Butterfield LIFE Jan + Feb 2019

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Richard and Ardith Wharry



Out & About

Fayetteville Public Library

BTV Foundation 2018 Board Recap

Village News

Irma Boyer Turns 108

Butterfield Advert January-February 2019 Issue.pdf



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North Hills 3380 N. Futrall Dr., Suite 2 Fayetteville, AR 72703 (479) 443-9200 JANUARY + FEBRUARY 2019

Contents 4 From the CEO


6 Feature Profile Ardith and Richard Wharry 9 Village Newcomer Q+A Georgia Thompson 9 Resident Anniversaries + New Neighbors 10 Living Spaces The Home of the Wharrys 12 Village News Irma Boyer Turns 108 13 From the Expert Tips for a Healthy Smile


14 Village Snapshots BTV Christmas Party 16 Out & About Fayetteville Public Library 17 Walton Arts Center Broadway Comes to NWA 18 Library News 19 Featured Village Events 20 Foundation News 2018 Board Recap 22 Fitness & Wellness Senior Fitness Test


Michael Andrew





From the CEO Happy New Year! Hopefully, each of you experienced the joy of the Christmas season and delighted in the many festivities and activities that took place at the Village over the holidays. Now that 2019 is underway, we’re ready to take on the new year refreshed, recharged and with a hearty spirit.

Quintin Trammell CEO MARKETING Melinda Silva Director of Marketing Dana Davis Sales Counselor

Dave Marks Move-In Coordinator

Elise Lorene Marketing Coordinator

PROGRAMS Riki Stamps Director of Programs & Events Michael Burks Asst. Director of Programs & Events RESIDENTS’ ASSOCIATION 2019 Council Members John King, President Ron Hanson, Vice President Roy Clinton, Secretary Tim Schatzman, Past President Ellen Compton, Ed Piper, Neely Barnett, Carol Sonnenberg, Charles Sego, Ginger Crippen, Geri Bender, Roy Penney BOARD OF DIRECTORS Jacqui Brandli, President Kim Chapman, Vice President Bill Shackelford, Secretary Howard Higgins, Treasurer Kim Brawner, Larry Hanley, Ann Henry, Sara Koenig, Bernard Madison, Mark McNair, David Williams, Kyle Jenner, Emeritus

Our residents continue to inspire me every day, and the couple featured on the cover of this issue of Butterfield LIFE is no exception. Richard and Ardith Wharry both give their time and talents to the Village and the greater community. I’m so impressed with their dedication to others. Many of you are starting the new year with resolutions, and I encourage you to talk with our talented Fitness and Wellness staff to help you reach your goals. Whether it’s through our group exercise offerings, personal one-on-one training or the myriad of other programs we offer, Butterfield residents continue to excel. See for yourself inside this issue where Fitness and Wellness Director Jennifer Neill shares how BTV residents excelled on the national Senior Fitness Test. Whatever your wellness objectives are, Neill and her team will keep you on the right path. Technology never slows down and this year will be no exception at the Village. BTV is kicking off 2019 by unveiling a brand new Butterfield Trail Village website. Please visit and explore all that our new website offers at www.butterfieldtrailvillage.org. This site will continue to evolve and serve as a great resource for residents, prospective residents and their families. My New Year’s resolution is to spend more time with my grandsons so I can enjoy watching them learn and grow. I hope that everyone reaches their goals and is blessed in the coming year. Quintin Trammell Chief Executive Officer

1923 East Joyce Boulevard Fayetteville, AR 72703 (479) 695-8012 www.butterfieldtrailvillage.org Butterfield LIFE may not be reproduced in whole or in part without permission from the publisher. Butterfield LIFE is published by Butterfield Trail Village. Contents © 2019. All rights reserved. Produced by Vantage Point Communications [www.vpointcommunications.com]



Opened in 1986, Butterfield Trail Village is a locally governed 501(c)(3) non-profit retirement community. As Northwest Arkansas’ only comprehensive LifeCare Retirement Community, BTV offers active older adults worry-free living that is secure, independent and fulfilling – and the freedom to enjoy plentiful activities both inside and outside the Village.

