How to teach remotely using Four Corners

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How to teach remotely with

Here are some suggestions for how you could use the units in the Four Corners coursebooks and other supplementary materials to support your online classes. The link below takes you to the teaching resources. You can download and share these links with your students. They include links to all the audio and video files in the coursebook lessons: click here

The suggestions are based on a mixed model of remote teaching using: > live lessons online > discussion forums moderated by the teacher > collaborative group tasks without the teacher > individual self-access study


Useful tools in live classes: SCREEN-SHARING: you can share Presentation Plus (if you have it), image files, audio files and short video files (bandwidth permitting).

G R E AT F O R :

C H AT B O X : use for short answers and brainstorming, allows for all students to participate actively at the same time.

G R E AT F O R :

BREAKOUT ROOMS: these are virtual rooms for small groups that can be set up as part of the main classroom. Teachers can enter these rooms and monitor the work going on in pairs or small groups.

G R E AT F O R :

> giving instructions

> starting the lesson

> comparing answers after tasks

> setting up tasks

> checking concepts

> role-plays

> presenting grammar or vocabulary

> checking answers

> short discussions

> closing the lesson

> collaborative tasks.

> stimulating discussions.

> getting feedback.

Two or three short breakout room tasks each lesson add variety and allow for more interaction. To find out more about how to create and manage breakout rooms and other functions in your online class, please follow this link: click here

Useful tools for additional tasks outside the classroom




you can post a short task on any discussion forum platform (you may have a digital platform at your school, you may want to use online applications like Moodle or Edmodo, or you may want to use a wiki or a blog or other shared online space).

students can make short video recordings on their phones, tablets or computers and share them with you and/or the whole class.

C O L L A B O R AT I V E WRITING TOOLS: students can work together online to write and edit a document using (for example) Google Docs.

A quick overview of the Four Corners unit structure. The sections you will want to prioritize for live video-conferencing classes are shown in bold. Opening page

Unit aims, Warm up

Lesson A

Vocabulary, Language in Context, Grammar, (Pronunciation), Speaking, Keep Talking! Speaking

Lesson B

Vocabulary, Interactions, (Pronunciation), Listening, Speaking

Lesson C

Vocabulary, Conversation, Grammar, (Pronunciation), Speaking, Keep Talking! Speaking

Lesson D

Reading, Listening, Writing, Speaking


Pair review, In the real world

The other sections can be set for self-study or collaborative asynchronous pairwork or groupwork. Your schedule and the length of your online classes will determine how much you can cover in your live classes. You will probably want to plan your schedule unit by unit and use the first class of each new unit to explain the workflow to your class, setting out deadlines for independent study, and creating groups for collaborative tasks.


A suggested structure for a flipped approach A flipped approach is based on the principle that live lessons give students the chance to speak and clarify their doubts. Students can complete other tasks such as reading, listening and controlled practice exercises on their own and use the classroom to check or discuss answers. The notes below are based on four live lessons per unit, plus one live lesson to review the unit that’s ending and introduce the unit that comes next. But, of course, you can break these up in whatever way suits your timetable. BEFORE THE CLASS



Lesson A 1 Vocabulary: listen / read and

1 In groups, students compare

1 breakout rooms

2 Language in Context: listen / read

2 Teacher checks answers and gives

2 chat box

3 Grammar: read explanation and

3 In pairs, students compare answers

3 breakout rooms

4 Prepare ideas for the Keep Talking!

4 Teacher checks answers and gives

4 chat box

5 Students prepare for the Speaking

5 breakout rooms

6 Teacher gives feedback on the

6 chat box

7 In new pairs, students complete

7 breakout rooms

8 Feedback and delayed correction

8 chat box

complete exercises. Prepare / rehearse for follow-up pair speaking task. and complete exercises. Prepare / rehearse for follow-up pair speaking task. complete exercises. Prepare / rehearse for follow-up pair speaking task. activity.

answers to Vocabulary and Language in Context exercises and do follow-up speaking tasks. feedback on speaking.

to Grammar exercises and do follow-up speaking task.

feedback on speaking.

activity then conduct it in groups. Teacher monitors. Speaking task.

the Keep Talking! activity. Teacher monitors. with whole class. Quick review of lesson aims.





