Caldwell, Idaho
Edition Eleven
Odd Fellows Hosts Ice Cream Social
Densho Garden A Place Of Reflection
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OCTOBER 2015 Gavin Coyle Scout “Extraordinaire”
Yote Spirit & Purple Fridays
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Caldwell Hosts Youth Forum
By Angie Point, Youth Forum Project Leader
just being a bystander. In the final session students got back together within their same-school groups and developed an action plan to take back to their schools. Students came from Caldwell HS, Vallivue HS, Canyon Spring HS, and COSSA (in Wilder), and were selected by school administration as those with leadership potential who may not have seen themselves as leaders, and who may not have had the confidence to pursue leadership training opportunities on their own. Those who attended the Forum went back to their home schools with a voice in ways to improve their own schools as they see a need. They also become the pool from which administration draws when student leaders are needed for many tasks, including input into the specific issues identified in each school at the end of the Forum.
“Putting Caldwell on the Map-One Song at a Time”
By Mark Pemble
Photos by Mark Pemble
the top record labels It’s a typical and booking agencies weekday evening in message me asking Central Caldwell; the for places to play in soft hum of vehicles Idaho. If we can’t on the 10th Street come through with a thoroughfare, the show at the Manor, we sound of skateboards have several backup rolling on a mini ramp, venue locations and a drum kit and bass including the Bird guitar being tuned in a Stop and Neurolux,” living room. These are says Pemble. Along a few of the familiar with music, The sounds regulars can Manor has branched expect at the house out to the visual arts. “Vivian Girls” (Brooklyn, 2011) Area photographers known as “The Manor.” In early 2010, music pioneers Theo Maughan, and visual artists have temporary and permanent and Scott Pemble teamed up to put on a show at installations at The Manor. “The main reason it (The Manor) took off so fast Scott’s house on Ray Street. The first show featured the Caldwell band headed by Theo called “No was the lack of places for the “under 21” crowd to gather,” said Pemble. The need for all age venues has Comprendo.” The show was a big success. Other bands in the Boise area quickly heard encouraged others to host in-house performances. about the first show and contacted Theo and Scott These houses include “The Android House” on asking if they could play a show at The Manor. Fillmore St. and the “Music Major House” on The shows immediately started attracting the best Dearborn St. It really doesn’t take much; an open known Southern Idaho bands along with huge space, a few outlets and a handful of friends. Editor’s Note: Let’s help get something downtown crowds. “Although we tried very hard to get the word out to Caldwell residents, only a few people from Caldwell actually came. The vast majority of people at my house were coming in from Boise.” These first shows in Caldwell were the catalyst for Boise’s Treefort Music Festival. The Manor has put Caldwell on the map for the young generation of music connoisseurs. VICE, The New York Times and MTV have all featured events at The Manor. Recently, The Manor joined with Love Caldwell, helping to house traveling doctors who volunteered at September’s Compassion Caldwell event. “Ocra Team” (Seattle, 2012) Caldwell is in a unique spot between large cities in the west and east. Bands on tour playing Salt in our community for our youth to house their music. Lake City can’t make Seattle or Portland in one day, The youth are the future of our community and a so they look for places to play in Idaho. The Manor driving force to revitalization. There are some things has hosted groups from as far away as Santiago, in the works for the future and I hope they come to Tel-Aviv, Buenos Aires and London. “Several of fruition. Let’s stop the “leakage” to Boise.
Submitted photo
On September 16th, the College of Idaho hosted 75 high school students, school staff, college student advocates, and organizational staff at this year’s Caldwell Youth Forum. Funded primarily by local businesses, the Forum day began with registration at the College of Idaho campus, followed by “icebreaker” activities designed to get students comfortable with each other and to realize that though they are from different schools, they face many of the same challenges and are individually more alike than different. Students share challenges they are facing, and people who inspire them. After lunch mini-seminars included: alcohol awareness/prevention of alcohol abuse, with a focus on taking appropriate positive action and standing up to peer pressure; asset-based thinking, learning about effective communication—especially listening skills; and prevention of bullying with an emphasis on taking positive action rather than
Urban Renewal Agency Supports funding for Plaza Expert to Assist The Caldwell Urban Renewal Agency (CURA) has voted unanimously to contract with an expert to support Caldwell’s effort to build a state of the art community plaza in its downtown. Indian Creek Plaza Committee Chairman, Kelli Jenkins presented the request to the CURA during Monday night’s open public meeting. The Indian Creek Plaza committee has been working toward the development of a programmed plaza that will draw between 300-2000 people downtown nearly 250 days of the year. Prior to the plaza’s development, a Programming, Development & Management Plan for the plaza must be developed to answer questions about development of the plaza and even the costs of the plaza. “We’re grateful that CURA has decided to fully support this effort,” said Kelli Jenkins, Chairman of the Indian Creek Plaza Committee. “This is yet another step in making the plaza a reality for the residents of our community.” A contract has been awarded to Main Street Square, Inc. Dan Senftner, is the CEO and President of Main Street Square and will act as the consultant for the professional services. Senftner has been the driving force behind the wildly successful plaza in Rapid City, South Dakota.
By John McGee
Following the unanimous vote, Caldwell Mayor Garret Nancolas declared, “we now see light at the end of the tunnel and that light is Indian Creek Plaza.” Senftner will work with The Indian Creek Plaza Committee, a group of local citizens, on the next phase of the project. Some of those services include basic operational expectations of the plaza, staffing needs, capital recommendations and infrastructure needs based on Senftner’s experience, event and programming needs for the approximately 250 programmed (events) days of the year. Senftner will be coming to Caldwell in October to begin the process. He will conduct a community workshop and work with local officials and community members to examine community assets, demographics, economy, strategic partners, funding options and to work with local business & property owners. Within a few months, Stenftner and the Indian Creek Plaza committee will deliver a “Programming & Operations Plan” that is unique to Caldwell. “This is the next logical step for us to plan for downtown Caldwell’s future,” said Jenkins, “Mr. Senftner’s efforts are a critical piece to this complex puzzle and together we will do what is right for Caldwell.”
Page 2 CALDWELL PERSPECTIVE Senior Center 459-0132 Every Mon: 9 AM Exercise Class Every Mon: 10 AM Fit and Fall Class Every Mon: 1 PM Line Dancing Every Tues (ex. 10/20): 9 AM Art Group Every Tues: 1 PM Pinochle Every Tues: 5:30 PM Bingo Every Wed: 10:30 AM Crochet & Knitting Every Wed: 7 PM Square Dancing Every Thurs: 9 AM Exercise Class Every Thurs: 10 AM Fit and Fall Class Every Fri: 10 AM Wii Games Every Fri: 1 PM Bingo Every Fri: 6 PM Friday Dance Caldwell Library 459-3242 Every Mon: (ex. 10/12) 10:30 AM Baby ‘N Me Every Tues: 10:30 AM Toddler Storytime Every Tues: 4 PM Read to a Therapy Dog Every Wed: 10:30 AM Preschool Storytime Every Thurs: 3:30 PM Teen Makers Club Every Thurs: 3:30 PM Pajamas Storytime Every Fri: 10 AM Tai Chi October 5 10 AM-5 PM: M-F, “Where the Antelope Play” exhibit by Arin Lindstrom, Rosanthal Art Gallery, Blatchley Hall, C of I, Free through Oct. 16th 6:30 PM: Board of Trustees Meeting, Library. 7 PM: Regular City Council Meeting, CPD Community Room, 1105 S. 5th Ave. October 6 3:30 PM: Teen Gaming, Library, 459-3242. October 7 7:30 PM: Langroise Trio Public Concert celebrating inauguration of Charlotte Borst, C of I President. Jewett Auditorium, College of Idaho, 2112 Cleveland Blvd., Free. October 8 9 AM: “55 Alive” Senior Center, 459-0132. 1 PM: C of I Presidential Inauguration of Dr. Charlotte G. Borst, Morrison Quadrangle, C of I 2112 Cleveland Blvd. 2 PM: Thursday Read, Library, 459-3242. 7 PM: Buy, Keep, Save, Library, 459-3242. 7 PM: Southwestern Idaho Birders Association (SIBA)“Effects of Recreation on Golden Eagles” Deer Flat NWR Visitor Center in Nampa,13751 Upper Embankment Road. October 9 12-6 PM: Ribbon Cutting Canyon Springs RV Resort Grand Opening & Open House. Free food, prizes and giveaways. 15255 Highway 20/26. 5:30 PM: Idaho Cowboy Association Finals Rodeo, Caldwell Night Rodeo Arena, Pink NightSupport the Cure, Tickets at D&B locations.
