Favorite Holiday Side Dishes FITNESS & WELLNESS
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Your future is with us!
Contents 4
From the CEO
Feature Profile Neil Ingels, Ph.D.
Newcomer Q&A Cathy Baird
Anniversaries & New Neighbors
Christmas Purse A Gift to Butterfield Employees
Featured Village Events
Village Snapshots
Living Spaces Assisted Living Cottage
Recycling Update Holiday Recycling
Village Flavors Favorite Holiday Side Dishes
Out & About Artful Holiday Happenings
Entertainment The Gift of Tickets
Foundation Donations
Ozark History Rogers “Gold Rush”
Fitness & Wellness Good Alignment
6 16
NOV + DEC 2023
From the CEO VOL. 12 ISSUE 6
Jack Mitchell Interim CEO MARKETING Kelly Syer Director of Marketing Leann Pacheco Sales Counselor Dave Marks Move-In Coordinator
Elise Lorene Administrative Assistant
PROGRAMS Riki Stamps Director of Programs & Events Michael Burks Asst. Director of Programs & Events RESIDENTS’ ASSOCIATION 2023 Council Members Jerry Rose, President Doug Prichard, Vice President Frances Sego, Secretary Ellis Melton, Past President Grace Babcock, Liz Brantley, Marian Catron, Roy Clinton, Vernon Collins, Marvin Higginbottom, Lenora Metz, Nina Simmons BOARD OF DIRECTORS Will Clark, President David (Dave) Williams, Treasurer Dr. Kim Chapman, Secretary Lance Brewer, Chuck Culver, LeRoy Duell, Dr. Michael Holloman, Mark McNair, Bill Mitchell, Chuck Nickle, Wulfran Polonius, Beth Vaughan-Wrobel 1923 East Joyce Boulevard Fayetteville, AR 72703 Main: (479) 442-7220 Marketing: (479) 695-8056 Butterfield LIFE may not be reproduced in whole or in part without permission from the publisher. Butterfield LIFE is published by Butterfield Trail Village. Contents © 2023. All rights reserved. Produced by DOXA / VANTAGE
Opened in 1986, Butterfield Trail Village is a locally governed 501(c)(3) non-profit retirement community. As Northwest Arkansas’ only comprehensive Life Plan Retirement Community, BTV offers active older adults worry-free living that is secure, independent and fulfilling – and the freedom to enjoy plentiful activities both inside and outside the Village. 4 BUTTERFIELD LIFE
As we all begin preparations to wrap up 2023 and look forward to upcoming holiday celebrations with friends and family, a number of BTV staff, residents and board members are also very focused on a much more far-reaching future for our Village. For nearly 38 years, Butterfield has set a standard in Arkansas for what a retirement community could be: a vibrant, active, comfortable place that sustainably serves the long-term social and health needs of its residents. To maintain that premier standard, we must stay abreast of how retirees and the broader world are evolving. It requires us to consider not just what a community like ours should offer now, but what future residents will want to see over BTV’s next four decades. We are thinking about our spaces and future capital plans, our services and amenities – and what will best meet our residents’ healthcare needs as they age. I’m pleased to say Butterfield’s culture and lifestyle are inspiring a lot of great conversations about how we become an even better version of the place we are now. These discussions are thought-provoking, invigorating – and quite honestly remind me a bit of the anticipation I felt as a child awaiting Christmas. There are wonderful, new things to be unwrapped and opportunities to explore, and it feels hard to wait. Rest assured, all will be revealed as our dreams start to take shape as reality. At present, we simply hope you enjoy reading this packed issue of our bimonthly magazine. Our cover story features Neil Ingels, Ph.D., a brilliant, tireless thinker whose education, personal and professional interests uniquely converged into research that has helped revolutionize critical knowledge needed to perform successful heart transplants. Also relating to health technology, you’ll read about a system called AlignSmart™, a toolkit our fitness team will implement next year to accurately measure personal body alignment and posture to offer individual exercise options designed to improve balance and mobility. Because Butterfield loves this time of year, you’ll hear what celebrations our busy programs and events team have in store, plus we’ll tempt your palate with a few favorite holiday side dishes. And, we’ll offer some ideas for how to better reduce and recycle many of the materials that go into annual gift giving. Cover to cover, we continuously strive to celebrate the kinds of things that make Butterfield such a special place to live and work – and recognize the incredible contributions of our senior population. Wishing you and yours the very best of the season, Jack Mitchell Interim Chief Executive Officer
I N V E S T I N G I N A R K A N S A S I S O U R F O U N D AT I O N C o n g r atu lation s to th e N ati onal Phi l anthropy Day Aw ard W i nner s
The Foundation has a vision for communities in Arkansas – to become the places your kids will want to raise their kids. We are ready to help you learn about the needs in your community and make an impact through investing in long-term solutions. Learn more about opportunities in every corner of our state.
