the loans don’t eat away too much at that new salary. I know some people who have over $20,000 in student loan debt. Some of them have been out of college for some time and their student debt is just like another payment, such as a car, or a mortgage. They have it under control. I also know others who hate themselves for getting into debt and not learning how to get out.

Franklin Dieudonne Accounting senior “Itʼs hard for international students to get credit cards.”

Credit counseling and debt management resources are available now. There are ways to get out of debt even as a college student. Learning to manage money should be one of the most important things learned in college. What good is that degree and the salary we get with it if we don’t know how to manage that salary? College students should be aware of what they are getting into with credit cards and loans. Both of them are valuable resources if they are managed correctly. Both of them can also cause a great deal of stress for a long time if not managed properly.

Paulina Trujillo Bus. Mgmt. senior “I donʼt have a credit card. Iʼm scared of debt.”

Scott is a public relations junior from Lawton. He is also a staff writer and photographer for The Collegian. Send comments to

Terri Poahway Speech Comm. junior “I have a decent experience with credit cards, but I stay away from store cards.”

Guang Sun Grad. Business “I like debit cards; I donʼt like debt.”


COLLEGIAN Founded in 1926 veritas sempiterna

Editorial Board Managing Editor - Anna Politano News Editor - Jennie Hanna Copy Editor - Lisa Snider A&E Editor - Angela Sanders Sports Editor - Joshua Rouse Features Editor - Angela Gradoz Graphic Artist - Leah Hicks Newsroom Staff Business Manager - Rosana Navas Financial Officer - Susan Hill Cartoonist - Thomas Pruitt Staff Writers Laura Brady, Christina Frye, Petulah Olibert, Scott Pratt, Faculty Adviser Christopher Keller

Newswriting Students Emily Archer, Sharicka Brackens, Kelli Colbenson, Krystal Deak, Daniel Evans, Cara Garza, Aaron M. Gilbee, Ekeama S.Goddard, Jennifer Hardy, Teri Hillier, Dawn Holt, Kathleen Kelly, Jessica P. Lane, Kari Lewis, Justin Liszeski, Ian Mitchell, Sonya Ray, Ekayah Rosete, Lauren Slate, Tiffany Soto, Tauren Thompson, Bonnie Tomahsah, Sarah Warren About Us The official student newspaper of Cameron University, The Cameron University Collegian is available each Monday during the year. It is printed by the Times Record News in Wichita Falls, Texas.

Letters Policy Letters to the editor will be printed in the order in which they are received and on a space available basis. The Collegian reserves the right to edit all letters for content and length. Letters should be no more than 250 words. Letters from individual authors will be published only once every four weeks. All letters from students should include first and last names, classification and major. No nicknames will be used. Letters from people outside the Cameron community should include name, address and phone number for verification. Letters can be sent via mail or e-mail, or they may be dropped off at our office.

Our Views The opinions expressed in The Collegian pages or personal columns are those of the signed author. The unsigned editorial under the heading “Our Voice” represents the opinion of the majority of the editorial board. The opinions expressed in The Collegian do not necessarily represent those of Cameron University or the state of Oklahoma.


October 11, 2004


Student Union receives wireless accessibility By Kathleen Kelly Newswriting student What do the bench areas outside of the Cameron University Library and Nance-Boyer Hall, and the seating areas inside and outside of Clarence Davis Student Union all have in common? Thanks to CU’s Information Technology Services’ staff, these locations offer wireless fidelity, known as Wi-Fi, hotspots, providing students, faculty and guests with the ability to access the Internet without cords or cables. Information Technology Services’ purpose is to support CU’s technology needs. Debbie Goode, director of ITS, is committed to

enhancing the academic environment of CU students. “We believe this expanded network availability will enhance the learning experience that Cameron students receive and will serve as a convenience to them,” she said. Heather Lazaroff, who represents Chi Alpha on CU’s Student Government Association, said that wireless access is convenient. “Being able to do research in the Student Union without having to go to the library makes wireless access a huge convenience,” Lazaroff said. “I’m hoping the dorms go wireless.” Misty Sissom, criminal justice major, worked in the library last year and noticed students trying

State Rep to speak at CU Convocation Collegian Staff State Representative Jari Askins will address Cameron University’s faculty and students during Academic Convocation at 10 a.m. Oct. 15. Convocation has celebrated Cameron’s dedication to academic excellence for nearly a quarter century. The event is highlighted by musical performances and colorful pageantry. In the academic procession, faculty and staff in academic regalia arrive behind a banner graphically depicting their respective disciplines. Honor students selected from each discipline carry the banners. The honored guests at Convocation are Cameron’s students themselves. Honors and scholarship students will receive special recognition for their academic achievements. A longtime CU supporter, Askins will deliver the Convocation keynote address. During the event, President Cindy Ross will present her with Cameron’s 2005 Distinguished Service Award, the university’s highest honor. The recognition honors Askins’ past contributions Courtesy Photo and her initiation and leadership in the passage of House Rep. Jari Askins Bill 2624, which designated the Duncan Higher Education Center as a branch campus of CU. The bill was signed by Governor Brad Henry last spring and was effective July 1. The designation formalizes Cameron’s longtime relationship with Duncan and provides a structure to increase the number of college graduates and enhances economic development in Southwest Oklahoma. Askins, a native of Duncan, has been involved in public service through work in both the judicial and legislative branches of government. She has served as special district judge for the District Court of Stephens County. In 1991, she was appointed to the Pardon and Parole Board and was promptly voted chairman. Re-elected as chairman the following year, Askins eventually served as the board’s executive director. She has also served as deputy general counsel to the governor. On the legislative side, Askins was elected in 1994 from District 50 in Stephens County. She was named vice-chairman of the criminal justice committee that year. Upon re-election in 1996, she was moved to serve as chairman of the newly created government operations and agency oversight committee and was selected assistant majority floor leader. Elected to her third term in 1998, Askins chaired the subcommittee for judiciary and law enforcement appropriations and was named to then House Speaker Loyd Benson’s leadership team. In 2000, she was named to Speaker-elect Larry Adair’s leadership team and appointed to the new position of deputy floor leader. In addition, Askins was selected in 2001 to chair the National Conference of State Legislators’ criminal justice committee. On March 6, 2003, the House Democratic caucus and Jari Askins made history when she was selected as the first woman caucus designee for Speaker of the House. Convocation will also function as the opening event in Cameron’s annual alumni weekend. Highlights of the weekend include campus tours, a barbecue dinner and dance, and the presentation of this year’s CUAA Faculty Hall of Fame and Distinguished Alumni awards.

to access the Internet by plugging laptops into data drives on library equipment. “People constantly tried to hook their computers into the library data ports. If more students know about wireless access, I think they’ll really use it,” she said. In order to connect to the network, a wireless access card must be installed in the laptop or PDA. Cards may be purchased at a number of Web sites including and Cost ranges from $80 to $110 per card. Instructions for using the wireless network are posted on the CU Web site at Wireless Internet access offers CU students opportunities for re-

search, entertainment and communication. It also presents users with the temptation to infringe on the rights of others by illegally downloading copyrighted material. Cameron University’s “PC Use Policy” prohibits “violating any software license agreement or copyright, including copying or redistributing copyrighted computer software, data, or

Please see Wi-Fi, Page 4

Photo by Scott Pratt

Navigating the net: Kelly Colbenson, English senior, uses the net wirelessly at the Student Union.