Lesson B 1 Vocabulary: listen / read and

1 In pairs, students compare answers

1 breakout rooms

2 Interactions: listen and practice.

2 Teacher checks answers to

2 chat box

3 (Pronunciation: listen and complete

3 In new pairs, students compare

3 breakout rooms

4 4 Listening: listen and complete

4 Teacher checks answers.

4 chat box

5 In pairs / groups, students complete

5 breakout rooms

6 Feedback and delayed correction

6 chat box

complete exercises. Prepare / rehearse for follow-up pair speaking task.

any comprehension exercises.)


to vocabulary exercises, do followup speaking and practice the Interactions dialogue. Teacher monitors. vocabulary and gives feedback on the speaking tasks. One or two pairs are invited to perform their Interactions dialogue.

their answers to the pronunciation (if included in this unit) and listening exercises, and do any followup speaking activities. Teacher monitors and corrects where necessary.

the Speaking task. Feedback as a whole class. with whole class. Quick review of lesson aims.





Lesson C 1 Vocabulary: listen / read and

1 In groups, students compare

1 breakout rooms

2 Conversation: listen and practice.

2 Teacher checks answers and gives

2 chat box

3 (Pronunciation: listen and complete

3 In pairs, students compare answers

3 breakout rooms

4 Grammar: read explanation and

4 Teacher checks answers and gives

4 chat box

5 Students do the Speaking activity in

5 breakout rooms

6 Teacher gives feedback on the

6 chat box

1 Reading: read the text and

1 Start by reviewing language

1 breakout rooms

2 Listening: listen and complete

2 Feedback and delayed correction

2 chat box

3 Writing: complete the exercises and

3 Recall the Lesson D reading and

3 chat box

4 Prepare ideas / rehearse for the

4 Students discuss the follow-up

4 breakout rooms

5 In new groups / pairs, students

5 breakout rooms

complete exercises. Prepare / rehearse for follow-up pair speaking task.

any comprehension exercises.)

complete exercises. Prepare / rehearse for follow-up pair speaking task.

answers to Vocabulary exercises and do follow-up speaking task.

feedback on speaking.

to Grammar exercises and do follow-up speaking task. feedback on speaking.

groups. Teacher monitors.

Speaking task. Quick review of lesson aims.

Lesson D complete the comprehension questions. Prepare / rehearse for follow-up pair speaking task.


share your writing with each other (technology permitting) and the teacher. Speaking activity at the end of Lesson D and the Keep Talking! activities at the end of Lesson C.

from Lesson C: in pairs / groups, students complete the Keep Talking! activity. Teacher monitors. with whole class.

listening texts as a whole class. Check answers to both.

question(s) in groups.

do the Speaking activity. Teacher monitors.

6 Feedback and delayed correction with whole class., then teacher briefly reviews the lesson aims.





Wrap-up (current unit) and Opening page (next unit) 1 Prepare vocabulary and/or ideas

1 In pairs, students compare answers

1 breakout rooms

2 Prepare vocabulary and/or ideas

2 In new pairs, students compare

2 breakout rooms

3 Do online research according to the

3 Teacher conducts whole-class

3 chat box

4 Read the overview and learning

4 In groups, students discuss the

4 breakout rooms

for “pair review” Parts A and B (vocabulary review).

for “pair review” Parts C and D (vocabulary review).

task prompt. Write about what you learned. Submit this to your teacher for feedback. aims for the next unit.

