Feature Profile
Karen Crocker Village Spaces
Welcome to Our Gardens! Fitness & Wellness
New Exercise Specialist Gail Maxwell
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Contents 4 From the CEO 6 Feature Profile Karen Crocker 9 Newcomer Q&A Dennis Nelson and Elizabeth Houle 9 Anniversaries & New Neighbors 10 Employee Spotlight Teresa Sosebee 11 Village Spaces Welcome to Our Gardens! 12 Out & About Crystal Bridges Launches Anniversary Exhibition 13 Expansion Complete at Fayetteville Public Library 14 Village Snapshots 16 Living Spaces The Assisted Living Apartment of Nell Taylor
17 Walton Arts Center Become a Volunteer 18 Village Flavors Tasty Fourth of July Fare 19 Featured Village Events 20 Foundation Listings 21 BTV Foundation Board Directors Chuck Culver and Richard Hudson 22 Fitness & Wellness Meet Exercise Specialist Gail Maxwell
JULY + AUGUST 2021 3
VOL. 10 ISSUE 4 AU G 2 0 2 1
From the CEO What a difference a year makes.
Quintin Trammell CEO MARKETING Kelly Syer Director of Marketing Leann Pacheco Sales Counselor Dave Marks Move-In Coordinator
Elise Lorene Marketing Coordinator
PROGRAMS Riki Stamps Director of Programs & Events Michael Burks Asst. Director of Programs & Events RESIDENTS’ ASSOCIATION 2021 Council Members Roy Penney, President Ellis Melton, Vice President Linda Pinkerton, Secretary Ron Hanson, Past President Skipper Solomon, Ann Marie Ziegler, Neely Barnett, Pat Jahoda, Jim Ferguson, Ginger Crippen, Geri Bender, Adella Gray BOARD OF DIRECTORS Jacqui Brandli, President Dr. Kim Chapman, Vice President Bill Shackelford, Secretary David Williams, Treasurer Bernard Madison, Mark McNair, Ann Henry, Bryn Wood Bagwell, Bob Kelly, Will Clark, Bill Mitchell, Wulf Polonius
Summertime at Butterfield is always full of activities that are easy to take for granted when a packed calendar of interesting things to do is the norm. But, after months and months of hunkering down, avoiding group gatherings and not seeing full smiling faces due to masking up, a return to more typical programming, fun outings and our full array of amenities means energy and excitement at the Village is palpable. Residents are so glad to be dining together again, enjoying indoor group exercise and gathering for meetings and games – but this time of year also means plenty of opportunities to appreciate our wonderful outdoor environment. In this issue, we recognize the people who help make our natural surroundings extra-special. Our feature profile highlights the vibrant work of resident Karen Crocker, a talented landscape architect who developed plans for some of the region’s most beautiful settings – Compton Gardens and Peel Museum and Botanical Garden. Karen actively gardens at Butterfield, along with an impressive group of others you will meet in our story about the campus flower and vegetable gardens nurtured entirely by residents. We are pleased to introduce you to BTV newcomers Dennis Nelson and Elizabeth Houle, longtime dining services employee Teresa Sosebee, and our newest Butterfield Trail Village Foundation Board members Chuck Culver and Richard Hudson. Our Living Spaces page offers a look at Nell Taylor’s cozy, art-filled Assisted Living studio apartment. And, you won’t want to miss summer holidayinspired recipes from Butterfield Chefs Memo Vaca and Henry Leachman. Enjoy, keep cool and stay well –
Quintin Trammell Chief Executive Officer
1923 East Joyce Boulevard Fayetteville, AR 72703 Main: (479) 442-7220 Marketing: (479) 695-8056 Butterfield LIFE may not be reproduced in whole or in part without permission from the publisher. Butterfield LIFE is published by Butterfield Trail Village. Contents © 2021. All rights reserved. Produced by DOXA / VANTAGE 4 BUTTERFIELD LIFE
Opened in 1986, Butterfield Trail Village is a locally governed 501(c)(3) non-profit retirement community. As Northwest Arkansas’ only comprehensive Life Plan Retirement Community, BTV offers active older adults worry-free living that is secure, independent and fulfilling – and the freedom to enjoy plentiful activities both inside and outside the Village.
