19 | ruimteCAESUUR | annual report 2019

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annual report

2019 1

ruimteCAESUUR | Lange Noordstraat 67 | NL-4331 CC Middelburg www.caesuur.nu | caesuur@zeelandnet.nl



ANNUAL REPORT 2019 Giel Louws | THE LOYALTY OF OBJECTS | 17/11/’18 - 17/01/'19

Ko de Jonge | wALLofsmALLart | 23/02/'19 - 14/04/'19 Merlyn Paridaen | NU | 25/05/’19 t/m 30/06/’19 Jorieke Rottier | WORKING PERIOD | June – July - August Ingrid Rollema | LOCUST | 07/08/’19 – 19/10/’19 Peter Geerts | MIRROR | 26/10/’19 – 16/12/’19 Kees de Valk [ 1946 – 2019 ] | IN MEMORIAM | 28/12/’19 – 20/12/’20 Colophon


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Giel Louws | THE LOYALTY OF OBJECTS For the complete catalogue: click here 12

Giel Louws | The Loyalty Of Objects The sky blue porcelain bowl is thin and is carved with a pattern of flowers and two boys. It has been in my apartment since 2005, but it has been loyal to his owners for 800 years. Since its creation it has hardly changed, untoucha-ble in his vulnerability. It is an object to which I keep returning, and it always stays where I left it. I surround myself with things that represent an order that compensates for the chaos of daily life. These objects confirm me, my choices, my knowledge, and taste. Collecting is an intelli-gent and creative process, a process of sophisticated choices. This description of the collection is in many ways the same process as in my studio. Perhaps it is an ideal description of my aim as an artist; create work that is untouchable in its vulnerability. Craftsmanship is a way of making radical choices, a sort of gathering with high dedication. In the studio I am also surrounded by a collection; my own oeuvre. Yet this collection does not exude for me the tran-quility that the ceramics have in it. The collection in the studio is too much connected to my own life. Every work carries the traces of who I was at that moment. I feel a responsibility and a certain pressure with this collection. The ceramics will find its own way after me, and the work that I made has to be a place for itself. 13

ceramics will find its own way after me, and the work that I made has to be a place for itself. This exhibition focuses on the similarities between the two. The two collections together reveal something about myself. For this exhibition I looked at the vulnerability and aesthetics of things, and expose them as well as possible. I put a number of pieces from my collection of paper models that symbolize these pieces. They are a kind of dra-wings of how I had preserved the ceramics in my head. The displays try to reveal something about looking and knowing. What they ask is a patient look, to charge them as the sky-blue porcelain bowl is also loaded. It is a subtle dance of things.


Ko de Jonge | wALLofsmALLart For the complete catalogue: click here


The wALLofsmALLart was a small exhibition space in the KipVis artwork building in Vlissingen. There, from 2009 to 2019, Ko de Jonge made exhibitions with work from his archive. His archive spans the period 1970 to the present. The works of art, usually of limited size, come from more than a thousand artists. The wALLofsmALLart also got a place in the book 111 places in Zeeland from Jan J.B. Kuipers and Heleen Dekker. The majority of Ko de Jonge's archive is now houses in a specially designed mail art department at the Verbeke Foundation in Kemzeke, Belgium. 16

Things that were on display Things that could have been there Things that were stored away Things that disappear









Merlyn Paridaen | NU 25




Jorieke Rottier | WORKING PERIOD For the complete catalogue: click here 29





opening performance | Puck de Kroon






The Theater of Wrong Decisions responds to current, urgent issues that occur on the world stage. This piece is part of a new production Blinded by the Light. The central question here is whether "man" does not behave like an animal staring into the headlights as if stiffened. The nightmare evoking the shadows of the image does not predict much good. Locust is the first image in the production.

Ingrid Rollema | LOCUST For the video: click here







Peter Geerts | MIRROR For the complete catalogue: click here 45


In the exhibition MIRROR in ruimteCAESUUR, the painter Peter Geerts shows a selection from a series of self-portraits that he made in front of the mirror every week for a year from 01/11/2018 till 01/11/2019. Many will know Peter from his abstract work and will not know that he also has a preference for the portrait. MIRROR has become a spontaneous and organically grown project, whereby it was never known in advance what technique or approach he would now choose. However, one thing was certain: never work with tools other than the eyes and the mirror! This spontaneous growth also applies to his abstract work: starting from a concept, his work develops while painting into a result, in which it carries Peters' total experience. In this sense, his abstract work can also be seen as a mirror (of the soul).











Kees de Valk | [ 1946 – 2019 ] | IN MEMORIAM For the complete catalogue: click here 57

Over the past few weeks we sadly commemorate our friend and colleague Kees de Valk with four works from the collection of Willy and Hans in the space of Caesuur. Two works and the relevant pages from his book "who loves the sun" refer to the destruction of the Sarajevo university library on the night of 25 to 26 August 1992 by Bosnian Serbs. For three days the burned paper rained on the city: black butterflies, the inhabitants of Sarajevo called the ashes of their cultural heritage. Kees realized a work of art in Sarajevo in 1999 on the fence that had been erected around the library. On May 15, 1999, Kees placed the installation Hommage to Sarajevo in Sarajevo City Hall. This in collaboration with the Sarajevo Center for Contemporary Art.

the Free Academy in The Hague and art history at the Free Academy in The Hague and art history at the Municipal University in Amsterdam.

Kees de Valk (1946) studied autonomous visual art at the Free Academy in The Hague and art history at the Municipal University in Amsterdam.

We are missing Kees very much . . . . . .


In his work he sought harmony between content and form, with his love for painting. According to him, photography, sculpture, or video were sometimes a better way to act. Appealing installations were created by using combined materials such as glass, plastics, paper and digital technologies. Kees was a guest at space Caesuur three times. Most recently in the program "The painter, the work & the studio" in 2012. With Harry Vandevliet, Kees organized exhibitions for half his lifetime in the G H L art complex and the last 10 years on the Kinderdijk in Mon Capitaine.

On behalf of teamCAESUUR | Hans Overvliet





colophon 63

Giel Louws concept & exhibition | Giel Louws tekst exhibition | Giel Louws Ko de Jonge concept & exhibitions wALLofsmALLart / KipVis & text | Ko de Jonge Merlyn Paridaen music by The Singing Painters with Laura Van Jorieke Rottier concept & exhibition | Jorieke Rottier opening performance by Puck Kroon Ingrid Rollema concept exhibition & sculptures | Ingrid Rollema light | Jorg Schellekens Peter Geerts ‘mirror’concept Peter Geerts concept exhibition | Peter Geerts & teamCAESUUR Kees de Valk concept exhibition | Willy van Houtum & Hans Overvliet



Willy van Houtum | Giel Louws | Merlyn Paridaen Jorieke Rottier | Anne Geerts | Hans Overvliet

teamCAESUUR Willy van Houtum | Giel Louws | Dani Ploeger | Hans Overvliet thanks to

de vrolijke aandeelhouders & dito vrienden van CAESUUR de gemeente Middelburg | studio ZagaZ belettering Kattendijke / Drucker Stichting | Familiefonds Hurgronje Frits Lensvelt Stichting

knowledge partner of het Metamorfose Lokaal | UCR


in 2020


ruimteCAESUUR | Lange Noordstraat 67 | NL-4331 CC Middelburg www.caesuur.nu | caesuur@zeelandnet.nl

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