Edition 47 l NOVEMBER 2019
A LESSON LEARNED! Pg. 19 Nikki and Juan Avila next to the names of all of the production volunteers Nikki’s parents, her sister were names among them written by her dad before it was covered by the signage for the next years event.
2020 is going to be a special year for Caldwell Night Rodeo but it’s going to be EXTRA special for the Caldwell Night Rodeo board president, Nikki Zachary. Nikki is the first female president in 26 years. The only prior… her mother, Melda Roberts. Melda first served as president in 1988. As you can imagine, a female leading a rodeo board in the 80’s wasn’t even heard of. Some CNR Board members at the time would have preferred to keep it that way but stubbornness, grit and the fact she was more than qualified prevailed and the few that
A Legacy Unfolding
threatened to walk if she were voted in ended up being all bark and no bite. It is believed that Melda was likely the first female president for a major professional rodeo, ever. She went on to lead the rodeo board one more time in 1994. Nikki grew up at the Caldwell Night Rodeo grounds. Her mom and dad both being longtime volunteers, even years before Melda joined the board. Nikki, along with her older sister, Shawna (Pennington) got into all kinds of mischief and current CNR Director of Operations, Gene Betts, recalls
Nikki as a little girl at the Caldwell Night Rodeo Grounds.
having to spank her little hinny when she got out of line. A memory that the two of them laugh about today. Sadly, both Melda and Nikki’s father, Dale, succumbed to separate illnesses at relatively early ages and while neither of them are physically here to witness their daughter’s incredible accomplishment, she takes great pride in knowing just how proud they’d be. When asked if it makes her feel closer to her mom as she walks in her footsteps from two decades prior Nikki said, “It does. I know she’d be incredibly proud. They both would. I
by Nicole Cassity, Caldwell Night Rodeo can picture the great big smile that each of them would have on their faces.” Nikki has put in several years of “sweat equity”. She’s served on the board for 8 years and was an associate director and volunteer for a handful of years before that. She’s been the CNR Queen coordinator for much of those years along with playing a vital role in production by overseeing all of the flag girls and visiting royalty. She is currently the only female director on the CNR board and has been the entire 8 years she’s been on it. For Nikki, this accomplishment is a childhood
Melda and Nikki side by side. Two peas in a pod!
Nikki Roberts Zachary 2019 CNR President
dream come true. In a sport that even today is predominantly ran and lead by men, having a seat at the table is a huge accomplishment. Only this year… she’ll take her seat at the head of the table. Nikki Zachary resides in Caldwell, Idaho with her husband KC. She owns and operates Downtown Shipping. Together they enjoy hunting and she spends a lot of her free time volunteering for the Caldwell Fire Rehab Unit where her husband serves as a Driver/Operator for the Caldwell Fire Department.
November 2019
Chamber activity and participation has the positive effect of business retention and expansion, quality of life, economic development and may other elements. If you are interested in getting involved in the Caldwell Chamber or want to make a difference in your community, the Chamber offers several volunteer committees for you to take part. Working together in Caldwell, we can make a difference!
Nov. 1: 12 PM . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Ribbon Cutting: Firme Cuts Barbership 105 S. Kimball Ave., Caldwell Nov. 4: 12 PM . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Transportation, Golden Corral, Nampa Nov. 5: 11:30 AM . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Ambassadors, Mr. V’s Nov. 6: 12 PM . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Agri-Business, Golden Palace Nov. 12: 11:15 AM . . .Noonbreak Luncheon, Simplot Dining Hall, C of I. Nov. 12: 1:30 PM: . . . . . . . . . . Education, Cruzen Murray Library, C of I Nov. 13: 12 PM . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Ribbon Cutting: Chic Cozy Cottage 2904 Cleveland Blvd. Nov 14: 4:30 PM . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Business After Hours, Airstream, 1705 Industrial Way, Caldwell Nov 20: 8 AM . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Coffee Connect, LunchboxWax 16572 N. Midland Blvd., Nampa Nov 20: 11:30 AM . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Grand Opening: Epic Car Wash Nov. 26: 12 PM . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Government Affairs, Acapulco Please plan to attend the Chamber of Commerce Noonbreak Luncheon, Tuesday, November 12 at 11:15 a.m., C of I, Simplot Dining Hall. Call the Chamber of Commerce to RSVP 208-459-7493.
November 1 12-3 PM: Firme Cuts Ribbon Cutting, Firme, 105 S Kimball Ave, 208615-3739. 6-11 PM: Brave Hearts Night at Indian Creek Steakhouse, support Idaho Veterans, Indian Creek Steakhouse. 7 PM: Jeannie Marie sings at Orphan Annies, 801 Everett St. November 2 12-4 PM: Caldwell Train Depot Open House, 701 Main St., Hosted by Jim & Sharon Porter. 2 PM: Pokemon Club, Caldwell Public Library, 1010 Dearborn St. 4-8 PM: Procession of Catrinas, A Day of the Dead Celebration, Indian Creek Plaza. 8-11 PM: Coco - Starlight Cinema, Indian Creek Plaza. November 4 5:15 PM: Meet Me Monday, Join in the movement, Caldwell Recreation Center, 504 Grant St.
November 4 (Continued) 7 PM: City Council Meeting, Caldwell Police Department Community Room, 110 S. 5th Ave. November 5 11 AM: Conversation Club, Caldwell Public Library, 1010 Dearborn St. November 6 Caldwell School District-Early Release. 6:30 PM: Caldwell Writer’s Group, at the Flying M Coffee Shop, downtown Caldwell. November 7 10-11 AM: Mommy & Me, free class for preschoolers (ages 3-5) and their mothers to help get them ready for school, New Covenant Baptist Church, 624 Lake Lowell. 1 PM: Medicare Enrollment, enroll in medicare of change your plan with Aetna (ages 65+), Library, 1010 Dearborn St 6:30 PM: Mason Jar Luminaries, Library, 1010 Dearborn St. November 8 10 AM-6 PM: Caldwell Holiday Craft Bazaar, O’Connor Field House, 2207 Blaine Street.
November 8 (Continued) 11 AM: Scott Kritzer, Caldwell Fine Arts, sensory friendly/special needs concert, www. caldwellfinearts.org or 208-459-5275. 1 PM: What’s new in Medicare?, Find out. (ages 65+), Caldwell Public Library, 1010 Dearborn St. 6 PM: Scott Kritzer, Caldwell Fine Arts, C of I Langroise Recital Hall, concert and connection dinner, caldwellfinearts. org or 208-459-5275. 7 PM: Scott Kritzer, Caldwell Fine Arts, C of I Langroise Recital Hall, concert, caldwellfinearts. org or 208-459-5275 7 PM: Jeannie Marie sings at Orphan Annies, 801 Everett St. November 9 9 AM-5 PM: Caldwell Holiday Craft Bazaar, O’Connor Field House, 2207 Blaine Street. 10 AM-5 PM: L & L Glassworks, Fall Open House, 16178 Homedale Rd., 208-890-4584. 12 PM: Yote Football vs. Montana Western.
November 9 (Continued) 2 PM: Make it! CrossStitch 101, Caldwell Public Library, 1010 Dearborn St. November 11 VETERANS DAY Library Closed 11 AM-3 PM: Veterans Day Ceremony, Caldwell Veteran’s Memorial Hall, 1101 Cleveland Blvd. 5:15 PM: Meet Me Monday, Join in the movement, Caldwell Recreation Center, 504 Grant St. November 12 11:15 AM-1 PM: Noonbreak Luncheon, College of Idaho, Simplot Dining Hall. RSVP ,208-4597493. 12-1 PM: The Canyon County Republican Women’s monthly meeting, Golden Palace at 703 Main St. Special speaker will be Janalee Wolfe, the Idaho State Republican Women’s President. Questions? Call Tracey Wasden 208412-2602. 2 PM: Homeschool Book Club, Caldwell Public Library, 1010 Dearborn St.
November 12 (Continued) 7 PM: Urban Renewal Agency Meeting, Caldwell Police Department Community Room. November 13 Caldwell School District - Early Release 12 PM: Chic Cozy Cottage Ribbon Cutting, 2904 Cleveland Blvd. 5:30 PM: Caldwell Ramblers RV Club: 6 PMMeeting, Mr. V’s Rau 208-697-1357. 6:30 PM: Caldwell Happiness Club, at the Flying M Coffee Shop, downtown Caldwell. November 14 11 AM: Medigold Seminar, learn about 2020 Medicare benefits (Ages 65+), Library. 2 PM: Thursday Afternoon Read, Orphan Train by Christina Baker Kline, Library, 1010 Dearborn St. 4:30-6:30 PM: Business After Hours, Airstream Adventures Northwest, 1705 Industrial Way. 6 PM: CNR & Western Heriftage Foundation presents:Miracle on Blaine Street community fundraiser. For more info call 208-459-2060.
November 15 7 PM: Jeannie Marie sings at Orphan Annies, 801 Everett St. November 16 12 PM: Yote Football vs MSU-Northern. 2 PM: Family Afternoon Movie: The Lion King, free popcorn, Caldwell Public Library. November 18 6:30 PM: A Night with Bob Ross, paint along with a friendly Bob Ross video (Ages 10+), Caldwell Public Library, 1010 Dearborn St. 5:15 PM: Meet Me Monday, Join in the movement, Caldwell Recreation Center, 504 Grant St. 7 PM: City Council Meeting, Caldwell Police Department Community Room, 110 S. 5th Ave. November 19 6:30 PM: Adult Board Games, Flying M Coffee, 724 E Arthur St. Calendar continued on page 3 Add your event to the community calendar by calling 208-899-6374
November 2019 November 20 Caldwell School District Early Release 8-9:30 AM: Coffee Connect, LunchboxWax, 16572 N. Midland Blvd., Nampa. 11 AM-2 PM: Epic Car Wash Grand Opening. 12-9 PM: INDIAN CREEK SKATE PARK- Opening day for the season. 6 PM: Grow with Google, enhance your job skills using Grow with Google resources (ages 15+), Caldwell Public Library, 1010 Dearborn St 6:30 PM: Caldwell Writer’s Group, at the Flying M Coffee Shop, downtown Caldwell. November 21 2 PM: Computer Basics, Caldwell Public Library, 1010 Dearborn St 6:30 PM: CPL Board Meeting, Library. November 22 5-10 PM: Winter Wonderland Festival, Indian Creek Plaza. 7 PM: Jeannie Marie sings at Orphan Annies, 801 Everett St. November 23 11 AM - 3PM: CAT- URDAY at The Library, West Valley Humane Society will be in the library with adoptable cats, cat crafts, and cat information programs, Library.
Our Community November 25 Caldwell School District - No School Thanksgiving Break 5:15 PM: Meet Me Monday, Join in the movement, Caldwell Recreation Center, 504 Grant St. November 26 1 PM: What’s New in Medicare, find out what’s new in Medicare plans (ages 65+), Library. 6:30 PM: Health Care Adulting 101 Series (ages 15+) Library. November 27 6 PM: Ask a Librarian, Caldwell Public Library, 1010 Dearborn St 6:30 PM: Caldwell Happiness Club, at the Flying M Coffee Shop, downtown Caldwell. November 28 THANKSGIVING November 29 7 PM: Jeannie Marie sings at Orphan Annies, 801 Everett St. November 30 7 PM: SING-a-LONG!!!! Hosted by Mr. ROD DYER!!! With the music of the BEATTLES!!!! Make your reservations now! Orphan Annies, 801 Everett St.
