Caldwell, Idaho
Edition Nine
Ferro Receives Presidential Award
What’s the Buzzz...
Gone Fishing!
Johnston Cabin
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Terry Reilly Digs In!
By Leora Summers, Caldwell Perspective Editor
It’s “All Good” for Allgood!
Photo by Leora Summers
Photo by Leora Summers
By Leora Summers, Caldwell Perspective Editor
L to R:Jeffery Shinn (Terry Reilly Board Member), Kim Deugan (AAFV Executive Director), Doug Lampman (AAFV Board Member), Mayor Garret Nancolas, Jerry Summers (AAFV Board President), Wes Bettis ( Northwest Technologies, Inc.), Heidi Traylor (Terry Reilly Executive Director), Pat Colwell (T-O Engineers), Rosie Delgadillo (Terry Reilly Board Member), Mark Sanders (The Architect Office) Terry Reilly Health Services broke ground on Wednesday, July 15th, on the grounds of Hopes Plaza, the grounds for the Advocates Against Family Violence (AAFV) organization, on the corner of Elgin and Hope Lane, with dignitaries present. They have teamed up with AAFV to provide more complete health and mental health services for the people of our community. Kim Deugan, Director of AAFV, has a big vision for her organization and the services it can provide for our community and is
on the road to get there one step at a time. A grant was written to make this possible, but one of the conditions of the grant was that services had to be available within 90 days of approval of the grant. Time has already gone by to plan the site and they now have until the end of August to begin providing services. So while a permanent building is being constructed, a temporary one will be set up beside the construction and limited services will become available by the end of August. Way to go Kim!
Photos by Leora Summers
IMA Honors Caldwell Docs
By Leora Summers, Editor
Summers also put together weekly medical lectures at West Valley Medical Center (WVMC) for about 20 years for Caldwell’s physicians before turning it over to the Ada County Medical Education Consortium (ACMEC). He served as the chair of the Idaho Academy of Family Practice, organizing medical education meetings for Family Practitioners for the state since 1987. Sam has been a board member of the Idaho Family Practice Residency program since 1983 and Sam Summers M.D. with Keith Davis M.D., IMA the chairman of that board for about Ron Cornwell M.D. with Keith Davis M.D. (IMA Immediate Past President, honoring him with a 10 years. In 2003, he was honored as immediate past president) passing the gavel on to plaque for his many years of service to continuing the IAFP Medical Student Mentor him as this next year’s new IMA President. education for the state of Idaho. of the Year and in 2005, Preceptor At the recent Idaho Medical Association physician, was honored at the IMA Annual of the Year for the Family Medicine (IMA) Annual Meeting in Coeur d’Alene, Dr. Meeting in Coeur d’Alene this July “For His Residency of Idaho. He is a past Chief of Staff Ron Cornwall was installed as the new president Decades of Dedication, Advocacy and Support at WVMC and currently serves on the WVMC of our state’s medical association. Dr. Cornwall for Continuing Medical Education and Training Board. is a general surgeon in the Advanced Surgery of in Idaho.” Sam has been a member of the But the most unique thing about Sam is that Idaho group in Caldwell. He has been a physician Continuing Education Committee for the state he was born and raised in Caldwell and came in Caldwell for 20 years. for 32 years and the chair of the committee for back to his hometown to practice medicine in the Dr. Sam Summers, a Caldwell family the past 25 years. community that he loved.
After 30 years in the police business, Police Chief Chris Allgood is calling it quits at the end of this year. His last day will be December 26th, he announced to the public at the Caldwell Police Department with family, fellow officers, city personnel and the press present. About 2 months ago he decided to retire and more recently told the mayor and the council. Chris said of the fellow officers standing behind him, “The mayor and council have been 100% supportive and the people behind me are my extended family.” Crime rates in Caldwell have receded since 1985. Allgood said. “I am extremely proud of what we have accomplished in this community and successes have been due to teamwork and I am proud to be a part of this team.” During Allgood’s service, crimes against children were the most difficult for him to deal with and his proudest accomplishment was when he became chief of police. When asked what he will miss the most he said, “I know it’s hard to believe, but this group right behind me.” A process will be put into place to find a new chief of police. This position is by appointment with the mayor giving a name to the city council, and they in turn are the ones that approve the candidate. Chief Allgood will be a part of this process. When asked what he will do after he retires, Chris quipped, “grow my hair out!” Then he said he planned to take it easy and do nothing for a while, and then maybe run for city council in the fall.
Page 2 CALDWELL PERSPECTIVE Senior Center 459-0132 Every Mon: 9 AM Exercise Class Every Mon: 1 PM Line Dancing Every Tues (ex. 8/25): 9 AM Art Group Every Tues: 1 PM Pinochle Every Tues: 5:30 PM Bingo Every Wed: 10:30 AM Crochet & Knitting Every Wed: 7 PM Square Dancing Every Thurs: 9 AM Exercise Class Every Fri: 10 AM Wii Games Every Fri: 1 PM Bingo Every Fri: 6 PM Friday Dance August 3 1 PM: Senior Center Board Meeting. 2 PM: Computer Basics, Caldwell Library. 7 PM: Piano Concert by Tony Bradshaw, Caldwell Library. 7 PM: Caldwell City Council Meeting, Caldwell Police Department Community Room. 7:30 PM: Caldwell Centennial Band Concert, Memorial Park, Free admission. Bring your chairs. August 4 5-7 PM: Ribbon Cutting for Family Advocates @ Caldwell Church of Christ, 4012 S. 10th Ave. 7 PM: Couponing Class, Caldwell Library. 7 PM: Greenleaf City Council Meeting, City Hall. August 5 Greenleaf Friends AcademyK-12 Registration August 6 Caldwell Senior Center Foot Clinic 7:30 AM- 6 PM: Central Canyon New Student Registration. 7:30 AM- 6 PM: Lakevue New Student Registration. 7:30 AM- 6 PM: West Canyon New Student Registration. August 7 Caldwell Senior Center Blood Pressure Clinic. 8:30 AM-1 PM: Southwest District Health Vaccinations, Syringa Middle School, $20 per injection, $60 max out of pocket. Bring records. 7 PM: Couponing Class, Caldwell Library. August 8 10 AM-4 PM: Elk’s Lodge Carshow. Registration 9 AM, 941-3943. 2 PM: Family Afternoon Movie, Caldwell Library. August 9 2-5 PM: Heap Herders 60th Anniversary Car Show. Live music by the “Heap Tones,” Memorial Park call Kathy 459-7647 or Scott 208-899-2030. August 10 1 PM: Caldwell Senior Center Board Meeting. 3 PM: Computer Basics, Caldwell Library. 7 PM: Caldwell School District Board Meeting.
Calendar of Events August 11 7:30 AM-6 PM: Birch New Student Registration. 7:30 AM-6 PM: East Canyon New Student Registration. 8 AM-12 PM & 1-3 PM: Vallivue High School New Student Registration. 9 AM-12 PM: Free Health Screenings, Medical Clinic Pharmacy, 315 E. Elm St., ste. 150. 11:15 AM-1 PM: Chamber Noonbreak Luncheon. Simplot Dining Hall, C of I. August 12 8 AM-12 PM & 1-3 PM: Vallivue High School New Student Registration. 1-4 PM: Sage Valley New Student Registration. 3 PM: Computer Basics, Caldwell Library. August 13 Caldwell Senior Center “55 Alive” Sign ups. 13th-16th Girls’ Scouts Weekend #2, 377-2011. 9:30 AM-12 PM & 5-7 PM: Sage Valley New Student Registration. 10 AM-1 PM & 3-7 PM: Vallivue High School New Student Registration. 10:30 AM: GEMSET, Caldwell Library. 1-3 PM & 4-7 PM: Vallivue Middle School New Student Registration. 2 PM: Read to a Therapy Dog, Caldwell Library. 3 PM: Teen Makers, Caldwell Library. August 14 10 AM: Tai Chi, Caldwell Library. 6-10:30 PM: “Blues on the Banks,” featuring Boise Blues Society Directors Band, Zack Quintana & Jake Leg. Discount tickets available at Printcraft, 459-3308. August 15 8 PM: Downtown Caldwell Street Dance with music by “Buckin’ Country.” August 16 5-8 PM: Music by Delta’s Son-Mississippi Marshall & Juke Daddy, Bitner Vineyard, 16645 Plum Rd., RSVP 455-1870 or mary@bitnervineyards.com. August 17 Thomas Jefferson Charter School First Day of School. 4:30-6 PM: Business After Hours, CNR. 6 PM: Couponing Class, Caldwell Library. 7 PM: Caldwell City Council Meeting, Caldwell Police Department Community Room. 7:30 PM: Caldwell Centennial Band Concert, Memorial Park, Free admission. Bring your chairs. August 18 Caldwell Senior Center Foot Clinic. 6:30-9 AM: 81st Annual Buckaroo Breakfast, O’Conner Field House. 5-11 PM: Buckaroo Bazaar CNR parking lot.
aldwell Perspective
August 2015
5:30-7:30 PM: 65th Annual Kiwanis Chuck Wagon, Dakan Park, corner Everett & Kimball. 6:30 PM: 81st Annual CNR, YMCA Family Night. August 19 Caldwell School District First Day of School. Vision Charter First Day of School. 6:30-9 AM: 81st Annual Buckaroo Breakfast, O’Conner Field House. 5:30-7:30 PM: 65th Annual Kiwanis Chuck Wagon, Dakan Park, corner Everett & Kimball. 6:30 PM: 81st Annual CNR, Man Up Crusade. August 20 6:30-9 AM: 81st Annual Buckaroo Breakfast, O’Conner Field House. 2 PM: Read to a Therapy Dog, Caldwell Library. 5:30-7:30 PM: 65th Annual Kiwanis Chuck Wagon, Dakan Park, corner Everett & Kimball. 6:30 PM: 81st Annual CNR, Power of Pink Night. 6:30 PM: Greenleaf City P&Z Meeting, City Hall. August 21 Caldwell Senior Centers Blood Pressure Clinic. 6:30-9 AM: 81st Annual Buckaroo Breakfast, O’Conner Field House. 5:30-7:30 PM: 65th Annual Kiwanis Chuck Wagon, Dakan Park, corner Everett & Kimball. 10:30 AM: Tai Chi, Caldwell Library. 11 AM-4 PM: B-17 History, Join us for an unforgetable experience aboard one of the few air worthy B-17’s in the world, 800-359-6217! 6:30 PM: 81st Annual CNR, Patriotic Night. Dusk (9:30-10 PM): Caldwell Movies In The Park: How To Train Your Dragon II, Memorial Park. August 22 11 AM-4 PM: B-17 History, Join us for an unforgetable experience aboard one of the few air worthy B-17’s in the world, 800-359-6217! 2-6 PM: SunnySlope Wine Trail Wine Festival, Caldwell Train Depot. Come down for an amazing experience! Art, music, wine & food. www. sunnyslopewinetrail.com. Uber on site! 2 PM: Family Afternoon Movie, Caldwell Library. 6:30 PM: 81st Annual CNR, Championship Night. August 23 11 AM-4 PM: B-17 History, Join us for an unforgetable experience aboard one of the few air worthy B-17’s in the world, 800-359-6217! 5-8 PM: Music by Delta’s Son-Mississippi Marshall & Juke Daddy, Bitner Vineyard, 16645 Plum Rd., RSVP 455-1870 or mary@bitnervineyards.com. August 24 Vallivue K-12 Back in School. Heritage Community Charter Back in School. Greenleaf Friends Academy Back in School.
