Bibliografia D'Ottavio

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Bibliografia D'Ottavio S., Colli R., Bosco C., Tranquilli C., Considerazioni fisiologiche su alcuni mezzi specifici nel gioco del calcio, Coaching Sport Sci. J., 2, 1997, 2, 56-64. D'Ottavio S., Saper frenare: una dote basilare per il calciatore, Notiziario settore Tecnico FIGC, 1989, Luglio – agosto. D'Ottavio S., Tranquilli C., La prestazione del giocatore di calcio, SDS-Scuola dello sport, 11, 1992, 24, 74 Drust B., Reilly T., Cable N. T., Physiological responses to laboratory-based soccer-specific intermittent and continuous exercise, J. Sports Sci., 18, 2000, 11, 885-892. Dupont G., Akakpo K., Berthoin S., The effect of in-season, high-intensity interval training in soccer players, J. Strenght Cond. Res., 18, 2004, 3, 584-589. Edwards A. M., MacFayden A. M., Clark N., Test performance indicator from a single soccer specific fitness test differenziate between highly trained and reacreationally active soccer players, J. Sport Med. Phys. Fitness, 43, 1993, 14-20. Foster C., Florhaug J. A., Franklin J., Gottschall L., Hrovatin L. A., Parker S., Doleshal P., Dodge C., A new approach to monitoring exercise training, J. Strenght Cond. Res, 15, 2001, 1, 109-115. Freund H., Oyono-Enguéllé S., Heitz A., Ott C., Marbach J., Gartner M., Pape A., Comparative lactate kinetics after short and prolonged submaximal exercise, Int. J. Sports Med., 11, 1990, 4, 284-288. Gibala M. J., Little J. P., van Essen M., Wilkin G. P., Burgomaster K. A., Safdar A., Rah S., Tarnopolsky M. A., Short-term sprint interval versus traditional endurance training: similar initial adaptations in human skeletal muscle and exercise performance, J. Physiol., 575, 2006, 901-911. ePub 2006 Jul 6. Green H. J., Mechanisms of muscle fatigue in intense exercise, Review, J. Sports Sci., 15, 1997, 3, 247-256. Hamilton A. L., Nevill M. E., Williams C., Physiological responses to maximal intermittent exercise: Differences between endurance?trained runners and games players, J. Sports Sci., 9, 1991, 4, 371-382. Helgerud J., Engen L. C., Wisloff U., Hoff J., Aerobic endurance training improves soccer performance, Med. Sci. Sports Exerc., 33, 2001, 11, 19251931. Hennessy L. C., Watson A. W. S., The interference effects of training for strenght and endurance simultaneously, J. Strenght Cond. Res., 8, 1994; 12-19. Hill D. W., Williams C. S., Burt S. E., Responses to exercise at 92% and 100% of the velocity associated with VO2max, Int. J. Sports Med., 18, 1997, 5, 325329. Hill-Haas S. V., Coutts A. J., Rowsell G. J., Dawson B.T., Generic versus smallsided game training in soccer, Int. J. Sports Med., 30, 2009, 9, 636-642. ePub 2009 Jun 30. Hill-Haas S. V., Dawson B., Impellizzeri F. M., Coutts A. J., Physiology of smallsided games training in football: a systematic review, Sports Med., 41, 2011, 3, 199-220. Hoff J., Helgerud J., Endurance and strength training for soccer players: physiological considerations, Sports Med., 34, 2004, 3, 165-180. Hoff J., Wisloff U., Engen L. C., Kemi O. J., Helgerud J., Soccer specific aerobic endurance training, Br. J. Sports Med., 36, 2002, 218-221. Iaia F. M., F. M., Bangsbø J., Speed endurance training is a powerful stimulus for physiological adaptations and performance improvements of athletes, Scand. J. Med. Sci Sports, 20, 2010 Suppl. 2, 11-23. Iaia F. M., Rampinini E., Bangsbø J., High-intensity training in football. Review, Int. J. Sports Physiol. Perform. 4, 2009, 3, 291-306. Impellizzeri F. M., Rampinini E., Coutts A. J., Sassi A., Marcora S. M., Use of RPE-based training load in soccer. Review, Med. Sci Sports Exerc., 36, 2004, 6, 1042-1047. Impellizzeri F. M., Rampinini E, Marcora SM. Physiological assessment of aerobic training in soccer. Review, J. Sports Sci., 23, 2005, 6, 583-592. Karvonen M. J., Kental E., Mustala O., The effects of on heart rate a longitudinal study, Ann. Med. Exp. Fenn., 35, 1957, 3, 307-315. Kawakami Y, Nozaki D., Matsuo A., Fukunaga T., Reliability of measurement of oxygen uptake by a portable telemetric system, Eur. J. Appl. Physiol., l. 1992, 65(5), 409–14. Kellis E., Katis A., Vrabas I. S. Effects of an intermittent exercise fatigue protocol on biomechanics of soccer kick performance, Scand. J. Med. Sci. Sports, 16, 2006, 5, 334-344.