October 11, 2004

Voters’ apathy raises concerns for parties By Lauren Slate Newswriting Student The future of national security, the economy and foreign relations are issues in debate as the November presidential election draws near. Many CU students took advantage of the opportunity to register to vote Sept. 29 and 30 at the Student Activities Building. However, some students may still not be registered, possibly under the perception that his or her vote cannot affect the outcome of political issues. According to Georgia Williams, county chair for the Republican Party, it’s important students vote and start getting involved in the process. The Republican Headquarters welcomes CU student volunteers whether they are registered members of the Republican Party or not. Located on Gore, the headquarters also provides sample ballots so first-time voters will know what to expect on voting day, voter registration forms, forms to change information on existing registration and absentee ballot request forms for civilians and military. “It is important for people to get involved in politics at an early age,” Williams said, “and develop an interest that will keep them active in it.” Sandra Salstrom, communications director for Oklahoma Victory 2004, agrees.

According to Salstrom, college students should get involved because the issues being discussed right now can have major effects on the local and national picture they will be dealing with after they graduate. “Issues such as privacy laws, the make up of the Supreme Court, our foreign relations and national security all will be decided in the coming elections,” Salstrom said. Students can impact the decision of these issues by voting for the candidate that represents their similar views. Oklahoma Victory 2004, the coordinated campaign of the Oklahoma Democratic Party, is doing a number of things to advocate voting in the Lawton community. They have 13 field offices across the state, including one in Lawton. There, they execute their direct voter contact programs, which include door-todoor canvassing, phone-banking and a neighbor-to-neighbor outreach program. “We have a very aggressive GOTV (get out the vote) program aimed at turning out voters to the polls on Election Day,” Salstrom said. Some Cameron students may not be present at the polls this November. According to Edgar Otero, public relations major, although some issues may be relevant to students, a vote will not affect change in them.

“It’s the only way you can get your pencil mark seen and then thrown away,” Otero said. Salstrom commented that when less than half the population takes the time to vote in Presidential elections and even a smaller percentage in local politics, it can be frustrating. She feels that the level of voter apathy in our nation today is cause for concern. “The issues that our politicians deal with affect every one of us, and if we want to see the changes happen that we want, people must be involved,” Salstrom said. “When people complain that the government doesn’t represent them, and then don’t vote, it is a vicious cycle.” Amy Curtin, graphic design major, says people should not complain about political issues if they are not going to try to make a difference. “I think that people don’t take voting seriously, especially the people that complain about the president the most,” Curtin said. Salstrom says that in the political process, politicians create their policies to benefit the people who vote them into office and if young people do not vote, politicians see no need to address the issues that affect young people. She encourages students to get involved if they feel that their voices are not being heard in the political process.

Campus Round-up Convocation to take place Friday

President Ross hosts sessions

Academic Convocation will begin at 10 a.m. Friday in the Fine Arts Courtyard. Speakers for the ceremony will include State Rep. Jari Askins and two student speakers. Faculty and staff processional participants will meet in the grassy area west of Haggar Hall by 9:45 a.m. All honor society students participating should assemble in the area west of the Music Building, also by 9:45 a.m. Honor society students who will be carrying banners will meet Marshall Ferrell at the fountain at 9:15 a.m. At the same time PLUS students who will be ushers should meet Jan Logan, also at the fountain.

Students who would like to speak with President Ross on any issue or concern about university life can do so from 2 to 3 p.m. Oct. 18. These oneon-one sessions are informal and can cover many topics. Those interested should make arrangements to ensure sufficient time by calling 581.2201.

Third chance to get informed Wednesday The third Presidential Debate, from Arizona State University, will be broadcast at 8 p.m. Wednesday by KCCU, located at FM 89.3 and 102.9.

Photo by Anna Politano

Come on down: Ole’ Kim and with Justin White, mathematics senior, help to register Cameron students still needing to get involved and vote in the upcoming state and national elections. The voter registration drive was held Sept. 29-30.

“Volunteer for a candidate you like, or discuss issues with people you know. Most of all, keep informed,” Salstrom said. “Knowing all you can about what is going on helps you keep involved and engaged in the process.

According to Salstrom, no student can say that their vote does not matter. “Every vote counts equally, and the only way yours does not count is if you do not vote at all,” she said.


Continued from Page 3 reports without proper, recorded authorization.” In addition, violating any applicable federal, state or local law is prohibited. Wi-Fi technology has enabled users to access the Internet from bookstores, airports and university campuses. Cameron students Travis Stewart and Vincent Oliveros were sharing Oliveros’ laptop in the Student Union recently. “I’m really excited about Wi-Fi access. I mostly write my papers here and do research. It’s really convenient,” Oliveros said. Debbie Goode hopes to make access even more convenient by providing additional Wi-Fi hotspots on campus. “I hope we receive future requests from our Student Government Association for additional wireless coverage on campus,” Goode said. “In an ever-growing mobile society, it is imperative we provide the infrastructure to support the computing needs of our students.” Clarification: In last week’s Collegian, an article stated the International Club meets bi-weekly at 2:15 p.m. It should have read 12:15 p.m. Please take note of the difference if you wish to attend.

Math Awareness Day inspires interest By Anna Politano Managing Editor Cameron students had the opportunity to appreciate mathematics during Math Awareness Day held on campus Friday. The event took place at the southeast corner of Burch Hall and included a mathematics awareness exhibition, a free pizza lunch, door prizes and a book sale. Several instructional boards were presented addressing different issues in the mathematics area, and most mathematics department professors were present in order to mingle and interact with students. Mathematics Professor Kent Morris and Dragan Jankovic, interim department chair, were the pioneers who brought the event to the CU’s campus a few years ago. According to Jankovic, the entire mathematics department helps to put the event together, including Pi Mu Epsilon, the mathematics honor society. This year, MathCom, the mathematics and computer science club, was responsible for hosting the event. The idea of designating a certain period of the year to honor mathematics is not new. According to Gabriel Vidal, computer science junior, the Joint Policy Board for Mathematics, which is comprised of the American Mathematical Society, the Mathematical Association of America and the Society for Industrial and Applied Mathematics, organizes Math Awareness Month. Every year a different theme is chosen with the goal of showing society that mathematics is a crucial part of everyone’s daily life.

JPBM gives local groups freedom to design any activities that bring an awareness of math. Different colleges are not required to follow the year’s theme but they are encouraged to do so. According to Dr. Karly Oty, mathematics associate professor, the goal of this event is to get the community aware that math is essential in many aspects of life. This year’s theme is “Mathematics of Networks.” One of the most important networks addressed during the event was the Internet. Gabriel Vidal added that other networks such as power grids are also important to most members of society. Dr. Frank Hajek, mathematical sciences professor, believes Math Awareness Day is a great chance for people across the campus to become more knowledgeable about math. “[We are] promoting interest in the awareness of mathematics, and everyone can benefit from it,” Hajek said. Daryle Howard, MathCom president, said that the proceeds from the book sale will go toward seminars, competitions and other club functions. Howard believes that one of the goals for a Math Awareness event is to bring network opportunities for the students that will allow them to meet other people and share different views on mathematics issues. “Math is a part of every major offered at Cameron. It is a general education requirement. The main goal of the Math Awareness Day is to make students aware of math and to share different ideas,” Howard said. “Anyone is invited to join MathCom. The only requirements are Cameron enrollment and a GPA of 2.0 or above.”