Office: 217 S. 9th Ave. Downtown Caldwell 217 S. 9th Avenue orMailing visit usAddress online at caldwellperspective.com P.O. Box 922 Caldwell, Idaho 83606
Mailing Address Editorial P.O. Box 922, Leora Summers Caldwell, ID 83606 208-880-8426
or email editor@ caldwellperspective.com
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Our Community
Get Connected with NEXTDOOR!
Ferro Receives President’s Award
By Leora Summers, Editor
Submitted photo
On July 30th Melyssa Ferro received a President’s Award for Excellence in Mathematics and Science, along with 108 other teachers from all 50 states including the District of Columbia, Puerto Rico, U.S. Territories, and Department of Defense Education Activity schools at a ceremony at Melyssa Ferro surrounded by her family. the Ronald Reagan Back Row L to R: Kelsey, Melyssa, David building. Dr. France Front Row L to R: Kiera, Keegan Cordova, the first female Director of the National Science Foundation and Megan Smith, the Chief Technology Officer of the United States presented the awards. The award bears President Obama’s signature. President Obama honored them with a photo opportunity and a handshake at the White House on July 31st. Each honoree will be awarded $10,000 from the National Science Foundation. The Caldwell Perspective did an earlier article in the March edition about her students when they competed and earned big honors in the Future City Engineering competition that was held at Boise State University. Kudos to Melyssa Ferro from the Caldwell School District for being recognized with such a great honor!
By Holly Cook, Communication & Research Specialist, City of Caldwell
Hi there Caldwell residents! Thank you to those of you who have signed up for Nextdoor. We are joining Nampa, Meridian and Boise in utilizing Nextdoor to help communicate with our community. Please rest assured that the city of Caldwell, nor any of its employees, can view your private posts that are transmitted to your neighborhood. The city, the fire department, police, and water department will utilize Nextdoor to give you important updates such as crime and safety information, emergency situations, street information (i.e. road closures), and more. We will also display some city events on Nextdoor. We urge you to encourage all Caldwell residents to join Nextdoor so that all of us can be better connected. Nextdoor has an app available at the App Store or on Google Play. If you set up the Nextdoor app on your smart phone, you can receive push notifications with urgent alerts. This is such a helpful resource. Please invite all
Theresa Randall Retires from Canyon County
Submitted photo
By Leora Summers, Editor
Theresa Randall holding her appreciation gift certificate for a “Cactus Pete Get-Away” with golf for two during her retirement party
On June 30, 2015, a retirement party was held for Theresa Randall in Justice Park next to the Courthouse. Randall retired from her position as the Appeals Clerk for Canyon County after 27 1/2 years. She was overjoyed to see several people from the Supreme Court, including judges, secretaries and clerks from all areas attending her party. She stated, “Through my years, I have made many friends in all areas of the legal field. I will truly miss working with them.” For several years when she first began, she learned everything that there was to do in each department of the Clerk’s Office. She began working before computers were used and wrote everything by hand in big red Ledger books. After approximately 8 years, she began processing monies for transcripts
and filing them in case files. She also learned how to process the appeals to the Idaho Supreme Court. That process is quite extensive, which includes copying the case file and all the exhibits, which are then sent to the Supreme Court. Randall said, “I am looking forward to watching my 2 grandkids in their endeavors. They are my joy. I took up golfing about 10 years ago and have really enjoyed it. I now play in a Ladies League and have entered several golf tournaments. I have no plans yet, but to enjoy everything and maybe travel a little.” Congratulations Theresa on a job well done! It just might take a while for everyone to “catch up” at the Canyon County Court House to do the job you left. So “good luck” to them, to try to them to fill your shoes.
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EARLY BIRD SPECIAL Wednesday & Thursday 4 p.m. – 5:30 p.m.
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Downtown Caldwell Street Dance With Music By “Buckin Country”
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Photo by Leora Summers
August 2015
of your neighbors to join! We look forward to communicating better with all of our community. If you have any questions, please feel free to contact me, Holly Cook, at City Hall (208-455-3011). To sign up for Nextdoor, go to: https://nextdoor.com/choose_ address.
Send Your News to editor@ caldwellperspective.com
Calendar Continued
August 25 Caldwell Senior Center AARP Meeting. Vision Charter School Kindergarden 1st Day. August 26 8-9:30 AM: Coffee Connect @ Two Rivers Dentistry, 616 S. 10th Ave. August 27 2 PM: Read to a Therapy Dog, Caldwell Public Library. 7 PM: C of I Convocation Jewett Auditium. August 28 7 PM: “Sounds of Summer” Live auction & FREE music event featuring James & Rochelle Barrett & Kenny & “The Almost Dangerous Band”. All proceeds from live auction & donations go to Advocates Against Family Violence, Stewart’s Bar & Grill, arrive early for outdoor seating. September 1 7 PM: Greenleaf City Council meeting, City Hall. September 2 7-8:15 PM: Canyon County Stars Square and Round Dance Club Modern Square Dance Lessons begin, Caldwell Senior Center, ages 10 & up, 695-4651. September 5 7 PM: Summerfest II, First Saturday of each month, downtown Caldwell. Want to add an event into the Caldwell Perspective? Email submissions to editor@caldwellperspective.com or dropped off at our office, 217 S. 9th Ave., Proudly Downtown Caldwell.
Our Community
Plaza Task Force Report
Whittenberger Foundation Accepting Applications
By Corky Weston, Whittenberger Foundation Board of Managers
By John McGee, Plaza Task Force Spokesperson
On Monday, July 20th, a group of individuals involved with an effort to build a city plaza in Caldwell reported results of a fact-finding trip to Mayor Nancolas and the Caldwell City Council. Four members of the Destination Caldwell Indian Creek Plaza Task Force just returned from a factfinding visit to Rapid City, South Dakota. Rapid City is home to one of the most vibrant and family-friendly community plazas in the nation and has become a model for communities like Caldwell who are working to improve their downtowns. Theresa Hardin, Steve Fultz, Keri Smith-Sigman and Bob Carpenter met with city officials and community leaders about Rapid City’s experience in building and then operating a successful plaza. A common theme from all of the meetings-- “Building the plaza was the very best decision the city ever made.” While there, the group attended a Summer Concert Series event that was staged at the plaza on a Thursday evening. Thousands of people packed the plaza and down the streets to additional spill-over areas that were added to the event because of its continued success. Visiting the location on a non-
programmed evening (Wednesday night), the group was pleasantly surprised to see hundreds of people enjoying the splash pad and open space on the plaza with music playing in the background. Main Street Square Executive Director, Megan Whitman said the plaza has been so successful that they have made the decision to reduce the amount of events scheduled for next year from 220 to 175 so they can focus on quality over quantity as well as to allow additional open nights for the public to enjoy the community gathering place. When told of efforts that have already taken place in Caldwell to establish the plaza, Rapid City leaders made it clear that “Caldwell is way ahead of the game” and that the Indian Creek Daylighting project that Caldwell completed several years ago was a huge advantage. The officials were particularly envious of the “natural spill over” to Indian Creek that will take place at the proposed plaza location at the former Kings site in downtown Caldwell. The most important message from the trip to South Dakota— Indian Creek Plaza is a reality and Caldwell is well on its way to making it happen.
“CALDWELL SAVES FIRST” Inspires Others After the pilot project of Caldwell Saves First was launched this last spring during its classes at the Caldwell Senior Center, Mayor Nancolas and his team were accepted as one of 11 cities in the nation to be part of a collaborative on children’s savings account programs. The collaborative will help to enhance our Caldwell
By Leora Summers, Editor
Saves First program and will help to develop a blueprint for other cities to model these types of programs in cities across the nation. Congratulations on a fine job team! This program was highlighted on page 13 of the May Edition of the Caldwell Perspective. You can find it on our website at caldwellperspective.com.
August 2015
The Whittenberger Foundation is now accepting applications for the 2016 grants to be awarded in early December. Forms and information can be found on our website at
www.whittenberger.org. The deadline for applications is August 15. Since its first grants were made in 1973, the Foundation has awarded over $9 million to nonprofits throughout Idaho. Many of these benefits have come to Caldwell in the form of tennis courts, Caldwell Public Library and YMCA fundings
to mention a few. The Foundation is a small private foundation created for Ethel Whittenberger in her vision to help children and young people in our community to have better lives. Questions regarding the grants can also be directed to whittfnd@ cableone.net.
Caldwell LINC Office Offers Services for People with Disabilities
By JoAnn Nielsen, IL Specialist, Caldwell
There are an estimated 213,000 people in the state of Idaho over the age of five who have a form of disability. Approximately 35,000 people with disabilities, or 2.7% of the state’s population, experience difficulties with performing activities of daily living such as bathing, dressing, or moving around inside of their homes. Since 1989, Living Independence Network Corporation, or LINC as it is locally known, has enabled thousands of people with disabilities to live more freely, and more independently in all aspects of their lives. The entire focus of the independent living movement is the realization that freedom to make choices and the ability to live in the community is a basic civil right that should be extended to all people, regardless of disability. LINC is southwest Idaho’s Center for Independent Living (CIL), a 501c (3) non-profit organization. LINC promotes the idea that people with disabilities, like all Americans, should have equal access to things like housing, employment, education, health care, voting, community services, transportation, etc. and live as independently as they choose. The Information & Referral (I&R) Program at LINC helps
people locate resources including, but not limited to: housing, employment, health care, transportation, community giving programs and benefits, recreation and community integration and informative workshops and events. The I&R Program at LINC can also answer questions regarding: Work Incentives and Benefits counseling for workers w/disabilities, SSI, SSDI, Medicaid, etc. LINC can also answer questions about discrimination, equal/civil rights, accessibility and similar issues, special education, individual education plans IEP’s, and postsecondary youth transitions. Talk to LINC about disability advocacy and peer support. LINC has Personal Assistance Services for people who choose self-direction. Additionally, LINC provides support for individuals who want to transition from institutions into their own home and community. Need a ramp for accessibility? LINC has a ramp and rail loan program along with other assistive technology loan program for other disabilities along with durable medical goods lending/donation library for wheelchairs, walkers, canes and crutches, motorized wheelchairs and scooters, etc.
The Personal Assistant Service program (PAS) is a selfdirected program for people that are covered by Medicaid or Blue Cross Special Needs Plan that allows for a care-giver of your choosing, to be compensated as your Personal Assistant to help in the home with activities of daily living like cleaning, cooking, bathing, dressing and more… That care-giver must qualify by passing a Health & Welfare background check and be accepted in the LINC PAS Program. This service can also be a self-pay program if you aren’t covered by Medicaid or Blue Cross. We believe that the people best equipped to deal with disability issues are people with disabilities. We assist individuals in obtaining the services and supports they need to maintain independence in their community. LINC has three locations to serve you: the local office is located at 4110 Eaton Ave., Suite B, Caldwell. We also a have Boise Office as well as one in Twin Falls. If you or a loved one needs help in their home, or has needs for other services, please call LINC in Caldwell at: (208) 454-5511. Ask for Brenda, Jeanne or JoAnn for more information.
Our Community
August 2015
What’s Happenin’ at the YMCA?
