Annual Report 2015-2017

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Annual Report 2015–2017

Annual Report 2015–2017

Letter from the Executive Director. . . . . . State Investment. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Major Public History Initiatives . . . . . . . . . Los Angeles Expansion. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Growing Our Statewide Impact . . . . . . . Educational Initiatives. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . The CHS Collections. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . California’s Complex History. . . . . . . . . . Financial Summaries. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Governance. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Supporters. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

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Dear Friends, Sea changes have come to the nation, our Golden State, and your California Historical Society over the past two years. Fired with the passions of our mission, we at CHS sustained our commitment to broadening understanding of history’s reach and relevance to contemporary lives. The power of purposeful partnerships continued to shape and drive our work. We were deeply honored to animate and lead the year-long, wide-reaching centenary celebration of the 1915 Panama-Pacific International Exposition, creating the collaborative PPIE100 project and website with the City and County of San Francisco and more than sixty cultural partners. CHS presented two stellar exhibitions under the project title City Rising and joined with the AT&T Foundation and the Hearst Family and Foundation to create the Phoebe Apperson Hearst Educational Fund, engaging students in the project. In summer 2017, CHS commemorated the fiftieth anniversary of 1967’s Summer of Love with an innovative and ambitious public history project. Partnering with San Francisco Travel, CHS linked and promoted the exhibitions, scholarship, and events with some seventy partners and mounted our own culminating exhibition, On the Road to the Summer of Love. The San Francisco city-county partnership has proven enduring and impactful. Building on a 2014 grant, in 2016 CHS was selected as the city’s partner in exploring rehabilitation of the iconic Old U.S. Mint, a National Historic Landmark standing proudly at the corner of Fifth and Mission Streets since its opening in 1874. The partnership expanded in 2016, when the State Library granted CHS $1 million to work with the City of San Francisco to explore a future vision for the Old U.S Mint, both as a home for the organization and a vibrant neighborhood anchor and community cultural center. Then in June 2017, the State Department of Education granted $5 million to CHS to create Teaching California, a free, online curriculum supplement for K-12 students aligned with the state’s History-Social Science Framework adopted in the summer of 2016, which will draw from primary source materials in our own and other digital repositories. Receiving these two state grants in consecutive years—with critical assistance from key CHS Trustees, the City and County of San Francisco, and enlightened legislative leaders including Senator Mark Leno and Assemblymember Phil Ting—has brought CHS the opportunity to ensure a sustainable future and to elevate history’s place in the state’s agenda.

As the Golden State’s official historical society since 1979, in the spirit of a true statewide organization CHS extended its reach into the historic heart of Los Angeles. In spring of 2015, we opened offices in LA Plaza de Cultura y Artes at El Pueblo de Los Ángeles Historical Monument. CHS and LA Plaza partnered in the Getty’s initiative Pacific Standard Time: LA/LA—a dialogue between Latin America and Los Angeles—conducting path-breaking curatorial research that is now bearing fruit in the exhibition and publication ¡Murales Rebeldes! L.A. Chicana/o Murals under Siege. CHS moves ever closer to being the historical society model for innovation, excellence, and transformation that it intends to be: accessible, vibrant, and relevant to contemporary dialogues. Efforts to make CHS’s vast, varied, and important collections more accessible—the cornerstone of our work—resulted in the launch of the CHS Digital Library, with the support of Hearst Foundation, Henry M. Newhall Foundation, Steve Silberstein, and David Rumsey, and the continued production of outstanding exhibitions, educational programming, and publications. Of course, none of what the California Historical Society has been able to achieve over the course of these two years would have been possible without the essential loyalty, good counsel, and generosity of our many donors, members, friends, and partners. We remain grateful for each and every one of you as we continue our quest to make California’s complicated and poignant histories into a tool for creating a more just and informed future. On behalf of our Board of Trustees, staff, and volunteers, I remain yours, gratefully,

Anthea M. Hartig, Ph.D. Executive Director & CEO 31 December 2017

Annual Report 2015–2017 3

S TAT E I N V E S T M E N T In 1979, then Governor Edmund G. Brown signed legislation designating the California Historical Society, founded in 1871, the official state historical society. But it was not until 2016–2017 that the state made significant investments in the organization’s nearly 150-year history.

