Hans Overvliet program 2020 - 2021
Cover: DISTANT SUFFERING XXI | i.d. of inequality
Hans Overvliet Home address Lange Noordstraat 67 | NL 4331 CC Middelburg | The Netherlands Studio address Artfoundation Kipvis | Dreesstraat 2 | Vlissingen | The Netherlands curiositas@zeelandnet.nl | www.hansovervliet.com represented in Italy by Manuel Zoia Gallery | Milan
from March 2020 participating in the Cinema project of ruimteCAESUUR: the filmscreen as a canvas in Cinema Middelburg Work: DISTANT SUFFERING #III exhibitions Mon Capiatine | Middelburg | 2015 Nieuwe Kerk / Abdijcomplex | BEELDENSTORM | 2017 curator Johan de Koning DISTORTION | Willem Twee kunstruimte | Den Bosch | 2018 curator | Loek Grootjans work 2 platters Ø 45 cm. | 2 video stills | video with the sound of the crushing platter videolink
Published on April 8 2020
distant suffering XIIIA | COLLATERAL MURDER i.d. of shared distortion II 20 years ago WikiLeaks published the video Colattaral Murder Click here for the catalog
April 24 – May 31, 2020 Participating in AiR Biekorf 4.0 Tragedy of the Human Deficit | Tragédie de la Condition Humaine Work: DISTANT SUFFERING #XIX / 6 | DISSECTION OF A DISAPPEARING CLOUD remembering the Said al-Mishal Cultural Center | Gaza City
cancelled due to the effect of the Corona-virus digital presentation on www.ccbrugge.be
work in progress Click here for the catalog of the complete project
One hundred international places in public space DISTANT SUFFERING XXI | i.d. of inequality
May – ? Click here for the catalog in the making
Part of the flag project in Goes by loods32 | Iris v‘t Bosch Opening my work: the 1ste of July 2020 Unemployed flagpoles fill with flags of artists. Spot: Mosselbank 4 at the Goese Lake, Goes. Work Polyester flag flag 90 gsm, 150 x 225 cm, with a print of a so-called turkey bag, print of qr code and title of the work. Installed on July 1, 2020.
DISTANT SUFFERING XXI | i.d. of inequality
presentation Wandelkerk / Abby Complex | MiddelburgNL 02/07/2020 – 02/09/2020
Click here for the English version
August 4, 2020
DISTANT SUFFERING XXI | i.d. of inequality
presentation catalog in the making - summer bookstore de roofprint pers Leni van den Berge | MiddelburgNL 5/07/2020 – 31/08/2020
July, 2020 DISTANT SUFFERING XXE | difference and repetition
i.d. of shared liquid mobility Click here for the catalog
The work is published in decreet | september 2020
Part of ‘the boulevard of beauty & solace’ by foundation decreet-concreet Loskade | Middelburg - 10/09’2o Foto’s ©Giel Louws
DISTANT SUFFERING XXI4 | i.d. of inequality
20 contributions to Pakje Kunst Vlissingen / Terneuzen / Goes 2 parts 83 x 55 x 5 mm; to be glued into an angle. Photo print on foam 5 mm with images of the paraphernalia of 'mobility', the A-1 poster i.d. or inequality, title / website, qr code with link to the catalog in the making. Numbered 1 - 20 and signed. Plus 4x A.P.
Exhibition “MEN OF (STREET ART)” VILLA BRENTANO Busto Garolfo, via Magenta 25 Milano | Italy October 3 t/m October 31 2020 CURATORIAL COMMITTEE Dr. Valerio Villoresi – President of Mellone Foundation Museo Dario Mellone Dr. Manuel Zoia – President of Independent Artists, Art Project Manager Dr. Martina Buttiglieri - Art Historian and Curator Assistant Click here for the catalog in the making. Click here for the FB-page of Independent Artists. Thanks to the Manuel Zoia Gallery
Expositie ‘Steal like an Artist!’ 1 oktober @ 7:30 pm - 25 oktober @ 5:00 pm Kunstpodium T Tilburg | Noordstraat 105 | Tilburg www.kunstpodium-t.com The book Distant Suffering, Morality, Media and Politics by the sociologist Luc Boltanski forms the intellectual basis of the art series DISTANT SUFFERING [ 2013 - ]. The inspiration of the work ‘DISTANT SUFFERING VI | i.d. of a shared key #1’ came from my own experiences in Palestine - the West Bank - and the poem by Kahlil Gibran, ‘The Garden of The Prophet’: Pity the nation divided into fragments, each fragment deeming itself a nation. As fort he poetic layer: the biscuit tin functions as a container of the memories of my own childhood in which I stored and kept my treasures. At the same time, it is the metaphor of the forgotten memory [with forgotten postcards, forgotten coins from visited countries, etc.] - which everyone has stored somewhere and that shows up at every time you move to another place to get a forgotten place again. Likewise, the memory of Boltanski's work is never far away . . .
Arsis - M5 project | theme Cool Waters November 8, 2020 | March 7, 2021 Markiezenhof | Bergen op Zoom DISTANT SUFFERING XXE | difference and repetition
i.d. of shared liquid mobility The jury report of the admissions committee: ‘Poetry and Politics. Picturesque nautical chart of a place where people seek cooling. Or their refuge. On that interface, this is both an intriguing and committed artwork. Small in size but big in its reach.’
Click here for the catalog
Click here for the catalog
Spring 2021 | date to be set
performance | residency | exhibition DISTANT SUFFERING XIV | I.D. OF A SHARED CLOUD #2 the ‘book’ in Gallery Luxfer | Czech Republic. Click here for the catalog ‘the book’. ‘Instead of providing us with a slick and streamlined finished art object, Overvliet’s ‘book’ challenges us to join him in a slow, detailed – and potentially frustrating – engagement with contemporary media. Thus, the work doesn’t provide us with an endpoint, but instead creates a breathing space. A moment to step outside the numbing, high-speed stream of fear-inducing media spectacles.’ Dr. D. Ploeger | 2019
Sea foundation | Tilburg
Kunsthal45 | Den Helder
Spring 2021 | date to be set with Dani Ploeger, on behalf of ruimteCAESUUR participating in this art fair Kromhouthal, Amsterdam Noord DISTANT SUFFERING XXII | I.D. OF A SHARED BULLET
click here for the catalog of the project
Hans Overvliet has been investigating the role of the mass media with regard to reporting on (military) violence and the fading memories of violence since 2013. As a reporter, Overvliet was an eyewitness to the events in the Middle East during the 1980s, and his experiences resonate in his artseries Distant Suffering. The title is taken from Luc Boltanski’s book Distant Suffering, Morality, Media and Politics. Overvliet employs an apparently controversial strategy: that of poetic images, inspired by the words of Percy Bysshe Shelley (1792 – 1822): Poets are the un-acknowledged legislators of the world. Among other things, Hans Overvliet investigates the ‘ownership’ of the incident, as well as the stories passed down versus their documentation. The themes have a strong connection to visual culture in general, particularly the information overload and its thoughtless consumption. In the project Distant Suffering, Overvliet questions the role of the viewer and his own role as an artist, as well as the neutrality and security of the art space.
Hans Overvliet program 2020 - 2021
curiositas@zeelandnet.nl | www.hansovervliet.com