Calendar of Events 6-8 PM: Dinner @ Eagles, 815 Arthur St. October 10 7 AM-7 PM: The Annual Big Sit, Southwestern Idaho Birders Association (SIBA), Lake Lowell Park (Lake Lowell Upper Dam East Boat Ramp) All are welcome. Contact Cheryl Huizinga 880-5687 9 AM-4 PM: Caldwell Methodist Church Mouse Bazaar (824 East Logan Street) Cinnamon rolls will be available for breakfast and hot lunch will be served from 11:00 a.m. to 3:00 p.m. Quilt Raffle, Local Crafters, Silent Auction. Church Office 459-7435. 10 AM: Every Child Can Read, Library, 459-3242. 10 AM-6 PM: Canyon Springs RV Resort Grand Opening & Open House. Free food, prizes and giveaways.15255 Highway 20/26. 12-4 PM: Free Ice Cream Social, Odd Fellows Museum, 920 Grant Street (corner of Grant/South 10th), All are welcome. 5-9 PM: Walk 4 Hope, Advocates Against Family Violence, TVCC. Call Esmer 459-6330 x123 for info. 5:30 PM: Idaho Cowboys Association Finals Rodeo, Pre-Rodeo; 6:30 PM-Rodeo, Caldwell Night Rodeo Arena, Purple Night, Support Against Domestic Violence, Tickets at D&B locations. 7:30 PM: CHS Orchestra Alumni Reunion Concert honoring retiree Gini Rosandick, Jewett Auditorium, C of I, 2112 Cleveland Blvd. $5 suggested donation. October 12 1 PM: Senior Center Board Meeting, 459-0132. 7 PM: Urban Renewal Meeting, CPD Comm. Rm. October 13 11:15 AM-1 PM: Chamber Noonbreak Luncheon Simplot Dining Hall, C of I, 2112 Cleveland Blvd sponsored by Crookham Company Farm Family Ag Committee, RSVP 459-7493. 2 PM: Homeschool Club, Library, 459-3242. October 14 5:30 PM: Caldwell Ramblers RV Club, a Good Sam chapter, meets at the Golden Dragon Restaurant, 211 S 21st Ave on the second Wednesday of every month, dinner at 5:30 pm and meeting starts at 6 pm. Ray 697-1357. October 15 1 PM: Ribbon Cutting Birds of Prey Motorsports 721 Hannibal Street, Caldwell, Mike 453-2222. 4:30-6:30 PM: Business After Hours, Prestige Assisted Living-Autumn Wind, 200 West Beech. 6:30 PM: Sci-Fi Book Club, Library, 459-3242. October 16 Music Theatre of Idaho Auditions for 2016 Season, www.mtionline.org Blood Pressure Clinic, Senior Center, 459-0132 6-8 PM: Dinner @ the Eagles, 815 Arthur St.
aldwell Perspective
October 2015
October 17 Music Theatre of Idaho Auditions for 2016 Season, www.mtionline.org 9 AM to 3:30 PM: Family Discovery Day, Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, 3015 S. Kimball Avenue, Free and open to the public. 10 AM: Fun with Math & Science, Library, 459-3242. October 18 2 PM: CPR Class, Library, 459-3242. October 19 6 PM: City Council Workshop (Plaza), CPD Comm. Rm. October 20 Foot Clinic, Senior Center, 1009 Everett St., 459-0132. 3:30 PM: Teen Gaming, Library, 459-3242. 6:30 PM: Teen Pizza Night, Library, 459-3242. October 21 7 PM: CFA Program-Jake Shimabukuro, Ukulele Program, Jewett Auditorium, C of I, 2112 Cleveland Blvd. Tickets at www.caldwellfinearts. org or 459-5275 In conjunction with Domestic Violence Month CFA encourages you to bring baby items for donation to assist those affected by family violence to the concert. October 22 3-7 PM: Caldwell YMCA Tenth Anniversary & Harvest Festival, 3720 S Indiana Ave, Free, Try the facilities too. All welcome! 6:30 PM: Caldwell City Council Candidate Forum, CHS Auditorium. October 23 6-8 PM: Dinner @ Eagles, 815 Arthur St. October 27 1 PM: AARP Meeting, Senior Center, 459-0132. October 28 8-9:30 AM: Coffee Connect Altitude Physical Therapy, 1906 Fairview Ave., Ste. #410. 11:30 AM-12:30 PM: Faces of Hope, Advocates Against Family Violence, O’Conner Fieldhouse, 2207 Blaine St., 459-6330. 7 PM: Edgar Allan Poe Stories, Library, 459-3242. October 29 4:30 PM: Ribbon Cutting American Family Insurance, 704 Dearborn Street, Dwayne, 424-0864. 7:30 PM: Music Theatre of Idaho presents “Young Frankenstein the Musical”, Jewett Auditorium, www.mtionline.org or 468-2385. October 30 9 AM-2 PM: Chamber invites you to Mega Marketing 2015, Best Western 908 Specht Ave., 459-7493. 6-8 PM: Dinner @ Eagles, 815 Arthur St. 6-8 PM: Halloween Party, Ages 12 and under. O’Conner Fieldhouse, 2207 Blaine St. Please wear appropriate costume. Calendar Continued on the bottom of Page 3
217Office S. 9th Ave. Downtown Caldwell 217 S. 9th Avenue orMailing visit usAddress online at caldwellperspective.com P.O. Box 922 Caldwell, Idaho 83606
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Our Community
October 2015
Workforce Development Micro-Grant Program to Benefit Rural Communities
Sharon VanWassenhove Retires!
By Leora Summers & Karen Bottoms
Submitted by Idaho Department of Labor
idaho.gov. Applications will be reviewed and approved by a panel of representatives from business, education, economic development and the Idaho Department of Labor. Caldwell’s office is located at 4514 Thomas Jefferson St., Caldwell. For more information you can contact Jose De Leon at 208-364-7781, extension 3620 at the Caldwell Office or Kellye Sharp at (208) 799-5000, extension 3530 at the State Office.
The Pemble Brothers Present Poland!
By Leora Summers
Everything you wanted to know about Poland but were afraid to ask! Brothers, Mark and Scott Pemble, will be making a PowerPoint video presentation on the country of Poland on Tuesday, October 13th at 5:30 p.m. at Mr. V’s (407 N. 10th Ave) in Caldwell. They took an amazing trip to Poland in 2014 and wish to share their experience with you. During their presentation, like a Rick Steves’ European tour, they will show you things to do, places to go and some history of Poland with an emphasis on the city of Warsaw.
GOT FAITH? RICA Begins at OLV Catholic Church
By Shana Savel, Program Coordinator
RCIA (Rite of Christian Initiation for Adults) is a special program of the Catholic church for Christian people or those without a faith affiliation who would like to know more about the Catholic faith and perhaps become Catholics themselves. The RCIA provides a welcoming and causal place to learn about the history, teachings and foundations
Caldwell YMCA Celebrates 10th Anniversary
By Shellye Wilson
The Caldwell YMCA (3720 S. Indiana Ave.) is preparing to celebrate its tenth anniversary with a Harvest Festival on October 22nd, 3-7:00 p.m. Included in the festivities is the dedication of the park adjacent to the Y, pumpkin decorating, apple cider, bobbing for apples, and many other events associated with fall in the Caldwell community. The Y will be open to the public for that day. On this day you can try it out for free! So bring your bathing suits if you like! Please come out and enjoy both the Y and the festival. Happy 10th Birthday Caldwell YMCA! Calendar continued from Page 2
October 30 Continued 7:30 PM: Music Theatre of Idaho presents “Young Frankenstein the Musical”, Jewett Auditorium, www. mtionline.org or 468-2385. October 31 9 AM-12 PM: Idaho Bird Breeders 35th Annual Fancy Feathers Fall Show, CC Fairgrounds, 111 22nd Ave., 466-9065. 1:30 PM: Music Theatre of Idaho presents “Young Frankenstein the Musical”, Jewett Auditorium, www. mtionline.org or 468-2385. 2 PM: Family Afternoon Movie, Library, 459-3242. 7:30 PM: Music Theatre of Idaho presents “Young Frankenstein the Musical”, Jewett Auditorium, www. mtionline.org or 468-2385. November 3 City General Election, go to www.canyonco.org/voterlookup or call 454-7562. Want to add an event into the Caldwell Perspective? Call 208-880-8426
of the Christian Church. Mostly it is about giving and receiving witness of the faith and prayer for those who are inquiring about the Catholic faith. It is led in most part by lay members of the Church who are committed to sharing their faith with those who think they may be drawn towards full initiation into the Christian Church. There is no need to register. Simply come to Our Lady of the Valley (OLV) Catholic Church (1122 W. Linden Street) on Thursday evenings at 7:00 PM, Classes are held in the John Paul II Room. For more information contact Shana Savell at (208) 459-3653.
Photo by Leora Summers
of having 60 percent of 25-34 year-olds achieving a degree or certificate or assist in stemming the out-migration of youth and young adult workers from Idaho communities. To ensure small community access to resources, the grant funds will be apportioned in equal amount to each of the six areas of the state for the first 90 days. Grant applicants must provide 100 percent in-kind match for support. A complete description of criteria can be found at www.labor.
Sharon VanWassenhove has worked in the dental field for over 31 years and has decided to hang it up for now to be more available for kids, grandkids and her husband. She says she just wants to roll with it for now and let it unfold to see what happens next. An open house celebrating Sharon’s retirement was held
CHS Orchestra Alumni Reunion Concert Honors Gini Rosandick G i n i recently retired after 20 years since of teaching orchestra at Caldwell High School. She built the program from 17 students to over 100 students and 4 orchestras. She has provided the community with music for years and has been a blessing in the lives of the hundreds of students she has taught throughout her time as an orchestra teacher. A scholarship fund in Gini’s name will continue to be awarded to one Caldwell High School orchestra student per year who plans to study music in college,
Photo by Leora Summers
I d a h o ’ s Wo r k f o r c e Development Council has approved $500,000 in Workforce Development Training Funds for local and rural workforce development projects. Micro-grants of $25,000 will be available to local and rural communities on a noncompetitive, first-come, first-serve basis. Successful projects will increase employment and wages of the community’s workforce, contribute to the state’s goal
on September 29th (her last day of work) at Caldwell – Ontario Orthodontics. Sharon was first hired by Dr. Herman Sakimoto and staff as a clinical assistant and then moved into the Treatment Coordinator position shortly after that. She came to that office with previous dental knowledge and skills and has worked for Caldwell – Ontario Orthodontics and Dr. Neal Webster since January of 1997 almost 19 years! She is looking forward to spending more time with David (her husband), her children and grandchildren. Enjoy your new adventure Sharon! Job well done!