The Old Mint Restoration Project In June 2016, the State of California granted CHS $1 million through the State Library to explore, plan, and conduct the required studies for restoring San Francisco’s 1874 Old U.S. Mint building as CHS’s future home. A few months earlier, in March 2016, following a competitive Request for Proposal process, the City of San Francisco had selected CHS as lead partner in its Old U.S. Mint Restoration Project, a series of studies and activities designed to help assess the viability of restoring the Old U.S. Mint and transforming this historic treasure into a center of history, culture, and education for learners of all ages. Adding to CHS’s previous initial feasibility studies conducted in 2014 and afforded by a grant from the City’s Historic Preservation Fund, the new funding marks an important milestone in advancing the next phases of CHS’s investigation: conducting a capital campaign feasibility study; developing a full business and financial plan, market study, and revenue analysis; and designing a Community Cultural Commons, among other priorities. It is expected that a full reuse and rehabilitation proposal will be completed by CHS by the end of 2018.


California Historical Society

Teaching California One year after receiving its very first significant state investment, in June 2017, the California Department of Education, through the San Francisco Unified School District, awarded CHS $5 million—the largest grant in the organization’s history—to establish Teaching California, an innovative, free, online resource of instructional materials that support California’s History-Social Science Framework. The program’s objective—to foster better understanding of the state’s history, improve student literacy, and promote civic learning and engagement—will ensure that California’s most important primary source documents, starting with those in the CHS Collections, are readily accessible to all K-12 students and their teachers. CHS is working with the California History-Social Science Project (CHSSP) at the University of California, Davis to develop and implement this important initiative. Top: (Left to right) Mike Sangiacomo, president, CHS Board of Trustees; San Francisco Mayor Ed Lee; Dr. Anthea Hartig, CHS’s executive director and CEO; State Senator Mark Leno; and Assemblymember Phil Ting at the Old U.S. Mint $1 Million Grant Announcement on November 22, 2016. Opposite: U.S. Branch Mint, Mission & Fifth Streets, San Francisco, 1958

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M A J O R P U B L I C H I S TO RY I N I T I AT I V E S In 2015 and 2017, key San Francisco institutions turned to the California Historical Society to help plan, shape, and execute two major public history initiatives in celebration of milestones in the city’s cultural and social history. Under CHS’s leadership, through exhibitions, programming, and centralized digital content, these projects engaged hundreds of thousands of Bay Area residents, visitors from other parts of the state, and tourists from across and outside the country.

PPIE100 In 2015, CHS led the yearlong, citywide celebration of the centennial of the Panama-Pacific International Exposition (PPIE), the 1915 World’s Fair that marked San Francisco’s recovery from the 1906 earthquakes and fires and the 1914 opening of the Panama Canal. Throughout 2015, in partnership with the San Francisco Recreation and Parks Department, Innovation Hangar, and the Maybeck Foundation, CHS organized more than sixty nonprofit organizations under the PPIE100 brand to explore the fair’s impact and legacy on the region and beyond. The centerpieces of CHS’s efforts were two exhibitions about the PPIE’s history, both under the title City Rising: San Francisco and the 1915 World’s Fair: one in the exhibition hall of the Palace of Fine Arts, Bernard Maybeck’s PPIE showpiece, and the other at CHS headquarters. CHS organized a third exhibition, presented at San Francisco’s War Memorial Building during the San Francisco Ballet’s Nutcracker. More than 500,000 people viewed the exhibitions at all three locations. CHS also created the official PPIE centennial website,, which featured hundreds of events and exclusive essays.


California Historical Society

Summer of Love: San Francisco 1967–2017 The year 2017 marked the fiftieth anniversary of the Summer of Love, a controversial, revolutionary, and confusing period in 1967 when more than 100,000 young people descended on San Francisco’s Haight-Ashbury neighborhood and other areas of California to “turn on, tune in, drop out.” CHS partnered with San Francisco Travel, the city’s official destination marketing organization, to recognize the half-century mark of this iconic period in the state’s history. Summer of Love: San Francisco 1967–2017 provided residents and tourists multiple opportunities to reflect on this complex period in our history, as well as to recognize the ways in which our state and nation were impacted by a counterculture that only could have come of age in California. In partnership with San Francisco Travel, CHS created an official Summer of Love brand for the project, used by city hotels and restaurants; a centralized digital hub, http://SummerOf.Love, for cultural activities throughout the city and state; and the initiative’s official history exhibition, On the Road to the Summer of Love, curated by Grateful Dead historian Dennis McNally, in the CHS Galleries. Above: CHS opened the exhibition On the Road to the Summer of Love on May 12, 2017. Opposite: San Francisco says goodbye to the Panama-Pacific International Exposition centennial celebration at the San Francisco Ferry Building, December 4, 2015.

