Giving Report 2015

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Nestled between the Pacific Ocean and the world-class vineyards of the Edna Valley, CAL POLY’S COLLEGE OF AGRICULTURE, FOOD & ENVIRONMENTAL SCIENCES boasts one of the nation’s most prestigious undergraduate agriculture programs.

Message from

THE DEAN Dear Friends,

“ More than 2,383 donors gave in support of our students, faculty, staff and facilities last year, and we couldn’t be more appreciative.”

Our work in the College of Agriculture, Food & Environmental Sciences (CAFES) is simultaneously innovating — making Cal Poly better for students both today and tomorrow — while holding fast to our proud legacy. We must improve and enhance our teaching and learning facilities without diminishing our heritage. It’s critical to our ongoing success to respect the past while always looking to the future. The CAFES community’s strong support for and belief in this mission is reflected in its continued generosity — and the more than $38 million donated to the college in 2014-15. More than 2,383 donors gave in support of our students, faculty, staff and facilities last year, and we couldn’t be more appreciative. Change has been both our challenge and opportunity this year, and our dedicated friends continue to sustain our Learn by Doing legacy for generations to come. Together, with your help, we can continue to be better than ever. Warmest regards,

Andrew J. Thulin, Ph.D. Dean

Making History

IN GIVING The Oppenheimers Pledge $20 Million to College, Continue to Give Back Cal Poly’s agricultural landscape will be transformed with

The gift will be used to build critical new facilities for the

new facilities and enhanced classrooms and labs, thanks

college and modernize many of the existing teaching units in

to the generosity of alumni Peter Oppenheimer (B.S.,

the Animal Science Department, including a new Equestrian

Agricultural Business Management, 1985) and Mary Beth

Pavilion. It will also enhance the college as a whole by

Oppenheimer (B.S., Home Economics, 1986).

funding a new 70,000-square foot Agricultural Events Center,

The couple announced last November their gift of $20 million to the College of Agriculture, Food & Environmental Sciences, marking the largest cash gift in the university’s history. 02

as well as a farm store to sell student-produced meat, poultry, dairy, wine, crop and horticulture products.


The updated facilities will greatly enhance the college’s

Peter Oppenheimer spent 18 years at Apple, the last 10

ability to maintain its hallmark hands-on teaching methods

as chief financial officer. He retired in September 2014.

for students for many generations.

Currently he serves as a director of Goldman Sachs and the Cal Poly Foundation. The couple now lives on the Central Coast and remain

“ Cal Poly’s Learn by Doing philosophy had a tremendous impact on our education and lives.” – Peter Oppenheimer

“Cal Poly’s Learn by Doing philosophy had a tremendous impact on our education and lives,” Peter Oppenheimer said. “We want to help modernize and expand Cal Poly’s animal operations and build new facilities to offer future students an even better experience than our own.” The Oppenheimer’s $20 million gift wasn’t the end of the couple’s generosity. They have continued to offer support for the Animal Science Department’s Equestrian Center, overseen by longtime lecturer and equine specialist Pete Agalos. “They both really like horses and expressed an interest in buying one or two,” Agalos said. “On a recent visit, after showing them the colts that were for sale, Peter asked what we needed around here. I gave them a lengthy wish list of items the unit could use.” The Oppenheimers not only listened; they delivered. The department has been able to purchase new equipment that will benefit the students’ Learn by Doing experiential education. “Peter and Mary Beth Oppenheimer’s generous gift reflects their confidence in the future of the College of Agriculture, Food & Environmental Sciences and true belief in our Learn by Doing mission,” said Andy Thulin, dean of the college. The Oppenheimers continue to support areas of ongoing need that have been dear to their hearts for years, including the Cal Poly Scholars program, the university’s meal voucher program, and a new Food Pantry. These programs are all aimed at addressing the basic student needs of physical nourishment and tuition, so that the students can focus on

committed to their alma mater.