By Luci Asumendi
which is a great way to honor Gini’s legacy. To recognize Gini’s achievements, a benefit concert to enhance the CFEO Orchestra scholarship in her name is being held on Saturday, October 10th, 2015 at 7:30 PM in Jewett Auditorium on the College of Idaho campus. The performance will be a combination of soloists, chamber groups, and large orchestra numbers. the community is invited to attend. For further information contact Luci Asumendi at: asumendi.luci@gmail.com or call her at (208) 850-6351 or visit their facebook site: CHS Orchestra Reunion Concert
Our Community
Community Loses Advocate for Children, Rest In Peace Bob Holmes
New Businesses Downtown! Kudos to Urban Renewal!
By Leora Summers, Caldwell Perspective Editor
By Leora Summers, Caldwell Perspective Editor
Robert “Bob” Holmes was truly an advocate for children. He was a behind the scenes kind of guy who was always looking for ways to make the lives of children better. Bob will be sorely missed by The Mentoring Network where he volunteered not only as a mentor to children, but also as their CPA/Accountant. Donna Shines, Mentoring Network Organizer said, “up until the time of his death, he graciously gave of his time to share his expertise keeping our organization transparent and in-line with all of the laws governing nonprofits. Bob Holmes set the example and the memories we each have of him will live on in our work in Canyon & Owyhee county schools as we continue to serve and make the futures of more and more children a little brighter by listening and caring and showing up!” Benita Miller, Third Judicial District Court Administrator/ Canyon County Courthouse, reported that Bob also served as an advocate for thousands of abused and neglected children in court for kids in the child protection
system in Adams, Canyon, Gem, Owyhee, Payette and Washington Counties. He was a member of the 3rd District CASA Board of Directors for 18 years holding the office as Treasurer. He was also a founding member of the Third District Youth Court and has served on the Youth Court Board of Director’s as the Treasurer/ Accountant for the last 20 years. Bob has volunteered for 20 plus years providing services to the courts. He was a dedicated advocate to children. He served as a Mentor in the Mentoring Network Program. In 2012 Bob was recognized by Intermountain Community Bank with their Community Star Award and a $1,000 gift for The MN. What a treasure the children in our community had in Robert “Bob” Holmes. God Bless him. The family was so gracious in suggesting donations be made on Bob’s behalf to The Mentoring Network, 711 N. Dover Court, Nampa, ID 83651; OR to the 3rd Judicial Youth Court, P.O. Box 877, Caldwell, ID 83606.
October 2015
Open house on September 11th for Painted Lady Salon and Sassy Gals Boutique
Two businesses had a joint grand opening on September 11th in the core of downtown Caldwell! They were previously located near each other outside the downtown core on Specht Avenue. They decided to join their efforts to find a place to relocate in a downtown core area and said they went to 3 or 4 Urban Renewal meetings to see if that agency would somehow help make that possible. After consideration, Urban Renewal presented them with an attractive lease, and downtown they came. They now Painted Lady Salon Owners L to R: Megan Weitz, Cindy Weitz and Alex Urresti
share a unique business space at 217 S. Kimball, previously the business space of Coyotes Wine Bar and Shop. Painted Lady Salon is located on the ground floor with Sassy Gals Boutique upstairs on the second level. Painted Lady Salon is a full service salon. One of the owners said that a lady had called to see if they did facials, and not skipping a beat, one of the owners ran out and got what it took to have that service for her and was ready to take care of her when she arrived. Sassy Gals Boutique Sassy Gals Boutique owner, Glenda owner, Glenda Blessinger, Blessinger says she spent 3 years at her other location on Specht Avenue and is excited to be downtown. Her shop includes jewelry, boots and western wear. She says the style of clothing in her boutique is really more trendy than just western with lots of fashionable styles. Go check it out! It was great to have Urban Renewal make it attractive for these businesses to locate downtown. This is Urban Renewal as it should be, revitalizing downtown by doing what it takes to get businesses back. Continue the progress and fill downtown up! Business begets business!
Photos by Leora Summers
YMCA’s “Make-A-Splash” Program
By Shellye Wilson
For the seventh year, locker rooms falls to the new the Caldwell YMCA Assistant Aquatics Director, will again be running the Meghan Rickelman. Meghan Make-A-Splash program is ”truly looking forward introducing community to having the privilege of third graders to water safety. providing so many local This is especially important children with not only the in our community as Idaho opportunity to enjoy the water has the second highest without fear, but also a skill drowning rate in the nation Submitted photo that they will have for the rest MAS-Catarina Velez, instructor, with the of their lives.” for 1 to 5 years olds per children in her Make-A-Splash Class. capita. Through a generous Approximately 1200 grant from the Jacksons children will participate in emphasis on water safety including Food Stores, third graders from the boat safety, swimming with others, this program during the 2015-2016 Caldwell, Vallivue, and Homedale and how to help someone in the school year. The program begins School Districts will receive water. The challenge of running 30 on September 28th and runs on swimming lessons with the primary – 50 third graders per thirty minute Mondays and Thursdays for 10 lesson through the locker rooms, sessions from 12:00 p.m.-2:30 p.m. into the pool, and back through the
“Make-A-Splash” Needs Volunteers
By Lisa Simpson, Volunteer Coordinator
The Caldwell Y is looking for volunteers for our ”Make A Splash” learn to swim program. This is a fun and rewarding opportunity, and a great way for volunteers to be involved with one of the coolest things going on at the Y. We need male volunteers to help get kids in and out of the locker room, and perhaps a couple of volunteers
for the pool deck – no experience is necessary. If you are interested in volunteering for any session of Make-A-Splash, please call Lisa Simpson, Volunteer Specialist, at 459-2498 X614 or e-mail her at: lisa.simpson@ymcatvidaho.org. There is an application process.
October 2015
Our Community
Breast Cancer Awareness Month
By Laurisa Webster MD, R2 FMRI, RTT Program
Submitted photo
M y grandmother was a busy woman on a ranch in the Rockies. Life was paced at a rate that often pushed non-urgent matters, like routine doctor’s visits and health screenings to the end of the priority list. She had noticed lumps in her breast, and after some time lapsed, went to a physician. Unfortunately, by the time she obtained medical evaluation and was diagnosed with cancer, it had already spread throughout her body. She was diagnosed at age 61 with metastatic breast cancer and passed away at age 63. Breast cancer is the leading cause of cancer deaths in women. One in 8 women will develop breast cancer. It is estimated that 231,840 new cases of invasive breast cancer will be diagnosed in women in the US. Considering the above statistics, it is no surprise that a lot of research has gone into developing recommendations for the screening for breast cancer. Current recommendations from the US Preventative Services
Task Force is that mammograms be performed on all women aged 50-74 years of age every two years. Starting screening earlier then 50 should be considered in a patient that is at a higher risk, such as family history of breast cancer, ovarian cancer, or other risk factors. Women older than 75 should have mammograms every 2 years if they are expected to live more than 10 yrs. Some providers choose to start mammograms at age 40; however, benefits and risks of early screening should be considered and discussed between the patient and provider. There are other guideline recommendations that vary slightly and some providers choose to follow different recommendations; however, the important part, is that all women, specifically if older than 50 years, should be having a discussion with the provider regarding if they need screening. In regard to self breast exams, it has not been shown that this helps detect breast cancer earlier. By all means, if someone does notice changes in their breast or lumps, this should be discussed with a physician regarding the next step for evaluation; however, routine breast exams are not required, especially if receiving routine mammograms.
The significance of screening is that detecting breast cancer sooner enables treatment to be initiated earlier. The success rate of earlier treatment is impressively higher. Studies have shown that 95% of women who were started on treatment plans within half a year of their diagnosis were still alive 5 years later compared to only 29% of women still alive when treatment was delayed 5 years. For early treatment to occur, breast cancer must be found early, which brings us back to the importance of routine screening. The point of sharing these numbers and facts is not to scare anyone or trigger paranoia, but to emphasize the importance of the early detection of breast cancer. My hope is that this article will prompt action that will allow other grandmothers and mothers to spend more years with those she loves. Laurisa Webster is a second year resident in Caldwell’s Family Medical Residency of Idaho’s Rural Track Training Program in Caldwell. Caldwell has been a training ground for family physicians for the past 20 years.
Caldwell’s Free Fit and Fall Proof Classes Judie Phariss is the Fit and Fall Proof™ Class Leader at the Caldwell Free Methodist Church and also organizes and leads some of the classes at the Caldwell Senior Center. As we age, our hips, knees and ankles get stiff and we may lose overall muscle tone and strength making us more prone to falling. Judie says there are three levels of abilities among participants. Some people may need a chair throughout the exercises, some need the chair some of the time and then there are those who don’t need the chair (but keep it close by). None of the exercises are done on the floor. Chairs, light one-pound weights, and stretching bands are used during these exercises. You may just drop in to check it out. For more information call Judie at (208) 880-9855.