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JULY + AUGUST 2021 5
Feature Profile
Karen Crocker: In Nature By Design Special by Michelle Parks Photos by Stephen Ironside
utterfield resident Karen Crocker remembers the summers of her teen years. Her family had a cabin in Inverness, California, along what is now the Point Reyes National Seashore. They enjoyed hiking, swimming, sailing – and simply being in nature. It was about an hour from where she grew up in Berkeley. Her dad had studied forestry and then became a mammalogist; her mom was a modern dancer. For Crocker and her twin sister, Susan, their summers in nature greatly influenced their careers. Crocker is a landscape architect and garden design expert, and a retired University of Arkansas professor. Her sister is a marine biologist. Crocker, in fact, has helped develop some of the area’s most treasured garden projects: the Peel Museum and Botanical Garden and Compton Gardens among them. Now retired, Crocker chairs BTV’s Landscape and Gardening Committee, and continues lending her time and expertise to community garden projects in the region. “I’ve had an unparalleled opportunity to be part of design teams that created the Peel gardens and 6 BUTTERFIELD LIFE
Compton Gardens, which enhance the lives of the people who gather there and who pass through,” Crocker said. “I feel very lucky to have been involved, and to see these landscapes continue to be wellmaintained, meaningful parts of Northwest Arkansas history.” Designing Her Destiny After attending college in southern California, Crocker studied dance at NYU, but it wasn’t the right fit. One day in a Greenwich Village bookstore, she found the 1969 book Design With Nature by Ian McHarg, who pioneered the idea of incorporating and preserving natural spaces in cities through land-use planning. “I read that book and I said, ‘That’s what I want to do,’” Crocker said. Crocker earned a Masters of Landscape Architecture degree at the University of Michigan, while raising two young daughters. Her thesis about small-town design caught the eye of the University of Arkansas hiring committee when she applied for a landscape architecture teaching position. UA architecture professor Frank Burggraf hired her in 1985. She and Burggraf later worked studying Civilian Conservation
Corps land-improvement projects at three Arkansas State Parks: Devil’s Den, Mount Nebo and Petit Jean. At U of A, Crocker taught landscape architecture and urban design, and was one of just a few female faculty members in the School of Architecture. Her students created urban design projects in Siloam Springs and Fort Smith, and a pavilion and trail for a downtown Helena park.
conditions on his 25 acres on Scull Creek. This told them what types of plants grew in the region then. Crocker still has her design sketch for the garden rose trellis – a series of thin, overlapping arches with two oval shapes. She knew pipe would last longer than wood, so she found a local pipe company owner who welded the pieces together.
A Natural Calling
Their garden design won a Merit Award from the Arkansas chapter of the American Society of Landscape Architects in 1998.
Through a colleague, Crocker got involved with Peel House Foundation, comprising the Peel mansion and grounds in Bentonville. Built in 1875 for Col. Samuel Peel’s family, the Italianate style mansion was in bad shape and overrun with wisteria, but it was being restored, along with the three acres of property. “So the question was, what to do with the grounds,” she said.
Crocker also served on the Peel House board for many years and was involved with fundraisers, tours and other projects. She created the Landscape Pioneers program, in which landscape architecture students and graduates taught schoolchildren about Bentonville in the early days. They built models of log houses with landscapes and traditional Native American dwellings in the region.
Rather than formal gardens that might be expected with a mansion, it once had vegetable gardens, flowers and a 180-acre apple orchard. In 1994, Crocker and Bob Byers, another landscape architect, recommended designs for the grounds based on the Victorian patterns popularized by Andrew Jackson Downing, an early 1800s landscape designer and writer. The plan was to develop a perennial garden, rose garden, shaded native garden, and a pioneer vegetable and herb garden. A Victorian children’s garden came later.
In 2001, Crocker got involved with Compton Gardens, which, along with Peel House, is managed by the Peel Compton Foundation. Crocker, Carl Totemeier, Melissa Evans and Ellen Compton looked at how to preserve a natural area near downtown Bentonville. This urban preserve was started by Compton’s father, Neil Compton, a physician who helped form the Ozark Society to save the Buffalo River, leading to it becoming America’s first National River in 1972. He collected tree and shrub species from along the White River that would be lost with the construction of Beaver Dam.
They also stumbled upon a valuable resource for sourcing plants. From 1836 to the 1870s, a Fayetteville nurseryman documented the plants and weather
Karen and Thermon Crocker at Compton Gardens
Dr. Compton had started developing the property as a place for species native to Arkansas, and it already had huge oak trees, as well as umbrella magnolia, pawpaw, catalpa and bois d’arc (horse apple) trees. Three trees, a yellowwood, a scarlet oak, and a Chinese chestnut tree, are certified state champion trees, or the largest of their species in Arkansas. Other plantings include dogwoods, redbuds, azaleas and rhododendrons. Crocker became a student in this project, learning about plants native to this area, researching how they grow best, and determining the best species for the site. “It was very exciting to me because I had grown up in the natural environment in California in a place where everything that I saw all summer long was native to BUTTERFIELD LIFE
JULY + AUGUST 2021 7
At Peel Museum and Botanical Garden
those hills and those fields. I never had a chance to really see how you could restore and make a natural landscape.” She later did the same thing by using native plants to restore the natural landscape for her personal garden at the Fay Jones-designed home she shared with husband Dr. Thermon Crocker, married in 1992.
Ardith Wharry and Beth Vaughan-Wrobel Steele developed outside the Special Care Center. At the Village, the Crockers enjoy visits by friends and family including her oldest daughter, Sara, who teaches environmental law at the U of A. Her other daughter, Anna, passed away in 1989. Thermon Crocker is a talented woodworker who decorates their home with his work. (He’s still using wood from a black cherry tree removed from the Compton property.)
