King Country

By Chris Gardner
Retailers and tourism operators are hoping for a busier than normal summer as the two-month closure of the Desert Road may push more traffic into the King Country and Waipā.
Waka Kotahi NZ Transport Agency closed State Highway 1 between Tūrangi and Waiouru on Monday (January 13) for road reconstruction and replacement of the wooden deck of the Mangatoetoenui Bridge.
This means between 3000 and nearly 6000 vehicles will need to find alternative routes from north to south and back again over the next two months.
“It will probably push more traffic through our district,” said Waitomo mayor John Robertson.
He hoped established stops like Piopio to be busier as a result of the road closure – it’s not on the direct route around the west side of National Park, but could draw
re traffic if visitors decide to add Taranaki to their travels.
“Holy smoke,” said Piopio’s Fat Owl Bar and Eatery and Fat Pigeon Café owner Melanie Simpson when considering traffic heading her way instead of following the NZTA detours.
“I had not even thought of that. That’s going to be very good for us. We are going to have to put extra staff on.”
The timing is excellent for Mini India Takeaway in Rora Street,
Te Kūiti, said operator Rajesh Bahunguna. By happy coincidence Bahunguna is opening an Indian restaurant further down the street later this month and he said both businesses would probably benefit.
Te Kūiti New World checkout supervisor Bubz Ruki expected the already busy supermarket to have a couple of busier months as a result.
“We do get a lot of traffic go through… a lot of motorhomes stocking up.”
Bosco Café director Sarb Gill
said the Te Kūiti business on State Highway 3 would be putting on extra staff to cope with the demand.
“While road closures can be frustrating for drivers, as a business owner in the King Country, we see it as an opportunity to welcome more travellers to our region,” Gill said.
“We’re eager to share our warm hospitality and stunning scenery with visitors. We’ll be adjusting our staffing to accommodate the influx, and fingers crossed, it will be a great
experience for everyone.” Tourism Holdings Ltd chief executive Grant Webster, whose business operates the Waitomo Glowworm Caves and Waitomo Homestead at the Big Apple, was excited.
“That would certainly be an opportunity for us. We would be very open to welcoming more customers through,” he said.
Spellbound Glowworm and Cave Tours owner-operator Peter
Continued on page 2
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By Mary Anne Gill
The investment made into Waikato public transport is bearing fruit with the numbers of people catching the bus last year from regional towns to and from Hamilton well up on 2023.
The big mover was the Cambridge 20 service. Passenger numbers rose 33 per cent to 118,303 and August’s 13,731 head count nabbed the monthly record.
later in the afternoon. They pick up and drop off passengers in Ōtorohanga, Kihikihi, Te Awamutu and Cambridge which are included in the connector services figures.
Cambridge and Te Awamutu have both benefited from the introduction of electric buses and a doubling of weekly services while an increase in bus fares from July 1 last year did not appear to have the impact experts predicted.
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Te Awamutu-Kihihiki 24 service had more passengers overall though with 127,182 - a 28 per cent increase on the previous year. August was also the big month there with 14,622 people.
While the Te Kūiti and Tokoroa connector services also saw increases – up 55 per cent and 27 per cent respectively – they are coming off a low base and do not include January 2023 when the services were not operating.
Regional and district councillors in those communities will have some tough decisions to make about the services’ viability in an election year where funding is tight.
Both services - Te Kūiti 24 with 10,095 passengers and Tokoroa 32 with 11,118 - only run on weekdays. They leave early in the morning and return
Maximum fares capped at $43.20 a week seem to have dealt to those fears.
But numbers released to The News show there is still room for growth particularly with cross town patronage in Cambridge – between the CBD and Leamingtonand between Te Awamutu and Kihikihi.
Regional council Customer Focus team leader Sandra Sesto-Dekic is confident those numbers can increase particularly given the new double decker buses operating on both sides of the Waipā district.
As part of its 10-year plan for public transport, regional councillors signed off on a plan for services to become carbon neutral by 2050 and spend up to $225 per person annually on public transport.
Chandler expected the closure to be good for the King Country but with many people booking three to six months ahead he did not have much capacity for extra tourists for his nine tours per day.
“Our tours are full every day,” he said.
Michelle Boddie of Down to Earth Tours had a similar story.
“We are pretty booked until late March.”
Cancellations would create last minute vacancies, she said.
Waitomo Adventures owner-operator Nick Andreef said while the road closure should
result in more vehicles travelling through the Waitomo District and stopping, the most likely result would be more congested roads.
“It may not be positive because the roads are not up to it,” Andreef said.
A regional tourism organisation would have made the most of the opportunity, promoting the district.
“We are still in dismay at our councils dropping support for a regional tourism operation,” he said.
Murray Hunt furnishers manager Bev Cooper thought the road closure could bring
Continued from page 1
more people through Ōtorohanga and into the branch there.
“It will be interesting to see,” she said. “Mostly we get people stopping off who are driving Auckland to Wellington.”
She didn’t expect any extra traffic through the Te Awamutu branches which generally attracted Cambridge and Hamilton shoppers.
Waipā mayor Susan O’Regan also didn’t expect Waipā to benefit from the closure.
“We are not expecting too much of an influx,” she said.
A great white shark swam to safety after Ōtorohanga Jim Wright Nissan manager Merv Carr helped free it from a fishing net recently. Carr went to the aid of kayakers who had found the shark entangled in a net. Carr reported the incident to the Department of Conservation.
Roadworks near Kiwi Place in Benneydale, which started this week on State Highway 30, should take about six weeks to complete. Initial work will be carried out between 7am and 7pm and stop-go traffic management will be in place. Delays of up to 20 minutes can be expected.
Legendary Te Kūiti is inviting people to share their stories and memories of Te Kūiti Hospital as part of planning to celebrate its 100th anniversary later this year. The foundation stone for the hospital was laid in July 1925 and the major celebrations will be held in November.
The country’s premier national road cycling event, the Elite Road Cycling National Championships, will be staged in Waipā in 2026 and 2027. Cycling New Zealand says the event will be staged in partnership Te Awamutu Sports Cycling Club. The club last hosted the event in 2009.
The annual Balloons over Waikato festival, running from March 18 to 22 this year, will feature a 30 metre high owl balloon – known as Owlbert Eyenstein. The highlight of the even, the nightglow, will be held at Claudelands in Hamilton.
A post from Waitomo mayor John Robertson struck a good chord on social media this week. The mayor reported Piopio - “no vacant shops and a hive of activity” was, like beach and bach communities such as Marokopa and Mokau “hopping” at this time of year.
The family of late King Country serviceman 2nd Lieutenant Trevor Pemberton Stubbs have received a service medal 45 years after his death. Chris Gardner reports.
Young Antony Stubbs used to fear invasion.
His father, 2nd Lieutenant Trevor Stubbs of the King Country Home Guard, and his mates were left without rifles to defend New Zealand after they were handed in to help with the war effort.
This left Stubbs and his Home Guard mates to substitute rifles with broom handles and manuka poles for parades.
“They would parade at Marakopa and Dad would come home and tell us that Marakopa was ‘Home Guarded’,” the 86-year-old remembers.
“They were dead scared about the Japanese coming,” adds his younger brother Alister, 84.
The Stubbs hill country farm, Awatiro, off Te Anga
Road, formerly occupied by Trevor’s parents Hugh and Harriet was a perfect base of operations, with views out to the potential enemy landing sites on the West Coast and around the North Island.
The pair can remember their father positioning their old Ford V8 pick-up truck to use the headlights for sending messages in Morse code to his Home Guard brothers in arms. It was a Kiwi version of the warning beacons that had served Britain so well down the centuries.
Tank traps were also installed to halt, or at least slow, an invading force and 2nd Lieutenant Stubbs was trained in their deployment. There was one on the road leading to the farm, and more around the district.
If the enemy ever landed,
the Home Guard would rely on Awatiro Farm as a base of operations, packing out a remote cave with provisions packed in tins lined with foil.
The Home Guard was formed in August 1940 under the Emergency Corps Regulations when New Zealanders feared an invasion of the Japanese Empire in the Second World War.
The British version was popularised by the long running situation comedy Dad’s Army which replaced the local militias of old.
The brothers remember huddling daily around the radio with their father and mother Madge.
“They would walk in at the end of the day and turn the radio on and at six o’clock we would hear Big Ben striking,”
They would hear news of how the war was going for the allies in Europe and other parts of the world.
“We did not know was going to happen,” Alister said.
He also listened in to the nightly news with his twin brother Graeme and their whanau from their old hill
country farmhouse.
Their parents are long gone now, and the farmhouse was later destroyed in a fire, taking many mementos with them. But the fifth generation of Stubbs continues to work and live off the land.
Nearly 80 years after the war ended, Trevor has been recognised by the New Zealand Defence with a posthumous New Zealand War Service Medal for his service.
Antony applied for the medal after Hangitiki military history expert Ross O’Halloran asked Antony’s nephew, Angus Stubbs, whether his grandfather had ever been decorated.