October 11, 2004


Local candidates offer platforms to audience By Jennie Hanna News Editor As we approach the day Oklahoma voters decide who will govern us, many politicians are making remarks on their opponents’ characters and leadership abilities to persuade new voters. On Oct. 5, candidates running for Senate Districts 31 and 32 and candidates for House Districts 64 and 65 competed for local votes in a public debate sponsored by Cameron’s History Club, Phi Alpha Theta and the College Republicans. Running for Senate Districts in Southwest Oklahoma are republican Don Barrington and democrat Craig Hale for District 31. Randy Bass is running for Senate District 32 as a democrat against Kenneth Easton, republican. For the House Districts in our area, we have incumbent Roy B. “Butch” Hooper running on the democrat ticket against Ann Coody, republican, for House District 64. For House District 65, Debbie Thompson, republican, is running against Representative Joe Dorman, democrat. To help better acquaint the audience with the candidates, the event’s moderator, Dr. Jeffrey Johnson, assistant professor for the history department, allowed each of the eight candidates an opportunity to speak about their ability to serve and what they think makes them the better vote for Oklahoma. Using an analogy, Thompson explained that she understands

that all the departments in Oklahoma want a bigger amount of money to effectively meet their needs. “I have the recipe to make a bigger pie for Oklahoma so that we can all get a bigger slice,” Thompson said as she held up both an individual pecan pie, to represent the current amount of money available and one of a bigger size to show how she can generate more money to use. Each of the candidates presented an optimistic view of how they would run their office if they were elected. “We have an opportunity to make great changes in Oklahoma and make it better for everyone here,” Dorman said.

Don’t forget to cast your vote on Nov. 2

Education system

The first major issue of debate was education, a topic that all candidates addressed as a major area of concern in their opening remarks. Each candidate agreed that the education of children in Oklahoma is an area of concern and needs to be held to a higher standard. Hale spoke about the need to focus not only in the classroom, but in the children’s homes as well. “The children’s parents need to get more involved in their child’s education and continue helping the child learn at home,” Hale said. Fellow democrat Hooper echoed with praises of Oklahoma’s education system. “We have the best education system in America and it will work to our advantage if we keep the checks and balances to ensure the money is being spent right,” Hooper said.

The lottery proposal Along with the issue of education is the vote for a new lottery in Oklahoma, where 35 percent of the proceeds are designated for our education system. The candidates were split nearly down the middle with some who felt that the lottery will help Oklahoma’s education system and others who thought it would hinder it. However, each person came across with the same sentiments that Oklahoma must be wise with all of its assets in the teaching of youth. “No matter where the money ends up coming from, I think that we should spend it responsibly on education and in all other areas of the state as well,” Coody said. Easton, a fellow republican, explained how “times have changed and all departments need to be accountable for themselves in order to keep up with their budgets, not just in education.”

Newswriting Student Filling out paper work, waiting, and experiencing untimely delays can be common during the semester for students applying for financial aid. Students may begin filling out their Free Application for Federal Student Aid for the 2005/2006 school year as early as January. According to FAFSA Online, it is highly recommended to get a start on the application as soon as students’ 2003 taxes are complete, to take advantage of money and funding that is available. The deadline for FAFSA applications is June 30, 2005. Types of funding to help students pay for school expenses include grants, loans and federal workstudy positions. Grants include federal Pell grants and Supplemental Educational Opportunity grants, which range from $100-$4,050, depending on enrollment status. These grants are for the student and do not require repayment unless a student has a deficiency, which can be explained by a financial aid counselor. If a student is in need of a student loan, he or she should know the difference between subsidized and unsubsidized loans. With subsidized loans, the government pays for interest on the loan while the student is attending college, and the student begins to pay the loan back after graduation. Unsubsidized loans require students to be responsible for interest during the life of the loan while they are in school. If students are not interested in borrowing, another option is federal work-study jobs, many of which are posted throughout campus. These are on-campus jobs and are usually office related. Work-study positions are available in many departments. Students who are struggling for money may want to consider financial aid to help pay for school expenses

Debating the issues: The democratic candidates for local senate and house districts offer their platforms to the public at a debate held Oct. 5. The candidates are as follows: (L-R) Roy B. “Butch” Hooper (Senate 31), Randy Bass (Senate 32), Rep. Joe Dorman (House 64) and Craig Hale (House 65).

Same-sex marriage Another major issue of concern in which Oklahoma voters will be deciding this election is same sex marriage. All of the candidates stood against the issue of allowing same sex marriage for reasons ranging from religious preference to simple upbringing and beliefs in what a marriage represents.

Photo by Jennie Hanna

Taking a position: Those running for a spot in one of the local senate and house districts on the republican ticket offer their stance on key issues at the debate on Oct. 5. Seat together, the candidates are: (L-R) Don Barrington (Senate 31), Ann Coody (House 64), Debbie Thompson (House 65) and Kenneth Easton (Senate 32).

Tort reform To end the debate, tort reform and attracting more businesses to come and to stay in Oklahoma were key issues for many people in Oklahoma. Bass feels that it is our workers in Oklahoma that will attract more businesses. “Our workforce is our greatest access to making Oklahoma better,” Bass said. “I think we are on the right track and if we stick to what we are doing, we will resolve this problem.”

Financial aid minimizes cost of college for students who qualify By Krystal Deak

Photo by Jennie Hanna

and for extra cash. It helped Laguinna Fixico, a CU management senior. “I don’t have to pay for my classes, and it’s a relief because it’s funded. I also have the chance to receive loans,” she said, “If the aid wasn’t available it would take me much longer to get through school, even by receiving scholarship.” According to Cheryl-Ann Fogle, financial aid assistance clerk, completing required paperwork is the first step in the process. “To meet eligibility requirements to receive any financial aid, the FAFSA application must be filled out online or by obtaining an application at the financial aid office in North Shepler.” Some of the basic requirements are: applicants must be enrolled as a student at Cameron for the semester they expect aid, must be a U.S. citizen, U.S. national or permanent resident with an Alien Registration Receipt Card, and if a student is a male between 18-25, must be registered with Selected Services. Fogle states that completion of the FAFSA form does not guarantee eligibility. “Eligible students are [determined] by filling out the FAFSA,” Fogle said. “This isn’t a guarantee that you will qualify for financial aid.” Students may have extenuating circumstances or may not meet the requirements. The FAFSA application process can be lengthy. Fogle KRT Campus said that to speed up the process, students should apply online. “It takes four to six weeks to get a report back when you apply by paper (application) and only two to four weeks if you apply online,” she said. “But it needs to be reviewed by a financial aid counselor to see what other documents are required. Once approved, the funds are dispersed to the cashier at the administration building.”