Caldwell Public Library
1010 Dearborn • 208-459-3242 Monday (ex. Nov 4th) 10:30 AM: Baby N’ Me (Ages 0-1) Lap-sit storytime with stories, songs, rhymes and games 11:00 AM: Baby N’ Me (Ages 1-2) Lap-sit storytime with stories, songs, rhymes and games 4:30 PM: Family Fun (all ages) Create. Build. Together Tuesday (ex. Nov 5th) 10:30 AM: Preschool Storytime (Ages 2-5) Stories, songs, and rhymes Wednesday 10:30 AM: Preschool Storytime (Ages 2-5) Stories, songs, and rhymes 11:15 AM: Music and Movement (ages 2-5) Sing, dance, use rhythm instruments, get rockin’ with this boisterous program series 4:30 PM: Tween Scene (ages 9-12) Activities, crafts and games Thursday 4:30 PM: Teen Thursday (ages 13-18) Activites, crafts and games Friday 10 AM: Tai Chi - mindful, holistic exercise for overall health & well-being
Get Your Ugly Sweaters Out!
The Canyon Track Club has been promoting physical fitness and camaraderie in Canyon County since 2005. Its founders, Brain Faulks and Jim Trapp, created the organization as a way to help students gain confidence, enhance their physical abilities, and interact with their fellow athlete in a positive, safe environment. While the main focus is on athleticism and promoting physical fitness to compete at the next level, many students have also received academic honors as a result of the volunteer coaches’ dedication to challenging the students to achieve their full potential. Canyon Track Club members and participants have included athletes from
by Erin Gulley
Caldwell, Vallivue, Skyview, Homedale, Ontario, Greenleaf, Middleton, Emmett, Parma, Kuna, and Ridgevue schools, as well as numerous private schools, charter schools, and home school associations. Many former club members have gone on to compete at the collegiate level this decade. You can register for the Canyon Track Club’s Annual Ugly Sweater 5K by going to ultrasignup.com. When prompted, select ‘Find a Race’ and type in the zip code of 83605.
5K Run/Walk around and through Whittenberger Park
Saturday, December 14, 2019
9:30 A.M.
$30 Early Sign-up through November 14th ($35 thereafter, through race morning)
Event Location: Centennial Way and Chicago Street, just off I-84, exit 27 in Caldwell.
Sign-up at www.ultrasignup.com
Search for Races in Caldwell, Idaho Easy to find. Sponsored by Canyon Track Club—a youth not-for-profit organization
Page 4 CALDWELL PERSPECTIVE I was not surprised last fall when my 18 year old son came in to the kitchen and showed me a picture of him swearing into the United States Army. Mainly because he was head strong kid and every time the subject came up prior I would tell him, “if you go into the service darling, go Navy or Air Force.” I guess that old saying of ‘you can lead a horse to water, but can’t make him drink’ rings truer than we would like sometimes. Garrett has been in Fort Benning, Georgia for sixteen long weeks, and as of 25 October 2019 (my son and military friends will be proud of how I noted the date), he is officially a United States Army Infantrymen. It was a special event for three reasons. First, up to that point, Garrett’s fiancé (Nimsi) and I had been the only two people able to make the long trip to Georgia to see him, and this was the trip that Michael, Nimsi and I were all going on...with a slight change of plans. The airline tickets were purchased, the hotel booked, and the car rented. I had wanted to take our daughter (Paige) and our youngest son (Audie) so bad. On the way to take Paige to school one day she said, “I really wish I could be at Garrett’s graduation.” I was so touched that this girl who fought non-stop with her brother Garrett would want to go. I got back to the house and with tears in my eyes talked to Michael about taking the two little kids. He simply picked up his freshly
Our Community
poured cup of coffee from the counter and said, “I don’t know why you haven’t bought the tickets yet.” Well, say no more. Done. I was so excited to surprise Paige and Audie, but when I told Paige she called me later in the day crying. She said that the 25th was the day of the play that she and a small group of students had been working on for the past three months. She cried and said, “Mom, I don’t want to do the play. There are always plays that I can be in, but this is a once in a lifetime opportunity for Garrett.” I was also sad and told Paige I was going to allow her to make the choice. She text back at the end of the school day and said, “Mom, the kids from the play are a little upset with me, and with the play so soon it would be hard to find a replacement. I want to go see Garrett so bad, but I cannot let my team down.” Although slightly sad, I did have to tell her I was proud that she made an adult decision and reassured her that he would be home around Christmas. Second, while Nimsi and I were in Georgia late September for family weekend, Garrett was able to video call home to visit with Michael and Audie. During the conversation, unbeknownst to me until it happened, Garrett asked his brother, Audie age 10, to be his best man at his wedding on New Years Day 2020. Garrett has always written in his letters home that he was so excited to surprise Audie the way you see on facebook from time to time with an un-
“Letters To Mama”
expected visit to a school. Well, when I told Audie that he was making the trip to Georgia with us, we decided this too should be a surprise for Garrett. I will come back to that. Third, 25 October is my grandmother’s birthday. Not just any grandparent...the one that helped shape me and made me want to be the absolute best person I could be...she actually doubled as a mother and taught me all that I know about anything that matters in life. My oldest son, Zach, was 4 when his brother Garrett was born and the three of us would get up early in the morning to go to Grandma Ackerman’s house to take care of her while Grandpa was out on the truck. As her life slowly came to a close and she had become weaker, she would want to hold Garrett so I would sit by her side holding Garrett across her lap. I will forever hear her sweet soft voice as she would tell him, “I may not have much time left on this old world and you are not going to remember me.” A lump in my throat would form and I would tell her how strong she was getting and how good her color looked that day, but I knew that chances were she was right. Garrett was 5 months old when Grandma went to Heaven. So when I found out Garrett’s graduation day was on Grandmas birthday I was touched, a day that had stung for 20 years will be a celebration day again. I literally felt her words, “you are not going to remember me”
November 2019 by Chantele Hensel, Publisher
brush across my heart, because this will be a day they will share forever. We left for graduation on 23 October 2019, and after a long day we finally laid our heads on our pillows in Columbus, Georgia at 0130. The turning blue ceremony is a special honor to these soldiers. They had completed 14 hard weeks of training cut off from the world, been pushed to their limits, and completed Honor Hill. The entire time Garrett was in basic, I most looked forward to hearing about Honor Hill as it is a sacred moment for these men who trained on Sand Hill in Fort Benning. It is a 15 mile Ruck march where some of them carry ruck sacks (the big green military bags filled with their belongings), teams of four carry a gurney weighted down with sand bags emulating the weight of a human body, and others carry water jugs while they all pack weapons. They reached the top of Honor Hill at the drop of nightfall - sweaty, sore and tired. They pass through smoke and a gate that reads “From this gate, emerge the finest soldiers the world has ever known. Follow me.” They receive canteen cups filled with “grog”, a mixture of Gatorade, water and dry ice and there is a ceremony where the drill sergeants pin the coveted infantryman cross rifle badge on each one of the young men who have successfully completed all the requirements to graduate. I had read that this is sacred and not much is truly known outside the ones who have completed Honor Hill and found it to be true when questioning Garrett. He shared the specifics that I already knew, but when I was asking for details he just said it was ‘very cool’ and the conversation was left with silence prompting a new topic. After the the cording ceremony (the blue cord over the right shoulder of an Army Infantrymen dress blues), we were given the day to spend with Garrett. As we made our way onto the field, Audie stayed behind his daddy wait-
Garrett and Audie’s first hug after Garrett was surprised that his brother Audie was at the event.
ing for the time to pop out and surprise his bro (as they call one another). Hugs, hugs and hugs. Audie pops out from behind Garrett, and for the first time I saw a tear form in Garrett’s eye...it didn’t drop, but it was there. Of course, Audie was crying from his excitement and anticipation. The two hugged for a long time. “Would your best man miss this?”, Audie choked out. The start to a nearly perfect day. We all missed Paige. The very first thing Garrett wants to do is eat...every time we see him. So, Waffle House it is. I loved when Garrett said, “I need to make a call.” So we went to the hotel room to relax for a bit while Garrett called his life mentor, Dan Pugmire (Idaho Veterans Garden) the two chatted for a long time. When Garrett was given a going-away party, Dan and June Pugmire were there of course. Dan gave Garrett one of his dogtags from his time served in the United States Airforce. As the conversation was clearly about the dog tags, Garrett reached in the right breast pocket of his dress blues and rubbed the worn metal tag in between his thumb and middle finger. It was a long day of shopping and eating, and before we knew it, it was time to take him back to the base before curfew. While at the post exchange mall (one of our many shopping ventures while in Georgia), a young man dressed in his blues with Continued on Page 9
Thank you to our Veterans & Military Families for your Bravery & Sacrifice!
We remember those who have made the ultimate sacrifice for our country throughout our nation’s history. 1775-1783 • American Revolution 1861-1865 • U.S. Civil War 1914-1918 • World War I 1939-1945 • World War II 1950-1953 • Korean War
1965-1975 • Vietnam (U.S. combat troop involvement) 1990-1991 • Gulf War 2001-present • War in Afghanistan 2003-2011 • Iraq War
504 S. Kimball Ave. Caldwell, Idaho
November 2019
Our Community
November 2019
Canyon County Republican Women Wanted The Canyon County Republican Women held their annual membership meeting to recruit new members at the home of Senator Patti Anne Lodge on September 10th, 2019. The club welcomed many new members with CCRW President Tracey Wasden, Senator Patti Anne Lodge and Idaho State Treasurer Julie Ellsworth speaking on “Women in Politics’. A wonderful tri-tip dinner was served with all members enjoying the fan-
tastic view of the Snake River Valley Wine Country and Owyhee Mountains. CCRW wishes to thank Senator Lodge for hosting our meeting and we look forward to the many new faces joining our club to promote and assist in furthering Republican values. Our next monthly meeting will be held November 12, 2019, from noon to 1:00 p.m. at the Golden Palace Restaurant at 703 Main Street, Caldwell. It
will feature as our special speaker Janalee Wolfe, Idaho State Republican Women’s President, in addition to voting and installation of new club officers. Lunch is served and all are welcome who have an interest in finding out more about furthering Republican values in our county. For more information contact Tracey Wasden at (208) 9890334 or Kim Johnson at (208) 412-2602.
Caldwell High School Class of 1947
photo by Nish Photography
by Chantele Hensel, publisher
Front row: L to R: Wanda McConnell, Virginia (Ginn) Penner, Lavena (Hopkins) Farris, Harold E. Beaver, Sophia (Strode) Scott. Back row: L to R: Elaine (Fuller) Reese, David Hennis, Lawrence Gray, Wendell Platt, Armond Garner.
The Caldwell High School class of 1947 celebrated their 72nd class reunion. The class reunion has become an annual event, meeting at the Elks Lodge. Each year the event includes a dinner at the Lodge and a second day to spend time with one another. This year the second day included a picnic hosted by classmate Lawrence Gray. Many of the class live in the valley, but one of the attendees came all the way from Texas to gather with his friends.
Club officers pictured from left to right: Kay Bradford, Treasurer; Shirlayne Corder, Past President; Theresa Bradford, Secretary; Tracey Wasden, President; Sara Adams, 2nd VicePresident; Kim Johnson, 1st Vice-President; Hostess, Senator Patti Anne Lodge.
