Touch game

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Touch Game

手眼協調訓練軟 體

Touch Game Hand-Eye Coordination Training

Software �for Dementia Prevention

手 眼 協 調訓練軟 體

Touch Game Touch Game- 手眼協調訓練軟體 高齡者的失智問題為社會一大隱憂,失智症為不可逆的老化現象,而隨著失智症的發生,患者的記憶能 力及手眼協調能力也大幅下降。手眼協調能力為由眼睛將所看到的傳給大腦,大腦再發出指令,由手來 操作之執行能力。此一能力常用以執行精細作業,為協助人類生存所需之重要能力之一,其牽涉到一系 列手部功能、視覺知覺以及兩者之間的整合過程整合過程;以上即此款遊戲設計即之原理,並以普渡插 板測驗為基礎,結合互動式的介面以及生動的視覺圖像回饋方式執行,望能夠引發長者的使用興趣,進 而達到活化腦力及手眼協調能力,延遲及減緩失智症的發生。 手眼協調能力為由眼睛將所看到的傳給大腦,大腦再發出指令,由手來操作執行。Touch Game透過互動 式介面及生動圖像模擬,訓練慣用手、非慣用手和雙手的反應,加強手眼協調能力。本遊戲有蚊子、櫻 花、蜜蜂、錢幣、寶石等共5種選擇,每次限時30 秒,遊戲開始後,請盡您所能,觸碰在螢幕上出現的 圖像。 遊戲結束後,本遊戲會記錄使用者表現,以追蹤每次的反應和觸中次數、逐漸改善手眼協調能力。



Touch Game- Hand-Eye Coordination Training Software for Dementia Prevention

The hand-eye coordination training software aims to activate memory and hand-eye coordination abilities which are controlled by the frontal lobe and decline substantially as the incidence of dementia, an irreversible aging phenomenon. This software based on Purdue Pegboard test, and it contributes to delay the incidence of dementia and also reduce the frequency of it through interesting interactive games. In the games, users are requested to follow the guidance and press the objects appearing on the screen as soon as possible in a total of 30 seconds. When finishing the game, the users will receive feedbacks based on their performance and data will be recorded for tracking each case. Hot summer days, mosquitoes again! Have you ever failed to kill a mosquito due to slow reaction time? Hand-eye coordination is the process of passing what the eyes see to the brain and the brain sending its commands back to the hands, which then carry out the actions. Touch Game emphasizes hand-eye coordination by training the reactions of your dominant hand, non-dominant hand, and both hands together through an interactive interface and vivid image simulation. The game has five target image options including mosquitoes, cherry blossoms, bees, coins, and gems. Each session is 30 seconds, during which you try your best to touch the images that appear on the screen. �Your performance is recorded to track your development and the number of successful touches, in the hopes of gradually improving your hand-eye coordination. Come on and give it a try now!



Touch Game 衛教資訊




Shih-Chung Jessy Kang

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