J & G Lau Family Meat Processing Center Peter and Mary Beth Oppenheimer’s gracious $20 million donation will fund the construction and improvement of several new facilities on campus — positively impacting and shaping the lives of future students. Prior to their latest gift, the Oppenheimers were a principal donor to the J & G Lau Family Meat Processing Center. Just over four years ago, it opened as a fully functioning plant with the capabilities to involve students in all stages of meat processing from harvesting to packaging. Designed to supplement students’ classroom instruction, the center gives them the opportunity to apply learned principles to industry-like practices and experience. “Being able to work and learn in a modern meat processing facility with U.S. Department of Agriculture inspectors has influenced and transformed my career path,” said Joyce Paxton (B.S., Animal Science, 2015). “I chose Cal Poly because of its hands-on learning approach, and having modern facilities is paramount for Learn by Doing.” The J & G Lau Family Meat Processing center has made a dramatic impact on students’ lives. “The $6.5 million facility, funded almost completely by private donations, is a prime example of how individuals and corporations with a common goal can come together and make transformational impacts on students’ futures,” said Dean Andy Thulin. “We are extremely grateful for all of those who made the J & G Lau Family Meat Processing Center a reality and look forward to the new facilities to come.”

making the most of their studies. “This quiet need exists and we would like to ensure that students have access to the basic essentials, including food and personal necessities,” said Mary Beth Oppenheimer.

To make a donation, please contact Russ Kabaker at or call 805-756-6601. CAFES


A 450-Acre Gift Stu and Jan Bartleson, who have been developing land for housing and commercial real estate on the Central Coast for decades, donated their 450-acre avocado and lemon ranch in southern San Luis Obispo County to Cal Poly’s College of Agriculture, Food & Environmental Sciences in June – making it one of the largest land donations in Cal Poly’s 114-year history. 04


Photo credit: Jay Thompson

The Bartlesons’ gift is valued at $11.3 million and expands the

“It just makes (Stu) feel so good that the avocadoes and lemons

university’s agricultural land holdings to more than 10,000

will be able to continue on,” Jan Bartleson said. “It’s very

acres. Cal Poly currently holds 6,000 acres adjacent to the San

important to him that it stay the way it is, and the right place

Luis Obispo campus, as well as the 3,200-acre Swanton Pacific

to donate it to is Cal Poly.”

Ranch and 600-acre Valencia property in Santa Cruz County.

The property covers 450 acres of rolling ranchland off Los Berros

The new property adds a combined 235 acres to Cal Poly’s

Road, three miles south of the city of Arroyo Grande. The ranch

previous 11 acres of lemon trees and 15 acres of avocado trees.

was formerly a cattle feedlot, at one time feeding up to 5,000

Cal Poly College of Agriculture, Food & Environmental Sciences Dean Andy Thulin noted that the working ranch will provide abundant Learn by Doing opportunities for future generations of students. “The Bartlesons’ generosity will enable longer-term research projects, provide numerous internship opportunities for students, and facilitate income-producing industry

animals, mostly cattle and some sheep. Stu Bartleson purchased the land in 1985 with the intention of developing it. He planted the first lemon trees to prove the property had water, later adding thousands of additional lemon and avocado trees. The ranch includes 131 acres of Lisbon lemons and 104 acres of avocados, which are mostly of the Haas variety. Today the Bartleson Ranch has 18,572 lemon trees and 8,842 avocado trees.

partnerships for the college,” said Thulin. “While the core of

Stu Bartleson was thrilled at the possibility of donating the

our hands-on, Learn by Doing education will still take place

land to Cal Poly.

on campus, I’m excited about the opportunities this provides for expanding the learning and research programs for our students, faculty and staff.” The Bartlesons are known for their philanthropic efforts

“It’s exciting to think about this being kept as ag land and carrying our name in perpetuity,” he said. “I’m also excited to think that the ranch will help prepare today’s students to become tomorrow’s ag industry leaders.”

throughout the Central Coast, supporting youth, senior citizen and animal welfare causes, among others. The couple was honored in 2011 for their work by Celebrate

To make a donation, please contact Russ Kabaker at or call 805-756-6601.

Philanthropy, a local nonprofit organization. CAFES




These donors have pledged their support for more than 30 years — ultimately giving $722,554

Manfred Sander

Craig Sandall

George Soares

(B.S., Animal Science, 1953)

(B.S., Agricultural Business, 1970)

(B.S., Agricultural Business, 1966)

Manfred Sander is a cowboy who found his roots in the Cal Poly rodeo

Craig Sandall was a farm boy who grew

George Soares, a founding partner in

up on a peach orchard. He was the first

the Sacramento law firm Kahn, Soares

in the early 1950s.

of four siblings to earn a college degree.