Have Good news you would like to share? Send your story and photos to editor@caldwellperspective.com. Don’t have access to a computer, feel free to give me a call! My cell phone number is 208-899-6374. I would love to visit with you and over a cup of coffee. Sincerely, Chantele
Great Food and Full Bar Buffet Mon.-Sat. 11am to 2 pm
Happy Hour: Monday-Saturday 3 PM-6PM We Also Offer Catering Services
819 Main St., Caldwell • 208-454-0425
Home Care Solutions Inc. We offer affordable, personal care in your home. We are insured, bonded, and our entire staff is certified in CPR/1st Aid, and FBI approved background checks. Home Care Solutions, Inc. is your reliable and dependable alternative to nursing homes and other types of facilities.
While we specialize in our clients’ personal needs and safety above all else, we are dedicated to advocate for your enjoyment of life & independence as well. In working with physicians, therapists, etc., our Supervising Nurse makes it easy for our staff to understand and perform all aspects of care. Our providers enjoy playing a key role in helping our clients do things they may not have been able to do before. We are a family-oriented, personable company that strives to employ highly qualified, reliable long-term providers. We do our best to help our clients find stability and peace of mind knowing we are on call to facilitate any concerns they may have.
PHONE: (208) 463-8777 • EMAIL: roger@homecaresolutionsinc.org FAX: 208-461-8222 • 11426 LONE STAR RD, NAMPA, ID 83651
Our Community
November 2019
College of Idaho and Chamber of Commerce Government Afairs Sponsor City Council Candidate Forum
The College of Idaho and the Caldwell Chamber of Commerce Government Affairs Committee sponsored a City Council Candidate Forum for Caldwell businesses and residents to learn more about the candidates for these important positions. There were both incumbents and new applicants. The incumbents being Chris Allgood and Chuck Stadick.
The new applicants for District 4, 5 and 6 were State Rep. Jarom Wagoner and Chris Trakel, a veteran and small business owner. Chris Allgood, a retired police chief, will run uncontested. Chuck Stadick faces competition from Evangeline Beechler, who has worked as a clinical supervisor of a developmental disabilities agency for the last 13
years, and John McGee. A list of questions were given to each of the candidates a week in advance so they would prepare for well thought out responses instead of last minute ideas. The forum gave those who attended a chance to learn about all of the candidates and what they felt was critical to the City Council positions which include managing
by Joe Decker, Public Information Officer Canyon County
Please see the list below of polling places that have changed locations for the upcoming election on November 5. Registered voters in these precincts will also receive (if they haven’t already) a notification in the mail to inform them of their polling location change. The Canyon County Elections Office encourages all voters who are unsure where their polling locations are to visitwww.canyonco.org/elections and click “Where do I vote?” button at the top left of the screen. Once there, the voter can enter their address to check on their polling location and to see the list of taxing districts they vote in, as well as what will be on their ballot. Voters can also call the Canyon County Elections Office at 454-7562 to get information on their polling location. Effective immediately! The following polling places have moved to: PRECINCT LOCATION 14-10.....United Methodist Church, 824 E. Logan St., Caldwell 15-10.....O’Connor Feild House/Caldwell Event Center, 2207 Blaine, Caldwell 17-10.....Caldwell Church of Christ, 4012 S. 10th Ave., Caldwell 20-10.....The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints, 23644 Old Hwy 30, Caldwell 28-11.....The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints, 88 S. Happy Valley Rd., Nampa 31-11.....The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints, 15782 Farmway Rd., Caldwell 39-11.....The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints, 23644 Old Hwy. 30, Caldwell
the city’s growth, maintain the city’s infrastructure and continue the momen-
tum at Indian Creek Plaza and the downtown area.
With Coupon Only. Not Valid With Any Other Offer. Must Present Coupon At Time Of Service.
Or More
L & L Glassworks
Go Yotes!
Book Your Holiday Party! Seating available for up to 12 people!
NOW OPEN Sunday 12 PM - 8 PM Enjoy Our Happy Hour Monday–Sunday 3-6 PM 2805 Blaine Street Caldwell 208-459-3308 Closed for Thanksgiving
This is our ONE day FALL OPEN HOUSE! We will have Christmas ornaments and gifts as well as a large variety of unique one-of-a-kind functional glass art.
We are also available most days by appointment. Please call ahead.
L & L Glassworks
16178 Homedale Rd. • Caldwell, ID 83607 John: 208-890-4584
NATHAN’S GREENLEAF CAFE 21513 Main St, Greenleaf
We Proudly Support All Active Duty and Veterans! Stop by on Veterans Day for a Free pancake and coffee.
Thank you!
Our Community
It is that time again! The leaves have changed colors and are falling from the trees. Caldwell is such a great community! Each year in November the City of Caldwell hosts an event called Rake Up Caldwell. This year it is scheduled for November 9th. It is an opportunity to volunteer and help fellow community members who need some assistance with removing the leaves from their yards. Five years ago, 15 to 20 residents’
1905 Willow Street, Caldwell
November 2019
yards were cleaned of all the leaves. Last year 90 yards were cleared. This year the expected yards is one hundred. We need all hands-on deck to help with this effort. The Caldwell Housing Authority is graciously stepping up to help out but the event could not happen without the help multiple volunteers! This year, (as noted) the Caldwell Housing Authority is stepping up to help with a lot of it and they are challenging other groups and individuals to match their effort! Volunteers will meet at the City Hall office, 411 Blaine Street at 8:30 a.m. for supplies and instructions. Hot beverages and
by Chantele Hensel, publisher
submitted photo
2018 Rake Up Caldwell Team
pastries will be provided. Volunteers will need to bring their own rakes and gloves. Also, if you need assistance or would like to volunteer,
please call Susan Miller at 208-455-3011 or email her at smiller@cityofcaldwell. org.
MOSAICS Public School Receives 1.89M Grant from J.A. and Kathryn Albertson Family Foundation
5 COMMERCIAL LOTS IN NOTUS! 5 Commercial lots (25’ x 120’) at 1st & Fargo Ave. Notus, ID. Ready for Houses, Apartments, Commercial Builduildings, Skinny Houses, Storage Container Houses or multi-story Apartments. Two existing buildings that could be upgraded for lease space. $144,000
by Michael Hensel, Caldwell Perspective
MOSAICS Public School, a K-4 charter school opening in Caldwell in August 2020, was awarded a $1.89 million start up grant from the J.A. and Kathryn Albertson Family Foundation.The grant provides MOSAICS funding to offer full-day kindergarten and the support to grow into a K-8 school serving 540 students by 2024. MOSIACS is an acronym for the new schools vision statement which is Molding Our Scientists & Artists Into Community Stewards. STEAM (science, technology, engineering, arts,
submitted photo
Rick Sweaney 208-880-2395
Home on a well located corner lot with 3 bedms., 2 baths. Open plan and country kitchen with builtin hutch. Updates include HVAC, roofing, vinyl Windows and some new carpet & painting. Other features are a large RV parking area, mature trees, storage shed and large storage area in the carport. $213,500 REDUCED TO $205,000
Breaking ground ceremony held October 15th, 2019
and math) education will be one component driving MOSAICS’ mission. The STEAM model will center on project-based learning, which encourages students to construct their own knowledge, integrate multiple subject areas, and present their learning to an authentic audience. In addition, students will learn coding, complete robotics projects using LEGOs, and apply models to real-world problems. The other driver of MOSAICS Public School’s mission is developing community stewardship. Embedded into the school’s projects will be a service component, where students partner with community members to better the area through the wise use of time, talents, and resources. “We are very thankful for the investment the J.A. and
Kathryn Albertson Family Foundation has made in both MOSAICS Public School and in the families of Canyon County,” said Anthony Haskett, principal. MOSAICS will serve families in the Middleton, Notus, Vallivue, and Caldwell School Districts and will enroll up to 300 students in Kindergarten through 4th grade for the 2020-21 school year. For more information on MOSAICS Public School, visit www.mosaicsps.org.
The Season’s Best Centerpieces Bring home a beautiful touch of autumn with our breathtaking bouquets and arrangements for fall.
We Deliver
Caldwell Floral 103 S. Kimball Ave. | Downtown Caldwell 208-459-0051 | www.southsidefloral.com
Vote November 5th For
Chris Trakel Caldwell City Council Seat 4
2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007
Chris Trakel, Treasurer
April: Successfully completed SERE 260. May: Completed Middle East Orientation Course.
Paid for by Chris Trakel
February: Reported in as a Survival Evasion Resistance and Escape (SERE) Instructor to Naval Air Station Brunswick. March: Successfully completed SERE School and received Cold Weather Environmental Survival Training. November: Married his High School Sweetheart, Nicole Miller.
April: Graduated Tactical Tracking Operations School. August: Graduated from Gryphon Security Group School for Mobile Force Protection. December: Promoted to Staff Sergeant.
The Trakel Family
January: Sgt. Trakel reported to Marine Barracks Annapolis as Sergeant of the Guard for Naval Academy Annapolis, MD. Attended and graduated from Formal Schools Instructor’s Course. December: Attended Sergeants course and graduated.
March: Reported to 2nd Battalion 4th Marines Golf Co. and assigned to Weapons Platoon Mortar Section Leader. September: Deployed with the 11th Marine Expeditionary Unit.
Now I want to serve Caldwell!”
February: Deployed to Iraq in support of combat operations as 1st Squad Leader 2nd Platoon. October: Returned to 29 Palms. November: Promoted to Sergeant.
January: While deployed in support of the 11th Marine Expeditionary Unit, first daughter, Lillyaunna Trakel was born. June: Upon returning from Deployment he became the Weapons Platoon Sergeant.
“I joined the Marine Corps as an infantryman and served and fought for our country for over 15 years.
February: Promoted to Corporal and assigned as 3rd Team Leader 2nd Squad. March: Attended and graduated from Jungle Tracker’s Course. July: Returned to 29 Palms, CA. August: Made 2nd Squad Leader of 3rd Platoon. October: Attended and completed Small Unit Leaders Course. November: Attended and Graduated from Corporals Course.
March: Staff Sergeant Trakel attended Infantry Unit Leaders Course. June: Graduated Infantry Unit Leaders Course. August: Deployed to Afghanistan in support of Operation Enduring Freedom as platoon Sergeant for 4th platoon (began as a weapons platoon and turned into a rifle platoon).
“I have educational and extensive ethical working knowledge of the skills required to represent and serve the residents of the City of Caldwell. I have excellent people and communication skills. My traits include proper and adequate judgement, strong core values, dependability, decisiveness, integrity, loyalty, proven leader, completely devoted to the community and the impact of unresolved issues.”
May: Promoted to Lance Corporal. August: Deployed to Okinawa, Japan. September: Deployed to Korea with platoon to guard the Maritime Pre positioning Ship 1st LT. Baldemero Lopez. October: Linked back up to Company and conducted training. December: Returned to Japan.
March: Returned from Deployment to Afghanistan. August: Second daughter, Alyssa Trakel was born. August: Moved into H&S Co.
Attended Recruit Training at Marine Corps Recruit Depot San Diego, CA. Reported to Marine Corps School of Infantry. Reported to 2nd Battalion 7th Marines Golf Co. in 29 Palms, CA. September: Promoted to Private First Class.