Easton, on the other hand, feels there is a need to look at revamping our current way of attracting businesses. “It’s tort reform; it’s workman’s comp; and it’s tax reform. This is what Oklahoma needs if we are going to grow as a state,” Easton said. Barrington offered a concept that nearly all of the other candidates agreed with on tort reform. “I think Oklahoma needs to

be a more attractive state, and we need to do things that will attract more business here to come and stay here,” Barrington said. Dorman said that leaders need to keep in mind what is best for the citizens of Southwest Oklahoma. “A lot of things that look and sound good on paper are not always the best thing to protect the people in Oklahoma,” Dorman said.


Continued from Page 1 system will allow library workers to use a wand to scan books in the stacks upstairs giving them the information they need to make sure the book is in the right spot as well as a check out history to know how popular the book is. The new system will reduce the number of times the security gate system at the front doors of the library is activated by mistake. Kathy Gray, Senior Cataloging Associate, explained that sometimes people with other books from outside of the library come in and the security tags from the store set off the alarm. Cell phones have set the alarm off as well. The new system operates solely on a radio frequency set to the chips inside of the books. The chips are designated only to Cameron. The chips are activated by the radio frequency when they are run over a scanner or a wand is used to scan the books. The library staff hopes to have the new system completed as soon as possible. They have already started cataloging books. “We hope to do about eleven to twelve hundred books a week,” Gray said. There are 27 thousand books that need to be scanned and have a chip put in them. “This process also give us a chance to weed out some of the older books,” Gray said.


Continued from Page 1 Tyler Thornton is the new speech coach, only six weeks into the game, but keeping a keen eye out for the team’s overall improvements. “One of the main benefits of debate is to acquire social experience,” he said. “They also learn research skills, critical thinking and how to analyze the information they receive.” On the team’s performance, Thornton said: “The team has learned a lot. They are a young team. But there is always room for improvement. They can be more competitive. With frequent participation in debates, they will be able to improve their debating styles and compete at a higher level.” The speech team is scheduled to participate in five tournaments this semester. This weekend, they compete at Drury University.

SGA Notes Today’s meeting will begin with a second reading of Resolution 304003, authored by Vice President Frank Myers, calling for arrows indicating proper driving direction to be painted throughout Cameron University. Second on the agenda will be the first reading of Senator Kara Morris’ Resolution 304004, calling for a change in library hours. A Parliamentary Procedure Workshop will be held during the meeting. For questions about SGA or its work, contact their office at 581.2444 or go to

A&E Xpression formed for love of dance


October 11, 2004

Jennie Hanna Jennie is a senior with a double major in speech communication and journalism. She is also the News Editor of The Collegian.


or once, the hero is not a muscle-bound, tough-talking man who can punch the bad guy out without dropping the cigarette dangling from his mouth while women gaze adoringly at him. Ladder 49 brings a hero that offers more than a great tan in October. Joaquin Phoenix is outstanding in his role as Jack Morrison. As a member of the local firehouse’s search and rescue team, Morrison, in the very first scene, helps to rescue a man from the twelfth floor of a burning building only to have the floor give away beneath him. The movie switches back and forth between Morrison’s present predicament and all the important aspects of his life leading up to this moment. Flashback scenes range from the time he began as a rookie firefighter to his finding a family within the firehouse, meeting his wife and making a family of his own. His fire chief (John Travolta), helps him through the ordeal, communicating with him by radio, as he waits to be found and rescued. The actors in this film deserve every one of the compliments that moviegoers have to offer. The life of a firefighter is not one that I easily comprehend. It seems nothing less than heroic and worthy of praise. The actors portraying these men and women, who have gone to great lengths in their communities with nothing more than a ‘Thank you’ in return, help to remind us what a truly patriotic service firefighters do for us. As I watched this film, a question came up that still causes tears to well up in my eyes. How do these heroes know where to draw the line between sacrificing their own safety to help others and protecting themselves and their own families by playing it safe? This is a question that every firefighter, police officer and member of the armed forces must ask themselves on almost a daily basis. They place themselves in harm’s way to help protect others and never give a second thought to their own safety, whether they will be hurt or cause undue grief for their families. As a military spouse and former member of the armed forces, I am familiar with this concept on both ends. I was able to stay home while my husband went off to war in Iraq in early 2003 and now, as he prepares to leave after the New Year for another tour, I see that it is because of people like him that I am able to be one of the selfish people and choose our son above everything else and keep us out of harm’s way. Like Morrison’s wife in the movie, I am proud of what my husband does, which is to save lives on many different levels. I identified with her because I also feel that my family is of high importance. I understand the cause for which my husband fights, and I respect him for doing it. Ladder 49 was not just an escape from reality like many movies. It was a slap in the nation’s face to see the reality of what a true hero’s life entails. I am thankful to those who place that line where they do, despite what comes in their path. My only hope is that everyone who sees the movie will be able to realize how much these people give to the communities in which they reside and how little they ask in return. I am thankful for each and every one of them and want them to know that I would choose to know them over any old fictional hero any day. Overall grade: A-

By Rosana Navas Staff Writer For those who still watch movies like Dirty Dancing or Flashdance and secretly wish to be like Patrick Swayze or Jennifer Biel, there is hope for you. Cameron students have created a new club for people who love to dance. “Even if students are not experienced dancers, they are still welcome to come and learn,” Merita Tyrell, Xpression dance club’s founder, said. Last fall Tyrell, a former Cameron student, started up the organization because she loved to dance, and she figured if she

A&E Briefs The Lawton/Fort. Sill Chamber of Commerce needs a new logo. The deadline for this contest is 5 p.m. Oct. 20. Rules and entry forms may be downloaded from or picked up at 629 SW C Ave. First place prize will be $250. Concert Sunday The CU Percussion Ensemble Concert will be at 3 p.m. Sunday. It will be held at the Percussive Arts Museum North Gallery at 701 NW Ferris Ave. The event is free.

© 2004. Paid for by the United States Army. All rights reserved.

Logo design contest

loved it so much, others might too. Tyrell rounded up eight members and two faculty advisors, Dr. Scott Petersen of the Psychology and Human Ecology Department and adjunct professor Joanna Hudson, to create a club, which they call Xpression. “I was happy to help Merita and this dance club for students to come dance and have fun,” Petersen said. After two attempts, Xpression was approved through a committee and became an official Cameron organization. Xpression meets one Saturday a month. Their goal is to study the art of dancing to Caribbean, African, Latino and East Indian music under the supervision of Tyrell and Director Catherine Karam and Co-director Gail McAlmont. Any student with a valid Cameron ID is welcome to attend. Last spring Xpression appeared in the Students of the Caribbean Alliance showcase in which they performed their “Coming To America” dance. Xpression is currently working on a spring showcase called “Faces,” where they will display dancing routines and a fashion show. “The reason for the fashion show is to show off our costumes and to give people who don’t feel comfortable dancing an opportunity to be in the show,” Tyrell said. Xpression has grown to include more than 30 members. They welcome anybody who wants to dance or just get a good workout. For more information, contact Tyrell or e-mail Xpression at

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Editor supports heroes




October 11, 2004

Poet shares enlightenment By Kelli Colbenson Newswriting Student

Photo by Scott Pratt

Lend me your ears: Richard Terrill shared some of his poetry with students and faculty Thursday. Terrill teaches creative writing at Minnesota State University and has taught English in other countries including China, Poland and South Korea.