& Conway, has remained true to his

Sander has since dedicated more

“The biggest thing is getting the

than three decades of service to the

education and the degree,” Sandall

university, serving on multiple boards

said. “There is no telling where I would

He is a respected attorney, lobbyist

and as a rodeo booster.

be if the professors there hadn’t kept

and dairyman. He is also a passionate

Today, he is one of the longest-standing

me in school and moving forward.”

supporter of Cal Poly, having served

donors to the college.

When he graduated in 1970, the labor

He fondly recalls the comradery of his

market was dismal, but he landed a job

college days and the friends that he made along the way — many of whom he remains in touch with today. In 2009 Sander was awarded the university’s Distinguished Service

at a credit union in agricultural lending.

agricultural roots as an influential leader in California agriculture.

on multiple committees, including the President’s Cabinet and the board of the Cal Poly Foundation for 10 years.

That job led to a prosperous career in

“I can say without hesitation that in

the banking industry. “I’m still doing it

many important ways, my life began

today and still enjoying it,” he said.

at Cal Poly,” Soares said. “So anything

Sandall credits Cal Poly’s Learn by

I can do for Cal Poly, I am there. It is that important to me.”

Award for 20 years of service,

Doing philosophy for his success.

including work on the Cal Poly Alumni

“At Cal Poly it’s not about reading a

Association board, longtime service

book and regurgitating it,” Sandall

to the Rodeo Boosters, participation

said. “Even when I was there, we

on the College of Agriculture, Food

weren’t sitting in a classroom. We were

& Environmental Sciences Advisory

in the middle of the avocado orchard,

Of the donors who have consistently

Council, and other philanthropic and

learning to harvest it.”

given to the college for the past 30

fundraising activities.

Sandall has consistently donated to the

Both his grandfather and uncle attended Cal Poly. “Attending Cal Poly was a natural extension of who I was raised to be,” Soares said.

years, he has given the most.

“Over the years I was involved with

college since he graduated, investing

With his wife, Gloria, Soares established

some of the makers and doers at the

in the college as a way of showing his

the Louis H. and Stella S. Soares

college,” said Sander. “I have always


Outstanding Achievement Award at

felt it to be a privilege.”

“I can’t express what Cal Poly provided

He continues to give annually and help

me from a learning standpoint,”

raise money as he sees the need arise.

Sandall said.

“I do it because I like to do it, and I feel

“Each December I write a check, if

good for helping,” Sander said.

I have the money to do it,” he said. “It gives me a chance to remember the good times.”

Cal Poly in memory of his parents. It is presented to an outstanding CAFES junior annually. “People leave things in their wills, but I wanted to leave things during my lifetime because I wanted to experience them,” said Soares. “My primary motivation is to show my appreciation for all Cal Poly has done for me and recognize the responsibility that we all have to be there to help the


next generation however we can.”

Mr. Alfred Amaral Jr.

Mr. Allan Highstreet

Mr. John LaBarbera

B.S., Agricultural Business, 1964

B.S., Agricultural Business, 1976

B.S., Agricultural Business, 1970

Ms. Elaine Doyle, B.S.

Ms. Janet Katzer

Mrs. Judith McIlree

B.S., Home Economics, 1981;

B.S., Home Economics, 1977

B.S., Animal Husbandry, 1962

Mr. Miller Keplinger

Mr. Duane Wickstrom

B.S., Agricultural Engineering, 1953

B.S., Dairy Husbandry, 1956

M.A., Education, 1994

Mr. John Guidotti B.S., Agricultural Business, 1974

To make a donation, please contact Russ Kabaker at or call 805-756-6601. CAFES



Learn by Doing

ENDOWMENT In 2009, 11 innovative agriculture leaders who recognize the distinct advantage of Cal Poly’s hands-on education came together to form the Learn by Doing Endowment to support the College of Agriculture, Food & Environmental Sciences’ renowned tradition of excellence. These generous philanthropists are committed to supporting

“I am thrilled that our students will have access to the

the next generation of students and are directly contributing

needed equipment that will bring Learn by Doing into the

to the college’s mission of fostering “teaching, scholarship

classroom and enhance — on multiple levels —

and service in a Learn by Doing environment where

the material being taught,” said Jean Dodson Peterson,

students, faculty and staff are partners in discovery.”