A Well-Tended Life The Crockers moved to a Village home at Butterfield in 2014, in part to simplify their lives so they can indulge in their love of traveling. As part of their travels, the couple went to Liberia in 2005 through Mercy Ships, a faith-based volunteer organization helping victims of the country’s longrunning civil war. Thermon performed ear, nose and throat surgeries aboard the docked hospital ship, while Karen worked with refugees in nearby villages to help restore a war-damaged school. She taught young men how to plan their community spaces and to draw maps. Back home at BTV, the Crockers are both prolific gardeners. He grows a well-tended vegetable and fruit garden often picked by his son-in-law and grandchildren, while she tends to a plot near the Raised Bed Gardens. Karen also helps maintain the BTV Sensory Gardens, which she and fellow residents 8 BUTTERFIELD LIFE
After she retired, Crocker received the Golden Acorn Award from the Fayetteville Natural Heritage Association, which she helped found in 2003 to preserve 67 acres on Mount Sequoyah. The group also helped create the Brooks-Hummel nature preserve, behind Evelyn Hills Shopping Center. Recently, as part of her work with the League of Women Voters of Washington County, she served on the committee that developed plans for Fay Jones Woods, west of the Fayetteville Public Library. The area will feature a canopy overlook — or elevated path — as well as a creek crossing, art nodes and restored woodland habitat. “I don’t think I will ever fully retire from responding to opportunities to contribute to creating, preserving, and offering advice about landscapes,” she said. “The world is constantly changing and full of life, and I always want to be part of it.”
Village Newcomer Q+A
Dennis “Denny” Nelson and Elizabeth Houle
Anniversaries July Phil & Virginia Wilson Glen & Martha Fincher Duane & Beverly Wilson Chuck & Donna Horne Bob & Geri Bender Ned & Cathy Irving Wulf & Ingrid Polonius
1st 2nd 4th 15th 19th 26th 29th
When did you move to Butterfield? We officially became residents on May 3, 2021 and moved into our new apartment a few days later. Where are you from? We are originally from the St. Paul, Minnesota area, but we have just relocated to Arkansas from Tucson, Arizona, where we lived for 18 years. What did you do before retirement? Elizabeth was the owner of multiple hair salons and a cosmetology school in Minnesota. Denny spent 35 years working as a supply chain specialist for 3M corporation in St. Paul. Do you have children and grandchildren? Elizabeth’s daughter Nadine Rippelmeyer and husband Dr. Drake Rippelmeyer live in Fayetteville, along with three grandchildren. Elizabeth’s son lives in Minnesota, as do three grandchildren and six great-grandchildren. Denny has two children and two grandchildren who reside in the California Bay Area, two children and a grandchild in Minneapolis, as well as a grandchild in Milwaukee.
Morriss & Ann Henry Jerry & Kay Brewer Joe & Judi Schenke Rick & Mary Meyer Ray & Penny Culver Jim & Margaret Hunt Buck & Jean Watson Ellis & Kay Melton Harris & Carol Sonnenberg Ron & Polly Hanson Jim & Lois Ferguson Otto & Betty Loewer Neil & Judy Ingels Paul & Wyvern Beach
1st 3rd 7th 8th 12th 13th 17th 19th 19th 23rd 28th 28th 29th 31st
New Neighbors Recent Village Move-Ins Alan McDaniel Dennis Nelson & Elizabeth Houle Ned & Cathy Irving Duane & Beverly Wilson
Why did you choose Butterfield? We made the decision to move to Arkansas to be closer to both of our families. After touring Butterfield, we not only found the campus to be attractive, but the facilities are appealing. We also appreciated the established policies for the management of the community, as well as the support staff we had the opportunity to meet. Though we have only been at BTV a short time, we already love it here! BUTTERFIELD LIFE
JULY + AUGUST 2021 9
Employee Spotlight
Meet Teresa Sosebee Dietician & Assistant Director of Dining Services Teresa Sosebee practically glows when she talks about her work as BTV’s dietician and assistant director of dining services. A typical day takes her in many directions while wearing multiple hats, and she accomplishes it all with an abundance of energy. Whether she is managing the main dining room reception area and helping to fill in for staffing gaps – or interviewing for new employees, placing food orders and checking on the teams working in the Bistro and the independent living and healthcare commercial kitchens – she brings enthusiasm, kindness and consideration to every interaction. As familiar as Sosebee’s friendly face is to residents and staff, most don’t realize she came to BTV in 1989 in a very different capacity than her current
role. Relocating to Arkansas from Indiana with a background as a certified nursing assistant (CNA), she was hired to be a private companion for a Butterfield resident. Teresa worked as a companion for multiple clients over the span of Teresa Sosebee a few years, until one particularly emotional year led to the loss of two clients and her own father – convincing her she needed a fresh start at something new.