5 Complete the Warm Up exercises

and prepare to discuss your ideas in the live class.


to “pair review” Parts A and B and/or do the speaking activities included in these sections.

answers to “pair review” Parts C and D and/or do the speaking activities included in these sections. feedback and delayed error correction in the main classroom.

Warm Up questions. Follow-up discussion and feedback take place in the main classroom. chat box

More detailed notes on how to structure the live classes, lesson by lesson. This sample unit plan is based on Level 1, Unit 5.

A Online habits


3 Grammar

1 Vocabulary Online activities A


100% Do you ever shop online? Yes, I sometimes shop online. Yes, I sometimes do. No, I never shop online. No, I never do.


Listen and repeat.




Adverbs of frequency

shop online.

sometimes hardly ever never


A Rewrite the conversations with the adverbs of frequency. Then practice with a partner. Do you ever watch movies online? 1 A Do you watch movies online? (ever) use social media

check email

download apps

B Yes, I watch movies online. (often)

play games

2 A Do you check email in class? (ever) B No, I check email in class. (never) 3 A Do you play games online? (ever) B Yes, I do. (usually) 4 A Do you download apps? (ever) B No, I do that. (hardly ever)

stream music


watch videos

shop online

post photos

“I use social media, check email, and play games. How about you?”

2 Language in context Habits survey A


4 Speaking Often, sometimes, or never? A

Read the survey about online habits. Circle the online activities.

Habits Survey

PAIR WORK Ask and answer the questions in Part A. Answer with your own information.

A: Do you ever watch movies online? B: Yes, I sometimes do.

PAIR WORK Check (✓) the things you do online. Then tell your partner.

Complete the chart with information about your online habits. Use the ideas in Exercise 1 and your own ideas.

I often …

I sometimes …

I never …

1 Do you ever shop online?

✓ Yes, I often shop online. Yes, I sometimes shop online. No, I never shop online. 2 Do you ever post photos? Yes, I often post photos.

✓ Yes, I sometimes post photos. No, I never post photos. 3 Do you ever play games?


GROUP WORK Compare your online habits.

A: I often play games online. B: Oh? I never do that. C: I sometimes do.

5 Keep talking! Go to page 135 for more practice.

Yes, I often play games. Yes, I sometimes play games.

✓ No, I never play games. B What about you? Do you do the online activities in the survey? 46

I can talk about my online habits.


Lesson A: Vocabulary, Language in Context, Grammar, Speaking, Keep Talking!

1 2 3 4 9

Start with a quick review of the last lesson, which introduced the topic of this unit, and a short warmer to allow time for everyone to enter the class. For example, you can ask the students to type answers to simple questions related to the Vocabulary they should have studied before the class, like What online activities did you do yesterday?

Main classroom

Check students have read the Language in Context text. Students then check their answers to the exercises in the breakout rooms, and discuss the follow-up speaking question. Allow at least five minutes for this.

Breakout rooms

Bring the students back into the main room. Use a combination of chat box and nominating individual students to check the answers. Or you can share the correct answers on the screen and the students can check their own work. Ask a few students to confirm which activities from the survey their partner does (which they just discussed).

Main classroom

Check students have read the Grammar explanation and done the exercises. Students then check their answers to the exercises in the breakout rooms, and discuss the follow-up speaking question. Allow at least five minutes for this.

Breakout rooms

Chat box

Chat box

5 6 7 8 9

Bring the students back into the main classroom. Use a combination of chat box and nominating individual students to check the answers to the Grammar activity. Ask some questions to check the students’ understanding, for example Where does the adverb go – before or after the verb? (Answer: before.) Respond to any queries or confusion.

Main classroom

Demonstrate how to prepare for the Speaking activity by suggesting some of your own answers. Students then prepare for the Speaking activity (approx. 3 minutes) then conduct it in groups in the breakout rooms. Allow at least 7 to 8 minutes for this. Visit each of the rooms in turn to monitor the task, but don’t help or correct the students yet.