The Community Foundation brings together wonderful philanthropists in Northwest Arkansas and makes it easy to support organizations closest to your heart. - Jennifer Yurachek
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Neil B. Ingels Jr. A Man of Discovery
Words by Michelle Parks | Photos by Stephen Ironside
Neil Ingels vividly recalls big and small moments from throughout his life. And he’s packed quite a lot into his 86 years. At 10, on a family trip to remote Wisconsin, he explored a crystal-clear lake by rowboat and could count the pebbles at the bottom. At 13, the family spent six weeks in a beach cabin on the Jersey shore, where he learned to body surf in the Atlantic Ocean and watched crabs by the thousands. On a Boy Scout outing, the rest of the group snuck out and went to town – leaving him alone. “And I loved it. I loved being alone in the woods. It’s where I belong,” Neil said. As an adult, while backpacking in the High Sierra, his group camped in a meadow. When he woke in the morning, he felt something warm at his back. He unzipped his tent to find a doe pressed against him through the tent with her sleeping newborn fawn nearby. Neil has thousands of photos from his 50-plus years spent traveling and exploring the outdoors. In his career, he would combine his passions for photography and hiking to make discoveries in the bioengineering field. 6 BUTTERFIELD LIFE
For his accomplishments, the University of Arkansas honored him in October with a 2023 Citation of Distinguished Alumni Award. It’s among many recognitions for his work, including an honorary doctorate from Linköping University in Sweden. For Neil, however, the work is the thing. The quest, the challenge, the problem to solve is what drives him. There’s a pattern to Neil’s life. He’s curious about something, and he starts at the library to learn more. When there’s little or no information, he does his own research. Sometimes, he writes a book. When he does something, he commits to it and delves into it with depth and focus.
Path to Family and Life’s Work Neil was born in Evanston, Illinois. The family eventually moved to Fayetteville in 1951 when Neil was 14. They bought 20 acres at the base of Markham Hill and built a home. This former city kid quickly took to the idea of farming. He got involved with the Future Farmers of America and developed a formula for feed to properly nourish pigs, which won him three Grand Champion ribbons. He also served as the three-
FEATURE PROFILE county president for FFA and was on its debate team. “With debate, you learned to think through both sides of an issue. I think that’s enormously valuable,” he said. Every day, after school at Fayetteville High, he worked as a soda jerk at Collier’s Drug Store on Dickson Street. He was a drummer in a Dixieland Combo, and years later would learn guitar and folk singing and play drums in a community marching band. There was no question he’d attend the U of A, as had his father and others in his family, and he decided to study electrical engineering. Neil worked summers to pay for college. Summer jobs included climbing telephone poles with spikes to do repairs for the phone company and working as a roughneck on a wildcat oilfield rig near Houston.
publishing business, with Judy as president, and an accepted invitation for Neil to become National Director of Coaching of the American Youth Soccer Organization.
He’d done photography in high school – with his own darkroom and processing chemicals. At the U of A, he worked with the official campus photographer to take photos at football games and of campus groups.
While at Lockheed, Neil earned a master’s degree in electrical engineering at Santa Clara University, and he went on to get his Ph.D. in electrical engineering from Stanford University in 1967.
Neil recalls when he and a group of students gathered on the roof of the historic Engineering Hall in 1957 to watch the Sputnik satellite in orbit. He helped found the campus Rocket Society, and members built and launched a 9-foot rocket at a local farm. At the U of A, he also met Judy Rothe at the campus Presbyterian youth center. They bonded as they discussed both being water safety instructors, and they haven’t stopped talking (recently celebrating their 64th wedding anniversary). They married in 1959 and soon landed in Sunnyvale, California, where he’d gotten a job with Lockheed. He and Judy had two children, Anne, and Neil III, and she stayed home with them. They also were foster parents for five years. Their children’s interest in soccer, coupled with the lack of material at that time about coaching this emerging sport, led him to research this topic extensively, then to write two books on the subject. The wide acceptance of these books, with more than 160,000 in print, led to their formation of a small
Disciplines Combine in Research Neil worked in an advanced development group at Lockheed, designing guidance and control systems for space satellites. But the work didn’t satisfy him, and he considered going to medical school. After talking with a researcher at the Palo Alto Medical Research Foundation, he soon took a job in the bioengineering department. It meant a 40 percent pay cut, but Neil saw an opportunity to apply engineering to medical problems. His boss got a grant from Hewlett Packard to make a short movie explaining the new electronics available to doctors. One was the pacemaker, and Neil was to create a model of the device for the film, as it was so new, no one had one locally. “The more I read, the more I realized that they weren’t even close to what we were doing in the space business about packaging and electronics,” he said. He knew of a pulse circuit that would remove most of the components from the pacemaker, and he secured a National Institutes of Health research grant. One issue was the leads were sewn directly to the heart muscle, meaning they flexed with a heart’s 100,000 beats each day, and they kept breaking. He wanted to find a quieter spot on the heart – and learned its motion hadn’t been measured. BUTTERFIELD LIFE
FEATURE PROFILE This is where his photography and backpacking experiences came in. With help from the nearby Geological Survey, the U.S. agency responsible for making topographic maps, Neil spent five years using his electrical engineering background to design everything – his own computer, a timing system, high voltage system, xenon probe units, etc. “I thought maybe I could make a topographic map of the surface of the heart and watch the mountains and valleys change and see what the motion’s like,” he said. By dotting the heart’s surface with markers, two wide-angle high-resolution cameras could visualize the dots in stereo when they were lit up in a dark room. With enough dots covering the heart, he could create sequential topographic maps of the heart surface at rapid intervals to measure the heart’s motion. He published this work, and then began to wonder if this might work in coronary angiograms.