Village Spaces
Welcome to Our Gardens! BTV Communal Gardens are Bountiful Touchpoints to Nature Since they were first planted on campus, the Community and Raised Bed Gardens have grown into something beautiful at BTV, providing sustenance, camaraderie, and a connection to nature for the residents who tend to them. More than 30 residents tend to individual beds or plots at BTV’s two major gardens: the Community Garden at the southeast edge of campus, and the Raised Bed Gardens, in the heart of the Village near the gazebo. Started by residents themselves in the 1990s, both gardens are rooted in friendship and social connections and complement the 44-acre Village campus as an oasis for wildlife and nature. Comprised of 28 garden plots tended to by 18 residents, the Community Garden grows virtually every category of vegetable available in the U.S., 10 BUTTERFIELD LIFE
Community Gardeners Top row, left to right: Ron Talbert, Faye Edmondson, Jim Young, Frank Price, Deb Santeford, Bob Hendrix, Bonnie Ashlock, Lanny Ashlock. Bottom row, right to left: Charles Stills, Gary Gray, Grace Donoho, Bob Bender, Richard Wharry. Not photographed: Lyle Gohn, Ardith Wharry, Sam & Inez Thornton, Rosa Lee Layne, Ed Piper, Jim Hunt, Thermon Crocker, Bill Martin
according to Jim Hunt, a resident who oversees the garden and chairs the BTV Garden Committee. Each year, the garden produces between 50-75 tomato plants, as well as corn, green beans, okra, chard, broccoli, strawberries, peas, larger flowers and more. “There’s no limit on what we grow – it’s more about what we don’t grow,” Hunt said. “Tomatoes are probably the most popular, but personally, I’ve got Bok Choy out the ears. All of us grow excessively, and give away much more than we can freeze and use.” A portion of what is grown at both gardens is sold
In 2005, she accepted a kitchen position in the BTV food service department. Her coworkers took notice of her work ethic and solid capabilities, recognizing she had natural potential to do even more. Her supervisor suggested she enroll in an Auburn University correspondence program to earn formal certification as a dietary manager and food protection professional (CDM, CFPP). She was also encouraged to apply for the BTV Foundation’s employee scholarship program to help cover some of the cost of her education. Juggling fulltime work and school, she graduated from the program in 2013. Just a year later, BTV’s dietician retired and Sosebee was offered the role she has held ever since. One who values and nurtures long-term relationships, Sosebee says she is incredibly fortunate to work at Butterfield. “I really love our residents and learn something new from them every day,” she said. “They tell me they like to see me smile, which is so easy to do because I come to
Raised Bed Gardeners Left to right: Barbara Brannan, Linda Hayes, June Davis, Judy Doyle, Karen Crocker, Mary Cotton. Not photographed: Margaret Fox
work knowing I always have an opportunity to make a difference for other people.” When coaching new employees, she regularly shares her perspective about doing little things to make others’ lives better. “Especially when working in the Health Care Center, I tell my team it is important to remember what people are experiencing right now is probably very different from how they have lived in the past. Having some choices — such as what they eat — means a lot, and can be a big comfort when someone isn’t feeling well.” She gained more than a career at Butterfield – she also met her spouse, Gary Sosebee, in 2006. They married in 2008, and Gary is now retired from the BTV maintenance department. The Sosebees have a home near beautiful Devil’s Den State Park. Her son Jeremy and his wife Jessica live in Farmington where they are raising Teresa’s cherished two grandsons and granddaughter.
Raised Bed Gardeners Left to right: Char Olsen, Grace Donoho, Earlene Henry, Wyvern Beach, Vernon Collins
at the BTV Farmers Market to help support the Foundation Garden Fund.
eliminates the need to bend over and is preferred by some residents.
Hunt said it’s up to residents to care for the gardens, to include making repairs and purchasing communal supplies.
The gardens grow a variety of flowers such as bluebonnets, zinnias, poppies, irises, lilies, daisies and moonflowers – as well as a few small vegetables.
“It’s where we pontificate,” Hunt said with a chuckle. “Gardening is a good outlet for retired people, and we’ve got an exceptional group here. The camaraderie is really great, and it’s a lot of fun.”
Raised Bed Gardens
The Raised Bed Gardens are located south of the main building next to the gazebo, along the sidewalk to the Lodge. Each bed is encased in wood and raised to waist level, said resident Judy Doyle, the garden overseer for the past 11 years. Raised bed gardening
One bed is devoted to milkweed for bees and butterflies, supporting BTV’s role as a Certified Wildlife Habitat, Doyle said. The gardens also host multiple bird feeders, providing a quiet place to sit and watch nature. “So many residents tell me what a joy it is to look down on the gardens and see how beautiful they are,” she said. “A lot of people will also take their walks through the area just to enjoy the flowers.”