“Many people who did Home Service didn’t realise that if they had completed a certain amount of time, they were eligible for the NZ 1939-45 war service medal,”
O’Halloran said.
O’Halloran has also supplied the family with the appropriate military pins to replace the ones lost in the fire late last century.
So, how would Trevor have reacted to the award?
“He would be overwhelmed, really thrilled,” Antony said.
“He was pretty interested when I did my compulsory military training in 1957.”
“He would be really humbled,” Alister said.
By Janine Krippner
Eons ago, humanity began to learn from natural events and understand our Earth in incredible ways. We evolved through tragedies like impactful eruptions and earthquakes. Valuable stories were passed down to teach descendants how to recognise warning signs and how to act, preserving records of disaster through time.
Through exploration and early science, we got curious about our planet and started asking bigger and better questions, a driver of knowledge.
In the past few centuries there have been enormous growth spurts in understanding how our world works and what we can do to be less impacted by disasters and recover more effectively.
Organisations like volcano observatories and emergency management agencies grew, ensuring we have people dedicated to understanding the complexities of hazards, disasters, and society. We even began to work together, joining with fields like engineering and social sciences, and learned the necessity of working alongside utilities and governments organisations. Hard-won lessons have fuelled progress through the Earth sciences and studying the human aspects of how we react, how we are impacted, what our needs are, and examining how have we made these situations better or worse.
We now understand the importance of all aspects of Reduction (know what our risks are and take action to reduce how they will harm us), Readiness (having systems and services in place), Response (jumping into action when an event happens), and Recovery (immediate, medium, and long-term).
We slowly move from just telling people what to do during an event, to empowering people to protect and care for themselves. We just don’t have the resources to attend to everyone when
disaster strikes. Unfortunately, we also take many steps backwards. Financial gain is put ahead of protecting our people. Funding for important programmes and research is cut. We don’t take the ongoing time needed to make sure relationships are in place before we need them.
Vulnerable people and those who have different, valuable cultural views are left out of discussions and planning. Trust in science and governments is eroded.
Technology grows by leaps and bounds and creates more problems to solve, like what happens when the internet goes down during a large earthquake when we now depend on it?
Progress requires working together. We know that stronger and better-connected communities hit with disaster are so much stronger. Experts need to work more within our communities, not just publish research papers that most people can’t access, in a language full of jargon. We need to better include and respect the magnificent diversity of humanity.
This entire process is just that – a messy, complex, evolving process that continues to improve. There will be the “unprecedented” events that leave us with our jaws on the floor, and there will be new discoveries. We don’t have all the answers yet and we certainly do not have the means to implement what valuable lessons we have already learned.
My hope is that the future sees all of us working together so that when, not if, disaster strikes, we are ready. This can be through increasing our personal knowledge, knowing what to do, having clear but flexible plans, taking action, and being there for our neighbours.
We live on a very active planet, but we are not powerless.
By Peter Nicholl
I had hoped to write positively for my first column of 2025. But since my last in early December, there hasn’t been much positive economic news.
The data for GPD in the year to September 2024 showed New Zealand had its worst recession (except for the Covid-induced slump) in over 30 years. GDP per capita fell 2.7 per cent. Some other countries, like the US and Australia, seem to be having ‘soft landings’ - they are getting inflation under control without totally stifling economic growth. We are not landing so softly.
I think the reason is that New Zealand’s most significant economic problem isn’t inflation. The big problems we have is a lack of competition in many key sectors, poor productivity, and regulations that impose significant costs on farms, industries and financial institutions.
Our productivity levels have been poor for a long time and in recent years have fallen further. Productivity is now about 30 per cent below the level in Australia. That’s all you need to know to understand why many New Zealanders are shifting to Australia. There are only two ways a country can increase the prosperity of its citizens. It can create or find a scarce asset everybody else wants. We are probably going to have to rely on the second way –which is to increase productivity.
Treasury’s recent set of forecasts for the next several years made gloomy reading. It identified poor productivity as one of the main causes of the gloomy outlook. It said “several factors are likely to have contributed to this productivity slowdown, including poor diffusion of innovation,
weak investment and a slowdown in international trade and connections”. Really? These things are not the causes, they are the channels through which poor productivity spreads. The causes are much more fundamental. They are a lack of competition in many key sectors and the crippling impact of New Zealand’s web of costly regulations on the costs of doing business for farmers and companies.
Until organisations like the Treasury start focusing on the fundamental causes of poor productivity we will make little progress. I was encouraged by the focus the government gave to eliminating unnecessary regulations in their initial plans. But about the only story of action in this area I have noticed referred to the hairdressing industry.
There has been little sense of urgency given to the task. When I was working in Bosnia and Herzegovina, the High Representative, Paddy Ashdown, set up a Bulldozer Committee with the sole task of identifying and eliminating regulations that imposed more costs than benefits. New Zealand needs to adopt a bulldozer approach too.
One of the few public organisations the Government eliminated in its first year was the Productivity Commission. That could have been a good thing as I was sceptical of the value of its work.
But it does have a degree of irony given our biggest and most long-lasting economic problem is low and falling productivity levels.
By Chris Gardner
Ōtorohanga mayor
Max Baxter will hang up his mayoral chains this year – but Waitomo’s John Robertson wants another term.
When he leaves the council offices in Maniapoto Street for the last time as mayor in October Baxter will have completed four three-year terms or 12 years in the role.
“After 12 years I have decided that we have achieved all we set out to do,” Baxter, 60, told The News.
He and his team had worked hard to turn Ōtorohanga District Council into a high-performance territorial authority.
“We are doing extremely well,” he said.
“It’s time for someone else to take it on and put their impression on it.”
Baxter was elected mayor in October 2013, after Dale Williams decided not to stand again and moved away from the district.
Baxter will continue with his business interests. He is owner and director of Stanleigh Farms Ltd, a dairy operation which follows environmental best practice, and founding executive director of pyrolysis plant
operator Waro Preta GP Ltd producing biochar for agricultural use.
Waitomo mayor John Robertson intends to hold on to his mayoral chains for another term.
“I am planning to run again,” Robertson,73, said.
He will have served the district for two terms, or six years, by the time the election results are announced on October 14. He was elected in 2019, succeeding Brian Hanna.
“There’s a lot going on in local government, including the water reform, and we have got some big decisions to make.”
The announcement last weekend from Hamilton mayor Paula Southgate that she would stand down in October prompted a check of the plans of leading local body politicians in the Good Local Media readership area.
The News had not reached Ruapehu mayor Weston Kirton when this edition went to press.
Waipā district mayor Susan O’Regan is planning for a second term and will seek re-election in October.
“It’s no real secret,” said O’Regan, 52. “There’s such a need for continuity with water reform.”
O’Regan, with other
mayors, has been involved in leading the exploration of options for water reform. Waipā and Waitomo were the first district councils to agree to sign the Waikato Water Done Well agreement last year to investigate the establishment of a councilcontrolled organisation (CCO) to deliver water and wastewater services.
Seeing through the LongTerm Plan, the council’s submission against Global Contracting Solutions’ application to build a waste to energy plant on Racecourse Road, Te Awamutu, reestablishing the youth council, and Cambridge Connections were all on O’Regan’s agenda.
“It’s not like it’s business as usual,” she said.
O’Regan was elected mayor in 2022, succeeding Jim Mylchreest, after serving the council as Kakepuku Ward councillor for two terms.
Waikato district mayor Jacqui Church will become the first female incumbent to stand for re-election in the district.
“I would like to do a second term, if people think I have done a good job,” she told The News. “It’s a privilege to serve the people.”
The biggest issues in
her district were water infrastructure and affordability, she said.
“Affordability is not something we can fix,” she said. But it is something the council can be mindful of.
“With water the opportunity is ongoing.”
“There’s a real opportunity in the Waikato for longer term bipartisan agreements,” she said. Meaning there were lots of ways councils could work together for the betterment of their communities.
Average asking prices for houses in the Central North Island fell 11 per cent in the 12 months to December.
The New Zealand property market typically slows down in December, but data from showed new listings hit a record low for any December since tracking began and nine of 19 regions also reported their lowestever December levels.
The national average asking price was also its
lowest since April 2021 at $842,476. In the central North Island it was $708,350 in December compared to $796,151 12 months earlier. Waikato figures went in the other directions, up 3.4 per cent on 12 months earlier from $787,383 to $814,159.
Nationally, the asking price average was $842,476 – up about $60,000 on the same time last year. That figure reflected a return to 2021 levels.
An old for new initiative which promotes water safety will be operating in Mōkau for a day at the start of next month.
Old4New is setting up at 74 boating spots over summer through to February 2 where people can exchange worn-out lifejackets for discounted new ones.
The promotion comes with lifejacket advice, including fitting and servicing, boating safety tips and information about education courses. The same service is also offered at 19 boating and outdoors stores around the country.
Organisers say that over the past decade more than 22,000 old lifejackets have been traded in.
By Mary Anne Gill
Erina Wehi-Barton is excited about the prospects of a growth in waka ama involvement following a record entry of King Country paddlers competing in the national champs at Lake Karāpiro this week.