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LO S A N G E L E S E X PA N S I O N In 2015, the California Historical Society returned officially to the City of Los Angeles for the first time since closing its Los Angeles History Center in 1989. With offices at LA Plaza de Cultura y Artes—the city’s primary Mexican and Mexican American heritage organization in historic downtown Los Angeles—CHS is producing engaging exhibitions and programming and building relationships with other institutions dedicated to preserving and telling Los Angeles’s complicated history.

¡Murales Rebeldes! L.A. Chicana/o Murals under Siege Over the past two years, CHS has participated in the Getty’s region-wide initiative Pacific Standard Time: LA/ LA, a major effort highlighting Latin American art and its influences on Los Angeles. In partnership with LA Plaza de Cultura y Artes, CHS developed the pioneering ¡Murales Rebeldes! project highlighting Chicana/o murals in Southern California—a cornerstone of the region’s cultural and historical heritage—that were censored, neglected, whitewashed, and even destroyed. Our efforts have borne fruit with the ¡Murales Rebeldes! L.A. Chicana/o Murals under Siege exhibition—on view at LA Plaza until February 27, 2018—and companion publication; the installation of Chicana muralist Barbara Carrasco’s censored 1981 mural L.A. History: A Mexican Perspective at Los Angeles’s Union Station (September 29–October 22, 2017); and a designated website,


California Historical Society

History Keepers and LA as Subject A significant component of CHS/Los Angeles is a robust partnership with LA as Subject, a research alliance dedicated to preserving and improving access to the archival material of Los Angeles history. Since summer 2015, CHS has staged History Keepers, an exhibition series showcasing items from the collections of LA as Subject members. These annual exhibitions are hosted at El Pueblo de Los Ángeles Historical Monument, where tens of thousands of people visit each year. CHS also participates in the LA as Subject Archives Bazaar, a day-long gathering for history aficionados, now in its twelfth year, held at the University of Southern California.

Above: (Top) “How Participatory Design Is Changing Los Angeles” attracts visitors to Gensler’s downtown Los Angeles office on May 24, 2016; (bottom) Anton Wagner’s 1932 Looking from Wall Street between 8th and 9th Streets from the CHS Digital Library helps publicize the 2016 History Keepers exhibition Traversing Los Angeles. Opposite: (Top) CHS’s Los Angeles offices are in the historic Vickrey-Brunswig Building in downtown Los Angeles; (bottom) Detail of Sergio O’Cadiz Moctezuma’s Fountain Valley Mural, c. 1974–1976, part of ¡Murales Rebeldes! L.A. Chicana/o Murals under Siege

Annual Report 2015–2017 9

G R O W I N G O U R S TAT E W I D E I M PAC T In addition to its return to Los Angeles, the California Historical Society invested in multiple efforts to expand its statewide impact.

California Historical Society Digital Library For almost 150 years, CHS has stewarded one of the Golden State’s most important research collections on California history. In fall 2016, with support from the California State Library and other generous donors, the organization launched its first state-of-the-art digital library, enabling residents throughout the state and around the world to access some of the treasures in the CHS Collections. CHS inaugurated its digital collection with Los Angeles: 1932–33. This special collection of photographs by Anton Wagner, a German geographer, illustrates Los Angeles between the 1920s and post–World War II booms. Wagner’s images of Depression-era Los Angeles are of great interest to researchers; they appear in his 1935 book Los Angeles: The Development, Life, and Form of the City of Two Million in Southern California, one of the formative studies on Los Angeles’s urban geography and the earliest published recognition of L.A. as a global city. The CHS Digital Library now contains over two dozen collections, from historic maps and photographs to wine labels.


California Historical Society

Traveling Exhibitions CHS’s traveling exhibition program has enabled its world-class presentations to reach new audiences. In 2016, with support from the Henry Mayo Newhall Foundation, I See Beauty in This Life: A Photographer Looks at 100 Years of Rural California— the inaugural exhibition of CHS’s Curating California series—traveled to Merced after stops in Santa Barbara and Riverside. The exhibition helped spur discussion about rural California and its impact on the state through the compelling photography of Lisa M. Hamilton alongside historic images from the CHS photography collection. Combined, they tell a complex—and sometimes humorous—story of the many different individual lives and landscapes comprising the vast mosaic that is the Golden State.

California Historical Society Book Award CHS and Heyday continued implementation of the annual California Historical Society Book Award, launched in 2013. In fall 2015, CHS/Heyday released Game Changers: Twelve Elections That Transformed California by Steve Swatt, Susie Swatt, Jeff Raimundo, and Rebecca LaVally, with book launches in Sacramento, San Francisco, and Los Angeles. Fall 2016 saw the publication of Alice: Memoirs of a Barbary Coast Prostitute by Ivy Anderson and Devon Angus.