Richard Terrill, winner of the 2004 Minnesota Book Award, read from his nonfiction prose and poetry works Thursday in Nance-Boyer. Terrill is an English professor at Minnesota State UniversityMankato, who teaches in the university’s creative writing program. While Terrill has never called Southwest Oklahoma home, he does have a friend here. Dr. John Morris, Cameron English professor, and Terrill were both undergraduate English students at the University of Wisconsin-Eau Claire. Morris was excited about Terrill’s visit. “He is very readable and has a quirky sense of humor,” Morris said. “He is one of the great talkers.”

Terrill had a lot to talk about. He has taught English in South Korea, Poland and China. Terrill’s experiences in China led him to write his first book of nonfiction, Saturday Night in Baoding: A China Memoir, for which he won the 1988 Associated Writing Programs Award for Nonfiction. Terrill’s everyday experiences in life fi ll the pages of his books. Fakebook: Improvisations on a Journey Back to Jazz is fi lled with details about Terrill’s attempt to teach himself how to play the tenor saxophone again after giving it up for several years. Terrill was a music major when he began his undergraduate career. He enjoyed playing sax and jazz music but felt that music was not his true talent. He found his place in the English department and has been writing

ever since. However, his musical background still plays a large role in his life. Morris said that the English department invites a writer to speak to students to enhance the education they are receiving at Cameron.

“He is very readable and has a quirky sense of humor. He is one of the great talkers.” Dr. John Morris English Professor English Professor Dr. Ken Solstad arranged Terrill’s visit. “Every year we bring a distinguished writer to campus for a reading and to help students improve their skills,” Solstad said. Besides the reading on

Thursday, Terrill visited several professional writing courses to speak with students. Terrill shared his experiences in writing and publishing with the students in these classes and offered suggestions as to how the students could further enhance their own writing abilities. Barbara Adams, English junior, attended two classes where Terrill spoke. “He was very honest about what it takes to get published and very encouraging with his advice to just keep submitting,” Adams said. In addition to the award winning Coming Late to Rachmaninoff, Terrill has published several other works of nonfiction. At a reception hosted by Sigma Tau Delta following the reading, Terrill autographed copies of his books and talked with students and professors.

‘Spotlight on India’

provides broader view By Angela Gradoz Features Editor Originally diversity week was designated to be Oct. 11-15. However, due to a conflict with the Alumni Weekend, diversity week was moved up one week. “Spotlight on India” could not be moved because of the preparation involved with bringing in Indian artists, and so it remains scheduled for Oct. 14. The task of generating funds and presenting a proposal to the vice president of academic affairs and preparing and correlating the event is time consuming, especially when world-renowned artists are sought. The preparation was handled cooperatively by T.K. Bhattacharya, Jennifer Holland, Drs. Jim Horner, Jim Lambert, Douglas Catterall, V.S. Krishnan and students Jenny Jackson, Philip Kinslow and Delois Byrd. “We are absolutely getting top-notch people. To get an artist from India to perform takes a lot of planning because these artists book months [ahead] to tour in the United States,” Professor of Business T.K. Bhattacharya said. “I have some contacts in the Indian classical music circle in Dallas and one of the people from there managed to be available.” According to T.K. Bhattacharya, “Spotlight on India” generated funds from donations of $25,000 from Drs. Ajay and Shireen Bhargava and $25,000 from the McCasland foundation. With the costs of “Spotlight on India” estimated at about $5,000, T.K. Bhattacharya accepted $500 from student services; $2,500 was provided from the lectures and concerts fund and from the interest accrued on the $50,000 donated by the Bhargavas and the McCasland Foundation. T.K. Bhattacharya used $2,000 of that interest to pay for the remaining costs. “We are really getting something of very high quality at a very low cost,” T.K. Bhattacharya said. “The funds established an Endowed Lectureship in India Studies with the goal of improving awareness about India in the Lawton/Fort Sill community and at Cameron University.” “Spotlight on India” will consist of four events, two of which are free and open to the public and an evening event that has already sold out. At 2 p.m. in the Science Complex Goodyear Room students, faculty, staff and friends are encouraged to attend an address by Consul General Skand Ranjan Tayal of India who resides in Houston. The topic of discussion will be Indo-U.S. relations.

Simultaneously across campus another event, a lecture-cum-recital, will be occurring in the Music Building Band Room. Pandit Debashish Bhattacharya will play the slide guitar while Subhashish Bhattacharya will play the tabla, an instrument from the percussion family. The events are scheduled simultaneously to ensure that people will attend at least one them. “It does not make sense to bring these eminent people here and not have an audience,” T.K. Bhattacharya said. “India Nite” will take place at 6:30 p.m. in the Music Building Band Room. The event will begin with a speech by Tayal on “India as an Economic Partner of the United States,” followed by a traditional Indian dinner that includes lamb biriyani, chicken tikkamasala, tomato chutney and vegetable malai kofta, along with many other dishes. “India Nite” will then end with a music recital by Pandit Debashish Bhattacharya and Subhashish Bhattacharya. “The reason we selected the Band Room instead of the University Theatre was because I was really not sure how many tickets I could sell. I was confident we could fi ll the Band Room but I was not sure about the University Theatre,” T.K. Bhattacharya said. “Psychologically if the artists see a packed auditorium they feel good, but if you put them in a big auditorium and it’s half full, it discourages the performer.” Although T.K. Bhattacharya is unsure of whether “Spotlight on India” will be an annual event coinciding with diversity week, he already plans to conduct things in a different manner. Because there was such an overwhelming response to the event and little to no effort was put into selling the tickets, T.K. Bhattacharya would like to move “India Nite” into the University Theatre and then have a buffet-style dinner in the Band Room. Since the event will more than likely be implemented periodically as opposed to annually, he encourages students, faculty, staff and friends to attend at least one of the events this year. “Some images of India are of slums and poverty, and so we want people to have a broader image of India,” he said. “The importance of the United States to India has been known in India for a very long time, but the importance of India to the United States is probably not as much appreciated.”

Photo by Petulah Olibert

And the winner is... Ayuni Hirai, Shari Taylor and Theleka Williams compete for the title of Ms. SOCarnival. In the end, Hirai received the title.