Nine teams from the Maniapoto branch of the Aratika Water Sports Club club – up from three last year – were lakeside.
“It’s the intensity now. All the kids want to paddle,” said Wehi-Barton whose iwi affiliations are Ngāti Rereahu - ManiapotoWaikato - Rarua - Tūwharetoa - Te Atiawa.
The club has 56 paddlers with the youngest – Parakau Mulligan-Green, 6, of Te Kūiti –making his debut on Sunday after a pōwhiri from Ngāti Korokī Kahukura and Ngāti Hauā iwi.
The lack of suitable training facilities in Te Kūiti does not hamper members – they head
west to Awakino instead and rely on iwi and whānau for ongoing support.
Last year the younger members of the club went to Rarotonga in the Cook Islands to compete and came home with six gold, three silver and six bronze medals.
“Waka ama caters for the entire whānau –from babies, siblings, kaumatua, everyone,” said Wehi-Barton, a mātauranga (traditional) researcher who has spent the last 10 years establishing rangatahi/whānau initiatives and observing the behaviours of awa and tuna.
Her doctorate studies are on indigenous knowledge.
Meanwhile a woman described as the “queen of waka ama” was honoured during a pōwhiri at the start of the week-long sprint championships at Lake Karāpiro on Sunday.
Members of Kiwi Campbell’s whānau including people from Waipā, Waikato and King Country were present as several
speakers spoke about the Gisborne woman’s contribution to the sport.
Campbell, 43, a competitor, coach and administrator from the Horouta Waka Hoe Club - and a regular visitor to Karāpiro - died in November last year.
Four years ago, the mother of two boys Mairangi and Maia, and wife of Bruce Campbell was inducted into Waka Ama New Zealand’s virtual hall of fame for her outstanding contribution to the sport.
With a spine-tingling call, fellow club member Cynthia Sidney led the visiting teams towards Ngāti Korokī Kahukura and Ngāti Hauā iwi, waka ama officials and local competitors.
Just over two hours later, the tamariki events got underway highlighting the phenomenal growth of waka ama since Mareikura, the first club in New Zealand, was established in Gisborne in 1985
followed five years later with the first national outrigger canoe paddling champs at Karāpiro.
A record 3868 competitors and twice as many spectators are at the lake all week and more than 1400 of them are aged 13 years and under.
Competitors have come from throughout New Zealand, Fiji, Tonga, Cook Islands, United Kingdom and Australia.
Campbell’s aunty Liz Reedy of Hamilton said her niece’s death came as a shock to her whānau. Seeing how highly people involved in the sport valued her involvement was emotional, she said.
Campbell had recently joined the Waka Ama board adding to her significant achievements competing on the water and coaching off it.
By Chris Gardner
Waikato-Tainui “strongly opposes” plans for a waste-to-energy plant in Te Awamutu.
The tribe’s view are spelled out in a submission from Te Whakakitenga o Waikato Tumu Whakarae (chief executive) Donna Flavell in a submission to the Environmental Protection Agency.
“While Waikato-Tainui acknowledges the potential economic and operational benefits of this proposal, we have significant concerns regarding its environmental, cultural, and social implications,” she said.
The plant, to be called Paewira, would incinerate 150,000 tonnes of rubbish trucked in from around
the Waikato to generate electricity. Waipā and Waikato councils asked the Environmental Protection Agency to make a decision on the application.
The Waikato-Tainui submission is one of 1350 in response to Hamiltonbased Global Contracting Solutions’ plans for the plant in Racecourse Road.
It was made on behalf of 33 hapū, 68 marae and more than 94,000 iwi members.
“The discharge of contaminants such as PM10, PM2.5 and greenhouse gases poses risks to both human health and ecosystems,” Flavell said.
Waikato Regional Council measures the amount of both PM10 (particulate matter less than 10 micrometres in size) and PM2.5 (particulate
matter less than 2.5 micrometres) in the air.
While PM10 levels pose a risk to human health, the finer PM2.5 provides better evidence of effects on human health.
“The lack of comprehensive assessments of cumulative impacts and long-term monitoring plans is concerning,” Flavell said.
“The discharge of stormwater and its potential impact on the Mangapiko Stream and the Waikato River raises questions about compliance with Te Ture Whaimana’s objective to restore and protect water quality.
Te Ture Whaimana is the primary direction-setting document for the restoration and protection of the Waikato and Waipā Rivers.
“The proposal’s alignment with circular economy principles is unclear, and the reliance on incineration may hinder waste reduction efforts in the region.”
She said engagement with Waikato-Tainui, Te Nehenehenui, and Raukawa had been limited.
“A site-specific Cultural Impact Assessment, prepared by mana whenua, is necessary to understand and mitigate cultural impacts adequately,” Flavell said.
The tribe said it found insufficient information in the application to support the project’s purported intention to support the restoration of the Waikato River through the restoration of a stretch of the Mangapiko Stream.
“The detail relating to improved mitigation measures to achieve the health and wellbeing of the Waikato River is lacking and therefore is unclear on how the proposal will align to achieving Te Ture Whaimana,” Flavell said.
“The potential health risks from emissions and odour have not been adequately addressed, leaving significant uncertainty for local residents.
She said a lack of
transparency in assessments and the absence of a social impact assessment had created distrust among community members, who feared adverse impacts on Te Awamutu’s liveability and
A board of inquiry will decide on the application in June.
Katrina Christison Tidy Gardens
While I can’t exactly boast about my own crop, I can definitely take some credit for my daughter’s green thumb. Her first-ever harvest above is something to be proud of!
And then the niffy drying idea that I saw when visiting one of my gardening friends the other day, it was hanging in a dry cool spot in the shed, but we took it outside for a prettier photo.
So after being impressed by these two harvest I decided to write about onions this week.
Things I didn’t know:
Onions grow well when planted in alternate rows with carrots, as the carrots help protect them from onion fly. Alternatively, you can pair them with beetroot, silver beet, or lettuce.
When planted near apple trees, onions can help ward off apple scab. Additionally, minced onion peelings dug into rose beds can help keep roses free from bugs.
You can make a natural insecticide for your garden with three ingredients onion, garlic & chilli. Blend or crush four onions, two garlic cloves, and four hot chilies. Mix this with two tablespoons of bleachfree dish soap and two cups of water. Let the mixture sit overnight, strain it, and then add five litres of water. Transfer it into a spray bottle and get rid of those troublesome bugs and insects!
Sowing & planting:
Direct sowing of the seed is best as many root veggies seedlings don’t like their roots disturbed although in saying this my daughter didn’t grow hers from seed.
So, if you are buying them in punnets, make sure before you divide and plant them out that you water the punnet well, so the mix is nice and loose around the roots and water them in well once planted. Plant them out with at least 8cm between each seedling or if growing from seed once they start growing you will need to thin them out.
They usually take around 4 months from seed or 3 months from seedlings, you know they are ready when the tops fall over and start to yellow. If the weather is fine pull them and then leave them to dry out for a couple of days on the garden before you put them away to cure in a warm well ventilated spot.
By Chris Gardner
Pirongia Volunteer Fire Brigade’s new first rapid response medical vehicle was among the units that went to a Te Pahu shed blaze on Sunday night.
It took about two hours for Pirongia firefighters to extinguish the flames of the Waite Road shed, saving the neighbouring home from being engulfed by flames.
It was the fourth time, since the brigade took delivery of the Mitsubishi Triton in late December, that the medical vehicle had been used to save property and lives.
Its defibrillator had already been used twice at separate call outs.
it might be the last vehicle to arrive on the scene bringing backup.
“It improves the brigades capability in the community,” he said. “It’s not just this community. We offer back up to Hamilton, Ōtorohanga, and Te Awamutu brigades.”
Pirongia firefighters can also find themselves responding to emergencies in Kawhia, Raglan, Ngāhinapōuri, and as far afield as Lichfield in the South Waikato.
purchased, at a discounted rate from Mitsubishi Ingham Te Awamutu, it was fitted out by Camco Industries in Cambridge, also at a discounted rate.
Support came from businesses and organisations, and pub charities, and the brigade sold burgers at the town’s annual craft fair.
Earlier in the year the station was provided with a used utility vehicle by Waipā Networks which it uses to transport personnel to incidents. It also has an appliance supplied by Fire Emergency New Zealand in 2023 and an appliance supplied in 2022.
Pirongia Fire Station chief fire office Roan Gouws said the new vehicle, brought following more than a year of community fundraising, gave the brigade more flexibility when responding to an emergency. In many cases it would be sent to an emergency first, in other cases
The station has a team of 20 who are called to nearly 100 emergencies a year and Gouws said he expected the rapid response medical vehicle to be used for up to 75 per cent of this year’s calls.
Deputy chief fire officer Roger Grylls, who led the fundraising committee, said fundraising began August 2023, and he was amazed how quickly the $120,000 funds needed for the project were raised.
Once the vehicle was
“I really want to acknowledge all the hard work that the people in the brigade went to in order to get this for us,” Gouws said.
The rapid response medical vehicle will be blessed at 10am on Saturday, February 1, when the station will host a morning celebration.