Submitted photo
By Shelly Wilson, Branch Administrator
Summer Day Camp is currently serving over 50 children. The weeks are themed differently so every day is something new. They recently celebrated “Christmas in July” with a visit from Santa himself! They have taken field trips to the State Penitentiary, Botanical Gardens, Discovery Center, Planet Kid, Camels Back Park and the HP Nature Learning Center. In addition to the Summer Day Camp kids, the Y has had record enrollment (nearly 120) in specialty camps like Robotics 101, Gardening, Lego Madness, Battle Bots, International Art Camp, and Little Picasso’s as well various sports camps (football, soccer, and
volleyball). The Y was instrumental in the success of the recent Soccer Friendly clinic, registering over 180 children for the event. This fall, the Y will again participate in the 21st Century Program which is a collaboration between the Caldwell School District and the YMCA to run an after school program funded by a Federal Grant. This program will service over fifty students at both Van Buren and Sacajawea Elementary Schools. 21st Century provides students extra help with homework and enrichment courses including physical activities, arts and sciences. The 4-H program contributes gardening, cooking, and healthy eating classes. If you have any interest in your child participating in this program, and they attend either Van Buren or Sacajawea, please contact the school administrator for enrollment information. The Y is gearing up for preschool to start in September. This is a licensed program and all staff complete a background check and are CPR/1st Aide certified. They also receive continuing education in the Frogstreet Curriculum. There are a few spots still open in the Tuesday/Thursday and Monday/Wednesday/ Friday classes. For more information, please call the Y at 208-454-9622. (Financial Assistance is available.) Wondering how to keep your kids safe after school? The Y provides an environment where kids can participate in activities focused on health and fitness as well as help with homework. It includes enrichment programs focusing on the arts and sciences. Transportation is provided by the Vallivue and Caldwell School District. As with all youth programs, the Character Values of Caring, Respect, Honesty and Responsibility are at the heart. Financial Assistance is available.
Submitted photo
Elks Donate $2,000
L to R: Paul Raymond (CVC), Dick Winder (Elks), Paul Farwell (Elks), Traci Marmon (Elks), Mike Smith (CVC), Terry Harrell (CVC), John Muirhead (CVC), Larry Kelly (CVC) and Chris Yamamoto (CVC) On July 29, the Caldwell Elks Lodge #1448 presented the Caldwell Veterans Council (CVC) with a check for $2,000 from the Elks Gratitude Grant. The ceremony was conducted in front of the Elks lodge and attended by members of the Elks lodge and the Caldwell Veterans Council.
Fall League Sign Ups NOW
...at the Caldwell 4th of July Parade.
By Leora Summers, Caldwell Perspective Editor
208CARES is currently accepting applications from area disabled veterans for a mortgage-free custom built home. There is a good chance that a Caldwell veteran could be selected if they apply! Land has been donated in Eagle for the construction of a 3 bedroom, 2 bath, 2 car garage home in one of Eagle’s newest patio home communities, Liberty Park. Liberty Park, LLC will be presenting 208CARES with the land donation for that home on Saturday, September 5th – at a special military appreciation event at the Meridian Speedway. The home will be built to adapt to the special needs of the selected veteran. Go to 208cares.org to fill out the application online or you can download it, print it and mail it in. The instructions are on the website. If you have any questions, please contact Bill Heyob at 789-4406. This is your opportunity to let those who appreciate your sacrifice give back to and honor you.
PARAMEDIC UPDATE Bee and Wasp Stings
By Steve Blados, Clinical Education Supervisor at Canyon Co. Paramedics
With warm summer temperatures, people are naturally outdoors enjoying the weather with picnics and barbeques. In the course of your activities, you’ll come into contact with insects in the Hymenoptera order. This group includes bees and wasps. So if you end up getting stung, what should you do? First, let me cover the differences between bees and wasps. Bees are generally very easy going and will not sting unless they are provoked for some reason. Their stingers are covered in barbs, which cause the stinger to remain in the victim as the bee flies away, ending in the death of the bee. Wasps have few if any barbs on their stingers, so their stinger typically does not remain in the victim, and the same wasp can sting the victim multiple times in multiple locations. Wasps, although not typically aggressive unless provoked tend to build their nests closer to people and naturally come into contact with us more often. In addition, wasp venom contains a protein called antigen 5, which results in a higher likelihood of allergic reaction than bee venom. Both wasp and bee venom cause immediate burning and pain at the site of injection, along with redness, swelling and possibly itching. If the stinger is still in the victim, the first step is to remove it as soon as a
possible. The recommended way to do so is to scrape the stinger out with a credit card or driver’s license. The next step to take is applying ice or a cold pack to the site to relieve pain and swelling. You may also consider taking the physician or pharmacist recommended dosage of Benadryl for swelling and itching, as well as over the counter pain relievers. Most stings require no further medical care than that. If the victim develops a severe allergic reaction, seek emergency medical care immediately. A severe allergic reaction involves major swelling throughout the body including the throat, hives all over the body, low blood pressure, and difficulty breathing. If someone has these symptoms, call 911! It is possible for someone’s airway to close off within minutes, and without treatment, the person will be unable to breath. Canyon County Paramedics and every fire department in Canyon County carries Epinephrine, a fast acting medication that will save someone’s life during a severe allergic reaction. From everyone at Canyon County Paramedics, enjoy the summer and if you have an emergency remember we are always only one phone call away! Steve Blados may be reached for questions or comments at sblados@ ccparamedics.com
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Our Community By Leora Summers, Editor
This external hive is a swarm of bees that has built its comb outside, instead of establishing its new colony inside of a hollow tree or other cavity.
Teen Outreach Program Provides Opportunity
By Kaitlin Vasil, AAFV Teen Outreach Coordinator
I always l o o k e d forward to the first day of school growing up. My adrenaline would flow through my veins when I thought Kaitlin Vasil of the new possibilities for friends, activities and learning opportunities. Now, as the Teen Outreach Coordinator for Advocates Against Family Violence, I am excited at the opportunity to meet each student our paths cross, knowing each story is different, and watching students come to realizations about their own relationships. The Teen Outreach program
started the fall of 2013 with the mission to bring forth awareness in cultivating healthy relationships. Relationships are not secluded to intimate partners but rather friends, family, teachers, coaches and more. I have the unique privilege to work with schools in the Treasure Valley to educate teens about healthy versus unhealthy relationships. Teens participate in various activities bringing forth awareness into the relationships in their lives. Each of the courses varies in time, within schools 2-4 days and 10 weeks in community organizations. The Teen Outreach Program is consistently pursuing new opportunities in creating new partnerships. If you are interested in learning more please contact Kaitlin at kaiti@aafvhope.org.
H Modern H Square Dance Lessons H September 2, 2015 Canyon County Stars Square & Round Dance Club
bee collects pollen and nectar from the fields. Drones are the males that carry on the genetics (their only job) and take 24 days to emerge. They fly to the drone concentration areas. Several drones mate with one queen, so all the worker bees in one hive are sisters and half sisters. A drone mates once and when he mates, he dies and if they don’t mate they die, so they might as well die happy right? Drones can’t sting you. Guard bees communicate by sending out an “alarm” pheromone (scent) which stirs up the hive to let them know something is going on that needs their attention. It puts them on “alert.” Dave “stepped it up” another
Caldwell Housing Authority (CHA) helped eliminate the conditions of blight by removing asbestos tiles from the former Carnegie Library, now the Caldwell Memorial Veterans’ Hall. The property is owned by the City of Caldwell, but is leased to the Canyon County Veterans’ Council to be used for veterans’ services. CHA, by their code and authority, is responsible for engaging in community activites which help identify and eliminate conditions of slum and blight. This is CHA’s way to be a community partner.
It started out as “bees are interesting” to a full blown obsession (according to his wife) for David Kerrick. When he told his wife, Juneal, that he wanted to raise chickens, she absolutely put her foot down, so he thought he would change directions and look into raising honey bees and not tell her about it until it was too late another bad case of husbands asking forgiveness instead of permission. It began simply by purchasing a couple cages of bees containing 3 lbs. of worker bees (about 10,000 bees) and one queen. The queen, being contained in a cage inside the cage separated from the worker bees by a candy wall eventually eats her way through the wall as the workers eat their way to her. On the day that happened, Dave brought the cages out to show his grand kids the bees with Juneal present. A loud “NOOOOO!” was heard throughout the neighborhood as Juneal realized what had just happened, but Dave said she eventually got used to the idea and accepted it. Is this a bad case of “Ask forgiveness instead of permission?” After that first step, he took the next and decided to buy hives from a Russian beekeeper. He found out that “The Russian” had tons of hives that he got through calls to pick them up from “Pest Control.” Since he was a beekeeper, he would be called to pick up swarms and then he would form new hives with them. There are about 60,000 bees in a good hive. The queen’s only job is to lay eggs. The workers feed and take care of her. She can lay about 1,000 eggs a day. The eggs are laid in a substance called Royal Jelly. If the workers feed the larva Royal Jelly, in 16 days the larva becomes a queen. The others that are fed honey turn into non-fertile female worker bees in 21 days. Worker bees live about 35 days. The last two weeks of their life, the worker
notch and now goes on “bee calls” for pest control. He once sucked bees out of the walls behind some siding and their honey tasted like peaches. Their swam was located near peach trees. Honeys take on the flavors of the nectar that they collect. Honey from flowers makes good tasting honey, but honey from pollens from almonds-not so good. When Dave removes bees, he wears his bee suit, gloves and spats so bees can’t go up his pant legs, which has happened and causes him to do a little distress dance. Smoke sedates bees and makes them easier to work with. I would use smoke. There are many stories about the benefits of bee pollen and bees, but research the data before deciding to use it to cure your ills. Dave once watched a man demonstrate how he administered bee stings to to “cure” himself of cancer. The man had about 4 honey bees in a net, and as he picked one out, he said a prayer thanking the bee for its life and then applied it to his skin to administer a sting. He then massaged the stinger to receive all the venom and then he ate the bee to finish the job! Don’t try this at home! Dave has been doing this for about 4 years now and his wife says it’s an “obsession.” Not only has his wife become used to this hobby, his neighbor has also had to come to terms with it. Thanks for your story Dave. Dave is an estate lawyer in town and has had an office in Caldwell for many years. A word from your wife Dave, “don’t quit your day job!”
CHA–A Caldwell Community Partner
Photos by George Kerrick
David Kerrick–BEE Happy!
August 2015
Photo by Chantele Hensel
7:00 p.m. - 8:15 p.m.
First two lessons are Free! Ages 10 & up No Partner Needed Dave Kerrick smokes the bees to calm them before their relocation.
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August 2015
Our Community
Caldwell Physician Residency Program CelebratesBy20 Years Leora Summers, Editor
Photo by Dr. Daniel Knorpp
physicals, medical missions, health care research, health care seminars and speaking at community health seminars. Residents also are active in the local community as 4-H leaders, boy scout leaders, church leaders, athletic coaches, DARE, Tough Enough to Wear Pink and on the boards of multiple hospital and youth organizations. In the future, Caldwell’s Rural Training Track program will continue to train fullspectrum family physicians to fill the positions open in our community and state. The program contributes to meaningful healthcare research and trains future leaders in Family Medicine.
