Luna Córnea 10. Fantasmas

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• Tendencies and Alternatives in Documentary Photography • Variou s Readings of the Image

• Photographic Agencies • Alternative Mediums

Speclallzed Roundtables

Visual Anthropology: Oweena Fogarty and Eduardo Espinosa. The objeetive is to create a group of researchers or photo-essayists. This will consist of approaching projeets from the perspective of photographic language and anthropological theory. The principies of photographic research and the codes used to read an image wi ll be reviewed. There will be theoretical and practical sessions. October 10-16.

• The Use of Photography in Science • The Problematic of Loaning Works and the Role of the Photographer in Curatorial Support • The photographer's modus vivendi and royalties. • Philosophical problems regarding new alternatives in a image-oriented culture.

Worklng Roundtables • Unification of Criteria for the Cataloging of Images. • Unification of criteria for loaning photographic work; circulation and itineracy problems. As part of this event, six conferences will be given by specialists from Mexico, the United States and Latin America, in addition to parallel activities, portfolio reviews, book and video presentations, and workshops.

Workshops at the Centro de la Imagen Fine Black and White Printing: Marco Antonio Cruz The discussion and analysis of different ways to obtain a fine print from any negative. Cruz will share his experience and skills. October 21-26. Requirements: Advanced knowledge of photography. Present portfolio befo re October 4.

Requirements: Personal interview, beginning September 26. Portfolio must be presented.

The Social Hlstory 01 Photography: Alejandro Castellanos. The advantage of reconstructing the development of the photographic image through social history will be analyzed with examples from Castellanos' research projeets on Nacho López and photography in Mexico from 1920-1940. November 12, 14 and 16. Leaming to Look: Charles Harbutt The great twentieth-century photographers will be used as examples to study their discoveries as to the way in which cameras see and how they were able to make this vision express something of themselves. Slides will be shown of the different elements that make up the photographic visionlens, shutter, film and paperand their effeet on the appearance of photographs. Suggestions will be made in regards to the exercises to be undertaken. November 25-Deeember 1 . Requirements: Participants should have sufficient knowledge of photography and bring their portfolios to the first class.


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