Main classroom

Bring the students back into the main classroom. Invite them to share some examples from their group’s discussion in the chat box. Choose a few examples of good language to praise and a few examples of errors to correct, based on what you heard while monitoring the activity.

Chat box

Check the students have prepared their questions for the Keep Talking! activity. Demonstrate how to do the activity by asking the first couple of questions to one or two students and completing the chart on your screen. Students then do this activity in pairs in the breakout rooms. Allow at least 7 to 8 minutes for this. Visit each of the rooms in turn to monitor the task, but don’t help or correct the students yet.

Main classroom

Bring the students back into the main classroom. Invite them to share some examples from their group’s discussion in the chat box. Choose a few examples of good language to praise and a few examples of errors to correct, based on what you heard while monitoring the activity.

Main classroom

Close by thanking the students for their participation, reviewing the lesson aims briefly + setting homework. Optional: additional practice materials are available in the Online Self-Study and Online Workbook.


Chat box

Chat box Breakout rooms

Main classroom

Screen-sharing Chat box Breakout rooms

Screen-sharing Chat box Self-study

B How much is it?


1 Prices A


Listen and repeat. $79.00 $79.95


seventy-nine dollars


seventy-nine dollars and ninety-five cents

OR $379.95

three hundred seventy-nine dollars and ninety-five cents


three seventy-nine ninety-five

Listen and practice.

A: How much is this? B: It’s $54.89. C

A: How much are these? B: They’re $234.99.

A: How much is that watch? B: It’s only $109.25.

Listen to four conversations about prices. Circle the correct prices.


PAIR WORK Say a number from the chart. Your partner points to it. Take turns.

1 $14 / $40


$17 / $70

2 $16 / $60


$19 / $90


PAIR WORK Practice the conversations again. Say the prices in a different way.

First syllable 30 thirty 40 forty 50 fifty 60 sixty 70 seventy 80 eighty 90 ninety

Listen to four conversations in a store. Check (✓) the words you hear. 1

✓ camera cell phone laptop


Listen and practice.

Last syllable 13 thirteen 14 fourteen 15 fifteen 16 sixteen 17 seventeen 18 eighteen 19 nineteen

4 Listening Can I help you?

2 Interactions At the store A

Listen and repeat. Notice the difference in stress in the numbers.


seventy-nine ninety-five

= OR


3 Pronunciation Thirteen or thirty?










scarf shorts skirt

Listen to a salesperson offer help to four customers. Do the customers accept or decline help? Circle the correct answers. 1 accept / decline

2 accept / decline

3 accept / decline

4 accept / decline

5 Speaking Role play CLASS ACTIVITY Role-play the situation. Then change roles.

Group A: You are salespeople. Offer help to the customers. Answer questions about prices. Group B: You are customers. Decline help three times. Then accept help three times and ask for the prices of three items.



Can I help you?




Yes, please. How much is this camera?


Can I help you?


It’s $169.50.


No, thanks. I’m just looking.








Listen to the expressions. Then practice the conversations again with the new expressions.

Declining help No, thanks. I’m just looking.

No. I’m fine, thanks. $400.89

Accepting help Yes, please.

Yes, thanks.



A: Can I help you? B: No, thanks. I’m just looking.



A: Can I help you? B: Yes, please. How much … ?

I can accept and decline help.


Lesson B: Vocabulary, Interactions, Pronunciation, Listening, Speaking.

1 2 3 4 5


Start with a quick review of the last lesson and a short warmer to allow time for everyone to enter the class. For example, you can ask the students to type answers to simple questions related to the Vocabulary they should have studied before the class, like How much is a cup of coffee in your city? or How much are books for your English class?

Main classroom

In pairs, students check their answers to the Vocabulary exercises in the breakout rooms, and practice the language in the follow-up speaking activity. Allow at least five minutes for this.

Breakout rooms

Bring the students back into the main room. Use a combination of chat box and nominating individual students to check the answers. Or you can share the correct answers on the screen and the students can check their own work.