May: Became the Remain Behind Company First Sergeant during 2nd Battalion 4th Marines deployment to the 31st Marine Expeditionary Union and was attached to 1st Battalion 5th Marines. October: Staff Sergeant Trakel attended Career Course. December: Graduated Career Course .
Property Taxes Too High? Want Transparency About Urban Renewal? Where Are Our Tax Dollars Being Spent? Want To Be Heard?
May 2000: Graduated from Meridian High School
January: The Remain Behind Element Company returned to 2nd Battalion 4th Marines. February: Staff Sergeant Trakel became the Company Gunnery Sergeant for H&S Co. August: Assigned as the Logistics Chief for S-4. Staff Sergeant Trakel was assigned to 5th Marines Battalion. November: Staff Sergeant Trakel was assigned as the Company Gunnery Sergeant for the Remain Behind Element as 2nd Battalion 4th Marines deployed to the 31st Marine Expeditionary Unit. The Remain Behind Element was attached to 3rd Battalion 5th Marines.
“As an elected official, my job would be to represent you and what YOU want!”
May: The Remain Behind Element Company returned to 2nd Battalion 4th Marines and the Remain Behind Element returned to 2nd Battalion 4th Marines.
his blue cord yelled, “Hey Sams, I want you to meet my dad!” Naturally, we followed. As we became closer the kid said, “Dad, this is Pork Chop.” Garrett proudly shook the mans hand and said, “Hello sir, how are you? It’s nice to meet you.” So the nickname of Pork Chop will probably follow him through life. At the base, it’s always hard to watch him walk away, but he is strong and never looks back. 25 October 2019, we made our way to the National Infantry museum for the graduation ceremony of Bravo company 3-47. The large field that the young men marched onto consisted of compiled soil from several battle grounds, just wow. I was glad to see that they were wearing their fatigues. Dress blues are cool, but the fatigues with the beret is my favorite. It’s just tough looking. Reality hit...like a ton of rocks as attendees were asked to stay in their seats until the military band (which were phenomenal) exited the field. I soon learned why. Ruck sacks were piled like short 3-foot walls organized by platoon number. The very young graduates were grabbing their bags running to the blue bird buses while family members were running up and down the sides of the busses yelling their kids names, hoping to catch a glimpse or a hug before they are taken to the airport to leave for Germany or Afghanistan. I didn’t, but I wanted to drop to my knees and thank God that Garrett’s bus ride for now is just 10 miles up the road to Airborne school and that we had opportunity to see him again soon. Four hours later, Garrett called his fiancé, Nimsi, and told her we could come pick him up and have the day. Thank you God! Another day of eating, sightseeing, shopping and did I say eating? Now Garrett (Private Sams) is in Airborne school and it is a 0900 to 1700 gig. On the airborne side of the base, there is a movie theatre, recreation center, bowling alley, mall and places to eat and hang out. Weekends will consist of formation morning and night, but they will also have free time. He can travel off base up to 50 miles, but it is not very often the guys do as they have everything they need right there and transportation is expensive. For 14 days, beginning 28 October 2019, Garrett will be in Airborne school and will have all of his phone privileges. I was surprised on day 2 when I received a message that he had completed his first jump and he thought it was awesome. They don’t mess around with classroom training. The letters will be slower and will consist of packages once he completes the school and ships out for Fort Bragg, North Carolina. It was a quick trip for such a long distance, but the first of many because my son is strong and brave and will be in the next class of Fort Benning Airborne School, and will be pinned as a United States Army Paratrooper stationed at Fort Bragg, North Carolina, at least until orders are changed.
July: Retired. August: The Trakel family returned HOME to Idaho and settled in Caldwell.
“Letters to Mama” continued from page 4
Our Community
February: Chris Trakel opened his own business as Grim’s Wood Design.
2019 2018
November 2019
October: Son, Damian Trakel born. Grim’s Wood Design was renamed Belleau Woodsman, LLC and continues to operate his business today.
Our Community Harvest Time is Here!
November 2019 by Jim Thomssen, The Idaho Wine Ambassador
submitted photo
Harvested wine grapes and the many people who helped make that possible. The definition of harvest is ”the process or period of gathering in crops.” When we are talking about wine grapes in Idaho that covers the months of September, October, and November. It’s a time when the grape growers get to see how their plans worked out and the winemakers get real Thank you Veterans and our Men and Women Serving in the Military and their Families. God Bless you for your service to our Nation.
Syme Commercial Real Estate Service
Williamson Orchard & Vineyards harvester being towed behind and powered by thier farm tractor.
busy in their wineries. Of course, Mother Nature takes a hand in all of this as well! Along with economics, climate science, immigration policy, and international trade issues. First things first though. Those wonderful grapes need to get from the vine to the winery. There are a few ways this can happen. You can send a crew of workers out to harvest the grapes by hand, which can get you more grapes in better condition but takes some skill and time to make happen. Another way is to ask for volunteers to help you pick your fruit but that scheme has challenges as well. (it’s hard to get volunteers to work on a farmers timeframe). Then there is the process of us-
Before machine picking.
ing machines to harvest the grapes, which is faster and requires fewer people but is a little more brutal to the fruit. I was lucky to be asked to go out and harvest some Sunnyslope Idaho Viognier with Mike and Patrick Williamson from Williamson Orchards and Vineyards in September of 2019. The winemaker wanted the grapes to be cool when they were harvested and into the winery by 8:00 am so it was an early start. By the light of a headlamp, I was introduced to the world of mechanical harvesting. The Williamsons have a harvester that is towed behind and powered by their farm tractor. While the harvester straddles one row of vines and shakes the
After machine picking.
grapes off of them, there is a second tractor one row over that tags along beside the harvester to collect the grapes and stems from the conveyors that lift the fruit up and over the row. It’s an amazing process and quite loud too. Luckily we were harvesting right below Mike’s parent’s house and Roger and Sue didn’t make a fuss! The fruit was in the bins and on it’s way to the winery by 7 am. While there was some waste doing it this way, the harvest was done quickly and only required 3 folks to bring it in (2 tractor drivers and a bin manager). For comparison here is a “Before machine picking” and “After machine picking” shot of some grape vines that I took after the sun came up on the block,
Machine Harvester at work.
we harvested. In October 2019, Idaho suffered 2 cold nights in a row with temperatures in the low 20 degree Fahrenheit range. While it warmed up during the days it did damage the vines leafy canopy to the extent that photosynthesis stopped and the canopy died off. That means that Mother Nature just flipped off the switch and stopped the grapes from growing any more. With no more growth, the stems get more brittle each passing day and the vineyard manager runs the risk of seeing all the fruit falling to the ground if they wait too long to pick. It is time to bring the grapes all in at this point but the farmers are still hamstrung Continued on page 15
Our Community
November 2019
Explore the History of Veteran’s Day
Service members make numerous sacrifices in defense of their countries. While the debts to service members may never be the kind that can be repaid in full, paying tribute to veterans, on Veteran’s Day and throughout the year, can be a great way to show them just how much their efforts are appreciated. Veteran’s Day begins with Armistice Day. Veteran’s Day is a byproduct of the end of World War I, when Germany and the Allied Nations signed the Treaty of
Versailles, formally ceasing fighting and establishing terms of peace. On November 11, 1919, the first anniversary of the signing of the treaty, the first Armistice Day events were held. Armistice Day was initially a legal holiday to honor the end of World War I only, states History.com. The United States Congress passed a resolution in 1926 for an annual observance, and November 11 became a national holiday starting in 1938. However, in 1954, after the country had been embroiled in both World War II and the Korean War, Congress amended the Act of 1938 by renaming the commemoration “Veteran’s Day” to honor veterans of all wars. Veteran’s Day in October? According to Military. com, for a short time, thanks to the Uniform Holiday Bill, which in 1968 established
three-day weekends for federal employees by celebrating national holidays on Mondays, Veteran’s Day was moved to the fourth Monday of October — the first being October 25, 1971. However, many people did not agree with this decision, continuing to honor the holiday on the original date. In 1975, President Gerald Ford signed a new law that returned Veteran’s Day to November 11 beginning in 1978. Since then, parades, memorial events, volunteer efforts, and other celebrations revolving around veterans have been held on November 11. Veterans around the world. Many countries, including the United States, celebrate veterans on or near November 11. America’s closest neighbor to the north, Canada, commemorates veterans on Remem-
D&J Enterprises: Rob’s Military Spotlight Item Before we talk about the Liberty Bond posters, let touch on what the Liberty Bonds were. In 1917 the first of four Liberty Loan Acts were created by Congress to help fund our fighting in WW1. Adding to the effort, to promote investments, were celebrity endorsements such as Charlie Chaplin and Douglas Fairbanks. This brings us to the Liberty Bond poster. With powerful imagery and sobering words, these posters played to the patriotic heart of the citizen. Besides posters exhibiting brave soldiers, the Liberty Bell, the Statue of Liberty and similar American icons, there were posters designed to ignite anger towards the enemy. These posters depicted menacing Germans with bloody hands, bloody boots, displaced citizens, bloody knives and the like. In 1919, Liberty Bond effort had a fifth and last issuance called the Victory Liberty Loan. During WW2, the Bond drive returned in the form of Series E War Bonds and War Loans. Once again, celebrities such as Kate Smith and Rita Hayworth, to name a few, helped the sale of these bonds. Special sporting events helped the boost sales as well. There were eight War Loan Drives with the last being titled a Victory Loan Drive in 1945. A new crop War Loan posters emerged with similar imagery as the ones during first World War. This time posters not only played on patriotism but it demonized the enemy, often portraying them as goofy cartoons or as animals. Some showed our soldiers, killed or wounded, with words of warnings to contribute more. During this time, there were other posters not directly
brance Day (also November 11), as does the United Kingdom. Britain also has Remembrance Sunday, which is the second Sunday of November. Remembrance Day also is called Poppy Day, when people of the Commonwealth member states wear a red poppy flower in honor of military members who have died in the line of duty. There are various ways to honor veterans on Veteran’s Day and Remembrance Day. Federal government closings, educational efforts in schools, parades, and visits to military hospitals or cemeteries may take place. In Europe, it is common to observe two minutes of silence at 11 a.m. every November 11.
Veteran’s Day and its sister holidays mark the honoring of veterans of all wars, with a particular focus on living veterans. It is a day to celebrate the dedication and selflessness of hardworking military men and women.
Boise Valley Monument Company “Family Owned & Operated Since 1963”
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related to war bonds. These posters encouraged conserving gas, donating vital scraps or just warning people not to discuss military affairs. All of these efforts were part of the war drive and worked towards our eventual victory. Stop by D&J Enterprises to see some of our original war bond posters. It is amazing to me that something as delicate as a paper poster could survive for so many years. I will be glad to show you a few so you can see the imagery we used, so long ago, to get everyone involved in the defeat of the global enemies of that time.
Enjoy this puzzle with a family member or friend! Find the following hidden words: FLAG VETERANS HARVEST FOOTBALL
• Adult, Child and Family Therapy • Psychiatric Evaluation and Treatment • Mental Health and Crisis Services • Confidential and Professional Care 2609 S. 10th Ave. Caldwell, ID 83605 (208) 454-2766
824 S. Diamond St. Nampa, ID 83686 (208) 546-3046
Our Community
November 2019
Riley’s Cop Stop
submitted photos
Our awesome School Resource Officers link hands with the YMCA every year and plan a “Boys Night Out” and “Girls Night Out”. This month, a selected few, 8th grade boys throughout the valley come and get educated on a specific topic, get to have fun, eat and get to know the CPD officers and employees a little better. We have partnered up with the Special Olympics of Idaho to put on a fundraiser for the law enforcement torch run at the C of I football game on November 9th. We will have our SWAT vehicles, officers, and athletes! So come by and say hi and think about donating to this cause! Thank you to all who came out to the Caldwell Police Department Halloween Party! We hope you enjoyed your time, took home some goodies and got to know more of the first responders in the area.
by Capt. Devin Riley, Caldwell Police Department
School Resource Officer, Patrick Lewis playing some basketball with students.