Hirai crowned Ms. SOCarnival By Petulah Olibert Staff Writer “The fun’s only the end result. The hard work comes at the beginning,” student of the Caribbean Alliance PRO Ian Mitchell said. True to form, SOCA had been working since summer, formulating a Carnival theme, organizing photo shoots and designing posters – all advertising an event which culminated at the end of Cameron University’s diversity week in a single afternoon jumpup and a Carnival after-party. The mas camp, the base for the carnival costume production, was up and running from the first week of school, geared toward early preparation of the Carnival event. In addition, Gail McAlmont, last year’s Ms. Black CU and Ms. Black Oklahoma was kept on her toes during the staging of this year’s SOCA’s pageant. The show, held on Oct. 2, featured four competitors: Theleka Williams, a pre-med freshman from Trinidad, Ayumi Hirai, a management junior from Japan, and twins Chyvonne and Shari Taylor, both pre-nursing freshman from Jamaica. The show began with the demonstration of costumes, with each contestant modeling one of

two sections: La Fiesta and Rose of Eden. The talent section was up next. Hirai gave a rendition of a Japanese folk song. Williams and Chyvonne Taylor sang. Shari Taylor performed a dub dance piece. The talents were well received by the audience. The contestants were serenaded during the evening wear section of the show. Shari Taylor emerged wearing a black halter-back dress, which swept the floor. Chyvonne Taylor appeared in pink. Theleka wore a cream cross-backed dress. Ayumi appeared in a lilac spaghetti strapped dress. In the end, it was Hirai who was victorious. She was crowned Ms. SOCarnival. With surprise etched onto her features, she accepted her winning bouquet and congratulated the other participants. As for the other girls, winning wasn’t everything. “We had fun,” Chyvonne said after the show. “It was a learning experience and we enjoyed every bit of it.” Last Friday marked the grand finale of the Carnival festivities, with a Caribbean style jump-up around the school perimeter. The parade was followed by a grand carnival after-party at Knights of Columbus on Hilltop drive.

Sports 8 Grand Canyon Invitational help Mahaffey take lead for Aggies CU Sports Information Owen Mahaffey shot an even-par 72 on Tuesday to finish seventh individually at the Grand Canyon Fall Invitational at the Estrella Mountain Ranch Golf Club near Phoenix. Mahaffey finished the tournament five strokes off the lead with a four-under total of 212, helping Coach Jerry Hrnciar’s Aggies to a seventh-place finish in the 18-team event. Cameron finished with a threeround team score of 877 (+13), 25 strokes back of tournament winner Cal State-Bakersfield. The Aggies rebounded from an opening round score of 296 to post a team total of 286 in Monday’s second round, but turned in a 295 on the final day to slip from fifth place to seventh in the team standings. Mahaffey was the only Cameron player to crack the Top 20 individually in the event. The Wichita Falls sophomore turned in a three-under round of 69 on Monday afternoon to follow an opening-round 71. The effort gave Mahaffey his third Top 10 finish in as many events this fall. He finished 7th at last month’s Oklahoma Intercol-

legiate at the Lawton Country Club and won the individual medalist title at the West Texas Intercollegiate on Sept. 1314, in Abilene. Last season as a freshman, Mahaffey received All-American honors and won the individual title at the 2004 Lone Star Conference championships, becoming the third straight Cameron golfer to win the conference crown. Ryan King continued his consistent play with a threeround total of 218 (+2) for the tournament. The senior from Duncanville, Texas, shot evenpar 72 in each of the first two rounds before carding a 74 on Tuesday. Nic Ware and Travis Lovins both shot 10-over for the tournament and tied for 47th. Brad Aycock finished one Courtesy photo stroke back in a tie for 52nd. And it’s a line drive: Sophomore Next action for the Cameron varsity squad is scheduled Owen Mahaffey watches his tee shot at an event at the Lawton Country Club. for Oct. 18-19, at the Drury Invitational in Springfield, fall portion of their schedule on Mo. Hrnciar will take a junior Oct. 23-24, taking part in the Oral varsity group to Enid next week to Roberts Shangri-La Shootout at participate in the Northwestern the Shangri-La resort on Grand Oklahoma Ranger Invitational. Lake in northeast Oklahoma. The Aggies will wrap up the

Reduction in exercise remains a problem affecting adults’ health By Sonya Ray Newswriting Student As fall arrives and winter draws near, the want for a fit body starts to fade. The lengthy darkness and the lure of sports and special programs on television, not to mention the cold weather approaching, could be why students choose not to participate in activities outside of their homes. Exercise, which includes aerobics, is important because it helps maintain students’ overall mental and physical health. According to the Surgeon General, 70 percent of adults in the United States do not get enough physical activity, and Courtesy photo more than one-third of children Getting healthy: Students and their families have an opportunity do not participate regularly in to stay fit and healthy by using the Fitness Center located on campus. vigorous exercise. A study released by Health and Human Services CU fitness center. The center is available for student Centers for Disease Control and Prevention in March and faculty use. The CU Fitness Center includes a 2004 found that 400,000 deaths in the United States swimming pool, a playing floor for basketball and are linked to poor diet and lack of physical activity. volleyball, four racquetball courts, a track, Nautilus The number of deaths has increased 33 percent since and weight training area, aerobic floor, locker facilities 1990. and administrative offices. West of the Shepler Center CU offers numerous physical education courses are the CU tennis courts, which are also under the to help promote wellness in students. Teresa administrative supervision of the Fitness Center staff. Worthington, a member of the CU faculty, has taught Victor P. Fredricks, a business administration aerobics at Cameron since 1984. When she first senior, has incorporated the CU Fitness Center into started there was just one class each year. The need his daily workout plan. for aerobics has risen since then, and the classes have “I believe fitness is important because it keeps up increased to about seven or eight per year. with your well-being — the well-being meaning that Worthington’s classes include water aerobics, you have a better posture, better image, and you get beginning rhythmic aerobics, step aerobics and your creativity juices flowing, and it helps you to be a aeroball aerobics. This semester she teaches four better person,” Fredricks said. aerobic classes and a hiking class. Fredricks, who has been a personal trainer and an “With aerobics, I like when people tell me how aerobics instructor, said exercise is a part of life. He much better they feel after a couple of weeks in class,” believes he became a better person since he began to Worthington said. exercise and take better care of his body. She feels that exercising at least three times a week According to Worthington, students who exercise and eating well is the key to students’ mental and tend to have an increased metabolism, better muscle physical health. tone and their stress levels are reduced. Endorphins, “It’s going to improve their overall health and make which are released in the brain during exercise, help to them feel better. It’s going to help them live longer,” fight against depression, and they help students’ move she said. into the direction of a relaxed lifestyle. Worthington also said that exercise is hard work, but that students will reap the benefits in the long run. She feels her hiking course, which is offered on the weekends, is beneficial. Students are able to experience the outdoors while working to keep their bodies fit. “I like to introduce students to the Refuge because a lot of people don’t know what’s out there,” she said. An alternative to participating in an aerobics course is to visit the