BTV Carriage Club Caribbean Vacation

Join us on an exclusive trip created just for you! Get to know your future neighbors on an all-inclusive beachside stay at Mexico’s Riviera Maya. 5-Star Luxury Spa Resort • Choice Activities & Events • April 23-28, 2019

Register by Jan. 12, 2019 | Contact us at (479) 695-8012

The 2018-19 Season Continues at Walton Arts Center Symphony of Northwest Arkansas Paul Haas, Music Director

JANUARY 26 Masterworks II: Verdi & Chopin

Verdi, Overture to La Forza del Destino Chopin, Piano Concerto No. 2 Andrew Tyson, piano Schumann, Symphony No. 3, Rhenish

MARCH 9 Masterworks III: Bach & Beethoven

Christopher Cerrone, High Windows Bach, Concerto for Two Violins Zsolt Eder and Miho Oda Sakon, violins Beethoven, Symphony No. 2

Tickets On Sale Now!

sonamusic.org / 479.443.5600

MAY 4 Masterworks IV: The Rite of Spring

Revueltas, Sensemayá Tchaikovsky, Variations on a Rococo Theme Edgar Moreau, cello Stravinsky, The Rite of Spring



Feature Profile

Photos by Stephen Ironside

Ardith And Richard Wharry: The Art of Making a Difference Life’s simplest things can make you the happiest. Hearing birds sing outside your window. Strolling through the garden in spring. Finding a comfy bench under a shade tree. The warmth of a quilt in the winter. Two Butterfield residents are going to great lengths to ensure that their friends, neighbors and the community enjoy life’s simple pleasures. Ardith and Richard Wharry take pride in making the Village the best it can be. Between the two, the Wharrys are actively gardening, birding, crafting, woodworking and volunteering at Butterfield.



The Wharrys are skilled craftsmen. Ardith is an avid quilter who shares her love of the craft with other BTV residents and leads a quilt drive for the homeless in Northwest Arkansas each year. Richard is a talented woodworker who just finished his biggest project at BTV to date. He’s a recycling volunteer and maintains the bluebird houses on campus, inspecting, repairing and building new ones as needed. Whether it’s digging in clay to plant a Sensory Garden for BTV residents with memory loss, or surprising their neighbors with gifts fresh from the garden, the Wharrys have a heart for helping others and a strong sense of community. “Just look around,” Richard said during a recent walk around campus. “This is our home. These projects are an extension of our home, and that is something we can be proud of.” QUILTED WITH CARE Ardith is a master quilter. One look at the rich colors, immaculate detail and overall splendor of her quilts and it’s strikingly clear: these designs are not only useful crafts, they are works of art.

Ardith’s quilts have won Best of Show and other championship awards, and she’s judged quilting competitions before. She started quilting in 1988 as a diversion from medical treatments she was undergoing. She quickly became hooked on the rich rewards of the craft. “It didn’t take long to realize that this was a whole other world to explore – how the colors go together; which fabrics are ideal for quilting; how to create the patterns I saw; and what each represented,” Ardith said. She began giving private lessons and teaching classes and workshops. Some of her presentations include a historical or cultural context: Quilts and Quilting of the ‘30s references pop culture of the era, while Peace of Quilts shares how quilters have shown peace and comfort through their work. Ardith has taught classes on how to conserve and repair antique quilts. She also formed a group of BTV quilters who come together each year to sew sleeping bags for the homeless. The BTV Ugly Sleeping Bag Program makes and donates sleeping bags to the 7 Hills Homeless Center in Fayetteville. “When I get enough material, I schedule a space and let the others know when it’s available,” Ardith said. “Those who can come do, and we tie and sew. It’s a good thing to do.” In 2018, BTV residents donated 35 sleeping bags to 7 Hills through the program. Ardith has found that quilting groups can be vehicles for forming friendships. Some of the quilters she met many years ago are among her most enduring friends. “Quilters are friendly folks,” Ardith said. “We share practical advice as well as spur each other on to continue to try new things. Some of us find hand quilting to be relaxing, while others like the machine quilting aspect. All of us find quilting to be good therapy.”

Sewing in her studio at home

WORTH THE EFFORT Ardith and Richard both grew up in the Midwest and were raised with strong work ethics. An Oklahoma native, Richard followed in his father’s footsteps when he joined the Rock Island Railroad at age 18. As a signal maintainer, he was assigned to test, inspect, adjust and repair about 40 miles of track across Oklahoma, Kansas and New Mexico. He was promoted several times – to Division Supervisor of Signals and Communications for the Illinois West Division and the Missouri-Kansas Division – before joining the Federal Railroad Administration in 1977. There, he served for a time on the headquarters staff in Washington, D.C., before transferring in 1985 to Fort Worth, Texas, to be closer to his sons, David and Stephen. There he served as a Signal and Train Control Training Specialist with nationwide responsibility and a S&TC Regional Specialist until 1997 when he retired to Bella Vista. Ardith grew up in LaSalle, Ill., in a family of six who grew/raised nearly every bit of their own food. Her father, a history teacher, was what would be considered today a subsistence farmer. Blackburn College, where Ardith earned a degree in Education, was (and still is) one of the few workplace colleges in the U.S. Ardith went on to earn a master’s degree in special education at Northern Illinois University, and taught special education for 10 years. “Growing up, I was always in a position to teach others,” she said. “My (younger) sister, our neighbors’ children. Teaching was a profession that came naturally to me.” Ardith and her first husband, Earl Winters, retired to Bella Vista in 1990. Prior to Earl’s death in 2004 he and Ardith attended the same church that Richard and his first wife, Carolyn, did – Highlands Methodist in Bella Vista. Carolyn Wharry passed away in 2005.