JULY + AUGUST 2021 11
Out & About
Crystal Bridges Celebrates 10 Years with New Exhibition “Crystal Bridges at 10” Marks First Decade For World-Class Museum Crystal Bridges Museum of American Art will kick off a new major temporary art exhibition later this month in celebration of its 10th anniversary and welcoming over five million visitors. The exhibition, Crystal Bridges at 10, will open Saturday, July 11 and remain on view through Sept. 27, 2021. Admission is free for Norman Rockwell members, veterans, SNAP Rosie the Riveter, 1943 participants, and youth 18 and under. Non-members are $12 per person. To reserve tickets or become a museum member, visit On November 11, 2011, Crystal Bridges opened its doors in Bentonville for the very first time. Since, it has welcomed over five million visitors to enjoy a world-class art collection, rotating exhibitions and stunning architecture. The museum’s 120 acres of Ozark forest offer stunning walking trails, native plants and wildlife, as well as springs and streams. The new exhibition is a spectacular celebration of art brought to life from voices both within and beyond the museum. Featuring work by 130+ artists, it honors Crystal Bridges’ first 10 years and sets the precedent for the decade to come. Crystal Bridges at 10 puts a new spin on crowd favorites, showcases new artwork never before on view at the museum, and lifts up artist voices.
Carmen Herrera Cerulean, 1965 12 BUTTERFIELD LIFE
Alice Neel Hugh Hurd, 1964 JULY + AUGUST 2021
It invites guests to: • Step into Maxfield Parrish’s The Lantern Bearers with a life-size tableau vivant, or living picture. • Discover a collection of works inspired by the four elements — air, earth, fire and water — designed by artist Mark Dion. • Enjoy a room of art curated from the point of view of artist Dyani White Hawk (Si sangu Lakota), whose work is part of the Crystal Bridges collection. • Watch as Fayetteville-based artist Ziba Rajabi creates a new work of art. • Walk through the museum’s forest as the Trails and Grounds team creates an immersive light and sound installation. The local community is also part of Crystal Bridges at 10. Inspired by Norman Rockwell’s Rosie the Riveter, it features stories by some of Northwest Arkansas’s community champions. It takes a deep dive with the University of Arkansas into Francis Guy’s Winter Scene in Brooklyn, and spotlights selfportraits of local children framed on the wall next to self-portraits from the collection. Crystal Bridges at 10 is curated by Mindy Besaw, curator, American art and director of fellowships and research, and Lauren Haynes, director of artist initiatives and curator, contemporary art at Crystal Bridges and the Momentary. To reserve tickets or for more information, visit
Alfredo Ramos Martínez Florida Mexicana, ca. 1936
Isamu Noguchi Lunar Landscape, 1943
Deborah Roberts He looks like me, 2019
Teen Space
Expansion Complete at Fayetteville Public Library Fayetteville Public Library has long been a gem in the city, and a leader in providing equal access to knowledge and learning for all members of the community. Now with a major $49 million expansion complete, Fayetteville Public Library has the power to transform how patrons across Northwest Arkansas live, work and learn. The expansion, part of the continuing Beyond Words Capital Campaign, is creating transformative changes for both the library’s programming and community events.
Children’s Library
If you haven’t visited Teaching Kitchen Fayetteville Public Library lately, come experience this unique mix of world-class amenities that no other library has! Private tours are available or drop in to have a look around. For more information, visit FPL Event Center The 8,700-square-foot event center lets the library host large-scale performances and events without disrupting regular library services. The center can accommodate a banquet-style event for 500 guests, 750 people in a theater setting, or 1,000 guests standing. It plays host to a variety of concerts, theater performances, conferences and author talks. Children’s Library The new Children’s Library has doubled in size to 32,000 square feet with dedicated space for preschoolers, grade-schoolers and teens. Equipped with the latest technology and designed to encourage learning, engagement and interaction,
Exterior View of Expansion
the library includes a Children’s Craft Room, a Teens-only Lounge, a Teen Project Room, the Walmart Story Time Room & Puppet Theater, and two comfort rooms for quiet feedings. Center for Innovation The J.B. and Johnelle Hunt Family Center for Innovation gives patrons unprecedented access to a variety of technologies supporting creative exploration and professional workforce development. With audio and video production studios, podcasting booths and a Virtual Reality Studio, the center also hosts a Fabrication & Robotics Lab and a Simulation Lab to help develop skilled, technical workers for STEAM and other fields. Teaching Kitchen This 16-station Teaching Kitchen provides culinary arts training to Fayetteville Public High School students through NorthWest Arkansas Community College’s Brightwater culinary program. Event Auditorium Equipped with state-of-theart equipment, the kitchen hosts cooking classes, private tastings and culinary programming by local and international chefs and cookbook authors. The Gathering Glade About the size of the historic Fayetteville Square, the J.B. and Johnelle Hunt Family Gathering Glade provides leisure space for patrons to work, read and study. Able to hold up to 1,000 people, the glade is also a great outdoor destination for summer movies, book clubs and concerts. It connects to the Fayetteville Cultural Arts Corridor, and is easily accessible to the Razorback Regional Greenway. Art & Movement Room Dedicated to the health and wellness of the community, this room is outfitted with floor to ceiling windows, one-way privacy curtains, a softwood dance floor and a ballet barre. In addition to tai chi, yoga and dance, it will offer a variety of free adult art classes. BUTTERFIELD LIFE
JULY + AUGUST 2021 13
Village Snapshots Spring Outdoor Concert
Ace in the Hole Breakfast Group
Caribbean Vibes Dinner Dance
Nurses Week Reception
Downtown Springdale Tour
Sassafras Springs Vineyard and Winery
Circle of Life Cookout
Leslye Bilyeu Retirement Party
P. Allen Smith’s Moss Mountain Farm
New Resident Reception
JULY + AUGUST 2021 15
Living Spaces
Nell Taylor’s Assisted Living Apartment Nell Taylor’s studio apartment in BTV’s Assisted Living cottage is filled with art, mementos and keepsakes. Her daughter, Jenni Taylor Swain, decorated the stylish studio with the items she knew would mean the most to her mom. An Assisted Living apartment is a great option for residents who may need help with meals, housekeeping or care. In Taylor’s case, Swain handled all the details so her mom could simply walk out the door of her former BTV cottage on campus and step into her new, fully furnished apartment home.