The station is also recruiting new firefighters.
By Mary Anne Gill
Waipā harness racing legend Nicky Chilcott is on the cusp of another personal milestone.
The 53-year-old veteran trainer needs one driving win to notch up 700 wins in the sulky, cementing her place as the country’s second best female driver.
She brought up 699 last week at the Cambridge Raceway in race three driving favourite Showtym Girl.
Chilcott doesn’t have a drive tomorrow night (Friday) at her home track on Cambridge Raceway, but will be in action at Otaki next week.
The 700 total will be 121 short of South Island-based Samantha Ottley’s mark and
well behind the only drivers to have more than 3000 career wins – Te Awamutu’s Tony Herlihy (3693), Maurice McKendry (3410) and Ricky May (3146).
“To be honest I’m not a numbers’ person,” said Chilcott. “I’m pretty proud of the achievement though.”
From 7902 starts since her first win behind Local Choice at Auckland on July 2, 1993, she has notched up 699 wins, 760 seconds and 746 third placings for stake money of $5.342 million. She is also in the exclusive 500 trainers’ club with 558 wins from 4945 starts. Chilcott doubts she will get to 800 driving wins but reckons she still has another 10-15 years in the sulky ahead of her mostly driving the horses she trains.
Regularly checking your vehicle’s fluids is essential for maintaining optimal performance and preventing mechanical problems.
Engine oil lubricates the engine and prevents overheating. It should be checked monthly and always before long trips. When the engine is cold, use the dipstick to check oil levels and top up if needed. Typically, oil should be changed every 5,000–10,000 km, depending on the vehicle, whether it’s petrol or diesel, and the oil type. Coolant, also known as antifreeze, regulates engine temperature, preventing overheating in summer and freezing in winter. Check the coolant level at least once every three months or before any long trips. The system should be flushed and refilled as recommended by your vehicle manufacturer, usually every two to five years – more often if you intend towing
a heavy weight.
Transmission fluid keeps your gears shifting smoothly. For automatic transmissions, check the level monthly or as part of routine servicing. Low or dirty transmission fluid can lead to shifting problems. Change it every 50,000–100,000 km, depending on the car model.
Brake fluid is essential for e ective braking. Check the fluid level during each oil change or service. Low levels or discoloured fluid can indicate leaks or contamination. Brake fluid should be replaced every two years.
Power steering fluid allows easy steering control. Check it every few months or during routine servicing. If steering becomes di cult or noisy, it may indicate low fluid levels.
By checking these fluids regularly, you ensure smoother operation, prevent costly repairs, and keep your vehicle road-ready.
Starting high school is a significant transition for young teenagers in New Zealand, marking a period filled with excitement, myriad challenges – and for many, anxiety.
The simple shift from the often smaller, more intimate school sizes of primary school to the often much larger secondary school also means an introduction of a more complex social and academic environment. There are many generations of parents who remember their first day of college or high school, and the fear of the unknown that came with that.
Students often feel apprehensive about making new friends and fitting into different social circles – even down to how to navigate the much larger school and separate classes they have.
This can lead to feelings of isolation, especially for those who are shy or introverted.
Secondary schools present a more demanding curriculum, where students are expected to manage their time effectively and take greater responsibility for their learning. The variety of subjects and increased workload can be overwhelming, leading to stress and anxiety.
Young teenagers often report feeling pressure to perform well in assessments and examinations, which can impact their self-esteem and overall
mental health.
The social dynamics of high school can’t be underestimated – they can be challenging.
Bullying and peer pressure become more pronounced during this stage. Many teenagers face the temptation to conform to certain behaviours or groups to gain acceptance. This can lead to a loss of individuality and increased anxiety about social interactions. Navigating friendships becomes more complex, as loyalty and trust are tested in new ways.
Additionally, the transition often coincides with significant changes in personal development.
Physical, emotional, and cognitive changes during adolescence can make it difficult for teenagers to balance their identity with their academic and social lives. They are often trying to figure out who they are, which can lead to confusion and self-doubt.
Support systems, such as family, friends, and teachers, play a crucial role during this transition. Encouragement and understanding from these groups can help ease the challenges faced.
We celebrated many successes throughout 2024. Giving our tamariki opportunities to learn in lots of different ways is the key. We look forward to 2025 and being very active in our community once again. Our Values (Uara) will continue to be at the core of our learning.
• Mana Tangata – Respect
• Panekiritanga – Excellence
• Wairua Hihiko – Creativity
• Maniapototanga – versed in whakapapa, waiata, histories of Maniapoto Our learning is connected. It is purposeful and focused on accelerating forward.
We have a strong foundation working with our local Paa and Iwi. We welcome all whanau into a choice of learning environments that will suit them.
Rumaki (Total Immersion of Te Reo) or Auraki (Mainstream) School will be open Monday 3rd February 2025 for enrolments and enquiries. School will start on Tuesday 4th February 2025 for all students. Contact: Ph 07 8787709 or email:
Schools in New Zealand often implement orientation programs and peer support systems to assist new students in acclimating to their new environment, fostering a sense of belonging and community.
Navigating high school can be a tumultuous experience, but with the right support and resources, young teenagers can thrive during this pivotal time in their lives.
Parents can play a vital role in supporting their teenagers during the transition to high school.
One of the most important ways is by fostering open communication. Encouraging teens to share their feelings about the new environment helps them feel understood and less isolated. This creates a safe space for teenagers to express their anxieties about making new friends or facing academic pressures.
Another key aspect is providing emotional support. Parents should be attentive to their teenager’s needs and be available to listen without judgment. This emotional backing can help teens navigate the ups and downs of high school life,
allowing them to feel more secure. Setting realistic expectations is also crucial. Parents should understand the transitional challenges, and that their teenager might not excel immediately in all areas. Recognising their efforts rather than just the outcomes can boost their self-esteem and motivate them to continue working hard.
Perhaps the most important aspect of support is that being actively involved in their education can make a significant difference. Parents can attend school events, communicate with teachers, and encourage their teens to participate in extracurricular activities. This involvement demonstrates to teenagers that their education is valued and that they have a support system cheering them on.
Finally, parents can help their teenagers develop effective time-management and study skills. Encouraging them to establish a routine can reduce anxiety about keeping up with schoolwork and assignments. Providing resources, such as planners or apps, can assist them in organising their tasks and managing their time effectively.
Is your child ready to start school? Or are you considering a move that will see your child in the one school for a matter of weeks or months before having to move into a new one? New Zealand has a unique way of sorting out how best to get a child into school at the right time of their development, while still working within the legal timeframe.
The start of a child’s school year depends on their birthdate and traditionally, follows a staggered school entry system. This is managed by allowing children to begin school on or shortly after their fifth birthday, but attendance isn’t legally required until they reach six years of age.
Most children in New Zealand start school as soon as they turn five, even if it’s partway through the school year. This is referred to as a “continuous entry” system and one still in use for a percentage of primary schools.
For example, if a child turns five in August, they can begin school soon after, joining an existing class.
However, in 2018, the Government introduced the cohort entry system, that allows schools to group new entrants to start at the beginning of the term closest to their fifth birthday. What this means is a child can start at the
beginning of a term rather than immediately after turning five.
It is believed that psychologically, it is easier on children to start as new entrants in a group, rather than individually, when children have already begun to sort out their place in groups within their peers.
For example, if children turn five in midFebruary, they may begin school at the start of Term 1 (late January/early February), or Term 2 (late April) depending on the school’s policies. The same applies to children whose birthdays are mid year for example, or a child whose fifth birthday is in November can wait until the following first term of the New Year. Cohort entry is optional and is implemented at the discretion of the school, so not all schools use this system and it would pay to check. Although children can start at age five, New Zealand law states that they must be enrolled in school by their sixth birthday. This provides some flexibility for parents who might choose to delay school entry.
The New Zealand school year runs from late January/early February to mid-December, divided into four terms. The child’s birthdate determines which point in the year they begin schooling.
Te Kaupapa Korero:
‘Inspiring Learning for Life’ Korero Moemoea:
‘To nurture and enthusiasm for learning in order to contribute effectively in our communities.’
• Modern Learning Space
• Safe Outdoor Play Spaces
• Whole School Kapa Haka
• School Pool
• Whaanau Conferences
• Cultural Experiences
• School Trips and Camps
• Student Leadership Opportunities Sporting Opportunities
• PB4L and Restorative Practice
Pukenui School Powhiri Monday, 3rd February 10am
We would like to invite and welcome all new whanau to our Pukenui School Powhiri please assemble at the front gate entrance before 10am where you will be greeted by a staff member and brought onto our school grounds. Following our Powhiri, we welcome all whanau to stay and have kai with us in the staffroom.
Welcome New Enrolments
078787727, 85KingStreetWest,TeKuiti3910
After-school activities such as sports, dancing, or music provide students with significant benefits that often extend far beyond the classroom.
These activities play a vital role in personal growth, academic success, and social development, making them an essential part of a well-rounded education.
