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A letter from the president

Dear fellow traders and professionals,

It’s been great to see many of you back in business since we’ve reopened, as well as new businesses opening recently, including my own. My family are pleased to be back with a new location for Dymocks Camberwell, near the Rivoli.


This year has been another challenging one for us all but is looking more positive as we resume normal trade ahead of Christmas. Despite the hardship, I hope you’ve found ways to diversify your business. You may want to keep extra services going, like click-and-collect, phone orders, and home delivery – some customers prefer this, and it can add value to your business. It’s also important to offer customers as much time as possible to shop. I know some businesses are still not fully operational, due to problems with stock or staff, but now is the time to recoup sales so I urge you to consider extra trading hours.

In the precinct’s Christmas advertising, we are reminding people about the importance of shopping local and shopping in person as delivery is so uncertain. Their support over the past 18 months has been vital, and we want to keep our locals while attracting new people. Some will prefer the open-air shopping of our precinct, feeling safer than big malls.

It’s important to make it clear to customers that you’re taking all precautions. You need to have COVIDSafe plans, hand sanitiser, QR codes, and control density quotients. It’s now our responsibility to check customers are vaccinated before entering our businesses, even in regular retail stores. It will put extra pressure on your staff so you will need to support them with difficult customers; I suggest training for new staff so they know what to do.

Do visit camberwellshopping.com.au and check out the Trader Portal, which has information about the rules and helpful resources for your business. The traders’ association can also help promote your business so send your specials and offers via email to: info@camberwellca.com.au

I wish you and your families all the best for the festive season.


Henk Kelly-Kobes

President Camberwell Centre Association