In the BTV Wood Working Shop BUTTERFIELD LIFE


Later, Ardith was working in a position she accepted as the church’s Director of Ministry Care when she noticed that Richard seemed especially lonesome. She decided to reach out and invite him to play golf. “We probably did as much talking as hitting the ball that day,” Ardith said. “I would go over on Friday afternoons to improve my game. Honestly, I don’t think he even noticed how poorly I played.” What Richard did notice was how naturally the ministry care role came to Ardith, who intuitively recognized the needs of congregation and offered support and guidance. “You had to be everybody’s cheerleader in that role,” Richard said. “And Ardith is a wonderful cheerleader.” GIFTS FROM THE GARDEN A few years after they were married in 2006, Ardith and Richard began considering transitioning to a retirement community. They did their homework and even visited prospects out of state. Once they learned about Butterfield and its Life Plan services, the choice was clear: The Wharrys moved to Butterfield in August 2009. In no time, Richard became a regular in the BTV Wood Working Shop. He’s built a number of items for the Village, like storage shelves for stock rooms, cabinets used when the Commons Center was under construction, and a hostess podium for the BTV Dining Room.

hands occupied is one way I keep myself mentally and physically healthy.” As if this all wasn’t enough, the Wharrys both tend to Village gardens. Ardith is one of the residents who developed the Sensory Garden at the Special Care Center – and who continues to maintain it on a regular basis. The Sensory Garden is designed to maximize cognitive and physical abilities for people with dementia or Alzheimer’s by stimulating their senses. Special Care residents love to soak up the peace and sheer beauty that the Sensory Garden emits – but anyone can enjoy it. At the Sensory Garden, Ardith and the others have planted mostly perennials so there will be some color all season. “We purposefully added plants that appeal to the senses,” she said. “Fragrant plants, wispy ones that blow easily in the wind, and ones that are soft to the touch.” “Building the garden in clay and rocks definitely tests one’s determination,” she added. “But it’s a gratifying feeling to see a project grow into something so beautiful.” Richard focuses on the BTV vegetable garden. He grows a variety of fresh produce like onions, corn, cucumbers, sweet peppers, beets, carrots and green beans. Tending to a garden takes time and energy, but to Richard, it’s worth the effort. Often, he donates produce to the BTV Farmers Market to share with others.

Last fall, he took on his largest BTV project yet: Richard and Ardith with her children and their families remodeling all of the wooden garden benches Sometimes the on campus. For residents, the benches are the generosity extends to the Wharrys’ friends and perfect go-to spots to connect with nature, feel neighbors in a mysterious fashion. Residents the warmth of the sun, or just relax in one of the report that bags of fresh cucumbers, sweet pepper courtyards. or green beans will “magically” appear on their doorstep or in their garage. Richard spent dozens of hours sanding, replacing wood, varnishing and reassembling parts. In the end, So take note, Village vegetable lovers. If Richard he restored 12 garden benches. Wharry knocks on your door during growing season, let him in. Chances are he’s bearing gifts from the “I’ve always been able to build things out of wood,” garden. he said. “And a project to keep my mind busy and 8 BUTTERFIELD LIFE


Village Newcomer Q+A

Getting to Know Georgia Thompson

Anniversaries January Anniversaries Charlie & Frances Sego


Bill & Carol Brunner


Bernie & Jeanie Daniels


Thermon & Karen Crocker


When did you move to Butterfield? My moving day was Nov. 13, 2018.

February Anniversaries

Where are you from? I moved from Springdale after living there for 69 years.