Sports and physical activities like dancing promote better health by improving fitness, coordination, and overall well-being. Regular physical activity reduces stress, improves mood, and sharpens mental focus, which positively impacts academic performance. Similarly, music has been shown to reduce anxiety, boost concentration, and stimulate brain development. These activities provide a productive outlet for stress, enabling students to balance the demands of school life with personal fulfillment. But it. Doesn’t stop there.
Participating in extracurricular activities fosters essential life skills, such as teamwork, self-discipline, and time management. Sports require collaboration and teach students how to work towards common goals, handle competition, and overcome setbacks. Music and dance, on the other hand, emphasise discipline and perseverance, as students must practice consistently to improve. These skills are transferable to academic and professional settings, equipping students to navigate
Thursday, January 23
challenges effectively.
Engaging in activities like music and dance allows students to express themselves creatively, enhancing their self-esteem. Mastering a musical instrument, perfecting a dance routine, or excelling in a sport provides a sense of accomplishment that builds confidence. This self-assurance often carries over into the classroom, encouraging students to take risks and embrace new challenges.
Perhaps just as importantly, after-school activities offer students the opportunity to form friendships outside their academic peer group. Sports teams, dance troupes, and music ensembles create a sense of belonging and camaraderie. These social bonds foster emotional well-being and teach interpersonal skills, such as communication and empathy, which are crucial for long-term success.
Research has consistently shown that students who participate in extracurricular activities perform better academically than their counterparts who do not. Improved focus, stress management, and time management all contribute to higher grades and overall success.
• The College O ice will re-open for the 2025 academic year at 8.00am.
Friday, January 24
• The College O ice opens at 8.00am.
•Senior Course Confirmation for Years 12 and 13 from 10.30am to 12.30pm.
Tuesday, January 28
• The College O ice opens at 11.00am.
Wednesday, January 29
• The College O ice opens at 8.00am.
Thursday, January 30
• Year 9 students meet at the Hall at 8.50am to be welcomed with a pŌwhiri. A er the pŌwhiri Year 9 students remain at the College for a full day of learning.
• All College buses start to run on this day.
Friday, January 31
• Year 9 students at College. Meet at the Hall at 8.50am.
Monday, February 3
• All students, Years 9 to 13, at College. Meet at the Hall at 8.50am.
Thursday, February 6
• The College is closed for a Public Holiday.
How a child adapts into school life, whether it be first year, through to starting secondary school, is often reflective of what they have learned at home.
It’s at home that tamariki should learn to say:
• Good morning, good afternoon and good evening
• Please
• Sorry Thank you
It’s at home that we also learn to:
• Be honest
• Be punctual
f us
• Be polite
• Do not talk with your mouth full
• Have personal hygiene
• Don’t throw litter on the ground
• Help parents with their daily chores
• Don’t take what doesn’t belong to you
• Be content with what you have
• Work honestly to earn a living
• Get organised
• Take care of your belongings
We endeavour to grow... Confident, Curious, Caring, Creative
We are a friendly, energetic and an innovative school focused on academic success for all learners. We offer; small class sizes, teacher aide support, EOTC programme, structured literacy and numeracy programmes. Free school bus is available from Te Kūiti to Rangitoto School .
Come for a visit!
School starts Wednesday, February 5, 2025 Contact us for a visit or an information pack.
949 Rangitoto Rd, RD 2, Te Kūiti | 07 8788460 |
Aronga matua
Mission Statement
Kia tupu te mana tino Rangatiratanga, me ngā āhuatanga Māori i roto i Te Kōhanga Reo hei oranga mō te Iwi, ā kia kore ai e ngaro ngā taonga tuku iho a o tātou tūpuna.
To develop all things Māori in Te Kōhanga Reo as a means of strengthening the people, so our language; the gifts passed through the generations; and the Maniapoto dialect, will never be lost.
Ko te reo Māori te ōhaki ā te hunga kua whetūrangitia e tū rangatira ai ngā uri whakaeke.
• Te Reo Maori, me nga tikanga o Maniapoto
• Whanaungatanga
• Centrally located
• E xcellent relationships with kura and other ECE centres
• 20 free hours ECE approved for over 3s
• WINZ subsidies available
Summer can be the most stressful time of the year for families – getting through the costs of Christmas and school holidays, starting in December, is finished off with the big financial bang of back to school in February.
Plunket believes the average cost to raise a child is in excess of $304 a week and unfortunately, the beginning of the school year tends to be one of those times when the costs are higher than usual, and are multiplied by the number of children you have when it comes to uniforms, learning resources from books to laptops, sports equipment, school fees right down to bags and shoes.
So, what can be done to ease the financial load?
These days almost all schools require their students to wear uniforms, so the added cost of this plus stationery, puts a strain on the family budget. While new uniforms are expensive, most schools have secondhand uniforms that can be
purchased, and classifieds in your local paper or marketplace on facebook, can be a great place to find those. Work and Income can help for those on a low income, provided there is documentation from the school about the requirements and costs.
Some schools will allow parents to deal directly with the supplier which can save money, and some will allow parents to stagger payments. These are all things you will need to enquire at the school your child attends.
Perhaps the biggest way to help get through this most expensive time of year, especially when there are multiple children, is to set up an account and put money into it throughout the year to help ease the financial load.
Te Kūiti Primary School’s vision is ‘Together we grow LEGENDs’.Our staff are committed to building a place where LEGENDs thrive, through warm and respectful relationships. Te Kūiti Primary School is proud to offer a broad range of curriculum opportunities that focus on student interests and learning needs in small classroom settings.
We look forward to continuing to build strong links with our community and offering our students a range of learning experiences outside of the classroom.
Office open January 30th & 31st, 2025, from 10am-3pm School resumes for all pupils on Tuesday, February 4th, 2025 All enquiries and prospective enrolments welcome
Rora St, Te Kūiti P 07 878 7746 E admin@tekū
Principal Paula Guilford
In the Waikato and King Country, as in many other areas of New Zealand where there are remote places that people live, getting students of any age to school can present headaches.
For many, the school bus system plays a crucial role in ensuring that remote students have access to education. The Ministry of Education (MOE) oversees the school transport scheme, which provides free bus services to eligible students living in rural or isolated areas. To qualify, students must live a certain distance from their nearest school, which can vary based on the student’s age and type of school they will attend.
The process begins with parents applying for transport assistance through their child’s school or directly with the MOE. Once eligibility is con rmed, the MOE organises transport arrangements, which may include designated bus routes operated by local transport companies.
These buses are typically scheduled to align with school hours, ensuring students arrive on time for classes and return home safely afterward.
In some cases, students may need to walk or be driven to a designated bus stop, which is usually within a reasonable distance from their home. Safety is emphasised, with guidelines in place for bus conduct and behaviour to ensure a secure environment for all passengers. Additionally, schools and transport providers often collaborate to ensure that buses are equipped to handle any special needs students may have.
For areas where traditional bus routes are impractical, alternative arrangements such as taxi services or van pools may be utilised. The school bus system not only facilitates access to education but also fosters a sense of community among students, as they often travel together and build friendships during their journeys to and from school.
Specialised education providers, such as Kip McGrath or Number Works, play a vital role in complementing traditional schooling by o ering tailored learning experiences designed to meet individual student needs. These institutions excel in addressing gaps in core subjects like mathematics, reading, writing, and English, where many students often require additional support or personalised guidance.
One of the key bene ts of specialised schools is their ability to cater to diverse learning styles. While traditional classrooms may struggle to accommodate every student’s unique needs due to large class sizes or standardised curricula, schools like Kip McGrath provide one-on-one attention or small group sessions. This approach ensures students learn at their own pace, building con dence and solidifying their understanding of foundational concepts. Another major advantage is the access to
quali ed tutors who specialise in speci c areas of education. They are trained professionals who develop customised lesson plans based on a student’s strengths and weaknesses. This targeted instruction helps students overcome learning barriers e ciently, fostering academic improvement and self-esteem.
Specialised schools also excel in preparing students for key academic milestones, such as exams or transitions between school levels. With structured programs, progress tracking, and regular feedback, students receive the necessary tools to excel in high-pressure situations.
These schools often provide a supportive environment that prioritises individual success over competition. For students who struggle in traditional settings or require extra help to stay on par with their peers, such services can bridge the gap, creating equal opportunities for academic achievement.
We hope you have all had a great holiday and are looking forward to starting the 2025 year.
The school office will be open for enrolments and all enquiries on Wednesday, January 29 and Thursday 30 January from 9am-2pm. School begins for year 7 and 8 students ONLY on Friday, January 31
All OTHER students on Monday, February 3.
We look forward to seeing you all, with all your stationery requirements.
Check out our school website for more info at
Sending your
small one o to school for the rst year or more is one all parents look at with a fair degree of apprehension.
mine eld of parent parking at any school these days – and there is never enough of it – then getting your child or children to school safely can be a headache. Children are not as safe on the roads as the generations before them for any number of reasons and this is why the successful system of the walking school bus was implemented by many schools and/or parents some years ago.
Walking school buses (WSBs) have gained popularity in New Zealand as a safe and e ective way for children to travel to and from school. How it works is, a group of children walk to school together, supervised by adult volunteers, often parents or community members. This initiative not only promotes physical activity but also enhances safety for young pedestrians.