L to R (R3-third year, R2-second year): Dr. Brent Baldwin, MD (R3), Dr. Justin Parkinson, DO (R3), Dr. Justin Rosenau, MD (R3), Dr. Samantha Portenier, MD (Site Director), Dr. Laurisa Webster, MD (R2), Dr. Michael Twomey, MD (R2), Dr. Matthew Beal, MD (R2), Dr. Jim Gardner, MD (Assistant Site Director), Amy Fulleton (Residency Education Coordinator). Who would ever think of Caldwell as a training ground for physicians? For the past 20 years it has been, and a very effective one at that! Since its inception the program has grown and trained physicians to serve in rural areas for our state and others. Many of the physicians trained through this program have remained to practice in our community and the state of Idaho. For Caldwell and the state of Idaho, this is a “good bang for our buck!” Caldwell’s program, a Family Medicine Residency program, is a Rural Track Training (RTT) program that educates and trains family medicine physicians specifically to practice in rural areas. It started back in 1995 with Drs. Sam Summers and Joe Daglen at the helm with the assistance of Dr. Jim Blackman, who was director of the Family Medicine Residency of Idaho (FMRI) at the time. The early program began with one resident per year with the first resident
graduating in 1998. Drs. Richard Augustus and Samantha Portenier, as graduates of the program, became site directors in 2004. The program expanded in 2006 with two residents being added per year (then training six residents at a time). Dr. Jim Gardner became an additional site director in 2008 and in 2011 the residency expanded again adding an additional resident to each class to total nine residents in training. All graduates are board-certified family medicine physicians and to date, 88 % are serving in rural areas. The first year of training is completed in Boise with the core residency program. The second and third year residents complete their training in Caldwell. The residents have become integrated into the medical community of Caldwell and participate in all areas of care both in the hospital and community medicine. Medical activities in addition to direct patient care include prostrate screenings, sports medicine
C of I Football Boosts Economy!
By Leora Summers, Editor
What a boost for our city’s economy when C of I football came to town, according to Mayor Garret Nancolas at the July Chamber meeting. Now that football has been through one whole season, the economic results are in. Nancolas reported that Caldwell’s Urban Renewal partnered with the C of I to upgrade Simplot Stadium’s football field for the rebirth of the college football games that were held there last year. The green and purple turf was paid for by the C of I and Urban Renewal paid for the labor the city provided to get it up to snuff for college football. Urban Renewal’s $250,000 investment for labor along with the C of I’s investment of materials produced $4,000,000 in revenue to our city according to MEET THE RESIDENTS Dr. Brent Baldwin (R3) graduated from Nancolas. Not a bad return for our buck! Loma Linda University School of Medicine PURPLE FRIDAYS BEGIN AUGUST 28th with an MD. He will be practicing at Saint Alphonsus Medical Group-Elm after he “Purple Fridays” will begin on Friday, graduates. August 28th, to get ready for the Yotes’ football game on Saturday, August 29th and Dr. Justin Parkinson (R3) graduated from for the other C of I and community events on Edward Via Virginia College of Osteopathic that day. The goal of “Purple Fridays” is to Medicine with a DO. He will be practicing celebrate the greatness of Caldwell, have fun, at Saint Alphonsus Medical Group in Kuna, and unite around a few football games. The Idaho after he graduates. Yotes are our community’s team. “Purple Fridays” is a grass roots Dr. Justin Rosenau (R3) graduated from community opportunity to pull together to the University of North Dakota with an MD. pool energy and creativity. The goal is to He will be practicing with Sanford Health in “paint the town purple” by wearing purple Jamestown North Dakota after he graduates. through our businesses, schools, churches, and students. The citizens of Caldwell may Dr. Michael Twomey (R2) is from North creatively display Purple at their respective Andover, Massachusetts and graduated from sites. Everyone is encouraged to be creative Drexel University, Philadelphia, PA with an with their ways to show their “Purple Pride!” If you wish to be a part of the planning, go MD. to the next meeting on Thursday, August 6th, at 1 p.m. at the Marty Holly Athletic Center on Dr. Laurisa Webster (R2) is from the C of I campus. The first two home games Prince Albert, SK and graduated from Ross will be on Aug. 29th and Sep. 5th at 1 p.m. University Portsmouth, Dominica with an at Simplot Stadium. Look for the rest of the MD. game schedule in our September edition! Cof I FOOTBALL Dr. Matthew Beal (R2) is from Fort Simplot Stadium Collins, CO and graduated from the 8/29......1 PM...Eastern Oregon University of Colorado school of Medicine, 9/5........1 PM...Pacific Aurora, CO with an MD.
Local Dirt Perspective – Tips Tips Tips...
By Pat King
Photo by Leora Summers
Dog days of summer, July and August, are typically Make sweet sun tea. Use a clear gallon jug with a good the hottest and driest months of the year. Before we start, lid. Dissolve sugar in hot water to your liking. About a I’d would like to add a few other notes on tomatoes. cup and half of sugar to two cups of hot water. Stir until Tomatoes don’t like high heat. They prefer 70’s to clear. Fill to top with cold water. Add ten to twelve tea low 80’s and anything above that, will cause the plant bags and replace the lid. Take jug outside and place in the to shut down. You’ll do well to plant where you get sun all day. Then when you get home from work, tend afternoon shading. Another thing my invention (last your garden or mow your lawn and then after that, pour month’s issue), offers portability. Also consistently the sun tea over ice, sit back and relax with homemade watering tomatoes helps prevent them from splitting. sweet sun tea and enjoy your handiwork. Enjoy summer. High phosphate and calcium levels will produce a strong It will be winter soon enough. plants and eliminate blossom end rot. That’s all for now, I’ve been busy removing dead If your lawn water is rolling down the street, then trees and fixing sprinklers. How’s your summer going? you are overwatering during that particular cycle and Send me an e-mail at: kingpat05@hotmail.com to let me your lawn receives no benefit. Try watering 3 cycles a know of your successes or failures or if you have any day, but only a third of the run time, throughout the heat questions you’d like answered. Until next time. Pat. of the day. That’s called the cycle and soak method. It gives the soil a chance to absorb the water before the Farmers Market - Zucchin Rice Casserole Submitted by Nancy Phillips 1 lb. hamburger next cycle and saves water runoff. Also you can core1 1/2 cups minute rice aerate to help the water penetrate better. 1 1/2 lb. zucchini sliced Mowing height best during really hot temperatures 1/2 cup onion is between 2.5 and 3 inches tall, but make sure your 1 16oz can stewed tomatoes sprinklers are able to clear that height so you don’t 1 cup hot water disrupt your watering coverage, leaving dry spots. If 1/2 tsp. mustard your sprinklers don’t clear the taller grass, you will see 1 clove of garlic that the grass is laying down around the sprinkler head. 1 cup grated cheddar cheese Mow shorter more often. This actually stresses the lawn less because you take less off each time. Mulching will In a large skillet, brown hamburger. Push to one also help maintain moisture and will keep the lawn side. Remove all but 2 tablespoons of fat. Add zucchini evenly green during these very dry, hot days. I always and onions. Cook and stir well until slightly brown. Stir water after I mow. This replaces the moisture, cools the in minute rice (uncooked), tomatoes, mustard, water surface and pushes the grass clippings down into the and garlic. Bring to a boil, cover and cook 5 minutes. soil. If all the liquid is cooked out before the rice is cooked, Keeping the mower blade sharp is very important add a little more water until the rice is done. Then and is better for your mower. It is easy to do. Once cook until liquid cooks out. Stir in cheese and serve. the blade is off, place it in a vice. Then with an angle This is one of my family’s favorites. Even my son, grinder, follow the existing angle and take off the worn who is not a big lover of zucchini, will have more than material until you have a sharp edge. Balance the blade one helping. by hanging it on a nail mounted on a side post. When You can also use regular long grain rice (cooked sharp and balanced, reinstall, but make sure it’s on the ahead of time). It still comes out the same. Enjoy! way you took it off. Take a picture before removing it. I’ve seen them installed upside down. Garden beds are always in need of tending. That’s why I grow everything in containers, even carrots and radishes. That and gophers tear everything up. Keep your soil worked around your plants and weed free. If Will Preparation you have healthy weeds, then you’re Healthcare Power of Attorney depriving your vegetables of vital nutrients and water. Remove dead Living Will or dying leaves and stems to aid in Unlimited Consultation with Top Rated airflow and lessen bug problems. Vining plants do better up off the Idaho Law Firm on ANY Topic ground, keeping water from rotting the flesh of your veggies. Bugs, mice, vols and gophers cause lots of problems for And Much More For LESS than $20 Per Month! gardens. There are many solutions for them, but check with your local garden center for proper methods that you can Get Started Today! Call Mike Pollard at (208) 249-4417. use in your neighborhood. LegalShield Independent Associate Here’s a refreshing tip for you.
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August 2015
By Chantele Hensel, Publisher
Photo by K-J Ranch
Over the past 10 years, K-J Ranch has bred 7 National Finals qualifiers with Top Ten placements, a National Specialty Champion in Cattle, and numerous Merit and Hall of Fame dogs.
With the Caldwell Night Rodeo quickly approaching, the grounds are frequented by people working hard to prepare for the hundreds who will be attending the event. There are so many individuals responsible for providing a great show. There is another hard working team, that doesn’t gets recognized for their dedication, the cowdogs. The Pacific Northwest is home to many of the premier stock dogs in the country, and many of them reside in southwestern Idaho. In addition to world class trial dogs, many ranchers, day working cowboys and farmers depend on their four-legged partners to make a living and help with the daily chores required to maintain a profitable livestock operation. Stock dogs are invaluable help regardless of the size of operation one might have, and a good dog can do the work of several hands. Dogs are used for gathering, sorting, loading, and holding stock for doctoring, moving stock from one pasture to another, watching over their handler, and on occasion guarding the house, kids, or pickup. They come in a multitude of sizes and colors, and are purebred or mixed. While there are over 30 recognized purebred herding breeds, the most commonly seen purebred breeds in the Caldwell area include Australian Shepherds, Border Collies, Cattle Dogs, and Kelpies. Common mixed breeds are McNab and Hangin Tree Cowdogs. Just as there are many different breeds of stock dogs, there are also many different stock dog organizations and trial venues. AKC (American Kennel Club), ASCA (Australian Shepherd Club of America), AHBA (American Herding Breed Association), NCA (National Cowdog Association) and USBCHA (United States Border Collie Handlers Association) are organizations that sanction stock dog trials in the Idaho area. These trials can test a dog’s ability to herd ducks, geese, sheep, goats, and/or cattle, depending on the trial one attends. They may be judged on style, or dogs can do a “time and points” trial where the handler/dog team gains points by moving stock through a series of obstacles in an allotted period of time. Many times the handler is on foot, but there are trials where the handler directs the stock and dog while on horseback. There are beginner through advanced handler/dog levels within all of the venues, allowing newcomers a chance to get their feet wet in the sport of competitive dog trialing. Similar to rodeo, in the early days handlers used their dogs for everyday ranch and farm work and participated in a weekend dog trial for the camaraderie with neighbors and the fun of friendly competition. As the sport grew, so did the level of training and competition, and professional dog trainers emerged. A person can buy a dog that is fully trained, get a dog that has been started, or purchase a puppy and train it themselves with the help of a coach. There are a few facilities near the Caldwell area, one such as KJ Ranch owned by Carol and Lyle Gerken, that cater to novice herding enthusiasts. Many of the trainers concentrate on a specific stock, or work with a specific breed of dog or trial venue, but occasionally there is a training center that caters to promoting the sport of recreational herding in addition to training your dog for everyday practical work. As you relax and enjoy the rodeo I hope that this has shed some light on the dedication of the working cowdogs and may even give them due appreciation for their hard work.
K-J Ranch
Lyle Gerken
• Austrailian Shepherd Stock Dogs Carol Gerken • Agility 208-739-3246 • Service • Companion Dogs
(208) 695-8036 201 N. 21st Ave., Caldwell
A BetterClipper Blade Clipper Sharpening Repairs On All Makes & Models.
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August 2015
Let’s Go Dutch! By Leora Summers,Editor
It’s summer and time to go camping with the family and also time to do some good old-fashioned Dutch oven cooking! There are so many great recipes to try. This one takes a 2nd day to prepare, so know that in advance. If you have never gone “Dutch,” you need to get a book to learn how to season, clean and store your Dutch oven. This is a different way to cook and you need the knowledge about how to care for your oven so you can have years of enjoyable cooking with it.