Top: CHS’s 1964 photograph of Les Bruhn of Bodega Bay with his dog Queen is part of the I See Beauty in This Life traveling exhibition. Bottom: Alice: Memoirs of a Barbary Coast Prostitute, by Ivy Anderson and Devon Angus, was the 2015 California Historical Society Book Award winner. Opposite: Collections in the CHS Digital Library include Carleton Watkins’s 1861 mammoth plate photograph River View, Cathedral Rock, Yosemite and William H. Lee’s post-earthquake map, Burned District San Francisco of 1906.

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E D U C AT I O N A L I N I T I AT I V E S Throughout its own history, the California Historical Society has worked with policymakers and educators to improve the teaching and learning of the history of the Golden State.

Phoebe Hearst Educational Fund In 2015, CHS launched the Phoebe Hear st Educational Fund to invest in new K-12 history education initiatives. Recognizing Hearst as a longtime education advocate and the driving force behind the success of the 1915 World’s Fair, CHS enacted the Phoebe Hearst Educational Fund as part of its citywide leadership of the Panama-Pacific International Exposition centennial (PPIE100) celebration.

Passport to Success With additional support from PPIE100 Presenting Sponsor AT&T, and in partnership with the San Francisco Recreation and Parks Department, CHS created the Passport to Success program, connecting throughout the centennial year low-income San Francisco students who attended public after-school and summer programs with cultural organizations exploring the fair’s pioneering innovations and the ways in which technologies changed over the century.

History Play Date CHS further refined its outreach efforts to engage families with history through monthly programming focused on young families with children ages 5 and under. Operating under the History Play Date brand, CHS offered hands-on activities to kids, including


California Historical Society

thematic arts and crafts activities, live performances, and presentations from partner cultural institutions.

Teaching California In 2017, CHS’s increasing involvement with students and educators inspired the development—with UC Davis’s California HistorySocial Sciences Project (CHSSP)—of Teaching California, an online resource of instructional materials that support the state’s new History-Social Science Framework. Added to the state’s budget in June 2017 at the close of the 2016–2017 fiscal year, Teaching California will provide dynamic, expansive online curriculum that highlights primary source materials and draws from CHS’s vast archival resources and those of libraries across the state and nation. Above top: Dr. Anthea Hartig and Assemblymember Phil Ting review materials from the CHS archives at CHS’s North Baker Researcher Library. Above bottom: (Left to right) Fifth grade teacher Kate Bowen, Assemblymember Phil Ting, and Michael J. Sangiacomo, Chair, CHS Board of Trustees discuss the Teaching California initiative at CHS. Opposite top: Students participating in the Passport to Success program view the City Rising: San Francisco and the 1915 World’s Fair exhibition about the Panama-Pacific International Exposition at CHS. Opposite bottom: A young child participates in a History Play Date activity.

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THE CHS COLLECTIONS The California Historical Society is entrusted with the care of one of the world’s most important collections of historical materials about the Golden State. The diverse CHS Collections include books, pamphlets, manuscripts, photographs, printed ephemera, periodicals, posters, broadsides, maps, newspapers, artifacts, costumes, and artworks, including paintings, drawings, and lithographs. These millions of items, held in trust for the people of California—in San Francisco and at Los Angeles’s University of Southern California and the Autry National Center—are an important resource for local and international researchers as well as a range of media industries, including advertising and television.

North Baker Research Library The primary portal to the CHS Collections remains the North Baker Research Library, which is free and open to the public within our San Francisco headquarters. Over the past two years, CHS has boosted staffing in the library to increase our capacity to serve researchers. The CHS Collections are also increasingly being digitized for use in CHS’s digital publications and our new digital library.

Leadership In 2016, after a national search, CHS named a new Director of Library and Collections. Succeeding Mary Morganti, who had served in the role for over a decade, Chela Scott Weber joined CHS from New York University, where most recently she was Head, Archival Collections Management in the Division of Libraries.

Photographs and ephemera in the CHS Collections include (top) Carruthers Studio’s undated image of a man and woman on a tandem bicycle and (bottom) the 1955 Official Program for a Los Angeles vs. San Francisco baseball game in Wrigley Field, Los Angeles.


California Historical Society

C A L I F O R N I A’ S C O M P L E X H I S T O R Y Addressing California’s complex history, particularly its diversity, is at the core of the California Historical Society’s work. Through public exhibitions, digital publications, and public programming, over the past two years CHS has explored some of the most challenging issues in California’s past, many of them with national and international implications.