Officer Hutton and Officer Cox.
Come see us November 9th at the College of Idaho Football Game!
Victim Witness Coordinator, Liz Godina; Community Service Officer, Heather Lonoria, Rebecca Moe and Maria Gigray.
Caldwell Police Chief Frank Wyant
“Boys Night Out” and “Girls Night Out” Event.
Saluting Our Soilders On Veterans Day!
3610 E. Cleveland Blvd 208-455-0150
VOTERS OF CALDWELL AND NAMPA CITY ELECTIONS THE CONCERNED CITIZENS OF CANYON COUNTY IN THE INTEREST OF “Ensuring Conservative Fiscal and Ethical Responsibility by our Canyon County Public servants”, Have interviewed the Candidates for City Councils seats in Caldwell and Nampa. The interviews were designed to discover the candidate’s depth of knowledge concerning the proper role of government, their concern of the effect and causes of higher property taxes, which include use of Urban Renewal tax dollars and tax incentives for businesses. The questions also addressed growth. What they would do if elected to logically deal with growth and if they would use the Comprehensive planning process? We wanted to know their opinions of mandating full disclosure of and the effects of any upcoming city projects. The candidates had to expound on the length of time they have lived in their communities, their civic involvement, their basic knowledge of their communities, and their political involvement. During the interview process we considered their demeanor and willingness to listen to the people they will represent. Ultimately, the interviews were completed in an effort to understand their intent if elected. FROM THESE INTERVIEWS OUR RECOMMENDATIONS ARE: SEAT 2 SEAT 4 SEAT 6 SEAT 4 SEAT 5 SEAT 6
Unopposed Incumbent
CALDWELL Unopposed Incumbent
Darl Bruner Sandi Levi Dr. Jacob Bower Christopher Trakel Chris Algood Chuck Stadick
For a comprehensive review of the answers to each interview please go to the CCCC Committees site at https://concernedcitizenscanyoncounty.weebly.com/ and click on Elections 2019
Our Community
November 2019
Lighten Up Your Thanksgiving
On average, people consume between 3,000 to 4,500 calories at their Thanksgiving dinner alone. Although Thanksgiving is the long-awaited “food” holiday that comes once every year, it doesn’t have
to be a day that we put all our good health aside. The typical Thanksgiving dishes that are served during the holiday can be easily lightened up which is good for our taste buds and for our health. Here are some helpful tips to lighten up your favorite Thanksgiving meals and side dishes: • Lighten up your favorite stuffing recipe by replacing half of the breadcrumb portion with various chopped vegetables. This will help cut a few calories and will also add more vitamins, minerals, and fiber, which can help you feel fuller and more satisfied. In addition, if you dry your own
bread for the stuffing, use whole wheat bread instead of white bread to pack on even more fiber. • Choosing whole wheat rolls to have sitting on the dinner table instead of the usual white rolls is a simple swap that has a big pay-off. Whole wheat rolls, like the tip above, adds more fiber, vitamins, and minerals to your meal. • Try eliminating excess butter and salt in your typical vegetable side dishes. Use herbs and spices to provide all the flavor you need. Instead of having the traditional corn and peas, try also adding some vegetables like squash, zucchini,
West Valley Receives Merit Award for Food Safety
Page 13 CALDWELL PERSPECTIVE by Jackie Amende, MS, RDN, LD-UI Extension Canyon County
and bell peppers that are already rich in flavor and can usually stand-alone without butter. • Choose to have low sugar beverages like fruit-infused water available instead of high sugar beverages like soda. • For those baked goods and deserts that come along after the main course, replace oil for non-fat Greek yogurt or applesauce in these recipes. This is typically a 1:1 ratio substitution and will provide added protein, less fat, and the same quality taste. Contact the Canyon County Extension Office
at 208-459-6003 or jamende@uidaho.edu for any questions regarding health, nutrition, and food safety.
For Your Bravery, Hardwork & Dedication to our Country we thank you! Dakan DAKAN www
l funeralchape
504 S. Kimball Ave. In Caldwell
The 2018 Merit Award is awarded in 2019 since 2018 is the last year all food establishments have been inspected. Businesses must be in good standing for two years to be nominated for the award. West Valley is one of ten Southwest Idaho food establishments the district recognized as Food Merit Award winners for calenI am here to help you! dar year 2018. Award rePlease feel free to contact me cipients include: The Interanytime! Food and Nutrition Services Director Nola Cannon pictured back, center section in New Meadows; with her team along with two representatives from Southwest District Taco Bell in Emmett; Jebs Health and Canyon County Commissioner Tom Dale Corner in Weiser; Idaho Southwest District Idaho is inspected annu- Pizza Company in FruitHealth (SWDH) and Can- ally for food safety and land; Subway in Marsing; yon County Commissioner sanitation by licensed The Pizza Place in Parma; Tom Dale presented West SWDH Environmental West Valley Medical CenValley Medical Center’s Health Specialists. The ter in Caldwell; Buffalo larryblackburn@cableone.net Food and Nutrition Servic- inspection includes stor- Wild Wings and Carl’s Jr. es team with a Food Merit ing food at safe tempera- in Nampa; and the Nampa Award for cleanliness and tures; hand washing and Senior Center. (208) 571-4382 food safety on Wednes- good hygienic practices, day, October 2, 2019. and the use of clean “We go above and be- equipment. All food estabyond each day to deliver lishment inspections are quality, safe and healthy unannounced except for food to our patients, com- pre-opening inspections. munity and employees. About 1200 facilities, inWe are proud to be recog- cluding temporary estabnized for something that lishments, were inspected is so important in the food in 2018. service industry,” said This is the 20th anniverNola Cannon, Director of sary for the health district’s Food and Nutrition Ser- merit award program. The vices at West Valley. award is presented every PRIORITIES Every food establish- year to at least one estabBuilding Community By: ment operating in the six- lishment in each county √ Consolidating the Efforts and Operations of the county area of Southwest the health district serves.
Questions or need help?
Annual Enrollment:
October 15th-December 7th
Larry Blackburn Insurance
VOTE Chuck Stadick
Caldwell City Council Seat #6
Honoring those who have served and sacrificed.
THE LUBE SHOP Service in Minutes!
“Grow Caldwell Responsibly Benefiting ALL Taxpayers” Mon.-Fri. 8:30 am-5:30 pm • Sat. 8:30 am-3 pm
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“Self funded by Chuck Stadick” Dick Ledington, Treasurer
Chamber of Commerce, Destination Caldwell, Service Clubs and the City √ Budget and Hire Appropriate Number of Policemen and Firefighters for Public Safety Manage Growth By: √ Reintroduce Equitable Impact Fees Schedules to Support Growth and Reduce the Tax Burden on Existing Property Owners. √ Budget Plan for Immediate Infrastructure Repair and Maintenance. Build Market Value Housing By: √ Direct Economic Development Agency to Solicit Developers and Builders for Downtown area Apartments and Condos close to the Plaza √ Build Parking Garages to Accommodate Downtown Restaurant/Retail/Plaza Customers. √ Work with Caldwell Housing Authority to address Affordable Housing in Appropriate Locations.
Vote November 5 Chuck Stadick Caldwell City Council Seat 6
by Gail Nordby, Caldwell Chamber Projects and Events Coordinator photo by the Caldwell Chamber of Commerce
It was a beautiful Autumn day celebrating the Grand Opening-Ribbon Cutting of Bridges Coffee and More located at 205 South 6th Avenue inside the Treasure Valley Community College building. Bridges owned by Phil and Carol Whitbeck and their amazing staff serve up a nice selection of breakfast items such as fresh sticky buns, Biscuits and Gravy and more. For lunch and dinner they offer homemade soups from scratch, salad, sandwiches and Exquisite desserts. Let’s not forget about the
November 2019
The Chamber of Commerce ribbon cutting for the Bridges Coffee and More took place on October 25, 2019.
great Coffee, Chia Latte’s and of course Italian So-
das all at a great price. Bridges is open Monday
View of Bridges Coffee and More from Kimball Avenue.
-Friday 7am-7pm, Saturday 7-3pm and closed on
Sunday. See you there!
New Services Available in Caldwell! On October 4, 2019 Caldwell Chamber members and community members joined in welcoming True Roots Chiropractic and Wellness at 1016 E. Chicago St in Caldwell. True Roots Chiropractic and wellness are welcoming new patients. They provide chiropractic care to adults, children and expecting mothers. Stop in to meet the friendly staff or call 208453-6311 to schedule your appointment. Welcom True Roots!
Pair-A-Dice Cafe & Lounge
Breakfast • Lunch • Dinner
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Prime Rib Fri & Sat Nights 2 E Main St, Marsing, ID 83639 (208) 896-4182
Looking for a day spa? Look no further, Platinum Salon and Spa is right down the road located at 1721 S. 10th Ave. They provide all your spa needs from spray tanning, facial waxing, perming and chemical straightening, hair repair treatments, haircuts and clipper cuts, make up services, nail services and hair color. They celebrated a grand open ribbon cutting on October 11th, 2019 and they have a relaxing enviroment that was so inviting. We wish you the best of success. We are all very excited to have you in Caldwell!
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November 2019 by the low number of crews that are available to do the work. With few agricultural workers and restrictive immigration policies, this puts a squeeze on the ag industry since so many crops are ready to pick all at the same time. There is another way around the farm labor issue. Our friends at Huston Vineyards throw an annual Harvest event so their wine club members can help them bring in the grapes. The e-mail call went out and a crew of hearty volunteers showed up on Columbus Day to harvest the last of the Huston Cabernet blocks on their estate vineyard. A bucket and a sharp set of pruning clippers are the low tech tools for a manual harvest. Teams of 2 go up and down the rows and collect clusters in buckets and then dump them into bins. The same process works with professional farm crews as well but I will say the lunch spread Mary Alger put together was a pretty darn good reward for the afternoon’s labor! The largest grower of grapes in Idaho is Winemakers LLC out at Skyline Vineyards off Surrey Lane south of Nampa. They use machines and hand crews to meet the needs of the myriad winemakers that contract with them for
grapes every year. Their harvesters are self-propelled units and run even faster than the towed unit I saw earlier. Again it is just a crew of 3 guys that make this all happen. One minor side effect of vibrating the grapes off the vines is that it does free up some sticky juice that goes almost everywhere! With two hopper trailers running to keep up, the big blue harvester makes short work of the longer rows out south of town. There isn’t a better office view in the world though on a great fall day. One downside to machine harvesting is that these machines are not cheap! They also require about 3-4 hours of cleaning and maintenance after every use so they really only make sense when used on larger properties with a lot of vines. I would guess that the minimum pick size would be about 10 acres of grapes at a time to make it financially viable to fire up one of these big boys. We will talk about what happens to these grapes next in a future blog but needless to say it’s a herculean effort by a lot of folks to get these grapes harvested. Throughout Idaho, it’s becoming more and more difficult to find the labor force that will do this kind of work. With changes to the H-2A
and H-2B Federal Visa programs, wage pressure and the seasonal nature of farm work, it’s getting more and more difficult to bring in the crops. The wine we enjoy and the food we eat does not come from the grocery store. It comes THROUGH that store down the street but it all comes from a farm. Phrases like “I farm – you eat” and “No Farms, No Food” are catchy but they are also true. While we produce more and more food per acre with fewer and fewer workers in this country we need to remember that it’s the small farmers that put the best food on our tables. Please take some time to learn about local Agriculture wherever you live. The Agventure Trail in Canyon County is a great resource to explore first. When you sit down at a ‘Farm to Cork’ or ‘Farm to Table’ dinner you are supporting some of the hardest working folks I know , in the most direct way you can. Shop at a local farmers market or check out local farmers on the internet like McIntyre Farms (Canyon County Farm Family of the year in 2019) to experience food the way our ancestors did! I need to thank all the folks that took time out to share the grape harvest with me.