Kids First Cast at Rotary Pond
By Dyann Apiazu
“MOM’S OLD-FASHIONED CHICKEN AND DUMPLINGS” By Dale Smith, Author of “Great Meals Dutch Oven Style”
1 three pound whole frying chicken 1 large onion minced 1 large stalk celery minced 3 carrots minced Salt and pepper to taste
Cut chicken in half. Clean chicken and put into Dutch. Add onion, celery, carrots, salt and pepper to chicken. Add enough water to cover entire chicken. Bring to boil and simmer, with lid on Dutch, for full 30 minutes. Remove from heat. Place chicken, vegetables and liquid in another container, with a lid and keep in refrigerator, or an ice chest until next day. The next day, remove skin and all bones from the chicken and discard. Cut the chicken in serving size portions. Place the chicken in the Dutch and add enough of the liquid to cover the chicken plus 1 inch more. Heat to simmer. Drop dumplings into the chicken mixture and simmer 5 to 7 minutes or until done. Ready to serve. Dumplings ½ cup all-purpose flour 1 tablespoon melted butter 1 large egg yolk 1/3 cup milk Pinch of salt
Blend flour, butter, yolk, milk and salt until mixture hold together. Pinch off dough about the size of a walnut and form it into a ball. Drop into the chicken stock and simmer uncovered 5 to 7 minutes or until cooked through.
In place of dumplings, the chicken may be served over egg noodles. The directions for removing chicken from the bone can be used anytime you need chicken meat for such dishes as enchiladas or chicken soup. After I remove the chicken I replace the bones and skin in the broth and boil about 30 minutes. I remove the bones and skin, strain the broth and freeze it for use at a later time. It is cheaper than canned broth and tastes much better.
Submitted photos
Photo by Dale Smith
Use a 12-inch Deep Dutch Use 17 coals on bottom in checkerboard pattern
Mico Grubaugh (12 years old), John and Gage Schleicher (10 years old) are holding this 5 ft sturgeon. John set the hook and Mico reeled it in. It was caught in Hells Canyon near Kirby Creek on squid.
Submitted photo
A First Cast volunteer assisting a little boy with his first fishing experience.
Howard Davis with Kids First Cast had a Summer BBQ and Fishing Day last Saturday July 11th at the Caldwell Rotary Pond. There were 28 kids and great weather for this event. Several small blue gill and a large mouth bass were the “trophy fish” of the day. All of the kids had fun learning how to cast and how to fish. After fishing they had a nice barbeque with their families, and afterwards the kids enjoyed a raffle for various fishing equipment. Everyone was a winner that day. The kids, the parents and the volunteers enjoyed the day at the Caldwell Rotary Pond.
Mitch Kelly caught his fish on a trico on the Owyhee River below the dam. The tricos were hatching.
(Above) Gage Schleicher (10 years old), caught this 16” rainbow trout on a mepps spinner in Hells Canyon. (Left) John and Gage Schleicher (10 years old), caught this 12”small mouth bass on a smoke copper jig in Hells Canyon.
Melenie Stone Agency 704 Dearborn St., Caldwell mstone@amfam.com
Thursday, July 9
Saturday, July 11 on nest when I checked at noon. Friday, July 17th–All eggs are gone and no mother in sight. I will miss her and watch around the neighborhood for her and her chicks, hoping for the best. I’m just glad she doesn’t have to sit there all year waiting for “duds” to hatch. She was a good mother to the bitter end.
- President
Blues On The Banks
Melenie Stone
Featuring 3 Bands Boise Blues Society Directors Band, longtime professionals bring energetic, passionate live blues to you.
August 14th
6:00 p.m. – 10:30 p.m. “Blues in the Schools” Program Fundraiser Saturday, July 17
Mitch Sanchotena
es !
Thursday, July 9–There are 4 eggs still in her nest to hatch. She has been sitting on her eggs for 3 or more weeks already. It has rained torrents and one week it was over 100 degrees for so many days in a row while she faithfully sat there to keep them warm on cooler days and nights and cool on hotter days. I read that killdeer eggs should be kept warm to about 100 degrees to incubate. But I worry about it getting too hot and cooking the little critters. I am now officially on “egg watch.” Friday, July 10th–One egg is gone. I don’t know what happened to it. No remnants of a shell or hatchling to be seen. Mother Killdeer sits on the remaining 3. Saturday, July 11th-Two eggs are left now. Where are the eggs going? Did a predator get them? Did they hatch? What? No chicks in sight. Wednesday, July 15th–One egg left now. What is going on? Mother is not on her nest and it is 9 a.m. Are they all hatching and leaving with Dad? I haven’t seen Dad around for awhile. Where are they? Mother sitting
(208) 455-1337
G oY ot
Photos by Leora Summers
Killdeer Update-The Good Mother By Leora Summers,Caldwell Perspective Editor
Nathan DeNardi
- Manager
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Zack Quintana is a 14 year old Blues/Rock Guitarist/ Vocalist from Boise, Idaho. Zack has had his own band since he was 8 years old. He has played all over the NW, SW and Pacific coasts.
2614 Cleveland Blvd.
Jake Leg plays mainly classical harmonica based Chicago blues with some traditional & contempory songs in the mix.
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2805 Blaine St. • 459-3308
Nickels and Dimes
By Michael Hensel, CPA
Here it is August....and what’s on my mind? You got it, taxes! It’s time to evaluate where you are and what you need to do to make next tax season seamless and painless. If you have a tax professional, schedule some time to review your situation, if you don’t have a tax professional get one! If you are a W-2 employee, check the status of your withholding and insure that you are having enough taken from your check to pay your tax bill, and nothing more. While many people use the IRS as a savings account, it is not a great vehicle for your money, as it earns you nothing additional. You at least earn a minor sum if you just put it into a bank savings account. There are other options you should discuss with your investment adviser that will potentially make more. Changing your withholding is as easy as stopping by payroll and submitting a new W-4. If you are a business owner, now is the time to reassess your estimated tax payments. Once again, the goal is to neither underpay your taxes (and pay a penalty) or overpay your taxes and get a large refund. Your money serves you much better in your business rather than Uncle Sam’s coffers. Bottom line, now is a fine time to get organized and prepared so next year goes as well as possible. You can’t guarantee there won’t be any surprises, but you can deal with what you know now and minimize the stress next April!
West Valley Welcomes New Chief Financial Officer
Geoff Hill brings years of financial leadership experience to West Valley Medical Center CALDWELL, Idaho — West Valley Medical Center CEO Betsy Hunsicker is pleased to announce the appointment of Geoff Hill, of Riverside, California, to the position of chief financial officer. Hill comes to Caldwell from Riverside Community Hospital, which is owned and operated by West Valley’s parent company, HCAHealthcare. As CFO, Hill manages West Valley’s operating budget and ensures resources are allocated to best serve its patients, physicians and staff. He oversees the accounting, medical records, supply and IT departments, and also serves as the hospital’s ethics and compliance officer. “I was immediately drawn to this position because of West Valley’s strong reputation throughout HCA for clinical excellence,” Hill explained. “As I learned more about the hospital, I was impressed by both the exciting expansion projects in surgery and cardiology and the integral role
West Valley plays in the Canyon County community.” Hill is a graduate of HCA’s Executive Development Program. This highly competitive career track prepares promising talent from throughout HCA for leadership positions in its 165 hospitals nationwide. Prior to his position as controller at Riverside Community Hospital, Hill served as assistant controller and ethics and compliance officer for Southern Hills Hospital and Medical Center in Las Vegas. “Geoff will provide that necessary balance between being a good steward for our resources while also supporting and advocating for the projects, programs and equipment West Valley needs to meet the demands of its growing community,” Hunsicker said. Hill earned his bachelor of science in accounting from the Marriott School of Management at Brigham Young University and a master of business administration from the University of Florida. He became a certified public accountant in 2009.
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Corky Kopp
Salmon River Trip goers boarding boats for their tour through Caldwell Recreation. Caldwell Recreation offers enjoyable tours for people over 55. In July of 2015, we took the Salmon River Jet Boat Trip. There were 38 enthusiastic passengers, a bus driver and our tour guide all ready to go. On day 1, our first stop was at the Pancake House in McCall for breakfast followed by a pleasant cruise on Payette Lake. It was a cloudy windy day, so we had some choppy water and the occasional burst of lightning and clap of thunder to keep things lively. Viewing the many lovely vacation homes from the lakeside was delightful and the ride was very refreshing. Then it was on to Riggins to get settled in for the night. Day 2: We set out for our Salmon River excursion. We drove upriver about half of the 25 miles to our destination on the bus and after the road became too narrow to continue, transferred to vans. At the end of the road we boarded the 3 jet boats for our ride on the river. The ride was spectacular! A jet boat with 2 engines producing a combined total of 640 horsepower can really move around. There was all that magnificent rugged scenery every way you looked. We saw mountain sheep, deer, elk and eagles and stopped at a spot where there had been considerable goldmining.
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Darrell Dice
A Healthy Lunch
Corky Kopp
“We love camping and hiking and spending time outdoors, so Idaho feels like a perfect fit for our family,” said Hill, who made the move to Canyon County with his wife, Aleena, and four children. “We’re looking forward to exploring the community and getting to know our new friends and neighbors.”
By Frank and Fay Yellen
Helping you plan for your financial future. Eric Keren
Press Release by WVMC
Caldwell Recreation’s Salmon River Trip Receives Rave Review!
Photo by Frank Yellen
Photo by Leora Summers
Melenie Stone (American Family Insurance, Melenie Stone Agency) receiving “Business of the Month” by Jim Thomssen (DL Evans Bank) at the July Caldwell Chamber Luncheon at Caldwell Memorial Park.
July 2015
Submitted photo
Our boat driver told us that there had been placer mining and dredge mining in other areas along the river. There were people coming downstream on rafts, inflatable kayaks and stand-up paddle boards. Some of the groups were taking a five day trip, starting about 90 miles above Riggins, stopping every 20 miles or so to camp at night. There were other groups coming down that had floated all the way from the town of Salmon. What an experience that would be! We jet-boated about 25 miles upriver, had a delightful lunch at Shepp Ranch, which has been in existence since 1910. The ranch operates year round. Next stop was the Polly Bemis Ranch on the other side of the river. Polly Bemis was a Chinese lady who was sold as a child by her father for two much needed bags of seed. She was then smuggled into the United States in 1872 and sold as a slave in San Francisco for $2,500. Later, when she was in Warren she met Charlie Bemis who had some health problems. She took care of him for several years and later on they married. It was a marriage of convenience as she needed to establish legal residency and he needed a caregiver. She was only 53 inches tall and, despite her very hard life, lived to be 80. In her later years, she shared many details of her life. We were unable to go further up the river because of this year’s light run-off. Consequently, we were unable to see Buckskin Billy’s home, which is upstream from Polly Bemis and Shepp Ranch. However, we did get to see enough at the other ranches to get a really good picture of how hard life was in the late 1890s and early 1900s on the River of No Return. On our way back to Caldwell, we stopped at the old town of Roseberry, now a museum. Roseberry was a Finnish settlement that was in its heyday around 1912. Then, in 1914, the railroad laid tracks 1½ miles west of Roseberry and Donnelly was formed. There are lots of old buildings there and we went inside several of them. This was a great adventure. Now we are looking forward to the next trip Caldwell Rec has in store for us, the Oregon Coast Trip in September.
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August 2015
“What do you love about Caldwell Night Rodeo? What are you looking forward to? Information and photographs for this month’s Poll Barn were compiled by Nikki Zachary, CNR Director.
