5 minute read

To Feel Aches and Pains After Working Out? Why You Are Not Losing Weight?

It can be alarming for people who are new to exercise, and may affect their initial enthusiasm to get fit.

The good news is the soreness will decrease as your muscles get used to the new physical demands being placed upon them. The soreness is part of an adaptation process that leads to greater stamina and strength as the muscles recover and build.


What type of activities can cause DOMS?

Any movement you're not used to can cause DOMS. Taking up a new exercise, a harder than usual workout, or working your muscles in a different way can all cause DOMS.

How can I treat DOMS?

DOMS generally gets better on its own after a few days to a week. Take it easy for a few days while your body adapts. Or try some light exercise such as walking or swimming. Keeping the muscle in motion can also provide some relief.

Physiotherapy also help to treat DOMS. Physiotherapy technique such as massage, cryotherapy, stretching, and put a kinesiotape to support your muscles really help to reduce the pain on your muscles.

How can I prevent DOMS?

One of the best ways to prevent DOMS is to start any new activity programme gently and gradually. Allowing the muscle time to adapt to new movements should help minimise soreness.

Brawijaya Clinic Kemang Jl Kemang Raya No.83H, Jakarta Selatan Monday-Saturday, 9am-4pm by appointment Phone : (021) 22717656 WhatsApp Admission: 0857-7805-2341


You Are Not Losing Weight?

By. Alex Astrawinata , Founder of Balance Meals Sports Nutritionist (NASM Certified) BSc Health Science

Even if you are working hard to lose weight, by starving, eating only just salad or by going to the gym twice a day.. you might be doing it all wrong.

If you Google, “How to lose weight?” or “Diet Plans” a number of results might pop up. Starting your “New you, Fitness first, Eat right” journey can be intimidating with all the information floating out there. Who has not heard of Keto, Mayo, Paleo or Intermittent Fasting? EVen for those like me, who are in the field of Health Science, there are always new diet trends or new studies out there changing how we might approach the topic of Nutrition and Weight Loss. So the question remains, how do we develop a weight loss plan that works best for you?

Luckily with all the trends out there, they tend to circle back to one simple rule. You must consume less calories than you burn each day. Simple concept, right? Yet, it is actually one of the hardest things to put into practice. But by understanding and applying this concept correctly it is the first step in developing a winning weight loss plan.

Calories are used to fuel our day, we need them to function but too much of a good things may also be a bad thing! If we consume MORE calories than our body needs, what happens to those extra calories?

Our bodies will retain those calories contributing to more weight gain overtime. So the trick is to consume LESS calories than what our body needs to burn off that extra weight.

Studies have shown that by simply reducing our weekly calories intake by 3500 calories, we would be capable of losing 1 lb of body weight per week.

Say for example, you have a recommended daily calories intake of 2000 calories. By reducing your daily calories by 500 calories, from 2000 to 1500. Over a timespan of 7 days, that's a total of 3500 calories, which would help you lose that 1lb of body weight.

Got it? Great! The next step would be to calculate your recommended daily calories intake. This is a key variable because we are each made different and need to tailor your meal plan to suit you. It is easy enough to put everyone in a box, but for best results, finding your own magic number is the key. There are a few formulas that can be used to find your recommended daily calories intake, but who wants to do Math?! Ask a sport nutritionist or check this website: www. tdeecaculator.net and calculate for yourself. Once you know your recommended calories intake the rest is simply planning your meals around that total. This is the backbone of most weight loss plans and yet, is still a concept that can get lost in the shuffle.

As a Sport Nutritionist, I have worked with individuals that in the past tortured themselves over how much to eat without understanding the fundamental first. While yes, watching clients get results can be rewarding. The best part is watching the moment when everything just clicks for them. Our goal should not be to find a quick fix but to help develop a sustainable habit to be used in the long term.

As Alex is the founder of Balance Meal, on usual days, you can find Alex in his humble kitchen either cooking or meal planning for his client. You might sometimes catch him at F45 Kemang or COMO Park with a few of his doggies. Want someone to plan your calories deficit meals? Chat with Alex on Whatsapp at


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