Chaney Law Welcomes Jacob Hoshino! Chaney Law Office is excited to announce the addition of Jacob Hoshino as an associate attorney. Originally from Hawaii, Jacob moved his family to Idaho to attend the University of Idaho, College of Law. While attending law school, Jacob interned at the U.S. Attorney’s Office (2018) where he learned to carefully manage cases and successfully articulate arguments in the courtroom. He also received his Divorce Mediation certificate, effectively completed the University
of Idaho’s Trial Advocacy course, and was a recipient of the CALI Excellence for the Future Award (2017). In his undergraduate studies, Jacob was the wrestling team captain, a two-time Academic AllAmerican, and graduated Cum Laude with a Bachelor’s Degree in Elementary Education from Midland University in Nebraska. Jacob brings his tenacious work ethic and competitive attitude to Chaney Law, always fighting for the best for his clients.
WE WANT YOUR GOOD NEWS! Caldwell Perspective
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Kyle Collins, DMD
301 E. Ash St. • 454-1222 info@collinsdmd.com
Page 15 CALDWELL PERSPECTIVE Harvest Time Continued from page 10 Mike and Patrick Williamson probably should have warned me not to stand behind the harvester while it was running but I really did enjoy the opportunity to get messy with them both. Jake Cragin, Dale Jeffers, and Aaron were spectacular hosts out at SkylineVineyards on a beautiful day and Gregg and Mary Alger at Huston Vineyards always put together a great event too…in a “Huck Finn paint the fence” sort of way! Cheers and hug a farmer the next time you see one! The Idaho Wine Ambassador About Jim Thomssen, the Idaho Wine Ambassador: Jim grew up in Minnesota but moved west to get away from the snow. He landed in Washington state with a degree in Economics. He discovered the wines of Washington in the 1980s as the region emerged, and when his banking career brought him to the Treasure Valley in 1993 he saw the wine region in Idaho had the same potential. Jim has worked with and volunteered for the Caldwell Economic Development, The Idaho Wine Commission, The University of Idaho, Great Northwest Wine, and the Sunnyslope Wine Trail over the last ten years to help develop
Jim Thomssen
the Idaho wine industry and promote Idaho wines. Jim is an avid wine traveler and has visited Napa Valley, the Alsace, and Portugal. He earned the title of Ambassador after arranging a trip to the Rioja in Spain with an Idaho Winemaker to explore the differences and similarities between the Snake River AVA and the Rioja Alta.
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The 2019 season started with a dream of the first conference title since 1955 for The College of Idaho football team. With just three games remaining in the regular season, that dream has become even closer to a reality, which has the community and campus buzzing. Two weeks ago, the Yotes utilized some lategame heroics to upend a tough Montana Tech team. With Tech leading 14-13 in the final minute, C of I went on a quick drive down the field, setting kicker Kyle Mitchell up for what would be a 58yard walk-off field to keep the Yotes undefeated with a 16-14 win. “I was super calm,” Mitchell said following the game. “I knew the offense was going to get me close enough and I needed to make a good kick. That’s all I was really focused on. It was awesome to be able to do something really special and I was happy we were able to win and
stay undefeated.” This past weekend, the Yotes traveled to Southern Oregon University, a place they had never won before. C of I dominated in every aspect of this game as quarterback Darius-James Peterson threw for five touchdowns and the Yotes cruised to a 42-14 victory and moved to 7-0 on the season. C of I currently sits in first place of the Frontier Conference standings, two games ahead of Montana Tech and Montana Western as they travel to Eastern Oregon this weekend. The Yotes then play crucial games in Caldwell against Montana Western and MSU-Northern to try to seal their spot atop the conference. Mitchell credits the team chemistry as being the biggest factor to the success of the 2019 squad. “I think we can go undefeated this season,” Mitchell said. “We have good athletes and great chemistry on both sides
by Josh Frey
Kyle Mitchell of the ball and as a team we are a pretty cohesive unit. Whenever someone messes up, which is bound to happen over the course of a game, the rest of the team is ready to pick them up and do what they need to do.” The sixth-ranked Coy-
otes are on pace to break their single-season scoring record, averaging 37 points and nearly 500 yards of offense per game, while limiting opponents to just 15 points and a league-best 90 yards rushing per outing. With a strong chance at
the first postseason berth for the program since the 1953 Refrigerator Bowl, the Yotes are looking for a large contingent of fans to travel to La Grande this weekend for a pivotal conference game against rival EOU.
DO YOU HAVE WHAT IT TAKES? There are things in life that come about annually without so much as a thought. Spring brings garden planting, fertilizing, and the final cleanup before the lawn is ready for the summer. Summer brings hot weather and cleaning up and filling the swimming pool, mowing the lawn and enjoying a cool beverage of your choice. Fall
brings raking the leaves, beautiful colors and Yotes Football! Fall also brings the onset of cooler weather and the anticipation of the coming winter, and those two things combine to bring out the desire, I would say the need to make that first batch of chili... Everyone I know that is somebody has their own chili recipe, some
L to R: Teresa Dodge, Chantele Hensel, C.L. Jones and Stephanie Rohrdanz at the pre-game tailgating October 19th. are handed down for generations, others the concoction of the individual cook. Some have beans, some don’t, but all are glorious and all deserve the chance to win awards! Don’t miss this year’s College of Idaho’s annual chili cookoff! Do you have what it takes? Come take part. All you have to do is show up at the tailgaiting on November 9th with your chili, judging will begin at 11:00 the only rule is no firepits!
is a locally owned and operated monthly community newspaper published by ML Hensel Publishing, LLC. Our circulation is 14,500, the best vehicle to deliver your message in Caldwell! www.caldwellperspective.com
Chantele Hensel 208-899-6374 Publisher/Advertising
Place of Grace
November 2019 It’s sitting in this room, waiting room #4 of the St. Luke’s mountain states tumor institute (MSTI Nampa) specifically. I often times (every three months to be exact) try to focus on what I am thankful for. I am thankful two of our children are grown and in the next phases of their lives and I have to admit we did a pretty dang good job. I am thankful for the counseling resources that have been available to Paige helping her adjust into young womanhood while carrying weight of having a father with cancer and Audie well he doesn’t know life without it…that one is a double
Give Thanks This November
edge sword. Life can bring blessing through the most horrific events. If Michael had not gotten cancer he would have never started his own practice and we would not have had the opportunity to meet Erin his partner, who is such a blessing. I use to stay home in that huge house while the kids went to school and Michael was kept long hours at business meetings and other functions. I did get to stay home with our youngest until he started kindergarten, that was such an investment. When the cancer continued to metastasize and he was no
longer working for a big corporation, we were fortunate that we owned a small rental property that we could softly land in and it is such a cozy house. It is the house we began our lives in as a family and brought our youngest home to after being born. During times of stress those are nice reminders of what exactly we have to be thankful for. Results from the most recent scan were not what we wanted and it is sending us on a path of meeting more people, radiologists. I find myself recognizing the small and most important things in our lives that I am thank-
by Chantele Hensel, publisher
ful for. I am thankful for my husband who fights for us, I am thankful for my friends who are abundant and I am thankful that I have the most amazing business that just simply needs me to look for the great things around me and talk about them. Divine intervention, and for that I am GRATEFUL. Don’t forget to make your list even if it is just mentally made. Have a very blessed Thanksgiving. Enjoy your family and make time through these coming holiday months to simply slow down and look around. I have been watching the city employees putting the lights on
Connect with Faith This Season
Reading scripture can be an integral part of participating in one’s religion and bringing a faithful community together. Scripture is an essential component of weekly faith services, but the Bible can be embraced any day of the week. Many may be surprised to discover that President Franklin Delano Roosevelt first declared the week of Thanksgiving as National Bible Week in 1941. Nation-
al Bible Week encourages people to read the Bible or listen to its verses. The event is sponsored by the National Bible Association and the US Catholic Council of Bishops. National Bible Week 2019 marks the 78th commemoration of the event. The timing of National Bible Week was perhaps intentional. The end of November marks the beginning of the season of thanks, faith and family. It’s a time of year full of community- and family-centric holidays. Incorporating faith into the mix can make the celebrations even more complete. Even though National Bible Week may have a decidedly Christian slant, people
Caldwell City Hard At Work To Make Caldwell Beautiful This Season
City employee, Chris Herrell putting Christmas lights up on the trees by the Treasure Valley Community College Caldwell Campus. Thank you Chris!
that refer to the birth of Jesus Christ. • Visit services with a member of a different religion and learn about their texts and traditions. • Share God’s word in social media or exemplify it by being more patient, loving and supportive of people in your community.
the trees, I am looking forward to the serenity they bring to our beautiful city. Take care my friends. Don’t forget, there is good all around you. Bad things happen to good people, it is just what you do with it that matters.
Thanks to all who have served & continue to serve!