Dan Griffin & Fran Pearson


Lewis & Donna Epley


Max & Claire Sutton


What did you do before retirement? I worked for Arkansas Western Gas Co. (Black Hills Energy) three different times, between being a housewife and mother. Then I did the books for a TV/communications company, and after my children were in school, I was a service rep and motivational speaker for an insurance company, then a housewife again! Tell us about your family and close friends. I married Gene H. Thompson on April 18, 1954. We have one son, Steven G. Thompson, who lives in Joplin, Mo.; two daughters, Tami JoAnn Strickland and her husband, Charlie L. Strickland, and Karen K. Thompson, who all live in Springdale; and a chosen daughter, Cheryl Duncan of Springdale. I also have a very special nephew, Jim McCoy, and his family living in Springdale. Gene died in June 2014, and our only grandchild, a sweet, kind young man, Tanner Thompson Shuck, died this past April at age 21. He was a third-generation University of Arkansas student, and his mother, Tami, will accept his diploma next spring as it is presented posthumously. I was very close to twelve other girls during high school and we were dubbed the ‘Dirty Dozen’ by one of the mothers. We graduated in 1952 but have stayed in touch all these years and had many get togethers. Six are deceased. The remaining seven are scattered across the U.S. but we still stay in close touch. Another great friend is Margaret Jones. We have taken many trips together through the Northwest Medical Center Auxiliary, attending conventions, district meetings and fun excursions.

New Neighbors Recent Village Move-Ins Billy Morris Georgia Thompson Doug & Barbara Prichard Alan & Lenora Metz Charles & Susan Riggs

Why did you choose Butterfield? My first reason for choosing Butterfield was the total care, from residential living to special/nursing care. I also know several people living here who highly recommended my move. Earlene Henry is a great ambassador for BTV! My decision was a good one; all the residents and staff have been very friendly, well informed and helpful. BUTTERFIELD LIFE


Living Spaces

Swivel barrel chairs lend a classic feel to the living room.

A Most Welcoming Style: The Home of Richard and Ardith Wharry Home is where you can relax and be yourself, and Richard and Ardith Wharry’s Village apartment has “us” written all over it. The floor plan is a two-bedroom Ultra with two full baths and plenty of extra storage space. A large, deep kitchen pantry comes in handy when Ardith cans vegetables from the garden. With the Performance Hall, Villa Room, Bistro and another amenities nearby, living in one of the apartments is the perfect convenience. Photos by Stephen Ironside

A sculptural basket by artist Leon Niehues draws on textures from the natural world.

Part office, part studio, this shared space is where inspiration is born. 10 BUTTERFIELD LIFE


Patchwork quilts handmade by Ardith give the master bedroom a bright and cheery feel.

The dining room largely of oak is where the Wharrys and guests often play board games. The well-planned kitchen has ample counter space and cubby storage to tuck away appliances.



Village News

Butterfield Resident Celebrates 108th Birthday Irma Boyer is Longtime UA Supporter and Former Educator The community came out to celebrate when Butterfield resident Irma Boyer turned 108. Boyer, who was a teacher with Fayetteville Public Schools, celebrated with a birthday party at the BTV Health Care Center on Nov. 23. Her daughter, Jane Shipley, helped organize the party, which was attended by family, friends and former students. Boyer was an educator in the ‘30s when she taught school in small towns in Arkansas. In the 1950s, she and another teacher founded and taught in a private kindergarten in Pine Bluff. Education has always been important to Boyer, who is Butterfield’s oldest resident. She graduated from the University of Arkansas in 1959 with a Bachelor of Science degree in Education, and went on to earn a master’s degree in education in 1960.

possibly the oldest living donor to support Campaign Arkansas, its $1.25 billion capital campaign advancing academic opportunity.

Irma Boyer

At the UA, Boyer is counted as a “Thoroughred” donor for her 27 consecutive years of giving, and is a member of the Chancellor’s Society. She enjoys supporting the Paul and Irma Boyer Scholarship in the Dale Bumpers College of Agricultural, Food and Life Sciences, where her husband, the late William P. Boyer, was associated. “I give to the University of Arkansas because I want to help students who otherwise might not be able to attend,” Boyer said.

Boyer became certified to teach with Fayetteville Public Schools. She taught first grade at Washington Elementary School for several years, while continuing her studies. Later, she became a reading teacher for other schools in the area as well as an educational specialist for the Northwest Arkansas region. She retired from the Fayetteville school system in 1976.

In addition to her annual giving, Boyer maintains a life membership with the Arkansas Alumni Association.

Boyer has strong ties to the University of Arkansas. In fact, the UA recognized her in November as

Information for this article was provided by Jennifer Elaine Holland at University Relations.

Boyer and daughter, Jane Shipley 12 BUTTERFIELD LIFE


Shipley, Boyer’s daughter, is also a UA graduate who was inspired by her mother’s teaching career. Shipley is also retired from Fayetteville Public Schools.