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Ali A., Foskett A., Gant N. Validation of a soccer skill test for use with females, Int. J. Sports Med., 29, 2008, 11, 917-921. Arcelli E., L’importanza delle caratteristiche aerobiche negli sport di squadra, Scienza & Sport, 2009, 4, 35-38. Bangsbø J., La preparazione fisica del calcio: un approccio scientifico, Ancona, Edizioni Kellis, 1996 Bangsbø J., Iaia F. M., Krustrup P., The Yo-Yo intermittent recovery test : a useful tool for evaluation of physical performance in intermittent sports, Sports Med., 38, 2008, 1, 37-51. Bangsbø J., Increased training intensity elevate muscle Na+-K+ pump alpha2subunit expression as well as short- and long-term work capacity in humans, J. Appl. Physiol., 107, 2009, 6, 1171-1180, ePub 2009 oct. 1. Banister E. W., Modeling elite athletic performance, in: Green H., McDougall J., Wenger H., (a cura di), Physiological testing of elite athletes, Champaign, Il., Human Kinetics, 1991, 403-424. Barbero Alvarez J. C., Granda Verra J., D’Ottavio S., Castagna C., Analisi del carico fisico di gioco nel calcio mediante la tecnologia satellitare (GPS): studio pilota nel calcio giovanile, Coach. Sport Sci. J., 2, 2006, 1, 4-11. Billat V. L., Slawinski J., Bocquet V., Demarle A., Lafitte L., Chassaing P., Koralsztein J.P., Intermittent runs at the velocity associated with maximal oxygen uptake enables subjects to remain at maximal oxygen uptake for a longer time than intense but submaximal runs, Eur. J. Appl. Physiol., 81, 2000, 3, 188-196. Bishop D., Girard O., Mendez-Villanueva A., Repeated-sprint ability - part II: recommendations for training, Sports Med. 41, 2011, 9, 741-756. Borg G., Hassmén P., Lagerström M., Perceived exertion related to heart rate and blood lactate during arm and leg exercise, Eur. J. Appl. Physiol. Occup. Physiol., 56, 1987, 6, 679-685. Bosco C., Aspetti fisiologici della preparazione fisica del calciatore, Roma, Società Stampa Sportiva, 1990. Burgomaster K. A., Howarth K. R., Phillips S. M., Rakobowchuk M., Macdonald M. J., McGee S. L., Gibala M. J., Similar metabolic adaptations during exercise after low volume sprint interval and traditional endurance training in humans, J. Physiol., 586, 2008, 1, 151-160. Castagna C., Abt G., D'Ottavio S., Relation between fitness tests and match performance in elite Italian soccer referees, J. Strenght Cond. Res., 16, 2002, 2, 231-235. Castagna C., Impellizzeri F. M., Chaouachi A., Bordon C., Manzi V., Effect of training intensity distribution on aerobic fitness variables in elite soccer players: a case study, J. Strenght Cond. Res., 25, 2011, 1, 66-71. Castagna C., Impellizzeri F. M.., Chamari K., Carlomagno D., Rampinini E.,Aerobic fitness and yo-yo continuous and intermittent tests performances in soccer players: a correlation study, J. Strength Cond. Res., 20, 2006, 2, 320-325: Cei A., Tonelli C., Pantanella L., D’Ottavio S., La mentalità delle squadre di calcio attraverso l’analisi di quando vengono messe a segno le reti, Movimento, 2011, 27, 14-25. Chamari K., Hachana Y., Kaouech F., Jeddi R., Moussa-Chamari I., Wisløff U., Endurance training and testing with the ball in young elite soccer players, Br. J. Sports Med., 39, 2005, 1, 24-28. Chaouachi A., Vincenzo M., Chaalali A., Wong D. P., Chamari K., Castagna C., Determinants analysis of change of direction ability in elite soccer players, Strength Cond. Res., 23, 2011, 11. Denadai B. S., Ortiz M. J., Greco C., de Mello M. T., Interval training at 95% and 100% of the velocity at VO2 max: effects on aerobic physiological indexes and