October 11, 2004

Graphic by Joshua Rouse

Writer expresses concern over violence in sports By Joshua Rouse Sports Editor When a person turns on the television, whether it is to the news, a movie or even a kid’s cartoon, it seems violence is almost always present. America, as a culture, has become desensitized to violence. And this is leading to an overwhelming presence of violence in our popular media, including sports. American sports video games have slipped into this pool of violence with such titles as MLB High Heat and NFL Blitz where a player actually takes out other players for fun. In today’s culture, violence in sports is an added bonus to the hotdog and drink. On Sept. 14, Texas Rangers relief pitcher Frank Francisco threw a chair into the stands in a game against the Oakland A’s baseball team. The chair hit a woman in the face and broke her nose. The incident is turning more and more into a blame game between the A’s and the Rangers. The fans and players of both teams are blaming each other for events leading to the altercation. Here’s a novel idea: blame Frank Francisco. There was not some voodoo man in the stands who caused him to pick that chair up and throw Josh Rouse it. And the Rangers did not force Francisco to throw the chair. It was Francisco and Francisco Josh is a journalism alone. America has grown too accustomed to freshman from Duncan. blaming problems on somebody else. He is also the Sports Roger Clemmons was blamed for starting a Editor of The Collegian. disturbance at his son’s little league game over Send comments to the summer. The media swarmed and made a big deal out of it. But the mainstream is missing something important; this is not an isolated incident. Across America, violence is rising in little league sports and intercollegiate games. Parents are being tossed out of games at a faster rate than ever before. There is a fine line between support and violence. And that line is being blurred more and more every day. Each year, after a team wins the NCAA championship in football or the “March Madness” basketball tournament, there are riots in the streets. Sports is only one facet of society. And yet, sports is the major aspect on which success is measured, leading to an ever-growing problem of violence. Commentators apologized for Dale Earnhardt Jr.’s brief bad language during an interview after his win in the EA Sports 500. And on the track, fans see drivers ramming into each other out of vengeance and driving recklessly trying to take out opponents. Elliot Sadler learned firsthand last year how bad a wreck can be at Talladega. He rolled the car over four times on the backstretch entering turn three during a race last year. There have been many drivers seriously injured in racing. In fact, restrictor plate racing claimed the life of one of the greatest drivers of all time, Dale Earnhardt. The will to win has pushed players and fans alike to the edge of sanity and beyond. Sports is no longer a gentleman’s event. It has become a channel through which frustrations flow. Especially in these times of war and uncertainty in politics, feelings and tempers are running high. The ancient Greeks idolized sports, and during the Olympic games, people came together as one and worshipped the athletes. Now these athletes are nothing more than pawns of the people. And when these athletes do not win, the people become violent. And when the people become violent, the athletes become violent. These athletes are human too. Sports is reaching the edge of anarchy and something needs to be done or the civilized games we treasure will cease to exist.



October 11, 2004

MLB steroids issue heats up with new comments from Gary Sheffield KRT News Wire NEW YORK (KRT)—The air was tinged with the familiar scent of controversy as the New York Yankees opened the postseason on Tuesday night. Gary Sheffield, one of the men who carried the Yankees to baseball’s Holy Month, admits in a Sports Illustrated article due to hit the streets on Wednesday what many have suspected for some time. He used steroids in 2002. Sheffield says that he used them unknowingly, that the Bay Area Laboratory Co-Operative in California provided him with a cream he thought would help heal his surgically repaired right knee. That cream contained a designer steroid. Sheffield says he’s unhappy about using the stuff — he favors a level playing field — and pointed out that he had an off-year in 2002, hitting just 25 homers and driving in 84 runs for the Atlanta Braves. Major League Baseball won the right to punish steroid users — the reprimands are pretty weak, and baseball is working to toughen them up — in its collective-bargaining agreement of September 2002. But Sheffield is free from any recourse because his use occurred more than a year ago. This is not a good development for baseball. The season began with the steroid cloud hanging over Sheffield and Barry Bonds, his former buddy and Balco connection. Now the issue has reared its head again, just as baseball is about to put its best foot forward. Baseball can’t be all that happy with Sheffield’s candor. Neither can Bonds, who is no longer close to Sheffield. Sheffield’s disclosure raises more suspicions about Bonds as the San Francisco slugger closes in on Babe Ruth and Hank Aaron on the all-time home run chart.

Bonds can expect a whole new round of questions next spring — and maybe even sooner if he wins the National League MVP award (as he should) and participates in a news conference. If there is one group that’s probably not that fazed by Sheffield’s revelation or the surrounding hubbub, it’s the Yankees. Any team that has its paychecks signed by George Steinbrenner is well trained at dealing with controversy. In fact, the Yanks seem to thrive in the face of it. Distraction? What distraction? “I guess if you’re going to play in any town that gets you used to distractions, it’s this one,” manager Joe Torre said before Tuesday night’s Game 1 of the American League division series against the Minnesota Twins. Torre is not worried that this issue will bother Sheffield. Why should he be? The topic engulfed Yankees camp early in spring training. Sheffield never seemed to give it a second thought. He broke camp and turned in a monster season, hitting .290 with 36 homers and 121 RBIs. Sheffield will get plenty of AL MVP votes, though it’s going to be difficult to overtake Anaheim’s Vladimir Guerrero, who had one of the best Septembers ever. If Sheffield was going to be distracted by anything this season, it might have been the throbbing pain in his left shoulder. Muscle has torn away from bone, and Sheffield has needed repeated cortisone shots to get through the season. Sheffield briefly answered reporters’ questions after batting practice Tuesday night. He said he stood by his comments that he used the steroid unknowingly. He said speaking his mind was nothing new because he always does that.

Photo by Jennie Hanna

Swarm: Outside hitter Morgan Meyer rises to the occasion with a great shot.

Aggies top Texas A&M-Commerce KRT Campus

By Christina Frye Sheffield’s only regret seemed to be the timing of the story’s release. That’s where Sheffield needs to smarten up. Sports Illustrated wants to sell magazines. What better time to run a story dealing with one of the hottest issues and hottest players in the game than the start of the baseball postseason? What did Sheffield think, that the story would run during Super Bowl week? “Unfortunately, everything always comes out when it’s a special moment for me and my teammates,” he said. “Same thing happened the first day of spring training; the same thing happens the first day of the playoffs. I’m looking forward to getting it behind me and moving forward.” Torre was confident Sheffield could do just that. “If it’s a distraction to him, it would surprise me,” Torre said. “He had to deal with this in spring training. He’s all baseball as far as I’m concerned.” Sheffield needs to be all baseball if the Yankees are going to succeed in this postseason. Their starting pitching isn’t what it once was. They need to mash the baseball, and Sheffield is one of their biggest mashers. Minnesota starter Johan Santana, the likely AL Cy Young Award winner, seemed

to be quite aware of that in the first inning Tuesday night. The big Bronx crowd chanted “MVP ... MVP” as Sheffield came to the plate. Santana proceeded to walk Sheffield on four pitches with a man already on first base. Santana walked just 54 batters in 228 innings this season, so it’s likely he knew just what he was doing in giving Sheffield nothing to hit. Throughout this series, Twins pitchers will continue to be careful in pitching to Sheffield. Maybe they should be even more careful than usual. Controversy seems to bring out the best in this guy, and this one might not be going away anytime soon.

Check the Aggies @

By Jim Salisbury

Staff Writer Following a slight setback after the losses endured in the LSC Crossover, the Aggies came back and attacked with a vengeance Oct.2. The Aggies swept the floor with their opponents in the Texas A&M-Commerce vs. Cameron conference play at the Aggie Gym. The Aggies, lead by middle blocker Nicole Reinhart, trampled over the Texas A&M team, scoring 30-17 in the first game, 30-20 in the second and 30-28 in the final game. Reinhart, for the second week in a row, was named the Lone Star Conference North Division Player of the Week for her contributions in the past two weeks’ performances. Reinhart managed to hit .481 with 15 kills, three digs and four blocks in the Texas A&M games, and is one of the only players in the league this season, which has averaged one block per game. Reinhart has not been the only Aggie player in the spotlight this season. In addition to Reinhart’s achievements, senior Jenny Head has been named the Defensive Player of the Week three times, and sophomore Vicki Ibarra was named Setter of the Week. The Aggies’ outstanding performances lately have made them a fierce opponent for the rest of the conference teams. In the Texas A&M matchup, Morgan Meyer had an outstanding game hitting .275, with 16 kills and 11 digs; Taran Turner hit .286 and had nine kills and four blocks. Together, the Aggies conquered Texas A&M, managing to hit .229 as a team, which towered over the A&M hitting percentage of only 0.74. The Aggies now hold a 10-10 record. They are back on track and ready for the next challenge in the conference. The Aggies hit the road last week, to play against Midwestern State, Thursday at Wichita Falls and then traveled to Denton to battle Texas Women’s University at 1 p.m. Saturday.