From the Expert

It’s Never Too Late for a Beautiful Smile A healthy mouth and beautiful smile are possible at any age. But as we age, daily oral care may be one of the routines we’re tempted to let fall by the wayside. Good oral hygiene, however, is linked to overall health and is every bit as important as watching your cholesterol, exercising and staying socially active. Fayetteville dentist Dr. Robert Hodous offers these tips for keeping your teeth, gums and smile heathy for years to come: Brush Gently and Often As you age, the risk of cavities increases, and teeth and gums need a little extra attention. Brushing three times a day for about two minutes is recommended. If you are a snacker, rinse with water between brushing. You Should Still Be Flossing Flossing is an easy step that can take less than a minute. Water flossers are great if you have trouble with manual flossing. Interdental brushes, which look like small tube brushes, are a fine alternative to flossing.

Keep Removable Dentures Clean Cleaning your dentures daily will drastically reduce the chance of gum disease. Do take them out when you sleep because the soft tissues need to rest. Stay Hydrated Some medications may cause dehydration and the lack of saliva can cause cavities. Drinking more water or chewing sugar-free gum will help keep your mouth hydrated. Carry a water bottle. Visit Your Dentist Regularly Hodous says seeing your dentist regularly will help detect problems early before they get too big or costly. Robert G. Hodous, DDS, has been practicing in Fayetteville since 2001, offering comprehensive preventive, restorative and cosmetic dentistry services. For more information, call (479) 582-1100.



Village Snapshots

BTV Winter Wonderland Christmas Party and Dance





Out & About

Fayetteville Public Library is a Friend to All Whether you fancy quiet time with your favorite book, chatting with friends about your most recent read, or giving back to the community by volunteering, there is something for everyone at the Fayetteville Public Library. The FPL offers a wide array of materials and services. You can rent books and movies to take to enjoy in the comfort of your own home. Or use the library’s online data base of resources to catch up on the research you’ve been meaning to do. As the demand for tech-friendly services increases, FPL provides live streams of readings and events taking place there, making programming even more accessible. If you enjoy face time with friends, FPL hosts book clubs that cater to many different interests. Book Talk, which covers genres from fiction and nonfiction to best sellers and worldly classics, is held the second Monday of the month from 1-2 p.m. Book Talk at Night meets the first Monday of the month from 6:30 p.m. to 7:30 p.m. For crime buffs, the Crimes and Clues Book Club meets the second Thursday of each month from 9:30 a.m. to 11:30 a.m. Volunteerism is a big part of what makes FPL so special, and it’s a great way to become more familiar with the space and its offerings. The hours are flexible as is the ability to choose the work or department you wish to support. You can help coordinate programs, assist with loaning material to 16 BUTTERFIELD LIFE


other libraries, work in the bookstore or help with special projects. With a community library use per capita that doubles the national average, the FPL is meeting needs with a 82,500-square-foot expansion project that begins in early 2019. Additions to the already impressive library will include a new foyer with a grand staircase, stateof-the-art audio/video amenities, and an expansion of the children’s library. A new gathering glade will allow for more outdoor programming like farmers markets, a summer reading club and more. Staff at the Fayetteville Public Library are knowledgeable and happy to help you find your next adventure. For more information, call (479) 8567000 or visit www.faylib.org.

Broadway Brings New York City to Northwest Arkansas

Arts & Entertainment

Walton Arts Center Presents A Bronx Tale

Symphony of Northwest Arkansas > Masterworks II: Verdi & Chopin Jan. 26 For more info, visit sonamusic.org

Audiences can kick off 2019 with the best of Broadway and live music at Walton Arts Center’s January and February performances. Oscar-winning actor Robert De Niro made his film directorial debut with “A Bronx Tale,” and 25 years later he brought the film to the stage and created the musical of his dreams. A Bronx Tale shares the unforgettable story of loyalty and family set in the stoops of the Bronx in the ‘60s.

A Bronx Tale

Bursting with high-energy dance numbers and original doo-wop tunes, The New York Times calls it, “Wonderful and refreshing! The kind of tale that makes you laugh and cry.”