running performance, Appl. Physiol. Nutr. Metab., 31, 2006, 6, 737-743. D’Ottavio S., Briotti G., Manzi V., Tozzo N., Tell M., “Small Side Games” e competizioni ufficiali in giovani calciatori della categoria “under 18”, Notiziario Settore tecnico FIGC, 2010, 4, 26-31. D’Ottavio S., Cei A., Abilità di concentrazione sotto stress, L’allenatore Rivista AIAC, 2008, Maggio – giugno. D’Ottavio S., Ponzetti F., Briotti G., Tozzo N., Dall’analisi delle gare all’elaborazione di un percorso di allenamento per giocatori U15, Scienza e Sport, 2011, 10, 32-37. Di Salvo V., Baron R., Tschan H., Calderon Montero F. J., Bachl N., Pigozzi F, Performance characteristics according to playing position in elite soccer, Int. J. Sports Med, 28, 2007, 3, 222-227. D'Ottavio S., Castagna C., Analysis of Match Play Activities in Elite Soccer Referees During Actual Match Play, J. Strength Cond. Res., 15, 2001, 2, 167-171.


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Krustrup P., Mohr M., Amstrup T., Rysgaard T., Johansen J., Steensberg A., Pedersen P. K., Bangsbø J., The yo-yo intermittent recovery test: physiological response, reliability, and validity, Med. Sci. Sports Exerc., 35, 2003, 4, 697-705. Little T., Williams A. G., Effects of sprint duration and exercise: rest ratio on repeated sprint performance and physiological responses in professional soccer players, J. Strenght Cond. Res., 21, 2007, 2, 646-648. Manzi V., D'Ottavio S., Impellizzeri F., Chaouachi A., Chamari K., Castagna C., Profile of Weekly Training Load in Elite Male Professional Basketball Players, J. Strength Cond. Res., 24, 2010, 5, 1399-1406. Manzi V., Iellamo F., Impellizzeri F., D'Ottavio S., Castagna C., Relation between individualized training impulses and performance in distance runners, Med. Sci. Sports Exer., 41, 2009, 11, 2090-2096. McMillan K., Helgerud J., Macdonald R., Hoff J., Physiological adaptations to soccer specific endurance training in professional youth soccer players, Br. J. Sports Med., 39, 2005, 5, 273-277. Midgley A. W., Mc Naughton L. R., Time at or near VO2max during continuous and intermittent running. A review with special reference to considerations for the optimisation of training protocols to elicit the longest time at or near VO2max. Review, J. Sports Med. Phys. Fitness, 46, 2006, 1, 1-14. Mohr M., Krustrup P., Bangsbø J., Fatigue in soccer: a brief review, J. Sports Sci., 23, 2005, 593-599. Mohr M., Krustrup P., Bangsbø J., Match performance of high-standard soccer players with special reference to development of fatigue, J. Sports Sci., 21, 2003, 7, 519-528. Mujika I., Padilla S., Detraining: loss of training-induced physiological and performance adaptations. Part I: short term insufficient training stimulus, Sports Med., 30, 2000, 2, 79-87. Nummela A. T., Paavolainen L. M., Sharwood K. A., Lambert M. I, Noakes T. D., Rusko H. K., Neuromuscular factors determining 5 km running performance and running economy in well-trained athletes, Eur. J. Appl. Physiol., 97, 2006, 1, 1-8. Ohashi J., Measurement of movement speed in soccer match, The Procedings of the Department of sport science, College of arts and science University of Tokio, 21, 1987, 54-61. Osgnach C., Poser S., Bernardini R., Rinaldo R., di Prampero P. E., Energy Cost and Metabolic Power in Elite Soccer: A New Match Analysis Approach. Med. Sci. Sports Exerc., 42, 2010, 1, 170-178. Paavolainen L., Häkkinen K., Hämäläinen I., Nummela A., Rusko H., Explosivestrength training improves 5-km running time by improving running economy and muscle power, J. Appl. Physiol., 86, 1999, 5, 1527-1533.