Shaping Our History Examples of CHS’s public history events that explored significant episodes in the state’s history are the mass killing of California Indians during the late 1800s; the seventy-fifth anniversary of the signing of Executive Order 9066, which launched the Japanese incarceration program in America during World War II; the disappearance of Chicana/o murals in Southern California through whitewashing, censoring, and destruction; the ongoing legacy of the Black Panther Party; and the complicated gender dynamics of the hippie counterculture. Such explorations challenge audiences to consider how history shapes our present and our future and illuminates history’s relevance to Californians of all ages.

Top: At “Uncovering a Modoc War Story” on September 17, 2016, descendants of Modoc War translator Toby Riddle examine their family’s history through research, storytelling, oral history, and writing. Above left: On February 23, 2017, CHS recognized the seventy-fifth anniversary of Executive Order 9066 and the fortyfifth anniversary of our landmark exhibition and publication Executive Order 9066. Here, panelist Traci Takayanagi-Hui displays a poster announcing the forced relocation of Japanese and Japanese Americans from the West Coast. Above right: From the podium, USF Professor of African American Studies James Lance Taylor leads the “The Black Panther Party in San Francisco: Impact, Legacy, and Continued Inspiration” panel discussion on April 13, 2016.

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FINANCIAL SUMMARY Fiscal Year Ended June 30, 2016 Financial Summary (Audited) July 1, 2015–June 30, 2016 Income Expense Contributed Income 1,772,200 Personnel 1,321,688 Earned Income 557,240 Professional Services 551,811 Investment Income (58,930) Operating 251,034 Occupancy/Facilities 191,391 Other Expense 208,748 TOTAL INCOME $2,270,510 TOTAL EXPENSE $2,524,672 NET (254,162)

Income by Type  Board gifts & trustee donations 4%  Other individual donations 22%  Membership income 12%  Grants & sponsorships 37% A dmissions, bookstore sales, other program service fees 12% C ollections contracts, permissions, royalties 17%  Other earned income 1%  Investment income <5%>


Expense by Project Activity  Executive & finance 26%  Membership & development 9%  Public programs 14%  Collections 28%  Exhibitions & publications 23%

California Historical Society

FINANCIAL SUMMARY Fiscal Year Ended June 30, 2017 Financial Summary (Audited) July 1, 2016–June 30, 2017 Income Expense Contributed Income 5,566,879 Personnel Earned Income 1,369,604 Professional Services Investment Income 188,015 Operating Occupancy/Facilities Other Expense TOTAL INCOME NET

$7,124,498 TOTAL EXPENSE 4,475,560

Income by Type  Board gifts & trustee donations 1%  Other individual donations 4%  Membership income 6%  Grants & sponsorships 74%  Admissions, bookstore sales, other program service fees 6%  Collections contracts, permissions, royalties 3%  Other earned income 3%  Investment income 3%

Annual Report 2015–2017

1,294,479 703,992 281,449 171,947 197,072 $2,648,938

Expense by Project Activity  Executive & finance 20%  Development 10%  Membership 7%  Public programs 13%  Bookstore 3%  Collections 18%  Exhibitions & publications 29%


GOVERNANCE Fiscal Years 2015–2017

Boards of Trustees Presidents Steve LeSieur, San Francisco/ Hilsborough (2015–2016) Mike Sangiacomo, San Francisco (2016–2017) Vice Presidents R. Thomas Decker, San Francisco (2015–2016) Mike Sangiacomo, San Francisco (2015–2016) Albert Camarillo, Ph.D., Stanford (2016–2017) Steve LeSieur, Hillsborough (2016–2017)

Presidents Emeriti

Jan Berckefeldt, Lafayette Robert J. Chattel, Sherman Oaks Maribelle Leavitt, San Francisco Robert A. McNeely, San Diego Carlotta Mellon, Carmel Highlands Thomas R. Owens, San Francisco Edith L. Piness, Mill Valley Stephen L. Taber, San Francisco John K. Van de Kamp, Los Angeles

Executive Director Emeritus

Michael McCone, San Francisco

Executive Director & CEO

Treasurer Ralph Walter, Los Angeles

Anthea M. Hartig, Ph.D.

Secretaries Beverly B. Thomas, Studio City (2015–2016) Tony Gonzalez, Sacramento (2016–2017)

The California Historical Society mourns our distinguished friends, leaders, and scholars who passed away during fiscal year 2016–2017: John K. Van de Kamp, Los Angeles (President Emeritus), Michael McCone, San Francisco (Executive Director Emeritus), and Kevin Starr, San Francisco (Fellow).