Photos and Article by Leora Summers
Judie is demonstrating a balance exercise with husband Mike. She says the exercises are modified according to the participant’s balance and strength ability and the goal is to improve their balance to help prevent falls by recovering before the fall.
Mike and Judie demonstrate this strengthening exercise using stretching bands. This improves body core tone and strength. The bands have different strengths to help increase the level of strength as the participant improves.
The “William Tell” exercise with the stretching bands is one that improves arm strength and looks like a fun one. Just don’t let go of the band Mike!
Fit and Fall Proof Classes Offered to Seniors
By Ana Vidales
According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, every 18 seconds in the U.S. a senior adult is treated in a hospital emergency room as the result of a fall. From 2012 to 2014, falls were the leading cause of accidental death among Idahoans aged 65 and older. During this time, 88 percent of all unintentional deaths by falls were among individuals 65 years of age and older. Injuries from falls take time and money for treatment. Falls may also significantly reduce a senior adult’s independence and severely affect their quality of life. How can we decrease these alarming statistics? Many different factors contribute to falls. A first step to reduce falls is to discuss potential risk factors with your medical provider. In this discussion, you may include any physical limitations you have, how to make your home safer, medications you are taking, staying safe around pets and their toys, proper use of devices for mobility and if any of your health conditions limit physical activity. With your physician’s consent, regular physical activity or exercise helps to improve and prevent the decline of muscle strength, balance and endurance — all risk factors for falling. A fun and free way to exercise is through local Fit and Fall Proof™ classes. These classes offer low-tomoderate intensity exercises designed to reduce the risk of falls and improve mobility, balance and strength. They
are designed for individuals to exercise from a chair or a wheelchair if needed. Fit and Fall Proof classes also offer seniors an opportunity to expand their social network. Often, these classes become more than an exercise class. Participants become friends and plan social activities in addition to attending classes. Currently in Caldwell there are two Fit and Fall Proof™ classes offered. Caldwell Senior Center(Monday and Thursday: 10:00 am to 11:00 am) Caldwell Free Methodist Church (Monday, Wednesday and Friday: 10:30 – 11:30 am) Along with participating in a local Fit and Fall Proof™ class, you can also eliminate risk factors in your home. Five easy steps you can take to make your home fall-proof include: • Remove loose rugs and cords. • Make sure stairwells are welllit and have sturdy railings. • Repair broken or uneven steps. • Look for and pick up clutter on the floor like magazines, boxes, blankets, etc. • Make sure frequently used items are on easy-to-reach shelves. For information on National Fall Prevention Week, visit: stopfalls.org/news-events/fallprevention-awareness-week. Ana Vidales, is a health educator for Southwest District Health. For more information about Fit and Fall Proof™ classes visi: swdh.org or call 455-5340.
C of I Art Gallery Showcases Impact of Wyoming Oilfields
Thompson Announces By Leora Summers, Editor
Photos by Leora Summers
Also served were brauts (boiled in beer and then bbq’ed) with buns onions, sauerkraut and different types of mustards to dress them up and last but not least, season fresh corn on the cob. Everyone brought varieties of German Beer, wine and soft drinks and a variety of desserts. It made for a fun party!
As you walk into the Rosenthal Gallery of Art, your ears are greeted by the metallic repetition of a clock-like click, clack, click, clack. The background noise of semis idling and the soft exhale of air brakes being released accompany the mechanical metronome. On a wall, a video projector shows a pumpjack dipping its head to the earth like a chicken pecking seed. The images and sounds are all part of the newest exhibit to hit The College of Idaho’s Rosenthal Gallery, Where the Antelope Play by Arin Lindstrom. The exhibition, which is on display now through Oct. 16, is the culmination of three years of research displayed as a body of video artworks. Using video, photography and audio to create an experience in a space, the work is a visual response to the effect of petroleum and gas exploration on Wyoming’s natural resources, wildlife habitat and ecosystems. The exhibition is free and open to the public. The Rosenthal Gallery is open weekdays from 10 a.m. to 5 p.m. If you are unable to see the show during those times, or if you would like to schedule a private viewing, please make an appointment by contacting C of I art professor Dr. Garth Claassen at gclaassen@collegeofidaho.edu. The Rosenthal Gallery is located inside Blatchley Hall. For a full campus map, visit www.collegeofidaho.edu/map. By Leora Summers, Editor
“German Potato Salad”
8 Servings Prep: 30 min. + cooling. Cook: 20 min. Directions Place potatoes in pot on stove; cover with water. Bring to a boil. Reduce heat; cover and simmer for 25-30 minutes or until tender. Drain and cool. In a large skillet, cook bacon over medium heat until crisp; Ingredients using a slotted spoon, remove to 3 lbs. medium red potatoes paper towels. Drain, reserving 4 tablespoons of drippings. In the 5 bacon strips, diced drippings, sauté onion until tender. 1 med. onion, chopped Stir in the flour, salt, celery seed 1/4 C. all-purpose flour and pepper until blended. Gradually 2 t. salt add the sugar, vinegar and water. 1/4 t. celery seed Bring to a boil over medium heat; 1/4 t. pepper cook and stir for 2 minutes or until 1-1/4 c. sugar thickened. 1 C. cider vinegar Cut potatoes into 1/4-in. slices. 3/4 C. water Add potatoes and bacon to the 3 T. minced fresh parsley skillet; cook and stir gently over low heat until heated through.
Photos by Leora Summers
photo by L. Summers
Celebrate October!
This recipe is perfect to celebrate October with friends and family. I have made this recipe and it is awesome! My Rotary Club had an Octoberfest at my house a couple of years ago. We had popcorn for munchies before everyone got there.
Ice Cream Social - Meet the Odd Fellows! By Leora Summers, Caldwell Perspective Editor
By Justin Dalme, Communications Specialist
Photo by Leora Summers
On September 10th, Tony Thompson, current Investigator for Canyon County Prosecuting Attorney’s Office, announced that he is running for the Canyon C o u n t y S h e r i ff ’s position in the 2016 Election. At this time, he is the only candidate who has filed to run. The filing deadline is March 11, 2016 and others have until then to make it official. Prior to the primary, the Caldwell Perspective will highlight the candidates running for this position. We do not endorse candidates, but give them an opportunity to introduce themselves to the public.
Our Community
October 2015
Odd Fellows Museum
To introduce the public to their organization, the Caldwell Odd Fellows Lodge No. 10 invites you, the public, to an ice cream social on October 10th at the Odd Fellows Museum (920 Grant Street) from noon-4 p.m. All are welcome. Go down and let them introduce themselves to you. You have probably driven by it a thousand times and never knew what it was all about. I know that I have. I can’t believe that it has been there since 1952 and that I have never wandered in. It is the Odd Fellows Museum for the State of Idaho. It is located at 920 Grant Street and is on the corner of Grant and South 10th Avenue. It has memorabilia from the earliest days of the organization, not only from Caldwell, but from all over the states and Canada. There are some regalia items from Silver City with Silver City’s silver adorning them. Many items are from the Odd Fellows Home, “the home on the hill” as it was called. The “home on the hill” was a retirement home for Odd Fellows prior to changing hands. It is amazing to see the variety of items from here and everywhere else within this museum. The museum is normally open two days a week, on Mondays and Fridays, from 9 a.m. to noon or by appointment. Odd Fellows is a fraternal organization that has been in Idaho over 150 years. Idaho City has the oldest lodge. The Caldwell Lodge is the 10th lodge instituted in Idaho but the 1st lodge in Idaho to get their charter (1884). There were 9 others under Oregon and Washington prior to Idaho becoming a state. Caldwell’s lodge chartered before they did after statehood.
L to R: George McGaffick (left) is a “Past Grand Master “of Idaho 2012-2013.Caldwell Lodge No. 10, Independent Order of Odd Fellows, is his home lodge. George is great help and has lots knowledge in the museum items. Jeff Mann (right) is the Grand Secretary of Idaho & Vice Grand of the Caldwell Lodge and is currently in charge of the museum. The sister organization to Odd Fellows is the Rebekahs. Lodge Gem of the mountain meets 1st & 3rd Tuesday, 1:30pm at the Lodge Hall (511 S. 16th Ave.) Odd fellows meet every Weds. At 8:00 p.m. For more info contact Jeff Mann at (208) 459-2091.
Our Community
Congratulations Dan Pugmire!
A Place of Reflection Caldwell’s Densho Garden
By Leora Summers, Caldwell Perspective Editor
Photo by Leora Summers
By Leora Summers, Editor
Dan Pugmire! I know I’ve written about him time and time again, but I just can’t get enough of this guy! He’s been to the “dark side” and back. What an inspiration he is. He just graduated from Veteran’s Treatment Court on September 14th.
appearances, “no matter how far you get down the crapper, you can pull yourself out of the toilet. It was a hard, hard road to come back from. I’ve become a better person. I have good relationships with my children now and I am getting married. You can get back from the shame and I’ll be here for you guys.”
Garden) at 305 West Belmont Street. Ken has been putting in about 70 hours a week at the garden since April.