The apartment offers easy, comfortable living with large rooms, generous storage and a kitchenette.
In a mix of frame types and sizes, Swain created a gallery wall of family photos in the living room.
A space-saving drop table works as a puzzle nook, helping maximize every inch of the apartment.
A partition with cubbies lets Nell store and display keepsakes – like quilts she made and heirlooms made by her grandmother.
A chair and side table instantly make the bedroom even cozier. 16 BUTTERFIELD LIFE
Pieces in her collection of invalid feeders originate from as far as Belgium and Nova Scotia.
The large bathroom includes a powder room vanity.
Photos by Stephen Ironside
Walton Arts Center
Support Theater Arts by Becoming a Walton Arts Center Volunteer Walton Arts Center (WAC) is always looking for volunteers to share their time and talents with patrons and the community. WAC volunteers provide support to virtually every aspect of operations at the arts center in Fayetteville, and the show could not go on without them. “We have a full-time staff, but to be able to host 300 public performances a year and to bring those shows to this area at the price we provide them at, we need volunteers,” Manager of Volunteer Programs Nathan Bell said. Every year, a group of passionate volunteers provides thousands of hours of service. Each performance can involve up to 40 volunteers who help provide the
best arts experience to patrons. Volunteers also help with education performances throughout the week, inspiring the next generation of artists and arts supporters. From greeting and taking tickets at the front of the house to helping with a variety of administrative tasks in the art center’s offices, everything volunteers do helps provide patrons with unforgettable experiences. WAC volunteers are often a patron’s first point of contact, providing guidance and a friendly face. To learn more about volunteering, visit
Share Your Memory with WAC Patrons can support Walton Arts Center by contributing to a new commemorative 30th anniversary project. WAC is launching My Walton Arts Center, a year-long campaign to collect memories from patrons, volunteers, staff, artists and partners. “We have been part of the cultural fabric of Northwest Arkansas for nearly three decades,” President and CEO Peter B. Lane said. “Throughout the pandemic and the suspension of full-scale operations, we kept hearing from members of the community about how much Walton Arts Center meant to them. We really wanted to capture those personal memories and celebrate that connection as we return to full-scale operations in anticipation of our 30th anniversary celebration.” There are two easy ways to add a memory to the collection. Patrons can call the My Walton Arts Center voicemail at (479) 571-2702 and leave
their name, city and memory. Or they may visit and follow the instructions to record a message right from the webpage. Walton Arts Center staff will collect memories throughout the year, with the goal of incorporating and highlighting select memories as part of the 30th anniversary celebration in 2022. BUTTERFIELD LIFE
JULY + AUGUST 2021 17
Village Flavors
Tasty Fourth of July Fare Hosting a Fourth of July party this year? You’ll need more than red, white and blue decor. BTV Chefs Memo Vaca and Henry Leachman share some of their secrets that are sure to set off culinary fireworks at your next patriotic soiree.
Butterfield Beer Brats Serves 10
This recipe can be made on a grill – or started on a stove top and finished in an oven. If using the oven, preheat to 375 degrees. • Preheat grill or stovetop to medium-high. • Melt butter in a skillet on the grill or stovetop and sauté sliced onions and peppers until softened. Set aside.