Melodious Music and Dynamic Dance The Hot Club of San Francisco presents two evenings of swing music. In Cinema Vivant, two silent films shown on the big screen in Baum Walker Hall will be accompanied by live gypsy swing music. Then come back the next night for a Swing Dance Party in the atrium. Headliner and band leader at the world-famous Rainbow Room atop the Rockefeller Center, Michael Andrew brings the big band to the grand stage. Michael Andrew: Sinatra and the American Songbook includes the iconic music of Johnny Mercer, Sammy Cahn, the Gershwins, Dean Martin and Frank Sinatra. More January and February Shows: • • • • • • • • • • • • •

The Lightning Thief: The Percy Jackson Musical – Jan. 4 and 5 Hot Club of San Francisco’s Cinema Vivant – Jan. 10 Hot Club of San Francisco’s Swing Dance Party – Jan. 11 Mermaid Theatre of Nova Scotia’s The Very Hungry Caterpillar – Jan. 13 Trike Theatre’s Go, Dog. Go! – Jan. 19 and 26 Ruthie Foster – Jan. 31 Alfredo Rodriguez and Pedrito Martinez Duo – Feb. 8 Falsettos – Feb. 8 and 9 Dorrance Dance – Feb. 12 Cirque Eloize Saloon – Feb. 19 Dixie’s Tupperware Party – Feb. 19-24 Michael Andrew: Sinatra and the American Songbook – Feb. 23 A Bronx Tale – Feb. 26 to March 3

Highlighted Happenings in NWA

TheatreSquared > Every Brilliant Thing Jan. 16 – Feb. 10 > The Wolves Begins Feb. 27 For more info, visit theatre2.org Arkansas Public Theatre > Jesus Christ Superstar Feb. 8-10, 14-17, 21-24 For more info, visit arkansaspublictheatre.org Crystal Bridges Museum of American Art > Major Exhibition: Men of Steel, Women of Wonder Opens Feb. 9 For more info, visit crystalbridges.org Arts Center of the Ozarks > Exhibition: Frida Kahlo’s Garden Thru Jan. 7 > Agatha Christie’s A Murder is Announced Feb. 8-10, 15-17 For more info, visit acozarks.org Faulkner Performing Arts Center > Ruthie Foster featuring the U of A Inspirational Chorale Jan. 29 > Victor & Penny and the Loose Change Orchestra Feb. 14 For more info, visit faulkner.uark.edu/events

NOTE: This listing is for informational purposes only; please refer to the monthly calendar or the Village bulletin board for confirmed transport-provided event listings.

For a full season listing and to purchase single tickets or subscriptions, visit waltonartscenter.org. Cirque Eloize Saloon



Library News

Discover the BTV Library Story time just keeps getting better with books from the Butterfield Library. From a novel about an ordinary woman on an extraordinary adventure, to a science book tackling basic questions about the universe, and an autobiography by Michelle Obama, check out (literally) these fascinating titles today! Arkansas Backstories, Volume 1: Quirks, Characters, and Curiosities of the Natural State by Joe David Rice is a miscellany of the eccentric and improbable but true stories of the state. How many people, for instance, know that the first sitting member of Congress to be assassinated was shot to death in Monroe County? Or that baseball’s spring training routine originally began in Hot Springs? Or that Arkansas is the country’s leading producer of goldfish? Or that the state’s capital city was once known as Arkopolis? The heroine in Danielle Steele’s Beauchamp Hall has a joyless life, with the sole break from daily disappointment her viewing of a continuing British TV drama. Fed up with reality, she treks to the UK to visit the setting behind the series, and her luck begins to change. Look Alive 25 is Janet Evanovich’s 25th in the private detective Stephanie Plum series,



where the heroine, seeking to preserve her daily pastrami fix, takes over the deli whose prior owners have all mysteriously vanished. The Gentle Art of Swedish Death Cleaning by Margareta Magnusson is a how-to manual so that you might save your heirs the job of clearing out your clutter before you die, because the only thing surer than death and taxes is accumulated junk. Becoming is former First Lady Michelle Obama’s blockbuster autobiography. Every Day is Extra is the memoir of the former senator, presidential candidate and Secretary of State John Kerry. Now that Stephen Hawking has passed, wellinformed laypersons can get their daily dose of astronomy from the field’s remaining superstar, Neil de Grasse Tyson’s in his Astrophysics for People in a Hurry. Elaine Pagels of Princeton University, one of the world’s greatest experts on early Christianity, has ironically been an agnostic during her brilliant academic career, but in Why Religion? A Personal Story she professes a nuanced belief in the necessity of having God and a spiritual interior life, that goes beyond what purely scholastic study would suggest.

Featured Events

Featured Village Events NEW IN 2019 BTV’s Five Fridays Museum Punch Card Butterfield will kick off 2019 with a new program, BTV Five Fridays Museum Punch Card. Over the course of the year, residents will visit museums in the tristate area, receiving a punch on their card for each visit. Those who receive at least five punches will be entered in a drawing for tickets and transportation to the grand opening of the U.S. Marshals Museum in Fort Smith scheduled for this fall.