Dan Pugmire and Ken Batt I had heard about it before and was reminded of it while attending the last Caldwell Centennial Band concert of the season, Caldwell’s Densho Garden. So I made it my mission to find it and there it was, all tucked away behind the Caldwell Police Department on the bank of Indian Creek near 4th Avenue and Arthur Street. It was such a nice surprise to see this serene setting that honored our Japanese American citizens in such a special way. There were some benches for sitting, trees and shrubs found native in traditional Japanese gardens and a very nice donor wall with memory bricks on the ground leading up to it honoring loved ones. I looked it up and Densho means “Legacy” and this special place was created as tribute to 2nd generation Japanese Americans who settled in the Treasure Valley. It is a place where future generations can reflect on their past and appreciate the sacrifices that their predecessors made that gave them the opportunities that they have today. What a lovely place! Another hidden gem in Caldwell. Check it out!
Judge Southworth and Dan Pugmire Judge George Southworth presented him a certificate of completion for Veteran’s Treatment Court. Pugmire has been under control for 7 years with the issues that caused him to go through this process and has been off probation since June. He said he has had a lot of good support and it is “a blessing to be here.” When at the final stage (stage 5) of the program, he knew that success was around the corner. He said to other veterans present for their court
Terrence Biggers presents Dan with flag.
Dan was presented with a U.S. Flag and certificate signed by Mike Crapo, United States Senator that said, “This is to certify that the accompanying flag was flown over the United States Capitol. At the request of the honorable Michael D. Crapo, United States Senator, this flag was flown in honor of Veteran Dan Pugmire.” They declared a special day in Washington D.C. for Veteran Pugmire! What an honor! Directly following the progress report by Veteran Ken Batt to Judge Southworth, Dan Pugmire presenting Batt with a watch and a dog tag honoring him as the “Veteran of the Year 2015”for his service working at the Idaho Veterans Garden (formerly the Caldwell Veterans
Other veterans reported on their progress one by one to Judge Southworth. Southworth asked each one how things were going for them, if anything new was going on in their life and how that was going for them. He congratulated them for the progress they made and hoped they would continue to progress. If they faltered in the program, different sanctions were placed on them depending on their violation of their contract. They could still progress, but had to complete the sanction first. Veterans Court wants veterans to succeed and for many it is a work in progress. Following each report, each one picked a small reward and their name was put into a drawing for a graphite fly rod and a Target gift certificate. Veteran’s Court is an alternative sentencing court to help get veterans back on their feet after scrapes with the law after returning to civilian life. Due to their service, veterans may come back suffering from substance abuse and depression. Veterans are special people and this program gives them a little extra special consideration to help them move on with their lives as civilians. God Bless the program, Dan Pugmire and all our veterans.
Sunnyslope Wine Trail The Heart of the Idaho Wine Country Come out to the Sunnyslope Wine Trail for an amazing Idaho Wine experience! Visit us online at www. sunnyslopewinetrail.com for more information and an interactive map.
Sunny Slope Wine Trail Wineries took home many top honors from this year’s 6th Annual Idaho Wine Competition. Hat Ranch Winery took top honors with Best of Show. Also taking home honors were Bitner Vineyards, Huston Vineyards, Ste. Chapelle, Fujishin Family Cellars, Koenig Vineyard, Williamson Vineyard and Parma Ridge. Beet Rd.
Darrow Ln.
SR 95
Ustick Rd. Homedale Rd.
Karcher Rd.
Frost Rd.
Plum Rd.
Rudd Rd.
Nampa Exit 33i
Hoskins Rd.
Chicken Dinner Rd.
Homedale Rd.
Pear Ln.
iTo Marsing
Photos by Leora Summers
October 2015
About 9 p.m., September 27th, I was notified to go out and look at the moon and this is what I saw. It is called a “blood moon.” A blood moon is a lunar eclipse where the earth gets between the sun and the moon and the earth’s shadow is cast upon the moon causing it to look “blood red” hence the term “blood moon.” Actually this moon is even better than that because it is not only a full moon, but also a super moon so it is considered a “super blood moon.” This triple combination has only happened five times since 1900 and the next predicted super blood moon will happen in the year 2033. How’s that for a little trivia?
Katey Martinez, age 9, caught this big one in the Boise River in Middleton on September 13th. It was about 26 inches long and she caught him with a worm. What a big thrill for a little girl! Looks like maybe a squaw fish. Whatever the heck it is, it sure is a big one!
By Pat King
So now’s the time to trim back roses and shrubs to tidy them up a bit before winter. I don’t like to do heavy pruning until March or April of the next season because as this winter went you could lose more than just the top of the shrub you could lose the root also. So trim them back or shape them so they look orderly and maybe ready for Christmas lights. Perennials are and will die back on their own, best to let them do that. But to remember what’s there when they do, take pictures or put markers by them so in the spring you don’t think they’re a weed and pull them or spray them. It’s happened before. Fertilizers and preemergence. It’s a good time to prepare for spring in the fall. Once all the beds are clean and
Caldwell Ladies Golf Association
Reported by Norma Bowen
September 8, Fairview Even Holes: A. Verena Vickers; B. Sharon Bruneel; C. Elsie Aguilar. September 10, Purple Sage Back Nine: A. Chris Valesko; B. Vicki Bicandi; Elsie Aguilar.
September 12 & 13, Fairview & Purple Sage Caldwell Ladies Golf Association Championship Tournament Championship Flight: 1st Gross-Hanna Larson, 157; 1st Net-Doreen Burnham, 133; 2nd Net-Dana Endicott 136. First Flight: 1st Gross-Gretchen McGee, 198; 1st Net-Barb Anderson, 138; 2nd Net-Vicki Bicandi, 148. September 22, Fairview Guess Your Score: Shirley Humphrey and Teri Kawahara. September 24, Purple Sage Beat the Pro: Jackie Inglis.
Catches of the Day!
Local Dirt Perspective Fall and Winter Planning #2
looking good you’re not quite done. In mid October to mid November is when I normally put down my fall chemicals. You’ll get the best wake-up call come spring because of this. Fertilize everything with the appropriate fertilizers. Pine trees and azaleas love acid fertilizers and most everything else like your basic lawn fertilizers. Put a good ratio down for your area and size of plants. The winter rains and snows will slowly dissolve these and yet leave them right in the soil till spring. Because plants tend to start activity far earlier than we realize so to have food present when they start stirring is the best way for them to start. Also spread pre-emergence in all your beds and tree wells because are plants too. Well next time, we’ll talk about putting up your garden tools and lawn equipment, unless some brave soul asks me a question.
Submitted photos
Photo by Leora Summers
By Leora Summers Caldwell Perspective Editor
The Very Local Fishing Report October 5-9 Rotary Pond – 1,100 Caldwell Pond #2 – 500 Duff Lane Pond – 225 Wilson Pond – 400 Boise River (Lower) – 1,080 October 19-23 Wilson Pond – 400 Wilson Creek – 250 Boise River (Lower) – 1,080 October 26-30 Wilson Pond – 400 fish
Until next time Pat.
“We Interrupt This Marriage To Bring You The Hunting Season”
Dick and Cathy Stevenson caught these Silver Salmon on August 31st at Astoria, Oregon on herring on Cathy’s birthday! They weighed in about 10 lbs. each. Looks like it was a happy birthday!
By Leora Summers, Editor
Yes, it’s that time of year again. One of the signs is that the man I am standing behind at the grocery store checkout line has about 3 bags of mini Snickers candy bars, sealed bags of jerky, chips and beer. I knew it was going to be happening soon and here we go again. The hunters go through many preparations before heading up to “elk camp.” There is the sighting in of their rifles, the tuning up of their four wheelers, side by sides and what have you. The trailers and tents are being checked out to make sure they have what they need to be able to use them. It is quite a process
that goes along with their quest to “get the big one!” On the other side of it, those left at home, though they try to look sad at the departure of their loved one, are secretly waiting for the day their hunter leaves, so they can clean out the stuff he never used, but could never part with. Don’t tell him that’s what we do, or he may come home early and stop the process that delights us so. The amazing thing about this, is that when they come home, they never really know what’s missing. So ladies, kiss them goodbye, wish them luck and then get down to business! Ha!
Jesse Prather (left) & his wife Julie Prather caught these three halibut weighing 70, 40 & 35 lbs. in Ucluelet, BC Canada on August 18th.
ATTENTION All You Birders! SIBA is for You! By Cheryl Huizinga, Southwester Idaho Birders Association
If you are a “birder” and need a place to roost with other likeminded folks, why not make it official, and give the Southwestern Idaho Birders Association (SIBA) a whirl. This is a group of folks who enjoy all that goes along with bird watching. They meet on the 2nd Thursday of each month at the Deer Flat NWR Visitor Center in Nampa at 13751 Upper Embankment Road (entrance at Roosevelt and Indiana). A different program is given each month. Meetings start at 7 PM and end about 8:30 PM. Field Trips are scheduled each month for members and guests. All are
welcome. For more information contact Cheryl Huizinga at (208) 880-5687.
Photo by Karen Steenhof
Super Blood Moon!
October 2015
October 8th’s Program – Karen Steenhof and Rob Spaul will present a program on the effects of recreation of Golden
Eagles in Southwestern Idaho. Karen is a well-known Raptor Biologist in the area and Rob is a Graduate Student at BSU studying Raptors. They will also touch on the effects of the Soda Fire on Golden Eagles in the area. October 10th’s Program – The Annual Big Sit will be held at Lake Lowell Park which is located at the Lake Lowell Upper Dam east boat ramp. All are welcome to come and note whatever bird species can be seen or heard from a 17 ft. circle from 7 AM to 7 PM. Come for an hour, 2 hours, or all day. For more information contact Cheryl Huizinga at (208) 8805687.