1 Six Pack of Favorite Beer 2 Tbsp Butter 1 Large Onion, Sliced 1 Large Bell Pepper, Sliced 10 Bratwurst Sausages 1 Deep Foil Pan, Casserole Dish, or Cast-Iron Skillet
• Cook sausages on pre-heated grill or in a skillet on the stovetop for 3 to 5 minutes on each side until nicely browned. • Place browned sausages in a deep-sided foil pan or baking dish. Top with sauteed onions and peppers. Fill pan with beer to just cover sausages, peppers and onions. • Cover with aluminum foil, place on grill and close the lid – or put in the pre-heated oven. Allow to cook for another 30-45 minutes or until the sausages reach 165 degrees. • Place sausages in buns, top with peppers and onions – and enjoy with the leftover beer! Recipe from Henry Leachman, BTV Executive Chef
Citrus Olive Oil Cake Serves 12
• Preheat oven to 225° and coat inside of a 9” pan with olive oil. Sprinkle with flour and tap to coat inside of pan. Shake out excess flour. • In a large mixing bowl using a hand mixer, beat eggs, sugar, orange zest, and lemon zest until pale yellow and thick, 3 to 5 minutes. Mixture will trail off beaters in ribbons. Gradually beat in oil on highest speed, streaming it slowly down the edge of your bowl, until mixture is thick and oil is fully incorporated. Beat in almond extract. • In medium bowl, whisk to combine cake flour, almond flour, baking powder, baking soda, and salt. • Add 1/3 of dry ingredients to wet ingredients. Beat until just combined. Beat in lemon juice, then another 1/3 of dry ingredients. Beat in orange juice, then remaining dry ingredients until just combined. Transfer batter to prepared cake pan. • Bake until golden and toothpick inserted into the center of the cake comes out clean, 45 to 55 minutes. • In a small bowl, combine combine sugar, salt and lemon zest for topping. Using fingertips, rub lemon zest into sugar to release essential oils. Sprinkle mixture evenly over top of completely cooled cake. Recipe from Chef Memo Vaca, Director of Dining Services 18 BUTTERFIELD LIFE
1 Cup Granulated Sugar 3 Large Eggs 2 Tbsp Freshly Grated Orange Zest 1 Tbsp Freshly Grated Lemon Zest 1 Tbsp Almond Extract 1/4 Cup Extra-Virgin Olive Oil, Plus More for Pan 2 Tsp Almond Extract 4 Grams Vanilla Bean Seeds, Approximatly 4 Beans 2 1/3 Cups Cake Flour, Plus more for Pan 2 Tsp Baking Powder 1/2 Tsp Baking Soda 1/2 Tsp Salt 3 Tbsp Freshly Squeezed Orange Juice, from 1 Large Orange 3 Tbsp Freshly Squeezed Lemon Juice, from 2 Medium Lemons FOR CAKE TOPPING 2 Tbsp Granulated Sugar 1 Tsp Salt 1 Tsp Lemon Zest
Featured Events
Featured Village Events Coming in July July 2nd | Social 7:30pm, Fireworks 9:15pm Dessert Social & Fourth of July Fireworks Spectacular SE Parking Lot | Must park and shuttle from Chambers Bank Kick off this Fourth of July weekend with a bang! BTV residents and Carriage Club members are invited to celebrate our nation’s independence at this outdoor gathering. Enjoy delicious apple pie à la mode and patriotic music as we light up the sky over the Village with a spectacular fireworks display! Seating will be available. July 15th | 7pm BTV Foundation Presents: Andrea Roberto in Concert Performance Hall The BTV Foundation welcomes classical guitarist Andrea Roberto to the BTV Performance Hall for an evening of extraordinary musical entertainment. Roberto began studying guitar at age 4 and graduated with honors from the U. Giordano Conservatory of Music at age 14. At 23, he won the 2019 Parkening International Guitar Competition — the world’s preeminent competition of its kind. The evening’s repertoire will include Variations on the Carnival of Venice by Francisco Tarrega and Fandango by Joaquin Rodrigo. July 29th | 7pm NWA Audio Theater Presents: Alice – No Place Like Tome Performance Hall Join us for this original live performance by Northwest Arkansas Audio Theater, a group of actors who present radio-style dramas with sound-effect wizardry. Alice – No Place Like Tome is a new spin on a storybook classic with actors using microphones, their voices and sound.
Coming in August August 6th | 5pm Le Diner en Blanc with Mischievous Swing Performance Hall Make plans to attend BTV’s white-themed dinner soiree with entertainment by Tulsa’s Mischievous Swing! Wear your favorite white attire: shirts, jackets, hats and gloves. Reserve a table and decorate it (in white!) for the Best Dressed Table contest. Enjoy a wonderful pre-plated dinner while the band plays toe-tapping tunes.
JULY + AUGUST 2021 19
Foundation Donations
The Foundation is grateful for the gifts received between April 1, 2021 and May 25, 2021 from the following donors: Donations/Honors/Memorials Pat Moore John Robinson Virginia Burdick Estate Garden Fund Bob Hendrix Library Fund Jill Osborn in memory of Elinor Osborn Richard & Ardith Wharry in memory of Elinor Osborn Jim & Ann Newman in honor of Reuvina Holaway and in memory of Andy Lucas Moving Made Easy Elaine Walsh Jim & Lois Ferguson Liz Howick Leal Dugas Music & Performance Fund/Lighting Project Carolyn Smart in memory of Andy Lucas Georgia Thompson in memory of Andy Lucas and Viola Weatherspoon
Planning Your Best Retirement
Butterfield Trail Village offers more options that come standard, more activities and amenities at your fingertips, and more choices than any other active senior living community in the area – all in a beautifully maintained neighborhood setting. Planning for a move to the perfect retirement community doesn’t happen overnight, but as a Carriage Club member, you’ll get to enjoy a range of premier amenities – before you move in!
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BTV Foundation
Meet Your BTV Board Foundation Board Directors Chuck Culver and Richard Hudson The Butterfield Trail Village Foundation was established 37 years ago, even before the first campus structures were completed for new residents in 1986. Created to generate resources for programming and assets to enhance the quality of life at the Village, gifts to the Foundation now provide support to nine separate funds. The Foundation Board of Directors is comprised of both community and resident members. The two newest community members have impressive backgrounds and experience with effective fundraising and stewardship. Both began their terms as directors in January 2021.