Lindsie Bear, Berkeley (2015–2016) Melinda Bittan, Los Angeles (2015–2017) Albert Camarillo, Palo Alto (2015–2016) Steven Cheng, San Francisco (2015–2016) Tony Gonzalez, Sacramento (2015–2016) Anthea M. Hartig, Ph.D., San Mateo (2016–2017) Steve Juarez, Sacramento (2015–2016) Brian J. Kenny, Alameda (2015–2016) Christy Johnson McAvoy, Los Angeles (2016–2017) William McCreery, Hillsborough (2015–2016) Glenn Snyder, San Francisco (2016–2017) Harold Tuck, San Diego (2015–2017) Blanca Zarazúa, Salinas (2015–2017) Linda Elliott Zider, San Francisco (2015–2017)


Kevin Starr (1940–2017) at CHS

California Historical Society

SUPPORTERS Fiscal Years 2015–2017

The California Historical Society would like to express our deepest gratitude to the organizations, individuals, and families that supported the CHS and the PPIE100 initiative in the 2015–2016 and 2016–2017 fiscal years.

Donors Up to $5,000,000

California Department of Education

Up to $1,000,000

California State Library

Up to $250,000

Estate of North Baker

Up to $150,000

William Randolph Hearst Foundation

Up to $100,000

San Francisco Grants for the Arts

Up to $75,000

The Barkley Fund Maribelle and Stephen Leavitt Resources Legacy Fund

Up to $50,000

The Califa Group LA Plaza de Cultura y Artes Henry Mayo Newhall Foundation Stephen Silberstein

Up to $25,000

Bland Family Foundation Jon A. Christensen Estate of Constance Crowley Peabody Ford Motor Company Anthea Hartig and John Swiecki Norman Tyler Larson Stephen and Michele LeSieur George Lucas Family Foundation Stephen and Christy McAvoy

Annual Report 2015–2017

Recology Michael and Mary Sangiacomo Ralph Collins Walter Yerba Buena Community Benefit District

Up to $10,000

Stephen D. Bechtel Louise M. Davies Foundation R. Thomas and Denise Decker Lisa and Douglas Goldman Erica and Barry Goode Stephen and Barbara Hearst Nion T. McEvoy Glenn Snyder and Catherine Allman Laney and Pasha Thornton Christopher S. Wasney Cody Anderson Wasney Peter Wiley Diane B. Wilsey

Up to $5,000

Barbara Bakar Michael Carson and Ronald Steigerwalt Dagmar Dolby E. & J. Gallo Winery Pam Garcia and Peter Griesmaier John and Marcia Goldman Walter & Elise Haas Fund Hollis G. Lenderking William and Joanne McCreery John Pritzker David and Abby Rumsey

Up to $2,500

Scott C. Atthowe Ted Balestreri Paul and Anissa Balson George and Mary Alice Basye 19

Albert and Susan Camarillo Robert Chattel Cypress Lawn Memorial Park Leonore Daschbach Reid and Peggy Dennis Frances Dinkelspiel Estate of Elise Eilers Elliott Osborn Neill Foster Tony and Deborah Gonzalez Scott and Timmie Haskins Alfred and Ruth Heller The Hobart Building Rose Hunt and David King Edward and Gabriella Isaacson Sean Johnston and Brad Parberry Sherry Jordana Steve and Karen Juarez The Ron Kaufman Companies Elizabeth G. Lampen William and Mary Ann Moershel Mark A. Moore Peter Johnson Musto Edith and George Piness Random Ridge Winery JoAnna Robertson Adolph Rosekrans Paul Sack Stanford University Flora L. Thornton Foundation TMG Partners Andrea Van de Kamp Paul A. Violich Daniel Woodhead III Nancy C. Woodward Lee and Margaret Zeigler

Up to $1,000

Sandy and Linda Alderson Judith Avery Michael and Marianne Beeman DeWitt F. Bowman Susan Brandt-Hawley Helen B. Breck Mark and Maria Brown Lynn Bunim David Burkhart and Deborah Shidler Karen Castle and John Mahoney Robert and Rebecca Cherny 20