Main classroom

Check students have listened to and practiced the Interactions dialog. Put the students into new pairs to practice the dialog in breakout rooms. Allow at least five minutes for this.

Breakout rooms

Bring the students back into the main classroom. Play the Pronunciation audio for the students to hear, or, if you feel comfortable, demonstrate the stress pattern yourself. Drill the pronunciation of each word chorally, then invite a few students one by one to turn on their microphone and repeat.

Main classroom

Chat box

Chat box

Chat box Earphones (+ microphones)

6 7 8 9

Put the students into new pairs to practice the pronunciation in breakout rooms according to the pair work activity. Allow just 2-3 minutes for this.

Breakout rooms

Bring the students back into the main classroom. Check they did the Listening exercises before the class and use a combination of chat box and nominating individual students to check the answers. Or you can share the correct answers on the screen and the students can check their own work.

Chat box

Check the students have prepared for the role-play Speaking activity. Demonstrate how to do the activity first with a strong or confident student. Students then do this activity in pairs in the breakout rooms. Allow at least 7 to 8 minutes for this. Visit each of the rooms in turn to monitor the task, but don’t help or correct the students yet.

Main classroom

Bring the students back into the main classroom. Choose a few examples of good language to praise and a few examples of errors to correct, based on what you heard while monitoring the activity.

Main classroom

Close by thanking the students for their participation, reviewing the lesson aims briefly + setting homework. Optional: additional practice materials are available in the Online Self-Study and Online Workbook.


Main classroom

Chat box Breakout rooms

Screen-sharing Chat box Self-study

C What do you do for fun?


3 Grammar

1 Vocabulary Leisure activities and places A


Listen and repeat.

eat out

go dancing

go shopping

hang out

play soccer

watch movies


Simple present Wh- questions with do

What do you do for fun? I hang out.

Who do you play soccer with? My brother and his friends.

Where do you hang out? At the mall.

When do you usually play soccer? We usually play on weekends.

How do you get there? We take the bus.

Why do you play soccer? Because it’s my favorite sport.

A Read the answers. Write Wh- questions. Then practice with a partner. 1 How do you get to class? I take the bus to class. 2


I eat out on Friday night.


I play sports with my brother.


I go shopping at the mall.


My friends and I watch movies on Saturday.


I sometimes study with my friends.

PAIR WORK Ask and answer the questions in Part A. Answer with your own information.

A: How do you get to class? B: I usually walk, but I sometimes take the subway.

Listen and repeat.

4 Speaking Tell me more! A

PAIR WORK Interview your partner. Take notes.

Questions at a club


at a restaurant

at home

at the mall

at the park

PAIR WORK Do you do the activities in Part A? Where? Tell your partner.

A: I watch movies at home. Do you? B: Yes, I do. I watch movies at the mall, too.

2 Conversation In our free time Listen and practice. Annie

What do you do for fun, Chad?


Oh, I hang out with friends.


Yeah? Where do you hang out?


At the mall. We sometimes watch a movie or go shopping. What about you?

Annie Chad

I play soccer in the park.


1 When do you usually check your email? 2 What time do you go to bed on Sundays? 3 When do you chat with friends? 4 Who do you eat out with? Where do you go? 5 Where do you go shopping? How do you get there? 6 What do you do for fun on weekends? Why?


PAIR WORK Tell another classmate about your partner’s answers. Are any of your partners’ answers the same?

A: Celia usually checks her email at night. B: Luis checks his email at night, too.

5 Keep talking! Go to page 136 for more practice.

Sounds fun. Who do you play with?


My brother and his friends. Actually, we need another player. Are you interested?




I can ask and answer questions about leisure activities.


Lesson C: Vocabulary, Conversation, Grammar, Speaking.

1 2 3 4 5


Start with a quick review of the last lesson and a short warmer to allow time for everyone to enter the class. For example, you could play Hangman by sharing your screen, using the vocabulary they should have studied before the class.