assistant professor of viticulture. “All the viticulture courses

Each founding member donated $100,000 to create a fund of $1.1 million that is used to perpetuate the impact of their

to come. This is a significant benefit for our students.”

original gifts through matching endowments from other

Funds from the endowment will also enable up to 10

generous individuals.

students to attend the Agriculture Future of America (AFA)

Those funds are being used to provide educational

Leadership Conference in Kansas City, Mo., this year.

opportunities in the classroom and beyond that would

Students will gain hands-on professional training by

otherwise be financially unattainable.

participating and hearing from established agricultural

Earnings from the endowment facilitated the recent purchase of 12 state-of-the-art stereomicroscopes to be used in basic

leaders. Students will also mingle with industry professionals and network with company recruiters.

and advanced viticulture courses. That is just one example

“It is extremely important that Cal Poly students get involved

of the endowment’s continual benefit to students.

and attend the AFA Leadership Conference this fall,” said

The microscopes will provide students with a clear, threedimensional view of the specimens they are studying. A teaching microscope with camera capabilities will also allow students to watch the instructor while working simultaneously.

Your $12,500 pledge OVER 1 – 5 YEARS


in our department will be able to utilize the scopes for years


Christine Curtis, a sophomore studying agricultural business and a campus ambassador to the AFA program. “It provides a unique way for young agriculturalists to gain one-on-one professional experience to get ahead in the transition from college to the agriculture industry.”




Personal Learn by Doing Endowment With the available matching funds from the founding members, you can establish a $25,000 personal Learn by Doing Endowment for $12,500. To learn more, contact Assistant Dean of Advancement and External Relations Russ Kabaker at 805-756-3269 or

The College of Agriculture, Food & Environmental Sciences gives special thanks to the following who have taken the challenge and created Learn by Doing Endowments through this program.Â

Founding Donors Steve Barnard

Al & Gail Montna

Bob & Leslie Taylor

B.S., Agricultural Business, 1975 Mission Produce, Inc.

B.S., Farm Management, 1967; B.S., Home Economics, 1967 Montna Farms

The Oreggia Family Foundation Foundation Trustee

Charles & Diane Harrington B.S., Agricultural Engineering, 1981; B.S., Ornamental Horticulture, 1981; B.S., M.S., Agriculture, 1983

Rick & Tonya Antle B.S., Crop Science, 1979 Tanimura & Antle Inc.

Richard & Kathleen Zacky

Mitchell W. Metzler

B.S., Poultry Industry, 1979; B.S., Food Science, 1980

RCO Ag Credit, Inc./ Glenn N Janzen, Inc.

John & Sheila Lake

John & Carol Salmonson B.S., Crop Science, 1967 Monterey Ag Resources

Ed & Rosa Boutonnet B.S., Crop Science, 1962 Ocean Mist Farms

Stu & Jan Bartleson Bartleson Ranch

Rain for Rent

Donald R. Maas Kirk & Mary Messick Charles M. Burkner Jerome Case The Deane Family The Bannon Family The ABM/NAMA Club RCO Ag Credit Inc.

Susan & Robert Brown Lark P. Carter Anthony Florentine Paul F. Burkner A. Lynn & Ruth D. French Timothy E. & Lisa York SunWest Foods The Errecarte Family

Peter & Mary Oppenheimer The Pease Family Merle & Sharon Jensen Rich Krizo Sonya Woods Anderson Lynn & Mary Bradford-White

To make a donation, please contact Russ Kabaker at or call 805-756-6601. CAFES



Three years ago Lundberg Family Farms pledged support to the organic farm program at Cal Poly by helping to fund a summer quarter faculty fellowship, allowing the Horticulture & Crop Science Department to keep the organic farm functional year-round. The faculty fellowship benefits students by providing them continuous training and research opportunities in organic and sustainable farming methods. This year, Cal Poly’s 11-acre organic farm was ranked among the top 20 university farms in America by the independent website Best College Reviews. In addition, Professor Ashraf Tubeileh was hired to lead the organics program. “This partnership comes out of our heritage of practicing organic farming since the late 1960s,” said Grant Lundberg,