One key aspect of the safety of walking school buses is the structured nature of the program. Routes are pre-planned and often involve familiar and busy streets, which are generally safer for children.
The presence of adult supervisors helps to ensure that children follow safety rules,
such as looking both ways before crossing the street and staying with the group. Furthermore, the visibility of a group of children walking together can deter potential dangers, such as tra c accidents. In addition, walking school buses foster a sense of community among parents and residents. This community involvement leads to improved road safety measures, as local authorities may be prompted to change pedestrian crossings or reduce speed limits in areas frequented by children. The social aspect of walking school buses also helps to build relationships among families, encouraging a supportive environment for children. While walking school buses are generally safe, it is crucial for organisers to conduct regular safety assessments and training for volunteers. This ensures that all participants are aware of potential hazards and know how to react in emergencies. Communication with parents about the routes, schedules, and safety protocols is equally important to build trust and encourage participation. And above all, it gives every parent peace of mind about the safety of their little ones.
The school office will be open on Wednesday, 29 January, Thursday, 30 January and Friday 31 January 2025 between 9am and 1 pm.
You can pick up a free King Country News from our Te Kūiti o ce or at any of the following locations:
Patel Mini Mart
Te Kūiti
New World
Z Te Kūiti
Cloverleaf Cafe
Piopio Food Mart
Piopio Superette
Benneydale Foodmarket
River Run Cafe
Whitebait Inn
The General Store
Waitomo Caves isite
Caltex Pat Prescott
Information Centre
Ōtorohanga Mini Mart
Michael’s Milkbar
Beattie Home
Paper Plus
Murray Hunt Furnishers
Kāwhia General Store
Kāwhia Motors
ŌPĀRAU Ōpārau Roadhouse
Waitomo Te Kawa Service Station
Across 1. Divulge (4) 4. Tie (6) 8. Paper fastening device (7) 9. Separate (5) 10. Wind up (4)
11. Dead centre (8)
13. Consequently (9)
17. Watcher (8)
19. Light bluish green (4)
Last week
21. Form (5)
22. Toilet (7)
23. Sore to touch (6)
24. Period of time (4)
2. Flyer (7)
3. Hairless (4)
4. Clairvoyant (7-6)
5. Male horse (8)
6. Rub out (5)
7. Guide (5)
8. Certain (4)
12. Become a pal to (8) 14. Ask (7) 15. Domineering (5) 16. Walking stick (4) 18. Performance platform (5) 20. Fret (4)
Across: 1. Droop, 4. Accept, 8. Scatter, 9. Vicar, 10. Barge, 11. Pergola, 12. Defend, 14. Escort, 17. En route, 19. Adage, 21. Crumb, 22. Sultana, 23. Cannon, 24. Wreck.
Down: 1. Disobedience, 2. On air, 3. Pattern, 4. Abrupt, 5. Cover, 6. Piccolo, 7. Break the bank, 13. Formula, 15. Swallow, 16. Person, 18. Urban, 20. Aware.
Tall tales and short stories from the long way round from the Australian rock legend
by Jimmy Barnes
From larger-than-life adventures to vivid and poignant tales of the imagination, Highways and Byways is a collection of stories taking readers on an enthralling tour (complete with the odd detour) through the raucous, well-lived life of one of this country's most successful and beloved artists.
Told with Jimmy's signature verve and flair, and richly coloured by his distinctive voice and wit, Highways and Byways sees him sharing a 1970s Texas stage with a dream line-up of US musicians; flirting with disaster in a Hawaiian high-rise; discovering a life-changing cassette tape; unearthing shattering family secrets in Glasgow; encountering charismatic and not-so-endearing superstars, ghosts of the recent and distant past, superfan traffic cops and shady salesmen; and confronting his own mortality - while pondering the more amusing effects of hospital medication. Charming, personal and poignant, Highways and Byways is a collection that celebrates Jimmy's Scottish heritage, family, friends, music and the adventure of a grand life.
JIMMY BARNES is a Scottishborn rock singer-songwriter who grew up in Adelaide. His career, both as a solo performer and as the lead vocalist of the legendary band Cold Chisel, has made him one of the most successful and distinctive artists in Australian music history. A prolific songwriter and performer, Jimmy has been a storyteller for more than forty years, sharing his life and passions with Australians of all ages at over ten thousand gigs throughout his adopted homeland. Across his career Jimmy has sold over 12 million albums.
3A & 3B William Street
Ōtorohanga sections (sizes are approximate)
9 Sunset Close, Otorohanga, 750sqm in popular Westridge. Phone Lorraine or John
163 Old Te Kuiti Road, Lots 1 & 4, 5517-8932sqm, easy covenants. Phone Lorraine From $250,000ea Lot 1, 627 Waitomo Valley Road, Otorohanga, 8105sqm rural lifestyle section. Phone Julie $370,000 Lots 90-108 Harpers Avenue, 486sqm to 962sqm, Westridge II subdivision. Phone John From $220,000ea 576C Mangawhero Road, Otorohanga, 1ha, fenced, sensible covenants. Ph Noldy Offers over $385,000 Te Kūiti sections (sizes are approximate)
5 Robin Azariah Place, Te Kuiti, 906sqm, quiet neighbourhood. Phone Buzz. Offers over $199,000 54A Ailsa Street (Lot 1), Te Kuiti, 2159sqm, end of a cul de sac, STT. Phone Buzz By Negotiation 54A Ailsa Street (Lot 2), Te Kuiti, 1707sqm, end of a cul de sac, STT. Phone Buzz By Negotiation
10 Robin Azariah Place, Te Kuiti, 600sqm level section. Phone Buzz
Other sections (sizes are approximate)
0 State Highway 3, Piopio, 984sqm. Phone Buzz By Negotiation
71 Hone Street, Kawhia, 1012sqm, FREEHOLD,
171 Ngahape Road, Te Kawa, 5001sqm.
0 Raglan Road, Kawhia, 2648sqm lifestyle section,
1961 SH31 Kawhia Road, Otorohanga, 16.95ha,
2868 SH31 Kawhia Road, Pirongia,
My family sometimes criticizes my ‘obsession’ (their term) with my veggie garden. Especially tomatoes and lettuces. ‘Why grow them,’ they ask, ‘when in summer, veggie shops and farmers’ markets sell them so cheaply?’ Well buying veggies simply doesn’t compare with the pleasure of seeing my tiny plants develop into tasty, colourful treats. Every year I experiment with different varieties of tomatoes, but I’m hooked on ‘dwarf’ varieties that don’t grow into sci-fi type triffids. And a few cocktail varieties that add colour to my salads.
Tomatoes are really fruits. A fruit is the edible part of the plant that contains the seeds, while a vegetable is the edible stems, leaves and roots of the plant.
I also enjoy growing radishes as they can be ready to pick in four to eight weeks. And although they add delicious crunch and tang to raw combos, they are almost better cooked: sautéed in butter with a dash of chilli; grated into fritters; or roasted with meats. The leaves also add interest to salads. Spinach is a ‘must have’ all year round. It adds an earthiness to green salads that plain lettuce doesn’t. Young spinach leaves are crisp, yummy and should be enjoyed raw. Large leaves are excellent cooked. It’s certainly a versatile green.
Spicy shakshuka & tomatoes
It is thought that the recipe shakshuka originated in Tunisia, but there are now as many variations of shakshuka as there are recipes for pavlova.
3 tablespoons olive oil
1 large onion, diced
1 teaspoon each: curry powder, fennel seeds, diced chilli
4 large ripe tomatoes, cubed
1 tablespoon tomato paste
freshly ground salt and black pepper to taste
4 eggs
Heat the oil in a medium frying pan. Sauté the onion, until softened. Add the spices then the tomatoes and stir well. Cook for 15 minutes on medium low heat, until thickened. Stir in the tomato paste. Season.
shakshuka and tomatoes
Make 4 hollows in the mixture. Break in the eggs. Cover and cook on low heat for 10 minutes, until just cooked.
Great garnished with coriander leaves and served with crusty bread. Serves 2.
Paneer with spinach
Paneer is an important food in south Asian countries. It is a fresh, non-melting, vegetarian curd cheese made by clotting heated milk with lemon juice, vinegar or other food acids. I used a New Zealand made paneer with chilli added. You could also add a little chilli to the spinach mixture, if preferred.
Sauce: 700g young spinach leaves
2 tablespoons each: water, canola oil
2 teaspoons cumin seeds
1 large onion, diced
2cm knob root ginger, peeled and thinly sliced
3 cloves garlic, sliced
2 teaspoons ground coriander salt and pepper to taste
Paneer: 250g paneer, cut into 2cm cubes
6 tablespoons cream lemon wedges to serve
Wash the spinach and chop finely. Place in a large microwave bowl with the water. Cover and microwave on high power for 2-3 minutes, until wilted. Stir halfway through cooking. Cool then drain well. Place in a blender and process until
Heat the oil in a large non-stick frying pan. Add the cumin seeds and heat until fragrant, about 30 seconds. Add the onion and cook on medium heat, until softened. Stir in the ginger, garlic, coriander, salt and pepper. Add the spinach and a little water if too thick. Simmer for 2 minutes. Add the paneer and cream and heat through. Serve with the lemon wedges on the side. Serves 4 as part of an Indian meal.
