brian contreras

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xbox 360 edition

the history of herobrine...

y:brian contreras



herobrine Warm wind whipped against seven year old Herobrine's face. An expression of pure delight was etched on the boys face. "Faster! Faster!" Herobrine cried, laughing with delight. The netherrack zipped by and the Ghast groaned under the strain. "Herobrine! Get down from him!" it was his Father, Dominus said. He didn't shout nor did he yell. His voice was kind but firm. Herobrine pouted and slid off the Ghast. "Whyyyyyyy?" Herobrine elongated the word. "I may be ruler of Mincraftia, but you shouldn't abuse your privileges as my son. Your brother Notch doesn't cause this trouble in the Overworld." "But I'm not Notch, I'm Herobrine!" Herobrine said it proudly. His father smiled. "One day you will be ruler of the Nether and Notch the ruler of the Overworld, but you must first mature." "But I want to be king now..." Herobrine's face sunk in disappointment. Dominus ruffled his hair and looked off into the distance and spied a Wither Skeleton fighting a Zombie Pigman. More pigmen joined the fight and so did Wither Skeleton's. His father groaned. "Looks like I'm going to have to break that up" Dominus flew at lightning speed and was at the fight in a matter of seconds. As soon as the Pigmen and Skeletons felt his presence they stopped fighting. Herobrine looked at his father. He wanted to be just like him. He watched his father fly back in awe. "Cool!" Herobrine said. He wondered what his brother Notch was doing in the Overworld with their mother. His dad smiled at him again. "Let's get to work shall we?" Dominus and Herobrine were currently building a Nether Fortress. "The biggest and the best Nether Fortress ever!" in Herobrine's words. Herobrine ran along a passage way and started adding Nether Brick Fences over the open spaces in the wall. Suddenly, Herobrine

"What's happening?" Herobrine tried to sound brave,but his voice came out squeaky. "Rogue Pigmen" his father said, as if that explained everything. Another shower of experience came from above Herobrine. "Herobrine, go to the Overworld" his father's voice sounded painfully strained. "Find your mother, tell her what happened" Herobrine remembered his mother. She was nice, kind and beautiful, but she lived in the Overworld with his brother Notch. He knew her from his visits to the Overworld, but he liked the Nether better. "I want to stay and fight" His father's face hardened. Herobrine knew he could. He had already completed all the Nether's fight courses. "You are not ready. Your powers haven't developed yet. Someday, you will be more powerful than I ever was." Herobrine's eyes started getting teary. "What about you?" Herobrine asked upset. He had never seen his father so grim. "I don't expect to survive. Your mother will take care of you. You know where the portal is located. Go!" There was another boom and his father was hit with one of the Withers blasts. "GO!" his father choked before his eyes went dark. It was so sudden. Herobrine stared at those lifeless eyes. That face, carved with laugh lines. His father was dead. Herobrine would never hear his voice again. Tears streamed down Herobrine's face and he sunk to his knees. He didn't care that he was about to die. He didn't care about anything. "Go, heed your father" it was a Pigman, evidently on his side. "If you want justice, find your mother, tell her everything. Dying now will not help your father. He is gone. Heed your father's dying wish." Herobrine realized the Pigman was right. He needed to pull himself together. The Pigman smiled. Or what was closest to a smile that a Pigman could manage. "Don't worry. We'll still be here. We await your return, my lord." Herobrine realized that with his father's death, he was now king of the Nether. It was bittersweet. He had wanted it, but not like this. Not like this. Herobrine stumbled towards the portal. And entered it. He was immediately overcome with nauseousness and his vision went black. He stumbled out of the portal. He was immediately hit by the cold Overworld wind. He wobbled and looked around. He saw a stick whizzing towards him and before he could react it hit him in the side of the head. A sharp pain pierced his temple. He slumped to the ground. The last thing he saw was his mother yelling at someone and his brother appearing over him. Herobrine's vision went dark.

Herobrine opened his bleary eyes. He looked right into the eyes of his mother's concerned face. "Are you ok?" her voice was soothing. Herobrine was lying in bed. His mother and Notch was sitting next to him. He tried to sit up and his head swirled and he saw bright spots dancing in front of his eyes. He swooned and his head hit the pillow. "I guess not" Herobrine said, "But there's something you have to know" His mother put a finger over her mouth. "I'll talk to Dominus, your visit was just unexpected." A sense of dread filled Herobrine and he shook his head. Bad idea. His head spun, he saw his blue eyes in a mirror next to him and they calmed him. They reminded him of his father. "That's why I came" Herobrine said. He tried to hold himself together. He failed miserably. The tears burst out at the mere thought of the memory, it was so fresh in his mind. His mother's face grew dark. "No, no, no, no. Please, not this" She muttered. Herobrine gulped and she put her hand on his forehead. She yanked it back in surprise. Herobrine touched his forehead. It was hot. That was funny, Herobrine didn't feel like he had a fever. He ignored it. "What happened?" It was Notch, unable to control his impatience any longer. Herobrine told them the whole story. The loud booms, the Pigmen, the fight between the Withers and the Nether's forces. Then, he told them about what happened to Dominus. His throat started to constrict. His eyes were puffy and rubbed raw. He closed his eyes, trying to fend off the onset of tears. His mother started crying, however Notch just looked sad. Herobrine wanted to scream at him, until he realized Notch didn't feel their pain. After all, they only met every three months. "Who was the guy who clubbed me on the head?" Herobrine asked, hoping to keep their minds off of his father's death Oh, that's Praesidio. We hired him to guard the portal. After all, sometimes unpleasant things come out of the Nether" to Herobrine it was hard to imagine anything unpleasant about the Nether. The Overworld however, was a different story. His mother seemed to guess how he was feeling. "That's why we split up in the first place. We don't like the Nether, you and Dominus don't like the Overworld. I guess you're going to have to get used to it here. You won't be in the Nether for quite a while" his mother told him. Herobrine felt a little sick




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