Rampinini E., Impellizzeri F. M., Castagna C., Grant A. B. T., Chamad K., Sassi A., Marcora S. M., Factor influencing physiological responses to smal-side soccer games, J. Sport Sci., 25, 2007, 6, 659-666. Rampinini E., Impellizzeri F. M., Castagna C.,, Coutts A. J., Wisløff U., Technical performance during soccer matches of the Italian Serie A league: effect of fatigue and competitive level, 12, 2009, 1, 227-233, ePub 2008 Feb 20. Rampinini E., Sassi A., Azzalin A., Castagna C.,, Menaspà P., Carlomagno D., Impellizzeri Physiological determinants of Yo-Yo intermittent recovery tests in male soccer players, Eur. J. Appl. Physiol., 108, 2010, 2, 401-409. Rebelo A., Brito J., Seabra A., Oliveira J., Drust B., Krustrup P., A New Tool to Measure Training Load in Soccer Training and Match Play, Int. J. Sports Med., 33, 2012, 4, 297-304. Reilly T., Bangsbø J., Franks A., Anthropometric and physiological predispositions for elite soccer, Review, J. Sports Sci., 18, 2000, 9, 669-683. Reilly T., Gilbourne D., Science and football: a review of applied research in the football codes, J. Sports Sci., 21, 2003, 9, 693-705. Reilly T., Physiological profile of the player, in: B. Ekblom B. (a cura di), Football (soccer), Londra, Blackwell, 1994, 78-95. Reilly T., White C., Small-sided games as an alternative to interval-training for soccer players [abstract], J. Sports Sci., 22, 2004, 6, 559. Russell M., Kingsley M., Influence of exercise on skill proficiency in soccer. Review, Sports Med., 41, 2011, 7, 523-539. Sampaio J., Ibáñez S., Lorenzo A., Gómez M. Discriminative game-related statistics between basketball starters and nonstarters when related to team quality and game outcome, Percept. Mot. Skills, 103, 2006, 2, 486-494. Sassi R., La preparazione atletica nel calcio, Perugia, Ed. Calzetti- Mariucci, 2001. Sporis G., Jovanovic M., Omrcen D., Matkovic B., Can the official soccer game be considered the most important contribution to player's physical fitness level?, J. Sports Med. Phys. Fitness., 51, 2011, 3, 374-380. Stamford B. A., Weltman A., Moffatt, R., Sady S., Exercise recovery above and below anaerobic threshold following maximal work, J. Appl. Physiol., 51, 1981, 4, 840-844. Stølen T., Chamari K., Castagna C., Wisløff U. Physiology of soccer: an update, Sports Med., 36, 2005, 6, 501-536. Tomlin D. L., Wenger H. A., The relationship between aerobic fitness and recovery from high intensity intermittent exercise, Review, Sports Med., 31, 2001, 1, 1-11. Wong P. L., Chamari K., Wisløff U., Effects of 12-week on-field combined strength and power training on physical performance among U-14 young soccer players, J. Strenght Cond. Res. 24, 2010, 3, 644-652.

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