1 minute read

From The Coordinator


As we had a bit of a break and as our BWA House starts opening up with weekly activities, adhering to the safety protocol (of course!), we are ready to welcome you ladies back with open arms (in a distance!). Our weekly ongoing activities are, Canasta, Yoga and Mahjong, we also have our exclusive BWA only, Book and Bubble Club!


This issue of Grapevine, I have two of my dear friends writing about their expertise, one on relationships during pandemics and as some of us are exercising more at home, hence, another article talks about the pains after working out.

One of our lovely members, Helen, also submitted an article on her Seatrek adventure last year, just by looking at the photos she took, makes me enough to book a flight now. As the Indonesia government has now allowed the use of GeNose Covid 19, many of us will definitely be booking our next domestic flight to Bali very soon. As you do, remember to check out seatrekbali.com, if you or your spouse would like to experience some sailing adventure. Jane

Jane Hearn


In the meantime, enjoy your read. Stay safe and healthy.

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