Getting a Read on the Heart Neil was invited to do marker studies by the Stanford medical school team that had done the first human heart transplant in the United States in 1968. By placing miniature tantalum markers into the donor heart before transplanting, they could monitor the effectiveness of anti-rejection drugs. Doctors implanted the markers into two patients in 1974, and Neil and the team of cardiac surgeons, cardiologists and radiologists applied this stereo X-ray marker method in clinical research with more than 300 patients. This all led Neil to be invited to lectures and more than 400 publications and presentations, for which he and Judy traveled the world. In early studies, Neil wanted to know if he could get away with using one X-ray camera instead of two to see the markers. Studying the data from transplant patients, they discovered that the heart twists as it beats – in opposite directions at the top and bottom, while staying still in the middle, like wringing out a washcloth. “When we published that, we didn’t publish it as a breakthrough because I didn’t even know,” Neil said. “It was just part of the first paper describing the marker technique in patients.” But it resolved a 300-year-old debate about how the heart contracted. 8 BUTTERFIELD LIFE
Neil next targeted his focus on the mitral valve. Using the marker method, his team determined that the leaflets of the mitral valve are not passive but rather are a complete organ system with blood supply and neural control. Neil retired in 2012 but kept his office at the Research Institute. Over three years, he and a former post-doc researcher wrote a book, Mitral Valve Mechanics. The 42-chapter e-book has been downloaded more than 2,500 times. He thinks about the mitral valve all the time and is still making discoveries that will be part of the second edition of the book.
Full Circle, Returning Home After 56 years in California, Neil and Judy decided to return to Arkansas, where they’d often visited family over the years. They moved into their BTV apartment in December 2016. Neil’s late sister and brother-in-law, Sally and Jerol Garrison, lived in a Village Home then. His parents had been founding committee members and early residents starting in the mid-1980s, and Judy’s mother also lived here. Neil and Judy love living at BTV. “We get social interaction, we get good nourishment, and we get great health care and all the amenities,” he said. Food insecurity, global warming and preserving democracy are issues that greatly concern him. Twice a month Neil transports and serves food for Community Meals prepared at their church, First United Presbyterian. When at Stanford, Neil taught in the electrical engineering department and also mentored dozens of post-docs in heart research at its medical school. He continues his pattern of learning and teaching, currently serving as an adjunct professor of biomedical engineering at the U of A.
Cathy Baird
When did you move to Butterfield?
I moved to Butterfield on August 7, 2023. Where are you from? I am a nomad! I came to Butterfield from Springdale, where I had lived in retirement for 19 years. Prior to that I lived in Mesa, Ariz.; LaSalle and Lakewood, Colo.; Vermillion, S.D. and Indianola, Iowa – with other stops in Texas, Wyoming, New York and Pennsylvania.
Hansell Schaefer and Barbara Mulkey 20th Mike and Susan Cruse 21st Dale and Linda Batson 23rd Lou and Trisha Beland 23rd Larry and Borgny Hanley 25th Richard and Susie Jones 25th Jack and Pat Smith 26th Paul and Susan Rountree 27th Bill and Betty Stewart 27th Derl and Marilyn Horn 30th December Lee and Beverly Bodenhamer Gary and Adella Gray Doug and Barbara Prichard Bob and Diane Shaw Tony Stankus and Chris Soutter Jim and Nancy Blair
18th 26th 27th 27th 29th 30th
What did you do before retirement? I worked for the North Central Association of Colleges and Schools, Commission on Schools (a regional accrediting agency). I served in both the Colorado state office in Greeley and at the headquarters in Tempe, Ariz., where I was the Assistant Executive Director. Do you have children and grandchildren? I have two children, Amy who lives in Greeley, Colo. and Steve who lives in Springdale. Steve has two children: Jack, a junior at the University of Arkansas, and Skyler, a senior at the Arkansas Arts Academy in Rogers.
New Neighbors Recent Village Move-Ins Craig Brown and Laurel Ward Ruth Turner
Why did you choose Butterfield? I chose Butterfield for many reasons, including the active lifestyle, its continuous care model, the Village’s non-profit status and the historical commitment to maintaining a premier retirement community.
BTV Christmas Purse: A Gift to Butterfield Employees The BTV Christmas Purse is a wonderful tradition that lets residents show their gratitude to Village employees for the excellent care and services they provide throughout the year. Each year, Butterfield residents donate to the BTV Christmas Purse fund so every eligible BTV employee receives a holiday bonus. Whether it’s to offset the cost of buying gifts, set aside for savings, or spent on something special for themselves, a bonus is greatly appreciated by employees each year. Residents may contribute to the Christmas Purse fund from November 13 through December 13, 2023. Individual employee bonuses are determined by the
total amount of contributions and the hours worked by each employee during the current year. To be eligible for the bonus, an employee must be on the payroll as of December 1, 2023. BTV Leadership staff are not eligible for the bonus. Contributions may be made in the donation box at the Reception Desk in the lobby. For more information, contact Doug Prichard, vice president of the Residents’ Council, at Please give generously to the Christmas Purse this year – and help reward our faithful employees who always stand by us!
