Maggie H

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Š Red Band Society Magazines

starring ciara bravo from BTR! Also starring charlie rowe from neverland!


Get an inside look at the new fox show! This show contains everything you need! Coming to FOX FALL

What if a hospital was your high school, boarding school and summer camp rolled into one? What if it was the place where you made friendships that last for a lifetime?


Remember to check out Chasing Life from abc family.

Check out another tv show;Chasing Life! Dramatic, funny, and romantic! If you’re looking for another tv show related to RED BAND SOCIETY, than this is it!

April is a smart, twenty-something, aspiring journalist whose romantic and professional life is just starting to take off when she receives news that she has cancer. For a show called Chasing Life, April spends most of her time chasing the life she has earned, but running away from cancer. It's a frustrating story to watch, almost, if only because April is chasing borrowed time. Not that her cancer has been determined as terminal, but because eventually she has to get treatment. She can't keeping Chasing Life even if she is a fighter. She hasn't really been chasing anything, more like running away in heels on the verge of breaking. All April has been doing lately is lying. Leo also susses out pretty quickly that April hasn't known she was sick very long, or doesn't realize how sick she is, because if she did, she would know it's the most important thing about her as his tumor is him.April hates that idea; that her cancer could form who she is. But as she quickly learns, if she doesn't start making it the most important thing, she may not have a life to live much longer. Until she realizes the enormity of her situation and puts conquering it at the top of her priority list, she's going to suffer, physically and emotionally. After falling asleep on the train so long it frightens her, April is finally honest with Uncle George. She has had other symptoms. He urges her to take some medication and she prepares for the biopsy. She acts as if once she knows exactly what she has, treatment will be a cinch. It's not like treatment is easy, nor is it something you schedule on Saturdays, as her idiot boss Raquel suggests. While you have cancer, treatment is your life and you do what you can kick its ass. When it's evident that April is hiding her cancer from Dominic at the party, I thought Leo made the decision to spurn his exclusive on the spot. But he had a new motorcycle for giving the speech about his "caring" father and that happened prior to the event. He was probably just yanking her chain for having the audacity to ask such a thing at a cancer meeting. She needs to learn what it means to have cancer. Dominic got freaked out at the idea of dealing with someone that sick and that doesn't bode well for her telling him the truth any time soon. She should cut her ties with him if she's not willing to let him into her world, but she's too afraid. Thankfully fear and anger are what drove her to spill the beans to Brenna. Honestly, Brenna was on my last nerve. She's as clueless about priorities as April. Given how intelligent and well spoken Kieran is, you'd think that Brenna would have an interest in learning. Instead, she's willing to do battle on the tennis court to get out of not just one assignment, but all of her history assignments for the remainder of the year. That's a lot of information she'll be missing. Good luck the next year when your schoolwork references things you didn't study, Brenna.