Main classroom

In pairs, students check their answers to the Vocabulary exercises in the breakout rooms, and practice the language in the follow-up speaking activity. Allow at least five minutes for this.

Breakout rooms

Bring the students back into the main room. Use a combination of chat box and nominating individual students to check the answers. Or you can share the correct answers on the screen and the students can check their own work.

Main classroom

Check students have read the Grammar explanation and done the exercises. Students then check their answers to the exercises in the breakout rooms, and practice the grammar in a dialog according to the task instructions. Allow at least 6-7 minutes for this.

Breakout rooms

Bring the students back into the main classroom. Use a combination of chat box and nominating individual students to check the answers to the Grammar activity. Ask some questions to check the students’ understanding, for example What helping verb do we need after the question word? (Answer: “do”.) Respond to any queries or confusion.

Main classroom

Screen-sharing Chat box

Chat box

Chat box

6 7

Check students have listened to and practiced the Conversation dialog. Explain that this will help them now with the Speaking activity. Demonstrate how to do this activity by asking the first couple of questions to one or two students and completing the table on your screen. Students then do this activity in pairs in the breakout rooms. Allow at least 5-6 minutes for this. Visit each of the rooms in turn to monitor the task, but don’t help or correct the students yet.

Main classroom

Bring the students back into the main classroom. Invite them to share some examples from their partner’s interview in the chat box. Choose a few examples of good language to praise and a few examples of errors to correct, based on what you heard while monitoring the activity.

Chat box

Close by thanking the students for their participation, reviewing the lesson aims briefly + setting homework. Optional: additional practice materials are available in the Online Self-Study and Online Workbook.


Screen-sharing Chat box Breakout rooms

Main classroom




Lesson C



2 Listening Four websites A

1 Reading

A Add two more questions about each topic to the charts. Sports and games


D Online fun

Follow-up questions

Listen to Helena and Michael talk about the pictures on four websites. Number the pictures from 1 to 4.

A Look at the pictures in the article. What do you see?


B Read the article. What’s the best title? Check (✓) the correct answer.

Do you ever play sports?

New Websites

What do you play?


Fun Online Activities

Who do you play with?


Try one of these activities in your free time. Shopping




What do you buy there?


What do you want? A new video game? A new phone? What don’t you want? Your old jeans? Your old schoolbooks? Buy and sell things online!


Do you ever take the bus? Why do you take the bus?

Where is your best friend from elementary school now? Does your friend live in your city? Search his or her name, and find your friend.

Do you have pictures or movies on your cell phone or camera? Post them! Upload your favorite photos and videos for friends.

3 Michael shops on the website.

2 The Museum of Modern Art is in Paris.

4 Helena often uploads videos.

A Choose a topic for a chat: free time, online activities, or school. Write a question about your topic.


GROUP WORK Send your question to the classmate on the right in a text message or on paper. Read and

answer your classmate’s question. Continue to read and answer all of the questions in your group.

When do you take it?


1 Michael looks at videos of Stephen Curry.

3 Writing Let’s chat!

Buy and Sell

Getting around

Listen again. Correct the false sentences.


Do you ever go shopping? Where do you shop?

Sandra: Jaemin: Roberto:

CLASS ACTIVITY Find a classmate who does each activity. Then ask the follow-up questions. Take notes.

A: Do you ever play sports, Samantha? B: Yes, I sometimes do. A: What do you play? B: I play tennis.

Tour a museum from your home! Go to the Egyptian Museum in Cairo, Barcelona’s Picasso Museum, or Kyoto’s National Museum.

C Share your information. What answers are popular in your class?

Where do you want to go? Search the address and city, and find a map. Get directions to stores, parks, or a new restaurant.

Do you want to discover a new band or listen to your favorite singer on your cellphone? Use an app to stream music.