Ronaldo Cianciarulo Donald Davis Tom R. Delebo William and Nancy Doolittle Estate of Martha Faull Lane Bill and Cynthia Floyd Helene and Randall Frakes Gloria Gordon Getty Thomas R. Gherini Harry R. Gibson III Michele Goss Carl and Jeanne Hartig David and Jane Hartley Jason Herrington and Lauren Richardson Adam Hirschfelder Raymond Philip Hoehn James and Brenda Hofer Donna Huggins and John Jamieson Laurence Kornfield and Catherine Bauman Sara Kozel George and Barbara Krusi Gary and Kathern Kurutz Ray L. Lent Mrs. Maryon Davies Lewis Betsy Link MacTon Foundation Cathy G. Maupin Knox and Carlotta Mellon George A. Miller and Janet McKinley Holbrook T. Mitchell Jeffrey and Simona Morris Susan Morris Joanne Nissen Jenni Parrish and Gerard Clark G. Bland Platt Wayne and Jo Ann Ratkovich Richard W. Reinhardt Related California Urban Housing Robert and Ann Ronus Cyndi Runstrom David Sacarelos and Yvette Lanza Barbara Sahm and Steven Winkel Robert and Laura Sehr Jennifer Shearer Allene Sieling John and C. Augusta Stewart California Historical Society

Paul and Anne Wattis John Whitcomb and Dennis McCarthy Sheila Wishek Warren and Penny Wood Richard and Marilyn Wulliger

Up to $500

Gordon and Carol Amrein Joanne Appel Suzanne Badenhoop and Guy Lampard Bill Ballas Janet Berckefeldt Michael Beritzhoff Bill and Claire Bogaard Mary E. Brant Ian D. Campbell Gordon B. Chamberlain Suzanne Crowell William and Sonja Davidow Ronald and Kristin Dick David W. Dippel Robert F. Domergue Helen M. Dunlap Jennifer Easton and Juergen Pfaff Christian and Jacqueline Erdman David and Vicki Fleishhacker Ronald Lee Fleming Tom and Mary Foote Stephen J. Gallaway William and Shirley George George L. Gildred John and Charlotte Gilmore Josh Green Fred and Carol Gregory Sallie Griffith Ronald R. Gustafson David and Carol Hamilton William and Judith Hardardt Robert E. Henderson Dennis and Arlene Hirschfelder William L. Horton Catherine Hough Carol G. Johnson Edmond and Margaret Kavounas Wayne T. Kennedy William F. Kenney Noel W. Kirshenbaum

William and Jeanne Landreth Beverly Lane Wayne and Dona Leicht Jerry and Marilyn Levine Dan A. Lewis Limoneira Company Jean Everett Livermore Frank and Maryln Lortie Weyman Lundquist and Kathryn Taylor Richard P. MacFarlane Reverend Daniel J. Maguire Paul Mayes David J. McDaniel Brian G. McGrath John McKee and Ann Loraine Coil David Melnick and Marlyn Mullem Burnett and Mary Miller Robert London Moore, Jr. Joe and Mary Morganti Alida Morzenti Nancy and James Moser Carol A. Mueller David Negus Thomas E. Nuckols Ed O’Neil John and Mary Jo Ordway Richard and Judy Otter Donald and Mary Ann Parachini Kirk Pessner and Russell Miller John and Evelyn Pohlmann David Reyna and Katherine Miller Paul Robinson and Ellyn Daugherty Lawson Rollins Rodolfo and Irene Ruibal Jean F. Schulz Bonnie Simmons Moreland and Mary Stevens Edward Sumcad William and Swasey Stephen and Sarah Taber Anson and Thacher Thomas Tragardh Christopher VerPlanck Christine Wallis Bill Watson Willy Werby Robert A. Young

Annual Report 2015–2017 21

Up to $250

Matthew Adams Allen Ayvazian J. and Pinnuccia Bagnani John Bezis-Selfa Alison Bing and Marco Marinucci Barry and Joan Boothe Dix and Didi Boring Barbara and John Callander J. Blair and Robert Cooter Ruthmary and John Cradler Ruth Yvonne Dailey Jennifer Devlin-Herbert Elizabeth C. Fee Konrad Feldman John and Laura Fisher Mark Franich Leland Thomas Frye David Gallagher and Brady Lea Mary Elena Goodan Kay Sprinkel Grace Dick Grosboll Karl Gurcke James W. Haas Steve Harrison Heyday Books John and Mary Lu Hofmann Clifford Hudson William Hudson Stephen and Grace Joe Jude and Eileen Laspa Marc L’Italien