October 2015
70 Years Later... The Class of 1945 Reunites By June Winder, Class of 1945
Caldwell’s Van Slyke Museum
The Van Slyke Museum is located in Memorial Park off Harrison Ave. It is an outdoor museum which contains artifacts from the pioneer era, railroad cars and antique farming equipment. The museum was established by George L. Crookham, co-founder of Crookham Company.
By Susan Miller
The City of Caldwell is a community with a rich agricultural history deeply rooted in its early pioneer days. The City feels it is important to educate citizens and visitors to Caldwell of the lives of early settlers in order to gain full appreciation of the sacrifices that were made to create this wonderful community.
This was taken at the College of Idaho during the class of 1945’s 17th year class reunion. This is the earliest “all class” photo that was at the event. The memory book for their school for the Class of 1945 had individual photos.
The museum’s beginnings date back to 1934, when the Idaho Native Daughters’ organization had the McKenzie cabin moved from the Curtis Park area to its present location. The museum is named after C. M. Van Slyke, a former Canyon County Commissioner and orchard farmer in the Sunny Slope region. Commissioner Van Slyke donated several pieces of farm machinery that are still displayed at the museum today.
Research and rewrite by Madeline Buckendorf
Front Row L to R: Elvin Farris, Gordy Anderson, Maxine Oleson Bowne, Rivers Gindrew, Vivian Ingle Jensen, Naioma Blood Henderson, Allene Hammond Stephenson, George Gray, Lorena Myers Grosenbeck. Back Row L to R: Glen Benedict, Dale Lint, Bill Garber, Boyd Cooper, Elva Burris, George Gray, Shirley Cloninger Douglass, Gil Stahl, Pam Harrington Urban, Lyle Rogers, June Robertson Winder, Glen Koch
Caldwell High School’s class of 1945 recently enjoyed their “Seventieth Anniversary Reunion.” Twenty-one classmates, about 20 percent of the total class, met for the last time on September 18th at the Caldwell Elks Lodge. They prayed, sang the Cougar Fight Song and enjoyed a delightful luncheon. They reminisced about their life experiences. Several World War II veterans were present. One from Vancouver, Washington had traveled to Washington D.C. last year as a participant in the National Honor Guard flights to visit the World War II Memorial plus Arlington Cemetery and other historic sites. The most enjoyable part of their activities was talking with old friends. The attendees voted to donate their remaining funds to Caldwell High School for the purchase of a new state and national flag.
Photo by Leora Summers
Over the years, the museum grew with the additional donation of the Johnston Cabin, home to three bachelor brothers, an original caboose and refrigeration car from the Oregon Short Line and the Union Pacific railroads and various agricultural equipment, including three steam engines. The museum was run by the local Kiwanis Chapter until 2010, when ownership was transferred to the City of Caldwell. Since assuming ownership, the City has begun the restoration project with the help of grants
and donations. The cabins have been stabilized with new roofs, foundation repair, track lighting and the caboose has some received some much-needed repairs to the exterior.
Submitted photos
Photo by Leora Summers
Submitted photo
by Madeline Buckendorf
“When apples were harvested, selected varieties were turned into cider. The apples were shredded and the press squeezed the apple juice out of the pulp. The shredded apples were placed in the top and someone turned the handle or used a small engine to drive the mechanism. When the bucket was full, it was moved forward under a round block. The crank was turned, and the block pressed the pulp into a solid block while juice ran down a wooden chute to a pail. The leftover pulp was often fed to pigs.”
“Russell Steam Engine. This is a 1906, 14-horsepower compound Russell Steam engine, manufactured in Ohio. It burned coal and used water to make steam. Note the spider gear on the lower right-hand side of the engine. This gear later was improved and was the forerunner of automotive steering success.” This was in perfect working order when placed in this display. Donor: C.M. Van Slyke
October 2015
Nickels and Dimes
Story and Company Has New Owner
By Michael Hensel, CPA
By Leora Summers, Editor
owner of the Caldwell business she loved frequenting. Micki has managed several businesses but this will be her first time as owner. In her youth, Micki was a musician. She has worked in marketing and as a writer for many years. Recently, Micki took a hiatus from the 60-hour week and din of the
As a small boy, I was able to live an adventurous boy’s dream in the early 50’s. My Uncle Bob Watson had a ninety-nine year lease on five thousand acres of government land near Duarte, California. The property was almost surrounded by the Santa Fe Dam. Uncle Bob raised several hundred hogs on part of the land. He had several hands that lived on the property...besides his own home. Being a real “Scotsman,” he convinced the city to deliver their garbage to his ranch instead of a land fill. He had free feed for his hogs and his business turned into a “million dollar” industry. I can remember seeing hundreds of pieces of silverware that people had accidentally thrown into the garbage. I was amazed. Besides raising hogs, he also raised horses, many being prized Palominos that he showed at horse shows. I felt very privileged and honored to be able to spend most of my summer vacation there and to accompany him to shows. For a city kid to have five thousand acres of land to investigate was unbelievable. I even had my very own horse to ride and the mare’s name was “Zang.” She was a huge Sorrel. I even rode her when she was in
foal. My little legs almost stood straight out from her huge girth. We would ride down to the dam in the winter time when the snow melt would run into the San Gabriel River, a lake would form and with the snowcapped mountains in the distance...it was an amazing sight, deserving to be on some type of postcard. Uncle Bob was an honorary member of the Los Angeles Sheriff’s Posse and once a year they would come out and help him “break” his young horses. What a treat for a young city kid! The hands would take this city kid under their wings and let me “nander” around the pens. I have so many recollections of that time and still treasure those memories. Once a skunk somehow got into the chicken coop and killed several hens. Uncle Bob had to
shoot the varmint. I was in awe. The five thousand acres , of course, had game of all kinds. This attracted hunters of all types. Some were legal and some --not. I remember one occasion when my uncle and I were walking near the lake. i was complaining about the bees buzzing around our heads. My uncle realized it was winter and bees were pretty dormant. It was then he realized it was poachers shooting over our heads in an attempt to warn us away from their illegal traps! For a country born, city raised, kid to be able to experience these adventures was wondrous beyond measure. To be trusted with an animal and to be able to roam free at nine years old, was an honor I’ll always hold dear to my heart. Larry Gaukel (formally from Saugus, CA--but now Caldwell).
L to R: Gary Weaver (Chamber Ambassador), Sharon Butler (Micki’s mother), Micki Hempsmyer (new owner), Ruth Story (immediate past owner) and Mishelle Hagewood (Chamber Ambassador)
A City Boy’s Country Fantasy
and sign up for “my Social S e c u r i t y. ” The process is fairly painless and this allows you access to your records anytime you feel the need. Take a look at your earnings record and make sure it is correct, as sometimes not all your income gets reported and your eventual benefit is based on your earnings, not your contribution. There are instructions for correcting mistakes and an estimate of your benefits at full retirement, age 70, and early retirement (62). It never hurts to know where you stand. Take the time to understand your Social Security benefit and talk to an expert if have any questions. Then take the rest of the day and go fishing.
IRS Phone Scam! By Leora Summers
By Larry Gaukel
I have been receiving this IRS scam phone call lately. It goes like this: “The very second you receive this message from IRS, we need you to call us back on IRS Hotline (202) 517-6444. I repeat, we need you to call us back on IRS Hotline (202) 517-6444. The issue is very time sensitive so before IRS takes any legal action against you, you need to call IRS as soon as possible.”
They are just preying on your fears! Just know that an initial contact with the IRS will never be from a phone call, but from an official letter in the mail. If you get one of these calls and you think you might owe taxes, you should call the IRS at 1-800-829-1040. If you never received a bill or the caller threatened you, then call and report the incident to TIGTA at 1-800-366-4484.
September Business of the Month
By Leora Summers, Editor
Photo by Leora Summers
Photo by Leora Summers
The Caldwell Chamber of Commerce welcomed Micki Hempsmyer, new owner of Story & Company, to the Caldwell business community with a ribbon cutting on August 27th. When Micki heard that Ruth Story was selling the business, she felt that this was a divine opportunity and she just had to become the new
marketplace to serve her church as office manager, simplifying her life and allowing her to spend more time with her husband, Rick (a Caldwell native), who suffers from chronic illness. She is now so excited to become a part of Caldwell’s business community. “I am so impressed with the wonderful people of Caldwell, the beautiful women of Caldwell and their families, and with the supportive business community here as well as the town’s leadership,” Hempsmyer said. “I will be proud to be an active part of it all.” The name of the business will not change. Story & Company is located at 724 Arthur St. in downtown Caldwell. It will remain the same upscale resale clothing boutique with upscale consignment, new merchandise, jewelry and accessories. Welcome to Caldwell Micki!