World famous golfer ties the knot with longtime girlfriend By David Whitley KRT News Wire Take Orlando’s least-eligible bachelor off the available list. Based on surveillance photos, unnamed sources and exorbitant hotel bills, Tiger Woods is married. He said, “I do,” to long-time girlfriend Elin Nordegren on Tuesday night in Barbados, so don’t expect to find them registered for gifts at the local Home Depot. Besides, what would you give the couple that has almost everything? The ultra-private Woods reportedly booked the entire Sandy Lane resort at cost of $1.5 million. Hootie and the Blowfish provided the music. The Barbados Coast Guard helped provide security as a cutter patrolled off the nearby beach. It was there to shoo away media and curiosity seekers. Few details were released to the public, though the wedding took place at sunset on a lawn overlooking the Caribbean. Woods has been coy about his wedding plans since he and Nordegren were engaged last December. They met three years ago, and the 24-year-old blonde has been a regular attraction in golf galleries since.

Woods’ golf game has wilted as his love life has blossomed. The 28-year-old hasn’t won a stroke-play tournament all year and last week dropped him to No. 3 in the world rankings for the first time since 1999. Despite those struggles, Woods still rules the game when it comes to sheer celebrity. Woods reportedly imported 500 roses and a prenuptial agreement for the occasion. After the reception, he and his bride spent the night on the 90-foot yacht “Privacy.” Honeymoon plans are not known, though Buick announced Wednesday that Woods will not present the trophies at this weekend’s Buick Scramble National Championship in Orlando. He also has not committed to the Funai Classic Oct. 18-24, though he often doesn’t commit until the last minute. Woods hasn’t missed the event at Walt Disney World since turning pro in 1997 and has won it twice. Whatever happens this year, at least Woods now knows that while he may be No. 3 in the world, he’s No. 1 in his wife’s heart. But that is not going to stop him from being No. 1 in the world once again, very soon.

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The Back Page


October 11, 2004

Returning students approach college from a new perspective with different outlook By Emily Archer Newswriting Student Earl grey tea in hand, Jami Ulm, a Cameron University sophomore shifts her car into gear. She has an exam today and doesn’t want to be late for class. While driving, she goes through her mental check-list of things to do: Drop the kids off at school and day care, go to the math lab, pick up the kids, make dinner, go to work and try to catch a quick nap. And oh yes, study. This 26-year-old mother of three goes through this process every day. And, especially at Cameron, she is not alone. According to the CU Web site, the average age of Cameron freshmen is 24 years. Ulm is pursuing a nursing degree and has been away from school for six years. Armed with 30 credit hours, mostly acquired at Cameron in 1996, she began to pursue her college dream again this fall. Though the life she lives is hectic, Ulm doesn’t regret the time spent away. “It’s just a part of life. I had different priorities then,” Ulm said. “I think that I am more serious now. I’m able to focus more.” English freshman Joshua Cranston has the same sentiment. After completing four-and-ahalf years of military service, including a tour in Iraq, he began college in January at the age of 22. He is married and expecting his first child in November. Cranston believes that the wait was well worth it. “The military gave me much more discipline. If I have homework I’m sure to get it done,” Cranston said. “Also, if I wouldn’t have joined the military, I wouldn’t have met my wife.” Ulm and Cranston embarked on a great adventure with many joys and perils to fill. Adjusting to the changes is the most difficult they said. Cranston cited new routines as the hardest part of beginning this new adventure. Ulm, on the other hand, is also adjusting to the changes in curriculum and relearning the basics. “Everything has changed since I’ve been here. The way the professors teach math, even the requirements and format of a research paper,” Ulm said. Another hurtle is balancing family, work and school. Ulm stated finding time to sleep is difficult.

“You’re never ahead of schedule. Something is always lacking – particularly sleep,” she said. However, Cameron provides a friendly atmosphere for students. Ulm and Cranston both said that the one-on-one attention is the best part of the Cameron experience. According to the Cameron Web site, there are usually no more than 40 students to a class and upper division classrooms, on average, have fewer than 15 students. Amanda Weilgus, public relations junior, believes students like Ulm and Cranston make Photo by Emily Archer the Cameron Are you done yet? Jami Ulm, nursing sophomore catches up on student body some studying while one of her three children waits patiently for her diverse and to finish. Ulm returned to Cameron after six years away from school. interesting. According to Weilgus, having a mature and experienced point of view in class makes the learning process full and balanced. “I enjoy the age range in class. It gives more viewpoints and things to think about,” Weilgus said.

Diversity Week October 4-8, 2004

Photos by Scott Pratt

In an effort to help promote awareness and respect for the diversity in our community, diversity week offered a look into new cultures and served cultural dishes on campus each day, including the American Indian Student Association (top left), AsianPacific Islander Association (above) and Ebony Society (bottom left).

ACROSS 1 Kind of card 5 Novelist Hunter 9 Durable trousers 14 Job safety org. 15 VIP vehicle 16 Loosen 17 Shoshones 18 Lake formed by Hoover Dam 19 “La __ Vita” 20 Small fabrications 23 Chariot attachment? 24 Half a dance? 25 Striped equine 28 Friendly lead-in 30 Flat-bottomed vessel 34 Cheer at a corrida 35 Laura of “Jurassic Park” 37 Th ickheaded 39 Shirley Temple movie 42 Mean 43 Writer’s tools 44 Ref. volumes from the U.K. 45 Bridge position 46 Option word 48 Dawdle 50 ISS partner 51 Poetic eyeball 52 Little pet 61 Idyllic places 62 Nautical side 63 Hebrew month 64 Roster of candidates 65 Palindromic magazine 66 Indian princess 67 King of Judea 68 Lou or Willis 69 Actress Cannon

5 6 7 8 9 10 11

1 2 3 4

DOWN Sports infraction Wine region of Italy Guitarist Atkins Island west of Chile

12 13 21 22 25 26

Fudd or Gantry Opinion Oriental nanny Absolutely not! Ancient Israel Organic compound Gudrun’s victim French city Catches on Straight man’s line Pitched or tossed Yikes! “Maria __”

27 Borscht ingredients 28 Internet address letters 29 Cuts 30 RR stop 31 “My Fair Lady” director 32 Wickerwork material 33 Like an unkempt lawn 36 Most senior 38 Small bar 40 Moist 41 Wide shoe width

47 “Time After Time” singer Cyndi 49 On the plane 50 Relaxed 51 Made a choice 52 Screen material 53 Without work 54 Within range 55 Division word 56 Part in a play 57 __ Stanley Gardner 58 June 6, 1944 59 Actress Turner 60 Actress Moran

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