C Read the article again. Where do the headings go? Write them in the article. Map it! Get Music


Take a Tour

✓ Buy and Sell


What do you do in your free time? I watch TV and play video games. My favorite video game is “Soccer Star.” I hardly ever play video games. I usually watch TV at night. My favorite show is ...

CLASS ACTIVITY Tell the class about your chat.

4 Speaking My favorite website A

GROUP WORK Add a question about online habits to the list. Then ask and answer the questions.


CLASS ACTIVITY Share your information. Which websites and apps are popular?

Share Photos and Videos

What’s your favorite website or app?

What news websites do you read?

What other websites or apps do you usually use?

What blogs do you read?

Find an Old Friend

PAIR WORK What activities do you do online? Tell your partner.

“I hardly ever sell things online, but I sometimes buy clothes online.” 136

52 Keep talking!

I can discuss how I use technology.


Lesson D: Reading, Listening, Writing, Speaking + Lesson C: Keep Talking!

1 2 3 4 5


Start with a quick review of the last lesson, which introduced the topic of this unit, and a short warmer to allow time for everyone to enter the class. For example, you can ask the students to brainstorm some key vocabulary they’ve learned in the previous 3 lessons. What can they remember?

Main classroom

Check the students have prepared their questions for the Keep Talking! activity from the end of Lesson C. Put students in small groups to do this activity in the breakout rooms. Allow at least 8 minutes for this. Visit each of the rooms in turn to monitor the task, but don’t help or correct the students yet.

Breakout rooms

Bring the students back into the main classroom. Invite them to share some examples from their group’s discussion in the chat box. Choose a few examples of good language to praise and a few examples of errors to correct, based on what you heard while monitoring the activity.

Main classroom

Check students have read and listened to the Lesson D Reading and Listening activities and completed the comprehension questions. Students then check their answers in the breakout rooms, and discuss the follow-up speaking question(s). Allow at least 6-7 minutes for this.

Breakout rooms

Bring the students back into the main room. Use a combination of chat box and nominating individual students to check the answers. Or you can share the correct answers on the screen and the students can check their own work.

Main classroom

Chat box

Screen-sharing Chat box

Chat box

6 7

Demonstrate how to prepare for the Speaking activity by suggesting your own question to add to the questionnaire. Students then prepare briefly for the Speaking activity (approx. 2 minutes) then conduct it in groups in the breakout rooms. Allow at least 7 to 8 minutes for this. Visit each of the rooms in turn to monitor the task, but don’t help or correct the students yet.

Main classroom

Bring the students back into the main classroom. Invite them to share some examples from their group’s discussion in the chat box. Choose a few examples of good language to praise and a few examples of errors to correct, based on what you heard while monitoring the activity.

Main classroom

Close by thanking the students for their participation, reviewing the lesson aims briefly + setting homework. Optional: additional practice materials are available in the Online Self-Study and Online Workbook.


Chat box Breakout rooms

Chat box



Wrap-up 1 Quick pair review Lesson A


Make a list of online activities. How many do you know? You have one minute.

Lesson B

My prices

Lesson C

Work and play


Test your partner!

Write three prices and say them to your partner. Can your partner write them correctly? Check his or her answers. You have two minutes. My partner’s prices

Jobs Simple present Wh- questions with does

LESSON B Asking for someone on the phone Having someone wait



Abilities Can for ability; and, but, and or

Reading: “Fun Jobs” Writing: My abilities

Find out!

What are three activities both you and your partner do for fun? You have two minutes.

A: I play soccer for fun. Do you? B: No, I don’t play soccer. Do you go shopping for fun? A: Yes, sometimes. Lesson D

Do you remember?

Complete the sentences with the correct words. You have one minute.

✓ Buy



1 2



and sell online.


an old friend.

photos and videos.


a tour.

