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Hush January Edition 2012

L.N Inc.

Interview With Patch Cirpano e v i s u l Exc


Prolouge Banished from heaven, fallen angels can’t feel the touch of a human hand or the pain of a solid punch, but they can feel desire, and the only thing that fallen angels desire the most is becoming human. That however, is a nearly impossible task. But for two weeks every year during the Hebrew month of Chesvan, they can posses a Nephilim body. They can feel just like any human can, but after those two weeks it’s over. Patch though, has found a way to become human. All he has to do is kill a female descendant of Chauncey, Patch’s his vassal during Chesvan. That female descendant however, just happens to be Nora Grey. When Patch meets Nora, his desire to kill slowly fades, because what good would a human body be without having Nora to live with?



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Patch Ciprano

Patch’s dark and mysterious exterior has led to nothing but more and more questions since he came to Cold Water High. He intrigues Nora, but despite her burning curiosity he is unwilling to shine any light on his past. You can find Parch playing pool in the dark, smoky and dingy Bo’s Arcade- a gloomy and cryptic place – that isn’t the typical teenage hang out. Relaxed and in control, Patch is never lacking power or strength over peoples emotions and actions. He can always evoke the reaction out of people that he wants. His ability to get inside peoples heads is more then just a sixth sense; it’s something otherworldly. Today we talk to Patch about his past, relationship with Nora, and his extraordinary powers.

Interview After you met Nora, she started having strange unexplainable encounters and imagining things that felt so real she believed them. Did you have anything to do with this?

Not entirely. Being a fallen angel I can speak inside peoples minds, and make them see images that they believe because the experience is so real. Her encounters though were not directly because of me. When you first met Nora, it seemed like you were very drawn to her. What was it that intrigued you about her?

My strongest desire is to become human. In The Book of Enoch it says that a fallen angel who kills a female descendant of his vassal can become human. Like I told her, I came to her school because of her, to kill her. Though that is no longer my intention because after getting to know her, I am more then just drawn to her I am in love with her. After Elliot has come into Nora’s life they have been spending a lot of time together. How do you feel about Elliot?

I was never worried about Elliot. Nora is already suspicious about his questionable past at his old school, where he was suspected of hanging a girl.

been more suspicious and afraid of me then she already was. I couldn’t risk losing her just to satisfy her curiosity. You are always in control, provoking the precise reaction you desire out of people. Can you control people’s emotions and actions?

Like I said, being a fallen angel I can get inside peoples head. I am able to manipulate people emotions to get them to react or say what ever I like. Written by Lekszi Nagy

“All this time I’ve hated myself for it. I thought I’d given it up for nothing. But if I hadn’t fallen, I wouldn’t have met you.”

You have been very secretive about your life prior to coming to CHS. Why is it that you are so afraid to reveal your past?

If I had told Nora about my past, she would have



Bo’s MusicFor Life I can be your liar I can be your bearer of bad news Sick and uninspired by The diamonds in your fire Burning like a flame inside of you But is this just desire or the truth?

So shame on me for the ruse Shame on me for the blues Another one returned that I’ll never use But I won’t go getting tired of you I won’t go getting tired of you I’m not getting tired I won’t go getting tired of you I won’t go getting tired of you I’m not getting tired Hanging on this wire Waiting for the day I have to choose Cursed by love so dire One more boy for hire One more boy to lend a hand to you Is this just desire or the truth? So shame on me for the ruse Shame on me for the blues Another one returned that I’ll never use

Desire or Truth

just that, the unis u o Y f o ed ir T eme of d a quote, “Sick an ed love and the th it ed u ll q u re p n I u g f n o n so ai e the p es e in th Everyone has felt ired by her desir lustrate the them sp il in o n T u . is ve e lo h d at in ates th ns beh e it derlying emotio fire” which transl in the song wher r t u ar yo p e in th s d to n o in m es e dia also ti ause uninspired by th n leaving her bec he loves her. This ee ke w li et b im h se o o ve lo ch t no is we he has to because she does hout her. From th choose” because it to w e ve av li h I to ay d d an e th can’t st ons can says, “waiting for g her because he nderlying emoti u in e as th ch r w o o , h d im h an ve ited love she will never lo ely about unrequ at im lt u is g n so can see that the ur life. could change yo at th e ic o ch a evoke Hanging on th is wire – Hyper bole This creates an image in my m ind of a decisio or loosing the n. Whether he one he loves bec will choose des ause it is the tr a man who love ire and love, uth of the matte s a woman, but r. I interpret th she doesn’t feel choose giving u is song as the same way. W p his desire, or hich is why he chasing someth needs to ing impossible . The diamonds in your fire – M etaphor In my opinion this metaphor re presents a fire fr out, finally gett om within, burn ing some closu ing you from th re and answers. all around love e inside Diamonds rep . In this metaph re se or they are the nt wealth beau of desire. answers that su ty and ppress the burn ing feeling Burning like a flame inside of you - Simile This creates an image of somet hing burning in emotionally. A side someone. desire so dear th Not in a literal at it burns thro Like a force that sense, but ugh them enve drives you thro loping their ev ugh life. ery sense. The way the fo o fighters chose to use these th depth to the so ree different st ng. Without th yles of writing ese metaphors about a boy lovi really gives an d similes the so ng a girl. But th ng would be ju e way they des it adds a whole st a cliché cribe the emoti new level to th ons going on w e song. ithin him