Bonnie Crisci (20) Caldwell
Madelynn Allen (18) Nampa
Madison Randall (19) Kuna
Growing up in Caldwell, the CNR has always been a family tradition, and will always hold a special place in my heart. I love the energy the community gets around rodeo week. From the amazing volunteers to the outstanding rodeo talent. It’s a great week to be in Caldwell!
I am looking forward to meeting new people during this journey as a contestant and making new memories. CNR is one of the largest rodeos in Idaho. It has become the rodeo that professional athletes add to their calendars and will be sure to come to. It is always a great exciting rodeo.
I love everything CNR has to offer; the fans, the board members, the cowboys and cowgirls along with the organizations that CNR supports. I am looking forward to another year of an awesome CNR and getting to know my fellow queen contestants.
Tammy Dittenber and Audie With the end of summer approaching and we get our kids ready for another school year, I have begun penciling those last chance outings on my calendar like fishing, camping or lounging by the pool to let the kids splash around and cool off. During the early years of my motherhood, I avoided the water due to my lack of confidence around the water. But eventually my kids were invited to swim parties with their friends. They were fascinated by the water as most kids are. I knew then that swimming lessons were a must. They completed their swim courses and continued to grow into pretty good swimmers. In 2009, a fourth child, Audie, was added to the family. Being the youngest of four kids who loved the water, he was introduced to it at a much younger age, but never shared their love for water or swimming. Recently Mike Dittenber stopped by our office and
By Chantele Hensel, Publisher
I noticed that he had been swimming- casual attire, wet hair and don’t forget the flip-flops. I asked if he swam this morning. He replied that he had and told me that he also gives swimming lessons based on building confidence and learning techniques that use less energy for maximum survival. Mike explained that if you can float, you could save your life by being comfortable in the water. I enrolled Audie in Mike’s lessons that same day. When I shared the news with Audie, he said that he didn’t want to go. I told him, “Audie, if you were to fall into the water, you need to know how to save yourself for me.” He tried to talk me out of it by saying, “Mommy, I will NEVER go by the water.” A few days later with an elephant on my chest, I dragged Audie to his first lesson. A team of trainers were in the pool. Tammy Dittenber, one of the trainers, was supporting kids floating on their backs, telling them “head back, chest up, and relax,” while praising them for their small accomplishments over and over again with her soothing mommy voice. By the third day, most of the kids enjoyed their time in the water and were more relaxed. I say most, because Audie was not! When Tammy told him he could jump from the side of the pool only holding one of the trainers hands like the other kids instead of requiring two, he looked at her and said, “Oh snap! I’m going to drown.” We all chuckled. He is quite the character. As I drove Audie to his lesson each morning, I knew he was counting down the days until it was over. The second to the last day, Tammy told the kids, “tomorrow we are going to jump from the rock at the end of the pool.” Tammy heard
Audie say under his breath, “Oh snap! Tomorrow I die.” As the years go by, Audie will frequent the YMCA, Memorial Park’s pool and the Dittenber’s swim lessons. So when your kids enroll their kids in swimming classes, they may see a twenty-five year old in the beginner swimming class. Don’t worry! It will just be Audie and I will be nearby working on the next edition of Caldwell Perspective.
Mike Dittenber helping Audie Jump from the rock On a more serious note, according to healthandwelfare. idaho.gov, statistics show that Idaho is second only to Florida for children (ages 1-5 years old) drowning (6.14 per 100,000 population) and 75% of child drownings are due to a lapse of adult supervision for less than 5 minutes.
Sunnyslope Wine Trail The Heart of the Idaho Wine Country
Come to the Sunnyslope Wine Trail Festival at the Caldwell Train Depot Plaza for an amazing Idaho Wine experience Saturday, August 22nd! All the wineries from the Sunnyslope Wine Trail will gather together for an afternoon filled with music. Tickets are $20 pre-sale and $25 at the gate. Pre-sale tickets can be purchased online at www.sunnyslopewinetrail.com Darrow Ln.
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Photo by Kennedi Vavold
Photo by Chantele Hensel
Oh Snap!
Nicole Jordan (18) Boise
I’m so excited to watch the Caldwell Night Rodeo give back to the community through special theme nights-my personal favorite-the Man Up Crusade which combats domestic violence. We celebrate the upstanding morals of the American cowboy and come together to support a great cause. I look forward to everyone joining us at the Caldwell Night Rodeo, where the cowboys are the stars!
August 2015
Patrick Baumgart Caldwell’s Rotarian of the Year!
Caldwell Lions Support Community
By Lynn Johnson
By Leora Summers, Rotary Secretary
SERVICE CLUBS & MEETING INFO Caldwell Rotary Club Wed, Noon, Kaley Wellness Center Corner of Logan/So. 10th Contact: 459-1344
activities, and aid in other areas of the community. The Music Department at the Caldwell High School hocks sodas and water in the stands through the Lions Club to support their band’s activities. Take a moment while enjoying the rodeo to say “Hi” to the hard working Lions and enjoy some of the best rodeo food offered in the Northwest.
Photo by Leora Summers
The Caldwell area has benefitted much from the activity in the Caldwell Lions Booth during Caldwell Night Rodeo which has been a fixture there for over 50 years. With their Rodeo earnings, the Lions support the scholarships presented by the Rodeo Board, buy eyeglasses for those who need help, support local sports and educational
Caldwell Exchange Club Tue, Noon, Stewarts Bar & Grill 2805 Blaine Street Contact: 455-4534
Outgoing club president Michael Hensel (right) congratulates Patrick Baumgart (left) as the 2014-15 Rotarian of the Year. Patrick Baumgart was honored at the July 1st meeting as our club’s “Rotarian of the Year” for the 2014-15 Rotary year. Patrick is always there when available. His mantra is “Just Say Yes” and he is the epitome of that. He has been involved in every activity that Rotary is a part of. We congratulate him and thank him for all he has done for our club. He models Rotary’s motto: Service Above Self. Thank you Patrick! Continue the good work you do.
Wendy McClain Joins Rotary By Leora Summers, Rotary Secretary
Caldwell Elks Lodge 1st, 2nd, 3rd Thurs, of the month, 7 PM, 1015 N. Kimball Contact: 454-1448 Caldwell Lions Club Wed, Noon Golden Palace Restaurant 703 Main Street Contact: 459-3629 Caldwell Optimist Club Wed, Noon (except last Wed of month) Last Tues of Month, Dinner Meeting, TBD Sunrise Family Restaurant 2601 Cleveland Blvd Contact: 459-2576 Caldwell Kiwanis Club Thurs, Noon Kaley Wellness Center Corner of Logan/So. 10th Contact: 459-6102 Caldwell Soroptimist Club 2nd, 3rd, 4th Wed. of Month Noon Caldwell Elks Lodge #1448 1015 N. Kimball Contact: Ginny @ 459-0021 Native Daughters of Idaho 3rd Tues. of the Month Noon-Potluck Faith Lutheran Church on Montana Avenue Contact: Leta 459-8866 Scottish American Society of Canyon County 3rd Tues. of the Month 7 PM McCain Hall, C of I Bring a covered dish Contact: Lorene Oates 863-4672
Photo by Leora Summers
Submitted photo
Canyon Sunrise Rotary Club Thurs, 7:00 AM Karcher Estates (thru gate in Karcher Mall S. parking lot) Contact: Brent @ 466-4181
President Mike Dittenber (left) welcomes Wendy McClain (right) as the newest member of Caldwell Rotary Club. Wendy McClain, Director of Marketing and Community Relations at West Valley Medical Center, was inducted as a new member to Caldwell Rotary Club on July 1st. Her classification is Public Relations. Her mother and father came to witness her initiation. Her dad is a Rotarian in a Boise club and now with Wendy joining our club, she has become a 3rd generation Rotarian in her family. Wendy is also involved with Destination Caldwell and the Caldwell Chamber of Commerce. Upon joining the club, she has already joined the newly formed Program Committee along with Bob Carpenter, Jim Thomssen and Tim Rosandick. Way to go Wendy!
Caldwell Eagles Lodge 1st day of the month 8PM 15th of the month 7PM 815 Arthur Street 208-454-8054 Raise Your Voice Toastmasters Club Monday, 6:30 PM Caldwell Airport, 4814 E. Linden Mitchel.Bethel@gmail.com Toastmasters.org
Send your club news and photos to Leora Summers editor@caldwellperspective.com
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August 2015
Kiwanis Chuck Wagon A Longtime Tradition
Page 13 CALDWELL PERSPECTIVE By Chantele Hensel Heap Herders Turn 60! Caldwell PerspectivePublisher
Submitted photos
Photos by Chantele Hensel
By Leif Skyving
L to R: Stan Whitney, Paul & Betty Bull, Kathy & Tom & Eastham, Beth Whitney, Rick Shellenbarger, Gary Gunderson, Ed Lambert, Dennis (Dan) Danker, Scott Wallace, Don & Fran Zeimantz, Curt & Wanda Smith, Frank Wyant Sr, Terry & Peggy Wirth, Eva & Bobby Scroggins, Judy & Dennis Boothe Kris Crookham and grandma Bernice enjoying an early Chuckwagon dinner!
2015 marks the 65th year of an amazing local tradition in Caldwell; the Caldwell Kiwanis Chuckwagon dinner! The Chuckwagon always coincides with the Caldwell Night Rodeo and this year dinners will be served August 18-21 (5:30 to 7:30PM). The Kiwanis Chuckwagon started in 1955 by Frank Luhr and George Crookham Sr. The first year featured barbeque only, but in 1956 Crookham Company donated the sweetest “all-you-can-eat” corn on the cob and have done so every year since. It is the sweetest corn you’ll ever experience and Crookham’s dedicate a separate field just for the corn for the Chuckwagon. It takes 50 of their employees to stagger plant and harvest for this special occasion. Each ear of corn served at the Chuckwagon is ripened and plucked that same day! From its beginnings in Memorial Park, to many years at the College of Idaho, to its present location at Dakan Park (Corner of Kimball and Everett), the Caldwell Kiwanis Chuckwagon is going strong for a good cause. This is the biggest fundraiser of the year for Kiwanis of Caldwell. 100% of the proceeds go to local youth programs to build leadership; scholarships for high school seniors, dictionaries for third graders, and books for Caldwell elementary school libraries. This is a family friendly event enjoyed by all!
Early one spring morning while driving his 1937 4-door Chevy Sport Sedan, Curt Smith took notice of herds of sheep in the fields that bordered the road along with their herders and dogs. In those days, farmers would rent their fields to sheep owners after lambing and shearing season. It was at that very moment that Curt thought to himself, tending sheep? Tending a heap? He shared his epiphany with the rest of the club and from that moment on, the car club has called themselves the “Heap Herders.” During study hall, Curt created their logo, which they still used today. The Heap Herder Car Club felt that their involvement in the community was of upmost importance. They would help older ladies with oil changes and repair and fix flat tires. After they helped an individual they would give them a card that read:
car race at the Caldwell Airport. The race drew about 2,000 people to the site. In December of 1957, they had their very first car show at the Calvary Barn, which is now Memorial Park.
L to R: Curt Smith and Bobby Scroggins
The Heap Herders Car Club is the longest continuously run car club in Idaho. On July 4th 1956, the Heap Herders held their first sanctioned event, a
Curt Smith took a break from the club and returned in 1995 with Bobby Scroggins, being the club’s longest active member. Scott Wallace, owner of Copycat Copies & Prints, is the current club president. After sixty years these guys are still active in our community and are a part of the rich history of our town. They are hosting a “meet and greet” this month on August 9th at Memorial Park. They invite all the former members of the club and friends to come share their stories and pictures.