Our Defenders, Our Heroes, Our Veterans
Vintage Christmas Concert with Matt Barber
The national theme for Veterans Day 2023 is “Service,” to reflect what veterans offer all Americans as defenders of our Nation. There is distinct honor in serving to protect our way of life and the Constitution of the United States of America, reflected by the military value and tradition of selflessly answering the call to duty. You are invited to honor Our Defenders, Our Heroes, and Our Veterans during this evening’s program, as we thank veterans and their families for their sacrifices and service to our country. Expect to be touched as we play recorded interviews with past residents, whose stories are now housed in the Library of Congress. Your support demonstrates an appreciation for the hardships all veterans have endured as a result of a willingness to risk their lives to maintain our freedom. Enjoy a very special performance by the University of Arkansas Inspirational Singers under the direction of Dr. Jeffrey Murdock, followed by refreshments.
Singing sensation Matt Barber presents the finest jazz, pop and variety, performing over 300 concerts annually. His passionate, uplifting style is reminiscent of Barry Manilow and Michael Bublé, as he delivers an evening of songs we all know and love. His music has recently been featured on KKJZ (KJAZZ) 88.1 FM in Los Angeles, and he has performed at notable venues such as The Four Seasons Hotel in Beverly Hills, Andy Williams’ Moon River Restaurant in Branson, the Illinois State Fair and a wide array of private events. Vintage Christmas is his signature holiday show, highlighting both familiar and new songs to help us welcome a very special time of year.
BTV Cares Food Drive
A Winter Forest Fantasy
No one should go hungry, especially during the holidays. According to national data, Arkansas ranks sixth in senior hunger in the United States, and one out of every five children in Northwest Arkansas is food insecure. Butterfield Trail Village recognizes this need and is glad to partner again with the Northwest Arkansas Food Bank for a scheduled campus food drive. Residents, staff and Carriage Club members are invited to stop by the Performance Hall with food donations, in exchange for holiday cider, cocoa and games. Please help Butterfield bring needed meals to our community neighbors to ensure they enjoy the Christmas holiday. Please direct questions to Riki Stamps at or the NWA Food Bank at (479) 872-8774.
Follow the sleighbells jingling down a pathway to a mystical forest filled with wonder and warm holiday spirit! Our enchanting natural décor is sure to captivate Residents and Carriage Club Members during this evening of Christmas cheer – accompanied by festive hors d’oeuvres, signature cocktails and live dance music by Janet Rutland and the Mischievous Swing Band. Guests’ smiles and sparkling attire will be beautifully captured during this elegant evening in our themed photo booth. Make your reservations early! BUTTERFIELD LIFE
Butterfield Trail Village Stage Series Presents Natasha Korsakova
End of Summer Watermelon Feed
Butterfield Arts & Crafts Show
National Assisted Living Week Celebration
Walk to End Alzheimer's Fundraising Celebration
Assisted Living Cottage Butterfield's Assisted Living Cottage offers a cheerful, cozy space for up to 15 residents who may choose between individual apartments and two-bedroom suite options. Staffed with 24-hour support, this homey environment caters to those who appreciate their independence, but benefit from having a little extra help with day-to-day living – plus the added convenience of delicious meal service three times a day. A beautiful, airy living room and nearby dining area comprise the center portion of the Assisted Living Cottage. This elegant but comfortable space offers a perfect location for daily socializing and connection.
This bright, partially-covered patio overlooks Butterfield's lovely Village Homes and a nearby treelined ridge. It provides a wonderful place to meet friends and family throughout the year, while soaking up some healthy sunshine.
The Cottage is thoughtfully designed with common gathering spots to encourage friendly conversation, as well as areas to enjoy puzzles, games and regularly planned resident activities.
The Cottage's one-bedroom and twobedroom suite options both provide spacious personal living areas and storage. All apartments feature private bathrooms with roll-in showers and ample room to navigate mobility devices, if needed. 14 BUTTERFIELD LIFE
Every residence is bathed in natural light and ready to be personalized with special belongings, art and furniture to ensure the space feels like home.