2 In the real world How much are they? Find two different prices for each of these items. Then write about them. a belt


a small camera

a downloaded song

a laptop

an umbrella

Different Prices A black belt is $29.99 at Style Shop. It’s $20.00 at Kelly’s Accessories. A downloaded song is …

Warm Up A Where do the people usually work? B Do you know any of the jobs in the pictures? Do you know any other jobs?



Wrap-up: Pair review, In the real world + Warm Up to next unit.

1 2 3 4 5


Start with a quick review of the last lesson and a short warmer to allow time for everyone to enter the class. For example, you can ask the students to type some information and questions for each other into the chat box about what they researched for the In the Real World writing task.

Main classroom

Check students have prepared for the Quick Pair Review. In pairs in the breakout rooms, students compare answers to “pair review” Parts A and B and do the speaking activity included in B. Allow at least five minutes for this. Monitor and help where necessary.

Breakout rooms

Bring the students back into the main room. Use a combination of chat box and nominating individual students to share some of their ideas. If you noticed any common spelling or pronunciation problems during the pair activity, correct them now with the whole class.

Main classroom

Check students have prepared for the second part of the Quick Pair Review. In pairs in the breakout rooms, students compare answers to “pair review” Parts C and D and do the speaking activity included in C. Allow at least five minutes for this. Monitor but don’t help yet.

Breakout rooms

Bring the students back into the main room. Use a combination of chat box and nominating individual students to share some of the activities their partner mentioned when interviewed. Choose a few examples of good language to praise and a few examples of errors to correct, based on what you heard while monitoring the activity.

Main classroom

Chat box

Chat box

Chat box


Share your screen and show students the pictures from the start of the next unit. Elicit from them what they can see in the pictures. They should type their ideas into the chat box.

Main classroom


Students move into small groups and discuss the Warm Up questions in the breakout rooms. Allow 3-4 minutes for this. Visit each of the rooms in turn to monitor the task, but don’t help or correct the students yet.

Chat box

Check the students have prepared for the role-play Speaking activity. Demonstrate how to do the activity first with a strong or confident student. Students then do this activity in pairs in the breakout rooms. Allow at least 7 to 8 minutes for this. Visit each of the rooms in turn to monitor the task, but don’t help or correct the students yet.

Main classroom


Close by thanking the students for their participation, reviewing the lesson aims briefly + setting homework. Optional: additional practice materials are available in the Online Self-Study and Online Workbook.


Screen-sharing Chat box

Main classroom

Chat box Breakout rooms


We hope you find these guidelines helpful. You may also find the following resources useful: 1. All Four Corners Second Edition Student Books have access codes on the inside front cover for self-study material on the Cambridge Learning Management System (CLMS). There are clear instructions in the book and these digital resources are ideal for students to access by themselves. 2. Some students will also have access to the Four Corners Online Workbooks on the CLMS. The Online Workbooks are designed for practicing the language and skills presented in the Student Books, and allow you to track your students’ progress.

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3. If your students are continuing to use the printed Student Books at home, they can download all of the audio from the Resources tab on the Four Corners web pages. 4. We have also made the Four Corners videos and video notes freely available to download, so these can be accessed by students too. 5. For extra practice, Four Corners has a range of downloadable Grammar, Vocabulary and Skills worksheets, all clearly linked to the content in the Student Books. 6. For reference material, there are Four Corners Language Summaries also free to download.

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7. The full list of Four Corners downloadable resources can be found on our website. You can use the filters on the left-hand side to search by level and resource type: cambridgeenglish/catalog/adult-courses/four-corners-2ndedition/resources

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Looking for more digital resources to help with home learning? You might also like to consider:

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> Free resource for students and teachers: Make your words meaningful with Cambridge Dictionary. Sign up for ‘Cambridge Dictionary Plus’ for free to access quizzes and to create, share and download your own word lists. > World of Better Learning blog for teachers: To help support all teachers who now have to teach from home due to the COVID-19 coronavirus outbreak, we have created a series of blog posts with expert advice on how to move your classes online.

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