Caldwell Ladies Golf Association
Chuck Wagon today!
with us
Photo by Leora Summers
Reported by Norma Bowen
Fairview Golf Course July 21, 2015 Criers: A. Bev Servatius; B. Joan Hilliard; C. Judy Lowe. “Date Night” at the Caldwell Centennial Band concert. Next concert dates are August 3rd and 17th. All concerts begin at 7:30 PM. Bring your friends and bring your chairs. Caldwell Band Booster dinners begin at 6:30 PM.
AUGUST 18-21 5:30 P.M. to 7:30 P.M.
The major annual fund raising event of the Caldwell Kiwanis Club for ser vice to the community -- truly “a round-up of old friends!” Prices
Adults - $10.00 Seniors (62 & Over) - $9.00 Children (12 & Under) - $5.00
Crookham corn on the cob! For more information or tickets email us at CaldwellKiwanis@gmail.com or any Kiwanis member. Tickets are also available at the event!
Located on the lawn at DAKAN PARK on the corner of Everett & Kimball
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LeAnne Kovick
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Purple Sage Golf Course July 23, 2015 Low Gross: A. Sue Kushlan; B. Norma Bowen.
Meet and Greet Past Members & Friends are Invited to Join Us! Sunday, August 9th • 2:00 p.m. to 5:00 p.m. at Memorial Park in Caldwell, ID Bring food if you like, we will provide cake & ice cream regular & sugar free! Live music by the HEAPTONES! Bring Your Cars, Lawn Chairs, Old Photos & Stories! For more information, please contact Scott at 208-459-8283
“Not Important... But Possibly Of Interest”
Entertainment Kinley’s Hog BLOG
August 2015
Book Review
By Amy Perry, Rubaiyat Book Store
By Wayne Cornell
Saturday, August 29th
Kinley Schleicher is a 12 year old Vallivue 4-H club member. Caldwell Perspective has followed her progress as she raised her hogs to take to them to the Canyon County Fair. “Evacuation Ambulance Company #8 In World War One” by A. Gustaf and MagDalene Gray Bryngelson Photo by Leora Summers
My parents devoted a lot of time to running their weekly newspaper. Because of their work schedule, I spent a lot of time home alone. I would have been a Latch Key Kid except there wasn’t a lock on our door. We lived on a 40-acre farm, giving me lots of room to roam and experiment. And dad unknowingly provided materials to experiment with. After World War II ended, Father made good money for a time picking up empty brass machine gun shell casings on the old bomber firing range in the desert about 15 miles south of our home. The casings were sold to scrap dealers. But he also found several hundred rounds of unfired 50 caliber shells, still in their belts. Dad brought them home, too, and threw them in a pile near the barn. For the next ten years hardly a week passed without Mom saying, “Clyde, you need to get rid of those shells before someone gets hurt.” But somehow he never got around to it. I was maybe twelve years old when the combination of being left to my own devices and that pile of machine gun shells came together. This was also about the time the U.S. and Soviet Union were involved in a “Space Race.”
I decided it was time to help our government develop rockets. I knew machine gun shells contained gunpowder, an ingredient I need for my rocket experiments. So I dragged a belt of shells to Dad’s workbench. One shell at a time, I clamped the bullet end onto a vice and wiggled the shell part vigorously until it separated from the bullet. Then I poured out the powder. I am convinced that there is an angel dedicated to looking after idiots and twelve year old boys. During a period of several weeks, I extracted the powder from several hundred 50 caliber shells – enough to fill a gallon Wesson Oil jug with gunpowder which I stored under my bed. During that time, not one of those shells exploded. It would take more space than I have to detail all the wondrous things a kid can do with a gallon of gunpowder. Elmer Jensen, the World War II veteran who rented the farmland from my parents, may have had flashbacks when he discovered craters and shrapnel in the plowed ground. Fortunately for me, in the late 1950s, folks were still laid back enough that the explosions that rattled their windows didn’t send them rushing to the phone to summon the police. The sad thing is, I never managed to build a rocket that left the ground in anything but pieces. It is worthy of note that my experiments proved that gunpowder alone doesn’t make nearly as big a bang as gunpowder mixed with ammonium nitrate fertilizer. I tried that combination after reading about a kid who lost his hand using that formula. Today’s kids, sitting around playing computer games, don’t know what they are missing. Wayne Cornell can be reached at wayne@swcornell.com.
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7:00-8:30 PM: Music by James & Rochelle Barrett with Kenny All proceeds from live Lynde. auction and donations 8:30-8:45 PM: Live Auction. If will go to Advocates you would like to donate please Against Family Violence call Mike at (208) 249-4417. to help families in need 8:45-10:45 PM: Music By of their many services. “The Almost Dangerous Band”
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2805 Blaine St. • 459-3308
A. Gustaf (Gus) Bryngelson has been collecting World War 1 uniforms, weapons and equipment since 1966 when he was given his grandfather’s helmet and wound certificate. An avid enthusiast, he has studied all of the combatants involved in the war and has had many pieces of his collection featured in area museums and some of the historical reference books written by Belgian author, Johan Somers. Gus is actively involved in several international discussions about World War 1 on the internet, serves on the board of directors of the local historical society and gives presentations about World War 1 to local school children and service organizations. He has spent the last three years researching and building an exact replica 1917 Ford Model T ambulance from photographs and historical documents. While researching documents for his replica, Gus stumbled upon the Frank K. Frankenfield collection. In addition to providing excellent photographs of the Ford 1917 Model T ambulance, there was a treasure trove of information included in Frank’s diaries, letters home, post cards and assorted documents. Upon receipt of this fabulous collection, Gus knew that there was a book that needed to be written about Evacuation Ambulance Company #8. This book is his tribute to the men who served. “Evacuation Ambulance Company #8 In World War One” is a delightful step back into history about the men who served together in this unit. This remarkable history contains over 170 photographs and firsthand accounts of the men, machines, equipment and living conditions of an American ambulance company. This thoughtfully assembled book goes through their adventure of World War I in and easy to read, chronological order, as seen through the eyes of ambulance mechanic Frank K. Frankenfield and the men who served with him. This volume is a well referenced, historically accurate account that will help anyone understand World War 1 on a more personal level. Gus and his wife MagDalene make their home in south central Idaho where they currently work together on their small farm.
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Photo by Leora Summers
Farmer Market for August
L to R: Kit Kelley, Raven and Rachel Johnson Rachel’s Produce is what Farmers Markets are all about! Their booth has an amazing variety of produce, fresh eggs and nursery plants and trees. Seventeen year old Rachel Johnson raises the produce for this family venture. Her mother, Kit Kelley, says, “she just steals my stuff out of the garden, but she is the true gardener!” She and her sister also raise about 200 chickens with Rachel in charge of the egg production and her sister, Raven, in charge of the meat production. At Rachel’s Produce during the month of August, you will find fresh eggs, nursery plants including
trees, lavender, Armenian cukes, lemon cukes, slicing cukes, eggplant, green beans, crookneck squash, patty pan squash, green beans, sweet onions, peaches, cantaloupe and watermelon (soon). At the Oasis Honey Booth, heirloom tomato tasting, corn on the cob, tomatoes, apricots, cantaloupes, watermelon (soon) and plums will be available. From the Little Acre Farms booth, you will find 65 varieties of jams and you can make a special request for a sugar-free jam which you can pick up on the next Wednesday. There are many other great other produce, jewelry, craft, food and beverage vendors at the Market while musicians perform for your pleasure. The Market runs between 4-7 p.m. and is located on the corner of S. 10th and Arthur Street.
August’s Musical Lineup Aug 3 - James Dewberry Aug 12 - Jim “Elvis” Mc Donald Aug 19 - Jim Barrett Aug 26 - Double Image Also on August 19th: Terry Reilly Health Services will be doing free health screenings and The Queens Court from Boise will be hosting a bake sale to raise money for care packages for soldiers.
Top Seller Book Review “DESPERATE” by Daniel Palmer
G a g e Dekker and Anna meet at a grief support g r o u p after each suffered the loss a child. They find love, get married and begin a new life with desires of starting a new family together. The story begins when Gage and Anna Decker see a crying
young girl, Lily, sitting on a curb. Anna comforts her and finds out that she was locked out of her apartment by her boyfriend because she was pregnant and he didn’t want a baby. Anna gives Lily her card with her phone and address and tells her if she needs anything, to just call. What a surprise when the young woman shows up on their doorstep wanting them to adopt her baby. That’s when the real story begins with twists and turns that you cannot even begin to imagine. This is a psychological thriller with many twisted revelations throughout the story. It kept me guessing all the way
By Leora Summers, Editor
By Leora Summers
through to the end. Gage was leary of the young woman that came into their lives and sought help from a friend who could read the auras of people and also connect loved ones with their dead. Gage was put into unthinkable situations when blackmailed by Lily’s boyfriend to get the money needed to make everything go away to save his marriage. There are a lot of desperate people in this novel playing off each other. Now you just have to read it to find out what happened. I loved it.
Caldwell’s Got Talent
By Chantele Hensel, Caldwell Perspective Publisher
A proud mama, yes I am. Paige, my 10 year old daughter, began singing before she spoke. “Itsy Bitsy Spider” to be exact. “Paige pick your shoes up. Paige clean your room!” are phrases that I regularly use when talking to her. But the upside is, that when she is cleaning her room or working through her chore list, she sings. Alright, enough bragging from me. Go to www.cityofcaldwell. com to hear Paige’s rendition of the National Anthem from the Caldwell 4th of July Opening Ceremonies at Memorial Park. Five Hundred plus views only days after it was posted.
Paige singing the National Anthem.
I am a proud mama!
Movies In The Park At Memorial Park Starting at Dusk (around 9:30-10:00 p.m.)
August 21st Thank you to our sponsors for making this possible.
As reported on Amazon.com, DANIEL PALMER is the bestselling author of six critically-acclaimed suspense novels.
FESTIVAL Saturday, August 22nd 2 PM – 6 PM Caldwell Train Depot
Come to downtown Caldwell for an amazing Idaho wine experience! All the wineries of the Sunnyslope Wine Trail will gather together for an afternoon filled with music. Grab a bite from local restaurants and sip some wine from any of the 10+ participating wineries.
$20 Pre-Sale available at www.SunnySlopeWineTrail.com • $25 At The Gate with Commemorative Sunnyslope Wine Trail Wine Glass
Photo by Chantele Hensel
August 2015
August 2015
The Great Depression and “WPA Toilets” in Canyon County
When the 1929 Great Depression occurred in the United States, many rural areas were already suffering. An agricultural depression that began after the end of World War I (1918) caused most farming, mining, and lumber markets to drastically decline for ten years. Idaho’s economy relied heavily on each of these markets. The average resident’s modest income dropped dramatically from 1929 to 1932-- decreasing by nearly half (49.3%). Two years later, southern Idaho was hit with a severe drought, followed by infestations of “Mormon” crickets [shield-backed katydids] in the fields and crops and pine bark beetles in the forests. The added natural disasters further hurt Idaho’s economy, despite President Herbert Hoover’s efforts to bolster agricultural markets.