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of all religions can choose to rekindle or fully embrace their respective faiths and make them a priority this time of year. The following are just a few ways to be more faithful in honor of this event. • Pair youth with older adults and encourage them to read religious passages together. • Attend a religious service one or more times during National Bible Week and throughout the holiday season. • Choose a favorite piece of scripture and share with others why it is so meaningful to you. • Get a head start on the Christmas season by rediscovering Biblical passages
Chantele Hensel
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November 2019
DAVE’S BIG BACK YARD Over the freeway and through the burbs to Grandmothers house we go. The gps shows the way to carry the day of our poor wayward souls. Over the river and through the woods in a quarter mile turn left you’ve arrived at your destination my oh my how we have been blessed. Thanksgiving is the perfect holiday. Women work all day preparing a culinary delight for family, friends Don’t take your soil for granted. I’ve had a lot of inquiries this year regarding soil diseases in turf and gardens. There are solutions that take more effort but also have more lasting benefits, than the quick chemical solutions out there. But I do use chemicals as a stop it
and neighbors. Men for the most part indulge in idle conversation and watching football. No gift exchanges no guilt no need for reciprocity, men may throw the football around for the kids and grandkids but as for work it was pretty much a hall pass. As a youngster I remember making the 18mile journey from Caldwell to Parma. Though we didn’t have a sleigh we did go over the river. The extend-
ed family would congregate at Anderson Hall and it was really a remarkable gathering, at least three generations, and as many of 50 individuals assembled for one day every year. As the years slipped by the Parma thanksgiving event faded like the diminishing echoes of history. Smaller events with more immediate family won the day. Without the matriarchs that did the heavy lifting that Thanksgiv-
by Dave McCormick
ing event became another holiday memory. I still can see Autumn winds blowing the leaves around as cousin and siblings played flag football in the small field behind the hall. Times they are a changing. I haven’t shot a chuckar yet and my dog thinks I’ve surrendered my shotgun to a government buyback program, not yet. Feed the winter birds they’re here or on their way.
now before it gets worse solution. Now I’m not going to be able to answer the many many situations that need more specific attention. My grandfather taught me To dig a twenty dollar hole for a five dollar plant. With inflation I say a $500 hole. This has really been the emphasis I’ve had my
Gather Round the Harvest Table with Huston Vineyards Wine Join us NOVEMBER 29th & 30th from 12-5 PM for
Enjoy a Food & Wine Pairing & Taste the 2018 Vintage from the Barrell!
whole career in the green industry, and it all boils down to this. Don’t take your soil for granted. You can either take the soil you have slap some sod and some plants down and hope in the coming years you have what you desire, an enjoyable effortless oasis of serenity. Or you can and I did this myself kill off your lawn, dig up your plants, except the trees of course Rototill your soil bed, apply copious amounts of well aged compost, rototill that in, level said soil and reseed turf areas and replant shrubs and flowers. Yes I did this about four years ago and my biggest complaint is I have to mow more than I would like. In that time I have not fertilized once but I have mulched my grass clippings and sprayed some weeds. Yes it was worth it because it is effortless now and ev-
by Pat King
eryone comments how nice my lawn looks. Rich in color and vibrant, soft to walk on. Not applying chemicals helps to keep the soil alive with beneficial bacteria’s and good bugs that eat the bad bugs. It’s known as the Soil food web. It’s the natural activity that takes place out in open lands and Forrests even deserts have a balance. You ever notice how effortless the Forrest’s are? Where we go wrong; typical farm gets sold to a developer, they intend to put houses on that land. They scrape most the top soil off for either berms or sell off for various reasons like fill, or nurseries to sell back to you. They need to do this so they can dig for sewer, water, utilities and pack it for roads or cut in your foundations because they need firm stable ground for build-
ing strong safe housing. All that unearthed soils usually end up on your lot as the top soil. It wasn’t meant to be top soil, if it was, God would have put it on top. This soil is full rock clay and hard pan, not conducive for growing anything much less a lawn. My advice would be To dig a twenty dollar hole for a five dollar plant. In five years you’ll be enjoying that effortless but hating me because you have to mow twice a week lawn. LOL. Until next time, Pat
Five Ways to Stay Active During the Holidays Huston Vineyards is Open Everyday except Tuesday and by appointment
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by Jackie Amende, FCS Extension Educator
Third Annual Shrub and Forb Planting at Deer Flat National Wildlife Refuge The Sagebrush Steppe Restoration Project, adjacent to the Visitor Center at Deer Flat National Wildlife Refuge, is advancing to the third season. The event will take place on Saturday afternoon, November 2nd, from noon to 3 p.m. The Friends of Deer Flat, Rotary Clubs, Student Interact clubs and their families will be planting 1,000 big sagebrush, 100
four-wing saltbush, and 200 rabbitbrush seedlings along with 600 Perennial forbs. Finishing this work in one three-hour planting session will require about 70 to 100 volunteers, armed with shovels, gloves and lot of energy. Volunteers are encouraged to come dressed for the weather. Bring your family and friends! If you, your group, or family would like to help on the November 2nd planting. Please contact the Refuge Volunteer co-
Tasting Room Hours 12-5 p.m. Friday, Saturday, & Sunday
15343 Plum Rd., Caldwell, Idaho HatRanchwinery.com
ordinator at 208-467-9278 or register online at Rotary5400.org, Earth Stewartship, Events, Deer Flat Nov 2 Planting. Friends group will furnish the drinks and snacks during the planting fun!
Proud Mama Of An United States Army Infantryman! Caldwell Perspective Chantele Hensel
11426 Lone Star Rd.
November 2019 This time of year, when the nights are cold and there’s snow in the mountains my mind always turns toward hunting. I don’t get out as much as I used to but I have so many memories of my boyhood and hunting, trapping and fishing with my dad – experiences that are not duplicated anymore. Elk season always brings back one of my favorite memories, one of those days that could have turned out much different than it did. I was probably around 15, my dad and I were elk hunting in the Little Belt mountains in central Montana. Dad sent me up a ridgeline while he would hunt up the valley and hopefully one of us would push an elk into the other or even better, we would both get a shot. I started up the hill with the enthusiasm and energy you have at 15 doing the thing you most love to do. I worked my way up the hill, stopping frequently and then slowly moving forward before stopping again. It was overcast and first
Elk Hunting With Dad
light was slowly filtering into the timber as hunting with dad always entailed rising early enough to be on the mountain when the sun came out. He was a tough man and a demanding father, if you wanted to go with him you played by his rules. Needless to say, I always wanted to go. There was a slight skiff of snow on the ground, it was cold but calm which is unusual in central Montana. Periodically, the sky would open and snow would drift down, not much but enough to make it obvious when you cut a track whether it was fresh or not. Almost to the top, I cut fresh tracks. I could smell the elk and knew they were very close, I followed their tracks and eventually found a fresh bed. Slowly working my way through the forest, my heart was pounding so hard I hardly noticed the snow was falling a little harder. The elk and I played cat and mouse for the rest of the morning, them moving just before I got to them, the fresh sign pulling me further
into the mountains, the smells, the steam rising from just emptied beds, always just behind them as they moved on. They must have smelled me because suddenly, they were gone. Their tracks obviously left by running elk even though I never heard them or saw them, truly the ghosts of the forest. It was then that I looked around and realized I didn’t know exactly where I was. I had an idea and I set off in what I thought was the general direction of the truck. The snow was still falling and for the first time I was a little nervous. Nervous turned to fear when after an hour or so of hiking out I cut across my own tracks and realized I had walked in a big circle. I swallowed my pride and touched off 3 rounds from my 270. In the distance I heard a solitary round, my heart became lighter as I started towards the echo. I hiked for awhile and heard another shot, I responded with a shot of my own. From then on, periodical-
by Michael Hensel
ly I heard another round and knew I was going the right direction. I crossed a ridge and saw the truck in the valley below, my dad behind the wheel. I almost broke into a run, but was suddenly embarrassed, he had never been lost and certainly wasn’t going to understand, as nonchalantly as humanly possible I opened the door and climbed into the warm cab. It was then that I got a lesson in being a man that I would never forget. My dad poured us a cup of coffee and casually mentioned that he had dropped his gun and had fired a few rounds into an old tree stump in the valley to sight it back in. He never asked me about the 6 empty brass in my cartridge holder. To this day, 45 years later, he has never said a word about me getting lost although I know for sure he knew. Sometimes hunting is
best when you don’t get anything.
11426 Lone Star Rd., Nampa Michael 208-615-6422 Erin 208-484-3121
How to prepare youngsters for their first hunting trip
A young person’s first hunting trip can be an incredible experience, sparking a lifelong love and appreciation for nature and wildlife. Parents who grew up hunting likely remember their first hunting trip and want to recreate that experience for their own children. As memorable as a first hunting trip can be, parents of current youngsters might not recall all the pre-trip preparation their own folks did to make that first hunting experience so memorable. Such preparation can ensure today’s youngsters enjoy the same magical experience their parents did when going hunting for the first time. • Make sure kids are ready. Kids’ maturity levels merit consideration before taking them hunting for the first time. • Make sure kids can handle their guns. Wide Open Spaces, a website devoted to providing up-to-date information for hunters, fishermen and outdoor enthusiasts, notes the importance of kids knowing how to use
their guns before they go hunting for the first time. Kids should know how to load and unload, check the chamber and turn the safety on and off. Kids should be confident with their guns, feeling comfortable enough to pull their firearms to their shoulders, get the gun’s sights on the animal and pull the trigger. • Temper youngsters’ expectations. Hunting is a rewarding hobby, but also one that requires a lot of work. Weather also can be unpleasant during hunting season, and that can quickly spoil youngsters’ impressions of hunting. Temper kids’ expectations in advance of a hunting trip so they know it won’t necessarily be all fun. In addition, let children know many hunting trips end without a kill. • Focus on the fun factor. The AFF notes that surveys indicate that young hunters are more excited to have fun and enjoy quality outdoor time than they are by the prospect of bagging and taking home a trophy ani-
mal. Parents should focus on the fun and the beauty of nature when taking youngsters hunting to ensure kids have as good a time as possible. Some pre-trip preparation on the part of moms and dads can make youngsters’ first hunting trips successful.
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November 2019
Join in the Fun at Rubiayat Book Store Every month when the second Friday roles around, a group of people meet at the Rubaiyat Bookstore at 6 pm for an evening of camaraderie, good books read my great people, and occasionally...
Extra Special Thank You To Our Very Own Veteran, Jesse Long! You Are Our Hero! Ron’s Natural Foods 1612 S. Kimball Ave.
music. Surrounded by artwork, treats are dispensed and enjoyed but the call of the evening is the reading. The usual suspects gather with their selection for the evening and one by one go to the front of the room to the reading throne for their chance to entertain, enlighten and maybe teach something. There is always humor, sometimes poetry, sometimes original works by the author and always the favorite works or current read of the person on the throne. If you haven’t been to the new store at 314 S 6th Ave, this is your opportunity to go to a relaxing and enjoyable event and get a tour of the building.
Will Wraught
by Michael Hensel
Sam Linton
Michael Hensel
Book Review by Amy Perry, Rubiayat Book Store “The Secred Orphan” by Glynis Peters Glynis Peters is an English author. The Secret Orphan is a historic romance and appears to be Peters’ debut novel. Set in England during World War II, Elenore Cardew is summoned to care for her elderly aunt in Coventry. While caring for her aunt, Elenore learns to love the housekeeper’s young daughter, Rose. In the course of a bombing raid, Rose’s mother is killed and Rose is sent to live with Elenore. The story has
Scott Kritzer
thin spots where the plot is saved by an improbable event, but is, over all, a very good debut novel. Elenore’s relationship with Jackson, the handsome Canadian pilot, lacks depth, but follows classic romance standards. While set during World War II, it is purely a romance novel. This is a light read with no real meat. I could recommend it to someone who enjoys that genre. It does imply sexuality, but has no graphic sexual content.
Language is generally not offensive.
Enjoy classical guitar played with technical excellence and impressive musicality.
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Waiting at the Oregon Shortline By Deborah L Wynkoop
Oh, I am trapped inside my car On 21st Avenue No going forward – no backing up There’s nothing I can do I watch and wait while lights flash red Dinging punctuates delay I take a deep breath and settle in Oh, why’d I go this way? Alas there’s joy – the wheels now roll And I start to contemplate How that ol’ Union Pacific Once again has made me late!
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November 2019
Enjoy the Flavors of the Season
Prepare a delicious turkey for your Thanksgiving dinner table. While there are no laws governing which dishes must appear on Thanksgiving dinner tables, for many the fourth Thursday of November simply would not be complete without turkey. Turkey can be cooked in various ways, but roasting might be the most popular method used by Thanksgiving celebrants. This recipe for “Herb-Roasted Turkey” from Yolanda Banks’ “Cooking for Your Man” (Broadway Books) produces a mouth-watering bird that’s sure to make a lasting impression this Thanksgiving.