Choosing to Properly Recycle During the Holidays is a Gift to Our Future As Christmas decorating, holiday shopping and festive present-giving begins in earnest, there are some easy ways to ensure gifts make a smaller impact on the environment without reducing the joy they bring to recipients. Each year, an estimated 2.3 million pounds of wrapping paper ends up in landfills. And while many conscientious people do try to recycle wrapping paper, a common mistake is putting all wrapping paper, tissue, ribbons and boxes into the recycling bin. If gift wrapping materials are metallic, foil, velvet or glittery, they are unfortunately not recyclable. The same is true of holiday cards; if they are printed on shiny photo paper or have metallic embossing or glitter, that portion of the card needs to go in the trash. There are some beautiful, creative ways to cut back on gift wrapping materials consumption, such as to dip into a stash of brown paper grocery sacks or other colorful paper bags, cut them up and give them a refresh. Gifts wrapped in repurposed paper can be absolutely beautiful – and especially festive when adorned by reusable twine and natural evergreen sprigs rather than new shiny ribbons and bows. Another option is to actually make the wrapping part of the gift, such as artfully bundling a cookbook in
a tea towel so there’s nothing to throw away. A great way to improve sustainability relating to gift-giving is to forego the boxing and wrapping altogether and opt for experiential options like performance tickets – or gift certificates from local restaurants and services. Not only does this cut down on waste and help reduce accumulation of “stuff”, it can help drive the local economy by offering critical support to small businesses and nonprofit organizations. If giving or receiving a cell phone or tablet, consider what should be done with the old one. Global estimates are that 5.3 billion cell phones are thrown out or stashed in drawers annually. When devices are not recycled, the opportunity to reuse gold, copper, silver, palladium and other valuable components is lost. And, if devices go into landfills or are incinerated, hazardous elements like mercury and lead can cumulatively cause real health and environmental harm. Some electronics stores like Best Buy will take devices to be properly recycled, and certain items may even be traded in for a gift card or store credit. Similarly, several area Walmart stores house an ecoATM™, a small self-serve kiosk where people can sell or properly dispose of old cell phones. To find a local kiosk near you, visit BUTTERFIELD LIFE
The Butterfield Recycle Committee meets monthly and is very committed to sustainability on the BTV campus. Its work over the years has seen great results: City of Fayetteville now picks up all recyclables as part of weekly routes. Active Living Area Recycle Coordinators are in place to support all residential area of campus – apartments, cottages and Village Homes. New residents are informed about how to recycle and a Resident Manual helps provide ongoing guidance for how the program works. Events taking place at BTV incorporate recycling of bottles and cans, and a recycling container is stationed at the front entrance.
Favorite Holiday Dinner Side Dishes Paula Furlough’s Cranberry Salad Equally festive and tasty, Paula Furlough’s special cranberry salad is a dish she’s made for Thanksgiving and Christmas dinners for 50 years. Her recipe is frequently requested, in part because of the crunchy texture that makes it extra-delicious. INGREDIENTS
2 – 3 oz packages raspberry gelatin 2 cups boiling water 1 – 16 oz can whole berry cranberry sauce 1 – 20 oz can crushed pineapple (do not drain) 1/2 to 1 cup broken pecans 1/2 cup celery, diced
Pour gelatins into a large saucepan. Add boiling water and cranberry sauce; stir until dissolved. Add pineapple with juice, pecans and celery. Pour into mold and refrigerate for several hours until well set.
Linda Fletscher Batson’s Mexican Corn Casserole Serves 12-15 Some side dishes are so perfect for every palate, there’s rarely a need to pack up leftovers. Linda Batson says this very easy-to-prepare corn casserole recipe is always requested as part of Thanksgiving dinner. INGREDIENTS
4 eggs 1 – 15 oz can whole kernel corn 1 – 14 3/4 oz can cream style corn 1 1/2 cup cornmeal 1 1/4 cup buttermilk 3/4 cup butter 2 – 4 oz cans chopped green chilies 1 tsp baking soda 3 cups shredded cheddar cheese (divided)
Preheat oven to 325° F. Beat eggs in a large bowl, then add the next eight ingredients and mix well. Stir in two cups of cheese.
Pour mixture into a 13”x9” baking dish and bake uncovered for one hour. Top with the remaining cup of cheese and let stand for 15 minutes before serving. Garnish with chopped jalapeno peppers if desired.
Denny Nelson’s Family Scandinavian Fruit Soup Serves 8, warm or cold This unusual sweet soup recipe is much-loved throughout Scandinavia, and the whole home smells like Christmas as it simmers on the stove. Denny Nelson’s mother, Doris Nelson, made this a holiday tradition. It’s served warm or cold, before or after a meal. The Nelson family loves it atop ice cream. INSTRUCTIONS
INGREDIENTS 1/2 cup pearl tapioca 1/2 orange, peeled and thinly sliced 1/2 lemon, peeled and thinly sliced 2 cinnamon sticks 1 lb. dry pitted prunes 1 lb. raisins (golden raisins were used for the photographed version)
Place tapioca, orange and lemon slices plus the cinnamon sticks into a large pot. Add water to cover the mixture and boil until tapioca is transparent.
3/4 cup sugar 1 can apricots 1 cup dried apricots 3 cups water 1/2 cup orange juice 1 cup canned red cherries, pitted
Boil prunes, raisins and dried apricots in the water with the sugar until tender. Bring the two fruit mixtures together. Add the can of apricots and the cherries, bringing to a full boil. Add orange juice and simmer.