Radish and salmon salad
Dressing: 2 tablespoons lime juice
1 long green chilli, seeded and thinly sliced
1 shallot, diced
1/4 cup extra virgin olive oil
1 teaspoon sugar
Salad: 250-300g potatoes, peeled and cubed 100g sliced smoked salmon
3 large radishes, thinly sliced
1/2 cup each: coriander leaves, mint leaves flaky sea salt and freshly ground black pepper to taste
To make the dressing, place the ingredients in a small blender and process until well mixed.
Steam or microwave the potatoes, until tender. Drain. Toss in 3 tablespoons of the dressing. Cool.
Julienne the salmon and combine with the potatoes, radishes, herbs and seasonings. Drizzle with the dressing. Serves 2.
021 037 3685
Accom Available
3Brm with separate garage
8Ks North Otorohanga
Available 1st Feb
No Dogs
$550 pw plus Bond, references etc
Te Kūiti 2th Ewe Fair
Friday, January 17, 2025 12 noon Start
A/C Arapito Station
500 2th Coopworth ewes
Brandon &Sons 450 2th Perendale ewes
A/c GT & RE Burton
430 2th Rom/ Coopworth x ewes
Brent Bougen 027 210 4698
Richard Bevege 027 453 9824
Vaughan Rogers 027 452 1568
The King Country App is FREE Download it from the App Store or Google Play TODAY!
Ōtorohanga/Waipa 027 496 3007 Warren Charleston Introducing new Buyer
King St East, Te Kūiti Kitchen Manager/ Duty Manager
Join our team in this newly developed position!
Trades & Services
Specialising in re-roofing, roof maintenance, spouting, downpipes and light commercial work and roof leaks
Ph 027 493 2502
Email your classified ads to
Don’t forget to include your billing details, name, address & daytime contact phone number
Friday, January 17, 2025 12 noon start
500 2th ewes comprising 1200 2th Romney ewes
900 2th Coopworth ewes
1000 2th Perendaleewes
500 2th Rom/Coopworth x ewes
200 2th Romdale ewes 1200 2th Composite ewes
Te Kūiti MA & Older Ewe Fair
Friday, January 24, 2025
Start 12 noon
8120 Ewes comprising
420 4th-6th Rom/Wilt x ewes
660 4th-4yr Romney ewes
600 4th-5yr Romdale ewes
800 6th-5yr Coopworth ewes
500 4th-4yr Romney ewes (The above ewes are Cap Stock lines)
370 4th-4yr 3/4 Wiltshire x ewes
1800 5yr Romney ewes
450 5yr Perendale ewes
320 5yr Highlander ewes
520 5yr Coopworth ewes
500 6yr Perendale ewes
6yr Romney ewes
We are excited to announce a unique opportunity for a kitchen manager/duty manager to join our club, combining responsibilities across two dynamic areas of our operations.
Key responsibilities – cooking in a restaurant environment, maintaining the Food Control Plan, bar duty manager, day-to-day Bistro operations, function and event bookings. Requirements - Driver’s license, duty manager’s certificate (or obtain within three months).
Apply now by sending your CV and cover letter to by January 28.
Club Secretary Manager
Club Secretary Manager vacancy applications close Saturday, January 18. Please email with your CV and Cover letter. See previous advert or Facebook for further details.
INDUSTRIAL David Knight - 027 722 4857
Knight - 027 598 2005
Dundas - 027 598 2115
- 07 873 6385
College Canteen Management
the Otorohanga College canteen. This is a great opportunity to provide healthy, delicious meals and snacks to students and staff, while running a vibrant and essential part of our College community.
Key Responsibilities:
• Preparing and serving a range of nutritious meals and snacks
• Ensuring compliance with food safety and hygiene standards
• Providing friendly and efficient service to students and staff
• Offering affordable and appealing menu options for all age groups
• Ability to work during College hours
If you are interested in this exciting opportunity, please contact the Principal, Lyndsay Kurth at by Thursday 23rd January.
Property maintenance and construction Lawns, trees, stump grinding, sections, moss & mould treatments, Chemwash, waterblasting, gutter vac, water tank and trough cleaning fences, retaining, odd jobs and more. References available GST registered. Mike & Allana 027 350 0836 Anythingtoobigforashovel-givemeacall
This newspaper is subject to NZ Media Council procedures. A complaint must first be directed in writing, within one month of publication, to the editor’s email address.
If not satisfied with the response, the complaint may be referred to the Media Council P O Box 10-879, The Terrace, Wellington 6143. Or use the online complaint form at www.
Please include copies of the article and all correspondence with the publication.
If you are interested in any of the following positions (part time) please submit your application (forms available at Hillview reception) together with your CV:
• Part time Receptionist
• Gardener
For further information, contact our reception on 07 878 6904 weekdays between 08:30 and 16:30 or e-mail for an application form.
We are now looking for a person to join our Ōtorohanga office.
Duties will include:
• Preparation of financial accounts for farmers and businesses
• Preparation of GST and income tax returns
• General business and taxation work
The successful will have a keen interest in accounting, computer skills and clerical work, with attention to detail. Some farming knowledge would be preferred. Excellent people skills, integrity and professionalism are required.
While some past experience would be preferred, training will be given to the successful applicant.
Our firm is an Approved Training Organisation with Chartered Accountants Australia and New Zealand.
We would also offer professional development opportunities through distance learning.
Bailey Ingham Limited
Chartered Accountants
Enquiries to: Bridget Boshier or David Bailey 07 873 7325
• Customer focused and communityminded
• Reliable, motivated and flexible
• Enjoy working outdoors
We are looking for a reliable and motivated person to join our team to provide site operations at the Piopio Transfer Station. You will be the first point of contact for our customers, providing exceptional customer service and ensuring an effective solid waste management service is delivered. This is a permanent part time role, 3 days per week, 4 hours per day, including weekends.
To be successful in this role you will be:
• Customer-focused
• Motivated with a roll-your-sleeves up, can do attitude
• Physically fit to work outdoors
• Flexible and available to work weekends
• Health and Safety orientated
To apply for this position, please visit our recruitment website
Applications close:
22 January 2025
The Waitomo Energy Services Customer Trust (the Trust) is an energy trust and holds 100% of the shares in The Lines Company Limited (“TLC”) on behalf of its beneficiaries, who are customers of TLC within the district of the former Waitomo Electric Power Board.
The Trust is governed by six trustees, three of whose terms expire on 31 March 2025. The Trust now invites nominations to fill those pending vacancies. The retiring trustees can stand for re-election if they choose.
Nominations for the three trustee positions open on Thursday 16 January 2025 and close at midday Tuesday 11 February 2025. Nominations must be made on the official nomination form which can be obtained by calling the free phone election helpline 0800 666 041 or emailing A candidate handbook is available with the nomination form.
If an election is required to fill these vacancies it will be carried out by postal and online voting. Voter packs will be sent to all eligible beneficiaries on 5 March 2025, with voting closing at midday on Friday 28 March 2025.
Warwick Lampp
Returning Officer 0800 666 041 or
In the High Court of New Zealand
Hamilton Registry ROHE NO. CIV-2022-419-051
In the matter of the Local Government (Rating) Act 2002 Between Waitomo District Council Local Authority
And: Richmond Edward Chase The Owner
Sale of freehold property under Local Government (Rating) Act 2002; property situated at 77 Ellis Road, Maniaiti/ Benneydale.
At the request of the Waitomo District Council in the exercise of a power of sale under the provisions of the Local Government (Rating) Act 2002 for the non-payment of rates, the Registrar of the High Court at Hamilton (the Vendor) offers for sale by tender the freehold property situated at 77 Ellis Road, Maniaiti/ Benneydale, being described as Lot 19 Deposited Plan 7726 being the land comprised in Certificate of Title TN212/93. 77 Ellis Road, Maniaiti/Benneydale is a bare block of land that may contain a small usable shed.
Tenders close at 5:00pm on Wednesday, 19 February 2025 and are to be submitted to Tauranga High Court, McLean House, 26 McLean Street, Tauranga or posted to The Registrar, High Court, DX HX11034, Tauranga.
Please note that a reserve price may apply.
Particulars and Conditions of Sale
Particulars and conditions of sale may be obtained from the office of the Registrar of the High Court at Tauranga where the contact is at any time during office hours, or from Debt Management Central, DX PA84005, Feilding or email
Dated at Tauranga this 17th day of December 2024
Stephen Hewlett Registrar / Deputy Registrar High Court of New Zealand
• Letters should not exceed 200 words
• They should be opinion based on facts or current events
Dear Otorohanga Club Members
We are holding a Special Meeting to discuss an important matter regarding the future of our golf club.