eI gly to Hush Hush. The lin on str ry ve s ate rel u Yo lead male s in the song Tired of book because Patch, the my of The feelings and emotion e em th e th to ks ar but needs to d news really spea ing she doesn’t want to he can be your bearer of ba yth er ev r he g lin tel , ws ates to r of bad ne e inside of you” to me rel m fla a e character, is Nora’s beare lik ng ni ur “b s, ore about Patch e song, when it say know. As well, within th y inside of her to learn m sit rio cu g in rn bu a is to it. tch. There ng has a very dark theme so is th ok Nora’s feelings towards Pa bo my e lik h ling. otherworldly life. Muc u with a more serious fee yo s and her own mysterious ve lea t jus ng so is th e and genre of The overall message them

I am from the middle ground, the grey area between immort al and mortal Not in the celest al city, but hovering on Gods land I am from dark promises whisper ed in the hushed night Desprate backalleys holding hurtful secrets I am from desires claw ripping me apart from the inside out I am from demeaning control and barbaric authoriy Gentle tenderness and vulnerable weaknessA body gone numb; emotions spilling over I am from the teasing temptation of a goddess siren calling my name Lo ve pulling at my soul like strings pulling on a marionette I am from floating down fro m heaven the weight of her love like gravity - aheavy pull Every nerve feeling as a tranquil smooth flowing river I am from pristine clouds of ivory turned to black, sta ined with the soot of sinAlluring temptations gonedeadly, with harrowing conse quences Power wrenched away from me, gone with my wings ripped from my very body and soul never to be returned I amfrom smooth black scars that haunt me I am froma past of eternity But longer future ahead, the one shining light in the sea of darness I am from burning regrets but firey hopes Pain tur ned to the blanket of love that now envelope os m e



Book From The Angels

The New York Times best seller, Hush Hush, is sold in 35 different countries and has been translated into more than 10 different languages. This does not come as a surprise considering that the deep thought provoking theme, complex characters and the rich underlying emotions behind the human condition draws in the reader so deep that it is nearly impossible to put down the book and resurface to reality. These three qualities are what create a book so great, that it’s like you are in the story watching the scenes play out. An in depth look at these traits will further the opinion that the book, Hush Hush, is in fact a great recommendation for any grade eight student. While reading a book, what are you looking for? A happy ending, or a deep thought provoking moral that gets in your head, putting your whole life in perspective?



Hush Hush, a romantic thriller, goes through the many turbulent paths that relation ships, control and sanity take on the way to find out just how deadly the secrets of the past and the love in the future can be. “Being with you never felt wrong. It’s the one thing I did right. You’re the one thing I did right.” Throughout the book there are constant scenes, like the quote shows, surrounding life, death, desire, power and weakness. It is those scenes that are what take our opinions, our biases, and our thoughts and twist them until they have become a whole new revelation. When you realize that a book has the power to be so thoughtful that it can change your own deep and personal opinions, it is undoubtedly a remarkable read. Emotions are what define us, how we act, what we do and the feelings we endure. The characters in this book are full of changing emotions, their feelings described in such detail that it is as if you are the characters.They go throug rough encounters, meeting hatred and near death at every turn. They go through the body numbing romance and how it can over take your whole body. “All this time I’ve hated myself for it. I thought I’d given it up for nothing. But if I hadn’t fallen, I wouldn’t have met you.” This quote demonstrates how

characters can be more the one-dimensional. Their feeling actions and perspectives change in the duration of this story. Throughout the novel their actions and emotions build up more and more anti cipation and excitement,creating a captivating and vivid escapade.



Part of me wanted to run away screaming, Fire! A more reckless part of me was tempted to see how close I could get without‌combusting. This quote from Hush Hush shows how even when we can feel how dangerous love can be for us, the pull it has is like gravity – defying it is impossible. Throughout the story the fundamental root of the human condition is embedded deep into the theme. Torturous questions and impossible decisions create the most thoughtful story about human nature. Underneath the stereotypical love story thereis such disconcerting questions dealing with the emotional anguish that the charactersgo through, that it plants the seed of questioning into your head. A question that blooms into a new frame of mind about whom we really are and what our underlying human nature is really like. This blooming question in your mind is what tells you that Hush Hush is most definitely an exceptional read. At the end of Hush Hush, there is a burning desire to read more to find out what happens next. You play the scenes in your head over and over again, hoping to find an answer to this mysterious adventure. Page after pages flipped and read, the interest never wavering. The intensity and diversity of characters, the emotions behind the typical love story and the thoughtful plot is exactly what makes this book a great recommendation to any grade eight student.





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