Judge Isaac C. Parker, portrayed by Floyd Robison, at the Fort Smith Museum

outlaws to hang. Also on the tour, meet Little C.R., a local radio personality who will demonstrate radio and TV broadcasting through the decades. We’ll enjoy lunch at Bricktown Brewery prior to the tour.

Fort Smith Museum presenter Carl “Little C.R” Riggins

COMING IN JANUARY Fort Smith Museum Tour JAN. 11 | 10:30am Our first museum visit of the year will be to the Fort Smith Museum of History. Established in 1910, the museum is housed at the 1906 Atkinson-Williams Warehouse, listed on the National Register of Historic Places. It features a collection of exhibits that illustrate the contributions of Fort Smith’s citizens to the cultural, political and economic development of the area. During the museum tour, we will step back in time and “meet” Judge Isaac C. Parker who heard cases of greed, corruption and murder and sentenced some of the most notorious

COMING IN FEBRUARY FEB. 3 | TBA Super Bowl Sunday at the Village Every NFL football team wants to get to the big game! Super Bowl LIII, the 53rd Super Bowl, and the 49th modern-era NFL championship game, will decide the league champion for the 2018 season. The game will be played on Feb. 3, 2019, at the

JAN. 16 | 2pm Arkansas’ Jurassic Past with Geologist John David McFarland Most of Arkansas’ fossils are of marine animals, but the fossilized bones of a dinosaur dating back more than a 100 million years ago have also been found. John David McFarland, retired chief geologist with both the U.S. Geological Survey and the Arkansas Geological Survey, will present an in-depth look at our state’s diverse geological past. McFarland, who has published more than 60 abstracts, articles, photographs, guidebooks and reports on Arkansas, will also bring a collection of fossils to view. He is the brother of BTV resident Linda Pinkerton. John David McFarland

Mercedes-Benz Stadium in Atlanta, with the time to be announced. BTV residents are invited to gather for a Village Super Bowl Sunday Party in the Performance Hall. Watch the game on the big screen, enjoy fan food appetizers and beverages, and cheer on your favorite team. Don’t forget the commercials and the half-time show as they are a much a part of the experience as the game itself.



Foundation News

South Courtyard

BTV Foundation Wraps Up a Successful 2018 Campus Beautification, Cultural Enrichment Topped Agenda The Butterfield Trail Village Foundation managed approximately $85,000 in donations and $107,500 in disbursements that supported several key projects across campus last year.

The Lodge

was delighted to sponsor a Garden Party for residents to celebrate the completion of the South Courtyard project. An additional phase of landscaping has also begun on the east side of the South Wing using 2018 donations, which have covered beautification expenses to date. However, additional support will be needed to resume and complete the remainder of these projects in 2019.

Thanks to the generosity of donors and the work of the Foundation Board of Directors, more than $192,000 went toward improvements, programming and initiatives that benefited Village residents in 2018. Facilitating campus landscaping and beautification projects and providing cultural enrichment and entertainment to residents were key focuses of the Foundation last year. About $40,000 donated to the Beautification Fund paid for greenery and landscaping in the South Courtyard, outside a portion of the South Wing East, and on the grounds of the Lodge. The Foundation Garden Party

The Butterfield Trail Foundation is grateful for the gifts received between October 9, 2018, and December 4, 2018, from the following donors:

Donations • Anonymous • Anonymous • Dan Griffin • Doris Schuldt • Earlene Henry • Dick & Ann Booth • Elizabeth Shannon Bird and Wildlife Fund • Jimmy & Gaye Cypert in honor of Mary Bess Mulhollan



BTV Luau

Health Care Center Fund • Shirley Chewning in memory of Doug Dobbyn and Lyna Lee Montgomery • Marie Breuer in memory of Jerry Ratzlaff • Kenneth & Beth Vaughan-Wrobel Steele in memory of Doug Dobbyn • Jimmy & Gaye Cypert in memory of Jim Buckner and Doug Dobbyn • Chuck & Donna Horne in memory of Doug Dobbyn Honors/Memorials • Lyle & Sue Gohn in memory of Harry Alward • Tim & Judy Schatzman in memory of Doug Dobbyn • Jim & Janice Garmon in memory of Doug Dobbyn • Ellis Trumbo in memory of Doug Dobbyn • Wilma Samuel in memory of Doug Dobbyn

Alan Chow

Approximately $12,000 donated to the Music and Performance Fund brought concerts, lectures, dinners, memorials and other special events to the BTV Performance Hall. Concert performances included award-winning pianist and Steinway artist Alan Chow, guest musicians from the University of Arkansas, the Claudia Burson Trio and the Arkansas Winds Community. More than $14,500 donated to the Health Care Fund went toward upgrades and enhancements at the Health Care Center, Special Care Center and Assisted Living Cottage. They included the purchase of a blanket warmer, a plate warmer, monitors, a chair lift and other specialized equipment. Also, through the Health Care Fund, the Foundation in February hosted a dementia care conference led by Dr. Angela Norman, associate director for the Arkansas Aging Initiative. The conference, Dementia Care in Long Term Care and Assisted Living: A Model for Well Being, was geared toward providing residents, families and caregivers with tools, support and expertise. The conference further established Butterfield as a leading senior healthcare provider in the community.

