Utopian circus (City Book 2)

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all the wires and tubes off of her and I got her out” he said, falling away from his breath. “That’s quite an achievement for a young boy” said Eve. “Don’t you have someone that you would do silly things for? You’re not like the other children, but you’re not like me either. What are you?” “I’m just a girl” said Eve. In the distance, the large Doberman Guard approached their cage with an oratorical rant in his eyes; his calamitous bark cutting through their ears and reducing their sight to a mere squint as it growled cholericly and shook saliva in their faces as they gripped each other, pressing against the concrete wall with their feet pushing through the bars in their incommodious cell. “Get your humans to shut up” screamed The Doberman Guard. Ruff stepped forward and stood between his human friends and the great monstrous hound barking orders unto him. “Sir, I can’t make them stop. Humans don’t understand us. I will let them run their hands through my hair, it should calm them. Please don’t hurt them” said Ruff. “If I hear one more peep out of the small one I’ll eat him. Do you understand?” said The Doberman Guard. “You won’t do that” said Ruff defiantly. “What?” screamed The Doberman Guard pushing his chest outwards, the fine hairs on his neck standing on end and his front legs pressed forwards making him appear like a tower of violence. “Go back to your corner. You have no authority here. If you hurt me or my human friends The Bitch Queen will eat you and you know it, so do us all a favour and stop yelling. I’ll do my best to keep the humans quiet; you assume that same level of control over yourself ” said Ruff. The Doberman Guard knew that Ruff was right. They were kept alive for a reason that was grander than his stature and he didn’t want to upset the queen. She had such a vile temper for a hound so small and her capabilities were surpassed only by her 100

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