One day, I hope to retire. I don’t have any desire to retire early because I don’t really know what I would do with myself and rather enjoy working. I would probably head down to the office everyday and bother the folks that were trying to get their work done. I just as well continue to work and make myself useful. That being said, when I do retire I’m not going to collect Social Security until I’m seventy. Simply by putting it off for three years and two months, I will increase the amount I receive by a little over 28%. There are a couple other tricks to maximize benefits but I probably won’t take advantage of them because they are gimmicks in my opinion, that serve to destabilize the program at a time when there are enough questions about its stability. I highly recommend you go to the Social Security website
During the September Caldwell Chamber of Commerce’s meeting in the Simplot Dining Room at the C of I, Treasure Valley’s Balloon Artist, Loni Trude, was presented with the “Business of the Month” award by Chamber member Steve Fultz. Trude said that since joining the Chamber, her business has really bloomed. Steve Fultz awarding Loni Trude, That’s what we like to hear! September Business of the Month. Congratulations Loni.
October 2015
Gavin Coyle’s Eagle Scout Project the base of the flag stand to the concrete fitting and then welded the flag stand at the bottom of the pole. When the welding was finished, Gavin and his friends raised the U.S. flag. After the flag was raised, he topped off the pole with a brass eagle which was donated and refurbished by United Metals in Caldwell. The concrete forms for the next two flag poles, a POW flag and an all military service flag, will be set up at a later date. Eventually a stone wall will be erected behind the flags and further landscaping will be done around the mound. All the materials were donated. Low’s Concrete donated the concrete.
EM Construction donated labor and materials. Isom’s Industrial Steel donated the steel work and Caldwell Housing Authority provided a lot of the work. We look forward to seeing Gavin’s project upon completion. Good work Gavin!
Photo by Carole Munn
Don’t Miss Family Discovery Day – October 17th
By Mike Condrack, Assistant Director-Caldwell’s Family History Center
Photo by Leora Summers
Gavin Coyle, a Vallivue High School sophomore who belongs to Boy Scout Troop 112, sponsored by the 1st Church of the Nazarene in Nampa, chose to honor the Idaho Veterans Garden (formerly the Caldwell Veterans Garden) at 305 West Belmont Street, Caldwell through his Eagle Scout project. He wanted to create a special area where 3 flags will fly high honoring the garden. On September 11th, Gavin helped with the pouring of the concrete form in which to set the first of the 3 flags. Though Gavin didn’t dig the hole, he secured all the donated labor and products to complete this project. On September 21st, after the concrete was cured, Gavin secured
October 2015
By Monte Munn
Joel Munn (Grandson of Monte and Carole Munn) performing at a Scots American Society meeting. After a visit to Scotland with his family as a child, he decided he wanted to play “pipes” and now plays in the City of Trees Pipe Band in Boise. If you’re potluck supper and to entertain Remember, Scots is a a Scot, this each other with storytelling, music, culture of solving problems just might be demonstrations, etc. The ceilidh and producing things. Come s o m e t h i n g (get-together) is held on the third and learn how the Scots created you’ve been Tuesday evening of each month at the United States of America, looking for and 7:00 p.m. at Blatchley Hall on the Canada, Australia, and New didn’t know it. campus of the College of Idaho. Zealand, taught the world to read, All are invited who are produced the industrial revolution It’s a ceildidh (pronounced curious or interested in Scots’ and created the modern world. Kale-ee). Scots culture and history. No dues or For more information, contact and friends membership commitments, just Lorene Oates at (208) 863-4672 gather for a come and enjoy. or email: loreneo@aol.com.
The public is invited to attend Family Discovery Day—a free one-day event where people can learn how they can join millions of others around the world as they research, record and share their personal genealogies and family histories. Family Discovery Day will be open to the public from 9 a.m. to 3:30 p.m. on Saturday, Oct. 17, at the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, 3015 S. Kimball Avenue in Caldwell. The day will be filled with messages, instructional classes and interactive activities to help visitors discover and connect with their families—past and present—to build and share their unique family histories.
Whether you’re a beginner or an experienced family historian, there will be something at Family Discovery Day for everyone. Family Discovery Day is free, but advance registration is recommended. There are two ways to register:
• Visit lds.org/topics/familyhistory/host-a-family-historyfair/family-history-day. • Call Caldwell’s Family History Center at 454-8324 or visit the center at 3015 S. Kimball Ave. The center is open to the public Tuesday–Thursday 9 a.m.–5 p.m. and again from 6 to 9 p.m.
By Leora Summers, Caldwell Perspective Editor
September 19th-what a great day of health-related and other services to our community that Compassion Caldwell provided
for many to folks who could not normally afford them. Special thanks goes out to Jim and Sharon Porter for spearheading this 2nd annual event. Thanks also goes to all the healthcare professionals and the many other volunteers who donated their time, materials and dollars to make this possible. The six months of organizing this event for medical and dental services to the folks of our community was a great investment in people. We commend you!
SERVICE CLUBS & MEETING INFO Caldwell Rotary Club Wed, Noon, Kaley Wellness Center Corner of Logan/So. 10th Contact: 459-1344 Canyon Sunrise Rotary Club Thurs, 7:00 AM Karcher Estates (thru gate in Karcher Mall S. parking lot) Contact: Brent @ 466-4181 Caldwell Eagles Lodge 7th & 21st of October & 4th of November 815 Arthur Street Contact: 615-0804 Caldwell Exchange Club Tue, Noon, Stewarts Bar & Grill 2805 Blaine Street Contact: 455-4534 Caldwell Elks Lodge 1st, 2nd, 3rd Thurs, of the month, 7 PM, 1015 N. Kimball Contact: 454-1448
Thurs, Noon Kaley Wellness Center Corner of Logan/So. 10th Contact: 459-6102 Caldwell Soroptimist Club 2nd, 3rd, 4th Thurs. of Month Noon Caldwell Elks Lodge #1448 1015 N. Kimball Contact: Ginny @ 459-0021 Greenleaf Historical Society 1st Thurs., of each Month Greenleaf Cafe Native Daughters of Idaho 3rd Tues. of the Month Noon-Potluck Faith Lutheran Church on Montana Avenue Contact: Leta 459-8866 Scottish American Society of Canyon County 3rd Tues. of the Month 7 PM McCain Hall, C of I Bring a covered dish Contact: Lorene Oates 863-4672
Caldwell Lions Club Wed, Noon Golden Palace Restaurant 703 Main Street Contact: 459-3629
Caldwell Eagles Lodge 7th day of October 8PM 21st of the October 7PM 4th of the November 7PM 815 Arthur Street 208-454-8054
Caldwell Optimist Club Wed, Noon (except last Wed of month) Last Tues of Month, Dinner Meeting, TBD Sunrise Family Restaurant 2601 Cleveland Blvd Contact: 459-2576
Raise Your Voice Toastmasters Club Monday, 6:30 PM Caldwell Airport, 4814 E. Linden Mitchel.Bethel@gmail.com Toastmasters.org
Send your club news and photos to Leora Summers editor@caldwellperspective.com
Caldwell Kiwanis Club
October 2015
Candidates for Caldwell City Council Election Henry C. Busse II 76 Seat 4
Shannon Ozuna 52 Seat 4 Occupation: Dental Assistant Married 3 Children 52 yrs. in Caldwell
Chris M. Allgood 52 Seat 5 Occupation: Police Chief Married 2 Children 39 yrs. in Caldwell
Magda Ruano 54 Seat 5 Occupation: Professional Married 1 Child 46 yrs. in Caldwell
I have been a member of Caldwell City Council for 12 years, and I feel exciting changes coming in our near future. With our population reaching 50,000 citizens, our city will see many opportunities for growth and commercial development. I believe my experience on City Council helps our community move forward. I believe my years of experience on city council is value to the citizens. I am currently the only female on our council, and feel the decisions made for Caldwell’s future need female representation. I have been thrilled with the beautification efforts made by the city and business owners in our downtown. These projects will help a plaza and commercial development become realities to our downtown core. I am enthusiastic about Caldwell’s future!
Caldwell is my home, I grew up here, I am raising my kids here, and I have spent 30 years serving the citizens of this great city. Being an active member of this community is very important to me and I am excited to be a part of Caldwell’s future. I have very strong family and community values. I have relied on these values to guide my decisions in my leadership of the police department. I have been leader in tough times and have made many tough decisions and stood by the results. I am proud of what we have accomplished and excited to be a part of a bright future. I will always put the interest of our citizens first when making council decisions.
I think a healthy community is one in which everyone is represented and everyone participates. It is time that there was someone on the Council that represents the 35% Latino population of Caldwell. I am also excited about the energy there is in Caldwell right now regarding downtown. I am a business management graduate of BSU with 24 years’ experience working in the finance office of the City of Caldwell. I am knowledgeable in the financial day to day activities and operations of the city. Because of that experience I can offer a different perspective to the council regarding expense and revenue challenges the city faces. I am a good listener and have an honest and fair temperament.
Submitted photos
Occupation: Semi-retired Married for 46 yrs. 3 Children 66 yrs. in Caldwell
I think Caldwell’s citizens deserve better representation, and that I have to offer. In my 76 years, I’ve had a moderate amount of experience, 9 years in the Idaho Army Guard, 60 years at Bennett Machine & Welding, 40 of those years as co-owner and manager. For 46 years I have been married to my wife, Ida, and for nearly 40 years, a father (2 sons, 1 daughter). Along the way we hosted 10 exchange students. In the last 11 years, my wife and I have attended many council meetings and several budget meetings.
