CalContractor Owner Operator 2017

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Above: Bryson Miller, J & L Constructors, Inc., clearing new transformer pad area at Balboa Bay Beach Club in Newport Beach.

Huntington Beach and according to Miller, the bulk of their work is done primarily in Orange County. “We will venture out into San Diego and LA County occasionally, and even out of state now and then if the job is big enough. We have not done much of this lately because we remain busy right here in our local area,” says Miller. “Our largest single job since our inception would have to be the work we did out at Pier G in Long Beach. We installed around 2,000 lineal feet of 12 inch, C900 line, for the potable water and the same amount for the 12 inch reclaimed water pipeline that all ran to a new maintenance facility at the port.” Miller continues to point out that their most challenging project may have been the stormwater catch basin work that his company did at the Warren Oil Facility in Long Beach. “This required the use of


bigger and heavier construction machines so that we could dig down as deep as 35 feet in some areas,” says Miller. “We dealt with the ocean tide on the Warren Oil project in Long Beach, as we set a large catch basin in six separate sections. It was a fun challenge and our crews stepped up and got it all done on time, to specification and without any issues.” J & L also recently finished a goodsized job out at the landfill on the 29 Palms Marine Base, and they are currently working out at the Balboa Bay Beach Club in Newport Beach. “We are doing underground electrical work, including the high voltage electrical at the service docks,” says Miller. “These lines serve residents and resort clientele at the docks where more power was required.” Miller explains that they are installing around 100 feet of 4 to 6-inch


Schedule 40 underground conduit and excavating down around three to 4 feet deep. “Working with the tide is always a challenge, and sometimes it is just a waiting game as far as installing the necessary pipeline underwater and along the dock so that the electrical contractor can pull it all back through,” says Miller. “We started this job in November 2016 and have been working on and off to accommodate all of the various phases. We are now in the last phase and will probably finish by the end of the month.” Since their inception in 2012, J & L Constructors has rented most of the heavy machinery that they utilize on one job site to another. In January 2017, Miller made the decision to invest in his first piece of construction equipment, a John Deere 35G compact excavator from

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