Kelly Syer’s Sausage Stuffed Butternut Squash Serves 4–8 depending on if served as main course or side dish For many, butternut squash is an ultimate cool weather comfort food – and this recipe takes full advantage of the seasonal favorite. Kelly Syer says this is a showy side dish for a holiday dinner, but it also works beautifully as a healthy entrée. INGREDIENTS
Roasted Butternut Squash 2 medium butternut squash 2 Tbsp olive oil Salt and black pepper, to taste
Preheat oven to 400° F. Slice butternut squash in half lengthwise. Scoop out seeds and fibers with a spoon. Drizzle cut sides with olive oil and rub in. Season squash with plenty of salt and pepper.
Sausage filling 1 Tbsp olive oil 1 small onion, diced 14 oz spicy Italian sausage (pork or turkey sausage are equally good) 4 cloves garlic, minced 1 Tbsp Italian seasoning 4 oz fresh spinach 1/2 cup dried cranberries 1/2 cup pecans chopped
Place squash cut sides down on a baking sheet. Roast for 30 or 40 minutes, until soft. While the squash is roasting, heat olive oil in a large skillet and cook onion on medium-high until the edges start to brown. Add sausage, garlic and Italian seasoning and cook on medium heat until the sausage is fully browned. Stir in fresh spinach and cook for another 5 minutes on medium heat until wilted. Add cranberries, pecans and season with salt and pepper to taste. Using a spoon, scoop the flesh from the roasted squash, leaving about a 1-inch border along the sides. Add the sausage filling to the cavity in each squash and top with fresh ground black pepper. BUTTERFIELD LIFE
Tis the Season for Artful Holiday Happenings Northwest Arkansas has the best and the brightest entertainment this holiday season! Experience the magic with Christmastime symphonies, family theater productions, interactive outdoor light installations, a festival of trees, and more. Mount Sequoyah presents: Festival of Trees Nov. 10 – Dec. 9 Kick off the season of celebration at Mount Sequoyah’s second annual Festival of Trees! This festive series of events will inspire your creativity as you decorate for the season and will get you in the community spirit with some great cocktail parties and opportunities to connect with friends of Mount Sequoyah. Benefiting the historic preservation of Mount Sequoyah’s 100-year-old campus, themed holiday trees and wreaths will be available to bid on from Nov. 10 to Dec. 9. The fun kicks off from 5 to 7 p.m. on Nov. 10, when guests will be invited to peruse the variety of beautifully decorated trees and wreaths available for auction, while enjoying holiday music and refreshments. For tickets and a full event lineup, visit mountsequoyah. org/festivaloftrees. TheatreSquared presents: A Christmas Carol Nov. 29 – Dec. 24 A Northwest Arkansas holiday tradition, TheatreSquared will once again present its original adaptation of Charles Dickens’ classic! Adapted by Amy Herzberg and Robert Ford, T2’s A Christmas Carol boldly reimagines the story of miserly Ebenezer Scrooge’s journey through past, present and future. But will it be enough to save him? Fun for all ages, visit for tickets and performance schedule. 18 BUTTERFIELD LIFE
NWA Conservatory of Classical Ballet presents: The Nutcracker Dec. 1 – 2 The Nutcracker returns to the Arend Arts Center stage for The Conservatory’s 11th annual production of the heartwarming classic set to the iconic Tchaikovsky score. Described as a “community treasure,” The Nutcracker is one of the area’s most beloved holiday traditions. This year's production features a community cast of 188 dance students and adult character artists in addition to five professional artists from NWA Ballet Theatre. With a 7 p.m. evening performance on Dec. 1 and two showtimes on Dec. 2 (a 1 p.m. matinee and 7 p.m. evening performance), tickets are available at
A Very SoNA Christmas Saturday, Dec. 9 The Symphony of Northwest Arkansas (SoNA) celebrates its 69th season with another NWA yuletide favorite! Under the baton of Maestro Paul Haas, SoNA will perform a mix of holiday favorites featuring the SoNA Singers, area collegiate choruses, and special guest soloists. With a 2 p.m. matinee and a 7:30 p.m. evening performance, tickets are available at
A Christmas Carol
SoNA & Walton Arts Center present: The Snowman: A Family Concert Sunday, Dec. 10 Your favorite holiday treat with the grandkids! Experience this very special screening of the awardwinning film “The Snowman” as SoNA musicians bring to life the magical score in an unforgettable performance for children of all ages. Tickets and info at Crystal Bridges presents: Listening Forest On view through Dec. 31 Finally, and while technically not a holiday event per se, one still can’t help but get into the spirit of the season when faced with a forest full of twinkling lights. Back for its third and final season, Listening Forest combines light, sound, and technical marvels to create an immersive world waiting for its final piece: you. The forest’s eight interactive installations, each designed by artist Rafael LozanoHemmer, invite guests to play with tools built for surveillance and transform them into instruments of connection. From bridges of light carrying a stranger’s heartbeat to a multisensory wave of offered voices, in the Listening Forest you’ll have the chance to use your hands, your voice, and even the afterimage of your own body heat to create fantastical experiences in the dark. Tickets and more at