Election Information The city council election will be held for City Council Seats 4, 5, and 6 on the first Tuesday following the first Monday in November (November 3rd). Save the date! To find out where to vote, you can go to the Canyon Elections Office, 1102 East Chicago Street, and let them help you or call them at 4547562 or look it up online at: www. canyonco.org\ voterlookup. Candidate Forum October 22nd 6:30 p.m. CHS Auditorium This is your opportunity to really get to see and get to know the candidates a little better so you can decide who you want to vote for.
By Leora Summers
The Caldwell Perspective does not endorse candidates. We believe that you should form your own opinions and let the candidates speak for themselves. Go to the forum.
Terrence Biggers, 58 Seat 6 Occupation: Retired and disabled US Air Force veteran, local businessman, Caldwell City Councilman. Married 32 yrs. 4 Children 11 yrs. in Caldwell Sitting on City Council, I have learned valuable lessons. I stand for our U.S. & State Constitutions, property rights, vibrant downtown, improve youth initiatives, citywide sustainable projects, and a strong diverse economy. As a veteran I have a duty to serve our Nation and Community, protecting our quality of life. I currently serve on the Caldwell City Council, Caldwell Urban Renewal Agency, Caldwell Veterans Council, Airport Commission, City Finance Committee, City Union Contract Negotiator, Destination Caldwell Board, Caldwell Chamber of Commerce Ambassador Board and serve as the Caldwell Disabled American Veterans Commander. I am a Retired U.S. Air Force Aviator and a C.A.P. Squadron Commander. I have been a Boy Scout leader for 21 years. My wife and I own Treasure Valley Notary.
Chuck Stadick, 71 Seat 6 Occupation: Potato Consultant (Spud Viking Potato Consulting) Married 50 yrs. 3 Children 38 yrs. in Caldwell Caldwell City Council needs the following: 1. New Vision - New Leadership 2. Urban Renewal Reform and Oversight 3. Responsible Downtown Redevelopment 4. Voter Representation on Major Investment Projects 5. Expand Area Core Businesses in Agriculture, Services & Education -Retired from the J. R. Simplot Co. Have extensive experience in management, marketing, research, domestic and International operations, negotiating contracts, budgeting, economic development. -While working in North Dakota, I’ve had firsthand experience in watching the western areas of that state go from the Bakken “Oil Bust” of the 80’s to their recent “Oil Boom”, witnessing their struggle to pay off the “Oil Bust” infrastructure investments to the present enormous expansion of their infrastructure needs.
By Leora Summers
Photo by Leora Summers
“Yote Spirit”
Touchdown by quarterback J.J. Hyde, who was later injured and taken out of the game to take to the hospital. He will be out for the rest of the season.
On September 19th, the Yotes lost their home football game to the Southern Oregon Raiders (42-27). The Yotes won their first game of the season against Eastern Oregon (40-28), being their only win so far. However, they have certainly played competitively, only to lose in the last minutes to Pacific (35-34) on September 5th, to Montana Western (24-20) on September 12th and then again to Montana Tech (29-21) on September 26th. Let’s help spur them on during October! Come on yotes, just a little bit more...think like the Little Train That Could. “I think I can, I think I can!” Go Yotes! Show Yote Spirit! Wear PURPLE on “PURPLE FRIDAYS!” “We’re Loud! And We’re Proud!” That’s what these girls said and what an understatement if I ever heard one. They are the epitome of the “Yote Spirit” when it comes to watching the C of I play football. L to R: Mary Kay Araquistain, Beth Araquistain (mother of Yote player Levi Elsberry, #7), Shannon Dakan, Jeannie Watts Bicak.
October 2015
Doggone Fun At Indian CreekByFestival Leora Summers
The dogs were in full attendance for the registration for the Dog Parade during the Indian Creek Festival. It was fun to watch them sign in. There were big dogs, little dogs, old and young dogs and dogs of all kinds. They were milling around smelling each other and giving each other the eye. All had a good time and I’m sure this will be another great event next year. Kudos to all their owners and to the City of Caldwell for giving this a try.
The answer is the Canyon County Landfill or Pickle Butte Landfill. When I asked the lady at the landfill what inspired them to have that particular speed limit of 17mph, she said that when the limit was 15 mph, people would go 20 or 25 mph, but for some reason when they tried 17 mph, they went the limit. Go figure!
GAME SCHEDULE Remember Purple Fridays!
October 17, 1 PM Rocky Mountain October 31, 1 PM Montana Western November 14, 12 AM Carroll
By Leora Summers
by Michael Palmer
Guess Where This Is? September’s Winner is DAVID FLY!
Home Games
Best Seller Book Review “The Second Opinion”
Photo by Leora Summers
Away Games
October 10, 1 PM Montana State Northern vs. Havre, MT October 24, 1 PM Southern Ore vs.Ashland OR November 7, 12 PM Eastern Ore vs. LaGrande, OR October 24, 1 PM Southern Ore vs. Ashland, OR November 7, 12 PM Eastern Ore vs. LaGrande, OR
Thea Sperelakis, a doctor with the “Doctors without Borders” program comes home when she hears that her father, a world renowned physician, was struck down by a hit and run driver, leaving him in what appeared to be a coma in the hospital in which he played an integral part. Her siblings wanted to pull all treatment, but Thea would not agree because she could not yet deem him “hopeless.” Thea’s suspicions that this was not an accident causes her to try to communicate with her comatose father and comes to find that he is able to communicate with eye movements. The news to others of this discovery has now put dear old dad and Thea in danger and a conspiracy begins to unfold. Dr. Thea’s responses to the ever changing situations are also colored by her Asperger’s Syndrome which also makes this an interesting thriller. This story is full of twists and turns. There is romance, danger and eventually enlightenment. This was a good read!
Book Review
By Amy Perry, Rubaiyat Book Store
“I Know a Little Greek (and his name is Timothy)” by Linda Going Varnes “I Know a Little Greek” is a primer on Greek based on the Timothy Letters in the Bible. This Christian-based primer begins with a retelling of Timothy’s story before moving into the language lessons. The lessons are easy to understand and follow, using Biblical quotes as examples. Underlined words are defined by “The New Strong’s Complete Dictionary of Bible Words” and footnote allow for additional Bible study. Illustrations by Ms Varnes are included in the book. I can recommend this children’s book to anyone interested in Greek.
To place a classified ad please call 208-809-8097 or email advertising@caldwellperspective.com Help Wanted
Card of Thanks
The Caldwell Youth Master Plan Committee thanks the following for their participation in the 3rd Annual Caldwell Youth Forum held on September 16th, at the College of Idaho: Carpenter Screen Printing, Inc., Stinker Stores, The Human Bean, TVCC, Albertsons, Jacksons, McDonalds, CWI, Idaho Go On, Dutch Bros. Coffee, Idaho Press Tribune, Air Comfort, Inc., Idaho State Liquor Division, National Alcohol Beverage Control Association, Family Eye Care Specialists & The Bird Stop.
Class A CDL Truck Driver Travels 10 western states. Great benefits package & wages. Home often, Full time, No tickets, 2 years expierence, Bulk belt trailers. Call 208-697-9923
Hay For Sale!
Small bales, alfalfa/grass mix and grass hay available now. Call Dan Sevy at 249-1064.
OAK Parlor Chair Oversized, Beige Fabric, 31 1/2 tall, cushion 17”x18”, $25 firm. Call 455-9898.
VINTAGE Coca-Cola wooden 24-bottle crates, $50 each, 208-615-6422.
Livestock Panels For Sale! Call Dillon Wickel, 208-866-4459.
SADDLES & TACK New & Used Consignments
Video Games old and new, Consoles, DVD’s, Retro Gaming 1000’s of games for all platforms! 707 Main Street, Caldwell, Open Mon-Sat. 10-6, Sun. 10-3 Call/Text 208-880-4440
Circle D Panels
Tues.-Fri. 10AM-5PM Sat. 10AM-4PM 201 N. 21st Ave., Caldwell 695-8036 To place a classified ad please call 208-899-6374.
Interested in advertising in the Business Directory? Call Chantele Hensel 208-899-6374 or come by our office 217 S. 9th Ave., Downtown Caldwell
Senior Housing
Caldwell Methodist Church Mouse Bazaar
Logan Park
is a low income elderly apartment complex with gov’t subsidy. We provide services in addition to rent, which include: 2 homecooked meals daily, weekly housekeeping and transportation to Caldwell Doctor appts. Our building has someone on site as a first responder 24/7. We have secrutiy cameras and the outside doors are locked in the evening for your peace of mind. We give preferences to those applicants subscribing to the services. Please phone for an appt. to see an apartment.
By Kay May
The Caldwell Methodist Church Mouse Bazaar (824 East Logan Street) will take place on Saturday, October 10th from 9:00 to 4:00. Cinnamon rolls will be available for breakfast and hot lunch will be served from 11:00 to 3:00. The Bazaar features over 20 silent auction baskets, a handmade quilt raffle, a wide variety of local crafters and a $1.00 shopping room. Proceeds from the bazaar support the church and some local charities, such as meals on wheels. For more information, please contact the church office 459-7435.
Now accepting applications!
(208) 454-0004 612 West Logan Street, Caldwell, Idaho 83605
Logan Park is an Equal Opportunity Provider
24-hour Crisis Line for victims of domestic violence or sexual assault (208) 459-4779 Toll free: 1-877-459-4779
Donna Laird (WVMC) tailgating at the C of I Homecoming Game.
Business Directory APPLIANCE REPAIR
217 S. 9th Ave. Caldwell 208-454-7999
October 2015