Meeting Details:
Date: Sunday 2nd February 2025
Time: 11am
Location: Otorohanga Club Inc. - 107 Maniapoto St, Otorohanga
The primary purpose of this meeting is to present and discuss the proposal to return the ownership of the golf club back to Waitomo Golf & Country Club Inc. This decision is significant for the future of both clubs, and your input is essential.
This meeting will provide an opportunity to:
Understand the reasoning and implications of this proposal
Ask questions and share your perspectives
Participate in a member vote
Your attendance and participation are crucial. Together, we can make an informed decision that aligns with the best interests in both clubs and our community.
If you have any questions before the meeting, please don’t hesitate to contact Steve Wilshier or Jock Gollan.
We look forward to seeing you there.
Bronwyn Merrin Secretary/Manager Otorohanga Club Inc.
• All letters to be emailed to
• No noms-de-plume
• Letters will be published with names
• Please include full name, address and contact details for our records only
• Letters may be edited, abridged, or rejected at the editor’s discretion
• The editor’s decision on publication is final.
Notice on behalf of the forest owner, New Zealand Carbon Farming Ltd is planning to carry out aerial spraying operations within the Waitomo and King Country areas spraying pine trees to treat Dothistroma Fungi which some trees are currently infected with.
This will be taking place within the following forests within the wider Waitomo & King Country area on 2 occasions sometime between 29 October and 30 November 2024 and again between 15 Jan and 28 Feb 2025, the spraying is weather dependant.
Putaki Forest, Mahoe Road, Waitomo
Te Anga Forest, Te Anga Road, Te Anga
Te Anga East Forest, Te Anga Road, Te Anga
Kakara Forest, Kakara Road, Mokaiti
Kaimango Forest, Kaimango Road, Honekiwi
Te Kauri Forest, Kaimango Road, Pirongia
Tapuiwahine Forest, Tapuiwahine Valley Road, Ongarue
Kura Forest, Kura Road, Taumarunui
Pukekawa Forest, Ongarue Back Road, Taumarunui
Whakamaro Forest, Whakamaro Road, Tamarunui
Pukemanu Forest, Saddler Road, Taumarunui
Makahiwi Forest, Kirikau Valley Road, Taumarunui
Oio Forest, Oio Road, Retaruke
Owairua Forest, Oio Road, Retaruke
Splitrock Forest, Oio Road, Retaruke
This public notice is to advise any adjoining, or close to land owners. This notice provides notification to you as required under the Management of Agrichemicals (NZS 8409:2021) and the relevant regional/unitary plan.
The application will be delivered by a fully trained and qualified helicopter pilot with a current GROWSAFE Pilot Chemical Rating certificate.
Methods to ensure no spray drift onto adjoining properties will be employed as appropriate, and may include weather monitoring, boundary monitoring, the use of smoke bombs to monitor wind direction, and the use of low drift nozzles on spray equipment. The treatment product is simply cooper oxide mixed with vegetable oil and it is a non-hazardous/ toxic fungal treatment application.
10 Sheridan St, Te Kūiti
An Assemblies of God church
We welcome you to our 10.30am
Sunday service.
Ōtorohanga Football Club
Ōtorohanga Domain
Sports Association
Annual General Meetings
January 28, 2025 Corbett Pavilion Otorohanga Domain
6.30pm Ōtorohanga Domain Sports Association
7.30pm Ōtorohanga Football Club
If you enjoy working outdoors, and have an awesome work ethic, then this role would suit you!
We currently have a vacancy for a Parks and Facilities Operator to join our hard-working dedicated team.
Your main duties include the day to day maintenance and upkeep of the district gardens, parks, reserves, CBD areas and cemeteries. This is a varied, physical role ensuring that our gardens and grounds always look well presented.
Not only will you be reliable and motivated, you will also:
• Hold a current, full Class 1 driver’s licence
• Be a team player with a positive attitude
- helping out your team mates needs to be second nature
• Have excellent relationship building and communication skills
• A commitment to Health and Safety
• A can-do attitude, that shows a willingness to learn and grow
• Be flexible, embrace change and undertake other duties assigned
A current Growsafe Certificate, Traffic Management Qualification and Licence Endorsements to operate a Forklift and Digger would be an advantage, however training will be provided.
Please note, applications will be reviewed as they are received.
Applications close: 24 January 2025
To apply for this role, please visit:
New members and players are welcome to attend
Any inquiries to Emma Telfer (secretary) 027 644 0434
Notice of Annual General Meeting
Tapuiwahine A12 Trust
Date: Sunday, February 23, 2025
Registrations and refreshments: 930am-10am
Meeting Starts: 10am
Venue: Motiti Marae, Mangatea Road, Te Kūiti
• Karakia
• Chairpersons welcome
• Minutes of previous AGM
• Financial Report
• Chairmans Report
• Correspondence
• Election of Trustees/Officers/ Resignations
• General Business
• Advice of Lease Negotiation
• Karakia
For Proxy forms, zoom credentials, agenda items or apologies, please email the Trust:
Sunday, January 26, 2025
Entries - Adults $20, Child (13 and under) $5, Under 5 $2
• Boat and surf casting sections
• Trout section (Must show Licence)
• Sand castle competition & other novelty events
• Raffles
• Food available
Entries on the day at Marokopa Community Hall from 5-11am Weigh-in from 3-5pm, with Prize-giving at 6pm (Must be present to claim prizes)
For more information phone 07 876 7522 or email
All Saints Piopio, 22 Moa St Sunday 10am
St Peter’s by the Sea 25 Aria Tce, Mōkau 1st & 3rd Sundays 2pm
Piopio contact: 07 877 8097
Mokau contact: 06 752 9123
Panui: Owners and beneficiaries of Puketiti 5D block
Special Meeting Saturday, Feb 7, 2025 Piopio Senior Citizens Hall Weka Street Piopio @11am
Updating & changes to current Trust Deed. General Discussion
All Enquires: Secretary Puketiti 5D trust
Sunday Service 10.30am Kids Club 11am Youth 12.30pm-3pm Evening service 7pm
The Harvest Centre, 5 Tuhoro St, Otorohanga 07 873 8890 I 027 493 0117 • Pastors Peter & Carole Coventry (An Assemblies of God Church)
He who counts the stars and calls them by name is in no danger of forgetting His own children. (Charles Spurgeon)
GILL David George: Dad passed away suddenly at his home on Friday, January 10, 2025. “You have worked hard and now its time to rest. We will miss you” Loved partner of Jenny. Loved father and father-inlaw of Natalie and Alex; Graham and Sheree; Emma and Ryan; Bradley and Jennifer. Grandad to his 7 grandchildren and great grandad to two. A celebration of David’s life to be held at VJ Williams & Sons Chapel, 33 King St West, Te Kūiti on Thursday, January 16 at 11am, followed by a private cremation. All communications to Gill Family C/- PO Box 241, Te Kūiti 3941. In the care of VJ Williams & Sons, Funeral Directors Association of NZ
GILL, David George: On January 10, 2025 suddenly at home. Dear brother of Lyn and Ted Ostern. Thanks to St John and Police. R.I.P Dave.
MOUNSEY, Joe (Lester John): Peacefully at Te Kūiti on January 12, 2025 aged 89. Dearly loved by his wife Judy, children, grandchildren and great grandchildren. A remembrance to celebrate Joes life, for those of us that miss him dearly, will be held at the Waitomo Club. The family invite you for afternoon tea on Thursday, January 23, 2025 at 2pm. All communications to PO Box 50, Te Kūiti. A private cremation was held by Garth Williams by P.T.O Te Awamutu Funeral Services.
Ranfurly St, Ōtorohanga Service times Sunday 10.30am
Everyone welcome Contact 07 873 8685
COWAN, Barbara (May): Peacefully at Beattie Home, Ōtorohanga, on Monday, January 13, 2025. Daughter of Jack and Ella Cowan, sister of Arthur (dec), Bob (dec) and Laurie. Much loved Aunty May to many. A service for May will be held at St David’s Presbyterian Church, Otorohanga on Monday, January 20 at 1pm, followed by interment at Otorohanga Cemetery. The Cowan family would like to thank the staff at Beattie Home for their wonderful care of May over the past years. In memory of May donations can be made to Beattie Home. All communications to Cowan Family c/- PO Box 241, Te Kuiti 3941. In the care of VJ Williams & Sons FDANZ
BUDGE, Keith Ferguson: 30.11.1933 - 9.1.2025 Peacefully in Te Kūiti Hospital. Deeply loved son, brother and brotherin-law of the late Robert and Janet Budge, Alison and James Boyd, and Margaret and Maurice Wilson. Dearly loved and will be truly missed by his nieces and nephews and their families. Heartfelt thanks to the wonderful staff at Te Kūiti Hospital for their outstanding care of Keith in his last few days. A service to farewell Keith will be held at St David’s Presbyterian Church, Ōtorohanga on Friday, January 17, 2025 at 11am. In lieu of flowers, donations can be made to the Ōtorohanga St John Ambulance Service. Tributes can be left on our website funerals-tributes. All communications to Budge Family c/- PO Box 241, Te Kūiti 3941. In the care of VJ Williams & Sons, Funeral Directors Association of NZ