Breakfast is a great time to relax and catch up when hosting guests during the holiday season. The holiday breakfast table provides a casual setting to share a good meal and a few laughs with your guests. While some guests might prefer omelets and others may like French toast or a simple bowl of cereal, few won’t enjoy a slice or two of freshly baked bread. Hosts who want to satisfy their guests’ hunger pangs and give them something to enjoy with their first few sips of coffee can prepare the following recipe for “Steamed Spiced Brown Bread” from Andrew Schloss’ “Cooking Slow” (Chronicle Books).
Steamed Spice Brown Bread Makes 4 servings
Herb-Roasted Turkey Serves 10 12 1⁄4 1 1 15 3⁄4 1⁄2 1 1 8 1 4 2⁄3 3
Vegetable oil spray 1 cup rye flour 1 cup blue cornmeal 1 cup whole-wheat flour 2 teaspoons ground ginger 1 teaspoon ground cinnamon 1⁄2 teaspoon dry mustard 1⁄4 teaspoon ground allspice 1⁄8 teaspoon ground cloves 2 teaspoons baking soda
tablespoons (11⁄2 sticks) unsalted butter, softened cup packed fresh flat-leaf parsley leaves, chopped, plus 4 whole sprigs large sprig fresh rosemary, leaves chopped, plus 2 whole sprigs tablespoon chopped fresh thyme, plus 4 whole sprigs leaves fresh sage, chopped, plus 3 whole leaves teaspoon kosher salt, plus more for the turkey teaspoon freshly ground black pepper, plus more for the turkey 15-pound turkey lemon, quartered shallots, peeled and halved head garlic, cloves separated and peeled cups low-sodium chicken broth or stock cup dry white wine tablespoons all-purpose flour
1. In a small bowl, combine the butter, chopped parsley, chopped rosemary, chopped thyme, chopped sage, salt, and pepper, and mix well. 2. Position a rack in the bottom third of the oven and preheat the oven to 450 F. Sprinkle the main cavity of the turkey with salt and pepper. Place the whole sprigs of parsley, rosemary and thyme and the sage leaves into the cavity. Add the lemon, 4 shallot halves and half of the garlic cloves. 3. Starting at the neck end, carefully slide a hand between the skin and the breast meat to loosen the skin. Spread 3 tablespoons of the herb butter over the breast meat under the skin. Tuck the wing tips under the skin, and tie the legs together to hold the shape. Season the turkey generously all over with salt and pepper. 4. Place the turkey on a wire rack set in a large roasting pan. Rub 4 tablespoons of the herb butter over the turkey. Roast about 30 minutes, until golden brown, and reduce the heat to 350 F. Baste the turkey with 1⁄2 cup of the broth. Cover only the breast area with a sheet of heavy-duty aluminum foil. Scatter the remaining shallots and garlic cloves in the pan around the turkey. 5. Continue to roast the turkey for about 11⁄2 hours, basting with 1⁄2 cup of broth every 30 minutes. Remove the foil from the turkey breast. Continue to roast the turkey, basting with pan juices every 20 minutes, about 1 hour longer, until it’s golden brown and a thermometer inserted into the thickest part of the thigh registers 165 F. Transfer the turkey to a platter and brush with 1 tablespoon of the herb butter. Tent it loosely with foil and let it rest for 20 minutes before carving. 6. Using a slotted spoon, transfer the shallots and garlic from the roasting pan to a plate. Transfer the pan juices to a medium bowl, then skim off and discard the fat. Set the pan over two burners on medium-high heat. Deglaze the pan with the wine and 1 cup of chicken broth, scraping up any browned bits. Bring the sauce to a boil, reduce the heat to medium, and cook until it’s reduced by half, about 4 minutes. Pour the sauce into a large measuring glass. Add the degreased pan juices, and broth, if necessary, to equal 3 cups of liquid. 7. Blend the flour into the remaining herb butter until combined. Pour the broth mixture into a medium saucepan and bring to a boil. Gradually whisk in the herb-butter mixture. Add any accumulated juices from the turkey platter and boil until the gravy thickens enough to coat a spoon, whisking occasionally, about 6 minutes. Add the remaining shallots and garlic to the gravy and simmer for 1 minute. Taste and adjust the seasonings, if necessary. Serve the turkey with the gravy.
1 teaspoon fine sea salt 2 cups raisins 1 cup black coffee 1 cup yogurt 3⁄4 cup molasses Boiling water as needed Unsalted butter for serving (optional)
Coat the inside of the bread mold(s) lightly with vegetable oil spray; set aside. In a large bowl, whisk together the rye flour, cornmeal, wholewheat flour, ginger, cinnamon, mustard, allspice, cloves, baking soda, and salt. Toss in the raisins to coat. In a separate bowl, beat together the coffee, yogurt and molasses, and then stir the yogurt mixture into the dry ingredients just until a smooth batter forms. Pour the batter into the prepared mold(s). Cover the top of the mold(s) with heavy-duQuestions or need help? ty aluminum foil and secure around the top with kitchen Annual Enrollment: string or a rubber band. October 15th-December 7th Position the baking ring(s) in a Dutch oven or saucepan – Contact me any time – wide or deep enough to hold the mold(s). Put the mold(s) on top of the ring(s) and pour the boiling water around the mold(s) until the water comes about halfway up the sides but does not touch the foil. Cover the pot and steam the bread over low heat, adding more water if the level drops by more than half, until the top of the bread is dry and the center feels springy but soft, about 21⁄2 hours. Remove the mold(s) from the water and cool for 5 minutes. Take off the foil. Run a knife around the edge of the Larry Blackburn Insurance bread and invert onto a plate. larryblackburn@cableone.net Serve warm in slices with but(208) 571-4382 ter, if desired.
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Dedicated Yote fans found out just how tough and dedicated they were at the October 19th pre-game tailgating! After a cool and rainy morning, Mother Nature decided to throw a curveball at the participants! The storm blew in withut much warning and the mulitple canopies that had-
November 2019
Peanut butter and chocolate: a pairing for the ages
Few dessert pairings are as beloved as chocolate and peanut butter. These are strong flavors that are coveted on their own, and especially so when eaten together. When packed in a decadent terrine, peanut butter and chocolate take indulgence to new heights. Whether hosting a gathering at home or preparing a dessert for family, this recipe for “Chocolate-Peanut Butter Terrine with Sugared Peanuts” from “Classic Stars Desserts” (Chronicle Books) by Emily Luchetti is sure to please. For best results, use chocolate with 58 to 62 percent cacao, rather than a chocolate of higher percentage. Chocolate-Peanut Butter Terrine with Sugared Peanuts Serves 8
The Caldwell Eukaldunak Basque Charity were among the diehard fans. been set up so carefully became sails. Partiers lept to help hold them down just before the wind uprooted them and sent them flying or destroyed them completely. Rain was pouring down and running off the tops onto the heads of the brave hearts trying to battle the elements. Those who had worn shorts or forgot to bring a jacket were soon reminded of Idaho weather and the downside of the old saying “if you don’t like our weather, wait a minute.” If there was an upside to all this, it was that with the Holiday many people chipping in Mixed Doubles the tailgaiting cleanup and Tournament putting away the canopies, Dec. 1st chairs, table, food, and evDec. 7th & 8th erything else needed for an at 1 p.m. enjoyable Saturday morning was done in record time. TUESDAY I’m sure everyone learned & THURSDAYS a lesson about the potential 11 AM- 5 PM for an change and in the fu• 3 Games ture will think through a few • Shoes of their decisions with the • Soft Drink weather in mind. Except ONLY $6 Per Person maybe the Eukalddunak Basque Charity who had their sheepherders wagon 2121 Blaine St. there and seemed no worse 459-3400 for wear!
Caldwell Bowl
Terrine 11 ounces bittersweet chocolate, finely chopped 1 ounce unsalted butter 6 tablespoons creamy peanut butter 4 large egg yolks 1⁄4 cup granulated sugar 13⁄4 cups whipping cream Glaze 4 ounces bittersweet chocolate, finely chopped 21⁄2 ounces unsalted butter 2 teaspoons light corn syrup Sugared Peanuts 1 large egg white 6 tablespoons granulated sugar 11⁄2 cups unsalted peanuts Spray an 81⁄2-by-41⁄2-by23⁄4-inch loaf pan with nonstick spray. Line the sprayed pan with plastic wrap, allowing a 11⁄2-inch overhang on all sides. In a stainless-steel bowl, combine the chocolate, butter, and peanut butter. Place the bowl over a pan of simmering water, making sure the bottom of the bowl does not touch the water. Heat, stirring occasionally, until the chocolate and butter melt. Remove from the heat and whisk until smooth. Combine the egg yolks and sugar in the bowl of a stand mixer fitted with the whip attachment and whip on high speed until thick, about 1 minute. Remove the bowl from the mixer stand. Using a wooden spoon, stir in the chocolate mixture in 3 equal additions. The mixture will be quite thick. In a separate bowl, whisk the cream until it starts to thicken. Using a spatula, fold the cream into the chocolate mixture in 4 equal additions. Spread the batter in the prepared pan. Cover with the plastic wrap overhanging the sides and refrigerate until firm, at least 4 hours. To unmold the terrine, fold back the plastic wrap and invert the pan onto a wire rack. Pull on a corner of the plastic wrap to release the terrine from the pan. Lift off the pan and carefully remove the plastic wrap. Line a baking sheet with parchment paper and place the rack on it. Return the terrine to the refrigerator while you make the glaze. To make the glaze, in a stainless-steel bowl, combine the chocolate, butter and corn syrup. Place the bowl over a pan of simmering water, making sure the bottom of the bowl does not touch the water, and heat, stirring occasionally, until the chocolate and butter melt. Remove from over the heat and whisk until smooth. The glaze should be pourable but not so thin that it will run off the terrine. If the glaze is too thin, let it sit at room temperature for about 30 minutes. Slowly pour the glaze evenly over the top of the terrine, allowing it to stream evenly down the sides. With an offset spatula, spread the glaze to cover the terrine smoothly and completely. Refrigerate until the glaze is set, about 30 minutes. To make the sugared peanuts, preheat the oven to 350 F. In a bowl, whisk the egg white until frothy. Whisk in the sugar. Add the peanuts and mix until they are evenly coated with the mixture. Spread the peanuts in a single layer on a rimmed baking sheet and place in the oven. Toast the nuts, stirring them every 5 minutes, until dry and golden brown, 15 to 20 minutes. To serve, transfer the terrine to a serving platter and arrange the sugared peanuts on top. Cut the terrine with a hot, dry knife.
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ENTERTAINMENT The Junior Jammers 37th annual Country Harvest Hoedown is set for 2 p.m. Saturday, Nov 16th at NNU, Brandt Center, 707 Fern St, Nampa. Tickets will be a available at the door two hours prior to show time or by calling Pearce. Tickets for adults are $10, seniors $8 and children $6. Roberta Pearce, 208-4072967 juniorjammers@aol. com HAY
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Logan Park
is a low income elderly apartment complex with gov’t subsidy. We provide services in addition to rent, which include: 2 home cooked meals daily, weekly housekeeping and transportation to Caldwell Doctor appts. Our building has someone on site as a first responder 24/7. We have security cameras and the outside doors are locked in the evening for your peace of mind. We give preferences to those applicants subscribing to the services. Please phone for an appt. to see an apartment.
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November 2019 Page 24 CALDWELL PERSPECTIVE