The New Fox Show: Red Band Society What if a hospital was your high school, boarding school and summer camp rolled into one? What if it was the place where you fell in love for the first time and made friendships that lasted a lifetime? And what if it was all weirdly hilarious and the most fun you ever had in your entire life? This is the world of RED BAND SOCIETY. From Steven Spielberg's Amblin Television, starring Academy Award-winning actress Octavia Spencer (“The Help,” “Fruitvale Station”) and based on the award-winning Spanish series, “Polseres Vermelles,” RED BAND SOCIETY is a provocative, unconventional and, at times, comic high school drama told through the eyes of a group of teenagers who meet as patients in the pediatric ward of Ocean Park Hospital in Los Angeles. The series is part comedy, part drama, with a tone that's unique unto itself. Twelve-year-old narrator CHARLIE (Griffin Gluck, “Back in the Game,” “Private Practice”) is in a coma in the hospital. Charlie's friends and fellow patients include JORDI PALACIOS (Nolan Sotillo, “Prom”), a 16-year-old who illegally crosses the Mexican border into California to seek out treatment at the renowned hospital. What he soon discovers is that it's not his illness that's going to change his life, but his new friends. Also at the hospital is LEO ROTH (Charlie Rowe, “Neverland,” “Pirate Radio”). At 16, Leo is charismatic and independent. But after living at the hospital for a year, he's starting to lose his way. When he's forced to room with Jordi, he's angry and resentful, until he realizes they are more alike than he could imagine. The pediatric ward is run by NURSE JACKSON (Spencer), a caregiver with a take-no-prisoners approach to getting these kids through the most difficult part of their lives. Overseeing much of the treatment in the ward is DR. JACK McANDREW (Dave Annabelle, “Brothers & Sisters,” “666 Park Avenue”), the country's top pediatric surgeon. Also attending to the patients is the naïve and gullible Nurse BRITTANY DOBLER (newcomer Rebecca Rittenhouse), who allows the kids to get away with things they probably shouldn't. Among those taking advantage of Nurse Dobler is Leo's best friend, DASH HOSNEY (Brian Bradley, aka Astro, “The X Factor”). Suffering from cystic fibrosis, 16-year-old Dash is determined to live every day as if it's his last. Also on the ward is 15-year-old EMMA CHOTA (Ciara Bravo, “Big Time Rush”), Leo's on-again-off-again girlfriend, who suffers from an eating disorder. Rounding out this group of patients is “mean girl” KARA SOUDERS (Zoe Levin, “Arrested Development,” “The Way Way Back”), a 16-year-old cheerleader who is brought in with heart failure and shares a room with Charlie. Daring everyone to up their game, she also goes head-to-head with Nurse Jackson. Although many young patients who are seriously ill make complete recoveries, that day seems a long way off for these teens.It follows the unlikely friendships of a group of young patients with serious illnesses in the pediatric ward of Los Angeles' Ocean Park Hospital,

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the doctors and nurses who care for them.It joins the recent society of projects exploring ng characters with cancer--ABC Family has "Chasing Life" and the big screen had the popular ptation of bestselling novel "The Fault in Our Stars."

Executive producer Margaret Nagle ("Boardwalk Empire") and cast members Octavia SpenDave Annabelle, Ciara Bravo and Nolan A. Sotillo gathered at the Landmark Theatre in Westd for a Q&A following a screening of the pilot episode for fans.The drama, from Steven Spielg's Amblin TV, is set to land on Fox in the fall. The following are tidbits for the curious:

pite some heart-tugging moments, the show is not meant to be a downer or a pity party. Familwith the children's hospital environment as a child (her brother having been in a coma), Nagle she recalled it not as a scary place, but rather "it was a happy place, it was a hilarious place. nurses and doctors weren't like nurses and doctors in other parts of the hospital." She wanted how how life goes on inside: "While they're there, they take SATs, they fall in love, they do all the gs that [kids] do, and so I wanted to explore that environment too." On creating the home-y hospital: The hospital backdrop is based on the Mattell Children's Hospital and the Daltry/Townshend cancer center, both at UCLA. Nagle pointed out that Roger Daltry and Pete Townshend of the rock group The Who started Teen Cancer America, through which they've created teen and young adult cancer units in hospitals from funds gathered through portions of ticket sales and donations. The young patients "set it up like a dorm room, it's [their] home away from home." The fictional hospital rooms in the show mimic that style, with posters, funky sheets, bright walls, etc.

On the Mc-Doctor overload: Annabelle plays Dr. McAndrew, a hunky and benevolent physician in the ward. Yes, there's a Mc in that surname. A rip-off the Dr. McSteamies and McDreamies? "We're sort of making fun of it a little bit," Nagle said. "But it's also based on Philomena McAndrew in Los Angeles, she's an incredible oncologist and hematologist; it's sort of a tribute to her. "My So-Called Life" keeps on giving. It's no coincidence that the pilot of "Red Band Society" features an appearance by Wilson Cruz, who starred in cult favorite "My So-Called Life" as Rickie, as a hospital worker; and that the heart doctor on the show is named Dr. Holzman, It's inspired "RBS" in exploring the idea of "that person that you think you never want to know becomes that person that you realize you can't live without," she said. "It's about making those friendships, and how we make those friendships that make all the difference in our life--and make our life great, because it is about friends. That is where this w lives: how are these people g to learn to love each other. how they'll be able to live out each other."

dit Sources: :// drama-not-meant-to-be-a-do r-20140625-story.html

get your red bands now!! for fans international

now only $6.00! (: Remember to watch RED BAND SOCIETY on FOX FALL!!!

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