General Voter Guide

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8. I would help build trust between the Muslim community and law enforcement, so that victims feel safe reporting hate incidents. I would work with trusted organizations, such as CAIR, to ensure they had the resources to empower community members. 9. The government’s role is to fully fund a world-class, 21st century public education system that is accessible to all children in the state. This means creating adequate revenue mechanisms and effective ways to intervene in failing schools. 10. It is my top priority to fully fund our schools so we provide a world-class 21st century education for all children. I believe we should do this through seeking NEW revenue sources, including a discussion of a state income tax. 11. I would support legislation that is modeled after ERPA and get input from trusted organizations among racial, ethnic, and religious minorities to address the problem. I will meet with Muslim leaders to strengthen my personal relationship with this community. 12. I would support reviewing training materials to ensure that law-enforcement officers receive accurate and relevant information that builds understanding of the Muslim community as well as other immigrant communities and people of color. 13. I will have to learn more about the role the legislature plays in dictating training materials used by local law enforcement, but I would certainly support ridding our state patrol of these inaccurate curricula. 14. Yes. I support investing in transit, commute trip reduction, and tolling to help reduce our dependence on single occupancy vehicles. I support funding existing transit initiatives and hope to increase the share of our state transportation budget spent on transit. 15. As a state legislator I will fight attempts to use our founding principles against our better nature, as does the Anti-Sharia law movement. Washington Courts ought to apply the law as passed, not as interpreted by unaccountable religious figures.

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