Photo by Madeline Buckendorf
1940 WPA Community Sanitation Poster promoting sanitary outhouse designs. [From Library of Congress]
The Idaho electorate, traditionally a Republican stronghold, showed its discontent with Hoover and his party members by voting out nearly every Republican incumbent in the 1932 state and federal races. Democratic presidential candidate Franklin Roosevelt won every county in Idaho except one (Bear Lake). Roosevelt soon developed massive public works programs to stem high unemployment, as part of his “New Deal” for America. One of the First “New Deal” public works programs that President Roosevelt instituted was the Civilian Conservation Corps program, beginning in 1933. Idaho soon had the third-largest program in the nation. When the Works Progress Administration (WPA) was established in 1935, nearly five billion dollars were poured into a variety of projects nationwide that would provide unemployment relief. Idaho ranked 21st in the nation in receiving WPA expenditures. Most of Idaho’s highways, bridges, and public buildings were constructed by workers paid with federal funds. Former Caldwell merchant W. Dean Miller had been named head of the WPA program in Idaho, and Caldwell benefited from many of these public works projects. In fact, Canyon County was the second only to Ada County for the number of federal aid dollars received during this time. By no means were Roosevelt’s New Deal Programs popular with everyone in the 1930s-1940s. Small-scale farmers especially disliked them--they had survived the 1920s’ agricultural depression by the skin of their teeth by “living off the land.” To them the Great
Photo by Madeline Buckendorf
Editor’s Note: This is Part One of a three-part series on the Great Depression in the Caldwell area written by Madeline Buckendorf
The WPA toilet featured is located near Black Cat Road near Franklin Road. It is on a farm that was originally owned by Charles Eggers. The workers marked the concrete floor with the initials, “W.P.A.” Depression was just a continuum of making do on very little. Some considered the New Deal as a “make-work” program that accomplished little. That attitude may have developed because public works projects did not directly benefit their livelihood, but rather aided townspeople, large-scale
farmers, and the national forests. Some WPA projects did provide some Idaho small-scale farmers with cheap labor and physical improvements. Workers lined irrigation ditches with concrete, built concrete headgates, laid culverts, and constructed “WPA outhouses” on farmsteads. A December 1935 Caldwell News Tribune article carried the headline, “Outdoor Toilet Project to Be Rushed in Idaho.” Both the U.S. Public Health and Idaho Sanitation departments were planning to replace 8,000 “unsanitary” outdoor toilets, with federal funds of $250,000. The project would put 400 men to work in 30 Idaho counties, including Canyon. The article pointed out that, in other states, toilet replacements helped get rid of typhoid and other fly-borne diseases. Old-style privies were usually built with no foundation over a hole in the ground. Ventilation in these toilets was unheard of, except perhaps for holes in the walls or a half-moon in the door, which also provided some natural light. The toilet holes were often not covered with lids, so flies and other insects could directly access the waste pile. The unfinished wood seats became splintery after long use—a danger to every kid who grew up on a farm. Numerous WPA outhouses were built on Ada and Canyon County farms during the 1930s. The typical WPA toilet had a concrete foundation, a varnished redwood toilet lid and seating area set into concrete foundation, and an enclosed venting system constructed out of redwood. On some of the structures, a rope
pulley system attached the door to the toilet seat cover. When the door was opened, the rope pulled the lid to an upright position. On the deluxe model, this rope also turned on an electric light located inside. These toilets were the “butt” of many jokes and cartoons of the time, which often portrayed WPA workers leaning on their shovels by a fancy outhouse. The work, however, kept many men from starving to death or ending up in the poor house. Several WPA outhouses still stand on southern Idaho farmsteads, a testament to the quality workmanship of WPA workers.
Over or Under? Question Answered...
124-Year-Old Patent reveals the right way to use toilet paper. The end of the toilet paper roll should be on the outside, or in the “over” position. See actual Patent (Patent US465588).
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August 2015
Photo of photo by Leora Summers
Photos by Leora Summers
The Johnston Cabin
Dale Smith as Dennis Johnston
Dale Smith, as Dennis Johnston of the Johnston brothers (whose cabin is on the Caldwell Memorial Park’s grounds in a fenced-in area with the Van Slyke Cabin and other historical machinery), greeted visitors to the family cabin during Caldwell’s Fourth of July Celebration at the park directly following the parade that day. He looked remarkably like his Great-Great-Great Uncle Dennis Johnston in the picture that
Photo by Leora Summers
Edna’s Response to July’s “What is This?” Edna Roth called me up in response to the “What’s This” picture from last month’s Caldwell Perspective. She had one of those plus more! The picture was of an antique cork screw like the one on the far right side of this photo. Edna said that the first hanging piece is a jar opener that belonged to her mother who was born in 1908. Her mother’s family came from the Netherlands and that it most likely came over with them when they immigrated. The 2nd, 3rd and 4th hanging pieces from left to right came from her husband’s family who came from Germany or Switzerland.
By Leora Summers Caldwell Perspective Editor
Dennis Johnston
July 4th, Dale and visitors at the Johnston Cabin
graces the wall of the cabin. Well done Dale! Well done! The cabin was originally built by Tom and Dave Johnson in 1863 in the Dixie community where the J.R. Simplot Company is now located. It was moved to the park in 1934 by the “Native Daughters of Idaho.” In those early days that land was used for raising cattle. The Dixie area, which it is still called, extends from the west boundary of Caldwell to Greenleaf on the west,
August Guess What This Is? Send your guesses to editor@caldwellperspective.com
north to the Boise River and south to the Bench Lands. Editor’s Side Note--Dale is also a Dutch oven chef and the author of “Dutch Oven Cook Book,” which had been a top seller from Caxton printers for years. Dutch oven cooking is a popular form of cooking among campers and a fun way to make dinner up in the hills when hunting.
Avalon Antiques Open Monday – Saturday, 10 a.m. – 5 p.m.
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Photo by Leora Summers
Edna is “paying it forward” with her “What’s This?” Correct answers will be entered into a drawing! Good luck!
Submitted by Bill Crookham
Early Caldwell Rodeo Grounds
The Rodeo Grounds in the 1950’s before moving to its current location
By Chantele Hensel, Publisher
Homesteader’s Silver Jubilee and Night Rodeo began in 1935, in commemoration of the 25th Anniversary of the Irrigation on the Boise project. It became an annual event only missing two years during the time in which President Roosevelt asked that such events be cancelled in time of war. The Rodeo grounds were situated off of Kimball and Paynter where the National Guard Armory and Social Security Office buildings are today. In 1963, the rodeo was moved to its current location next to Simplot Stadium.
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Place of Grace
Church of Christ Celebrates 100 Years
Submitted photos
By Carrie Hawkins
Chad Bewley presented an overview of the last 25 years of the history of the Church of Christ. Others who presented included Ray Skelton, Bill Free and Jim Fennell.
For the months leading up to the event, members met to plan the event and make wall displays. We put up a timeline over 8 feet long and indicated significant events that occurred over the last 100 years at the Caldwell Church of Christ such as marriages, baptisms, when families joined, when ministers and elders served. Members were asked to submit walletsized photos of loved ones passed who were part of the congregation and pinned the photos to a memory board. A world map and map pins were used to mark ways God has used our money to help people in other areas of the world. People brought articles of interest related to the church’s history and displayed them on tables in the foyer. Some items displayed were previous communion tables used, old song books and directories, examples of church correspondence and bulletins from each decade, photos and trophies of the church softball team, ladies retreats, Trunk or Treats, the church garden ministry, and participation in Project Linus and Love
INC. A large TV ran a slideshow of pictures submitted of members and church events. Friday night there was a hymn sing and pie social. Saturday morning, four speakers each presented on 25 years of history of the Caldwell church. Former minister Richard Sutton and current minister Jay Hawkins spoke on heritage and why it is important to celebrate milestones such as this. Saturday lunch was purchased for all to share in and those who attended were invited to share funny stories that took place at our church during an open mic time. A canopy was put up on the lawn for those who wished to eat outside. Kids played in the two bounce houses, a squirt gun area, with ladder ball and ring toss games, volleyball area, and in some organized games such as sack races and egg-in-spoon relays. Sunday we had a wonderful day of worship with guest speaker and former minister John Free, followed by a potluck. It was a wonderful weekend of worship and fellowship!
August 2015
Loving Our Vets!
By Leora Summers, Caldwell Perspective Editor
Photos by Leora Summers
L to R: Pastor Wayne Schuler with Dan Pugmire, Caldwell Veterans’ Therapeutic Garden manager. On July 3rd the first of the “Love Locks for Vets” was put on the fence surrounding the Veterans Therapeutic Garden, 305 West Belmont Street, in Caldwell by Pastor Wayne Schuler, a Navy veteran and a past minister of the Oregon Trail Church of Christ. The act of putting a lock on the fence is to show love and support for our veterans. Schuler put the first lock on the fence in remembrance of his father who served in WWII. He will be putting other locks on the fence for other members of his family later. He now wears the key to that lock on a necklace as a symbol of his love and
L to R: Wayne Schuler and Dan Pugmire putting the first locks on the “Love Locks for Vets” fence at the Veterans Therapeutic Garden
Volleyball fun during the celebration.
Submitted photo
Know Your Government Conference
Editor’s note: Aleita is a 14 year old home-schooled girl who is a 4-H member of the Ranchers and Riders Club. She attended the “Know Your Government Conference” for 8-9th graders.
“Know Your Government” was held at the Red Lion Hotel Downtowner and the Supreme Court Building earlier this year. On Saturday when we first arrived, we played get-to-know-you games by 4-H District. Then we had a formal dinner with our guest speaker Amberley Snyder, which was amazing! She was paralyzed for the rest of her life because of a car accident. But she quoted, “Always green and growing, never ripe and rotty.” She relates to by trying to improve upon what she couldn’t do before. She said, “It all depends on the attitude.” On Sunday morning we learned about other things we can do through 4-H. Later that afternoon we got to tour the Supreme Court Building and prepare for our mock trial the
By Aleita Falen (14 years old)
next morning. We also learned about the common types of drugs and that almost every can or bottle that you see could be holding drugs. When Monday morning came we were privileged to have breakfast with some legislators and judges. I got to personally meet Lieutenant Governor Brad Little and have breakfast with him. I learned that he pretty much ranches for the fun of it, with his sheep! At the Know Your Government Conference (KYG), I learned a lot about our government, the importance of a good attitude and had a lot of fun. I want to go back to KYG next year. I encourage all youth to attend KYG! For more information about this program contact Debbie Lowber at the UI Canyon County Extension Office: (208) 459-6003.
respect for his father. Other veterans putting locks on the fence that day were Ken Batt and Dan Pugmire. Anyone can put a lock on the fence to honor the veteran in their life and are encouraged to do so. You can have it engraved somewhere or put a note (provided on the fence) on your lock with the person’s name that you would like to honor and then wear the key around your neck as a symbol of your love for your honored veteran. This idea came to fruition when Pastor Schuler met with Dan Pugmire, a veteran and the Garden’s manager, and the Garden’s board members. He talked to them about the idea and they all thought it was a good fit with their vision for the garden. There are other places worldwide who have this “Locks of Love” practice to preserve memories of all kinds. The pastor hopes this form of tribute to veterans will spread across the country. Of this practice, Schuler said, “It’s important because of the sacrifices that our veterans made to our country, to show our appreciation for their service.” For more information about the Veterans Therapeutic Garden in Caldwell go to: www.veteranstherapeuticgardens.org.
Caldwell Veteran Dan Pugmire was honored at the God and Country Festival by the God and Country Association on July 2nd with the “F. Willard ‘Robbie’ Robinson Military Service Award” for his service to our country and his continued service as a veteran through his work at the Caldwell Veterans Therapeutic Garden. Inscribed on the award was, “All gave some and some gave all.” Pugmire’s service was highlighted in Caldwell Perspective’s May Edition on the Place of Grace page, page 14. To read past editions, go to caldwellperspective.com.
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