Chuck Culver
Chuck Culver, University of Arkansas Assistant Vice President for Agriculture, has lived in Fayetteville for 31 years and has known many residents of Butterfield. His own parents, Ray and Penny Culver, have called Butterfield home for more than ten years.
In his free time, Culver most enjoys being with family. He said, “I’m blessed to have my parents in Fayetteville; my wife, Barbara; three daughters (with great men in their lives); and five grandchildren that we now get to see often. Thanks to the Covid-19 vaccine, it is a renewed blessing to be part of family, church, school, and recreational activities again.” Asked what he believes makes Butterfield unique, Culver shared three thoughts, “First and foremost, BTV began with a faith-based vision which underlines its values and commitment. Secondly, BTV is a diverse and thriving community. Thirdly, BTV is a treasured and respected NWA institution.” He went on to say, “It is the duty and privilege of the BTV Foundation to aid BTV in its continued evolution to help ensure that commitments to current residents are honored and that BTV remains the premier retirement community in the future.”
Richard Hudson and wife Joanna enjoy visiting friends and spending social time at Butterfield. He joked, “One BTV connection is my friend, Lewis Epley. When our wives did not share our enthusiasm for touring China, Lewis and I decided to be Richard Hudson roommates. A few years later the same situation developed regarding an African safari, and Lewis and I were tentmates.” Now retired from his role as University of Arkansas governmental affairs vice chancellor, Hudson and Joanna’s primary focus was international travel – prior to Covid. “We have visited almost 70 countries and had a few more trips in mind. In 2020 we lucked out by taking a 10-day Caribbean cruise in January. We had been back only a few days before passengers were suddenly stranded on cruise ships and virtually all international travel came to a standstill.” In addition to travel, Hudson enjoys genealogy research and officiating weddings. He said, “The latter was never planned but about the time I was retiring, friends asked me to marry them. After finding credentialing to be extremely simple, I became an officiant and have married over 120 couples in the last six years.” Describing what makes the Village stands out in the region, Hudson said Butterfield is “undoubtedly the premier retirement community in NWA. All the basics and so many of the enhancements are there. The Foundation’s goal is supporting BTV by identifying and soliciting additional private resources so BTV can renovate and expand facilities and services.”
JULY + AUGUST 2021 21
BTV Adds Exercise Specialist to Fitness Team Gail Maxwell Already a Familiar Face at Butterfield Butterfield has added to its Fitness & Wellness team a longtime fitness professional who has worked extensively with the senior-adult community in Northwest Arkansas. Gail Maxwell is Butterfield’s new Exercise Specialist. She will work with BTV Fitness & Wellness Director Jennifer Neill teaching group exercise classes, working one-on-one with residents and facilitating activities and events, like ping-pong, group hiking and fall prevention testing and monitoring. A local fitness instructor and personal trainer, Maxwell has been teaching exercise classes to the 55+ community since 1997, in locations including Fayetteville Athletic Club, the Washington Regional Center for Exercise, and the Fayetteville Senior Activity & Wellness Center. Maxwell holds a bachelor’s degree in Kinesiology and Health Promotion from the University of Texas at Austin. Over the years, she has taught yoga and Pilates, and has earned a number of certifications, including group fitness instructor by the Athletics & Fitness Association of America (AFAA) and personal trainer by the American Council on Exercise (ACE). She is also a Silver Sneakers exercise instructor, and has expertise in Neuromuscular Integrative Action (NIA) techniques, free-form dance and movement. As BTV Exercise Specialist, Maxwell looks forward to working with residents and teaching exercise classes, especially those involving dance and music. “I love music from all generations and genres,” Maxwell said. “The Beatles, the Beach Boys, Elvis, 22 BUTTERFIELD LIFE
Frank Sinatra, classical. Overall, my style of teaching is relaxed and lends itself to having a good time. I’m all about having fun.” Some residents have already met Maxwell in her other role at Butterfield: daytime-weekend receptionist at the front desk! She has held the position since January 2021 and will continue to do so. Maxwell came to the Village after classes she was teaching at the senior center were cancelled due to the pandemic. She applied at BTV for the weekend receptionist job and was interviewed by Program and Events Director Riki Stamps, who wondered whether Maxwell would enjoy a stationary desk job. “Riki is right that I love to be moving, but this is an active front desk – that keeps you on your toes, so to speak” Maxwell said. “I am so thankful to have had extensive training with receptionist Kelly Goff. From my first day I saw how Kelly keeps all the balls in the air. It’s a mental workout! Jennifer Neill said Maxwell’s experience and expertise make her a great addition to the Fitness & Wellness team, and her part-time receptionist role is a plus. “Gail is an enthusiastic and energetic person who brings a lot of fun and energy to whatever she does,” Neill said. “At the front desk, she’ll be able to promote fitness and wellness activities to residents, and then share another side of herself teaching exercise classes.”
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