chief executive officer of Lundberg Family Farms. “When we first started, there was no school or university studying organic practices. We had to learn about it on our own, by making mistakes in the fields.” Lundberg (B.S., Agricultural Business, 1985) said that 11 Cal Poly alumni now work for Lundberg Family Farms. “Partnering with Cal Poly is great. It gives students an opportunity to learn about organic farming on the farm, in a university environment,” said Lundberg, adding that it is an ideal way to get more people involved in organic farming to sustain the company’s future. Lundberg Family Farms is a leader in organic rice farming, energy conservation, and renewable energy. “Supporting the opportunities the university environment offers is a great way to honor our past and prepare for our future,” Lundberg said. Pictured: Grant Lundberg, CEO of Lundberg Family Farms Photo credit: Courtesy photo from Lundberg Family Farms

Photo credit: Jay Thompson

A Decade-Long Partnership with Wonderful Co. Garner said that the industry partnership strengthens Cal Poly’s hands-on curriculum and connects students An instrumental partnership with The Wonderful Co., a privately held $4 billion global corporation headquartered in Los Angeles, and the College of Agriculture, Food & Environmental Sciences has been evolving for a decade. The collaboration has resulted in advances on campus that will benefit students for years to come.

directly with the industry they are learning about. The Wonderful Co. has holdings that include Pom Wonderful pomegranates and juices, Wonderful Halos clementines, Wonderful pistachios and almonds, and Wonderful Sweet Scarletts grapefruit, among other divisions. The company is also looking to the future by investing in

Recently the company furthered its support of fruit science

pomegranate tree-related research and honey production

education and research at Cal Poly by planting a new citrus

at Cal Poly.

orchard adjacent to the Crops Unit of the Horticulture & Crop Science Department.

Wonderful Orchards, overseen by Joe MacIlvain, gave a financial donation that enabled Garner to leverage a grant

“We are investing in Cal Poly and in the future of agriculture,”

from the California State University Agricultural Research

said Adam Brown, director of farming at Wonderful Citrus

Institute to study the flowering, pruning and insect pest

and a Cal Poly alumnus. “It is our company’s belief that it

issues of pomegranate trees for the next three years.

is important to give back, and by focusing our efforts on students, we are advancing the future of agriculture.”

Pomegranate trees have an unusual flowering habit that has yet to be studied in depth, Garner said. “The goal of

The 4-acre grove includes more than 1,500 trees, primarily

the study is to find a way to prune trees that are capable of

seedless mandarins but also navel oranges, blood oranges,

producing more fruit that is viable for fresh-market sales.”

limes, and the lesser-known Buddha’s hand citrus.

Additionally, the company donated pomegranate trees and

Wonderful Citrus, headed by David Krause and a

the supplies to establish a half-acre teaching and research

subsidiary of The Wonderful Co., paid for the planting,

orchard at the Cal Poly.

land preparation, and irrigation, among other costs. The company also donated and delivered the grafted trees, which were grown in its own nursery.

Garner, Professor David Headrick, and several graduate and undergraduate students are conducting the research, which will likely benefit both Cal Poly and Wonderful Orchards.

The Cal Poly orchard will be used for teaching and research. It is expected to be in full production, in the next five years, said Professor Lauren Garner.

To make a donation, please contact Russ Kabaker at or call 805-756-6601.

Cal Poly students were involved in the process from beginning to end — deciding what types of citrus would be grown, participating in nursery production and planting of the trees on campus. CAFES



The Arnold D. Haskel Scholarship Cody Wallace (B.S., Agricultural and Environmental Plant

“We began to see what fascinating students were applying

Sciences, 2015) just completed a six-week paid internship at

for the scholarship,” said Dan Daniels, president of the

the renowned Sherman Library and Gardens in Corona del

M.H. Sherman Co. and Sherman Foundation, which supports

Mar, Calif., where he conceptualized and implemented a

Sherman Library and Gardens as its principal project. “After

public garden plot.

offering the scholarship for a few years, we decided that the

The recent Cal Poly graduate, who aspires to one day direct a botanical garden, is a 2014 recipient of the Arnold D. Haskell

the students would benefit from working at a public garden.”

Scholarship. Each year the M. H. Sherman Co. donates as

The Sherman Library and Gardens’ current manager of

much as $50,000 to the scholarship to support up to three

horticulture is a past scholarship winner, Daniels said.

environmental horticultural science majors.

