The C4C Federal Exchange Newsletter (July 2016) ISSN 2375-7086

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THE C4C FEDERAL EXCHANGE The Coalition For Change,Inc. (C4C) Volume 3, Number 5 (2016 July) ISSN 2375-7086 (Online)

In This Issue  Meeting with the EEOC  Accountability and Transparency Measures  Federal EEO Program Inquiry 2016  Whistleblower Summit  29 CFR 1614 Federal EEO Program  Black Farmers’ Protest Rally  C4C’s Arthuretta Holmes-Martin on Radio: A Discussion of Health and Wellness

C4C Promoting Accountability and Transparency in the Federal Sector Tanya Ward Jordan The Coalition For Change, Inc. (C4C) continues to lead positive change initiatives within the Federal sector. The civil rights group, which serves to address race discrimination and retaliation in the Federal government, recently presented the U.S. Equal Employment Opportunity Commission (EEOC) with its 2016 recommendations for enhanced accountability and transparency within the Federal Equal Employment Opportunity (EEO) Mr. Carlton Hadden, EEOC’s Office of Federal Program. Operations Director (center) with C4C leadership (from left to right): Terri Williams, Arthuretta Holmes Martin, Tanya Ward Jordan and Paulette Taylor.

The C4C understands that it will take more than a single initiative to solve the persistent problem of Federal workplace discrimination that woefully injures civil servants, harms American citizens, and threatens our nation’s domestic security. Therefore, the C4C engages in a multi-faceted approach. The C4C approach includes, but is not limited to: responding timely to central agency request for comments; partnering with advocacy groups to support civil / human rights initiatives; analyzing workforce data; co-sponsoring whistleblower summits; providing input on legislative initiatives; aiding our members who challenge workplace inequities, exposing public officials who engage in civil rights violations, promoting public awareness on discrimination’s impact on the mental and physical health of civil servants, in particular racial discrimination’s harm on the health and wealth of Black Americans. An EEOC report disclosed that in FY 2014 individuals filed 33,210 informal complaints which resulted in 15,013 formal complaints against the Federal government. Race, namely “Black/African American,” remained one of the top 3 bases in complaint allegations filed (FY 2010-FY2014).


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To address the pervasive problem of Federal workplace discrimination, the C4C recently met with key EEOC policymakers to communicate solutions. On May 3, 2016, the C4C met with Mr. Carlton Hadden – the Director of the Office of Federal Operations, United States Equal Employment Opportunity Commission (EEOC). The office provides oversight for the government-wide EEO complaint adjudication and affirmative employment functions. Additionally, the office is responsible for the Federal government’s (EEO) appellate function. During the EEOC/C4C meeting, the C4C formally introduced its eight (8) accountability and transparency measures for transforming the Federal EEO Program. [The general rules which govern the Federal EEO program has been codified in the Code of Federal Regulations (CFR)--29 CFR 1614.] Many of the C4C solutions presented to the EEOC at the May 3rd meeting, the C4C had presented earlier to Representative Elijah Cummings, Ranking Member of the Oversight and Government Reform Committee. Representative Cummings introduced the C4C recommendations in bill HR 1557 - Federal Employee Antidiscrimination. The HR 1557 bill was overwhelming approved by the House of Representatives and awaits further senate action. On June 23, 2016, the C4C had its scheduled follow-up meeting with the EEOC. The meeting’s purpose was to obtain the EEOC’s position on adopting the C4C accountability and transparency measures. Overall, the EEOC received the C4C recommendations favorably. The EEOC conveyed that it had promptly adopted one of the measures, with modification, that focused on referring cases for disciplinary actions to the Office of Special Counsel (OSC). Specifically, the EEOC stated that it has begun sending a few egregious present day cases where discrimination has been found. Ultimately, the C4C seeks to have all proven discrimination cases referred to the OSC, especially those cases involving the confirmed cases of discrimination against our nation’s veterans and cases where an agency has failed to discipline managers found guilty of breaking a civil rights law. For example, the C4C asserts that discriminating Federal officials at the Veterans Affairs (Jeanette Butler and Cassandra Holliday) should have faced timely discipline in the veteran Ralph Saunders blacklisting case (VA Case No 200L-0629-2004100828] and the veteran Isaac Decatur case. The C4C will continue its advocacy initiatives. As victims of Federal workplace discrimination, we recognize that our participation in the change process is critical to make change happen. Notably, before the C4C made its recommendation about “disciplinary action referrals,” the C4C made a written inquiry into the EEOC’s history of referring proven discrimination cases to the OSC. Resultingly, the C4C learned that the EEOC had not forwarded any cases to the OSC for disciplinary action despite an established Memorandum of Understanding in this regard. Of course, based on our recent discussions with the EEOC, we have learned that the EEOC has now begun referring cases to the OSC. Another C4C recommendation that the U.S. EEOC agreed to implement involved limiting “gag orders” in EEO settlement agreements that deprive complainants of their first amendment rights. The EEOC supported the C4C recommendation and shared with C4C leadership the Aurore C settlement breach case. The case


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addresses unlawful and overly restrictive gag orders. To view case click HERE. To view full list of the C4C measures presented to the EEOC click HERE. Also, to view the C4C Federal Sector EEO Program Inquiry which was provided to the EEOC click HERE. The EEOC is to provide its written reply to the C4C by end of fiscal year.

“To bring our civil rights goals into fruition, we must move beyond simply agitating policymakers. Instead, we must consciously formulate, articulate, resonate and disseminate the requisite actions for attaining our desired goals; then committedly without pause, apology or apathy actively participate in making them happen.” Tanya Ward Jordan

In The News Black Farmers to Convene at U.S. Supreme Court

"Are Black Farmers in 2016 the New Dred Scott of 1857?" The Black farmers, representing 13 states, will be in Washington, DC at the U.S. Supreme Court on July 8th to protest the continued discrimination against them by the U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA). Reportedly, 14,000 plus farmers have reported that their cases have not been processed properly by the present administration at USDA. Click below in red. Wise v. USDA Come out to support Black Farmers! Time: 9:00 a.m. -11:00a.m (First Street NE sidewalk - Supreme Court) About C4C Federal Exchange The C4C Federal Exchange Newsletter is a publication of The Coalition For Change, Inc. (C4C). The Internet publication, which addresses “race” discrimination and retaliation in the Federal sector, obtained its ISSN from the U.S. Library of Congress in October 2014.

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High Court Ruling Helps Federal Workers File Job Bias Claims - The Supreme Court is making it easier for Federal workers to file employment discrimination lawsuits after quitting their jobs over conditions they consider intolerable. Click HERE. U.S. Supreme Court Holds Not Every Violation of a Federal Statute is a Ticket to File a Federal Court Lawsuit Click HERE. The Annual Whistleblower Summit will be held July 27-July 29, 2016 in Washington, DC. The event is free! Event organizers Mr. Michael McCray and Ms. Marcel Reid has invited the C4C to host a panel on “Addressing Discrimination In the Federal Sector.” The C4C panel will convene on July 29th the same day as the U.S. EEOC’s panel discussion with Mr. Carlton Hadden, Director, Office of Federal Operations. Administrative Judges - As of May 2016, the EEOC reported it had ninety-two (92) attorney examiners across the United States to serve as administrative judges to preside over Federal EEO cases. To view geographic locations of attorney examiners. Click HERE. Health and Wellness - C4C Health and Wellness Chair was on the Marti Oakely blogtalk radio show discussing Health and Wellness. You can hear Ms. Martin’s coverage 13 minutes into show. Click HERE.


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