Honors/Memorials cont. • Bill & Ayleen Bequette in memory of Doug Dobbyn and Jerry Ratzlaff • John & Sally King in memory of Ken Mays, Gene Cypert and Jerry Ratzlaff • Scott Morris in memory of Doug Dobbyn Library Fund • Richard & Ardith Wharry • The Library Committee in memory of Lyna Lee Montgomery • George & Elinor Osborn in memory of Jerry Ratzlaff • Ron & Polly Hanson in honor of “Miss Gabby” Moving Made Easy • Dan Griffin • Family of Jerry Ratzlaff • Family of Lyna Lee Montgomery

Chow in Concert

The Foundation also: • Designated $1,000 from the Employee Care Fund, and $4,250 in Employee Scholarship funds so that BTV employees can receive nursing training and other continuing education. •

Provided monies for the installation of new gates and electronic entrance systems to enhance security and regulate traffic on campus.

Managed $1,700 in donations and $6,000 in expenditures to and from the Birds and Wildlife, Library and Chapel Funds.

Last year’s Foundation donations were guided by improved BTV policies that clarify the gift giving process and expand opportunities to contribute. The Foundation wishes to thank the many supporters who made these activities possible, and we graciously look forward to receiving your support and feedback in 2019. Rick Meyer BTV Foundation Board Member

Music and Performance Fund • Pat Jahoda • Anonymous • Kenneth & Beth Vaughan-Wrobel Steele in memory of Jerry Ratzlaff • Pat Jahoda in memory of Doug Dobbyn • Winnie MacDonald in memory of Jerry Ratzlaff Scholarship Fund • Sylvia Yancey • Jerry & Kay Brewer in memory of Doug Dobbyn, Jerry Ratzlaff and Lyna Lee Montgomery • Kenneth & Beth Vaughan-Wrobel Steele in memory of Lyle Shelor • Linda Pinkerton in memory of Jim Pinkerton • Dick & Anne Booth in memory of Jerry Ratzlaff




BTV Residents Excel in National Senior Fitness Test Butterfield residents are maintaining and even improving aspects of their fitness that are crucial to daily independent living, BTV Fitness and Wellness Director Jennifer Neill said.

The Senior Fitness Test measures areas of fitness that are directly related to fundamental daily activities. The walk test, for example, accesses aerobic endurance, which is related to long-term walking ability. This can come into play when a resident is grocery shopping or sightseeing on vacation.

This is according to results from the Senior Fitness Test, which a group of BTV residents took last fall. The Senior Fitness Test is used by health professionals across the country Upper body or arm strength is to assess the functional fitness of related to everyday tasks like SENIOR FITNESS TESTING older adults. opening jars, holding a handrail or carrying bags of groceries. Residents Participated...........51 Every year, the BTV Fitness and Women .......................................38 Wellness Department administers Neill pointed out that lower body or Men ...............................................13 the battery of tests to those BTV leg strength is especially important Average Age ............................84 residents who are interested. Last for remaining independent, as it is fall, 51 residents participated. needed to get in and out of a car, use the restroom, or get in and out of bed. Results show that BTV residents increased their average upper body strength by 9.6 percent, while For more info about the Senior Fitness Test or preserving their lower body strength, Neill said. Butterfield’s fitness and wellness classes and According to the data from the Senior Fitness Test, programs, call (479) 695-8036. the typical adult age 60 or over sees an annual decrease of about 1.3 percent in upper body Diabetes Prevention Series for 2019 strength, and an annual decrease of 1.9 percent in Butterfield will offer a new adult diabetes prevention lower body strength. program in 2019. The Prevent T2 series will be led by Cat Swenson, an area lifestyle coach. Type 2, or adult Results also show that BTV residents increased their onset diabetes is the seventh leading cause of death average walking distance by 8.1 percent, or roughly in the U.S. Prevent T2 will be held every Thursday in 112 feet, Neill said. The typical older adults sees an January 2019 in the BTV Convocation Center. annual decrease in walking distance by 10 or more feet, or about 2 percent. 22 BUTTERFIELD LIFE


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