ENTERTAINMENT Tammy Pescatelli
Les Misérables
Loston Harris Gavin Cello Quartet
Gift the Experience of a Walton Arts Center Performance By Anna Buie
The holidays are already stressful, so why make them worse by going to the mall to attempt to purchase gifts? Instead, consider purchasing tickets to an upcoming performance at Walton Arts Center to gift to everyone in your family! With nine different show series and multiple shows in each, there is a performance that everyone is guaranteed to love. Gifting a ticket is gifting an experience, and gifting an experience is something that will last a lifetime. If you purchase tickets to three or more shows at the same time – for yourself or as gifts – you will save with the WAC’s Create Your Own Subscription offer. Gift certificates are also available and are totally customizable, valid for both shows at Walton Arts Center and the Walmart AMP. Don’t forget to reserve parking ahead of time, too! Ring in the new year and experience Les Misérables, part of the Broadway series, on Jan. 2-7. Set against the backdrop of 19th century France, Les Misérables tells an enthralling story of broken dreams and unrequited love, passion, sacrifice, and redemption – a timeless testament to the survival of the human spirit. This epic and uplifting story has become one of the most celebrated musicals in theatrical history. If musicals aren’t your style, try out the Starrlight Jazz Club with all shows featuring cabaret style seating. The Loston Harris Trio will be showcasing their suave jazz on Jan. 13. An improvisational musician doing his part to continue a musical legacy, blending traditional jazz, gospel and blues with his
own unique styling, Harris’s piano playing has been described as “percussive” and “incredibly fluid.” After experiencing the jazz series, you can kick back, relax, and enjoy the Gavin Cello Quartet as part of WAC’s 10x10 Arts Series, featuring tickets that are only $10! The Gavin Cello Quartet is on a mission to establish the cello quartet as a core part of the classical music world. With members from China, Brazil, South Korea and the U.S., this diverse ensemble presents works from a variety of cultural backgrounds. The tonal beauty, timbral contrast and astonishing virtuosity of the quartet demonstrates the unexpected, limitless range of a cello ensemble. If a comedy show is more your scene, Tammy Pescatelli is guaranteed to give you a hilarious night out on Jan. 11. After making it to the final five on NBC’s “Last Comic Standing,” Pescatelli has become known as one of the sharpest women in comedy. Her eye for finding the funny in all situations is what earned her new one-hour special “Finding the Funny” critical acclaim from fans and peers alike, taking the show to No. 3 on iTunes. Don’t see the perfect ticket in this gift guide? Take a look at WAC’s online calendar to find a show and a ticket price that is just right even for the most difficult person on your list. Tickets can be purchased in-person at the box office weekdays 10 a.m. to 2 p.m., by calling (479) 443-5600 weekdays 10 a.m. to 5 p.m., or by visiting BUTTERFIELD LIFE
The Foundation is grateful for the gifts received between July 15th to September 19th from the following donors: Donations/Memorials Betty Wallace Ellis and Key Melton Carolyn Smart in memory of Paulette Collins Duane and Beverly Wilson in memory of Neil Schmitt Lyle and Sue Gohn in memory of Lloyd Seaton Collier Drug Stores in memory of Lloyd Seaton Roy Clinton in memory of Glenda Newman and Marion Wasson Susan Rieff in memory of Marion Wasson Margaret Taylor in memory of Gloria McLemore Robert and Tamara Stassen in memory of Lloyd Seaton
Health Care/Special Care Remodel/ Sensory Garden Fund Ray and Penny Culver in memory of Judy Schatzman and Paulette Collins Beth Vaughan-Wrobel in memory of Glenda Newman, Neil Schmitt, and Marion Wasson
Music and Performance Fund Helen McElree Dorothy Mitchelson Carol Sonnenberg in memory of Glenda Newman Earlene Henry in honor of Beth Vaughan-Wrobel Anonymous in honor of the Programs and Events Team Morriss and Ann Henry in memory of Marion Wasson, Neil Schmitt, Lloyd Seaton and Glenda Newman
Scholarship Fund
WelcomeHealth has been providing no-cost medical and dental care to our low-income neighbors for over 37 years.
Kay Brewer in memory of Glenda Newman Mr. and Mrs. James Arkins in memory of Judy Schatzman Ruben and Marietta Baltz in memory of Judy Schatzman
Garden Fund Charles and Barbara Stills Beverly White in memory of Lloyd and Dorothy Seaton Allen Carney and Susan Mayes in memory of Lloyd Seaton
Birds & Wildlife To support the mission of this vital community resource and find out more about what this clinic does, who it serves and how you can help, please visit or call 479-444-7548.