Peter Little John Loll Richard and Molley Lowry Michael Lozeau and Loretta de Guzman Joann M. MacDonald Alexandria Marcus Susi Marzuola Steven and Kathryn McCormick Jose Medina and Margaret Carol Rhine-Medina O’Malley and Ann Miller Patricia S. Nettleship Jack and Helen Ofield Ynez Viole O’Neill Harriett L. Orchard James and Ruth Reynolds Beverly Rowen Jason S. Sexton Mervyn Silberberg David Skaff Kendall B. Smith Sandra Tichenor Catherine Tripp and Jeffrey Tanenbaum Marcia and Fred Vogler Ted Weber, Jr. Audrey S. Winn Lizanne Witte Andrew Wolfram Mary M. Wood Bob Wright

California Legacy Circle

The California Historical Society thanks these donors who have supported CHS through planned gifts received through June 2017: Robert G. Adams, North Baker, Elise Eilers Elliott, Muriel T. French, Barbara Bissinger Grant, J. Lowell Groves, Lawrence W. Harris, Jr., Louis H. Heilbron, Adaline E. Howard, Barbara Donohoe Jostes, John Landrum, Martha Faull Lane, Arthur Mejia, Ph.D., Constance Crowley Peabody, Mary K. Ryan, Kathy Steadman.

Donors to the CHS Collections

Anonymous, Kathryn R. Blum, Valerie Cazaux, Barbara Keeney Clark, Ms. Sonia Cook, Friends of the Seattle Public Library, Roberta Llewellyn and Victor Bedoian, Sue McCone MacMillan, Mrs. Coralene B. Masoni, Barry Nitzberg, Placer Partners, Timothy Oliver Stoen, Valda Tarbet, Timothy Hughes Rare Newspapers, Geoffrey Wagner. 22

California Historical Society


Academy of Art University, Haas Brothers, Hafner Vineyards, Hearst Ranch Winery, HPA Strategic Communications, Cliff Lede Vineyards, Magnolia Brewing, McCalls, Michael Hensley Party Rentals, Sherwin-Williams.

PPIE100 Sponsors

The California Historical Society extends a special thanks to our PPIE100 initiative sponsors in celebrating—from February 20, 2015, to December 4, 2015—the centenary of the Panama-Pacific International Exposition (PPIE), the 1915 World’s Fair that ran in San Francisco during this same period 100 years ago.

Presenting Sponsor AT&T

Opening Weekend Sponsor Hearst Corporation

Exposition Sponsors

Ford Motor Company Henry Mayo Newhall Foundation Seligman Family Foundation Taube Philanthropies


ABC7 Academy of Art University Autodesk Boom: A Journal of California EHDD The Ferry Building The Friend Family Steve and Barbara Hearst Donna Ewald Huggins Maurice Kanbar Koret Foundation Christy and Stephen McAvoy McCalls Michelle and Chris Meany Barbro and Bernard Osher Pier 39 Platinum Advisors Port of San Francisco Recology San Francisco Chronicle Tooley Trust Town School D. N. & E. Walter & Company Cody Anderson Wasney Architects Yerba Buena Community Benefit District

We value all contributions to CHS and apologize in advance for any errors or omissions. Annual Report 2015–2017 23

678 Mission Street San Francisco, California 94105

Front cover and pp. 6, 7, 15, 18, 24–inside back cover: Public history events, California Historical Society • Back cover: UCLA Chicano Studies Research Center, Nancy Tovar Murals of East Los Angeles Slide Collection, 1970–1980 • Inside front cover–p. 1: California Lettersheet Collection, Kemble Spec Col 09, California Historical Society • p. 3: Photograph by Roman Cho • p. 4: Library of Congress, Historic American Buildings Survey, William S. Ricco (photographer) • p. 5: Photograph by Amy Sullivan • p. 8: (Top) LA Plaza de Cultura y Artes; (bottom) Private Collection of the O’Cadiz Family • p. 9: (Top) Jessica Hough; (bottom) Los Angeles: 1932–33 by Anton Wagner, PC 17, California Historical Society • p. 10: (Top) Carleton Watkins mammoth plate photographs of Yosemite Valley and Mariposa Grove, PC-RM-OV-Watkins, California Historical Society; (bottom) Map 317, California Historical Society Map Collection • p. 11: (Top) California Historical Society, California Wool Growers Association Photograph Collection; (bottom) Heyday/California Historical Society • p. 12: (Top) California Historical Society; (bottom) printed with permission • p. 13: (Top) Kevin Herglotz; (bottom) Jason Herrington • p. 14: (Top) California Historical Society; (bottom) Collection of Dick Dobbins, 1902–1999, MS 4031, California Historical Society • p. 23: California Historical Society 24 California Historical Society

Annual Report 2015–2017 25

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