Sport Nutrition - Rowing

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ON SATURDAY AUGUST 15, GRC TAKES TO THE RACE COURSE GRC Press confirms the GRC Rec and Novice Crews will dominate the 750m Don River RC course of this regatta. Their consistent sportsmanship, determination to improve, strong turnout at practices, fabulous professional coaches and fun-loving energy will be the major contributing factors.



1. Nov Women 4+ - Emily, Lyndsay, Elise, Julie 2. Nov Men 4+ - Josh, Justin, Miles, Ted 3. Nov Mixed 8+ - Derek, Josh, Miles, Ted, Dawn, Lyndsay, Elise, Julie 4. Adv Women 4+ - Joanne, Jessica, Carol, Nicole 5. Adv Men 2x - Joel, Derek 6. Adv Mixed 8+ - Joel, Derek, Josh, Justin, Emily, Carol, Jessica, Dawn 7. Adv Women 2x - Jessica, Carol 8. Adv Women 2x - Nicole, Joanne

Carol R.R. Hutchinson (RNCP, CSNC.CYT) is not a medical doctor and cannot diagnose prescribe or administer treatment procedures nor advise upon the individual effects of scri medications and supplements with suggested dietary and well-living plans. The services are restricted to support and consultation on the of subjects of overall of nutrition, ionwellness and well-being and are not meant for the purposes of wholly treating existing disease or any licensed or controlled act which may constitute the practice of medicine.

August 10-16, 2014



Here is a plan for each of the crews 10au-16au14 For the days before the day prior to race: • 1 Final Practice at 80% race energy (Friday or Thursday) • Yoga Stretch and C:P Snack before and 20 mins after practice • Balanced smaller but more meals per day (4-5) • Proper hydration with up to 2.5L pure water daily

FRI 15au14

Day Prior to Race SLEEP: 7-8 ENERGY: 20-30min walk and stretch with 20 second vigorous activity intervals and /or final practice at 80% power but with warm up and post stretch. NO DAIRY* HYDRATION; water room temp or lemon-water 500ml X6 times between meals with last glass before bed. DAYTIME NUTRITION; 4 -5 smaller meals with protein .8g1.2g per kg weight), complex carbohydrates and good fats and EFA’s. Up to 25g fibre but lower bulk. SUPPLEMENTS: as usual DINNER: Complex complex carbohydrate base of potato, sweet potato, brown rice, or pasta (lentil, br, teff etc) 2-3oz clean protein, + veg, no white sugar. *Dairy forms mucous and there’s a whole lotta strokes and breathing going on.

SAT 16au14 Race Day 2-3 HOURS PRIOR: Keep warm. Try 1 multigrain bagel, I/2 with mixed carbs and protein energy bar OR 1 banana and some nuts, 8 oz diluted juice / water Not too much simple sugar, limited protein and very limited fat. We will need carbohydrates but for glycogen but not the sugary kind to spike insulin and deplete us for the race. Low fibre to prevent unwanted on-course ‘bio-activity’ 1 HOURS PRIOR: Keep warm and limber. Consume isotonic electrolyte drink/water. If you work even better with caffeine, try a shot of espresso 20-30mins prior to races- get the caffeine without the on-course pee-pees. RACE, RACE AGAIN and for some…RACE AGAIN! 20 MINS POST RACE(S)- 250 calories of carbohydrate and protein, banana or gf bars with nuts and honey/fruit squares or revival balls etc. Then - CREW MEAL PERIOD with platefuls of whatever. NOT FOR REDISTRBUTION, PUBLICATION OR FOR BENEFIT OF OTHER INDIVIDUALS OR ORGANIZATIONS

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