Northwest Arkansas’ Free Health Center
Kristen, Karen, Kevin, Ashley, Lyle, Kimble, McCall, and Cooley in memory of Uncle Lloyd Seaton
Moving Made Easy Jeanine Neuse Lloyd Seaton Michele Utterson
Rogers ‘Gold Rush’: A Tale of Visions, Promises and Disappointment Sandra Cox Birchfield, Shiloh Museum of Ozark History The telegrams sent to several Rogers business owners contained a curious message: “Ten million dollars for all people in Rogers.” Dated January 27, 1903, it was signed by three authors: Will H. Kruse of Le Sueur, Minnesota, his brother and brother-in-law. The Minneapolis Journal proclaimed Will H. Kruse, who grew up in Rogers, a man of visions, one of which reportedly led him to earn thousands of dollars in the wheat market. The Arkansas Gazette ran a story with the headline, “Freak of a Crazy Man.” Kruse wrote hundreds of pages’ worth of revelations as they came to him, which he planned to publish as The Book of Predictions. Kruse’s latest vision was of an untapped goldmine on his father's farm in Rogers, noted by an apple tree in its center in a spot, located between what is now U.S. 71B (also known as Eighth Street) and Rogers Heritage High School to the east. He believed that $10 million worth of gold was buried beneath and needed to be shared with the people. The press went nuts. On October 18, 1905, the mine’s grand opening was celebrated with more than 40 laborers marching ceremoniously to work while the Rogers Cornet Band played “Silver Threads Among the Gold.” Enthusiasm grew when Kruse reported that an initial carload of ore shipped to St. Louis contained $25,000 worth of gold
dust (roughly $872,000 today). The St. Louis Post-Dispatch devoted its entire front page in its Sunday edition to Kruse and his mission, including an elaborate illustration of where said gold could be found 125 feet beneath Rogers. The belief that there was gold in the Ozarks sent many scouring the White River, Monte Ne and Johnson for potential nuggets. But the years passed with no gold discoveries, and mining in Rogers dwindled. And that report that $25,000 in gold dust was found? The ore was later deemed worthless and dumped in St. Louis. That didn’t deter Kruse. In 1924, more than 20 years after his telegrammed announcement, Kruse ordered two commercial-sized smelters and a plant to refine the treasure he was certain to come. But it didn’t. Kruse died a year later, which spelled the end of his mining operations. Today, cars travel Eighth Street in Rogers with no hint that a mine ever existed. Yet a business nearby seemingly taunts the ghosts of the past. It offers cash for gold. BUTTERFIELD LIFE
Will H. Kruse had a vision that $10 million worth of gold existed deep in the ground between what is now U.S. Highway 71 Business (also Eighth Street) and Rogers Heritage High School. It was the subject of national news articles and created much fanfare as well as skepticism. This photo was likely taken shortly after the goldmine opened in 1905. Photo is from the Shiloh Museum of Ozark History’s Herbert Locke Collection.
This image of Will H. Kruse appeared in the February 4, 1906, issue of the St. Louis PostDispatch, which devoted its entire front page to Kruse and his vision of untapped gold in Rogers. Note that the photo caption identifies him as “Prophet W.H. Kruse.”
Good Alignment: Not Just Posturing
A balanced body is a healthier body Staying healthy as aging adults is largely based upon making educated, proactive choices about remaining physically active and eating right – but technology can also be enormously beneficial along an individual’s journey to feel great for a lifetime. One of these technologies, AlignSmart™, is a patented system that uses person’s body measurements to create personalized exercise routines through a program called Symmetry for Health. After measuring 21 different bony areas of the body, trained practitioners can submit someone’s unique data to AlignSmart software for analysis. The result is a customized set of corrective exercises that address posture improvement, pain relief and performance enhancement by restoring body symmetry, stability and mobility. Butterfield Director of Wellness Jennifer Neill is always on the lookout for ways to help residents feel better through physical empowerment. In January 2024, residents will be able to stop in during a three-day event to have their personal AlignSmart measurements taken. Once they have 22 BUTTERFIELD LIFE
completed that step, each individual will get help with downloading a Smartphone app or receive a paper copy of directions to show how to perform a five-stretch sequence designed just for them. “I think this program will have a huge benefit,” said Neill. “I often hear residents complain about pain. This is one effective way to work on reducing pain while preventing wear and tear on the joints. It is simple to do – but to get results, people will need to do their five stretches several days a week. We are very excited to be implementing this program for residents, and we will be offering a similar program for staff, as well.” In addition to doing the prescribed stretches regularly, participants will also need to know they are performing the exercises correctly. Once the AlignSmart program is launched, BTV fitness team member Kasha Thompson will be in the Butterfield Aquatic Center gym to offer both assistance and accountability. And, if someone misses the initial dates of measurement and analysis, Thompson will be available to help them complete the process so they can get started.
Benefits of AlignSmart technology: Posture and alignment improvement, which can reduce muscular, joint and spinal stress and tension Relief from discomfort and inflammation, especially for chronic conditions such as back pain, neck pain, headaches, sciatica, arthritis and osteoporosis Injury and degeneration prevention through increased stability, mobility and flexibility Fall risk reduction by balance and coordination improvement Increased range of motion through increased flexibility and a reduction in muscle tightness Enhanced independence as a result of being able to perform everyday activities without difficulty
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DECEMBER 12-17 • 8 SHOWS! Broadway Series Sponsor:
Premier Broadway Series Support:
Broadway Series Support:
Bob & Becky Alexander
Friends of Broadway
JAN. 2-7, 2024 8 SHOWS!
Show Sponsors:
Show Underwriters:
Candace & David Starling
Media Support: