Vision Magazine Fall 2021

Page 26

Several CID bills headed to governor for signing By Jennifer Wada, Esq.

The 2021 legislative session adjourned on September 10 and hundreds of bills were sent to the governor’s desk. These bills included proposals that establish a police decertification process for officers that commit wrongdoing, prevent police from blocking journalists from covering protests, allow dependent parents to be covered on an individual’s health plan, overhaul the state’s broken unemployment system, and provide billions of dollars for wildfire and drought prevention. However, the tension between moderate and liberal

AB 502 (Davies) was approved by the legislature and is now headed to the governor’s desk. It would apply elections by acclamation to all associations. This was a hard-fought battle with homeowner groups opposing throughout the process. CACM has been at the forefront of support, with Tom Freeley being a key witness at hearings. Amendments taken in both the Senate Housing and Judiciary committees added provisions that are intended to ensure homeowners are informed about whether an election by acclamation will occur. While some of the amendments aren’t ideal, they are a small price to pay in exchange for all associations having the ability to use acclamation. Some key provisions do the following:

democrats resulted in a number of bills being tabled for the year. These included aggressive climate change bills, single-payer healthcare and even a bill that would have allowed people to choose to turn their bodies into garden compost after death. Governor Newsom has until October 10 to sign or veto all bills. And although the end of session comes just days before the closely watched recall election on September 14, Governor Newsom will still be at the helm during the bill signing period even if he is recalled, which recent polls indicate is unlikely. So how did CACM’s most closely tracked bills fare?


Vision Fall 2021 |

1. Both the first notice (90 days prior to election) and the reminder notice (7-30 days prior to election) must include: a) the number of board positions available; b) the deadline for submitting nominations; and c) how to submit nominations. 2. For the first notice, there must be a “heads up” statement that if there are fewer candidates than there are vacancies, the board may vote to fill the vacancies by acclamation. 3. For the second notice, if there are less candidates than vacancies, there must be a statement declaring that the board can vote to elect by acclamation. This second notice must also include a list of qualified candidates running.

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Articles inside

Brenda Hendricks Guides the Next Generation

pages 44-45

Gene Bicksler's Legacy of Mentorship

pages 42-43

Marianne Simek Says Find Balance, Find Success

pages 40-41


pages 34-35

Want To Install EV Charging Stations?

pages 32-33

Chapman Economist Forecasts Higher Inflation and Interest Rates

pages 28-29

Are Your Management Fees Going Up?

pages 30-31


pages 48-49

Your Next Great Employee Could Be An Intern

pages 54-55

Several CID bills headed to governor for signing

pages 26-27

New Individual Manager & Management Company Members

page 25

New Industry Partner Members

page 24

Nominations Are Open for the 2022 Vision Awards!

page 23

Congratulations Managers

page 22

CACM Brings Certification Courses to California State University, Fullerton

pages 18-20

From the Roundtable

page 15

Members in the News

pages 6-11

President’s Message

page 5
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