The scholarship is one way that respected partners in the

Wallace, who received a full one-year scholarship, said the

community join with Cal Poly to further the university’s

true benefit was the opportunity to work directly in the

Learn by Doing philosophy.

horticulture industry.

Wallace, who managed Cal Poly’s Leaning Pine Arboretum as

“The insight I gained there and the opportunity to work

a student, said the financial gift allowed him to focus on his

directly with respected people in the industry has been

academics and pursue a career path that he has long worked for.

invaluable,” said Wallace. “I have built a strong network of connections and resources.” Nurturing future talent to support the development and management of public gardens was a key factor for the M.H. Sherman Co. when deciding to provide the scholarships to Cal Poly students. A decade later, the investment has blossomed into a beneficial partnership. 12

gardens would benefit from hiring them as interns and that

“This scholarship meant that I didn’t have to live paycheck to paycheck, worrying that I might spend too much on groceries or putting off an oil change for my car.” Wallace and fellow recipient Jessica Sheetz (B.S., Agricultural and Environmental Plant Sciences, 2015) transformed a sizeable patch of land at the Sherman Library and Gardens into a sustainable garden using drought-tolerant plants.

Photo credit: Cody Wallace

GIFT IN KIND Former chemistry Professor Brenda Baker, now with

“ This scholarship meant that I didn’t have to live paycheck to paycheck.” – Cody Wallace

Baker Wine and Analysis in Paso Robles, donated a piece of highly valued equipment to the Cal Poly wine analytics lab. The enzymatic autoanalyzer, valued at more than $30,000, is an integral tool used throughout the entire wine-making process.

The display, called “Into the Blue” uses Mediterraneanterrain plants to mimic a seascape. Green, lush plants fade into a succulent garden that mimics a coral reef. The garden is on public display. Wallace is now seeking a job with ValleyCrest Landscape Co. to work on the succulent collection and organic farming landscapes at the Google campus in Mountain View, Calif. “I want to use horticulture as a way to influence people and educate society on the value plants play in our lives. I think we have lost touch with that,” said Wallace. “It is really important environmentally with climate change and psychologically imperative to people’s well-being.” To make a donation, please contact Russ Kabaker at or call 805-756-6601.



BY THE NUMBERS The College of Agriculture, Food & Environmental Sciences has the fifth largest undergraduate enrollment in agriculture and renewable resources programs in the nation.



(Just 44% of those who applied were accepted)

(Just 24% of those who applied were accepted)

















The number of Cal Poly students in need of financial aid in the 2014-15 academic year**

The number of CAFES students in need of financial aid in the 2014-15 academic year**

**The total 2014-15 totals are preliminary


Message from the

FUNDRAISING TEAM Alumni and Friends, We are enormously grateful for your support and belief in the College of Agriculture, Food & Environmental Sciences. CAFES was extremely fortunate last year with both widespread support and transformational gifts. Every gift — whether $5 or $5 million — makes a big impact by supporting our renowned Learn by Doing mission.

Russ Kabaker

Throughout this publication, we’ve highlighted some of the ways that private support impacts the lives of students, faculty and facilities. Whether you’re interested in visiting campus; enhancing our facilities, instructional technology, faculty or staff; or supporting student opportunities, there are many meaningful ways to be involved. We look forward to the opportunity to work with you to make CAFES better than ever.

Russ Kabaker Assistant Dean, Advancement & External Relations 805-756-6601 Grant Kirkpatrick Director of Development 805-756-2173 Grant Kirkpatrick



CELEBRATE WHERE IT ALL BEGAN For generations, our alumni have returned to campus with their sons and daughters, the next generation of Mustangs. This proud tradition is powered by the passion for Learn by Doing. This legacy runs deep through the thousands or alumni who will forever call Cal Poly home. Every day in the College of Agriculture, Food & Environmental Sciences, students are inspired by what they experience in labs, enterprise classes, senior projects, classrooms, paid student assistantships, special problems courses, and more.

CONTACT College of Agriculture, Food & Environmental Sciences Advancement & External Relations San Luis Obispo, CA 93407-0250 Russ Kabaker 805-756-6601

Through your gift to the College of Agriculture, Food & Environmental Sciences, you can make Cal Poly part of your family legacy.

Cover photo credit: Brittany App

1 Grand Avenue, 11- 211 San Luis Obispo, CA 93407-0250

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